amazing scans show how cancer patient

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  • 8/12/2019 Amazing Scans Show How Cancer Patient


    Amazing scans show how cancer patient's 70 lethal tumours

    disappeared in just 12 weeks thanks to pioneering drug

    Ian Brooks, 47, was battling a rare form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

    Had been given just weeks to live after all other treatment options failed

    Was first person outside out U.S. to try the the drug Brentiximab Vedotin

    Drug works by destroying potentially deadly cancer cells from the inside

    Doctor: 'This is probably the most impressive set of scans Ive ever seen'

    Mr Brooks is now clear of the tumours and in remission

    Suffering from a rare and aggressive form of cancer, Ian Brooks was given only weeks to

    live. With around 70 tumours throughout his body, doctors admitted they had almost run

    out of treatment options. But incredibly Mr Brooks, 47, is now in complete remission

    after he became the first person outside the US to receive a new tumor-busting drug.

    These pictures show how far the Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma had spread, with almost

    every area of his body showing clusters of tumours. But the second scan taken after only

    a few weeks on the US drug Brentuximab Vedotin shows an amazing improvement. All

    the tumours have been eradicated. The only dark spots visible on the scan show the

    normal functioning of his kidneys and bladder. The clinical trial at The Christie Hospital

    in Manchester has been so successful that the drug has been made routinely available to

    other sufferers. Now NHS patients with the same rare form of Non-Hodgkins

    Lymphoma can get the drug through the Cancer Drugs Fund. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma

    is a cancer which involves the lymph nodes, with the NHS treating around 1,500 new

    cases a year. Mr Brooks, an engine repair technician from Bolton, said: I dont think I

    would be here today without that drug. My specialist was so excited when he saw the

    results that he showed me them straight away. I had 60 or 70 tumours and they had gone.

    He had a rare form of Non-Hodgkins called Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.

    Brentuximab Vedotin targets this strain of the disease and can put patients into complete

    remission when there would otherwise be few treatment options available.

  • 8/12/2019 Amazing Scans Show How Cancer Patient


    Scans of Mr Brook's body before and after treatment. The left shows him riddled with 60-70 tumours from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The right scan is 12 weeks after he becamethe first person outside the U.S. to have a pioneering cancer drug. The black dots are hiskidney and his bladder

    WHAT IS BRENTUXIMAB?The drug Adcetris, the trade name for Brentuximab Vedotin, is administered through a drip intothe arm every three weeks for up to a year.Part of a new wave of targeted therapy, it homes in on a protein on the surface of cancer cells,where it sticks and delivers a drug that kills the cell.It is offered to patients who have no other options left, and trials show that in up to a third ofcases it eradicates all signs of the cancer.It can still come back, but some patients have survived for more than three years, which has ledto talk of a possible cure.

    Adcetris can have serious or possibly life-threatening side effects including a rare brain infection.It was given conditional approval by the European drug watchdog in 2012.

    Mr Brooks was diagnosed in 2001 and at first responded well to treatment, but in 2008

    the cancer returned. He had a stem cell transplant, but once again the cancer returned and

    spread ferociously. Given only weeks to live, he volunteered to take part in the clinical

    trial. I knew I needed something pretty radical in order to survive, he said.

  • 8/12/2019 Amazing Scans Show How Cancer Patient


    He began to show improvements within 24 hours of starting the drug and consultants at

    The Christie, the largest specialist cancer centre in Europe, were amazed when they

    looked at his scans. After only 12 weeks of treatment they found his body was clear of

    tumours and now believe he is in complete remission. His doctor, Dr Adam Gibb, a

    clinical research fellow in lymphoma at The Christie, said: The drug can be administered

    rapidly and has few side effects. 'This is probably the most impressive set of scans Ive

    seen. Ian was really up against it. He is in remission and we are increasingly confident

    about him. Professor John Radford, research and development director at The Christie,

    said: Stories such as this illustrate the value of clinical trials. Individual patients can

    benefit and the knowledge we acquire allows us to move on to the next stage in

    developing the treatments of tomorrow. I hope that more patients will ask their doctors

    about clinical trial opportunities. Mr Brooks went on to have a bone marrow transplant.

    This week he was discharged from his treatment at The Christie. He said: I cant thank

    the NHS and the hospital enough. They gave me back my life.

    Mr Brooks before his treatment, with approximately 60-70 tumours from his cancer. He had just weeks to live after all

    other treatments have failed

  • 8/12/2019 Amazing Scans Show How Cancer Patient


    A scan of his body after 12 weeks of treatment with the powerful drug Brentuximab. Commenting on Mr Brooks' scans, Dr

    Adam Gibb, clinical research fellow in lymphoma at The Christie Hospital, said: 'This is probably the most impressive set

    of scans I've ever seen'

    Mr Brooks with his partner Rose. He said: 'It feels like I've got someone watching over me because after all of the

    treatment and tumours I've had, I'm still here'

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