alstom services

Alstom Communications Contents P. 2-3/ The rail services market P. 3-5/ Alstom's service solutions tailored to its customers P. 5-7/ Alstom predictive maintenance solution: HealthHub Alstom provides operators with tailored services for reliable, available and cost-effective mobility solutions Rail services that include maintenance, modernisation, the supply of spare parts and operational support are key for operators as they guarantee the availability, reliability and higher performance of their transport systems. Likewise, rail services are beneficial for passengers who travel on board transport solutions that are safer, more comfortable, and better for the environment. According to the latest Unife report, the service segment is worth €33.5 billion 1 in the rail market and is expected to grow to €37 billion 2 in the next 3 years. This is the result of the growing number of existing transport systems requiring maintenance, the liberalisation of the market, and the outsourcing of service activities as growing numbers of operators focus on their core business activities and entrust the service activities to the manufacturers or maintenance specialists. Alstom offers the widest range of solutions in the industry, from components to trains, signalling and services to fully integrated systems, and boasts leading positions in each market segment. Alstom ambitions to increase the share of its non-rolling stock activities including services by 2020 to reach 60 % of its sales. Alstom has been a service provider for more than 25 years and has been awarded over 100 maintenance projects and more than 80 modernisation contracts around the world. 1 For the accessible market 2 Accessible market. Source of all the data used here: UNIFE, World rail market study forecast 2012 to 2017 PRESS KIT

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Alstom Communications


P. 2-3/ The rail services market

P. 3-5/ Alstom's service solutions tailored to its customers

P. 5-7/ Alstom predictive maintenance solution: HealthHub

Alstom provides operators with tailored services for

reliable, available and cost-effective mobility solutions

Rail services that include maintenance, modernisation, the supply of spare parts and operational

support are key for operators as they guarantee the availability, reliability and higher performance

of their transport systems. Likewise, rail services are beneficial for passengers who travel on board

transport solutions that are safer, more comfortable, and better for the environment. According to

the latest Unife report, the service segment is worth €33.5 billion1 in the rail market and is expected

to grow to €37 billion2 in the next 3 years. This is the result of the growing number of existing

transport systems requiring maintenance, the liberalisation of the market, and the outsourcing of

service activities as growing numbers of operators focus on their core business activities and entrust

the service activities to the manufacturers or maintenance specialists.

Alstom offers the widest range of solutions in the industry, from components to trains, signalling

and services to fully integrated systems, and boasts leading positions in each market segment.

Alstom ambitions to increase the share of its non-rolling stock activities including services by 2020

to reach 60 % of its sales. Alstom has been a service provider for more than 25 years and has been

awarded over 100 maintenance projects and more than 80 modernisation contracts around the


1 For the accessible market

2 Accessible market. Source of all the data used here: UNIFE, World rail market study forecast 2012 to 2017



The rail services market

With an annual growth of 3.7% and a total value estimated at €37 billion by 2017, the rail services

market is a growing trend in the rail mobility sector. It is expected to represent over 30% of the rail

market between 2017 and 2019. This is a consequence of the growing number of transport systems

requiring maintenance, the growing accessibility of the rail service market, and the technical

evolution of the train systems (IT, additional comfort systems installed in the trains).

The three regions driving the growth are Europe (30%), North America (34%) and Asia Pacific


The actors in the rail services for the accessible market are mainly trains, systems and infrastructure

suppliers, maintenance specialists that do not build transport systems, or other actors that supply

products to rail transport manufacturers. Their offers include modernisation, maintenance and

spare parts.

- Spare parts and repair The supply of spare parts, including kits for preventive and corrective maintenance, accident repairs

and overhauls, is the largest segment in the accessible services market, accounting for 66%. The

segment is closely linked to the growing number of transport systems requiring maintenance. This

market segment is being addressed by train manufacturers and product suppliers.

- Maintenance

Train and infrastructure maintenance represents 27% of the accessible services market. It is one of

the fastest growing segments in the rail services market (+3.1% per year by 2017). While

historically public transport operators, especially rail operators, have been companies covering

everything from train manufacturing to operation and maintenance, today a series of drivers are

pushing operators to focus on their core activity and outsource their maintenance. Cost-efficiency is

one of these drivers. With maintenance accounting for 20-30% of the total cost of ownership, more

and more operators are thinking about the total cost of ownership of their trains, including

maintenance when purchasing trains or infrastructure. Moreover, there is growing passenger

demand for an enhanced travel experience. Lastly, with trains increasingly equipped with IT and

electronic components, the addition of new trains, and the considerable technical knowhow they

require, represents a challenge.

- Modernisation The train modernisation segment accounts for 7% of the rail services market and is expected to

represent 9% of the market by 2017. Business prospects are numerous in this segment as

modernisation provides the possibility to renew the fleet at a far lower cost than the acquisition of

new trains (modernisation targets 50-60% of the cost of new build trains). Opportunities have been



Europe 30%

France 5%

LAM 4%

MEA 3%

NAM 34%


identified in Europe, the Americas and Asia, especially for traction modernisation and energy saving

purposes, as well as for comfort enhancement, e.g. HVAC retrofits.

Alstom’s high added value services tailored to customers

Alstom’s customers such as Virgin Trains can rely on Alstom, a company committed to

maximizing the total cost of ownership of its customers’ mobility solutions,

increasing the reliability of its customers’ mobility solutions to enhance passenger

experience and maximise passenger satisfaction,

increasing the availability of its customers’ mobility solutions for maximum efficiency and


With over 100 sites in 30 countries, Alstom Services is an organisation

with over 25 years of experience providing dedicated solutions to meet

client requirements for rail systems. Alstom’s experience is not limited

to Alstom-built trains; indeed, 20% of the trains maintained by Alstom

were built by other manufacturers. Alstom’s offer includes everything

from corrective and preventive maintenance to providing parts and

technical support. It also includes a wide range of services to support

and enhance operations, from lifecycle management, obsolescence

management, real-time operational data analysis and prognostics to electronic documentation. As a

long-term partner, Alstom provides train owners, operators, infrastructure managers and

maintainers the opportunity to improve service efficiency and effectiveness. Alstom has 4 areas of

expertise dedicated to performance: maintenance, modernisation, parts, repairs and overhauls, and

support services.

- Efficient maintenance to guarantee availability and reliability

Alstom accompanies its customers beyond the delivery of the trains with services that guarantee

availability and reliability throughout the entire life of the train. Maintenance is an important

activity for Alstom, accounting for more than 50% of its total services sales. Alstom currently

maintains around 8,000 cars, covering more than 4 million kilometres per day. Whatever the

requirements and the equipment, Alstom is capable of delivering a tailored solution to its customers.

Alstom maintains mobility solutions built by the company but also those built by others. Alstom’s

maintenance offer ranges from technical support and spares supply agreements to full maintenance

solutions. One of the main pillars of Alstom to provide its customers with best-in-class maintenance

services relies on the development and use of state-of-the-art technologies. Through HealthHub

programme, Alstom demonstrates that is not only an equipment supplier, but it also provides data

and information solutions which improves decisions making, and by extension, which maximizes

the total cost of ownership of its customers’ mobility solutions,

Alstom has been entrusted with over 100 maintenance contracts, either in the form of integrated

transport solutions, as part of a bundle offer or separately (e.g. the Dubai tramway in the UAE, the

Casablanca tramway in Morocco, NTV high speed trains in Italy, the Panama metro, the Sydney

metro and tramways, or the Northern Line for the London Underground).


- Modernisation, innovation and lifespan extension for existing fleets

Although the life of a fleet is generally more than 30 years, in mid-life trains have to be renovated to

meet passenger expectations, new regulations and sustainability policies or tackle rising operating

and maintenance costs as trains get older.

Alstom’s solutions range from the modernisation of components to the complete modernisation of

the train, which can generally lengthen its life by more than 15 years. Alstom’s modernisation

solutions increasing performances and lifetime include: energy consumption, traction, bogies, train

control, signalling equipment, interior design, and accessibility and passenger information systems.

Alstom also capitalises on its comprehensive knowledge of the rail industry to offer modernisation

solutions for infrastructure or signalling.

The numerous modernisation projects carried out by Alstom include Coradia Lint regional trains in

Germany, AVE high-speed trains in Spain, locomotives in Morocco, the metro in Mexico, Caltrans

California Cars in the USA and Rocky Mountaineer rail cars in Canada.

- Parts and Components Repairs, a robust and flexible supply chain

Whether new or repaired, spare parts must be available for maintenance teams as and when

needed, at a controlled cost. Alstom manages around 600,000 referenced parts with the support of

its engineering and supply chain expertise. PartsFolio, the Alstom web-based spare parts catalogue,

strengthens these offers by providing online access to illustrated parts catalogues, spare parts

ordering & tracking, repair requests and updated maintenance documentation. Alstom can deliver a

range of flexible solutions such as spare parts or kits for preventive and corrective maintenance,

repair services for repairable components, overhauls of key train components thanks to Alstom’s

specific test benches and special tools allowing to test braking systems, electronic modules and

circuit boards. Alstom also keeps track of the entire train fleet using Alstom-made components on

an international scale, through its lead services centres, to precisely anticipate potential customer

needs in terms of spare parts supply. These centres are experts in the design, repair and overhaul of

components such as motors (Preston, UK), bogies (Neuhausen, Switzerland), traction systems

(Ridderderk, Netherlands), switchgears (Tarbes, France) and electronic components (Villeurbanne,


- Support services for maintenance and operation

Benefiting from its hands-on experience as a manufacturer and a maintainer, Alstom has developed

a portfolio of support services to improve maintenance and operation: e-documentation with

continuously updated information, advanced data management, operational fleet support to

customers with Alstom Transport fleets, designing and building depots for all types of trains, and

recycling with end-of-life management for trains, including waste management. Alstom also

monitors obsolescence throughout the entire lifecycle of its products and develops dedicated

obsolescence solutions. For example, Alstom monitors over 2,000 Citadis trams in circulation

around the world to check the availability of equipment and spare parts (over 10,000 part

references), whether these are maintained by Alstom or by the operator.

Alstom also offers training based on modern support technologies such as simulators or a 3D room,

either focused on train driving or on train maintenance, to bring best practices to operators and

maintainers respectively. Training can be delivered in a variety of locations, from Alstom’s facilities

to customer sites. Alstom’s training programmes are “portable” and designed to be customised to

meet the specific requirements of each customer. The Alstom training programme provides


customers a high level of expertise acquired through the company’s long experience in maintenance

services. The centre, located on a historic Alstom industrial site, offers training sessions for

customers to help them maintain and drive Alstom products, while showing them the best way to

serve passengers. It is equipped with cutting edge technology, in particular a 3D room providing

virtual reality training.

Alstom predictive maintenance solution: HealthHub

Predictive maintenance is based on methods & tools designed to help determining the condition of

in-service equipment in order to identify failures before they occur and then predict when

maintenance tasks should be performed. By knowing the exact health condition of each equipment,

maintenance works can be better planned and what would have been "unplanned stops" are

transformed to shorter and fewer "planned stops”.

Through monitoring and data collection (vibrations analysis, oil analysis, temperature, pressure,

voltage, etc.), predictive maintenance provides the right information at the right time allowing

convenient scheduling of maintenance tasks and thus avoiding any unexpected equipment failures.

It became reality thanks to increasingly powerful computers over time: growth of storage capacity,

improvement of processors performance, smaller sensors and all this, at lower costs. This global

trend led to an exponential growth of data volume and facilitated data communication, sharing and


In a context where operators and maintainers are becoming increasingly concerned about

optimising their maintenance costs, predictive maintenance solutions basically provide more

efficiency in the overall maintenance process by:

- Optimizing fleet size through increased train availability

- Optimizing spare parts handling

- Reducing time in the depot

- Making total lifecycle costs lower

- Increasing equipment lifetime

The value of predictive maintenance is already well recognized by the biggest players in the aircraft

industry and can be seen as the future of maintenance as it can reduce maintenance budgets by 30

to 40%3. In the rail industry, the company Eurotunnel has the objective to extend its infrastructure

lifetime by 30 to 50%, but also to reduce its maintenance needs by 20 to 30% by setting up a

predictive maintenance programme.4

Alstom globally aims at optimizing the total cost of ownership up to 20% by reducing failures

number and impact and the maintenance and energy costs.

HealthHub is Alstom's predictive maintenance solution. The monitoring systems make it possible to

determine the status of rolling stock, infrastructure and signalling automatically, and to identify any

components that need to be repaired or changed and the replacement date. HealthHub thus

reinforces a "pit stop" approach: everything is ready when the train arrives at the depot, the right

quantities of materials are delivered at the right time and maintenance staff can operate quickly,

increasing fleet availability.




The HealthHub team is composed of more than 50 experts in 5 countries, constantly developing

new applications, data analytics and preparing the future through an ambitious R&D programme

based on open innovation and cooperation with the world's best research centres. There are

currently over 15 specific projects under way and our methodology is in line with recognized

standards (ISO 13374).The aim is to translate field data into decisions and actions through the

development of Prognostics and Health Management algorithms. Our health indicators are able to

perceive ongoing degradations invisible to the naked eye and thus help the decision maker avert

failures. This is a significant step ahead of crude threshold-based techniques prevalent in the

industry. Alstom aims at providing advanced predictive maintenance to the whole railway system,

enabling full integration with both the existing Alstom condition data, as well as those from the

customers and third parties.

HealthHub for trains

As part of HealthHub, Alstom has developed innovative tools to optimise maintenance such as

TrainTracer, its trainborne remote condition monitoring solution, which has been contracted for

1,000 trains and has shown significant results such as a decrease in train immobilisation time (up

to 30%) and repetitive faults (up to 50%) thanks to the monitoring of a continuous flow of data

concerning the status and wear of the train’s main components, accessible in real time or on

demand. TrainTracer encompasses live processing of train’s event and status allowing automatic

trigger of service order recommendation and generation.

TrainScanner is an additional innovative solution which automatically

analyses the data gathered by laser or 3D camera measurement systems

using a diagnostics portal through which the train passes. TrainScanner

collects information on the condition of certain equipment and then

predicts its remaining service life. The accuracy of switching alarms is

enhanced by means of algorithmic learning approaches such as neural

networks. In the long run, railroad system equipment will benefit from

this new process and train lifecycle costs will be considerably reduced.

This is what has been installed in Manchester (UK) for three years. It is

used every five days to inspect the 56 trains composing the fleet.


Alstom also uses Motes, a network of intelligent wireless sensors. It is a lightweight and flexible

system that avoids cabling the train and that can be rapidly adapted to its variable length topology.

The network is defined by a group of nodes, (aka motes), which first acquire data , mainly vibration

and temperature, through several sensors, and then transmit them to neighbouring nodes in order

to relay and route all the information to the on-site maintainer or directly to the server on the cloud.

The results can also be exported to TrainTracer.

HealthHub for infrastructure and signalling

Track & Catenary Tracer, is designed to

capture track and catenary conditions during

operation. Used regularly, the evolution of the

health condition of the infrastructure can be

predicted and interventions can then be

planned in the most optimal way. Alstom has

been maintaining tracks for over ten years

and is currently in charge of the maintenance

of ten rail networks across the world.

For signalling, Alstom started developing a

dedicated tool and is experimenting it in Spain

where close to 500 point machines are under

constant monitoring.

HealthHub covers the entire scope of a railway system: trains, signalling and infrastructure.

Alstom's strength in predictive maintenance rests on the team work of data scientists who bring

state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and railway engineers who have years of detailed

technical expertise in the various railway subsystems. Intelligent data analysis combined with in-

depth manufacturer and maintainer knowledge is the key to success.

Press Contact

Justine Rohée (Alstom HQ) - Tel: + 33 1 57 06 18 81


TrackTracer references

Tramway of Reims: Permanent installation after

a 1 year test period done in 2014

Tramway of Sydney: Permanent installation

Main Line PRASA: Permanent installation from

May 2016

Metro Brazil: Audit in Sao Paulo ViaQuatro.

Tramway Metrolink in the UK: Audit in October

2015 and next one in May 2016