also inside this week dave dee, small faces easybeats ... · easybeats, rita pavone paul jones...


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Page 1: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week


ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon

Page 2: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

2 EEC OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February I Ith. 1967

YOUR P A G E Th .want°o o o a lott droo pf faettl ine ?toAny„TAtiqusesact ,abuosuTtTERthse EDITOR. scene? Ri II Gs

Psst vvhy doesn't so meone tell those record co mpanies'

JERRY LEE LE WIS — a reader co mplains about To m Jones [along two songs fro m one of Jerry's LP's.

ISN'T It ti me so meone suggested to record co mpanies that

the reduced single sales is not solely due to pirate stations but because of their own greediness. Each week

vast quantities of records are released —so meti mes over a hundred. Fe w see the light of day as the co mpanies given

m any of the m the mini mu m of pro motion in either m usical papers or un Luxe mbourg. Consequently they don't get heard and don't sell. The loss on each of these discs insist he bo rne

by the fe w records w hich are prolltable. This raises the price. By reducing the -nu mber of releases, m ore air li me can be given to each record, enabling a larger audience to kno w about at. Each dise will have a greater chance of success.

Fewer records would fall by the wayside and the retail price could be drastically cot — Keith Chaney. 22 M arrIlyne Avenue.

Enfield. Middlesex.

Ja mes Craig: Funny you should say that. Keith. W e talked to Jack Dorsey, ace bandleader no w • key figure

in E MI's A and ft depart ment, and he said he felt sure there w ould be drastic cute In releases. Our revie wers

certainly hope so...

DEPLORABLE? AETER winning a Gold Dar

for Unties sues alone of his tiderMr i I Mi ni version uf

Jerry Lee Lewia • ',tree, Green in Home% Tom Jones brings out -Detroit City'. •nuther eo n from the very zain• country album of Jerry's II in deplorable that Tom. who claims to be • great fan of Jerry Lee. should late advantage of lise poor ea. mie n this American star gyre here. Jerry Lest, -Green Grass" was a single in the States . why not here? Now PhIlMa should thaw the Initiative and release a M ale of Jerry Lee and "Itetrolt City", barked by "Creen Green Grassi: and plug it ai hard as . . lben we'll see who would Yam —sh am. Tony P ..... ,

n The VinerAnl. Welwyn banked M y. Pena.

ELVIS IMAGE 31t,r„„°:,traitragrzi..1:rr:::.

ins for • chiti n to see • singer who bao never bl rosed a. web his onnpany shun in lilacs' lion Elvis Premier. Continuously this remarkable character hro hil our en rols. lopped our polla and won our good raliti Ilin ihe sad factor is Mal he has nut been lair to lite lane here Mr. Presley mutt rnli m that he owe. • lot of him surreal in his British fol. lowers Is he really ton concerner about mating tina to show hlin• sett in the node nn lure more people would prefer to see him live than as • 'eaten image il he me n lust one brin stop here. be ro groups would loom iron dark , news and mete again the ••11 rori. break lister man would reign suprerne — estil sparks. 34 Fox. len Road. ',odd ment, Hertfordehire

VOTEVOTEVOTE!! ✓isHOUBLE with must polls la

mere are too many grout/. elf. to vote for. It

tends to make large-scale polls rather inaceurate. I've now devised • new idea. Below are listed ten popular American groups and Nn gnicion groups Now would all readers send three voles only — n follows. you nuns vote Mr ONle American and ONE Engl ., group but the other one ran be used for ANY group Inlet M K way well get the gloat popular group In England. Groups. Amer. Wan Mai nz and Papas Heath ho n, bpountul. seasons. Torro TenuatalMns, Supre me , Ji m Walker. Mud, Mitch Ryder la mer Mimes. Beatles. spencer DIV.. /lollies. Faces. Kinks. Man. fred Mann. Who, Troy .. Dave Dee, /e'e n. rond In plenty of Yuma — Richard elutes. saldaran. Tel 11111. Illigh• m. Kent.

C & W MAGAZINE A niany readers ga mest in the Country end

Western /Kid. I'm writing tier support for a new c and W mega-ai m which I am running This will be written fur the M outh Ian eithough tor mho not eighteen months It will tpe run from Toronto It is devoted lo PUKE Montt> ni mic end variu n Pop eleinents won t te mentioned. It will ala, be the organ of the Drin a Ian

Mobs for Connie smite and Merlon Jennings Ira • non.prolli m ai n venture — our only Intention la to further counter music. Anyone wrested, 11 aaaaa write: it. S mear, fa Howard Ste rol. Toren. S. On m ho. Cana ..

BEST FACES H ERE are the Mauna or the

Small Fa me poll. Moat popular Small Pa n SeCtion . 1. Sieve.

3, Kenny. 3. • lie between Plonk and Ian. Molt popular regarding I. All Or Nothing: I. whore.. Gonna Do About IL 3. Sim La Le La Le, 4. My Mince. Eye: S. shake. d. Sorry But S Wa aline: y. Una NU M Stand: S. I Got Mine Thonle• to all for milking this poll kW the world, greatest group such Meal Success. — Peter McNally.

le Col t Avenue. Manl mt Lane. Hull. Yorkshire,

Reeord •Mirrtirre'


116 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W.I. Telephones GERrard 7942/3/4



A FINE British poet ante laidme. •trItIMain la of no value

to s P rotect Unless the critic han a toting Involve men r—and if that be 00. is the time mit right for Norman Jerome to retire? Ms meeting dis missal el a hard

working Saville bill lopped by The Who belonged In a sch ool al lour. minim Which I lhoUghl bad long roa expired of Its own (elude and —to teen on M oling —hrMit• to mind the advice of a MIRY E ro mro editar far wham I once worked. "11 la easy la kneel, much harder to ny something wortI mile and 10 gay II in an Intereolin. w ro." an exercise which Mr Jopline I. clearly unwIlliny to undertake The Saville Sunday shows are a

growth thing with which groups and musas, menis able are Dying to get on terms, and perhaps that la also irue of eau audience. The limitations of Sunday pre rontlition• —no alarm wear, no scenery, no special edecle—have ahe m given Proble ms. and In O H them*, helot newly orientated to pop. there il al ro the problem of building as atmosphere. I think everyone ron. cerned at The Saville is working very well on is., and rolling re mits —but such chlteism as Mr Joa n n n u certainly not help then,. Be seemed to and It amt., .

Mal JI M Hendrix had technical problem•—wIthout perhaps telar aware that in the uni house a lead had raned hi m in sis very Prot Member: a Mi roap Which clearly threw hi m. 1MS. es I under. eland It haying been ha Cyst nalo appearance on theatre stage. mil in the West End at that. In In opinion and that et everyone le whom I spoke on the night Jinn did very Well. Remember he il only If. and new lo the roe » here

with a little mare experience, • Mile ma nning up of hii undAubtrel per mnalitY. can anyone aught he will & Mlle O n year into one of the Inost exclaim pop ferf rornere around. AS la bit reach that "If the

audience% average are is above It try to use • Mile li ndanatiOn la entertain them —which followed his remarks on The Paves excellent art. well. I simply can't compre-hend Mr. A wings Ironie ef Mind I was accompanied at both rousea by a leading bi ro publi sher. a wellrinown m elon made], and a erellanown photographer —all three a stood deal over le year. or Me Without exception they were thona nbly entertained by The W M, er ne presentation Ai to his en. missal of The Kee ne and The Tho rofile —the last a new Stroup having he minors hark en warming up the audlem- n—well t won't even bother la comment sa I urn their rational m roarter. I will only lag hat it every prolesten .1 lit thi• broine ro Is In hive Ms gnarls evaluated in Immaturely then In deed Me Mu mma Mi ndy hro a knife In Ils back, Tern St rollea lemlit, Straillne Smith Musk Ltd.. 11 Dryden M e mbers. 111 nifard

AN ADDICT Q O • fa me . Sunday new apa rar.

which shall remain Mantle*, is poli ng one of their an n•

aird e thtcoop Z —worin e rge .luari di reir rock way of hulling down we pop busmen and getting at teenage . I'm sure there are m111101u of leen, takers like my na whose only addle. bon u to the vot es et their favour,s liars, a know being a M. of Tom Jones and stolen Shapiro la doing me no har m. So Just lay off tire teenagers tor once — maxi/be mourn.. 34 Beaufort Read. AshteinanderLyne. Lanes.

'EM MERT WHO??' SAID GERRY DORSEY GERR Y I orsey Wag born in M adras. India,

w here the curry co mes fro m. That was on May 3, 1039, was the date and he has

seven slat rs and two brat ers which leaves hi m one short for a mixed football tea m. W he he ca me to Britain and started singing, he met the usual troubles ... and

he m et nie I had an inkling that he wo Id one day

m ake it. B t neither Gerry no I ever had

an idea th t he'd m ake it as . E NG EL. BER T H UNIPER DI NCK. But m a e it he has,

via "Release M e". after a near miss with "Do m mage Do m mage" and "Sta ". Any way, I cherish the ex ression on

Gerry's face when first told y m anager Gordon Mills that he would h nceforth be kno wn as "E n gel bo rt It m perdinck". "Engelbert W H O?" roared Ge n", apparently okaying the first na me but baffled by the

second. Any way again, we all went t watch the

British tea m in action at th Knokkede.

%mute song contest in Belgiu m ast su m mer and the locals were knocked out by Gerry's

sho w manship, voice, gentle ther m, side. hu ms and genial smile. Offers p ured in for hi m to appear on continental t levision lie beca me a bill.topper there, der loped a big there . . . and folk here were saying: "All. but It's harder to get into the charts in Britain." No w Engelbert has done it, and done it

well. Ile's also building his m ng.writing. Including penning -This and That" which wan recorded by To m j01105. To m and he

actually share the ga me manager. Th. last lors led lu the ru mour. prior to the

Knoltite runty , that the m rounkmee Enem ara iiii mperdire m was actually Tum Jones in diatom. — Torn allegedly wanting to lee bow Me continentals

w,auid lake t', hin'loIn fil In a few deride on En rollee.. Hen over ait feet tall, with black heir and ha m, eyes. Ile plays


Doesey-miner and m but rarely on Mo ro. Ile need

go In Leicester Dale echoed, sa. essons later for ste rear, Ilm TV debut sal on Oh hay" and lua tire broader.t n o made in Relaturn. Mir • Vine he thought of berrolling an engineer but slnyMy cat ton meanie • lure Ile likes horse cuisina and among and 'lath tIsa'.

a noo n .' activity which is near in h. heart. Ile DOP-T eat a lot of curry. Including me share, variety lie wi nches naturally liken Tom Jones and also Fi n n Wilson and Jack Janea lie hat been known to nee over urtula Andres. Generale>, En rollee. v u laver of the big ba ron

especially Quincy June. and Count lease and Ihni showa th rough in the . . .emcees he rues on mate or in clubs, Ile, una roaniedly n dierki a saya the height of his prolerom rol ambition is in lop the tell at the ai ds, in Las Vey . Speaking Personally. I doubt very much 11 he would tel the Mace down. fur the improve ments in hit act are tuile ssateerloe -One day I'd like ln be a millionaire-. rob. En rol

He's Ann tint used to being rolled I! Minm rodincit There's apparently no Ou rollon of him going bacs to Gerry Dorsey even Mo ron he hro row matte h. nreak,through, -Even el people rai n spell my new na me, they generally manage to re member it". he ta n. Engetben, the likeable fellow arm warred me road

In ra ndo m tells a wan In a talent competition in • local cine ma, now loa n set for even Mager Min n


Page 3: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

RECORD MIRROR, Week ending February 11th, 1967

'HELLO SEXY if OW, just supposing someone told you that you'd been voted "the sexiest personality in pop". You'd be what? As a matter of fact, when t

told Dave Dee that a great number of HM readers had voted hint into such a position he was .. flattered. And he told tne about the image and the act which has boosted him into this enviable (?) position. "When we started off in the pop

business we decided that we'd have to do something a bit different. So we went into comedy. We had some quite cleverly tinted bits and pieces and we changed our routine quite a lot. Hut then we hit the charts with 'You Make It Move' and we started getting the screams. Somehow, the comedy bit just didn't go with screaming girls and all that. We changed, and became for want of something better to describe it, sexy. "Nens, I don't think that anything me do u disgusting But when girls pay ISs which after all is quite a bit of cash for a front stall, they expect something for their inoneY Su I lay on my bark, and stave my legs and they go mad They enjoy it. ObedouslY t (WTI expect blokes to enjoy this kind of thing t 'satan, if t were a bloke and I spent 'none,' taking a girl to a pop reinsert I'd he very annoyed if she went berserk over some long-haired git musing around the stage, and she thought he was good hut then we are trying aPPeal to girls after all." Dam- also told me that he was thinking

4,1 changing the an again — the gro M at

DAVE DEE talks to RN's Norman Mating

the moment seemed un aguined a brick wall, in the same way that they were when they deckled that they had to drop the comedy mutiny for something else. But they haven't any idea what they want to change to, m fee all the Dave Dee fans reading this, don't wi ng yet!

I asked Da m about the considerable an ttttt nt of money which I imagined they had made during their period of success. And although Da m and Co HACK made quite a tidy mini each they were surprisingly cautious about spending it Not mean, but they sensibly insert their money in property waif' ing tor the trunch which they consider is

inevitable. The group are very pessimistic about their future incidentally "t he thing is," f ace explained, "Is that

you can't go on apmealing lo the Young girls furewer They get "Mer, and the younger girls want idols, and pick their own groups, not ones that their older sisters were scream ing over We may have to alter our act and everything to rater for our tans but luckily that time hasn't tome yet — after all we do still get response and screaming which for someone like me is very egmboosting. I'm an extrovert, alvays have been, and t can't di anything about it. I don't know whether or not it's ciad or had" If Da m Dee and Co. do hit the Stales, be ill the colourful clothes which have

become their shoal trademark here — so far no U.S. group have managed hi copy them to such an extent. Another peculiar thing about Dave Dec is that the group has four managers — two in Southampton and two 'Ken Howard and Alan Blaikeln in tendon

flu, luckily for the boys they don't take 2.5 per rent each: And their Southampton managers handle

the ins estments for the boys. Hut let's hope

that the group manage to keep on making money for Wine time Because they've all forgotten how to ao the lobe, they were doing heron, they fcirmed a pop group.

Page 4: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

RECORD MIRROR. Week ending February 11th. 1967

Marianne Faithfull ( a beautiful singer \,_ sings —*swag.

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14 beautiful romantic songs






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Pop Talk er the Vaggles "grialllt future in Britain is a very bright one and We " hope to make the breakthrough we've been looking for for three years. Our handicap O In finding the right record to get through to the right people outside who haven't heard THE VAGAI3ONDS All of our records have had hit potential, had the chart feel about them, par. ',milady "Ain't Love Good, Ain't Love Proud." We feel our latest record has definitely been our best — the song in Itself Is so completely different from anything anyone has ever done." JIMMY JAMES was speaking, and he was obviously

excited about the experiments the group were Conducting in the recording studios. "We want to go into bigger things — Up until now

we've never used a recording studio to its full extent — there are so many things that can be done and we haven't really started using a recording studio yet, For example. on our latest record we have a rattlesnake effect. It's only a tambourine, but we've overloaded the tambourine track so that it comes out sounding like a rattlesnake • .. and that's only one instrument! With strings you can use them lo get so many sounds. "We have a set plan — anytime we have a record that

breaks, it's then that we want to show the public what you can do in a studio — a studio is there, so why not use it to its full extent?" Readers have commented on the excitement Jimmy

James and The Vagabonds generate by their very visual routines. Jim my comments: "Even though I'm a great believer in smoothness on stage i never tell the fellers what to do — or they could become mechanical and lose a lot of the fun of it Stoat of its spontaneous." IN Tne CORRALS M OVE TONY

SECONDA tell. me il look hi m several days to receiver from al. most night marish depreallon aft, mailing Cla m my, Cornals din trice The group had beer. plsyln In Cla mor and Tony thought I might he • e nd idea lis trili sa m. ohm/ura a. nt the m lo Sb Corbels He mid me hit the tan « ion of Me bottom«s was lash, mina — but the condition a lode wan worse - Lot• tr. the m were sear s« .....d rims.. small boys with no mate in the, t ooters, S nita kids with sue bad teeth. Most of the m militia wis terrible There were o man reed granan who mnenues the own ar ms, like mot:otters Il re minded me of the Weft Side of New Yer i, - When he was wanderins alone

seeking photo sli m. he wo swoons ex a au.. wt.. nano frisked hi m


Last wee> THE ACTION re

held a receptiOn at the Ma nn., The itroup had been human« powerful reputst mn for the M mlve then, suddenly. they ellimppe me for three months Manager RICKY FARR en fla med Mal the M O M, now • Quartet. Mad felt thal the 'ere PM mansinated as a mini ma uno ems anent the months •'dia

d h


cAue yej

,e ' Embenaume t

Read now *fiat people say aboul. fal malpil —the tried and Mated for mula toed by thousands . - -After only one supply of MaIer mil the spots have virtually zone. Ire lovely to to out and

Hadley Collete

spots but they have al most mine

vota too can mai m Mascoptl treat ment. Jilart Swallow two tiny pills a day — what m ull be ai m pier For • « Script.a leafi e and • PO r day tr atinent lust send Ea

M OM free/ tor

CRO WN DRUG CO. iManufaelurIng chemlsu—

Est. 1•01.1

'Dept. R M.2). BLACKBURN

covering their unsound depths ... The group have been strongly in fluenced by early African rhyth ms m d three phantu on the ba n end perra).. Mon in their preseniatmn narine

mom e minenttot many numbers Which they teet me maven/ of thew own self cleaned - Afro , supeccope These record ?elem. •.Nerret Ever' MI Febrility II In an exa mple of one such seis-penned co mposition

ti.S. DO MINATION! IS the British do mination or th.

Internal Mnal pop scene * Manib. no, despise the mrowinic number of new sauna, and new faces th fl me appearing. such an TIIE M OVE. ACTION. CREA M etc. SI MON DUPREE. Mader of South• amnion .. THE BIC souren see ms to think ea. Ile tell me. bl he , heve Mal the Americana are soils to take over co mpletely. that la why w ere ai ming for a whitetintisaAmerle m sound Our next recant •ReservatIOns, has mr.

Si mon a nd hia grailp ter m the ...r eel of • fartheemins 40 minute Television documentary. which they recently completed. BBC TV producer JOHN KINC:

scatted Me Moon aver • Year m o and hart been Ri ming purls of in, doeU MentarY m et an M al month Period Min stmts. -John satimeil m show ihm • ernall n I I he he

was hard mein W eer eon, tin the hard was, played for n. Id a night. Pin we're built tao a following in 1.1w. South of England and that's been stood for un Al Bret we worked at Other Inhit a mino Me day and pi ned elUrlim the night — soinetaines we've only had lea hours sleep list now were fully praiessio.1.-

cnioursT a W ESTERN Lineal al ma. CAW number 10

NM the chart. fa ENGELBERT hiu Mpgflotrftic'S Me" Permss sta tne pant lime for HOUSTON Weiss to return to England —I cert flnly liner he wants te Houston, is you may ✓emembre, hiid the Countr/ hit -Only The m unches- a few m att ado. Cu ..... ly he is rote mu in neon.: and his memo..i entlit are 'ma ACES SIICI WIIAN D incosenmay. LAW has M wayn been popular in ire. land —and it • larro m ever m acs about. perhaps We'll see more Irish artislen in the charts FOLEPARKERNA SEY MOUR was In London lost

week belon kein'stnn arritreT U erTurh° P Z.

oar ., The enamarkes have the rrrrr howling alleyS, roo m, and are amans,, centres at en ..... influent, net m. Ronde, fiat surroundo mm. There are leer fie such parks and Sey mour in booking major British na mes for la or 40 of the larger ones. Ile lets me be has THE SPENCER OA VIS cm non in May, THE MOLLIES in M MUSi and hopel tor book THE SHADO WS for jure.



WITH ROOM /OR 300 RECORDS 12 & 1 IlmiligIn _1111r7 a.rN, 1.14.5./0 Mt H MI •..,- 'lei N MI MR IMP I.

1 • sao a 11 •

Page 5: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week


added get another mai m award to their already

lengthe 1111 of tena 'sonneurs for perforMance and sales. The stones were na med the bestdellinit tirillas. recordiez act for the period fro m July I. lied , Sep 'e mber 30. 1940 al • special Greta Gala held NalurdaY. Feb 4 in Cannel. Framer. The handso me trophy was amen

during the closing sea function id Me International Record and Music Publishing Markel in Cri mes, which was attended by More Man 1.000 prOininent = r m. fives a rod PerIonelne• of the world wide music » sine « In A merica The Stones have

received their AI M consecutive Gold Retord albu m award for he LP - Got Live If You Want It' and are virtual» assured of a sixth connecta ive award toe their newest albu m •tetwetn The lit lions". A single of a new artiste, pro-

[Weed by M u. W Y MAN. has been released In the Known si mply an M OON, the artiste ap. pears with • grouts called THE TRAIN on a •Ingle which couplet

Mind- . An albu m by M OON, TRAIN is lo he Slued by A me. Ilea, M G M label in the near future.

. .. and Mick sues A =e mend alatement fro m MOCK

JAGGER' ••I am shocked that a responsible newspaper like the News or the World can putill a noel, • defa matory scone about me. 1 want lo m ete 11 inane clear that this M ein. of me la mialeadleg, untrue and thereore the only way let open lo me to prevent M S libel being repealed is to ask my laveyert to take legal action In the High Court m me. Widely. The matter is now in the bands of my lawyers... And fro m his lawyers. Ti mothy

liardacre and Co. Solicitors. 34 bows Street. London. W I: ••We are 1101 .cled by our client Mr. Mick Jagger that the references to hi m In tod• rs ISundayi News n( the wor m article are mislead. leg and defa matory a nd are strenuously contested by hi m We have already token Counsel's ad. vice and been instructed in Inoue injunct ions and Inch Coon pro-retentive for libel inirisedialety. ••


HER MAN,: IIER MITll are appear , nog on a see m oil television a . !radio shows to pro mote their latest hellish singles release. the GEOFF STEIUIENS rOlnu mit Mn ° Met e. A Rind Ill Hush" On Friday, February 21 Her man

and the group will fly to Los Aimeen In star in a television show with DEAN M ARTIN. They will be Simi = the M ow fro m FeO. 2.1.77. They will then spend two days on pro motional appear and a prior to Mining • television spectacular ...Now - with JI M MY DURANTE and NOEL HARRISON The group are expected to re ,

turn to Erne . on March 5.


ern motion picture. In be created m ound • story line bated on one or the tongs Performed by hi m as the relent San R e = SO = Yes, lash lais schedule calLii neat (Or • lengthy Pe nonal. appearance tour of Britain met the activilles rule out /he possibility of mi o de honey moon tor Gene a nd hit new Onda LYline Both Pitney and his bride are

=lives of Rockville. Connecticut They expect to return to the area and live in an = ail ment complex wide = the singer recently m oulted ai an investMent.


airport at 7.40 a. m. on Feb. II for Ins 10 day litillsh lour. Re ar m , Pri me . Theatre Club and Do mino. Manche mr 11.71, Min cheater Technical College 1110. Saville, London 1101. Too Rank. r adio U M: Oly mpia, Par» D M iMearoo • •Ke ao,d Cedar. uie minaka m O M; Locarno. Siterillas M and M ai ms (23.1; Dur. ha m University and Newcastle thilversitY Ian Slate* Uni eeeee Ia. Brighton 025) and Savage. London O M.

RE C OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February 11th. 1961

Question ti me with Monkee Mickee Peter Jones talks to Micky Dolenz visiting Britain for the first time

N 1 O N KE E Micky B olenz turned up at Cagney first and then the character he m a th e aune "„jah Grosvenor H o me m otel. portrays. 1.1 Men I POSY a G er man psychla.

in tondon s Park Lane. T urned up late. Mist. m yself first and then the charar-

because of fog proble ms w hich had ter. Peter is the only one w ho co mes out diverted his jet fro m the Slates T urned of character.

tip excited because it w as his first visit !stoney? W ell, I honestly don't kno w

to Britain. A nd turned up slightly niggled „ hare it an co mes fro m. I spend about

because of the criticis ms of the ?donkeys 400 or 500 bucks a m onth —I send so me

w hich have had so m uch pro minence on ho me and so me to m y step-father's church. this side of the Atlantic..

H e supped an orange Juice. " Never drink. tie's a D octor of Religious Science_ /3ut w e don't get ti me to spend very m uch. Arty.

never s moke." = Id he. Ile was relaxed, way, w e've had no ti me to spend m uch

sitting in an outfit co mprising a long, m oney.

slightly ragged hair style. grey Slacks. blue - B ut no w our records are being su ede jacket Jacket. light blue shirt. Q uestions

w ere fired. M ostly they w ere about the fluted by C hip D ouglas, w ho produces for the M odern Folk Q uar Mt and the

Psalauringol Odn precro ob r ts.' heinnegin ale.ce rmYprnugteriseno dt T urtles ' W e viereni en 'de nied " en' grOUP. records in the early stages, bul no w w e've

Said the ever.a miable Micky! " We w ere had to adapt to it. H o wever you lake Peter

the ones w ho got fed up with not playing Tork. H e's studied at a Conservatory of

on our records, it w ent on for a w hile. M usic and he's really a geniu s a prolific

si mply because the people running us felt m usician -he pia " & we" 'wee ' m a ".

w e didn't have ti mo. but eventually laid m en '.s ' do wn thrs proverhial la w. W e kno w no w that "Favourite A merican group? W ell. I

w e play m uch better —and w e have proved don't feel like the others. I don't nor mally

it on personal appearances in the Staler,. say one thing is better than another.

Certainly w e've done all the vocal w ork m ean. I like the opening of 'Car men and

on all our records —and in fart w e played I like it a little better than the Beatles'

on the two tracks on the first L P that on a special nu mber. T hen so mething else

Mike N es mith produced. A nd w e play on up, the [inn act or l.a nnhe nte • and two on the next L P I like that even better. But nail m e do wn —

'But in future w e'll be playing on all and Ill say I like the Paul B utterfield

of the m. A nd if so mebody else is Called Blues Band.

In to play the R ussian xi mbe or sitar — well. "As for m e, I like all the activity. E m

they'll get full label credit for doing so. hyperactive. I just hate getting out of bed

'Rut the funny thing that strikes us in the m orning and finding I have nothing

M onkees is this: nobody has a go at Sonny to do. W e'd like to de a fulklerigth m ovie

and C her for not playing the instru ments but the trouble is w e don't have any ideas,

that back the m. O r expects Frank Sinatra It'll co me, but you can't rush into such

to m ake like a 21.pieee orchestra, or that a project.

the Beatles should be able to play cellos. " Ne w singles? W ell. w e've about six Sides Yet w e get all this criticis m. W e sing, w e in the can and so w e're all right T he only

no w play B ut w e're trying to run a life reason that w e're no w taking a fe w w eeks' on three levels — as actors, recording holiday is that on the last T V epi sode w e

artistes and T v perfor mers. W e're in a did w e looked about half dead. Rather

studio fro m sevens in the m orning to seven than have us drop, w e w ere told to get

in the evening, and m ost of the rest of a way front it all. So I co me to London

the ti me w e're w orking on our act for and I spend a bit of ti me on pro moting

personal appearances. W e've re arranged the M onkees —and I don't mind at all! I've

all this —recordings have suddenly beco me w anted to visit London for a long ti me.

the big thing and w e're gonna spend All I really w ant is for us to do our full

m uch m ore ti me in the studios, stage sho w here —and that'll put an end "Pri marily. I'd call m yself a I.o. Mson to the people w ho say w e don't really

actor, B ut no w I' m Involved in the m usic w ork. W hy, so me people have even said side of the business. I've learned a lot that w e don't act on the progra m mes

about dru m ming and I listen to all the "Any way, it 's all very exciting! So me of

big na mes in the business. Dating? N ope, the m ore ethically. nfinded people resent

I've no steady girl.friend. A nd there's no. the w ay w e ca me up. But w e've also had

body, Y ET'. In Britain that I' m hoping Is, a lot of understanding fro m the Press

date. Just w ant to see round all the clubs folk."

In London —the places I've heard about Micky strack one as being a singularly

bark ho me. honest and forthright young m an .. . 21.

" About the Beatles. W ell, w e gel a kick Asked ho w it w as that his hair is no w

out of being told w e sound like the m, T bro wn and w as blonde w hen he appeared m ean. the Beatles! But still w e have a as Corky in "Circus Boy", a sho

totally di fferent kind of hu mour. W e don't T V series, he said: "If they w ont you to

even w ant to m eet the Beatles because they bleach it, you have to bleach it, I guest. are . . . w ell. kind of gods. But there's I' m a H olly wood phoney fro m w ay back

Mike, w ho's a T exan. and Davy is English — B ut w e'll be playing our instru ments

I don't see w hy the T V sho ws re mind al ways, in future."

people of "lard Day's Night'. M ore like A nd he w as dragged o ff to be photo.

the D ead End Kids. You kno w , the old graphed outside the plush portals of

m ovie series — with Peter Tork being like Grosvenor flouse. A utograph signing all

H unts H all. Al ways saying the wrong thing the w ay.

at the wrong ti me. A nd Record Mirror will reflect other " No, w e get the w riters to put us in a asp ects or the M onkees in a super-special

funny situation and then w e get the m ost edition next w eek. Including a batch of

out of it. Acting for m e is portraying your m a m moth pile of letters supporting

yourself. Take Ja mes Cagney. If he's a the M essrs. D ole . Jones. T ork and m urderer, or a priest or a pilot —he's al ways N es mith.

SA VILLE Aller tat weelthr latforei mate

noalrappeang at the Saville. al most Ildn• that happened this Sned•v mewed to be in eon.

The shear opened with sands. • co mpetent eve pleee beat grouts will excellent vocal bar. MINIMS who leaned beady on Tainta. Molo wn ter Melt baaterial M uni » ena Mtb. they caned letri Four To m and M•eltur di Vas ***** m agi quite w et The high 111 » of User en was a ye n amusing and im milystive perews•

save spree. which. = MI = Ian eidetically e n elellAkIful. Edwin Starr held the m dlente

111 the Pal m al his hand — be was typically prel aslenat. Managed gel la. inglienee Clainibut along, end even ainalaa aaaaz and ns

The tdittaght of hic net was ••Stot; Her Oa P ar% oadileh was very compulsiVe ltatcltsaa. alla versions of ...Se a r and ••Try A talle Ten. defeat. were aver sive — bell Mr. Stall Can cairna ea on larrealed

REVIEW fen follo wing fro m now On in Beltale. He sh all be good lo me in • club. and bin backing arson. the item Ko mbensiscat were O.K. Tar Cre me were firelly m usic.

aeçondly very letid. T▪ hey leeined ullablly PI at ease, hail despite the absence of any kind of vinal act they ca me Re mai very well. J•rli Bruce, h•rtb sneak and » Mlle » Mired harnamiles work Erie (lepton's tithing relt•r. But It wan Ginter Raker who music ale stele tbe show. loo her a Mlon work wan brilliant. and he canse ut. with ene of lbe ken aru m flies I hare ever hears. Their slightly ellseherdant se e m of tones see ms to bring the m very near Ike Ia n =Id. Ws certain» » Met al = sheath.

to see the audience at the Saville leeldng to at Me bog in which Paul McCartney was stom a. I wes moo .ed he mans mve the rOyal wave to M ena » the M e



this we = in Paris appearing on radio end television - Matthew SOW' still be released in Er m a. Ger many a nd M end lifli Friday eind Cal will be touring Sweden find Norway tor la days co Milie ming April 10. Ile is likely to deadline a two week tour in m eta . and New Zealand In June Ills neat single vent be rele med next moat s

M ARQUEE /MO W Nees have arranged with Cer

many', Me ant television Mali = BRE MEN lib lil m THE W HO and CLIFF be m me rr a Ti m ris men. HOUSERS al the Marquee. on March 2n4 and 3rd for t sta Mn. 'neat Club- series. The nun will also be shown in netshbour• Mg European countries. THE NAS HVILLE TEENS ern•

hart on a m otor Concert T an uf Iluitimi a front stay 15.31.

• • •

MI C K Y D OLE N Z seen an London on M onday (R M Fie).

New discs from Beatles, Gene, Dusty, Roy and Seekers

r fsliERR ape new om elets Dorn The M ales, Andy Willia m, Cene Pit ney. Dusty Spnntbeld, The Seeke m. Lee Do nen, Roy (»bison and I•aul nid Harry Ryan All the releases for that week are as follo w, —

ogre. 1•aul and Harry Ryan — Keep in Out DI Sight. Bata — You le = Good Toge Mer, Poets — Wooden Si mon LONDON A MERICAN Roy m o ms. — So Good NC , Henry lit — So Much Love: Judith Powell — Greener Days

CAPITOL, Al Martino —Daddy, Little Cori. COLU MBIA Toms Idea — Peculiar Situation: E m ma Rede — Just Like A Man: Hay dial .. Blockhouse — Lewin. You. Mr. Mt , Messengers — Feel » Cood: Weelters —Ceeintr Girl, PAR IMPHONE The Resales — Penny Lim eStrawberry Fields Forever. Action—nerer E ar. liartura nut. lor.-Bun Showers. Ilse Ga me— 1i, Shocking, LIBERTY 511.1 lu men. = —so where You Wanna Ira TA MLA M OTO WN . Venal eeeee — Ile Was Really Safi, bentelhu n Jr Walter Putter lip VERVE Ji m my smith — Cal I,, A Tree STATESIDE Lee Mar sey —Rain. Rain ff:n Assay. la mes and 1.Mhby Pura sch You Oidn I Have To Go' ee t .. oh ms — Ciels are out Tal Cet Vos


SECOND/. Is producing • three minute colour M m of THE M OVE performing - Night on Fea r for world 'wide lelevslon pro motion The group. who •avea• on - POP Nort a• on Feb, 9. have • new single released in Ma ma. entitled - I Can Hear The Grass ['roar — It Is a ROY W OOD co mposition. The boy% have entered the charts In Belgiu m and Holland and fly to Holland on March for awn con te ns In A msterda m and a tele vision appearance - Night Of Fear' n released in Australl a new Zealand and Scandinavia this Friday


In A Merica on an eight day 0111 O I h U -

rebat I dates. has won a Geld Ilse la world wide Sales of - You non I llave To Say You Lave Me', and may be presented with the disc when she a pears on - . navy Nish. AI Tite London Palladiu m - on February IS IlUsly, Feb. 17 release os Me Mart Parkin/ m -10e Moa mar co m

Try Anything" cna -▪ The Corrupt o nes'. other tele vision dates for Dusty include - Doticly% Music no r (Feb. 24! and ...Top of The Pops" (Feb. 301

Clyde Mcl.hattcr —Lavender /awe Gene Pitney — in The Cold Litho 0/ nay. M ERCURY Lesley Dawson —

Run For Shelter; Lesley Gore — California Naha. PIN UPS Dialy Sprinclelo — rit 'fry Any thing. FONTANA Lowell Ful am — Tra mp. Real McCoy — mina Me How To Milk A Cow rni.v• DOB' A mboy nukes — Turn Hack To Me: mats Foley — t Can See That P m tie Wanted, Itert Ka ma. ton — Itold Me. Soil Machine — In a Males Mer e Munk ATLAN TIC Reg Garvin Gotta On Now ita. On The Paoli COS . Carol Free man —

no w . Sen; The Byrds — Su Vol Want To .1Ie A Rock •n• H MI Star. Andy Wittinoan — to Nice; rand Klee — You And Ile

e ers — Always On My Minch Alexander Bros — Aneher MitiEs Castle. Pitt , DILLY: Stella Starr — Itring Hi m Rock REPRISE- The Mole Men — ad D an I Think I Love YOU: Duane Eddy — Monsoon NaSO SINGLE: Sean Thirphy and the Ito nlowners — 4033.


singing "Penny Lane" will not be shown on “Julie M x Jury - this Saturday as Ilw BBC did se agree to show the clip in full Clips uf both tales will be shown On "TOP Of Tie Feh r neat 111U nd•y 1151, but call not be shown hi. week. Negotiations are currently in

Pro ne . for Ileutonal stations such as Southern TV and Granada to Mow the fil m clips E MI R e m = announce the re.

newel of their contract with the Beatles The new contract for nine yearn has b en ti med he Mr Moe = Lockwand, head nf E MI Record. Ltd and M anes manager Bri m

The release of he dre m atte rase . - love me no - wat In Otto. ber Ingt und that told 1110.000 faller With the Gold M ani for their several million sellers. In SI world tsars add Up to 130.000.1100 lin e is In converting to slee k oats o ts as an LP m u ffling as S singles mat In EP no lour). The announce ment of the new conked ilea up with the release of M ee Mitt single of 1947. on Partnphone. of "Penny Lane.. and - SlrawberrY net t

Page 6: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

REC OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February I Ith. 1967

A mo ment of concentration for dru m mer SN O WY FLEET. Isolated in a sound booth.

STEVIE W RIG HT heart our ca mera man creep up bolded hi m —In the background are DICK DIA M ON D and


During a break in recording. H ARRY V A N DA bends an ear to recording manager SHEL TAL MY w ho see ms to

have so me fascinating co m ments to make.

Two in a row? A peep into the studio where the Easybeats are cutting the follow-up to 'Friday On My Mind'

• D ROPPED around to Pye studios to sit in at T HE

EASYBEATS' recent record.

M g session. The record they were cutting was. as far as I could ace, the most important one of their career. Despite their handful of giant hits in Australia. it was "Friday On My Min e which br o u gh t

the m international recoi mi. lion — and the follo w-up to it Is the disc that could

really ce ment their repu. lotion. Inside the control roo m

the at mosphere was "busy". Recording Manager MIEL T AL M Y was at the control. and there were several people about. E mpty tea cartons were evident everywhere. testifying to the preparations,

discussions and work th at had already taken place. "Take 20" shouted Shel

through 5 speaker and the boys in the studio began to record the backing tracks.

playbacks When the boy. cane Up Le tear

the pi/abatis • Mon diernalon look plate. then SNOWY FLEET ✓i me up to ask me how al ms wens In Liverpool these days Ile lad Me Out all the » Ms Mat Ite aye recorded asee ermine. •nel that GEORGE •nd HASLET were the math sore/writer. In the •roup. 'Mier male had a Non time to mite OM M aher we're recorders.' he said, before the bays were ushered hare into the studio again. Mar mer MIKE VAUGHAN mt. planed that everY intacte was precis « as m ere originally theMeht • M ara be in the SPAN for are al bars. Doe to smite misunderstand, Ind It had only been booked (or three heart and they had ally stole to record the backing tracks However, they'd managed to book the studi o from midnight Met even. inn. LI M entail-I that we get this reeled ell es non as polatble„.• be said. Mine Mentioned that ptiblItiel

m o ms SOMS4ERVILLE had liait left die meth.. ''In Australia Mere reran t any ouch people es Brian. pop publicists ere totally non ellittent. The bear ere delighted wiab Ow type of ems he's «C M for a and hell be travelling to the ConU ant with us ron Mee year. age Mike ear the

baye manna in • emen neat club in Tsylore &mare, SydneY. "I was meal impreued when t u m whirl they could des° he caíd. "Partire• larly since they mulct all sine and need emir own numbera river ram m eta wee ca me tie ms, Woman., teal, a• they were VirMally unknown It Nat didn't move. "lien they wrote another thinn, 'she's So Mae which went like • bent to No. I is M e weeks The 0 re then started playing their tint re. cord again and that shot an to Ne. 4. Every record they've mode in Austral. Mg been • hit end they're currently both No. 1 and No. I In the charts there.

small time MiLlien I hand the boye t only

had • few email groups and It was only • small time hieCe. But when I found The ti mb al* I deckled to make • ro of It. We mi chucked in our loba and had • creek. The aye never write any-thing that they can't reproduce on and never record anything they Can't do on stage, we' re adamant about Mal "Britain la now my base, mainly

because of a m all thing like 12.003 valet Here. we can fly to Ger. M ay is a far MUM — and that's the third binned retard 111 aaaaa In the world. whereas. Morn Australia it would be IIM MIelly Im pe cable. T ut is brestritily the trouble, you tang fly 12,003 Mlle. awry week or fortnight. "I've ne ides saw Ionic we're

hero, but we must nay wane the hey. are on the climb upward, slow long we slay is entirely re. ham an how ante • name we can become b, the enter... MN business—then we may be able to way here nine months of the year and M end the ether three months in. Autu mn. ...Tee. we have to base ourselves

in Milan—but I de knew thei the boye are will hernesick for Aus.

Unfortunately. lime had run out and the hoer had lo leave Ow Studios end reline later hot nleht, err I can't com ment on how the Mee reme ad. On the strength el the interesliner Intintmental wounds on the backing cacee, however. I suspect ICII be another Tep 15 M ar from The Easybeate,


C - IT'S DEAN AN D suddenly it's Dean M artin W eek. Start. Hi M g Monday. there's a big drive on in this

country to pro mote the image of Dean M artin.

when tributes will -be paid and lavished on the

so-casual, so-successful alt.rounder of show. MARTIN WEEK business who this month celebrates his 25th anniversary in his trade.

Raise your glasses. then. To Dino! To the act-

ing, singing, clowning character who really IS a character. To mark the occasion, Reprise are bringing out a single. EP and LP —plus another

w hich features his son (the group of Dino. Desi and Billy are featured in Deane latest

movie "Murderer's Ro w"). Let's consider what It Is that has lifted Dean

fro m the position of petrol station attendant to top m ovie star —ono of the m ost highly.paid entertainers in history. W ell, first of all, his personal ille. Ile was once an amateur prize.

fighter. chucking it before his features were over.pu m melled. Later ho was • croupier in • ga mbling house. But he found he could sing too, and launched into the usual imitations of

Bing Crosby . . like • million others.

In IMO, he woe Sinning et the 503 Club is Atlantic LIty red ont the Same MI was loi n l a m. me moir en act dropped Mt. and Dean and Jerry peraaded him to let them go on es • double. Their Met mipearance was • dababeal failure. But they pleaded for one mote chalice

went en elote and led libbed right thrones the whole :h: h, The audience now loved it and • new chapter ta show Mahatma was untien, eve," aallable bomoTte recent wee mi med

Rut Mehl years later. or it pictures later. the team el Martin and Le a folded. You een look for Malone esa end up mystined. ri m m u mmer « et the M arren who Calder% get on together for basic reasons Dean era he worker who wanted free Ume for gold and social Wei mar .: Jerry e a the blos• who wouldn't ever wow working. Teinwera menally, the nit wig toe urea. Anyway D an went ola to make a solo Min .10.000

Bedroo ms' end handed Hollywood • hig M on a by hal m manta Is M etal wItIt Marlon Brenda and Montgomery GSM ta •lbe Young Li me.. • rumen arameim role. Peas com mute making re new set ha said in mane. many million.. "Everybody Loves Somebody.. war, the big W yk he m ... m on of them were coi cri entries In the Stale , Mg Ont rele as for Reprise was the G and W &Mini ...Country W M... An inst al btu. Dean was ham In Steubenville. Ohio. June 7 ... end

dry doe, WU Mee the year. He Islet wane to Lena Nadi N ow he Inee is Beverly MIL la one el ib. bea,drea ml eilleta, plays • lot et golf. Ms key opponents are sob stone or N M Moen 11w mn re ta me teaser sticen me. A amemer hes

NM Made • record. II is •n Image ol Mere hainen suc, ca n achieved with apparently 11111e alert. though Jimmy hew n (e auldin« inanik ar to flees) told me that there le no More thoreeengetne professional than Dine I loin with all Deem'. taro In ai ming hint e happy M M.

reran, and loll if M ule suerte.. A •refal tan et the old MarilioLewla pictures, t now own up that Jetty a-mides my favourite conechan ... and Dean Marlin Inc



Kültifill WILLIAMS Pardon me Sir Francis F 12562

THE LOVE Aff MR She smiled sweetly F 12558

WINSTON G Mother Ferguson's love dust II2S59

G01311 WELLS Venus deMilo F 12660 THE PUSSYFOOT Mr. Hyde E 12561

JIMMY WILSON & 111E PEES EdeiN/515S F 12564

Page 7: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week


Ufa: room, large crowd, vast selection of food on • massive table —and PLONK LANE in the middle of it all, his Small Face des-troying a glantlY appetising spare rib. Delicately he sucked off juices from his fin' ge m and wiped his hands with • napkin before sluing down. Then he changed his mind, went up to the table, disappeared among the throng and returned with a plate

full of surcalent.looking prawns.

I asked him about the boys Pimlico flat —their bachelor retreat which has so often been besieged by hordes of fans. "We moved out last week. The lease ran out and we didn't

think it was worth renewing again, so we've all got pads of our own. A change of scene. I've moved into a new pad and it seems as if I've lived there all my life. "But the one in Pimlico ... we were there for a year and

it was a drag leaving it—we had so many scenes there. It was like an old friend dying, we'd become an attached to it. "We did buy a lot of stuff for it, but we didn't choose much

ourselves. We got a couple of chicks down to sort out the fu rniture for us. We liked what they bought, were very easy to please. We had this 'egg chair —but you couldn't stop moving in it. It was a mystery. Everytime you sat in it you began fidgeting and moving around in it."

I could picture the chair, sus. pended as it was by a cord screwed into the ceiling — and Plonk was dizzily swing-ing around ... not the sort of thing to sit in when you've been for a night out on the townl

We had a German house keeper to wash the socks and do all that scene She's about 40 and she's a raver. She used to make lovely fudge for us. We gave GEORGIE FAME scone once and he collapsed." Groups who travel around

with each other all the time often get on each other's nerves — imagine a group who all share the same flat . . would there be unholy

rows? Not so with The Faces. "Sometimes we had big

argu ments, but it doesn't matter, we still dig each other no matter what goes on. Perhaps If I chucked a load of water out of the windows at some chicks who were bugging me, someone would tell me not to do it and there'd be a bit of an argument. "But that one year at the

Pimlico place has been a complete mind-blaster for me. We used to sil round and talk for hours and hours — and this is what people couldn't understand, because we'd sooner talk than go out. %Vicki make ar. rangements to go to a club or something and then one

of us would begin a discus. lion and it would go on until 4 in the morning. "Everybody helped eve ry-

body else — and if I hadn't been in that atmosphere I wouldn't have had a lentos. tie realisation of everything. It was as if I had awoken and saw what was happen-ing.

"We discussed everything — argued about religion. Religion — everyone's got their own views on that and basically that's where all the problema about everything arise. Everyone has different opinions. In the end we got fed up of arguing about religion."

Yes, Plonk had good mem. odes of their 6-roomed Pimlico pad. "But it looked horrible in the end, it was so bare, you know what I mean. We were all creeping in at different limes In pinch stuff for our new pads. That 'egg chair', Mack picked that before any of us had a chance to get it. L pinched our raved-In carpet. It had so many stains in it. you've never seen a carpet like it. I crept tip to the flat when there was no one else around and pinched it."

The Press in general has been analysed and criticised a lot lately — and Plonk thought it was about time that the Musical Press in particular deserved a 'telling

THE SHALL FACES — they tell how Georgie Fame collapsed after tasting their housekeepers fudge. Iltat Plc).

"They need their ideas bucking up for a start." he said. "It strikes me that most of the reporters don't know what you're talking about and slant their articles the way they see things. They don't realise how much power they've get or how many people believe the things they write.

"If I had something to do with the Music toners the first thing I'd like to drop is the cattiness they've got. Some of the things I've read about some people are really nasty and horrible . it's like a poison pen letter. There are so many beautiful things happening, why don't they write about them? Nastiness should go out. There's so much happening, so many good songs being written — and these are the things we should read about. Everyone's asking nie to slate THE MONKEES, for instance, but why should I try to criticise or drag any' one down?"


ecca eek

roit City r 22555

renal loving you


,,,11 limier» i;agot to me nitoni

sundsErsieillitalnnIS -nset '77 7 ri2

vaut rel e I don't wann a catch him 'round you any more RCA 1567

Norman Newell talks about Rita, how he'd like to record Rudolph Nureyev, and highly profitable song lyrics . . . It/ST a few days after setting up as an J Independent record producer (after years with EMI) sad achieving two hits with Rita Pavane, Norman Newell told me:

like to think of :myself as • brie writer. For • long tittle I've been telling myself I no longer WinInt to be Involved In the record business, I want to write 'West Side StOrlere Und 'Oliver?. But when it combs to IR I go on recording because l love It. I've had good offers from RCA and CBS and they made me realise that with so much work around I tan exist sa an In-dependent, ira a bit of a responsibility hity. Ind employers — got • staff of five — but we only need to Rod nair a dozen hit,, • year. No, shouldn't be too tall an arder For one thing, l'oe been recording Ken Dodd far the last live yen, and he's never sold less than 100,000. 'Tears' ran to • mil-lion and • half and 'The River' was al. roost a million. I'm still recording Ken.

"I believe there is plenty of topauality t I t is tan try a d its 41,

tu u s tu build the m into big international names like Andy Williams and Tony Ben-nett. Why not? I think it has happened with Val Doonican — nothing to do with me but he's great — and with Shirley Bassoy. I remember when Russ Conway came to me. Ile was so nervous he could hardly play a note. "I think the only other person besides

myself who took an interest In the potential of Rita Pavotic was Bernard Ness of RCA. She's undoubtedly going to be one of the motor talents in the world — fil ms, Broad. way shows, the lot I regard her as a com-bination of Brenda lee and Judy Garland. "Then there's Malcom Roberts, who's also

II. Ne seen him in cabaret and un TV. Why that boy isn't u star I will never know. But he will be — within two years. "I'd also like to make a record with

Nureyev." I suggested that this sounded like u bit uf a stunt, like thinking a fashion model would sound good on record. "Well, the song has got to be right, of course. As for singing ability — well, a good half of the beat groups making successful records can't sing, can they? Did Yam watch the Palladium show with the Stones on it? I'm not being bigheaded about beat musk, it's fine if kids enjoy it, but l'in naturally more Interested in developing long.terin talent for the more adult market. As for Nureyev — well, at least he would have a sexy presentation! I don't know what kind of material he might be able to sing until I can persuade hi m to come into the re.

RITA PAVONE — her record producer Norman Newell talks about her (RH pic).

cording studio. Hut in addition to such things as show I.Ps I've always been in. irritated in offbeat, odd things and some of thent have been highly successful. Be. cording Norman Wisdom with Joyce Grew full, for example, And Margaret Rutherford with Frankie Howard." We were relaxing in the sumptious

though rather bright — I counted seven bulbs, all on — lounge in his London flat, a comfortable haven where artistes rehearse show songs and Norman thinks up such highly profitable Dries as those to "Monde Cane" and "Say Wonderful Things", If he didn't produce any more records he could still live quite cosily off the royalties from his songs. Ile was preparing to fly to New York to discuss writing songs for Barbra Streisand, then going on to Rio to seek out some luscious latin-A merican sounds. Mr. Newell, you see, Is keeping his pro' ductive lingers in both pies and Is excited by his prospects in sOngwritIng and diSe-

making. Yes. I think he'll manage to pay even his enormous electricity bills.



Page 8: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

O RE C OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February I la. 1967




ai 4e,t 4t • records for sole

ROCK •ht . ROLL TI ME Ai rmin Romer . by' LARRY

WILLIA MS. FATS DO MINO. RONNIE HA WKINS, and others Also new Ma n by Wilson nenni. IAIRACIES, Li me Am w ay Mites MKS. Check Jackson. RJ.iA-. FJ.ACKSON and many more.

for Liat• or gel -Friday M. 2 p m, Saturday 10. 5 m,



ECORD BAZAAR. M M. froo m 2. - Write toe Ile.. -1142-• Argyle Si.

HI YOU live In Sweden, Norway. Inland, Germany ele, then why ot buy your Brillad records tra m our speedy. la• free. w eal necurd Re ece Tandy O M Cl. tea Rend pith Road. tiue minahatN. 37

011 1./.... Rock and Pon S for en Norwood Avenue. Rom ord. Eases.

POP. RE.AT and R & 11 !a me ns. II m ar go. Send to 12 Para

neo n De nha m. Norfolk

LUES. BOCK - rare. deletions. - •.e. to Lay ne... In Bro mwich

Street Italion. La ne

• song writi n g

TO WS WANTED by M ule Pub la m. lisiase - It St Albans Avenue. London. W I


0.11 It. Darden CI... meets. Ile On lord dm 1, London. W I

e p e nfrie nds

PENFRIENOS at home and abroad. se m p a e Mr free del ete - Earn peen Friendship Society. Burnley


le L P 's - - 15s. • - L P 's 1

Solo mon Burke: C oasters :

Eddie Cochran : Fats

Do I • D rift - A eth

Franklin : Berm E. King :

H ale Richard : Rick

Nelson : Sandy N elson :

Ji m my S mith : Joe Tex :

: etc., etc.. rte.

1 1.1 " S - - 2 9s. - - I. P's I

Hobby Bland t fitplIolv t

Billy Collier : Gene

Chandler : Don C a n :

E arly % : In a Foss :

H anle Ha wkins : Dale

Da wkins : Buddy lIolay :

impressions : Ella Ja mes :

Freddy Ring : Ji m my M e-

Craeldin : Garnett M e ans

W HI N Mitchell : blankets :

011a Reddlng : Gene Pitney

Sa m and Dave : t all

M il an o : and I.00's m ore

Send large a t e. for Hots


SII Q P ( R)



JEANS inyHonan autos in notaren sure. Elmer 17 in 70 Worldwide SUccestful ro mance.

HO MANI E OR PENFRIPNI M Knoriand / Abroad Thousanda al me mber.. Ori els Weill Friendship


11511K II 212 Petm e. w ewhere S • e tree de n . - Teen .. Club. Falcon House, Burnley MS

MARY M R 111.1 111EAll. lahrodur Mona everywhere Ori els free - 0/52 bhip Street. lorigh Wn 023

FRENCH eredionds, ah m e• tra m 12 to 21. Send • me for free de Mite - A men French Corre mondenee Club. IMenley

TEENS I TWENTIES. Penfriende tio m mabenad NI E C P The Arbour tainhill. /Dreary. Yorashlre

PEN PAIS FRO M Mk COUNTRIES would like lo wriespund with rota talait. and MO phone tree cer

IL Rog I7/ M. Ger many

PENFRIENON of all ages Conn denlo e service S a e for free derails - - penirienelia- 13 Avenue Road. Ha mpton, Médell ues

INTRODUCTIONS la new trien t Il the opposite sea •r aaaaa d by put Me mbers aged 16 upwards every where. Detain under cilla cover Ro m: M•ylair introduction. Brea Ail ment II. 60 Neal S eeeee . Landon. W C

SPECIAL OFFER, LadIe• send only in for pen pals magastne and free me mbership. C S. ISO Ilitereln St I. liondeawade. Reds

MANY INTER ESTING Pe er/ends tor you. - Dei mi• • Le. North M anse. neechlavm. MIdiaphoww. . Cornwall

e fo n cl u bs

sig m a PALL *Printer/A MON SOCIETY. me to Mi n Pal sanders is Carlisle strems tan don. W I

m anci e EAPIE tan ebb, See n Ia n. 47 Co ward St. WI, 1021,

ROLLING STONES FAN CLUB. na. It New Hi nt London. W.0 I


IMEST1ON. Carr. Rushee. Conter. (o mens Milan and Carter ant

T o nto


be in Ille Midlands 201h 10 N e

February in scotch &



a will be pleased lO i mage

dar n Id availability and oraem

'sl am devils irom anyone

inl a nd at ter m House. Alben

Eenbank am. London SEI

LI MNING, BREW ERS. Hi ntz. oickly overeorne by my fa mous .14,rear old re medy Write now lo tener Rivers ils M-el 2 SI. Ma n, He m Huntingdon. Menlo

HENCE rene w « teannua make - gave ti send only na. m eal &we to. Payne. 24 Ardmore Road.

'PR EVENT of •17. Jerry l a and Richard? No! Chuck Henry eb rrrrr lour . - M ere Society. 4 Greenbeld Road. BIr minaha m. 17

e p u blicatio ns

(Morel . AMERICAN ereoens, a ur a la ms Ism VMS 5.• Mal colon Jones. Dalton hall. Virgo . Park. manehester.

a s *re m far eeeee ined ad venne urnin In ad. per wind Pre.pald loe all Rellans.

Alliverelse ments should be we/ mined br Thursday al the seen ac cordion pe0114,11en, Au adnerlise ments are ashler, le approved by loe publisher,



Now a look at these new recur . DEA N'S SINGLE: Open Up line noon Let T M Good

Ti mes. IN I'm N M The Marrying Kind (Resole 7052 M. )e A Innel clapping amiable son of 'Ingle which see ms ear. • • marked for the ch•rtn. Penned by Ra mona Redd and 0 Mitchell Torok. Ws a party atrn uptere bit with Sing

a. . quaili ng Well worth • spin-you'll be horned in. stand, TOP wi r re TIP

W DEAN'S EP: Oren Marlin Songs "che Clore DI save', O --On The Sunny Side Of The Street: If You Knew Stitle1 Side By Side: The Gai n tn. lose Olean . REP 30070e.

ds ..! Snows le•lured by the (Wan In M ho Silence ," -.... all "te' oldien and all winalng, yet with that effortless erne that

O , marks Mtn oUt. So he & mini Cli ent. Much. eaten In tenses -who cared Dean la positively. absolutely. at home with Oils sort of lannliar m merial.

E DEAR S LP: tat Ease WIth Ilean't -11 t Had You: Wiwi Can I Say After I'm Sorry: The One I Love:

O renal . Ws The Talk Of The lawn: Naby Won't Witli

C b . rakee. ia :Mildien t Inane "111(lbroaaan WeeC tild i t ut STunia "arm:. CCI allne Ilo Me illepri e ELI' Anal inch conducled by les

Brawn. with Ken Lane on Mann and some One arrange. /XS Meat. bs Ernie re coman. You'll Snow niost nt the Mimi.

1 3. C hut there are ac me evocative sleeve note. 1 :.:.oorunbt; • loloa loa thus nog sean bencina lhe w ei rs

• exier mr • la Z. tattlIng bu gh .1.11 7. "10nUe Chia Caeal else

e _ itbu„,..enn; le ten D▪ ean •tu mbling in vault %if tine

e l= hitting lita with agiar aleihne liagehil'aaa "'I.' " tale. PreinratIon for another magniric Ir 'Sa ne"' an In c . no r ones no ease , nano no hon na g., t arrange Nun

C Air his boy's record: DINO. LI C tend* BILLY; gi

0 e nn rroono tt ekin. 200441. 'mp I'm Thintin% ibetty Fla mingo Do toys in - murderer's Rod," flenudhals p obtriyfr eaele« be het yet for the charts here Very brook randb beattbil l bull. twe ak.. * * *


albums reviewed by Norman1opling and Peter Jones



G ENE PITNEY - Young War n And Wonderful - - Young War m And Wonderful: ame as Kar m a: Serenade 01 The Nell.; Where Is Your Hearn Silver Ilra nktal On A Slaw Boat To Chi n. Far Away Ela m; Her There: South 01 The Herder, Till The End or Tionel I'll Re Reel . You: Two Sleepy Prante eeeee aide si. 101041.

COLOUR un thr ROM mid hock er ne nt IMs new Pitney LP, welch contain. a nu m

ber of a sands, Not really up to hit navel standard.. Dui Ida fen wonl hare •ny Complain ,. ID von. n Hill more nulled to dra ma. or ionors. then lo ordinary M en

* * *

1.0{1 RA W L, " -• A Whale lenta wo man: lave In A Harlin" Tine: Ea Ill s To Laugh. se Easy To m y; Taure The /met Owiri Espi es, what N or Mc Lose: Me mory Lane: Old Man, Me mories; It Was A Very Good Year: Growing Old O ncetully, Old Folks; M aurine Le m .; On A Cle m Da m Br ukIng My M elt W ar n e T 25440.

ola on one of A merica's mono p ubler singers. yet in Britain 1e isn't too well

known. It style cif ai ming in au Oar re moved Do m Me usual W u of di molhe we slanged R A Fi that nne tends In . ..Male him more with the Brook Menton-Jim my Be mis &we at epe e .. Hal Lou In very tndtvtdual. imd hin voter gr ub on ono - he is e m • very winging singer ens n ss nes be • powerful. ethylene yet Hotta. da minating Il, It I rrrrr m barking More far the young marrieds per. Imps than the w in. eel. * * *

CLIFF BE.NNETT 'Gel Tu Gel %Me In W Our LU C - A Wunder. AMI Le n Good. ain, Levu Proud: 11.10.7811, Road. n u n: Baby Earls Day: 1.1 lo 4:el Toe late My life: Mireleall . Set ts , rei Not tired" M u Iler On Steil 0,0.5.0: ion lie . Ka m« Like I Know; See Bee Rider Kha n W erketakarte PMC 711,171.

NE MS answer to Sa m and Dave on • eollectIon of powerful wanks, which shown Cliff,

evident adini ntiun Ile the Allan. Ur sound. Tip sound in yen' Poliehed mat thin LP II Wad value for M ars far m ranso ming they haven't heard the °N e wly O no track is the hit, which is hitter than the Pestles" ° Miln e although - Ws A Wonde r Is Mlle w ont Ne ely Clif/ should One R • in O wed nrigo ula. or at leant Britian u ng, to tw D• out connectable talents. But t alon., runner' 1050 the No Diddle, song. at ;whiled. MO Me Jr. Walker one

* * *

VARIOUS ARTIST ES "T M Mike R m.. Blu m Show'' -Leyee Camp Moan. eeeee Alexander' Match M s Blu m - Blind Le man Jeder. Som. W eb Rl ed. In.-Gus Cannon, Jim .. .Perm Four Tul Late - *uteri Josh ua..., Cow row Blues -Sperkled Red: law Friends - Helena » he n See See Elder -teadbeu m Willk Mee blues - rill isol Be a n: The Shy in Ita M• - Sonny Roy I'M am mo lam Down My Re my Loud - Mi nnie Mr0heri Ite Wl Trent Th e Man l o, Way Yen "tr eed Me - LIghtnin• Hopkins: Emotion. Al your Doer - El more Ja mes (ERA IM O.

7•11/11:000 la.Eno inn renono t domb anfolenronnothro

**lib Mike talking annul the crco,rdn between nine ae,,, n, to speak t' co met oul an an rrrr sling •nd infor mal ive

w 11h sonar salle rare, and enlerlaining amo inter milnit Mu m sons'. Included Although ihn In nor m .? % metaled. it could tie ai med by any older pop fan too * • *


Day WIII Co me: Meskaa Rose Rare: I will wan For yen: pe w

• Tse * el Sleet, Rag: The Rork So u, Ma me: nulle loada,' "tasi lia nrea mns Me loa m: l'on Carl m.: F RI« . Teak, Jae. Vlara. la w titre Int. NEI. 3E1 .1.

LtTANDING nun. only. •nd an. ether excellent albu m fro m Herb Mid Me lane There

Ito more subtlety on sonie ul these Oaths Man on prey.ous albu m. kind the whale Mang blenda I,' yet her well Great toe Your S unnth fancy e mit "Drily.

* * 1 *

RITCHIE VALENS 'MID Grea Mal 11140." - Donna: We nelans nether; Fro m Ileyead: Stay Reticle Me: Bluebirds Over The Mennlen: In A M O MS. Town: Malagge mi, La lea mbo; Co me On Lela Go: R ut.' All M at: Cry. Cry. t ry; Di ne Up {Pres., . Pal. 11011.

w..... 7rel"...• "•"•".s. Ira est loo n uir reeardino ,

and cert•Inly didn't h•ve M ee to fulfil Pie musical pro mise he nhowed„ Most of these Darks are ateroght rock. bug Mere Is toe nostalgic "Donna' . and De stand. •rd La n•inha - le boost DI M. along An I.P tor one rota nun. lalgie sob but Ihe moan' . trairedY in even greater than Buddy H eld. - al lewd Belly hart los t or brilliant to ms Valens only had lime to leave a pt nelle lee

* * *

CHRIS M ONTEZ 'Mime After Time" IPte Ial. NPL 441171.

ONLY then Mantes could ire to mate - Lei Red Hiding Hued • sound tile ' The

More I See You". The sound is cannel. but Ch., voice loll losi strong es pecially on the leers, willow. mush backing and bis claw D un ru m, not endear the mselves to to me listeners, line I no lits rn•y not be • nerd Oto t_lu

* *

DAVID BLUE "David Mieliden EEL EOM/.

IILi t na a na Who ronotheorn ?),:lanoloonConopnyolso l.

to loot •rd en• like Dylan Its voice lacks the •ppee, Bob,. bal Were LI a sing- Mo m paraphlet enclosed with the di m. which may be sa me consul/ Mon if so meone given you thin an • nrwie m Then you can get • Dull out el it all. Nol rrrrr ly mind.expandina. * *

JI M MY hathistris "A Bag Full Cl Sea r - I Cover The Water. frent: D. It. Moen Purls One And Do m See See Elder: Red Meer Blue& itelletulalii Bo no. Ban O M: On The W•y H ake oUntied Artist. .

CbU1TE. • capture for U A. fro m Sue - but this la • more swi m ./ LP and far less

bhievitnged than his ones for Sue. Nol as good allhough Ines fans would probably da mn.. - -On The Way Nonne" is Mir. -See See N eer - seed

* * *

JAN aN11 DEAN 01 Saa r - Little M u m Coupe: Me mphis: One Here Towle « ilatinins AMU Scheel limo There VeLedme Fe wel Tennensee: Peinktet Surf Route 1111.1 So m mer /dean. Fun, I Gotta Mice: liebleek Red; W art 2i: nor m. Ilse Beheel.lion Driver (Liberty LBY 11311.

A cottErwrom of old J ., and Dean ite m, all or which are at le mi three yea n old Their

ton ne in.cheek vend* . of - Me m. phi," lit's 11ORRIn uci mid Del: ba ba ha Mete (LOVELY/ like

well with De Invariable nun m u,

-1,1111e Deuce Coupd • and the other Coupe mini m 1 think that Reach Roy fana would lap Ian up to late their Minds off Brian Wilson s ne men.inn ered creatio n * de *

»EL SHANNON 'Moral Cd m mli. men , - Ceder My Thu mb: Red Rubber M AI: She Was Mlle: Where Were Yea When I Needed oone: The rrrrr Went Robb The

Piper: Manny: W ow Me: Dine Womb Lei Me: Whet M•k m Yell Run: I C•101 Ile Inn, Sum mer In The City 11.4 .11.


FANTASTICALLY in rrrrr "-IL Cover un thin - mind Deere

Pelee lop, sha man's ruck slanted heavy pop style

co mes arr .. beller on thin LP than his Imi - This Is My Rem" dos E ms Mack gon er worthy -he. "Pied Pipe r e sone be e fmourile• m e here. with same of Del's own song• Thlo In rerlainly an unpretentiously en lotable heal M ain, * * *

NAJA M ARI MBA BAND ••Watch Mi r W ye lal NI L beddl.


It In Mao merry Me ne m sound all Ile way. and 1.1 n urse loads of false moustaches plastered on line group. who look as Ihrough tics are beginning to ar ms lotir men * * * *

VERA LYNN "More Hill 01 Tite

Bins" (H MV CLP 35101.

IIlA M MIA one el those'bark on the load old day.' things. Must have been run in ihe

MIAs and for everyone vdin en-laced il. he rt's Vera with • load of period tunes like •Druning Down The River" "Td1 The Liens Ill tonRsi .ce. r", Aral , -711e siege rec . Your Coal - . a nd


E mail rai n personilled the spirit of the lime. an Ow sleeve notes point gun hut isla it strictly an LI" Mr the rnnre man mbniie of the Noni•litle Its • * *

SA M THE SHA M AND THE PHARAOHS "Lai Red R USH lIned" tMti M t' tait).

y Oletn :p n'I ne•atZly saoyo thatiaion tannoto

tie all tame Al most every bract hag Dal insidious t b DRY Dilly - backing. micept few the wonderfully •musin• liGe track The whole LI" is epito mised wrib rhe -ProaraoltA GO Lci- tract. nr ihe tille an least

* * *

NEIL DIA MOND •M be Feel 0! Nell Diamond" -- Solitary M an: fled a mber Ra m La Bo mbe: Tee It, Hanky IMMON. Moodie Ma w day: New ome ns: sume Baby. L Get Tite reeled" I'll Co me Rawal ut U na To Love: CherrY•

Che m' ca me + HAZ

O 'er of o r r at T eaat gra c:luil: a Mile - Neil co me. out

with an albu m whEla MI MI have been better Foe • ma n no one really wants nu hear .. .lies M R "Wanly Panty" or Piers terrible version of - La Mamba -. Yet Ins own songs. even De on « when haven't been on w holes. lobe - LW

To Le . - are extre mely good Sosia. Real track is “Solélary Man, - but not much better own

use of in. others * 0 *

HIS n an ever s natchy record with io.da 01 ap peal

sitELBY PLANT "Masi Your P ee Tu. Ilso W WI" - The Greta s aves on Snam mr: Mersaight: T M Lily; Yesterd•yi Softly As I leave Yam: ram %Mir Fate To

I've Grows Acc . .aed To Your Face: Att . Hi ta. I Will Lore You: li Mehlrol: Our Towel Angel es My Shoulder 'London HAT U PI.

BREATHY Mips HIM haa a very appe Minii voice. which Is Put to a ge nes of lateennhi

mood non . on this One LP. You could call her A merica's Marianne Faithbil - but Shelben mike n u more range, it we •• t ai .twe. A harmless LP

* * *

extended play DILLY STEP/ART - I De Love

yea h - Molise In The Parlor Strange Feeling: Bernas. I lame You; I Do lane Yen W hen, CRE 6.241. Four topside., all with that waveringly pi nning Stevan Vocal. Worst track là •Deca me I love

RONNIE MIISAP AND ROSCOE Eastra me• -soul sen mu mem - a nt Na Saul: se a m Branela Fro m Ille Old Te nt n ars Enough: One Mere M me W ye Int. NI'L H MS,. A couple of some. what mediocre R • 11 Mlleea put together Dr an EP with an in. leveeing rover. GENO W ASHINGTON AND THE

RA M JA M BAND G M° - Always; Ill 110 ilnuet', water: Il You R m. ante nn a REP 14,2141. Two of Gran's modereely were n't°, singles lumped together low Dose who want lo tech up. Ms version si Galway , is so mewhat painful. GENE PITNEY w ilefes Mn

LIM . Without Your LOvinir - There's No Living Without Ya m Loving. ID The, Cold Lia . Of Day: The Rising Tide Of LO U. n e twice Daughter (stateside

10451,. Three hitherio unissued Iract• Dim the prolific. Mr Edney. plus "The BOSS'S Milighler• which has been Included 101. SO M. doubtless dart reasOn. ELLA FITZGERALD "These

Boot. Are Made For W ailleg" - These Beets: The Mo ment Of / TI M stardust: W m Joni A Leek, lo A So IS rrrrr Ide SE 1•110. Not everyone liked Ella, version li Me Die m u In tari it would he hard so In and so meone who 414 like II nut the teal or the semi, are moot more her JI M MY JA MES AND THE

VAGABONDS ...ARM Love food

Good: This Re nt Of MOW: RI M ddley M . nse. none Pet er . Gel Ready iMeraditly NEP Dealt One of hest and more under r•Ied groups on • col. lecilan strung logether from pre. viously Issued Singles and LP irark• THE PERICE/Le “Merlitettewni

Ride" - MownInglawn Ride: Red Rubber RA M Walk With Met W ere Mold « On ecole mbla BEG a mt. Pour perigee unite Dorn Iba group - a nice record this. and Ideal (or any seekerm Ims who've mi med theme sane, HARRY M ORTI MER 'Minna The

Ceest .. - Ela n • Shi ms Forever: WalhInn .• Posh Som mer MINI*: Invincible Eagle Ireambla sen 11 351, T e massed panda of 11 M r. Fairey and Fmk «a on these brass band lavniariles Solid 'dieting snip BARBRA STREISAND h tleeetil

Rand Rase' - Second Rand ROM, Rua Yeti Made The Penn Too Lang: The Mi mic Walt. limther Can You Spare A M a w P m Pive: sweet Tem ialIS ne 413.11. AI ens Inles lar EP Mice, yen cant M O W co mplain - eaperially when M at Slrewand it the ellate.

TONY BENNETT °Tbe Beal Of Itennei r - I leen My Read In a n Ininelse m T e Very TImught Of Yew: If I Poled The Wand: win Can I Turn le ir M triv M O. Mi me of Tones more recent hots here. Including De d mrse perennial "San Frauna'ioeo", Good (or m ote' one wim dr a m Irani lo fort nut a smell fortune tar all of the m On singles

ANDY WILLIA MS ° Andy.* Hewett - Al most There, Bye Ore

P▪ lu m; In The Arma 01 Lave: Mn, E mit Day ICES RP 4115,21. Llte the olds says - Ns incest hit.. After aid. - Al ma*, There" reached 1110 a urnerhole preirion of Na 2 pie uso Min n are all & moot iinndards Geed. W O a cla m pop record.

STA RS (IF CORONATION ST. "Si naloa. Al The a vers ne o n-

/Gr u el* GTVR D. To m ole the Rhone maim - The oiliness of Coronation St. meet inside the Rover a Return In song all the great pub song& - from 'She's A La me fro m Lancanturu • lo slu m Me 'One Way To Gn Ho me' - wilt. • aide bur ley on the 'Yellow Sub marine."

CATERINA CASELL1 - Fred a: G t.. . » Dee" Nes n me MI Poo Giraellearel Se Le libel Tu ICES EP 01210. She noun . • bin hike Dusty gi ving Italian gong. - lo If that', what yola like you can't go wrens A toad voice. and Mane ameba, dra matic sons, the the Italiala are w fond of.

TONY DEL M ONACO - TI M 141a. R unde SI Alga Lo w: Se La Vita E Cent: Can L'Alute Del Too Amore OCRS EP U M W Son of at mospheric Italian Fluff - rather • la Marino Made. and N. elec-tric sounding lots. Rut rot Penned tar Has wintry time of year when we need so mething a M O, mare

ADAK eVTLEK AND THE WAI MEA& "Scru mpy & welder', - MU. 1111, T in, m art At •Ee Jacket Dena Up The rider M ohirroblat SEG. u m! So me s. m &NM. M o m kw all of you people who like Coder which ran hare an In rrrrrr ing effect on you -It could even malm you hey M u record KEN DODO iilliddyneva ii - The

NIkky Nokty Na. Song: biddy. to mbe mir: the be n el The IlIddy Meat The Ballad 0/ bl urry Ask M olg mbla SEC. U M/ Ken Dodd n dlelinCtove 'ma s at comes raver well here. mid M D makte a s record fur De Sid. dies to keen them amused hela re bedti me Good [over. IS..

THE YARI DIRDS •Mardher en over. Under. Sideway, Lio n; I Can't M ere Your Way: Ile, Always There: What Ile You Want ICblurnbla SEO SI211 Four *If. penned so ma fro m the Yarding *, who aren't doing tri well al they used to. They M ould int away fro m this droning wend on this

Page 9: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

RE C OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February I 101. 19*7 9

reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Jones new singles reviewed by Peter Jones

CAR OL FRIDAY: I lata Around Me, Ma healer (Par . R Man. Feathery donna. lianinichord.effe.i. Ilien a ine mhy ana rather way per liermince fro m the lemma. girl I- ridas I. an i really see Ii al a bti. but lit a well. . . (hot Bo nus su n * * * *

GRAHA M BOND ORGANISATION/ %bi n. Goli n ilote Lute Ra nt I Lane You iltage One Pot HAL Advent,* nrovressne debt) rrrrr Sounds all round - but really • special.. Bent E di na * * * *

KI M DAVIS, Tell It Like 11 Is, The Losing Kind sells KIS481. Wh ml• Mg Mi n for snit • Mlle met A com mended local m elon td the US MI do A non Neville Maw. pulsating * * *

PAUL ANKAt I Doti Wain to Caleb Fil m "toured Vina Ani mate: Sunrise. Mu nn (RCA Ven n INI D. A mod nl Jealousy and puundni aluni ., Pa n. Paul at hi. mom inent bin la Il enough ta at hi m hash In It,. charts I Doubt 11 * • *

JI M MY WI LSON and THE Edelweiss/ %%ere We Selena tilee n F L23441. Standout perfor manie Irmo • 'nu n chop I ni sure wall mule il him, once he sent pled,. Mi n na. Gle n gi mip Joins alita on the - So ma Of Made .' Id, Must Sell steadily * • * *

PON COVaie/ Shin ning NE I Wis There (Atlantic M O M. One he the R atol 11 char , a wild.edued dircuthe ne valet ut seller * dr * *

THE LOVE AFFAIR: She Smiled Sweetly: Saildaellon G nra deed io nes F M a n Enthusiammodle re m minerned debug by e young group O man backing on • budding and mecca . sang, w1th strong Mi n n.] appeal * * * *

JOHNNY RIVERS: Baby I Need Your I nla y Getttn• Heady For To morrow (Liberty M M. Rather too-Ornilar. it the Four Tote' linden ••••• nal rocked up in usual Rivers. style Good pang, latch, could be - mi n but It Ina ni nes a tip * * * *

TRIP41 LOPEZ: Gonna Gel Along Win n. In Now; Love L nier IReprhe M UD. Fate enough, a n revival of Ma Patience . 0 Prude n. Oldee. but TOM loses some of h, m ark with nit eo n * * * *

ROGER DENISON: This Jud flees*. See m TO fie MY Dart She Wander. Through My Mind (Parlaphune R 23441. M ortlah air hest on this bo ne Hart song. ItO darned catchy. weliperior med end h. rrrrrrr men' on n ee-Inler nring. Com mercial, tore like II • loi-could reuniter latv. * * * *

THE GNOMES OF ZURICH: li ng Un Be nt Bluer. Far My Baby iCKS 10111.1. A nther one th at ou mould cluck. Powering dru ms, piano. then • lead volee of considerable attack. Group nearly made it lam unie out -lhis one Is be nt. * * * *

IIA MILTON AND TI M M OVE MENT: I'm Nao The Marr ase Kind; My lave Belongs To Eau HIM 2•2S731. Very good Out rather rrrrr imtned parto and thin could hold hie frantic healer hack , * * * *

NEIL DIA MOND: Votà G M To Me: So meday Baby "Lennon /ILL tends you mil llar in wend hall lack. priso n' pull here 710,0 ion's his

bed ma n. M O WRY * * * *

SHIRLEY BASSET: The Ini narl de Ore n: Ile I Look Like A Fool (United Artillt. 1173/. A imo nilly big ballad. beautifully piny and • '' Possible .. il onlY II hadn't Marled ba Howl, It'll Mil Moo n * * * *

rapid reviews T oie PO WERPACK (CBS 2t121511.on . 1 II lie Anything For You",

get fair coininercial intoarl Mi a Bobby Hebb Original For plane. ItInviller n RuNNIE RICH. TM two pla ns, and - Ti m O. My hang" (li m n F A re. need 43. or m mething "Lad Moh r by the MAILICEYS (Atlantic 2410741, 'mod enough instru mentslin in re dIr interest Ja maican war with e fine 'he r and sense ol style In hluesy n on . JI M MY CLIFF on - Give And Ta n- Orland Will 6000, brassy. n etting, sale able. Mod curious: GREAT UNCI E FRED (a do n, folks, rail a rota. lio n and - 1'm In Love W M' An Ex-Beauty Queen - IMO . 211 M M, an anale •I racy te mpo with un tied blis. There's a . n .1 . following tor the VIREllioUSE FIVE PLUS T WO mod . thro nn uRn anule "Ma me' (Goad Ti me Jazz 7420E Much mentioned US moue. the BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD: now nut on "por mono inn Worth" (Atlantic 114077). but t really ran I make up my mind about y

• • • • TONY AND TEIIHI. we n - Fin

No Ono •• (Monu ment I n n might 11101 ni ne IL with a letli.y, power in per rrrrr ante - M atte wing, ni courte rm. for Ore. -Reach The Tap" by THE W EST COAST OF.I.E• GATION doer ., D M 1171. because Ws dead lively and punchy and aorta n o n nn you I nay Ka ne M O Nei man". ny W HISTLING JACK SMITH (Deni m DM 1121. is et M od 1111.: bol I ncle m . bill in'. very catchy and could suirpora aill 00 is JOE SI MON. on -'Mn Special Prayer" M onu ment 10041. Is either • beagle of • limddle - religio n wor n blu ntly sum( Br-rivai of o very old wo n, hui rmw treated nuidernIstically and in styk: "Man W I The Flying n ao ea r 'C M( 2025 Mt. vocal gy mnastics hr LEAPT LEE. De nnely till mad on - To. Y , by BILLY JOE ROYAL In n 202S-141 but 't'a more

the me. tin the singer. TIIE FOUR EVF.RS sound like

o IM of other groups nn LoVely Way 'lb Say Goodnight - (CBS 20234 d, hut d's rather a smooth Song. Hig Arneritan baliadera JENNY VALE M un n equally snualli on -I've Lost My n on Ah il " W as 212 2421 but Ws a bit *mare. Very pa nder discotheque perfor mance, ERROL OISON and me swinging - I Mint Wani -

Wire d DS 10021 - descries hip support Rather predictable. lay 'inandoli ntype with le ns sound of THE RAJA MARI MBA HAND and -Riders In The Ike" In? Inn. 23410E Addnional toner un the

hit Irani illui MIA MI W •iNteS Inn 172331 re m catchy. Dim new to Ind JEFF AND JON who si n •• Ren Huy Run" 11 (arluphone RI-102) with languid e nv bin we recall the sal ted Mark nr Mln•I TUT. LORDS. on •'Don's Mince slitter -

/Colu mbia DR 11311, grind and roar In a Mod raci ng and Modern war

Good Old DON CHARLES ale's• lot of feeling into ••Briew Your

Love To ble- IliarI nnane It &Mai . . • pro lob Traditional Irish ale m llie Rena me" and traditional vo n of BRENDAN BO WYER blend well (H MV Pop 13701. 1 like TONI EDEN'S Derisio n attack on • YUM MY Vt. M e ng You- (United Ann . UP 11711 but it ain't ene the chant, -die Mon Flom The

jarciare !Guidance and Ada ire Bureau- gets recto:nation THE KNACK l rye Piccadilly 357675, a poignant mars line rung Popular, Our su m. In behind DICKIE ROCK ANO THE MIA MI and - When Ymi Cry - il•ye 577530, muli mene ddy Al m Dorn Inland THE DRA. C. rrrr NS and "Caatlehar • 02301, - ca nnily nib titled -can lean An hharraigh- Choral music, - try GUNTER KALL MANN'S treat ment of - wish Me A Rainbow -

iPolydor 367271. a theme ir Properly Is Conde mned-

A me nan cabaret oar realistically co mpared lo Miso sum med ta LEE M EZA who sings - If It Ha de n, inateside IS SRO with ability THE HAPPENINGS and - Goodnight Ma. Love" (StalesIde SS 3171 • Mt hit and supere mooth rection ol a ✓ainantic sang MI ME IND ('RANC E, GREEN.

on be .11.penned - NOW Entree

(2"--non ciro;I:7 rrrrrr 722m, macIn in

TIE M USIC EXPLOSION/ - On Black Kgy - following ihe A merican veral m lPhiilpe BF in n hardly explode but lir quite letch' mely ante n na, dniy of a di n loa d met al Mt n "Ru mble on Mersey Square Roulh •• IForolan• TV NHL hr WI MPLE WINI11. who gel a lot n ppening And Hie Cha nel:1/E -T M Wa n Of A M .-. innate. liF IM O - Oar me an exce diand max

• • • • THE CATS hate the benefit of

a fireenaw n rook tone of dvie in - Wil d A M ary Life - IParin. Plione N Ma n and their treat ment it fair n ou n - The Lun n The Ia n And The Life - be IVAN HOLMES n olunei Ma 011 hIlt. oaf. penned, is a char mIng. melodic anti nf mi n na dir lung, and an idea 1111 catch on SIR lei , LIA R and -Shakespeare. shrew -

(Stateside Sahel, simply create runof'herein. A me nan neon sounds, nowt else Extre me senn merilalily• - Daddy .. tattle Cy r by AL LOGAN (Colu mbia 011 10171. more than likely a fa mily lave

- Never Like Title Refo m.•• ht WILLIA M BELL 'Atlantic 111.1075t, la one that needn pushing hard but la worth the suppon -a mid te m . healer with vocal gi m micks imbue

luny arana to on • pup record -na. inn is BILLY GRAHA M nil tee ESCALATORS fAllanfic

mue hrecordcd R and R ite m, To n ne new

• • • • THE SANDS OF TI ME have •

J•clie Trent.Tony Iltich so n In

We • perky mi nenno nu m ber wa n sortly.har monise4 I nca Welcome Ti n ELECTRIC PRUNES on *1 Had Two Morn To Drea d n ett Night E• (Repo » 295321 fee they mend guile fruity, electronically, and vocally. too - Walk Tall -. net Ow Da ntean one. Is by I OF CLUBS (Preside d PT 12 n an okay song well.sunit. Written by the meelvey •'I m et Want II" IMerctry M F M E snows off the CY MBALJNE vocal touch ta a Inn degree . very good Poe Me cart. ..punnet lane .Thunderbird , The me fro m THE TILSLEY ORCHESTRAL W onlan• TF 7131, .111 041' CASTOR. on "Hey. laroy. Your M• ma •s Catlin. You" (Phill m OF I54.11. gets • bi n ned met of coloured rhyth m uoing tag nil in A merico ten InnsitelY not for



Had You ine rt. F M ill Another Jerry Lee I nk Ce ntre vit le nu mber' and Tem render; li with line wititImieley Wi n Me tallite ,lalkle hid In ihe Middle. He Is In the blg city and he, a bit a failure and he wan , la get hart. Mon a pride inn all. la RIO old ho metown. Vera murk the mine fa nny . n e fireen rrrr •• - M uch we nt harm Ii na

all. Rd I wonder tf be • nu n her one. Fil m A Minh sided ., heater.


Britai n Anti another •'Snimpy The lied liarort". ny JOI1N SMITH AND THE NE W SOUND (Philips /IF Me n and In n, no reason why ir •houldn't plat di a fair M ire of

-Can Pm query the MA NI MITANS 'Carnival CAR 1111" -they PAN, In lad. slog Mil I didn't like the none THE ATTACK di Mal on - Try M e na F 12530i. with mare of Ur n lyrics Mar need close attention and should peeve Pi nter. In ihe Soul Supply series SA M MIE JOHN and • blue .. tortuous. dangling 1.1111e John" SS M M, with inspired Ma n rirs helping me and MAJOR LANCE on - Ain't No Soul tin The M I Mows , tralu mnia Oil 11117, by no means his bear re m amnenmt•u lful. Set will m own rrrrr I mn

• • • INSTON ti. see m• la me In !deserve lin net did Ills - Mother FergulOWs Love

Du n. W erra F 1235111 is both original and well perfarrned-ord n y it's com mercial tip earn. one CAPITOL SHO WBANIE featuring M N Kelly. on -The turret, Oil Ban n ne • ar m 111173 If whir slanted, TO M MY COOPER tri m desperately to tell a gag ar m - Fi nny Tnin m r mst so me choral work Hite II159/ and fall• et ever -I nept in garnering giggles A nent. . Mi med , 'Medic" hy line anter niented BILL C OSIST "War ter Be n 31/21. Bur gnaw frn m the TONY MATCH SINGEILS AND SWINGERS will - Co medy Tonlich r Rye 172,111. In eon of Ih mg that cm randy retch on, chai n., MI MED: CARROLL dre nen up -The E mitter Ba r /Philips IM 13411 ch aining MI hardly m delyro m mercIal style. Fro m Me new di n - 110 In The Shade" (Colu mMa fill n121 1. the Utle wing by Her JOEL W ARFIELD (Velu m all OR M d .. THE SKINDOGS. new in me,

tackle - Inn Do 'nu Think Via Are" I nntana TV 7901 with spiry and bassami na gi m miebs - and Ws a renal sound JOE DOLAR AND TRE DRIFTERS have a n od emit"olt mng in - The ifouse Wi m The Whileie nned Gable- W ye Il a n a Senti mental ballad. In the Soul Supply eerie, EDDIE JEFFERSON on Mionte Other Ti me" IStalelide SS SOIL a bluely wailing n uttier but a Mlle too dinner lo other recent rei n/es THE SOUL CI TY. on "Everybody Donee Now . Ini MeMPorkway e 103I. sound si mple Woke al a mats of ni neteen material. E ni d. in. the yule. of Gary Kane. TH E RAVENS lung -Sa me Old Fool" Gaye 172541 Mill liachelnElthcharin and buoyancy. in Itaunir Estyle Seirpenned - Sweet Than," hit NAT STUCKEY (Pee Inl 234 031, Is • deenvniced chatter of calchy melody and carte bin rrnt ad much lot Mill . al A rnett . From RECTOR RIVERA Polydor 5072111. • hand.Clapper M a perfor mance on ”Al. The Pert ,. a Milld Inn retest .. Blend al hen A merican groups

(the Talo n and the Kirby Mane Fati M to ma n UNITED STATES DOUBLE QUARTET and on •tile fa Groovy- (Mstelide SS 390/ then «el • nlee bla * Mid dit MinehOW It m unch ton chorally for success Ha n n JOHNNY HA WKS WORTIL With hes Trio. - Mack W eek -

Itolu Mbla PB 01201 In • W S Mt n* way and it M U M Click an • M N of •Mlicola" cliches%

TOR MAI MPI ETTES n e rrrrr rrrrr I ./Urea ID The Ga me: I Think I Can Change Sou (Ta mil Mai m . Trill si n, This doe m .1 do murk for ine but Nor manlopling in ner me it M S make the Miens And he Minks n's sI mnsin is In just being Ta m. - with • fair ar n.....a n appeal, sam e is m

much M u ii he the girl this lime Ellp InelWr and for me Mei n


Tile TRCH.I.S/ la m 11 in Me. Yacer Lying Ile ne Une POE OISE I found lean of mi ned. . Interest in Idu. bul Men I placed Il • Hu mo m 11m ru: resell - n n't get It out of me not The sang la basically

dyna mic lc builds to • cli max (ch urlo lust the tIlle plu me les a sort of rhyth mic onel yet

hard in gel the d mosphere across. May II: M y It. Flip m • fin of Te ns •Ii• thla in fine


THE DOLLI ES, On A I'arourelt All T M World la lane flOrlembent. R U r n M eal. tentle ment Tee n mine up with mea ner cre me .... and onglital tong . . dower Mae mi nt. ban Milt .11 Me usual Rothe Ingrediente el dyna mic vocal fur monies and ouddel Instru mental haelibm. Sa n bulkda beautifully o n mud he a ma ntle Mt Fhp. A wee


ROBBY DARIN: Li n e Ya m Anis "All a n M a ni in ner • sa ne n Mien treal Ment (ne lIlt John ! no nun song, mel Well, pee n, goo n Actually ItiMhy n et ea , lo n edi n foe a Top VI M spat but ids Me nd al le d rrrrrr throug h Ja ni na pla n power pie rrrrr ly behind a non de e hit of newel onipinlnn Min Mg. slaw of te m .

T M. Fo rty TIP

FR EGAL 501,40. (I nk N Girl, R rrrrr To Melle n INCA Vic In IMO. I liked the Nick> Seidl

also like tells, rather dllloernl ',far mers Mau d, II Is Soft slurred "delibera nt," •nd • gentle. har d.., leer Ito. one nl the bed Richard sea m. Ello. Jingle Jangle e nsile wifl.


(41•T HER TURNER/ Stand rly Me: Ym ne inad En migh For Me ta ns( 13.121. Martins with the lles, E. mini

n arks In Im. rarest Ions ... net or Ja mei Stewart and m on be el rrrrrr Wilson. Bo nd li ne n Hilly Stewart. Smoke> Rablowm. Clack M elo n. etc. les • Menthe nit In Ar nhem and cori he k need lent. Mist will the blues soul at mosphere F n. pure Spider.


San Re mo (R M Pic).

M ARIANNE FAITHFULL, Is nit Whet I Get Fee Lavi n You? To ni no n , Calling ellec n F M UM. Andrew Oldha m product... • for mer Re sellen Mt. and rd nee

fits the so n perfeella land n d. A satisfying lanai,

inange menli A hIll lea lane nearly four n nulen but should make Ike Fifty. Flip. mare Ilke Um old MO tiente,


P. P. ARNOLD: EVer dhlnies Gonna Br Alrighl; Li n Is Be Noshing (i m mediate 1M 040). Oru m a slow burntlua m a ns. rotten and plo mo. Then the ternoo hats to and P.le. • shapely old who was with the litett n. rrrrr m er Wy n n to an mob Ins ha n d, n oun who d m

plodding heal. Nat • mile tee reel hot I think 111•11 make II. Fil m tha n ✓ather better how well Mi n Arnold Mi n - • ballad.


TH E InEATI,E2u, Me nbe m Melds Former: Penny line (Par lophane n W O, One reo hr nee n • couple el o ne. In fully deseribe Re d. di ms Mete days, Take '' - berry Meld - . • , bato do a n let « roar M D dlialilly deor mai n, rolling. ondlt.I neked. ha numlu m-purnord min uMbelet.

rItZ troriti.;••;: ri:&. -. 2 rrrrrrr tail; rrrrr teal hut ma nisely co mpelling. Hut then how do you ne e. 'impede and MIND, with . 1,n , Ease". which la mostly Paul with M N of

Itoims narii:1 "a "p"cietir., mot hruceilr.l

Iront, with al mosphete, a tru mpet W i ndy sturdy heal. W hal n o do n y it; ploy It. both ski n. Mi n then study this iseticonstrucled pee music


T HE F OUR T OPS teen in London last m onth (R M Pic)

Mad-on tour with the Tops RIN G, ring! It's the Bell - Madeline. that

is -on the phone fro m up N orth and

talking about her tour with the Four

Tops: -

- W hat audiences! T hey see m to be very

si milar in every

to wn. T h e y' r e

great, they kno w

the songs and all

sing along. Full

hell .. H MI about

every where S mal.

lest audiences so

far w ere in Shot'

field w here the

first house w as

about half full

and the second

h o u s e th r e e.

T he T ops are

very nice guys, friendly and - as for as

can tell -they really like the Unlatch, i kno w they love fish and chips and they're

enthusiastic about N e wcastle Bro wn Ale.

T hey're m ad about singing A N D dancing. So meti mes it looks as though they just

don't w ant to M op

At w eekends w e re had Tony h ell co m-

pering and mid week the co m pere has been

Milig Felix w ho used to be the dru m mer

with the Migil Five. I guess their styles are quite di fferent. T ony Is In a M oto wn groove,

everybody knows this and he takes care to

M c Minn the Tops and M oto wn a lot giving


the kids w hat they want Ile's 00 CIIIITUS MS•

tic. Ile says so mething about each act. Mike

do n niOre joke telling. So far as I ran tell.

they're good gags but it's not easy to hear

w hat's go ng on onstage w hen you are

aleadillg backstage.

T here are al ways people co ming back.

stage. I feel sorry fur (he Tops. they're

Often the Vieti MS tit e bit too m uch ad mire.

tion. After the first house, w hen they w ant

to rest fro m doing a 40 or 50 minute act.

they only get about five minutes peace

before fans co me knocking on the door.

After the second house they co me straight

OITSIOKe, put to wels round the necks, put

on the coals and out to the car and lower. 'luring the perfor mances the fans re-

action is really unbelievable. At least, t

never expected to ece English people

behaving so wild. T hey strea m do wn the

aisles and, w hen they can, leap on the

stage. One girl actually leapt onto Levi's

back before he kne w w hat w as going on.

O n the w hole, though, the way the audiences

go berserk is mot like Beatles or Stoner.

berserk. It's m ore like 'we appreciate your

m usic' berserk, i've seen enthusiastic scenes

at Ja mes Bro wn concerts on London but

then m ost of the people w ho went berserk

were W est Indians. On thls tour I've seen

houses, like in Glasgo w. w here there

weren't any coloured faces in the audience

tout the response to the Tops w as neverlhe.

less tre mendous. HerSerk "The Only w ord

for It."

Page 10: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

10 REC OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February ii ch. 1967

r M Y Tifil1. SCENE

R OY. gve done niore travelling in the last ten days than n in the sa me nu mber of years Rut t ouldn't hose missed it for IIle world. There's s o M o d, difference boleern what -happens" In London and out lit the provinces You find the m digging co mpletely different sounds Including so me I rimer heard before [milking back on the Tops tour dates I did. I'd say that

at least one han se cc-cry night a as really rewarci ng. cr-

pan I was imire mely exciting Manchester wag enlivened hy the presence of the I as commit fans whir ca me damn fur a second helping At ', wester, they let their hair domn and enjoyed thenisehes lint Bir mingha m Mas just beautiful A sny hip. appreciate, audience. Ilespete the presence of sonic

"red caps" mho couldn't lllll lit dig the diller mice betMeen ala audience basing har mless healthy fun. And une that mas going to riot I've a lot 01 l nu m., of the lour So me hilarious So me

pathetic So me unprintable One of the ,,,,, enjoyable mas ti the Bin lllll gluon club called The Vast: mays. Da me> W U ha ms mas domastairs on stage mi ming. Upstairs al my table. Lawrence Ton peen. it makes a rhange fro m Seeker Jorly•I and Madelin e Pen sing the taud beautiful - and difficult - bar man) lines I've heard in ages I appY led the m MUM. than !Many! Oncidentalb. my apologies to various dim-min-our

lairs mho invited us that night Sorry. laul me eauldigt make ri Vi m kru m how it is that I 'trill he a nest time I INaMersa s covered ais 11111 01 ground as me did II ma>

interesting hi hear that so me of lll successfid A men-can Negro groups are openly - lll smeered> - acknun• 'edging the debt that the> -- anti other etrloured groups - lose tu, the neulles. I luir opening the (lour -Stul Ja mming the eay í,,r l,obhe accoplanee) And berag plat door, by their own people for iy Which is ridiculous

Actually, if we're really honest_ t think that al least once - Probably many more tunes - in our Ines_ mg go through a phase where me won't acknom ledge I he es mi mic, of any other music other than by coloured artistes IC> a sort t•(

t s-oh-Jun I hing. Then greduallY mi es mind Miens And O m' beco mes assure of great beauty in Mimic fro M the MeY eaPPN• site extre me, And yoli realise that goad llll sic has no racial harrier it's all giamitl Whereser lllll es fro m. Each is in a different hag. One lyrically. The other rhyth mically Maybe your evening mill Mart out with a abide Int of

soul sounds. Then, suddenly, you'll smiteh And your mood will centre round the alines( of 's ute records isVilliont the changovmee being that apparent Then. equally suddenly,

you'll get the urge to hear so me grrinvY things again Did it doesn't matter Pre mise. ag i said abase, it's all good. In the lists al records I reco m mend in this colu mn you'll

find both varieties And so me in-lielm een But every ho rn

we do reco m mend is meant - most hu mbly - ttm be the hest of its kind Sa if yuu bought thei,m. co,, might find, m e

miming1). that your llllll d nould broaden. And Oral JI M

can dig sounds that yilu'd really tried to lIet mith before. And Mid the m rewarding

I Milk hope the (la) mill e lllll e sala mi the coloured groups will adapt the best melodic and liar llllllllll things triait the while sounds. I can hear ut happening a little airead VerY Mindy Sul it is happening inn result email its' gonna paten beautiful! lllll

Anymay, mere back in Irmo again. /And next meek. for a change, let's get down to a little recard.playing ICY and cant up milli so me of the nem releases pile hut_ Best /rehire

closing. may I say what a kick il gave me id meet so lll l ay BM rea ders nib anti dour, the country You (mold alma » ill the m by tlie aPPI MMe they gave when Stark-line m mounced she was going to do ''Knock on W lllll 19!


Lamar roam tas, Ineladm r VOLI Se Alm a - New teen, gla Itacntarl a Earn

NM/ Needs Som mody To i.cise-wimon golten Malantem Tina Bubbles -1km liu titepriamt Lets Areantages iii feu - Beam Ulna diunlyillt : Mkt lees, - P. J. Prole il.lberlyat Peeler Ile Hone soon - lea m• Meardul Memo ll ll Hai m Mee Hand - Eddie elend Int's Fall In Lose-Leaches S Ueda Ilene,

Neu V.S. rel l as ll Include - stung ti, in vour Eyes - Brian inland to, and Ihna m - Ilrace .• the Raiders • "lumber: nay. 11r1P Ste - Perry > W m lAllsnIle), une. Mine mountain en Dine a namondi. The Lme 1 Saw In am Was Jibe a Moore - huma n & Men IS the Mer man apnea.. rm. Men Ma n. Theulselays awn cadet, imUhli; iii GIs, Vue

0 o. Time To mu m ti (her -- out, eiders graviton: Wench lllll thel lllll Sherman (wa rner Bros.,: Richard Carey - ene ma coop curno W W1, boom sound - Ian e. semi. M GM); Soul Time - miney gills leolumbtait font nu It - Math, Bolen. arhallengel: Mama' iimro- Mon lelmonts 1A11 0, Van Aiwa , min wk. noneee mun °to ur vi m Lowe ts Imponam To Me - Bella Em met mnen With O M nine-Planers Istuoron; baler ro• Tatane ron - Erne 1C-Due aliasen Keep Tear Fut!. Ilaby - Brook lemon MICAM Wore.. on Tour t ase - Ifloya clenperhale; I'm Menem-Ma - Clarence Green it IthylhInalre• Melee, a Uloon Want To Lone Tour Love - Mao Lads Malin Your lace is ,smia-loi 'shear Ions moms çarl lion'' Care - Gene Chandler eitrunheithri Mot On sunset Strip manning ITn wer , -

ONLY -DO WN FOR L.P.s I flatance 5 Mi n 5 d ira i, Ihe I I. P g. ter m mini Ole makers, Sri' named he men anywhere in Mreal }imam run se mi 3.) , with a list n1 Mu and non slate bra d ame. MUNIu eau lull

names zed ad ateo. I near 17 um supplied

Am popular 1..P Melanin« all HEATLEb. srieNEN. MaiNKEIM. DYLAN. 111 ,111 nu, S. El al,. 012111,.. 10t H TOPS. SUI MLMEs



Item are Om Trerrielers. 'e mend, e Ming it it ulna -Here lemea My Kaye Ma tics-and a deters ea me. rem It Is idve arrane ment• man min manna. ame emu nrid um au eith me mar nee rocerm .ai i,s, to re in moinim• animus lit, lid Mini man morn mai m M ho. in cu m o far i nc a barItilic

mama ot im mn. Mr •lierre ham ren n et untrai ned in On- ups •mdawn• ha m m mnenerd in um I,.,. Ice mane. • iiurstr site fiinti, iattr the,irt that if tau make • mod mat smnd a in, raw rhaure el !grilles id s , sad. , lee -id ti r i cia I la ha the hua,

names er faces by PETER


Eddie MO M haz h.ern tepees Ilse R & B Mara toe talle wale time, bush here and In the Staten with hit itrandantild Me ntal Mu. -Kr. .k on Mood" mare pr..- mea /Manor and max in me maim. Eddle le a been in ins in Sleal min me nI•tiam• and alter minting le he • mute Mr Many marg, be levied he l' leant In IOU, Mee Margret ha em it is lea, tat ti lar lanta•Ite "%WWI, No El m", but it, lada he lelt Itit MMa and loaned the Sallee label en uolde lime, 110 them Mr Illem 'flooded eNever tari Kony a 01 Veer tea r. -B11 lie Home For Chrlsi. ma , and "ra•Ite 1 ea Lour Mind''. Ito Fro dim me lax before his hit met - mass ilet Bette r. Ile n • amble mnximilin, basin. manned su ms Inc terra Thomas. SUIlend . Burke awl Wilson Picker. Ana he, m.perrero wa he *moil, and nn the Dirt Chula M OM, Be nee reelme In the sums it "Reef Your M ar.

_• Mere dlay pia Ode week learn Borah London OBI

Carol Feldzy. 111-yeanuld - and predured by moo Chris Sandraeal ash. ant in hoe tenais. is sao son Ina "Nall A Mapentee wIlh romnis his had a disc of hit own In M. charts tare ht, had no MI yet but when a relel lerala• it mod as she dam . . we 11 She Wanda med. Mo. in °Melton the Is Minor, •• Mass "slime ar m-. %Met means ',he ni me beinauful eyes'. lets More al her us on chat. here The ren ta? -I look mound me-. wiluen by lounuelim thrri Ribber-IC. an noinntione. Sad well WOrlh a hearken,

urre mis. •• prontemd meet. • plrivre of 1.001, the nee group from mi ter. dIseestred hr Tee m M aher

ant, l'air, 1 arry isrm,nslirnl then Ilre release "HA M tim e ilmer" will hit ihe chin, mainly beca me al he We re n• >mind, inco mmoded -i ha's mom hair ullh tiro, Mi ms and the Tee m mil lhal cat-i be • had timal•Ce fur the outfit xhleh Ineludea basal.' Jeff Blu me. drummer Bo ne Pape, gunman pryer, Sidle d llll ni icullail•I time •m•er u bps Mmes. Thee Mt like op Tr« it, U m dues tarn lame tell them mar , "I ruunl Wm". he is alleged la hase mid Se M -there are Me lagui, only fatar lll ll

se * meeking afoul be b Old and buy this record

0 SKL 4856 C) LE 4856

DECCA. 12' Doo m or mono LP ta me

Page 11: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week

REC OR D MIRR OR. W eek ending February I I th. 1967 II

CASIA BOX, 1/4, tr TOP •:.'»4::--,itheiuc

AIR MAILED FROM NEW TORE 1 ;11•1.8.2-1,1 r, 2 t met means W O W/ 27 HELLO, HELLO. 3 KIND OF A DRAG• ,sm ,3•11.0....,,4 c„..4,

tin t en enclinslie w WS W ...

,48 TRIA. IT TO THE RAIN. 4 TELL IT LIKE IT IS• ..a . u In Far aloh a Il an

. W WI.. W W. 'P.n.. flip EPISTLE To o w n 5 SNOOPY VS. THE — 10 Ven n. End

RED BARON• 30 COLOUR MY W ORLD* 4 in W WI Ge wenne a al pa w ae . W ean Sa wn W W2

6 8u r ..TVESDAY:„..... 31 GO W HERE YOU . . HANNA GO

7 14.6. ILI In in Illainalln O W O W II Me Wen 1.1del aell 32 Errs SPEND THE

8 WE AIN'T GOT NIGHT TOGETHER. NOTIO N YET m Ss, itellne Sway O wlet • IT W ei ° Wen ° W ar ° 33 ARE YOU LONELY FOR

9 Love IS HERE AND ME BABY' NO W YOU'RE GONE s• In Erm a eau M an 1.2 12, Mi ners name. 34 BRING IT UP

19 MUSIC TO W ATCH a 141 Ja ws W in iltInip

GIRLS BY • C . SOCK IT TT) ME BABY 14 fin SW Clew Gaienan — Ile Wen Weer at eennenne Deane W eb Wee W ee)

19 STAND BY ME. 36 NEE E nter YOUR I. St a•rarr T Weir W WII MAMAS CALLING If011•


OF HOME. as en O W Inn. MCA) le ICI nee ean (WI WI 38 WINCHESTER

CATHEDRAL. a no New W W1 ., Wed

5 m g BEEN LONELY TOO • _ 4 , *c.a . a .a .,.. W W1 .


— alt sn e orst es, O TEE HU NTER GETS CAPTURED BY THE PREY. — fl( _ WI.

26 SUGAR TO WN. IT On Wen O W.

13 KNIGHT IN RUSTY ARMOUR. O in Frier end Gonna

94 WILD THING IS 141 W eise Wine Inienon

15 GIMME SOME LOVIN°. n Itt ne wer Wen Gene I WIled AWOO



a .te> caste« irnamemmi et IV Gen Le W tWeren Is GOOD THING. gpi MY CUP RUNNETH

7 om , p.„. a na ma at IRV OVER W W2 Cninealen — fie re Ana mew

19 THE BEAT GOES ON• e YOU GOT TO MIP• H Ill Se w le Wet W en —ell NW Mae.. ama

20 WORDS OF LOVE' 45 .4iLL

4 In W eal me Peen e 2. eart tel:.n aWN W

21 NASHVILLE CATS. 40 PIJSEI W ITTO HARD le 01 Lann Illeenhe a Ill Mee WN W Mesa WOW e l RIDE, RIDE RIDE.

22 IT'S NO W WINTERS mu. — Ili W en Lea ane w DA/t• 48 W OK W HAT YOU'VE am O' Tea s Bee tASCI DONE'

23 MERCY. MERCY, at in pewee. w a n MERCY. W . W.I

WO nn eti TeO W.° W W DIDN'T e wis.,ou DIDNie NAVE TO GO•

24 STANDING IN THE _. in m ew . w e wen, SHADO WS OF LOVE. TWO W M 3 181 Wen Teen W S W e Lov„,..m.,.

75 PRETTWY BALLERINA• — ID Mato Duna ( Wean TI en L Baste O wen

am mo deem noes uaad m armad a

BUBBLING UNDER Ten Commandment. — Pole. Beeler (AMBS) lady — Jack Jones (Kimp) For What WS Worth — Buffalo scrum/k m WS W/ BMW I Need TOUT U MW — Jelenny Riven O mrertall Tramp — LoweR Fulsem (Kent) Putter Up Buttercup — Jr. Walker (Soon I'll Take Care Of Your Cares — Frardsle T ar (ABC, I W HO You Could Re Here — CYFIele (Columbia) Look At Granny RUA Ries — Howard Tate (Vent) Daddy's Little Girl — Al Martino (Cannon





L. P.'s




BET WEEN THE BUTTONS • ime Wane S eat Wee.,

4 BEST OF THE BEACH BOYS I toms ems ICainell

COME THE DAY > Mien IC W W1a1 FRESH CREAM Tbe Cre w mam mas






17 mEenovENrs GOLDEN HITE I3 neWen al memo SUPI ER ES A GO GO Utamoms M an R a w,

GOLDEN HITS m Daw w ale •Plahre PET SOUNDS II Wine lien Wooten







I 1







21 DOCTOR EHIVAGO Il romeammrk

22 BEST OF JIM REEVES It J Remo micm

23 SOLID GOLD SOUL .1 Vuilsut mosses Winne)

24 CARS. JOHN. MICHELLE, DENNY am, no m um am tal reel ca w


O FOUR Eo n m o m - •-• Tart a wn rearre

27 FROM THE HEART le T n l es t e al

t à HIT PARADE Now — Fem. oar. ooM 29 REVOLVER

Si m ales ,pakomwee a, MIDNIGHT SOUL Bo• ° Veetat. ormos 'A mmo,


E. P.'s

1 BEACH BOYS HITS I awe. Ben W e .»

2 HITS FROM ITTE SEEKERS I The ammo mamma .

3 POUR TOPS m raw Tens r T wie elneen

4 READY STEADY WIR) vem m anse

5 BEST OF BENNETT • mar a men Wen


7 GREEN SHADES OF VAL DOONICAN • vs• mope . me mo

8 FIRST DELIVERY r na mantle eats..

O ANDY'S NE WEST o no — A iS •111 W W eCleS1

S MORNINGTO WN RIDE — semen cormagaam

5 Y E A RS



2 TIE YOUNG ONES m sans moos

3 LE TS TWIST AGAIN the me neck«

4 FORGET ME NOT • Tam soar

5 W ALK ON BY s moon v.. De.

6 WIMO WEll It Karl m aer


8 CRYING IN TIE BAIN e Ewers. er a

9 STRANGE R ON lag SHORE ▪ Acme mum



12 LITTLE El m TEAR a „an 44 .

Ho. RE THE GROUND — enema (W W2

LESSON No I mtam O wen

15 RUN TO U M II w ar me

O TELL ME W HAT HE SAID — m t. mummen•


18 fr LNarIG Ewaa a

19 DON T STOP. T WIST H ne wels Week.

20 MULTIPLICATION Is so ar w t.


B RI T AI N'S T O P R a n SI N G L E S

I IT TAKER T WO riasmotal a mTG.. ..1 12;


mi rate.aat "'iHaltt It t-Ii aletas. TRI 301


4 erlt"“ei"elleik n os BEFORE IS S1a B tao


6 1141,0 776(1 71:11.11. HUMMIN. e sa. en s nne

384.111 7 LOOK AT GRANNY

RUN RUN 3 ne wer Tide Ilene WS W

8 TELL TT LIKE IT IS II Ana Nana« WI WI. lee

9 TRY A LETTLE TENDE RNESS • am m aim im am swim


w w .


— mtge. maim meNe ems Ile SIO


m o w semen

20 PAPA W AS TOO ms am Tex (seat , am ..„

PEAK OF LOVE B some K w.t roam ens men


12 La wn«. Wine Wa wa epic I'VE PASSED THIS W AY BEFORE — P ar ME W (Tian TI M Ian



:Pal:t re e GET DO WN WITH rr — tIler Alen . Welenildie Da 21111 BABY. W HAT I MEAN

talitriumma, OE. MAN RIVER — Daly Da mn

JOE MEEK TRAGEDY Q 0 Joe m eek is dead. Dead in tragic and

I-91 rather sordid circu mstances. W hile the

enquiries go on, w hile the circu mstances are fully Investigated, It is surely import-ant to recall his unusual talents in the pop music field.

Record Mirror has already received m any tributes to his skills as a recording ma w ager ... fro m readers, fro m manage ments

and fro m artistes. Joe will always he re-me mbered as the m an who produced and wrote "Telstar" for the Tornadoes and helped steer It to top spot in both A merica

and Britain. To date It has sold mure than five million copies . . and still sells in different parts of the world. Repeating such a m onster hit was always

the most difficult part of a recording m an-ager's work. Joe couldn't make it with the Tornadoes but he found the Honeyco mbs with their girl dru m mer, and put the m

at the top of the British charts with "Have

I The Right". And constantly he went on working to create new studio sounds, new

ideas of develop ment -all fro m his far-fro m.lavish pre mises in the Hollo way Road in North London. There were artistes like Hein r and Glenda Jackson and others who certainly benefited fro m his ideas. One

recording expert perhaps hit Joe's prob-le m on the head w hen he said. in a tribute

Intervie w: "Much of the ti me Joe was ahead of his ti mes in recording technique. But he found it difficult to keep up that stand-

ard, especially working as an independent." Joe properly deserves his place in the

history of British pop m usic. He created his sounds in w hat he called The Bath-

roo m -actually a converted bedroo m at his place. A shy, so meti mes explosive, man fro m Gloucester, he'll be re me mbered by many. I kne w hi m well. Liked hi m -Pi.



1 DICTIONARY OF SOUL m 011a pew ee W WI . Mete


IWO .. W W1 O‘113 GREATEST tars T wonlInie

Crone Pa wn Tilt, 4 THE GREAT M EMPHIS

SOUND S IdaM122• WO WS 28/C41


rAtlente WO W

Wet Tees (TIBIO » Wee W V LIM»

0 GREATEST HITS _ com e ..47 , Inirein Arta MAT We

8 SU MP-DES A GO GO sa ne.

roa m » Wee Te a Ilan 9 cod TOP

I nee Toin T WA litee n ISM

10 SOLID GOLD SOUL Ile earl s Ane w innade W W1

feq3ksieramrs reciterap ezeft -ete4 e4 e 5 0

1 CM A BEIJEVER m co mama ma w

2 MATTHE W AND SON I te ,a ,am , a. Darla)


26 rt. RIta Menease)


LETS SPEND THE D ID 4.64,4 taco NIGHT TOGETHER/ 28 IN THE COUNTRY RUBY TUESDAY to to cad m o w ca nto a (4) mama su m. Comm, 29 ANY W AY THAT YOU

4 NIG HT OF FEAR W ANT ME e Ile mom 'mo w me in Wien Mare Wel

5 EVE BEEN A BAD. 30 W HAT W OULD I BE BAD BOY sr an va m ama omen, e el) Pod lows corn 31 CALL HER YOUR

6 HEY JOE SWEETHEART • en liel Me e a Ill) Frame Wed mearmo aa aama


a* on Wu Po w W WI 4 on 'r e Je w Ions.) 8 7938 IS MY SONG 33 SAVE ME

n cm, p m me. Man a me, Pe cum (no m ar. m a • Tem

9 ru A M AN III Weever Olitle GO.

10 SUG AR TO WN ms me Mean MO W 36 NASHVILLE CATS tirmea, Lena rem and

.1 LET ME CRY ON males musI YOUR SHOULDER R . MELLO W YELLO W Ils.) Ma m a scasablae - in D ana frees

12 RELEASE LIE R S rye PASSVD n ag Imarleen mamenewn W AY BEFORE

awcom — mlm men, t _• 13 STANDING IN THE IT•nim• •••••••'

SHADO WS OF LOVE 39 RUN TO T = DOOR ua awm nF en14e Tlwone en Onio n. dPkt elli)

14 SNOOPY vs. THE RED mm a w n44 BARON — u m ar We CCW Wie O in W 8 Von W W W W m u ms, 41 It KNO W) TM

LOSING YOU 15 I W ONT COME IN B me, l'e mamom

W HILE HER THERE PO Ws Wie n St ell no wo w (Wm

16 I FEEL FREE 42 MICHAEL ma ma we o no (Ream s St mn


17 PEEK-A-BOO 43 TELL IT ro THE RAIN me In m w vneaum tam a lie Fen Sto w W ed W w w° PAMEL A. PAMELA 0 _111 W WI Mir a We an


Pli a f l am on trews..

19 illittGe mrni en 'mom. 46 BEAT Eons ON 20 S /N To, ••••• • a n 5I111 W HE PARK

Ii am Gonna Fe w ya wn 47 TRY A TITTLE

21 HAPPY JACK TENDERNESS a no ma llamas Atha.

• mn one My na, THERE" A KIND OF 22 IT TAKES I WO

•••• HUSH :L e ' e a: al ta r — Kalman K n.

(c a mbia

23 1.1eCi tle. r....14,11 9E e l 1040 Too MUCH O Tt) DREA M 24 HERE CORES — is, m ew to ws

MY BABY m"••••••) al III Tn n s tens. e W ORDS OF LOVE

25 I n ONLY YOU — mem Ma mma . Mam mBC.,

34 SUNSHINE SUPERMAN lt (tat Dita.- (no

INDESCRIBABLY BLUE — mm, ahem Po st eats,

A 112w del Weans we enT.


No Fun Al The Falr—flabby Goldsboro (V.A.) HIS GIII—GLIeSe Who ilUnim) I Can't Get Sacs To Me Babr— Dnunr Janes & The

liagehOndS mPlccaddlym Selly—Kouba• (Columba) AI Capone —Prfnee Buste• (Blue neat) Hurtle" Ts LovIng —BUly tParloPhoner You Got Me liu mmin.—Sa m and Dave (Allantle) Lan NIRM—blaoKers (Atlantic) My Way Of Globs—Chris FarNwe 41ramedlate)

S ON NY and C HER - the titanic twoso me are arriving

in Britain on Friday (to morro w) for a quick pro motional tour. But in case you don't manage to see the m, their fong.a walted fil m "Good Ti mes" should be out pretty




1:11,1E Just off the pre t — TI WIlee peeked (811 of details and ale-)arts of all type and makes of Guitars. Pick-ups. Amplifiers, W hO.UnitS, M OLVIWOrlell, Att n. Sallee. etc. Wonderful COM bao. teen or easy eons. Call or write for your F ES Yelty

B ELL M USI C (Dept .4)

151/9 Ewell Rd. orbital,. Surrey, Callers welco me. Open III W O


Page 12: ALSO INSIDE THIS WEEK Dave Dee, Small Faces Easybeats ... · Easybeats, Rita Pavone Paul Jones colour, Dean Martin colour, Engelbert Humperdinck,Del Shannon . 2 EECORD MIRROR. Week


12 REC OR D MIRR OR, W eek ending February II th, 1967

raw. AinEE ana JEAN aNnIMPluri in a snot nom rrtruegi


DEl, SHA NN ON was tal ing M onkee-talk. Ile was talking about ho w he was just a shade surprised that the

M onkees had had such im mediate impact in Britain follow-ing the start of. the televi ion series, but he added that he

felt it was entirely justified. With one or two exceptio s. Said Del: "You'll kno w already how these guys To m my

Boyce and Bobby Hart w re called in to write the songs for the first pilot for the M onkee television series. No w it

so happens To m my, parrcularly, was a great and very close friend of mine in th old days. I think Ive m entioned before that he used to tel me ho w he wanted specially to produce a song and a roc rd for m e — kinds like for old ti mes' sake ...

"So this happened with S h e, m y ne w single in Britain.

But w ed spent m uch ti me together and I kne w how his mind was working and ho w he wanted big recognition as a songwriter. So he got a call to go over to the W est Coast. One night I got a call fro m hi m, telling m e to get on a plane

and hop over there. Ile told m e how things were hotting up in California. "I went. And I've not regretted it for one m o ment. But

his m ain interest im mediately was with Bobby in getting out the songs for the television series planned around these M onkees. l ad mit t never thought it would work, not just building a group out of nothing and hoping lt d catch on

with the teenagers. But the songs, which I was in on early, were great. It was up to the M onkees the mselves to prove

the mselves, given the right guidance on ho w to behave. " Well, it worked out. But I've al ways been a Ian of the

leading British groups — guess you could say I have been buying and selling British through the years. I' m specially

fan of the Beatles. And this is. w here I see the possible

biggest trouble for the M onkees. The Beatles are a self, contained unit. Paul and John write all their songs and then

the other two join in to sing the m. "This is the way to lasting success. The M onkees don't

have this song-writing ability right no w and they could

THE M O N KFFS with Davy locking a bit fed up.

have stuck explicitly with To m my Boyce and Bobby Ha t w ho have already proved that they are the ideal write s for, the boys. But already they've started straying Outsid and getting in other writers and accepting pieces entreat° to the m. "So the M onkees are already in danger of losing their

togetherness image, linking up both the writing and th perfor ming side. It's m aybe an uni mportant point for m u t people, certainly the fans. But I believe it's the reason th t

the Beatles are still there In a top position and could go o there for just as long as they wish, "But I've nothing really against the M onkees. I dont

believe they played m uch on their record sessions but I' m not going to m ake a big issue out of that. They have foun success and they've done It in a ne w way — certainly ne w for the A merican industry any way. W as it an act of retail •

lion against the British for having the Beatles — Chata to m • thing I've been asked before. I don't think so. I think the Idea could have been created In any country but the A men. can show business scene is just that bit sharper." Del said that he felt the Beatles and the Stones had

already contributed a great deal to the m usic scene. T e M onkees had yet to prove what they could actually giv but he stressed that in ter ms of entertain ment value th y

had already hit the jackpot. "I hate knocking artistes and I also hate pitting one again t

the other. But m y pal To m my kept tile in touch with t e early klonkee days and so w hat I've said is based on

knowledge rather than guesswork. I think they'd be ve Y. silly to sever connections with such good writers as To m my

Boyce and Bobby Hart. The lesson of the Beatles is there — and they'd be silly to ignore Ii.

"As for m aking personal appearances . . . well. the Monkees are better than m ost of their critics think." Del. with his falsetto approach and his so-distinctive

style, has paved the way for one chapter of Pon m usic. He believes m ost of the other chapters recently have been headed "Made In Britain". A nd he's quite convinced that no other group will ever have a greater influence than did

the Beatles in their hey-day.

So sayetb the Shannon. And he's probably right.


ab. a a re re re rae A RE

Paul McCartney and John Lennon writing a musical to be pro. exed by Brian Epeeist al • West End theatre other than the

Saville? . the Herd booked for a serles or adS by the Budget-la ws inlormatiOn sureau sera Fla ws --it m om To Say Goodbye'! toted for u.s. man; Oect ewea rave m o m,s by both m ma- and --aiti mardo . . Kinks and the n etts lisse been given mrandsSlons in the m at Fleet or Admiral Robbie Dale .. on the date of the neat Severn Bore la onceyearly ma mmoth tidal wave) the Friaries intend to ride it on zurflmarde . . Me U.S. single seo years back was Joe, DeDs ?Peppermint Twist?' . although they're on sale in America first. all Denman, records are cur in Britain .. do use Escalators who back m antic.. may °return. [coed. , ions it stairway to You.Know:Where7 Haney Sinatra appears in a yery bo n hiking on the cover of her

'Pupae, LP . PYranild have bought • U.S. Chrysler with while leather Upholstery ' Gentle . don's two TV m mmerciais — one for mils, the other tor Mier ' . stk. tea m the Fastest Group Allve's new m• aide -iawatme-osis semis- is font, seconds tons . breakawaY Ikette n A nnie's Andrew Oldham mimed and produced -teverathmes Gonna Be Alrishr• deserves to be in klM.s R & B Charts Anthony (MUM mewed Gros Washington around canoes ri ng um midem Festival — Gene will return Um compliment when Tony visits London .. elms? le mons release for Desert - Penny lane-rAtrawberry Fields Forever. m a m mo and Arnerlat . • . Kingston Trio to break up on June I .. Bob Dylan to appear for the first thee In many months. al an Academy of Music Camden in Philadelphia on alarms 30 .. heading hi U.S. trade 10a5 'Variety. reads - u.s. Hats Payola As tIas DeducUoir . Isn't mere a remarkable tame unmet..., between Mail Hendrix and M arne war mer? Gerd Ti me Lasers nave aetatilred two mo m managers. Paul Lincoln

and Les Enemy — they now bare I . Kemal' Ball unable to discover ni mber of his eyeli ner. . otiose ...Men he forgot . when manners

felt as nisi before Georgie Fa me session Denny cootie stepped in ensio m ma the record, his new single • - too bad M an Aria n story of -Ready steady coo ma serialised is

-The People'', IS so obviously written for the age group least IntereSted in the subject ' . Johnny Rive . has recorded Mart liactaraehts "Casino Royale. from "ttbe new James Bona aun .. after eight weeks, Adse coder suit too in prole area .. . says rie Jones — anyone saya Mis (?Detroit City") D simdar to -Green Grass- it must be mi n co-incidence because 1 found It on the same album as -Green GiaSS? and Jerry Lee had picked all 12 tracks on the LP at random.. A is lai week's O— la)Harry it. ca meo do m oue Drake: (e) Alrred sour town up those who and Benny HU M (d) Dick Emery, (e) 'rennin> Cooper

»St weekA "mute Of The Giants. (LUxembourg) result — the ietiremes (79) beat the mama, a, Papas (31) . Dior needs went to see mac ri m.. at the amuse last week atianue bat twice it many (unarm RItte R a H chan as itS merest rive] Tanga motowtp-the enter ravens of the position lust • Month before . ' surely Si mile Wonder's ?Uptight? would have been an insanely tattier choke than -man steel Sneak. .? for HitsvilleS latest -Original Hits LPM Tom AM . ?are n't Me le mo n too moo last week .. Q. Had CDS /records lamed C Wrins Clay's -Pro The Greatest' LP acre to coiner% ails tau week's world title right. which British label could have mustered by releasing an Ernie Terrell disc?


R EL E ASE M E recorded by E N G EL B E RT H U M P E R DI N C K on Decca F12541

Palace Music Co. Ltd., 9 Albert ErnbankmeM, London, SEI Reliance 202 and M A LDEN 7307 Sole Selling Agents:Southern Musk. t Denmark St., London, WC.2

Registered at the G.P. O.

as • ne wspaper

PlinDel by fleece and Publications (Printers.) Ud., Swan Close, Banbury. Oxon, for careronf Publish.. Ltd.. Ile seaffesaury avenue. London. WA. iTeleohnne, Gerrard 714713... Sole Detributiait Agents for Great Biller, Siirtldge. Dawson ê Co. Ltd.. 136.1 0 Neer Kent Road. London. S.19.1.