alm 11.0 qa training

HP ALM 11.0 TRAINING IT QA Training for AMD Test Leads and Testers April 2011 Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) Proprietary 2011. AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices. This document contains proprietary intellectual property of AMD and may not be copied, modified or otherwise duplicated, reproduced or changed without the express written permission of AMD.

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Training for AMD Test Leads and TestersApril 2011

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) Proprietary 2011. AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices.

This document contains proprietary intellectual property of AMD and may not be copied, modified or otherwise duplicated, reproduced or changed without the express written permission of AMD.

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Provide Training on key ALM 11.0 Features and Functionality based on Role

Demonstrate Installation

Show what has changed from QC 9.2 to ALM 11

Review the ALM 11.0 Environment, UI, Menus, Components, Screens

Demonstrate each module in ALM 11.0: Test Plan, Test Lab, Defects

Instruct on Best Practices to follow within each module

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Training Outline


Getting Started

New Account Request

New Project Request

Installation Process

Pre-requisites: ALM 11.0

Installation Steps

Logging in and Setting Passwords

Changing Password

What has Changed

New Requirements Types and Workflow: Refer to RCoE Training

User Interface has changed

PMO Projects grouped by Business Domain

Releases Functionality: Program/Project Release Folder/Structure

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Training Outline Cont’d

Reports Configuration has changed

New Features: Libraries and Baselines

Version Control

TFS Synchronization

Test Execution

Tester Roles & Responsibilities

Test Plan: Creating and Revising Scripts

Test Lab: Executing and recording results; linking defects


Logging and retesting defects

* Also included in What has Changed Slide

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Installation Process: ALM 11.0

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ALM Client System Requirements

 Operating System

Windows 7 32 bit (Recommended) Windows Vista (SP1) 32 bit Windows XP (SP3) 32 bit Notes: If you are integrating ALM with other HP testing tools, you must modify the DCOM permissions on your client machine. For more information, see _ You can work with the ALM client using a remote desktop.

Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or 8

Note: For customers who have restrictions on plug-ins in their browsers, such as ActiveX, ALM can be loaded in the HP ALM Explorer Add-in. For more information on downloading and installing the add-in, refer to the HP Application Lifecycle Management Installation Guide.

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Prerequisites: ALM 11.0 cont.d

ALM Client System Requirements


• Visual C++ 2005 SP1 ATL Security Update Redistributable • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1) • Microsoft Office 2007 (SP2)

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Installation Steps

1. You must log on to the browser as administrator. To do this, select Internet Explorer from the Start Menu, and right click to Run as Administrator.

2. Type in ALM 11 or http://ausalmp00:8080/qcbin in the address bar of your browser, Internet Explorer.

3. Log on to ALM 11.0. This is what you will see:

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4. Click the Application Lifecycle Management link.

5. You will see the Security Warning shown below: “Do you want to install this software?” Click Install.

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6. On the screen that displays, you will be prompted to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Security Update.

Note: Since this is a generic update, if the machine already had the C++ update installed by another windows or program update, this update will not be triggered. Then you will automatically be taken to Step 8 instead.

If you chose the Install option, you will see the following screen while the Microsoft Visual C++ install is initiated.

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7. Next, the Microsoft Download Center displays:

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8. The file-download options display on the next screen (shown below). The default option will be that for X86 systems – third on the list: Click Download.

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9. Click Run on the standard Security warning that displays next:

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10. You may see a second warning with a similar message once you click Run the first time. Click Run again.

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11. Click Yes, on the screen that displays to accept the License Agreement

•Click Yes on the window that pops up, to allow the program to make necessary changes to your computer.

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12. Click Yes on the window that pops up, subsequently to allow the program to make necessary changes to your computer.

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13. You will see the following screen while Windows configures the Microsoft C++ Redistributable:

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14. The following screen will display as ALM 11.0 loads:

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You are now ready to log in, authenticate, and access your project.

Note: Please let all the components run before logging off.

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Logging in and Setting Passwords

In your browser window, type in ALM 11 or– http://ausalmp00:8080/qcbin/

you may try the alternate link–

On the first screen that displays, click on the Application Lifecycle Management link. 

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ALM 11.0 Login Screen

1. Enter your ALM 11.0 User Name and Password, then select Authenticate

• Your new User Name is the same as your NT ID. Example: jsmith

• Your new Password is the same as your User Name. 

• User Name and Password are all lower case characters.

• If you’re new to ALM 11.0, please change your Password once you successfully log in.

2. Enter the Domain and Project, and click the Login button 

• Domain is:  AMD_QA

• Project is:   Current Project


• Admin Rights on your workstations are required.

• Listing the ALM 11.0 URL as a trusted site in IE is also recommended.

• The first time you launch ALM 11.0 you will see horizontal progress bars as your workstation is being configured for ALM

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Changing Password

• If logged in, click on Tools -> Customize - >User Properties -> Click on Change Password tab.• On Change Password pop-up enter old password, new password twice, and click OK button.• Click Save, then click on Return button.

• Please keep your passwords private, and do not share.

• On the ALM 11.0 home page, click on the Forgot Password link.

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What has Changed: ALM 11.0

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What has changed from QC 9.2 New Requirements Types and Workflow

– Specific Functionality is implemented as per the RCoE Training

Changed User Interface: The Dashboard has a new look and feel

PMO Projects are now grouped by business domain

– 10 business domains with Programs - >Projects under the business domains

Releases functionality: Modified QC project creation strategy.  We will create 10 ALM 11.0 projects based on business domains.  Each domain will have multiple PMO projects.

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What has changed from QC 9.2

New Features: Libraries, Baselines New Features and Best Practices to be rolled out in 2011.

Reporting Configuration Changes: There is a new method for changing parameters when configuring a report. A graph wizard may be used to configure standard reports.

Version Control (Test Plan, Requirements, Components section) - > With the new Version Control it is necessary to check- out – check-in to prevent locking files

TFS Synchronization: New fields have been added when creating requirements and logging defects, to enable synchronization

The EDW/SAP flag is a key part of synchronization. It is also used to display custom information for SAP and EDW.

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ALM 11.0: User Interface - > Menus

ALM 11.0’s Navigation structure includes these major menus with modules under them: * The Menu items in bold indicate implemented functionality.

Menu Functionality

Dashboard Menu Analysis (Reporting)

Management Menu: Releases, Libraries

Requirements Menu Requirements

Testing Menu Test Plan, Test Lab

Defects Menu

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ALM 11.0: Modules

Standard icons :

Sections to be used: Test Lab and Defects

ALM 11.0’s structure includes these major modules:

Dashboard: Analysis View - To access reporting functionality

Releases – Tool to manage the Release Life Cycle

Libraries - Tool to manage a set of entities in a project and the relationships between them

Requirements – A repository for requirements

Business Models

Business Components – Used by IT QA Automation Team to create business components (details not covered in this document)

Test Plan – A repository for manual and automated tests (Library of scripts)

Test Lab –Tool for scheduling and executing manual or automated tests (Record Test Run results)

Defects– Defect management and tracking tool (log defects)

ALM 11.0 Toolbar

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Business Domains – Why by Business Domains

Projects will be created under Business Domains. Project fields will be dependent on which Business Domain the project is mapped to. You will see in ALM 11.0 fields for defects and requirements to select the pmo project and application from a predefined list.  This selection determines implications of synchronization and other potential customizations

Support alignment of the different systems

– Troux (Business Domains and Application Lists by Domain)

– HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM 11.0)

– Team Foundation Server (TFS 2010)

– Project Resource Cost Table (PRCT)

Support the synchronization hooks between ALM and TFS

Balances the needs for reporting and the management of project, requirements, testing, and development.

Agreed upon by the PMO, RCOE, QA, and Dev.

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Business Domains - List

Corporate Services Finance

Global Operations Engineering

Information Technology

Manufacturing Marketing PG

Engineering Sales

Supply Chain Management

TG Engineering

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Business Domains – what does this mean to you All project requirements in HP ALM will be in a single business

domain to support requirements management, UAT testing, and reporting. However, your project will be a sub-folder within a business domain.

In Troux, applications are aligned to business domains. Thus, in order for us to manage requirements affecting an application in different business domains, we require functional requirements to have an application assignment.

– The application assignment is made during the hand-off to Dev. Dev will be responsible for identifying the application. Business Analysts are responsible for updating the requirements in ALM with the application name and in some cases, splitting the requirements so there is a single functional requirement to application.

All requirements will require a PMO Project and if needed, the TFS Sync flag or SAP/EDW flag.

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Program/project release structure - folder




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Program/project release structure - release



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Program/Project release structuresKey User interface elements

UI Element Icon HP ALM Definition AMD Application

Release Folder A folder for organizing releases. AMD uses folders to organize releases. Nesting of release folders are used when a Release does not represent a go-live distribution of changes. (e.g. Multiple iterations before a go-live implementation)

Release A release represents a group of changes in one or more applications that will be available for distribution at the same time. Each release can contain a number of cycles.

AMD expands the use of releases to include a group of changes that may not be distributed.

Reschedule Opens the Reschedule dialog box, enabling you to reschedule the start and end date of a release, cycle, or milestone

No change

Cycle A cycle is a set of development and quality assurance efforts performed to achieve a common goal based on the release timeline.

AMD’s QA organization uses cycles to represent the different stages of testing. (e.g. SIT, UAT). The QA Analyst will create and assign the cycles.

Delete Deletes selected release folders, releases, or cycles. Deleting a folder also deletes its releases and cycles. Deleting a release also deletes its cycles. Note: Deleting a release folder, release, or cycle also unassigns the associated requirements, test set folders, and defects.

AMD does not allow for deletion exception by HP ALM Administrators.

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Libraries and BaselinesLibraries - A library represents a set of entities in a project and the relationships between them. The entities in a library can include requirements, tests, test resources, and business components. Baseline - A baseline is a snapshot of the library at a specific point in time. You can compare baselines at all stages of the application development lifecycle. 

Why Use Libraries and Baselines Viewing baseline history enables you to track changes made to individual entities in your library over time. As development continues, you can view and compare all versions of an entity that are stored in a baseline. At AMD, we are leveraging the baselining capabilities to take a snapshot of the requirements at each Phase Exit and after a Project Change Request is approved and the requirements have been updated. You can also import a library. Importing a library enables you to reuse and share an existing set of entities. As development continues, you can compare and synchronize libraries.

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Create a Library and a Baseline1. From the Management module on the ALM sidebar, select Libraries.

2. In Libraries root folder, create your project’s folder by click on the Create Folder button . Creating your project folder is important because there may be other projects using the ALM project container.

3. Name your folder with your Project Number and Project Name (e.g. Project 123 Sales Enhancement) and click OK.

4. Select your project folder and click on the Create Library icon to create a library.

5. Name your library as Requirements.

6. If needed, Select Content from the sidebar. Click on your project folder. It is suggested that you select all requirements for your baseline. It may be necessary to filter the view by Targeted Release before you check the requirements. You can do the same with test cases.

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Configuring Reports

Reporting Configuration is different in ALM 11.0, from QC 9.2:

This section describes how to:

• Add a new graph

• Apply a new filter to existing graph

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Create a New graph in ALM 11.0

ALM 11.0 has introduced a new module dedicated to store and manage user reports and graphs

– There can be Private or Public entities

– The procedure to create a new graph is the same for both


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Create a New graph in ALM 11.0

1. Choose the folder for your graph and click on the


2. Select the type of output (In this case a New Graph)



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Create a New graph in ALM 11.0

2. Select the Entity that you want to graph3. Select the Graph Type.4. Enter the new Graph Name.




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Create a New graph in ALM 11.0

5. Once the new graph is created, click on the View Tab to access the report:


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Applying Filters to a New Graph




1. Select your graph and click on the View tab2. Modify general graph parameters3. Click on for data specific filters

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Applying Filters to a New Graph

4. Select your criteria from the filter screen, using the Filter tab, click OK.5. Choose Create Filter, select settings. Click OK:

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Applying Filters to a New Graph

6. Click on the View tab to access the filtered graph

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Test Execution: ALM 11.0

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Tester Roles & Responsibilities by Module

• The three main modules that a Tester will interact with are:

1. Test Plan

2. Test Lab

3. Defects Module

Roles by moduleTest Plan

• Creating test scripts

• Reviewing and updating existing test scripts

Test Lab

• Executing tests and documenting test results

• Adding and modifying test sets in Test Lab

• Reviewing and updating existing test scripts in Test Lab


• Logging defects

• Retesting after defect resolution

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Tester Responsibilities

Tester Responsibilities

• Create TCP

• Executing tests and documenting test results

• Logging defects

• Retesting after defect resolution

Tester Permissions



Business Components Manager

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Test Plan Module

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Test Plan – Best Practices

The Application folder may have subfolders with folder names to help identify sub-groups.

Tests should be included under the associated application/module folder.

Script naming conventions should be consistent:

The prefix BUS should be used to differentiate between IT scripts and Business scripts (additions or revised copies). EX: BUS_HCM-IT-077

The Test Name should be short and should deliver the objective of the test to some extent.

Duplicate Tests should not be generated.

Tests should be marked as Ready for Review only after all the steps are verified and no more changes are to be made.

Design Step Description should be precise so that the test executor does not face any issues while executing even if he is not trained on the application or has not read the process definition.

Expected Results must be included in each step if applicable.

Mock ups, screen shots, or other documents which carry information that is needed for running the test should be attached to the test.

Tests should be be generic so that they can be resued. For instance, homepage look and feel needs to be tested for all environments then the URL mentioned in test should be: http://(server)

Mention any pre-conditions/post-conditions if applicable in the Description field in a highlighted format.

Enter test execution priority before sending for approvals.

Test Case Procedure should be approved before the run

Manual Test Case Procedure Review Process should be followed.

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Test Plan Workflow

Roles: 1. Test Plan Originator 2. Test Plan Approver - IT Lead 3. Business Component Dev

Transition Rules For Test Plan Status Field By Role

Test Plan Originator

Test Plan Approver

Test Script is entered directly into QC (Manual or Imported from MS-

Word or MS-Excel)

Status: Manual Test – In Design




Test Plan Originator

Test Plan Approver

Status: Manual Test - Approved

Status:Manual Test – In Design

Status: Manual Test - Ready for Review


Business Component Dev

Status: Automation – In Design

Need Automation


Status: Ready for Automation



Fit for Automation



Status: Automation – Ready for Review




Test Plan Approver

Status: Automation - Approved

Status:Manual Test – In Design

Any Change?



Business Component Dev

Transition Rules For Test Plan Status Field By Role

Test Plan Originator

Test Plan Approver

From ToManual Test - In Design Manual Test - Ready for Review

From ToManual Test - Ready for Review Manual Test - In DesignManual Test - Ready for Review Manual Test - ApprovedManual Test - Approved Ready for AutomationAutomation - Ready for Review Automation - In DesignAutomation - Ready for Review Automation - ApprovedAutomation - Approved Manual Test - In Design

From ToReady for Automation Manual Test - ApprovedReady for Automation Automation - In DesignAutomation - In Design Automation - Ready for Review

Business Component Dev

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Navigate Test Plan Tree: Access the right folder

1. Click on the Test Plan icon in the column to the left to bring the Test Plan Tree into the foreground.• Locate Functional Business Folder

(Functionality BB in the example)• Additional folders can be added by your

test lead2. Click on a folder, then Tests can be created by

clicking on this icon.

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Create a Test Case

• Test ID is automatically assigned by Quality Center.• Status - Imported (uploaded from an existing script) or Design (written directly in QC).• Approver - Automatic E-mail sent to Approver when Status updated to Ready for Review. • Test Name – Name of test• Type – Select Manual• Creation Date• Execution Priority - High, low, medium; prioritize execution for limited test windows• TCP Automation Priority – Not used• Designer - Author• Fields highlighted in red are mandatory

[email protected]

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Test Plan – Design Steps Tab

Step – Step number assigned by QC, Step column can be renumbered if steps are deleted, added, or rearranged

User Type – The type of account executing a section of test steps

T-Code – Used for R3 tests

Process Step – a category for a group of steps

Description – Detailed description of the test step

Data Input – Data entered or selected during execution of test step

Expected – Expected test result

Screen – Current application screen where test actions are executed

Tab – Specific tab of a screen where test actions are executed

*To link steps from another manual test choose the Called Test icon.

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Test Plan – Create Design Steps

Click on this icon to create a new Step.

Use the yellow arrow keys to move back and forth between Design Steps.

Click on the OK button to return to Design Step Grid.

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Requirement Details: Link Test to Requirements From Test Plan Tree Select the Requirements Tab

Click on the Test Plan Tree tab to bring it into the foreground.

Highlight a Test. Click on the green arrow to move it into the list under Entity Name column.

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Manual TCP Review Process

1. All new test cases procedures (tcp) must be assigned Status “Manual Test – In Design”

2. Approver must be selected from the dropdown menu.

3. Execution priority can stay blank

4. Automation priority should be blank for now

5. Once test case is ready, status should change from “Manual Test- In design” to “Manual Test- Ready for Review”

6. The Test plan Approver group reviews TCPs in Status: “Manual Test- Ready for Review” and inputs comments in the Comments field in ALM 11.0 with name and date stamp

7. During review meetings TCP comments for all “Manual Test- Ready for Review” TCPs are reviewed and TCP concerns are discussed in detail.

8. During review meetings the execution priority for TCPs are defined.

9. The TCP is then moved to “Manual Test- Approved” or “Manual Test- In design” status as per the review session and comments

• Fields highlighted in red are mandatory

– ** TCP names should be in format “application name_test case name_version of requirement documents”.“Manual

Test Approved”


“Manual Test In Design”


“Manual Test Ready for Review”


“Manual Test Approved”





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Test Lab Module

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Test Lab - Best Practices

Responsible Tester should be selected while configuring Test Lab/Test Sets.

Planned Execution Date should be selected while configuring Test Lab/Test Sets.

Test Set Name should be as per defined standards.

All tests pulled into a Test Lab/Test Set should be in “Manual Test - Approved” status

Test Case Procedure marked as failed should have an associated defect.

Scripts ready for execution will be marked No Run in the Status field.

During Execution of a Test Set, the Actual Result field should be marked “As expected” if the test step passes and in case of any failures. actual results should be precisely mentioned so that the Defect Fixer can have a clear view of the scenario encountered at your end. Attach screen shot of the behavior if applicable.

Mention the test data input at the time of execution if applicable, so that database can be checked if required. Test Data would refer to: folder name, Asset name, content ID, etc.

Use Tester Comments field to pass along information between testers during hand-offs.

Dynamic data generated should be entered in the Expected Result field for the next tester to retrieve.

Each test set folder must be associated to the corresponding cycle/release.

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Test Lab: Create a New Test Set• Click on the Test Lab icon in the

column to the left to bring the Test Lab Tree into the foreground.

• Locate the desired folder• Additional folders can be added

by your test lead• Click on a folder, then Tests Sets can be

created by clicking on New Test Set icon

• On the New Test Set pop-up, enter the Test Set Name and a brief Description. Click the OK button.

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Test Lab: Add TCPs to Test Set

Click on Test Plan Tree tab to bring it into the foreground.

Highlight a TCP. Click on the green arrow to move it to the list under the Execution Grid.

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Assign Test Set Folders to Cycles1. In the Test Sets tree, select the test set folder

that you want to assign to a cycle.

2. Click the Assign To Cycle button or choose Test Sets > Assign To Cycle. Alternatively, in the Details tab, click the browse button next to the Assigned to cycle box. The Assign To Cycle dialog box opens.

3. Expand the tree and select a cycle. Click OK to close the Assign To Cycle dialog box. In the test set tree, the test set folder icon is replaced by the assigned test set folder icon

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Test Lab – Adding TCPs to Test Set

• After adding the TCP to Test Set fill in the Required Test Set fields: Client and Test Environment from the drop-down menus.

• You may include several TCPs in a Test Set

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Run Tests & Record Results

1. In Test Lab: • Select a folder.• EX: Unit folder (test cycle)• Select Test Set.

2. Select Test by highlighting that tab.3. Click on the Run button to start a new run.



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4. First Manual Runner window will open.Click on Begin Run button

Update Status Results End Run after updating

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If you have a Failed Step:Link Defects to Failed steps

1. Mark failed step:

• Click on Defect dropdown.

• Click on New Defect to log a new defect.

2. Screen will open to New Defect module.

• Log as usual.

3. To link an existing defect:

• Click on Linked Defects option. A new window will open.

• Click on Select option and the entire Defect list will appear.

• Select your Defect and click on Link.

4. Stop Run!!!

Window will close automatically and

you will return to the Execution Grid.





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Test Run Execution Hand-Over Process: need screen shot showing failed run

1. Tester 1 will mark a test step

• Tester 1 will Stop the run after completing this portion.

2. Tester 1 will be taken back to main Execution Grid. The Test status will be: Not Completed or Failed

3. Tester 1 will change the Responsible Tester field to Tester 2 (next tester to hand-off to) for the Test.

• An auto E-mail will be sent to new Responsible Tester.

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4. Tester 2 will highlight the test script in Test Lab.

5. Click on Run button on the menu bar: Continue Manual Run.

6. Tester 2 will then be taken to the Manual Runner screen and continue with the normal run process.

7. Tester 2 will stop the run after completion.

• Manual Runner will close automatically and return to the Execution Grid.

Note: If tester 1 needs to pass dynamic test data to tester 2, add the data to the “Actual” field in test step Run. Tester 2 should refer to the previous/last executed step to retrieve any such information.

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Obtain Test Execution Report

1. Select the Test Set

2. From analysis, select Reports.

3. From the menu select Current Test Set

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Obtain Test Execution Report - Cont’d

4. The report is displayed on the screen

5. Click Save.

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Obtain Test Execution Report - Cont’d

5. Enter a Name for the report. Click Save.

6. The report will now display under Analysis View.


7. Click on Save

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Get Test Execution Report – Cont.d

8. To add filter criteria, click on the Configuration tab and the Filter icon:

9. Now it is available to be consulted under Dashboard module

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a. Go to the Responsible Tester field and click on the button with 3 dots.

b. On the Select Filter Condition screen, enter tester name >>click on binoculars to search>>choose.

c. Click on OK, then again OK to close filters.

d. Click on Apply to generate report.

Get Test Execution Report – Cont’d

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9. The test execution report is displayed by:

• Tester

• Ascending Planned Execution Date

10. To Print:

Click on the Print icon to print (**ALL PAGES).

You can also save the report to your desktop.

Repeat the process to change any filter criteria

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Defects: ALM 11.0

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Defects - Best Practices

When logging a Defect, verify that similar defects do not already exist. If a similar defect does exist, link the Defect to the script.

In case the defect matches one with status Closed, create a brand new defect.

The Summary of the defect should be precise, unique, and should convey the defect baseline.

Defect Description should include complete and comprehensive information about the Defect.

Screen shots (if applicable) should be attached to the Defect.

Defect should be correctly linked to the test step at which it is encountered, so that the Defect Fixer can go back to the Test Set and review the steps and duplicate the actual result.

In case the Defect is to be fixed in the next cycle as per plan. The Target Release should be assigned to the new one and the Target Cycle should be assigned to the next Cycle.

In case the Defect is related to another Defect already logged into the system; create a defect link between the two.

In case of reassigning, reopening or cancellation of a Defect, Comments field must be entered suggesting the reason for the action.

Assign all defects to Defect Reviewer for review followed by assignment to an IT Fixer.

Once the Defect is fixed, the Defect Originator will rerun the tests from the Test Set.

Before closing a Defect, a tester should go to Linked Entities and make sure that all test instances attached with the Defects have the status Passed. In case any tests are in a Failed Status, then the Defect should not be closed.

Entering Comments by team members at the time of changing any Defect field is a good practice. To do this, click on the Add Comment button which generates a name/timestamp and add your comments.

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ALM 11.0- Defect Workflow


Defect Originator

Defect Reviewer

Defect Fixer

Defect Verifier

Transition Rules For Defect Current Status Field By Role

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Defects Grid

• Click on Defects icon at bottom of column on the left to bring Defect Grid into the foreground.• Click on the New Defects button to open the New Defect screen.

Detected in Release – release number detected by default, can be changed.

Detected in Cycle - cycle number detected by default, can be changed.

Detected on Date – defaults to today’s date, can be changed

Detected By – defaults to logged in ALM 11.0 user, can be changed

System – list of systems used for testing

Assigned To – user assigned for next defect work stage, must be a Defect Reviewer for New defects

Severity – 4 levels of severity, Show Stopper to Low

Functional Area – functional area specific to the defect

Test Cycle – current cycle of testing

Current Status – defect status, relates to workflow

Reproducible – Yes, No, or Intermittent

Priority – 5 levels, Urgent to Low

Change Request Number (2 fields) – cross-reference for Remedy Ticket Numbers

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New Defects

• When a New defect is created, the first assignment must be an ALM 11.0 user with the assigned role of Defect Reviewer.

• Functionality is built into the Assigned To field to assist with your selection.

• Activate the drop-down list, and checkmark View by Group.

• Then click on Group: Defect Reviewer. Click to select from that list.

An automatic Defect E-mail is triggered when Assigned To field is changed.

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Modifying Defects

• Click on a Defect in the Defect Grid to open up Defect Details screen.

• To enter a Comment click on the Add Comment button to the right. This will add the logged in user name and a date.

• If you are a Defect Fixer, remember to select Defect Type.

• If you are closing a Defect, complete Closing Date field.

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Defects - Linked Entities

• Click on Linked Entities icon in the column at the left.• Click on Defects tab to bring it to the foreground.• Click on this icon to open Link Existing Defect window.• Enter an existing Defect ID, and click on Link button.

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Defects – Test Set Instance

• Click on Others tab to bring it to the foreground.

• This Defect information originated when the Defect was created during a manual test run.

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ALM 11.0 Logout

To exit ALM 11.0, click on the Logout button in the upper right.

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Reporting Functionality in ALM 11.0 - What’s New

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AMD, the AMD Arrow logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. Other names used in this presentation are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

©2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.