allen stanford criminal trial transcript volume 8 feb. 1, 2012

2293 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS 2 HOUSTON DIVISION 3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . . H-09-CR-342-1 4 vs. . HOUSTON, TEXAS . FEBRUARY 1, 2012 5 . 10:06 A.M. ROBERT ALLEN STANFORD . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 TRANSCRIPT OF JURY TRIAL 8 BEFORE THE HONORABLE DAVID HITTNER UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 9 VOLUME 8 10 A P P E A R A N C E S: 11 FOR THE GOVERNMENT: 12 Gregg J. Costa Assistant US Attorney 13 PO Box 61129 Houston, TX 77208-1129 14 William Stellmach 15 Andrew Howard Warren U.S. Department of Justice 16 1400 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005 17 18 FOR THE DEFENDANT: 19 Ali R. Fazel Robert Scardino 20 Scardino Fazel 1004 Congress Street 21 3rd Floor Houston, TX 77002 22 23 Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, transcript 24 produced by computer-aided transcription. - - - - - 25 Cheryll K. Barron, CSR, CM, FCRR 713.250.5585

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Transcript of R. Allen Stanford criminal trial in Houston, Texas.


Page 1: Allen Stanford Criminal Trial Transcript Volume 8 Feb. 1, 2012





4 vs. . HOUSTON, TEXAS . FEBRUARY 1, 2012


6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




10 A P P E A R A N C E S:


12 Gregg J. Costa Assistant US Attorney

13 PO Box 61129 Houston, TX 77208-1129

14 William Stellmach

15 Andrew Howard Warren U.S. Department of Justice

16 1400 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005



19 Ali R. Fazel Robert Scardino

20 Scardino Fazel 1004 Congress Street

21 3rd Floor Houston, TX 77002


23 Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, tra nscript

24 produced by computer-aided transcription. - - - - -


Cheryll K. Barron, CSR, CM, FCRR 713.250.5585

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1 A P P E A R A N C E S: (Continued)

2 FOR THE DEFENDANT: (Continued)

3 John M. Parras Attorney at Law

4 1018 Preston Floor 2

5 Houston, TX 77002

6 Kenneth W. McGuire McGuire Law Firm

7 PO Box 79535 Houston, TX 77279


9 Cheryll K. Barron, CSR, CM, FCRR

10 U.S. District Court 515 Rusk Street

11 Houston, Texas 77002 - - - - -















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4 Henry Amadio, Government's Witness

5 Direct Examination by Mr. Costa 2301

6 Cross-Examination by Mr. Scardino 2465

7 - - - - -



















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1 P R O C E E D I N G S

2 (Jury not present)

3 (At the bench with all counsel)

4 MR. COSTA: Are we ready, Judge?

5 THE COURT: Yes, we're ready.1 0 : 0 6

6 MR. COSTA: Judge, the next witness is an individ ual

7 named Henry Amadio, who was an accountant at Stan ford

8 Financial. He told us just a couple of weeks ago that -- he

9 was initially represented by Jimmy Ardoin. The g overnment

10 contacted Mr. Ardoin in 2010, about a year after the charges1 0 : 0 6

11 were filed, said we would like to talk to Mr. Ama dio.

12 Jimmy said: Well, now, at this point we're in

13 with Laura Holt. We should -- I'm going to tell Henry to find

14 another attorney.

15 He ended up hiring Mike Hinton's firm, and that's1 0 : 0 6

16 who represents him today. Mr. Amadio just told u s within the

17 last couple of weeks that when he was -- when Mr. Ardoin give

18 him recommendations, one of the names he gave him was Mr. Fazel

19 and he did meet Mr. Fazel for --

20 THE COURT: He what?1 0 : 0 6

21 MR. COSTA: This witness, Mr. Amadio, met with

22 Mr. Fazel when he was shopping around for lawyers . And they

23 had a -- I don't know the details of the discussi on; but they

24 met one day, had a discussion. And he obviously decided to

25 hire Mr. Hinton. He was -- never retained Mr. Fa zel but --1 0 : 0 7

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1 MR. FAZEL: Judge, I don't even remember the meet ing1 0 : 0 7

2 and nor do we have files or anything in the offic e. And the

3 way I know that is because our server blew up rig ht after we

4 were appointed to represent Mr. Stanford. So, th ere's no

5 documentation to that effect. I don't recall the meeting, and1 0 : 0 7

6 I don't know if Robert even --

7 MR. SCARDINO: I went out there and shook his han d

8 right before we came in. He said: I've met you before.

9 I said: I'm sorry. I don't recall.

10 He said: No, I talked to your partner. 1 0 : 0 7

11 So, I asked Ali. And Ali says: No, I don't

12 remember him but I'll -- there was no engagement letter, no

13 fees --

14 MR. COSTA: The government doesn't think it's a

15 problem. We just think, in an abundance of cauti on, to put it1 0 : 0 7

16 on the record. We do not think he was ever retai ned, that

17 there is any conflict.

18 THE COURT: Does the government or the defense se e any

19 problems?

20 MR. FAZEL: I don't even remember the guy, your H onor.1 0 : 0 7

21 THE COURT: So the answer is?

22 MR. FAZEL: No.

23 THE COURT: Government?

24 MR. COSTA: No.

25 THE COURT: No problem. All right. It's on the1 0 : 0 8

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1 record.1 0 : 0 8

2 (In open court)

3 THE COURT: All right. Let's call the jury in,

4 please.

5 (Jury present)1 0 : 0 9

6 THE COURT: Before we get underway today, I do wa nt to

7 mention that we're going to get underway tomorrow at 10:15. At

8 9:00 in the morning -- we do this once a year -- almost all the

9 judges in Houston, together with -- I know the ch ief judge from

10 McAllen -- what happens is that we -- our distric t runs from1 0 : 0 9

11 Houston. It takes in -- we have judges in Galves ton, Victoria,

12 Corpus Christi, McAllen, Brownsville, and Laredo. That's the

13 whole district. So, we take about a third of the state in.

14 There's a recognition in Houston of all of the

15 staff people from the clerk's office, from the pr obation1 0 : 1 0

16 department, pretrial services -- what is it? The y get their

17 veteran's awards, shall we say, big plaques. It gets bigger

18 and bigger, the longer you've been here, the plaq ue size.

19 In fact, Ellen is going to be recognized for

20 25 years as employed by the judicial branch, whic h is great,1 0 : 1 0

21 both here and in -- where is it?

22 THE CASE MANAGER: Michigan.

23 THE COURT: Michigan, right, a few years in Michi gan.

24 But anyhow, what I am saying is that begins at

25 9:00 o'clock. It's in the big ceremonial courtro om, 11A. If1 0 : 1 0

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1 you happen to be here that early, you're welcome to come up.1 0 : 1 0

2 It's open to the public. What it is, you can pic ture a bunch

3 of guys in these robes all across the front and, in effect, we

4 have enough participating, a few in the front als o and a few

5 greetings from the chief judge, Judge Hinojosa, v ery1 0 : 1 1

6 accomplished fellow.

7 I think he was Harvard undergraduate, UT Law

8 School; and he holds a number of high positions. In fact, I

9 don't know if you know that or not; Judge Hinojos a was

10 recognized by the highest judicial federal judici al award in1 0 : 1 1

11 the country, given only once -- one per year, cal led the Devitt

12 Award. I think it was last year. And it was pre sented, I

13 believe, at the US Supreme Court.

14 But in any event, if you want to just see what

15 goes on down here, it begins at 9:00 and -- what is it --1 0 : 1 1

16 thereafter we -- the staff gathers somewhere. So we're getting

17 underway at 10:15. You don't have to come in any earlier than

18 10:15. If you happen to be here earlier, it's in

19 Courtroom 11A.

20 It's right next to the one that we selected the1 0 : 1 1

21 jury in. But this is the really ornate courtroom with the

22 ornate rugs and the bench itself is -- extends ov er the whole

23 width of that huge size courtroom, better lightin g, all the

24 judge portraits on the wall.

25 That's the first judge that was appointed to the1 0 : 1 2

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1 Southern District of Texas. Of course, the distr ict was in1 0 : 1 2

2 effect, you know, from -- I guess, shortly after, you know,

3 Texas became a state. But then a lot of them lef t during the

4 Civil War, and some of them came back on.

5 But then they split the District of Texas into1 0 : 1 2

6 the Southern, Eastern, Northern, and Western. An d that was the

7 first judge appointed to the Southern District ev en though

8 there was, before that, one judge of the District of Texas.

9 But no known portrait of that man exists. The hi storians have

10 looked for it.1 0 : 1 2

11 Anyhow, if you're here, that's tomorrow morning

12 at 9:00; but we'll be underway at 10:15.

13 Go right ahead, sir.

14 MR. COSTA: Thank you, your Honor. The United St ates

15 calls Henry Amadio.1 0 : 1 2

16 THE CASE MANAGER: Could you please raise your ri ght

17 hand?

18 Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're

19 about to give in the case now before the Court wi ll be the

20 truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ?1 0 : 1 3


22 THE CASE MANAGER: Thank you. You may have a sea t.

23 ///

24 ///

25 /// 1 0 : 1 3

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4 Q. Good morning, Mr. Amadio.

5 A. Good morning.1 0 : 1 3

6 Q. Would you please introduce yourself to the jury and spell

7 your last name for the court reporter?

8 A. My name is Henry Amadio, A-M-A-D-I-O.

9 Q. And what do you do for a living, Mr. Amadio?

10 A. I'm an accountant.1 0 : 1 3

11 Q. Briefly tell the jury about your educational ba ckground.

12 A. I studied at the University of Houston. I majo red in

13 computer information systems and accounting.

14 Q. And what did you do after graduating from the U niversity of

15 Houston with that accounting degree?1 0 : 1 3

16 A. I worked with -- with Aeromexico Airlines.

17 Q. Was that here in Houston?

18 A. That was here in Houston.

19 Q. What was your position with Aeromexico?

20 A. I worked there as an accountant, and my last po sition was1 0 : 1 4

21 accounting supervisor.

22 Q. What kind of company is Aeromexico?

23 A. It's a public company, an airline, Mexican owne d airline.

24 Q. What years did you work there?

25 A. I worked from 1992 to year 2002.1 0 : 1 4

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1 Q. And just generally describe what your duties we re as an1 0 : 1 4

2 accountant with Aeromexico.

3 A. I worked in different departments, the revenue department,

4 general accounting departments; and I supervised the general

5 accounting department, accounts payable, accounts receivable.1 0 : 1 4

6 Q. Where did you go in 2002 when you left Aeromexi co?

7 A. I went to work for Stanford Financial Group Com pany.

8 Q. How did you first hear about Stanford Financial ?

9 A. I was contacted in 2002 by the HR manager.

10 Q. Why did the HR manager contact you initially?1 0 : 1 4

11 A. Initially I was contacted because they were loo king for an

12 internal audit manager to work in one of their ai rlines that

13 the company had.

14 Q. What were these airlines that Stanford had?

15 A. There was two airlines, Caribbean Sun and Carib bean Star,1 0 : 1 5

16 at that time.

17 THE COURT: Were you working with the airlines

18 predominantly?

19 THE WITNESS: No, I didn't work --

20 THE COURT: I mean, with Stanford.1 0 : 1 5

21 MR. COSTA: We're going to get to that, your Hono r.

22 THE COURT: All right. Okay.


24 Q. Initially they were interested in you because o f your

25 airline -- Stanford was interested in you because of your1 0 : 1 5

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1 airline background?1 0 : 1 5

2 A. That is correct.

3 Q. Were these two airlines, Caribbean Sun and Cari bbean Star,

4 were they fairly new at this point in 2002 when y ou were

5 contacted by the HR person?1 0 : 1 5

6 A. Yes, they were.

7 Q. And so, did they -- Stanford Financial ask you for an

8 interview, invite you for an interview?

9 A. That is correct.

10 Q. Who did you -- with whom did you first intervie w?1 0 : 1 5

11 A. I first interviewed with the HR manager.

12 THE COURT: What was the name of that person? Do you

13 remember?

14 THE WITNESS: It was --

15 THE COURT: All right.1 0 : 1 6

16 THE WITNESS: I can't remember.

17 THE COURT: Okay.


19 Q. After you met with the HR manager, did you meet with

20 someone else in the interview process?1 0 : 1 6

21 A. Yes. I met with Gil Lopez.

22 Q. At that time in 2002 what was Mr. Lopez' positi on at

23 Stanford Financial?

24 A. He was -- at that time he was the controller of Stanford

25 Financial Group.1 0 : 1 6

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1 Q. What's a "controller"?1 0 : 1 6

2 A. "Controller" is a person that oversees all of t he

3 accounting processes and accounting matters of th e company.

4 Q. And what did Mr. Lopez tell you about the posit ion that you

5 were being interviewed for?1 0 : 1 6

6 A. At that time, when reviewing my résumé, I didn' t have

7 internal audit experience; but he was interested in my -- still

8 interested in my experience in the airline and th at there was

9 probably another opportunity -- another job openi ng.

10 Q. Did you interview with someone after you met wi th1 0 : 1 7

11 Mr. Lopez?

12 A. Then I interviewed with Mark Kuhrt.

13 Q. What was Mr. Kuhrt's position at the time in 20 02 when you

14 had that interview?

15 A. He was the accounting manager at that time.1 0 : 1 7

16 Q. Now, after you started working at Stanford Fina ncial, did

17 Mr. Lopez and Mr. Kuhrt get promoted?

18 A. Yes, they did.

19 Q. And by the end of your time at Stanford Financi al, what was

20 Mr. Lopez' position?1 0 : 1 7

21 A. He was the chief accounting officer.

22 Q. And what was Mr. Kuhrt's position at the end?

23 A. He was the global controller.

24 Q. So, who's higher in the pecking order, chief ac counting

25 officer, Mr. Lopez, or global controller, Mr. Kuh rt?1 0 : 1 7

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1 A. The chief accounting officer was higher.1 0 : 1 7

2 Q. So, Mr. Kuhrt reported to Mr. Lopez?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. What did Mr. Kuhrt tell you about the position when you

5 interviewed?1 0 : 1 8

6 A. The position that was offered was a senior acco unting

7 position for fixed assets.

8 Q. What does that mean, "fixed assets"?

9 A. "Fixed asset" was a person in charge of oversee ing and

10 doing all the inventory for personal property, su ch as1 0 : 1 8

11 machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures.

12 Q. And part of that was expected to be with the ai rlines,

13 Caribbean Sun and Caribbean Star?

14 A. It was to work together also with Caribbean Sun and

15 Caribbean Star, with the accountants of the airli ne, to help1 0 : 1 8

16 them establish a chart of accounts, the systems s etup, and all

17 that.

18 Q. Did you accept the job with Stanford Financial?

19 A. Yes, I did.

20 Q. What was your starting salary?1 0 : 1 8

21 A. It was $52,000.

22 Q. And do you remember when in 2002, approximately , you began

23 working there?

24 A. I think it was December 16th.

25 Q. And was your job, once you got there, were you focused on1 0 : 1 9

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1 the airlines or working with a lot of companies?1 0 : 1 9

2 A. It was both. It was working with the airlines, helping

3 out, establishing some of the accounting procedur es,

4 processes -- they were setting up a new system -- as well as

5 also the function of the fixed asset, traveling t o some of the1 0 : 1 9

6 entities to do some of the inventory of the machi neries,

7 equipments, furniture.

8 Q. When you mention that word "entities," you're t alking about

9 different Stanford businesses?

10 A. That is correct, other affiliated companies.1 0 : 1 9

11 Q. Who was your direct employer that issued your p aycheck?

12 A. Stanford Financial Group Company.

13 Q. What was the role of Stanford Financial Group C ompany?

14 A. It was a role of management support company tha t will

15 provide accounting, IT, HR support to other affil iated1 0 : 1 9

16 companies.

17 Q. When you say other affiliated companies, are th ose other

18 companies also owned by Robert Allen Stanford?

19 A. That is correct.

20 Q. Is one of those companies Stanford Internationa l Bank?1 0 : 2 0

21 A. Yes. Yes, it is.

22 Q. So, the accountants at Stanford Financial would provide

23 services to the bank?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And to other Stanford businesses?1 0 : 2 0

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1 A. And to other Stanford businesses.1 0 : 2 0

2 Q. And the IT people at Stanford Financial would p rovide

3 computer services to the bank and to other Stanfo rd companies?

4 A. That's correct.

5 Q. Shortly after starting work at Stanford Financi al, did you1 0 : 2 0

6 have an occasion to visit Stanford International Bank in

7 Antigua?

8 A. Yes. A month into the job, the new job, in Jan uary of

9 2003, I went to Antigua.

10 Q. What was going on in Antigua when you went down there, at1 0 : 2 0

11 the bank?

12 A. It was the preparation of the annual report.

13 Q. Was the internal audit also being conducted?

14 A. That is correct, yes.

15 Q. How many people from Houston went down to Antig ua to work1 0 : 2 1

16 on the annual report and conduct the internal aud it?

17 A. At least between five and six people.

18 Q. And were some of those -- was there an actual i nternal

19 audit department?

20 A. Yes, there was.1 0 : 2 1

21 Q. At Stanford Financial Group?

22 A. That is correct.

23 Q. So, some of the internal auditors went down the re?

24 A. Two of the internal auditors -- that was the nu mber that

25 they had at that time -- will go and travel, as w ell as some of1 0 : 2 1

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1 the accountants.1 0 : 2 1

2 Q. And how long were you down in Antigua at the ba nk in 2003?

3 A. About a week and a half.

4 Q. And you said that Stanford Financial Group prov ided

5 accounting services for the bank. Did the bank a lso have some1 0 : 2 1

6 accountants directly employed by the bank down in Antigua?

7 A. That is correct, yes.

8 Q. So, if you were down there in January 2003 whic h year's

9 annual report were you working on?

10 A. The 2002.1 0 : 2 2

11 MR. COSTA: If we can pull up Government 115, whi ch

12 has already been referenced, your Honor.

13 And go to Page 60.


15 Q. Do you recognize this page of the 2002 annual r eport,1 0 : 2 2

16 Mr. Amadio?

17 A. Yes, I do.

18 Q. It's the report of management?

19 A. That is -- that is correct.

20 Q. Is this a standard report that was included in all the1 0 : 2 2

21 annual reports you saw?

22 A. Yes, this is a standard report.

23 MR. COSTA: We can go back to the full document,

24 please.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 1 0 : 2 2

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1 Q. Who signed -- which two individuals signed that report of1 0 : 2 2

2 management?

3 A. It was signed by R. Allen Stanford and James Da vis.

4 MR. COSTA: And now if we can go to look at the s econd

5 and third paragraphs, pull those up, please.1 0 : 2 2


7 Q. Could you read that -- the first paragraph that 's being

8 shown there, which is the second paragraph of tha t management

9 report?

10 A. "The bank maintains a system of internal accoun ting1 0 : 2 3

11 controls to provide reasonable assurance that ass ets are

12 safeguarded and that transactions are executed in accordance

13 with management's authorization and recorded prop erly to permit

14 the preparation of financial statements in accord ance with

15 approved accounting standards. The internal audi t function of1 0 : 2 3

16 the bank reviews, evaluates, monitors, and makes

17 recommendations on both administrative and accoun ting control,

18 which acts as an integral but independent part of the system of

19 internal controls."

20 Q. And those internal auditors are the folks you w ent down to1 0 : 2 3

21 Antigua with?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. Then, if you could read the next paragraph?

24 A. "The bank's independent accountants were engage d to perform

25 an examination of financial statements."1 0 : 2 3

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1 Q. Stop there. Who was the bank's independent acc ountant?1 0 : 2 3

2 A. That was CAS Hewlett.

3 Q. So, this report from Mr. Stanford and Mr. Davis is saying

4 that there's both an internal audit and this outs ide

5 independent accountant who were verifying the boo ks?1 0 : 2 4

6 A. That is correct.

7 Q. Okay. If you can just finish up that paragraph .

8 A. "This examination provides an objective, outsid e review of

9 management's responsibility to report operating r esults and

10 financial condition. Working with the bank's int ernal1 0 : 2 4

11 auditors, they review and make tests, as appropri ate, of the

12 data included in the financial statements."

13 Q. That last sentence is saying that the outside a uditor,

14 Mr. Hewlett, works with the bank's internal audit ors to test

15 the financial statements?1 0 : 2 4

16 A. That is correct.

17 Q. What does that term test -- making tests of the data in the

18 financial statements, what does that mean to you?

19 A. It is to use sampling of the information of the accounting

20 data and test if it's accurate and the integrity of the numbers1 0 : 2 4

21 are correct.

22 Q. And when you are talking about an audit of a ba nk, what

23 type of data would you expect to be tested by the auditors?

24 A. All sorts of different documents, financials, b ut also

25 client deposits and also investments, as well, in vestment1 0 : 2 5

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1 portfolio.1 0 : 2 5

2 Q. Let's turn to Page 37 in this annual report.

3 Do you recognize this as the balance sheet the

4 bank was claiming in the 2002 annual report?

5 A. Yes, that's correct.1 0 : 2 5

6 Q. And it lists assets and then liabilities?

7 A. That's correct.

8 Q. Now, let's first talk about liabilities. It sa ys total

9 liabilities of 1.6 billion in 2002, and it breaks it down.

10 What are the vast, vast majority of those liabili ties of the1 0 : 2 6

11 bank?

12 A. That's the customer deposits.

13 Q. The money owed to the CD depositors?

14 A. That's the money owed.

15 Q. And when you were down in Antigua and that inte rnal audit1 0 : 2 6

16 was being conducted, was there backup documentati on that

17 allowed the internal auditors to verify that that was, in fact,

18 the amount owed to the CD depositors?

19 A. That is correct. There was clients' informatio n.

20 Q. So, that part, you did see testing of the liabi lity side of1 0 : 2 6

21 the bank's balance sheet?

22 A. That's correct.

23 Q. Now, let's talk about the assets. And just in basic terms,

24 what are assets?

25 A. The assets are the investments that the bank -- the bank is1 0 : 2 6

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1 investing those clients' deposits.1 0 : 2 6

2 Q. And why would someone reading this care what th e bank's

3 assets were?

4 A. Because that way the person who would make the decision to

5 deposit money into the bank will see that the mon ey is being1 0 : 2 6

6 invested correctly and there is no high risk on t heir money.

7 Q. Are there banking requirements about how much t he assets

8 need to be in relation to the liabilities?

9 A. Yes, there is.

10 Q. And just very generally, what does the relation ship have to1 0 : 2 7

11 be between assets and liabilities of a bank?

12 A. Well, the assets have to be higher than the lia bilities to

13 have that cushion to cover any withdrawals of cli ents'

14 deposits.

15 Q. And so, in 2002 the total assets were reported to be1 0 : 2 7

16 1.7 billion. And what's the vast majority -- the y break it

17 down. Part of it is -- a little bit, just 5 mill ion, is fixed

18 assets. And you talked about that before. What were the fixed

19 assets of the bank, what would those be?

20 A. That would be the building, furniture and fixtu res,1 0 : 2 7

21 machinery, equipment.

22 Q. That's just $5 million reported in 2002?

23 A. That is correct.

24 Q. So, what was the vast majority of the total ass ets

25 reported?1 0 : 2 8

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1 A. The vast majority was the investment portfolio.1 0 : 2 8

2 Q. Over 1.57 billion reported?

3 A. That's correct.

4 Q. And when you were down for 10 days in Antigua d uring the

5 internal audit in early 2003, did you see any bac kup1 0 : 2 8

6 documentation being provided by the bank to suppo rt the

7 investment portfolio?

8 A. No, I didn't.

9 Q. What type of backup documentation -- we talked about that

10 testing, an auditor should test the numbers. Wha t type of1 0 : 2 8

11 backup documentation would enable someone to test the

12 investment portfolio being reported?

13 A. That would be broker/dealer statements, bank st atements

14 showing the different investments, and the return of those

15 investments as well.1 0 : 2 8

16 Q. And you didn't see those the 10 days you were d own at the

17 bank in 2003?

18 A. No, I didn't.

19 MR. COSTA: If we can go in the same document to

20 Page 50, and if we can get the part above the gra phs.1 0 : 2 9


22 Q. And is that a breakdown of supposedly where the investments

23 are?

24 A. That is correct, yes.

25 Q. And so, it's those equities and treasury bonds, notes,1 0 : 2 9

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1 corporate bonds. It says they're generally liste d on major1 0 : 2 9

2 exchanges. It's statements showing those investm ents that you

3 would expect to see and be tested during an audit ?

4 A. That is correct, yes.

5 Q. Did you ever go down to Antigua for another int ernal audit?1 0 : 2 9

6 A. No, I didn't.

7 Q. But you stayed working at Stanford Financial th rough 2009?

8 A. Yes, I did.

9 Q. Did you learn whether the internal auditors wer e ever given

10 access to those brokerage statements that would a llow for1 0 : 3 0

11 proper testing of the investment numbers?

12 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the form of the question .

13 THE COURT: Why?

14 MR. SCARDINO: He's stating whether for the "prop er

15 testing," which is testifying, in effect, whether it was proper1 0 : 3 0

16 or not.

17 THE COURT: All right. Rephrase it.

18 MR. COSTA: I'll rephrase it.


20 Q. Did you learn whether the backup documentation, those1 0 : 3 0

21 broker statements for the investment portfolio, w ere ever given

22 to the internal auditors?

23 A. No. They were never given to the internal audi tors.

24 Q. What about -- you said you worked in the accoun ting

25 department for Stanford Financial Group, which pr ovided1 0 : 3 0

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1 accounting services to the bank, among other comp anies. Did1 0 : 3 0

2 the accounting department ever receive the broker age statements

3 showing or verifying those numbers reported to be in the

4 investment portfolio?

5 A. No, they never received it.1 0 : 3 0

6 Q. Did you think it was unusual that the internal auditors

7 never had access to those brokerage statements?

8 A. Yes, it was unusual.

9 Q. Why?

10 A. Because for an internal auditor to be able to g ive an1 0 : 3 1

11 objective, independent review and evaluation of t he financials,

12 he needs to have that information.

13 Q. Were you ever told why the brokerage statements weren't

14 given to the accounting department or weren't dis closed to the

15 internal auditors or others within the company?1 0 : 3 1

16 A. The information that was given -- or the explan ation why

17 that information was not disclosed is because of the unique

18 investment model that the company had and it was very secretive

19 and so unique that it was not to be revealed, it was very

20 confidential.1 0 : 3 2

21 Q. These investments in stocks and treasury notes was -- you

22 were told was very confidential?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. You worked -- you said before, you worked at Ae romexico

25 before working at Stanford?1 0 : 3 2

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1 A. That is correct.1 0 : 3 2

2 Q. And since, you've worked at another company. I s that

3 correct? As an accountant?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Is there something -- I take it most companies don't want1 0 : 3 2

6 their business information disclosed outside of t he company.

7 Is that your experience?

8 A. Yes, that's correct.

9 Q. Is there something businesses can do, a legal a greement, to

10 prevent that disclosure outside the company?1 0 : 3 2

11 A. Yes. There's -- employees sign confidentiality agreements.

12 Q. But at Stanford it wasn't enough to have a conf identiality

13 agreement with those auditors or others?

14 A. That was not enough.

15 Q. Was this secrecy surrounding the investment por tfolio1 0 : 3 3

16 consistent with what you saw generally working fo r Stanford

17 Financial?

18 A. In general, yes.

19 Q. Was there a phrase for -- that described access to

20 information at Stanford Financial?1 0 : 3 3

21 A. Everything was to be a need-to-know basis.

22 Q. Was there an experience you had early on in you r time at

23 Stanford Financial that highlighted the secrecy t hat you saw at

24 the company?

25 A. Yes. In one occasion we left printed financial s of one of1 0 : 3 3

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1 the entities on the printer, and it was informed -- or called1 0 : 3 3

2 to my attention that that should not ever be left -- that

3 information should never be left in the printer o r outside of

4 the accounting department.

5 Q. Who told you that?1 0 : 3 4

6 A. That was -- Mark Kuhrt mentioned that to me.

7 Q. You said after 2003 you never went down to the bank during

8 an internal audit. But did you continue to work on the annual

9 report?

10 A. Yes. Yes, I did.1 0 : 3 4

11 Q. Each year you had some involvement in the annua l report?

12 A. Each year, yes.

13 Q. What was your level of involvement in the annua l report?

14 A. It was a level of reviewing the different draft s of the

15 annual report as they were drafted. After they h ad come1 0 : 3 4

16 from -- the information came from Antigua and the y had reviewed

17 the information, then the accounting department i n Houston

18 would review the multiple draft that will come fr om the

19 marketing, advertising company that will be draft ing the annual

20 report and make sure that information from the pr ior year was1 0 : 3 5

21 flowing into the new year annual report, making s ure that

22 numbers added up, spelling, things like that was done.

23 Q. I want to go to Exhibit 120, which is the 2007 annual

24 report. Is this the last annual report that was ever

25 distributed?1 0 : 3 5

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1 A. Published? Yes.1 0 : 3 5

2 Q. What happened to the 2008 annual report?

3 A. It was not yet finalized when the receivership took over

4 the company in February.

5 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Page 6, highlight the1 0 : 3 5

6 second paragraph. The one below.

7 MR. SCARDINO: I'm sorry, Mr. Costa. What is it?

8 MR. COSTA: 120, 2007 report.

9 MR. SCARDINO: What page?

10 MR. COSTA: Page 6.1 0 : 3 6


12 Q. Could you read that second paragraph, Mr. Amadi o?

13 A. "We believe value for clients means value for c apital.

14 Theirs and ours. That's why we zealously manage for a strong

15 balance sheet, a strong cash flow, and a strong r eturn on1 0 : 3 6

16 equity. Further, our sole shareholder reinvests every dollar

17 earned back into retained earnings; an act of for esight that

18 has continuously strengthened our capital base fo r future

19 growth. And that's why we are able to pay consis tent returns

20 to our clients, year after year, through market u ps and market1 0 : 3 6

21 downs."

22 Q. I want to focus on the middle sentence, "Furthe r, our sole

23 shareholder." Who was the sole shareholder of St anford

24 International?

25 A. Mr. Stanford.1 0 : 3 7

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1 Q. It says he reinvests every dollar earned back i nto retained1 0 : 3 7

2 earnings. What does that mean, "retained earning s"?

3 A. Retained earnings is the accumulations of all t he profits

4 and earnings that the company makes.

5 Q. So, according to this annual report given to th e clients,1 0 : 3 7

6 was Mr. Stanford taking out his profits for his o wn use or was

7 he putting them back into the bank?

8 A. He was putting it back into the bank. There wa s no

9 distribution to the shareholder.

10 Q. And it says that's the "act that has continuous ly1 0 : 3 7

11 strengthened our capital base for future growth?"

12 A. That's correct.

13 Q. By the time this was being published, did you h ave

14 information that showed that was not true?

15 A. Yes. Yes, I did.1 0 : 3 7

16 Q. What information did you have showing that Mr. Stanford was

17 not putting all the money back into the bank?

18 A. The fact that we had a shareholder funding repo rt that was

19 reflecting all of the funding that was sent to al l of the

20 Stanford affiliated companies and that's -- those were funds1 0 : 3 8

21 that later on I learned that were coming from the bank and they

22 were part of the clients' deposits and were being distributed

23 as -- on behalf of the shareholder, fundings to a ll of the

24 needs of the -- the cash needs of all the affilia ted companies.

25 Q. And we're going to look at some of those accoun ting records1 0 : 3 8

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1 in a few minutes. But just generally speaking, w hat type of1 0 : 3 8

2 money are we talking about when this 2007 annual report was

3 published?

4 A. $1.6 billion.

5 Q. And so, this is saying Mr. Stanford is not even taking1 0 : 3 9

6 profits out of the bank. And you said you knew t hat wasn't

7 true. From what you knew, was he taking even mor e than profits

8 out of the bank?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And what do you mean by that?1 0 : 3 9

11 A. What I mean by that is that, first of all, ther e was not

12 enough profits in the bank to make up the $1.6 bi llion that was

13 already accumulated all the way through 2007 as s hareholder

14 funding or money that was coming on behalf of the shareholder

15 to the different affiliated companies. So, what I mean by that1 0 : 3 9

16 is that the only other conclusion was that money was coming

17 from the clients' deposits to cover that amount.

18 Q. That one point -- did you say 1.6?

19 A. 1.6 billion.

20 Q. At that time the 1.6 billion that had gone to1 0 : 3 9

21 Mr. Stanford's other companies?

22 A. That is correct.

23 MR. COSTA: Let's go to Page 17. If we can highl ight

24 Section 2.9.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 1 0 : 4 0

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1 Q. Are you familiar with this as part of the 2007 annual1 0 : 4 0

2 report, Mr. Amadio?

3 A. Yes. Yes, I am.

4 Q. If you can read that section entitled "Loans an d advances

5 to clients"?1 0 : 4 0

6 A. "Stanford International Bank does not expose it s clients to

7 the risks associated with commercial loans. The bank's only

8 form of lending is done on a cash-secured basis s olely to

9 existing clients. Loans and advances to clients are permitted

10 up to 80 percent of deposits maintained by the cl ient at the1 0 : 4 0

11 bank. The deposits serve as guarantee to the loa n and,

12 therefore, no additional provision is needed to s upport a

13 potential loan loss."

14 Q. So, it says the bank does not expose its client s to risks

15 associated with commercial loans. Did you see an y loans at the1 0 : 4 0

16 bank that did involve risk?

17 A. Yes, I did.

18 Q. Did you believe this was a true statement in th e annual

19 report?

20 A. No, it wasn't.1 0 : 4 1

21 Q. What -- explain why you thought it was not a tr ue

22 statement.

23 A. Because -- because of the shareholder funding r eport and

24 knowing how the different affiliated companies we re cash

25 funded, there was an existing loan and that exist ing loan was1 0 : 4 1

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1 what was referred to as the shareholder receivabl es or note1 0 : 4 1

2 receivable in the bank.

3 Q. So, who was the bank loaning money to?

4 A. To Robert Allen Stanford.

5 Q. And this note in the annual report talks about risks1 0 : 4 1

6 associated with commercial loans. What's the bas ic risk with

7 loaning out money?

8 A. That it will not get repaid.

9 Q. Did you think this loan at this time -- I think you said

10 for about 1.6 billion to Mr. Stanford -- was ther e a risk it1 0 : 4 2

11 wouldn't get repaid?

12 A. Yes, that was a concern.

13 Q. And we're going to talk more about this later, but for the

14 number of years you were familiar with this -- al l this money

15 being loaned to Mr. Stanford, were there signific ant repayments1 0 : 4 2

16 being made on a regular basis?

17 A. No, there wasn't. There wasn't.

18 Q. Were the loans growing over time?

19 A. Yes, they were.

20 Q. At what type of rate?1 0 : 4 2

21 A. At least three to four hundred million dollars every year.

22 Q. And it does talk here -- it says there's one fo rm of loan.

23 Is that describing the loans Mr. Stanford was tak ing out?

24 A. No, it's not.

25 Q. What's the one -- the only form of lending it t alks about?1 0 : 4 2

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1 Just explain what those loans were that were disc losed.1 0 : 4 2

2 A. That's the type of loans that only clients that have cash

3 deposits into the bank can withdraw to 80 percent of their

4 deposits. But it's what is cash -- it's cash gua ranteed. In

5 other words, it's guaranteed. If there is no rep ayment of that1 0 : 4 3

6 loan, the bank can use the deposits to cover for that -- that

7 loan.

8 Q. So, was there a risk associated with those loan s to the

9 clients who had CD money in the bank?

10 A. No risk.1 0 : 4 3

11 Q. Because it was cash secured?

12 A. That is correct.

13 Q. What is it -- it says "commercial loan." What does

14 "commercial loan" mean?

15 A. Commercial loans are, you know, mortgages, car loans.1 0 : 4 3

16 Q. Would that include a loan just for someone to s tart a

17 business or invest in a business?

18 A. That's correct, yes.

19 Q. And what was Mr. Stanford using all this -- the 1.6 billion

20 for?1 0 : 4 3

21 A. The $1.6 billion was used to start businesses.

22 MR. SCARDINO: I'm sorry. I didn't hear what he said.

23 MR. COSTA: He said to start businesses.

24 MR. SCARDINO: Used to start businesses?

25 MR. COSTA: Uh-huh.1 0 : 4 4

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1 MR. SCARDINO: Okay.1 0 : 4 4


3 Q. When did you first learn that Mr. Stanford was taking all

4 this money from the CD depositors?

5 A. Approximately in 2005, in preparation of -- in preparing1 0 : 4 4

6 this shareholder funding report, I was aware that there was a

7 notes receivable in the bank or -- called an inve stment

8 account.

9 Q. What is a notes receivable, in just general non -accounting

10 terms?1 0 : 4 4

11 A. It's a debt. It's a debt owed to the bank.

12 Q. And so, the bank had this entry for a note rece ivable. And

13 who owed it to the bank?

14 A. Mr. Stanford.

15 Q. And you mentioned this report. Were you tasked with1 0 : 4 4

16 compiling this report?

17 A. That's correct, because of the multiple differe nt

18 affiliated companies and -- and because of this f unding wasn't

19 on a regular basis of. You know, sometimes on a monthly basis,

20 sometimes twice a month. There was a way -- acco unting wise,1 0 : 4 5

21 we needed to keep track of the capitalization. B ecause since

22 these funds were coming on behalf of the sharehol der to the

23 different affiliated companies, it was the only w ay to keep

24 track that all of the different accountants of al l the other

25 entities, affiliated entities, that were recordin g correctly1 0 : 4 5

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1 these funds that were coming in into their entiti es as1 0 : 4 5

2 shareholder funding or capital funding. [sic]

3 Q. Okay. You said a lot there. I'm going to brea k up -- and

4 did you actually do a flow chart that will help s how this more

5 clearly --1 0 : 4 5

6 A. Yes, sir.

7 Q. -- how this worked?

8 But first, before we get to that, who directed

9 you to start compiling this report that would tra ck the amount

10 of money going from the bank to Mr. Stanford and then to his1 0 : 4 6

11 other companies?

12 A. This was Gil Lopez and Mark Kuhrt.

13 Q. Were they your supervisors in the accounting de partment?

14 A. Supervisors. And direction also by Mr. Davis.

15 Q. And did Mr. Davis say what he was going to do w ith this1 0 : 4 6

16 report?

17 A. Yes. He would share this information with the shareholder.

18 Q. And the shareholder was?

19 A. Robert Allen Stanford.

20 Q. And you keep calling him "the shareholder." Wa s that1 0 : 4 6

21 generally what he was referred to as in the accou nting

22 department?

23 A. Yes, sir.

24 Q. You said you created a flow chart that showed h ow this

25 money flowed from the bank to Mr. Stanford's othe r companies?1 0 : 4 6

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1 A. That's correct.1 0 : 4 6

2 MR. COSTA: Can we go to 320, Page 2?

3 MR. SCARDINO: No objections. I understand this is

4 all being offered not for the truth of the matter ?

5 MR. COSTA: No. This is being offered for the tr uth.1 0 : 4 7

6 It's a flow chart he created in the course of his work in the

7 accounting department to show how the money flowe d.

8 MR. SCARDINO: It's demonstrative evidence?

9 MR. COSTA: No. That's substantive evidence. It was

10 created at the time. This wasn't created recentl y. He created1 0 : 4 7

11 this --

12 THE COURT: Okay. This was not prepared for tria l?

13 MR. COSTA: No.


15 Q. Did you create this while working in the accoun ting1 0 : 4 7

16 department?

17 A. This was created in February of 2008.

18 MR. SCARDINO: Okay. I didn't understand.

19 THE COURT: Okay. 320.

20 MR. COSTA: If we can highlight the left-hand sid e of1 0 : 4 7

21 this.


23 Q. And what does this flow chart you created show?

24 A. This flow chart reflects the flow of the funds coming from

25 Stanford International Bank on behalf of the shar eholder to the1 0 : 4 8

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1 different affiliated companies.1 0 : 4 8

2 THE COURT: Well, it says, "Company down south,

3 Affiliates" -- do we have the whole thing here? I know it

4 looks like it's larger.

5 MR. COSTA: Yes, for this portion of the --1 0 : 4 8


7 Q. Is this an accurate and full description of the flow chart?

8 THE COURT: Where is the bank on this, the bank

9 itself, the starting point?

10 THE WITNESS: Where it says "From company down so uth."1 0 : 4 8

11 THE COURT: What does that mean?

12 THE WITNESS: That was a term that Mr. Davis want ed us

13 to include in this flow chart. He didn't want to mention it as

14 SIBL.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 0 : 4 8

16 Q. But "company down south" is the bank?

17 A. That is correct.

18 THE COURT: That's the bank that you were employe d by.

19 Is that correct?

20 THE WITNESS: No, sir, I was not employed by --1 0 : 4 8

21 THE COURT: You were employed by who? The financ ial

22 services?

23 THE WITNESS: Stanford Financial Group Company.

24 THE COURT: Financial Group Company. But this is the

25 bank that we've been talking about, correct? Whe re is this1 0 : 4 9

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1 bank situated, just for the record?1 0 : 4 9

2 THE WITNESS: Antigua, Barbuda.

3 THE COURT: Okay. So, in other words, that was t he

4 bank down on the island, correct?

5 THE WITNESS: Yes, sir.1 0 : 4 9

6 THE COURT: Okay.


8 Q. So, I want to walk through this step by step.

9 THE COURT: Excuse me. You were stationed where?

10 Here in Houston?1 0 : 4 9


12 THE COURT: Okay.


14 Q. You created this flow chart to show how the fun ds were

15 flowing?1 0 : 4 9

16 A. That's correct.

17 Q. And at the top it said: Affiliates cash needs funding.

18 What would start this whole process?

19 A. The process will start by the different account ants of the

20 different affiliated companies would request cash needs as1 0 : 4 9

21 needed to the treasury department in Houston.

22 Q. And let's take it -- I think it will be easier if we take

23 an example. Was one of the companies receiving t his money that

24 ultimately came from the CD depositors those airl ines you

25 talked about, Caribbean Sun and Caribbean Star?1 0 : 4 9

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1 A. That is correct.1 0 : 4 9

2 Q. Did they receive significant amounts of money?

3 A. They did.

4 Q. So, let's talk about Caribbean Sun. Why would

5 Caribbean Sun tell treasury it needed money from the1 0 : 5 0

6 shareholder?

7 A. The company was not making money, not making an y profit;

8 and they were losing a lot of money every month. And so, to be

9 able to pay for the operating expenses, payroll, rent, fuel,

10 they needed cash injection to be able to survive.1 0 : 5 0

11 Q. So, someone at Caribbean Sun would notify treas ury that

12 they needed money?

13 A. That is correct.

14 Q. Okay. And they were asking for money from the shareholder?

15 A. That is correct.1 0 : 5 0

16 Q. Mr. Stanford?

17 A. Yes, sir.

18 Q. And so, when that request went to treasury -- t he next box

19 says, "From company down south," which the judge asked about.

20 That's Stanford International Bank?1 0 : 5 0

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And you said Mr. Davis wanted it to be called " company down

23 south" on this chart?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And so, the money would -- what would happen to money in1 0 : 5 0

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1 this Stanford International Bank, in the "company down south"?1 0 : 5 1

2 Where would it send the money?

3 A. It would send the money to Stanford Financial G roup Global

4 Management.

5 Q. And there's an arrow there, the black arrow. I t says1 0 : 5 1

6 shareholder -- "SH funding." What is that "SH"?

7 A. Shareholder.

8 Q. And "OBS," what does that stand for?

9 A. On behalf of the shareholder.

10 Q. So, monies going from the bank to SFG GM -- and what's that1 0 : 5 1

11 company?

12 A. Stanford Financial Group Global Management.

13 Q. When did that company get involved in this proc ess?

14 A. Towards the -- between '07 and '08.

15 Q. Before that, was there another entity that was in that1 0 : 5 1

16 middle role?

17 A. Yes. That was Stanford Financial Group Company in Houston.

18 Q. Other than the change in those company names, d id the

19 process basically work the same?

20 A. Basically the same, yes.1 0 : 5 1

21 Q. So, the money would go from the bank to Stanfor d Financial

22 Group and later SFG GM. Where would that middle company then

23 send the money?

24 A. Then that middle company would distribute. Acc ording to

25 the cash need of each affiliated company as they requested,1 0 : 5 2

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1 they will be funding those affiliated companies.1 0 : 5 2

2 Q. Which was Caribbean Sun, for example?

3 A. Caribbean Sun will be one of the examples.

4 Q. So, where would Caribbean Sun fit on your flow chart?

5 A. It would be on the bottom portion, where it say s Stanford1 0 : 5 2

6 Group of companies affiliated with cash needs, do wn on the

7 bottom.

8 Q. So, the transfer that Caribbean Sun or Star was receiving

9 would be coming directly from Stanford Financial Group, or the

10 middle company, correct?1 0 : 5 2

11 A. That is correct.

12 Q. It wouldn't even get transferred directly from the bank?

13 A. It would not get transferred directly from the bank.

14 THE COURT: Why not?

15 THE WITNESS: Because since there were multiple - -1 0 : 5 3

16 there were multiple requests for funding, there w as -- the

17 Stanford Financial Group Global Management Compan y was a

18 company that was in charge to keep track of all o f the funding

19 and how it was distributed to which affiliated co mpany needed

20 it.1 0 : 5 3

21 THE COURT: All right. What's the theory of the

22 government? Okay?

23 I do this from time to time in a trial. I think

24 I understand; but just to be sure, what's going - - what are you

25 anticipating to show the relevance of all these a rrows?1 0 : 5 3

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1 MR. COSTA: That at the end, by 2009, $2 billion had1 0 : 5 3

2 gone from the bank, the company down south, in An tigua, to

3 Mr. Stanford's other businesses, which was incons istent with

4 all the disclosures made about how the money was invested,

5 about the financial statements the bank produced, that it had1 0 : 5 3

6 this money.

7 THE COURT: So, what's your theory on the alleged

8 scheme of this? What is it called?

9 MR. COSTA: Well, Mr. Stanford was taking this mo ney

10 improperly, stealing it from the depositors for i mproper1 0 : 5 3

11 purposes and undisclosed purposes.

12 THE COURT: That's the bottom line?

13 MR. COSTA: Yes.

14 THE COURT: Okay. You say that's the violation k nown

15 as?1 0 : 5 4

16 MR. COSTA: It's a scheme to defraud. He's misle ading

17 the shareholders.

18 THE COURT: Go on.

19 MR. COSTA: And because of that, he didn't have t he

20 money to repay the investors and was relying on p ast1 0 : 5 4

21 deposits --

22 THE COURT: Again, ladies and gentlemen, don't as sume

23 I'm leaning one way or the other. It's just a ma tter I want

24 everybody at least to see what globally they're a fter with all

25 of these arrows.1 0 : 5 4

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 0 : 5 4

2 Q. I just want to break this down a little bit mor e,

3 Mr. Amadio. The monies came from where? This -- these

4 billions of dollars, where did it come from?

5 A. From Stanford International Bank.1 0 : 5 4

6 THE COURT: Is that known as the "company down so uth"

7 on this chart?

8 THE WITNESS: Yes, your Honor.

9 THE COURT: Okay.

10 BY MR. COSTA: 1 0 : 5 4

11 Q. And that's what you said you realized had to be not just

12 Mr. Stanford's profits he claimed in the bank but the money

13 that was actually owed back to depositors?

14 A. That is correct.

15 Q. And you knew that it was depositor money becaus e?1 0 : 5 5

16 A. Because that -- it started to grow, the amount is getting

17 larger and larger, it had -- the conclusion was i t had to be

18 deposits money.

19 Q. So, the money went from the bank. And, then, f or most of

20 the time period, it was Stanford Financial Group in this middle1 0 : 5 5

21 box. Is that right?

22 A. That is correct.

23 Q. And who was the sole shareholder of Stanford Fi nancial

24 Group?

25 A. Mr. Stanford.1 0 : 5 5

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1 Q. You know what I mean when I put "RAS" on there?1 0 : 5 5

2 A. Yes, I do.

3 Q. What does that mean?

4 A. R. Allen Stanford.

5 Q. So, the money would go to this middle entity. And from1 0 : 5 5

6 there, where would the money go?

7 A. It would be distributed to the different affili ated --

8 Stanford affiliated companies, as they requested.

9 THE COURT: Like the airlines?

10 THE WITNESS: Like the airlines.1 0 : 5 6


12 Q. Like the airlines. This may challenge my drawi ng, but the

13 airlines. What else?

14 THE COURT: What did you do?

15 MR. COSTA: Tried to draw a plane.1 0 : 5 6

16 THE COURT: Oh, you can do better than that.

17 MR. COSTA: I'm not artistically gifted.

18 THE COURT: You're artistically challenged.

19 MR. SCARDINO: I object.

20 THE COURT: Let the record reflect that.1 0 : 5 6

21 MR. SCARDINO: I'll object. That looks like a bu g,

22 Judge.

23 THE COURT: And it's in red. All right. Go on.


25 Q. What other company -- just give a few examples -- and we're1 0 : 5 6

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1 going to show your report that lists them all. B ut was some of1 0 : 5 6

2 this money going to cricket -- companies that pro moted cricket

3 tournaments?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. I'm not even going to try to draw that.1 0 : 5 6

6 What about the Stanford Development Company, did

7 that receive a lot of the money?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. What did Stanford Development Company do?

10 A. Development and construction of a lot of the fa cilities and1 0 : 5 6

11 buildings and the bank itself.

12 Q. So, you said from these companies' perspectives -- the

13 airlines, the cricket companies, the development companies, a

14 host of others we're going to see -- they treated it as they

15 were getting funding from the shareholder?1 0 : 5 7

16 A. That is correct.

17 Q. So, it was showing that Mr. Stanford was fundin g these

18 companies?

19 A. That is correct.

20 Q. But, in fact, where was Mr. Stanford getting th e money that1 0 : 5 7

21 was being sent to these companies?

22 A. The money was flowing from SIBL to the sharehol der, on

23 behalf of the shareholder, to Stanford Financial Group Company.

24 Q. So, where was it coming from ultimately?

25 A. Ultimately coming from the clients' deposits.1 0 : 5 7

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1 Q. So, the CD money was going to these things thro ugh this1 0 : 5 7

2 intermediary, basically?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And you were asked to compile a report that tra cked all

5 that money?1 0 : 5 8

6 A. Yes, sir.

7 Q. And that started, you said, in 2005?

8 A. Towards the end of 2004, 2005, yes.

9 Q. What data did you use to create your report?

10 A. The information to create the report would come from1 0 : 5 8

11 treasury.

12 Q. From the actual transfers, the bank transfers t hemselves?

13 A. From the actual wire transfers, yes.

14 Q. How did you get that information from treasury?

15 A. They would provide that information to the acco unting1 0 : 5 8

16 department.

17 Q. Who was the treasurer?

18 A. Patricia Maldonado.

19 Q. So, she sent those wires, the information on th ose wires to

20 you?1 0 : 5 8

21 A. That is correct.

22 Q. How often did you compile your report?

23 A. On a monthly basis.

24 Q. And when you'd finish your report each month, w ho did you

25 give it to?1 0 : 5 9

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1 A. I would provide that report to Mark Kuhrt or Gi l Lopez, and1 0 : 5 9

2 they will send it also to Mr. Davis.

3 Q. And you were in meetings or discussions with Mr . Davis

4 about this report over the years?

5 A. Yes.1 0 : 5 9

6 Q. And what did Mr. Davis say he was -- whether he was showing

7 it to anyone?

8 A. In some of the meetings that showed concern of the amount

9 of money that was being requested by all the enti ties and how

10 much money the companies were spending, he would refer that he1 0 : 5 9

11 will talk to the shareholder, he will show this t o the

12 shareholder.

13 Q. Who was concerned about how high -- the billion s of

14 dollars, how high it was getting, the funding for these other

15 companies from the CD money?1 0 : 5 9

16 MR. SCARDINO: Objection to the form of the quest ion,

17 leading.

18 THE COURT: Overruled.


20 Q. Who was concerned about the amounts of money?1 0 : 5 9

21 A. Well, I was concerned to see how much it was gr owing and

22 seeing that it was not going to be repaid. But M r. Davis

23 showed concern as well as the -- Gil and Mark.

24 Q. Did you ever know it was provided to anyone out side of the

25 folks you've already discussed, Mr. Lopez, Mr. Ku hrt, Mr. Davis1 1 : 0 0

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1 and what Mr. Davis said about sharing it with Mr. Stanford,1 1 : 0 0

2 anyone outside the company?

3 A. Nobody else. But I do recall that probably the only other

4 person outside --

5 MR. SCARDINO: Object to nonresponsive.1 1 : 0 0

6 THE COURT: Sustained.

7 Ask the next question.


9 Q. Are you aware of an accountant outside the comp any who

10 received the shareholder funding report?1 1 : 0 0

11 A. In one occasion I believe I --

12 THE COURT: The answer is "yes" or "no."


14 THE COURT: Okay.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 0 0

16 Q. Who received it that you're aware of?

17 A. It was Harry Failing.

18 Q. Who was Harry Failing?

19 A. He was Mr. Stanford's personal CPA.

20 Q. Didn't work for the company, but a personal CPA for1 1 : 0 0

21 Mr. Stanford?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. When you say you provided it to Mr. Lopez and K uhrt, your

24 supervisors in the accounting department, did you e-mail it to

25 them each month?1 1 : 0 1

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1 A. That was not the normal form of sending it to t hem, no.1 1 : 0 1

2 Q. Typically, on a daily basis, though, would you send e-mails

3 about other things?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Why didn't you e-mail this shareholder funding report on a1 1 : 0 1

6 monthly basis?

7 A. It was instructed by Mr. Davis that he didn't w ant this to

8 be e-mailed to him.

9 Q. Did Mr. Lopez tell you anything about who you c ould share

10 this shareholder funding report with?1 1 : 0 1

11 A. It was not to be shared with anybody else besid es

12 Mr. Davis, Lopez, Mark.

13 Q. Did Mr. Lopez tell you what might happen if you shared it

14 with other people in the accounting department or the company?

15 A. This goes back -- yes. This goes back to a nee d-to-know1 1 : 0 1

16 basis and that this information should not be see n by anybody

17 else. And if that would have been the case, it w ould

18 jeopardize my position, my job.

19 Q. That came from Mr. Lopez?

20 A. Yes.1 1 : 0 2

21 Q. And was that particular to the shareholder fund ing report,

22 the part about jeopardizing your job?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. You talked earlier, there was general secrecy a nd a

25 need-to-know basis in the company. But were ther e any other1 1 : 0 2

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1 documents that you were told you would be fired i f you1 1 : 0 2

2 disclosed?

3 A. This was -- in particular, it was this one.

4 Q. Did there come a time when you were asked -- or iginally

5 when you started the shareholder funding report, where did you1 1 : 0 2

6 save it?

7 A. This was saved in a network drive.

8 Q. And that was a computer network that all the em ployees used

9 at Stanford Financial?

10 A. Yes.1 1 : 0 2

11 Q. Did there come a time when you were told to mov e this

12 shareholder funding report and other documents re lating to the

13 bank off of the shared drive, the public --

14 A. Yes. In 2006 came a direction from Mr. Davis t o remove out

15 of the network drive any documents or information related to1 1 : 0 3

16 the bank, because that was going to be held in th e bank and not

17 anymore in Houston.

18 Q. And that included the shareholder funding repor t?

19 A. Yes, that included the shareholder funding repo rt.

20 Q. And you were told this was because the work was supposed to1 1 : 0 3

21 be done in Antigua for the bank?

22 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the leading question.

23 THE COURT: Sustained.


25 Q. What was your understanding as to why the docum ents were1 1 : 0 3

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1 supposed to be taken off the server, the document s relating to1 1 : 0 3

2 the bank?

3 A. The instructions were that since this is an off shore

4 bank --

5 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the nonresponsive answer .1 1 : 0 3

6 THE COURT: Need question and answer.

7 Answer yes or no. If he asks you for a

8 narrative, that's okay.


10 Q. What were you told about why the bank's documen ts needed to1 1 : 0 3

11 be moved off the server in Houston?

12 A. Because that information should be held and pre pared at the

13 bank in Antigua.

14 Q. So, was the solution to start doing all these d ocuments

15 down in Antigua?1 1 : 0 4

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Was that actually done?

18 A. Some of them were done, some of them were not d one.

19 Q. Did you continue and others in the accounting d epartment,

20 like Mr. Lopez and Kuhrt, continue to do work for the bank out1 1 : 0 4

21 of Houston?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. What was going to be different about where thos e documents

24 were saved?

25 A. They were saved in an external drive.1 1 : 0 4

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1 Q. And what time -- approximately when was -- were you told to1 1 : 0 4

2 move the documents from the server to the externa l drive?

3 A. This was -- I believe it was sometime in 2006.

4 Q. Were you ever told that around that time in 200 6 the

5 Securities & Exchange Commission had informed Mr. Stanford and1 1 : 0 4

6 Mr. Davis that there was an investigation underwa y of the CD

7 program at Stanford International Bank?

8 A. No, I did not know.

9 Q. Were you told that the Stanford Group had hired an outside

10 lawyer to deal with the SEC's investigation into the CD program1 1 : 0 5

11 around 2006?

12 A. No, I did not know.

13 Q. I want to show you what is marked as Government 308. Do

14 you recognize this, Mr. Amadio?

15 A. Yes, I do.1 1 : 0 5

16 Q. What is it?

17 A. This is the external drive that was purchased t o move that

18 information from the network drive to the externa l drive.

19 Q. And when you were told to move the information to this

20 external drive, was there time pressure involved in that?1 1 : 0 5

21 A. Yes, there was.

22 Q. Tell us why -- tell us about the time pressure.

23 A. This needed to be done immediately, based on Mr . Davis'

24 instructions. And the thing is that we didn't do it on those

25 terms. And I was reprimanded for not getting it done on1 1 : 0 6

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1 time --1 1 : 0 6

2 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the nonresponsive answer .

3 THE COURT: The last is unresponsive. Sustained.


5 Q. Did anyone get upset with you for not doing it very1 1 : 0 6

6 quickly?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Who was upset with you?

9 A. Gil Lopez.

10 Q. What did he say?1 1 : 0 6

11 A. That why was this not done. And they purchased an external

12 drive and provided to me.

13 Q. And then you made the transfer?

14 A. Yes, I did.

15 Q. Did someone in the accounting department ever c all -- have1 1 : 0 6

16 a nickname for this external drive?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. What was the nickname?

19 A. The football.

20 Q. Who called it that?1 1 : 0 7

21 A. Rolando Roca called it that.

22 Q. Who was Mr. Roca?

23 A. Roca was a budget accountant in charge of the b udgets.

24 Q. Do you know why he called this external drive t he football?

25 A. I will only guess the reason why he called it i s because1 1 : 0 7

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1 of --1 1 : 0 7

2 MR. SCARDINO: I object to the guessing.

3 THE COURT: Sustained.


5 Q. Would you carry this around the office on occas ion?1 1 : 0 7

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And how did you carry it around the office?

8 A. I carried it in my laptop bag.

9 Q. And you said this whole issue of the money goin g from the

10 bank to these other companies ultimately, like th e airlines,1 1 : 0 7

11 like the cricket companies, that would start with a request

12 from the airline for -- asking for more funding?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. Who would typically approve those funding reque sts?

15 A. Typically they will be approved by Mr. Davis.1 1 : 0 8

16 Q. Were there some occasions when Mr. Stanford was included on

17 those e-mails?

18 A. There was some occasions, yes.

19 MR. COSTA: We can go to Government 313.

20 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 0 9

21 Q. This is an e-mail chain; so it would start at t he end,

22 correct, Mr. Amadio?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. What's the date on this e-mail?

25 THE COURT: What are you talking about, the first one?1 1 : 0 9

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 0 9

2 Q. The one on the top, what's the date on that one ?

3 A. March 10th of 2008.

4 Q. And it's from Patricia Maldonado to whom?

5 A. To Allen Stanford.1 1 : 0 9

6 Q. Remind the jury who Ms. Maldonado was.

7 A. Treasury manager.

8 MR. COSTA: If we can go to the second page, the first

9 e-mail in this chain.

10 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 0 9

11 Q. The first e-mail at the bottom, that's on March 4 from

12 Ms. Maldonado, the treasurer, to Mr. Stanford. W ho's copied on

13 that e-mail?

14 THE COURT: I tell you what, move that chart a li ttle

15 bit -- well, let me ask. 1 1 : 0 9

16 Can the jury see the whole chart, or is it

17 blocked a little bit?

18 MR. COSTA: All right. Is that better, your Hono r? I

19 would rather hide my airplane drawings.

20 THE COURT: All right.1 1 : 1 0


22 Q. What's the last -- the e-mail at the bottom?

23 A. You asking who was copied?

24 Q. Well, who was copied on it?

25 A. James Davis, Mark Kuhrt, myself, Gil Lopez.1 1 : 1 0

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1 Q. And this is in March 4th, 2008. The subject is , "Funds1 1 : 1 0

2 request for Star and Sun." What are Star and Sun ?

3 A. The Caribbean airlines.

4 Q. What was going on with the airlines at this poi nt in March

5 2008?1 1 : 1 0

6 A. At this time, the airlines had lost significant ly a lot of

7 money and they were in need of additional capital funding to

8 continue operating.

9 Q. Was Mr. Davis expressing concern about the amou nt of money

10 that the airlines were needing to take from the b ank?1 1 : 1 0

11 A. Yes, he was.

12 Q. Do you know why Mr. Stanford was included in th is funding

13 request?

14 A. In context, what Mr. Davis --

15 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the nonresponsive answer .1 1 : 1 1

16 THE COURT: Sustained.


18 Q. Do you know why?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. (Indicating)1 1 : 1 1

21 A. Mr. Davis was concerned of how much money these airlines

22 already were funded and how much money they were losing, that

23 he wanted Mr. Stanford to be aware or conscious o f the

24 additional funding needs that these airlines need ed.

25 THE COURT: Well, at this time were the airlines going1 1 : 1 1

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1 out of business? It says shut down of the two ai rlines.1 1 : 1 1

2 THE WITNESS: Shortly after this, yes.

3 THE COURT: Oh, this was in -- when they say "shu t

4 down," the anticipated shutdown?

5 THE WITNESS: Yes. This was close to that.1 1 : 1 1

6 THE COURT: Okay.


8 Q. During these discussions you said Mr. Davis was concerned

9 about the money going to these airlines. The dis cussions you

10 participated in with Mr. Davis about this money, the billions1 1 : 1 1

11 going from the depositors to the other companies, did Mr. Davis

12 ever say: This is a great thing. Let's keep pum ping more

13 money into these companies?

14 MR. SCARDINO: I object to the form of the questi on.

15 THE COURT: Overruled.1 1 : 1 2

16 THE WITNESS: He was concerned --

17 THE COURT: Hold it. That's a yes-or-no. I'm so rry.


19 Q. Did he ever say: This is great. Let's keep pu tting more

20 into these companies. It's a good thing?1 1 : 1 2

21 A. No. He never said that.

22 Q. So, he was concerned about the airline money; a nd that's

23 why Mr. Stanford was copied on this particular fu nding request?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. And so, what is Ms. Maldonado asking Mr. Stanfo rd?1 1 : 1 2

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1 A. Is to get approval to fund the airlines.1 1 : 1 2

2 Q. And how much is requested to fund the airlines?

3 A. $5 million.

4 Q. And it breaks it down, 1.7 million for Caribbea n Sun, 3.1

5 for Caribbean Star?1 1 : 1 2

6 A. That is correct.

7 Q. And where would this funding be coming from?

8 A. This will be coming from Stanford International Bank.

9 Q. The "company down south"?

10 A. Yes, sir.1 1 : 1 2

11 Q. The CD depositors' money?

12 A. That's correct.

13 MR. COSTA: Can we move up to the next e-mail?

14 And we would like to go to the first page to see

15 who this is -- 1 1 : 1 3

16 Go to the first page, to see who it's sent to.

17 The first page is on the second page.


19 Q. Is this another e-mail on March 6, 2008, from M aldonado to

20 Stanford?1 1 : 1 3

21 A. Yes, it is.

22 Q. With the same folks in the accounting departmen t copied?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And also Kye Walker on this one?

25 A. Yes, sir.1 1 : 1 3

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1 Q. Okay. And now if we can go and see what Ms. Ma ldonado is1 1 : 1 3

2 saying in this second e-mail to Mr. Stanford.

3 Can you read that, please?

4 A. "Following up, may we have your approval to dis burse funds

5 on behalf of the shareholder to Sun, 1.7 million, and Star,1 1 : 1 3

6 3.1 million? Among other obligations, we are wit hholding

7 payments to employees' reimbursements, which we w ould like to

8 resolve as soon as possible."

9 Q. So, what does Ms. Maldonado say? Where is this

10 $4.8 million going? What type of expenses is it going towards?1 1 : 1 4

11 A. It's to pay employees for their reimbursements in payroll.

12 Q. Money that the airlines owed to these employees ?

13 A. That is correct.

14 Q. It's not going to some big investment to expand the airline

15 or anything like that?1 1 : 1 4

16 A. No.

17 Q. Was that the typical type of expenses that this money that

18 was going to the airlines from the CD depositors was being used

19 for, these daily operating expenses?

20 A. Yes.1 1 : 1 4

21 MR. COSTA: Go back to the first e-mail, at the b ottom

22 there.


24 Q. What does she say at the end in the first e-mai l, the last

25 sentence, "May we have" --1 1 : 1 4

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1 A. May we have your approval to fund this week."1 1 : 1 5

2 MR. COSTA: Now, if we can go back to the first p age.

3 And the top e-mail.


5 Q. How often were these requests coming from the a irlines and1 1 : 1 5

6 other companies for money that was ultimately com ing from the

7 CD depositors?

8 A. At least twice a month.

9 Q. And what does this e-mail say to Mr. Stanford?

10 A. "Mr. Stanford, Skip advised me that he provided you an1 1 : 1 5

11 explanation of the cash needs for the airlines vi a e-mail. Is

12 it okay for us to proceed with funding? As usual , we will only

13 fund accounts with sufficient funds to pay curren t invoices

14 presented."

15 Q. Did this funding request for Caribbean Star and Sun get1 1 : 1 5

16 approved?

17 A. Yes, it did.

18 Q. And that money was sent from the bank to the ai rlines?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Through that middle entity?1 1 : 1 6

21 A. That is correct.

22 Q. Mr. Amadio, I now want to show you 331A, 331B, 331C, and

23 332C. And I think -- ask if you recognize those?

24 THE COURT: Again, the numbers: 331A, B, and C?

25 MR. COSTA: Correct.1 1 : 1 6

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1 THE COURT: And it's 332C?1 1 : 1 6

2 MR. COSTA: Correct.

3 MR. SCARDINO: May I have just a moment to look - -

4 THE COURT: Yes, sir.

5 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 1 7

6 Q. Have you had chance to look at those four docum ents?

7 A. Yes, I did.

8 Q. Do you recognize them?

9 A. Yes, I do.

10 Q. What are they?1 1 : 1 7

11 A. These are the shareholder funding report produc ed every

12 month.

13 Q. You produced them every month. Are those for y ear end?

14 A. That is correct.

15 Q. What type of program, computer program, did you use to1 1 : 1 7

16 produce these reports?

17 A. These are Excel spreadsheets.

18 Q. And was it a normal course of your job duties a t Stanford

19 Financial to produce this report?

20 A. Yes, it was.1 1 : 1 7

21 Q. You did it every month?

22 A. Every month.

23 Q. And was it -- did you -- did the company keep t hose records

24 in the ordinary course of business?

25 A. This was kept in the external drive.1 1 : 1 7

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1 Q. And where did the data come from that you used to create1 1 : 1 7

2 those reports?

3 A. The data came from the wire transfers, the dail y cash

4 reports coming from treasury; and this report the n will match

5 with the financials of the companies.1 1 : 1 8

6 Q. These were the reports you were told if you dis closed to

7 any people outside that small group you could jeo pardize your

8 job?

9 A. That's correct.

10 Q. I want to show you 331C.1 1 : 1 8

11 MR. COSTA: We can switch, your Honor, to the Elm o

12 because these are very small numbers.

13 THE COURT: Hang on one second.


15 Q. What's the title of this document, Mr. Amadio?1 1 : 1 8

16 A. "Shareholder funding, assumption of debt, and n otes payable

17 account."

18 Q. And this is for the end of December 2007, the f inal year's

19 report?

20 A. That is correct.1 1 : 1 9

21 Q. In the left-hand column, what is the list of na mes in the

22 left-hand column?

23 A. That's the list of every single Stanford affili ated entity.

24 Q. And did you group them into separate categories ?

25 A. They were grouped by regions.1 1 : 1 9

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1 Q. And so, let's take the very first one there, St anford1 1 : 1 9

2 Financial Group Company. Is that who you worked for?

3 A. Yes, I did.

4 Q. And did you first have the total amount that ha d gone -- is

5 this showing the amounts, the bottom half of this chart, that1 1 : 1 9

6 Mr. Stanford was funding, the various companies, like Stanford

7 Financial Group?

8 A. No.

9 Q. What's it showing?

10 A. That's showing how much was directly funded to Stanford1 1 : 1 9

11 Financial Group Company, not going to all the oth er affiliated

12 companies.

13 Q. Right. But for Stanford Financial Group, it's showing how

14 much came from where, ultimately?

15 A. From SIB.1 1 : 2 0

16 Q. And in the first column, is that the number for the

17 preceding years, 2004 through 2006?

18 A. That is correct.

19 Q. So, in those years how much went from the CD de positors'

20 money to Stanford Financial Group Company?1 1 : 2 0

21 A. 215,458,249.

22 Q. And then going across, are you tracking 7 milli on for 2007?

23 A. That 7 million was -- was already dropped down to pay it in

24 capital, yes.

25 Q. And let's talk about this. This money, when it ended up1 1 : 2 0

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1 going to a company like Stanford Financial Group from the bank,1 1 : 2 0

2 how did you initially -- how did the accounting d epartment

3 initially treat that money on Stanford Financial Group's books?

4 A. Every company of Stanford Financial Group would record that

5 money coming on behalf of the shareholder as a no tes payable to1 1 : 2 1

6 the shareholder.

7 Q. What's a non-accounting term for "note payable" ?

8 A. It's a debt that the company has to its owner.

9 Q. To Mr. Stanford. And where was Mr. Stanford ge tting the

10 money from?1 1 : 2 1

11 A. From Stanford International Bank.

12 Q. Were the companies like Stanford Financial or C aribbean Sun

13 or the cricket companies, were they typically abl e to pay that

14 money back to Mr. Stanford so that he could repay the bank?

15 A. No, none of that was paid back to Mr. Stanford.1 1 : 2 1

16 Q. What about to the bank?

17 A. Or to the bank.

18 Q. And if it wasn't paid back within a certain tim e period,

19 would you change the accounting treatment of that money that

20 was going into these companies?1 1 : 2 1

21 A. Yes. We would ask for approval from Mr. Davis to drop down

22 whatever was in -- as a notes payable, a debt to the

23 shareholder, to treat it as a capital infusion, o r capital --

24 capitalized to that company.

25 Q. From the shareholder to the airline or to the c ricket1 1 : 2 2

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1 company or to Stanford Financial Group?1 1 : 2 2

2 A. That's correct.

3 Q. That describes the bottom portion of this relat ionship, how

4 it was treated, correct?

5 A. Yes.1 1 : 2 2

6 Q. What about how it was treated on the top half? When the

7 money went from the bank to Mr. Stanford, how was that treated,

8 from an accounting perspective?

9 A. It was a passthrough. It was still put into no tes payable

10 where -- the entity that was in charge of distrib uting the1 1 : 2 2

11 funds to all the affiliated companies would leave it

12 temporarily into a notes payable. And then, as i t was funded

13 to the other entity, it was taken out of that not es payable and

14 then put into notes payable into the different en tity that now

15 owed to the shareholder.1 1 : 2 3

16 Q. But in terms of when this would happen, who's s till -- was

17 the bank depositors, were they still owed money b y Mr. Stanford

18 for this transaction?

19 A. Say that again.

20 Q. Was the money -- who ultimately was the money o wed back to?1 1 : 2 3

21 A. It was owed back to the bank, Stanford Internat ional Bank.

22 Q. You mentioned that Mr. Davis would approve when the -- when

23 these companies like Caribbean Sun couldn't pay b ack the money,

24 that it would be dropped down into a different ac counting

25 treatment?1 1 : 2 3

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1 A. That is correct.1 1 : 2 3

2 Q. And you said Mr. Davis was involved in approvin g that?

3 A. Yes, sir.

4 MR. COSTA: Can we show government 305?

5 We'll have to switch back to the computer, your1 1 : 2 3

6 Honor.


8 Q. Do you recognize this e-mail, Mr. Amadio?

9 A. Yes, I do.

10 MR. COSTA: We can go back to the whole document,1 1 : 2 4

11 please.


13 Q. Did you ultimately receive an e-mail from Mr. K uhrt?

14 A. Yes.

15 MR. COSTA: Okay. And if we can look at the bott om1 1 : 2 4

16 portion.


18 Q. Mr. Lopez is sending Mr. Davis an e-mail?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. And what's the subject?1 1 : 2 4

21 A. "Shareholder funding."

22 Q. And what is Mr. Lopez asking Mr. Davis for?

23 A. For approval so that the shareholder funding in the amount

24 of $95 million would -- that was in the notes pay able to be

25 dropped down to capital.1 1 : 2 4

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1 Q. This is the situation you explained when a comp any couldn't1 1 : 2 4

2 repay the money -- which you said was pretty much always the

3 case?

4 A. That's correct.

5 Q. -- that it would no longer owe a debt to Mr. St anford, it1 1 : 2 5

6 would just be viewed as Mr. Stanford's --

7 MR. SCARDINO: Object to leading.

8 THE COURT: All right. Overruled.


10 Q. It would just be viewed as Mr. Stanford's inves tment in the1 1 : 2 5

11 company, capital into the company?

12 A. That's correct.

13 Q. And so, Gil is saying: Jim, we need approval.

14 MR. COSTA: If we can scroll up to the next e-mai l.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 2 5

16 Q. Who's copied on this e-mail?

17 A. Stanford -- Allen Stanford.

18 Q. And what is Mr. Davis telling Mr. Lopez in this e-mail in

19 which he copies Mr. Stanford?

20 A. That there's no other option, there was not goi ng to be1 1 : 2 5

21 repayment and that it was approved to drop -- wha tever was on

22 the notes payable owed to the shareholder, to dro p it as

23 capital now, capital infusion.

24 Q. And he says -- what does he say? "I approve"?

25 A. "No other option, Gil. I approve based upon in structions1 1 : 2 5

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1 from the shareholder."1 1 : 2 5

2 Q. And who is the shareholder?

3 A. Allen Stanford.

4 Q. And he's copied on this e-mail?

5 A. Yes, sir.1 1 : 2 6

6 MR. COSTA: We can go back to the Elmo, your Hono r.


8 Q. I want to go back to the 2007 report. And let' s look at

9 the airline since we've talked a good bit about t hem. Did you

10 group the airlines together?1 1 : 2 6

11 A. Yes, I did.

12 Q. Now, when we talk about -- do these include Mr. Stanford's

13 private jets?

14 A. No.

15 Q. Did those get some of this money from -- the pr ivate jets1 1 : 2 6

16 get some of the money from the bank?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. Where would that be included on this report?

19 A. That would be under Stanford Financial Group Co mpany, the

20 one on the top.1 1 : 2 6

21 Q. The top. And that included the private jet exp enses?

22 A. That was -- correct. That was the parent compa ny of the --

23 Stanford Aviation's corporate jets' companies.

24 Q. Were the private jets getting a good bit of mon ey from the

25 CD depositors?1 1 : 2 7

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1 A. Yes.1 1 : 2 7

2 Q. Do you recall ballpark how much in a given year ?

3 A. Towards the end, in 2007-2008, it was an accumu lated

4 over -- close to over $30 million.

5 Q. From the CD depositors to pay expenses related to the1 1 : 2 7

6 private jets?

7 A. That's correct.

8 THE COURT: Just the expenses, not the purchase o f the

9 plane?

10 THE WITNESS: That's correct, expenses.1 1 : 2 7


12 Q. Paying for pilots, fuel, things like that?

13 A. Pilot, fuels, the hangars.

14 Q. So let's look at these airlines. You said thes e aren't the

15 private jets. These were the commercial airlines companies1 1 : 2 7

16 Mr. Stanford owned?

17 A. Correct.

18 Q. So, Caribbean Sun, how much money had it taken from the CD

19 depositors from 2004 through 2006?

20 A. 123,727,393.1 1 : 2 8

21 Q. And then it shows additional amounts, and did y ou come up

22 with a total balance up to that date?

23 A. At the end of 2007 it was -- yes.

24 Q. And how much was it?

25 A. 125,842,515.1 1 : 2 8

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1 Q. And if we look at the next company, Caribbean S tar -- do1 1 : 2 8

2 you know what the difference was between Sun and Star?

3 A. One had a license to fly into San Juan, Puerto Rico, which

4 was Sun. Star can only fly between the Caribbean islands.

5 Q. Star couldn't go into the United States and Pue rto Rico?1 1 : 2 8

6 A. That's correct.

7 Q. And Star, by the end of 2007, had taken how muc h money out

8 of the bank?

9 A. 143,911,681.

10 Q. And all these airline expenses, does that maroo n bar give1 1 : 2 8

11 the total for how much the airlines in total had taken out of

12 Stanford International Bank?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. How much?

15 A. 330,994,121.1 1 : 2 9

16 Q. Looking through these other companies, the Cari bbean

17 category, the first one listed is Stanford Develo pment Company,

18 Limited. What did that company do?

19 A. That was the development construction company d own in

20 Antigua.1 1 : 2 9

21 Q. It was doing a lot of construction projects dow n in

22 Antigua?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. What types of projects did it build down there?

25 A. It built the bank; it built Sticky Wicket, whic h is a1 1 : 2 9

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1 restaurant; the cricket field.1 1 : 2 9

2 Q. Does that just include the construction costs, or were some

3 of those companies being run -- like Sticky Wicke t -- being run

4 through the development company?

5 A. That also includes the Sticky Wicket, which is a1 1 : 3 0

6 restaurant, because it was the -- Stanford Develo pment Company

7 was the parent company of that.

8 Q. What type of restaurant was the Sticky Wicket?

9 A. Like a sports bar type of restaurant.

10 Q. What would you compare the food to, something t hat we might1 1 : 3 0

11 have in Houston?

12 A. Chili's maybe.

13 Q. And that Sticky Wicket restaurant, do you recal l

14 approximately how much money it was taking out of the bank to

15 keep its operations afloat?1 1 : 3 0

16 A. Yes. Approximately about 20 -- $20 million acc umulated

17 over the years.

18 Q. For the Sticky Wicket?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. With the food like at Chili's?1 1 : 3 0

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. And so, the development company, 290 million pr ior to this

23 year. By the end of 2007, how much money had the development

24 corporation taken out of Stanford International B ank?

25 A. 346,472,065.1 1 : 3 1

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1 Q. Did you know Arnold Knoche?1 1 : 3 1

2 A. I met him a couple of times, yes.

3 Q. Do you know what his position was when he worke d for

4 Stanford?

5 A. I believe he was the president of Stanford Deve lopment1 1 : 3 1

6 Company down in the US, the US company.

7 THE COURT: Counsel, why don't we take a break at this

8 time?

9 Let me see the attorneys over here just for a

10 moment.1 1 : 3 1

11 It's now 11:30. We'll take a 15-minute break,

12 then go on right to 1:00 o'clock.

13 (Recess was taken)

14 THE COURT: Call the jury in, please.

15 (Jury present)1 1 : 5 0

16 THE COURT: Thank you. Be seated.

17 Go right ahead, please.

18 MR. COSTA: Thank you, your Honor.


20 Q. Mr. Amadio, do you remember right before the br eak we were1 1 : 5 1

21 talking about the Sticky Wicket?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. Have you eaten there?

24 A. Yes, I did.

25 Q. I'm going to show you Government 1530 -- it's a lready been1 1 : 5 2

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1 referenced -- Page 3. Do you recognize that?1 1 : 5 2

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. And that's the restaurant that you talked about . How much

4 money did it receive from the bank?

5 A. That's correct, yes.1 1 : 5 2

6 Q. How much approximately?

7 A. 20, 25 million dollars.

8 Q. Let's go back to 331C, which was your report fo r the end of

9 December 2007. And we were looking at Stanford D evelopment

10 Company. And you said the Sticky Wicket was part of that --1 1 : 5 2

11 was under that company?

12 A. That is correct.

13 Q. So, that 20 plus million was included in the 34 6 million

14 that went from the bank to that entity?

15 A. That is correct.1 1 : 5 3

16 Q. Let's look next on that list under the Caribbea n category:

17 Sun Printing & Publishing. Do you know what that company is?

18 A. Yeah, that was the local Antiguan newspaper.

19 THE COURT: Pull that mike in just a little bit, sir,

20 just a little bit. You can pull it in. Yeah.1 1 : 5 3

21 THE WITNESS: There we go.

22 THE COURT: Yeah.


24 Q. Who owned that Antiguan newspaper?

25 A. That was owned by R. Allen Stanford.1 1 : 5 3

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1 Q. Who owned all the companies listed on this shee t?1 1 : 5 3

2 A. R. Allen Stanford.

3 Q. Jim Davis, was he the sole shareholder or any s hareholder

4 of any of these companies?

5 A. No, he wasn't.1 1 : 5 3

6 THE COURT: Anybody else a shareholder of anythin g to

7 your knowledge?

8 THE WITNESS: No, nobody else.


10 Q. And the Sun Printing & Publishing, the newspape r, at the1 1 : 5 3

11 end of 2007 had over $11 million in CD depositors ' money?

12 A. That is correct.

13 Q. The next company listed is Stanford Eagle. Wha t is

14 Stanford Eagle?

15 A. That was the entity that had ownership of the o perations of1 1 : 5 4

16 the vessels and the boats.

17 Q. What do you mean by a vessel?

18 A. The yachts, Mr. Stanford's yachts.

19 THE COURT: How many were there, to the best of y our

20 recollection?1 1 : 5 4

21 THE WITNESS: I think there were three or four.


23 Q. And so, the purpose of this company was to main tain and pay

24 expenses for those yachts?

25 A. Yes, that's correct.1 1 : 5 4

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1 Q. And Stanford Eagle, the third one listed, by th e end of1 1 : 5 4

2 2007, how much CD depositor money had gone to tha t?

3 A. 18,971,188.

4 Q. Next on the list is Stanford 20/20, Limited. W hat was that

5 company?1 1 : 5 4

6 A. That company was formed for the cricket tournam ent, the

7 20/20 cricket.

8 Q. Is 20/20 a type of cricket?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And if we go across, by the end of 2007, how mu ch money had1 1 : 5 5

11 gone to that Stanford 20/20 cricket company?

12 A. 21,443,135.

13 Q. Was there also another cricket entity Mr. Stanf ord had?

14 A. Yes, I believe there was another one.

15 Q. If we look under Global, what is Stanford 20/20 , LLC?1 1 : 5 5

16 A. It was another entity, but it was not Antiguan based. It

17 was more US Virgin Island, I believe it was.

18 Q. Incorporated somewhere different than Antigua?

19 A. Incorporated somewhere else, yes.

20 Q. What was its function, though?1 1 : 5 5

21 A. I think it had a similar function, a mirror fun ction,

22 different -- different locations.

23 Q. And what was that function?

24 A. I believe it was to oversee all of the 20/20 cr icket

25 tournaments.1 1 : 5 6

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1 Q. And by the end of 2007, how much money did this other1 1 : 5 6

2 cricket company have from the CD depositors?

3 A. About 7,703,701.

4 Q. So, that's 7.7. The other cricket company was 21. If you

5 add that up, what do you get at the end of 2007 f or cricket?1 1 : 5 6

6 A. About $29 million.

7 MR. COSTA: I want to go to Government 322. This has

8 not been referenced yet, Judge; but this is one t hey did not

9 object to.

10 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 5 7

11 Q. Do you recognize this, Mr. Amadio?

12 A. Yes. Yes, I do.

13 Q. Is it a magazine or program?

14 A. Yes, it's a magazine.

15 Q. For what?1 1 : 5 7

16 A. For the 2006 -- this was the cricket tournament .

17 Q. That was -- which entity sponsored it?

18 A. Stanford 20/20.

19 Q. If we turn to Page 56 in that cricket program, is this an

20 advertisement?1 1 : 5 7

21 A. Yes, it is.

22 Q. What is the picture of? What's it say in the c aption?

23 A. It's a picture of the airplane advertising the 20/20,

24 Stanford 20/20 tournament.

25 Q. Which company's airplane?1 1 : 5 8

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1 A. Caribbean Star aircraft.1 1 : 5 8

2 Q. And then it says "Flyin' High," and can you rea d that

3 advertisement?

4 A. "As if spending 2.75 million to market and prom ote the

5 Stanford 20/20 tournament on radio, television, n ewspaper, and1 1 : 5 8

6 billboards was not enough, Allen Stanford decided that he

7 needed to take the 20/20 cricket gospel on the ro ad. Well,

8 actually the skies. Enter Caribbean Star Airline s and

9 Caribbean Sun Airlines, the official airlines of the Stanford

10 20/20 tournament and owned by Allen Stanford hims elf."1 1 : 5 8

11 Q. Did there come a time when you learned about a very large

12 prize Mr. Stanford was offering at one of these c ricket

13 tournaments?

14 A. Yes. Yes, I did.

15 Q. Do you remember the amount of that prize?1 1 : 5 9

16 A. It was $20 million.

17 THE COURT: To what? To the winning team?


19 THE COURT: Okay.

20 BY MR. COSTA: 1 1 : 5 9

21 Q. Did you see a picture of Mr. Stanford at that t ournament?

22 A. Yes, I did.

23 Q. I'm going to show you what's in evidence as

24 Government's 322A. Do you recognize that photo, Mr. Amadio?

25 A. Yes, I do.1 1 : 5 9

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1 Q. Do you see Mr. Stanford in it?1 1 : 5 9

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Where is he?

4 A. He's standing on the right side.

5 Q. And what's that big glass case?1 1 : 5 9

6 A. That's where all the $20 million was held.

7 Q. And that tournament was promoted by these Stanf ord 20/20

8 entities?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. That were getting money from the CD depositors?1 2 : 0 0

11 MR. SCARDINO: I'll object to the continuous

12 representation that the money came from the CD de positors.

13 This witness has not established all of the money used to fund

14 these companies came from the bank.

15 THE COURT: Your response?1 2 : 0 0

16 MR. COSTA: I think he has. I'm happy to ask him

17 again to explain.

18 THE COURT: Well, let's put it this way. If you

19 disagree, sir, with the prosecutor's characteriza tion "coming

20 from depositors' money" -- okay -- you need to sa y so, because1 2 : 0 0

21 you were there. Okay?

22 To that extent, I'll sustain the objection.

23 Otherwise, he may use the phraseology.

24 But if you disagree with the phraseology, you

25 need to let everybody know. Okay? Because you'r e under oath.1 2 : 0 0

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1 THE WITNESS: I don't disagree.1 2 : 0 0

2 THE COURT: Okay. Well, again, we'll go question by

3 question. We haven't heard all the questions yet , you know.

4 That's what I meant.

5 All right. To that extent -- so, the objection,1 2 : 0 0

6 just like the Circuit sometimes says, affirmed in part and

7 reversed in part. We've all been on the receivin g end of

8 those.

9 Go right ahead.

10 MR. COSTA: Thank you, Judge.1 2 : 0 1


12 Q. That report you compiled that we were just look ing at shows

13 how much money was going from the bank to the cri cket

14 companies, correct?

15 A. That's correct.1 2 : 0 1

16 Q. And I think we totaled it up. It was about 27 million at

17 the end of 2007?

18 A. 29 million.

19 Q. 29 million? Was there more money in 2008 going to the

20 cricket companies?1 2 : 0 1

21 A. I believe so. I don't specifically remember th e amounts.

22 Q. We have the document, right? We can look?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Is there any doubt that the money listed on tha t

25 spreadsheet you tracked came from Stanford Intern ational Bank?1 2 : 0 1

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1 A. There's no doubt that those amounts came from S tanford1 2 : 0 1

2 International Bank.

3 Q. It's based on wire transfers you had access to from the

4 bank?

5 A. Those are wire transfers that were provided by treasury1 2 : 0 1

6 department.

7 Q. And I'll ask again in light of the objection. How do you

8 know that all this money -- well, let's look in 2 007. Let's

9 just total it up. By 2005, how much had gone to the bank --

10 from the bank to all these companies owned solely by1 2 : 0 2

11 Mr. Stanford?

12 A. $1.6 billion.

13 Q. And how do you know that's not just the profits he had in

14 the bank?

15 A. The combined profits of the bank were not enoug h to cover1 2 : 0 2

16 the 1.6 billion.

17 Q. Was it even close?

18 A. No.

19 Q. Let's look at just a few more of these entities . Under

20 Latin America, it says Torre Senza Nome. How wou ld you say1 2 : 0 2

21 that?

22 A. "Torre Senza Nome."

23 Q. 21 million in previous years, and that was stil l the total

24 in 2007. What was that?

25 A. That was the purchase of the building in Venezu ela for the1 2 : 0 3

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1 advisory company in Venezuela and to form also th e bank in1 2 : 0 3

2 Venezuela as well.

3 Q. I now want to go to 332C and ask if you recogni ze this,

4 Mr. Amadio. This one is in black and white, but what time

5 period is this? Is it the same type of report we were just1 2 : 0 3

6 looking at?

7 A. Yes, it is.

8 Q. For what period?

9 A. December of 2008.

10 Q. So, the end of 2008?1 2 : 0 4

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. And so, looking just at the cricket company -- one of the

13 cricket companies, it shows 21.4 from prior years . Is that

14 correct?

15 A. That's correct.1 2 : 0 4

16 Q. And then more money going in during 2008. So, what was the

17 total by the end of 2008 for one of the cricket c ompanies?

18 A. 23,971,767.

19 Q. Was the money going to the cricket tournaments and when

20 Mr. Stanford offered this 20 million-dollar prize in a glass1 2 : 0 4

21 case, was that a concern among the accounting dep artment?

22 MR. SCARDINO: Object to whether or not he had

23 knowledge of the concern of others.

24 THE COURT: All right. Lay some more predicate.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 0 4

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1 Q. Did Mr. Davis say he was concerned about the mo ney going to1 2 : 0 4

2 the cricket companies?

3 A. He made a comment of the amount -- the size of the amount

4 of the 20 million.

5 Q. What did Mr. Davis say?1 2 : 0 4

6 A. He expressed again his concern and his -- you k now, that

7 this was a decision from the shareholder to have that size of

8 an amount to be offered as part of the tournament .

9 Q. Mr. Davis wasn't thrilled that all this money w as going to

10 the cricket tournaments, from your discussions wi th him?1 2 : 0 5

11 MR. SCARDINO: Object to leading and the form of the

12 question.

13 THE COURT: Sustained.


15 Q. Was Mr. Davis, did he express that he was happy or unhappy1 2 : 0 5

16 with all the money going to the cricket companies ?

17 A. He was not happy.

18 Q. What about the -- we discussed the airlines, Ca ribbean Sun

19 and Caribbean Star, that received over 300 millio n -- is that

20 right -- from the bank?1 2 : 0 5

21 A. That is correct.

22 Q. What was Mr. Davis' view on Caribbean Sun and C aribbean

23 Star receiving so much money?

24 A. His views were similar -- were showing concern of the

25 amount of money that continued to be funded to th ese entities1 2 : 0 5

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1 that were losing money and not making any money.1 2 : 0 6

2 Q. Did he want to shut down Caribbean Sun and Cari bbean Star?

3 A. That's -- those were the initial talks, yes.

4 Q. And was Mr. Davis -- when he wanted to shut dow n

5 Caribbean Sun and Caribbean Star, was he able to make that1 2 : 0 6

6 happen immediately?

7 A. No.

8 Q. Why not?

9 A. Any decision, it was -- had to be run by Mr. St anford to

10 make the final decision and approval to -- to dea l with the1 2 : 0 6

11 selling of any of his entities.

12 Q. And were the airlines finally shut down or sold ?

13 A. In 2008, I believe they were shut down and sold .

14 Q. But Mr. Davis couldn't make that decision on hi s own?

15 A. No.1 2 : 0 6

16 THE COURT: Do they have other airlines flying th ose

17 routes now, do you know?

18 THE WITNESS: Antigua had an airline owned by the

19 government, I think, part owned by the government .

20 THE COURT: Well, which government?1 2 : 0 7

21 THE WITNESS: Antigua, Barbuda.

22 THE COURT: Okay. They had their own airlines be cause

23 there are some airlines, aren't there, flying rig ht through the

24 chain of islands? Or not necessarily?

25 THE WITNESS: Your Honor, I don't know specifical ly.1 2 : 0 7

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 0 7

2 Q. I think part of the question may have been: We re

3 Caribbean Sun and Star just bought by someone els e and those

4 companies are still up and running under someone else's

5 ownership?1 2 : 0 7

6 A. They're not up and running by another ownership .

7 Q. In 2008, the year end, what was the total at th e end of the

8 year 2008 in money that had gone from the bank to all of these

9 companies owned by Mr. Stanford?

10 A. $2 billion -- two billion thirty-four million s ixty-five. 1 2 : 0 7

11 MR. COSTA: Your Honor, if we can go back to the

12 computer, please.


14 Q. Have you reviewed this bar graph, Mr. Amadio?

15 A. Yes, I have.1 2 : 0 8

16 Q. And did you compare it to the reports you had c ompiled

17 while working at the Stanford accounting departme nt?

18 A. Yes, I did.

19 Q. And are those totals -- do those track the year end totals

20 for how much money had gone from the bank to Stan ford's1 2 : 0 8

21 companies?

22 A. Yes, it does.

23 Q. Looking at that, can you tell how much addition al money

24 went in during 2008?

25 A. About 400 million.1 2 : 0 8

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1 Q. Just in 2008?1 2 : 0 8

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Was the growth of this money being taken out of the bank by

4 Mr. Stanford, was that a concern?

5 A. Yes, it was.1 2 : 0 9

6 Q. Why?

7 A. As it continued to grow, the balance of this sh areholder

8 funding, the concern was that it was ever going t o be paid

9 back.

10 Q. Did Mr. Davis ever say anything in your discuss ions with1 2 : 0 9

11 him that added to those concerns about the growth of this money

12 to $2 billion and whether it would be repaid?

13 A. Can you rephrase the question again? Sorry.

14 Q. Did Mr. Davis ever say anything that made you d oubt that

15 this money was going to be repaid, anything about Mr. Stanford?1 2 : 0 9

16 A. It was never mentioned that it was ever going t o be repaid.

17 Q. Was there a comment Mr. Davis made in meetings that added

18 to your concerns?

19 A. Yes. In discussion, not only directly related to the

20 shareholder funding report, there was a discussio n on the whole1 2 : 1 0

21 budget of all the companies and how much money th at was being

22 spent and the concern of this growing funding nee d. Mr. Davis

23 made a comment regarding Mr. Stanford --

24 MR. SCARDINO: Objection, nonresponsive.

25 THE COURT: Sustained. Just go question and answ er.1 2 : 1 0

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 1 0

2 Q. Let me back up. Were there also concerns gener ally about

3 the budget and how much money was being spent?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Was Mr. Davis concerned about how much money wa s being1 2 : 1 0

6 spent?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Were you concerned?

9 A. Yes, I was.

10 Q. So, Mr. Davis wasn't saying: It's great that M r. Stanford1 2 : 1 0

11 is spending all this money?

12 A. No, he never said that it was great.

13 Q. And in the context of that discussion about the budget and

14 costs and being concerned about how much was bein g spent, did

15 Mr. Davis say something that added to your concer ns about the1 2 : 1 0

16 bank?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. What did he say?

19 A. He made a comment that, "The emperor has no mor e

20 clothes -- no clothes."1 2 : 1 1

21 Q. Who was the emperor?

22 A. He was referring to Mr. Stanford.

23 Q. And what did you take it to mean when Mr. Davis said, "The

24 emperor has no clothes"?

25 A. I interpreted that that there is -- Mr. Stanfor d didn't1 2 : 1 1

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1 have any money to cover for this debt, nor the co mpanies had1 2 : 1 1

2 any money to pay back this debt, or the bank had anymore money

3 to be able to fund -- continue to fund the compan ies.

4 Q. "This emperor has no clothes" comment from Mr. Davis, did

5 he just say that once, that you recall?1 2 : 1 1

6 A. He said it more than once.

7 Q. What time period?

8 A. This was in 2008 and, prior to that, in 2007.

9 Q. And so, all of this money that had been taken o ut of the

10 bank to fund these other companies, who owed that back to the1 2 : 1 2

11 bank?

12 A. Allen Stanford.

13 Q. And in the early years, when you were -- did yo u see notes

14 from earlier years memorializing or documenting t hose loans

15 from the bank to Mr. Stanford?1 2 : 1 2

16 A. Yes, I did.

17 Q. When did you see those -- were they called "pro missory

18 notes"?

19 A. Yes, promissory notes.

20 Q. When did you see those?1 2 : 1 2

21 A. This was a time in preparation for IRS audits, some time in

22 '06, '07.

23 Q. And what were you asked to do?

24 A. We were asked to make copies and file -- make s ure we had

25 all the proper documentation and files.1 2 : 1 2

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1 Q. Who kept -- did anyone in the accounting depart ment keep1 2 : 1 2

2 those promissory notes in their office?

3 A. Yes. Those were kept in the office with Gil Lo pez.

4 Q. Who -- by that time, what was his position, by the end of

5 your time at Stanford?1 2 : 1 3

6 A. That was the chief accounting officer.

7 Q. I'm going to hand you Government 340 and ask if you

8 recognize that, Mr. Amadio.

9 A. Yes, I do.

10 Q. What is it?1 2 : 1 3

11 A. I recognize the promissory notes.

12 Q. And is this the format in which Mr. Lopez had t hem

13 maintained in his office?

14 A. Yes, this is the file.

15 Q. And this, it says, "1 of 2." Do you know how m any files1 2 : 1 3

16 you saw Mr. Lopez maintaining in his office?

17 A. Both files.

18 Q. Both files?

19 A. Uh-huh.

20 Q. Do you know where the second file is today?1 2 : 1 4

21 A. No, I don't.

22 Q. This is 1 of 2?

23 A. That is correct.

24 Q. And is this from the earlier years, '99?

25 A. Yes, it is.1 2 : 1 4

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1 MR. COSTA: We can show Government 336, Ms. Grego ry.1 2 : 1 4

2 If we can highlight the -- right there.


4 Q. Is this the type of promissory note you saw dur ing your

5 time at Stanford?1 2 : 1 4

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. This one is from December 31st, 2002, in the am ount of

8 $168 million. Who's the agreement between?

9 A. It's between R. Allen Stanford and Stanford Int ernational

10 Bank.1 2 : 1 5

11 Q. And if you read the second paragraph, what does that say

12 about the loan agreement?

13 A. The unpaid principal balance of the loan --

14 Q. I'm sorry. The numbered Paragraph 2.

15 A. Oh, Number 2.1 2 : 1 5

16 Q. Yes.

17 A. "The principal sum outstanding from time to tim e shall bear

18 interest from the date at the fixed rate of 10 pe rcent per

19 year. The principal and interest of 184,800,000 shall be due

20 and payable on December 31st of 2003."1 2 : 1 5

21 Q. So, according to this, in a year, Mr. Stanford was required

22 to pay back the 168 plus interest to make it 184 million?

23 A. Yes.

24 MR. COSTA: Can we go to the second page and see just

25 the signature on this document?1 2 : 1 5

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1 And now if we can go to 337.1 2 : 1 5


3 Q. Is this the next year, December 31st, 2003?

4 A. Yes, it is.

5 Q. And now how much does it say Mr. Stanford owes the bank?1 2 : 1 6

6 A. 330 million.

7 Q. And the second numbered paragraph, what is he a greeing to

8 repay by the end of 2004?

9 A. 346,500,000.

10 MR. COSTA: Can we go to Page 5 in this document?1 2 : 1 6


12 Q. Does this show how that 330 million was calcula ted?

13 A. Yes.

14 MR. COSTA: If you scroll down, can we see the --

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 1 6

16 Q. 330, you see that?

17 A. That's correct.

18 Q. That's the total.

19 MR. COSTA: Let's go back up.

20 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 1 7

21 Q. And does it list that note from the prior year we just saw,

22 the 168 million?

23 A. Yes, it does.

24 Q. Does it include that interest Mr. Stanford was supposed to

25 pay of 16.8 million?1 2 : 1 7

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1 A. Yes.1 2 : 1 7

2 Q. So, according to this, did Mr. Stanford pay any of that

3 back that he had promised to repay within a year?

4 A. No, he didn't.

5 Q. It was just rolled into that next year's note t hat then1 2 : 1 7

6 became 330 million?

7 A. That's correct.

8 Q. And then does it list money going to other comp anies that

9 shows why it went up from the previous year's not e to now

10 330 million?1 2 : 1 7

11 A. Yeah, that's correct.

12 Q. Now, as you started tracking the amount of mone y going from

13 the bank and the CD depositors to Mr. Stanford's other

14 companies, were these notes -- did you see these notes for

15 2006, 2007?1 2 : 1 7

16 A. No. There was no -- no notes for those years.

17 Q. Did that change the fact that Mr. Stanford owed that money

18 back to the bank?

19 A. No, it didn't change the fact. No, it didn't.

20 MR. COSTA: We can go back to 1603.1 2 : 1 8


22 Q. You said you were concerned about how large thi s number had

23 gotten. Were you also concerned about whether th is was

24 disclosed?

25 A. Yes.1 2 : 1 8

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1 Q. Was it disclosed, from what you saw?1 2 : 1 8

2 A. No, it wasn't.

3 Q. Why did that concern you, that it wasn't disclo sed?

4 A. Because it was misleading information on the an nual report.

5 Q. And who was getting those annual reports?1 2 : 1 8

6 A. The clients.

7 Q. And in addition to the fact that these loans -- the

8 $2 billion wasn't mentioned, was the annual repor t saying

9 things, which we looked at earlier, about what Mr . Stanford was

10 doing with the bank's money?1 2 : 1 9

11 A. Yeah, that's correct.

12 Q. What did it say he was doing with the profits t he bank

13 supposedly had?

14 A. Reinvesting it, keeping it in a bank.

15 Q. What did it say about whether the bank had any risk of1 2 : 1 9

16 commercial loans?

17 A. That there was no commercial loans.

18 Q. Did your knowledge about these billions of doll ars being

19 taken out of the bank, did that also cause you to doubt the

20 financial numbers, the assets that the bank was r eporting?1 2 : 1 9

21 A. Yes, it did.

22 MR. COSTA: We can go to Government 119.

23 It's already been referenced, your Honor.

24 THE COURT: What number?

25 MR. COSTA: 119.1 2 : 1 9

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1 Page --1 2 : 1 9


3 Q. Do you recognize this annual report?

4 A. Yes, I do.

5 MR. COSTA: If we look in the top right corner, i f we1 2 : 1 9

6 can blow that up, will it show us the year?


8 Q. 2006?

9 A. Yes.

10 MR. COSTA: We can go to Page 38, please. If we can1 2 : 2 0

11 go to the second box "Financial assets at fair va lue" and blow

12 that up.


14 Q. In year end 2006, what was the total financial assets the

15 bank claimed?1 2 : 2 0

16 A. Four billion nine hundred and thirty-five six f ifty-one.

17 Q. So, basically about $5 billion?

18 A. $5 billion.

19 MR. COSTA: If we can go back to 1603?

20 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 2 0

21 Q. Year end 2006, how much did you know had come o ut of the

22 bank to Mr. Stanford's other companies?

23 A. 1.3 billion.

24 Q. What percentage is that of 5 billion, just roug hly?

25 A. It's about 25, 26 percent.1 2 : 2 1

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1 Q. So, why did your knowledge in 2006 about 1.3 bi llion cause1 2 : 2 1

2 you to doubt those numbers in Government 119 sayi ng the bank

3 had $5 billion in financial assets?

4 A. Because that money was not invested. That mone y has -- was

5 funded -- was used to fund the affiliated compani es; and so, it1 2 : 2 1

6 was not part of the portfolio anymore.

7 Q. And that portfolio would be those broker statem ents you

8 were talking about before?

9 A. That is correct.

10 Q. That the accounting department was never shown?1 2 : 2 1

11 A. That's correct.

12 Q. And that the internal auditors were never shown ?

13 A. That's right.

14 Q. And so, you said this -- the 1.6 billion was no t -- I'm

15 sorry -- 1.3 billion at the time was not being in vested. What1 2 : 2 2

16 was that money going for at the airlines, at the cricket

17 company, at Stanford Development Company?

18 A. That money was to fund the operating expenses o f the

19 day-to-day operations, for the most part.

20 Q. Did you ever see any document saying the bank w as getting1 2 : 2 2

21 an ownership interest in those companies?

22 A. No, I didn't.

23 MR. COSTA: We can go to Page 31 of the same annu al

24 report. If we can go one page prior, first.

25 MR. SCARDINO: I'm sorry, Mr. Costa. Which exhib it1 2 : 2 2

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1 are you referring to?1 2 : 2 2

2 MR. COSTA: Government 119, the '06 report.

3 MR. SCARDINO: Thank you.

4 MR. COSTA: If you can just highlight the last -- the

5 header there.1 2 : 2 3


7 Q. Do you recall this discussion in the annual rep ort about

8 liquidity risk?

9 A. I have read it before.

10 MR. COSTA: And, then, if we go to the next page. 1 2 : 2 3

11 It's a little faint, but let's see if blowing it

12 up helps.


14 Q. Does this then chart, break down the investment portfolio

15 the bank supposedly had into when that money coul d be1 2 : 2 3

16 liquidated?

17 A. That is correct.

18 Q. And so, financial assets at fair value, it says $4 billion?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. The -- well, let's back -- look at the total. On the1 2 : 2 3

21 right-hand side, the total is the five -- almost $5 billion we

22 just saw?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And then it breaks that 5 billion down --

25 MR. COSTA: No. The right-hand side.1 2 : 2 3

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 2 4

2 Q. Does it break it down into how liquid that $5 b illion is?

3 A. Yes, it does.

4 Q. And how much of that is the annual report sayin g can be

5 liquidated in just a month?1 2 : 2 4

6 A. $4 billion.

7 Q. 80 percent?

8 A. About 80 percent, yes.

9 Q. Would it make any sense that the money that had gone to

10 Mr. Stanford's companies was included in that fig ure?1 2 : 2 4

11 A. No, it doesn't make any sense.

12 Q. Is that money liquid, that had gone to pay for salaries and

13 fuel for planes and food for the Sticky Wicket; w as that

14 liquid?

15 A. That was not liquid.1 2 : 2 4

16 Q. Was the money even still there?

17 A. The money was not there anymore.

18 Q. It had been spent --

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. -- by those companies?1 2 : 2 4

21 A. Yes.

22 MR. COSTA: Let's go to Page 34 of this same

23 Government 119. If we can blow up the chart at t he top.


25 Q. What is this showing in the annual report?1 2 : 2 5

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1 A. The net investment income.1 2 : 2 5

2 Q. How much the investments made during that year of 2006?

3 A. That is correct.

4 Q. And it says it made a total of 480 million?

5 A. Yes.1 2 : 2 5

6 Q. Did what you know about the billions going from the bank to

7 Mr. Stanford's company cause you to doubt the acc uracy of that

8 investment income number?

9 A. Yes.

10 THE COURT: Where did those numbers come from? A ny1 2 : 2 5

11 idea?

12 THE WITNESS: These numbers came from the calcula tion

13 of the financials of the revenue calculation from the financial

14 statement.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 2 5

16 Q. Did you ever see the broker statements to back that up?

17 A. No, I didn't.

18 Q. Do you know of anyone in the accounting departm ent in

19 Houston who saw those broker statements to back t hat up?

20 A. No.1 2 : 2 6

21 THE COURT: Was it part of your job -- did you ge t to

22 that figure or somebody else did?

23 THE WITNESS: Somebody else did.


25 Q. But the bank is reporting 479 million in invest ment income?1 2 : 2 6

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1 A. Yes, it is.1 2 : 2 6

2 Q. Why did what you know about the billions coming out of the

3 bank to fund Mr. Stanford's companies on a weekly basis, why

4 did that cause you to doubt that number?

5 A. Because if the annual report was taking in cons ideration1 2 : 2 6

6 the full entire portfolio of 4 billion and all of that money

7 was not invested because it's already been used t o fund

8 affiliated companies, then there is a miscalculat ion on the

9 revenue and it's a misstatement of the calculatio n of the

10 income.1 2 : 2 7

11 THE COURT: If that were accurate, what would it show

12 a rate of return for that year, if it were correc t?

13 THE WITNESS: I would not have that number. It w ould

14 be less -- it would be less than that amount.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 2 7

16 Q. What was the bank typically claiming, ballpark, as its rate

17 of return each year on its investments?

18 A. I know it was always over 10, 11 percent.

19 Q. So, about 12 typically?

20 A. Twelve typically, yeah.1 2 : 2 7

21 Q. And that 12 percent it was claiming would be ba sed on all

22 the assets it claimed it had?

23 A. That's correct.

24 Q. But you were saying all those assets you knew w eren't

25 invested with brokers and money managers, right?1 2 : 2 7

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1 A. That's right.1 2 : 2 7

2 THE COURT: Your position was the money wasn't th ere,

3 correct?

4 THE WITNESS: That's right.

5 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 2 7

6 Q. The money had been spent on payroll for restaur ants and

7 cricket and jets, right?

8 A. That's correct.

9 Q. So, explain to the jury why that 12 percent ret urn didn't

10 make sense if you knew a lot of this money had be en spent?1 2 : 2 8

11 A. If all of the portfolio was not there to invest and to

12 produce that rate of return of 12 percent that wi ll generate

13 the $480 million, then you have a much smaller po rtion of the

14 pie to invest. And to be able to generate the $4 80 million

15 will have to be a much higher rate of return, muc h higher than1 2 : 2 8

16 12 percent.

17 Q. Did you need some fancy calculators and all you r accounting

18 background to figure out these numbers didn't mak e sense, based

19 on what you knew about the money going from the b ank to these

20 other companies?1 2 : 2 8

21 A. No.

22 Q. How did you figure out that the numbers didn't make sense?

23 A. It's just a quick calculation of knowing that i f not all of

24 it is invested, then you don't have all the money to -- to be

25 able to create that income.1 2 : 2 9

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1 Q. Did the bank -- or the accounting department al so generate1 2 : 2 9

2 monthly returns on investment numbers for the ban k?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Through 2007, were those positive every single month?

5 A. Yes, they were.1 2 : 2 9

6 Q. Did that cause you concern?

7 A. Yes, it did.

8 Q. Why?

9 A. Because of the economic times that we were faci ng, the bank

10 was always returning a profitable return despite the fact that1 2 : 2 9

11 we were living in very difficult economic times.

12 THE COURT: Well, the economic times, are you tal king

13 about the economic times in the United States, wo rldwide, or

14 what?

15 THE WITNESS: Worldwide.1 2 : 2 9

16 THE COURT: All right.


18 Q. Were there particular months when you knew the markets were

19 doing poorly and yet the bank was still showing a positive

20 return on its investment?1 2 : 2 9

21 A. Yes. During 2008, yes.

22 Q. At some point later in 2008, did the bank final ly report a

23 loss for a particular month?

24 A. Yes, that was towards the end of the year.

25 Q. But even through the first parts of the year, p ositive1 2 : 3 0

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1 returns were shown on a monthly basis?1 2 : 3 0

2 A. That is correct.

3 Q. Did you ever mention all these concerns you had about the

4 numbers and why you doubted them based on what yo u knew? Did

5 you ever mention it to anyone else in the account ing1 2 : 3 0

6 department?

7 A. Yes, I mentioned it to my immediate supervisor.

8 Q. Who was that?

9 A. Mark Kuhrt.

10 Q. What did you say?1 2 : 3 0

11 A. I mentioned to him about the concern of the gro wth and the

12 shareholder funding report and as well as talking about the

13 returns on the investment, that we really hope th at the company

14 is really making the return on the investment tha t they're

15 saying that they're making.1 2 : 3 0

16 Q. And what did Mr. Kuhrt say in response?

17 A. He said he hoped so, too, he said.

18 Q. What was his demeanor or his -- or what tone of voice was

19 he using when he said, "I hope so, too"?

20 A. He sounded concerned, too.1 2 : 3 1

21 MR. SCARDINO: Objection, calls for speculation.

22 THE COURT: Overruled.

23 MR. COSTA: What was the tone --

24 THE COURT: Hold it. Based upon your observation of

25 knowing the person.1 2 : 3 1

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 3 1

2 Q. What was the tone in his voice when Mr. Kuhrt s aid, "I hope

3 so, too"?

4 A. He said it in a very low tone and concerned ton e.

5 Q. Now, all these numbers that you were -- came to doubt based1 2 : 3 1

6 on what you knew about the billions going from th e bank to

7 Mr. Stanford's companies, who was -- remind us wh o was the

8 outside auditor who was supposedly testing and ve rifying these

9 numbers each year.

10 A. It was CAS Hewlett.1 2 : 3 1

11 Q. And if we go in the same 2006 annual report to Page 46, do

12 you recognize Mr. Hewlett's signature right there ?

13 A. Yes, I do.

14 Q. And he signed off every year in these annual re ports with

15 this letter saying the numbers were good?1 2 : 3 2

16 A. Yes, he did.

17 Q. Were you involved in -- and I take it Mr. Hewle tt -- anyone

18 doing that type of service gets paid, correct?

19 A. That is correct.

20 Q. Were you involved, as a part of your accounting duties, in1 2 : 3 2

21 payments to Mr. Hewlett?

22 A. Yes, we were.

23 Q. Was Mr. Hewlett auditing companies in addition to Stanford

24 International Bank?

25 A. Yes, he was auditing other Antiguan companies.1 2 : 3 2

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1 Q. Of Mr. Stanford's?1 2 : 3 2

2 A. Of Mr. Stanford's.

3 Q. And so, did you have to allocate how much of hi s fee was

4 going to the different companies?

5 A. Yes.1 2 : 3 2

6 Q. And do you remember, most of your time with Sta nford, how

7 much did you know the bank was paying him each mo nth?

8 A. The bank was paying a portion of -- I think it was, like,

9 3,000 something dollars --

10 Q. I'm sorry. Let me withdraw that question. I a sked a poor1 2 : 3 3

11 question.

12 During -- up until 2008, up through 2007, do you

13 know how much Stanford Financial Group was paying Mr. Hewlett

14 for all the companies he was auditing of Mr. Stan ford's on a

15 month --1 2 : 3 3

16 A. Yeah. It was a monthly payment of $18,500.

17 Q. And was that monthly payment accounted for like all the

18 other expenses of these companies?

19 A. Yes, it was.

20 Q. And did it come out of bank accounts in the Uni ted States1 2 : 3 3

21 that Stanford Financial used for all types of nor mal operating

22 expenses?

23 A. Yes, it did.

24 MR. COSTA: Can we go to 900?

25 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 3 3

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1 Q. While they're looking at this, did there come a time in1 2 : 3 4

2 2008 when the monthly payment that you knew about increased to

3 Mr. Hewlett?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Do you recall what it was increased to?1 2 : 3 4

6 A. It was increased to 20 -- 25,000.

7 Q. Per month?

8 A. Per month.

9 Q. And did that require a new allocation of how to allocate

10 that 25,000 among the different companies he was auditing?1 2 : 3 4

11 A. Yes.

12 MR. COSTA: If we can blow up this e-mail now, pl ease?

13 THE COURT: Again, document number?

14 MR. COSTA: 900, your Honor.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 3 4

16 Q. This is dated April 18th, 2008, from you, Mr. A madio, to

17 Gil Lopez. And on this date are you telling Mr. Lopez how much

18 the payments have been to Mr. Hewlett?

19 A. The monthly payments, yes.

20 Q. And that's the 18,500?1 2 : 3 5

21 A. Yeah, that's correct.

22 MR. COSTA: Go to the next page.


24 Q. And there was an attachment to that e-mail. Ca n you

25 explain to the jury what -- and it says, "CAS Hew lett, January1 2 : 3 5

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1 through December 2007 payments." What is this sh owing?1 2 : 3 5

2 A. It shows the allocation by month, the accumulat ed amount

3 also for that year of all the payments made to CA S Hewlett and

4 to which company it was allocated the cost, the e xpense.

5 Q. And on the left-hand column, is that the yearly total?1 2 : 3 5

6 A. That is right.

7 Q. So, in 2007, he was paid 222,000 that were bein g -- that

8 was being recorded on the accounting books that y ou knew about?

9 A. That is correct.

10 Q. And how much of that went to SIBL -- or was all ocated to1 2 : 3 6

11 SIBL?

12 A. 66,200.

13 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Government 901.

14 THE COURT: SIBL, again, what? Stanford Internat ional

15 Bank, Limited? What is SIBL?1 2 : 3 6

16 MR. COSTA: Stanford International Bank, Limited.

17 THE COURT: All right.


19 Q. Is that the "company down south" on your flow c hart?

20 A. Yes, it is.1 2 : 3 6

21 MR. COSTA: Can we go to 901, please?


23 Q. You're sending an e-mail there on April 18th. Who is Vonda

24 Venison and Ms. Vega -- or Mr. Vega?

25 A. They were accounts payable and supervisor of ac counts1 2 : 3 6

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1 payable from my department.1 2 : 3 6

2 Q. And read that e-mail from April 18th about what 's happening

3 to Mr. Hewlett's payments that you -- the payment s you were

4 aware of.

5 A. It says: Vonda, per Gil's request effective Ma y 2008 the1 2 : 3 7

6 payment to CAS Hewlett will increase from eightee n-five to

7 25,000 monthly. We will provide a new allocation by company.

8 Please don't intercompany bill --

9 Q. Can you stop there? So, the payments were bein g increased

10 from 18,500 to 25,000 a month and that required a new1 2 : 3 7

11 allocation?

12 A. Yes, that's correct.

13 Q. What was your impression of that -- and at this time were

14 these payments that you said were in the accounti ng books and

15 were paid out of the normal operating accounts, w ere those the1 2 : 3 7

16 only payments you knew about to Mr. Hewlett?

17 A. Yes, that's correct.

18 Q. And when it went up to 25,000, what was your vi ew of

19 whether that was a low or a high amount to be pay ing

20 Mr. Hewlett for what he was supposedly doing?1 2 : 3 7

21 A. My opinion -- I mean --

22 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the opinion.

23 THE COURT: Overruled.


25 Q. What did you think of the 25,000 a month that y ou knew1 2 : 3 8

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1 about going to Mr. Hewlett for the services he wa s supposedly1 2 : 3 8

2 performing?

3 A. I did not know the nature of the increase, but it was a

4 significant amount to be paid on a monthly basis.

5 Q. Just that 25,000 you thought was significant?1 2 : 3 8

6 A. That's correct.

7 MR. COSTA: We can go to 903, please.


9 Q. This is another e-mail on the same topic.

10 MR. COSTA: And if we can just scroll down so we can1 2 : 3 8

11 see the first e-mail.


13 Q. You see that the subject is still the Hewlett 2 008

14 allocation?

15 A. Yes.1 2 : 3 8

16 MR. COSTA: Can we go to the second page, I guess , of

17 this?


19 Q. Is this you sending an e-mail to Mark Kuhrt?

20 A. Yes.1 2 : 3 9

21 Q. And what do you say?

22 A. "Mark, Gil wanted for you to look at this revis ed

23 allocation for CAS Hewlett payment. Let me know if you agree."

24 MR. COSTA: If we can go back to the first page a nd

25 look at the next e-mail in the chain?1 2 : 3 9

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 3 9

2 Q. And Mr. Kuhrt responds and says: He's okay wit h it, but

3 Juan and Bhanoo should be involved in the decisio n?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Who are Juan and Bhanoo?1 2 : 3 9

6 A. Juan was president of the bank, and Bhanoo was the

7 accounting manager for the bank.

8 Q. He was located in Antigua?

9 A. Located in --

10 Q. On the bank's premises?1 2 : 3 9

11 A. That is correct.

12 MR. COSTA: If we can go up to the next e-mail?


14 Q. There's more discussion and then the e-mail tha t's now at

15 the top from Gil Lopez to you and Mr. Kuhrt, in r esponse to1 2 : 3 9

16 this suggestion about contacting the president of the bank and

17 the accountant at the bank, what does Mr. Lopez s ay?

18 A. It says: Why? They were not involved in the o verall

19 engagement and the total fee agreement. There ha s been enough

20 delay. Mark, please follow up with Juan. Also, we need to get1 2 : 4 0

21 engagement letters for each of the companies.

22 MR. COSTA: And if we can go up to see the next

23 e-mail?


25 Q. This is Mr. Kuhrt responding?1 2 : 4 0

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1 A. Yes.1 2 : 4 0

2 Q. And what does he say in the second paragraph?

3 A. "I know that in the past Hewlett has been direc t to James

4 Davis and R. Allen Stanford. Is this expected fo r the future?"

5 Q. Let's stop there for a second. What does that mean that1 2 : 4 0

6 Hewlett has been direct to JMD and RAS?

7 And you said those are Jim Davis and Robert Allen

8 Stanford's initials?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. What does that mean that Hewlett is -- what doe s it mean1 2 : 4 0

11 "direct"? What does that term mean?

12 A. Any direct conversations or interaction was mai nly between

13 Mr. Davis and also R. Allen Stanford.

14 Q. Discussions Mr. Hewlett was having?

15 A. Yes.1 2 : 4 1

16 Q. With people at Stanford?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. And he asks: Is this expected for the future?

19 And then go on and read the next sentence.

20 A. "Personally, I would not mind stepping out of i t, but we1 2 : 4 1

21 should retain a strong opinion on any change in a uditor.

22 Something to discuss with Jim Davis tomorrow or n ext week?"

23 Q. So, Mr. Kuhrt said he has a strong opinion on a change in

24 auditor?

25 A. Yes.1 2 : 4 1

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1 Q. Do you recall what Mr. Kuhrt's opinion was, wha t his strong1 2 : 4 1

2 opinion was?

3 A. There was comments and conversations of -- to c hange the

4 audit firm, the auditors that were reviewing the financials of

5 the bank.1 2 : 4 1

6 Q. But you don't remember which way Mr. Kuhrt stoo d on that

7 issue?

8 A. No, I don't. I don't know.

9 MR. COSTA: Let's go to Government Exhibit 904.

10 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 4 2

11 Q. Did the new 25,000-dollar payment go into effec t?

12 A. Yes, it did.

13 Q. Okay. Did you come -- the accounting departmen t come up

14 with a new allocation?

15 A. Yes, we did.1 2 : 4 2

16 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Page 2?

17 That's actually the '07, back when it was 18,500.

18 Can we go to the third page? Is that Page 3?


20 Q. You said it did go into effect, the new 25,000- dollar a1 2 : 4 3

21 month payment?

22 A. Yes, it did.

23 MR. COSTA: Can we go to Government 1222 -- oh, I

24 found it. Here it is. Let's go back to where we were.

25 THE COURT: What exhibit number?1 2 : 4 3

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1 MR. COSTA: Government 904, your Honor. Should b e1 2 : 4 3

2 Page 2. We'll need to go to the document camera, the Elmo.

3 THE COURT: Oh, okay. Let's see.

4 MR. COSTA: Thank you, Judge.

5 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 4 3

6 Q. Is this the new 2008 allocation on the right?

7 A. Yes. Yes, it is.

8 Q. And that 25,000 is going to be how much per yea r? It shows

9 at the bottom.

10 A. 300,000.1 2 : 4 3

11 Q. And so, how much of that annually was going for the audit

12 of the bank?

13 A. 96,000.

14 Q. And based on what you have seen as an accountan t, what was

15 your view of that $96,000 a year for the bank's a udit? What1 2 : 4 4

16 was your view on that?

17 A. It's a pretty high amount.

18 MR. COSTA: Let's go to Government 1222A, Page 25 7.

19 We need to switch back to the computer, your

20 Honor.1 2 : 4 4

21 THE COURT: Okay.

22 MR. COSTA: We can highlight that.

23 THE COURT: Again, number?

24 MR. COSTA: 1222A.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 4 4

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1 Q. Is this that new allocation we just saw?1 2 : 4 4

2 A. Yes, it is.

3 Q. And would that information have been provided t o treasury

4 and for accounting purposes to know how to alloca te those

5 expenses among the companies?1 2 : 4 4

6 A. That is correct.

7 MR. COSTA: If we can go to the next page.


9 Q. What's this type of document, Mr. Amadio?

10 A. This was the cash report, treasury report that shows wire1 2 : 4 5

11 transfer payments.

12 Q. If you look at the bottom there, four from the bottom, what

13 does it show as a payment being made on 11-12-200 8?

14 A. (No response)

15 Q. Fourth from the bottom?1 2 : 4 5

16 A. Yes. $25,000 to CAS Hewlett on November the 12 th, 2008.

17 Q. So, the new allocation went into effect?

18 A. Yes, it did.

19 Q. And you thought it was a little high, but you k new -- you

20 were fully aware of those payments?1 2 : 4 5

21 A. Yes, I was.

22 Q. And those were made out of an operating account for

23 Stanford Financial?

24 A. Yes, it was.

25 Q. What operating accounts, do you recall the part icular1 2 : 4 6

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1 account or I can -- what is -- it actually says t hey're1 2 : 4 6

2 SFGL TNB. Does that mean anything, TNB?

3 A. Trustmark National Bank.

4 Q. Is that a bank with an office here in Houston?

5 A. Yes, they do have an office in Houston.1 2 : 4 6

6 Q. During your time with Stanford, when you were w orking on

7 allocating these Hewlett expenses that were being paid out of

8 the Trustmark account, were you ever told that Mr . Hewlett was

9 also being paid millions out of a Swiss bank acco unt?

10 A. No, I wasn't.1 2 : 4 6

11 Q. Did you ever, in any of your time at Stanford, hear that

12 there was an account at Societe Generale in Switz erland?

13 THE COURT: A what?

14 MR. COSTA: A bank account at a bank called Socie te

15 Generale in Switzerland.1 2 : 4 6

16 THE WITNESS: Yes, I heard about the account.


18 Q. How did you -- but not the fact that there were Hewlett

19 payments out of that account?

20 A. That's correct.1 2 : 4 7

21 Q. How did you hear just about the existence of th e Swiss bank

22 account?

23 A. It was through a revision of the insurance for some of the

24 bank deposits and it was listed on -- that premiu m of that

25 insurance was listed -- under Stanford Financial Group, Limited1 2 : 4 7

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1 was listed this bank account that was not showing in our1 2 : 4 7

2 financials.

3 Q. So, who in insurance -- in the insurance depart ment had

4 shown you a document that listed this Swiss bank account?

5 A. Barbara Fortin. She was a risk manager.1 2 : 4 7

6 Q. And why was she giving you this list of bank ac counts that

7 were being insured?

8 A. To be able to allocate the cost of those premiu ms to the

9 different entities.

10 THE COURT: Of what premiums?1 2 : 4 7

11 THE WITNESS: Of the insurance.


13 Q. And it listed this account of Societe Generale?

14 A. Yes, it did.

15 Q. In the name of Stanford Financial Group, Limite d?1 2 : 4 8

16 A. Correct.

17 Q. And you said you had never seen that on the bal ance sheets

18 for Stanford Financial Group?

19 A. That is correct.

20 Q. Did you inquire about this account you had neve r heard1 2 : 4 8

21 about?

22 A. Yes, I did.

23 Q. Did Mr. --

24 MR. SCARDINO: I'm sorry. That's a

25 mischaracterization. I thought he testified he h ad heard about1 2 : 4 8

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1 the account.1 2 : 4 8

2 THE COURT: Well, he --


4 Q. Prior to this e-mail about the insurance, had y ou ever

5 heard about the account?1 2 : 4 8

6 A. No, I didn't.

7 THE COURT: After that, you say you made an inqui ry?

8 THE WITNESS: Yes, I did.


10 Q. And after your inquiry, did Mr. Davis tell you anything1 2 : 4 8

11 about that Swiss bank account that you had previo usly never

12 heard of?

13 A. Yes, he did.

14 Q. What did Mr. Davis say about it?

15 A. That that was a Mr. Stanford account.1 2 : 4 8

16 Q. And did you start tracking it as part of the fi nancials for

17 Stanford Financial Group, Limited?

18 A. I couldn't, because I was not given any informa tion nor a

19 bank statement to be able to make any entry to th e financials.

20 MR. COSTA: If we can switch back to the Elmo, yo ur1 2 : 4 9

21 Honor. Sorry for the back and forth.

22 THE COURT: That's all right. Just let me know.

23 MR. COSTA: I want to show what's been marked as

24 Government 1220A.

25 THE COURT: 1220A?1 2 : 4 9

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1 MR. COSTA: Yes, your Honor.1 2 : 4 9

2 THE COURT: By the way, while they're talking abo ut

3 that, I received a question. I want to visit wit h you at this

4 time.

5 I was asked about what those plaques are at the1 2 : 5 0

6 jury box. Those are my juror badges. The first one was when I

7 served as a state district court juror when I was a state

8 district court judge. The other two of them are my federal --

9 since I've been over on the federal side. One's from municipal

10 traffic court, and one's at justice of the peace court. So,1 2 : 5 0

11 I've served on the jury and I had -- after I got through, I

12 asked for the badge and had it laminated on each occasion.


14 Q. Mr. Amadio, I'm now going to show you some docu ments from

15 Government 1220A. This bank we talked about, Soc iete Generale,1 2 : 5 1

16 have you ever heard the term "SocGen" as a nickna me for it?

17 A. No.

18 Q. Do you see up in this bank record it says "SG P rivate

19 Banking"?

20 A. Yes.1 2 : 5 1

21 THE COURT: That's from what? From the Swiss ban k

22 account?

23 MR. COSTA: Yes, from Societe Generale, your Hono r.

24 THE COURT: Okay.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 5 1

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1 Q. And it says the account is held in Stanford Fin ancial1 2 : 5 1

2 Group. Do you see that?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And it actually -- and it says Stanford Interna tional Bank,

5 care of Stanford Financial Group, Limited. And w hat's the1 2 : 5 1

6 address given?

7 A. Avenue Gratta, CP.

8 Q. Lausanne, do you see the name --

9 A. Lausanne --

10 Q. Do you have any idea where Lausanne is?1 2 : 5 1

11 A. No, I don't.

12 Q. You don't have any idea that's a city in Switze rland?

13 A. I've never heard of it.

14 THE COURT: I've heard of it.

15 MR. COSTA: On Lake Geneva. It's beautiful.1 2 : 5 2

16 THE COURT: I'm just saying that it's up in

17 Switzerland. Go on.


19 Q. And this has a date in Lausanne -- are you fami liar with

20 how dates are done differently in some other coun tries?1 2 : 5 2

21 A. Yes, I am.

22 Q. So, how would you read that date, the numbers t here?

23 A. August 15th of 2008.

24 Q. Lists the day first instead of the month. Is t hat right?

25 A. That's correct.1 2 : 5 2

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1 Q. And it shows a payment to Barclays Bank in favo r of whom?1 2 : 5 2

2 A. CAS Hewlett.

3 Q. And the amount is how much?

4 A. 20,000 pounds, British pounds.

5 Q. Are pounds generally worth more or less than do llars?1 2 : 5 2

6 A. More.

7 Q. So, that would -- in US dollars that would be m ore than

8 20,000?

9 A. That's correct.

10 Q. You don't know the exact exchange rate in Augus t, I take1 2 : 5 3

11 it, of '08?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. But generally that would be more in US dollars.

14 During your time at Stanford, had you ever seen a

15 document like this showing that Mr. Hewlett was a lso being paid1 2 : 5 3

16 out of a Swiss bank account?

17 A. No, I haven't.

18 Q. Were you ever told Mr. Hewlett was also being p aid out of a

19 Swiss bank account?

20 A. No.1 2 : 5 3

21 Q. Were you ever told to put that on the books to allocate it

22 like you had to allocate those other expenses to Mr. Hewlett

23 that were coming out of the Texas bank account?

24 A. No.

25 Q. I want to show you Page 123 in the same exhibit . It's an1 2 : 5 3

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1 e-mail that's part of those -- the bank records f rom that Swiss1 2 : 5 3

2 bank. You see it's from Mr. Davis on May 19th, 2 008, and

3 Mr. Stanford is copied?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. And it's addressed to a woman, Carol Meylan. D o you see1 2 : 5 4

6 that?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. And what does Mr. Davis say in the second parag raph, "As I

9 informed"?

10 A. "As I informed Mr. Friedli last Friday, I want to change1 2 : 5 4

11 the monthly debit amount that is disbursed to Mr. CAS Hewlett

12 from our 108.731 account."

13 Q. And the next paragraph, please?

14 A. "Please change this standing order by increasin g the amount

15 from 15,000 sterling to 20,000 sterling. Effecti ve date for1 2 : 5 4

16 this change should be the payment of 15th of June , 2008, and

17 should continue monthly until further notice."

18 THE COURT: Now, "sterling," is that the pounds? Is

19 that what -- it doesn't mean sterling silver or - - it means

20 "sterling" as another way to say British pounds?1 2 : 5 5

21 THE WITNESS: That is correct.

22 THE COURT: Okay.


24 Q. And so, this is an e-mail from Mr. Davis, copyi ng

25 Mr. Stanford, saying, "We want to increase the pa yments from1 2 : 5 5

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1 15,000 to 20,000 pounds"?1 2 : 5 5

2 A. Yes.

3 THE COURT: What is the exchange rate? Was it ba ck

4 then -- what is it right now? Anybody have an id ea, all the

5 world travelers there?1 2 : 5 5

6 MR. COSTA: I think about a buck 50 as told by my

7 colleagues.

8 THE COURT: I think it -- you always say about on e and

9 a half as an -- during these times. So, one and a half a good

10 estimate? Anybody want to disagree? Just for ba llpark?1 2 : 5 5

11 MR. COSTA: Someone in the audience, I think, has an

12 idea.

13 Your Honor, we will have a witness later on who

14 has done the exchange rates and will tell us abou t that.

15 THE COURT: We're looking at about one and a half1 2 : 5 5

16 times. So, if you look at something as 20,000, w hat would it

17 be generally in US dollars?


19 Q. Would it be 30?

20 A. About 30,000, yes.1 2 : 5 5

21 Q. So, is Mr. Hewlett getting more out of this Swi ss account

22 or more out of the accounts the accounting depart ment knew of

23 and kept track of?

24 A. More out of this account.

25 THE COURT: Meaning the Swiss account?1 2 : 5 6

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1 THE WITNESS: The Swiss account.1 2 : 5 6


3 Q. And in 2008, that's the same time period when t he

4 on-the-book payments that you were aware of out o f the Texas

5 bank account, that those were increased, right?1 2 : 5 6

6 A. That is correct, yes.

7 Q. And around the same time in 2008, the payments out of the

8 Swiss account are also being increased?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. And you thought the payments you knew about, ju st that1 2 : 5 6

11 amount out of the Texas bank account, that even t hat was a

12 little high from what you had seen?

13 A. That's correct.

14 MR. COSTA: Let's look at Document 82 in the same

15 exhibit.1 2 : 5 6

16 THE COURT: Wait. 82 --

17 MR. COSTA: Page 82, your Honor.

18 THE COURT: Oh, Page 82?

19 MR. COSTA: Yeah. Same exhibit. It's a large

20 exhibit.1 2 : 5 6


22 Q. Is this another bank statement from that same b ank, talking

23 about the same Stanford Financial Group, Limited account?

24 What's the date on this one? Says 2-11-05. What

25 would that be?1 2 : 5 7

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1 A. November 2 -- 2nd of 2005.1 2 : 5 7

2 Q. And again, it says in favor of CAS Hewlett at a bank in the

3 British Virgin Islands. Do you see that?

4 A. Yes, I do.

5 Q. How much was this wire?1 2 : 5 7

6 A. $125,000.

7 THE COURT: That was in American dollars, correct ? It

8 says "USD," correct, sir?

9 THE WITNESS: US -- yes, US dollars.

10 BY MR. COSTA: 1 2 : 5 7

11 Q. You ever told about a 125,000-dollar payment to Mr. Hewlett

12 in 2005 out of a Swiss bank account?

13 A. No.

14 Q. And one last one. Page 90 of the same account statements,

15 what's the date on this one?1 2 : 5 7

16 A. It's February the 13th of 2006.

17 Q. Again, in favor of CAS Hewlett?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. How much money?

20 A. $100,000, US dollars.1 2 : 5 8

21 Q. You said you never saw any of these Swiss bank records when

22 you worked at Stanford Financial, correct?

23 A. Correct.

24 Q. Did I show them to you for the first time, some of them,

25 about a month ago, in December?1 2 : 5 8

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1 A. Yes, you did.1 2 : 5 8

2 Q. Do you remember what your reaction was?

3 A. Yes. I was surprised to see this.

4 MR. SCARDINO: Object to his reaction.

5 THE COURT: Sustained.1 2 : 5 8


7 Q. Do you know of any legitimate business reason t hat you are

8 aware of why Mr. Hewlett would be paid millions o ut of a Swiss

9 bank account that the accounting department wasn' t made aware

10 of?1 2 : 5 8

11 THE COURT: Hold it a second.

12 Yes, sir?

13 MR. SCARDINO: Not been established that that's w ithin

14 the realm of his knowledge.

15 THE COURT: Say again.1 2 : 5 8

16 MR. SCARDINO: It's not been established that the

17 answer to that question would be within his realm of knowledge

18 or expertise of where -- why -- what the money co uld be used

19 for --

20 THE COURT: Well, there was a first phrase in it, if I1 2 : 5 8

21 may have it read back.

22 MR. COSTA: I asked "do you know of any legitimat e

23 business reason" --

24 THE COURT: Correct.

25 MR. COSTA: -- "he personally" --1 2 : 5 9

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1 THE COURT: Overrule the objection for that limit ed1 2 : 5 9

2 extent.

3 Do you know?


5 Q. Would you like me to rephrase -- do you remembe r the1 2 : 5 9

6 question?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Okay.

9 A. No, I don't know any legitimate reason why this -- these

10 additional payments were made.1 2 : 5 9

11 THE COURT: Okay.


13 Q. And weren't tracked on any of the accounting re cords?

14 A. They were not tracked.

15 Q. Does that possibly explain why Mr. Hewlett was signing off1 2 : 5 9

16 on those numbers that, from what you knew, could not be

17 accurate financial reports?

18 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the speculation.

19 THE COURT: Sustained.

20 MR. COSTA: I think we're at a good breaking poin t for1 2 : 5 9

21 lunch, your Honor, if that's okay with the Court.

22 THE COURT: All right. Ladies and gentlemen, it' s

23 just right about 1:00 o'clock. We'll see you bac k, ready to

24 resume, at -- once I turn -- now, we'll see you b ack, ready to

25 resume, at 2:15. We'll see you at that time.1 2 : 5 9

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1 (Noon recess was taken)0 1 : 0 0

2 (Jury present)

3 THE COURT: Thank you. Be seated.

4 We have a call in to a technician to work on that

5 screen. In the meantime, we appreciate your inpu t. It may not0 2 : 2 1

6 be optimal, but we'll leave that screen on as bes t we can. It

7 may help a little bit until we get the big one lo oked at; but

8 in the meantime, we'll leave it on.

9 The government screen has the same as everybody

10 else, right? 0 2 : 2 1

11 Well, we'll soon find out.

12 Okay. Go right ahead.

13 MR. COSTA: Thank you, your Honor.


15 Q. Mr. Amadio, I just want to come back to this ch art from0 2 : 2 1

16 earlier, this morning. And it basically shows th e money starts

17 at the bank and then goes to this middle entity, which was

18 typically Stanford Financial Group?

19 A. That's correct.

20 Q. And then, from there, the money goes to all the se other0 2 : 2 1

21 Stanford companies?

22 A. That is right.

23 Q. Now, just looking at the bottom half of this ch art, from

24 here on down, is there any problem with Mr. Stanf ord, the

25 shareholder, as a general matter, giving money to all these0 2 : 2 2

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1 companies he owned?0 2 : 2 2

2 If you just look from here on down.

3 A. No. That would be considered as shareholder co ntributions

4 to each entity, as capital --

5 Q. So, what about this entire picture gave you all those0 2 : 2 2

6 concerns?

7 A. The fact that those fundings were truly not com ing from the

8 shareholder, but they were coming directly from t he bank, the

9 depositors' money.

10 Q. So, it's this top half is the reason you were c oncerned?0 2 : 2 2

11 A. That's correct.

12 Q. And your funding report you were asked to creat e that

13 showed the total amount coming from the bank ulti mately to all

14 these other companies, that was the document that only a few

15 select people were allowed to see, according to t he0 2 : 2 2

16 instructions you were given?

17 A. Yes, that's correct.

18 Q. And it's based on your report that you compiled that you

19 concluded there were these inaccuracies in the an nual reports?

20 A. That is correct.0 2 : 2 3

21 Q. Did anyone ever tell you that because the bank was selling

22 CDs it was okay to lie in the annual report?

23 A. No.

24 Q. Do you agree with that, that since the bank is selling CDs

25 it's okay to lie in the annual report or other pr omotional0 2 : 2 3

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1 materials?0 2 : 2 3

2 A. I don't agree with that.

3 Q. Why not?

4 A. Because the investors, the depositors, the clie nts are

5 looking for accurate information disclosed on tho se annual0 2 : 2 3

6 reports, to make decisions to invest that money i n the bank.

7 Q. I want to go on to another topic. Did the acco unting

8 department keep track of Mr. Stanford's personal expenses?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. Now, I take it, when you or any other employee went on a0 2 : 2 4

11 business trip, you submitted an expense report fo r that?

12 A. That is correct.

13 Q. And did Mr. Stanford -- was he able to do the s ame if he

14 went to a business meeting or had a business lunc h?

15 A. That's correct.0 2 : 2 4

16 Q. But in addition to those expense reports that M r. Stanford

17 and all the other employees could submit, what wa s tracked for

18 Mr. Stanford in addition to those expense reports ?

19 A. Any payments made related to personal -- person al nature

20 was kept in an accounts receivable account catego ry in the0 2 : 2 4

21 books.

22 Q. So, the business was paying for personal expens es of

23 Mr. Stanford?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Which business? Which entity?0 2 : 2 4

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1 A. Stanford Financial Group Company and also Stanf ord0 2 : 2 4

2 Financial Group Company, Limited.

3 Q. You said it was treated -- these personal expen ses of

4 Mr. Stanford were treated as an account receivabl e?

5 A. Yes.0 2 : 2 5

6 Q. Just in plain terms, what's an "account receiva ble"?

7 A. It's money that is owed to the company.

8 Q. So, the idea was Mr. Stanford would owe this mo ney back to

9 the company that was paying his personal expenses ?

10 A. That's correct.0 2 : 2 5

11 MR. COSTA: Can we go to the Elmo, your Honor?


13 Q. Do you recognize this e-mail, Mr. Amadio?

14 A. Yes, I do.

15 Q. It was sent to you on September 19th, 2008?0 2 : 2 5

16 A. That's correct.

17 Q. Who sent it?

18 A. Scott Fullerton.

19 Q. Who is Mr. Fullerton?

20 A. He was a senior accountant in Stanford Financia l Group0 2 : 2 5

21 Company.

22 Q. Did he track Mr. Stanford's personal expenses?

23 A. That's correct.

24 Q. And is that what the attachment is to this e-ma il?

25 A. Yes, it is.0 2 : 2 6

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1 Q. What is the attachment called?0 2 : 2 6

2 A. "All AR RAS transactions."

3 Q. "AR" stands for?

4 A. "Accounts receivable."

5 Q. "RAS," R-A-S, stands for?0 2 : 2 6

6 A. R. Allen Stanford.

7 Q. What types of personal expenses was the company paying for

8 for Mr. Stanford?

9 A. There was -- one of them is line item for the A merican

10 Express, which we didn't have line of sight of th e specifics of0 2 : 2 6

11 those expenses; but they were his corporate card.

12 Q. If we look, this is the 2008 portion of the spr eadsheet.

13 The type is somewhat small, but what does that sh ow for

14 February 2008 as an expense?

15 A. Robert Allen Stanford, Superbowl tickets.0 2 : 2 7

16 Q. And what's right above that for a 57,000-dollar expense?

17 A. An expense for Karen Pittman genealogical study .

18 Q. And if we go up, is that one of those monthly A mEx bills

19 for December '07?

20 A. Yes, that's correct.0 2 : 2 7

21 Q. How much is that?

22 A. 29,931.

23 Q. And on May 21st, 2008, is that another AmEx bil l?

24 A. That's correct.

25 Q. How much is that one?0 2 : 2 7

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1 A. 118,453.0 2 : 2 7

2 Q. Mechanically, how was Mr. Stanford's American E xpress bill

3 paid?

4 A. In the past, mechanically, it was -- a check re quest was

5 required or requested by his personal CPA. 0 2 : 2 8

6 Q. Who was that? Remind us. You mentioned him th is morning.

7 A. Yeah, that was Harry Failing. And he would go ahead and

8 pay for -- we will pay the AmEx statement; and th en, in the

9 past, he will bring us a personal check written b y Mr. Stanford

10 to pay some of those amounts down.0 2 : 2 8

11 Q. And on this spreadsheet that lists the expenses for a

12 number of years, the personal expenses, are there a number of

13 credits shown that show Mr. Stanford paying off t hese personal

14 expenses that the company had paid for?

15 A. That went for -- for a little bit, and then it didn't -- it0 2 : 2 8

16 stopped. It was not paid back.

17 Q. When it was showing repayments for these person al expenses,

18 what was being used to offset the personal expens es the company

19 was paying for, for Mr. Stanford?

20 A. On occasions when the balance really continued to grow, it0 2 : 2 9

21 was paid by reducing the notes payable that the c ompany owed to

22 the shareholder, it was netted out against the ac counts

23 receivable what he owed to the company.

24 Q. And let's break that down because there's a lot of

25 accounting in there. The way this setup worked, the flow of0 2 : 2 9

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1 the bank money, when a company received it down h ere, it was0 2 : 2 9

2 treated as money it owed Mr. Stanford, the shareh older?

3 A. That is correct.

4 Q. And -- but in truth, it came from the bank, ult imately?

5 A. Ultimately, yes.0 2 : 3 0

6 Q. So, there were these amounts the companies owed

7 Mr. Stanford on paper?

8 A. That's correct.

9 Q. And it's those amounts that were owed back to M r. Stanford

10 that were reduced to cover these personal expense s of0 2 : 3 0

11 Mr. Stanford?

12 A. That is correct.

13 Q. So, ultimately whose money was being used to pa y down the

14 personal expenses of Mr. Stanford?

15 A. The money that was coming from the bank.0 2 : 3 0

16 Q. And whose money was that?

17 A. Those were the clients' deposits.

18 Q. Did Mr. Stanford ever call you about personal e xpenses that

19 the companies were paying for him?

20 A. I received one time a call.0 2 : 3 0

21 Q. What was that call about? And it was from Mr. Stanford?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. What was the call about?

24 A. He wanted a summary list of all the expenses pa id related

25 to his house in Houston.0 2 : 3 1

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1 Q. Which company was paying for his house in Houst on?0 2 : 3 1

2 A. Stanford Development Company.

3 Q. The company that I think we saw on your '07 rep ort had

4 received over $340 million from the bank?

5 A. There was a Stanford Development Company US. T hat was the0 2 : 3 1

6 Stanford Development Company in Antigua.

7 Q. So, the US company was paying for the house?

8 A. The US, yes.

9 Q. Do you know where the house was in Houston?

10 A. I don't remember.0 2 : 3 1

11 Q. Who was living in the house?

12 A. Mr. Stanford's wife.

13 Q. And why was Mr. Stanford calling you about it?

14 A. I believe at that time, if I recall correctly, it was

15 related to his divorce and he wanted to get a tot al expenses of0 2 : 3 1

16 what was paid related to his wife's housing.

17 Q. You talked this morning about concerns that wer e being

18 expressed by Mr. Davis and others about how much all the

19 businesses were spending. Do you remember that?

20 A. That's correct, yes.0 2 : 3 2

21 Q. Did those concerns grow during 2008?

22 A. Yes.

23 MR. SCARDINO: Object to whether Davis' concerns grew

24 in 2008 or not.

25 THE COURT: All right. Rephrase.0 2 : 3 2

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 0 2 : 3 2

2 Q. Did Mr. Davis express even more concern during 2008 about

3 the amount of money that these companies were spe nding?

4 A. Yes, there was a concern by Mr. Davis.

5 Q. Were you concerned as well?0 2 : 3 2

6 A. Yes, I -- we were.

7 Q. Did Mr. Davis say he was discussing these cost issues with

8 Mr. Stanford?

9 A. Yes, he was.

10 Q. And what did he say Mr. Stanford said about the expenses0 2 : 3 2

11 and costs?

12 A. What I recall, there was not a whole lot of act ion to

13 reduce any of these costs --

14 Q. Did Mr. --

15 A. -- or decision to reduce these costs.0 2 : 3 3

16 Q. Did Mr. Davis want to reduce the costs?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. What did he say about Mr. Stanford's reaction t o that?

19 A. He would not say in great detail of what he wou ld discuss

20 with Mr. Stanford, but he would always go back to refer to the0 2 : 3 3

21 shareholder to discuss these cuts with the shareh older.

22 Q. And were significant cuts made after Mr. Davis talked to

23 the shareholder?

24 A. One of them were finally the selling of the air line that

25 finally took place. Other cuts that we were -- t hat the0 2 : 3 3

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1 accounting team were trying to reduce were the se lling of0 2 : 3 3

2 corporate jets, but that never took place.

3 THE COURT: How many were there at the time? Do you

4 know?

5 THE WITNESS: I think there were six.0 2 : 3 4


7 Q. Did Mr. Davis want to reduce the number of corp orate jets?

8 A. He agreed with the options and scenarios that w e were

9 mentioning, recommending to reduce costs, yes.

10 Q. Mr. Davis never said: I want to keep committin g this fraud0 2 : 3 4

11 that only I know about, so Mr. Stanford can get m ore jets?

12 A. No, he never said that.

13 Q. Were the jets ever -- the jet expenses ever red uced during

14 2008?

15 A. No.0 2 : 3 4

16 Q. Did you keep track of something called the "cas h burn

17 report"?

18 A. Yes, there was a cash burn report.

19 Q. What did that show?

20 A. That was a report to show the total inflows and outflows by0 2 : 3 4

21 company, inflows of cash and outflows of cash, an d then

22 calculating that on a daily basis.

23 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Government 909.

24 And, your Honor, we need to go back to the

25 computer, please.0 2 : 3 5

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1 THE COURT: Okay.0 2 : 3 5

2 MR. COSTA: Oh, we're already back on it.

3 THE COURT: Number?

4 MR. COSTA: I believe I said 909.

5 THE COURT: That's what I got.0 2 : 3 5

6 MR. COSTA: Yes, that's correct.


8 Q. What is this e-mail, Mr. Amadio?

9 A. This is an e-mail showing 2008 budget number ve rsus the

10 cash burn report, which is showing actuals versus budgeted0 2 : 3 5

11 numbers.

12 Q. So, there was a budget of how much the company thought it

13 would be bringing in each day?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. And was this cash burn report, did that involve all the0 2 : 3 5

16 companies?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. That were going through treasury?

19 A. That is correct, all the companies.

20 Q. And is the attachment a report comparing what w as budgeted0 2 : 3 6

21 to what was actually happening in 2008?

22 A. Yes, that is correct.

23 MR. COSTA: We can go to the attachment of that.


25 Q. Is the left side the budgeted numbers?0 2 : 3 6

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1 A. Yes, it is.0 2 : 3 6

2 Q. So, what was budgeted is that per day cash woul d be --

3 would it be up or down? What was the projection of the budget?

4 A. It was a surplus, or positive, 45,000 per day.

5 Q. And in reality, what was happening during this time period?0 2 : 3 6

6 A. Based on the actuals, the per day cash burn was in a

7 deficit or burn of $111,000 per day.

8 Q. Was that a concern?

9 A. Yes, it was.

10 MR. COSTA: We can go back.0 2 : 3 7


12 Q. That's per day 111,000 more was going out than was coming

13 in?

14 A. That's correct.

15 Q. And if we can go back to the e-mail, when was t his?0 2 : 3 7

16 A. This was April the 8th of 2008.

17 Q. Did that figure of $111,000 net deficit every d ay get worse

18 as the year went on?

19 A. Continues -- yeah, the expenses continued to gr ow.

20 Q. Did you hear, towards the end of 2008, about so me capital0 2 : 3 7

21 that Mr. Stanford had supposedly put into Stanfor d

22 International Bank?

23 A. Yes. There was an e-mail that was circulated b y

24 Mr. Stanford, referring that he had capitalized t he bank.

25 Q. Had you heard even before that that there was a0 2 : 3 8

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1 capitalization taking place?0 2 : 3 8

2 THE COURT: What does that mean, "capitalization, " in

3 lay terms?

4 THE WITNESS: It means that the bank needed a cas h

5 infusion from the shareholder.0 2 : 3 8


7 Q. Even before you received the e-mail, had you he ard that

8 there was an infusion of money from Mr. Stanford?

9 A. I knew there was a need to capitalize the bank, the bank

10 needed additional cash infusion.0 2 : 3 8

11 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Government 6, please?

12 THE COURT: Have we seen 6 before?

13 MR. COSTA: I don't believe so, your Honor.

14 THE COURT: I don't think so.

15 MR. SCARDINO: No objection.0 2 : 3 9


17 Q. This e-mail was sent to Mr. Stanford on what da te?

18 A. February 12, 2009.

19 Q. And it was sent -- what is that, "SFGC Global-a ll

20 employees," what does that mean?0 2 : 3 9

21 A. Meant to every single employee of SFG company.

22 MR. COSTA: If we can go back to the whole docume nt

23 and look at the last paragraph.


25 Q. Starting on "The issue of," can you read that?0 2 : 3 9

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1 A. "The issue of Stanford International Bank, I wa nt to be0 2 : 3 9

2 very clear. SIB remains a strong institution and even without

3 the benefit of billions in US taxpayers dollars, we are taking

4 a number of decisive steps to reinforce our finan cial strength.

5 We will take the necessary actions to protect our depositors.0 2 : 3 9

6 I have already added two capital infusions into t he bank, and

7 we are considering a number of other steps as nee ded. Yours

8 truly, R. Allen Stanford."

9 Q. So, according to that last sentence, had the ca pital

10 infusions into the bank already taken place?0 2 : 4 0

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. Do you recall the amounts of money that Mr. Sta nford

13 claimed he put into the bank?

14 A. 500 million.

15 Q. That's just your recollection of a general numb er?0 2 : 4 0

16 A. Yes, I believe so.

17 Q. Had you seen anything in the accounting entries to show

18 that money going into the bank?

19 A. No, sir.

20 Q. Did you learn towards the end of your time in t he Stanford0 2 : 4 0

21 accounting department about a deal involving real estate in

22 Antigua?

23 A. Towards the end, yes.

24 Q. Did you actually get one e-mail from Mr. Lopez about that

25 transaction?0 2 : 4 1

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1 A. Yes, I did.0 2 : 4 1

2 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Government 1125.


4 Q. Is this the e-mail from Mr. Lopez you received?

5 A. Yes, it is.0 2 : 4 1

6 Q. And when did you receive that?

7 A. That was January the 5th, 2009.

8 Q. Had you been working on this real estate deal u p to this

9 point?

10 A. No, I was not.0 2 : 4 1

11 Q. Had you heard anything about it from others in the

12 accounting department?

13 A. I heard very little about real estate deals tha t they were

14 working on.

15 MR. COSTA: And if we can go -- if we can scroll down0 2 : 4 1

16 and see -- well, go back up -- down, please. Per fect.


18 Q. This is an e-mail on December 23rd, 2008. Who sent that

19 e-mail?

20 A. That was sent by Mark Kuhrt to Gil Lopez.0 2 : 4 2

21 Q. And Mr. Kuhrt is saying: Call me when you are ready to

22 discuss?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And if we go up, is that the e-mail that's bein g forwarded

25 and Mr. Lopez is asking you to print?0 2 : 4 2

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1 A. That is correct.0 2 : 4 2

2 Q. Why was Mr. Lopez asking you to print an attach ment?

3 A. Because it wouldn't print -- it was not formatt ed to print

4 in one page and he didn't know much how to use Ex cel. So, he

5 sent it to me to fix it and print it and give it to him.0 2 : 4 2

6 Q. Did he want to discuss this with you?

7 A. No.

8 Q. He just wanted your help printing it in Excel?

9 A. That is correct.

10 MR. COSTA: We can go to the next page, please.0 2 : 4 2


12 Q. And at the time when Mr. Lopez asked you to pri nt this

13 attachment, how much time did you spend looking a t this?

14 A. Probably not even three, four minutes.

15 Q. Have you had a chance now to look at it more cl osely?0 2 : 4 3

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. And does it list a number of islands on the lef t-hand side?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. Now, were you involved in the purchase of those islands?

20 A. No, I wasn't.0 2 : 4 3

21 Q. Do you know when they were purchased?

22 THE COURT: You mean islands in the water?

23 MR. COSTA: Yes, your Honor.

24 THE COURT: Okay. Go on.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 0 2 : 4 3

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1 Q. Were you involved in the purchase of those isla nds?0 2 : 4 3

2 A. No, I wasn't.

3 Q. Do you know when they were purchased?

4 A. No.

5 Q. But does it show the cost of those islands? In the second0 2 : 4 3

6 column after "Acres."

7 A. Yes, it does.

8 Q. And the first one, Pelican Island, it says cost ,

9 17.5 million. And then the rest of the islands t otal

10 46 million. Is that correct?0 2 : 4 4

11 A. That is correct.

12 Q. And what is the total cost when you add 17 and a half and

13 46 million?

14 A. 63,500,000.

15 Q. And what does that mean? I mean, this might be one of the0 2 : 4 4

16 few accounting terms that is actually obvious; bu t what does

17 "cost" mean?

18 A. That's the acquisition, purchase of the land.

19 Q. And then next to that, is there a market price listed on

20 this document Mr. Kuhrt was sending to Mr. Lopez that Mr. Lopez0 2 : 4 4

21 asked you to print?

22 A. Yes, there is a market value.

23 Q. What is being listed as the market value for th at land that

24 cost $63 million?

25 A. $3.1 billion.0 2 : 4 4

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1 Q. Do you know generally what type of return on in vestment0 2 : 4 4

2 that would be?

3 A. That's a 5,000 percent increase in value.

4 Q. In all your years working as an accountant, hav e you ever

5 seen a return on investment approaching 5,000 per cent?0 2 : 4 5

6 A. No, sir.

7 MR. COSTA: If we go to the right-hand side --

8 Go back to the full document.


10 Q. And this is a little difficult to read. But on the0 2 : 4 5

11 right-hand side, is there a plan for what would b e done with

12 this $3.1 billion?

13 A. Yes, there is a plan.

14 Q. And it says four different companies listed, A through D.

15 Is that correct?0 2 : 4 5

16 A. Yes, sir.

17 Q. And Company A, what was the 200 million of that money going

18 to be used for?

19 A. That was going to be a contribution to capital by R. Allen

20 Stanford to Company A in the amount of 200 millio n.0 2 : 4 6

21 Q. And it lists SIBL there, right? What company i s that?

22 A. That's Stanford International Bank.

23 Q. And then what is Company B supposed to be?

24 A. Also SIBL and that's a 541 million-dollar contr ibution and

25 that's a contribution to capital by R. Allen Stan ford.0 2 : 4 6

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1 Q. We saw the letter where Mr. Stanford said he ma de two0 2 : 4 6

2 capital contributions to the bank?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. To strengthen it?

5 A. Yes, sir.0 2 : 4 6

6 Q. And according to this document, it would be the market

7 value of that land that would be used for the cap ital

8 contribution?

9 A. According to the document, yes.

10 Q. Now, have you seen any documents showing that t hese0 2 : 4 6

11 transactions ever took place between these differ ent companies?

12 A. No, I didn't see any transactions.

13 Q. Company C, what was -- still using that $3.1 bi llion, what

14 was the rest of it going to be used for?

15 A. It says: For payment to liquidate loan to R. A llen0 2 : 4 7

16 Stanford for Company C, $1.7 billion.

17 Q. What was the loan Mr. Stanford needed to liquid ate?

18 A. That is the funding report balance that showed the

19 $1.7 billion.

20 THE COURT: Mr. Costa, use plain language, please .0 2 : 4 7

21 Okay? In other words, explain what we're looking at, in plain

22 language, or have your client -- your witness do it.

23 MR. COSTA: Yes, your Honor.


25 Q. So, according to this document, this real estat e that was0 2 : 4 7

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1 being valued at $3.1 billion, what was that incre ase, that0 2 : 4 7

2 5,000 percent increase in value, going to be used for?

3 A. It was going to be used for -- to capitalize th e bank --

4 Q. Which means what, again?

5 A. That cash infusion for capital that the bank ne eded.0 2 : 4 8

6 Q. Now, you say "cash infusion," would that be cas h, actually,

7 if it was this real estate?

8 A. No, it wasn't cash.

9 Q. Okay. And other -- and so, in addition to the infusion

10 Mr. Stanford said he was making into the bank to strengthen it,0 2 : 4 8

11 according to Company C, what was the other part o f the

12 $3 billion going to be used for?

13 A. It was going to be used for -- to pay off the b alance that

14 there was in the shareholder funding --

15 THE COURT: Which means in this case?0 2 : 4 8

16 THE WITNESS: Which is the $1.7 billion.


18 Q. That had come from where?

19 A. That had came from -- came from the Stanford In ternational

20 Bank and it was used to fund all the entities.0 2 : 4 8

21 Q. What we're talking about on this chart, the bil lions that

22 had come from the bank to keep Mr. Stanford's oth er companies

23 running?

24 A. That is correct.

25 Q. According to this e-mail, this real estate that was being0 2 : 4 9

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1 valued at 3 billion, part of that valuation was g oing to be0 2 : 4 9

2 used to pay back that large loan?

3 A. That is correct.

4 Q. Were you -- now, you were tracking that amount of money,

5 correct, on your report that showed the money goi ng from --0 2 : 4 9

6 going to all these other companies?

7 A. Yes, sir.

8 Q. Were you ever told to take $1.7 billion as havi ng been paid

9 back and reduce the outstanding balance?

10 A. No, sir.0 2 : 4 9

11 Q. So, you don't know if this transaction ever eve n took

12 place?

13 A. That's correct, I didn't -- I don't think it to ok place.

14 Q. And you weren't told to ever make that entry to reflect the

15 payoff of the loan on your shareholder funding re port?0 2 : 4 9

16 A. That's correct.

17 Q. Earlier on had there been -- and did you have m uch

18 involvement otherwise in the details of that real estate

19 transaction?

20 A. No, sir.0 2 : 5 0

21 Q. Mr. Lopez just asked you to print it off?

22 A. That is correct.

23 Q. You don't know all of the details?

24 A. No, sir, I don't know any of the details.

25 Q. In prior years had there been --0 2 : 5 0

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1 MR. SCARDINO: Excuse me.0 2 : 5 0

2 THE COURT: Yes, sir.

3 MR. SCARDINO: Well, in light of that answer, if he's

4 telling us he doesn't know any of the details of that

5 complicated transaction, I would ask that his tes timony be0 2 : 5 0

6 stricken regarding that transaction.

7 THE COURT: All right. What's your response?

8 MR. COSTA: He was just -- he explained he wasn't

9 heavily involved in it and that that -- he was ju st explaining

10 what was being done on that spreadsheet that he w as sent.0 2 : 5 0

11 MR. SCARDINO: But he -- I mean, he --

12 THE COURT: I understand exactly what you're sayi ng.

13 MR. COSTA: I'm about to set it up.

14 THE COURT: I'm just wondering if there's enough for

15 him to continue going. I'm going to give him a l ittle more0 2 : 5 0

16 leeway. Make your objection again if you have to . You may

17 take him on voir dire perhaps later on.

18 MR. SCARDINO: Yes, your Honor.

19 THE COURT: Then again, it may go to the weight, not

20 to the admissibility, also relative to cross-exam ination. 0 2 : 5 1

21 So, go on. You heard what the objection is.

22 MR. COSTA: Right.

23 THE COURT: You know, it may have some validity i f you

24 can't -- just try to clear it up.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 0 2 : 5 1

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1 Q. Were you aware of transactions in the past that were used0 2 : 5 1

2 to try and offset the amount of the loan -- the a mount of the

3 money Mr. Stanford owed back to the bank?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. Did those transactions involve real estate?0 2 : 5 1

6 A. No.

7 Q. What did they involve?

8 A. They involved private equity.

9 Q. What is private equity?

10 A. Those are private companies; they're not public companies.0 2 : 5 1

11 Q. And was there a Stanford company that dealt wit h private

12 equity?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. What was the name of that company?

15 A. Stanford Venture Capital Holdings.0 2 : 5 1

16 Q. A separate company from Stanford International Bank?

17 A. That's correct.

18 Q. Was it one of the companies that was getting th is funding

19 from the bank's CD money?

20 A. Yes.0 2 : 5 2

21 Q. And was -- how many times were you aware of tra nsfers

22 involving private equity being used to pay down t he loan

23 Mr. Stanford had -- or owed to the bank?

24 A. There were two transfers.

25 Q. Do you recall the years?0 2 : 5 2

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1 A. 2004 and 2007.0 2 : 5 2

2 Q. Were you involved in the 2007 transaction?

3 A. Yes, I was.

4 Q. And generally explain how that transaction work ed.

5 A. Stanford Venture Capital had a list of private equity that0 2 : 5 2

6 they owned. And so, from that list several of th ose companies

7 were picked to transfer that investment into Ster ling Bank.

8 But the way it would flow, it would go first -- i t would

9 transfer at cost to Mr. Stanford, since he was th e sole

10 shareholder of Stanford Venture Capital. And fro m0 2 : 5 3

11 Mr. Stanford, Mr. Stanford then will transfer tha t -- those

12 private equities at market value to the bank.

13 Q. The flow of that transaction, is that similar t o what you

14 saw in that attachment to the real estate deal?

15 A. Similar, yes.0 2 : 5 3

16 MR. COSTA: If we can go to Government 415.


18 Q. Do you have a flow chart that will help explain the

19 movement of this private equity?

20 A. Yes, through the flow chart.0 2 : 5 3

21 Q. What is that e-mail, Mr. Amadio?

22 A. This is the list of the investment portfolio th at was in

23 Stanford Venture Capital Holdings as of November of 2007.

24 Q. And do you know why in 2007 there was a need to have this

25 private equity be given to the bank?0 2 : 5 4

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1 A. I believe at that time the bank was needing, al so, again,0 2 : 5 4

2 to be capitalized, increase the capital.

3 Q. What is the capital? What does "capital" mean?

4 A. That's the shareholder's equity infusion of cas h into

5 his -- into the bank.0 2 : 5 4

6 Q. Why did the bank need more capital in 2007?

7 A. I believe at that time there's -- according to regulations,

8 the bank had a certain ratio between liabilities and the assets

9 and that is that cushion that needs to be kept in the capital

10 portion to be able to -- in case of withdrawals o f deposits to0 2 : 5 5

11 have enough to cover for those withdrawals.

12 Q. That's the cushion where the regulations want t he bank's

13 assets to be more than what it owes the depositor s?

14 A. That is correct.

15 Q. There has to be a certain amount -- a cushion t here of a0 2 : 5 5

16 certain level?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. And in 2007 that cushion wasn't enough, so ther e needed to

19 be capital put into the bank?

20 A. That's correct.0 2 : 5 5

21 Q. Did Mr. Stanford just write a check to deal wit h that?

22 A. He could.

23 Q. Did he?

24 A. No.

25 Q. How do you know he could have? How do you know he had the0 2 : 5 5

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1 money to do that?0 2 : 5 5

2 A. Well, I didn't know if he had the money. But I 'm saying

3 that that --

4 Q. Theoretically he could have, you're saying?

5 A. In theory, that would have been a proper proced ure.0 2 : 5 5

6 Q. But did he do that?

7 A. No.

8 Q. Instead of writing a check to increase that cus hion that

9 the bank needed, he transferred this private equi ty to the

10 bank?0 2 : 5 6

11 A. That is correct.

12 MR. COSTA: We can go to Page 3.


14 Q. Does this show the movement of that private equ ity that was

15 planned in 2007 to help increase the bank's cushi on between0 2 : 5 6

16 what it had on its books and what it owed to depo sitors?

17 A. Yes, it is.

18 Q. So, where were -- where at that time were the p rivate

19 equity investments?

20 A. They were in Stanford Venture Capital Holdings.0 2 : 5 6

21 Q. And the first red arrow is showing that -- what 's going to

22 happen legally to -- as to those private equity i nvestments?

23 A. They were going to be transferred at book value to R. Allen

24 Stanford.

25 Q. What does "book value" mean?0 2 : 5 7

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1 A. Means the cost of those investments that are re flected0 2 : 5 7

2 into -- in the financials of Stanford Venture Cap ital.

3 Q. What the initial investments were?

4 A. That's right.

5 Q. And then when it went to Mr. Stanford, what was going to0 2 : 5 7

6 happen next with the second red arrow?

7 A. From there it was going to be transferred at ma rket value

8 to Stanford International Bank, Limited.

9 Q. To the bank?

10 A. To the bank.0 2 : 5 7

11 THE COURT: And book value -- actual value is hig her.

12 Is that correct?


14 Q. Well, what is market value?

15 A. Well, market value could be higher or could be lower.0 2 : 5 7

16 It --

17 THE COURT: Well, some of those figures we saw in one

18 other one had higher amounts. But was that just an estimate?

19 Like purchasing all those -- the islands and so f orth, a lot of

20 it said the purchase price and actual market valu e; but it goes0 2 : 5 8

21 in, what, at then market value?

22 THE WITNESS: It should go into market -- it shou ld be

23 transferred at market value based on evaluation o f those lands,

24 yes.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 0 2 : 5 8

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1 Q. Well, but this wasn't land, correct?0 2 : 5 8

2 A. Correct, this is not land.

3 Q. This is private equity?

4 A. That is correct.

5 Q. But is it your understanding it's the same type of flow0 2 : 5 8

6 that was being planned for that real estate?

7 A. Yes. Similar, yes.

8 Q. But with the private equity, when Mr. Stanford then would

9 send it to the bank, that was going to be at mark et value?

10 A. That is correct, yes.0 2 : 5 8

11 Q. Which should be what? The current prevailing m arket price,

12 what someone would be willing to pay for that tod ay?

13 A. That is correct, yes.

14 Q. And what were these investments, what were thes e private

15 equity investments, what kind of investments were they?0 2 : 5 8

16 A. These investments were on private companies. A nd they're

17 private equity, private investments to companies that need

18 capital.

19 Q. Generally what size of companies are we talking about?

20 A. They're not large size of companies. They're s tartups,0 2 : 5 9

21 companies that just started. They have a great i dea, great

22 concept, they're looking for companies to invest to raise

23 capital, to raise money.

24 Q. What's the risk level of private equity investm ents versus,

25 say, a publicly traded stock?0 2 : 5 9

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1 A. It's risky. It's a risk business.0 2 : 5 9

2 Q. What about the liquidity of private equity inve stments?

3 A. Well, since they're not -- they're not public, you can't --

4 you can't sell those stocks in the market and fin d -- easily to

5 find buyers like you would have owning Exxon or S hell.0 2 : 5 9

6 Q. If I wanted to find the market value today of E xxon stock,

7 what would I have to do?

8 A. I mean, you will just go to a broker/dealer, bu y the

9 stocks.

10 Q. To find what the value is, can I just go on the Internet?0 3 : 0 0

11 A. Oh, that's right, you can go to the Internet.

12 Q. Or open up the business section of the newspape r?

13 A. That's correct, yes.

14 Q. How do you find market value for these private equity

15 investments that aren't traded on a public exchan ge?0 3 : 0 0

16 A. It is more complex. You -- there's got to be a n

17 independent valuation done to get a number to see what will be

18 the market value of those -- of those investments .

19 Q. What do you mean by an "independent valuation"?

20 A. There's studies that they need to do on the fin ancials of0 3 : 0 0

21 those private companies to see if they're worth w hat they're

22 being valued at.

23 Q. And what do you mean by "independent"?

24 A. Well, there is companies that can provide that type of

25 independent valuation. Now, you cannot come up w ith a market0 3 : 0 1

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1 value on your own.0 3 : 0 1

2 Q. Why not?

3 A. Because it would not be independent and objecti ve. I mean,

4 you can have an idea how much they're worth, but it's always

5 better to have an independent, objective valuatio n.0 3 : 0 1

6 Q. Are you familiar with the term "arm's length tr ansactions"?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. What's that mean, an arm's length transaction?

9 A. It means that what would -- a third party would pay for

10 that.0 3 : 0 1

11 Q. Would these -- a transfer from Stanford Venture Capital

12 Holdings, which is owned by whom?

13 A. Mr. Stanford.

14 Q. -- to Mr. Stanford personally and then to a ban k that

15 Mr. Stanford owns, would those be considered arm' s length0 3 : 0 1

16 transactions?

17 A. Those are --

18 MR. SCARDINO: Objection, unless he's established he's

19 qualified to answer that question.

20 THE COURT: Okay.0 3 : 0 1


22 Q. In your view, based on your accounting experien ce, would

23 those be arm's length transactions?

24 A. Those would be arm's length transactions.

25 Q. Would they be -- well, what happened when -- wh o was asked0 3 : 0 2

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1 to value the transfers?0 3 : 0 2

2 A. Let me -- let me say that again. The related p arty

3 transactions, the term "arm's length transaction, " if it is --

4 if that transfer happened in the way that a third party would

5 go ahead and pay and value that investment, that' s an arm's0 3 : 0 2

6 length transaction.

7 Q. Explain that again. Was a third party involved in these

8 transactions, other than Mr. Stanford?

9 A. No, there wasn't.

10 Q. So, where did the market value come from that w as used when0 3 : 0 2

11 these transactions were done? Did -- was that in dependent

12 valuation obtained?

13 A. No, there was no independent valuation.

14 Q. Who came up with the numbers to use for that ma rket

15 valuation?0 3 : 0 3

16 A. Initially there was the capital markets team un der Stanford

17 Venture Capital provided some pro forma of the fi nancials of

18 these private equity companies and they gave thei r opinion of

19 what the value were.

20 Q. Did they make a recommendation, though, as to w hat should0 3 : 0 3

21 be done before the transactions actually took pla ce?

22 A. Yeah, they had a disclaimer on their valuation, which was

23 that it is recommended to seek independent valuat ion on those

24 private equities.

25 Q. And were you in discussions with Mr. Davis abou t this0 3 : 0 3

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1 transaction?0 3 : 0 4

2 A. Yes, we were.

3 Q. Was this a transaction that had to wait for app roval from

4 Mr. Stanford?

5 A. He mentioned that he was going to show this to0 3 : 0 4

6 Mr. Stanford.

7 Q. Was that independent outside valuation obtained to

8 determine what the market value was of these inve stments that

9 weren't traded on a public exchange?

10 A. There was no independent valuation.0 3 : 0 4

11 Q. Was a reason given why no outside valuation was performed

12 even though the Stanford Venture Capital folks ha d recommended

13 that be done?

14 A. There was a rush to get this done in a timely m anner, very

15 quickly because of the need of capital.0 3 : 0 4

16 Q. At the bank?

17 A. At the bank.

18 Q. And was there a transaction similar to this bac k in 2004?

19 A. Yes, there was.

20 Q. And do you recall roughly in the 2004 transacti on the0 3 : 0 4

21 markup between what was the book value and the ma rket value?

22 Do you recall how much that was?

23 A. It was about -- if I recall correctly, I think it was

24 $310 million that was finally valued on those inv estments.

25 Q. And what was done with that 310 in marked-up va lue? How0 3 : 0 5

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1 was that treated?0 3 : 0 5

2 A. That was treated to reduce the balance in the s hareholder

3 funding.

4 Q. These billions that had gone from the CD deposi tors to

5 Mr. Stanford's other companies?0 3 : 0 5

6 A. That is correct, yes.

7 MR. COSTA: If we can go back to the Elmo, your H onor.

8 THE COURT: Let me ask you this. Is that resolut ion

9 better?

10 THE JURORS: (In unison) Yes.0 3 : 0 6

11 THE COURT: I think we figured it out. I think w e

12 figured it out. We'll attend to it during the ne xt break.

13 Go on.

14 MR. COSTA: Thank you, your Honor.

15 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 0 6

16 Q. Is this the end of 2007 report we saw of shareh older

17 funding?

18 MR. SCARDINO: Mr. Costa, what exhibit is this?

19 A JUROR: No, no.

20 MR. COSTA: Well, that's my fault. That's a focu s0 3 : 0 6

21 issue.

22 THE COURT: Please, focus it in, please.

23 MR. COSTA: It's 331.

24 THE COURT: You need a little more focus on it no w

25 also. I'm looking. Go look at the numbers from here. No,0 3 : 0 6

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1 focus, is there a focus on there instead of a zoo m?0 3 : 0 6

2 MR. COSTA: It's usually an auto focus. It usual ly

3 does it itself, adjusts but --

4 THE COURT: All right. Just keep going. Okay.

5 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 0 6

6 Q. Is this the 2007 year end shareholder funding r eport?

7 A. Yes, it is.

8 Q. And we saw earlier that the total amount that h ad gone from

9 the depositors to Mr. Stanford's other companies at the end of

10 '07 was 1.6 billion and change?0 3 : 0 7

11 A. That's right.

12 Q. And then is there an entry on here to show that amount

13 reduced based on that private equity flip we just saw?

14 A. Yes, there is.

15 Q. And that was the one from 2004?0 3 : 0 7

16 A. Yes, sir.

17 Q. And it's crediting $310 million as repayment of what

18 Mr. Stanford owes the CD depositors?

19 A. That is correct.

20 Q. Now, was that actually cash?0 3 : 0 7

21 A. No, that was not cash.

22 Q. Was it a -- there wasn't a check Mr. Stanford w rote to pay

23 back the loans?

24 A. No, it wasn't.

25 Q. It's just based on this valuation that Mr. Stan ford's own0 3 : 0 7

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1 employees had given the private equity?0 3 : 0 7

2 A. That is correct.

3 Q. And so, then it shows a total remaining balance of

4 1.3 billion at year end '07?

5 A. That is correct, yes.0 3 : 0 8

6 Q. For most of the day you've been discussing a nu mber of

7 concerns and problems you saw while working at St anford

8 Financial. Is that right?

9 A. Yes, sir.

10 Q. Did you express those concerns to anyone else i n the0 3 : 0 8

11 company towards the end of your time there?

12 A. Yes, I did.

13 Q. Who -- with whom did you talk?

14 A. I spoke with Luis Garcia, which was the directo r of

15 internal audit.0 3 : 0 8

16 Q. Where did you have this discussion with Mr. Gar cia?

17 A. It was in one of our trips to the US Virgin Isl ands.

18 Q. Was he a friend of yours?

19 A. Coworker.

20 Q. And why of all the employees there did you deci de to talk0 3 : 0 9

21 to Mr. Garcia about your concerns?

22 A. I felt that I could trust him and since he was the internal

23 auditor director of internal audit, I just wanted to tell him

24 what was my concern.

25 Q. What did you tell Mr. Garcia?0 3 : 0 9

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1 A. I told him that the funding -- all the funding that is0 3 : 0 9

2 going to all of the entities, it was my belief th at all that

3 money was coming from the clients' deposits from the bank and I

4 told him also that the revenue entries were done based on

5 estimations. He expressed --0 3 : 0 9

6 Q. Well, let's stop there. Let's break that down. The first

7 thing you said was you told him there was all thi s funding that

8 you thought -- you figured had to be coming from the CD

9 depositors because Mr. Stanford didn't have enoug h profit in

10 the bank?0 3 : 1 0

11 A. That is correct, yes.

12 Q. And then the second point you told him was abou t the --

13 relating to the financial statements?

14 A. Yes, that's correct.

15 Q. Was Mr. Garcia surprised when you told him that all these0 3 : 1 0

16 companies' funding was coming from CD depositors?

17 A. Yes, he was surprised.

18 Q. As the internal auditor, was he able to give yo u comfort

19 that you had no reason to worry and that the numb ers were good

20 and accurate?0 3 : 1 0

21 A. No, no comfort. He agreed that even though the internal

22 audit had requested to see the portfolio, it was not given to

23 them. And he acknowledged that that information was never

24 given to them.

25 Q. About when was this discussion with Mr. Garcia down in the0 3 : 1 1

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1 Virgin Islands?0 3 : 1 1

2 A. Was in middle of 2008, somewhere there.

3 Q. Did Mr. Garcia leave the company shortly after that

4 discussion you had with him?

5 MR. SCARDINO: Objection, irrelevant.0 3 : 1 1

6 THE COURT: Overruled.

7 THE WITNESS: Yeah, he left the company. He resi gned.


9 Q. Do you recall about when that was?

10 A. I think it was sometime in November or December , if I0 3 : 1 1

11 recall correctly.

12 Q. And by that time in mid to late 2008, were you looking to

13 leave your job at Stanford Financial?

14 A. Yes.

15 Q. What were you being paid at the end of your tim e then?0 3 : 1 1

16 A. 95,000.

17 Q. What did you do to try to find another job in 2 008?

18 A. I started posting my résumé,, Caree rBuilders.

19 In August of 2008 I received a call from the dire ctor of

20 recruiting for Wal-Mart, and I was scheduled to h ave0 3 : 1 2

21 interviews. And I declined that --

22 Q. Why didn't you want to go work at Wal-Mart?

23 A. It was -- I had to relocate to Arkansas and -- but I

24 continued looking. There was other -- other oppo rtunities,

25 none of that materialized all the way towards Feb ruary of 2009.0 3 : 1 2

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1 At that time the economy was getting a little bit tougher and0 3 : 1 2

2 tougher to find jobs.

3 Q. Why didn't you want to go to Arkansas with Wal- Mart?

4 A. I had to relocate the family. I talked it over with my

5 wife, wife was not willing to relocate.0 3 : 1 3

6 Q. Do you have kids, Mr. Amadio?

7 A. Yes, I do.

8 Q. Tell the jury their ages.

9 A. I have four kids. I have a 10-year-old son, I have a

10 15-year-old daughter, I have an 18-year-old daugh ter, and I0 3 : 1 3

11 have a 21-year-old son.

12 Q. And did your wife want to relocate all the kids who were in

13 school to Arkansas?

14 A. No, sir.

15 Q. Why were you looking to leave Stanford in 2008?0 3 : 1 3

16 A. At that time I was very uncomfortable and conce rned about

17 the size of how the funding report had grown and seeing that it

18 was never going to be repaid.

19 Q. This was the funding that had grown to $2 billi on being

20 taken from the bank to fund the other businesses?0 3 : 1 3

21 A. (Witness nods head).

22 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the form of the question and

23 the summary.

24 THE COURT: Well, that's a leading question.

25 Sustained.0 3 : 1 4

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1 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 1 4

2 Q. What was your concern about -- why were you con cerned about

3 how much this report you produced, about how much it had grown?

4 A. Because of the amount of money and how much tha t $2 billion

5 had grown to be and how much that was related to the size of0 3 : 1 4

6 the portfolio of the bank, that was a big concern . There was a

7 lot of misleading information provided to the cli ents.

8 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the nonresponsive answer .

9 THE COURT: Sustained. Just question and answer. You

10 can go into this question and answer.0 3 : 1 4


12 Q. Where was that $2 billion coming from?

13 A. From Stanford International Bank.

14 Q. Whose money was it?

15 A. Clients' deposits.0 3 : 1 4

16 Q. And so, you were still working at Stanford Fina ncial when

17 the receiver came in in February of 2009?

18 A. Yes, sir.

19 Q. What do you recall about that day?

20 A. I try not to, but what I recall was we received an e-mail0 3 : 1 5

21 for everybody to meet on one of the floors of the company. And

22 so, when we went up there to that floor, I recall seeing

23 US Marshals and some HPD officers and the receive rship was

24 there.

25 Q. What were the employees instructed to do about computers0 3 : 1 5

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1 and documents and work materials like that?0 3 : 1 5

2 A. It was instructed to leave all --

3 MR. SCARDINO: Objection as to hearsay.

4 THE COURT: Excuse me. I'm going to stop the clo ck

5 for a second. Give me one second. We're talking about some0 3 : 1 5

6 housekeeping matters.

7 (Sotto voce discussion at bench with court staff)

8 THE COURT: Okay. Sorry.

9 MR. COSTA: I was asking him what the receiver's

10 instructions were about work materials like compu ters. There's0 3 : 1 6

11 nothing -- it's not a true or false statement, ju st what the

12 instructions were.

13 THE COURT: Okay. Your objections?

14 MR. SCARDINO: Well, it's hearsay no matter what.

15 THE COURT: I understand what he's saying. Get a round0 3 : 1 6

16 it. Can you get around it?

17 MR. COSTA: Well, it's not for the truth -- there was

18 no --


20 Q. What were you instructed to do? What were all the0 3 : 1 6

21 employees told to do?

22 MR. SCARDINO: Before you answer --

23 THE COURT: Now, did he do something because of t hose

24 instructions?

25 MR. COSTA: Yes.0 3 : 1 7

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1 THE COURT: Or forego going through --0 3 : 1 7

2 MR. COSTA: It showed what his reaction were.

3 THE COURT: All right. Overruled for that limite d

4 purpose. Thank you.

5 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 1 7

6 Q. Were the instructions from the receiver about w hat to do

7 with computers and other work papers?

8 THE COURT: Yes or no?


10 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 1 7

11 Q. What were those instructions?

12 A. To leave all computers, computer equipment in t he office.

13 Q. Did you leave all your computer equipment in th e office?

14 A. No.

15 Q. What did you take home?0 3 : 1 7

16 A. I was still carrying in my laptop bag the lapto p that

17 remained in the office, but I kept inside the lap top bag the

18 external drive that we previously --

19 THE COURT: They call that -- is that the footbal l?

20 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 1 7

21 Q. (Indicating)?

22 A. That was the external drive that was called the football.

23 Q. This is Government 308 that we saw earlier?

24 A. Yes.

25 THE COURT: By the way, how did you come across t he0 3 : 1 8

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1 name "football"?0 3 : 1 8

2 THE WITNESS: That name was given by another

3 accountant, a coworker that he will refer to as t he football.

4 THE COURT: Any reason -- does he know -- do you know

5 why he referred to it --0 3 : 1 8


7 Q. Can you show the jury how would you carry this around the

8 office that led to it being called the football b y Mr. Roca?

9 You can stand up if you would like.

10 THE COURT: Okay. Sure, if you want to. Wait. Hold0 3 : 1 8

11 it. Hold it. This is diversion, just my diversi on. Hang on a

12 second. I'll explain it. What the heck.

13 I'll explain it to the jury, that my theory

14 was -- I understand that that's an in-house decis ion that was

15 something had to carry and pass it from side to s ide. But0 3 : 1 8

16 the -- you know, the president of the United Stat es has a

17 military attache who walks with him all the time with a

18 briefcase, an important briefcase and they -- wit h the atomic

19 codes and everything else and that's called the f ootball. So,

20 I was just assuming -- I couldn't get that respon se out and0 3 : 1 9

21 that's why I said let's pass it up. But I see no harm in doing

22 it because it's taken on a secondary meaning amon g people in

23 the security area because that may have been how someone

24 decided to call it a football.

25 But if you notice the president, whenever he0 3 : 1 9

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1 travels, there's always a uniform military person of some --0 3 : 1 9

2 they shift off the job, Navy, Air Force, Marine C orps, Coast

3 Guard and -- what did I leave out -- Army, always with him with

4 a briefcase and that's the -- the atomic codes ar e in that and

5 it's known in that genre as the football. So muc h for all0 3 : 1 9

6 that.

7 Did you take all that -- I guess she took it all

8 down. So, in effect, if the Appeals Court doesn' t know what it

9 is, in my humble opinion -- you're to disregard a nything the

10 judge says. You'll find me saying that from time to time. It0 3 : 1 9

11 has no relevance whatsoever to this case. But ma ybe we could

12 have had a -- we needed a little break and now we 'll move on.

13 The attorneys know what I'm talking about, right?

14 MR. COSTA: Absolutely.

15 THE COURT: All right. Is that correct, Mr. Scar dino?0 3 : 2 0

16 MR. SCARDINO: Whatever it is, Judge, it's correc t.

17 THE COURT: No, no. It's the matter we discussed

18 sidebar.


20 THE COURT: Okay?0 3 : 2 0

21 MR. SCARDINO: Yes, sir.

22 THE COURT: Need a little break.

23 All right. Let's go, please.

24 MR. COSTA: Thank you, your Honor.

25 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 2 0

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1 Q. If you want to stand up, Mr. Amadio, and show h ow you0 3 : 2 0

2 would -- when you had to walk around with that, h ow you would

3 walk around that led to it being called the footb all.

4 A. Normally when I would walk around, it would be connected to

5 the laptop and I would carry this together with t he laptop from0 3 : 2 0

6 my office to -- to a conference room, let's say. And that's

7 when Rolando Roca saw me like that. And I would put it in top

8 of the conference room table and work off and upd ate

9 information of that shareholder funding report, s ave it, and

10 then carry it back to my office.0 3 : 2 0

11 Q. So, it would be in your hand like that?

12 A. Yeah, it would be in my hand like this.

13 Q. Thank you. You can sit back down.

14 So, you said the day the receiver came in, that

15 was in your laptop bag?0 3 : 2 1

16 A. Yes, it was.

17 Q. And you took it home?

18 A. And I took it home, yes.

19 Q. Why did you take that -- the football home?

20 A. That external drive was -- I took it home becau se I had --0 3 : 2 1

21 since they were going to take the laptop and I th ought they

22 were not going to return it, I had pictures and p ersonal files

23 on the laptop that I had already saved in the ext ernal drive.

24 It was a stupid and -- stupid decision on my part of doing

25 that. But the rationale behind that was I had a memory0 3 : 2 1

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1 stick -- I was not using the football anymore. I was using a0 3 : 2 1

2 memory stick. So, all the --

3 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the narrative.


5 MR. SCARDINO: Object to the narrative. It's not --0 3 : 2 2

6 THE COURT: Overruled. I'll let him go into a li ttle

7 bit of this as to why --

8 MR. COSTA: I can break it down.

9 THE COURT: All right. That's fine.

10 BY MR. COSTA: 0 3 : 2 2

11 Q. So, you took that home. At that time were the shareholder

12 funding reports and the other bank documents bein g saved to

13 another device?

14 A. Yes, they were.

15 Q. What was that other device?0 3 : 2 2

16 A. It was a memory stick.

17 Q. Did you keep that memory stick in the office pe r the

18 receiver's instructions?

19 A. Yes, I did.

20 Q. You took home that because you had some persona l items?0 3 : 2 2

21 A. Yes.

22 Q. What type of personal items?

23 A. Files, pictures.

24 Q. Family pictures?

25 A. Yes. Yes, sir.0 3 : 2 2

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1 Q. What did you do that night with the football wh en you had0 3 : 2 2

2 it at home?

3 A. When I realized -- because of everything happen ing, I was

4 very nervous and concerned and I didn't do anythi ng with it. I

5 took it back the next day. I took it back to the office,0 3 : 2 2

6 removed it from my bag, put it into one of the dr awers in my

7 desk, and that's when the FBI was looking for the football.

8 Q. Did the FBI come find you?

9 A. Yes, they did.

10 Q. Were you in -- brought into a meeting or a --0 3 : 2 3

11 A. Yes. I was talking with the attorneys of the r eceivership

12 and they were asking for the football.

13 Q. And what did you tell them about where it was a t that point

14 the next day?

15 A. I told them it was in my office. And they said , "Okay.0 3 : 2 3

16 Let's walk together." So, we walked together to my office; and

17 I provided the football.

18 Q. Did you end up hiring a lawyer after the receiv er took

19 over?

20 A. After that incident, yes. Prior to that, no.0 3 : 2 3

21 Q. After this search for the football?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. And then you showing them that it was in your d esk by that

24 point?

25 A. That's correct.0 3 : 2 3

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1 Q. At some point did the government ask your attor neys if you0 3 : 2 3

2 would be willing to interview with the government ?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. When was that in relation to this February, 200 9 incident

5 of the receiver taking over?0 3 : 2 4

6 A. It was in May of 2010.

7 Q. So, more than a year later?

8 A. Yes, that's correct.

9 Q. And did you and your attorneys agree to sit dow n with the

10 prosecutors and with the FBI?0 3 : 2 4

11 A. Yes, we did.

12 Q. Was there any type of letter agreement that you signed as

13 part of that discussion?

14 A. Yes, there was.

15 Q. Now, did that agreement -- does that agreement prevent the0 3 : 2 4

16 government from charging you in this case?

17 A. No. It doesn't prevent --

18 Q. Do you know what the term "immunity" means?

19 A. Yes, I do.

20 Q. Do you have immunity in this case?0 3 : 2 4

21 A. No, I don't.

22 Q. What does that agreement say that the governmen t can do

23 with what you told the government during that int erview?

24 A. That agreement was to -- if any -- everything I said in

25 that off-the-record meeting that we had in May of 2010 was not0 3 : 2 5

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1 going to be used against me; but if anything I sa id there was0 3 : 2 5

2 not true or found later on that it was not true o r factual,

3 then the government could charge me or --

4 Q. And could use what you said against you?

5 A. Use it against me.0 3 : 2 5

6 Q. If it turned out to be not truthful?

7 A. That is correct.

8 Q. And regardless of whether your information was truthful or

9 not, could the government charge you if it didn't use the

10 statements you made?0 3 : 2 5

11 A. Yes, it could.

12 Q. Based on other evidence and other witnesses, th e government

13 still to this day could charge you?

14 A. Yes, that's correct.

15 Q. I take it you hoping you're not charged?0 3 : 2 5

16 A. You're absolutely right.

17 Q. But there's no promise or guarantee about that?

18 A. There is no promise. There is a risk.

19 Q. So, given all you've told us about the problems you saw

20 with the accounting, with the money going from th e bank to all0 3 : 2 6

21 these other companies, the reasons you concluded the annual

22 report was not providing accurate information, wh y did you stay

23 working there for all those years?

24 A. I'm not -- well, I'm not proud of myself for -- for not

25 making the right decision and leaving the company . I was0 3 : 2 6

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1 afraid. I have a family that I have to support a nd sometimes0 3 : 2 6

2 you don't -- you look back now and you say: Yeah , I should

3 have done this, I should have done that.

4 Even though I started to look for another job,

5 you just continue knowing that you have a family to support and0 3 : 2 6

6 you make dumb and stupid decisions of not standin g up for what

7 you believe; and so, I'm not proud. I regret loo king the other

8 way, and that's all I have to say.

9 Q. And there were a number of these people in the accounting

10 department who were supervising and over you like Mr. Lopez,0 3 : 2 7

11 Mr. Kuhrt, Mr. Davis, and then ultimately Mr. Sta nford as the

12 owner of the companies. Is that right?

13 A. That's correct.

14 Q. And you made, I think you said, 95,000 at the e nd a year?

15 A. Yes, sir.0 3 : 2 7

16 Q. Did you ever think about -- think seriously abo ut buying a

17 CD with your own, say, retirement money?

18 A. No.

19 Q. Why not?

20 MR. SCARDINO: Objection, relevance.0 3 : 2 7

21 THE COURT: Overruled.


23 Q. Why did you think if these -- the CDs were payi ng better

24 interest rates than US banks, right?

25 A. Yes, you're right.0 3 : 2 8

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1 Q. So, why not even just consider investing in the CDs?0 3 : 2 8

2 A. Not only because I probably didn't have money t o do that,

3 but because -- because I knew that information pr ovided in the

4 annual report was not accurate and truthful. I d idn't trust

5 the numbers.0 3 : 2 8

6 Q. And you did have -- I think you said you had so me -- did

7 you have some 401(k) or retirement money?

8 A. Yes, I did.

9 Q. So, you did have some money available to you?

10 A. Yes.0 3 : 2 8

11 Q. And did you think from what you saw that Stanfo rd

12 International Bank was a safe conservative place you could

13 trust with your retirement savings?

14 MR. SCARDINO: Objection. He's not established a s a

15 witness to be able to form that opinion. He hasn 't been0 3 : 2 8

16 established to have the credentials to form an op inion as to --

17 THE COURT: Overruled.


19 Q. Did you think Stanford International Bank was a safe

20 conservative place you could trust with your reti rement0 3 : 2 8

21 savings?

22 A. From what I started to learn and what I --

23 MR. SCARDINO: Objection to nonresponsive.

24 THE COURT: Sustained. Yes or no?

25 THE WITNESS: I couldn't trust.0 3 : 2 9

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1 MR. COSTA: Pass the witness, your Honor.0 3 : 2 9

2 THE COURT: You're going to need your overhead -- your

3 computer on? Not for awhile?

4 MR. SCARDINO: Not for awhile.



7 Q. Hello, Mr. Amadio. How are you today?

8 A. Fine. Thank you.

9 Q. Make you nervous to come up here and testify?

10 A. Yes, it does.0 3 : 2 9

11 Q. How long have you known you were going to get u p and

12 testify in this case?

13 A. Probably since the beginning of this -- since l ast year.

14 Q. Last year?

15 A. (Nodding head).0 3 : 3 0

16 Q. Been a long time?

17 A. It's been -- yeah, it's been some time.

18 Q. When did you first interview with the FBI?

19 A. We interviewed back in May -- not with the FBI, but with

20 the prosecution, May of 2010.0 3 : 3 0

21 Q. Well, the FBI came and knocked on your door and wanted this

22 football, right?

23 A. Not on my door.

24 Q. Well, they came in somewhere where you were loc ated and

25 were asking for an item that you had in your poss ession?0 3 : 3 0

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1 A. This was at the office.0 3 : 3 0

2 Q. Okay. And when was that?

3 A. This was in February of 2009.

4 Q. Okay. And this was just after the receiver too k over

5 Mr. Stanford's businesses?0 3 : 3 0

6 A. That's correct, yes.

7 Q. And they came in and took everything, didn't th ey, except

8 the football apparently?

9 A. They took everything I had in my office, yes.

10 Q. Right. And then you provided them with the foo tball?0 3 : 3 0

11 A. The next day, yes.

12 Q. Okay. And that was the FBI that you were deali ng with with

13 the football?

14 A. Yes, that was the FBI.

15 Q. Okay. And they came and asked you for the foot ball, but0 3 : 3 0

16 you didn't give it to them till the next day?

17 A. No. They asked for it that same day.

18 Q. Okay.

19 A. And I provided to them that same day.

20 Q. I misunderstood you then.0 3 : 3 1

21 And did you have to take them to someplace to get

22 the football?

23 A. My office.

24 Q. Okay. So, you met them somewhere other than yo ur office?

25 A. Like I said previously, I was in the office of the0 3 : 3 1

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1 attorneys of the receivership meeting with them t o answer some0 3 : 3 1

2 questions.

3 Q. That was in a different building?

4 A. It was a different floor, same building.

5 Q. So, there was a discussion about the football a t that time;0 3 : 3 1

6 or did you volunteer information about the footba ll?

7 A. No. There was no discussion about the external drive,

8 football, at that time with the meeting with the receivership.

9 Q. Okay. So, how did the FBI find out there was a football?

10 Did you tell them?0 3 : 3 1

11 A. No, I didn't.

12 Q. They had to ask you about the football?

13 A. That is correct.

14 Q. Okay. And did they indicate to you how they kn ew you had

15 the football?0 3 : 3 2

16 A. No.

17 Q. But it wasn't something you had volunteered?

18 A. That's something that I volunteered to give the m, is that

19 what you are asking me?

20 Q. Well, you didn't -- when the FBI came -- they c ame to talk0 3 : 3 2

21 to you, right?

22 A. (Nodding head).

23 Q. And you met with --

24 MR. COSTA: Object as mischaracterization of the

25 testimony, your Honor.0 3 : 3 2

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1 THE COURT: Rephrase it.0 3 : 3 2

2 MR. SCARDINO: Actually, I'm just trying to under stand

3 it myself.

4 THE COURT: Okay. Okay.

5 MR. SCARDINO: So --0 3 : 3 2


7 Q. So, to get it straight, I mean, you're -- the r eceiver is

8 taking over, you're in an office with lawyers and the receiver,

9 correct?

10 A. Uh-huh.0 3 : 3 2

11 Q. And lawyers for the receiver?

12 A. That is correct.

13 Q. And lawyers for you? Did you have a lawyer the n?

14 A. No, I didn't.

15 Q. Okay. And so, the FBI shows up and you don't h ave a0 3 : 3 2

16 lawyer; but there's a conversation between you an d the FBI,

17 right?

18 A. That is correct, yes.

19 Q. And you and the receiver?

20 A. That is correct, yes.0 3 : 3 2

21 Q. Okay. And who was talking to you about what yo u know about

22 anything involving Stanford's business or what yo u did for him?

23 Who's talking to you?

24 A. We're talking with the receivership. They were asking

25 questions about my position, who do I report to, those type of0 3 : 3 3

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1 questions.0 3 : 3 3

2 Q. And the FBI is there?

3 A. Well, the FBI -- FBI showed up to that office w hen I was

4 having that conversation with the receivership at that time,

5 asking for the external drive.0 3 : 3 3

6 Q. Okay. So, now I think I've got it. You're tal king to the

7 receiver that has taken over Mr. Stanford's busin esses. And

8 while you're engaged in that conversation, the FB I shows up?

9 A. That is correct.

10 Q. Okay. And then the FBI asks you about the foot ball?0 3 : 3 3

11 A. Yes, they did.

12 Q. And how long had you been in the meeting with t he receiver

13 when the FBI showed up?

14 A. Probably not even 10, 15 minutes.

15 Q. Okay. Had the receiver asked you about the foo tball?0 3 : 3 3

16 A. No.

17 Q. Do you know how the FBI found out about this th ing called a

18 football?

19 A. No, I don't.

20 Q. Okay. When the FBI confronted you with it, was it0 3 : 3 4

21 upsetting to you?

22 A. No. First I had to think twice what they were referring to

23 and FBI agent clarified the external drive. So, immediately I

24 knew what he was talking about. And after that w e went to our

25 office -- my office together, and I provided with them with the0 3 : 3 4

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1 external drive.0 3 : 3 4

2 Q. Okay. And the FBI went with you to locate this item?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. Okay. And where was it located? Where did you keep it?

5 A. It was in the drawer of my desk.0 3 : 3 4

6 Q. Okay. Was it locked?

7 A. No, it wasn't locked.

8 Q. And did you hand it over to the FBI without bei ng -- did

9 they demand it or they just asked you for it?

10 A. They asked for it.0 3 : 3 4

11 Q. And did you give it to them?

12 A. Yes, I did.

13 Q. Did they ask you questions about it?

14 A. Yes, they did.

15 Q. Okay. And how long did they take to ask you qu estions0 3 : 3 4

16 about it?

17 A. It was probably very short. I would say probab ly not even

18 five to 10 minutes.

19 Q. Okay. And then they left with the item?

20 A. They did, yes.0 3 : 3 5

21 Q. Did they ask you any other questions about anyt hing else

22 other than the football?

23 A. No.

24 Q. Did you stay there and talk to the receiver for some period

25 of time?0 3 : 3 5

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1 A. After that incident, there was another meeting that we were0 3 : 3 5

2 going to have with the receivership to continue t hat initial

3 meeting that I was having with them.

4 Q. Okay. When you talked to the FBI, did you expl ain to them

5 what was on this external hard drive?0 3 : 3 5

6 A. Very short brief conversation we had, I explain ed to them

7 that the external drive, there was also a memory stick in my

8 desk.

9 Q. Okay.

10 A. And -- that had more current information or upd ated0 3 : 3 5

11 information than what the external drive had beca use I was not

12 using it any more. They asked me if there was ba nk information

13 and all that and I -- when they started questioni ng me more and

14 more, I stopped and I mentioned to them that I wa nted to have

15 an attorney.0 3 : 3 6

16 Q. Okay. And this was in the same conversation or a

17 subsequent conversation?

18 A. This was in the same conversation that day.

19 Q. So, after you hand it over, you tell them you w anted to

20 talk to a lawyer before you talked to them anymor e?0 3 : 3 6

21 A. That's correct.

22 Q. And did you tell that to the receiver also?

23 A. And then I talked to the receiver that that's w hat I was --

24 yes, I was going to have an attorney.

25 Q. Okay. And so, in your next conversation with t he receiver,0 3 : 3 6

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1 did you have a lawyer?0 3 : 3 6

2 A. Yes, I did.

3 Q. Mr. Amadio, did you make any notes of the meeti ng you had

4 with the FBI?

5 A. I had some probably written notes that I --0 3 : 3 6

6 Q. How about notes of the conversations you had wi th the

7 receiver when the FBI was present?

8 A. That was a very short conversation that we had with the

9 receivership at that time.

10 Q. So, you told the FBI what was on the external h ard drive?0 3 : 3 7

11 A. I briefly told them, yes, it was --

12 Q. What did you tell them was on that device?

13 A. There was reports and things related to --

14 Q. Let me interrupt you. What kind of reports?

15 A. There was nothing specific at that time.0 3 : 3 7

16 Q. Well, I mean, there was -- I mean, it held a lo t of

17 information, didn't it?

18 A. It had information related to presentations tha t were given

19 and to top producers presentations that were rela ted to the

20 bank.0 3 : 3 7

21 Q. Was that a secret? Was that made a secret?

22 A. That was not secret, no.

23 Q. What else was on that external hard drive?

24 A. The shareholder funding report.

25 Q. Was that a secret?0 3 : 3 7

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1 A. Yes, that was.0 3 : 3 7

2 Q. Okay. I mean, was -- it wasn't a secret inside the

3 business, though, was it?

4 A. That was a secret in the sense that it was only limited to

5 certain individuals to know about that report.0 3 : 3 8

6 Q. And can you tell us who knew about it? I mean, you talked

7 to the investigator for the Internal Revenue Serv ice at length,

8 didn't you? I've got the report. I get to get a copy of the

9 report of the interview with the Internal Revenue Service. I

10 do not have a copy of the report of your intervie w with the0 3 : 3 8

11 FBI, though. Do you have that?

12 MR. COSTA: I would object to the characterizatio n as

13 an interview of this two minutes when he handed o ver the

14 football.

15 MR. SCARDINO: He said he talked to them about it ,0 3 : 3 8

16 what was on the external hard drive. I just wond er if they

17 created a report, you know.

18 THE WITNESS: It was a very short conversation. There

19 is no report.

20 BY MR. SCARDINO: 0 3 : 3 8

21 Q. Well, I'm trying to get what you told them, tho ugh,

22 Mr. Amadio, what was on the hard drive and whethe r or not it

23 was some big, deep, dark secret or not and that w as why you had

24 it in your desk drawer. It was something about g iving people

25 that were top producers some information about pe ople that sold0 3 : 3 8

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1 a lot of the product, right? That was on the har d drive?0 3 : 3 8

2 A. That is correct, yes.

3 Q. Information about the shareholder -- loans to t he

4 shareholder, right?

5 A. That's correct, yes.0 3 : 3 9

6 Q. And you say that was a secret but it was a secr et in that

7 it wasn't for public information. Generally it w asn't in the

8 Chronicle every morning in the financial page, was it?

9 A. It was also not to be shared with any other emp loyee of the

10 company. So, when you say "public" --0 3 : 3 9

11 Q. So, you were in the inner circle to know that? You were

12 privileged to know that information?

13 A. That's what I was informed, that -- I was infor med that

14 this information only should be seen by Mr. Davis ,

15 Mr. Stanford, Gil -- Mark, and Gil.0 3 : 3 9

16 Q. And you?

17 A. Well, I was preparing that report, yes.

18 Q. Right. And you're an accountant, right?

19 A. Yes, I am.

20 Q. You're not a CPA?0 3 : 3 9

21 A. No, I'm not.

22 Q. So, they brought you into the circle to let you know the

23 information about loans to shareholder, right?

24 A. Can you rephrase?

25 Q. Well, you knew about it, you've testified about it here for0 3 : 4 0

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1 the last several hours?0 3 : 4 0

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. You knew all about loans to shareholder. You'v e even

4 explained how it worked and how monies were flowe d -- flowed

5 through that into other companies?0 3 : 4 0

6 A. That is correct, and --

7 Q. And, Mr. Amadio, if it was so secret, how come all these

8 reports that you've been showing the jury about t hese loans to

9 shareholder were generated? Were those also secr et?

10 A. All that information --0 3 : 4 0

11 Q. Yes, sir.

12 A. -- okay, that report itself, it was to be -- no t to be

13 shown to anybody else. The rest of the informati on is what's

14 in the financials of all the entities.

15 Q. Okay. But all the rest of the financials showe d how the0 3 : 4 0

16 money was taken from the bank through the shareho lder into the

17 other companies, right?

18 A. No.

19 Q. You haven't talked here for hours about that pr ocess and

20 how it worked and how documents were generated an d charts and0 3 : 4 0

21 graphs have been drawn to show that transfer of c apital and

22 funds? Was that all secret, too?

23 A. You said the financials. The financials do not show that.

24 Let me just clarify that with you.

25 Q. Bear with me. I'm a lawyer and not a CPA or an accountant0 3 : 4 1

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1 and the worst businessman you ever met. So, if I don't use a0 3 : 4 1

2 word of art that accurately describes what we're talking about,

3 feel free to bring me into the loop with the corr ect

4 terminology because I may get it wrong. Can we h ave that

5 understanding? If I ask you a question you don't understand,0 3 : 4 1

6 let me know. I'll try to get it straight.

7 A. Sure.

8 Q. Okay. Let's back up a little bit, though, to w hen you

9 first met with the FBI. There was something abou t that that

10 made you very nervous, wasn't there?0 3 : 4 1

11 A. Well, it would make everybody nervous if --

12 Q. Okay. Well, let's not talk about everybody.

13 THE COURT: The answer -- again, it will go a lot

14 quicker, yes or no. And if you can't answer a qu estion yes or

15 not, let me know, let the attorney know. Unless he asks for a0 3 : 4 1

16 narrative, and then you can explain yourself.

17 THE WITNESS: Yes, your Honor.

18 THE COURT: All right. Go on.


20 Q. Mr. Amadio, I'll give it to you that dealing wi th the FBI0 3 : 4 1

21 in a circumstance where they want to ask you ques tions about

22 something that they consider criminal might make you

23 apprehensive, right?

24 A. That's correct.

25 Q. Right. You were more than apprehensive in that meeting,0 3 : 4 2

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1 though, weren't you?0 3 : 4 2

2 A. I was.

3 Q. You fainted, didn't you?

4 A. Uh-huh, yes, I did.

5 Q. Did they bring a medical personnel in to help y ou?0 3 : 4 2

6 A. No.

7 Q. Okay. How long were you out?

8 A. Probably few minutes maybe.

9 Q. When did you faint? Did you faint when they go t there,

10 while they were there, after they left?0 3 : 4 2

11 A. Probably after they left, yes.

12 Q. So, you didn't faint while they were there?

13 A. No.

14 Q. Okay. So, it was something that you were very concerned

15 about?0 3 : 4 2

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Did you tell them that you were concerned?

18 A. Not at the moment that we talked.

19 Q. How long did you work for this company?

20 A. Six years.0 3 : 4 2

21 Q. Six years?

22 A. (Nodding head).

23 Q. And you were hired to perform a service with yo ur skills as

24 an accountant, correct?

25 A. That's correct.0 3 : 4 3

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1 Q. And you told the jury you think you performed t hat service,0 3 : 4 3

2 right?

3 A. I performed the service that I was hired for.

4 Q. And during the six years, are you telling this jury that

5 you think that you helped people commit crimes wh ile you were0 3 : 4 3

6 there?

7 A. Never intended to commit crimes.

8 Q. Never intended to commit crimes. Okay. Did an ybody tell

9 you that works for the government that they thoug ht that maybe

10 you did commit crimes?0 3 : 4 3

11 A. I don't know how to answer that question. My i ntention was

12 never to commit any crimes.

13 Q. Yes, sir. But my point is is in your interview s with the

14 FBI or members of the prosecution team or any age nts for the

15 Internal Revenue Service, was it ever suggested t o you in those0 3 : 4 3

16 six years when you helped prepare all this inform ation that you

17 shared with the jury that that effort might be in terpreted that

18 you helped commit a crime?

19 A. Looking back and knowing the information that I do know now

20 and not knowing and having all of the information in front of0 3 : 4 4

21 me and learning time after time, I can look back and say, you

22 know, that I did not have all the information.

23 Q. Yes, sir. That's not my question, Mr. Amadio. My question

24 is: Were you informed during this entire process of dealing

25 with the government at every level, with prosecut ors,0 3 : 4 4

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1 investigators, criminal investigators for the Int ernal Revenue0 3 : 4 4

2 Service that interviewed you back in May for two days, on May

3 the 5th and 6th of 2010, during any of those inte rviews and

4 conversations did any government agent say to you , "Pal, you

5 might be in trouble"?0 3 : 4 5

6 A. If I recall correctly, yes, I believe --

7 Q. Yes, right. You were threatened, weren't you?

8 A. I don't think --

9 THE COURT: Threatened or he felt threatened? Yo u say

10 threatened.0 3 : 4 5

11 MR. SCARDINO: I said threatened.


13 Q. I mean, you felt threatened, right?

14 A. I don't think I felt threatened.

15 Q. Well, they sent -- was it an FBI agent or was t he criminal0 3 : 4 5

16 intelligence investigator with the Internal Reven ue Service?

17 A. I was pretty intimidated, yes, to be in a room like that.

18 Q. Yes. Kalford Young, special agent, pretty badg e, Internal

19 Revenue Service, criminal intelligence, suggestin g you may have

20 committed a crime, right? Scares you?0 3 : 4 5

21 A. I was nervous, yes, very.

22 Q. Yeah. Did you faint again?

23 A. I'm sorry?

24 Q. Did you faint again?

25 A. No, I didn't.0 3 : 4 5

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1 Q. Okay. But you did hire a criminal lawyer, didn 't you?0 3 : 4 5

2 A. Yes, I did.

3 Q. Okay. And was that Stacey Bond?

4 A. At that time, yes.

5 Q. And then after that, she left the firm you had hired and0 3 : 4 6

6 another lawyer came in, right?

7 A. That's correct.

8 Q. And then because of the threat you perceived or that was

9 made that maybe you had committed a crime, you an d this lawyer

10 made a deal with the government to sit down and t alk to them0 3 : 4 6

11 and tell them what you know, right?

12 A. We agreed to talk.

13 Q. You agreed to do that and you had a lawyer that gave you

14 advice about how you should do that, right?

15 A. That's correct, yes.0 3 : 4 6

16 Q. And because you were scared that, oh, my goodne ss, the six

17 years I worked at Stanford, I never thought I com mitted a

18 crime, right? You didn't think you had?

19 A. That's right.

20 Q. But you were terrified that somebody from the g overnment0 3 : 4 6

21 might say, Oh, my God, I'm going to throw you in the same pot

22 as Allen Stanford?

23 A. Yeah, I was concerned.

24 Q. Anybody tell you how much time you might get in prison if

25 you were convicted of what they thought you may h ave done?0 3 : 4 6

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1 A. No.0 3 : 4 6

2 Q. No. But the thought of going to prison with yo ur family

3 that you already testified to was overwhelming, w asn't it?

4 A. Yes, it was.

5 Q. So, that process developed to where you and you r lawyer met0 3 : 4 7

6 with the prosecutors and you put together somethi ng called a

7 proffer agreement, didn't you?

8 A. That is correct.

9 Q. That is correct. And the proffer agreement is something

10 where you sit down and talk to the government abo ut what you0 3 : 4 7

11 know and they tell you that if you lie to them, i n their

12 opinion, if you lie to them, then they're going t o prosecute

13 you. But if you tell them the truth, in their op inion, they'll

14 make some kind of an agreement with you, whether it's not to

15 prosecute you or to prosecute you at a certain le vel, things0 3 : 4 7

16 like that, right? That's a proffer agreement. W as that your

17 understanding of the agreement you had with the g overnment?

18 A. For the most part, yes.

19 Q. All right. And did they give you a copy of tha t agreement?

20 A. Yes.0 3 : 4 7

21 Q. Do you have it with you?

22 A. Not in front of me, no.

23 Q. Do you have it somewhere nearby where we can ta ke a peek at

24 it?

25 A. I don't have it with me.0 3 : 4 8

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1 Q. Okay. So, there's no way we can look to see wh at you told0 3 : 4 8

2 the government that day and compare it to what yo u have

3 testified to here today?

4 MR. COSTA: I would object, your Honor. It was g iven

5 to prior counsel.0 3 : 4 8

6 THE COURT: Say again.

7 MR. COSTA: It was given as part of discovery,

8 produced, the indication that the defense doesn't have access

9 to it.

10 MR. SCARDINO: Well, if we've had access to it -- we0 3 : 4 8

11 have thousands of documents and I owe an apology to the

12 government if we have it and just -- I don't have it in my

13 hands.


15 Q. But you do have a copy and you have it somewher e?0 3 : 4 8

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. Okay. So, Mr. Amadio, with all of that backgro und, with

18 your interview with the FBI and the special agent with the IRS

19 and your proffer agreement with prosecutors who c an decide

20 whether they're going to charge you with a crime or not, you0 3 : 4 8

21 come in here and you tell this jury your story, r ight?

22 A. I told them what I knew.

23 Q. Yes, sir. And if you don't tell the jury what is

24 consistent with the prosecutor's theory of the ca se, what

25 happens?0 3 : 4 9

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1 A. I told them what I knew and what I did.0 3 : 4 9

2 Q. Yes, sir.

3 A. Not what the prosecution theory is.

4 Q. Let's jump to the end of the chase. Is it your

5 understanding that if these prosecutors think you tell this0 3 : 4 9

6 jury something that they disagree with, you could be in a lot

7 of trouble, couldn't you?

8 A. I'm here to tell the truth.

9 Q. Yes, sir. I didn't ask you that. Is it your u nderstanding

10 that if you testify to something that's different than what0 3 : 4 9

11 these prosecutors think is the truth or what thei r theory of

12 the case is, you're in trouble, aren't you?

13 MR. COSTA: I object to argumentative and asked a nd

14 answered.

15 THE COURT: Sustained as to argumentative. You m ay0 3 : 4 9

16 continue on this line if you desire.

17 MR. SCARDINO: Yes, your Honor.


19 Q. There's no promise -- Mr. Costa asked you, you' ve got no

20 promise you're not going to be prosecuted. Last thing he asked0 3 : 5 0

21 you, right?

22 A. That's what he said, yes.

23 Q. Right. So, you could still be prosecuted?

24 A. Yes, you're right.

25 Q. Right. So, again, if you say something that's inconsistent0 3 : 5 0

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1 with what they think, Mr. Costa told you, you can still be0 3 : 5 0

2 prosecuted?

3 A. May I say something?

4 Q. No. You have to answer the questions only.

5 A. Okay.0 3 : 5 0

6 THE COURT: You asking me or are you asking him? No,

7 are you asking me?

8 THE WITNESS: Yeah. Can I say something?

9 THE COURT: No. Just answer his questions.

10 THE WITNESS: I can't ask you anything.0 3 : 5 0

11 MR. SCARDINO: That was funny.

12 THE COURT: Well, you know --

13 MR. SCARDINO: That was funny.

14 THE COURT: You know, I couldn't resist. It's

15 always -- for instance, you see sometimes a lawye r tell the0 3 : 5 0

16 court reporter to read it back. If you're dealin g with

17 straight etiquette, you're supposed to ask the ju dge and he or

18 she will ask either the witness or the court repo rter to read

19 something back.

20 You've been there before, right, counsel?0 3 : 5 1

21 MR. SCARDINO: Yes, your Honor, couple of times.

22 THE COURT: You ready to take a break or you want to

23 keep --

24 MR. SCARDINO: I would. I would love to take a b reak.

25 THE COURT: All right. I'll grant that objection or0 3 : 5 1

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1 whatever you want to call it.0 3 : 5 1

2 Ladies and gentlemen, it's now about 10 minutes

3 to 4:00. We'll take 20 minutes at this point. W e'll be back

4 at 10 after 4:00. See you at that time.

5 (Recess was taken)0 3 : 5 1

6 THE COURT: Let's call the jury in, please.

7 (Jury present)

8 THE COURT: Thank you. Be seated. Just as a

9 reminder, tomorrow we'll be underway, as you reme mber, at

10 10:15.0 4 : 1 5

11 MR. SCARDINO: Proceed, your Honor?

12 THE COURT: Yes.


14 Q. Mr. Amadio, I believe we left discussing the ag reement that

15 you have with the government prosecutors?0 4 : 1 5

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. And you entered into an agreement with them to tell the

18 truth, right?

19 A. (Indicating).

20 Q. And your understanding is that you don't have a free pass,0 4 : 1 5

21 that you can still be prosecuted if you say somet hing that is

22 characterized as untruthful?

23 A. Right. That's not true, correct.

24 Q. Now, tell the jury who gets to make the decisio n about

25 whether what you say is truthful or untruthful.0 4 : 1 5

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1 A. (No response).0 4 : 1 5

2 Q. In the context of whether you're prosecuted for a crime in

3 the future?

4 A. As far as I know, that decision of what's truth ful is what

5 I know it's true.0 4 : 1 5

6 Q. No, I didn't -- it was an inartfully worded que stion.

7 Your understanding of your agreement with the

8 prosecutors --

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. -- is that you must tell the truth. Mr. Costa told you0 4 : 1 6

11 that you have no guarantee that you won't be pros ecuted for a

12 crime involving your relationship with the Stanfo rd business

13 that you worked for, right? You can still be pro secuted for

14 preparing these reports, for moving that football around, for

15 whatever they think helps you promote some crimin al enterprise0 4 : 1 6

16 and join a conspiracy and promote the ends of tha t conspiracy.

17 They could still do that, wouldn't they?

18 A. What I understand about that --

19 Q. Yes, sir.

20 A. -- is anything that I had talked to to the gove rnment, that0 4 : 1 6

21 if I change my story --

22 Q. Yes, sir.

23 A. -- and I say something that is not according to what I

24 already had spoken with them --

25 Q. Yes, sir.0 4 : 1 6

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1 A. -- then in that case, yes.0 4 : 1 7

2 Q. And so, you talked today about things that were n't all in

3 the proffer agreement, was there? Did you cover everything, or

4 did you talk about more things today than you dis cussed with

5 the government in your proffer agreement?0 4 : 1 7

6 A. Pretty much we talked about --

7 Q. Everything?

8 A. -- most of it, yes.

9 Q. Okay. So, who makes the decision about whether you're

10 consistent with what you told them before and you 're consistent0 4 : 1 7

11 with their theory of the case and you're telling the truth as

12 they know it? Who makes that decision?

13 MR. COSTA: I would object that the proffer lette r

14 says anything about being consistent with our the ory of the

15 case. It's a mischaracterization.0 4 : 1 7

16 THE COURT: All right. To that extent, sustained .

17 You can rephrase it, counsel.


19 Q. Well, if you say something that they don't thin k is

20 truthful, what happens?0 4 : 1 7

21 A. Based on what I had said before.

22 Q. Yes, sir. You're prosecuted?

23 A. If I had lied, yes.

24 Q. If you lie here today?

25 A. Yes.0 4 : 1 8

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1 Q. If they think you lie here today, you get prose cuted,0 4 : 1 8

2 right?

3 A. If I lie --

4 Q. Right.

5 A. -- and I change what I have said before --0 4 : 1 8

6 Q. Yes, sir.

7 A. -- yes. Yes, sir.

8 Q. So, it has to be consistent?

9 A. Has to be consistent, yes.

10 Q. I mean, doesn't make any difference what the de fense0 4 : 1 8

11 thinks, right, in that regard about whether you'r e prosecuted

12 or not? We don't have that choice to make, do we ?

13 A. No.

14 Q. Judge Hittner sure doesn't have that choice to make, does

15 he, whether you're prosecuted or not, right?0 4 : 1 8

16 A. That's correct, yes.

17 Q. Jury doesn't have anything to say about that, r ight?

18 A. That's right.

19 Q. It's all in the hands of the prosecutors?

20 A. Right, based on what I had said before.0 4 : 1 8

21 Q. Now, based on that, you've been testifying here in front of

22 this jury for a number of hours about things that you

23 remembered, things that you did, people that you had

24 conversations with; and you shared that with the jury, right?

25 A. That's correct.0 4 : 1 8

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1 Q. Okay. You didn't think you had done anything w rong the0 4 : 1 8

2 whole six years you were there, did you?

3 A. No.

4 Q. If you had seen somebody that was --

5 THE COURT: Hold it. The answer, is that correct , you0 4 : 1 9

6 said no. Sometimes we get into that. What he sa id, is that

7 correct --

8 MR. SCARDINO: I'll rephrase it.

9 THE COURT: You're safer saying "correct" if you agree

10 with him rather than yes or no because sometimes people say0 4 : 1 9

11 "no" and they really mean "yes." So, I just want to be clear.

12 MR. SCARDINO: Can I start over?

13 THE COURT: If you want. We can read that last

14 question back because I think we got a no and you , you know,

15 meant to get a yes. I was talking from the defen se point of0 4 : 1 9

16 view. You want it read back, counsel?

17 MR. SCARDINO: No, sir. If I could just rephrase it,

18 your Honor.

19 THE COURT: Yes, sir.

20 BY MR. SCARDINO: 0 4 : 1 9

21 Q. You didn't think you had done anything wrong?

22 A. That's correct.

23 Q. Okay. You didn't think you had committed any c rimes?

24 A. That's correct.

25 Q. Okay. And you worked there for six years?0 4 : 1 9

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1 A. Yes.0 4 : 1 9

2 Q. And you had some interaction with Allen Stanfor d, right?

3 A. Some, yes.

4 Q. I mean, it was very little contact with Mr. Sta nford,

5 wasn't there?0 4 : 2 0

6 A. That's correct.

7 Q. Most of your contact was with other people?

8 A. That is correct.

9 Q. Okay. And you worked directly under a particul ar person.

10 Who was that?0 4 : 2 0

11 A. I worked under first Mark Kuhrt.

12 Q. Mark Kuhrt. And tell us again who Mark Kuhrt i s.

13 A. Global controller.

14 Q. Controller. What's a controller?

15 A. Somebody oversees all the accounting aspects of a company.0 4 : 2 0

16 Q. Okay. And who was directly above him?

17 A. Gil Lopez.

18 Q. Okay. And what was his title?

19 A. Chief accounting officer.

20 Q. And who was above him?0 4 : 2 0

21 A. Jim Davis.

22 Q. What was his title?

23 A. He was a CFO.

24 Q. Okay. Who was above him?

25 A. Apparently reporting to Mr. Stanford.0 4 : 2 0

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1 Q. Okay. So, that's sort of the chain of command?0 4 : 2 0

2 A. That's correct.

3 Q. You were down fifth in line. Is that right?

4 A. That's right.

5 Q. Something like that. And this was all about ac counting0 4 : 2 0

6 issues, wasn't it?

7 A. For the most part.

8 Q. Keeping track of numbers, right?

9 A. That's right.

10 Q. Right? Did you have anything to do -- Mr. Amad io, did you0 4 : 2 1

11 have anything to do with the promotion of the bus iness?

12 A. No, I didn't.

13 Q. Did you have anything to do with the marketing of the

14 business?

15 A. No, I didn't.0 4 : 2 1

16 Q. Did you get involved at all in the acquisition of assets in

17 the business?

18 A. No, I didn't.

19 Q. Nothing to do with any of that stuff, right?

20 A. That's right.0 4 : 2 1

21 Q. Who was in charge of all of that?

22 A. The CFO.

23 Q. CFO?

24 A. (Nodding head).

25 Q. And that would have been Jim Davis?0 4 : 2 1

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1 A. Jim Davis, right.0 4 : 2 1

2 Q. And how much interaction did you have with Mr. Davis?

3 A. Directly with him, not a whole lot; but we woul d have

4 interaction on meetings that we will have when he will come

5 over to Houston.0 4 : 2 2

6 Q. Okay. Did anybody ever consult with you about I think we

7 need to change the way we market this particular aspect of our

8 business?

9 A. No.

10 Q. Did anybody consult with you to say: We need t o maybe0 4 : 2 2

11 start an airline company that will help get all t hese rich guys

12 down to the island and if it works, then we have a market -- a

13 monopoly on the airline market? Did anybody cons ult with you

14 about that?

15 A. No.0 4 : 2 2

16 Q. Have you ever started a business before?

17 A. No.

18 Q. Would you consider yourself in any way an entre preneur?

19 A. No, sir.

20 Q. You're still concerned about your testimony her e today,0 4 : 2 2

21 aren't you?

22 A. In what way, sir?

23 Q. Is your lawyer here?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Is she in the courtroom?0 4 : 2 2

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1 A. Yes, she is.0 4 : 2 2

2 Q. Okay. You still consulting with a lawyer, then ?

3 A. We talk, yes.

4 Q. In spite of the fact that you've done nothing w rong?

5 A. (Nodding head).0 4 : 2 3

6 Q. You're scared you're going to say something wro ng, though,

7 aren't you?

8 A. No, not scared. I'm going to say the truth.

9 Q. And that's why you have your lawyer here?

10 THE COURT: Pull the mike in. You can pull it in .0 4 : 2 3

11 That's fine. Thank you.


13 Q. Right?

14 A. I'm going to say the truth.

15 Q. Yes, sir. I understand that you said that.0 4 : 2 3

16 A. Yes.

17 Q. But you got a lawyer here because you want to m ake sure you

18 get legal advice about -- you don't want to step outside your

19 agreement with the government, do you?

20 A. Not really.0 4 : 2 3

21 Q. Okay. The football that you talked about, who came up with

22 the idea of putting all the information on this e xternal hard

23 drive?

24 A. The directive came from Mr. Davis to Gil Lopez.

25 Q. Okay. Now, we're talking about Government's 30 8?0 4 : 2 3

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1 A. (Indicating).0 4 : 2 3

2 Q. I just bought a computer a few years ago, so yo u can tell

3 me a lot about this. I mean, how much informatio n can be

4 stored on this?

5 A. A lot of information related to files.0 4 : 2 4

6 Q. Okay. So, information relating to files is wha t was kept

7 on this device?

8 A. Correct, yes.

9 Q. And Jim Davis is the one that said: I want the information

10 downloaded on to something that can be carried ar ound as0 4 : 2 4

11 opposed to keeping it in some computer somewhere, right?

12 A. It was to be downloaded and then it was going t o be -- that

13 information was going to be sent to Antigua for t hem to

14 complete or do all those reports that were in tha t -- in that

15 hard drive.0 4 : 2 4

16 Q. Okay. And Mr. Davis was the one that said do i t this way?

17 A. He wanted it off the network, yes.

18 Q. Who took it off the network?

19 A. I did, I took it off the network.

20 Q. Okay. So, the order came down from Davis. Did it come0 4 : 2 5

21 directly from Davis to you, or did it go down thr ough Kuhrt and

22 Lopez to you?

23 A. Through Lopez, Kuhrt, and me.

24 Q. Okay. So, Lopez is the one that told you: Put that

25 information on this device?0 4 : 2 5

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1 A. He informed Mark Kuhrt and then Mark told me.0 4 : 2 5

2 Q. Mr. Amadio, was it accessible in any other way other than

3 on this device?

4 A. The information that was pulled out of the netw ork was not

5 accessible, only accessible through that device.0 4 : 2 5

6 Q. And who would take the information off the comp uter and

7 transfer it here? Anybody other than you?

8 A. That was only me.

9 Q. Only you?

10 A. Uh-huh.0 4 : 2 5

11 Q. Kuhrt, Lopez, Davis, none of them did it, right ?

12 A. That's correct.

13 Q. Stanford sure didn't do it, right? I mean, do you know if

14 Stanford even could do it?

15 A. No, he didn't do it.0 4 : 2 5

16 Q. Do you know anything about Stanford's skill wit h computers

17 and hard drives and stuff like that?

18 A. No, I don't.

19 Q. You'd have no idea?

20 A. No idea.0 4 : 2 6

21 Q. Okay. So, was there anything inherently wrong with storing

22 the information on a device like this?

23 A. Initially it was -- there was nothing wrong if it was going

24 to be transferred to where originally they said t he parties

25 that were going to be doing the reporting.0 4 : 2 6

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1 Q. Okay.0 4 : 2 6

2 A. But as some of this information stayed there an d it was not

3 going anywhere and nobody else was going to conti nue doing that

4 information, I felt -- I felt awkward.

5 Q. Well, you felt awkward; but you didn't think yo u were0 4 : 2 6

6 committing a crime?

7 A. At the moment, no, but I was feeling uneasy, ye s.

8 Q. But you didn't feel like you were committing a crime?

9 A. Not at the moment, no.

10 Q. And you said you had a thumb drive?0 4 : 2 6

11 A. That's right.

12 Q. What's that?

13 A. It's a smaller memory stick, smaller than that.

14 Q. Same thing but smaller?

15 A. Sure.0 4 : 2 6

16 Q. Okay. And was there information on the thumb d rive?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. And when you would -- would you regularly take information

19 off of the computer and put it on to this device?

20 A. When I was still using that external drive, I w ould work0 4 : 2 7

21 off the -- directly from the computer to that dev ice.

22 Q. And would you get direction on what information to put from

23 the computer to that device, or did you have auth ority to

24 transfer what you thought should be transferred o r not?

25 A. No, I didn't have authority.0 4 : 2 7

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1 Q. So, you were told specifically what information to put onto0 4 : 2 7

2 that device?

3 A. That's correct.

4 Q. By whom?

5 A. Through Mark and Gil.0 4 : 2 7

6 Q. Okay. And do you know if anybody gave them ins tructions on

7 what they told you to transfer to this device?

8 A. I believe through Mr. Davis.

9 Q. So, would you say Davis, then, was the guy in c ontrol of

10 not only saying: I want information off of the c omputer and0 4 : 2 7

11 inaccessible, but I want specific information rem oved from the

12 computer and put on this device?

13 A. What he communicated was to -- yes, to remove s pecific

14 information related to the bank off the network a nd put it into

15 that external drive.0 4 : 2 8

16 Q. And it wasn't Allen Stanford that did that?

17 A. That's correct.

18 Q. Okay. And so, again, what was on it? You said people that

19 had -- were top producers, people that sold a lot of product?

20 A. Then the question came: Okay, what reports? 0 4 : 2 8

21 And so, there was a folder in the network drive

22 and there was a lot of information related to the bank.

23 Q. Right.

24 A. Presentations done during the top producer meet ings.

25 Q. Right.0 4 : 2 8

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1 A. And so, I asked if that was the information to be0 4 : 2 8

2 downloaded. And it was, yes, that information, a s well as

3 revenue entry, a spreadsheet as well as -- and th en I asked

4 about the shareholder funding report that also wa s going to be

5 considered to be as part of bank information that was supposed0 4 : 2 8

6 to be saved into the external drive. And it was decided by Gil

7 and Mark that, yes, that also as well was to be r emoved. And

8 eventually that information was going to be then shared and

9 given then to the accountants in Antigua to conti nue producing

10 those reports such as the top producer reports an d0 4 : 2 9

11 presentations.

12 Q. Okay. So, you didn't think it was necessarily a secret

13 other than that people outside the company wouldn 't have access

14 to the information?

15 A. Most of the information that was in the externa l drive was0 4 : 2 9

16 not a secret because that information was present ed to top

17 producers and other employees. The only report t hat I am aware

18 that was secretive and not to be shared with anyb ody else

19 besides Stanford, Mr. Davis, Gil and Mark and mys elf, that I

20 was preparing it, was the shareholder funding rep ort that was0 4 : 2 9

21 presented today.

22 Q. And the shareholder funding report was also on the device,

23 right?

24 A. That is correct.

25 Q. Okay. And you felt like that was not supposed to be0 4 : 3 0

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1 disseminated to anybody, right?0 4 : 3 0

2 A. That's what I was told.

3 Q. Give me just a minute, Mr. Amadio. There's a l ot of data

4 here I need to work through.

5 Have you had an opportunity to look at the report0 4 : 3 0

6 that was generated by the IRS agent that intervie wed you for

7 two days back in May of 2010?

8 A. IRS agent?

9 Q. Yes, sir.

10 A. No.0 4 : 3 0

11 Q. Haven't looked at it, nobody gave you a copy of it?

12 A. I don't recall.

13 Q. Nobody later came back and said: These are the notes I

14 took of the interview. I want to make sure that I got it

15 right?0 4 : 3 1

16 A. I don't remember.

17 Q. Don't remember?

18 A. (Nodding head).

19 Q. Did anybody give you a copy of a report to revi ew to make

20 corrections that if something was communicated th at was0 4 : 3 1

21 incorrect, you could straighten it out?

22 A. I don't remember of any report provided to me t o make

23 corrections. Give me a little bit of a time fram e.

24 Q. Well, I will. But when you talked to the gover nment

25 prosecutors about this proffer you discussed, the y didn't say:0 4 : 3 1

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1 Listen, when you made the interview with this IRS criminal0 4 : 3 1

2 investigator, you told them this or that, we want to make sure

3 that's correct?

4 A. Sorry, I don't remember.

5 Q. Do you remember telling that criminal investiga tor that you0 4 : 3 1

6 tracked the shareholder note?

7 A. (No response).

8 Q. Do you remember telling the investigator that?

9 A. What was the name of the investigator?

10 Q. I'd have to look at it. It was Kalford Young.0 4 : 3 2

11 A. Mr. Scardino, was this in the May 5th and 6th m eeting? Is

12 that what you are referring to?

13 Q. That's correct.

14 A. There was a lot of people in that meeting, and I was

15 answering questions from multiple different peopl e during that0 4 : 3 2

16 time.

17 Q. There were a lot of people at that meeting?

18 A. A lot of individuals, yes.

19 Q. Okay. Were they all out -- looking out after y our best

20 interests?0 4 : 3 2

21 A. I don't know how to answer that question.

22 Q. Were they all working for the government?

23 A. It was the government, yes.

24 Q. Okay. Did you have a lawyer there?

25 A. Yes, I did.0 4 : 3 2

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1 Q. Did you take notes of the meeting?0 4 : 3 2

2 A. I didn't take notes of the meeting.

3 Q. Okay. So, going back to Agent Young's intervie w with you

4 back in May of 2010, do you recall telling that c riminal

5 investigator for the Internal Revenue Service tha t you kept0 4 : 3 3

6 track of the shareholder notes?

7 A. Kept track of the shareholder notes payable, ye s.

8 Q. Shareholder notes payable?

9 A. Uh-huh.

10 Q. And was that part of a dialogue that you had wi th that0 4 : 3 3

11 person about what you did when you were working f or the

12 Stanford companies?

13 A. That was part of the responsibility to be able to account

14 properly the financials of every single instituti on, to keep

15 track of the shareholder funding.0 4 : 3 3

16 Q. Okay. And did you -- were you trying to explai n the whole

17 process of the shareholder borrowing money from t he bank and

18 that was loaned to shareholder and that whole pro cess that

19 we've talked about here for hours?

20 A. I believe so. I believe at that time we were t alking about0 4 : 3 3

21 that.

22 Q. The government was trying to figure out what wa s going on

23 with that, right?

24 A. They want to know -- they wanted to know more i nformation.

25 Q. Right. So, they were asking you to help them u nderstand0 4 : 3 4

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1 the process wherein Mr. Stanford was borrowing mo ney from the0 4 : 3 4

2 bank?

3 A. They asked me questions about the process of th e

4 shareholder funding. They showed me the sharehol der funding

5 report and they asked me to explain about that an d I explained0 4 : 3 4

6 it.

7 Q. Okay. And they would ask -- you would explain it; they

8 would ask you more questions, right?

9 A. There would be questions, yes, and showing me m ore reports.

10 Q. When you were explaining that, that you kept tr ack of the0 4 : 3 4

11 shareholder notes, the loans that he made or the money that he

12 borrowed from the bank, did you tell them that th at was to be

13 kept secret?

14 A. Yes, I did.

15 Q. Well, do you remember also telling them that th e concept of0 4 : 3 4

16 the note payable in shareholder funding was known by the

17 accountants and all affiliated companies that rec eived

18 shareholder funding?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. You told them that?0 4 : 3 5

21 A. That's correct.

22 Q. So, it was known by all the accountants of all of the

23 affiliated companies?

24 A. What was known from all the affiliated companie s, that the

25 shareholder was funding the cash needs of each an d one of these0 4 : 3 5

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1 affiliated companies.0 4 : 3 5

2 Q. Yes, sir.

3 A. And so, that money was --

4 Q. Let me stop you. You're getting ahead of me.

5 A. Sure.0 4 : 3 5

6 Q. We'll get there in a minute. But what I want t o get to

7 here is that the concept of it was supposed to be a secret,

8 therefore, something untoward was going on and th ey're trying

9 to hide it. When you told the jury when -- when Mr. Costa was

10 questioning you that it was a secret and it was n ot to be0 4 : 3 5

11 disseminated, in fact, the information was put on a little

12 device that you carried around or put in your poc ket. So,

13 you're leaving the jury with the impression that this was

14 supposed to be a secret; but you're telling the a gent back in

15 May of 2010 that it was known by all the accounta nts of all of0 4 : 3 5

16 the affiliated companies that got money, right?

17 A. Can I answer?

18 Q. Well, you told him that, right?

19 A. Not correctly.

20 Q. Okay. Well, maybe it will refresh your memory. I can show0 4 : 3 6

21 you that part of the report. You can read it and see if it

22 helps you refresh your memory. I've drawn an arr ow there,

23 might help you -- read this paragraph right here.

24 A. (Complies).

25 Do you want me to read it out loud?0 4 : 3 6

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1 Q. It's, in effect, a police report. It's hearsay . So, it0 4 : 3 6

2 can't come out; but you can read it to refresh yo ur memory.

3 A. (Complies).

4 Q. Okay?

5 A. Yeah.0 4 : 3 6

6 Q. Yeah.

7 A. In context of what it says there, that is corre ct.

8 Q. Yeah.

9 A. Every single accountant knew that there was mon ey coming in

10 on behalf of the shareholder.0 4 : 3 6

11 Q. So, when you tell the jury that only a few peop le were

12 aware of this within a little inner circle like K uhrt, Lopez,

13 Amadio and Davis and, therefore, Stanford, that a lot of

14 people -- it was 102 companies, wasn't it? I mea n --

15 A. Yeah, there was a lot of a companies.0 4 : 3 7

16 Q. Mr. Amadio, there's an exhibit here that Mr. Co sta showed

17 you --

18 MR. SCARDINO: Can I have the Elmo, your Honor?

19 THE COURT: Yes, sir.

20 MR. SCARDINO: Well, let's see if I can't figure this0 4 : 3 7

21 puppy out. Zoom. There we go.


23 Q. Okay. Now, I digress here just a little bit, M r. Amadio.

24 But that's a list of the companies that are refer red to in this

25 conversation with Agent Young, isn't it?0 4 : 3 7

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1 A. That's correct.0 4 : 3 7

2 Q. Okay. And so, all of the accountants of all of these

3 affiliated companies of which these are listed wo uld all have

4 knowledge of the loans to shareholder, right?

5 A. They will have knowledge to the loans to shareh older, but0 4 : 3 7

6 they will not know where this money was coming fr om.

7 Q. Okay. But -- well, I want to talk about that i n a minute.

8 But it really wasn't any of their business, was i t, where the

9 money was coming from?

10 A. Well, the accountants, what they will be concer ned, it0 4 : 3 8

11 would be to book their shareholder funding report -- I mean,

12 information properly.

13 Q. Well, they knew the money was coming from Allen Stanford,

14 right? He owned all the companies, right?

15 A. (No response).0 4 : 3 8

16 Q. Isn't that right?

17 A. He owned all the companies.

18 Q. So, they knew where the money was coming from. So, that

19 listing it, the source of the funds --

20 A. But knowing where the money was coming from the bank and0 4 : 3 8

21 knowing that that money was from the clients' dep osits, I think

22 that would have changed a lot of people's opinion s.

23 Q. And that's what we're here talking about and yo u're saying

24 that because you know if you don't take that posi tion, it's not

25 in agreement with the prosecutor?0 4 : 3 8

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1 A. No, it's not that. It's the truth.0 4 : 3 8

2 Q. It's the truth as the prosecutor sees it?

3 A. No, it's the truth according to what I knew.

4 Q. Okay. That's why you have a lawyer in the cour troom?

5 A. I have a lawyer in the courtroom, yes.0 4 : 3 8

6 Q. Let's talk about this a little more. All right ? You told

7 the agent that they -- talking about the affiliat ed

8 companies -- knew that RAS -- that's Mr. Stanford -- was

9 providing funding to their respective companies?

10 A. That's correct.0 4 : 3 9

11 Q. Okay. Let's talk about that for a minute. Wha t was

12 happening -- tell me if I'm wrong. What was happ ening was that

13 Mr. Stanford was taking money from the bank, borr owing money

14 from the bank, right?

15 A. That's correct.0 4 : 3 9

16 Q. And your job was to keep track of that?

17 A. My job was to keep track of the shareholder fun ding to his

18 entities.

19 Q. Shareholder funding was part of that, that he b orrowed

20 money from the bank and then he funded these comp anies when0 4 : 3 9

21 they needed capital and as they needed capital, r ight?

22 A. That is correct.

23 Q. And so, that wasn't a secret, was it, that proc ess of

24 taking money from Company A and loaning it to the shareholder,

25 Allen Stanford, who owned the company, right, own ed a hundred0 4 : 4 0

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1 percent of it? There was nothing wrong with that concept, was0 4 : 4 0

2 there?

3 A. There was wrong, yes. There was wrong.

4 Q. They were loans?

5 A. That part -- that part was wrong.0 4 : 4 0

6 Q. Okay. The company loaning Mr. Stanford money w as wrong?

7 A. Nowhere is disclosed that the bank was to discl ose money to

8 the shareholder. Sir, I disagree with you on tha t.

9 Q. You'll have plenty of time to straighten that o ut when

10 Mr. Costa gets you on redirect.0 4 : 4 0

11 Bear with me, Mr. Amadio.

12 So, your position is something wrong with the

13 bank loaning Mr. Stanford money; or do you think there was

14 something wrong with the way it was characterized to the people

15 that purchased the certificates of deposits? So that we're on0 4 : 4 1

16 the same page with this, don't you think that's w hat was wrong,

17 the way it was revealed to the persons that purch ased

18 Certificates of Deposit?

19 A. What was wrong is what was disclosed in the ann ual report

20 that there was no loans to -- for the bank to giv e out.0 4 : 4 1

21 Q. Well, the annual report specifically makes refe rence to

22 notes, does it not? Haven't we talked about that ? Didn't

23 Mr. Costa talk to you about that?

24 A. Notes but they're marketable notes; they're not private

25 equity notes.0 4 : 4 1

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1 Q. It doesn't say that; it just says notes, doesn' t it?0 4 : 4 1

2 A. It says notes, but then there's a line that say s about

3 marketable.

4 Q. Okay.

5 A. So, if you are talking about lending money to a private0 4 : 4 2

6 individual, that's not marketable.

7 Q. The private individual was the person that owne d the

8 company, though, wasn't he?

9 A. But he doesn't own the deposits.

10 Q. Mr. Amadio, how knowledgeable are you regarding taxable0 4 : 4 2

11 events and non-taxable events and transferring mo ney from one

12 company to another? Is that something within you r realm of

13 expertise?

14 A. Somehow I'm knowledgeable. I'm not an expert.

15 Q. Yeah, you probably know more about it than I do . But is it0 4 : 4 2

16 not perfectly okay for a company to loan the owne r of the

17 company money for whatever purpose they want? Is that not

18 okay?

19 MR. COSTA: Your Honor, I'd just like a clarifica tion.

20 Mr. Scardino objected a number of times this morn ing saying0 4 : 4 2

21 this witness is not an expert. Does he now want him to be an

22 expert?

23 MR. SCARDINO: Well, I'm asking him in the same l ine

24 of questions just factually based, just like you did,

25 Mr. Costa.0 4 : 4 2

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1 THE COURT: Just bringing it to our attention, ri ght,0 4 : 4 3

2 counsel?

3 MR. COSTA: Yes.

4 THE COURT: Thank you.

5 MR. SCARDINO: Appreciate that.0 4 : 4 3


7 Q. So, did you not understand, Mr. Amadio, that it was not

8 just Mr. Stanford's idea but, in fact, it was -- and you told

9 the government's investigator this in your report -- that it

10 was Jim Davis' idea and Gil Lopez' idea and Mark Kuhrt's idea0 4 : 4 3

11 to change the way the money was transferred from a letter of

12 credit to a loan? Do you remember talking about that with the

13 IRS agents, that it was Davis, Kuhrt, and Lopez' idea, not

14 Stanford's and the way money was transferred, ins tead of a

15 letter of credit, it was done through loans to sh areholder? Do0 4 : 4 3

16 you remember that?

17 A. I don't quite remember but --

18 Q. Well, I'll find it and show it to you.

19 A. Sure.

20 Q. Here we go. Thank you. On Page 8 of that repo rt, if0 4 : 4 3

21 you'll read that highlighted part of that paragra ph, see if it

22 refreshes your memory?

23 A. (Complies).

24 There was a change --

25 Q. Did it refresh your memory?0 4 : 4 4

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1 A. It refreshed my memory, yes.0 4 : 4 4

2 Q. Okay. So, whose idea was it -- well, first of all, does it

3 indicate that there were transfers of money from the bank to

4 Mr. Stanford, the history of that?

5 A. There was transfers, yes.0 4 : 4 4

6 Q. The history of that?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. And does it indicate that you knew about it and what you

9 told the Internal Revenue Service criminal invest igator?

10 A. There was intercompany transactions between the companies0 4 : 4 4

11 and I knew that there was transfers, yes.

12 Q. You knew about that, right?

13 A. That's correct.

14 Q. You didn't call the cops and say, whoops, they' re breaking

15 the law here with this, did you?0 4 : 4 5

16 A. No, I didn't.

17 Q. No. Because there's absolutely nothing wrong w ith that in

18 a business transaction, is there? Is there?

19 A. There's nothing wrong with a business transacti on --

20 Q. That's my question. Mr. Costa can straighten i t out later0 4 : 4 5

21 if he chooses to.

22 In fact, you know, because you told the

23 government this, that in 2003 and '4, there were lots of

24 intercompany transactions, right?

25 A. That's correct.0 4 : 4 5

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1 Q. Now, what do you mean by that, "lots of interco mpany0 4 : 4 5

2 transactions"?

3 A. A lot of companies were owing money to each oth er.

4 Q. Owing money to each other or owing money to Mr. Stanford?

5 A. Owing money to each other and to Mr. Stanford.0 4 : 4 5

6 Q. Okay. You're telling this jury that the compan ies were

7 loaning money among themselves?

8 A. Yes, they were.

9 Q. Okay. And you're familiar with that?

10 A. And there was assumption of debt where Mr. Stan ford assumed0 4 : 4 5

11 all that debt from his companies and now those co mpanies, they

12 owe it --

13 Q. I didn't know that. I appreciate you telling m e that. So,

14 the companies were loaning money to each other, r ight?

15 A. Uh-huh.0 4 : 4 6

16 Q. And Stanford was loaning money to the companies ?

17 A. That's right.

18 Q. And Stanford was borrowing money from the bank?

19 A. That is correct.

20 Q. Okay. And these are the "lots of intercompany0 4 : 4 6

21 transactions" that you are talking about here, tr ying to

22 explain it to the government, right?

23 A. That's correct.

24 Q. And you tell the government that in 2004, the m ethod of

25 treating these intercompany transactions --0 4 : 4 6

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1 MR. COSTA: I object, that's not in evidence.0 4 : 4 6


3 Q. -- was changed?

4 THE COURT: Was it? Is that in evidence?

5 MR. COSTA: No. It's the -- 0 4 : 4 6

6 THE COURT: Amplify --

7 MR. COSTA: -- investigative report. I'll be hap py to

8 put the whole thing in evidence.

9 THE COURT: What are you talking about?

10 MR. COSTA: The investigative report.0 4 : 4 6

11 THE COURT: What?

12 MR. SCARDINO: He wants me to get the --

13 MR. COSTA: The investigative report.

14 THE COURT: 302?

15 MR. COSTA: Yeah, it's an IRS form but essentiall y0 4 : 4 6

16 like FBI 302.

17 THE COURT: All right. Overrule the objection. Go

18 on.


20 Q. Then you have -- you tell them you have knowled ge about the0 4 : 4 6

21 way these transactions were characterized. Isn't that correct?

22 A. Yes, I did.

23 Q. And when did you start working for the company?

24 A. In 2002, at the end of 2002.

25 Q. So, right after you came to work there, you lea rned about0 4 : 4 6

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1 these intercompany transactions because it was pa rt of your job0 4 : 4 7

2 to keep track of that?

3 A. Not right after. This was probably a year and a half to

4 two years after.

5 Q. Well, okay. At my age that's right after. Oka y?0 4 : 4 7

6 So, you learned about that and you even knew who

7 the persons were that changed the way those trans actions were

8 conducted. Isn't that right?

9 A. There was a change in the way the funding -- th e

10 shareholder funding was going to be treated, yes.0 4 : 4 7

11 Q. The shareholder funding was the money -- so we' re on the

12 same page, was the money that Stanford borrowed f rom the bank

13 shareholder funding?

14 A. Yes, that's right.

15 Q. Who decided to change the way those transaction s were0 4 : 4 7

16 carried out? Do you remember?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. Well, you don't need to refresh your memory?

19 A. No.

20 Q. Okay.0 4 : 4 7

21 A. There was conversation in Gil's office, I belie ve Mark was

22 there, too, and also Harry --

23 Q. Mr. Amadio, you don't need to tell us how you k now, just if

24 you know.

25 A. Yes.0 4 : 4 8

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1 Q. You know?0 4 : 4 8

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Okay. And you know -- do you know who the pers ons were

4 that made the decision to change the way those tr ansactions

5 were conducted?0 4 : 4 8

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Tell us.

8 A. It was Gil Lopez, I believe Harry Failing was t here, and

9 Mark Kuhrt was there, too.

10 Q. Who else?0 4 : 4 8

11 A. In that conversation, that was it for that.

12 Q. Okay. Well, you told the investigator for the IRS that

13 three people decided to change the way it was don e. Do you

14 want to refresh your memory again?

15 A. Davis, Lopez, and Mark Kuhrt.0 4 : 4 8

16 Q. Davis, Lopez, and Kuhrt. Okay. Now, can you t ell us how

17 the transactions were conducted before they decid ed to change

18 it?

19 A. There was a -- this is prior to my time or time when I just

20 started working in the company. I believe there was a line of0 4 : 4 8

21 credit.

22 Q. Explain what is a line of credit.

23 A. It's a debt that the company has of borrowing m oney, has a

24 certain -- what is called a line of credit where they can

25 borrow money from a bank, for instance.0 4 : 4 9

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1 Q. Okay. So, explain how they were transferring m oney from0 4 : 4 9

2 the bank to Stanford with a line of credit. How did that work?

3 A. Then there was a promissory note drafted where Mr. Stanford

4 was borrowing that money from the bank through th ose promissory

5 notes.0 4 : 4 9

6 Q. Okay. So, was that when they were doing it wit h a line of

7 credit; or did they change it to a promissory not e?

8 A. That was prior in -- as we saw those promissory notes, some

9 of them go back to 2003 and prior to that.

10 Q. Now you got me confused. Did you not tell that IRS agent0 4 : 4 9

11 that the process by which money was transferred e ven back in

12 2003 from the bank to Stanford was with a line of credit?

13 A. There was a line of credit, yes.

14 Q. Right. So, that's the way they did it before, with a line

15 of credit. Then Kuhrt, Davis, and Lopez decided to change the0 4 : 5 0

16 way it was done, right?

17 A. Right. There was not a line of credit anymore.

18 Q. Kuhrt, Lopez, and Davis decided to change the w ay it was

19 done, right?

20 A. That's correct.0 4 : 5 0

21 Q. Not Stanford?

22 A. Yeah, Stanford's name is not there.

23 Q. Yeah, no. So, those -- those were the guys bec ause those

24 were -- those were the guys that kept track of st uff, that was

25 the chief financial officer, right?0 4 : 5 0

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1 A. Uh-huh.0 4 : 5 0

2 Q. And he is at the top of the list of guys in cha rge of

3 keeping track of the money and investments and th ings like

4 that. That's what they do, right?

5 A. That's correct.0 4 : 5 0

6 Q. Stanford was kind of the -- more of a big pictu re guy,

7 decided what to invest in and that sort of stuff, right?

8 A. Well --

9 Q. Do you know?

10 A. What I know is that Mr. Davis will always menti on that he0 4 : 5 0

11 would share with the shareholder all these inform ation --

12 Q. You know what, I think he still does. But at a ny rate, in

13 this transaction, the people that you remembered back when you

14 had this interview with this special agent and th ey were asking

15 about these transactions, these three guys decide d to change it0 4 : 5 1

16 from a letter of credit to what? Do you remember ? Refresh

17 your memory with that? Read Line 4.

18 A. (Complies).

19 Yeah, to eliminate the letter of credit with a

20 promissory note from the shareholder.0 4 : 5 1

21 Q. Right. So, they changed the method by which mo ney was

22 transferred from the bank to Stanford, right?

23 A. That's correct.

24 Q. No, big secret there, right?

25 A. (No response).0 4 : 5 1

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1 Q. Anything about that -- did anybody tell you, Oh , if you0 4 : 5 1

2 find this out, you better not tell anybody about it, keep it a

3 secret?

4 A. Not in that particular -- no.

5 Q. No?0 4 : 5 2

6 A. Uh-uh.

7 Q. Okay. Now, the money that was transferred from the bank to

8 Stanford, whether it be by a letter of credit veh icle or

9 whether it be by a promissory note, part of what you were doing

10 was to keep track of that, right?0 4 : 5 2

11 A. After that.

12 Q. After that. Okay.

13 A. Not the promissory note, because that changed a gain.

14 Q. Changed again?

15 A. There was no more promissory notes. Now the tr ansfers now0 4 : 5 2

16 were directly to the affiliated entity and then d istributed as

17 needed to the rest of the affiliated companies.

18 Q. Okay. So, the money quit flowing from the bank through

19 Stanford; it went directly from the bank to the a ffiliates. Is

20 that what you are saying?0 4 : 5 2

21 A. I don't think it ever flowed directly to Mr. St anford on

22 the promissory note. It was going straight to th e entities.

23 And it was -- he signed that promissory note to f und the

24 different entities.

25 Q. You got me confused again. Stanford borrowed m oney from0 4 : 5 3

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1 Stanford International Bank, Limited. Isn't that correct?0 4 : 5 3

2 A. That's correct.

3 Q. And the amount of the note was -- when you last looked at

4 it, it was like $330 million, wasn't it?

5 A. That's correct.0 4 : 5 3

6 Q. Now, you're not telling this jury that he kept the

7 $330 million, are you?

8 A. No, he didn't kept it -- he didn't keep the mon ey.

9 Q. He didn't keep the money?

10 A. He didn't keep the money.0 4 : 5 3

11 Q. No. And I'm hoping that's not the impression y ou left when

12 you were being examined by the prosecutor, Mr. Co sta, on direct

13 examination. That $330 million that Mr. Stanford borrowed from

14 the bank and all these promissory notes that we'r e talking

15 about went somewhere else, didn't it?0 4 : 5 3

16 A. To his companies.

17 Q. To these companies, right?

18 A. (No response).

19 Q. To these companies, right?

20 A. All these companies that are a hundred percent owned by0 4 : 5 4

21 him, yes.

22 Q. Right?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. And so, the money flowed through him to these c ompanies to

25 avoid a taxable event. Isn't that correct?0 4 : 5 4

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1 A. That is correct.0 4 : 5 4

2 Q. Okay. And these companies were mostly startup companies,

3 weren't they?

4 A. Some of them were.

5 Q. Some of them were. And startup companies, like new0 4 : 5 4

6 companies, sometimes need capital to function, do n't they?

7 A. That is correct.

8 Q. And that was one of the reasons why the money w as being

9 transferred from the entity that had the money in to entities

10 that didn't have the money, right?0 4 : 5 4

11 A. That is correct.

12 Q. And the complaint here is that the people that bought the

13 CDs that funded the bank weren't told where the m oney was going

14 and how it was being invested, according to the t heory of the

15 government, right?0 4 : 5 4

16 A. No, sir.

17 Q. Okay. No?

18 A. No.

19 Q. Okay?

20 A. According to the annual report.0 4 : 5 5

21 Q. Yes, sir. But the fact of the matter is that a ll these

22 loans to shareholder that we've been talking abou t was a

23 conduit to fund these companies that are listed i n Government's

24 Exhibit 331C. Isn't that correct?

25 A. That is correct.0 4 : 5 5

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1 Q. And didn't you tell the jury that there was suc h an0 4 : 5 5

2 imbalance between the assets and the liabilities of these

3 entities that they would never -- these notes wou ld never be

4 paid, right? Did you not tell the jury that?

5 A. The companies were not making enough money to p ay it back.0 4 : 5 5

6 Q. But they were startup companies, weren't they, and they had

7 the opportunity to make money, didn't they?

8 A. They were not startup companies, most of these.

9 Q. You're not an entrepreneur, you said that, righ t? Never

10 started a company before?0 4 : 5 5

11 A. What does that have to do with --

12 Q. Everything, absolutely everything, Mr. Amadio.

13 THE COURT: Okay. Hold it. Just answer the ques tion.

14 Okay?

15 THE WITNESS: I'm not an entrepreneur.0 4 : 5 5


17 Q. Let me back up.

18 THE COURT: Wait. Are you not familiar with that

19 term?

20 THE WITNESS: I'm familiar with that term.0 4 : 5 6

21 THE COURT: Okay. Are you? Are you an entrepren eur?

22 THE WITNESS: No, I'm not.

23 THE COURT: Okay.


25 Q. You're an accountant, right?0 4 : 5 6

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1 A. Yes, I am.0 4 : 5 6

2 Q. Add up a column of numbers, they're supposed to add up the

3 same way every time, right?

4 A. You know how to form a company, you know how to manage --

5 MR. SCARDINO: Nonresponsive.0 4 : 5 6

6 THE COURT: Sustained.


8 Q. You add up a column of numbers, they add up the same way

9 every time, right? They don't add up the same wa y every time,

10 there's something wrong?0 4 : 5 6

11 A. You're right, you're just describing an aspect of an

12 accountant.

13 Q. And there's no risk in that, is there, Mr. Amad io? When

14 you're adding up a column of numbers, they got to add up the

15 right way or you re-add them to make sure your ar ithmetic is0 4 : 5 6

16 right, right? Is that correct?

17 A. It's -- that is correct, yes.

18 Q. It's your business, Mr. Amadio, that's the line of work

19 that you are in. That's what you are good at, I suppose. You

20 worked there for six years. Nobody fired you. Y ou didn't quit0 4 : 5 6

21 until after the receiver took everything. And yo u've got

22 something on the Internet that you're bragging ab out all the

23 work you did at Stanford. I'll talk about that i n a minute.

24 But you're not a risk taking kind of guy, are you ?

25 A. No.0 4 : 5 7

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1 Q. No. So that when a guy like Stanford takes ris ks, that's0 4 : 5 7

2 something that it's foreign and uncomfortable to you, isn't it?

3 A. Can you rephrase the question again?

4 Q. You're not a risk taker?

5 A. No, I'm not.0 4 : 5 7

6 Q. Stanford took risks, didn't he, by the way he s tarted up

7 some of these companies, like the airlines?

8 A. (Nodding head).

9 Q. That was risky, wasn't it?

10 A. That was.0 4 : 5 7

11 Q. Yeah. In fact, do you know that they actually ended up

12 selling their interest in the airlines to another airline

13 that's functioning today down there? Did you kno w that?

14 A. Yes, I knew that.

15 Q. Okay. So, to tell the jury that they just went out of0 4 : 5 7

16 business is not correct, was it?

17 A. They didn't continue with the same name.

18 Q. No, they changed names; but they retained an in terest in

19 the airline that is functioning today. Isn't tha t correct?

20 That's the more complete story about what happene d with the0 4 : 5 8

21 airline investment, isn't it?

22 A. I believe so.

23 Q. Yeah, I believe so. So, these businesses that he started

24 out, some of them were better than others. Some of them made

25 money; some of them didn't, right?0 4 : 5 8

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1 A. Most of them didn't make money.0 4 : 5 8

2 THE COURT: Most of them did or did not?

3 THE WITNESS: Did not make money.


5 Q. The way you've characterized this operation, Mr . Amadio, is0 4 : 5 8

6 that the loans would never be paid and you've lis ted the value

7 of these companies as a book value -- be patient with me here

8 because I'm trying to understand this, too -- and you have

9 taken the book value to show the value of these c ompanies and

10 how they're not making money and taking the posit ion that the0 4 : 5 8

11 loans to shareholder could never be paid back bec ause the money

12 that he loaned to these companies with that money , they could

13 never pay him back with it, right? These compani es owed

14 Stanford the money he loaned them, right?

15 A. That is correct.0 4 : 5 9

16 Q. Okay. So, your position is they would never be able to

17 repay that because they were startup companies an d they weren't

18 making any money, right?

19 A. Not all of them were startup companies.

20 Q. Okay. Most of them? Some of them?0 4 : 5 9

21 A. Some of them.

22 Q. Okay. And you've listed the value of these com panies and

23 coming to that conclusion, you've listed their bo ok value by

24 doing that, didn't you?

25 A. What do you mean by "their book value"?0 4 : 5 9

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1 Q. Well, you tell me. You're the accountant. A b ook value is0 4 : 5 9

2 what you paid for it, right?

3 A. Are you talking about the shareholder funding, the book

4 value?

5 Q. No. I'm talking about the -- these affiliates, these0 4 : 5 9

6 companies that took -- that got the money that fl owed from --

7 to Stanford to the companies.

8 A. Okay. You talking about the funds that flowed --

9 Q. The affiliated companies.

10 A. The affiliated companies?0 4 : 5 9

11 Q. Right. You've listed the book value of these c ompanies in

12 coming to your -- forming your opinion about how you thought

13 this was never going to work?

14 A. I based it on the profit and loss statements.

15 Q. Okay. Profit and loss statements aren't always a0 5 : 0 0

16 reflection of what the company might do or the va lue of the

17 company, is it?

18 A. It is related to it because then there's a goin g concern in

19 the company, meaning that if the company continue s to lose

20 money year after year after year, then there's a going concern0 5 : 0 0

21 in that company to continue in that business. So , you might

22 have a lot of assets or have a lot of capital inj ected into

23 that company; but if the company continues to los e money, then

24 the company is not generating any money to pay ba ck.

25 Q. There's two ways to book the value of a company . But help0 5 : 0 0

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1 me with this because this has been explained to m e. See if I'm0 5 : 0 0

2 right.

3 There's the book value, which is what you pay for

4 the company. And there's an accounting method by which you

5 enter that into your books to show this is what w as paid for0 5 : 0 1

6 it. That's the book value.

7 And then there's the market value. Isn't that

8 correct? Two ways to enter it, two ways to chara cterize that

9 in accounting terms?

10 A. That is correct, yes.0 5 : 0 1

11 Q. Okay. So, the market value, I believe Mr. Cost a asked you

12 earlier, there's -- there's two ways to character ize -- one way

13 to characterize market is it can either be the -- the same as

14 you paid for it, less than you paid for it, or mo re than you

15 paid for it, right?0 5 : 0 1

16 A. Correct.

17 Q. So, at times when you buy a company, the market value may

18 be lower than what you paid for it; but that's th e nature of

19 making investments, you hope you made a smart inv estment and

20 that the value of the company goes up?0 5 : 0 1

21 A. That's correct.

22 Q. It doesn't necessarily have to do with revenue, does it,

23 how much it's making? There's other things that will influence

24 the market value of the company other than revenu e?

25 A. One of the methods of valuation is revenue so - -0 5 : 0 2

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1 Q. One of them is.0 5 : 0 2

2 A. -- you look at the future returns or revenue th at that

3 company can generate --

4 Q. Yes, sir.

5 A. And you can --0 5 : 0 2

6 Q. I like the example of when Tex Schramm bought t he Dallas

7 Texans. It was a losing proposition, turned out to be the most

8 successful sports franchise in the world, right? So, his book

9 value of the Dallas Texans was $10; but the marke t value today

10 is --0 5 : 0 2

11 A. I'm not aware of that. I'm not familiar with i t.

12 Q. Not a sports guy?

13 A. No.

14 Q. Not like the Houston Astros, buy them at a book value and

15 then later they're worth so much more?0 5 : 0 2

16 A. (Shaking head).

17 Q. Nope?

18 A. Don't know much about it.

19 Q. Don't know much about it?

20 A. No.0 5 : 0 2

21 Q. But there's companies where you can take the ma rket value

22 to make a valuation to determine the value of the asset, right?

23 A. Sure.

24 Q. And you have taken the book value of all of the se companies

25 in coming to that conclusion, didn't you?0 5 : 0 2

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1 A. Coming to what conclusion?0 5 : 0 3

2 Q. That there was no way these companies would eve r be able to

3 pay Mr. Stanford back the money he loaned.

4 A. I base it on the conclusion or the fact that in the six

5 years that I worked there, I never seen any of th ese companies0 5 : 0 3

6 pay back or pay down what's up on the screen.

7 Q. Yes, sir. These companies -- some of these com panies were

8 acquired before you came there, right?

9 A. Yes, they were.

10 Q. In fact, most of the companies were acquired be fore you0 5 : 0 3

11 came there?

12 A. I will say part of them, yes.

13 Q. Part of them. And some of them were acquired w hile you

14 were there?

15 A. That's correct.0 5 : 0 3

16 Q. And the state of the economy and the world and the United

17 States back in the late Nineties and the early 20 00s, do you

18 remember what it was like?

19 A. Yes. I mean --

20 Q. You remember a booming economy where everybody was making0 5 : 0 3

21 scads of money and real estate values were skyroc keting back

22 then? Do you remember that?

23 A. Yeah, I do remember.

24 Q. Yeah. And what happened in about 2007? Do you remember

25 the state of the economy then?0 5 : 0 4

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1 A. Yep.0 5 : 0 4

2 Q. Okay. Started heading south, didn't it?

3 A. That's correct.

4 Q. Do you remember what happened at the end of 200 8?

5 A. Uh-huh.0 5 : 0 4

6 Q. Do you want to share that with the jury? What happened?

7 A. The economy crashed basically.

8 Q. Yeah. And you're an accountant. It was the wo rst economy

9 we've had since the Great Depression, wasn't it?

10 A. That's right.0 5 : 0 4

11 Q. So, somebody that's an entrepreneur that invest s in

12 businesses might have had a good idea about somet hing that

13 would be very profitable and make money and would be a heck of

14 a good investment and you should put capital in i t when you buy

15 it in the late Nineties and early 2000s, right?0 5 : 0 4

16 A. (No response).

17 Q. Right?

18 A. Uh-huh.

19 Q. And a lot of clever people didn't see this cras h coming and

20 they lost money in 2007, '8, and '9, didn't they?0 5 : 0 4

21 A. That's correct.

22 Q. Did you take that into consideration in decidin g what was

23 going on with the Stanford empire?

24 A. What I took in consideration of looking at all these

25 entities going back to 2003 all the way through 2 008, what I0 5 : 0 4

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1 saw was a lot of companies that were not making a ny profit at0 5 : 0 5

2 all, during good times, just like you said, and, of course,

3 during the bad times, things got worse. But none of these

4 companies were really producing the money to real ly go ahead

5 and pay back what we see here on the screen that was borrowed,0 5 : 0 5

6 even in good times.

7 Q. You kept track of the success of all these affi liated

8 entities? You did that?

9 A. Our Houston office was in charge to consolidate --

10 Q. I didn't ask you that. Did you keep track of t he success0 5 : 0 5

11 or failure of all these affiliated entities?

12 A. To answer your question, sir, we kept all of th e

13 financials --

14 Q. I didn't ask you that. I asked you if you kept track of

15 the success or failure of all of these affiliated entities.0 5 : 0 6

16 Did you, yes or no?

17 A. What do you mean by "success"?

18 Q. Well, you were saying -- you told the jury that none of

19 them were making any money, they were all a failu re, and there

20 was no way it was going to work?0 5 : 0 6

21 A. You have to weigh and measure -- you have to me asure that.

22 Q. Did you keep track of the information of these companies

23 and how they were being run, who their managers w ere, who their

24 employees were, what their sources of supplies we re, what

25 their -- who their customer base was? Did you ke ep track of0 5 : 0 6

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1 all of that?0 5 : 0 6

2 A. No, I didn't have --

3 Q. Marketing, did you follow-up market studies to see shifts

4 in markets for these companies to do projections about what

5 their costs might be in the future for the produc t they had to0 5 : 0 6

6 have in order to -- if they were selling a produc t or buying a

7 product? Did you keep track of anything like tha t?

8 A. No, I didn't keep track --

9 Q. Did you keep track of their managers --

10 THE COURT: Hold it. Let him finish. Slow down,0 5 : 0 6

11 please. Go right ahead.

12 THE WITNESS: No, I didn't keep track of markets.


14 Q. The answer is no. Okay. Let's talk about cons olidation.

15 You were there when there was an effort to consol idate the0 5 : 0 7

16 companies, weren't you?

17 A. Yes.

18 Q. You testified on direct examination that you th ought the

19 consolidation effort started towards the end of 2 008.

20 What was the consolidation project, Mr. Amadio?0 5 : 0 7

21 A. It was a combination of all of the entities and consolidate

22 all the financial statements of all these entity and have a big

23 picture of the results, the profits, combine all of the

24 entities, combining all of the entities, the Stan ford entities.

25 Q. Are you talking about these affiliated companie s like I've0 5 : 0 8

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1 got on the exhibit up here, Government's Exhibit 331C?0 5 : 0 8

2 A. That is correct.

3 Q. And would it include other entities other than these

4 affiliated entities?

5 A. I believe that those were all the ones in part of the0 5 : 0 8

6 consolidation.

7 Q. Would that include Stanford Venture Capital Gro up?

8 A. That will include Stanford Venture Capital.

9 Q. Would that include Stanford Broker/Dealer?

10 A. That would include the broker/dealer as well.0 5 : 0 8

11 Q. Would that include just everything that's -- al l the

12 companies that Stanford owned?

13 A. That is correct.

14 Q. Okay. Now, let's talk about what they are. Wh at was the

15 broker/dealer? Do you remember what that was?0 5 : 0 8

16 A. The Stanford Group Company.

17 Q. Yes, sir. And what did they do?

18 A. The broker/dealer will basically have clients a nd offer

19 different investment products.

20 Q. Okay. So, they were -- the broker/dealers were the people0 5 : 0 9

21 that actually would sell a financial product?

22 A. They would sell financial products, that's righ t.

23 Q. Okay. And how about the Stanford Venture Capit al, what was

24 that?

25 A. That was a private equity company.0 5 : 0 9

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1 Q. Okay. And what did they do?0 5 : 0 9

2 A. The capital markets people -- and that's privat e equity

3 company -- will look for startup companies, compa nies with

4 potential to grow and look for those companies an d either lend

5 money to those companies.0 5 : 0 9

6 Q. I mean, like you would -- you would find money that people

7 would want to use to invest in some venture, so t hey would put

8 up capital, therefore, you get the "Venture Capit al" title,

9 right?

10 A. That's correct, it's a private equity.0 5 : 0 9

11 Q. So, Stanford had a company where he employed pe ople that

12 would use Stanford money or raise outside money t o invest in

13 some enterprise that looked like it might be prof itable, right?

14 A. That's correct.

15 Q. Okay. That was different from these affiliated companies0 5 : 1 0

16 we have listed here in this exhibit, wasn't it?

17 A. It's listed on this exhibit; but, yes, it's dif ferent in --

18 Q. Maybe -- yeah.

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Some of the investments that the Venture Capita l group0 5 : 1 0

21 would make would not be specifically listed in th ese affiliated

22 companies? Like, for example, if they invested i n a hotel here

23 in Houston?

24 A. Right, that's correct.

25 Q. And you knew they invested in a hotel here in H ouston,0 5 : 1 0

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1 right?0 5 : 1 0

2 A. Yes, I do recall.

3 Q. Okay. Were you familiar with that -- the Hotel Sorella

4 investment that they made?

5 A. Don't have a whole lot of details.0 5 : 1 0

6 Q. Well, I mean, you were -- kept track of the -- you said of

7 the investments. Did you realize that they put $ 16 million

8 into a hotel here out in Town & Country called Ho tel Sorella?

9 A. Yes, I recall.

10 Q. You remember that?0 5 : 1 0

11 A. Uh-huh, I think so.

12 Q. Do you remember what happened to that investmen t?

13 A. Don't know. Don't remember.

14 Q. Don't know? Okay. But it was something that t here was

15 some due diligence or research done and money was invested in0 5 : 1 1

16 that and other enterprises and that was what that was all

17 about. Was that successful? Was that a successf ul part of the

18 Stanford companies?

19 A. I would not know that.

20 Q. No idea, got no clue whether that made money or lost money,0 5 : 1 1

21 do you?

22 A. On that particular deal, no, I don't.

23 Q. No. I'm talking about the Stanford Venture Cap ital. And I

24 don't remember the acronym of what they call the company that

25 would raise this money to make the investments bu t --0 5 : 1 1

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1 A. What do -- what I do know about Stanford Ventur e Capital is0 5 : 1 1

2 that most of the promissory notes that we had wit h convertible

3 stocks, they were not paying back and these compa nies were not

4 able to pay those promissory notes.

5 Q. Okay. Let's talk about that with the consolida tion0 5 : 1 1

6 project. Now, what was the consolidation project ? Was it --

7 what? Say it again.

8 A. It was a way to have a big picture of the finan cial

9 position of all of the Stanford affiliated compan ies combined

10 into a consolidated financial.0 5 : 1 2

11 Q. Why did there need to be a big picture?

12 A. That way you can truly see if as a whole, if af ter you see

13 the companies that are losing money and the compa nies that --

14 some of the companies that were reporting revenue such as the

15 bank, if you combine everything, you can get a bi g picture if0 5 : 1 2

16 all of your entities combined, lost and gains, if you have

17 either a positive loss or if you have a -- or if you have a

18 gain.

19 Q. Okay. So --

20 A. A profit.0 5 : 1 2

21 Q. Was the consolidation something that was design ed to

22 perpetuate some kind of fraud?

23 A. Not -- no, huh-uh.

24 Q. And whose idea was it to consolidate all these companies?

25 A. When this started towards the end of the idea w as -- came0 5 : 1 3

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1 from Gil Lopez, Mark Kuhrt. We started talking c onsolidating0 5 : 1 3

2 all the companies.

3 Q. Okay. These were some of the guys that were in charge of

4 the accounting aspects of the company that would keep track of

5 where the money was and where the assets were, ri ght?0 5 : 1 3

6 A. That's correct.

7 Q. These were the guys that were right under Jim D avis?

8 A. That's correct.

9 Q. So, the consolidation idea came from them and n ot from

10 Davis?0 5 : 1 3

11 A. I'm sure Davis was also informed on that.

12 Q. Okay. Not from Stanford?

13 A. I don't know. I don't know if that's --

14 Q. So, Kuhrt and Lopez wanted to consolidate all t he companies

15 so that there would be a better picture of what w as going on.0 5 : 1 3

16 Is that right?

17 A. The consolidation started for that --

18 Q. Okay.

19 A. -- for that reason.

20 Q. And what involvement did you have with that?0 5 : 1 4

21 A. The involvement of our accounting team was to t ake all of

22 the financial statement of each and one of these entities and

23 combine them, consolidate them. It's a complex a nd long

24 process.

25 Q. Okay. Was it a good idea?0 5 : 1 4

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1 A. I think for a common ownership, one sole owners hip in this0 5 : 1 4

2 case for this type of structure, yes, it is -- it is a good way

3 of getting a big picture of -- combine all your c ompanies, see

4 how you're really doing.

5 Q. So, Kuhrt and Lopez were trying to do something that was --0 5 : 1 4

6 made good sense, good business and accounting sen se?

7 A. Yeah, it was -- it was a management tool, manag ement report

8 to better report, in a combined consolidated way, all of the

9 financials.

10 Q. Okay. And you were part of -- you were made pa rt of the0 5 : 1 4

11 consolidation effort, were you not?

12 A. Yes, sir.

13 Q. And then -- and in that process, you learned ab out that

14 Stanford was trying to put capital back into the bank, right?

15 A. That is correct, yes.0 5 : 1 5

16 Q. Okay. In fact, the way he was trying to put ca pital back

17 in the bank -- correct me if I'm wrong -- was by transferring

18 stock that owned property on the island of Antigu a, right?

19 A. No. I mean, I don't know about stocks.

20 Q. All right. What's your understanding of how he tried to0 5 : 1 5

21 recapitalize the bank?

22 A. By transferring assets to the bank.

23 Q. Okay. Assets, what are assets? Does that cons ist of what?

24 Stocks, bonds, is that not --

25 A. Real estate.0 5 : 1 5

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1 Q. Real estate?0 5 : 1 5

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Okay. But assets can be stocks, bonds. In thi s case it

4 was real estate?

5 A. Yes, assets can be stocks and bonds.0 5 : 1 5

6 Q. And the real estate was owned by a company that had issues

7 of -- shares of stock; and the stock is what was used to try to

8 capitalize -- or to capitalize the bank, right? That was the

9 idea.

10 A. I did not know that.0 5 : 1 6

11 Q. Okay. You were preparing schedules that reflec ted -- in

12 preparing the consolidation schedule, you were in formed that

13 you had left off a 541 million-dollar capital inf usion. Isn't

14 that correct?

15 A. That is correct, yes.0 5 : 1 6

16 Q. And who told you that?

17 A. It was Mark Kuhrt told me that.

18 Q. And what did you do when he informed you of tha t?

19 A. I had mentioned to him that I didn't know -- I didn't have

20 information of that.0 5 : 1 6

21 Q. Okay. And now you do. Now he told you that th is had been

22 a capital infusion, and he asked you to change th e schedule

23 when you were preparing your consolidation report . Is that

24 right?

25 A. We -- yes. We updated -- that's correct, after that was0 5 : 1 7

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1 informed, I mentioned to him that the accountant did not know0 5 : 1 7

2 about that and that's why it was left off and the n we corrected

3 the report.

4 Q. So, and did you not learn that what they were t rying to do

5 was take an asset that had a book value of a fixe d amount of0 5 : 1 7

6 money -- Mr. Costa had talked to you about this o n direct

7 examination -- of a piece of property that was pu rchased for

8 60 something million dollars and it ended up bein g valuated at

9 over $3 billion and we talked about a 5,000-dolla r increase in

10 the asset -- 5,000 percent increase in the asset. Do you0 5 : 1 7

11 remember that?

12 A. I do remember that.

13 Q. Okay. And is that what they were doing with th is -- this

14 capital infusion into the bank with the stocks th at owned the

15 real estate?0 5 : 1 8

16 A. Well, now that we know what's related --

17 Q. Yes, sir.

18 A. -- I believe so, yes.

19 Q. That was not a secret, was it? Nobody was tryi ng to keep

20 that secret, were they?0 5 : 1 8

21 A. About that infusion?

22 Q. Yes, sir.

23 A. No, that was not a secret. That was in an e-ma il.

24 Q. And what the infusion was?

25 A. Details of that infusion was not disclosed to e verybody. I0 5 : 1 8

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1 did not know about it.0 5 : 1 8

2 Q. Might not have been within the loop of somethin g that you

3 would necessarily need to know. Isn't that corre ct?

4 A. That's correct, I didn't know about it.

5 Q. And this was at a period of time when it was -- people were0 5 : 1 8

6 demanding their money out of the bank, wasn't it?

7 A. I do not have that information. I do not know.

8 Q. Well, the bank was -- sold a financial product, a

9 Certificate of Deposit, did it not?

10 A. Yes, it did.0 5 : 1 8

11 Q. Okay. And the people were wanting their money out of the

12 bank because the economy was crashing, wasn't it?

13 A. Yeah, economy was real bad.

14 Q. Big banks were failing, weren't they?

15 A. Yes, they were.0 5 : 1 9

16 Q. In fact, banks here in the United States, big b anks got

17 bailed out, didn't they?

18 A. They did, yes.

19 Q. Okay. Stanford didn't have a government window to go to to

20 bail out, did he? He was on the island of Antigu a, right?0 5 : 1 9

21 MR. COSTA: Objection, your Honor, violated --

22 MR. SCARDINO: Withdrawn.

23 MR. COSTA: -- the motion in limine. And the fac t

24 that it was an offshore bank, it wasn't entitled to US money.

25 MR. SCARDINO: Motion in limine?0 5 : 1 9

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1 THE COURT: Yep.0 5 : 1 9

2 MR. SCARDINO: Can I have just a minute?

3 THE COURT: Sure.

4 Okay. Anybody want to stand? Do you need to

5 take a break? I don't see any hands.0 5 : 1 9

6 Okay. Let's go, please.


8 Q. So, Mr. Amadio --

9 THE COURT: Microphone, please.

10 MR. SCARDINO: Thank you.0 5 : 2 2


12 Q. The economy was crashing and people wanted thei r money out

13 of the bank. You knew that?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. Okay. And the Certificate of Deposit is a cont ract between0 5 : 2 2

16 the bank and the depositor where the depositor gi ves the bank

17 money, the bank promises to pay them the money ba ck plus

18 interest in a fixed period of time. Isn't that a Certificate

19 of Deposit?

20 A. That's correct.0 5 : 2 2

21 Q. Okay. Person that buys that financial instrume nt doesn't

22 own any part of the bank, do they?

23 A. That's correct.

24 Q. They're not stockholders?

25 A. That's right.0 5 : 2 2

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1 Q. And banks do this all the time, don't they? It 's the way0 5 : 2 3

2 banks make money?

3 A. Banks do offer CDs, correct.

4 Q. Right. I mean, the bank takes your money, they agree to

5 pay you a certain amount of money and then they t ake the money0 5 : 2 3

6 and invest it somewhere and it makes them profita ble. That's

7 why bankers all live in River Oaks, right?

8 A. (No response).

9 Q. That's the way banks --

10 THE COURT: Some lawyers I know live in River Oak s,0 5 : 2 3

11 too. I don't know of any judges that live in Riv er Oaks.

12 MR. COSTA: Or prosecutors.

13 THE COURT: Well, some do but may not be all thei r

14 funds.

15 MR. SCARDINO: I'll leave that alone.0 5 : 2 3

16 THE COURT: They may have a spouse that assists.

17 Okay?


19 Q. So that the bank takes the money and they hopef ully invest

20 it in something that makes more than they have to pay the0 5 : 2 3

21 person that purchased the CD and that's the sprea d?

22 A. That is correct, yes.

23 Q. Okay. And the person that buys the CD doesn't have a thing

24 to say about where the bank invests the money, do they, as a

25 rule?0 5 : 2 4

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1 A. They don't have anything to say, right.0 5 : 2 4

2 Q. Like shareholders got a lot to say about how th e company is

3 run and how the company invests but not a CD hold er?

4 A. Right. That's correct, yes.

5 Q. Okay. So, Stanford sold CDs; and when the econ omy was0 5 : 2 4

6 crashing, the CD holders wanted their money back because they

7 were afraid they would lose it?

8 A. That's correct, yes.

9 Q. Okay. In fact, some of the people that wanted their money

10 back early -- say if you had a six-month CD and o nly three0 5 : 2 4

11 months had gone in, they really didn't have a rig ht to have

12 their CD back, did they, under the terms of the c ontract?

13 A. I would not know the terms of the contract, but normally

14 there's penalties.

15 Q. Let's just say there's -- the terms of the cont ract, say,0 5 : 2 4

16 for a six-month CD, if you -- if it's an early wi thdrawal,

17 there's some penalty, you either don't get your i nterest or you

18 don't get your interest plus some penalty, right?

19 A. That's correct, yes.

20 Q. Not uncommon?0 5 : 2 4

21 A. That is correct, yes.

22 Q. And you're familiar, aren't you, Mr. Amadio, th at during

23 that period of time that a lot of -- most of the people that

24 had Certificates of Deposit with Mr. Stanford's b ank wanted

25 their money back even early, right?0 5 : 2 5

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1 A. That's what I heard, yes.0 5 : 2 5

2 Q. Yeah. Well, I mean, you worked there and you w ere an

3 accountant there, right?

4 A. I was an accountant but not for the bank.

5 Q. Yeah. Okay. But you knew that he paid all tho se demands0 5 : 2 5

6 for the money, don't you?

7 A. I would not know that.

8 Q. Don't know that?

9 A. No, I don't know that.

10 Q. Okay. You haven't learned that since you've ha d all your0 5 : 2 5

11 interviews with the government and all your proff ers and

12 debriefings, you haven't learned that Stanford pa id all those

13 demands from these people, even early withdrawals ?

14 A. During the time of the 2008 crash?

15 Q. All the way in to the time until -- yes, sir, u ntil January0 5 : 2 5

16 of 2009.

17 A. No, I was not --

18 Q. Not aware?

19 A. -- aware of --

20 Q. Okay. Well, certainly you were aware that beca use he paid0 5 : 2 5

21 all these demands for the money that it was -- it put a crunch

22 on the bank financially. They needed some capita l, didn't

23 they?

24 A. I'm sure they did.

25 Q. Okay. And so, the whole idea behind this infus ion --0 5 : 2 6

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1 that's what we've been talking about -- was for M r. Stanford to0 5 : 2 6

2 put capital into the bank so they could meet thei r financial

3 requirements. Isn't that right?

4 A. I don't know that information but --

5 Q. Well, did you learn when you were putting all t his0 5 : 2 6

6 information together in this consolidation effort that part of

7 what Mr. Stanford had used to do this was the int erest that he

8 had in the property in Antigua?

9 A. I did not know that.

10 Q. Okay. Well, this is what Mr. Costa was asking you about0 5 : 2 6

11 earlier about the piece of property or an investm ent that you

12 paid some 60 something million dollars for and th at -- he

13 didn't say how long, but a number of years later, 10 years

14 later, 12 years later, the asset is worth over $3 billion,

15 5,000 --0 5 : 2 6

16 MR. COSTA: Object to facts not in evidence about

17 10 years and, in fact, that's contrary to when it was bought.

18 MR. SCARDINO: Over a period of time it is not

19 contrary to when it was bought but --

20 MR. COSTA: All right. The jury will see the evi dence0 5 : 2 7

21 ultimately when that was bought.

22 MR. SCARDINO: The jury will see the evidence --

23 THE COURT: Absolutely. Let's go.


25 Q. Are you familiar with the efforts Mr. Stanford made in0 5 : 2 7

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1 dealing with the Island of Antigua to acquire ass ets on that0 5 : 2 7

2 island?

3 A. No, I don't know.

4 Q. And you don't know about the -- the government didn't talk

5 to you about -- in their debriefing and their pro ffer with you0 5 : 2 7

6 about how he had gotten permits and had purchased property and

7 made agreements with the island to acquire all th is property

8 for a particular goal that he had in mind?

9 A. Don't recall ever talking about that with the g overnment.

10 Q. Do you remember telling the investigator when - - back in0 5 : 2 7

11 May of 2010 that you were familiar with Mr. Stanf ord's vision?

12 A. Yes, on that -- in that case, yes -- on that, y es.

13 Q. Okay. Do you remember telling what that vision was?

14 A. Vision was to build resorts, high-end resorts, luxurious

15 resorts.0 5 : 2 8

16 Q. Where?

17 A. In the Caribbean islands.

18 Q. Okay. So, if he was in the effort of -- in the process of

19 doing that, are you familiar with the fact that h e was building

20 an airport and a marina? Do you know that?0 5 : 2 8

21 A. Aware of the airport.

22 Q. On the island of Antigua, a fixed based operati on, FBO, for

23 private use? You understand that FBO, fixed base operations,

24 for private aircraft?

25 A. Uh-huh.0 5 : 2 8

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1 Q. You know that?0 5 : 2 8

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Okay. You know he was -- in fact, had built a hangar. Did

4 you see the hangar that he built?

5 A. In Antigua, no, I didn't --0 5 : 2 8

6 Q. How about the marina, did you see that?

7 A. No, I didn't see the marina.

8 Q. Okay. How about the desalination plant he buil t, did you

9 see that?

10 A. No, I didn't see that either.0 5 : 2 9

11 Q. Okay. How about the property that he acquired, did you see

12 any of that?

13 A. Can I ask you a question?

14 Q. No. How about the -- do you need to take a bre ak?

15 A. No, I don't need a break. Are you talking abou t the0 5 : 2 9

16 desalinization for Maiden Island?

17 Q. Yes.

18 A. I was aware of that, yes.

19 Q. Okay.

20 A. Small little island.0 5 : 2 9

21 Q. And the money that he spent on architecture fee s and

22 information technology that he was putting in pla ce to develop

23 this dream that he was talking to you about?

24 A. I did see some of that money going towards that --

25 Q. Mr. Amadio, then, the -- the money that was spe nt on a0 5 : 2 9

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1 piece of land was $6 and you spent all this time and money0 5 : 2 9

2 developing the land by putting an infrastructure in, by doing

3 architectural work, by putting in marinas and air ports and

4 desalination plants, wouldn't that increase the v alue of the

5 land?0 5 : 2 9

6 A. I would have no knowledge of how much it will i ncrease --

7 Q. Wouldn't whatever that increased value be then the market

8 price or market value of the land as opposed to t he book value

9 of the land?

10 MR. COSTA: May I ask for a clarification on what land0 5 : 3 0

11 he's talking about?

12 THE COURT: Okay.

13 MR. COSTA: The land that they valued at $2.3 bil lion

14 or all this other land where airports and other t hings were?

15 THE COURT: Okay. If you just clarify, please, s ir.0 5 : 3 0


17 Q. Well, actually, just in general, in a hypotheti cal

18 question, when we're talking about accounting ter ms, the

19 difference between book value and market value. That's the

20 point I'm trying to make. Stanford paid so much money for a0 5 : 3 0

21 piece of land, spent all this time and money impr oving it, so

22 then the market value is -- should be hopefully m uch more?

23 A. That is correct.

24 Q. Okay. So, something as small as an island in t he Caribbean

25 and the West Indies where they have absolutely pe rfect beaches0 5 : 3 0

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1 and beautiful water and there's very few of them, would it not0 5 : 3 0

2 be reasonable to expect that the market value of that could

3 zoom under the right circumstances, right?

4 A. It could -- yes, the price could increase.

5 Q. Yes. Especially if it's to cater to billionair es and not,0 5 : 3 0

6 you know, people like me that can't afford to pay attention,

7 right? If your market is that high, it's possibl e that the

8 market value could be -- skyrocket above the book value?

9 A. 5,000 percent?

10 Q. Yeah, 5,000 percent.0 5 : 3 1

11 A. It seems excessive.

12 Q. It seems excessive. But you're not a businessm an and not

13 an entrepreneur, are you?

14 A. No, I'm not.

15 Q. All right. But you are here testifying for the government,0 5 : 3 1

16 aren't you?

17 A. I'm testifying, yes.

18 Q. So, this was what Mr. Stanford was using -- his interest in

19 this island property was what he was making an at tempt to use

20 to capitalize his bank, was it not?0 5 : 3 1

21 A. Yes.

22 MR. SCARDINO: Your Honor, I'm getting so much

23 instruction up here, I might ask if I can retire and put on a

24 uniform.

25 I had a point to make here. Let's see. Oh, here0 5 : 3 2

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1 we go.0 5 : 3 2


3 Q. Did you not tell the investigator that -- and I 'm sorry, I

4 digress and jump all the way back to talking abou t that little

5 device down there. But when you were talking to that Internal0 5 : 3 2

6 Revenue Service agent about that doohickey down t here --

7 whatever it's called, that little silver thing do wn there, we

8 store information on it --

9 THE COURT: Football.

10 MR. SCARDINO: Well, it's called something else.0 5 : 3 3

11 MR. COSTA: An external hard drive.

12 MR. SCARDINO: Right, external hard drive. Thank you.


14 Q. -- that there wasn't anything secret about it? Do you

15 remember telling him that?0 5 : 3 3

16 A. That there was nothing secret about it?

17 Q. Nothing secret on it.

18 A. I don't recall saying that.

19 Q. Okay. I'll find it.

20 All right. I'll come back to that. Let's talk a0 5 : 3 3

21 minute about Mr. Hewlett. Do you remember talkin g about him on

22 direct examination?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Okay. Tell us again who he was.

25 A. Mr. Hewlett was the CPA that was external audit or for the0 5 : 3 4

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1 bank and other affiliated entities down in Antigu a.0 5 : 3 4

2 Q. Yes, sir. What is an external auditor?

3 A. External auditor, they're not employees of the companies

4 and what they do is provide an independent review and

5 evaluation of the financials and the integrity of the0 5 : 3 4

6 information presented on those financials.

7 Q. Okay. And he was the external auditor for -- f or what?

8 A. For Stanford International Bank as well as othe r Antiguan

9 companies down there.

10 Q. Okay. Stanford International Bank and other An tiguan0 5 : 3 4

11 companies?

12 A. That's correct.

13 Q. Other Antiguan companies that were owned by Mr. Stanford?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. Okay. Do you know how many companies that he w as the --0 5 : 3 4

16 that he functioned as the external auditor?

17 A. I believe about five or six.

18 Q. You believe?

19 A. That I can remember, yes.

20 Q. Okay. So, could there have been more?0 5 : 3 5

21 A. Not that I was aware.

22 Q. Not that you're aware of; but there could have been more,

23 right?

24 A. There was many other Antiguan companies as well , yes.

25 Q. There were many other Antiguan companies. You don't know0 5 : 3 5

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1 what relationship Allen Stanford or Jim Davis had with0 5 : 3 5

2 Mr. Hewlett and their requests for him to act as an external

3 auditor for various companies, do you?

4 A. No, I don't have that --

5 Q. You have no idea whether Stanford and Davis or anybody else0 5 : 3 5

6 in the Stanford empire had Mr. Hewlett doing othe r services for

7 them or doing external audits for any other compa nies, do you?

8 A. No, I don't have that.

9 Q. No. There were over a hundred companies that M r. Stanford

10 owned, wasn't there?0 5 : 3 5

11 A. In Antigua?

12 Q. No, just in general.

13 A. In general, yes.

14 Q. Okay. And you have no idea whether or not -- w hat services

15 Hewlett was providing for Stanford and/or Davis, do you?0 5 : 3 5

16 A. The only information I know?

17 Q. Yes, sir, that -- you're testifying about only what you

18 know, right?

19 A. What I knew and what was allocated as his fees.

20 Q. When Mr. Costa asked you about money that was p aid to0 5 : 3 6

21 Mr. Hewlett from a Swiss bank account, you have a bsolutely no

22 idea what that money was for, do you?

23 A. No, I don't.

24 Q. The inference is it was a bribe, though, isn't it?

25 A. That's correct, yes.0 5 : 3 6

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1 Q. Okay. And that Mr. Hewlett was -- wasn't perfo rming his0 5 : 3 6

2 service as an external auditor because he was get ting paid this

3 money, extra money from the Swiss account. In fa ct, you think

4 he was being paid too much money with the money h e was being

5 paid out of the bank, right?0 5 : 3 6

6 A. That's correct, yes.

7 Q. Okay. That's too many questions there at once. But I

8 mean, Mr. Amadio, do you have any idea what a pro per fee would

9 be for the services that Mr. Hewlett performed fo r the bank?

10 Have you ever acted as an external auditor before ?0 5 : 3 6

11 A. No. But I did work with external auditors and I received

12 bills and the fact is that the $25,000 that we sa w on the

13 screen and how that was allocated through those A ntiguan

14 companies -- and there were not a hundred. There were just a

15 handful of companies.0 5 : 3 7

16 Q. Okay.

17 A. Based on that information that I knew is what s eemed to be

18 excessive if you add also, as well, what was not reported in

19 the books. And when I inquired about that bank a ccount, I was

20 told that that was a Mr. Stanford account and to leave it0 5 : 3 7

21 alone.

22 Q. None of your business, right?

23 A. None of my business, yes.

24 Q. I mean, do you know if Mr. Stanford was generou s in the way

25 he paid his people? Was he generous in the way h e paid you?0 5 : 3 7

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1 A. If he was generous in the way he paid me?0 5 : 3 7

2 Q. Yes, sir.

3 A. I believe he paid me according to market.

4 Q. Okay. Do you know how about -- did he hire the best of the

5 best people as a rule?0 5 : 3 7

6 A. That's what he will say, yes.

7 Q. He hired you, didn't he?

8 A. He hired me, yes.

9 Q. Yeah, you worked for him. So, you've never wor ked as an

10 external auditor, right?0 5 : 3 8

11 A. I work with external auditor but not as an exte rnal

12 auditor.

13 Q. So, have you ever negotiated a fee for an exter nal auditor

14 to do work for a company to act as an external au ditor?

15 A. Yes, I have.0 5 : 3 8

16 Q. Okay. You have negotiated fees for people?

17 A. Yes, I have.

18 Q. Tell us who it was.

19 A. With external auditors performing audits to a c ompany, yes.

20 Q. You've negotiated the external auditor's fee?0 5 : 3 8

21 A. They have a fee and we talked about how many ho urs it was

22 going to take and how much is that going to cost. So, they

23 give you -- prior to performing the audit, they g ive you the

24 fee. Yes, you negotiate that.

25 Q. And so, how much -- do you know the value of th e companies0 5 : 3 8

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1 that Mr. Hewlett was performing the service -- wa sn't he0 5 : 3 8

2 dealing with, like, $9 billion?

3 A. If you are considering SIBL with the other enti ties, is

4 that what you're referring to, sir?

5 Q. Yes, sir, I am.0 5 : 3 9

6 A. That will be -- yes, adding those assets, yes.

7 Q. So, he was dealing with a big number with a num ber of

8 companies, wasn't he?

9 A. Yes.

10 Q. Okay. And the money that he was paid was paid in a manner0 5 : 3 9

11 that was easily accessible and traceable, wasn't it?

12 A. Not necessarily.

13 Q. Well, I mean, there were checks written. I mea n, he was

14 being paid $18,000 a month. There was a memo, e- mails going

15 around saying we're going to boost his salary up to $25,000 a0 5 : 3 9

16 month, right?

17 A. That was what was in the books, yes.

18 Q. Yes, sir. And you saw checks that were written for that

19 amount, did you not?

20 A. Wire transfers, that's correct.0 5 : 3 9

21 Q. Okay. And then Mr. Costa showed you that he wa s being paid

22 out of a Swiss account that was Mr. Stanford's ac count. Is

23 that correct?

24 A. Under the name of a company, yes.

25 Q. Yes, sir, under the name of a company. And how was that0 5 : 3 9

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1 money transferred from the account to Mr. Hewlett ?0 5 : 3 9

2 A. I mean, it was wire transferred from --

3 Q. Wire transfer, that's a traceable event, right?

4 A. Yes, it is traceable.

5 Q. Okay. So, if it was a bribe, do you think that that --0 5 : 4 0

6 would it be indicative of somebody getting a brib e rather than

7 paying it with currency?

8 A. I don't know how to answer that question becaus e I --

9 Q. Fair enough. If you don't know how to answer i t, don't

10 answer it. But you haven't had -- you didn't tal k to0 5 : 4 0

11 Mr. Hewlett about it, did you?

12 A. No.

13 Q. Okay. Do you know Mr. Hewlett is deceased?

14 A. Yes, I know.

15 Q. Okay. Have you discussed this with anybody? H ave you0 5 : 4 0

16 talked to anybody about whether or not this was a bribe, you

17 personally?

18 A. No. Because I didn't know about that.

19 Q. Okay. Let me visit with you just a minute abou t what he

20 said on direct about how the money came in to the affiliated0 5 : 4 0

21 companies, and you said that all the money -- tha t you knew

22 that all the money that was transferred into the affiliated

23 entities or companies came from the bank. Do you remember

24 that?

25 A. Yes, sir.0 5 : 4 1

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1 Q. Okay. And you -- are you telling this jury tha t you have0 5 : 4 1

2 personal knowledge of that?

3 A. I do have personal knowledge of that.

4 Q. Okay. Mr. Amadio, isn't it a fact that all the monies that

5 were earned from the Stanford entities which -- w hether or not0 5 : 4 1

6 it was from the bank or from any of the other ent ities, all

7 went into the treasury, Stanford treasury?

8 A. (No response).

9 Q. Weren't all monies deposited into the treasury?

10 A. For the Stanford affiliated companies?0 5 : 4 1

11 Q. For all of them. Isn't that the way the busine sses were

12 set up, that they all came -- all the money came to the

13 treasury from all these different sources? Do yo u not know

14 that?

15 A. Yes, I do know that.0 5 : 4 2

16 Q. Okay. So, if the monies came out of the treasu ry and you

17 don't know where -- what money came in, you weren 't tasked with

18 keeping up with that, were you?

19 A. When you say money coming in, from where?

20 Q. From whatever sources that generated income. W asn't it0 5 : 4 2

21 Maldonado the -- wasn't she the treasurer?

22 A. That's correct, yes.

23 Q. Okay. So, what she was charged with was taking the money

24 in -- that's the way all businesses work -- and s he took it in

25 from whatever source there was money generated?0 5 : 4 2

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1 A. Correct.0 5 : 4 2

2 Q. And then she was told where money needed to go and where to

3 send it after that. Isn't that how that's set up , like all

4 businesses?

5 A. Yes, the money was coming out of the treasury f rom SIBL0 5 : 4 2

6 bank accounts to affiliated companies.

7 Q. Okay. So, the money was coming out of treasury ?

8 A. Was coming out of SIBL.

9 Q. Not -- not Mrs. Maldonado, coming directly out of SIBL?

10 A. Maldonado is a treasury manager, that the only thing they0 5 : 4 3

11 do is just direct where the money -- from a compu ter or

12 requesting that to be funded, but the money that shows up on

13 the treasury reports states clearly that it was S IBL bank

14 account that the money was coming from to the aff iliated

15 companies.0 5 : 4 3

16 Q. Jumping back to the consolidation, I didn't fin ish talking

17 to you about that. Did you not learn, Mr. Amadio , that one of

18 the ways that the loan to shareholder was to be r etired was in

19 two different ways: One was that the money that he had loaned

20 to the affiliates was an amount that was carried on the books0 5 : 4 3

21 and he was owed that money. Isn't that correct?

22 A. He owed -- yes, that's correct.

23 Q. In fact, you made mention to it in your intervi ew with the

24 special agent with the IRS of how that process wo rked, that he

25 owed -- he owed the bank money that he had borrow ed from the0 5 : 4 4

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1 bank and the affiliates owed him money that he ha d taken from0 5 : 4 4

2 the bank and loaned to them, right?

3 A. And they -- yes, and then they were dropped dow n to

4 capital, so there's no more debt at that point.

5 Q. Okay. So, there was some offset with that. An d one of the0 5 : 4 4

6 other ways to retire the loan to shareholder was in this

7 consolidation project where if you took on the bo oks -- and

8 this is an accounting principle -- see if you agr ee or disagree

9 with this -- where they would take the asset that was the

10 property in Antigua that was valued at over $3 bi llion and they0 5 : 4 4

11 would use that asset to capitalize the bank, reca pitalize the

12 bank, where there was a run on the bank and would also use that

13 figure to reduce or eliminate the loans to shareh older, the

14 1.8 billion-dollar loan to shareholder. Was that not the plan

15 of how they were going to retire that debt?0 5 : 4 5

16 A. What we saw on the screen on that, that is -- t hat was the

17 plan.

18 Q. That was the plan. And that was a way to do th is. So,

19 when you say there was no way they were ever goin g to be able

20 to retire the debt, you don't know that, do you?0 5 : 4 5

21 A. But this was paper. It was not cash.

22 Q. Yes, sir, it was paper; but that's the way that process

23 works is on paper, isn't it?

24 A. But the bank need -- the bank needed capitaliza tion. It

25 needed cash to pay back to the -- they're not goi ng to be able0 5 : 4 5

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1 to sell real estate or give pieces of land to the clients. The0 5 : 4 5

2 clients were looking for their money.

3 Q. You don't know that they can't sell the real es tate, nor do

4 you know whether or not they couldn't go to a ban k and borrow

5 the money. If you have an asset worth $3 billion , you can0 5 : 4 5

6 borrow a billion against it, can't you?

7 A. Well, if you can find a bank that will -- in a down economy

8 where real estate went down the tube, I mean, if you can find a

9 bank to do that risky business, I mean, by all me ans, I mean,

10 that's --0 5 : 4 6

11 Q. So to say that it can't be done or it wasn't re alistic or

12 feasible just isn't correct, is it?

13 A. In the economy that we were living?

14 Q. No, just in general?

15 A. In general?0 5 : 4 6

16 Q. The economy may have affected it; but it was an idea that

17 they had as a method to retire the loan to shareh older, wasn't

18 it?

19 A. It was a method, yes.

20 Q. Right. And it was something that they had disc ussed and it0 5 : 4 6

21 was an effort that they were making, wasn't it?

22 A. That's correct.

23 Q. You wouldn't expect them to be pulling up wheel barrows full

24 of money into the bank, would you?

25 A. But if the clients are claiming that they want their0 5 : 4 6

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1 deposit back, how -- by owning real estate that y ou cannot sell0 5 : 4 6

2 in 30 days or quick enough to pay back your clien ts, how do you

3 do that?

4 Q. You don't know that. You don't know whether or not they

5 could turn something that was an asset that had v alue in it0 5 : 4 6

6 into something liquid in whatever period of time?

7 A. Real estate is not liquid, sir.

8 Q. Yes, sir. Real estate can be liquid, can't it, Mr. Amadio?

9 A. It could be --

10 Q. Can be?0 5 : 4 7

11 A. -- but it's not considered -- in financial term s and

12 accounting terms, it is not considered as liquid.

13 Q. I think you'll have people disagree with you on that.

14 A. Okay.

15 Q. Let's talk about something else.0 5 : 4 7

16 You made a reference that -- in a conversation

17 you were having with Mr. Davis and he was talking about Allen

18 Stanford -- and it's in your report somewhere in here -- where

19 you said on a number of occasions -- or several o ccasions:

20 Davis referred to Stanford as an emperor has no c lothes. Do0 5 : 4 7

21 you remember talking that?

22 A. Yes, sir.

23 Q. Okay. Now, it was Davis that said that?

24 A. That's correct.

25 Q. And he was specifically referring to Stanford?0 5 : 4 7

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1 A. That is correct.0 5 : 4 7

2 Q. You remember that old parable or fairytale?

3 A. About the emperor --

4 Q. Having no clothes?

5 A. Yes. Invisible clothes, yes.0 5 : 4 7

6 Q. Well, no clothes, wasn't it?

7 A. But he thought he -- it was an invisible clothi ng.

8 THE COURT: Wasn't visible and he thought it was great

9 and it looked great.

10 THE WITNESS: Nobody will tell him that he was --0 5 : 4 8

11 THE COURT: He was paying a tailor, that's what i t

12 was, to make wonderful invisible clothes that onl y the

13 righteous could see it or something like that. S o, he --

14 THE WITNESS: Something like that.

15 THE COURT: Something like that.0 5 : 4 8


17 Q. I mean, Stanford didn't walk around without any clothes on,

18 did he?

19 A. It's a metaphor.

20 Q. A metaphor. Okay. And so, Davis was referring to Stanford0 5 : 4 8

21 as somebody that thought one thing but something else was

22 reality. Is that what you are saying?

23 A. What I said --

24 Q. Yeah.

25 A. -- earlier is that what I interpret of what Mr. Davis said0 5 : 4 8

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1 about that comment or that metaphor was that eith er0 5 : 4 8

2 Mr. Stanford did not have any money or any more m oney or the

3 companies itself or the bank itself didn't have a ny more money

4 to continue because it was in the context of the funding, the

5 expenses that were growing and growing and growin g and having0 5 : 4 9

6 to be paying large amount of money on the expense s of each one

7 of these companies.

8 Q. So, Davis was the one that had the knowledge an d had the

9 information about the finances of the Stanford co mpanies --

10 actually, it's SIBL because Davis was in charge o f SIBL, right?0 5 : 4 9

11 A. He had the knowledge of the financials of all o f the

12 entities.

13 Q. Okay. He was the CFO of what?

14 A. The CFO of Stanford Financial Group Company but across the

15 board for -- also for the bank.0 5 : 4 9

16 Q. But he ran the bank, right?

17 A. He ran the bank, yes. He was part of the board .

18 Q. Stanford didn't run the bank; Davis ran the ban k?

19 A. I would not know that, sir.

20 Q. But when Davis said Stanford reminds him of the metaphor of0 5 : 4 9

21 the emperor has no clothes, did that not indicate to you that

22 Davis had information -- either he had informatio n that

23 Stanford didn't have or that he was knowledgeable in a way that

24 Stanford was not?

25 A. What I know about that and that comment is that Mr. Davis0 5 : 5 0

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1 would always refer to Mr. Stanford as the shareho lder and that0 5 : 5 0

2 he would always talk to him about the shareholder funding

3 report and that he will make mention about the in formation

4 provided here. So --

5 Q. I'm confused. You would talk to Mr. Davis?0 5 : 5 0

6 A. No. Mr. Davis would mention that to us.

7 Q. Us, you --

8 A. To talk about to the accounting team that was m yself, Mark

9 Kuhrt, Gil Lopez, Rolando Roca would be there whe n -- during

10 budget times these topics will come up about the expenses and0 5 : 5 1

11 how to cut down on the expenses of the companies.

12 Q. Would Davis be in charge of putting the annual report

13 together?

14 A. I'm sorry. Say that again.

15 Q. Would Davis be in charge of putting the annual report0 5 : 5 1

16 together?

17 A. Yes, he would be.

18 Q. And that's the function of a CFO, right?

19 A. He would be, yes, responsible for that.

20 Q. He would be tasked to do that, like you were ta sked to be0 5 : 5 1

21 keep track of various things, loans to shareholde r and things

22 like that?

23 A. Yes, that's correct.

24 Q. So, the man that's in charge of putting the ann ual report

25 together was telling you that Stanford was the em peror with no0 5 : 5 1

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1 clothes, right?0 5 : 5 1

2 A. He said that, yes.

3 Q. Okay. And how many times would he say that? W ould it be

4 something regular? Would he --

5 A. That I can recall, he mentioned it, I think, tw ice.0 5 : 5 1

6 Q. Twice? And what was going on that made him men tion that?

7 Were you in the process of preparing something, o r what was the

8 occasion?

9 A. It was in the context of budget preparations.

10 Q. Okay.0 5 : 5 2

11 A. I think -- I believe the first time I heard tha t was

12 towards the end of 2007, as we were walking into 2008, in the

13 preparation of the budget and showing how much wa s projected

14 the companies were spending and there was not eno ugh revenue --

15 or projected revenue to cover for all the expense s.0 5 : 5 2

16 We talked about reducing costs and talked about

17 reducing the size of the company down in -- Stanf ord Financial

18 Group Company and downsizing and selling corporat e jets. And

19 in that context he would mention that and that he would talk to

20 the shareholder.0 5 : 5 2

21 Q. Okay. So, Davis, in the context of putting fin ancial

22 information together, creating budgets, maybe pre paring a

23 quarterly or annual report is when he would say s omething maybe

24 disparaging about Stanford?

25 A. Talking about budgets.0 5 : 5 3

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1 Q. Budgets mostly?0 5 : 5 3

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Okay. And Davis was trying to reduce expenses, right?

4 A. That's correct.

5 Q. Okay. Well, this was a company then that he wa s trying to0 5 : 5 3

6 save, right? In a bad economy?

7 A. Those were the comments to -- yes, to cut down on costs,

8 yes.

9 Q. I mean, he's sitting there preparing budgets, h e's sitting

10 there trying to talk Stanford into getting rid of all the0 5 : 5 3

11 expensive jets even though they were part of the idea to bring

12 the high net worth people down there; but in that economy, it

13 wasn't working out. Davis was trying to convince him let's go

14 in a different direction, right?

15 A. He was trying to get them to cut back --0 5 : 5 3

16 Q. Yeah.

17 A. -- less expenses.

18 Q. That was responsible, right?

19 A. Well, that's what --

20 Q. You thought it was, didn't you?0 5 : 5 3

21 A. It was, yes.

22 Q. Okay. So, was he trying to perpetuate some kin d of fraud

23 with that kind of activity?

24 A. No.

25 Q. No. Okay. He was trying to convince Stanford to change0 5 : 5 4

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1 his approach and his attitude towards how he was developing0 5 : 5 4

2 these other companies, wasn't he?

3 A. How he was spending the money, yes.

4 Q. All right. That's why he made the reference to the emperor

5 with no clothes. Stanford had one idea, Davis ha d another?0 5 : 5 4

6 A. Again, it's an interpretation of what that mean t and I took

7 that as the bank doesn't have any more money, the companies

8 didn't have more money, so Mr. Stanford didn't ha ve any more

9 money.

10 Q. Well, Mr. Amadio, you have no idea how much mon ey Stanford0 5 : 5 4

11 had or did not have, did you?

12 A. No, I do not know.

13 Q. Okay. You weren't privileged to have any of th at

14 information, were you?

15 A. I was not privileged to have any of that inform ation.0 5 : 5 4

16 Q. So, when you make a statement that Stanford did n't have any

17 more money, that's -- you just don't know what yo u are talking

18 about, do you?

19 A. What I know what I'm talking about is the fact that when

20 the bank needed cash, $25 million, that money did n't come from0 5 : 5 4

21 Mr. Stanford. We had to refinance corporate jets to be able to

22 scramble to get money. So, if Mr. Stanford did h ave

23 $25 million, my question to you, sir, is: Why di dn't he

24 provide that money?

25 Q. I don't know because --0 5 : 5 5

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1 A. I don't know either.0 5 : 5 5

2 Q. -- that's -- that's a question that I'm sure Mr . Stanford

3 will be happy to answer later on. But the issue here is,

4 Mr. Amadio, is that you don't know. When you mak e statements

5 like that, you're making statements like that to support the0 5 : 5 5

6 government's case because it's not based on any d ata that you

7 have personal knowledge of. You don't know how m uch Stanford

8 had. You got no idea whether he had a billion do llars in the

9 bank or nothing, do you?

10 A. I did not know that, sir.0 5 : 5 5

11 Q. No, you have no idea. You don't know what his assets are.

12 You've never seen his financial statement, not ev en been close

13 to it, have you?

14 A. No, I never seen that.

15 Q. You didn't fly around on private jets like he d id, did you?0 5 : 5 5

16 A. I flew one time.

17 Q. One time on a -- well, he flew in one all the t ime, didn't

18 he? So, he lived in a different kind of world th an you did;

19 and you weren't in a position where he would shar e anything

20 about what he was worth and how much money he had at all?0 5 : 5 5

21 A. You're right, sir, nothing was shared.

22 Q. Okay. You talked on direct examination when Mr . Costa was

23 asking you questions about the plan as to how to contribute

24 some of this capitalization to different companie s. Do you

25 remember talking about that?0 5 : 5 6

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1 A. Yes, sir.0 5 : 5 6

2 Q. Okay. And I would like to visit with you about that for a

3 minute.

4 THE COURT: Would this be a good time to break?

5 MR. SCARDINO: Yes, sir.0 5 : 5 6

6 THE COURT: If not --

7 MR. SCARDINO: I can finish this or whatever is

8 convenient.

9 THE COURT: Well, we got another, max, about nine

10 minutes. It's up to you. Do you want to wrap up something,0 5 : 5 6

11 then do it. I mean, we have the time.

12 MR. SCARDINO: I think I can do this in a few min utes.

13 THE COURT: Sure. Okay. That's fine.

14 Don't listen to him.

15 MR. SCARDINO: Let's try to finish this one littl e0 5 : 5 7

16 part, and then we'll go home.

17 THE COURT: Go on.


19 Q. Mr. Costa asked you about the plan that was in place as to

20 how you were going to distribute some of this cap ital infusion.0 5 : 5 7

21 Do you remember talking about that?

22 A. The process, yes.

23 Q. Company A, Company B, Company C, do you remembe r that?

24 A. What was in that real estate document.

25 Q. Right. 0 5 : 5 7

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1 A. Yes.0 5 : 5 7

2 Q. Now, who -- who came up with this idea? Who wa s -- who

3 generated this?

4 A. According to the e-mail, that information came from Mark

5 Kuhrt to Gil Lopez.0 5 : 5 7

6 Q. Okay. And whose idea was it?

7 A. I really don't know.

8 Q. I thought -- you didn't say it was Mr. Davis' i dea?

9 Maybe -- I made a note here, but maybe I was -- w rote it down

10 wrong. You think it was Mr. Kuhrt's idea?0 5 : 5 7

11 A. I don't know whose idea. I mean, the only thin g I know is

12 that that e-mail -- based on that e-mail informat ion that was

13 presented here.

14 Q. Okay. So, the e-mail that was generated talked about how

15 this process would work, did it not?0 5 : 5 7

16 A. The process of eliminating the shareholder fund ing --

17 Q. Right.

18 A. -- and capitalizing the bank?

19 Q. Right, the process of eliminating the sharehold er amount

20 and capitalizing these companies. That was the p lan, wasn't0 5 : 5 8

21 it?

22 A. On paper, yes.

23 Q. On paper. But that was the plan, wasn't it?

24 A. On that document on paper, yes.

25 Q. These guys were trying to make it work, weren't they?0 5 : 5 8

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1 A. The whole idea was to eliminate the loan.0 5 : 5 8

2 Q. Right. So, what the -- the e-mail talked about Company A,

3 SIBL, 200 million, right?

4 A. (Nodding head).

5 Q. And then B, SIBL, 541 million, two different co ntributions0 5 : 5 8

6 to the bank, right?

7 A. Paper, yes.

8 Q. Well, it almost always is, isn't it, Mr. Amadio ?

9 A. Not always, but yes.

10 Q. Do you see a lot of cash coming in and out of t hese banks?0 5 : 5 8

11 A. In some cases you need to infuse cash. That's --

12 Q. And then C was to try to liquidate loan to shar eholder.

13 That was the plan. That was in the e-mail that w as generated

14 by Mr. Kuhrt to everybody to talk about how we're going to try

15 to accomplish this, right?0 5 : 5 9

16 A. The e-mail doesn't specify, but that's what the

17 statement -- the real estate --

18 Q. It wasn't generated by Allen Stanford, was it?

19 A. I don't know.

20 Q. I mean, but what you saw from the e-mail was th at it was0 5 : 5 9

21 something that was generated by Kuhrt that was di stributed to

22 other people that the plan was this was the way w e were going

23 to pay off the loan to shareholder, something you said could

24 never happen, right?

25 A. That is correct, yes.0 5 : 5 9

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1 Q. Yeah. And to capitalize the bank, right?0 5 : 5 9

2 A. That's correct, yes.

3 MR. SCARDINO: Thank you. I think that covers th at.

4 THE COURT: Ladies and gentlemen, that completes the

5 testimony for today. Again, if you're around tom orrow morning,0 5 : 5 9

6 we'll be up in courtroom -- what is it -- 11A, th e big

7 courtroom, for a little court program; but certai nly there's no

8 need for you to attend. But you will be required to attend

9 tomorrow morning at 10:15.

10 Thank you, and good afternoon.0 6 : 0 0

11 (Proceedings recessed for evening)

12 * * * * *


14 I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcr ipt from the record of proceedings in the above-entitled cau se.


16 Date: February 1, 2012


18 /s/ Cheryll K. Barron

19 Cheryll K. Barron, CSR, CM R, FCRR Official Court Reporter







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$$1.6 [4] 2320/4 2320/12 2323/21 2370/12$1.6 billion [4] 2320/4 2320/12 2323/21 2370/12$1.7 [4] 2433/16 2433/19 2434/16 2435/8$1.7 billion [3] 2433/16 2433/19 2434/16$10 [1] 2526/9$100,000 [1] 2412/20$11 [1] 2364/11$11 million [1] 2364/11$111,000 [2] 2426/7 2426/17$125,000 [1] 2412/6$16 [1] 2533/7$16 million [1] 2533/7$168 [1] 2379/8$168 million [1] 2379/8$18,000 [1] 2554/14$18,500 [1] 2393/16$2 [7] 2332/1 2374/10 2375/12 2382/8 2452/19 2453/4 2453/12$2 billion [5] 2375/12 2382/8 2452/19 2453/4 2453/12$2.3 [1] 2547/13$2.3 billion [1] 2547/13$20 [3] 2361/16 2367/16 2368/6$20 million [3] 2361/16 2367/16 2368/6$25 [2] 2566/20 2566/23$25 million [2] 2566/20 2566/23$25,000 [3] 2402/16 2552/12 2554/15$29 [1] 2366/6$29 million [1] 2366/6$3 [5] 2434/12 2538/9 2544/14 2558/10 2559/5$3 billion [5] 2434/12 2538/9 2544/14 2558/10 2559/5$3.1 [4] 2431/25 2432/12 2433/13 2434/1$3.1 billion [4] 2431/25 2432/12 2433/13 2434/1$30 [1] 2359/4$30 million [1] 2359/4$310 [2] 2446/24 2448/17$310 million [2] 2446/24 2448/17$330 [3] 2518/4 2518/7 2518/13$330 million [3] 2518/4 2518/7 2518/13$340 [1] 2422/4$340 million [1] 2422/4$4 [2] 2385/18 2386/6$4 billion [2] 2385/18 2386/6$4.8 [1] 2349/10$4.8 million [1] 2349/10$480 [2] 2389/13 2389/14$480 million [2] 2389/13 2389/14$5 [7] 2312/22 2348/3 2383/17 2383/18 2384/3 2385/21 2386/2$5 billion [5] 2383/17 2383/18 2384/3 2385/21 2386/2

$52,000 [1] 2305/21$6 [1] 2547/1$63 [1] 2431/24$63 million [1] 2431/24$9 [1] 2554/2$9 billion [1] 2554/2$95 [1] 2356/24$95 million [1] 2356/24$96,000 [1] 2401/15

''06 [2] 2377/22 2385/2'07 [7] 2330/14 2377/22 2400/17 2419/19 2422/3 2448/10 2449/4'08 [2] 2330/14 2408/11'4 [1] 2510/23'8 [1] 2528/20'9 [1] 2528/20'99 [1] 2378/24

//s [1] 2571/18

005 [1] 2411/24

11.3 billion [4] 2383/23 2384/1 2384/15 2449/41.57 [1] 2313/21.6 [2] 2320/18 2322/101.6 billion [7] 2311/9 2320/19 2320/20 2323/19 2370/16 2384/14 2448/101.7 [2] 2348/4 2349/51.7 billion [1] 2312/161.8 billion-dollar [1] 2558/1410 [8] 2313/4 2313/16 2388/18 2469/14 2470/18 2485/2 2485/4 2544/1310 percent [1] 2379/1810 years [1] 2544/1710-year-old [1] 2452/91004 [1] 2293/201018 [1] 2294/4102 [1] 2504/14108.731 [1] 2409/1210:06 [1] 2293/510:15 [6] 2298/7 2299/17 2299/18 2300/12 2485/10 2571/910th [1] 2345/311 percent [1] 2388/1811-12-2008 [1] 2402/13111,000 [1] 2426/121125 [1] 2429/21129 [1] 2293/13115 [1] 2308/11118,453 [1] 2420/1119 [5] 2382/22 2382/25 2384/2 2385/2 2386/2311:30 [1] 2362/1111A [3] 2298/25 2299/19 2571/612 [3] 2388/19 2427/18 2544/1412 percent [4] 2388/21 2389/9 2389/12 2389/16120 [2] 2317/23 2318/81220A [3] 2405/24 2405/25

2406/151222 [1] 2400/231222A [2] 2401/18 2401/24123 [1] 2408/25123,727,393 [1] 2359/20125,000-dollar [1] 2412/11125,842,515 [1] 2359/2512th [1] 2402/1613th [1] 2412/161400 [1] 2293/16143,911,681 [1] 2360/915 [1] 2469/1415,000 [2] 2409/15 2410/115-minute [1] 2362/1115-year-old [1] 2452/101530 [1] 2362/2515th [2] 2407/23 2409/1616.8 million [1] 2380/251603 [2] 2381/20 2383/19168 [1] 2379/22168 million [1] 2380/2216th [1] 2305/2417 [2] 2320/23 2431/1217.5 million [1] 2431/918,500 [3] 2394/20 2396/10 2400/1718,971,188 [1] 2365/318-year-old [1] 2452/10184 million [1] 2379/22184,800,000 [1] 2379/1918th [3] 2394/16 2395/23 2396/21992 [1] 2301/2519th [2] 2409/2 2418/151:00 o'clock [2] 2362/12 2414/23

22-11-05 [1] 2411/242.75 million [1] 2367/42.9 [1] 2320/2420 [18] 2361/16 2363/7 2363/13 2365/4 2365/7 2365/8 2365/11 2365/15 2365/24 2366/18 2366/23 2366/24 2367/5 2367/7 2367/10 2368/7 2394/6 2485/320 million [1] 2372/420 million-dollar [1] 2371/2020,000 [3] 2408/8 2409/15 2410/1620,000 pounds [2] 2408/4 2410/120/20 [13] 2365/4 2365/7 2365/8 2365/11 2365/15 2365/24 2366/18 2366/23 2366/24 2367/5 2367/7 2367/10 2368/7200 million [3] 2432/17 2432/20 2570/320005 [1] 2293/162000s [2] 2527/17 2528/152002 [16] 2301/25 2302/6 2302/9 2303/4 2303/22 2304/13 2305/22 2308/10 2308/15 2311/4 2311/9 2312/15 2312/22 2379/7 2512/24 2512/242003 [12] 2307/9 2308/2 2308/8 2313/5 2313/17 2317/7 2379/20 2380/3 2510/23 2515/9 2515/12 2528/25


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22004 [9] 2336/8 2353/17 2359/19 2380/8 2438/1 2446/18 2446/20 2448/15 2511/242005 [6] 2324/5 2336/7 2336/8 2370/9 2412/1 2412/122006 [15] 2340/14 2342/3 2342/4 2342/11 2353/17 2359/19 2366/16 2381/15 2383/8 2383/14 2383/21 2384/1 2387/2 2392/11 2412/162007 [38] 2317/23 2318/8 2320/2 2320/13 2321/1 2352/18 2353/22 2358/8 2359/23 2360/7 2361/23 2363/9 2364/11 2365/2 2365/10 2366/1 2366/5 2369/17 2370/8 2370/24 2377/8 2381/15 2390/4 2393/12 2395/1 2395/7 2438/1 2438/2 2438/23 2438/24 2439/6 2439/18 2440/15 2447/16 2448/6 2527/24 2528/20 2564/122007-2008 [1] 2359/32008 [56] 2318/2 2326/17 2345/3 2346/1 2346/5 2348/19 2359/3 2369/19 2371/9 2371/10 2371/16 2371/17 2373/13 2374/7 2374/8 2374/24 2375/1 2377/8 2390/21 2390/22 2393/12 2394/2 2394/16 2396/5 2397/13 2401/6 2402/13 2402/16 2407/23 2409/2 2409/16 2411/3 2411/7 2418/15 2419/12 2419/14 2419/23 2422/21 2422/24 2423/2 2424/14 2425/9 2425/21 2426/16 2426/20 2429/18 2451/2 2451/12 2451/17 2451/19 2452/15 2528/4 2528/25 2530/19 2543/14 2564/122009 [9] 2314/7 2332/1 2427/18 2429/7 2451/25 2453/17 2461/4 2466/3 2543/162010 [9] 2296/10 2461/6 2461/25 2465/20 2479/3 2499/7 2501/4 2503/15 2545/112012 [2] 2293/4 2571/1621 [1] 2366/421 million [1] 2370/2321,443,135 [1] 2365/1221-year-old [1] 2452/1121.4 [1] 2371/13215,458,249 [1] 2353/2121st [1] 2419/23222,000 [1] 2395/723,971,767 [1] 2371/1823rd [1] 2429/1825 [2] 2363/7 2383/2525 years [1] 2298/2025,000 [8] 2394/6 2394/10 2396/7 2396/10 2396/18 2396/25 2397/5 2401/825,000-dollar [2] 2400/11

2400/20257 [1] 2401/1826 percent [1] 2383/2527 million [1] 2369/1629 million [2] 2369/18 2369/1929,931 [1] 2419/22290 million [1] 2361/222:15 [1] 2414/252nd [1] 2412/1

33 billion [1] 2435/13,000 [1] 2393/93.1 [1] 2348/43.1 million [1] 2349/630 [2] 2410/19 2560/230,000 [1] 2410/20300 million [1] 2372/19300,000 [1] 2401/10302 [2] 2512/14 2512/16305 [1] 2356/4308 [3] 2342/13 2455/23 2493/2531 [1] 2384/23310 [1] 2446/25313 [1] 2344/1931st [3] 2379/7 2379/20 2380/3320 [2] 2326/2 2326/19322 [1] 2366/7322A [1] 2367/24330 [2] 2380/12 2380/16330 million [3] 2380/6 2381/6 2381/10330,994,121 [1] 2360/15331 [1] 2447/23331A [2] 2350/22 2350/24331B [1] 2350/22331C [5] 2350/22 2352/10 2363/8 2519/24 2531/1332C [3] 2350/23 2351/1 2371/3336 [1] 2379/1337 [1] 2380/134 [1] 2386/22340 [1] 2378/7346 million [1] 2363/13346,472,065 [1] 2361/25346,500,000 [1] 2380/937 [1] 2311/238 [1] 2383/103rd [1] 2293/21

44 billion [1] 2388/6400 million [1] 2374/25401 [1] 2464/7415 [1] 2438/1645,000 [1] 2426/446 [1] 2392/1146 million [2] 2431/10 2431/13479 million [1] 2387/25480 million [1] 2387/44:00 [2] 2485/3 2485/44th [1] 2346/1

55 billion [2] 2383/24 2385/245,000 [1] 2544/155,000 percent [6] 2432/3

2432/5 2434/2 2538/10 2548/9 2548/105,000-dollar [1] 2538/950 [2] 2313/20 2410/6500 million [1] 2428/14515 [1] 2294/10541 [1] 2537/13541 million [1] 2570/5541 million-dollar [1] 2432/2456 [1] 2366/1957,000-dollar [1] 2419/165th [3] 2429/7 2479/3 2500/11

660 [2] 2308/13 2544/1260 something [1] 2538/861129 [1] 2293/1363,500,000 [1] 2431/1466,200 [1] 2395/126th [2] 2479/3 2500/11

77,703,701 [1] 2366/37.7 [1] 2366/477002 [3] 2293/21 2294/5 2294/1177208-1129 [1] 2293/1377279 [1] 2294/779535 [1] 2294/7

880 percent [4] 2321/10 2323/3 2386/7 2386/882 [4] 2411/14 2411/16 2411/17 2411/188th [1] 2426/16

990 [1] 2412/14900 [2] 2393/24 2394/14901 [2] 2395/13 2395/21903 [1] 2397/7904 [2] 2400/9 2401/1909 [2] 2424/23 2425/495,000 [2] 2451/16 2463/1496,000 [1] 2401/139:00 [1] 2300/129:00 and [1] 2299/159:00 in [1] 2298/89:00 o'clock [1] 2298/25

AA-M-A-D-I-O [1] 2301/8A.M [1] 2293/5able [22] 2315/10 2318/19 2329/9 2329/10 2354/13 2373/5 2377/3 2389/14 2389/25 2404/8 2405/19 2417/13 2439/10 2450/18 2464/15 2501/13 2523/16 2527/2 2534/4 2558/19 2558/25 2566/21about [329] above [7] 2313/20 2419/16 2490/16 2490/20 2490/24 2548/8 2571/14above-entitled [1] 2571/14absolutely [7] 2457/14 2462/16 2510/17 2520/12 2544/23 2547/25 2551/21


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Aabundance [1] 2297/15accept [1] 2305/18access [7] 2314/10 2315/7 2316/19 2370/3 2482/8 2482/10 2498/13accessible [4] 2495/2 2495/5 2495/5 2554/11accomplish [1] 2570/15accomplished [1] 2299/6accordance [2] 2309/12 2309/14according [18] 2319/5 2330/24 2379/21 2381/2 2416/15 2428/9 2433/6 2433/9 2433/25 2434/11 2434/25 2439/7 2486/23 2506/3 2519/14 2519/20 2553/3 2569/4account [48] 2324/8 2352/17 2402/22 2403/1 2403/8 2403/9 2403/12 2403/14 2403/16 2403/19 2403/22 2404/1 2404/4 2404/13 2404/20 2405/1 2405/5 2405/11 2405/15 2406/22 2407/1 2408/16 2408/19 2408/23 2409/12 2410/21 2410/24 2410/25 2411/1 2411/5 2411/8 2411/11 2411/23 2412/12 2412/14 2413/9 2417/20 2418/4 2418/6 2501/13 2551/21 2552/3 2552/19 2552/20 2554/22 2554/22 2555/1 2557/14accountant [25] 2296/7 2301/10 2301/20 2302/2 2310/1 2310/5 2316/3 2338/9 2343/23 2398/17 2401/14 2418/20 2432/4 2456/3 2474/18 2475/25 2477/24 2504/9 2520/25 2521/12 2524/1 2528/8 2538/1 2543/3 2543/4accountants [13] 2305/15 2306/22 2308/1 2308/6 2309/24 2324/24 2328/19 2498/9 2502/17 2502/22 2503/15 2505/2 2505/10accounted [1] 2393/17accounting [83] 2301/13 2301/15 2301/21 2302/4 2302/5 2304/3 2304/3 2304/15 2304/21 2304/24 2305/1 2305/6 2306/3 2306/15 2308/5 2309/10 2309/15 2309/17 2310/19 2314/24 2315/1 2315/2 2315/14 2317/4 2317/17 2319/25 2324/9 2324/20 2325/13 2325/21 2326/7 2326/15 2336/15 2338/24 2339/14 2341/19 2343/15 2348/22 2354/2 2354/7 2354/19 2355/8 2355/24 2371/21 2374/17 2378/1 2378/6 2384/10 2387/18 2389/17 2390/1 2391/5 2392/20 2395/8 2396/14 2398/7 2400/13 2402/4 2410/22 2413/9 2414/13 2417/7 2420/25 2424/1 2428/17 2428/21

2429/12 2431/16 2444/22 2462/20 2463/9 2490/15 2490/19 2491/5 2525/4 2525/9 2535/4 2535/21 2536/6 2547/18 2558/8 2560/12 2563/8accounts [15] 2302/5 2302/5 2305/16 2350/13 2393/20 2395/25 2395/25 2396/15 2402/25 2404/6 2410/22 2417/20 2419/4 2420/22 2557/6accumulated [4] 2320/13 2359/3 2361/16 2395/2accumulations [1] 2319/3accuracy [1] 2387/7accurate [8] 2310/20 2327/7 2388/11 2414/17 2417/5 2450/20 2462/22 2464/4accurately [1] 2476/2acknowledged [1] 2450/23acquire [2] 2545/1 2545/7acquired [4] 2527/8 2527/10 2527/13 2546/11acquisition [2] 2431/18 2491/16Acres [1] 2431/6acronym [1] 2533/24across [5] 2299/3 2353/22 2365/10 2455/25 2562/14act [4] 2318/17 2319/10 2551/2 2553/14acted [1] 2552/10action [1] 2423/12actions [1] 2428/5activity [1] 2565/23acts [1] 2309/18actual [5] 2307/18 2336/12 2336/13 2441/11 2441/20actually [18] 2325/4 2333/13 2341/17 2367/8 2400/17 2403/1 2407/4 2425/21 2428/24 2431/16 2434/6 2445/21 2448/20 2468/2 2522/11 2531/21 2547/17 2562/10actuals [2] 2425/10 2426/6add [10] 2366/5 2431/12 2521/2 2521/2 2521/8 2521/8 2521/9 2521/14 2521/15 2552/18added [5] 2317/22 2375/11 2375/17 2376/15 2428/6adding [2] 2521/14 2554/6addition [5] 2382/7 2392/23 2417/16 2417/18 2434/9additional [7] 2321/12 2346/7 2346/24 2359/21 2374/23 2414/10 2427/10address [1] 2407/6addressed [1] 2409/5adjusts [1] 2448/3administrative [1] 2309/17admissibility [1] 2436/20advances [2] 2321/4 2321/9advertisement [2] 2366/20 2367/3advertising [2] 2317/19 2366/23advice [2] 2480/14 2493/18advised [1] 2350/10advisory [1] 2371/1

Aeromexico [6] 2301/16 2301/19 2301/22 2302/2 2302/6 2315/24affected [1] 2559/16affiliated [48] 2306/10 2306/15 2306/17 2319/20 2319/24 2320/15 2321/24 2324/18 2324/23 2324/25 2327/1 2328/20 2330/25 2331/1 2331/6 2331/19 2334/7 2334/8 2352/23 2353/11 2355/11 2384/5 2388/8 2502/17 2502/23 2502/24 2503/1 2503/16 2505/3 2506/7 2517/16 2517/17 2524/9 2524/10 2529/7 2529/11 2529/15 2530/25 2531/4 2532/15 2532/21 2534/9 2550/1 2555/20 2555/22 2556/10 2557/6 2557/14affiliates [6] 2327/3 2328/17 2517/19 2524/5 2557/20 2558/1affirmed [1] 2369/6afford [1] 2548/6afloat [1] 2361/15afraid [2] 2463/1 2542/7after [44] 2296/10 2297/3 2300/2 2301/14 2303/19 2304/10 2304/16 2307/5 2317/7 2317/15 2318/20 2332/24 2347/2 2405/7 2405/10 2406/11 2423/22 2431/6 2451/3 2460/18 2460/20 2460/21 2466/4 2469/24 2471/1 2471/19 2477/10 2477/11 2478/21 2480/5 2485/4 2500/19 2512/25 2513/3 2513/4 2513/5 2517/11 2517/12 2521/21 2524/20 2524/20 2534/12 2537/25 2557/3afternoon [1] 2571/10again [37] 2332/22 2350/24 2355/19 2368/17 2369/2 2370/7 2372/6 2375/13 2394/13 2395/14 2401/23 2412/2 2412/17 2413/15 2434/4 2436/16 2436/19 2439/1 2445/2 2445/7 2476/13 2479/22 2479/24 2482/6 2483/25 2490/12 2497/18 2514/14 2517/13 2517/14 2517/25 2522/3 2534/7 2549/24 2563/14 2566/6 2571/5against [5] 2420/22 2462/1 2462/4 2462/5 2559/6age [1] 2513/5agent [15] 2469/23 2479/4 2479/15 2479/18 2482/18 2499/6 2499/8 2501/3 2503/14 2504/25 2506/7 2515/10 2516/14 2549/6 2557/24agents [2] 2478/14 2509/13ages [1] 2452/8ago [3] 2296/8 2412/25 2494/2agree [7] 2397/23 2416/24 2417/2 2461/9 2489/9 2541/4 2558/8agreed [4] 2424/8 2450/21


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Aagreed... [2] 2480/12 2480/13agreeing [1] 2380/7agreement [24] 2316/9 2316/13 2379/8 2379/12 2398/19 2461/12 2461/15 2461/15 2461/22 2461/24 2481/7 2481/9 2481/14 2481/16 2481/17 2481/19 2482/19 2485/14 2485/17 2486/7 2487/3 2487/5 2493/19 2505/25agreements [2] 2316/11 2545/7ahead [9] 2300/13 2362/17 2369/9 2415/12 2420/7 2445/5 2503/4 2529/4 2530/11aided [1] 2293/24Air [1] 2457/2aircraft [2] 2367/1 2545/24airline [19] 2301/23 2301/23 2302/25 2303/1 2304/8 2305/15 2344/12 2347/22 2349/14 2354/25 2358/9 2360/10 2373/18 2423/24 2492/11 2492/13 2522/12 2522/19 2522/21airlines [47] 2301/16 2302/12 2302/14 2302/15 2302/17 2303/3 2305/12 2306/1 2306/2 2328/24 2334/9 2334/10 2334/12 2334/13 2335/13 2344/10 2346/3 2346/4 2346/6 2346/10 2346/21 2346/24 2346/25 2347/1 2347/9 2348/1 2348/2 2349/12 2349/18 2350/5 2350/11 2350/18 2358/10 2359/14 2359/15 2360/11 2367/8 2367/9 2367/9 2372/18 2373/12 2373/16 2373/22 2373/23 2384/16 2522/7 2522/12airplane [3] 2345/19 2366/23 2366/25airport [2] 2545/20 2545/21airports [2] 2547/3 2547/14Ali [3] 2293/19 2297/11 2297/11all [235] 2296/3 2297/25 2298/3 2298/8 2298/14 2299/3 2299/23 2302/22 2303/15 2304/2 2305/10 2305/16 2308/20 2310/24 2314/17 2319/3 2319/17 2319/19 2319/19 2319/23 2319/24 2320/11 2320/13 2322/14 2323/19 2324/3 2324/24 2324/24 2326/4 2331/18 2331/21 2331/25 2332/4 2332/24 2334/23 2335/1 2336/4 2337/9 2340/8 2341/14 2345/18 2345/20 2353/11 2355/11 2357/8 2360/10 2364/1 2365/24 2368/6 2368/13 2369/3 2369/5 2369/7 2370/8 2370/10 2371/24 2372/9 2372/16 2374/8 2375/21 2376/11 2377/9 2377/25 2388/6 2388/21 2388/24 2389/11 2389/17 2389/23 2389/24 2390/16 2391/3 2392/5 2393/14

2393/17 2393/21 2395/3 2395/17 2405/22 2410/4 2414/22 2415/20 2415/25 2416/5 2416/13 2417/17 2419/2 2421/24 2422/18 2422/25 2425/15 2425/19 2427/19 2432/4 2434/20 2435/6 2435/23 2436/7 2441/19 2448/4 2449/20 2450/1 2450/2 2450/2 2450/7 2450/15 2451/25 2452/12 2454/2 2454/20 2455/3 2455/12 2455/13 2456/17 2457/5 2457/7 2457/7 2457/15 2457/23 2459/2 2459/9 2462/19 2462/20 2462/23 2463/8 2471/13 2475/3 2475/7 2475/10 2475/14 2475/15 2475/22 2476/18 2478/16 2478/20 2478/22 2481/19 2482/17 2484/25 2487/2 2487/16 2488/19 2490/15 2491/5 2491/16 2491/21 2492/11 2493/22 2494/14 2500/19 2500/22 2502/17 2502/22 2502/22 2502/24 2503/15 2503/15 2505/2 2505/2 2505/3 2505/14 2505/17 2506/6 2510/2 2511/11 2512/17 2516/11 2518/14 2518/20 2519/21 2521/22 2523/19 2526/24 2528/24 2528/25 2529/2 2529/7 2529/11 2529/12 2529/15 2529/19 2530/1 2530/21 2530/22 2530/22 2530/23 2530/24 2531/5 2531/11 2533/16 2534/9 2534/16 2534/24 2535/2 2535/14 2535/21 2536/3 2536/8 2536/20 2541/1 2541/7 2541/13 2543/5 2543/10 2543/11 2543/12 2543/15 2543/21 2544/5 2544/20 2545/7 2547/1 2547/14 2547/21 2548/15 2549/4 2549/20 2555/21 2555/22 2556/4 2556/6 2556/9 2556/11 2556/12 2556/12 2556/13 2556/24 2557/3 2559/9 2562/11 2564/15 2565/10 2566/4 2567/17 2567/20alleged [1] 2332/7ALLEN [33] 2293/5 2306/18 2309/3 2322/4 2325/19 2334/4 2345/5 2357/17 2358/3 2363/25 2364/2 2367/6 2367/10 2377/12 2379/9 2399/4 2399/7 2399/13 2419/6 2419/15 2428/8 2432/19 2432/25 2433/15 2440/23 2480/22 2490/2 2497/16 2505/13 2506/25 2551/1 2560/17 2570/18allocate [6] 2393/3 2394/9 2402/4 2404/8 2408/21 2408/22allocated [4] 2395/4 2395/10 2551/19 2552/13allocating [1] 2403/7allocation [10] 2394/9 2395/2 2396/7 2396/11 2397/14

2397/23 2400/14 2401/6 2402/1 2402/17allow [1] 2314/10allowed [2] 2311/17 2416/15almost [3] 2298/8 2385/21 2570/8alone [2] 2541/15 2552/21already [14] 2308/12 2320/13 2337/25 2346/22 2353/23 2362/25 2382/23 2388/7 2425/2 2428/6 2428/10 2458/23 2481/3 2486/24also [44] 2299/4 2305/14 2306/5 2306/18 2307/13 2308/5 2310/24 2310/25 2325/14 2337/2 2348/24 2361/5 2365/13 2371/1 2376/2 2381/23 2382/19 2390/1 2395/3 2398/20 2399/13 2403/9 2408/15 2408/18 2411/8 2418/1 2432/24 2436/20 2439/1 2447/25 2450/4 2471/7 2471/22 2474/9 2475/9 2498/4 2498/7 2498/22 2502/15 2513/22 2535/11 2552/18 2558/12 2562/15always [15] 2357/2 2388/18 2390/10 2410/8 2423/20 2444/4 2457/1 2457/3 2484/15 2516/10 2524/15 2563/1 2563/2 2570/8 2570/9am [7] 2298/24 2321/3 2407/21 2474/19 2498/17 2521/1 2554/5Amadio [66] 2296/7 2296/11 2296/16 2296/21 2300/15 2301/1 2301/4 2301/8 2301/9 2308/16 2318/12 2321/2 2333/3 2342/14 2344/22 2350/22 2352/15 2356/8 2362/20 2366/11 2367/24 2371/4 2374/14 2378/8 2394/16 2402/9 2406/14 2415/15 2418/13 2425/8 2438/21 2452/6 2458/1 2465/7 2472/3 2473/22 2475/7 2476/20 2478/23 2482/17 2485/14 2491/10 2495/2 2499/3 2504/13 2504/16 2504/23 2507/11 2508/10 2509/7 2513/23 2520/12 2521/13 2521/18 2523/5 2530/20 2540/8 2542/22 2546/25 2552/8 2556/4 2557/17 2560/8 2566/10 2567/4 2570/8AMERICA [2] 2293/3 2370/20American [3] 2412/7 2419/9 2420/2AmEx [3] 2419/18 2419/23 2420/8among [7] 2315/1 2349/6 2371/21 2394/10 2402/5 2456/22 2511/7amount [41] 2311/18 2320/17 2325/9 2333/16 2337/8 2346/9 2353/4 2356/23 2367/15 2372/3 2372/3 2372/8 2372/25 2379/7 2381/12 2388/14 2395/2 2396/19 2397/4 2401/17 2408/3 2409/11 2409/14 2411/11 2416/13


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Aamount... [16] 2423/3 2432/20 2435/4 2437/2 2437/2 2439/15 2448/8 2448/12 2453/4 2518/3 2538/5 2541/5 2554/19 2557/20 2562/6 2569/19amounts [11] 2329/2 2337/20 2353/5 2359/21 2369/21 2370/1 2420/10 2421/6 2421/9 2428/12 2441/18Amplify [1] 2512/6and/or [1] 2551/15Andrew [1] 2293/15annual [45] 2307/12 2307/16 2308/9 2308/15 2308/21 2311/2 2311/4 2317/8 2317/11 2317/13 2317/15 2317/19 2317/21 2317/23 2317/24 2318/2 2319/5 2320/2 2321/1 2321/18 2322/5 2382/4 2382/5 2382/8 2383/3 2384/23 2385/7 2386/4 2386/25 2388/5 2392/11 2392/14 2416/19 2416/22 2416/25 2417/5 2462/21 2464/4 2507/19 2507/21 2519/20 2563/12 2563/15 2563/24 2564/23annually [1] 2401/11another [26] 2296/14 2304/9 2304/9 2314/5 2316/2 2330/15 2348/19 2365/13 2365/14 2365/16 2374/6 2397/9 2409/20 2411/22 2417/7 2419/23 2451/17 2456/2 2459/13 2463/4 2471/1 2480/6 2508/12 2522/12 2566/5 2568/9answer [31] 2297/21 2338/12 2341/5 2341/6 2341/7 2343/2 2346/15 2375/25 2413/17 2436/3 2444/19 2453/8 2453/9 2453/10 2454/22 2467/1 2476/13 2476/14 2478/11 2484/4 2484/9 2489/5 2500/21 2503/17 2520/13 2529/12 2530/14 2555/8 2555/9 2555/10 2567/3answered [1] 2483/14answering [1] 2500/15anticipated [1] 2347/4anticipating [1] 2331/25Antigua [35] 2307/7 2307/9 2307/10 2307/15 2308/2 2308/6 2309/21 2311/15 2313/4 2314/5 2317/16 2328/2 2332/2 2340/21 2341/13 2341/15 2360/20 2360/22 2365/18 2373/18 2373/21 2398/8 2422/6 2428/22 2494/13 2498/9 2536/18 2539/20 2544/8 2545/1 2545/22 2546/5 2550/1 2551/11 2558/10Antiguan [10] 2363/18 2363/24 2365/16 2392/25 2550/8 2550/10 2550/13 2550/24 2550/25 2552/13any [86] 2297/17 2297/18 2299/14 2299/17 2312/13 2313/5 2321/15 2329/7 2339/25 2340/15 2352/7

2364/3 2364/4 2369/24 2373/1 2373/9 2373/11 2377/1 2377/2 2381/2 2382/15 2384/20 2386/9 2386/11 2387/10 2399/12 2399/21 2403/11 2405/18 2405/19 2407/10 2407/12 2412/21 2413/7 2413/22 2414/9 2414/13 2415/24 2417/10 2417/19 2423/13 2433/10 2433/12 2435/24 2436/4 2456/4 2461/12 2461/24 2470/21 2471/12 2472/3 2474/9 2478/12 2478/14 2479/3 2479/4 2488/10 2489/23 2491/19 2492/18 2495/2 2499/22 2505/8 2516/12 2523/18 2524/24 2527/5 2529/1 2529/19 2540/5 2540/22 2541/11 2546/12 2551/7 2552/8 2556/6 2561/17 2562/2 2562/2 2562/3 2566/7 2566/8 2566/13 2566/15 2566/16 2567/6anybody [22] 2339/11 2339/16 2364/6 2410/4 2410/10 2475/13 2478/8 2480/24 2492/6 2492/10 2492/13 2495/7 2497/6 2498/18 2499/1 2499/19 2517/1 2517/2 2540/4 2551/5 2555/15 2555/16anyhow [2] 2298/24 2300/11anymore [7] 2340/17 2377/2 2384/6 2386/17 2459/1 2471/20 2515/17anyone [10] 2337/7 2337/24 2338/2 2343/5 2378/1 2387/18 2391/5 2392/17 2416/21 2449/10anything [32] 2297/2 2339/9 2349/15 2364/6 2375/10 2375/14 2375/15 2403/2 2405/10 2428/17 2429/11 2457/9 2460/4 2462/1 2468/22 2470/21 2484/10 2486/20 2487/14 2488/17 2489/1 2489/21 2491/10 2491/11 2491/13 2495/16 2495/21 2517/1 2530/7 2542/1 2549/14 2567/19anywhere [1] 2496/3apology [1] 2482/11apparently [2] 2466/8 2490/25Appeals [1] 2457/8appointed [3] 2297/4 2299/25 2300/7appreciate [3] 2415/5 2509/5 2511/13apprehensive [2] 2476/23 2476/25approach [1] 2566/1approaching [1] 2432/5appropriate [1] 2310/11approval [8] 2348/1 2349/4 2350/1 2354/21 2356/23 2357/13 2373/10 2446/3approve [4] 2344/14 2355/22 2357/24 2357/25approved [4] 2309/15 2344/15 2350/16 2357/21approving [1] 2356/2approximately [6] 2305/22

2324/5 2342/1 2361/14 2361/16 2363/6April [4] 2394/16 2395/23 2396/2 2426/16April 18th [3] 2394/16 2395/23 2396/2AR [2] 2419/2 2419/3architectural [1] 2547/3architecture [1] 2546/21Ardoin [3] 2296/9 2296/10 2296/17are [96] 2296/4 2306/17 2309/11 2309/12 2309/20 2310/21 2310/22 2311/10 2311/24 2311/25 2312/7 2313/23 2318/19 2320/2 2321/1 2321/9 2323/15 2331/24 2338/9 2344/25 2346/2 2349/6 2351/10 2351/11 2351/13 2351/17 2352/12 2353/22 2370/5 2373/23 2374/4 2374/19 2385/1 2390/12 2394/17 2398/5 2399/7 2406/5 2406/6 2406/8 2407/19 2407/20 2408/5 2411/8 2413/7 2417/4 2420/12 2428/3 2428/7 2429/21 2437/10 2441/1 2442/19 2444/6 2444/17 2457/4 2465/7 2467/19 2478/4 2484/6 2484/7 2499/13 2500/12 2504/24 2505/3 2508/5 2508/10 2511/20 2511/21 2512/9 2517/20 2518/7 2518/20 2519/23 2520/18 2520/21 2520/21 2521/19 2521/19 2521/24 2524/3 2530/25 2531/14 2534/13 2536/23 2544/25 2545/19 2546/15 2548/13 2548/15 2554/3 2556/1 2559/25 2561/22 2566/17 2567/11area [1] 2456/23aren't [9] 2359/14 2373/23 2443/15 2483/12 2492/21 2493/7 2524/15 2542/22 2548/16argumentative [2] 2483/13 2483/15arithmetic [1] 2521/15Arkansas [3] 2451/23 2452/3 2452/13arm's [7] 2444/6 2444/8 2444/15 2444/23 2444/24 2445/3 2445/5Army [1] 2457/3Arnold [1] 2362/1around [19] 2296/22 2342/4 2342/11 2344/5 2344/7 2411/7 2454/15 2454/16 2456/7 2458/2 2458/3 2458/4 2486/14 2494/10 2503/12 2554/15 2561/17 2567/15 2571/5arrow [5] 2330/5 2330/5 2440/21 2441/6 2503/22arrows [2] 2331/25 2332/25art [1] 2476/2artistically [2] 2334/17 2334/18artistically gifted [1] 2334/17


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Aas [148] 2298/20 2301/20 2302/1 2305/10 2306/4 2306/4 2307/25 2307/25 2309/18 2310/11 2310/25 2311/3 2313/15 2316/3 2317/15 2319/23 2320/13 2321/1 2321/11 2322/1 2325/1 2325/21 2327/13 2328/20 2330/25 2332/15 2333/6 2334/8 2335/14 2337/23 2337/23 2340/25 2342/13 2349/8 2349/8 2350/12 2354/5 2354/22 2354/23 2355/12 2357/6 2357/10 2357/22 2367/4 2367/23 2371/2 2372/8 2375/7 2381/12 2388/16 2391/12 2391/12 2392/20 2401/14 2402/13 2405/16 2405/23 2406/7 2406/16 2409/8 2409/10 2409/20 2410/6 2410/9 2410/16 2415/6 2415/9 2415/25 2416/3 2416/4 2418/4 2419/14 2421/2 2423/5 2426/18 2428/7 2431/23 2432/4 2435/8 2438/23 2440/22 2445/20 2448/17 2450/18 2454/3 2456/3 2457/5 2459/7 2461/12 2463/11 2464/14 2464/16 2467/24 2473/12 2477/23 2480/22 2482/7 2483/15 2485/8 2485/9 2485/22 2486/4 2486/4 2487/11 2494/10 2496/2 2498/2 2498/2 2498/3 2498/3 2498/5 2498/7 2498/10 2506/2 2506/21 2515/8 2517/16 2523/7 2525/13 2531/10 2534/12 2534/14 2541/24 2547/8 2547/24 2547/24 2550/8 2550/8 2550/16 2550/24 2551/2 2551/19 2552/2 2552/10 2552/18 2553/5 2553/9 2553/11 2553/14 2559/17 2560/12 2560/20 2561/21 2563/1 2564/12 2566/7 2567/23 2568/19ask [29] 2303/7 2338/7 2345/15 2350/23 2354/21 2368/16 2370/7 2371/3 2378/7 2436/5 2447/8 2461/1 2467/12 2470/13 2470/15 2470/21 2476/5 2476/21 2483/9 2484/10 2484/17 2484/18 2502/7 2502/8 2529/10 2529/14 2546/13 2547/10 2548/23asked [33] 2297/11 2329/19 2336/4 2340/4 2377/23 2377/24 2393/10 2406/5 2406/12 2413/22 2416/12 2430/12 2431/21 2435/21 2444/25 2466/15 2466/17 2469/15 2470/9 2470/10 2471/12 2483/13 2483/19 2483/20 2498/1 2498/3 2502/3 2502/5 2525/11 2529/14 2537/22 2551/20 2568/19asking [21] 2329/14 2344/12 2345/23 2347/25 2356/22

2429/25 2430/2 2454/9 2460/12 2465/25 2467/19 2468/24 2469/5 2484/6 2484/6 2484/7 2501/25 2508/23 2516/14 2544/10 2567/23asks [4] 2341/7 2399/18 2469/10 2476/15aspect [2] 2492/7 2521/11aspects [2] 2490/15 2535/4asset [11] 2305/9 2306/5 2526/22 2538/5 2538/10 2538/10 2544/14 2558/9 2558/11 2559/5 2560/5assets [36] 2305/7 2305/8 2309/11 2311/6 2311/23 2311/24 2311/25 2312/3 2312/7 2312/11 2312/12 2312/15 2312/18 2312/19 2312/24 2382/20 2383/11 2383/14 2384/3 2385/18 2388/22 2388/24 2439/8 2439/13 2491/16 2520/2 2524/22 2535/5 2536/22 2536/23 2536/23 2537/3 2537/5 2545/1 2554/6 2567/11Assistant [1] 2293/12assists [1] 2541/16associated [4] 2321/7 2321/15 2322/6 2323/8assume [1] 2332/22assumed [1] 2511/10assuming [1] 2456/20assumption [2] 2352/16 2511/10assurance [1] 2309/11Astros [1] 2526/14at [213] 2294/3 2296/3 2296/7 2296/12 2298/7 2298/7 2298/24 2299/13 2299/15 2299/17 2300/12 2300/12 2301/12 2302/16 2303/4 2303/22 2303/22 2303/24 2304/6 2304/13 2304/15 2304/16 2304/19 2304/22 2306/22 2307/2 2307/5 2307/10 2307/17 2307/21 2307/25 2308/2 2309/4 2313/16 2314/7 2315/24 2315/25 2316/2 2316/12 2316/20 2316/22 2316/23 2319/25 2320/20 2321/10 2321/15 2322/9 2322/20 2322/21 2326/10 2328/17 2329/11 2332/1 2332/24 2340/9 2341/12 2342/7 2344/21 2345/11 2345/22 2346/4 2346/6 2346/25 2349/21 2349/24 2350/8 2351/6 2351/18 2356/15 2358/8 2359/14 2359/23 2360/1 2361/20 2362/7 2363/9 2364/10 2366/5 2367/12 2367/21 2369/12 2369/16 2370/19 2371/6 2371/12 2374/7 2374/17 2374/23 2378/5 2379/5 2379/18 2382/9 2383/11 2384/15 2384/16 2384/16 2384/17 2385/18 2385/20 2386/23 2390/22 2394/1 2396/13 2397/22 2397/25 2398/14 2398/17 2399/16 2401/9 2402/12

2403/11 2403/12 2403/14 2406/3 2406/5 2406/10 2408/14 2410/15 2410/16 2411/14 2412/2 2412/22 2414/20 2414/24 2414/25 2414/25 2415/7 2415/17 2415/23 2422/14 2424/3 2427/23 2430/12 2430/13 2430/15 2433/21 2434/1 2435/1 2438/9 2438/12 2439/1 2439/7 2440/18 2440/23 2441/7 2441/21 2441/23 2442/9 2443/22 2446/16 2446/17 2447/25 2448/9 2449/4 2449/7 2451/13 2451/15 2451/22 2452/1 2452/16 2453/16 2454/7 2459/11 2460/2 2460/13 2461/1 2463/14 2466/1 2467/5 2467/8 2469/4 2472/9 2472/15 2473/7 2477/18 2478/25 2480/4 2480/17 2481/15 2481/23 2485/3 2485/4 2485/4 2485/9 2491/16 2496/7 2496/9 2499/5 2499/11 2500/10 2500/17 2501/20 2512/24 2513/5 2516/2 2516/12 2518/3 2521/19 2521/23 2525/17 2526/2 2526/14 2528/4 2528/24 2529/1 2538/8 2539/5 2547/13 2552/7 2558/4 2558/10 2567/20 2571/9atomic [2] 2456/18 2457/4attache [1] 2456/17attachment [8] 2394/24 2418/24 2419/1 2425/20 2425/23 2430/2 2430/13 2438/14attempt [1] 2548/19attend [3] 2447/12 2571/8 2571/8attention [3] 2317/2 2509/1 2548/6attitude [1] 2566/1attorney [6] 2293/12 2294/3 2296/14 2471/15 2471/24 2476/15attorneys [6] 2362/9 2457/13 2460/11 2461/1 2461/9 2467/1audience [1] 2410/11audit [20] 2302/12 2304/7 2307/13 2307/16 2307/19 2309/15 2310/4 2310/22 2311/15 2313/5 2314/3 2314/5 2317/8 2400/4 2401/11 2401/15 2449/15 2449/23 2450/22 2553/23auditing [4] 2392/23 2392/25 2393/14 2394/10auditor [21] 2310/13 2313/10 2315/10 2392/8 2399/21 2399/24 2449/23 2450/18 2549/25 2550/2 2550/3 2550/7 2550/16 2551/3 2552/2 2552/10 2553/10 2553/11 2553/12 2553/13 2553/14auditor's [1] 2553/20auditors [17] 2307/23 2307/24 2309/20 2310/11 2310/14 2310/23 2311/17 2314/9 2314/22 2314/23 2315/6 2315/15 2316/13 2384/12


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Aauditors... [3] 2400/4 2552/11 2553/19audits [3] 2377/21 2551/7 2553/19August [3] 2407/23 2408/10 2451/19August 15th [1] 2407/23authority [2] 2496/23 2496/25authorization [1] 2309/13auto [1] 2448/2available [1] 2464/9Avenue [2] 2293/16 2407/7Aviation's [1] 2358/23avoid [1] 2518/25award [2] 2299/10 2299/12awards [1] 2298/17aware [21] 2324/6 2338/9 2338/16 2346/23 2396/4 2402/20 2411/4 2413/8 2413/9 2437/1 2437/21 2498/17 2504/12 2526/11 2543/18 2543/19 2543/20 2545/21 2546/18 2550/21 2550/22awhile [2] 2465/3 2465/4awkward [2] 2496/4 2496/5

Bback [115] 2300/4 2308/23 2318/17 2319/1 2319/7 2319/8 2319/17 2333/13 2339/15 2339/15 2349/21 2350/2 2354/14 2354/15 2354/18 2355/20 2355/21 2355/23 2356/5 2356/10 2358/6 2358/8 2363/8 2374/11 2375/9 2376/2 2377/2 2377/10 2379/22 2380/19 2381/3 2381/18 2381/20 2383/19 2385/20 2387/16 2387/19 2397/24 2400/17 2400/24 2401/19 2405/20 2405/21 2410/3 2413/21 2414/23 2414/24 2415/15 2418/8 2420/16 2421/9 2423/20 2424/24 2425/2 2426/10 2426/15 2427/22 2429/16 2432/8 2435/2 2435/9 2437/3 2446/18 2447/7 2448/23 2458/10 2458/13 2460/5 2460/5 2463/2 2465/19 2476/8 2478/19 2478/21 2479/2 2484/16 2484/19 2485/3 2489/14 2489/16 2499/7 2499/13 2501/3 2501/4 2503/14 2515/9 2515/11 2516/13 2520/5 2520/17 2523/11 2523/13 2524/24 2527/3 2527/6 2527/17 2527/21 2528/25 2529/5 2534/3 2536/14 2536/16 2540/17 2542/6 2542/10 2542/12 2542/25 2545/10 2549/4 2549/20 2557/16 2558/25 2560/1 2560/2 2565/15background [4] 2301/11 2303/1 2389/18 2482/17backup [5] 2311/16 2313/5 2313/9 2313/11 2314/20bad [3] 2529/3 2539/13 2565/6

badge [2] 2406/12 2479/18badges [1] 2406/6bag [5] 2344/8 2455/16 2455/17 2458/15 2460/6bail [1] 2539/20bailed [1] 2539/17balance [13] 2311/3 2311/21 2318/15 2359/22 2375/7 2379/13 2404/17 2420/20 2433/18 2434/13 2435/9 2447/2 2449/3ballpark [3] 2359/2 2388/16 2410/10bank [328] bank's [14] 2309/24 2310/1 2310/10 2310/14 2311/21 2312/2 2321/7 2341/10 2382/10 2398/10 2401/15 2437/19 2439/12 2440/15bankers [1] 2541/7banking [2] 2312/7 2406/19banks [9] 2463/24 2539/14 2539/16 2539/16 2541/1 2541/2 2541/3 2541/9 2570/10bar [3] 2360/10 2361/9 2374/14Barbara [1] 2404/5Barbuda [2] 2328/2 2373/21Barclays [1] 2408/1Barron [3] 2294/9 2571/18 2571/19base [5] 2318/18 2319/11 2527/4 2529/25 2545/23based [27] 2342/23 2357/25 2365/16 2370/3 2388/21 2389/18 2391/4 2391/24 2392/5 2401/14 2416/18 2426/6 2441/23 2444/22 2448/13 2448/25 2450/4 2462/12 2487/21 2488/20 2488/21 2508/24 2524/14 2545/22 2552/17 2567/6 2569/12basic [2] 2311/23 2322/6basically [7] 2330/19 2330/20 2336/2 2383/17 2415/16 2528/7 2531/18basis [14] 2316/21 2321/8 2322/16 2324/19 2324/19 2336/23 2339/2 2339/6 2339/16 2339/25 2388/3 2391/1 2397/4 2424/22be [249] 2298/19 2299/1 2299/18 2300/12 2300/19 2305/12 2310/23 2312/8 2312/11 2312/12 2312/15 2312/19 2312/20 2313/13 2314/3 2315/3 2315/10 2315/19 2316/21 2317/2 2317/3 2317/19 2328/22 2329/8 2329/10 2329/22 2331/1 2331/3 2331/5 2331/9 2331/24 2333/11 2333/17 2334/7 2337/22 2339/8 2339/11 2339/16 2340/1 2340/16 2340/21 2341/1 2341/11 2341/12 2341/23 2342/23 2344/15 2346/23 2348/7 2348/8 2355/24 2356/24 2357/6 2357/10 2357/20 2358/18 2358/19 2362/16 2372/8 2372/25

2373/9 2375/8 2375/12 2375/15 2375/16 2377/3 2379/19 2384/7 2385/15 2386/4 2388/14 2388/14 2388/21 2389/14 2389/15 2389/24 2396/19 2397/4 2398/3 2401/1 2401/8 2404/8 2405/19 2408/7 2408/13 2409/16 2410/17 2410/19 2411/25 2413/8 2413/17 2413/18 2414/16 2415/3 2415/6 2416/3 2425/13 2426/2 2426/3 2428/1 2431/15 2432/2 2432/11 2432/18 2432/19 2432/23 2433/6 2433/7 2433/14 2434/2 2434/3 2434/6 2434/12 2434/13 2435/1 2436/5 2438/25 2439/2 2439/9 2439/10 2439/13 2439/15 2439/19 2440/23 2441/7 2441/15 2441/15 2441/22 2442/9 2442/11 2442/12 2443/16 2443/17 2444/3 2444/15 2444/23 2444/24 2444/25 2445/21 2446/13 2450/8 2452/18 2453/5 2458/4 2458/11 2458/12 2461/2 2462/1 2462/6 2464/15 2474/9 2474/14 2475/12 2475/12 2478/17 2479/5 2479/17 2483/6 2483/20 2483/23 2484/1 2485/3 2485/8 2485/9 2485/21 2486/11 2486/13 2488/8 2488/9 2489/11 2494/3 2494/10 2494/12 2494/12 2494/13 2495/24 2495/25 2496/24 2498/1 2498/4 2498/5 2498/6 2498/7 2498/8 2498/18 2498/25 2501/13 2502/9 2502/12 2503/7 2503/10 2503/14 2505/10 2505/11 2508/21 2512/7 2513/10 2517/8 2517/9 2520/3 2523/6 2523/7 2523/11 2523/16 2525/13 2525/18 2526/7 2527/2 2528/13 2528/13 2530/5 2532/13 2532/21 2534/11 2535/15 2537/3 2537/5 2541/13 2547/7 2547/22 2548/2 2548/8 2552/9 2552/17 2554/6 2555/6 2557/12 2557/18 2558/19 2558/25 2559/11 2559/23 2560/8 2560/9 2560/10 2562/6 2563/9 2563/12 2563/15 2563/17 2563/19 2563/20 2563/20 2564/3 2566/21 2567/3 2568/4 2571/6 2571/8beaches [1] 2547/25bear [3] 2379/17 2475/25 2507/11beautiful [2] 2407/15 2548/1became [2] 2300/3 2381/6because [78] 2297/3 2302/11 2302/24 2302/25 2312/4 2315/10 2315/17 2321/23 2321/23 2323/11 2324/17 2324/18 2324/21 2331/15 2332/19 2333/15 2333/16 2340/16 2340/20 2341/12 2343/25 2352/12 2361/6 2368/20 2368/25 2373/22


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Bbecause... [52] 2382/4 2384/4 2388/5 2388/7 2390/9 2405/18 2416/21 2417/4 2420/24 2430/3 2444/3 2446/15 2450/9 2453/4 2454/23 2456/22 2456/23 2458/20 2459/20 2460/3 2464/2 2464/3 2464/3 2471/11 2476/4 2480/8 2480/16 2489/10 2489/14 2493/17 2498/16 2505/24 2510/17 2510/22 2513/1 2515/23 2517/13 2523/8 2523/11 2523/17 2524/18 2525/1 2539/12 2542/6 2543/20 2552/2 2555/8 2555/18 2562/4 2562/10 2566/25 2567/6because I [1] 2555/8been [48] 2298/18 2308/12 2327/25 2339/17 2362/25 2366/8 2369/7 2374/2 2377/9 2382/23 2386/18 2388/7 2389/6 2389/10 2394/18 2398/19 2399/3 2399/6 2402/3 2405/23 2406/9 2413/13 2413/16 2429/8 2435/8 2435/17 2435/25 2440/5 2449/6 2456/23 2464/15 2465/16 2465/17 2465/17 2469/12 2475/8 2475/21 2484/20 2488/21 2491/25 2519/22 2525/1 2537/21 2539/2 2544/1 2550/20 2550/22 2567/12before [32] 2293/8 2297/8 2297/8 2298/6 2300/8 2300/19 2312/18 2315/24 2315/25 2325/8 2330/15 2362/20 2384/8 2385/9 2426/25 2427/7 2427/12 2445/21 2454/22 2471/20 2484/20 2487/10 2487/21 2488/5 2488/20 2492/16 2514/17 2515/14 2520/10 2527/8 2527/10 2552/10began [1] 2305/22beginning [1] 2465/13begins [2] 2298/24 2299/15behalf [9] 2319/23 2320/14 2324/22 2326/25 2330/9 2335/23 2349/5 2354/5 2504/10behind [2] 2458/25 2543/25being [63] 2304/5 2307/13 2309/7 2311/16 2312/5 2313/6 2313/12 2319/13 2319/22 2322/15 2322/16 2326/4 2326/5 2335/21 2337/9 2349/18 2361/3 2361/3 2375/3 2375/21 2376/3 2376/5 2376/14 2376/14 2382/18 2384/15 2395/7 2395/8 2396/9 2402/13 2403/7 2403/9 2404/7 2408/15 2408/18 2411/8 2420/18 2421/13 2422/17 2429/24 2431/23 2434/1 2434/25 2436/10 2437/22 2442/6 2443/22 2451/15 2452/19 2456/8 2458/3 2459/12 2470/8 2487/14

2518/12 2519/8 2519/14 2529/23 2538/8 2552/4 2552/4 2554/14 2554/21belief [1] 2450/2believe [35] 2299/13 2318/13 2321/18 2338/11 2342/3 2362/5 2365/14 2365/17 2365/24 2369/21 2373/13 2422/14 2425/4 2427/13 2428/16 2439/1 2439/7 2463/7 2479/6 2485/14 2497/8 2501/20 2501/20 2513/21 2514/8 2514/20 2522/22 2522/23 2525/11 2531/5 2538/18 2550/17 2550/18 2553/3 2564/11believe I [1] 2338/11below [1] 2318/6bench [3] 2296/3 2299/22 2454/7benefit [1] 2428/3besides [2] 2339/11 2498/19best [5] 2364/19 2415/6 2500/19 2553/4 2553/5better [10] 2299/23 2334/16 2345/18 2444/5 2447/9 2463/23 2517/2 2522/24 2535/15 2536/8between [17] 2307/17 2312/11 2330/14 2360/2 2360/4 2379/8 2379/9 2399/12 2433/11 2439/8 2440/15 2446/21 2468/16 2510/10 2520/2 2540/15 2547/19Bhanoo [3] 2398/3 2398/5 2398/6big [18] 2298/17 2298/25 2349/14 2368/5 2415/7 2453/6 2473/23 2516/6 2516/24 2530/22 2534/8 2534/11 2534/15 2536/3 2539/14 2539/16 2554/7 2571/6bigger [2] 2298/17 2298/18bill [3] 2396/8 2419/23 2420/2billboards [1] 2367/6billion [56] 2311/9 2312/16 2313/2 2320/4 2320/12 2320/19 2320/20 2322/10 2323/19 2323/21 2332/1 2370/12 2370/16 2374/10 2374/10 2375/12 2382/8 2383/16 2383/17 2383/18 2383/23 2383/24 2384/1 2384/3 2384/14 2384/15 2385/18 2385/21 2385/24 2386/2 2386/6 2388/6 2431/25 2432/12 2433/13 2433/16 2433/19 2434/1 2434/12 2434/16 2435/1 2435/8 2448/10 2449/4 2452/19 2453/4 2453/12 2538/9 2544/14 2547/13 2554/2 2558/10 2558/14 2559/5 2559/6 2567/8billionaires [1] 2548/5billions [10] 2333/4 2337/13 2347/10 2382/18 2387/6 2388/2 2392/6 2428/3 2434/21 2447/4bills [2] 2419/18 2552/12bit [15] 2312/17 2333/2

2345/15 2345/17 2358/9 2358/24 2363/19 2363/20 2415/7 2420/15 2452/1 2459/7 2476/8 2499/23 2504/23black [2] 2330/5 2371/4blew [1] 2297/3blocked [1] 2345/17blow [4] 2383/6 2383/11 2386/23 2394/12blowing [1] 2385/11board [2] 2562/15 2562/17boats [1] 2364/16Bond [1] 2480/3bonds [5] 2313/25 2314/1 2536/24 2537/3 2537/5book [23] 2411/4 2440/23 2440/25 2441/11 2446/21 2505/11 2523/7 2523/9 2523/23 2523/25 2524/1 2524/3 2524/11 2524/25 2525/3 2525/6 2526/8 2526/14 2526/24 2538/5 2547/8 2547/19 2548/8books [12] 2310/5 2354/3 2395/8 2396/14 2408/21 2417/21 2440/16 2525/5 2552/19 2554/17 2557/20 2558/7booming [1] 2527/20boost [1] 2554/15borrow [3] 2514/25 2559/4 2559/6borrowed [7] 2502/12 2506/19 2513/12 2517/25 2518/13 2529/5 2557/25borrowing [6] 2501/17 2502/1 2506/13 2511/18 2514/23 2515/4both [6] 2298/21 2306/2 2309/17 2310/4 2378/17 2378/18bottom [14] 2331/5 2331/7 2332/12 2345/11 2345/22 2349/21 2353/5 2355/3 2356/15 2401/9 2402/12 2402/12 2402/15 2415/23bought [7] 2374/3 2494/2 2519/12 2526/6 2544/17 2544/19 2544/21bought but [1] 2544/19box [6] 2293/13 2294/7 2329/18 2333/21 2383/11 2406/6bragging [1] 2521/22branch [1] 2298/20break [20] 2312/16 2325/3 2333/2 2362/7 2362/11 2362/20 2385/14 2386/2 2420/24 2447/12 2450/6 2457/12 2457/22 2459/8 2484/22 2484/24 2540/5 2546/14 2546/15 2568/4breakdown [1] 2313/22breaking [2] 2414/20 2510/14breaks [3] 2311/9 2348/4 2385/24bribe [4] 2551/24 2555/5 2555/6 2555/16brief [1] 2471/6briefcase [3] 2456/18 2456/18 2457/4briefly [2] 2301/11 2472/11


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Bbring [4] 2420/9 2476/3 2477/5 2565/11bringing [2] 2425/13 2509/1British [3] 2408/4 2409/20 2412/3broker [11] 2313/13 2314/21 2384/7 2387/16 2387/19 2443/8 2531/9 2531/10 2531/15 2531/18 2531/20broker/dealer [6] 2313/13 2443/8 2531/9 2531/10 2531/15 2531/18broker/dealers [1] 2531/20brokerage [4] 2314/10 2315/2 2315/7 2315/13brokers [1] 2388/25brought [2] 2460/10 2474/22Brownsville [1] 2298/12buck [1] 2410/6budget [10] 2343/23 2375/21 2376/3 2376/13 2425/9 2425/12 2426/3 2563/10 2564/9 2564/13budgeted [4] 2425/10 2425/20 2425/25 2426/2budgets [5] 2343/23 2564/22 2564/25 2565/1 2565/9bug [1] 2334/21build [2] 2360/24 2545/14building [5] 2312/20 2370/25 2467/3 2467/4 2545/19buildings [1] 2335/11built [5] 2360/25 2360/25 2546/3 2546/4 2546/8bunch [1] 2299/2burn [6] 2424/16 2424/18 2425/10 2425/15 2426/6 2426/7business [32] 2316/6 2323/17 2323/17 2347/1 2351/24 2413/7 2413/23 2417/11 2417/14 2417/14 2417/22 2417/25 2443/1 2443/12 2468/22 2473/3 2486/12 2491/11 2491/14 2491/17 2492/8 2492/16 2505/8 2510/18 2510/19 2521/18 2522/16 2524/21 2536/6 2552/22 2552/23 2559/9businesses [17] 2306/9 2306/25 2307/1 2316/9 2323/21 2323/23 2323/24 2332/3 2422/19 2452/20 2466/5 2469/7 2522/23 2528/12 2556/11 2556/24 2557/4businessman [2] 2476/1 2548/12but [172] 2296/23 2296/25 2297/12 2298/24 2299/14 2299/21 2300/3 2300/5 2300/9 2300/12 2300/20 2304/7 2309/18 2310/24 2314/7 2316/12 2317/8 2320/1 2322/13 2323/4 2325/8 2327/16 2327/24 2331/24 2333/12 2334/12 2335/1 2335/20 2337/22 2338/3 2338/20 2339/25 2353/13 2355/16 2365/16 2366/8

2368/24 2371/4 2373/14 2385/11 2387/25 2388/24 2390/25 2397/3 2398/2 2399/20 2400/6 2402/19 2403/18 2408/13 2415/6 2415/7 2416/8 2417/16 2419/11 2419/13 2421/4 2423/20 2424/2 2431/5 2431/16 2432/10 2436/11 2438/8 2440/2 2440/6 2441/18 2441/20 2442/1 2442/5 2442/8 2444/4 2448/3 2451/23 2453/20 2455/17 2456/15 2456/21 2456/25 2457/11 2458/25 2462/1 2462/17 2464/3 2465/19 2466/15 2467/17 2468/16 2474/6 2475/15 2478/13 2480/1 2480/20 2481/2 2481/13 2482/15 2492/3 2493/17 2496/2 2496/5 2496/7 2496/8 2496/14 2497/11 2499/24 2503/6 2503/14 2504/2 2504/24 2505/5 2505/7 2505/8 2505/20 2507/24 2508/2 2508/9 2508/15 2509/8 2509/17 2512/15 2516/12 2519/21 2520/6 2521/24 2522/18 2524/23 2524/25 2525/18 2526/9 2526/21 2529/3 2532/17 2533/14 2533/25 2537/3 2541/13 2542/3 2542/13 2543/4 2543/5 2544/4 2544/13 2544/19 2548/12 2548/15 2549/5 2550/22 2552/7 2552/11 2553/11 2555/10 2557/12 2558/21 2558/22 2558/24 2559/16 2559/25 2560/11 2561/7 2561/21 2562/14 2562/16 2562/20 2565/12 2567/3 2569/9 2569/23 2570/9 2570/16 2570/20 2571/7 2571/8But no [1] 2300/9buy [4] 2443/8 2525/17 2526/14 2528/14buyers [1] 2443/5buying [2] 2463/16 2530/6buys [2] 2540/21 2541/23

Ccalculated [1] 2380/12calculating [1] 2424/22calculation [4] 2387/12 2387/13 2388/9 2389/23calculators [1] 2389/17call [16] 2298/3 2343/15 2362/14 2415/4 2421/18 2421/20 2421/21 2421/23 2429/21 2451/19 2455/19 2456/24 2485/1 2485/6 2510/14 2533/24called [23] 2299/11 2317/1 2324/7 2329/22 2332/8 2343/20 2343/21 2343/24 2343/25 2377/17 2403/14 2419/1 2424/16 2455/22 2456/8 2456/19 2458/3 2469/17 2481/6 2514/24 2533/8 2549/7 2549/10calling [2] 2325/20 2422/13

calls [2] 2300/15 2391/21came [46] 2297/8 2300/4 2317/16 2328/24 2333/3 2339/19 2340/14 2352/3 2353/14 2368/12 2368/14 2369/25 2370/1 2387/12 2392/5 2421/4 2434/19 2434/19 2445/14 2453/17 2458/14 2465/21 2465/24 2466/7 2466/15 2467/20 2467/20 2480/6 2493/21 2493/24 2494/20 2497/20 2499/13 2512/25 2527/8 2527/11 2534/25 2535/9 2555/20 2555/23 2556/12 2556/12 2556/16 2556/17 2569/2 2569/4camera [1] 2401/2can [149] 2299/2 2308/11 2308/23 2309/4 2310/7 2313/19 2313/20 2316/9 2318/5 2320/23 2321/4 2323/3 2323/6 2326/2 2326/20 2334/16 2344/19 2345/8 2345/16 2348/13 2349/1 2349/3 2350/2 2352/11 2356/4 2356/10 2356/15 2357/14 2358/6 2360/4 2363/20 2367/2 2369/22 2374/11 2374/23 2375/13 2379/1 2379/2 2379/24 2380/1 2380/10 2380/14 2381/20 2382/22 2383/6 2383/10 2383/10 2383/19 2384/23 2384/24 2385/4 2386/4 2386/23 2393/24 2394/12 2394/24 2395/13 2395/21 2396/9 2397/7 2397/10 2397/10 2397/16 2397/24 2398/12 2398/22 2400/16 2400/18 2400/23 2401/22 2402/7 2403/1 2405/20 2415/6 2418/11 2424/11 2424/23 2425/23 2426/10 2426/15 2427/11 2427/22 2427/25 2429/2 2429/15 2429/15 2430/10 2438/16 2440/12 2443/10 2443/11 2443/24 2444/4 2447/7 2453/10 2454/16 2456/7 2456/9 2458/13 2459/8 2461/22 2473/6 2474/24 2476/4 2476/16 2478/21 2481/23 2482/1 2482/19 2484/1 2484/8 2485/21 2486/13 2487/17 2489/12 2489/13 2493/10 2494/2 2494/3 2494/10 2503/17 2503/20 2503/21 2504/2 2504/18 2510/20 2514/16 2514/24 2522/3 2525/13 2526/3 2526/5 2526/21 2534/12 2534/15 2537/3 2537/5 2540/2 2546/13 2548/23 2550/19 2559/5 2559/7 2559/8 2560/8 2560/10 2564/5 2568/7 2568/12can't [13] 2303/16 2436/24 2443/3 2443/4 2476/14 2484/10 2504/2 2504/20 2548/6 2559/3 2559/6 2559/11 2560/8cannot [2] 2443/25 2560/1


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Ccapital [64] 2318/13 2318/18 2319/11 2325/2 2346/7 2353/24 2354/23 2354/23 2356/25 2357/11 2357/23 2357/23 2416/4 2426/20 2428/6 2428/9 2432/19 2432/25 2433/2 2433/7 2434/5 2437/15 2438/5 2438/10 2438/23 2439/2 2439/3 2439/3 2439/6 2439/9 2439/19 2440/20 2441/2 2442/18 2442/23 2444/11 2445/16 2445/17 2446/12 2446/15 2475/21 2506/21 2506/21 2519/6 2524/22 2528/14 2531/7 2531/8 2531/23 2532/2 2532/8 2532/8 2532/20 2533/23 2534/1 2536/14 2536/16 2537/13 2537/22 2538/14 2543/22 2544/2 2558/4 2568/20capitalization [5] 2324/21 2427/1 2427/2 2558/24 2567/24capitalize [7] 2427/9 2434/3 2537/8 2537/8 2548/20 2558/11 2571/1capitalized [3] 2354/24 2426/24 2439/2capitalizing [2] 2569/18 2569/20caption [1] 2366/22car [1] 2323/15card [1] 2419/11care [2] 2312/2 2407/5CareerBuilders [1] 2451/18Caribbean [42] 2302/15 2302/15 2303/3 2303/3 2305/13 2305/13 2305/14 2305/15 2328/25 2328/25 2329/4 2329/5 2329/11 2331/2 2331/3 2331/4 2331/8 2346/3 2348/4 2348/5 2350/15 2354/12 2355/23 2359/18 2360/1 2360/4 2360/16 2363/16 2367/1 2367/8 2367/9 2372/18 2372/19 2372/22 2372/22 2373/2 2373/2 2373/5 2373/5 2374/3 2545/17 2547/24Caribbean Sun [22] 2302/15 2303/3 2305/13 2305/14 2328/25 2329/4 2329/5 2329/11 2331/2 2331/3 2331/4 2331/8 2348/4 2354/12 2355/23 2359/18 2367/9 2372/18 2372/22 2373/2 2373/5 2374/3Carol [1] 2409/5carried [5] 2344/8 2494/10 2503/12 2513/16 2557/20carry [6] 2344/5 2344/7 2456/7 2456/15 2458/5 2458/10carrying [1] 2455/16CAS [11] 2310/2 2392/10 2394/25 2395/3 2396/6 2397/23 2402/16 2408/2 2409/11 2412/2 2412/17CAS Hewlett [4] 2395/3 2396/6

2397/23 2402/16case [20] 2300/19 2339/17 2357/3 2368/5 2371/21 2434/15 2439/10 2457/11 2461/16 2461/20 2465/12 2482/24 2483/12 2487/1 2487/11 2487/15 2536/2 2537/3 2545/12 2567/6cases [1] 2570/11cash [39] 2318/15 2319/24 2321/8 2321/24 2323/2 2323/4 2323/4 2323/11 2328/17 2328/20 2329/10 2330/25 2331/6 2350/11 2352/3 2402/10 2424/16 2424/18 2424/21 2424/21 2425/10 2425/15 2426/2 2426/6 2427/4 2427/10 2434/5 2434/6 2434/6 2434/8 2439/4 2448/20 2448/21 2502/25 2558/21 2558/25 2566/20 2570/10 2570/11cash-secured [1] 2321/8categories [1] 2352/24category [3] 2360/17 2363/16 2417/20cater [1] 2548/5cause [6] 2382/19 2384/1 2387/7 2388/4 2390/6 2571/14caution [1] 2297/15CD [35] 2311/13 2311/18 2323/9 2324/4 2328/24 2336/1 2337/15 2342/6 2342/10 2348/11 2349/18 2350/7 2353/19 2358/25 2359/5 2359/18 2364/11 2365/2 2366/2 2368/10 2368/12 2381/13 2437/19 2447/4 2448/18 2450/8 2450/16 2463/17 2541/21 2541/23 2542/3 2542/6 2542/10 2542/12 2542/16CDs [7] 2416/22 2416/24 2463/23 2464/1 2519/13 2541/3 2542/5ceremonial [1] 2298/25certain [8] 2354/18 2439/8 2439/15 2439/16 2473/5 2481/15 2514/24 2541/5certainly [2] 2543/20 2571/7Certificate [3] 2539/9 2540/15 2540/18certificates [3] 2507/15 2507/18 2542/24Certification [1] 2571/13certify [1] 2571/14CFO [6] 2490/23 2491/22 2491/23 2562/13 2562/14 2563/18chain [5] 2344/21 2345/9 2373/24 2397/25 2491/1challenge [1] 2334/12challenged [1] 2334/18chance [2] 2351/6 2430/15change [27] 2330/18 2354/19 2381/17 2381/19 2399/21 2399/23 2400/3 2409/10 2409/14 2409/16 2448/10 2486/21 2488/5 2492/7 2509/11 2509/24 2513/9 2513/15 2514/4 2514/13 2514/17 2515/7 2515/15

2515/18 2516/15 2537/22 2565/25changed [7] 2505/22 2512/3 2513/7 2516/21 2517/13 2517/14 2522/18characterization [2] 2368/19 2473/12characterize [3] 2525/8 2525/12 2525/13characterized [4] 2485/22 2507/14 2512/21 2523/5charge [16] 2305/9 2331/18 2343/23 2355/10 2462/3 2462/9 2462/13 2482/20 2491/21 2516/2 2529/9 2535/3 2562/10 2563/12 2563/15 2563/24charged [2] 2462/15 2556/23charges [1] 2296/10charging [1] 2461/16chart [23] 2305/16 2325/4 2325/24 2326/6 2326/23 2326/24 2327/7 2327/13 2328/14 2329/23 2331/4 2333/7 2345/14 2345/16 2353/5 2385/14 2386/23 2395/19 2415/15 2415/23 2434/21 2438/18 2438/20charts [1] 2475/20chase [1] 2483/4check [5] 2420/4 2420/9 2439/21 2440/8 2448/22checks [2] 2554/13 2554/18Cheryll [3] 2294/9 2571/18 2571/19chief [8] 2298/9 2299/5 2304/21 2304/24 2305/1 2378/6 2490/19 2515/25Chili's [2] 2361/12 2361/20choice [2] 2488/12 2488/14chooses [1] 2510/21Christi [1] 2298/12Chronicle [1] 2474/8circle [3] 2474/11 2474/22 2504/12Circuit [1] 2369/6circulated [1] 2426/23circumstance [1] 2476/21circumstances [1] 2548/3city [1] 2407/12Civil [1] 2300/4claimed [4] 2333/12 2383/15 2388/22 2428/13claiming [4] 2311/4 2388/16 2388/21 2559/25clarification [2] 2508/19 2547/10clarified [1] 2469/23clarify [2] 2475/24 2547/15clear [3] 2428/2 2436/24 2489/11clearly [2] 2325/5 2557/13clerk's [1] 2298/15clever [1] 2528/19client [3] 2310/25 2321/10 2433/22clients [18] 2318/13 2318/20 2319/5 2321/5 2321/6 2321/9 2321/9 2321/14 2323/2 2323/9 2382/6 2417/4 2453/7 2531/18 2559/1 2559/2 2559/25 2560/2clients' [10] 2311/19 2312/1


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Cclients'... [8] 2312/13 2319/22 2320/17 2335/25 2421/17 2450/3 2453/15 2505/21clock [1] 2454/4close [4] 2347/5 2359/4 2370/17 2567/12closely [1] 2430/15clothes [13] 2376/20 2376/20 2376/24 2377/4 2560/20 2561/4 2561/5 2561/6 2561/12 2561/17 2562/21 2564/1 2566/5clothes -- no [1] 2376/20clothing [1] 2561/7clue [1] 2533/20CM [1] 2294/9CMR [1] 2571/19Coast [1] 2457/2codes [2] 2456/19 2457/4colleagues [1] 2410/7column [8] 2352/21 2352/22 2353/16 2395/5 2431/6 2521/2 2521/8 2521/14combination [1] 2530/21combine [4] 2530/23 2534/15 2535/23 2536/3combined [4] 2370/15 2534/9 2534/16 2536/8combining [1] 2530/24come [33] 2299/1 2299/17 2317/15 2317/18 2333/4 2336/10 2340/4 2340/11 2352/1 2359/21 2367/11 2383/21 2387/10 2393/20 2394/1 2400/13 2400/13 2415/15 2434/18 2434/22 2443/25 2445/10 2455/25 2460/8 2465/9 2475/7 2482/21 2492/4 2494/20 2504/2 2549/20 2563/10 2566/20comfort [2] 2450/18 2450/21coming [45] 2319/21 2320/14 2320/16 2324/22 2325/1 2326/24 2331/9 2335/24 2335/25 2348/7 2348/8 2350/5 2350/6 2352/4 2354/5 2368/19 2388/2 2408/23 2416/7 2416/8 2416/13 2421/15 2426/12 2450/3 2450/8 2450/16 2453/12 2504/9 2505/6 2505/9 2505/13 2505/18 2505/20 2523/23 2524/12 2526/25 2527/1 2528/19 2556/19 2557/5 2557/7 2557/8 2557/9 2557/14 2570/10command [1] 2491/1comment [7] 2372/3 2375/17 2375/23 2376/19 2377/4 2562/1 2562/25comments [2] 2400/3 2565/7commercial [9] 2321/7 2321/15 2322/6 2323/13 2323/14 2323/15 2359/15 2382/16 2382/17Commission [1] 2342/5commit [6] 2478/5 2478/7 2478/8 2478/10 2478/12 2478/18committed [4] 2479/20 2480/9

2480/17 2489/23committing [3] 2424/10 2496/6 2496/8common [1] 2536/1communicated [2] 2497/13 2499/20companies [223] 2306/1 2306/10 2306/16 2306/17 2306/18 2306/20 2307/3 2315/1 2316/5 2319/20 2319/24 2320/15 2320/21 2321/24 2324/18 2324/23 2325/11 2325/25 2327/1 2328/20 2328/23 2331/1 2331/6 2334/8 2335/2 2335/13 2335/13 2335/18 2335/21 2337/10 2337/15 2344/10 2344/11 2347/11 2347/13 2347/20 2350/6 2352/5 2353/6 2353/12 2354/12 2354/13 2354/20 2355/11 2355/23 2358/23 2359/15 2360/16 2361/3 2364/1 2364/4 2368/14 2369/14 2369/20 2370/10 2371/13 2371/17 2372/2 2372/16 2374/4 2374/9 2374/21 2375/21 2377/1 2377/3 2377/10 2381/8 2381/14 2383/22 2384/5 2384/21 2386/10 2386/20 2388/3 2388/8 2389/20 2392/7 2392/23 2392/25 2393/4 2393/14 2393/18 2394/10 2398/21 2402/5 2415/21 2416/1 2416/14 2421/6 2421/19 2423/3 2425/16 2425/19 2432/14 2433/11 2434/22 2435/6 2437/10 2437/10 2437/18 2438/6 2442/16 2442/17 2442/19 2442/20 2442/21 2442/22 2443/21 2443/24 2445/18 2447/5 2448/9 2462/21 2463/12 2475/5 2475/17 2501/12 2502/17 2502/23 2502/24 2503/1 2503/16 2504/14 2504/15 2504/24 2505/3 2505/14 2505/17 2506/8 2506/9 2506/20 2510/10 2511/3 2511/6 2511/11 2511/11 2511/14 2511/16 2517/17 2518/16 2518/17 2518/19 2518/20 2518/24 2519/2 2519/2 2519/5 2519/6 2519/23 2520/5 2520/6 2520/8 2522/7 2523/7 2523/9 2523/12 2523/13 2523/17 2523/19 2523/22 2524/6 2524/7 2524/9 2524/10 2524/11 2526/21 2526/24 2527/2 2527/5 2527/7 2527/7 2527/10 2529/1 2529/4 2529/22 2530/4 2530/16 2530/25 2531/12 2532/3 2532/3 2532/4 2532/5 2532/15 2532/22 2533/18 2534/3 2534/9 2534/13 2534/13 2534/14 2534/24 2535/2 2535/14 2536/3 2550/3 2550/9 2550/11 2550/13 2550/15 2550/24 2550/25 2551/3 2551/7 2551/9 2552/14

2552/15 2553/25 2554/8 2555/21 2555/23 2556/10 2557/6 2557/15 2562/3 2562/7 2562/9 2563/11 2564/14 2566/2 2566/7 2567/24 2569/20companies' [2] 2335/12 2450/16company [179] 2301/22 2301/23 2302/7 2302/13 2304/3 2306/12 2306/13 2306/14 2315/15 2315/18 2316/2 2316/6 2316/10 2316/24 2317/19 2318/4 2319/4 2327/2 2327/10 2327/16 2327/23 2327/24 2329/7 2329/19 2329/22 2330/1 2330/11 2330/13 2330/17 2330/18 2330/22 2330/24 2330/25 2331/10 2331/17 2331/18 2331/19 2332/2 2333/6 2334/25 2335/6 2335/9 2335/23 2338/2 2338/9 2338/20 2339/14 2339/25 2348/9 2351/23 2353/2 2353/11 2353/20 2354/1 2354/4 2354/8 2354/24 2355/1 2357/1 2357/11 2357/11 2358/19 2358/22 2360/1 2360/17 2360/18 2360/19 2361/4 2361/6 2361/7 2361/22 2362/6 2362/6 2363/10 2363/11 2363/17 2364/13 2364/23 2365/5 2365/6 2365/11 2366/2 2366/4 2371/1 2371/12 2384/17 2384/17 2387/7 2391/13 2395/4 2395/19 2396/7 2418/1 2418/2 2418/7 2418/9 2418/21 2419/7 2420/14 2420/18 2420/21 2420/23 2421/1 2422/1 2422/2 2422/3 2422/5 2422/6 2422/7 2424/21 2425/12 2427/21 2432/17 2432/20 2432/21 2432/23 2433/13 2433/16 2434/11 2437/11 2437/14 2437/16 2449/11 2451/3 2451/7 2453/21 2462/25 2474/10 2477/19 2490/15 2492/11 2498/13 2506/24 2506/25 2507/6 2508/8 2508/12 2508/16 2508/17 2512/23 2514/20 2514/23 2520/10 2521/4 2524/16 2524/17 2524/19 2524/19 2524/21 2524/23 2524/23 2524/24 2524/25 2525/4 2525/17 2525/20 2525/24 2526/3 2531/16 2531/25 2532/3 2532/11 2533/24 2535/4 2537/6 2542/2 2542/3 2553/14 2553/19 2554/24 2554/25 2562/14 2564/17 2564/18 2565/5 2568/23 2568/23 2568/23 2570/2company's [1] 2366/25compare [3] 2361/10 2374/16 2482/2comparing [1] 2425/20compile [2] 2336/4 2336/22compiled [3] 2369/12 2374/16 2416/18


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Ccompiling [2] 2324/16 2325/9complaint [1] 2519/12complete [2] 2494/14 2522/20completes [1] 2571/4complex [2] 2443/16 2535/23complicated [1] 2436/5Complies [4] 2503/24 2504/3 2509/23 2516/18computer [21] 2293/24 2301/13 2307/3 2340/8 2351/15 2356/5 2374/12 2401/19 2424/25 2455/12 2455/13 2465/3 2494/2 2494/11 2495/6 2496/19 2496/21 2496/23 2497/10 2497/12 2557/11computer-aided [1] 2293/24computers [5] 2453/25 2454/10 2455/7 2455/12 2495/16concept [4] 2442/22 2502/15 2503/7 2507/1concern [22] 2322/12 2337/8 2337/23 2346/9 2371/21 2371/23 2372/6 2372/24 2375/4 2375/8 2375/22 2382/3 2390/6 2391/11 2423/2 2423/4 2426/8 2449/24 2453/2 2453/6 2524/18 2524/20concerned [25] 2337/13 2337/20 2337/21 2346/21 2347/8 2347/16 2347/22 2372/1 2376/5 2376/8 2376/14 2381/22 2381/23 2391/20 2392/4 2416/10 2423/5 2452/16 2453/2 2460/4 2477/14 2477/17 2480/23 2492/20 2505/10concerns [12] 2375/11 2375/18 2376/2 2376/15 2391/3 2416/6 2422/17 2422/21 2422/23 2449/7 2449/10 2449/21concluded [2] 2416/19 2462/21conclusion [6] 2320/16 2333/17 2523/23 2526/25 2527/1 2527/4condition [1] 2310/10conduct [1] 2307/16conducted [5] 2307/13 2311/16 2513/8 2514/5 2514/17conduit [1] 2519/23conference [2] 2458/6 2458/8confidential [2] 2315/20 2315/22confidentiality [2] 2316/11 2316/12conflict [1] 2297/17confronted [1] 2469/20confused [3] 2515/10 2517/25 2563/5Congress [1] 2293/20connected [1] 2458/4conscious [1] 2346/23conservative [2] 2464/12 2464/20consider [3] 2464/1 2476/22 2492/18consideration [3] 2388/5 2528/22 2528/24considered [5] 2416/3 2444/15 2498/5 2560/11 2560/12considering [2] 2428/7 2554/3

consist [1] 2536/23consistent [8] 2316/16 2318/19 2482/24 2487/10 2487/10 2487/14 2488/8 2488/9consolidate [6] 2529/9 2530/15 2530/21 2534/24 2535/14 2535/23consolidated [2] 2534/10 2536/8consolidating [1] 2535/1consolidation [15] 2530/14 2530/19 2530/20 2531/6 2534/5 2534/6 2534/21 2535/9 2535/17 2536/11 2537/12 2537/23 2544/6 2557/16 2558/7conspiracy [2] 2486/16 2486/16construction [4] 2335/10 2360/19 2360/21 2361/2consult [3] 2492/6 2492/10 2492/13consulting [1] 2493/2contact [3] 2302/10 2490/4 2490/7contacted [4] 2296/10 2302/9 2302/11 2303/5contacting [1] 2398/16context [8] 2346/14 2376/13 2486/2 2504/7 2562/4 2564/9 2564/19 2564/21continue [15] 2317/8 2341/19 2341/20 2346/8 2377/3 2409/17 2436/15 2463/5 2471/2 2483/16 2496/3 2498/9 2522/17 2524/21 2562/4continued [7] 2294/1 2294/2 2372/25 2375/7 2420/20 2426/19 2451/24continues [3] 2426/19 2524/19 2524/23continuous [1] 2368/11continuously [2] 2318/18 2319/10contract [4] 2540/15 2542/12 2542/13 2542/15contrary [2] 2544/17 2544/19contribute [1] 2567/23contribution [4] 2432/19 2432/24 2432/25 2433/8contributions [3] 2416/3 2433/2 2570/5control [2] 2309/17 2497/9controller [8] 2303/24 2304/1 2304/2 2304/23 2304/25 2490/13 2490/14 2490/14controls [2] 2309/11 2309/19convenient [1] 2568/8conversation [14] 2468/16 2469/4 2469/8 2471/6 2471/16 2471/17 2471/18 2471/25 2472/8 2473/18 2504/25 2513/21 2514/11 2560/16conversations [5] 2399/12 2400/3 2472/6 2479/4 2488/24convertible [1] 2534/2convicted [1] 2480/25convince [2] 2565/13 2565/25copied [8] 2345/12 2345/23 2345/24 2347/23 2348/22 2357/16 2358/4 2409/3

copies [2] 2357/19 2377/24cops [1] 2510/14copy [6] 2473/8 2473/10 2481/19 2482/15 2499/11 2499/19copying [1] 2409/24corner [1] 2383/5corporate [7] 2314/1 2358/23 2419/11 2424/2 2424/7 2564/18 2566/21corporation [1] 2361/24Corps [1] 2457/2Corpus [1] 2298/12correct [278] 2303/2 2303/9 2306/10 2306/19 2307/4 2307/14 2307/22 2308/7 2308/19 2310/6 2310/16 2310/21 2311/5 2311/7 2311/19 2311/22 2312/23 2313/3 2313/24 2314/4 2316/1 2316/3 2316/8 2319/12 2320/22 2323/12 2323/18 2324/17 2326/1 2327/17 2327/19 2327/25 2328/4 2328/16 2329/1 2329/13 2329/15 2331/10 2331/11 2333/14 2333/22 2335/16 2335/19 2336/21 2344/22 2348/6 2348/12 2349/13 2350/21 2350/25 2351/2 2351/14 2352/9 2352/20 2353/18 2355/2 2355/4 2356/1 2357/4 2357/12 2358/22 2359/7 2359/10 2359/17 2360/6 2363/5 2363/12 2363/15 2364/12 2364/25 2369/14 2369/15 2371/14 2371/15 2372/21 2378/23 2380/17 2381/7 2381/11 2382/11 2384/9 2384/11 2385/17 2387/3 2388/12 2388/23 2389/3 2389/8 2391/2 2392/18 2392/19 2394/21 2395/9 2396/12 2396/17 2397/6 2398/11 2402/6 2403/20 2404/16 2404/19 2407/25 2408/9 2409/21 2411/6 2411/13 2412/7 2412/8 2412/22 2412/23 2413/24 2415/19 2416/11 2416/17 2416/20 2417/12 2417/15 2418/10 2418/16 2418/23 2419/20 2419/24 2421/3 2421/8 2421/12 2422/20 2425/6 2425/19 2425/22 2426/14 2430/1 2430/9 2431/10 2431/11 2432/15 2434/24 2435/3 2435/5 2435/13 2435/16 2435/22 2437/17 2439/14 2439/20 2440/11 2441/12 2442/1 2442/2 2442/4 2442/10 2442/13 2443/13 2447/6 2448/19 2449/2 2449/5 2450/11 2450/14 2457/15 2457/16 2460/25 2461/8 2462/7 2462/14 2463/13 2466/6 2467/13 2468/9 2468/12 2468/18 2468/20 2469/9 2471/21 2474/2 2474/5 2475/6 2476/3 2476/24 2477/24 2477/25 2480/7


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Ccorrect... [97] 2480/15 2481/8 2481/9 2485/23 2488/16 2488/25 2489/5 2489/7 2489/9 2489/22 2489/24 2490/6 2490/8 2491/2 2494/8 2495/12 2497/3 2497/17 2498/24 2500/3 2500/13 2502/21 2504/7 2505/1 2506/10 2506/15 2506/22 2510/13 2510/25 2511/19 2511/23 2512/21 2515/20 2516/5 2516/23 2518/1 2518/2 2518/5 2518/25 2519/1 2519/7 2519/11 2519/24 2519/25 2521/16 2521/17 2522/16 2522/19 2523/15 2525/8 2525/10 2525/16 2525/21 2527/15 2528/3 2528/21 2531/2 2531/13 2532/10 2532/14 2532/24 2535/6 2535/8 2536/15 2536/17 2537/14 2537/15 2537/25 2539/3 2539/4 2540/20 2540/23 2541/3 2541/22 2542/4 2542/8 2542/19 2542/21 2547/23 2550/12 2551/25 2552/6 2554/20 2554/23 2556/22 2557/1 2557/21 2557/22 2559/12 2559/22 2560/24 2561/1 2563/23 2565/4 2570/25 2571/2 2571/14corrected [1] 2538/2corrections [2] 2499/20 2499/23correctly [7] 2312/6 2324/25 2422/14 2446/23 2451/11 2479/6 2503/19cost [11] 2395/4 2404/8 2423/7 2431/5 2431/8 2431/12 2431/17 2431/24 2438/9 2441/1 2553/22Costa [22] 2293/12 2318/7 2384/25 2433/20 2447/18 2483/19 2484/1 2486/10 2503/9 2504/16 2507/10 2507/23 2508/25 2510/20 2518/12 2525/11 2538/6 2544/10 2551/20 2554/21 2567/22 2568/19costs [10] 2361/2 2376/14 2423/11 2423/13 2423/15 2423/16 2424/9 2530/5 2564/16 2565/7could [44] 2300/16 2309/7 2309/23 2318/12 2339/9 2352/7 2354/14 2385/15 2413/18 2414/16 2417/17 2439/22 2439/25 2440/4 2441/15 2441/15 2449/22 2457/11 2462/3 2462/4 2462/9 2462/11 2462/13 2464/12 2464/20 2483/6 2483/23 2486/17 2489/17 2495/14 2499/21 2523/11 2523/12 2544/2 2548/2 2548/4 2548/4 2548/8 2550/20 2550/22 2560/5 2560/9 2561/13 2570/23couldn't [10] 2355/23 2357/1

2360/5 2373/14 2405/18 2456/20 2464/25 2483/7 2484/14 2559/4counsel [7] 2296/3 2362/7 2482/5 2484/20 2487/17 2489/16 2509/2countries [1] 2407/20country [2] 2299/11 2533/8couple [4] 2296/8 2296/17 2362/2 2484/21course [5] 2300/1 2326/6 2351/18 2351/24 2529/2court [19] 2293/1 2294/8 2294/10 2298/2 2299/13 2300/19 2301/7 2406/7 2406/8 2406/10 2406/10 2414/21 2454/7 2457/8 2484/16 2484/18 2571/7 2571/13 2571/19courtroom [9] 2298/25 2299/19 2299/21 2299/23 2492/25 2506/4 2506/5 2571/6 2571/7Courtroom 11A [1] 2299/19cover [9] 2312/13 2320/17 2323/6 2370/15 2377/1 2421/10 2439/11 2487/3 2564/15covers [1] 2571/3coworker [2] 2449/19 2456/3CP [1] 2407/7CPA [6] 2338/19 2338/20 2420/5 2474/20 2475/25 2549/25CR [1] 2293/3crash [2] 2528/19 2543/14crashed [1] 2528/7crashing [3] 2539/12 2540/12 2542/6create [6] 2326/15 2336/9 2336/10 2352/1 2389/25 2416/12created [9] 2325/24 2326/6 2326/10 2326/10 2326/10 2326/17 2326/23 2328/14 2473/17creating [1] 2564/22credentials [1] 2464/16credit [14] 2509/12 2509/15 2514/21 2514/22 2514/24 2515/2 2515/7 2515/12 2515/13 2515/15 2515/17 2516/16 2516/19 2517/8crediting [1] 2448/17credits [1] 2420/13cricket [31] 2335/2 2335/2 2335/13 2344/11 2354/13 2354/25 2361/1 2365/6 2365/7 2365/8 2365/11 2365/13 2365/24 2366/2 2366/4 2366/5 2366/16 2366/19 2367/7 2367/12 2369/13 2369/20 2371/12 2371/13 2371/17 2371/19 2372/2 2372/10 2372/16 2384/16 2389/7crime [9] 2478/18 2479/20 2480/9 2480/18 2482/20 2486/2 2486/12 2496/6 2496/8crimes [6] 2478/5 2478/7 2478/8 2478/10 2478/12 2489/23criminal [10] 2476/22 2479/1 2479/15 2479/19 2480/1

2486/15 2500/1 2500/5 2501/4 2510/9cross [2] 2436/20 2465/5cross-examination [2] 2436/20 2465/5crunch [1] 2543/21CSR [2] 2294/9 2571/19currency [1] 2555/7current [3] 2350/13 2442/11 2471/10cushion [7] 2312/13 2439/9 2439/12 2439/15 2439/18 2440/8 2440/15customer [2] 2311/12 2529/25cut [3] 2563/11 2565/7 2565/15cuts [3] 2423/21 2423/22 2423/25

Ddaily [4] 2339/2 2349/19 2352/3 2424/22Dallas [2] 2526/6 2526/9dark [1] 2473/23data [9] 2310/12 2310/17 2310/20 2310/23 2336/9 2352/1 2352/3 2499/3 2567/6date [12] 2344/24 2345/2 2359/22 2379/18 2394/17 2407/19 2407/22 2409/15 2411/24 2412/15 2427/17 2571/16dated [1] 2394/16dates [1] 2407/20daughter [2] 2452/10 2452/10DAVID [1] 2293/8Davis [111] 2309/3 2310/3 2325/14 2325/15 2327/12 2329/22 2337/2 2337/3 2337/6 2337/22 2337/25 2338/1 2339/7 2339/12 2340/14 2342/6 2344/15 2345/25 2346/9 2346/14 2346/21 2347/8 2347/10 2347/11 2354/21 2355/22 2356/2 2356/18 2356/22 2357/18 2364/3 2372/1 2372/5 2372/9 2372/15 2373/4 2373/14 2375/10 2375/14 2375/17 2375/22 2376/5 2376/10 2376/15 2376/23 2377/4 2399/4 2399/7 2399/13 2399/22 2405/10 2405/14 2409/2 2409/8 2409/24 2422/18 2423/2 2423/4 2423/7 2423/16 2423/22 2424/7 2424/10 2445/25 2463/11 2474/14 2490/21 2491/25 2492/1 2492/2 2493/24 2494/9 2494/16 2494/20 2494/21 2495/11 2497/8 2497/9 2498/19 2504/13 2509/13 2514/15 2514/16 2515/15 2515/18 2516/10 2535/7 2535/10 2535/11 2551/1 2551/5 2551/15 2560/17 2560/20 2560/23 2561/20 2561/25 2562/8 2562/10 2562/18 2562/20 2562/22 2562/25 2563/5 2563/6 2563/12 2563/15 2564/21 2565/3 2565/13 2566/5


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DDavis' [5] 2342/23 2372/22 2422/23 2509/10 2569/8day [23] 2296/24 2384/19 2384/19 2407/24 2425/13 2426/2 2426/4 2426/6 2426/7 2426/12 2426/17 2449/6 2453/19 2458/14 2460/5 2460/14 2462/13 2466/11 2466/16 2466/17 2466/19 2471/18 2482/2day-to-day [1] 2384/19days [5] 2313/4 2313/16 2479/2 2499/7 2560/2DC [1] 2293/16deal [8] 2342/10 2373/10 2428/21 2429/8 2438/14 2439/21 2480/10 2533/22dealer [6] 2313/13 2443/8 2531/9 2531/10 2531/15 2531/18dealers [1] 2531/20dealing [7] 2466/12 2476/20 2478/24 2484/16 2545/1 2554/2 2554/7deals [1] 2429/13dealt [1] 2437/11debit [1] 2409/11debriefing [1] 2545/5debriefings [1] 2543/12debt [14] 2324/11 2324/11 2352/16 2354/8 2354/22 2357/5 2377/1 2377/2 2511/10 2511/11 2514/23 2558/4 2558/15 2558/20deceased [1] 2555/13December [12] 2305/24 2352/18 2363/9 2371/9 2379/7 2379/20 2380/3 2395/1 2412/25 2419/19 2429/18 2451/10December 16th [1] 2305/24December 2007 [2] 2352/18 2395/1December 23rd [1] 2429/18December 31st [3] 2379/7 2379/20 2380/3decide [2] 2449/20 2482/19decided [11] 2296/24 2367/6 2456/24 2498/6 2513/15 2514/13 2514/17 2515/15 2515/18 2516/7 2516/15deciding [1] 2528/22decision [15] 2312/4 2372/7 2373/9 2373/10 2373/14 2398/3 2423/15 2456/14 2458/24 2462/25 2485/24 2486/4 2487/9 2487/12 2514/4decisions [2] 2417/6 2463/6decisive [1] 2428/4declined [1] 2451/21deep [1] 2473/23DEFENDANT [2] 2293/18 2294/2defense [4] 2297/18 2482/8 2488/10 2489/15deficit [2] 2426/7 2426/17defraud [1] 2332/16degree [1] 2301/15delay [1] 2398/20demand [1] 2470/9demanding [1] 2539/6demands [3] 2543/5 2543/13

2543/21demeanor [1] 2391/18demonstrative [1] 2326/8department [39] 2293/15 2298/16 2302/3 2302/5 2307/19 2314/25 2315/2 2315/14 2317/4 2317/17 2325/13 2325/22 2326/7 2326/16 2328/21 2336/16 2338/24 2339/14 2341/19 2343/15 2348/22 2354/2 2370/6 2371/21 2374/17 2378/1 2384/10 2387/18 2390/1 2391/6 2396/1 2400/13 2404/3 2410/22 2413/9 2417/8 2428/21 2429/12 2463/10departments [2] 2302/3 2302/4deposit [7] 2312/5 2507/18 2539/9 2540/15 2540/19 2542/24 2560/1deposited [1] 2556/9depositor [4] 2333/15 2365/2 2540/16 2540/16depositors [26] 2311/13 2311/18 2324/4 2328/24 2332/10 2333/13 2347/11 2349/18 2350/7 2355/17 2358/25 2359/5 2359/19 2366/2 2368/10 2368/12 2381/13 2417/4 2428/5 2439/13 2440/16 2447/4 2448/9 2448/18 2450/9 2450/16depositors' [5] 2348/11 2353/19 2364/11 2368/20 2416/9deposits [22] 2310/25 2311/12 2312/1 2312/14 2319/22 2320/17 2321/10 2321/11 2323/3 2323/4 2323/6 2332/21 2333/18 2335/25 2403/24 2421/17 2439/10 2450/3 2453/15 2505/21 2507/15 2508/9Depression [1] 2528/9desalination [2] 2546/8 2547/4desalinization [1] 2546/16describe [1] 2302/1described [1] 2316/19describes [2] 2355/3 2476/2describing [2] 2322/23 2521/11description [1] 2327/7designed [1] 2534/21desire [1] 2483/16desk [5] 2460/7 2460/23 2470/5 2471/8 2473/24despite [1] 2390/10detail [1] 2423/19details [7] 2296/23 2435/18 2435/23 2435/24 2436/4 2533/5 2538/25determine [2] 2446/8 2526/22develop [1] 2546/22developed [1] 2481/5developing [2] 2547/2 2566/1development [16] 2335/6 2335/9 2335/10 2335/13 2360/17 2360/19 2361/4 2361/6 2361/22 2361/23 2362/5 2363/9 2384/17 2422/2

2422/5 2422/6device [17] 2459/13 2459/15 2472/12 2494/7 2494/25 2495/3 2495/5 2495/22 2496/19 2496/21 2496/23 2497/2 2497/7 2497/12 2498/22 2503/12 2549/5Devitt [1] 2299/11dialogue [1] 2501/10did [382] didn't [122] 2302/19 2304/6 2313/8 2313/16 2313/18 2314/6 2323/22 2326/18 2327/13 2332/19 2338/20 2339/5 2339/7 2342/24 2376/25 2381/4 2381/19 2381/19 2384/22 2387/17 2389/9 2389/18 2389/22 2405/6 2419/10 2420/15 2430/4 2433/12 2435/13 2440/2 2450/9 2451/22 2452/3 2460/4 2462/9 2464/2 2464/4 2466/7 2466/16 2467/11 2467/20 2468/14 2472/17 2473/8 2477/3 2477/12 2479/25 2480/1 2480/18 2481/7 2483/9 2486/6 2489/1 2489/21 2489/23 2491/12 2491/15 2491/18 2495/13 2495/15 2496/5 2496/8 2496/25 2498/12 2499/25 2501/2 2507/22 2510/14 2510/16 2511/13 2518/8 2518/8 2518/9 2518/10 2518/15 2519/10 2520/1 2520/7 2521/20 2522/6 2522/17 2522/25 2523/1 2523/24 2526/25 2528/2 2528/19 2528/20 2529/10 2529/14 2530/2 2530/8 2530/12 2537/19 2537/19 2539/4 2539/17 2539/19 2542/11 2543/22 2544/13 2545/4 2546/5 2546/7 2546/10 2553/7 2555/10 2555/18 2557/16 2561/17 2562/3 2562/18 2562/23 2565/20 2566/8 2566/8 2566/16 2566/20 2566/23 2567/15 2567/17 2569/8difference [3] 2360/2 2488/10 2547/19different [39] 2302/3 2306/9 2310/24 2313/14 2317/14 2320/15 2321/24 2324/17 2324/23 2324/24 2327/1 2328/19 2328/20 2334/7 2341/23 2355/14 2355/24 2365/18 2365/22 2365/22 2393/4 2394/10 2404/9 2432/14 2433/11 2467/3 2467/4 2483/10 2500/15 2517/24 2531/19 2532/15 2532/17 2556/13 2557/19 2565/14 2567/18 2567/24 2570/5differently [1] 2407/20difficult [2] 2390/11 2432/10digress [2] 2504/23 2549/4diligence [1] 2533/15dire [1] 2436/17direct [13] 2301/2 2306/11


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Ddirect... [11] 2399/3 2399/6 2399/11 2399/12 2518/12 2530/18 2538/6 2549/22 2555/20 2557/11 2567/22directed [1] 2325/8direction [4] 2325/14 2340/14 2496/22 2565/14directive [1] 2493/24directly [16] 2308/6 2331/9 2331/12 2331/13 2353/10 2375/19 2416/8 2490/9 2490/16 2492/3 2494/21 2496/21 2517/16 2517/19 2517/21 2557/9director [3] 2449/14 2449/23 2451/19disagree [8] 2368/19 2368/24 2369/1 2410/10 2483/6 2507/8 2558/8 2560/13disburse [1] 2349/4disbursed [1] 2409/11disclaimer [1] 2445/22disclose [1] 2507/7disclosed [13] 2315/14 2315/17 2316/6 2323/1 2340/2 2352/6 2381/24 2382/1 2382/3 2417/5 2507/7 2507/19 2538/25disclosure [1] 2316/10disclosures [1] 2332/4discovery [1] 2482/7discuss [5] 2399/22 2423/19 2423/21 2429/22 2430/6discussed [7] 2337/25 2372/18 2457/17 2487/4 2499/25 2555/15 2559/20discussing [3] 2423/7 2449/6 2485/14discussion [14] 2296/23 2296/24 2375/19 2375/20 2376/13 2385/7 2398/14 2449/16 2450/25 2451/4 2454/7 2461/13 2467/5 2467/7discussions [7] 2337/3 2347/8 2347/9 2372/10 2375/10 2399/14 2445/25disparaging [1] 2564/24disregard [1] 2457/9disseminated [2] 2499/1 2503/11distribute [2] 2330/24 2568/20distributed [6] 2317/25 2319/22 2331/19 2334/7 2517/16 2570/21distributing [1] 2355/10distribution [1] 2319/9district [13] 2293/1 2293/1 2293/8 2294/10 2298/10 2298/13 2300/1 2300/1 2300/5 2300/7 2300/8 2406/7 2406/8diversion [2] 2456/11 2456/11DIVISION [1] 2293/2divorce [1] 2422/15do [252] 2297/2 2297/16 2298/6 2298/8 2300/18 2300/21 2301/9 2301/9 2301/14 2303/12 2305/22 2306/6 2308/15 2308/17 2311/3 2316/9 2320/10 2325/4

2325/15 2327/3 2331/23 2334/2 2334/14 2334/16 2335/9 2338/3 2341/20 2342/13 2342/15 2342/24 2343/24 2346/12 2346/18 2351/8 2351/9 2356/8 2356/9 2358/12 2359/2 2360/1 2360/18 2361/13 2362/3 2362/20 2363/1 2363/17 2364/17 2366/5 2366/11 2366/12 2367/15 2367/24 2367/25 2368/1 2370/7 2370/13 2373/16 2373/17 2374/19 2377/23 2378/9 2378/15 2378/20 2383/3 2383/4 2385/7 2387/18 2392/11 2392/13 2393/6 2393/12 2394/5 2397/21 2400/1 2402/25 2403/5 2406/18 2407/2 2407/8 2407/10 2409/5 2412/3 2412/4 2413/2 2413/7 2413/22 2414/3 2414/5 2416/24 2417/13 2418/13 2418/14 2422/9 2422/19 2424/3 2428/12 2430/21 2431/3 2432/1 2433/22 2437/25 2438/18 2438/24 2439/25 2439/25 2440/1 2440/6 2443/7 2443/14 2443/19 2443/20 2443/23 2446/20 2446/22 2451/9 2451/17 2452/6 2452/7 2453/19 2453/25 2454/20 2454/21 2454/23 2455/6 2456/4 2460/1 2460/4 2461/18 2461/19 2461/20 2461/22 2464/2 2468/25 2469/17 2473/10 2473/11 2475/23 2478/19 2480/13 2480/14 2481/21 2481/23 2482/15 2486/17 2488/12 2491/10 2491/11 2491/13 2491/19 2493/19 2494/14 2494/16 2495/13 2495/13 2495/14 2495/15 2495/16 2497/6 2500/5 2500/8 2501/4 2502/15 2503/25 2507/13 2508/15 2509/12 2509/15 2511/1 2513/16 2514/3 2514/13 2516/4 2516/9 2516/16 2520/11 2522/11 2523/25 2524/16 2525/22 2527/17 2527/22 2527/23 2527/24 2528/4 2528/6 2529/17 2530/4 2531/15 2531/17 2532/1 2533/2 2533/12 2533/21 2534/1 2534/1 2536/5 2537/18 2537/21 2538/4 2538/10 2538/12 2539/7 2539/7 2540/4 2540/22 2541/1 2541/3 2541/13 2541/24 2544/7 2545/10 2545/13 2545/20 2546/14 2549/14 2549/21 2550/4 2550/15 2551/3 2551/7 2551/15 2551/22 2552/8 2552/24 2553/4 2553/14 2553/25 2555/5 2555/13 2555/23 2556/3 2556/13 2556/15 2557/11 2558/18 2558/20 2559/3 2559/9 2560/2 2560/3 2560/20 2563/20 2566/12 2566/18 2567/9

2567/24 2568/10 2568/11 2568/12 2568/21 2568/23 2570/10document [23] 2308/23 2313/19 2352/15 2356/10 2369/22 2379/25 2380/10 2384/20 2394/13 2401/2 2402/9 2404/4 2408/15 2411/14 2416/14 2427/22 2431/20 2432/8 2433/6 2433/9 2433/25 2568/24 2569/24documentation [7] 2297/5 2311/16 2313/6 2313/9 2313/11 2314/20 2377/25documenting [1] 2377/14documents [17] 2310/24 2340/1 2340/12 2340/15 2340/25 2341/1 2341/10 2341/14 2341/23 2342/2 2351/6 2406/14 2433/10 2454/1 2459/12 2475/20 2482/11does [66] 2297/18 2305/8 2310/17 2310/18 2312/10 2319/2 2321/6 2321/14 2322/22 2323/13 2326/23 2327/11 2330/8 2334/3 2349/9 2349/24 2350/9 2357/24 2360/10 2361/2 2374/22 2379/11 2380/5 2380/12 2380/21 2380/23 2380/24 2381/8 2385/14 2386/2 2386/3 2398/17 2399/2 2399/5 2399/10 2399/10 2399/11 2402/13 2403/2 2409/8 2414/15 2419/13 2427/2 2427/20 2430/17 2431/5 2431/7 2431/15 2431/16 2439/3 2440/14 2440/25 2448/3 2456/4 2461/15 2461/22 2465/10 2488/14 2507/22 2508/21 2510/2 2510/8 2516/12 2520/11 2525/22 2536/23doesn't [18] 2297/14 2386/11 2409/19 2436/4 2457/8 2461/17 2482/8 2488/10 2488/14 2488/17 2508/1 2508/1 2508/9 2525/22 2540/21 2541/23 2566/7 2570/16doing [22] 2305/10 2341/14 2343/5 2360/21 2382/10 2382/12 2390/19 2392/18 2396/20 2456/21 2458/24 2495/25 2496/3 2515/6 2517/9 2523/24 2536/4 2538/13 2545/19 2547/2 2551/6 2551/7dollar [11] 2318/16 2319/1 2371/20 2400/11 2400/20 2412/11 2419/16 2432/24 2537/13 2538/9 2558/14dollars [17] 2322/21 2333/4 2337/14 2363/7 2382/18 2393/9 2408/5 2408/7 2408/13 2410/17 2412/7 2412/9 2412/20 2428/3 2538/8 2544/12 2567/8don't [112] 2296/23 2297/1 2297/5 2297/6 2297/9 2297/11 2297/20 2299/9 2299/17 2316/5 2332/22 2362/7 2369/1 2369/21 2373/25 2378/21


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Ddon't... [96] 2389/24 2396/8 2400/6 2400/8 2400/8 2407/11 2407/12 2408/10 2414/9 2417/2 2422/10 2427/13 2427/14 2435/11 2435/13 2435/23 2435/24 2461/21 2463/2 2468/15 2469/19 2476/1 2476/5 2478/11 2479/8 2479/14 2481/25 2482/12 2482/23 2485/20 2487/19 2488/12 2493/18 2495/18 2499/12 2499/16 2499/17 2499/22 2500/4 2500/21 2505/24 2507/16 2509/17 2513/18 2513/23 2517/21 2519/6 2521/9 2526/18 2526/19 2533/5 2533/13 2533/13 2533/14 2533/22 2533/24 2535/13 2535/13 2536/19 2540/5 2541/1 2541/11 2542/1 2542/17 2542/18 2543/6 2543/8 2543/9 2544/4 2545/3 2545/4 2545/9 2546/15 2549/18 2550/25 2551/4 2551/8 2551/23 2555/8 2555/9 2555/9 2556/17 2558/20 2559/3 2560/4 2560/4 2566/17 2566/25 2567/1 2567/4 2567/7 2567/11 2568/14 2569/7 2569/11 2570/19done [33] 2317/22 2321/8 2340/21 2341/17 2341/18 2341/18 2342/23 2342/25 2343/11 2407/20 2410/14 2432/11 2436/10 2443/17 2445/11 2445/21 2446/13 2446/14 2446/25 2450/4 2463/3 2463/3 2480/25 2489/1 2489/21 2493/4 2497/24 2509/15 2514/13 2515/16 2515/19 2533/15 2559/11doohickey [1] 2549/6door [2] 2465/21 2465/23doubt [8] 2369/24 2370/1 2375/14 2382/19 2384/2 2387/7 2388/4 2392/5doubted [1] 2391/4down [87] 2299/15 2307/10 2307/15 2307/23 2308/2 2308/6 2308/8 2309/20 2311/9 2311/15 2312/17 2313/4 2313/16 2314/5 2317/7 2327/2 2327/10 2327/16 2328/4 2329/19 2329/22 2330/1 2331/6 2332/2 2333/2 2333/6 2341/15 2347/1 2347/4 2348/4 2348/9 2353/23 2354/21 2355/24 2356/25 2360/19 2360/21 2360/24 2362/6 2373/2 2373/4 2373/12 2373/13 2380/14 2385/14 2385/24 2386/2 2395/19 2397/10 2415/24 2416/2 2420/10 2420/24 2421/1 2421/13 2426/3 2429/15 2429/16 2437/22 2450/6 2450/25 2457/8 2458/13 2459/8 2461/9 2480/10 2481/10 2491/3 2492/12

2494/20 2494/21 2522/13 2527/6 2530/10 2549/5 2549/6 2549/7 2550/1 2550/9 2558/3 2559/7 2559/8 2563/11 2564/17 2565/7 2565/12 2569/9downloaded [3] 2494/10 2494/12 2498/2downs [1] 2318/21downsizing [1] 2564/18draft [1] 2317/18drafted [2] 2317/15 2515/3drafting [1] 2317/19drafts [1] 2317/14draw [2] 2334/15 2335/5drawer [2] 2470/5 2473/24drawers [1] 2460/6drawing [1] 2334/12drawings [1] 2345/19drawn [2] 2475/21 2503/22dream [1] 2546/23drive [40] 2340/7 2340/13 2340/15 2341/25 2342/2 2342/17 2342/18 2342/18 2342/20 2343/12 2343/16 2343/24 2351/25 2455/18 2455/22 2458/20 2458/23 2467/7 2469/5 2469/23 2470/1 2471/5 2471/7 2471/11 2472/10 2472/23 2473/16 2473/22 2474/1 2493/23 2494/15 2496/10 2496/16 2496/20 2497/15 2497/21 2498/6 2498/15 2549/11 2549/12drives [1] 2495/17drop [3] 2354/21 2357/21 2357/22dropped [4] 2353/23 2355/24 2356/25 2558/3due [2] 2379/19 2533/15dumb [1] 2463/6during [30] 2300/3 2313/4 2314/3 2317/7 2347/8 2371/16 2374/24 2379/4 2387/2 2390/21 2393/12 2403/6 2408/14 2410/9 2422/21 2423/2 2424/13 2426/5 2447/12 2461/23 2478/4 2478/24 2479/3 2497/24 2500/15 2529/2 2529/3 2542/22 2543/14 2563/9duties [3] 2302/1 2351/18 2392/20

Ee-mail [62] 2338/24 2339/5 2344/21 2344/24 2345/9 2345/11 2345/13 2345/22 2348/13 2348/19 2349/2 2349/21 2349/24 2350/3 2350/9 2350/11 2356/8 2356/13 2356/18 2357/14 2357/16 2357/18 2358/4 2394/12 2394/24 2395/23 2396/2 2397/9 2397/11 2397/19 2397/25 2398/12 2398/14 2398/23 2405/4 2409/1 2409/24 2418/13 2418/24 2425/8 2425/9 2426/15 2426/23 2427/7 2427/17 2428/24 2429/4

2429/18 2429/19 2429/24 2434/25 2438/21 2453/20 2538/23 2569/4 2569/12 2569/12 2569/14 2570/2 2570/13 2570/16 2570/20e-mailed [1] 2339/8e-mails [3] 2339/2 2344/17 2554/14each [19] 2317/11 2317/12 2330/25 2336/24 2338/25 2388/17 2392/9 2393/7 2398/21 2406/12 2416/4 2425/13 2502/25 2511/3 2511/4 2511/5 2511/14 2535/22 2562/6Eagle [3] 2364/13 2364/14 2365/1earlier [13] 2299/17 2299/18 2339/24 2377/14 2378/24 2382/9 2415/16 2435/17 2448/8 2455/23 2525/12 2544/11 2561/25early [10] 2299/1 2313/5 2316/22 2377/13 2527/17 2528/15 2542/10 2542/16 2542/25 2543/13earned [3] 2318/17 2319/1 2556/5earnings [5] 2318/17 2319/2 2319/2 2319/3 2319/4easier [1] 2328/22easily [2] 2443/4 2554/11Eastern [1] 2300/6eaten [1] 2362/23economic [4] 2390/9 2390/11 2390/12 2390/13economy [15] 2452/1 2527/16 2527/20 2527/25 2528/7 2528/8 2539/12 2539/13 2540/12 2542/5 2559/7 2559/13 2559/16 2565/6 2565/12educational [1] 2301/11effect [9] 2297/5 2299/3 2300/2 2314/15 2400/11 2400/20 2402/17 2457/8 2504/1effective [2] 2396/5 2409/15effort [7] 2478/17 2530/15 2530/19 2536/11 2544/6 2545/18 2559/21efforts [1] 2544/25eighteen [1] 2396/6eighteen-five [1] 2396/6either [9] 2484/18 2525/13 2532/4 2534/17 2542/17 2546/10 2562/1 2562/22 2567/1eliminate [3] 2516/19 2558/13 2570/1eliminating [2] 2569/16 2569/19Ellen [1] 2298/19Elmo [7] 2352/11 2358/6 2401/2 2405/20 2418/11 2447/7 2504/18else [26] 2303/20 2334/13 2338/3 2339/11 2339/17 2364/6 2364/8 2365/19 2374/3 2387/22 2387/23 2391/5 2415/10 2449/10 2456/19 2470/21 2472/23 2475/13


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Eelse... [8] 2496/3 2498/18 2514/10 2518/15 2549/10 2551/5 2560/15 2561/21else's [1] 2374/4emperor [9] 2376/19 2376/21 2376/24 2377/4 2560/20 2561/3 2562/21 2563/25 2566/4empire [2] 2528/23 2551/6employed [6] 2298/20 2308/6 2327/18 2327/20 2327/21 2532/11employee [3] 2417/10 2427/21 2474/9employees [13] 2316/11 2340/8 2349/11 2349/12 2417/17 2427/20 2449/1 2449/20 2453/25 2454/21 2498/17 2529/24 2550/3employees' [1] 2349/7employer [1] 2306/11enable [1] 2313/11end [48] 2304/19 2304/22 2332/1 2336/8 2344/21 2349/24 2351/13 2352/18 2359/3 2359/23 2360/7 2361/23 2363/8 2364/11 2365/1 2365/10 2366/1 2366/5 2369/7 2369/17 2371/10 2371/17 2374/7 2374/7 2374/19 2378/4 2380/8 2383/14 2383/21 2390/24 2426/20 2428/20 2428/23 2447/16 2448/6 2448/9 2449/4 2449/11 2451/15 2460/18 2463/14 2483/4 2512/24 2528/4 2530/19 2534/25 2545/14 2564/12end 2006 [2] 2383/14 2383/21end totals [1] 2374/19ended [4] 2296/15 2353/25 2522/11 2538/8ends [1] 2486/16engaged [2] 2309/24 2469/8engagement [3] 2297/12 2398/19 2398/21enough [15] 2299/4 2316/12 2316/14 2320/12 2367/6 2370/15 2398/19 2436/14 2439/11 2439/18 2450/9 2520/5 2555/9 2560/2 2564/14enter [3] 2367/8 2525/5 2525/8entered [1] 2485/17enterprise [2] 2486/15 2532/13enterprises [1] 2533/16entire [3] 2388/6 2416/5 2478/24entities [38] 2306/6 2306/8 2317/1 2324/25 2324/25 2325/1 2337/9 2368/8 2370/19 2372/25 2373/11 2404/9 2434/20 2450/2 2475/14 2506/18 2517/22 2517/24 2519/9 2520/3 2528/25 2529/8 2529/11 2529/15 2530/21 2530/24 2530/24 2530/24 2531/3 2531/4 2534/16 2535/22 2550/1 2554/3

2555/23 2556/5 2556/6 2562/12entitled [3] 2321/4 2539/24 2571/14entity [18] 2330/15 2334/5 2350/20 2352/23 2355/10 2355/13 2355/14 2363/14 2364/15 2365/13 2365/16 2366/17 2415/17 2416/4 2417/25 2517/16 2519/9 2530/22entrepreneur [6] 2492/18 2520/9 2520/15 2520/21 2528/11 2548/13entries [2] 2428/17 2450/4entry [5] 2324/12 2405/19 2435/14 2448/12 2498/3equipment [4] 2305/11 2312/21 2455/12 2455/13equipments [1] 2306/7equities [3] 2313/25 2438/12 2445/24equity [27] 2318/16 2437/8 2437/9 2437/12 2437/22 2438/5 2438/19 2438/25 2439/4 2440/9 2440/14 2440/19 2440/22 2442/3 2442/8 2442/15 2442/17 2442/24 2443/2 2443/14 2445/18 2448/13 2449/1 2507/25 2531/25 2532/2 2532/10Especially [1] 2548/5essentially [1] 2512/15establish [1] 2305/16established [6] 2368/13 2413/13 2413/16 2444/18 2464/14 2464/16establishing [1] 2306/3estate [24] 2428/21 2429/8 2429/13 2433/25 2434/7 2434/25 2435/18 2437/5 2438/14 2442/6 2527/21 2536/25 2537/1 2537/4 2537/6 2538/15 2559/1 2559/3 2559/8 2560/1 2560/7 2560/8 2568/24 2570/17estimate [2] 2410/10 2441/18estimations [1] 2450/5etiquette [1] 2484/17evaluates [1] 2309/16evaluation [3] 2315/11 2441/23 2550/5even [33] 2297/1 2297/6 2297/20 2300/7 2320/5 2320/7 2331/12 2335/5 2370/17 2386/16 2390/25 2411/11 2423/2 2426/25 2427/7 2428/2 2430/14 2435/11 2446/12 2450/21 2463/4 2464/1 2469/14 2470/17 2475/3 2495/14 2513/6 2515/11 2529/6 2542/25 2543/13 2565/11 2567/12evening [1] 2571/11event [3] 2299/14 2518/25 2555/3events [2] 2508/11 2508/11eventually [1] 2498/8ever [49] 2297/16 2314/5 2314/9 2314/21 2315/2 2315/13 2317/2 2317/24

2337/24 2342/4 2343/15 2347/12 2347/19 2375/8 2375/10 2375/14 2375/16 2384/20 2387/16 2391/3 2391/5 2403/8 2403/11 2405/4 2406/16 2408/14 2408/18 2408/21 2412/11 2416/21 2421/18 2424/13 2424/13 2432/4 2433/11 2435/8 2435/11 2435/14 2463/16 2476/1 2478/15 2492/6 2492/16 2517/21 2527/2 2545/9 2552/10 2553/13 2558/19every [21] 2318/16 2319/1 2322/21 2329/8 2351/11 2351/13 2351/21 2351/22 2352/23 2354/4 2390/4 2392/14 2426/17 2427/21 2474/8 2478/25 2501/14 2504/9 2521/3 2521/9 2521/9everybody [9] 2332/24 2368/25 2415/9 2453/21 2476/11 2476/12 2527/20 2538/25 2570/14everything [13] 2316/21 2456/19 2460/3 2461/24 2466/7 2466/9 2487/3 2487/7 2520/12 2520/12 2521/21 2531/11 2534/15evidence [10] 2326/8 2326/9 2367/23 2462/12 2512/1 2512/4 2512/8 2544/16 2544/20 2544/22exact [1] 2408/10exactly [1] 2436/12examination [10] 2301/2 2309/25 2310/8 2436/20 2465/5 2518/13 2530/18 2538/7 2549/22 2567/22examined [1] 2518/12example [4] 2328/23 2331/2 2526/6 2532/22examples [2] 2331/3 2334/25Excel [3] 2351/17 2430/4 2430/8except [1] 2466/7excessive [3] 2548/11 2548/12 2552/18exchange [6] 2342/5 2408/10 2410/3 2410/14 2443/15 2446/9exchanges [1] 2314/2Excuse [3] 2328/9 2436/1 2454/4executed [1] 2309/12exhibit [15] 2317/23 2384/25 2400/9 2400/25 2408/25 2411/15 2411/19 2411/20 2447/18 2504/16 2519/24 2531/1 2531/1 2532/16 2532/17existence [1] 2403/21existing [3] 2321/9 2321/25 2321/25exists [1] 2300/9expand [1] 2349/14expect [4] 2310/23 2314/3 2548/2 2559/23expected [3] 2305/12 2399/4 2399/18expense [7] 2395/4 2417/11


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Eexpense... [5] 2417/16 2417/18 2419/14 2419/16 2419/17expenses [43] 2329/9 2349/10 2349/17 2349/19 2358/21 2359/5 2359/8 2359/10 2360/10 2364/24 2384/18 2393/18 2393/22 2402/5 2403/7 2408/22 2417/8 2417/22 2418/3 2418/9 2418/22 2419/7 2419/11 2420/11 2420/12 2420/14 2420/17 2420/18 2421/10 2421/14 2421/18 2421/24 2422/15 2423/10 2424/13 2426/19 2562/5 2562/6 2563/10 2563/11 2564/15 2565/3 2565/17expensive [1] 2565/11experience [5] 2304/7 2304/8 2316/7 2316/22 2444/22expert [3] 2508/14 2508/21 2508/22expertise [2] 2413/18 2508/13explain [20] 2321/21 2323/1 2368/17 2389/9 2394/25 2414/15 2433/21 2438/4 2438/18 2445/7 2456/12 2456/13 2471/4 2476/16 2501/16 2502/5 2502/7 2511/22 2514/22 2515/1explained [6] 2357/1 2436/8 2471/6 2475/4 2502/5 2525/1explaining [2] 2436/9 2502/10explanation [2] 2315/16 2350/11expose [2] 2321/6 2321/14express [5] 2372/15 2419/10 2420/2 2423/2 2449/10expressed [3] 2372/6 2422/18 2450/5expressing [1] 2346/9extends [1] 2299/22extent [4] 2368/22 2369/5 2414/2 2487/16extent -- so [1] 2369/5external [47] 2341/25 2342/2 2342/17 2342/18 2342/20 2343/11 2343/16 2343/24 2351/25 2455/18 2455/22 2458/20 2458/23 2467/7 2469/5 2469/23 2470/1 2471/5 2471/7 2471/11 2472/10 2472/23 2473/16 2493/22 2496/20 2497/15 2498/6 2498/15 2549/11 2549/12 2549/25 2550/2 2550/3 2550/7 2550/16 2551/2 2551/7 2552/2 2552/10 2552/11 2553/10 2553/11 2553/11 2553/13 2553/14 2553/19 2553/20extra [1] 2552/3Exxon [2] 2443/5 2443/6

Ffacilities [1] 2335/10facing [1] 2390/9fact [31] 2298/19 2299/8 2311/17 2319/18 2335/20 2381/17 2381/19 2382/7

2390/10 2403/18 2416/7 2493/4 2503/11 2509/8 2510/22 2519/21 2522/11 2527/4 2527/10 2536/16 2539/16 2539/23 2542/9 2544/17 2545/19 2546/3 2552/3 2552/12 2556/4 2557/23 2566/19facts [1] 2544/16factual [1] 2462/2factually [1] 2508/24failing [5] 2338/17 2338/18 2420/7 2514/8 2539/14failure [3] 2529/11 2529/15 2529/19faint [6] 2385/11 2477/9 2477/9 2477/12 2479/22 2479/24fainted [1] 2477/3fair [3] 2383/11 2385/18 2555/9fairly [1] 2303/4fairytale [1] 2561/2false [1] 2454/11familiar [13] 2321/1 2322/14 2407/19 2444/6 2511/9 2520/18 2520/20 2526/11 2533/3 2542/22 2544/25 2545/11 2545/19family [5] 2452/4 2459/24 2463/1 2463/5 2481/2fancy [1] 2389/17far [1] 2486/4fault [1] 2447/20favor [3] 2408/1 2412/2 2412/17Fazel [6] 2293/19 2293/20 2296/18 2296/19 2296/22 2296/25FBI [34] 2460/7 2460/8 2461/10 2465/18 2465/19 2465/21 2466/12 2466/14 2467/9 2467/20 2468/15 2468/16 2469/2 2469/3 2469/3 2469/8 2469/10 2469/13 2469/17 2469/20 2469/23 2470/2 2470/8 2471/4 2472/4 2472/7 2472/10 2473/11 2476/9 2476/20 2478/14 2479/15 2482/18 2512/16FBO [2] 2545/22 2545/23FCRR [2] 2294/9 2571/19feasible [1] 2559/12FEBRUARY [11] 2293/4 2318/4 2326/17 2412/16 2419/14 2427/18 2451/25 2453/17 2461/4 2466/3 2571/16February 12 [1] 2427/18February 2008 [1] 2419/14federal [3] 2299/10 2406/8 2406/9fee [7] 2393/3 2398/19 2552/8 2553/13 2553/20 2553/21 2553/24feel [2] 2476/3 2496/8feeling [1] 2496/7fees [4] 2297/13 2546/21 2551/19 2553/16fellow [1] 2299/6felt [8] 2449/22 2479/9 2479/13 2479/14 2496/4 2496/4 2496/5 2498/25

few [13] 2298/23 2299/4 2299/4 2320/1 2334/25 2370/19 2416/14 2431/16 2477/8 2494/2 2504/11 2548/1 2568/12field [1] 2361/1fifth [1] 2491/3fifty [1] 2383/16fifty-one [1] 2383/16figure [8] 2386/10 2387/22 2389/18 2389/22 2426/17 2501/22 2504/20 2558/13figured [3] 2447/11 2447/12 2450/8figures [1] 2441/17file [3] 2377/24 2378/14 2378/20filed [1] 2296/11files [9] 2297/2 2377/25 2378/15 2378/17 2378/18 2458/22 2459/23 2494/5 2494/6final [2] 2352/18 2373/10finalized [1] 2318/3finally [5] 2373/12 2390/22 2423/24 2423/25 2446/24finances [1] 2562/9financial [96] 2296/8 2302/7 2302/8 2303/7 2303/23 2303/25 2304/16 2304/19 2305/18 2306/12 2306/13 2306/22 2307/2 2307/5 2307/21 2308/4 2309/14 2309/25 2310/10 2310/12 2310/15 2310/18 2314/7 2314/25 2316/17 2316/20 2316/23 2327/21 2327/23 2327/24 2330/3 2330/12 2330/17 2330/21 2331/9 2331/17 2332/5 2333/20 2333/23 2335/23 2340/9 2351/19 2353/2 2353/7 2353/11 2353/13 2353/20 2354/1 2354/3 2354/4 2354/12 2355/1 2358/19 2382/20 2383/11 2383/14 2384/3 2385/18 2387/13 2393/13 2393/21 2402/23 2403/25 2404/15 2404/18 2405/17 2407/1 2407/5 2411/23 2412/22 2414/17 2415/18 2418/1 2418/2 2418/20 2428/4 2449/8 2450/13 2451/13 2453/16 2474/8 2515/25 2530/22 2531/21 2531/22 2534/8 2534/10 2535/22 2539/8 2540/21 2544/2 2560/11 2562/14 2564/17 2564/21 2567/12financially [1] 2543/22financials [22] 2310/24 2315/11 2316/25 2352/5 2387/13 2400/4 2404/2 2405/16 2405/19 2441/2 2443/20 2445/17 2475/14 2475/15 2475/23 2475/23 2501/14 2529/13 2536/9 2550/5 2550/6 2562/11find [18] 2296/13 2415/11 2443/4 2443/5 2443/6 2443/10 2443/14 2451/17 2452/2 2457/10 2460/8 2467/9


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Ffind... [6] 2509/18 2517/2 2532/6 2549/19 2559/7 2559/8fine [4] 2459/9 2465/8 2493/11 2568/13finish [6] 2310/7 2336/24 2530/10 2557/16 2568/7 2568/15fired [2] 2340/1 2521/20firm [4] 2294/6 2296/15 2400/4 2480/5first [41] 2299/25 2300/7 2302/8 2303/10 2303/11 2309/7 2311/8 2320/11 2324/3 2325/8 2344/25 2345/8 2345/11 2348/14 2348/16 2348/17 2349/21 2349/24 2350/2 2353/1 2353/4 2353/16 2360/17 2384/24 2390/25 2397/11 2397/24 2406/6 2407/24 2412/24 2413/20 2431/8 2438/8 2440/21 2450/6 2465/18 2469/22 2476/9 2490/11 2510/2 2564/11fit [1] 2331/4five [7] 2307/17 2374/10 2383/16 2385/21 2396/6 2470/18 2550/17fix [1] 2430/5fixed [11] 2305/7 2305/8 2305/9 2306/5 2312/17 2312/18 2379/18 2538/5 2540/18 2545/22 2545/23fixtures [2] 2305/11 2312/20flew [2] 2567/16 2567/17flip [1] 2448/13floor [4] 2293/21 2294/4 2453/22 2467/4floors [1] 2453/21flow [18] 2318/15 2325/4 2325/24 2326/6 2326/23 2326/24 2326/24 2327/7 2327/13 2328/14 2331/4 2395/19 2420/25 2438/8 2438/13 2438/18 2438/20 2442/5flowed [8] 2325/25 2326/7 2475/4 2475/4 2517/21 2518/24 2524/6 2524/8flowing [4] 2317/21 2328/15 2335/22 2517/18fly [3] 2360/3 2360/4 2567/15Flyin' [1] 2367/2flying [2] 2373/16 2373/23focus [7] 2318/22 2447/20 2447/22 2447/24 2448/1 2448/1 2448/2focused [1] 2305/25folder [1] 2497/21folks [4] 2309/20 2337/25 2348/22 2446/12follow [2] 2398/20 2530/3follow-up [1] 2530/3Following [1] 2349/4food [3] 2361/10 2361/20 2386/13football [38] 2343/19 2343/24 2455/19 2455/22 2456/1 2456/3 2456/8 2456/19 2456/24 2457/5 2458/3

2458/19 2459/1 2460/1 2460/7 2460/12 2460/17 2460/21 2465/22 2466/8 2466/10 2466/13 2466/15 2466/22 2467/5 2467/6 2467/8 2467/9 2467/12 2467/15 2469/10 2469/15 2469/18 2470/22 2473/14 2486/14 2493/21 2549/9Force [1] 2457/2forego [1] 2455/1foregoing [1] 2571/14foreign [1] 2522/2foresight [1] 2318/17form [14] 2314/12 2321/8 2322/22 2322/25 2337/16 2339/1 2347/14 2371/1 2372/11 2452/22 2464/15 2464/16 2512/15 2521/4forma [1] 2445/17format [1] 2378/12formatted [1] 2430/3formed [1] 2365/6forming [1] 2524/12forth [2] 2405/21 2441/19Fortin [1] 2404/5forwarded [1] 2429/24found [3] 2400/24 2462/2 2469/17four [9] 2322/21 2351/6 2364/21 2374/10 2383/16 2402/12 2430/14 2432/14 2452/9Fourth [1] 2402/15frame [1] 2499/23franchise [1] 2526/8fraud [3] 2424/10 2534/22 2565/22free [2] 2476/3 2485/20Friday [1] 2409/10Friedli [1] 2409/10friend [1] 2449/18front [5] 2299/3 2299/4 2478/20 2481/22 2488/21fuel [3] 2329/9 2359/12 2386/13fuels [1] 2359/13full [5] 2308/23 2327/7 2388/6 2432/8 2559/23Fullerton [2] 2418/18 2418/19fully [1] 2402/20function [8] 2306/5 2309/15 2365/20 2365/21 2365/21 2365/23 2519/6 2563/18functioned [1] 2550/16functioning [2] 2522/13 2522/19fund [16] 2348/1 2348/2 2350/1 2350/13 2368/13 2377/3 2377/3 2377/10 2384/5 2384/18 2388/3 2388/7 2434/20 2452/20 2517/23 2519/23funded [9] 2321/25 2346/22 2353/10 2355/12 2372/25 2384/5 2506/20 2519/13 2557/12funding [80] 2319/18 2319/19 2320/14 2321/23 2324/6 2324/18 2325/2 2325/2 2328/17 2330/6 2331/1 2331/16 2331/18 2335/15

2335/17 2337/14 2338/10 2339/5 2339/10 2339/21 2340/5 2340/12 2340/18 2340/19 2344/12 2344/14 2346/7 2346/12 2346/24 2347/23 2348/7 2350/12 2350/15 2351/11 2352/16 2353/6 2356/21 2356/23 2375/8 2375/20 2375/22 2391/12 2416/12 2433/18 2434/14 2435/15 2437/18 2447/3 2447/17 2448/6 2450/1 2450/1 2450/7 2450/16 2452/17 2452/19 2458/9 2459/12 2472/24 2498/4 2498/20 2498/22 2501/15 2502/4 2502/4 2502/16 2502/18 2502/25 2505/11 2506/9 2506/17 2506/19 2513/9 2513/10 2513/11 2513/13 2524/3 2562/4 2563/2 2569/16fundings [2] 2319/23 2416/7funds [13] 2319/20 2324/22 2325/1 2326/24 2328/14 2346/1 2349/4 2350/13 2355/11 2475/22 2505/19 2524/8 2541/14funny [2] 2484/11 2484/13furniture [3] 2305/11 2306/7 2312/20further [3] 2318/16 2318/22 2409/17future [7] 2318/18 2319/11 2399/4 2399/18 2486/3 2526/2 2530/5

Ggain [1] 2534/18gains [1] 2534/16Galveston [1] 2298/11Garcia [7] 2449/14 2449/16 2449/21 2449/25 2450/15 2450/25 2451/3gathers [1] 2299/16gave [6] 2296/18 2416/5 2445/18 2480/13 2497/6 2499/11genealogical [1] 2419/17general [12] 2302/4 2302/4 2316/18 2324/9 2339/24 2415/25 2428/15 2547/17 2551/12 2551/13 2559/14 2559/15Generale [5] 2403/12 2403/15 2404/13 2406/15 2406/23generally [14] 2302/1 2312/10 2314/1 2316/16 2320/1 2325/21 2376/2 2408/5 2408/13 2410/17 2432/1 2438/4 2442/19 2474/7generate [4] 2389/12 2389/14 2390/1 2526/3generated [10] 2475/9 2475/20 2499/6 2556/20 2556/25 2569/3 2569/14 2570/13 2570/18 2570/21generating [1] 2524/24generous [3] 2552/24 2552/25 2553/1Geneva [1] 2407/15genre [1] 2457/5


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Ggentlemen [4] 2332/22 2414/22 2485/2 2571/4get [56] 2298/6 2298/7 2298/16 2302/21 2304/17 2313/20 2322/8 2322/11 2325/8 2330/13 2331/12 2331/13 2336/14 2343/5 2348/1 2350/15 2358/15 2358/16 2366/5 2387/21 2398/20 2415/7 2422/15 2424/11 2426/17 2428/24 2443/17 2446/14 2454/15 2454/16 2456/20 2465/11 2466/21 2468/7 2473/8 2473/8 2473/21 2476/4 2476/6 2480/24 2488/1 2489/6 2489/15 2491/16 2492/11 2493/18 2496/22 2503/6 2503/6 2512/12 2532/8 2534/15 2542/17 2542/18 2565/15 2566/22gets [4] 2298/17 2392/18 2485/24 2507/10getting [20] 2299/16 2333/16 2335/15 2335/20 2337/14 2342/25 2354/9 2358/24 2368/10 2382/5 2384/20 2410/21 2437/18 2452/1 2503/4 2536/3 2548/22 2552/2 2555/6 2565/10gifted [1] 2334/17Gil [25] 2303/21 2325/12 2337/1 2337/23 2343/9 2345/25 2357/13 2357/25 2378/3 2394/17 2397/22 2398/15 2429/20 2474/15 2474/15 2490/17 2493/24 2497/5 2498/6 2498/19 2509/10 2514/8 2535/1 2563/9 2569/5Gil's [2] 2396/5 2513/21give [22] 2296/17 2300/19 2315/10 2334/25 2336/25 2360/10 2430/5 2436/15 2450/18 2454/5 2466/16 2467/18 2470/11 2476/20 2481/19 2499/3 2499/19 2499/23 2507/20 2553/23 2553/23 2559/1given [22] 2299/11 2314/9 2314/21 2314/23 2315/14 2315/16 2319/5 2359/2 2405/18 2407/6 2416/16 2438/25 2446/11 2449/1 2450/22 2450/24 2456/2 2462/19 2472/18 2482/4 2482/7 2498/9gives [1] 2540/16giving [3] 2404/6 2415/25 2473/24glass [2] 2368/5 2371/20global [8] 2304/23 2304/25 2330/3 2330/12 2331/17 2365/15 2427/19 2490/13Global-all [1] 2427/19globally [1] 2332/24GM [2] 2330/10 2330/22go [131] 2300/13 2302/6 2307/25 2308/13 2308/23 2309/4 2313/19 2314/5

2317/23 2318/5 2320/23 2326/2 2330/21 2332/18 2334/5 2334/6 2334/23 2344/19 2345/8 2348/14 2348/16 2349/1 2349/21 2350/2 2356/10 2358/6 2358/8 2360/5 2362/12 2362/17 2363/8 2363/21 2365/10 2366/7 2369/2 2369/9 2371/3 2374/11 2375/25 2379/24 2380/1 2380/10 2380/19 2381/20 2382/22 2383/10 2383/11 2383/19 2384/23 2384/24 2385/10 2386/22 2392/11 2393/24 2394/22 2395/13 2395/21 2397/7 2397/16 2397/24 2398/12 2398/22 2399/19 2400/9 2400/11 2400/16 2400/18 2400/20 2400/23 2400/24 2401/2 2401/18 2402/7 2407/17 2415/12 2417/7 2418/11 2419/18 2420/7 2423/20 2424/23 2424/24 2425/23 2426/10 2426/15 2427/11 2427/22 2429/2 2429/15 2429/16 2429/24 2430/10 2430/24 2432/7 2432/8 2436/19 2436/21 2438/8 2438/16 2440/12 2441/22 2443/8 2443/10 2443/11 2445/5 2447/7 2447/13 2447/25 2451/22 2452/3 2453/10 2457/23 2459/6 2476/13 2476/18 2494/21 2504/21 2509/20 2512/17 2515/9 2529/4 2530/11 2539/19 2540/6 2544/23 2549/1 2557/2 2559/4 2565/13 2568/16 2568/17goal [1] 2545/8God [1] 2480/21goes [7] 2299/15 2339/15 2339/15 2415/17 2415/20 2441/20 2525/20going [133] 2296/13 2298/7 2298/19 2302/21 2307/10 2319/25 2322/13 2325/3 2325/10 2325/15 2330/10 2331/24 2335/1 2335/2 2335/5 2335/14 2336/1 2337/22 2340/16 2341/23 2344/9 2346/4 2346/25 2347/9 2347/11 2349/10 2349/10 2349/14 2349/18 2353/11 2353/22 2354/1 2354/20 2357/20 2362/25 2367/23 2369/13 2369/19 2371/16 2371/19 2372/1 2372/9 2372/16 2375/8 2375/15 2375/16 2378/7 2381/8 2381/12 2384/16 2387/6 2389/19 2392/6 2393/4 2397/1 2401/8 2401/11 2406/14 2425/18 2426/12 2428/18 2432/17 2432/19 2433/14 2434/2 2434/3 2434/12 2434/13 2435/1 2435/5 2435/6 2436/15 2436/15 2440/21 2440/23 2441/5 2441/7 2442/9 2446/5 2448/4 2450/2 2452/18 2454/4 2455/1 2458/21

2458/22 2462/1 2462/20 2465/2 2465/11 2471/2 2471/24 2480/21 2481/2 2481/12 2482/20 2483/20 2493/6 2493/8 2493/14 2494/12 2494/13 2495/23 2495/25 2496/3 2496/3 2498/4 2498/8 2501/3 2501/22 2503/8 2513/10 2517/22 2519/13 2524/13 2524/18 2524/20 2528/23 2528/25 2529/20 2535/15 2546/24 2553/22 2553/22 2554/14 2554/15 2558/15 2558/19 2558/25 2564/6 2568/20 2570/14 2570/22gone [13] 2320/20 2332/2 2353/4 2365/2 2365/11 2370/9 2374/8 2374/20 2386/9 2386/12 2447/4 2448/8 2542/11good [20] 2301/4 2301/5 2347/20 2358/9 2358/24 2392/15 2410/9 2414/20 2450/19 2521/19 2528/12 2528/14 2529/2 2529/6 2535/25 2536/2 2536/6 2536/6 2568/4 2571/10goodness [1] 2480/16gospel [1] 2367/7got [24] 2305/25 2406/11 2425/5 2443/16 2469/6 2473/8 2477/9 2483/19 2489/14 2493/17 2499/14 2503/16 2515/10 2517/25 2521/14 2521/21 2524/6 2529/3 2531/1 2533/20 2539/16 2542/2 2567/8 2568/9gotten [2] 2381/23 2545/6government [68] 2293/11 2296/9 2297/14 2297/18 2297/23 2308/11 2331/22 2342/13 2344/19 2356/4 2362/25 2366/7 2373/19 2373/19 2373/20 2378/7 2379/1 2382/22 2384/2 2385/2 2386/23 2395/13 2400/9 2400/23 2401/1 2401/18 2405/24 2406/15 2415/9 2424/23 2427/11 2429/2 2438/16 2455/23 2461/1 2461/2 2461/16 2461/22 2461/23 2462/3 2462/9 2462/12 2478/9 2478/25 2479/4 2480/10 2480/20 2481/10 2481/17 2482/2 2482/12 2485/15 2486/20 2487/5 2493/19 2499/24 2500/22 2500/23 2501/22 2510/23 2511/22 2511/24 2519/15 2539/19 2543/11 2545/4 2545/9 2548/15Government 415 [1] 2438/16government's [7] 2301/1 2367/24 2493/25 2509/9 2519/23 2531/1 2567/6Government's 322A [1] 2367/24graduating [1] 2301/14grant [1] 2484/25graph [1] 2374/14graphs [2] 2313/20 2475/21Gratta [1] 2407/7


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Ggreat [11] 2298/20 2347/12 2347/19 2376/10 2376/12 2423/19 2442/21 2442/21 2528/9 2561/8 2561/9greetings [1] 2299/5Gregg [1] 2293/12Gregory [1] 2379/1grew [1] 2422/23group [49] 2302/7 2303/25 2306/12 2306/13 2307/21 2308/4 2314/25 2327/23 2327/24 2330/3 2330/12 2330/17 2330/22 2331/6 2331/9 2331/17 2333/20 2333/24 2335/23 2342/9 2352/7 2352/24 2353/2 2353/7 2353/11 2353/13 2353/20 2354/1 2354/4 2355/1 2358/10 2358/19 2393/13 2403/25 2404/15 2404/18 2405/17 2407/2 2407/5 2411/23 2415/18 2418/1 2418/2 2418/20 2531/7 2531/16 2532/20 2562/14 2564/18Group's [1] 2354/3grouped [1] 2352/25grow [6] 2333/16 2375/7 2420/20 2422/21 2426/19 2532/4growing [6] 2322/18 2337/21 2375/22 2562/5 2562/5 2562/5grown [4] 2452/17 2452/19 2453/3 2453/5growth [5] 2318/19 2319/11 2375/3 2375/11 2391/11guarantee [3] 2321/11 2462/17 2486/11guaranteed [2] 2323/4 2323/5Guard [1] 2457/3guess [4] 2300/2 2343/25 2397/16 2457/7guessing [1] 2344/2guy [6] 2297/20 2497/9 2516/6 2521/24 2522/1 2526/12guys [9] 2299/3 2492/11 2515/23 2515/24 2516/2 2516/15 2535/3 2535/7 2569/25

HH-09-CR-342-1 [1] 2293/3had [212] 2296/23 2296/24 2302/13 2302/14 2304/14 2307/25 2315/7 2315/18 2316/22 2317/11 2317/15 2317/16 2319/18 2320/20 2323/9 2324/12 2332/1 2332/5 2333/11 2333/17 2333/17 2342/5 2342/9 2346/6 2351/6 2353/4 2359/18 2360/3 2360/7 2360/11 2361/23 2364/11 2364/15 2365/2 2365/10 2365/13 2365/21 2370/3 2370/9 2370/13 2371/22 2373/9 2373/18 2373/22 2374/8 2374/16 2374/20 2377/1 2377/2 2377/9 2377/24 2378/12 2381/3 2381/22 2382/13 2382/15 2383/21

2384/3 2385/15 2386/9 2386/12 2386/18 2388/22 2389/6 2389/10 2391/3 2404/3 2404/17 2404/20 2404/25 2405/4 2405/11 2406/11 2406/12 2408/14 2408/22 2411/12 2417/14 2420/14 2422/3 2426/21 2426/24 2426/25 2427/7 2428/9 2428/17 2429/8 2429/11 2430/15 2434/18 2434/19 2434/22 2435/17 2435/25 2437/23 2438/5 2439/8 2439/25 2440/2 2440/16 2441/18 2445/22 2446/3 2446/12 2447/4 2448/8 2449/1 2450/8 2450/19 2450/22 2451/4 2451/23 2452/4 2452/17 2452/19 2453/3 2453/5 2456/15 2457/12 2458/2 2458/20 2458/22 2458/23 2458/25 2459/20 2460/1 2461/25 2464/6 2465/25 2466/9 2467/12 2467/14 2467/17 2469/12 2469/15 2469/22 2471/6 2471/10 2471/11 2472/3 2472/5 2472/6 2472/8 2472/18 2473/23 2480/5 2480/9 2480/13 2480/18 2481/17 2482/10 2486/20 2486/24 2487/21 2487/23 2488/20 2488/23 2489/1 2489/4 2489/21 2489/23 2490/2 2496/10 2497/19 2499/5 2501/10 2516/14 2519/9 2520/6 2528/9 2528/12 2530/5 2532/11 2534/2 2537/6 2537/13 2537/19 2537/21 2538/5 2538/6 2542/10 2542/11 2542/24 2543/10 2544/7 2544/8 2545/6 2545/6 2545/8 2546/3 2548/25 2551/1 2551/6 2555/10 2557/19 2557/25 2558/1 2559/17 2559/20 2560/5 2562/8 2562/8 2562/11 2562/22 2562/22 2566/5 2566/5 2566/11 2566/21 2567/8 2567/8 2567/20half [10] 2308/3 2353/5 2355/6 2410/9 2410/9 2410/15 2415/23 2416/10 2431/12 2513/3hand [16] 2297/7 2300/17 2326/20 2352/21 2352/22 2378/7 2385/21 2385/25 2395/5 2430/17 2432/7 2432/11 2458/11 2458/12 2470/8 2471/19handed [1] 2473/13handful [1] 2552/15hands [3] 2482/13 2488/19 2540/5Hang [2] 2352/13 2456/11hangar [2] 2546/3 2546/4hangars [1] 2359/13happen [9] 2299/1 2299/18 2329/25 2339/13 2355/16 2373/6 2440/22 2441/6 2570/24happened [8] 2318/2 2444/25

2445/4 2522/20 2527/24 2528/4 2528/6 2533/12happening [6] 2396/2 2425/21 2426/5 2460/3 2506/12 2506/12happens [3] 2298/10 2482/25 2487/20happy [5] 2368/16 2372/15 2372/17 2512/7 2567/3hard [11] 2471/5 2472/10 2472/23 2473/16 2473/22 2474/1 2493/22 2494/15 2495/17 2549/11 2549/12harm [1] 2456/21Harry [5] 2338/17 2338/18 2420/7 2513/22 2514/8Harvard [1] 2299/7has [30] 2308/12 2318/18 2319/10 2354/8 2366/7 2368/13 2368/16 2376/19 2376/24 2377/4 2384/4 2398/19 2399/3 2399/6 2399/23 2407/19 2410/11 2410/14 2415/9 2439/15 2456/16 2457/11 2469/7 2488/8 2488/9 2514/23 2514/23 2525/1 2560/20 2562/21has no [4] 2376/19 2376/24 2377/4 2457/11hasn't [1] 2464/15have [229] 2297/2 2298/11 2299/4 2299/17 2300/9 2300/22 2304/6 2307/6 2308/5 2312/10 2312/12 2312/13 2315/12 2316/12 2319/13 2319/16 2323/2 2327/3 2332/19 2339/17 2343/15 2349/4 2349/25 2350/1 2351/3 2351/6 2353/4 2356/5 2361/11 2362/23 2366/2 2369/22 2372/7 2373/16 2374/2 2374/14 2374/15 2377/1 2385/9 2388/13 2389/13 2389/15 2389/24 2393/3 2394/18 2401/14 2402/3 2403/5 2406/16 2407/10 2407/12 2410/4 2410/13 2413/21 2415/4 2419/10 2427/12 2428/6 2430/15 2432/4 2433/10 2433/22 2435/17 2436/16 2436/23 2438/18 2438/24 2439/11 2439/25 2440/4 2440/5 2442/21 2443/5 2443/7 2444/4 2444/5 2449/16 2450/9 2451/20 2452/6 2452/9 2452/9 2452/9 2452/10 2452/11 2456/23 2457/12 2461/20 2463/1 2463/1 2463/3 2463/3 2463/5 2463/8 2464/2 2464/6 2464/7 2464/9 2464/16 2465/11 2466/21 2468/13 2468/15 2471/2 2471/14 2471/24 2472/1 2473/10 2473/11 2475/21 2476/4 2478/22 2479/19 2480/25 2481/21 2481/23 2481/25 2482/2 2482/8 2482/11 2482/12 2482/12 2482/15 2482/15 2484/4 2485/15 2485/20 2486/11 2488/5


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Hhave... [100] 2488/12 2488/14 2488/17 2491/10 2491/11 2491/13 2491/25 2492/2 2492/3 2492/4 2492/12 2492/16 2493/9 2495/19 2496/23 2496/25 2498/13 2499/5 2500/10 2500/24 2504/18 2505/3 2505/5 2505/22 2506/4 2506/5 2507/9 2512/20 2512/20 2519/10 2520/11 2523/8 2524/22 2524/22 2525/22 2526/24 2528/12 2529/21 2529/21 2530/2 2530/6 2530/22 2531/18 2532/16 2533/5 2534/8 2534/16 2534/17 2534/17 2535/20 2537/19 2539/2 2539/7 2539/19 2540/2 2541/16 2541/20 2541/23 2542/1 2542/11 2542/11 2547/6 2547/25 2550/20 2550/22 2551/4 2551/5 2551/8 2551/14 2551/21 2552/8 2552/10 2553/13 2553/15 2553/16 2553/17 2553/21 2555/15 2555/15 2556/1 2556/3 2559/5 2559/16 2560/13 2562/2 2562/3 2562/23 2566/7 2566/8 2566/8 2566/10 2566/11 2566/13 2566/15 2566/16 2566/22 2567/7 2567/11 2567/13 2568/11haven't [8] 2369/3 2408/17 2475/19 2499/11 2507/22 2543/10 2543/12 2555/10having [8] 2399/14 2435/8 2469/4 2471/3 2478/20 2560/17 2561/4 2562/5he [316] he's [13] 2314/14 2332/16 2358/4 2368/4 2398/2 2436/3 2444/18 2444/18 2454/15 2464/14 2547/11 2565/9 2565/9head [10] 2452/21 2465/15 2467/22 2477/22 2491/24 2493/5 2499/18 2522/8 2526/16 2570/4header [1] 2385/5heading [1] 2528/2hear [5] 2302/8 2323/22 2403/11 2403/21 2426/20heard [16] 2369/3 2403/16 2404/20 2404/25 2405/5 2405/12 2406/16 2407/13 2407/14 2426/25 2427/7 2429/11 2429/13 2436/21 2543/1 2564/11hearsay [3] 2454/3 2454/14 2504/1heavily [1] 2436/9heck [2] 2456/12 2528/13held [5] 2340/16 2341/12 2368/6 2407/1 2472/16Hello [1] 2465/7help [11] 2305/15 2325/4 2415/7 2430/8 2438/18 2440/15 2477/5 2492/11 2501/25 2503/23 2524/25

helped [3] 2478/5 2478/16 2478/18helping [1] 2306/2helps [3] 2385/12 2486/15 2503/22Henry [5] 2296/7 2296/13 2300/15 2301/1 2301/8here [61] 2298/18 2298/21 2299/1 2299/15 2299/18 2300/11 2301/17 2301/18 2322/22 2327/3 2328/10 2362/9 2400/24 2403/4 2415/24 2416/2 2421/1 2447/25 2448/12 2465/9 2474/25 2475/19 2482/3 2482/21 2483/8 2487/24 2488/1 2488/21 2492/20 2492/23 2493/9 2493/17 2495/7 2499/4 2501/19 2503/7 2503/23 2504/16 2504/23 2505/23 2509/20 2510/15 2511/21 2519/12 2523/7 2529/5 2531/1 2532/16 2532/22 2532/25 2533/8 2539/16 2548/15 2548/23 2548/25 2548/25 2560/18 2563/4 2567/3 2569/9 2569/13Hewlett [48] 2310/2 2310/14 2392/10 2392/17 2392/21 2392/23 2393/13 2394/3 2394/18 2394/25 2395/3 2396/6 2396/16 2396/20 2397/1 2397/13 2397/23 2399/3 2399/6 2399/10 2399/14 2402/16 2403/7 2403/8 2403/18 2408/2 2408/15 2408/18 2408/22 2409/11 2410/21 2412/2 2412/11 2412/17 2413/8 2414/15 2549/21 2549/25 2551/2 2551/6 2551/15 2551/21 2552/1 2552/9 2554/1 2555/1 2555/11 2555/13Hewlett's [2] 2392/12 2396/3hide [2] 2345/19 2503/9high [12] 2299/8 2312/6 2337/13 2337/14 2367/2 2396/19 2401/17 2402/19 2411/12 2545/14 2548/7 2565/12high-end [1] 2545/14higher [8] 2304/24 2305/1 2312/12 2389/15 2389/15 2441/11 2441/15 2441/18highest [1] 2299/10highlight [6] 2318/5 2320/23 2326/20 2379/2 2385/4 2401/22highlighted [2] 2316/23 2509/21him [57] 2296/16 2296/18 2296/18 2297/12 2325/20 2339/8 2362/2 2368/16 2372/10 2375/11 2391/11 2393/7 2420/6 2421/19 2430/5 2436/15 2436/15 2436/17 2449/22 2449/23 2450/1 2450/4 2450/7 2450/12 2450/15 2451/4 2454/9 2456/17 2457/3 2459/6 2468/22 2484/6 2489/10 2490/16 2490/20 2490/24

2492/3 2503/18 2508/21 2508/23 2518/21 2518/24 2523/13 2530/10 2537/19 2538/1 2549/15 2549/21 2551/2 2553/9 2558/1 2561/10 2562/20 2563/2 2564/6 2565/13 2568/14himself [1] 2367/10Hinojosa [2] 2299/5 2299/9Hinton [1] 2296/25Hinton's [1] 2296/15hire [3] 2296/25 2480/1 2553/4hired [6] 2342/9 2477/23 2478/3 2480/5 2553/7 2553/8hiring [2] 2296/15 2460/18his [49] 2297/7 2319/6 2319/6 2325/10 2326/6 2362/3 2372/6 2372/6 2372/24 2373/11 2373/14 2378/4 2378/13 2378/16 2391/18 2391/18 2392/2 2393/3 2400/1 2413/4 2413/14 2413/17 2418/9 2419/11 2420/5 2421/25 2422/1 2422/15 2422/16 2436/5 2439/5 2455/2 2484/9 2490/18 2490/22 2506/17 2511/11 2518/16 2526/8 2548/18 2548/20 2551/19 2552/1 2552/25 2554/15 2566/1 2566/1 2567/11 2567/12his -- you [1] 2372/6historians [1] 2300/9history [2] 2510/4 2510/6HITTNER [2] 2293/8 2488/14Hold [8] 2347/17 2391/24 2413/11 2456/10 2456/11 2489/5 2520/13 2530/10holder [1] 2542/3holders [1] 2542/6Holdings [4] 2437/15 2438/23 2440/20 2444/12holds [1] 2299/8Holt [1] 2296/13home [9] 2455/15 2458/17 2458/18 2458/19 2458/20 2459/11 2459/20 2460/2 2568/16Honor [44] 2297/20 2300/14 2302/21 2308/12 2333/8 2345/18 2352/11 2356/6 2358/6 2362/18 2373/25 2374/11 2382/23 2394/14 2401/1 2401/20 2405/21 2406/1 2406/23 2410/13 2411/17 2414/21 2415/13 2418/11 2424/24 2427/13 2430/23 2433/23 2436/18 2447/7 2447/14 2457/24 2465/1 2467/25 2476/17 2482/4 2483/17 2484/21 2485/11 2489/18 2504/18 2508/19 2539/21 2548/22HONORABLE [1] 2293/8hope [4] 2391/13 2391/19 2392/2 2525/19hoped [1] 2391/17hopefully [2] 2541/19 2547/22hoping [2] 2462/15 2518/11host [1] 2335/14hotel [5] 2532/22 2532/25


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Hhotel... [3] 2533/3 2533/8 2533/8hours [5] 2475/1 2475/19 2488/22 2501/19 2553/21house [6] 2421/25 2422/1 2422/7 2422/9 2422/11 2456/14housekeeping [1] 2454/6housing [1] 2422/16HOUSTON [34] 2293/2 2293/4 2293/13 2293/21 2294/5 2294/7 2294/11 2298/9 2298/11 2298/14 2301/12 2301/15 2301/17 2301/18 2307/15 2317/17 2328/10 2328/21 2330/17 2340/17 2341/11 2341/21 2361/11 2387/19 2403/4 2403/5 2421/25 2422/1 2422/9 2492/5 2526/14 2529/9 2532/23 2532/25how [179] 2302/8 2307/15 2308/2 2312/7 2321/24 2325/7 2325/24 2326/7 2328/14 2331/19 2332/4 2336/14 2336/22 2337/9 2337/13 2337/14 2337/21 2344/7 2346/21 2346/22 2348/2 2350/5 2353/10 2353/13 2353/19 2354/2 2354/2 2355/3 2355/6 2355/7 2359/2 2359/18 2359/24 2360/7 2360/11 2360/14 2361/14 2361/23 2363/3 2363/6 2364/19 2365/2 2365/10 2366/1 2369/13 2370/7 2370/9 2370/13 2370/20 2374/20 2374/23 2375/21 2376/3 2376/5 2376/14 2378/15 2380/5 2380/12 2381/22 2383/21 2386/2 2386/4 2387/2 2389/22 2393/3 2393/6 2393/13 2394/9 2394/17 2395/10 2401/8 2401/11 2402/4 2403/18 2403/21 2407/20 2407/22 2408/3 2412/5 2412/19 2419/21 2419/25 2420/2 2422/18 2424/3 2425/12 2430/4 2430/13 2437/21 2438/4 2439/25 2439/25 2443/14 2444/4 2446/22 2446/25 2452/17 2453/3 2453/3 2453/4 2453/5 2455/25 2456/7 2456/23 2458/1 2458/2 2465/7 2465/11 2467/9 2467/14 2469/12 2469/17 2470/15 2472/6 2475/4 2475/4 2475/7 2475/15 2475/20 2475/20 2477/7 2477/19 2478/11 2480/14 2480/24 2492/2 2494/3 2500/21 2508/10 2513/23 2514/16 2515/1 2515/2 2519/14 2521/4 2521/4 2523/10 2524/12 2525/23 2529/23 2531/23 2536/4 2536/20 2542/2 2542/3 2544/13 2545/6 2546/6 2546/8 2546/11 2546/14 2547/6 2550/15 2552/13 2553/4 2553/21 2553/22 2553/25

2554/25 2555/8 2555/9 2555/20 2557/3 2557/24 2558/15 2560/1 2560/2 2563/11 2564/3 2564/13 2566/1 2566/3 2566/10 2567/7 2567/20 2567/23 2568/20 2569/14 2570/14Howard [1] 2293/15HPD [1] 2453/23HR [6] 2302/9 2302/10 2303/5 2303/11 2303/19 2306/15huge [1] 2299/23huh [13] 2323/25 2378/19 2468/10 2477/4 2495/10 2501/9 2511/15 2516/1 2528/5 2528/18 2533/11 2534/23 2545/25huh-uh [1] 2534/23humble [1] 2457/9hundred [6] 2322/21 2383/16 2506/25 2518/20 2551/9 2552/14hypothetical [1] 2547/17

II'd [2] 2500/10 2508/19I'll [19] 2297/12 2314/18 2334/21 2368/11 2368/22 2370/7 2456/12 2456/13 2459/6 2476/6 2476/20 2484/25 2489/8 2509/18 2512/7 2521/23 2541/15 2549/19 2549/20I'm [67] 2296/13 2297/9 2301/10 2318/7 2323/22 2325/3 2332/23 2334/17 2335/5 2347/17 2362/25 2367/23 2368/16 2378/7 2379/14 2384/14 2384/25 2393/10 2404/24 2406/14 2407/16 2436/13 2436/14 2436/15 2440/2 2447/25 2454/4 2457/13 2462/24 2462/24 2463/7 2468/2 2473/21 2474/21 2475/25 2479/23 2480/21 2483/8 2493/8 2493/14 2506/12 2508/14 2508/14 2508/23 2518/11 2520/15 2520/20 2520/22 2522/5 2523/8 2524/5 2525/1 2526/11 2526/11 2533/23 2535/11 2536/17 2543/24 2547/20 2548/14 2548/17 2548/22 2549/3 2563/5 2563/14 2566/19 2567/2I've [9] 2297/8 2406/9 2406/11 2407/13 2407/14 2469/6 2473/8 2503/22 2530/25idea [41] 2387/11 2407/10 2407/12 2410/4 2410/12 2418/8 2442/21 2444/4 2493/22 2495/19 2495/20 2509/8 2509/10 2509/10 2509/10 2509/13 2510/2 2528/12 2533/20 2534/24 2534/25 2535/9 2535/25 2537/9 2543/25 2551/5 2551/14 2551/22 2552/8 2559/16 2565/11 2566/5 2566/10 2567/8 2567/11

2569/2 2569/6 2569/8 2569/10 2569/11 2570/1if [203] 2297/6 2298/25 2299/9 2299/14 2299/18 2300/11 2308/8 2308/11 2309/4 2309/23 2310/7 2310/20 2313/19 2313/20 2318/5 2320/23 2321/4 2323/5 2326/20 2328/22 2339/13 2339/17 2340/1 2341/7 2345/8 2349/1 2350/2 2350/23 2352/6 2354/18 2356/15 2357/14 2360/1 2365/10 2365/15 2366/4 2366/19 2367/4 2368/18 2368/24 2371/3 2374/11 2378/7 2379/2 2379/11 2380/1 2380/14 2383/5 2383/5 2383/10 2383/19 2384/24 2385/4 2385/10 2385/11 2386/23 2388/5 2388/11 2388/12 2389/10 2389/11 2389/23 2392/11 2394/12 2395/13 2397/10 2397/23 2397/24 2398/12 2398/22 2400/16 2402/7 2402/12 2405/20 2410/16 2413/20 2414/21 2416/2 2417/13 2419/12 2419/18 2422/14 2424/23 2426/15 2427/11 2427/22 2429/2 2429/15 2429/15 2429/24 2432/7 2434/7 2435/11 2436/3 2436/14 2436/16 2436/23 2438/16 2440/2 2443/6 2443/21 2445/3 2445/4 2446/23 2447/7 2451/10 2456/9 2456/10 2456/25 2457/8 2458/1 2461/1 2461/24 2462/1 2462/6 2462/9 2463/23 2471/12 2473/16 2475/7 2476/1 2476/5 2476/11 2476/14 2479/6 2480/24 2481/11 2481/12 2481/13 2482/10 2482/12 2482/23 2483/5 2483/10 2483/16 2483/25 2484/16 2485/21 2486/21 2487/19 2487/23 2487/24 2488/1 2488/3 2489/4 2489/9 2489/13 2489/17 2492/12 2495/13 2495/23 2497/6 2498/1 2499/20 2503/21 2504/20 2505/24 2506/12 2508/5 2509/20 2509/21 2510/21 2513/23 2517/1 2524/19 2524/23 2525/1 2529/14 2530/6 2532/22 2534/12 2534/12 2534/15 2534/15 2534/16 2534/17 2534/17 2535/13 2536/17 2542/10 2542/16 2542/16 2545/18 2547/15 2548/5 2548/7 2548/23 2552/18 2552/24 2553/1 2554/3 2555/5 2555/9 2556/16 2558/7 2558/8 2559/5 2559/7 2559/8 2559/25 2566/22 2568/6 2571/5imbalance [1] 2520/2immediate [1] 2391/7immediately [3] 2342/23 2373/6 2469/23immunity [2] 2461/18 2461/20


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Iimportant [1] 2456/18impression [3] 2396/13 2503/13 2518/11improper [1] 2332/10improperly [1] 2332/10improving [1] 2547/21in-house [1] 2456/14inaccessible [1] 2497/11inaccuracies [1] 2416/19inartfully [1] 2486/6incident [3] 2460/20 2461/4 2471/1include [11] 2323/16 2327/13 2358/12 2361/2 2380/24 2531/3 2531/7 2531/8 2531/9 2531/10 2531/11included [10] 2308/20 2310/12 2340/18 2340/19 2344/16 2346/12 2358/18 2358/21 2363/13 2386/10includes [1] 2361/5income [6] 2387/1 2387/8 2387/25 2388/10 2389/25 2556/20inconsistent [2] 2332/3 2483/25Incorporated [2] 2365/18 2365/19incorrect [1] 2499/21increase [14] 2396/6 2397/3 2409/25 2432/3 2434/1 2434/2 2439/2 2440/8 2440/15 2538/9 2538/10 2547/4 2547/6 2548/4increased [7] 2394/2 2394/5 2394/6 2396/9 2411/5 2411/8 2547/7increasing [1] 2409/14independent [17] 2309/18 2309/24 2310/1 2310/5 2315/11 2443/17 2443/19 2443/23 2443/25 2444/3 2444/5 2445/11 2445/13 2445/23 2446/7 2446/10 2550/4INDEX [1] 2295/1indicate [4] 2467/14 2510/3 2510/8 2562/21Indicating [4] 2346/20 2455/21 2485/19 2494/1indication [1] 2482/8indicative [1] 2555/6Indies [1] 2547/25individual [3] 2296/6 2508/6 2508/7individuals [3] 2309/1 2473/5 2500/18inference [1] 2551/24inflows [2] 2424/20 2424/21influence [1] 2525/23information [102] 2301/13 2310/19 2311/19 2315/12 2315/16 2315/17 2316/6 2316/20 2317/3 2317/16 2317/17 2317/20 2319/14 2319/16 2325/17 2336/10 2336/14 2336/15 2336/19 2339/16 2340/15 2341/12 2342/18 2342/19 2382/4 2402/3 2405/18 2417/5 2450/23 2453/7 2458/9 2462/8

2462/22 2464/3 2467/6 2471/10 2471/11 2471/12 2472/17 2472/18 2473/25 2474/3 2474/7 2474/12 2474/14 2474/23 2475/10 2475/13 2478/16 2478/19 2478/20 2478/22 2493/22 2494/3 2494/5 2494/6 2494/9 2494/13 2494/25 2495/4 2495/6 2495/22 2496/2 2496/4 2496/16 2496/18 2496/22 2497/1 2497/10 2497/11 2497/14 2497/22 2498/1 2498/2 2498/5 2498/8 2498/14 2498/15 2498/16 2501/24 2503/11 2505/12 2516/11 2529/22 2537/20 2539/7 2544/4 2544/6 2546/22 2549/8 2550/6 2551/16 2552/17 2562/9 2562/22 2562/22 2563/3 2564/22 2566/14 2566/15 2569/4 2569/12informed [12] 2317/1 2342/5 2409/9 2409/10 2474/13 2474/13 2478/24 2495/1 2535/11 2537/12 2537/18 2538/1infrastructure [1] 2547/2infuse [1] 2570/11infusion [17] 2354/23 2357/23 2427/5 2427/8 2427/10 2434/5 2434/6 2434/9 2439/4 2537/13 2537/22 2538/14 2538/21 2538/24 2538/25 2543/25 2568/20infusions [2] 2428/6 2428/10inherently [1] 2495/21initial [3] 2373/3 2441/3 2471/2initially [8] 2296/9 2302/10 2302/11 2302/24 2354/2 2354/3 2445/16 2495/23initials [1] 2399/8injected [1] 2524/22injection [1] 2329/10inner [2] 2474/11 2504/12input [1] 2415/5inquire [1] 2404/20inquired [1] 2552/19inquiry [2] 2405/7 2405/10inside [2] 2455/17 2473/2instance [2] 2484/15 2514/25instead [4] 2407/24 2440/8 2448/1 2509/14institution [2] 2428/2 2501/14instructed [4] 2339/7 2453/25 2454/2 2454/20instruction [1] 2548/23instructions [11] 2341/3 2342/24 2357/25 2416/16 2454/10 2454/12 2454/24 2455/6 2455/11 2459/18 2497/6instrument [1] 2540/21insurance [6] 2403/23 2403/25 2404/3 2404/3 2404/11 2405/4insured [1] 2404/7integral [1] 2309/18integrity [2] 2310/20 2550/5intelligence [2] 2479/16 2479/19

intended [2] 2478/7 2478/8intention [1] 2478/11interaction [4] 2399/12 2490/2 2492/2 2492/4intercompany [7] 2396/8 2510/10 2510/24 2511/1 2511/20 2511/25 2513/1interest [13] 2379/18 2379/19 2379/22 2380/24 2384/21 2463/24 2522/12 2522/18 2540/18 2542/17 2542/18 2544/7 2548/18interested [4] 2302/24 2302/25 2304/7 2304/8interests [1] 2500/20intermediary [1] 2336/2internal [40] 2302/12 2304/7 2307/13 2307/16 2307/18 2307/23 2307/24 2309/10 2309/15 2309/19 2309/20 2310/4 2310/10 2310/14 2311/15 2311/17 2313/5 2314/5 2314/9 2314/22 2314/23 2315/6 2315/10 2315/15 2317/8 2384/12 2449/15 2449/22 2449/23 2450/18 2450/21 2473/7 2473/9 2478/15 2479/1 2479/16 2479/18 2501/5 2510/9 2549/5International [33] 2306/20 2307/6 2318/24 2321/6 2326/25 2329/20 2330/1 2333/5 2342/7 2348/8 2354/11 2355/21 2360/12 2361/24 2369/25 2370/2 2379/9 2392/24 2395/14 2395/16 2407/4 2426/22 2428/1 2432/22 2434/19 2437/16 2441/8 2453/13 2464/12 2464/19 2518/1 2550/8 2550/10Internet [3] 2443/10 2443/11 2521/22interpret [1] 2561/25interpretation [1] 2566/6interpreted [2] 2376/25 2478/17interrupt [1] 2472/14interview [18] 2303/8 2303/8 2303/10 2303/20 2304/10 2304/14 2461/2 2461/23 2465/18 2473/9 2473/10 2473/13 2482/18 2499/14 2500/1 2501/3 2516/14 2557/23interviewed [7] 2303/11 2304/5 2304/12 2305/5 2465/19 2479/2 2499/6interviews [4] 2451/21 2478/13 2479/3 2543/11intimidated [1] 2479/17into [70] 2300/5 2307/8 2312/5 2317/21 2318/17 2319/1 2319/7 2319/8 2319/17 2323/3 2325/1 2342/10 2347/13 2347/20 2352/24 2354/20 2355/9 2355/12 2355/14 2355/14 2355/24 2357/11 2360/3 2360/5 2381/5 2385/15 2386/2 2400/11 2400/20 2402/17 2426/21


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Iinto... [39] 2428/6 2428/10 2428/13 2428/18 2434/10 2438/7 2439/4 2439/5 2439/19 2441/2 2441/22 2453/10 2459/6 2460/6 2460/10 2474/22 2475/5 2475/16 2476/3 2485/17 2489/6 2497/14 2498/6 2519/9 2524/22 2525/5 2528/22 2533/8 2534/10 2536/14 2538/14 2544/2 2555/22 2556/7 2556/9 2559/24 2560/6 2564/12 2565/10introduce [1] 2301/6inventory [2] 2305/10 2306/6invest [10] 2323/17 2389/11 2389/14 2417/6 2442/22 2516/7 2532/7 2532/12 2541/6 2541/19invested [11] 2312/6 2332/4 2384/4 2384/15 2388/7 2388/25 2389/24 2519/14 2532/22 2532/25 2533/15investigation [2] 2342/6 2342/10investigative [3] 2512/7 2512/10 2512/13investigator [12] 2473/7 2479/16 2500/2 2500/5 2500/8 2500/9 2501/5 2509/9 2510/9 2514/12 2545/10 2549/3investigators [2] 2479/1 2479/1investing [2] 2312/1 2464/1investment [32] 2310/25 2313/1 2313/7 2313/12 2314/11 2314/21 2315/4 2315/18 2316/15 2324/7 2349/14 2357/10 2385/14 2387/1 2387/8 2387/25 2390/2 2390/20 2391/13 2391/14 2432/1 2432/5 2438/7 2438/22 2445/5 2522/21 2525/19 2528/14 2531/19 2533/4 2533/12 2544/11investments [29] 2310/25 2311/25 2313/14 2313/15 2313/22 2314/2 2315/21 2387/2 2388/17 2440/19 2440/22 2441/1 2441/3 2442/14 2442/15 2442/15 2442/16 2442/17 2442/24 2443/2 2443/15 2443/18 2446/8 2446/24 2516/3 2525/19 2532/20 2533/7 2533/25investors [2] 2332/20 2417/4invests [3] 2528/11 2541/24 2542/3invisible [3] 2561/5 2561/7 2561/12invite [1] 2303/8invoices [1] 2350/13involve [4] 2321/16 2425/15 2437/5 2437/7involved [14] 2330/13 2342/20 2356/2 2392/17 2392/20 2398/3 2398/18 2430/19 2431/1 2436/9 2437/8 2438/2 2445/7 2491/16

involvement [5] 2317/11 2317/13 2435/18 2535/20 2535/21involving [4] 2428/21 2437/22 2468/22 2486/12irrelevant [1] 2451/5IRS [10] 2377/21 2482/18 2499/6 2499/8 2500/1 2509/13 2512/15 2514/12 2515/10 2557/24is [494] is no [4] 2312/6 2323/5 2462/18 2473/19island [14] 2328/4 2365/17 2431/8 2492/12 2536/18 2539/20 2545/1 2545/2 2545/7 2545/22 2546/16 2546/20 2547/24 2548/19islands [13] 2360/4 2373/24 2412/3 2430/17 2430/19 2430/22 2431/1 2431/5 2431/9 2441/19 2449/17 2451/1 2545/17isn't [23] 2504/25 2505/16 2512/21 2513/8 2518/1 2518/25 2519/24 2522/2 2522/19 2522/21 2525/7 2537/13 2539/3 2540/18 2544/3 2551/24 2556/4 2556/11 2557/3 2557/21 2558/23 2559/12 2570/8issue [6] 2344/9 2400/7 2427/25 2428/1 2447/21 2567/3issued [1] 2306/11issues [3] 2423/7 2491/6 2537/6it [834] it's [115] 2297/14 2297/25 2298/25 2299/2 2299/18 2299/20 2301/23 2308/18 2310/20 2313/25 2314/2 2322/24 2323/4 2323/4 2323/5 2324/11 2324/11 2326/6 2326/8 2327/4 2332/16 2332/23 2334/23 2345/4 2347/20 2348/16 2349/11 2349/14 2351/1 2353/13 2354/8 2362/11 2362/25 2366/14 2366/23 2370/3 2376/10 2379/9 2382/23 2383/25 2385/11 2388/7 2388/9 2389/23 2401/17 2407/15 2407/16 2408/25 2409/2 2409/5 2411/19 2412/16 2413/16 2414/22 2416/10 2416/18 2416/25 2418/7 2421/9 2442/5 2443/1 2443/1 2444/4 2447/23 2448/2 2448/17 2448/25 2454/11 2454/14 2454/17 2456/22 2457/5 2457/16 2457/17 2459/5 2465/17 2465/17 2481/14 2484/14 2485/2 2486/5 2487/15 2488/19 2496/13 2504/1 2504/1 2505/24 2506/1 2506/1 2506/2 2506/3 2512/5 2512/15 2514/23 2521/17 2521/18 2522/2 2525/23 2532/10 2532/17 2532/17 2535/23 2541/1 2542/16 2548/5 2548/7

2549/7 2549/10 2560/11 2560/18 2561/19 2562/10 2566/6 2567/6 2568/10item [4] 2419/9 2465/25 2470/2 2470/19items [2] 2459/20 2459/22its [9] 2321/6 2321/14 2354/8 2361/15 2365/20 2388/16 2388/17 2390/20 2440/16itself [7] 2299/22 2327/9 2335/11 2448/3 2475/12 2562/3 2562/3

JJames [3] 2309/3 2345/25 2399/3January [5] 2307/8 2308/8 2394/25 2429/7 2543/15jeopardize [2] 2339/18 2352/7jeopardizing [1] 2339/22jet [2] 2358/21 2424/13jets [14] 2358/13 2358/15 2358/24 2359/6 2359/15 2389/7 2424/2 2424/7 2424/11 2424/13 2564/18 2565/11 2566/21 2567/15jets' [1] 2358/23Jim [11] 2357/13 2364/3 2399/7 2399/22 2490/21 2491/25 2492/1 2494/9 2509/10 2535/7 2551/1Jimmy [2] 2296/9 2296/12JMD [1] 2399/6job [17] 2304/9 2305/18 2305/25 2307/8 2307/8 2339/18 2339/22 2351/18 2352/8 2387/21 2451/13 2451/17 2457/2 2463/4 2506/16 2506/17 2513/1jobs [1] 2452/2John [1] 2294/3join [1] 2486/16Juan [5] 2360/3 2398/3 2398/5 2398/6 2398/20judge [22] 2293/8 2296/4 2296/6 2297/1 2298/9 2299/5 2299/5 2299/9 2299/24 2299/25 2300/7 2300/8 2329/19 2334/22 2366/8 2369/10 2401/4 2406/8 2457/10 2457/16 2484/17 2488/14judges [3] 2298/9 2298/11 2541/11judicial [3] 2298/20 2299/10 2299/10jump [2] 2483/4 2549/4Jumping [1] 2557/16June [1] 2409/16juror [2] 2406/6 2406/7jury [45] 2293/7 2296/2 2298/3 2298/5 2299/21 2301/6 2301/11 2345/6 2345/16 2362/14 2362/15 2389/9 2394/25 2406/6 2406/11 2415/2 2452/8 2456/7 2456/13 2475/8 2478/1 2478/4 2478/17 2482/21 2482/23 2483/6 2485/6 2485/7 2485/24 2488/17 2488/22 2488/24 2503/9 2503/13 2504/11


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Jjury... [10] 2511/6 2518/6 2520/1 2520/4 2522/15 2528/6 2529/18 2544/20 2544/22 2556/1just [119] 2296/8 2296/16 2297/15 2299/14 2302/1 2310/7 2311/23 2312/10 2312/17 2312/22 2320/1 2323/1 2323/16 2324/9 2328/1 2331/24 2332/23 2333/2 2333/11 2334/25 2351/3 2357/6 2357/10 2359/8 2361/2 2362/9 2363/19 2363/20 2369/6 2369/12 2370/9 2370/13 2370/19 2371/5 2371/12 2374/3 2375/1 2375/25 2377/5 2379/24 2380/21 2381/5 2383/24 2385/4 2385/22 2386/5 2389/23 2397/5 2397/10 2402/1 2403/21 2405/22 2407/16 2410/10 2411/10 2414/23 2415/15 2415/23 2416/2 2418/6 2428/15 2430/8 2435/21 2436/8 2436/9 2436/14 2436/24 2439/21 2441/18 2442/21 2443/8 2443/10 2448/4 2448/13 2448/25 2449/23 2453/9 2454/11 2456/11 2456/20 2463/5 2464/1 2466/4 2468/2 2470/9 2473/16 2475/24 2482/12 2484/9 2485/8 2489/11 2489/17 2494/2 2499/3 2504/23 2508/1 2508/19 2508/24 2508/24 2509/1 2509/8 2513/23 2514/19 2520/13 2521/11 2522/15 2529/2 2531/11 2540/2 2542/15 2547/15 2547/17 2551/12 2552/14 2555/19 2557/11 2559/12 2559/14 2566/17justice [2] 2293/15 2406/10

KKalford [2] 2479/18 2500/10Karen [1] 2419/17keep [36] 2324/21 2324/23 2325/20 2331/18 2347/12 2347/19 2351/23 2361/15 2378/1 2417/8 2424/10 2424/16 2434/22 2448/4 2459/17 2470/4 2484/23 2501/14 2506/16 2506/17 2513/2 2517/2 2517/10 2518/8 2518/9 2518/10 2529/10 2529/22 2529/25 2530/7 2530/8 2530/9 2530/12 2535/4 2538/19 2563/21keeping [5] 2382/14 2491/8 2494/11 2516/3 2556/18Kenneth [1] 2294/6kept [19] 2351/25 2378/1 2378/3 2410/23 2417/20 2439/9 2455/17 2494/6 2501/5 2501/7 2502/10 2502/13 2515/24 2518/6 2518/8 2529/7 2529/12 2529/14 2533/6kids [3] 2452/6 2452/9

2452/12kind [10] 2301/22 2442/15 2472/14 2481/14 2516/6 2521/24 2534/22 2565/22 2565/23 2567/18knew [42] 2320/6 2320/7 2333/15 2388/24 2389/10 2389/19 2390/18 2391/4 2392/6 2394/2 2395/8 2396/16 2396/25 2402/19 2410/22 2411/10 2414/16 2427/9 2464/3 2467/14 2469/24 2473/6 2474/25 2475/3 2482/22 2483/1 2504/9 2505/13 2505/18 2506/3 2506/8 2510/8 2510/11 2510/12 2513/6 2522/14 2532/25 2540/13 2543/5 2551/19 2552/17 2555/21Knoche [1] 2362/1knocked [1] 2465/21know [184] 2296/23 2297/3 2297/6 2298/9 2299/9 2299/9 2300/2 2300/2 2316/21 2323/15 2324/19 2327/3 2334/1 2337/24 2339/15 2339/25 2342/8 2342/12 2343/24 2346/12 2346/18 2360/2 2362/1 2362/3 2363/17 2368/25 2369/3 2370/8 2370/13 2372/6 2373/17 2373/25 2378/15 2378/20 2383/21 2387/6 2387/18 2388/2 2388/18 2393/7 2393/13 2397/3 2397/23 2399/3 2400/8 2402/4 2405/22 2408/10 2413/7 2413/22 2414/3 2414/9 2422/9 2424/4 2424/11 2430/4 2430/21 2431/3 2432/1 2435/11 2435/23 2435/24 2436/4 2436/23 2438/24 2439/25 2439/25 2440/2 2456/4 2456/4 2456/16 2457/8 2457/13 2461/18 2468/21 2469/17 2473/5 2473/17 2474/11 2474/12 2474/22 2476/6 2476/15 2476/15 2478/11 2478/19 2478/22 2480/11 2481/11 2484/12 2484/14 2486/4 2486/5 2487/12 2489/14 2495/13 2495/16 2497/6 2500/21 2501/24 2501/24 2505/6 2505/24 2508/15 2510/22 2511/13 2513/23 2513/24 2514/1 2514/3 2514/3 2516/9 2516/10 2516/12 2521/4 2521/4 2522/11 2522/13 2526/18 2526/19 2533/13 2533/14 2533/19 2534/1 2535/13 2535/13 2536/19 2537/10 2537/19 2538/1 2538/16 2539/1 2539/3 2539/4 2539/7 2541/10 2541/11 2542/13 2543/7 2543/8 2543/9 2544/4 2544/9 2545/3 2545/4 2545/20 2546/1 2546/3 2548/6 2550/15 2550/25 2551/16 2551/18 2552/24 2553/4 2553/25 2555/8 2555/9 2555/13 2555/14 2555/18 2556/13

2556/15 2556/17 2558/20 2559/3 2559/4 2560/4 2560/4 2562/19 2562/25 2566/12 2566/17 2566/19 2566/25 2567/1 2567/4 2567/7 2567/10 2567/11 2569/7 2569/11 2569/11 2570/19knowing [8] 2321/24 2389/23 2391/25 2463/5 2478/19 2478/20 2505/20 2505/21knowledge [15] 2364/7 2371/23 2382/18 2384/1 2413/14 2413/17 2505/4 2505/5 2512/20 2547/6 2556/2 2556/3 2562/8 2562/11 2567/7knowledgeable [3] 2508/10 2508/14 2562/23known [9] 2300/9 2332/14 2333/6 2457/5 2465/11 2502/16 2502/22 2502/24 2503/15Kuhrt [48] 2304/12 2304/17 2304/25 2305/2 2305/4 2317/6 2325/12 2337/1 2337/25 2338/23 2341/20 2345/25 2356/13 2391/9 2391/16 2392/2 2397/19 2398/2 2398/15 2398/25 2399/23 2400/6 2429/20 2429/21 2431/20 2463/11 2490/11 2490/12 2490/12 2494/21 2494/23 2495/1 2495/11 2504/12 2509/13 2514/9 2514/15 2514/16 2515/15 2515/18 2535/1 2535/14 2536/5 2537/17 2563/9 2569/5 2570/14 2570/21Kuhrt's [5] 2304/13 2304/22 2400/1 2509/10 2569/10Kye [1] 2348/24

Lladies [4] 2332/22 2414/22 2485/2 2571/4Lake [1] 2407/15laminated [1] 2406/12land [15] 2431/18 2431/23 2433/7 2442/1 2442/2 2547/1 2547/2 2547/5 2547/8 2547/9 2547/10 2547/13 2547/14 2547/21 2559/1lands [1] 2441/23language [2] 2433/20 2433/22laptop [9] 2344/8 2455/16 2455/16 2455/17 2458/5 2458/5 2458/15 2458/21 2458/23Laredo [1] 2298/12large [6] 2367/11 2381/22 2411/19 2435/2 2442/20 2562/6larger [3] 2327/4 2333/17 2333/17last [20] 2296/17 2299/12 2301/7 2301/20 2310/13 2317/24 2343/3 2345/22 2349/24 2385/4 2409/10 2412/14 2427/23 2428/9 2465/13 2465/14 2475/1 2483/20 2489/13 2518/3late [3] 2451/12 2527/17 2528/15


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Llater [15] 2319/21 2322/13 2330/22 2390/22 2410/13 2436/17 2461/7 2462/2 2499/13 2510/20 2526/15 2544/13 2544/14 2544/14 2567/3Latin [1] 2370/20Laura [1] 2296/13Lausanne [4] 2407/8 2407/9 2407/10 2407/19law [4] 2294/3 2294/6 2299/7 2510/15lawyer [20] 2342/10 2460/18 2468/13 2468/16 2471/20 2472/1 2475/25 2480/1 2480/6 2480/9 2480/13 2481/5 2484/15 2492/23 2493/2 2493/9 2493/17 2500/24 2506/4 2506/5lawyers [5] 2296/22 2468/8 2468/11 2468/13 2541/10lay [2] 2371/24 2427/3leading [5] 2337/17 2340/22 2357/7 2372/11 2452/24leaning [1] 2332/23learn [8] 2314/9 2314/20 2324/3 2428/20 2464/22 2538/4 2544/5 2557/17learned [7] 2319/21 2367/11 2512/25 2513/6 2536/13 2543/10 2543/12learning [1] 2478/21least [4] 2307/17 2322/21 2332/24 2350/8leave [12] 2355/11 2415/6 2415/8 2451/3 2451/13 2452/15 2454/2 2455/12 2455/13 2457/3 2541/15 2552/20leaving [2] 2462/25 2503/13led [2] 2456/8 2458/3leeway [1] 2436/16left [20] 2300/3 2302/6 2316/25 2317/2 2317/3 2326/20 2352/21 2352/22 2395/5 2425/25 2430/17 2451/7 2470/19 2477/10 2477/11 2480/5 2485/14 2518/11 2537/13 2538/2left-hand [5] 2326/20 2352/21 2352/22 2395/5 2430/17legal [2] 2316/9 2493/18legally [1] 2440/22legitimate [3] 2413/7 2413/22 2414/9lend [1] 2532/4lending [3] 2321/8 2322/25 2508/5length [8] 2444/6 2444/8 2444/15 2444/23 2444/24 2445/3 2445/6 2473/7less [5] 2388/14 2388/14 2408/5 2525/14 2565/17let [22] 2334/20 2345/15 2362/9 2368/25 2376/2 2393/10 2397/23 2405/22 2445/2 2445/2 2447/8 2459/6 2472/14 2474/22 2475/24 2476/6 2476/15 2476/15 2503/4 2520/17 2530/10

2555/19let's [54] 2298/3 2311/2 2311/8 2311/23 2320/23 2328/22 2329/4 2347/12 2347/19 2353/1 2353/25 2358/8 2359/14 2363/8 2363/16 2368/18 2370/8 2370/8 2370/19 2380/19 2385/11 2385/20 2386/22 2399/5 2400/9 2400/24 2401/3 2401/18 2411/14 2420/24 2450/6 2450/6 2456/21 2457/23 2458/6 2460/16 2476/8 2476/12 2483/4 2485/6 2504/20 2506/6 2506/11 2530/14 2531/14 2534/5 2540/6 2542/15 2544/23 2548/25 2549/20 2560/15 2565/13 2568/15letter [10] 2297/12 2392/15 2433/1 2461/12 2487/13 2509/11 2509/15 2516/16 2516/19 2517/8letters [1] 2398/21level [6] 2317/13 2317/14 2439/16 2442/24 2478/25 2481/15liabilities [9] 2311/6 2311/8 2311/9 2311/10 2312/8 2312/11 2312/12 2439/8 2520/2liability [1] 2311/20license [1] 2360/3lie [7] 2416/22 2416/25 2481/11 2481/12 2487/24 2488/1 2488/3lied [1] 2487/23light [2] 2370/7 2436/3lighting [1] 2299/23like [75] 2296/11 2317/22 2327/4 2334/9 2334/10 2334/12 2334/21 2341/20 2344/10 2344/11 2348/14 2349/7 2349/15 2353/6 2354/1 2354/12 2355/23 2359/12 2361/3 2361/9 2361/20 2369/6 2393/8 2393/17 2408/15 2408/22 2414/5 2441/19 2443/5 2454/1 2454/10 2456/9 2458/7 2458/11 2458/12 2463/10 2466/25 2479/17 2481/16 2491/5 2495/17 2495/22 2496/8 2498/25 2504/12 2508/19 2508/24 2512/16 2516/3 2518/4 2519/5 2522/1 2522/7 2526/6 2526/14 2527/18 2529/2 2530/7 2530/25 2532/6 2532/13 2532/22 2542/2 2548/6 2554/2 2557/3 2561/13 2561/14 2561/15 2563/20 2563/22 2567/5 2567/5 2567/15 2568/2limine [2] 2539/23 2539/25limited [15] 2360/18 2365/4 2395/15 2395/16 2403/25 2404/15 2405/17 2407/5 2411/23 2414/1 2418/2 2441/8 2455/3 2473/4 2518/1line [18] 2332/12 2419/9 2419/10 2483/16 2491/3 2508/2 2508/23 2514/20 2514/22 2514/24 2515/2

2515/6 2515/12 2515/13 2515/14 2515/17 2516/17 2521/18liquid [8] 2386/2 2386/12 2386/14 2386/15 2560/6 2560/7 2560/8 2560/12liquidate [3] 2433/15 2433/17 2570/12liquidated [2] 2385/16 2386/5liquidity [2] 2385/8 2443/2list [14] 2352/21 2352/23 2363/16 2365/4 2380/21 2381/8 2404/6 2421/24 2430/17 2438/5 2438/6 2438/22 2504/24 2516/2listed [23] 2314/1 2360/17 2364/1 2364/13 2365/1 2369/24 2403/24 2403/25 2404/1 2404/4 2404/13 2431/19 2431/23 2432/14 2505/3 2519/23 2523/6 2523/22 2523/23 2524/11 2532/16 2532/17 2532/21listen [2] 2500/1 2568/14listing [1] 2505/19lists [5] 2311/6 2335/1 2407/24 2420/11 2432/21little [31] 2312/17 2333/2 2345/14 2345/17 2363/19 2363/20 2385/11 2402/19 2411/12 2415/7 2420/15 2429/13 2432/10 2436/15 2447/24 2452/1 2457/12 2457/22 2459/6 2476/8 2490/4 2499/23 2503/11 2504/12 2504/23 2506/6 2546/20 2549/4 2549/7 2568/15 2571/7live [3] 2541/7 2541/10 2541/11lived [1] 2567/18living [4] 2301/9 2390/11 2422/11 2559/13LLC [1] 2365/15loan [28] 2321/11 2321/13 2321/25 2321/25 2322/9 2322/22 2323/6 2323/7 2323/13 2323/14 2323/16 2379/12 2379/13 2433/15 2433/17 2435/2 2435/15 2437/2 2437/22 2508/16 2509/12 2557/18 2558/6 2558/14 2559/17 2570/1 2570/12 2570/23loaned [7] 2322/15 2501/18 2523/12 2523/14 2527/3 2557/19 2558/2loaning [8] 2322/3 2322/7 2506/24 2507/6 2507/13 2511/7 2511/14 2511/16loans [33] 2321/4 2321/7 2321/9 2321/15 2321/15 2322/6 2322/18 2322/23 2323/1 2323/2 2323/8 2323/15 2323/15 2377/14 2382/7 2382/16 2382/17 2448/23 2474/3 2474/23 2475/3 2475/8 2502/11 2505/4 2505/5 2507/4 2507/20 2509/15 2519/22 2523/6 2523/11 2558/13 2563/21local [1] 2363/18locate [1] 2470/2


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Llocated [4] 2398/8 2398/9 2465/24 2470/4locations [1] 2365/22locked [2] 2470/6 2470/7long [9] 2308/2 2465/11 2465/16 2469/12 2470/15 2477/7 2477/19 2535/23 2544/13longer [2] 2298/18 2357/5look [34] 2309/4 2319/25 2351/3 2351/6 2356/15 2358/8 2359/14 2360/1 2363/16 2365/15 2369/22 2370/8 2370/19 2383/5 2385/20 2397/22 2397/25 2402/12 2410/16 2411/14 2416/2 2419/12 2427/23 2430/15 2447/25 2463/2 2463/4 2478/21 2482/1 2499/5 2500/10 2526/2 2532/3 2532/4looked [7] 2300/10 2382/9 2415/7 2499/11 2518/3 2532/13 2561/9looking [24] 2302/11 2360/16 2363/9 2369/12 2371/6 2371/12 2374/23 2394/1 2410/15 2415/23 2417/5 2430/13 2433/21 2442/22 2447/25 2451/12 2451/24 2452/15 2460/7 2463/7 2478/19 2500/19 2528/24 2559/2looks [2] 2327/4 2334/21loop [2] 2476/3 2539/2Lopez [54] 2303/21 2304/4 2304/11 2304/17 2304/25 2305/2 2325/12 2337/1 2337/25 2338/23 2339/9 2339/12 2339/13 2339/19 2341/20 2343/9 2345/25 2356/18 2356/22 2357/18 2378/3 2378/12 2378/16 2394/17 2394/17 2398/15 2398/17 2428/24 2429/4 2429/20 2429/25 2430/2 2430/12 2431/20 2431/20 2435/21 2463/10 2490/17 2493/24 2494/22 2494/23 2494/24 2495/11 2504/12 2514/8 2514/15 2514/16 2515/15 2515/18 2535/1 2535/14 2536/5 2563/9 2569/5Lopez' [4] 2303/22 2304/20 2509/10 2509/13lose [3] 2524/19 2524/23 2542/7losing [5] 2329/8 2346/22 2373/1 2526/7 2534/13loss [5] 2321/13 2390/23 2524/14 2524/15 2534/17lost [4] 2346/6 2528/20 2533/20 2534/16lot [38] 2300/3 2306/1 2325/3 2329/8 2335/7 2335/10 2346/6 2360/21 2389/10 2420/24 2423/12 2441/19 2453/7 2472/16 2474/1 2476/13 2483/6 2492/3 2494/3 2494/5 2497/19 2497/22 2499/3 2500/14 2500/17 2500/18

2504/13 2504/15 2505/22 2511/3 2524/22 2524/22 2528/19 2529/1 2533/5 2542/2 2542/23 2570/10lots [3] 2510/23 2511/1 2511/20loud [1] 2503/25love [1] 2484/24low [2] 2392/4 2396/19lower [2] 2441/15 2525/18Luis [1] 2449/14lunch [2] 2414/21 2417/14luxurious [1] 2545/14

Mmachineries [1] 2306/6machinery [2] 2305/11 2312/21made [41] 2322/16 2332/4 2343/13 2372/3 2375/14 2375/17 2375/23 2376/19 2387/2 2387/4 2395/3 2402/13 2402/22 2405/7 2413/9 2414/10 2417/19 2423/22 2433/1 2462/10 2463/14 2472/21 2476/10 2480/9 2480/10 2500/1 2502/11 2514/4 2522/24 2525/19 2533/4 2533/20 2536/6 2536/10 2544/25 2545/7 2557/23 2560/16 2564/6 2566/4 2569/9magazine [2] 2366/13 2366/14Maiden [1] 2546/16Maiden Island [1] 2546/16mail [62] 2338/24 2339/5 2344/21 2344/24 2345/9 2345/11 2345/13 2345/22 2348/13 2348/19 2349/2 2349/21 2349/24 2350/3 2350/9 2350/11 2356/8 2356/13 2356/18 2357/14 2357/16 2357/18 2358/4 2394/12 2394/24 2395/23 2396/2 2397/9 2397/11 2397/19 2397/25 2398/12 2398/14 2398/23 2405/4 2409/1 2409/24 2418/13 2418/24 2425/8 2425/9 2426/15 2426/23 2427/7 2427/17 2428/24 2429/4 2429/18 2429/19 2429/24 2434/25 2438/21 2453/20 2538/23 2569/4 2569/12 2569/12 2569/14 2570/2 2570/13 2570/16 2570/20mailed [1] 2339/8mails [3] 2339/2 2344/17 2554/14mainly [1] 2399/12maintain [1] 2364/23maintained [2] 2321/10 2378/13maintaining [1] 2378/16maintains [1] 2309/10major [1] 2314/1majored [1] 2301/12majority [4] 2311/10 2312/16 2312/24 2313/1make [51] 2310/11 2312/4 2317/20 2320/12 2373/5 2373/10 2373/14 2377/24 2377/24 2379/22 2386/9

2386/11 2389/10 2389/18 2389/22 2405/19 2417/6 2435/14 2436/16 2445/20 2463/6 2465/9 2472/3 2476/11 2476/22 2481/14 2485/24 2488/10 2488/12 2488/14 2493/17 2499/14 2499/19 2499/22 2500/2 2520/7 2521/15 2523/1 2523/3 2526/22 2528/13 2532/21 2533/25 2541/2 2547/20 2548/25 2561/12 2563/3 2566/16 2567/4 2569/25makes [7] 2309/16 2319/4 2487/9 2487/12 2507/21 2541/6 2541/20making [20] 2310/17 2317/21 2329/7 2329/7 2373/1 2391/14 2391/15 2434/10 2462/25 2520/5 2523/10 2523/18 2525/19 2525/23 2527/20 2529/1 2529/19 2548/19 2559/21 2567/5Maldonado [11] 2336/18 2345/4 2345/6 2345/12 2347/25 2348/19 2349/1 2349/9 2556/21 2557/9 2557/10man [2] 2300/9 2563/24manage [2] 2318/14 2521/4management [9] 2306/14 2308/18 2309/2 2309/8 2330/4 2330/12 2331/17 2536/7 2536/7management's [2] 2309/13 2310/9manager [10] 2302/9 2302/10 2302/12 2303/11 2303/19 2304/15 2345/7 2398/7 2404/5 2557/10managers [3] 2388/25 2529/23 2530/9manner [2] 2446/14 2554/10many [11] 2307/15 2364/19 2378/15 2424/3 2437/21 2550/15 2550/24 2550/25 2552/7 2553/21 2564/3March [5] 2345/3 2345/11 2346/1 2346/4 2348/19March 10th [1] 2345/3March 4th [1] 2346/1marina [3] 2545/20 2546/6 2546/7marinas [1] 2547/3Marine [1] 2457/2Mark [29] 2304/12 2317/6 2325/12 2337/1 2337/23 2339/12 2345/25 2391/9 2397/19 2397/22 2398/20 2429/20 2474/15 2490/11 2490/12 2490/12 2495/1 2495/1 2497/5 2498/7 2498/19 2509/10 2513/21 2514/9 2514/15 2535/1 2537/17 2563/8 2569/4marked [3] 2342/13 2405/23 2446/25marked-up [1] 2446/25market [45] 2318/20 2318/20 2367/4 2431/19 2431/22 2431/23 2433/6 2438/12 2441/7 2441/14 2441/15 2441/20 2441/21 2441/22


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Mmarket... [31] 2441/23 2442/9 2442/11 2443/4 2443/6 2443/14 2443/18 2443/25 2445/10 2445/14 2446/8 2446/21 2492/7 2492/12 2492/13 2525/7 2525/11 2525/13 2525/17 2525/24 2526/9 2526/21 2530/3 2547/7 2547/8 2547/19 2547/22 2548/2 2548/7 2548/8 2553/3marketable [3] 2507/24 2508/3 2508/6marketing [3] 2317/19 2491/13 2530/3markets [5] 2390/18 2445/16 2530/4 2530/12 2532/2markup [1] 2446/21maroon [1] 2360/10Marshals [1] 2453/23Mart [3] 2451/20 2451/22 2452/3match [1] 2352/4materialized [1] 2451/25materials [3] 2417/1 2454/1 2454/10matter [6] 2326/4 2332/23 2415/25 2454/14 2457/17 2519/21matters [2] 2304/3 2454/6max [1] 2568/9may [39] 2300/22 2334/12 2349/4 2349/25 2350/1 2351/3 2368/23 2374/2 2396/5 2409/2 2413/21 2415/5 2415/7 2419/23 2436/16 2436/19 2436/23 2456/23 2461/6 2461/25 2465/19 2465/20 2476/4 2479/2 2479/2 2479/19 2480/25 2483/15 2484/3 2499/7 2500/11 2501/4 2503/15 2525/17 2541/13 2541/16 2545/11 2547/10 2559/16May 19th [1] 2409/2May 21st [1] 2419/23May 5th [1] 2500/11maybe [12] 2361/12 2457/11 2477/8 2478/9 2480/9 2492/10 2503/20 2532/18 2564/22 2564/23 2569/9 2569/9McAllen [2] 2298/10 2298/12McGuire [2] 2294/6 2294/6me [70] 2317/6 2328/9 2343/12 2345/15 2350/10 2362/9 2376/2 2393/10 2397/23 2405/22 2414/5 2429/21 2430/5 2436/1 2445/2 2445/2 2447/8 2454/4 2454/5 2457/10 2458/7 2462/1 2462/3 2462/5 2467/19 2471/12 2471/13 2472/14 2475/24 2475/25 2476/3 2476/6 2476/15 2478/21 2481/22 2481/25 2484/6 2484/7 2494/3 2494/23 2495/1 2495/8 2499/3 2499/22 2499/23 2502/3 2502/4 2502/5 2502/9 2503/4 2503/4 2503/25 2506/12 2507/11 2511/13 2512/12 2515/10 2517/25 2520/17

2523/7 2524/1 2525/1 2525/1 2536/17 2537/17 2548/6 2553/1 2553/3 2553/8 2555/19mean [69] 2302/20 2305/8 2310/18 2319/2 2320/10 2320/11 2320/15 2323/14 2327/11 2334/1 2334/3 2364/17 2376/23 2396/21 2399/5 2399/10 2399/10 2399/11 2403/2 2409/19 2427/2 2427/20 2430/22 2431/15 2431/15 2431/17 2436/11 2439/3 2440/25 2443/8 2443/19 2443/23 2444/3 2444/8 2468/7 2472/16 2472/16 2473/2 2473/6 2479/13 2488/10 2489/11 2490/4 2494/3 2495/13 2504/14 2505/11 2511/1 2523/25 2527/19 2529/17 2532/6 2533/6 2536/19 2541/4 2543/2 2552/8 2552/24 2554/13 2554/13 2555/2 2559/8 2559/9 2559/9 2561/17 2565/9 2568/11 2569/11 2570/20meaning [3] 2410/25 2456/22 2524/19means [9] 2318/13 2409/19 2427/4 2434/4 2434/15 2441/1 2444/9 2461/18 2559/9meant [4] 2369/4 2427/21 2489/15 2566/6meantime [2] 2415/5 2415/8measure [2] 2529/21 2529/21mechanical [1] 2293/23mechanically [2] 2420/2 2420/4medical [1] 2477/5meet [4] 2296/19 2303/19 2453/21 2544/2meeting [17] 2297/1 2297/5 2417/14 2460/10 2461/25 2467/1 2467/8 2469/12 2471/1 2471/3 2472/3 2476/25 2500/11 2500/14 2500/17 2501/1 2501/2meetings [5] 2337/3 2337/8 2375/17 2492/4 2497/24members [1] 2478/14memo [1] 2554/14memorializing [1] 2377/14memory [15] 2458/25 2459/2 2459/16 2459/17 2471/7 2496/13 2503/20 2503/22 2504/2 2509/22 2509/25 2510/1 2513/18 2514/14 2516/17mention [11] 2298/7 2306/8 2327/13 2391/3 2391/5 2516/10 2557/23 2563/3 2563/6 2564/6 2564/19mentioned [13] 2317/6 2324/15 2355/22 2375/16 2382/8 2391/7 2391/11 2420/6 2446/5 2471/14 2537/19 2538/1 2564/5mentioning [1] 2424/9met [12] 2296/21 2296/24 2297/8 2303/19 2303/21 2304/10 2362/2 2466/24 2467/23 2476/1 2476/9 2481/5

metaphor [4] 2561/19 2561/20 2562/1 2562/20method [5] 2511/24 2516/21 2525/4 2559/17 2559/19methods [1] 2525/25Mexican [1] 2301/23Meylan [1] 2409/5Michigan [3] 2298/22 2298/23 2298/23Microphone [1] 2540/9mid [1] 2451/12middle [10] 2318/22 2330/16 2330/22 2330/24 2331/10 2333/20 2334/5 2350/20 2415/17 2451/2might [16] 2339/13 2361/10 2431/15 2476/22 2478/17 2479/5 2480/21 2480/24 2503/23 2524/16 2524/21 2528/12 2530/5 2532/13 2539/2 2548/23mike [3] 2296/15 2363/19 2493/10military [2] 2456/17 2457/1million [65] 2312/17 2312/22 2322/21 2348/3 2348/4 2349/5 2349/6 2349/10 2353/22 2353/23 2356/24 2359/4 2361/16 2361/22 2363/7 2363/13 2363/13 2364/11 2366/6 2367/4 2367/16 2368/6 2369/16 2369/18 2369/19 2370/23 2371/20 2372/4 2372/19 2374/10 2374/25 2379/8 2379/22 2380/6 2380/12 2380/22 2380/25 2381/6 2381/10 2387/4 2387/25 2389/13 2389/14 2422/4 2428/14 2431/9 2431/10 2431/13 2431/24 2432/17 2432/20 2432/24 2446/24 2448/17 2518/4 2518/7 2518/13 2533/7 2537/13 2538/8 2544/12 2566/20 2566/23 2570/3 2570/5million-dollar [1] 2537/13millions [2] 2403/9 2413/8mind [2] 2399/20 2545/8minute [10] 2362/11 2499/3 2503/6 2505/7 2506/11 2521/23 2540/2 2549/21 2555/19 2568/3minutes [10] 2320/1 2430/14 2469/14 2470/18 2473/13 2477/8 2485/2 2485/3 2568/10 2568/12mirror [1] 2365/21miscalculation [1] 2388/8mischaracterization [3] 2404/25 2467/24 2487/15misleading [3] 2332/16 2382/4 2453/7misstatement [1] 2388/9misunderstood [1] 2466/20model [1] 2315/18moment [5] 2351/3 2362/10 2477/18 2496/7 2496/9money [325] monies [6] 2330/10 2333/3 2475/4 2556/4 2556/9 2556/16monitors [1] 2309/16


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Mmonopoly [1] 2492/ [1] 2451/18month [27] 2307/8 2324/20 2329/8 2336/24 2338/25 2350/8 2351/12 2351/13 2351/21 2351/22 2386/5 2390/4 2390/23 2393/7 2393/15 2394/7 2394/8 2395/2 2396/10 2396/25 2400/21 2407/24 2412/25 2542/10 2542/16 2554/14 2554/16monthly [14] 2324/19 2336/23 2339/6 2390/2 2391/1 2393/16 2393/17 2394/2 2394/19 2396/7 2397/4 2409/11 2409/17 2419/18months [2] 2390/18 2542/11more [59] 2320/7 2322/13 2325/4 2333/2 2344/12 2347/12 2347/19 2365/17 2369/19 2370/19 2371/16 2371/24 2376/19 2377/6 2398/14 2408/5 2408/6 2408/7 2408/13 2410/21 2410/22 2410/24 2423/2 2424/11 2426/12 2430/15 2436/15 2439/6 2439/13 2443/16 2447/24 2461/7 2471/10 2471/12 2471/13 2471/14 2476/25 2487/4 2501/24 2502/8 2502/9 2506/6 2508/15 2516/6 2517/15 2522/20 2525/14 2526/15 2541/20 2547/22 2550/20 2550/22 2558/4 2562/2 2562/3 2566/7 2566/8 2566/8 2566/17morning [11] 2298/8 2300/11 2301/4 2301/5 2415/16 2420/6 2422/17 2474/8 2508/20 2571/5 2571/9mortgages [1] 2323/15most [18] 2316/5 2333/19 2384/19 2393/6 2449/6 2481/18 2487/8 2490/7 2491/7 2498/15 2520/8 2523/1 2523/2 2523/20 2526/7 2527/10 2534/2 2542/23mostly [2] 2519/2 2565/1motion [2] 2539/23 2539/25move [7] 2340/11 2342/2 2342/17 2342/19 2345/14 2348/13 2457/12moved [1] 2341/11movement [2] 2438/19 2440/14moving [1] 2486/14Mr [8] 2376/10 2404/23 2423/14 2449/25 2500/11 2521/13 2542/24 2567/2Mr. [430] Mr. Amadio [60] 2296/11 2296/16 2296/21 2301/4 2301/9 2308/16 2318/12 2321/2 2333/3 2342/14 2344/22 2350/22 2352/15 2356/8 2362/20 2366/11 2367/24 2371/4 2374/14 2378/8 2394/16 2402/9 2406/14 2415/15 2418/13 2425/8 2438/21 2452/6 2458/1 2465/7 2472/3 2473/22 2475/7

2476/20 2478/23 2482/17 2485/14 2491/10 2495/2 2499/3 2504/16 2504/23 2507/11 2508/10 2509/7 2513/23 2520/12 2521/18 2523/5 2530/20 2540/8 2542/22 2546/25 2552/8 2556/4 2557/17 2560/8 2566/10 2567/4 2570/8Mr. Ardoin [2] 2296/10 2296/17Mr. CAS [1] 2409/11Mr. Costa [21] 2318/7 2384/25 2433/20 2447/18 2483/19 2484/1 2486/10 2503/9 2504/16 2507/10 2507/23 2508/25 2510/20 2518/12 2525/11 2538/6 2544/10 2551/20 2554/21 2567/22 2568/19Mr. Davis [71] 2310/3 2325/14 2325/15 2327/12 2329/22 2337/2 2337/3 2337/6 2337/22 2337/25 2338/1 2339/7 2339/12 2340/14 2342/6 2344/15 2346/9 2346/14 2346/21 2347/8 2347/10 2347/11 2354/21 2355/22 2356/2 2356/18 2356/22 2357/18 2372/1 2372/5 2372/9 2372/15 2373/4 2373/14 2375/10 2375/14 2375/17 2375/22 2376/5 2376/10 2376/15 2376/23 2377/4 2399/13 2405/10 2405/14 2409/2 2409/8 2409/24 2422/18 2423/2 2423/4 2423/7 2423/16 2423/22 2424/7 2424/10 2445/25 2463/11 2474/14 2492/2 2493/24 2494/16 2497/8 2498/19 2516/10 2560/17 2561/25 2562/25 2563/5 2563/6Mr. Davis' [3] 2342/23 2372/22 2569/8Mr. Fazel [3] 2296/18 2296/22 2296/25Mr. Fazel for [1] 2296/19Mr. Friedli [1] 2409/10Mr. Fullerton [1] 2418/19Mr. Garcia [5] 2449/16 2449/21 2450/15 2450/25 2451/3Mr. Hewlett [30] 2310/14 2392/17 2392/21 2392/23 2393/13 2394/3 2394/18 2396/16 2396/20 2397/1 2399/14 2403/8 2408/15 2408/18 2408/22 2410/21 2412/11 2413/8 2414/15 2549/21 2549/25 2551/2 2551/6 2551/21 2552/1 2552/9 2554/1 2555/1 2555/11 2555/13Mr. Hewlett's [2] 2392/12 2396/3Mr. Hinton [1] 2296/25Mr. Kuhrt [17] 2304/17 2304/25 2305/2 2305/4 2337/25 2356/13 2391/16 2392/2 2398/2 2398/15 2398/25 2399/23 2400/6

2429/21 2431/20 2463/11 2570/14Mr. Kuhrt's [4] 2304/13 2304/22 2400/1 2569/10Mr. Lopez [27] 2304/4 2304/11 2304/17 2304/25 2305/2 2337/25 2338/23 2339/9 2339/13 2339/19 2341/20 2356/18 2356/22 2357/18 2378/12 2378/16 2394/17 2398/17 2428/24 2429/4 2429/25 2430/2 2430/12 2431/20 2431/20 2435/21 2463/10Mr. Lopez' [2] 2303/22 2304/20Mr. Roca [2] 2343/22 2456/8Mr. Scardino [2] 2457/15 2508/20Mr. Stanford [141] 2297/4 2310/3 2318/25 2319/6 2319/16 2320/5 2322/10 2322/15 2322/23 2323/19 2324/3 2324/14 2325/10 2329/16 2332/9 2333/25 2335/17 2335/20 2338/1 2338/21 2342/5 2344/16 2345/12 2346/12 2346/23 2347/23 2347/25 2349/2 2350/9 2350/10 2353/6 2354/9 2354/9 2354/14 2354/15 2355/7 2355/17 2357/5 2357/19 2359/16 2365/13 2367/12 2367/21 2368/1 2370/11 2371/20 2373/9 2374/9 2375/4 2375/15 2375/23 2376/22 2376/25 2377/15 2379/21 2380/5 2380/24 2381/2 2381/17 2382/9 2405/15 2409/3 2409/25 2415/24 2417/13 2417/16 2417/18 2417/23 2418/4 2418/8 2419/8 2420/9 2420/13 2420/19 2421/2 2421/7 2421/9 2421/11 2421/14 2421/18 2421/21 2422/13 2423/8 2423/10 2423/20 2424/11 2426/21 2426/24 2427/8 2427/17 2428/12 2433/1 2433/17 2434/10 2437/3 2437/23 2438/9 2438/11 2438/11 2439/21 2441/5 2442/8 2444/13 2444/14 2444/15 2445/8 2446/4 2446/6 2448/18 2448/22 2450/9 2463/11 2474/15 2490/4 2490/25 2502/1 2506/8 2506/13 2507/6 2507/13 2510/4 2511/4 2511/5 2511/10 2515/3 2517/21 2518/13 2527/3 2544/1 2544/7 2544/25 2548/18 2550/13 2551/9 2552/20 2552/24 2562/2 2563/1 2566/8 2566/21 2566/22Mr. Stanford's [32] 2320/21 2325/25 2332/3 2333/12 2338/19 2357/6 2357/10 2358/12 2364/18 2381/13 2383/22 2386/10 2387/7 2388/3 2392/7 2393/1 2393/2 2393/14 2417/8 2418/22


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MMr. Stanford's... [12] 2420/2 2422/12 2423/18 2434/22 2447/5 2448/9 2448/25 2466/5 2469/7 2509/8 2545/11 2554/22Mr. Vega [1] 2395/24Mrs. [1] 2557/9Mrs. Maldonado [1] 2557/9Ms. [7] 2345/6 2345/12 2347/25 2349/1 2349/9 2379/1 2395/24Ms. Gregory [1] 2379/1Ms. Maldonado [5] 2345/6 2345/12 2347/25 2349/1 2349/9Ms. Vega [1] 2395/24much [82] 2312/7 2337/10 2337/21 2346/21 2346/22 2348/2 2353/10 2353/14 2353/19 2357/2 2359/2 2359/18 2359/24 2360/7 2360/11 2360/14 2361/14 2361/23 2363/3 2363/6 2365/2 2365/10 2366/1 2369/13 2370/9 2372/23 2374/20 2374/23 2375/21 2376/3 2376/5 2376/14 2380/5 2383/21 2386/4 2387/2 2389/13 2389/15 2389/15 2393/3 2393/7 2393/13 2394/17 2395/10 2401/8 2401/11 2408/3 2412/5 2412/19 2419/21 2419/25 2422/18 2425/12 2430/4 2430/13 2435/17 2444/4 2446/22 2453/3 2453/3 2453/4 2453/5 2457/5 2480/24 2487/6 2492/2 2494/3 2525/23 2526/15 2526/18 2526/19 2547/6 2547/20 2547/22 2548/22 2552/4 2553/22 2553/25 2564/13 2566/10 2567/7 2567/20multiple [5] 2317/18 2324/17 2331/15 2331/16 2500/15municipal [1] 2406/9must [1] 2486/10my [56] 2301/8 2301/20 2304/6 2304/7 2304/8 2317/2 2334/12 2339/18 2339/18 2344/8 2345/19 2391/7 2396/1 2396/21 2406/6 2406/8 2410/6 2447/20 2449/24 2450/2 2451/18 2452/4 2455/16 2456/11 2456/13 2457/9 2458/6 2458/10 2458/12 2458/24 2460/6 2460/6 2460/15 2460/16 2465/23 2466/9 2466/23 2468/25 2469/25 2470/5 2471/7 2478/11 2478/13 2478/23 2478/23 2480/16 2480/21 2482/12 2486/21 2506/17 2510/1 2510/20 2513/5 2514/19 2552/23 2566/23myself [5] 2345/25 2462/24 2468/3 2498/19 2563/8

Nname [13] 2301/7 2301/8

2303/12 2404/15 2407/8 2437/14 2456/1 2456/2 2500/9 2515/22 2522/17 2554/24 2554/25named [1] 2296/7names [4] 2296/18 2330/18 2352/21 2522/18narrative [4] 2341/8 2459/3 2459/5 2476/16National [1] 2403/3nature [3] 2397/3 2417/19 2525/18Navy [1] 2457/2nearby [1] 2481/23necessarily [5] 2373/24 2498/12 2525/22 2539/3 2554/12necessary [1] 2428/5need [39] 2312/8 2316/21 2330/25 2339/15 2339/25 2341/6 2346/7 2357/13 2368/20 2368/25 2375/22 2389/17 2398/20 2401/2 2401/19 2424/24 2427/9 2438/24 2439/6 2442/17 2443/20 2446/15 2447/24 2457/22 2465/2 2492/7 2492/10 2499/4 2513/18 2513/23 2519/6 2534/11 2539/3 2540/4 2546/14 2546/15 2558/24 2570/11 2571/8need-to-know [3] 2316/21 2339/15 2339/25needed [27] 2321/12 2324/21 2328/21 2329/5 2329/10 2329/12 2331/19 2341/10 2342/23 2346/24 2367/7 2427/4 2427/10 2428/7 2433/17 2434/5 2439/18 2440/9 2457/12 2506/21 2506/21 2517/17 2543/22 2557/2 2558/24 2558/25 2566/20needing [2] 2346/10 2439/1needs [10] 2315/12 2319/24 2319/24 2328/17 2328/20 2331/6 2346/24 2350/11 2439/9 2502/25negotiate [1] 2553/24negotiated [3] 2553/13 2553/16 2553/20nervous [5] 2460/4 2465/9 2476/10 2476/11 2479/21net [3] 2387/1 2426/17 2565/12netted [1] 2420/22network [10] 2340/7 2340/8 2340/15 2342/18 2494/17 2494/18 2494/19 2495/4 2497/14 2497/21never [38] 2296/25 2314/23 2315/5 2315/7 2317/3 2317/7 2347/21 2375/16 2376/12 2384/10 2384/12 2404/17 2404/20 2405/11 2407/13 2412/21 2424/2 2424/10 2424/12 2450/23 2452/18 2478/7 2478/8 2478/12 2480/17 2520/3 2520/3 2520/9 2523/6 2523/11 2523/13 2523/16 2524/13 2527/5

2553/9 2567/12 2567/14 2570/24new [15] 2293/16 2303/4 2306/4 2307/8 2317/21 2394/9 2396/7 2396/10 2400/11 2400/14 2400/20 2401/6 2402/1 2402/17 2519/5newspaper [5] 2363/18 2363/24 2364/10 2367/5 2443/12next [31] 2296/6 2299/20 2309/23 2329/18 2338/7 2348/13 2357/14 2360/1 2363/16 2364/13 2365/4 2380/3 2381/5 2385/10 2394/22 2397/25 2398/12 2398/22 2399/19 2399/22 2402/7 2409/13 2430/10 2431/19 2441/6 2447/12 2460/5 2460/14 2466/11 2466/16 2471/25nickname [3] 2343/16 2343/18 2406/16night [1] 2460/1nine [2] 2383/16 2568/9Nineties [2] 2527/17 2528/15no [269] 2297/4 2297/10 2297/11 2297/12 2297/12 2297/22 2297/24 2297/25 2300/9 2302/19 2312/6 2313/8 2313/18 2314/6 2314/23 2315/5 2319/8 2321/12 2321/20 2322/17 2322/24 2323/5 2323/10 2326/3 2326/5 2326/9 2326/13 2327/20 2338/12 2339/1 2341/7 2342/8 2342/12 2347/17 2347/21 2349/16 2353/8 2354/15 2357/5 2357/20 2357/25 2358/14 2364/5 2364/8 2370/1 2370/18 2373/7 2373/15 2376/12 2376/19 2376/20 2376/24 2377/4 2378/21 2381/4 2381/16 2381/16 2381/16 2381/19 2381/19 2382/2 2382/17 2384/22 2385/25 2386/11 2387/17 2387/20 2389/21 2400/8 2402/14 2403/10 2405/6 2406/17 2407/11 2408/17 2408/20 2408/24 2412/13 2414/9 2416/3 2416/23 2424/12 2424/15 2427/15 2428/19 2429/10 2430/7 2430/20 2431/2 2431/4 2432/6 2433/12 2434/8 2435/10 2435/20 2435/24 2437/6 2439/24 2440/7 2445/9 2445/13 2445/13 2446/10 2446/11 2447/19 2447/19 2447/25 2448/21 2448/24 2450/19 2450/21 2450/21 2452/14 2454/14 2454/18 2455/8 2455/14 2456/21 2457/11 2457/17 2457/17 2460/20 2461/17 2461/21 2462/17 2462/18 2463/18 2464/24 2466/17 2467/7 2467/7 2467/11 2467/16 2468/14 2469/16 2469/19 2469/22 2470/7 2470/23 2472/22 2473/19 2474/21 2475/18 2476/14 2477/6


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Nno... [124] 2477/13 2479/25 2481/1 2481/2 2481/22 2482/1 2483/19 2483/19 2484/4 2484/6 2484/9 2486/1 2486/6 2486/11 2488/13 2489/3 2489/6 2489/10 2489/11 2489/14 2489/17 2491/12 2491/15 2491/18 2492/9 2492/15 2492/17 2492/19 2493/8 2495/15 2495/18 2495/19 2495/20 2496/7 2496/9 2496/25 2499/10 2500/7 2505/15 2506/1 2506/3 2507/20 2510/16 2510/17 2512/5 2513/19 2515/23 2516/24 2516/25 2517/4 2517/5 2517/15 2518/8 2518/11 2518/18 2519/16 2519/17 2519/18 2520/22 2521/13 2521/25 2522/1 2522/5 2522/18 2524/5 2526/13 2526/20 2527/2 2528/16 2529/16 2529/20 2530/2 2530/8 2530/12 2530/14 2533/20 2533/20 2533/22 2533/23 2534/23 2536/19 2538/23 2541/8 2543/9 2543/17 2545/3 2546/5 2546/7 2546/10 2546/14 2546/15 2547/6 2548/14 2551/4 2551/5 2551/8 2551/9 2551/12 2551/14 2551/21 2551/23 2552/11 2555/12 2555/18 2556/8 2558/4 2558/19 2559/14 2560/20 2561/4 2561/6 2562/21 2563/6 2563/25 2565/24 2565/25 2566/5 2566/10 2566/12 2567/8 2567/11 2567/11 2567/14 2571/7nobody [8] 2338/3 2364/8 2496/3 2499/11 2499/13 2521/20 2538/19 2561/10Nodding [8] 2465/15 2467/22 2477/22 2491/24 2493/5 2499/18 2522/8 2570/4nods [1] 2452/21Nome [2] 2370/20 2370/22non [3] 2324/9 2354/7 2508/11non-accounting [2] 2324/9 2354/7non-taxable [1] 2508/11none [7] 2354/15 2451/25 2495/11 2529/3 2529/18 2552/22 2552/23nonresponsive [8] 2338/5 2341/5 2343/2 2346/15 2375/24 2453/8 2464/23 2521/5Noon [1] 2415/1Nope [1] 2526/17nor [4] 2297/2 2377/1 2405/18 2559/3normal [4] 2339/1 2351/18 2393/21 2396/15normally [2] 2458/4 2542/13Northern [1] 2300/6not [287] note [19] 2322/1 2322/5

2324/12 2354/7 2379/4 2380/21 2381/5 2381/9 2500/6 2502/16 2515/3 2515/7 2516/20 2517/9 2517/13 2517/22 2517/23 2518/3 2569/9notes [45] 2313/25 2315/21 2324/7 2324/9 2352/16 2354/5 2354/22 2355/9 2355/12 2355/13 2355/14 2356/24 2357/22 2377/13 2377/18 2377/19 2378/2 2378/11 2381/14 2381/14 2381/16 2420/21 2472/3 2472/5 2472/6 2499/13 2501/1 2501/2 2501/6 2501/7 2501/8 2502/11 2507/22 2507/24 2507/24 2507/25 2508/1 2508/2 2515/5 2515/8 2517/15 2518/14 2520/3 2534/2 2534/4nothing [13] 2300/20 2454/11 2472/15 2491/19 2493/4 2495/23 2507/1 2510/17 2510/19 2549/16 2549/17 2567/9 2567/21notice [2] 2409/17 2456/25notify [1] 2329/11November [4] 2402/16 2412/1 2438/23 2451/10November 2 [1] 2412/1now [63] 2296/12 2300/19 2304/16 2309/4 2311/8 2311/23 2349/1 2350/2 2350/22 2355/14 2357/23 2358/12 2362/11 2371/3 2373/17 2380/1 2380/5 2381/9 2381/12 2392/5 2394/12 2398/14 2406/14 2409/18 2410/4 2414/24 2415/23 2417/10 2430/15 2430/19 2433/10 2434/6 2435/4 2443/25 2447/24 2448/20 2454/23 2457/12 2461/15 2463/2 2469/6 2478/19 2485/2 2485/24 2488/21 2493/25 2504/23 2508/21 2511/1 2511/11 2514/16 2515/10 2517/7 2517/15 2517/15 2518/6 2531/14 2534/6 2537/21 2537/21 2538/16 2560/23 2569/2Nowhere [1] 2507/7number [31] 2299/8 2307/24 2322/14 2353/16 2379/15 2381/22 2382/24 2387/8 2388/4 2388/13 2394/13 2400/25 2401/23 2420/12 2420/12 2424/7 2425/3 2425/9 2428/4 2428/7 2428/15 2430/17 2443/17 2449/6 2463/9 2488/22 2508/20 2544/13 2554/7 2554/7 2560/19Number 2 [1] 2379/15numbered [2] 2379/14 2380/7numbers [30] 2310/20 2313/10 2314/11 2315/3 2317/22 2350/24 2352/12 2382/20 2384/2 2387/10 2387/12 2389/18 2389/22 2390/2 2391/4 2392/5 2392/9 2392/15 2407/22 2414/16 2425/11

2425/25 2445/14 2447/25 2450/19 2464/5 2491/8 2521/2 2521/8 2521/14NW [1] 2293/16

Oo'clock [3] 2298/25 2362/12 2414/23Oaks [3] 2541/7 2541/10 2541/11oath [1] 2368/25object [30] 2314/12 2334/19 2334/21 2338/5 2340/22 2341/5 2343/2 2344/2 2346/15 2347/14 2357/7 2366/9 2368/11 2371/22 2372/11 2396/22 2413/4 2414/18 2422/23 2452/22 2453/8 2459/3 2459/5 2467/24 2473/12 2482/4 2483/13 2487/13 2512/1 2544/16objected [1] 2508/20objection [19] 2337/16 2368/22 2369/5 2370/7 2375/24 2391/21 2414/1 2427/15 2436/16 2436/21 2444/18 2451/5 2454/3 2463/20 2464/14 2464/23 2484/25 2512/17 2539/21objections [2] 2326/3 2454/13objective [4] 2310/8 2315/11 2444/3 2444/5obligations [1] 2349/6OBS [1] 2330/8observation [1] 2391/24obtained [2] 2445/12 2446/7obvious [1] 2431/16obviously [1] 2296/24occasion [6] 2307/6 2316/25 2338/11 2344/5 2406/12 2564/8occasions [5] 2344/16 2344/18 2420/20 2560/19 2560/19off [22] 2340/13 2341/1 2341/11 2392/14 2414/15 2420/13 2434/13 2435/21 2457/2 2458/8 2461/25 2494/17 2494/18 2494/19 2495/6 2496/19 2496/21 2497/10 2497/14 2537/13 2538/2 2570/23off-the-record [1] 2461/25offer [2] 2531/18 2541/3offered [5] 2305/6 2326/4 2326/5 2371/20 2372/8offering [1] 2367/12office [31] 2297/2 2298/15 2344/5 2344/7 2378/2 2378/3 2378/13 2378/16 2403/4 2403/5 2455/12 2455/13 2455/17 2456/8 2458/6 2458/10 2459/17 2460/5 2460/15 2460/16 2466/1 2466/9 2466/23 2466/24 2466/25 2468/8 2469/3 2469/25 2469/25 2513/21 2529/9officer [6] 2304/21 2304/25 2305/1 2378/6 2490/19 2515/25officers [1] 2453/23official [3] 2294/8 2367/9


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Oofficial... [1] 2571/19offset [3] 2420/18 2437/2 2558/5offshore [2] 2341/3 2539/24often [2] 2336/22 2350/5oh [12] 2334/16 2347/3 2379/15 2400/23 2401/3 2411/18 2425/2 2443/11 2480/16 2480/21 2517/1 2548/25okay [245] 2302/22 2303/17 2310/7 2324/1 2325/3 2326/12 2326/18 2326/19 2328/3 2328/6 2328/12 2329/14 2331/22 2332/14 2333/9 2338/14 2341/8 2347/6 2349/1 2350/12 2356/15 2367/19 2368/20 2368/21 2368/25 2369/2 2373/22 2398/2 2400/13 2401/3 2401/21 2406/24 2409/22 2414/8 2414/11 2414/21 2415/12 2416/22 2416/25 2425/1 2430/24 2433/21 2434/9 2444/20 2448/4 2454/8 2454/13 2456/10 2457/20 2460/15 2466/2 2466/4 2466/12 2466/15 2466/18 2466/24 2467/9 2467/14 2468/4 2468/4 2468/15 2468/21 2469/6 2469/10 2469/15 2469/20 2470/2 2470/4 2470/6 2470/15 2470/19 2471/4 2471/9 2471/16 2471/25 2473/2 2475/12 2475/15 2476/8 2476/12 2477/7 2477/14 2478/8 2480/1 2480/3 2482/1 2482/17 2484/5 2487/9 2489/1 2489/23 2489/25 2490/9 2490/16 2490/18 2490/24 2491/1 2492/6 2493/2 2493/21 2493/25 2494/6 2494/16 2494/20 2494/24 2495/21 2496/1 2496/16 2497/6 2497/18 2497/20 2498/12 2498/25 2500/19 2500/24 2501/3 2501/16 2502/7 2503/20 2504/4 2504/23 2505/2 2505/7 2506/4 2506/11 2507/6 2508/4 2508/16 2508/18 2510/2 2511/6 2511/9 2511/20 2513/5 2513/5 2513/20 2514/3 2514/12 2514/16 2515/1 2515/6 2517/7 2517/12 2517/18 2519/2 2519/17 2519/19 2520/13 2520/14 2520/21 2520/23 2522/15 2523/16 2523/20 2523/22 2524/8 2524/15 2525/11 2528/2 2530/14 2531/14 2531/20 2531/23 2532/1 2532/15 2533/3 2533/14 2534/5 2534/19 2535/3 2535/12 2535/18 2535/25 2536/10 2536/16 2536/23 2537/3 2537/11 2537/21 2538/13 2539/11 2539/19 2540/4 2540/6 2540/15 2540/21 2541/17

2541/23 2542/5 2542/9 2543/5 2543/10 2543/20 2543/25 2544/10 2545/13 2545/18 2546/3 2546/8 2546/11 2546/19 2547/12 2547/15 2547/24 2549/19 2549/24 2550/7 2550/10 2550/15 2550/20 2551/14 2552/1 2552/7 2552/16 2553/4 2553/16 2554/10 2554/21 2555/5 2555/13 2555/15 2555/19 2556/1 2556/4 2556/16 2556/23 2557/7 2558/5 2560/14 2560/23 2561/20 2562/13 2564/3 2564/10 2564/21 2565/3 2565/5 2565/22 2565/25 2566/13 2567/22 2568/2 2568/13 2569/6 2569/14old [5] 2452/9 2452/10 2452/10 2452/11 2561/2on [299] on-the-book [1] 2411/4once [7] 2298/8 2299/11 2305/25 2377/5 2377/6 2414/24 2552/7one [85] 2296/18 2296/24 2299/11 2299/20 2300/8 2302/12 2306/20 2316/25 2316/25 2318/6 2320/18 2322/22 2322/25 2328/23 2331/3 2332/23 2338/11 2340/3 2344/25 2345/2 2345/2 2348/24 2352/13 2353/1 2358/20 2360/3 2360/17 2365/1 2365/14 2366/8 2367/12 2371/4 2371/12 2371/17 2379/7 2383/16 2384/24 2406/6 2410/8 2410/9 2410/15 2411/24 2412/14 2412/14 2412/15 2415/7 2419/9 2419/18 2419/25 2421/20 2423/24 2428/24 2430/4 2431/8 2431/15 2437/18 2441/17 2441/18 2448/15 2449/17 2453/21 2454/5 2460/6 2494/9 2494/16 2494/24 2502/25 2508/11 2519/8 2525/12 2525/25 2526/1 2535/22 2536/1 2557/17 2557/19 2558/5 2561/21 2562/6 2562/8 2566/5 2567/16 2567/17 2567/17 2568/15one's [2] 2406/9 2406/10ones [1] 2531/5only [30] 2299/11 2320/16 2321/7 2322/25 2323/2 2324/23 2338/3 2343/25 2350/12 2360/4 2375/19 2396/16 2416/14 2424/11 2464/2 2473/4 2474/14 2484/4 2495/5 2495/8 2495/9 2497/10 2498/17 2504/11 2542/10 2551/16 2551/17 2557/10 2561/12 2569/11onto [1] 2497/1open [3] 2298/2 2299/2 2443/12opening [1] 2304/9operating [9] 2310/9 2329/9 2346/8 2349/19 2384/18

2393/21 2396/15 2402/22 2402/25operation [2] 2523/5 2545/22operations [4] 2361/15 2364/15 2384/19 2545/23opinion [13] 2396/21 2396/22 2399/21 2399/23 2400/1 2400/2 2445/18 2457/9 2464/15 2464/16 2481/12 2481/13 2524/12opinion -- I [1] 2396/21opinions [1] 2505/22opportunities [1] 2451/24opportunity [3] 2304/9 2499/5 2520/7opposed [2] 2494/11 2547/8optimal [1] 2415/6option [2] 2357/20 2357/25options [1] 2424/8or [185] 2297/2 2297/18 2299/9 2304/25 2306/1 2314/16 2315/3 2315/14 2315/15 2315/16 2316/13 2317/1 2317/3 2319/6 2320/14 2322/1 2323/17 2324/7 2325/2 2331/8 2331/9 2332/23 2337/1 2337/3 2338/12 2339/14 2340/15 2341/7 2345/16 2346/23 2347/17 2349/15 2354/12 2354/13 2354/17 2354/23 2354/25 2355/1 2361/2 2364/3 2364/21 2366/13 2371/22 2372/15 2373/12 2373/24 2377/2 2377/14 2387/22 2390/1 2390/13 2391/18 2391/18 2395/10 2395/24 2396/19 2399/12 2399/22 2403/1 2408/5 2409/19 2410/22 2413/18 2416/25 2417/10 2417/14 2420/5 2422/24 2423/15 2426/3 2426/4 2426/7 2433/22 2437/23 2441/15 2443/5 2443/12 2451/10 2454/11 2455/1 2455/8 2460/10 2462/2 2462/2 2462/3 2462/8 2462/17 2464/7 2464/24 2467/6 2468/22 2470/9 2471/10 2471/16 2473/22 2473/23 2475/25 2476/14 2476/14 2478/14 2478/14 2479/9 2479/15 2480/8 2481/15 2482/20 2483/11 2484/6 2484/17 2484/18 2484/22 2484/25 2485/25 2487/3 2488/12 2488/15 2489/10 2494/14 2494/21 2496/23 2496/24 2500/2 2502/11 2503/12 2507/13 2511/4 2514/19 2515/7 2517/8 2521/15 2523/2 2524/16 2524/22 2525/14 2526/2 2527/4 2527/6 2529/11 2529/15 2529/16 2530/6 2532/12 2533/15 2533/20 2534/17 2534/17 2537/8 2541/12 2542/17 2544/11 2547/8 2547/14 2550/17 2551/1 2551/5 2551/7 2551/14 2551/15 2555/16 2555/23 2556/5 2556/6 2557/11 2558/8 2558/13 2559/1 2559/4


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Oor... [18] 2559/11 2559/11 2560/2 2560/4 2560/19 2561/2 2561/13 2562/1 2562/2 2562/2 2562/3 2562/23 2564/7 2564/15 2564/23 2566/11 2567/9 2568/7order [4] 2304/24 2409/14 2494/20 2530/6ordinary [1] 2351/24originally [2] 2340/4 2495/24ornate [2] 2299/21 2299/22other [109] 2306/10 2306/15 2306/17 2306/17 2306/25 2307/1 2307/3 2315/1 2320/16 2320/21 2323/5 2324/24 2325/11 2325/25 2328/3 2330/18 2332/3 2332/23 2334/25 2337/14 2338/3 2339/3 2339/14 2339/25 2340/12 2344/10 2347/11 2349/6 2350/6 2353/11 2355/13 2357/20 2357/25 2360/16 2366/1 2366/4 2373/16 2377/10 2381/8 2381/13 2383/22 2389/20 2392/25 2393/18 2406/8 2407/20 2408/22 2415/20 2416/14 2416/25 2417/10 2417/17 2423/25 2428/7 2433/21 2434/9 2434/11 2434/22 2435/6 2441/18 2445/8 2447/5 2448/9 2451/24 2451/24 2452/20 2455/7 2459/12 2459/15 2462/12 2462/12 2462/21 2463/7 2466/24 2470/21 2470/22 2474/9 2475/5 2475/17 2490/7 2495/2 2495/2 2495/7 2498/13 2498/17 2511/3 2511/4 2511/5 2511/14 2525/23 2525/24 2531/3 2531/3 2533/16 2547/14 2547/14 2550/1 2550/8 2550/10 2550/13 2550/24 2550/25 2551/6 2551/7 2554/3 2556/6 2558/6 2566/2 2570/22others [8] 2315/15 2316/13 2335/14 2341/19 2371/23 2422/18 2429/11 2522/24otherwise [2] 2368/23 2435/18our [18] 2297/3 2298/10 2318/16 2318/18 2318/20 2318/22 2319/11 2404/1 2409/12 2428/4 2428/5 2449/17 2469/24 2487/14 2492/7 2509/1 2529/9 2535/21ours [1] 2318/14out [82] 2297/7 2306/3 2319/6 2320/6 2320/8 2322/7 2322/23 2340/14 2341/20 2347/1 2355/13 2360/7 2360/11 2361/14 2361/24 2375/3 2377/9 2382/19 2383/21 2388/2 2389/18 2389/22 2393/20 2396/15 2399/20 2402/22 2403/7 2403/9 2403/19 2408/16 2408/18 2408/23 2410/21 2410/22 2410/24 2411/4 2411/7 2411/11 2412/12 2413/8

2415/11 2420/22 2426/12 2447/11 2447/12 2456/20 2457/3 2462/6 2467/9 2469/17 2477/7 2495/4 2499/21 2500/19 2500/19 2501/22 2503/25 2504/2 2504/21 2507/9 2507/20 2510/20 2513/16 2517/2 2522/15 2522/24 2526/7 2533/8 2539/6 2539/11 2539/17 2539/20 2540/12 2552/5 2554/22 2556/16 2557/5 2557/7 2557/8 2557/9 2565/13 2570/10outflows [2] 2424/20 2424/21outside [18] 2310/4 2310/8 2310/13 2316/6 2316/10 2317/3 2337/24 2338/2 2338/4 2338/9 2342/9 2352/7 2392/8 2446/7 2446/11 2493/18 2498/13 2532/12outstanding [2] 2379/17 2435/9over [31] 2299/22 2313/2 2318/3 2322/18 2337/4 2359/4 2359/4 2361/17 2362/9 2364/11 2372/19 2388/18 2406/9 2422/4 2452/4 2460/19 2461/5 2463/10 2466/4 2468/8 2469/7 2470/8 2471/19 2473/13 2489/12 2492/5 2538/9 2544/14 2544/18 2551/9 2558/10overall [1] 2398/18overhead [1] 2465/2Overrule [2] 2414/1 2512/17Overruled [10] 2337/18 2347/15 2357/8 2391/22 2396/23 2451/6 2455/3 2459/6 2463/21 2464/17oversee [1] 2365/24overseeing [1] 2305/9oversees [2] 2304/2 2490/15overwhelming [1] 2481/3owe [4] 2357/5 2418/8 2482/11 2511/12owed [29] 2311/13 2311/14 2311/18 2324/11 2324/13 2333/13 2349/12 2355/15 2355/17 2355/20 2355/21 2357/22 2377/10 2381/17 2418/7 2420/21 2420/23 2421/2 2421/6 2421/9 2437/3 2437/23 2440/16 2523/13 2557/21 2557/22 2557/25 2557/25 2558/1owes [3] 2380/5 2439/13 2448/18owing [4] 2511/3 2511/4 2511/4 2511/5own [8] 2319/6 2373/14 2373/22 2444/1 2448/25 2463/17 2508/9 2540/22owned [26] 2301/23 2306/18 2359/16 2363/24 2363/25 2364/1 2367/10 2370/10 2373/18 2373/19 2374/9 2416/1 2438/6 2444/12 2505/14 2505/17 2506/25 2506/25 2508/7 2518/20 2531/12 2536/18 2537/6 2538/14 2550/13 2551/10owner [3] 2354/8 2463/12

2508/16ownership [6] 2364/15 2374/5 2374/6 2384/21 2536/1 2536/1owning [2] 2443/5 2560/1owns [1] 2444/15

Ppage [47] 2295/2 2308/13 2308/15 2311/2 2313/20 2318/5 2318/9 2318/10 2320/23 2326/2 2345/8 2348/14 2348/16 2348/17 2348/17 2350/2 2363/1 2366/19 2379/24 2380/10 2383/1 2383/10 2384/23 2384/24 2385/10 2386/22 2392/11 2394/22 2397/16 2397/24 2400/16 2400/18 2400/18 2401/2 2401/18 2402/7 2408/25 2411/17 2411/18 2412/14 2430/4 2430/10 2440/12 2474/8 2507/16 2509/20 2513/12Page 123 [1] 2408/25Page 17 [1] 2320/23Page 2 [2] 2400/16 2401/2Page 257 [1] 2401/18Page 3 [3] 2363/1 2400/18 2440/12Page 31 [1] 2384/23Page 34 [1] 2386/22Page 37 [1] 2311/2Page 38 [1] 2383/10Page 46 [1] 2392/11Page 5 [1] 2380/10Page 50 [1] 2313/20Page 56 [1] 2366/19Page 60 [1] 2308/13Page 8 [1] 2509/20Page 82 [2] 2411/17 2411/18Page 90 [1] 2412/14paid [46] 2354/15 2354/18 2375/8 2392/18 2395/7 2396/15 2397/4 2403/7 2403/9 2408/15 2408/18 2413/8 2420/3 2420/14 2420/16 2420/21 2421/24 2422/16 2435/8 2451/15 2520/4 2523/6 2523/11 2524/2 2525/5 2525/14 2525/14 2525/15 2525/18 2543/5 2543/12 2543/20 2544/12 2547/20 2551/20 2552/2 2552/4 2552/5 2552/25 2552/25 2553/1 2553/3 2554/10 2554/10 2554/14 2554/21Pal [1] 2479/4paper [8] 2421/7 2558/21 2558/22 2558/23 2569/22 2569/23 2569/24 2570/7papers [1] 2455/7parable [1] 2561/2paragraph [15] 2309/7 2309/8 2309/23 2310/7 2318/6 2318/12 2379/11 2379/14 2380/7 2399/2 2409/8 2409/13 2427/23 2503/23 2509/21paragraphs [1] 2309/5parent [2] 2358/22 2361/7Parras [1] 2294/3part [48] 2305/12 2309/18 2311/20 2312/17 2313/20


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Ppart... [43] 2319/22 2321/1 2339/22 2363/10 2369/6 2369/7 2372/8 2373/19 2374/2 2384/6 2384/19 2387/21 2392/20 2405/16 2409/1 2434/11 2435/1 2458/24 2461/13 2481/18 2482/7 2491/7 2498/5 2501/10 2501/13 2503/21 2506/19 2507/5 2507/5 2509/21 2513/1 2517/9 2527/12 2527/13 2531/5 2533/17 2536/10 2536/10 2540/22 2544/6 2562/17 2565/11 2568/16participated [1] 2347/10participating [1] 2299/4particular [11] 2339/21 2340/3 2347/23 2390/18 2390/23 2402/25 2490/9 2492/7 2517/4 2533/22 2545/8parties [1] 2495/24partner [1] 2297/10parts [1] 2390/25party [4] 2444/9 2445/2 2445/4 2445/7pass [4] 2456/15 2456/21 2465/1 2485/20passthrough [1] 2355/9past [5] 2332/20 2399/3 2420/4 2420/9 2437/1patient [1] 2523/7Patricia [2] 2336/18 2345/4pay [41] 2318/19 2329/9 2349/11 2350/13 2353/23 2354/13 2355/23 2359/5 2364/23 2377/2 2379/22 2380/25 2381/2 2386/12 2420/8 2420/8 2420/10 2421/13 2434/13 2435/2 2437/22 2442/12 2444/9 2445/5 2448/22 2520/5 2523/13 2524/24 2525/3 2527/3 2527/6 2527/6 2529/5 2534/4 2540/17 2541/5 2541/20 2548/6 2558/25 2560/2 2570/23payable [18] 2302/5 2352/16 2354/5 2354/7 2354/22 2355/9 2355/12 2355/13 2355/14 2356/24 2357/22 2379/20 2395/25 2396/1 2420/21 2501/7 2501/8 2502/16paycheck [1] 2306/11paying [18] 2359/12 2393/7 2393/8 2393/13 2396/19 2417/22 2418/9 2419/7 2420/13 2420/19 2421/19 2422/1 2422/7 2463/23 2534/3 2555/7 2561/11 2562/6payment [12] 2393/16 2393/17 2394/2 2396/6 2397/23 2400/11 2400/21 2402/13 2408/1 2409/16 2412/11 2433/15payments [20] 2349/7 2392/21 2394/18 2394/19 2395/1 2395/3 2396/3 2396/3 2396/9 2396/14 2396/16 2402/11 2402/20 2403/19 2409/25 2411/4 2411/7 2411/10

2414/10 2417/19payoff [1] 2435/15payroll [3] 2329/9 2349/11 2389/6peace [1] 2406/10pecking [1] 2304/24peek [1] 2481/23Pelican [1] 2431/8penalties [1] 2542/14penalty [2] 2542/17 2542/18people [46] 2298/15 2307/2 2307/15 2307/17 2339/14 2352/7 2399/16 2416/15 2456/22 2463/9 2473/24 2473/25 2478/5 2488/23 2489/10 2490/7 2497/18 2497/19 2498/13 2500/14 2500/15 2500/17 2504/11 2504/14 2507/14 2514/13 2516/13 2519/12 2528/19 2531/20 2532/2 2532/6 2532/11 2539/5 2539/11 2540/12 2542/9 2542/23 2543/13 2548/6 2552/25 2553/5 2553/16 2560/13 2565/12 2570/22people's [1] 2505/22per [12] 2299/11 2379/18 2394/7 2394/8 2396/5 2401/8 2426/2 2426/4 2426/6 2426/7 2426/12 2459/17perceived [1] 2480/8percent [19] 2321/10 2323/3 2379/18 2383/25 2386/7 2386/8 2388/18 2388/21 2389/9 2389/12 2389/16 2432/3 2432/5 2434/2 2507/1 2518/20 2538/10 2548/9 2548/10percentage [1] 2383/24perfect [2] 2429/16 2547/25perfectly [1] 2508/16perform [2] 2309/24 2477/23performed [4] 2446/11 2478/1 2478/3 2552/9performing [5] 2397/2 2552/1 2553/19 2553/23 2554/1perhaps [1] 2436/17period [13] 2333/20 2354/18 2371/5 2371/8 2377/7 2411/3 2426/5 2470/24 2539/5 2540/18 2542/23 2544/18 2560/6permit [1] 2309/13permits [1] 2545/6permitted [1] 2321/9perpetuate [2] 2534/22 2565/22person [14] 2303/5 2303/12 2304/2 2305/9 2312/4 2338/4 2391/25 2457/1 2490/9 2501/11 2508/7 2540/21 2541/21 2541/23personal [26] 2305/10 2338/19 2338/20 2417/8 2417/19 2417/19 2417/22 2418/3 2418/9 2418/22 2419/7 2420/5 2420/9 2420/12 2420/13 2420/17 2420/18 2421/10 2421/14 2421/18 2458/22 2459/20 2459/22 2556/2 2556/3 2567/7

personally [4] 2399/20 2413/25 2444/14 2555/17personnel [1] 2477/5persons [3] 2507/17 2513/7 2514/3perspective [1] 2355/8perspectives [1] 2335/12photo [1] 2367/24phrase [2] 2316/19 2413/20phraseology [2] 2368/23 2368/24picked [1] 2438/7picture [12] 2299/2 2366/22 2366/23 2367/21 2416/5 2516/6 2530/23 2534/8 2534/11 2534/15 2535/15 2536/3pictures [3] 2458/22 2459/23 2459/24pie [1] 2389/14piece [4] 2538/7 2544/11 2547/1 2547/21pieces [1] 2559/1Pilot [1] 2359/13pilots [1] 2359/12Pittman [1] 2419/17place [12] 2423/25 2424/2 2427/1 2428/10 2433/11 2435/12 2435/13 2445/21 2464/12 2464/20 2546/22 2568/19plain [3] 2418/6 2433/20 2433/21plan [11] 2432/11 2432/13 2558/14 2558/17 2558/18 2567/23 2568/19 2569/20 2569/23 2570/13 2570/22plane [2] 2334/15 2359/9planes [1] 2386/13planned [2] 2440/15 2442/6plant [1] 2546/8plants [1] 2547/4plaque [1] 2298/18plaques [2] 2298/17 2406/5please [31] 2298/4 2300/16 2301/6 2308/24 2309/5 2349/3 2356/11 2362/14 2362/17 2374/12 2383/10 2394/12 2395/21 2396/8 2397/7 2398/20 2409/13 2409/14 2424/25 2427/11 2429/16 2430/10 2433/20 2447/22 2447/22 2457/23 2485/6 2530/11 2540/6 2540/9 2547/15plenty [1] 2507/9plus [4] 2363/13 2379/22 2540/17 2542/18PO [2] 2293/13 2294/7pocket [1] 2503/12point [18] 2296/12 2303/4 2320/18 2327/9 2346/4 2390/22 2414/20 2429/9 2450/12 2460/13 2460/24 2461/1 2478/13 2485/3 2489/15 2547/20 2548/25 2558/4police [1] 2504/1poor [1] 2393/10poorly [1] 2390/19portfolio [15] 2311/1 2313/1 2313/7 2313/12 2314/21


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Pportfolio... [10] 2315/4 2316/15 2384/6 2384/7 2385/14 2388/6 2389/11 2438/22 2450/22 2453/6portion [8] 2327/5 2331/5 2355/3 2356/16 2389/13 2393/8 2419/12 2439/10portrait [1] 2300/9portraits [1] 2299/24position [21] 2301/19 2301/20 2303/22 2304/4 2304/13 2304/20 2304/22 2305/4 2305/6 2305/7 2339/18 2362/3 2378/4 2389/2 2468/25 2505/24 2507/12 2523/10 2523/16 2534/9 2567/19positions [1] 2299/8positive [5] 2390/4 2390/19 2390/25 2426/4 2534/17possession [1] 2465/25possible [2] 2349/8 2548/7possibly [1] 2414/15posting [1] 2451/18pot [1] 2480/21potential [2] 2321/13 2532/4pounds [6] 2408/4 2408/4 2408/5 2409/18 2409/20 2410/1preceding [1] 2353/17predicate [1] 2371/24predominantly [1] 2302/18premises [1] 2398/10premium [1] 2403/24premiums [2] 2404/8 2404/10preparation [5] 2307/12 2309/14 2324/5 2377/21 2564/13preparations [1] 2564/9prepare [1] 2478/16prepared [2] 2326/12 2341/12preparing [10] 2324/5 2474/17 2486/14 2498/20 2537/11 2537/12 2537/23 2564/7 2564/22 2565/9present [6] 2296/2 2298/5 2362/15 2415/2 2472/7 2485/7presentations [4] 2472/18 2472/19 2497/24 2498/11presented [6] 2299/12 2350/14 2498/16 2498/21 2550/6 2569/13president [5] 2362/5 2398/6 2398/16 2456/16 2456/25pressure [2] 2342/20 2342/22Preston [1] 2294/4pretrial [1] 2298/16pretty [5] 2357/2 2401/17 2479/17 2479/18 2487/6prevailing [1] 2442/11prevent [3] 2316/10 2461/15 2461/17previous [2] 2370/23 2381/9previously [3] 2405/11 2455/18 2466/25price [5] 2431/19 2441/20 2442/11 2547/8 2548/4principal [3] 2379/13 2379/17 2379/19principle [1] 2558/8print [8] 2429/25 2430/2

2430/3 2430/3 2430/5 2430/12 2431/21 2435/21printed [1] 2316/25printer [2] 2317/1 2317/3printing [3] 2363/17 2364/10 2430/8prior [14] 2317/20 2361/22 2371/13 2377/8 2380/21 2384/24 2405/4 2435/25 2460/20 2482/5 2514/19 2515/8 2515/9 2553/23prison [2] 2480/24 2481/2private [43] 2358/13 2358/15 2358/21 2358/24 2359/6 2359/15 2406/18 2437/8 2437/9 2437/10 2437/11 2437/22 2438/5 2438/12 2438/19 2438/25 2440/9 2440/14 2440/18 2440/22 2442/3 2442/8 2442/14 2442/16 2442/17 2442/17 2442/24 2443/2 2443/14 2443/21 2445/18 2445/24 2448/13 2449/1 2507/24 2508/5 2508/7 2531/25 2532/2 2532/10 2545/23 2545/24 2567/15privileged [3] 2474/12 2566/13 2566/15prize [3] 2367/12 2367/15 2371/20pro [1] 2445/17probably [13] 2304/9 2338/3 2430/14 2464/2 2465/13 2469/14 2470/17 2470/17 2472/5 2477/8 2477/11 2508/15 2513/3probation [1] 2298/15problem [3] 2297/15 2297/25 2415/24problems [3] 2297/19 2449/7 2462/19procedure [1] 2440/5procedures [1] 2306/3proceed [2] 2350/12 2485/11proceedings [3] 2293/23 2571/11 2571/14process [24] 2303/20 2328/18 2328/19 2330/13 2330/19 2475/19 2478/24 2481/5 2501/17 2501/18 2502/1 2502/3 2506/23 2515/11 2535/24 2536/13 2545/18 2557/24 2558/22 2564/7 2568/22 2569/15 2569/16 2569/19processes [2] 2304/3 2306/4produce [3] 2351/16 2351/19 2389/12produced [6] 2293/24 2332/5 2351/11 2351/13 2453/3 2482/8producer [2] 2497/24 2498/10producers [4] 2472/19 2473/25 2497/19 2498/17producing [2] 2498/9 2529/4product [7] 2474/1 2497/19 2530/5 2530/6 2530/7 2531/21 2539/8products [2] 2531/19 2531/22proffer [9] 2481/7 2481/9 2481/16 2482/19 2487/3

2487/5 2487/13 2499/25 2545/5proffers [1] 2543/11profit [6] 2329/7 2450/9 2524/14 2524/15 2529/1 2534/20profitable [4] 2390/10 2528/13 2532/13 2541/6profits [10] 2319/3 2319/6 2320/6 2320/7 2320/12 2333/12 2370/13 2370/15 2382/12 2530/23program [7] 2342/7 2342/10 2351/15 2351/15 2366/13 2366/19 2571/7project [4] 2530/20 2534/6 2534/6 2558/7projected [2] 2564/13 2564/15projection [1] 2426/3projections [1] 2530/4projects [2] 2360/21 2360/24promise [4] 2462/17 2462/18 2483/19 2483/20promised [1] 2381/3promises [1] 2540/17promissory [18] 2377/17 2377/19 2378/2 2378/11 2379/4 2515/3 2515/4 2515/7 2515/8 2516/20 2517/9 2517/13 2517/15 2517/22 2517/23 2518/14 2534/2 2534/4promote [3] 2367/4 2486/15 2486/16promoted [3] 2304/17 2335/2 2368/7promotion [1] 2491/11promotional [1] 2416/25proper [6] 2314/11 2314/14 2314/15 2377/25 2440/5 2552/8properly [3] 2309/13 2501/14 2505/12property [10] 2305/10 2536/18 2538/7 2544/8 2544/11 2545/6 2545/7 2546/11 2548/19 2558/10proposition [1] 2526/7prosecute [3] 2481/12 2481/15 2481/15prosecuted [11] 2483/20 2483/23 2484/2 2485/21 2486/2 2486/11 2486/13 2487/22 2488/1 2488/11 2488/15prosecution [3] 2465/20 2478/14 2483/3prosecutor [3] 2505/25 2506/2 2518/12prosecutor's [2] 2368/19 2482/24prosecutors [11] 2461/10 2478/25 2481/6 2482/19 2483/5 2483/11 2485/15 2486/8 2488/19 2499/25 2541/12protect [1] 2428/5proud [2] 2462/24 2463/7provide [10] 2306/15 2306/22 2307/2 2309/11 2336/15 2337/1 2396/7 2443/24 2550/4 2566/24


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Pprovided [18] 2308/4 2313/6 2314/25 2337/24 2338/23 2343/12 2350/10 2370/5 2402/3 2445/17 2453/7 2460/17 2464/3 2466/10 2466/19 2469/25 2499/22 2563/4provides [1] 2310/8providing [3] 2462/22 2506/9 2551/15provision [1] 2321/12public [9] 2299/2 2301/23 2340/13 2437/10 2443/3 2443/15 2446/9 2474/7 2474/10publicly [1] 2442/25published [3] 2318/1 2319/13 2320/3Publishing [2] 2363/17 2364/10Puerto [2] 2360/3 2360/5pull [6] 2308/11 2309/5 2363/19 2363/20 2493/10 2493/10pulled [1] 2495/4pulling [1] 2559/23pumping [1] 2347/12puppy [1] 2504/21purchase [6] 2359/8 2370/25 2430/19 2431/1 2431/18 2441/20purchased [9] 2342/17 2343/11 2430/21 2431/3 2507/15 2507/17 2538/7 2541/21 2545/6purchasing [1] 2441/19purpose [3] 2364/23 2455/4 2508/17purposes [3] 2332/11 2332/11 2402/4put [29] 2297/15 2334/1 2355/9 2355/14 2368/18 2408/21 2426/21 2428/13 2439/19 2458/7 2460/6 2481/6 2494/24 2496/19 2496/22 2497/1 2497/12 2497/14 2503/11 2503/12 2512/8 2528/14 2532/7 2533/7 2536/14 2536/16 2543/21 2544/2 2548/23putting [13] 2319/7 2319/8 2319/17 2347/19 2493/22 2544/5 2546/22 2547/2 2547/3 2563/12 2563/15 2563/24 2564/21

Qqualified [1] 2444/19quarterly [1] 2564/23question [40] 2314/12 2337/16 2338/7 2340/22 2341/6 2347/14 2369/2 2369/3 2372/12 2374/2 2375/13 2375/25 2393/10 2393/11 2406/3 2413/17 2414/6 2444/19 2452/22 2452/24 2453/9 2453/10 2476/5 2476/14 2478/11 2478/23 2478/23 2486/6 2489/14 2497/20 2500/21 2510/20

2520/13 2522/3 2529/12 2546/13 2547/18 2555/8 2566/23 2567/2questioning [2] 2471/13 2503/10questions [17] 2369/3 2467/2 2468/25 2469/1 2470/13 2470/15 2470/21 2476/21 2484/4 2484/9 2500/15 2502/3 2502/8 2502/9 2508/24 2552/7 2567/23quick [2] 2389/23 2560/2quicker [1] 2476/14quickly [2] 2343/6 2446/15quit [2] 2517/18 2521/20quite [1] 2509/17

RR-A-S [1] 2419/5radio [1] 2367/5raise [5] 2300/16 2442/22 2442/23 2532/12 2533/25ran [3] 2562/16 2562/17 2562/18RAS [5] 2334/1 2399/6 2419/2 2419/5 2506/8rate [9] 2322/20 2379/18 2388/12 2388/16 2389/12 2389/15 2408/10 2410/3 2516/12rates [2] 2410/14 2463/24rather [3] 2345/19 2489/10 2555/6ratio [1] 2439/8rationale [1] 2458/25re [1] 2521/15re-add [1] 2521/15reaction [4] 2413/2 2413/4 2423/18 2455/2read [24] 2309/7 2309/23 2318/12 2321/4 2349/3 2367/2 2379/11 2385/9 2396/2 2399/19 2407/22 2413/21 2427/25 2432/10 2484/16 2484/18 2489/13 2489/16 2503/21 2503/23 2503/25 2504/2 2509/21 2516/17reading [1] 2312/2ready [6] 2296/4 2296/5 2414/23 2414/24 2429/21 2484/22real [25] 2428/21 2429/8 2429/13 2433/25 2434/7 2434/25 2435/18 2437/5 2438/14 2442/6 2527/21 2536/25 2537/1 2537/4 2537/6 2538/15 2539/13 2559/1 2559/3 2559/8 2560/1 2560/7 2560/8 2568/24 2570/17realistic [1] 2559/11reality [2] 2426/5 2561/22realize [1] 2533/7realized [2] 2333/11 2460/3really [12] 2299/21 2391/13 2391/14 2420/20 2489/11 2493/20 2505/8 2529/4 2529/4 2536/4 2542/11 2569/7realm [3] 2413/14 2413/17 2508/12reason [9] 2343/25 2413/7 2413/23 2414/9 2416/10 2446/11 2450/19 2456/4

2535/19reasonable [2] 2309/11 2548/2reasons [2] 2462/21 2519/8recall [30] 2297/5 2297/9 2338/3 2359/2 2361/13 2377/5 2385/7 2394/5 2400/1 2402/25 2422/14 2423/12 2428/12 2437/25 2446/20 2446/22 2446/23 2451/9 2451/11 2453/19 2453/20 2453/22 2479/6 2499/12 2501/4 2533/2 2533/9 2545/9 2549/18 2564/5recapitalize [2] 2536/21 2558/11receivable [10] 2302/5 2322/2 2324/7 2324/9 2324/12 2417/20 2418/4 2418/6 2419/4 2420/23receivables [1] 2322/1receive [6] 2315/2 2329/2 2335/7 2356/13 2363/4 2429/6received [14] 2315/5 2338/10 2338/16 2372/19 2406/3 2421/1 2421/20 2422/4 2427/7 2429/4 2451/19 2453/20 2502/17 2552/11receiver [19] 2453/17 2455/6 2458/14 2460/18 2461/5 2466/4 2468/7 2468/8 2468/11 2468/19 2469/7 2469/12 2469/15 2470/24 2471/22 2471/23 2471/25 2472/7 2521/21receiver's [2] 2454/9 2459/18receivership [9] 2318/3 2453/23 2460/11 2467/1 2467/8 2468/24 2469/4 2471/2 2472/9receiving [4] 2328/23 2331/8 2369/7 2372/23recently [1] 2326/10recess [3] 2362/13 2415/1 2485/5recessed [1] 2571/11recognition [1] 2298/14recognize [15] 2308/15 2311/3 2342/14 2350/23 2351/8 2356/8 2363/1 2366/11 2367/24 2371/3 2378/8 2378/11 2383/3 2392/12 2418/13recognized [2] 2298/19 2299/10recollection [2] 2364/20 2428/15recommendation [1] 2445/20recommendations [2] 2296/18 2309/17recommended [2] 2445/23 2446/12recommending [1] 2424/9record [8] 2297/16 2298/1 2328/1 2334/20 2354/4 2406/18 2461/25 2571/14recorded [3] 2293/23 2309/13 2395/8recording [1] 2324/25records [5] 2319/25 2351/23 2409/1 2412/21 2414/13recruiting [1] 2451/20red [3] 2334/23 2440/21 2441/6


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Rredirect [1] 2507/10reduce [10] 2423/13 2423/15 2423/16 2424/1 2424/7 2424/9 2435/9 2447/2 2558/13 2565/3reduced [3] 2421/10 2424/13 2448/13reducing [3] 2420/21 2564/16 2564/17refer [4] 2337/10 2423/20 2456/3 2563/1reference [3] 2507/21 2560/16 2566/4referenced [4] 2308/12 2363/1 2366/8 2382/23referred [5] 2322/1 2325/21 2456/5 2504/24 2560/20referring [8] 2376/22 2385/1 2426/24 2469/22 2500/12 2554/4 2560/25 2561/20refinance [1] 2566/21reflect [2] 2334/20 2435/14reflected [2] 2441/1 2537/11reflecting [1] 2319/19reflection [1] 2524/16reflects [1] 2326/24refresh [7] 2503/20 2503/22 2504/2 2509/25 2513/18 2514/14 2516/16refreshed [1] 2510/1refreshes [1] 2509/22regard [1] 2488/11regarding [3] 2375/23 2436/6 2508/10regardless [1] 2462/8regions [1] 2352/25regret [1] 2463/7regular [3] 2322/16 2324/19 2564/4regularly [1] 2496/18regulations [2] 2439/7 2439/12reimbursements [2] 2349/7 2349/11reinforce [1] 2428/4Reinvesting [1] 2382/14reinvests [2] 2318/16 2319/1related [17] 2340/15 2359/5 2375/19 2417/19 2421/24 2422/15 2422/16 2445/2 2453/5 2472/13 2472/18 2472/19 2494/5 2497/14 2497/22 2524/18 2538/16relating [4] 2340/12 2341/1 2450/13 2494/6relation [2] 2312/8 2461/4relationship [4] 2312/10 2355/3 2486/12 2551/1relative [1] 2436/20relevance [3] 2331/25 2457/11 2463/20relocate [4] 2451/23 2452/4 2452/5 2452/12relying [1] 2332/20remained [1] 2455/17remaining [1] 2449/3remains [1] 2428/2remember [52] 2297/1 2297/12 2297/20 2303/13 2303/16 2305/22 2362/20 2367/15 2369/21 2393/6 2400/6 2413/2

2414/5 2422/10 2422/19 2485/9 2499/16 2499/17 2499/22 2500/4 2500/5 2500/8 2502/15 2509/12 2509/16 2509/17 2513/16 2516/16 2527/18 2527/20 2527/22 2527/23 2527/24 2528/4 2531/15 2533/10 2533/12 2533/13 2533/24 2538/11 2538/12 2545/10 2545/13 2549/15 2549/21 2550/19 2555/23 2560/21 2561/2 2567/25 2568/21 2568/23remembered [2] 2488/23 2516/13remind [3] 2345/6 2392/7 2420/6reminder [1] 2485/9reminds [1] 2562/20remove [2] 2340/14 2497/13removed [3] 2460/6 2497/11 2498/7rent [1] 2329/9repaid [7] 2322/8 2322/11 2337/22 2375/12 2375/15 2375/16 2452/18repay [6] 2332/20 2354/14 2357/2 2380/8 2381/3 2523/17repayment [3] 2323/5 2357/21 2448/17repayments [2] 2322/15 2420/17rephrase [11] 2314/17 2314/18 2375/13 2414/5 2422/25 2468/1 2474/24 2487/17 2489/8 2489/17 2522/3report [136] 2307/12 2307/16 2308/9 2308/15 2308/18 2308/20 2308/22 2309/1 2309/9 2310/3 2310/9 2311/2 2311/4 2317/9 2317/11 2317/13 2317/15 2317/20 2317/21 2317/24 2317/24 2318/2 2318/8 2319/5 2319/18 2320/2 2321/2 2321/19 2321/23 2322/5 2324/6 2324/15 2324/16 2325/9 2325/16 2335/1 2336/4 2336/9 2336/10 2336/22 2336/24 2337/1 2337/4 2338/10 2339/5 2339/10 2339/21 2340/5 2340/12 2340/18 2340/19 2351/11 2351/19 2352/4 2352/19 2358/8 2358/18 2363/8 2369/12 2371/5 2375/20 2382/4 2382/8 2383/3 2384/24 2385/2 2385/7 2386/4 2386/25 2388/5 2390/22 2391/12 2392/11 2402/10 2402/10 2416/12 2416/18 2416/22 2416/25 2417/11 2422/3 2424/17 2424/18 2424/20 2425/10 2425/15 2425/20 2433/18 2435/5 2435/15 2447/16 2448/6 2452/17 2453/3 2458/9 2462/22 2464/4 2468/25 2472/24 2473/5 2473/8 2473/9 2473/10 2473/17 2473/19 2474/17 2475/12 2498/4 2498/17 2498/20 2498/22 2499/5 2499/19 2499/22

2502/5 2503/21 2504/1 2505/11 2507/19 2507/21 2509/9 2509/20 2512/7 2512/10 2512/13 2519/20 2536/7 2536/8 2537/23 2538/3 2560/18 2563/3 2563/12 2563/15 2563/24 2564/23report -- I [1] 2505/11reported [8] 2305/2 2312/15 2312/22 2312/25 2313/2 2313/12 2315/3 2552/18reporter [5] 2294/8 2301/7 2484/16 2484/18 2571/19Reporter's [1] 2571/13reporting [5] 2382/20 2387/25 2490/25 2495/25 2534/14reports [24] 2308/21 2351/16 2352/2 2352/4 2352/6 2374/16 2382/5 2392/14 2414/17 2416/19 2417/6 2417/16 2417/18 2459/12 2472/13 2472/14 2475/8 2486/14 2494/14 2497/20 2498/10 2498/10 2502/9 2557/13represent [1] 2297/4representation [1] 2368/12represented [1] 2296/9represents [1] 2296/16reprimanded [1] 2342/25request [9] 2328/20 2329/18 2344/11 2346/2 2346/13 2347/23 2350/15 2396/5 2420/4requested [6] 2330/25 2334/8 2337/9 2348/2 2420/5 2450/22requesting [1] 2557/12requests [4] 2331/16 2344/14 2350/5 2551/2require [1] 2394/9required [4] 2379/21 2396/10 2420/5 2571/8requirements [2] 2312/7 2544/3research [1] 2533/15resigned [1] 2451/7resist [1] 2484/14resolution [1] 2447/8resolve [1] 2349/8resorts [3] 2545/14 2545/14 2545/15respective [1] 2506/9responding [1] 2398/25responds [1] 2398/2response [14] 2368/15 2391/16 2398/15 2402/14 2436/7 2456/20 2486/1 2500/7 2505/15 2516/25 2518/18 2528/16 2541/8 2556/8responsibility [2] 2310/9 2501/13responsible [2] 2563/19 2565/18rest [5] 2431/9 2433/14 2475/13 2475/15 2517/17restaurant [6] 2361/1 2361/6 2361/8 2361/9 2361/13 2363/3restaurants [1] 2389/6results [2] 2310/9 2530/23resume [2] 2414/24 2414/25retain [1] 2399/21retained [7] 2296/25 2297/16 2318/17 2319/1 2319/2 2319/3


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Rretained... [1] 2522/18retire [5] 2548/23 2558/6 2558/15 2558/20 2559/17retired [1] 2557/18retirement [4] 2463/17 2464/7 2464/13 2464/20return [13] 2313/14 2318/15 2388/12 2388/17 2389/9 2389/12 2389/15 2390/10 2390/20 2391/14 2432/1 2432/5 2458/22returning [1] 2390/10returns [5] 2318/19 2390/2 2391/1 2391/13 2526/2revealed [2] 2315/19 2507/17revenue [21] 2302/3 2387/13 2388/9 2450/4 2473/7 2473/9 2478/15 2479/1 2479/16 2479/19 2498/3 2501/5 2510/9 2525/22 2525/24 2525/25 2526/2 2534/14 2549/6 2564/14 2564/15reversed [1] 2369/7review [6] 2310/8 2310/11 2315/11 2317/18 2499/19 2550/4reviewed [2] 2317/16 2374/14reviewing [3] 2304/6 2317/14 2400/4reviews [1] 2309/16revised [1] 2397/22revision [1] 2403/23rich [1] 2492/11Rico [2] 2360/3 2360/5rid [1] 2565/10right [259] 2297/3 2297/8 2298/3 2298/23 2299/20 2300/13 2300/16 2302/22 2303/15 2314/17 2331/21 2333/21 2334/23 2345/18 2345/20 2353/13 2357/8 2362/12 2362/17 2362/20 2368/4 2369/5 2369/9 2369/22 2371/24 2372/20 2373/23 2379/2 2383/5 2384/13 2385/21 2385/25 2388/25 2389/1 2389/4 2389/7 2390/16 2392/12 2395/6 2395/17 2401/6 2405/22 2407/24 2410/4 2411/5 2414/22 2414/23 2415/10 2415/12 2415/22 2419/16 2422/25 2432/7 2432/11 2432/21 2436/7 2436/22 2441/4 2443/11 2448/4 2448/11 2449/8 2455/3 2457/13 2457/15 2457/23 2459/9 2462/16 2462/25 2463/12 2463/24 2463/25 2465/22 2466/10 2467/21 2468/17 2474/1 2474/4 2474/18 2474/18 2474/23 2475/17 2476/18 2476/23 2476/25 2478/2 2479/7 2479/13 2479/20 2480/6 2480/11 2480/14 2480/18 2480/19 2481/16 2481/19 2482/21 2483/21 2483/23 2483/24 2483/25 2484/20 2484/25 2485/18 2485/23 2486/13

2487/16 2488/2 2488/4 2488/11 2488/15 2488/17 2488/18 2488/20 2488/24 2490/2 2491/3 2491/4 2491/8 2491/9 2491/10 2491/19 2491/20 2492/1 2493/13 2494/11 2495/11 2495/13 2496/11 2497/23 2497/25 2498/23 2499/1 2499/15 2501/23 2501/25 2502/8 2503/16 2503/18 2503/23 2505/4 2505/14 2505/14 2505/16 2506/6 2506/14 2506/21 2506/25 2509/1 2510/12 2510/24 2511/14 2511/17 2511/22 2512/17 2512/25 2513/3 2513/5 2513/8 2513/14 2515/14 2515/16 2515/17 2515/19 2515/25 2516/4 2516/7 2516/21 2516/22 2516/24 2517/10 2518/17 2518/19 2518/22 2519/10 2519/15 2520/4 2520/9 2520/25 2521/3 2521/9 2521/11 2521/15 2521/16 2521/16 2522/25 2523/13 2523/14 2523/18 2524/2 2524/11 2525/2 2525/15 2526/8 2526/22 2527/8 2528/10 2528/15 2528/17 2530/11 2531/22 2532/9 2532/13 2532/24 2533/1 2535/5 2535/7 2535/16 2536/14 2536/18 2536/20 2537/8 2537/24 2539/20 2540/25 2541/4 2541/7 2542/1 2542/4 2542/11 2542/18 2542/25 2543/3 2544/3 2544/20 2548/3 2548/3 2548/7 2548/15 2549/12 2549/20 2550/23 2551/18 2552/5 2552/22 2553/10 2554/16 2555/3 2558/2 2559/20 2562/10 2562/16 2563/18 2564/1 2565/3 2565/6 2565/14 2565/18 2566/4 2567/21 2568/25 2569/17 2569/19 2570/2 2570/3 2570/6 2570/15 2570/24 2571/1right-hand [4] 2385/21 2385/25 2432/7 2432/11right. [1] 2297/25right. It's [1] 2297/25righteous [1] 2561/13risk [15] 2312/6 2321/16 2322/6 2322/10 2323/8 2323/10 2382/15 2385/8 2404/5 2442/24 2443/1 2462/18 2521/13 2521/24 2522/4risks [5] 2321/7 2321/14 2322/5 2522/1 2522/6risky [3] 2443/1 2522/9 2559/9River [3] 2541/7 2541/10 2541/11road [1] 2367/7ROBERT [8] 2293/5 2293/19 2297/6 2306/18 2322/4 2325/19 2399/7 2419/15Robert even [1] 2297/6robes [1] 2299/3

Roca [6] 2343/21 2343/22 2343/23 2456/8 2458/7 2563/9Rolando [3] 2343/21 2458/7 2563/9role [3] 2306/13 2306/14 2330/16rolled [1] 2381/5room [3] 2458/6 2458/8 2479/17roughly [2] 2383/24 2446/20routes [1] 2373/17rugs [1] 2299/22rule [2] 2541/25 2553/5run [7] 2361/3 2361/3 2373/9 2529/23 2542/3 2558/12 2562/18running [3] 2374/4 2374/6 2434/23runs [1] 2298/10rush [1] 2446/14Rusk [1] 2294/10résumé [2] 2304/6 2451/18

Ssafe [2] 2464/12 2464/19safeguarded [1] 2309/12safer [1] 2489/9said [90] 2296/11 2296/12 2297/8 2297/9 2297/10 2308/4 2314/24 2315/24 2317/7 2320/6 2322/9 2323/22 2323/23 2325/3 2325/24 2328/17 2329/22 2333/11 2335/12 2336/7 2338/1 2344/9 2347/8 2347/21 2356/2 2357/2 2359/14 2363/10 2376/12 2376/23 2377/6 2381/22 2384/14 2391/17 2391/17 2391/19 2392/2 2392/4 2396/14 2399/7 2399/23 2400/20 2404/17 2412/21 2418/3 2423/10 2424/10 2424/12 2425/4 2433/1 2434/10 2441/20 2450/7 2456/21 2458/14 2460/15 2461/24 2462/1 2462/4 2463/14 2464/6 2466/25 2473/15 2475/23 2479/11 2483/22 2487/21 2488/5 2488/20 2489/6 2489/6 2493/15 2494/9 2494/16 2495/24 2496/10 2497/18 2499/13 2520/9 2529/2 2533/6 2555/20 2555/21 2560/19 2560/23 2561/23 2561/25 2562/20 2564/2 2570/23salaries [1] 2386/12salary [2] 2305/20 2554/15same [35] 2313/19 2330/19 2330/20 2348/22 2371/5 2384/23 2386/22 2392/11 2397/9 2408/25 2411/3 2411/7 2411/14 2411/19 2411/22 2411/23 2412/14 2415/9 2417/13 2442/5 2466/17 2466/19 2467/4 2471/16 2471/18 2480/21 2496/14 2507/16 2508/23 2513/12 2521/3 2521/8 2521/9 2522/17 2525/13sampling [1] 2310/19San [1] 2360/3


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Ssave [3] 2340/6 2458/9 2565/6saved [6] 2340/7 2341/24 2341/25 2458/23 2459/12 2498/6savings [2] 2464/13 2464/21saw [29] 2308/21 2316/16 2316/23 2378/16 2379/4 2380/21 2382/1 2385/22 2387/19 2402/1 2412/21 2422/3 2433/1 2438/14 2441/17 2447/16 2448/8 2448/13 2449/7 2455/23 2458/7 2462/19 2464/11 2515/8 2529/1 2552/12 2554/18 2558/16 2570/20say [95] 2298/17 2306/17 2320/18 2325/15 2332/14 2337/6 2338/23 2343/10 2347/3 2347/12 2347/19 2349/9 2349/24 2350/9 2355/19 2357/24 2366/22 2368/20 2370/20 2372/1 2372/5 2375/10 2375/14 2376/15 2376/18 2377/5 2379/11 2380/5 2382/12 2382/15 2391/10 2391/16 2397/21 2398/17 2399/2 2405/7 2405/14 2409/8 2409/20 2410/8 2413/15 2423/7 2423/10 2423/18 2423/19 2434/6 2442/25 2445/2 2458/6 2461/22 2463/2 2463/8 2463/17 2470/17 2474/6 2474/10 2478/21 2479/4 2479/9 2480/21 2482/6 2483/25 2484/3 2484/8 2485/21 2485/25 2486/23 2487/19 2488/17 2489/10 2492/10 2493/6 2493/8 2493/14 2497/9 2499/25 2508/1 2510/14 2527/12 2534/7 2541/24 2542/1 2542/2 2542/10 2542/15 2542/15 2544/13 2553/6 2556/19 2558/19 2559/11 2563/14 2564/3 2564/23 2569/8saying [31] 2298/24 2310/3 2310/13 2320/5 2349/2 2357/13 2376/10 2382/8 2384/2 2384/20 2386/4 2388/24 2391/15 2392/15 2407/16 2409/25 2429/21 2436/12 2440/2 2440/4 2454/15 2457/10 2489/9 2497/10 2505/23 2508/20 2517/20 2529/18 2549/18 2554/15 2561/22says [41] 2297/11 2311/8 2314/1 2319/1 2319/10 2321/14 2322/22 2323/13 2327/2 2327/10 2329/19 2330/5 2331/5 2347/1 2357/24 2367/2 2369/6 2370/20 2378/15 2385/18 2387/4 2394/25 2396/5 2398/2 2398/18 2403/1 2406/18 2407/1 2407/4 2411/24 2412/2 2412/8 2431/8 2432/14 2433/15 2457/10 2487/14 2504/7 2508/1 2508/2 2508/2

scads [1] 2527/21Scardino [5] 2293/19 2293/20 2457/15 2500/11 2508/20scared [3] 2480/16 2493/6 2493/8Scares [1] 2479/20scenarios [1] 2424/8schedule [2] 2537/12 2537/22scheduled [1] 2451/20schedules [1] 2537/11scheme [2] 2332/8 2332/16school [2] 2299/8 2452/13Schramm [1] 2526/6Scott [1] 2418/18scramble [1] 2566/22screen [7] 2415/5 2415/6 2415/9 2527/6 2529/5 2552/13 2558/16scroll [4] 2357/14 2380/14 2397/10 2429/15search [1] 2460/21seat [1] 2300/22seated [3] 2362/16 2415/3 2485/8SEC's [1] 2342/10second [24] 2309/4 2309/8 2318/6 2318/12 2345/8 2348/17 2349/2 2352/13 2378/20 2379/11 2379/24 2380/7 2383/11 2397/16 2399/2 2399/5 2409/8 2413/11 2431/5 2441/6 2450/12 2454/5 2454/5 2456/12secondary [1] 2456/22secrecy [3] 2316/15 2316/23 2339/24secret [27] 2472/21 2472/21 2472/22 2472/25 2473/2 2473/4 2473/23 2474/6 2474/6 2475/7 2475/9 2475/22 2498/12 2498/16 2502/13 2503/7 2503/10 2503/14 2506/23 2516/24 2517/3 2538/19 2538/20 2538/23 2549/14 2549/16 2549/17secretive [2] 2315/18 2498/18section [3] 2320/24 2321/4 2443/12secured [2] 2321/8 2323/11Securities [1] 2342/5security [1] 2456/23see [76] 2297/18 2299/14 2311/20 2312/5 2313/5 2313/16 2314/3 2321/15 2332/24 2335/14 2337/21 2345/16 2348/14 2348/16 2349/1 2362/9 2367/21 2368/1 2377/13 2377/17 2377/20 2379/24 2380/14 2380/16 2381/14 2384/20 2385/11 2387/16 2397/11 2397/13 2398/22 2401/3 2406/18 2407/2 2407/8 2409/2 2409/5 2412/3 2413/3 2414/23 2414/24 2414/25 2416/15 2429/16 2433/12 2443/17 2443/21 2450/22 2456/21 2482/1 2484/15 2485/4 2503/21 2504/20 2509/21 2525/1 2528/19 2529/5 2530/3 2534/12 2534/12 2536/3 2540/5 2544/20 2544/22

2546/4 2546/6 2546/7 2546/9 2546/10 2546/11 2546/24 2548/25 2558/8 2561/13 2570/10see no [1] 2456/21seeing [3] 2337/22 2452/17 2453/22seek [1] 2445/23seemed [1] 2552/17seems [2] 2548/11 2548/12seen [14] 2339/16 2401/14 2404/17 2408/14 2411/12 2427/12 2428/17 2432/5 2433/10 2474/14 2489/4 2527/5 2567/12 2567/14sees [1] 2506/2select [1] 2416/15selected [1] 2299/20sell [6] 2443/4 2531/21 2531/22 2559/1 2559/3 2560/1selling [8] 2373/11 2416/21 2416/24 2423/24 2424/1 2522/12 2530/6 2564/18send [7] 2330/2 2330/3 2330/23 2337/2 2339/2 2442/9 2557/3sending [5] 2339/1 2356/18 2395/23 2397/19 2431/20senior [2] 2305/6 2418/20sense [8] 2386/9 2386/11 2389/10 2389/18 2389/22 2473/4 2536/6 2536/6sent [15] 2319/19 2335/21 2336/19 2348/16 2350/18 2418/15 2418/17 2427/17 2427/19 2429/18 2429/20 2430/5 2436/10 2479/15 2494/13sentence [5] 2310/13 2318/22 2349/25 2399/19 2428/9Senza [2] 2370/20 2370/22separate [2] 2352/24 2437/16September [1] 2418/15September 19th [1] 2418/15seriously [1] 2463/16serve [1] 2321/11served [2] 2406/7 2406/11server [4] 2297/3 2341/1 2341/11 2342/2service [15] 2392/18 2473/7 2473/9 2477/23 2478/1 2478/3 2478/15 2479/2 2479/16 2479/19 2501/5 2510/9 2549/6 2552/2 2554/1services [10] 2298/16 2306/23 2307/3 2308/5 2315/1 2327/22 2397/1 2551/6 2551/14 2552/9set [3] 2436/13 2556/12 2557/3setting [1] 2306/4setup [2] 2305/16 2420/25several [3] 2438/6 2475/1 2560/19SFG [3] 2330/10 2330/22 2427/21SFGC [1] 2427/19SFGL [1] 2403/2SFGL TNB [1] 2403/2SG [1] 2406/18SH [2] 2330/6 2330/6Shaking [1] 2526/16shall [3] 2298/17 2379/17


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Sshall... [1] 2379/19share [5] 2325/17 2339/9 2516/11 2528/6 2567/19shared [9] 2339/11 2339/13 2340/13 2474/9 2478/17 2488/24 2498/8 2498/18 2567/21shareholder [126] 2318/16 2318/23 2318/23 2319/9 2319/18 2319/23 2320/13 2320/14 2321/23 2322/1 2324/6 2324/22 2325/2 2325/17 2325/18 2325/20 2326/25 2329/6 2329/14 2330/6 2330/7 2330/9 2333/23 2335/15 2335/22 2335/23 2337/11 2337/12 2338/10 2339/5 2339/10 2339/21 2340/5 2340/12 2340/18 2340/19 2349/5 2351/11 2352/16 2354/5 2354/6 2354/23 2354/25 2355/15 2356/21 2356/23 2357/22 2358/1 2358/2 2364/3 2364/3 2364/6 2372/7 2375/7 2375/20 2391/12 2415/25 2416/3 2416/8 2420/22 2421/2 2423/21 2423/21 2423/23 2427/5 2434/14 2435/15 2438/10 2447/2 2447/16 2448/6 2458/9 2459/11 2472/24 2474/3 2474/4 2474/23 2475/3 2475/9 2475/16 2498/4 2498/20 2498/22 2500/6 2501/6 2501/7 2501/8 2501/15 2501/17 2501/18 2502/4 2502/4 2502/11 2502/16 2502/18 2502/25 2504/10 2505/4 2505/5 2505/11 2506/17 2506/19 2506/24 2507/8 2509/15 2513/10 2513/11 2513/13 2516/11 2516/20 2519/22 2523/11 2524/3 2557/18 2558/6 2558/13 2558/14 2559/17 2563/1 2563/2 2563/21 2564/20 2569/16 2569/19 2570/12 2570/23shareholder's [1] 2439/4shareholders [2] 2332/17 2542/2shares [1] 2537/7sharing [1] 2338/1she [13] 2336/19 2349/24 2404/5 2404/6 2457/7 2480/5 2484/18 2492/25 2493/1 2556/21 2556/23 2556/24 2557/2sheet [4] 2311/3 2311/21 2318/15 2364/1sheets [1] 2404/17Shell [1] 2443/5shift [1] 2457/2shifts [1] 2530/3shook [1] 2297/7shopping [1] 2296/22short [4] 2470/17 2471/6 2472/8 2473/18shortly [4] 2300/2 2307/5

2347/2 2451/3should [22] 2296/13 2313/10 2317/2 2317/3 2339/16 2341/12 2398/3 2399/21 2401/1 2409/16 2409/17 2441/22 2441/22 2442/11 2445/20 2463/2 2463/3 2474/14 2480/14 2496/24 2528/14 2547/22show [39] 2325/4 2326/7 2326/23 2328/14 2331/25 2335/1 2337/11 2342/13 2350/22 2352/10 2356/4 2362/25 2367/23 2379/1 2380/12 2383/6 2388/11 2402/13 2405/23 2406/14 2408/25 2412/24 2419/13 2420/13 2424/19 2424/20 2428/17 2431/5 2440/14 2446/5 2448/12 2456/7 2458/1 2475/21 2475/23 2503/20 2509/18 2523/9 2525/5showed [14] 2319/14 2325/24 2337/8 2337/23 2416/13 2433/18 2435/5 2455/2 2469/3 2469/13 2475/15 2502/4 2504/16 2554/21showing [25] 2313/14 2314/2 2315/3 2319/16 2335/17 2337/6 2353/5 2353/9 2353/10 2353/13 2372/24 2386/25 2390/19 2395/1 2404/1 2408/15 2420/17 2425/9 2425/10 2433/10 2440/21 2460/23 2475/8 2502/9 2564/13shown [7] 2309/8 2384/10 2384/12 2391/1 2404/4 2420/13 2475/13shows [13] 2359/21 2369/12 2371/13 2381/9 2395/2 2401/8 2402/10 2408/1 2415/16 2449/3 2468/15 2469/8 2557/12shut [6] 2347/1 2347/3 2373/2 2373/4 2373/12 2373/13shutdown [1] 2347/4SIB [2] 2353/15 2428/2SIBL [17] 2327/14 2335/22 2395/10 2395/11 2395/14 2395/15 2432/21 2432/24 2554/3 2557/5 2557/8 2557/9 2557/13 2562/10 2562/10 2570/3 2570/5sic [1] 2325/2side [12] 2311/20 2326/20 2368/4 2385/21 2385/25 2406/9 2425/25 2430/17 2432/7 2432/11 2456/15 2456/15sidebar [1] 2457/18sight [1] 2419/10sign [1] 2316/11signature [2] 2379/25 2392/12signed [6] 2309/1 2309/1 2309/3 2392/14 2461/12 2517/23significant [5] 2322/15 2329/2 2397/4 2397/5 2423/22significantly [1] 2346/6signing [1] 2414/15silver [2] 2409/19 2549/7

similar [6] 2365/21 2372/24 2438/13 2438/15 2442/7 2446/18since [15] 2316/2 2324/21 2331/15 2341/3 2358/9 2406/9 2416/24 2438/9 2443/3 2449/22 2458/21 2465/13 2465/13 2528/9 2543/10single [5] 2352/23 2390/4 2427/21 2501/14 2504/9sir [85] 2300/13 2325/6 2325/23 2327/20 2328/5 2329/17 2336/6 2348/10 2348/25 2351/4 2356/3 2358/5 2363/19 2368/19 2412/8 2413/12 2428/19 2432/6 2432/16 2433/5 2435/7 2435/10 2435/20 2435/24 2436/2 2448/16 2449/9 2452/14 2453/18 2457/21 2459/4 2459/25 2463/15 2475/11 2478/13 2478/23 2482/23 2483/2 2483/9 2486/19 2486/22 2486/25 2487/22 2488/6 2488/7 2489/17 2489/19 2492/19 2492/22 2493/15 2499/9 2503/2 2504/19 2507/8 2519/16 2519/21 2526/4 2527/7 2529/12 2531/17 2536/12 2538/17 2538/22 2540/14 2543/15 2547/15 2550/2 2550/14 2551/17 2553/2 2554/4 2554/5 2554/18 2554/25 2555/25 2558/22 2560/7 2560/8 2560/22 2562/19 2566/23 2567/10 2567/21 2568/1 2568/5sit [4] 2458/13 2461/9 2480/10 2481/10sitting [2] 2565/9 2565/9situated [1] 2328/1situation [1] 2357/1six [15] 2307/17 2383/16 2424/5 2477/20 2477/21 2478/4 2478/16 2480/16 2489/2 2489/25 2521/20 2527/4 2542/10 2542/16 2550/17six-month [2] 2542/10 2542/16sixty [1] 2374/10sixty-five [1] 2374/10size [9] 2298/18 2299/23 2372/3 2372/7 2442/19 2442/20 2452/17 2453/5 2564/17skies [1] 2367/8skill [1] 2495/16skills [1] 2477/23Skip [1] 2350/10skyrocket [1] 2548/8skyrocketing [1] 2527/21Slow [1] 2530/10small [5] 2352/7 2352/12 2419/13 2546/20 2547/24smaller [4] 2389/13 2496/13 2496/13 2496/14smart [1] 2525/19so [264] 2297/4 2297/11 2297/21 2298/13 2299/16 2303/7 2304/24 2305/2 2306/22 2307/23 2308/8


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Sso... [253] 2310/3 2311/20 2312/15 2312/24 2313/25 2315/19 2319/5 2320/5 2320/15 2321/14 2322/3 2323/8 2324/12 2328/3 2328/8 2329/4 2329/8 2329/11 2329/18 2329/25 2330/10 2330/21 2331/4 2331/8 2332/7 2333/19 2334/5 2335/12 2335/17 2335/24 2336/1 2336/19 2341/14 2344/21 2347/22 2347/25 2349/9 2353/1 2353/19 2354/14 2356/23 2357/13 2359/14 2359/18 2361/22 2363/13 2364/23 2366/4 2368/20 2369/5 2369/21 2371/10 2371/12 2371/16 2372/23 2376/10 2377/9 2379/21 2381/2 2383/17 2384/1 2384/5 2384/14 2385/18 2388/19 2389/9 2391/17 2391/19 2392/3 2393/3 2395/7 2396/9 2397/10 2399/23 2401/11 2402/17 2404/3 2406/10 2407/22 2408/7 2409/24 2410/9 2410/16 2410/21 2416/5 2416/10 2417/22 2418/8 2421/6 2421/13 2422/7 2424/11 2425/12 2426/2 2427/13 2427/14 2428/9 2428/16 2430/4 2433/25 2434/9 2435/11 2436/21 2438/6 2439/18 2440/18 2441/19 2445/10 2449/3 2453/16 2453/22 2456/19 2457/5 2457/8 2458/11 2458/14 2459/2 2459/11 2460/16 2461/7 2462/19 2463/7 2464/1 2464/9 2466/24 2467/5 2467/9 2468/5 2468/7 2468/15 2469/6 2469/23 2471/19 2471/25 2472/10 2474/10 2474/11 2474/22 2475/7 2476/1 2477/12 2477/14 2481/5 2482/1 2482/17 2483/23 2483/25 2487/2 2487/9 2488/8 2489/11 2491/1 2494/2 2494/6 2494/20 2494/24 2495/21 2497/1 2497/9 2497/18 2497/21 2498/1 2498/12 2501/3 2501/20 2501/25 2502/22 2503/3 2503/12 2504/1 2504/11 2505/2 2505/18 2505/18 2506/23 2507/12 2507/15 2508/5 2509/7 2510/2 2511/13 2512/25 2513/6 2513/11 2515/1 2515/6 2515/14 2515/23 2516/21 2517/18 2518/24 2522/1 2522/15 2522/22 2522/23 2522/23 2523/16 2524/21 2525/11 2525/17 2525/25 2526/8 2526/15 2528/11 2531/20 2532/7 2532/11 2533/11 2534/19 2535/9 2535/14 2535/15 2536/5 2538/4 2538/18 2540/8 2541/19 2542/5 2543/25

2544/2 2545/18 2547/20 2547/21 2547/24 2548/18 2548/22 2550/20 2553/9 2553/13 2553/22 2553/25 2554/7 2555/5 2556/16 2556/23 2557/7 2558/4 2558/5 2558/18 2559/11 2561/13 2561/20 2562/8 2563/4 2563/24 2564/21 2565/22 2566/8 2566/16 2566/22 2567/18 2569/14 2570/2SocGen [1] 2406/16Societe [5] 2403/12 2403/14 2404/13 2406/15 2406/23sold [6] 2373/12 2373/13 2473/25 2497/19 2539/8 2542/5sole [7] 2318/16 2318/22 2318/23 2333/23 2364/3 2438/9 2536/1solely [2] 2321/8 2370/10solemnly [1] 2300/18solution [1] 2341/14some [85] 2300/4 2306/3 2306/5 2306/6 2307/18 2307/23 2307/25 2308/5 2317/11 2319/25 2335/1 2337/8 2341/18 2341/18 2344/16 2344/18 2349/14 2358/15 2358/16 2361/2 2371/24 2373/23 2377/21 2389/17 2390/22 2403/23 2406/14 2407/20 2412/24 2420/10 2426/20 2436/23 2441/17 2445/17 2453/23 2454/5 2457/1 2459/20 2461/1 2464/6 2464/7 2464/9 2465/17 2467/1 2470/24 2472/5 2473/23 2473/25 2481/14 2486/15 2490/2 2490/3 2494/11 2496/2 2515/8 2519/4 2519/5 2522/7 2522/24 2522/24 2522/25 2523/20 2523/21 2527/7 2527/13 2532/7 2532/13 2532/20 2533/15 2534/14 2534/22 2535/3 2541/10 2541/13 2542/9 2542/17 2542/18 2543/22 2544/12 2546/24 2558/5 2565/22 2567/24 2568/20 2570/11somebody [8] 2387/22 2387/23 2480/20 2489/4 2490/15 2528/11 2555/6 2561/21Somehow [1] 2508/14someone [12] 2303/20 2304/10 2312/2 2313/11 2323/16 2329/11 2343/15 2374/3 2374/4 2410/11 2442/12 2456/23someplace [1] 2466/21something [62] 2316/5 2316/9 2361/10 2376/15 2393/9 2399/22 2410/16 2424/16 2454/23 2456/15 2467/17 2467/18 2473/24 2476/9 2476/22 2477/14 2481/6 2481/9 2483/6 2483/10 2483/25 2484/3 2484/8 2484/19 2485/21 2486/23 2487/19 2491/5 2493/6 2494/10 2499/20 2503/8

2507/12 2507/14 2508/12 2521/10 2521/22 2522/2 2528/12 2533/14 2534/21 2536/5 2538/8 2539/2 2541/20 2544/12 2547/24 2549/10 2559/20 2560/5 2560/6 2560/15 2561/13 2561/14 2561/15 2561/21 2564/4 2564/7 2564/23 2568/10 2570/21 2570/23sometime [2] 2342/3 2451/10sometimes [8] 2324/19 2324/20 2369/6 2463/1 2484/15 2489/6 2489/10 2519/6somewhat [1] 2419/13somewhere [12] 2299/16 2365/18 2365/19 2451/2 2465/24 2466/24 2481/23 2482/15 2494/11 2518/15 2541/6 2560/18son [2] 2452/9 2452/11soon [2] 2349/8 2415/11Sorella [2] 2533/3 2533/8sorry [16] 2297/9 2318/7 2323/22 2347/17 2375/13 2379/14 2384/15 2384/25 2393/10 2404/24 2405/21 2454/8 2479/23 2500/4 2549/3 2563/14sort [2] 2491/1 2516/7sorts [1] 2310/24Sotto [1] 2454/7sounded [1] 2391/20source [2] 2505/19 2556/25sources [3] 2529/24 2556/13 2556/20south [11] 2327/2 2327/10 2327/16 2329/19 2329/23 2330/1 2332/2 2333/6 2348/9 2395/19 2528/2SOUTHERN [4] 2293/1 2300/1 2300/6 2300/7speaking [1] 2320/1special [4] 2479/18 2482/18 2516/14 2557/24specific [3] 2472/15 2497/11 2497/13specifically [6] 2369/21 2373/25 2497/1 2507/21 2532/21 2560/25specifics [1] 2419/10specify [1] 2570/16speculation [2] 2391/21 2414/18spell [1] 2301/6spelling [1] 2317/22spend [1] 2430/13spending [7] 2337/10 2367/4 2376/11 2422/19 2423/3 2564/14 2566/3spent [11] 2375/22 2376/3 2376/6 2376/14 2386/18 2389/6 2389/10 2546/21 2546/25 2547/1 2547/21spite [1] 2493/4split [1] 2300/5spoke [1] 2449/14spoken [1] 2486/24sponsored [1] 2366/17sports [3] 2361/9 2526/8 2526/12spouse [1] 2541/16


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Sspread [1] 2541/21spreadsheet [5] 2369/25 2419/12 2420/11 2436/10 2498/3spreadsheets [1] 2351/17Stacey [1] 2480/3staff [3] 2298/15 2299/16 2454/7stand [4] 2330/8 2456/9 2458/1 2540/4standard [2] 2308/20 2308/22standards [1] 2309/15standing [3] 2368/4 2409/14 2463/6stands [2] 2419/3 2419/5STANFORD [398] Stanford's [39] 2320/21 2325/25 2332/3 2333/12 2338/19 2357/6 2357/10 2358/12 2364/18 2374/20 2381/13 2383/22 2386/10 2387/7 2388/3 2392/7 2393/1 2393/2 2393/14 2399/8 2417/8 2418/22 2420/2 2422/12 2423/18 2434/22 2447/5 2448/9 2448/25 2466/5 2468/22 2469/7 2495/16 2509/8 2509/14 2515/22 2542/24 2545/11 2554/22Star [23] 2302/15 2303/3 2305/13 2305/15 2328/25 2331/8 2346/2 2346/2 2348/5 2349/5 2350/15 2360/1 2360/2 2360/4 2360/5 2360/7 2367/1 2367/8 2372/19 2372/23 2373/2 2373/5 2374/3start [14] 2323/16 2323/21 2323/23 2323/24 2325/9 2328/18 2328/19 2341/14 2344/11 2344/21 2405/16 2489/12 2492/11 2512/23started [20] 2304/16 2333/16 2336/7 2340/5 2381/12 2442/21 2451/18 2463/4 2464/22 2471/13 2492/16 2514/20 2520/10 2522/6 2522/23 2528/2 2530/19 2534/25 2535/1 2535/17starting [4] 2305/20 2307/5 2327/9 2427/25starts [1] 2415/16startup [7] 2519/2 2519/5 2520/6 2520/8 2523/17 2523/19 2532/3startups [1] 2442/20state [6] 2298/13 2300/3 2406/7 2406/7 2527/16 2527/25statement [11] 2321/18 2321/22 2387/14 2405/19 2411/22 2420/8 2454/11 2535/22 2566/16 2567/12 2570/17statements [25] 2309/14 2309/25 2310/12 2310/15 2310/18 2313/13 2313/13 2314/2 2314/10 2314/21 2315/2 2315/7 2315/13 2332/5 2384/7 2387/16 2387/19 2412/14 2450/13 2462/10

2524/14 2524/15 2530/22 2567/4 2567/5states [11] 2293/1 2293/3 2293/8 2300/14 2360/5 2390/13 2393/20 2456/16 2527/17 2539/16 2557/13stating [1] 2314/14stationed [1] 2328/9stay [2] 2462/22 2470/24stayed [2] 2314/7 2496/2stealing [1] 2332/10Stellmach [1] 2293/14stenography [1] 2293/23step [3] 2328/8 2328/8 2493/18stepping [1] 2399/20steps [2] 2428/4 2428/7sterling [6] 2409/15 2409/15 2409/18 2409/19 2409/20 2438/7stick [6] 2459/1 2459/2 2459/16 2459/17 2471/7 2496/13Sticky [9] 2360/25 2361/3 2361/5 2361/8 2361/13 2361/18 2362/21 2363/10 2386/13still [22] 2304/7 2355/9 2355/16 2355/17 2370/23 2374/4 2386/16 2390/19 2397/13 2433/13 2453/16 2455/16 2462/13 2483/23 2484/1 2485/21 2486/13 2486/17 2492/20 2493/2 2496/20 2516/12stock [5] 2442/25 2443/6 2536/18 2537/7 2537/7stockholders [1] 2540/24stocks [9] 2315/21 2443/4 2443/9 2534/3 2536/19 2536/24 2537/3 2537/5 2538/14stood [1] 2400/6stop [6] 2310/1 2396/9 2399/5 2450/6 2454/4 2503/4stopped [2] 2420/16 2471/14store [1] 2549/8stored [1] 2494/4storing [1] 2495/21story [3] 2482/21 2486/21 2522/20straight [4] 2468/7 2476/6 2484/17 2517/22straighten [3] 2499/21 2507/9 2510/20Street [2] 2293/20 2294/10strength [1] 2428/4strengthen [2] 2433/4 2434/10strengthened [2] 2318/18 2319/11stricken [1] 2436/6strong [7] 2318/14 2318/15 2318/15 2399/21 2399/23 2400/1 2428/2structure [1] 2536/2studied [1] 2301/12studies [2] 2443/20 2530/3study [1] 2419/17stuff [4] 2491/19 2495/17 2515/24 2516/7stupid [3] 2458/24 2458/24 2463/6

subject [3] 2346/1 2356/20 2397/13submit [1] 2417/17submitted [1] 2417/11subsequent [1] 2471/17substantive [1] 2326/9success [4] 2529/7 2529/10 2529/15 2529/17successful [3] 2526/8 2533/17 2533/17such [4] 2305/10 2498/10 2520/1 2534/14sufficient [1] 2350/13suggested [1] 2478/15suggesting [1] 2479/19suggestion [1] 2398/16sum [1] 2379/17summary [2] 2421/24 2452/23Sun [30] 2302/15 2303/3 2305/13 2305/14 2328/25 2329/4 2329/5 2329/11 2331/2 2331/3 2331/4 2331/8 2346/2 2346/2 2348/4 2349/5 2350/15 2354/12 2355/23 2359/18 2360/2 2360/4 2363/17 2364/10 2367/9 2372/18 2372/22 2373/2 2373/5 2374/3Superbowl [1] 2419/15supervised [1] 2302/4supervising [1] 2463/10supervisor [3] 2301/21 2391/7 2395/25supervisors [3] 2325/13 2325/14 2338/24supplies [1] 2529/24support [7] 2306/14 2306/15 2313/6 2321/12 2463/1 2463/5 2567/5suppose [1] 2521/19supposed [10] 2340/20 2341/1 2380/24 2432/23 2484/17 2498/5 2498/25 2503/7 2503/14 2521/2supposedly [7] 2313/22 2382/13 2385/15 2392/8 2396/20 2397/1 2426/21Supreme [1] 2299/13sure [21] 2317/20 2317/21 2331/24 2377/24 2456/10 2476/7 2488/14 2493/17 2495/13 2496/15 2499/14 2500/2 2503/5 2509/19 2521/15 2526/23 2535/11 2540/3 2543/24 2567/2 2568/13surplus [1] 2426/4surprised [3] 2413/3 2450/15 2450/17surrounding [1] 2316/15survive [1] 2329/10sustain [1] 2368/22sustained [15] 2338/6 2340/23 2343/3 2344/3 2346/16 2372/13 2375/25 2413/5 2414/19 2452/25 2453/9 2464/24 2483/15 2487/16 2521/6swear [1] 2300/18Swiss [18] 2403/9 2403/21 2404/4 2405/11 2406/21 2408/16 2408/19 2409/1 2410/21 2410/25 2411/1


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SSwiss... [7] 2411/8 2412/12 2412/21 2413/8 2551/21 2552/3 2554/22switch [4] 2352/11 2356/5 2401/19 2405/20Switzerland [4] 2403/12 2403/15 2407/12 2407/17system [3] 2306/4 2309/10 2309/18systems [2] 2301/13 2305/16

Ttable [1] 2458/8tailor [1] 2561/11take [41] 2298/13 2316/5 2328/22 2328/22 2346/10 2353/1 2362/7 2362/11 2367/7 2376/23 2392/17 2408/10 2417/10 2428/5 2435/8 2436/17 2455/15 2457/7 2458/19 2458/21 2462/15 2466/21 2470/15 2481/23 2484/22 2484/24 2485/3 2495/6 2496/18 2501/1 2501/2 2505/24 2526/21 2528/22 2535/21 2538/5 2540/5 2541/5 2546/14 2553/22 2558/9taken [20] 2341/1 2355/13 2359/18 2360/7 2360/11 2361/24 2362/13 2375/3 2377/9 2382/19 2415/1 2428/10 2452/20 2456/22 2469/7 2475/16 2485/5 2523/9 2526/24 2558/1taker [1] 2522/4takes [4] 2298/11 2522/1 2541/4 2541/19taking [17] 2319/6 2320/5 2320/7 2322/23 2324/3 2332/9 2361/14 2388/5 2427/1 2428/3 2461/5 2468/8 2506/13 2506/24 2521/24 2523/10 2556/23talk [38] 2296/11 2311/8 2311/23 2322/13 2322/22 2329/4 2337/11 2353/25 2358/12 2449/13 2449/20 2467/20 2470/24 2471/20 2476/12 2480/10 2480/12 2481/10 2487/4 2493/3 2505/7 2506/6 2506/11 2507/23 2521/23 2530/14 2531/14 2534/5 2545/4 2549/20 2555/10 2560/15 2563/2 2563/5 2563/8 2564/19 2565/10 2570/14talked [34] 2297/10 2312/18 2313/9 2328/25 2339/24 2358/9 2363/3 2406/15 2422/17 2423/22 2452/4 2471/4 2471/20 2471/23 2473/6 2473/15 2475/19 2477/18 2486/20 2487/2 2487/6 2493/21 2499/24 2501/19 2507/22 2538/6 2538/9 2553/21 2555/16 2564/16 2564/16 2567/22 2569/14 2570/2talking [56] 2306/8 2310/22 2320/2 2327/25 2344/25

2362/21 2384/8 2390/12 2391/12 2406/2 2411/22 2434/21 2442/19 2454/5 2457/13 2460/11 2468/21 2468/23 2468/24 2469/6 2469/24 2476/2 2489/15 2493/25 2501/20 2505/23 2506/7 2508/5 2509/12 2511/21 2512/9 2518/14 2519/22 2524/3 2524/5 2524/8 2530/25 2533/23 2535/1 2544/1 2545/9 2546/15 2546/23 2547/11 2547/18 2549/4 2549/5 2549/21 2557/16 2560/17 2560/21 2564/25 2566/17 2566/19 2567/25 2568/21talks [3] 2322/5 2322/25 2373/3tasked [4] 2324/15 2556/17 2563/20 2563/20taxable [3] 2508/10 2508/11 2518/25taxpayers [1] 2428/3team [6] 2367/17 2424/1 2445/16 2478/14 2535/21 2563/8technician [1] 2415/4technology [1] 2546/22television [1] 2367/5tell [58] 2296/13 2301/11 2304/4 2305/4 2329/5 2339/9 2339/13 2342/22 2342/22 2345/14 2374/23 2405/10 2410/14 2416/21 2449/23 2449/25 2452/8 2460/13 2467/10 2471/19 2471/22 2472/12 2473/6 2477/17 2478/8 2480/11 2480/24 2481/11 2481/13 2482/21 2482/23 2483/5 2483/8 2484/15 2485/17 2485/24 2486/10 2490/12 2494/2 2502/12 2504/11 2506/12 2511/24 2512/20 2513/23 2514/7 2514/16 2515/10 2517/1 2517/2 2520/1 2520/4 2522/15 2524/1 2549/3 2549/24 2553/18 2561/10telling [18] 2357/18 2394/17 2436/4 2478/4 2487/11 2500/5 2500/8 2501/4 2502/15 2503/14 2511/6 2511/13 2518/6 2545/10 2545/13 2549/15 2556/1 2563/25temporarily [1] 2355/12term [10] 2310/17 2327/12 2354/7 2399/11 2406/16 2444/6 2445/3 2461/18 2520/19 2520/20terminology [1] 2476/4terms [14] 2311/23 2324/10 2342/25 2355/16 2418/6 2427/3 2431/16 2525/9 2542/12 2542/13 2542/15 2547/18 2560/11 2560/12terrified [1] 2480/20test [5] 2310/14 2310/17 2310/20 2313/10 2313/11tested [2] 2310/23 2314/3testified [6] 2301/1 2404/25 2474/25 2481/3 2482/3

2530/18testify [3] 2465/9 2465/12 2483/10testifying [5] 2314/15 2488/21 2548/15 2548/17 2551/17testimony [5] 2300/18 2436/5 2467/25 2492/20 2571/5testing [5] 2311/20 2313/10 2314/11 2314/15 2392/8tests [2] 2310/11 2310/17Tex [1] 2526/6Texans [2] 2526/7 2526/9TEXAS [10] 2293/1 2293/4 2294/11 2300/1 2300/3 2300/5 2300/8 2408/23 2411/4 2411/11than [37] 2299/17 2312/12 2320/7 2330/18 2334/16 2365/18 2377/6 2388/14 2389/15 2408/5 2408/7 2426/12 2439/13 2445/8 2461/7 2463/24 2466/24 2470/22 2471/11 2476/25 2483/10 2487/4 2489/10 2495/2 2495/7 2496/13 2498/13 2508/15 2522/24 2525/14 2525/14 2525/18 2525/24 2531/3 2541/20 2555/6 2567/18Thank [22] 2300/14 2300/22 2362/16 2362/18 2369/10 2385/3 2401/4 2415/3 2415/13 2447/14 2455/4 2457/24 2458/13 2465/8 2485/8 2493/11 2509/4 2509/20 2540/10 2549/12 2571/3 2571/10that [1743] that's [263] 2296/15 2298/12 2299/25 2300/11 2307/4 2309/7 2311/5 2311/7 2311/12 2311/14 2311/22 2312/22 2313/3 2316/8 2318/14 2318/19 2319/10 2319/12 2319/20 2323/2 2323/18 2324/17 2326/1 2326/9 2327/18 2328/16 2329/20 2332/12 2332/14 2333/11 2341/8 2345/11 2347/17 2347/22 2348/12 2352/9 2352/23 2353/10 2355/2 2357/4 2357/12 2359/7 2359/10 2360/6 2363/3 2363/5 2364/25 2366/4 2368/6 2369/4 2369/15 2370/13 2371/15 2373/3 2380/17 2380/18 2381/7 2381/11 2382/11 2384/11 2384/13 2388/23 2389/1 2389/4 2389/8 2394/20 2394/21 2396/12 2396/17 2397/6 2398/14 2400/17 2403/20 2404/24 2405/22 2406/21 2407/12 2407/25 2408/9 2409/1 2411/3 2411/13 2413/13 2414/21 2415/19 2416/11 2416/17 2417/15 2418/10 2418/16 2418/23 2419/20 2419/24 2421/8 2422/20 2425/5 2425/6 2426/12 2426/14 2428/15 2429/24 2431/18 2432/3


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Tthat's... [160] 2432/22 2432/24 2432/25 2435/13 2435/16 2437/17 2439/4 2439/12 2439/20 2441/4 2443/11 2443/13 2445/5 2447/20 2447/20 2448/11 2450/14 2452/24 2456/14 2456/19 2456/21 2457/4 2458/6 2459/9 2460/7 2460/25 2461/8 2462/14 2463/8 2463/13 2466/6 2467/18 2471/21 2471/23 2474/5 2474/13 2476/24 2477/25 2478/23 2480/7 2480/15 2480/19 2481/16 2483/10 2483/22 2483/25 2485/23 2488/16 2488/18 2488/25 2489/22 2489/24 2490/6 2491/1 2491/2 2491/4 2491/9 2491/20 2493/9 2493/11 2495/12 2496/11 2497/3 2497/17 2499/2 2500/3 2500/13 2502/21 2504/24 2505/1 2505/23 2506/4 2506/8 2506/10 2506/15 2507/16 2508/6 2510/13 2510/20 2510/25 2511/17 2511/23 2512/1 2513/5 2513/14 2515/14 2515/20 2516/4 2516/5 2516/23 2518/2 2518/5 2518/11 2521/18 2521/19 2522/1 2522/13 2522/20 2525/6 2525/18 2525/21 2527/15 2528/3 2528/10 2528/11 2528/21 2531/11 2531/22 2532/2 2532/10 2532/14 2532/24 2535/6 2535/8 2535/13 2537/25 2538/2 2539/4 2540/20 2540/23 2540/25 2541/6 2541/9 2541/21 2542/4 2542/8 2542/19 2543/1 2544/1 2544/17 2547/19 2550/12 2551/25 2552/6 2552/7 2553/6 2554/20 2555/3 2556/22 2556/24 2557/3 2557/22 2558/22 2559/10 2559/22 2560/24 2561/11 2563/18 2563/23 2563/24 2565/4 2565/19 2566/4 2566/17 2567/2 2567/2 2568/13 2570/11 2570/16 2571/2the -- you [1] 2456/16their [43] 2298/16 2302/12 2312/6 2316/6 2323/3 2325/1 2349/11 2373/22 2378/2 2445/18 2445/22 2452/8 2481/11 2481/13 2483/11 2487/11 2505/8 2505/11 2506/9 2522/12 2523/23 2523/25 2529/23 2529/23 2529/24 2529/25 2529/25 2530/5 2530/9 2539/6 2539/11 2540/12 2541/13 2542/6 2542/9 2542/12 2542/25 2544/2 2545/5 2545/5 2551/2 2559/2 2559/25Theirs [1] 2318/14them [96] 2300/3 2300/4 2305/16 2319/7 2335/1

2338/25 2339/1 2341/18 2341/18 2351/8 2351/13 2352/24 2358/9 2378/12 2391/4 2406/8 2412/24 2412/24 2419/9 2423/24 2450/23 2450/24 2460/13 2460/15 2460/23 2466/10 2466/16 2466/19 2466/21 2466/24 2467/1 2467/10 2467/18 2469/25 2470/11 2471/3 2471/4 2471/6 2471/14 2471/19 2471/20 2472/11 2472/12 2473/15 2473/21 2477/17 2480/10 2480/11 2481/11 2481/12 2481/13 2482/22 2483/1 2485/17 2486/24 2487/10 2494/13 2495/11 2497/6 2500/2 2501/25 2502/12 2502/15 2502/20 2512/20 2515/9 2519/4 2519/5 2521/15 2522/24 2522/24 2522/25 2523/1 2523/2 2523/14 2523/19 2523/20 2523/20 2523/21 2526/1 2526/14 2527/12 2527/13 2527/13 2529/19 2535/9 2535/23 2535/23 2540/17 2541/6 2548/1 2551/7 2556/11 2558/2 2559/23 2565/15themselves [2] 2336/12 2511/7then [99] 2300/3 2300/5 2304/12 2309/23 2311/6 2317/17 2325/10 2330/22 2330/24 2333/19 2343/13 2352/4 2353/22 2355/12 2355/14 2359/21 2362/12 2367/2 2371/16 2381/5 2381/8 2385/10 2385/14 2385/24 2388/8 2389/13 2389/24 2398/14 2399/19 2410/4 2415/17 2415/20 2420/8 2420/15 2424/21 2431/9 2431/19 2432/23 2436/19 2438/11 2441/5 2441/21 2442/8 2444/14 2448/12 2449/3 2450/12 2451/15 2458/10 2460/23 2462/3 2463/11 2466/10 2466/20 2468/13 2469/10 2470/19 2471/23 2476/16 2480/5 2480/8 2481/12 2487/1 2492/12 2493/2 2494/12 2495/1 2497/9 2497/20 2498/3 2498/8 2498/9 2506/20 2508/2 2512/20 2515/3 2515/15 2517/16 2524/18 2524/20 2524/23 2525/7 2526/15 2527/22 2527/25 2536/13 2538/2 2541/5 2546/25 2547/7 2547/22 2554/21 2557/2 2558/3 2565/5 2568/11 2568/16 2570/5 2570/12Theoretically [1] 2440/4theory [10] 2331/21 2332/7 2440/5 2456/13 2482/24 2483/3 2483/11 2487/11 2487/14 2519/14there [272] 2297/7 2297/12 2297/17 2300/8 2301/20 2301/24 2302/15 2304/8 2305/23 2305/25 2307/10

2307/18 2307/20 2307/23 2308/8 2309/8 2310/1 2311/16 2311/19 2312/6 2312/7 2312/9 2316/5 2316/9 2316/19 2316/22 2319/8 2320/11 2321/25 2322/10 2322/15 2322/17 2322/17 2323/5 2323/8 2324/6 2324/20 2325/3 2330/5 2330/15 2331/15 2331/16 2331/16 2334/1 2334/6 2339/24 2339/25 2340/4 2340/11 2342/6 2342/20 2342/21 2344/16 2344/18 2349/22 2353/1 2357/20 2360/24 2362/23 2363/21 2364/19 2364/21 2365/13 2365/14 2367/11 2368/21 2369/19 2369/24 2373/23 2373/23 2375/17 2375/20 2376/2 2376/25 2379/2 2381/16 2382/17 2385/5 2386/16 2386/17 2388/8 2389/2 2389/11 2390/18 2392/12 2394/1 2394/24 2395/23 2396/9 2398/19 2399/5 2400/3 2402/12 2403/12 2403/18 2407/22 2410/5 2413/20 2415/20 2415/24 2416/19 2419/9 2420/12 2420/25 2421/6 2422/5 2423/4 2423/12 2424/3 2424/5 2424/18 2425/12 2426/23 2426/25 2427/8 2427/9 2431/19 2431/22 2432/11 2432/13 2432/21 2434/14 2435/17 2435/25 2437/11 2437/24 2438/24 2439/15 2439/15 2439/18 2441/7 2443/24 2445/9 2445/13 2445/16 2446/10 2446/14 2446/18 2446/19 2448/1 2448/1 2448/12 2448/14 2448/22 2449/11 2449/20 2450/6 2450/7 2451/2 2451/24 2453/6 2453/22 2453/24 2454/17 2461/12 2461/14 2462/1 2462/18 2462/18 2462/23 2463/9 2467/5 2467/7 2467/9 2469/2 2470/24 2471/1 2471/7 2471/12 2472/13 2472/15 2472/16 2473/18 2476/9 2476/10 2477/9 2477/10 2477/12 2478/6 2484/20 2487/3 2489/2 2489/25 2490/5 2495/21 2495/23 2496/2 2496/16 2497/21 2497/22 2500/14 2500/17 2500/24 2502/9 2503/6 2503/22 2504/7 2504/9 2504/15 2504/21 2507/1 2507/2 2507/3 2507/3 2507/13 2507/20 2509/24 2510/3 2510/5 2510/10 2510/11 2510/18 2510/18 2510/23 2511/10 2512/25 2513/9 2513/21 2513/22 2514/8 2514/9 2514/19 2514/20 2515/3 2515/13 2515/17 2515/22 2516/24 2517/15 2520/1 2521/13 2521/20 2522/13 2527/2 2527/5 2527/8 2527/11


Page 325: Allen Stanford Criminal Trial Transcript Volume 8 Feb. 1, 2012

Tthere... [35] 2527/14 2529/19 2530/15 2530/15 2533/14 2534/11 2535/15 2543/2 2543/3 2549/5 2549/6 2549/7 2549/14 2549/16 2550/9 2550/20 2550/22 2550/24 2550/25 2551/9 2551/10 2552/7 2552/14 2552/14 2554/13 2554/14 2556/25 2558/5 2558/12 2558/19 2563/9 2564/14 2565/9 2565/10 2565/12there's [43] 2297/4 2298/14 2310/4 2316/11 2322/22 2330/5 2357/20 2370/1 2398/14 2420/24 2436/14 2439/7 2443/16 2443/20 2454/10 2457/1 2462/17 2468/16 2482/1 2483/19 2499/3 2504/16 2508/2 2510/17 2510/19 2521/10 2521/13 2524/18 2524/20 2524/25 2525/3 2525/4 2525/7 2525/12 2525/12 2525/23 2526/21 2542/14 2542/15 2542/17 2548/1 2558/4 2571/7there's no [6] 2297/4 2357/20 2370/1 2462/17 2482/1 2483/19thereafter [1] 2299/16therefore [4] 2321/12 2503/8 2504/13 2532/8these [165] 2299/3 2302/14 2303/3 2315/21 2324/22 2325/1 2331/25 2332/25 2333/3 2335/12 2335/17 2335/21 2336/1 2337/14 2341/14 2344/10 2346/21 2346/24 2347/8 2347/9 2347/13 2347/20 2349/12 2349/19 2350/5 2351/11 2351/16 2351/17 2352/6 2352/12 2354/20 2355/23 2358/12 2359/14 2359/14 2359/15 2360/10 2360/16 2364/4 2367/12 2368/7 2368/14 2370/10 2370/19 2372/25 2374/8 2377/10 2381/14 2381/14 2382/7 2382/18 2387/12 2389/18 2389/19 2391/3 2392/5 2392/8 2392/14 2393/18 2396/14 2403/7 2410/9 2412/21 2414/9 2415/20 2415/25 2416/14 2416/19 2418/3 2420/13 2420/17 2421/6 2421/10 2423/3 2423/7 2423/13 2423/15 2423/21 2433/10 2433/11 2435/6 2442/14 2442/14 2442/16 2443/14 2444/11 2445/7 2445/11 2445/18 2446/8 2447/4 2450/15 2462/21 2463/9 2463/23 2475/7 2475/8 2483/5 2483/11 2486/14 2492/11 2499/13 2502/25 2505/2 2505/3 2506/20 2511/20 2511/25 2512/21 2513/1 2516/11 2516/15 2516/15 2518/14 2518/17 2518/19

2518/20 2518/24 2519/2 2519/21 2519/23 2520/2 2520/3 2520/8 2522/7 2522/23 2523/7 2523/9 2523/12 2523/13 2523/22 2524/5 2524/5 2524/11 2526/24 2527/2 2527/5 2527/7 2527/7 2528/24 2529/3 2529/7 2529/11 2529/15 2529/22 2530/4 2530/22 2530/25 2531/3 2532/15 2532/21 2534/3 2534/24 2535/3 2535/7 2535/22 2543/13 2543/21 2556/13 2562/7 2563/10 2566/2 2569/20 2569/25 2570/10they [249] 2296/22 2296/23 2298/16 2300/5 2302/11 2302/24 2303/4 2303/6 2303/7 2304/18 2306/4 2307/25 2310/11 2312/16 2314/23 2315/5 2317/15 2317/15 2317/16 2319/21 2322/19 2325/13 2329/2 2329/3 2329/8 2329/10 2329/12 2329/14 2330/25 2331/1 2334/8 2335/14 2335/14 2336/15 2337/2 2341/25 2343/11 2344/15 2346/7 2346/22 2347/3 2351/10 2352/25 2354/13 2355/17 2366/8 2373/13 2373/16 2373/22 2377/17 2390/5 2395/25 2398/18 2403/5 2414/14 2416/8 2419/11 2429/13 2430/21 2431/3 2437/7 2437/8 2438/6 2440/20 2440/23 2442/15 2442/21 2443/20 2444/25 2445/18 2445/20 2445/22 2455/19 2456/18 2457/2 2458/21 2458/21 2459/14 2460/9 2460/12 2460/15 2465/24 2466/7 2466/7 2466/9 2466/15 2466/17 2467/12 2467/14 2467/14 2467/20 2468/24 2469/11 2469/22 2470/9 2470/9 2470/10 2470/13 2470/14 2470/15 2470/19 2470/20 2470/21 2471/12 2471/13 2473/16 2474/22 2476/21 2476/22 2477/5 2477/9 2477/10 2477/10 2477/11 2477/12 2478/9 2479/15 2480/25 2481/11 2481/19 2483/6 2484/1 2486/15 2486/17 2486/17 2487/12 2487/19 2488/1 2489/11 2495/24 2497/7 2499/25 2500/19 2500/22 2501/24 2501/24 2501/25 2502/3 2502/4 2502/5 2502/7 2502/7 2505/5 2505/6 2505/10 2505/13 2505/18 2506/7 2506/21 2506/21 2507/4 2508/17 2511/8 2511/11 2514/17 2514/24 2515/1 2515/6 2515/7 2515/14 2516/4 2516/14 2516/21 2519/3 2519/6 2520/3 2520/6 2520/6 2520/6 2520/7 2520/8 2521/8 2521/9 2521/14 2522/11

2522/15 2522/17 2522/18 2522/18 2523/12 2523/16 2523/17 2523/17 2527/9 2528/20 2528/20 2529/19 2529/23 2530/5 2530/6 2531/14 2531/17 2531/20 2531/22 2532/1 2532/7 2532/22 2532/25 2533/4 2533/7 2533/24 2534/3 2538/4 2538/13 2538/20 2539/14 2539/15 2539/17 2539/18 2540/22 2541/1 2541/4 2541/5 2541/16 2541/19 2541/20 2541/24 2542/1 2542/6 2542/7 2542/11 2542/12 2543/22 2543/23 2543/24 2544/2 2547/13 2547/25 2550/4 2553/21 2553/22 2553/23 2556/12 2557/10 2558/3 2558/3 2558/9 2558/10 2558/15 2558/19 2559/3 2559/4 2559/17 2559/20 2559/21 2559/25 2560/4 2565/11 2569/25they'll [1] 2481/13they're [30] 2314/1 2332/24 2374/6 2391/14 2391/15 2394/1 2403/1 2406/2 2437/10 2442/16 2442/20 2442/20 2442/22 2443/3 2443/3 2443/21 2443/21 2444/4 2481/12 2482/20 2503/8 2507/24 2507/24 2510/14 2521/2 2523/10 2526/15 2540/24 2550/3 2558/25thing [14] 2327/3 2342/24 2347/12 2347/20 2450/7 2469/17 2483/20 2496/14 2512/8 2541/23 2549/7 2557/10 2561/21 2569/11things [17] 2317/22 2336/1 2339/3 2359/12 2382/9 2472/13 2481/15 2487/2 2487/4 2488/22 2488/23 2516/3 2525/23 2529/3 2547/14 2563/21 2563/21think [74] 2297/14 2297/15 2297/16 2299/7 2299/12 2305/24 2315/6 2322/9 2322/9 2328/22 2331/23 2350/23 2364/21 2365/21 2368/16 2369/16 2373/19 2374/2 2393/8 2396/25 2410/6 2410/8 2410/11 2414/20 2422/3 2424/5 2427/14 2435/13 2446/23 2447/11 2447/11 2451/10 2463/14 2463/16 2463/16 2463/23 2464/6 2464/11 2464/19 2469/6 2469/22 2478/1 2478/5 2479/8 2479/14 2480/18 2483/5 2483/11 2484/1 2486/15 2487/19 2488/1 2489/1 2489/14 2489/21 2489/23 2492/6 2496/5 2498/12 2505/21 2507/13 2507/16 2516/12 2517/21 2533/11 2536/1 2552/3 2555/5 2560/13 2564/5 2564/11 2568/12 2569/10 2571/3thinks [1] 2488/11third [7] 2298/13 2309/5


Page 326: Allen Stanford Criminal Trial Transcript Volume 8 Feb. 1, 2012

Tthird... [5] 2365/1 2400/18 2444/9 2445/4 2445/7thirty [2] 2374/10 2383/16thirty-five [1] 2383/16thirty-four [1] 2374/10this [436] those [139] 2306/17 2306/20 2307/18 2309/5 2309/20 2311/10 2312/1 2312/19 2313/14 2313/16 2313/25 2314/2 2314/10 2314/20 2315/3 2315/7 2316/13 2319/20 2319/25 2323/1 2323/8 2328/24 2330/18 2331/1 2336/19 2336/19 2341/23 2342/24 2344/14 2344/17 2350/23 2351/6 2351/13 2351/23 2352/2 2353/19 2358/15 2361/3 2364/24 2369/8 2370/1 2370/5 2373/3 2373/16 2374/3 2374/19 2374/19 2375/11 2377/14 2377/17 2377/20 2378/2 2378/3 2381/16 2382/5 2384/2 2384/7 2384/21 2386/20 2387/10 2387/19 2388/24 2390/4 2396/15 2399/7 2402/4 2402/20 2402/22 2404/8 2406/5 2406/6 2408/22 2409/1 2411/5 2414/16 2416/5 2416/7 2417/5 2417/16 2417/18 2419/11 2419/18 2420/10 2421/9 2421/17 2422/21 2430/19 2431/1 2431/5 2437/5 2437/10 2438/6 2438/11 2439/11 2440/22 2441/1 2441/17 2441/19 2441/23 2443/4 2443/18 2443/18 2443/21 2444/15 2444/17 2444/23 2444/24 2445/23 2446/24 2449/10 2454/23 2455/11 2462/23 2468/25 2475/9 2478/15 2479/3 2494/14 2498/10 2511/11 2513/7 2513/15 2514/4 2515/4 2515/8 2515/23 2515/23 2515/23 2515/24 2531/5 2532/4 2532/5 2534/4 2543/5 2543/12 2550/6 2552/13 2554/6 2565/7though [16] 2300/7 2339/2 2365/20 2445/20 2446/12 2450/21 2463/4 2473/3 2473/11 2473/21 2476/8 2477/1 2493/6 2508/8 2551/24 2565/11thought [20] 2321/21 2397/5 2402/19 2404/25 2411/10 2425/12 2450/8 2458/21 2478/9 2480/17 2480/25 2481/2 2496/24 2524/12 2530/18 2561/7 2561/8 2561/21 2565/20 2569/8thousands [1] 2482/11threat [1] 2480/8threatened [7] 2479/7 2479/9 2479/9 2479/10 2479/11 2479/13 2479/14three [6] 2322/21 2364/21 2430/14 2514/13 2516/15

2542/10thrilled [1] 2372/9through [35] 2314/7 2318/20 2320/13 2328/8 2336/1 2350/20 2353/17 2359/19 2360/16 2361/4 2373/23 2390/4 2390/25 2393/12 2395/1 2403/23 2406/11 2425/18 2432/14 2438/20 2455/1 2475/5 2475/16 2494/21 2494/23 2495/5 2497/5 2497/8 2499/4 2509/15 2515/4 2517/18 2518/24 2528/25 2552/13throw [1] 2480/21thumb [2] 2496/10 2496/16tickets [1] 2419/15till [1] 2466/16time [107] 2302/16 2303/22 2303/24 2304/6 2304/13 2304/15 2304/19 2307/25 2316/22 2319/13 2320/20 2322/9 2322/18 2326/10 2331/23 2331/23 2333/20 2340/4 2340/11 2342/1 2342/4 2342/20 2342/22 2343/1 2346/6 2346/25 2354/18 2362/8 2367/11 2371/4 2377/7 2377/21 2377/21 2378/4 2378/5 2379/5 2379/17 2379/17 2384/15 2393/6 2394/1 2396/13 2403/6 2403/11 2406/4 2408/14 2411/3 2411/7 2412/24 2414/25 2421/20 2422/14 2424/3 2426/5 2428/20 2430/12 2430/13 2439/1 2439/7 2440/18 2449/11 2451/12 2451/15 2452/1 2452/16 2456/17 2457/10 2457/10 2459/11 2465/16 2465/17 2467/5 2467/8 2469/4 2470/25 2472/9 2472/15 2478/21 2478/21 2480/4 2480/24 2485/4 2499/23 2500/16 2501/20 2507/9 2514/19 2514/19 2521/3 2521/9 2521/9 2539/5 2540/18 2541/1 2542/23 2543/14 2543/15 2544/18 2547/1 2547/21 2560/6 2564/11 2567/16 2567/17 2567/17 2568/4 2568/11timely [1] 2446/14times [16] 2362/2 2390/9 2390/11 2390/12 2390/13 2410/9 2410/16 2437/21 2484/21 2508/20 2525/17 2529/2 2529/3 2529/6 2563/10 2564/3title [4] 2352/15 2490/18 2490/22 2532/8TNB [2] 2403/2 2403/2today [17] 2296/16 2298/6 2378/20 2442/12 2443/6 2465/7 2482/3 2487/2 2487/4 2487/24 2488/1 2492/20 2498/21 2522/13 2522/19 2526/9 2571/5together [13] 2298/9 2305/14 2358/10 2458/5 2460/16 2460/16 2469/25 2481/6

2544/6 2563/13 2563/16 2563/25 2564/22told [61] 2296/8 2296/16 2315/13 2315/22 2317/5 2340/1 2340/11 2340/20 2341/10 2342/1 2342/4 2342/9 2342/19 2352/6 2403/8 2408/18 2408/21 2410/6 2412/11 2435/8 2435/14 2450/1 2450/4 2450/7 2450/12 2450/15 2454/21 2460/15 2461/23 2462/19 2472/10 2472/11 2473/21 2478/1 2482/1 2482/22 2483/1 2484/1 2486/10 2487/10 2494/24 2495/1 2497/1 2497/7 2499/2 2500/2 2502/20 2503/9 2503/18 2506/6 2509/8 2510/9 2510/22 2514/12 2519/13 2529/18 2537/16 2537/17 2537/21 2552/20 2557/2tomorrow [6] 2298/7 2300/11 2399/22 2485/9 2571/5 2571/9tone [5] 2391/18 2391/23 2392/2 2392/4 2392/4too [11] 2391/17 2391/19 2391/20 2392/3 2475/22 2513/22 2514/9 2523/8 2541/11 2552/4 2552/7took [29] 2318/3 2423/25 2424/2 2433/11 2435/11 2435/13 2445/21 2457/7 2458/17 2458/18 2458/20 2459/11 2459/20 2460/5 2460/5 2460/18 2466/4 2466/7 2466/9 2494/18 2494/19 2499/14 2521/21 2522/6 2524/6 2528/24 2556/24 2558/7 2566/6tool [1] 2536/7top [18] 2328/17 2345/2 2350/3 2355/6 2358/20 2358/21 2383/5 2386/23 2398/15 2416/10 2458/7 2472/19 2473/25 2497/19 2497/24 2498/10 2498/16 2516/2topic [2] 2397/9 2417/7topics [1] 2563/10Torre [2] 2370/20 2370/22total [25] 2311/8 2312/15 2312/24 2353/4 2359/22 2360/11 2360/11 2370/9 2370/23 2371/17 2374/7 2380/18 2383/14 2385/20 2385/21 2387/4 2395/5 2398/19 2416/13 2422/15 2424/20 2431/9 2431/12 2448/8 2449/3totaled [1] 2369/16totals [2] 2374/19 2374/19tougher [2] 2452/1 2452/2tournament [8] 2365/6 2366/16 2366/24 2367/5 2367/10 2367/21 2368/7 2372/8tournaments [5] 2335/3 2365/25 2367/13 2371/19 2372/10towards [15] 2330/14 2336/8 2349/10 2359/3 2390/24 2426/20 2428/20 2428/23 2449/11 2451/25 2530/19


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Ttowards... [4] 2534/25 2546/24 2564/12 2566/1Town [1] 2533/8traceable [3] 2554/11 2555/3 2555/4track [32] 2324/21 2324/24 2325/9 2331/18 2374/19 2410/23 2417/8 2418/22 2424/16 2491/8 2501/6 2501/7 2501/15 2502/10 2506/16 2506/17 2513/2 2515/24 2516/3 2517/10 2529/7 2529/10 2529/14 2529/22 2529/25 2530/7 2530/8 2530/9 2530/12 2533/6 2535/4 2563/21tracked [6] 2336/4 2369/25 2414/13 2414/14 2417/17 2500/6tracking [4] 2353/22 2381/12 2405/16 2435/4traded [3] 2442/25 2443/15 2446/9traffic [1] 2406/10transaction [19] 2355/18 2428/25 2435/11 2435/19 2436/5 2436/6 2438/2 2438/4 2438/13 2444/8 2445/3 2445/6 2446/1 2446/3 2446/18 2446/20 2510/18 2510/19 2516/13transactions [26] 2309/12 2419/2 2433/11 2433/12 2437/1 2437/5 2444/6 2444/16 2444/23 2444/24 2445/3 2445/8 2445/11 2445/21 2510/10 2510/24 2511/2 2511/21 2511/25 2512/21 2513/1 2513/7 2513/15 2514/4 2514/17 2516/15transcript [3] 2293/7 2293/23 2571/14transcription [1] 2293/24transfer [13] 2331/8 2343/13 2402/11 2438/7 2438/9 2438/11 2444/11 2445/4 2475/21 2495/7 2496/24 2497/7 2555/3transferred [17] 2331/12 2331/13 2440/9 2440/23 2441/7 2441/23 2495/24 2496/24 2509/11 2509/14 2515/11 2516/22 2517/7 2519/9 2555/1 2555/2 2555/22transferring [4] 2508/11 2515/1 2536/17 2536/22transfers [14] 2336/12 2336/12 2336/13 2352/3 2370/3 2370/5 2437/21 2437/24 2445/1 2510/3 2510/5 2510/11 2517/15 2554/20travel [1] 2307/25travelers [1] 2410/5traveling [1] 2306/5travels [1] 2457/1treasurer [3] 2336/17 2345/12 2556/21treasury [23] 2313/25 2315/21 2328/21 2329/5 2329/11 2329/18 2336/11 2336/14

2345/7 2352/4 2370/5 2402/3 2402/10 2425/18 2556/7 2556/7 2556/9 2556/13 2556/16 2557/5 2557/7 2557/10 2557/13treat [2] 2354/3 2354/23treated [10] 2335/14 2355/4 2355/6 2355/7 2418/3 2418/4 2421/2 2447/1 2447/2 2513/10treating [1] 2511/25treatment [2] 2354/19 2355/25trial [3] 2293/7 2326/12 2331/23tried [2] 2334/15 2536/20trip [1] 2417/11trips [1] 2449/17trouble [3] 2479/5 2483/7 2483/12true [9] 2319/14 2320/7 2321/18 2321/21 2454/11 2462/2 2462/2 2485/23 2486/5truly [3] 2416/7 2428/8 2534/12trust [5] 2449/22 2464/4 2464/13 2464/20 2464/25Trustmark [2] 2403/3 2403/8truth [18] 2300/20 2300/20 2300/20 2326/4 2326/5 2421/4 2454/17 2481/13 2483/8 2483/11 2485/18 2486/10 2487/11 2493/8 2493/14 2506/1 2506/2 2506/3truthful [6] 2462/6 2462/8 2464/4 2485/25 2486/4 2487/20try [10] 2335/5 2436/24 2437/2 2451/17 2453/20 2476/6 2537/7 2568/15 2570/12 2570/14trying [22] 2424/1 2468/2 2473/21 2501/16 2501/22 2503/8 2511/21 2523/8 2536/5 2536/14 2536/16 2538/4 2538/19 2547/20 2565/3 2565/5 2565/10 2565/13 2565/15 2565/22 2565/25 2569/25tube [1] 2559/8turn [4] 2311/2 2366/19 2414/24 2560/5turned [2] 2462/6 2526/7Twelve [1] 2388/20twice [5] 2324/20 2350/8 2469/22 2564/5 2564/6two [20] 2302/15 2303/3 2307/24 2309/1 2347/1 2374/10 2406/8 2428/6 2433/1 2437/24 2473/13 2479/2 2499/7 2513/4 2524/25 2525/8 2525/8 2525/12 2557/19 2570/5TX [4] 2293/13 2293/21 2294/5 2294/7type [24] 2310/23 2313/9 2313/10 2320/1 2322/20 2323/2 2349/10 2349/17 2351/15 2361/8 2361/9 2365/8 2371/5 2379/4 2392/18 2402/9 2419/13 2432/1 2442/5 2443/24 2459/22 2461/12 2468/25 2536/2types [3] 2360/24 2393/21

2419/7typical [1] 2349/17typically [8] 2339/2 2344/14 2344/15 2354/13 2388/16 2388/19 2388/20 2415/18

UU.S [2] 2293/15 2294/10uh [15] 2323/25 2378/19 2468/10 2477/4 2495/10 2501/9 2511/15 2516/1 2517/6 2517/6 2528/5 2528/18 2533/11 2534/23 2545/25Uh-huh [12] 2323/25 2378/19 2468/10 2477/4 2495/10 2501/9 2511/15 2516/1 2528/5 2528/18 2533/11 2545/25Uh-uh [1] 2517/6ultimately [14] 2328/24 2335/24 2335/25 2344/10 2350/6 2353/14 2355/20 2356/13 2416/13 2421/4 2421/5 2421/13 2463/11 2544/21uncomfortable [2] 2452/16 2522/2uncommon [1] 2542/20under [16] 2358/19 2363/11 2363/16 2365/15 2368/25 2370/19 2374/4 2403/25 2445/16 2490/9 2490/11 2535/7 2542/12 2548/3 2554/24 2554/25undergraduate [1] 2299/7understand [14] 2326/3 2326/18 2331/24 2436/12 2454/15 2456/14 2468/2 2476/5 2486/18 2493/15 2501/25 2509/7 2523/8 2545/23understanding [9] 2340/25 2442/5 2476/5 2481/17 2483/5 2483/9 2485/20 2486/7 2536/20underway [6] 2298/6 2298/7 2299/17 2300/12 2342/6 2485/9undisclosed [1] 2332/11uneasy [1] 2496/7unhappy [1] 2372/15uniform [2] 2457/1 2548/24unique [2] 2315/17 2315/19unison [1] 2447/10UNITED [10] 2293/1 2293/3 2293/8 2300/14 2360/5 2390/13 2393/20 2456/16 2527/16 2539/16University [2] 2301/12 2301/14unless [2] 2444/18 2476/15unpaid [1] 2379/13unresponsive [1] 2343/3until [6] 2393/12 2409/17 2415/7 2521/21 2543/15 2543/15untoward [1] 2503/8untruthful [2] 2485/22 2485/25unusual [2] 2315/6 2315/8up [94] 2296/15 2297/3 2299/1 2306/4 2308/11 2309/5 2310/7 2317/22 2320/12


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Uup... [85] 2321/10 2325/3 2348/13 2349/4 2353/25 2357/14 2359/21 2359/22 2366/5 2369/16 2370/9 2374/4 2374/6 2376/2 2380/19 2381/9 2383/6 2383/12 2385/12 2386/23 2387/16 2387/19 2393/12 2393/12 2394/12 2396/18 2398/12 2398/20 2398/22 2400/13 2406/18 2407/16 2419/18 2426/3 2429/8 2429/16 2429/24 2436/13 2436/24 2443/12 2443/25 2445/14 2446/25 2453/22 2456/9 2456/21 2458/1 2460/18 2463/6 2465/9 2465/11 2468/15 2469/3 2469/8 2469/13 2476/8 2493/21 2520/17 2521/2 2521/2 2521/8 2521/8 2521/9 2521/14 2521/14 2522/6 2522/11 2525/20 2527/6 2530/3 2531/1 2532/8 2538/8 2548/23 2554/15 2556/12 2556/18 2557/3 2557/12 2559/23 2563/10 2568/10 2568/10 2569/2 2571/6update [1] 2458/8updated [2] 2471/10 2537/25upon [2] 2357/25 2391/24ups [1] 2318/20upset [2] 2343/5 2343/8upsetting [1] 2469/21us [41] 2293/12 2296/8 2296/16 2299/13 2327/12 2342/22 2342/22 2350/12 2362/6 2362/6 2365/17 2383/6 2392/7 2408/7 2408/13 2410/14 2410/17 2412/9 2412/9 2412/20 2420/6 2420/9 2422/5 2422/7 2422/8 2428/3 2436/4 2449/17 2453/23 2462/19 2463/24 2473/6 2490/12 2513/23 2514/7 2514/16 2539/24 2549/24 2553/18 2563/6 2563/7US Marshals [1] 2453/23USD [1] 2412/8use [19] 2310/19 2319/6 2323/6 2336/9 2351/15 2368/23 2430/4 2433/20 2445/14 2462/4 2462/5 2462/9 2476/1 2532/7 2532/12 2545/23 2548/19 2558/11 2558/12used [27] 2323/21 2323/24 2340/8 2349/18 2352/1 2368/13 2384/5 2388/7 2393/21 2413/18 2420/18 2421/13 2432/18 2433/7 2433/14 2434/2 2434/3 2434/12 2434/13 2434/20 2435/2 2437/1 2437/22 2445/10 2462/1 2537/7 2544/7using [8] 2323/19 2391/19 2433/13 2459/1 2459/1 2471/12 2496/20 2548/18usual [1] 2350/12usually [2] 2448/2 2448/2UT [1] 2299/7

UT Law [1] 2299/7

Vvalidity [1] 2436/23valuated [1] 2538/8valuation [16] 2435/1 2443/17 2443/19 2443/25 2444/5 2445/12 2445/13 2445/15 2445/22 2445/23 2446/7 2446/10 2446/11 2448/25 2525/25 2526/22value [72] 2318/13 2318/13 2383/11 2385/18 2431/22 2431/23 2432/3 2433/7 2434/2 2438/12 2440/23 2440/25 2441/7 2441/11 2441/11 2441/14 2441/15 2441/20 2441/21 2441/23 2442/9 2443/6 2443/10 2443/14 2443/18 2444/1 2445/1 2445/5 2445/10 2445/19 2446/8 2446/21 2446/21 2446/25 2523/6 2523/7 2523/9 2523/9 2523/22 2523/23 2523/25 2524/1 2524/4 2524/11 2524/16 2524/25 2525/3 2525/6 2525/7 2525/11 2525/17 2525/20 2525/24 2526/9 2526/9 2526/14 2526/21 2526/22 2526/24 2538/5 2547/4 2547/7 2547/8 2547/8 2547/19 2547/19 2547/22 2548/2 2548/8 2548/8 2553/25 2560/5valued [6] 2434/1 2435/1 2443/22 2446/24 2547/13 2558/10values [1] 2527/21various [3] 2353/6 2551/3 2563/21vast [5] 2311/10 2311/10 2312/16 2312/24 2313/1Vega [2] 2395/24 2395/24vehicle [1] 2517/8Venezuela [3] 2370/25 2371/1 2371/2Venison [1] 2395/24venture [17] 2437/15 2438/5 2438/10 2438/23 2440/20 2441/2 2444/11 2445/17 2446/12 2531/7 2531/8 2531/23 2532/7 2532/8 2532/20 2533/23 2534/1verify [1] 2311/17verifying [3] 2310/5 2315/3 2392/8versus [3] 2425/9 2425/10 2442/24very [26] 2299/5 2312/10 2315/18 2315/19 2315/22 2343/5 2352/12 2353/1 2367/11 2390/11 2392/4 2428/2 2429/13 2446/14 2452/16 2460/4 2470/17 2471/6 2472/8 2473/18 2476/10 2477/14 2479/21 2490/4 2528/13 2548/1vessel [1] 2364/17vessels [1] 2364/16veteran's [1] 2298/17via [1] 2350/11Victoria [1] 2298/11

view [6] 2372/22 2396/18 2401/15 2401/16 2444/22 2489/16viewed [2] 2357/6 2357/10views [1] 2372/24violated [1] 2539/21violation [1] 2332/14Virgin [4] 2365/17 2412/3 2449/17 2451/1visible [1] 2561/8vision [3] 2545/11 2545/13 2545/14visit [4] 2307/6 2406/3 2555/19 2568/2voce [1] 2454/7voice [2] 2391/18 2392/2voir [1] 2436/17VOLUME [1] 2293/9volunteer [1] 2467/6volunteered [2] 2467/17 2467/18Vonda [2] 2395/23 2396/5

Wwait [4] 2411/16 2446/3 2456/10 2520/18Wal [3] 2451/20 2451/22 2452/3Wal-Mart [3] 2451/20 2451/22 2452/3walk [6] 2328/8 2458/2 2458/3 2458/4 2460/16 2561/17walked [1] 2460/16Walker [1] 2348/24walking [1] 2564/12walks [1] 2456/17wall [1] 2299/24want [61] 2298/6 2299/14 2316/5 2317/23 2318/22 2327/13 2328/8 2332/23 2333/2 2339/7 2342/13 2350/22 2352/10 2358/8 2366/7 2371/3 2373/2 2405/23 2406/3 2408/25 2409/10 2409/25 2410/10 2415/15 2417/7 2423/16 2424/7 2424/10 2428/1 2430/6 2439/12 2451/22 2452/3 2452/12 2456/10 2458/1 2476/21 2484/22 2485/1 2489/11 2489/13 2489/16 2493/17 2493/18 2494/9 2497/10 2497/11 2499/14 2500/2 2501/24 2503/6 2503/25 2505/7 2508/17 2508/21 2514/14 2528/6 2532/7 2540/4 2559/25 2568/10want to [1] 2484/22wanted [20] 2327/12 2329/22 2346/23 2373/4 2397/22 2421/24 2422/15 2430/8 2443/6 2449/23 2465/21 2471/14 2471/19 2494/17 2501/24 2535/14 2540/12 2542/6 2542/9 2542/24wanting [1] 2539/11wants [1] 2512/12War [1] 2300/4Warren [1] 2293/15was [1188] was -- I [1] 2472/16


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Wwas -- yes [1] 2359/23was no [4] 2297/12 2319/8 2382/17 2467/7was no -- no [1] 2381/16Washington [1] 2293/16wasn't [65] 2316/12 2320/6 2321/20 2322/17 2322/17 2324/18 2326/10 2354/18 2364/5 2372/9 2376/10 2382/2 2382/3 2382/8 2389/2 2403/10 2413/9 2430/20 2431/2 2434/8 2436/8 2439/18 2442/1 2445/9 2448/22 2448/24 2467/17 2470/7 2473/2 2474/7 2474/7 2476/10 2481/3 2490/5 2491/6 2497/16 2504/14 2505/8 2506/23 2508/8 2518/4 2522/9 2528/9 2532/16 2539/6 2539/12 2539/24 2549/14 2551/10 2552/1 2554/1 2554/8 2554/11 2556/20 2556/21 2559/11 2559/17 2559/21 2561/6 2561/8 2565/13 2566/2 2569/20 2569/23 2570/18water [2] 2430/22 2548/1way [64] 2297/3 2312/4 2320/13 2324/20 2324/23 2332/23 2368/18 2400/6 2406/2 2409/20 2420/25 2438/8 2445/4 2451/25 2455/25 2463/8 2482/1 2492/7 2492/18 2492/22 2494/16 2495/2 2507/14 2507/17 2509/11 2509/14 2512/21 2513/7 2513/9 2513/15 2514/4 2514/13 2515/14 2515/16 2515/18 2521/3 2521/8 2521/9 2521/15 2522/6 2523/5 2525/12 2527/2 2528/25 2529/20 2534/8 2534/12 2536/2 2536/8 2536/16 2541/1 2541/9 2543/15 2549/4 2552/24 2552/25 2553/1 2556/11 2556/24 2558/18 2558/19 2558/22 2562/23 2570/22ways [7] 2524/25 2525/8 2525/8 2525/12 2557/18 2557/19 2558/6we [236] 2296/4 2296/11 2296/13 2297/2 2297/3 2297/8 2297/15 2297/16 2298/6 2298/8 2298/10 2298/11 2298/13 2298/17 2299/3 2299/16 2299/20 2308/11 2308/23 2309/4 2313/9 2313/19 2313/20 2316/25 2318/5 2318/13 2318/14 2318/19 2319/18 2320/2 2320/23 2324/21 2325/8 2326/2 2326/20 2327/3 2328/22 2342/24 2344/19 2345/8 2348/13 2348/14 2349/1 2349/4 2349/6 2349/7 2349/25 2350/1 2350/2 2350/12 2352/11 2354/21 2356/4 2356/10 2356/15 2357/13 2357/14 2358/6 2358/12 2360/1 2361/10 2362/7 2362/20 2363/9

2363/21 2365/10 2365/15 2366/19 2369/3 2369/12 2369/16 2369/22 2369/22 2371/5 2372/18 2374/11 2377/24 2377/24 2379/1 2379/2 2379/24 2380/1 2380/10 2380/14 2380/21 2381/20 2382/9 2382/22 2383/5 2383/5 2383/10 2383/10 2383/19 2384/23 2384/24 2385/10 2385/21 2386/23 2390/9 2390/11 2391/13 2392/11 2392/22 2393/24 2394/12 2395/13 2395/21 2396/7 2397/7 2397/10 2397/10 2397/16 2397/24 2398/12 2398/20 2398/22 2399/20 2400/15 2400/16 2400/18 2400/23 2400/24 2401/19 2401/22 2402/1 2402/7 2405/20 2406/15 2409/25 2410/13 2415/4 2415/5 2415/6 2415/7 2418/11 2419/10 2419/12 2419/18 2420/8 2422/3 2423/6 2423/25 2424/8 2424/23 2424/24 2425/23 2426/10 2426/15 2427/11 2427/12 2427/22 2428/3 2428/5 2428/7 2429/2 2429/15 2429/15 2429/24 2430/10 2432/7 2433/1 2438/16 2440/12 2441/17 2442/19 2446/2 2447/7 2447/11 2447/11 2447/16 2448/8 2448/13 2453/20 2453/22 2455/18 2455/23 2457/11 2457/12 2457/17 2460/16 2461/11 2461/25 2465/19 2469/24 2471/1 2471/6 2472/8 2476/4 2477/18 2480/12 2481/23 2482/1 2482/10 2482/12 2485/14 2487/6 2488/12 2488/12 2489/6 2489/13 2489/14 2492/3 2492/4 2492/6 2492/7 2492/10 2492/12 2493/3 2500/2 2501/20 2504/21 2507/22 2509/20 2515/8 2529/5 2529/12 2532/16 2534/2 2535/1 2537/25 2537/25 2538/2 2538/9 2538/16 2549/1 2549/7 2552/12 2553/21 2558/16 2559/13 2564/12 2564/16 2566/21 2568/9 2568/11 2570/22we'll [19] 2300/12 2356/5 2362/11 2369/2 2401/2 2414/23 2414/24 2414/25 2415/6 2415/8 2415/11 2447/12 2457/12 2485/3 2485/3 2485/9 2503/6 2568/16 2571/6we're [25] 2296/5 2296/12 2298/7 2299/16 2302/21 2319/25 2322/13 2334/25 2335/14 2410/15 2414/20 2425/2 2433/21 2434/21 2454/5 2468/24 2476/2 2493/25 2505/23 2507/15 2513/11 2518/14 2547/18 2554/15 2570/14

we've [8] 2327/25 2358/9 2369/7 2482/10 2501/19 2519/22 2528/9 2544/1week [3] 2308/3 2350/1 2399/22weekly [1] 2388/3weeks [2] 2296/8 2296/17weigh [1] 2529/21weight [1] 2436/19welcome [1] 2299/1well [101] 2296/12 2306/4 2307/25 2310/25 2312/12 2313/15 2327/2 2332/9 2337/21 2337/23 2345/15 2345/24 2346/25 2367/7 2368/18 2369/2 2370/8 2371/2 2373/20 2385/20 2390/12 2391/12 2405/2 2413/20 2415/11 2423/5 2429/16 2436/3 2440/2 2441/14 2441/15 2441/17 2442/1 2443/3 2443/24 2444/25 2447/20 2450/6 2452/24 2454/14 2454/17 2462/24 2465/21 2465/24 2467/20 2469/3 2472/16 2473/21 2474/17 2474/25 2476/11 2476/12 2479/15 2482/10 2484/12 2487/19 2496/5 2498/2 2498/3 2498/7 2499/24 2502/15 2503/18 2503/20 2504/20 2505/7 2505/10 2505/13 2507/21 2508/23 2509/18 2510/2 2513/5 2513/18 2514/12 2516/8 2524/1 2529/18 2531/10 2533/6 2538/16 2539/8 2541/13 2543/2 2543/20 2544/5 2544/10 2547/17 2549/10 2550/8 2550/24 2552/18 2554/13 2559/7 2561/6 2565/5 2565/19 2566/10 2567/17 2568/9 2570/8went [31] 2297/7 2302/7 2307/9 2307/10 2307/15 2307/23 2309/20 2317/7 2329/18 2333/19 2353/19 2355/7 2363/14 2374/24 2381/9 2395/10 2396/18 2402/17 2417/10 2417/14 2420/15 2426/18 2441/5 2453/22 2469/24 2470/2 2517/19 2518/15 2522/15 2556/7 2559/8were [399] were being [1] 2395/7weren't [20] 2315/13 2315/14 2388/24 2414/13 2435/14 2446/9 2477/1 2479/7 2487/2 2519/3 2519/13 2520/6 2523/17 2530/16 2539/14 2556/9 2556/17 2566/13 2567/19 2569/25West [1] 2547/25Western [1] 2300/6what [501] what's [37] 2304/1 2312/16 2322/6 2322/25 2330/10 2331/21 2331/24 2332/7 2344/24 2345/2 2345/22 2352/15 2353/9 2354/7


Page 330: Allen Stanford Criminal Trial Transcript Volume 8 Feb. 1, 2012

Wwhat's... [23] 2356/20 2366/22 2367/23 2368/5 2396/2 2402/9 2405/23 2407/5 2411/24 2412/15 2418/6 2419/16 2436/7 2440/21 2442/24 2444/8 2475/13 2486/4 2490/14 2496/12 2527/6 2536/20 2538/16whatever [12] 2354/22 2357/21 2457/16 2485/1 2486/15 2508/17 2547/7 2549/7 2556/20 2556/25 2560/6 2568/7whatsoever [1] 2457/11wheelbarrows [1] 2559/23when [147] 2296/17 2296/17 2296/22 2302/6 2303/4 2304/6 2304/13 2305/4 2305/22 2306/8 2306/17 2307/10 2310/22 2311/15 2313/4 2318/3 2320/2 2324/3 2329/18 2330/13 2334/1 2336/24 2338/23 2340/4 2340/5 2340/11 2342/1 2342/19 2344/16 2347/3 2353/25 2355/6 2355/16 2355/22 2355/22 2357/1 2358/12 2362/3 2367/11 2371/19 2373/4 2376/23 2377/13 2377/17 2377/20 2385/15 2390/18 2391/19 2392/2 2394/2 2396/18 2400/17 2403/6 2406/6 2406/7 2411/3 2412/21 2417/10 2420/17 2420/20 2421/1 2426/15 2429/6 2429/21 2430/12 2430/21 2431/3 2431/12 2441/5 2442/8 2444/25 2445/10 2450/15 2450/25 2451/9 2453/16 2453/22 2458/2 2458/4 2458/7 2460/1 2460/3 2460/7 2461/4 2465/18 2466/2 2467/20 2469/3 2469/13 2469/20 2471/4 2471/13 2472/7 2473/13 2474/10 2476/8 2477/9 2477/9 2478/16 2492/4 2496/18 2496/20 2499/24 2500/1 2501/11 2502/10 2503/9 2503/9 2503/9 2504/11 2506/20 2507/9 2512/23 2514/19 2515/6 2516/13 2518/3 2518/11 2521/13 2522/1 2525/17 2526/6 2528/14 2530/15 2534/25 2537/18 2537/23 2539/5 2542/5 2544/5 2544/17 2544/19 2544/21 2545/10 2547/18 2549/5 2551/20 2552/19 2556/19 2558/19 2562/20 2563/9 2564/23 2566/16 2566/19 2567/4 2567/22whenever [1] 2456/25where [79] 2298/21 2302/6 2313/22 2327/8 2327/10 2327/25 2328/9 2330/2 2330/22 2331/4 2331/5 2333/3 2333/4 2334/6 2335/20 2335/24 2340/5 2341/23

2348/7 2349/9 2352/1 2353/14 2354/9 2355/10 2358/18 2368/3 2368/6 2378/20 2387/10 2400/24 2407/10 2413/18 2422/9 2433/1 2434/18 2439/12 2440/18 2440/18 2445/10 2449/16 2453/12 2460/13 2465/24 2470/4 2470/4 2476/21 2481/5 2481/10 2481/23 2495/24 2505/6 2505/8 2505/18 2505/20 2511/10 2514/24 2515/3 2519/13 2526/21 2527/20 2532/11 2535/5 2535/5 2540/16 2541/24 2545/16 2547/14 2547/25 2556/17 2556/19 2557/2 2557/2 2557/11 2558/7 2558/9 2558/12 2559/8 2560/18 2567/19wherein [1] 2502/1whether [30] 2314/9 2314/14 2314/15 2314/20 2337/6 2371/22 2375/12 2381/23 2382/15 2396/19 2422/23 2462/8 2473/22 2481/14 2482/20 2485/25 2486/2 2487/9 2488/11 2488/15 2517/8 2517/9 2533/20 2551/5 2551/14 2555/16 2556/5 2559/4 2560/4 2567/8which [47] 2298/20 2308/8 2308/11 2309/1 2309/8 2309/18 2314/15 2314/25 2317/23 2329/19 2331/2 2331/19 2332/3 2349/7 2357/2 2357/19 2360/3 2360/25 2361/5 2363/8 2366/17 2366/25 2373/20 2378/12 2382/9 2384/25 2395/4 2400/6 2415/17 2417/25 2417/25 2419/10 2422/1 2425/10 2434/4 2434/15 2434/16 2442/11 2444/12 2445/22 2449/14 2505/3 2515/11 2516/21 2525/3 2525/4 2556/5while [10] 2326/15 2374/17 2394/1 2406/2 2449/7 2469/8 2477/10 2477/12 2478/5 2527/13white [1] 2371/4who [94] 2296/7 2296/16 2303/10 2306/11 2309/1 2310/1 2310/5 2312/4 2317/5 2318/23 2322/3 2323/9 2324/13 2325/8 2327/21 2333/23 2336/17 2336/24 2337/13 2337/20 2338/9 2338/16 2338/18 2339/9 2343/8 2343/20 2343/22 2344/14 2345/6 2345/23 2345/24 2348/15 2348/16 2353/2 2355/20 2358/2 2363/24 2364/1 2376/21 2377/10 2378/1 2378/4 2382/5 2387/19 2391/8 2392/7 2392/7 2392/8 2395/23 2398/5 2404/3 2410/13 2418/17 2418/19 2420/6 2422/11 2429/18 2444/25 2445/14 2449/13 2452/12 2456/17 2463/10 2468/21 2468/25 2473/6

2482/19 2485/24 2487/9 2487/12 2490/10 2490/12 2490/16 2490/20 2490/24 2491/21 2493/21 2494/18 2495/6 2506/25 2513/6 2513/15 2514/3 2514/10 2529/23 2529/23 2529/25 2537/16 2549/24 2553/18 2569/2 2569/2 2569/2 2569/2Who did [1] 2303/10who's [6] 2304/24 2345/12 2355/16 2357/16 2379/8 2468/23whole [20] 2298/13 2299/22 2300/20 2327/3 2328/18 2344/9 2345/16 2356/10 2375/20 2423/12 2427/22 2489/2 2492/3 2501/16 2501/18 2512/8 2533/5 2534/12 2543/25 2570/1whom [6] 2303/10 2345/4 2408/1 2444/12 2449/13 2497/4whoops [1] 2510/14whose [7] 2421/13 2421/16 2453/14 2510/2 2534/24 2569/6 2569/11why [67] 2302/10 2312/2 2314/13 2315/9 2315/13 2315/16 2318/14 2318/19 2321/21 2329/4 2331/14 2339/5 2340/25 2341/10 2342/22 2343/11 2343/24 2343/25 2346/12 2346/18 2347/23 2362/7 2373/8 2375/6 2381/9 2382/3 2384/1 2388/2 2388/3 2389/9 2390/8 2391/4 2398/18 2404/6 2413/8 2413/18 2414/9 2414/15 2417/3 2422/13 2430/2 2438/24 2439/6 2444/2 2446/11 2449/20 2451/22 2452/3 2452/15 2453/2 2456/5 2456/21 2458/19 2459/7 2462/22 2463/19 2463/23 2464/1 2473/23 2493/9 2506/4 2519/8 2534/11 2538/2 2541/7 2566/4 2566/23why no [1] 2446/11Wicket [9] 2360/25 2361/3 2361/5 2361/8 2361/13 2361/18 2362/21 2363/10 2386/13width [1] 2299/23wife [4] 2422/12 2452/5 2452/5 2452/12wife's [1] 2422/16will [62] 2300/19 2306/14 2307/25 2312/5 2317/18 2317/19 2322/8 2325/4 2328/19 2328/22 2331/1 2331/3 2337/2 2337/11 2337/11 2343/25 2344/15 2348/8 2350/12 2352/4 2383/6 2389/12 2389/15 2396/6 2396/7 2410/13 2410/14 2420/8 2420/9 2428/5 2438/11 2438/18 2443/8 2443/17 2456/3 2476/13 2484/18 2492/4 2492/4 2492/11 2499/24 2503/20 2505/5 2505/6 2505/10 2516/10


Page 331: Allen Stanford Criminal Trial Transcript Volume 8 Feb. 1, 2012

Wwill... [16] 2525/23 2527/12 2531/8 2531/18 2532/3 2544/20 2544/22 2547/6 2553/6 2554/6 2559/7 2561/10 2563/3 2563/10 2567/3 2571/8William [1] 2293/14willing [3] 2442/12 2452/5 2461/2window [1] 2539/19winning [1] 2367/17wire [9] 2336/13 2352/3 2370/3 2370/5 2402/10 2412/5 2554/20 2555/2 2555/3wires [2] 2336/19 2336/19wise [1] 2324/20withdraw [2] 2323/3 2393/10withdrawal [1] 2542/16withdrawals [4] 2312/13 2439/10 2439/11 2543/13Withdrawn [1] 2539/22withholding [1] 2349/6within [9] 2296/16 2315/15 2354/18 2381/3 2413/13 2413/17 2504/12 2508/12 2539/2without [3] 2428/2 2470/8 2561/17witness [12] 2295/3 2296/6 2296/21 2301/1 2368/13 2410/13 2433/22 2452/21 2464/15 2465/1 2484/18 2508/21witnesses [1] 2462/12woman [1] 2409/5won't [1] 2486/11wonder [1] 2473/16wonderful [1] 2561/12wondering [1] 2436/14word [2] 2306/8 2476/2worded [1] 2486/6words [3] 2323/5 2328/3 2433/21work [35] 2301/24 2302/7 2302/12 2302/19 2305/14 2307/5 2307/15 2317/8 2326/6 2330/19 2338/20 2340/20 2341/20 2415/4 2451/22 2454/1 2454/10 2455/7 2458/8 2477/19 2496/20 2499/4 2512/25 2515/2 2521/18 2521/23 2524/13 2529/20 2547/3 2552/11 2553/11 2553/14 2556/24 2569/15 2569/25worked [27] 2301/16 2301/20 2301/25 2302/3 2314/24 2315/24 2315/24 2316/2 2325/7 2353/2 2362/3 2412/22 2420/25 2438/4 2475/4 2475/20 2480/17 2486/13 2489/25 2490/9 2490/11 2521/20 2527/5 2543/2 2553/9 2553/9 2557/24working [24] 2302/17 2304/16 2305/23 2306/1 2306/2 2308/9 2310/10 2314/7 2315/25 2316/16 2326/15 2374/17 2403/6 2429/8 2429/14 2432/4 2449/7 2453/16 2462/23 2500/22 2501/11 2512/23

2514/20 2565/13works [4] 2310/14 2478/9 2492/12 2558/23world [4] 2410/5 2526/8 2527/16 2567/18worldwide [2] 2390/13 2390/15worry [1] 2450/19worse [2] 2426/17 2529/3worst [2] 2476/1 2528/8worth [8] 2408/5 2443/21 2444/4 2526/15 2544/14 2559/5 2565/12 2567/20would [211] 2296/11 2301/6 2306/22 2307/2 2310/23 2312/2 2312/4 2312/19 2312/20 2313/11 2313/13 2314/3 2314/10 2317/18 2323/16 2325/9 2325/17 2328/18 2328/20 2329/4 2329/11 2329/25 2329/25 2330/2 2330/3 2330/21 2330/22 2330/24 2331/4 2331/5 2331/9 2331/13 2334/5 2334/6 2334/7 2336/10 2336/15 2337/1 2337/10 2339/2 2339/17 2339/17 2340/1 2344/5 2344/11 2344/14 2344/21 2345/19 2348/7 2348/14 2349/7 2354/4 2354/19 2354/21 2355/11 2355/16 2355/22 2355/24 2356/24 2357/5 2357/6 2357/10 2358/18 2358/19 2361/10 2370/20 2375/12 2384/7 2386/9 2388/11 2388/13 2388/13 2388/14 2388/21 2399/20 2402/3 2407/22 2408/7 2408/7 2408/13 2410/16 2410/19 2411/25 2413/8 2413/17 2414/5 2416/3 2418/8 2420/7 2423/19 2423/19 2423/20 2425/13 2426/2 2426/3 2432/2 2432/11 2433/6 2433/7 2434/6 2436/5 2438/8 2438/8 2438/8 2440/5 2442/8 2442/12 2443/5 2443/7 2444/3 2444/9 2444/9 2444/11 2444/15 2444/22 2444/24 2444/25 2445/4 2456/7 2456/9 2458/2 2458/2 2458/4 2458/4 2458/5 2458/7 2458/11 2458/12 2461/2 2470/17 2473/12 2476/11 2482/4 2484/24 2484/24 2487/13 2491/25 2492/3 2492/18 2495/6 2496/18 2496/18 2496/20 2496/22 2497/9 2502/7 2502/7 2502/8 2502/9 2505/3 2505/11 2505/22 2516/11 2520/3 2520/3 2523/6 2523/16 2527/2 2528/13 2528/13 2531/3 2531/7 2531/9 2531/10 2531/11 2531/21 2531/22 2532/6 2532/6 2532/7 2532/7 2532/12 2532/21 2532/21 2533/19 2533/25 2535/4 2535/15 2539/3 2542/7 2542/13 2543/7 2547/6 2548/1 2552/8 2555/6 2558/9 2558/11 2558/12 2559/24 2562/19 2563/1 2563/2 2563/5 2563/6

2563/9 2563/12 2563/15 2563/17 2563/19 2563/20 2564/3 2564/3 2564/4 2564/19 2564/19 2564/23 2567/19 2568/2 2568/4 2569/15would no [1] 2357/5wouldn't [8] 2322/11 2331/12 2430/3 2486/17 2498/13 2547/4 2547/7 2559/23wrap [1] 2568/10write [1] 2439/21writing [1] 2440/8written [4] 2420/9 2472/5 2554/13 2554/18wrong [22] 2476/4 2489/1 2489/21 2493/4 2493/6 2495/21 2495/23 2506/12 2507/1 2507/3 2507/3 2507/5 2507/6 2507/12 2507/14 2507/16 2507/19 2510/17 2510/19 2521/10 2536/17 2569/10wrote [2] 2448/22 2569/9

Yyachts [3] 2364/18 2364/18 2364/24yeah [43] 2363/18 2363/20 2363/22 2381/11 2382/11 2388/20 2393/16 2394/21 2411/19 2420/7 2426/19 2445/22 2451/7 2458/12 2463/2 2465/17 2479/22 2480/23 2484/8 2504/5 2504/6 2504/8 2504/15 2508/15 2512/15 2515/22 2515/23 2516/19 2522/11 2522/23 2527/23 2527/24 2528/8 2532/18 2536/7 2539/13 2543/2 2543/5 2548/10 2553/9 2561/24 2565/16 2571/1year [51] 2296/10 2298/8 2299/11 2299/12 2301/25 2317/11 2317/12 2317/20 2317/21 2318/20 2318/20 2322/21 2351/13 2359/2 2361/23 2374/7 2374/8 2374/19 2379/19 2379/21 2380/3 2380/21 2381/3 2383/6 2383/14 2383/21 2387/2 2388/12 2388/17 2390/24 2390/25 2392/9 2392/14 2395/3 2401/8 2401/15 2426/18 2448/6 2449/4 2452/9 2452/10 2452/10 2452/11 2461/7 2463/14 2465/13 2465/14 2513/3 2524/20 2524/20 2524/20year's [4] 2308/8 2352/18 2381/5 2381/9yearly [1] 2395/5years [34] 2298/20 2298/23 2301/24 2322/14 2337/4 2353/17 2353/19 2361/17 2370/23 2371/13 2377/13 2377/14 2378/24 2381/16 2420/12 2432/4 2435/25 2437/25 2462/23 2477/20 2477/21 2478/4 2478/16 2480/17 2489/2 2489/25 2494/2 2513/4 2521/20 2527/5 2544/13 2544/13 2544/14


Page 332: Allen Stanford Criminal Trial Transcript Volume 8 Feb. 1, 2012

Yyears... [1] 2544/17Yep [2] 2528/1 2540/1yes [565] yes-or-no [1] 2347/17yet [4] 2318/3 2366/8 2369/3 2390/19York [1] 2293/16you [1341] you -- now [1] 2435/4you because [1] 2302/24you'd [2] 2336/24 2495/19you'll [4] 2457/10 2507/9 2509/21 2560/13you're [63] 2299/1 2300/11 2300/18 2306/8 2334/18 2338/16 2368/25 2395/23 2436/12 2440/4 2457/9 2462/15 2462/16 2463/25 2465/2 2468/7 2468/8 2469/6 2469/8 2474/18 2474/20 2483/12 2483/20 2483/24 2484/16 2484/17 2486/2 2487/9 2487/10 2487/11 2487/22 2488/11 2488/15 2489/9 2492/20 2493/6 2493/6 2503/4 2503/13 2503/14 2505/23 2511/6 2511/9 2518/6 2520/9 2520/25 2521/11 2521/11 2521/14 2521/22 2521/24 2522/4 2524/1 2528/8 2536/4 2542/22 2548/12 2550/22 2551/17 2554/4 2567/5 2567/21 2571/5you've [22] 2298/18 2316/2 2337/25 2449/6 2462/19 2474/25 2475/3 2475/8 2483/19 2484/20 2488/21 2493/4 2521/21 2523/5 2523/6 2523/22 2523/23 2524/11 2543/10 2553/9 2553/20 2567/12Young [3] 2479/18 2500/10 2504/25Young's [1] 2501/3your [201] 2297/10 2297/20 2300/14 2300/16 2301/7 2301/11 2301/19 2302/1 2302/21 2302/24 2302/25 2304/19 2305/20 2305/25 2306/11 2306/11 2308/12 2316/7 2316/22 2317/13 2325/13 2331/4 2332/7 2333/8 2335/1 2336/9 2336/22 2336/24 2338/23 2339/22 2340/25 2345/18 2349/4 2350/1 2351/18 2352/7 2352/11 2356/5 2358/6 2362/18 2363/8 2364/7 2364/19 2368/15 2372/10 2373/25 2374/11 2375/10 2375/18 2376/15 2378/5 2379/4 2382/18 2382/23 2384/1 2387/21 2389/2 2389/17 2391/24 2392/20 2393/6 2394/14 2395/19 2396/13 2396/18 2401/1 2401/15 2401/16 2401/19 2403/6 2403/11 2405/10 2405/20 2406/1 2406/23 2408/14 2410/13 2411/17

2413/2 2414/21 2415/5 2415/13 2416/12 2416/18 2418/11 2422/3 2424/24 2427/13 2428/15 2428/20 2430/8 2430/23 2432/4 2433/22 2433/22 2433/23 2435/5 2435/15 2436/7 2436/16 2436/18 2442/5 2444/1 2444/22 2444/22 2447/7 2447/14 2449/11 2449/21 2451/13 2451/15 2452/12 2453/2 2454/13 2455/13 2457/24 2458/11 2458/15 2460/23 2461/1 2461/9 2462/8 2463/17 2464/13 2464/20 2465/1 2465/2 2465/2 2465/21 2465/25 2466/24 2467/25 2471/25 2473/10 2473/24 2476/17 2477/23 2478/13 2481/2 2481/5 2481/16 2482/4 2482/18 2482/19 2482/21 2483/4 2483/9 2483/17 2484/21 2485/11 2485/20 2486/7 2486/7 2486/12 2487/5 2489/18 2490/7 2492/20 2492/23 2493/9 2493/18 2500/19 2503/12 2503/20 2503/22 2504/2 2504/18 2506/16 2507/12 2508/12 2508/19 2509/9 2509/22 2509/25 2513/1 2513/18 2514/14 2516/17 2521/15 2521/18 2523/16 2524/12 2524/12 2525/5 2529/12 2534/16 2536/3 2536/20 2537/23 2539/21 2541/4 2542/17 2542/18 2543/10 2543/11 2548/7 2548/22 2552/22 2557/23 2560/2 2560/18yours [2] 2428/7 2449/18yourself [3] 2301/6 2476/16 2492/18

Zzealously [1] 2318/14zoom [3] 2448/1 2504/21 2548/3