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ALL-STAR SECURITY COUNCIL St. Francis Prep MUNC XI All Star Committee Terrorism on Wheels: The Rise of Vehicular Violence The 21 st century gave birth to a novel subdivision of terrorism referred to by news outlets as “vehicle-ramming” 1 or “intentional vehicular assaults” 2 . Terrorist acts that take this form involve the running or mowing over of innocent pedestrians using private, commercial, or industrial motor vehicles. 1 Vehicular violence has been the terror tactic of choice behind 16 terrorist attacks in Western countries since 2014 alone. 3 The devastation of this type of terrorism has been felt, often on numerous occasions, by France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and the United States, and more countries can be expected to join this list of casualties in the foreseeable future. 4 On July 14, 2016, 86 people among a crowd gathered to observe a Bastille Day

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St. Francis Prep MUNC XI All Star Committee

Terrorism on Wheels: The Rise of Vehicular ViolenceThe 21st century gave birth to a novel subdivision of terrorism referred to by news outlets as

“vehicle-ramming” 1 or “intentional vehicular assaults” 2. Terrorist acts that take this form involve the

running or mowing over of innocent

pedestrians using private, commercial, or

industrial motor vehicles. 1 Vehicular violence

has been the terror tactic of choice behind 16

terrorist attacks in Western countries since

2014 alone. 3 The devastation of this type of

terrorism has been felt, often on numerous

occasions, by France, Spain, the United

Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and the United

States, and more countries can be expected to join this list of casualties in the foreseeable future. 4 On

July 14, 2016, 86 people among a crowd gathered to observe a Bastille Day fireworks display in Nice,

France were killed by the driver of a 20-ton rental truck who drove his vehicle without warning right into

the mass of spectators. Only 5 months later on December 19, 2016, 12 visitors to a Christmas market in

Berlin, Germany were killed in an incident involving a tractor trailer. The driver, a 24 year-old Tunisian

man named Anis Amri, was found and shot by police in Milan, Italy 4 days after the attack. In 2017,

vehicular attacks were executed only 3 months apart from one another at the Westminster and London

bridges and an outdoor prayer service at the Finsbury Park Mosque in London, United Kingdom. On

August 17, 2017, a van driven into crowds of people congregated in Barcelona, Spain was responsible for

the death of 13 individuals and an additional 100 injured casualties. And of course, it is difficult to forget

the recent attack in Lower Manhattan on October 31, 2017 that killed 8 pedestrians and injured a dozen

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more that were traveling along a bike path when a rented Home Depot pickup truck entered the bike

path and pursued them. 5 Estimates accounting solely for vehicular attacks that occurred in European

countries indicate that 132 people have been killed and 742 more have been injured in terrorist

incidents involving motor vehicles. Cumulatively, “vehicular attacks have caused 45 percent of all injuries

and 37 percent of all deaths in Islamism-inspired plots since January 2014” on a European scale. 4

Attempts at profiling the perpetrators of vehicular manslaughter crimes have revealed a

consistent trend in the type of individual that opts to use this terror tactic. The exploitation of motor

vehicles as weapons of mass destruction has been championed in particular by so-called “lone wolf” or

“stray dog” homegrown terrorists that have no known affiliations to an established terrorist group. 1,3

Rather, these individuals have been inspired by a growing body of literature published by terrorist

groups including ISIL and Al-Qaeda that is specifically promoting this mode of terrorism. A 2010 online

article entitled “The Ultimate Mowing Machine” that appeared in Inspire, an Al-Qaeda-run magazine,

supplied the idea of using motor vehicles as “mowing machine(s), not to mow grass but mow down the

enemies of Allah”. 5 The article also advised the selection of “pedestrian only” locations and to “make

sure to gain speed before ramming (their) vehicles into the crowd in order to ‘achieve maximum

carnage’ ”. 1 ISIS leader Abu Mohammed Al-Adnani issued a similar statement in 2014, calling for

jihadis to kill their victims by whatever means were available: “Smash his head with a rock, or

slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car”. 6

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The omnipresence and accessibility of the internet made possible by 21 st century technological

advances, then, is partly to

blame for the rise of

vehicular terrorism.

However, technology is far

from the only reason why

this form of micro-terrorism

has become so prevalent in

the modern world. This

terror tactic has become increasingly appealing because it is easy to execute, requiring “no training or

expertise” other than the knowledge of how to operate a motor vehicle, and involves a weapon that is

conceivably much more accessible than advanced weaponry and explosives. 3 Like suicide bombings,

these attacks are similarly difficult to prevent, and the same vehicles that are used to terrorize

pedestrians make for a quick escape from the crime scene, allowing drivers to evade capture by law

enforcement officials. 1,5 This terror tactic may also be perceived as an easier alternative to smuggling

illegal weaponry across

national borders, which is

likely the case in Israel. 1

Additionally, vehicular

terrorism can be carried

out in multiple

dimensions, making it all

the more lethal to terror victims. The vehicle is most often the first, but not the only weapon used in

this type of terrorist attack. It is frequently used in conjunction with hand-held weapons or explosives

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that are wielded by the driver after exiting the vehicle. 6 Finally, because these attacks are executed

swiftly and almost invariably without warning, a lot of damage can be exacted before the driver is

stopped. 3,5

The fearful gaze of governing bodies has been turned towards prevention of this 21 st century

terrorist strategy. Having been attacked on multiple occasions, the British government has considered

tightening background checks for individuals who wish to rent commercial vehicles, ensuring

specifically that rental candidates do not appear on any current terror watch lists. Unfortunately, the

efficacy of this security measure would be limited, because many vehicular attacks do not employ

rented vehicles. Many terrorists resort to using their own private or commercial vehicles or bypass

legislative controls by stealing or hijacking desirable commercial vehicles. Hope has been restored in

terror-torn London by the advent of Talon, “a mat with steel spikes that can be quickly rolled out onto

roads to puncture the tires of a vehicle being driven by a potential attacker”, but this innovation alone

will not be sufficient to prevent vehicular attacks, particularly because it does not prevent the

perpetrator from exiting the vehicle with alternative weapons to cause further damage. Busy streets can

be fortified with protective barriers and bollards, but installation is costly and time-consuming, and the

barriers will not prevent attack by all kinds

of vehicles (some trucks may have enough

momentum to penetrate these defenses).

To make matters worse, many countries

are currently struggling with deportation of

terror suspects and suffering from

inadequate funding for intelligence

agencies suited to prevent future planned

attacks. 4 And of course, cyber warfare also

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has a role to play in vehicular terrorism, as new vehicles that are engineered to be connected to the

internet can be hacked remotely and used in motor vehicle terror attacks. A 2015 incident involving a

Jeep that was carjacked by hackers 10 miles away and driven into a ditch presented the need to fortify

the cybersecurity of automobiles in addition to hand-held electronic devices. 1 As prevention efforts look

bleaker by the day, officials have suggested that the best method of prevention of vehicular violence

may simply be to report concerns about the suspected violent intentions of a family member, friend,

neighbor, or correspondent to law enforcement authorities. 3

Main Goals of the Committee Session:

Delegates should aim to devise resolutions that include detailed strategies for

preventing vehicular violence. Particular attention should be given to early detection of planned

vehicular assaults and improved street safety, legislation and emergency protocols that should be

enforced during a vehicular attack. Though the focus of this committee session will be primarily on

motor vehicles that operate on the ground, the chairs will look favorably upon resolutions that address

terrorist attacks made using aircrafts because they are also considered to be vehicles.

Questions To Consider:

1. Has your nation suffered from vehicular terrorism?

2. Is homegrown terrorism a significant problem in your country?

3. Has your nation adopted legislation or taken measures to prevent vehicular attacks?

4. What resources, if any, could your nation contribute to a cooperative international agenda

for prevention of vehicle violence?

Helpful Links

1. 2.

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3. index.html

4. 5. 6.

The North Korean Threat

On May 6th, 2015 North Korea became a serious threat to global security. Kim Jong Un’s

scientists successfully perfected their long range missiles. U.S scientists were able to confirm

that the new missile technology gave North Korea the capability to strike the pacific coast of

the United States. On January 6th, 2015 North

Korea completed its fourth successful Nuclear

Test, claiming to have advanced their atomic

(Fission based) nuclear bombs, into Hydrogen

(Fusion based) nuclear devices, which are

approximately 100x stronger than what the United States dropped on Japan during World War

Two. Additionally, North Korea claims to have miniaturized the explosive warhead, giving them

the capability to mount the nuclear device on their long range missiles. In other words, North

Korea now has the capability to strike the United States with a nuclear weapon.

Since developing this capability, Kim Jong Un has continuously made threats against the

United States. North Korean media outlets report that Kim Jung Un will “rain fire” on the united

states any day now and that the destruction is inevitable. US President Donald Trump has been

warned repeatedly by China and Russia that any preemptive attack on North Korea to

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neutralize the threat will be met with deadly retaliation. Only if North Korea strikes first will

China and Russia allow the US to use military force without retaliation.

Former US speaker of the house Newt Gingrich in a special report he issued to the

United States Congress warned that a nuclear strike isn’t the only attack option available to

North Korea. Gingrich warns that Kim Jong Un is able to detonate his nuclear missiles in the

atmosphere above any nation and cause an electromagnetic pulse that would make it

impossible for affected regions to have any electrical power for 6-12 months. Food would spoil,

hospitals would not be able to care for patients, and places of business would be unable to

carry out any operations making it difficult for food, goods and services to be accessible to


The United Nations security council has responded to the North Korean threat by

intensifying sanctions against the country and freezing their governments foreign assets, but so

far economic pressure has not forced Kim to yield. US President Donald Trump currently has no

open dialogue with North Korean officials and has been engaging in mocking and threatening

the country’s leader. With tensions high and no peaceful end to the disagreement in sight,

many fear the outbreak of nuclear war.

Questions to Consider:

1. Is your nation currently allied with or against North Korea?2. Is your Nation susceptible to a North Korean Missile Attack?3. What are your nation’s current polices on North Korea?4. Does your nation feel that North Korea poses a significant threat to global security?

Helpful Links:

1. index.html

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2. prepared-241477

3. threat.html

The Water Crisis

There are over 7 billion human beings across the globe. The amount of food and water

that it takes to feed 7 billion people per day is an amount that the human mind is just unable

accurately fathom. An estimated 71% of earth’s surface is covered by water, but 96.5% of that

water is salt water that human beings can’t drink. Of the remaining 3.5% of water, 68% of it is

trapped in glaciers near the polar ice caps, and 30% of it is too far underground to use. In othe

words, less than 1% of all the water on earth is both accessible and drinkable. With 7 billion

people drinking everyday, our water reserve is rapidly decreasing.

Two independent studies conducted in the United States and Europe concluded that 21

of the world’s 37 largest water reserves have past their sustainability tipping point; meaning

that they are losing water faster than it is being replenished. Thirteen of those sources are

currently classified as being in significant distress; including the Arabian Aquifer System which

supplies water to Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Citizens of the developing world have

already had to resort to drinking boiled dirty river

water to provide for their daily needs. This has

lead to life threatening illnesses in young

children. With water reserves on the decline, the

problem is only expected to worsen. It is also

important to recognize that while third world

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countries are beginning to feel the effects of the water shortage now, the citizens of the first

world are not going to be sheltered from the shortage for much longer. Aquifers in India, China,

the United States, and France have also passed their sustainability tipping points, with those in

the United States and China experiencing some of the fastest rates of depletion worldwide.

The truth is not much can be done to prevent the aquifers from continuing to deplete.

People need to use water, and with the global population and rate of climate change expected

to only increase, the problem is only going to worsen. Scientists have been looking into a

process called desalination which has been able to successfully convert salt water to

freshwater. The problem is, the process is not very efficient and cannot be done at a fast

enough rate to prevent the depletion of our freshwater supply.

By the year 2040, 33 countries around the world including the United States, China,

India, Australia, parts of Northern and Southern Africa, and the entire middle east region will be

considered high water stress areas. This means that there WILL NOT BE ENOUGH WATER for

everyone living in those areas. The impact on world health, the global economy, but most

importantly global security is going to

be staggering. Today, wars are fought

around the world over oil (which

although a crucial fuel source, human

beings can live without). Imagine the

enormous amount of conflict and

unrest that will arise out of sheer

desperation when nations start to run

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out of water. In fact, the first of those conflicts has begun. Almost everyone has heard of the

Syrian Civil war, but almost no one knows how it started. The answer is a water shortage.

Experts who have studied the global security impacts of the crisis believe that by 2040

the world wide refugee count will increase, civil wars in the middle east will intensify in

frequency and severity, and imperialistic practices of first world nations will increase as nations

begin to claim spheres of influence of key water supplies around the world. Some believe that

states around the world will begin to collapse amidst the turmoil which would make diplomatic

negotiation increasingly difficult. If the situation ever became grave enough (as it is expected

to) some of the world’s major powers may be forced to go to war with one another over water.

The level of devastation from that kind of war would be catastrophic.

There are also those among the world’s elite who have already begun taking steps to

take financial advantage of the situation. Micheal Burry, the real life financial genius who made

$1 Billion US dollars by shorting the U.S housing market before its collapse (as dramatized in the

movie “The Big Short”) is currently focused on investing in just one commodity, water! Imagine

how much money someone will be able to make at the expense of other human beings if

people or corporations are allowed to buy control of sources of water. If all of this is what will

begin to happen in 2040, what does that mean for earth’s distant future in later years like 2080

when most of the earth will be considered a high water stress area?

Main Goals of the Committee Session: Delegates in the All-Star Security Council must address

the water crisis from the perspective of global security. Delegates should consider passing some

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form of agreement that attempts to prevent future worldwide violence and turmoil when water

stress begins to significantly impact the globe.

Question to Consider:

1. Is my nation currently impacted by the water shortage?

2. Will my nation be considered a high water stress area in 2040?

3. Is my nation prone to civil unrest and internal conflict?

4. What efforts is my nation’s government currently taking to prevent further water loss?

5. How does my nation plan to provide water to its citizenry as the water crisis worsens?

Helpful links:






