all about me sample

All About Me: All About Me: Jason Taylor! Jason Taylor! I was born September 12, 1996 in I was born September 12, 1996 in Davenport, Iowa. Davenport, Iowa. My name comes from a Greek name My name comes from a Greek name meaning “to heal” meaning “to heal”

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Page 1: All About Me Sample

All About Me: Jason All About Me: Jason Taylor!Taylor!I was born September 12, 1996 in Davenport, I was born September 12, 1996 in Davenport, Iowa.Iowa.

My name comes from a Greek name meaning My name comes from a Greek name meaning “to heal”“to heal”

Page 2: All About Me Sample

More information about me!More information about me!

I am 110.998 hours or 6,659,825 I am 110.998 hours or 6,659,825 minutes old. That seems like a lot!minutes old. That seems like a lot!

My birthstone is a sapphire. My birthstone is a sapphire. ““September” was named after the September” was named after the

Latin word meaning “seven”.Latin word meaning “seven”.

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When I am 18 years old…When I am 18 years old…

I will be 5 foot 10 inches tallI will be 5 foot 10 inches tall

Other famous people that have the Other famous people that have the same height:same height:

Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin Kurt RussellKurt Russell Marlon BrandoMarlon Brando

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On my birthday…

• Bill Clinton was President• A gallon of gas cost $1.29• The Academy Award for Best

Picture went to “The English Patient”

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My job personality is “The Thinker”

• I could be a professional tutor, marine biologist, police detective, research lab technician. Lots of possibilities!