all about me!

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. All About Me! During my free time I enjoy drawing and reading but my main passion is horse-back riding. I live to ride. I own two horses, Shaunesse and Bullet that I care for and ride every day. With my horses I like to jump and go for trail rides. About once a month I also show them in the local shows. With my family I take pleasure in biking and hiking around our property. Another huge aspect of my life is my friends. Two of my friends moved away last year, one to Penticton and one to Merrit. I have one friend here in Clearwater who rides with me and that is Annie Butcher. One of my other friends here is Brynn Rebinsky with her I enjoy hanging out and swimming! I believe that how you dress reflects a lot of who you are. Daily I vary from dressing quite classy and neat to just jeans and a T-shit all depending on how I'm feeling that day. I like people to be able to know my mood just from what I'm wearing. My bus ride to school I around half an hour long and during this time I mostly enjoy listening to my music on my iPod. I listen to so many different varieties of music it's crazy! My favourite is country! Throughout my years I've played quite a few instruments such as flute, and violin. Currently I'm working on Grade 7 Piano. I've always thought of piano as my forte even though I've played different instruments. All in all I believe that I'm a driven, positive member of society!