alkali earth metals

By Ashur Wiedrich & Cody Canfield

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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Alkali Earth Metals. By Ashur Wiedrich & Cody Canfield. Definition. The general name for elements located in group 2. Magnesium. This element burns with a intense white light. Once lit it will continue to burn on it’s own. It is also what makes the bright flash in photographic flashbulbs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Alkali Earth Metals

By Ashur Wiedrich & Cody Canfield

Page 2: Alkali Earth Metals

The general name for elements located in group 2.

Page 3: Alkali Earth Metals

This element burns with a intense white light. Once lit it will continue to burn on it’s own. It is also what makes the bright flash in photographic flashbulbs.

Page 4: Alkali Earth Metals

Magnesium fires cannot be put out by fire extinguisher.


Page 5: Alkali Earth Metals

This element is a deadly long living fallout product of an atomic bomb (I know there’s a b in there you can’t hide it from me) It’s salts form a red flame when burned. Also used for picture color tubes. Also used in fire works to make them a crimson color. (Not in handout)

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Is necessary for muscle contraction, makes strong bones and teeth (from milk) but cannot be found alone in nature but can be mined from common gypsum.

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Compounds of this element make “drilling mud.”

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Element that makes up and looks like most emeralds. Also gives up neutrons for nuclear reactors.

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The only radioactive alkali metal.

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