alicia presentation1 product1

Alicia Medina 17 years old Dominican Republic Language: Spanish Immigrated in 2011 Interests? Go to college career? Medicine My hobby?? My phone! Community Garden a better Healthy life…

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Alicia Medina

17 years old

Dominican Republic

Language: Spanish

Immigrated in 2011

Interests? Go to college

career? Medicine

My hobby?? My phone!

Community Garden a better Healthy life…

In this picture you can

see how my friends

are working hard

moving the soil. We

used wheelbarrow to

transfer the soil. We

were doing this to

plant some plants in

the pots.

Students were putting the

soil in the pots to plant

some seeds and then to

water them. If you don’t

water the seeds maybe

the plants are not going to

come out. It’s important

to water the plants

because like this they can

grow faster.

Students love a lot of fruits such as apples or peaches. Also they were planting vegetables like swiss chards and carrots. I will say about this picture that students love to be in the garden and also they love to be planting seeds in the soil.

Cutting the potatoes…

In here you can see how the

guys are cutting the potatoes so

they can get dry and then you

can plant them in the soil.

Students were planning a

model to build it and then

plant some seeds in the

completed bed. Before to

build this they were talking

about which one they can

create and this one right

here was the one that they

chose. This day I felt so

happy because we created a

safe place for the plants to


Here we are trying to build the

model in groups. If I will do

this next time I will build it

bigger to plant more plants.

I’m very proud of this because

my friends and me did this

with all the effort that you can

put into it.

Planning how to build the


Here you can see how the plants

are growing so fast and getting

color too.

Here students are trying to

harvest the plants that are

ready to eat.

This is an eggplant that we harvested

on the garden. After this you can take

the eggplant to your home and cook it

if you want to.

In this picture you can see all the

kind of eggplants that we planted.

The best thing that happened this

day was when we started to harvest

all this eggplants.


When the vegetables

or the fruits are ready

to eat we share it

together in the garden.

I will improve next

time to leave the fruits

more time growing

because the bigger

that it is the tastier

and sweeter it will


Also we love to cook in the garden with

the produce that we planted. We made a

soup together of a squash, coconnut

milk, onions, limes, peppers, and green

