alchemical healing oils.doc

Uleiuri alchimice pentru vindecare Procedurile pentru curățarea celor 8 + 12 meridiane ale corpului Extras din „Entering Godhood by The Seer Almine read transcript below amintirile accumulate au devinit supărătoare din informațiile adunate și neutilizate vin meridianele blocate cele opt uleiuri alchimice despre care vă vom povesti vor risipi iluziile și resturile celor 8 meridiane din Textele Alchimice Vechi ”The accumulated memories burdensome became From clustered information, blocked meridians came Eight alchemical oils of which we tell The eight meridians’ illusions and debris dispel” – From the Ancient Alchemical Texts Uleiuri alchimice pentru curățarea celor 8 Meridiane Extraordinare It has long baffled sincere light-seekers that no matter how much self-work they have done, it seems as though old memories keep resurfacing to disrupt their emotional equilibrium. Memories have been held in the magnetic fields of the body, generated by the 20 meridians of the body, and specifically by the eight extraordinary meridians themselves. The application of the alchemical oils on the meridians’ acupressure points helps to facilitate the release and removal of these blockages that obstruct the flow of life force and eventually cause physical injuries and disease. The Eight Ways in Which Memories are Kept 1. Cellular Memory: The function has been to place short-term memories into long-term memory patterns. Memories are held in the membrane around the nucleus.

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Page 1: Alchemical Healing Oils.doc

Uleiuri alchimice pentru vindecareProcedurile pentru curățarea celor 8 + 12 meridiane ale corpuluiExtras din „Entering Godhood” by The Seer Almine 

read transcript belowamintirile accumulate au devinit supărătoaredin informațiile adunate și neutilizate vin meridianele blocatecele opt uleiuri alchimice despre care vă vom povestivor risipi iluziile și resturile celor 8 meridiane

din Textele Alchimice Vechi

”The accumulated memories burdensome became

From clustered information, blocked meridians came

Eight alchemical oils of which we tell

The eight meridians’ illusions and debris dispel”

– From the Ancient Alchemical Texts

Uleiuri alchimice pentru curățarea celor 8 Meridiane ExtraordinareIt has long baffled sincere light-seekers that no matter how much self-work they have done, it seems as though old

memories keep resurfacing to disrupt their emotional equilibrium.

Memories have been held in the magnetic fields of the body, generated by the 20 meridians of the body, and

specifically by the eight extraordinary meridians themselves. The application of the alchemical oils on the

meridians’ acupressure points helps to facilitate the release and removal of these blockages that obstruct the flow

of life force and eventually cause physical injuries and disease.

The Eight Ways in Which Memories are Kept

1. Cellular Memory: The function has been to place short-term memories into long-term memory patterns.

Memories are held in the membrane around the nucleus.

2. Instinctual Memory: Emergency responses are held in the 3rd chakra.

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3. Racial Memory: Stored in the chakra located a hand’s length into the ground, beneath your feet. Racial

memories determine danger assessment.

4. Membranes between Realities: Held in the psoas muscle. Keeps memories of passages between life, death

and ascension and awake and dream states.

5. Membranes of the eye and optic nerve: Remember what has been seen.

6. Membranes of the ears: Remember what has been heard.

7. Taste buds: Remember value judgements of good and bad.

8. All hair on the skin: Holds memories of extra-sensory experiences; that which happens out of range of

perception. The sense of smell never fell into duality Let fragrant oils heal the storage of old memories.

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Alchemical Healing Oils for Clearing the 12 Meridians of the BodyTo change the cellular matrix to the higher evolution of expression and activate godhood in the individual, the

removal of blockages in the 12 main meridians of the body is essential. The blockages are the origin of memory,

linear time, and the negative emotions associated with them. Fragrance, as the one sense that never fell (its

frequency remained high), is a key component in providing an effortless solution to blockages caused by separation

consciousness, reminding the body of its oneness with Source.

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This booklet, which accompanies the set of twelve fragrances for the specific meridians, indicates the acupressure

points onto which the oils should be massaged. When treating yourself or another, massage the oil in small

clockwise circles. The massaging can be done just for a few seconds, as the primary element is the fragrance on the

meridian point, and not the massaging. The bottoms of the feet are the most receptive area for the placement of

oils and they can be placed there before bedtime or if the fragrance is not something you wish to be noticed (men

may not want to smell of a feminine fragrance). Inside shoes and socks, the fragrances are hardly detectable.

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Meridians and Distorted Emotions (Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach)From Entering Godhood (Day 16) by The Seer Almine

“I would like to explain the differences between the distorted emotions. For example of grief versus sadness, versus

pain, so that we can exactly understand which meridian is involved, with these distorted emotions. The reason that

this is so very important, is that in the god kingdom, there is an additional eight meridians, that are used and

should properly flow. And these cannot be activated until the twelve meridians are fully functional and clear of all

these old memories that cause these distortions. The reason for this is that when a meridian has areas of blockage,

that actually holds memory, and memory creates linear time. The god kingdom goes into exponential time, and also

lives from the timelessness of the true god essence of each being. So these meridians, bringing them into full

functioning, serves a vital purpose to start to elevate the reality, into a higher level of existence.”

Lung Meridian: Neroli

“So the first one is the distortions that start to indicate that the Lung meridian is blocked, and Neroli is the oil that

must be placed on the acupressure points for the Lung meridian, that should be given with this course as a hand-

out or a download. And so the Lung meridian’s first and primary distorted emotion is grief. Grief is different than

pain or sadness; grief is something that is age-old pain that nothing will change. Because pain is in fact the desire

to retreat from something. If we believe that nothing can evolve into a better way of existing, then grief is present.

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And grief is age-old and it has other components with it – components of hopelessness. We find also that grief is a

pain that is so big that it feels that you can never get over it. You can feel the damage that makes you feel like a

plant that has had its stem broken. It is a heart-breaking considerable reservoir of pain.”

“Intolerance, and frustration. Intolerance and frustration often comes from lack of patience, and a lack of poise.

When intolerance is present, there is usually a very enlightened being, or a very arrogant being also present. So

let’s take a look at intolerance from the light-worker’s perspective. On a graph, most of the population fill the

middle of the graph, and then there are some on one end and some on the other end of the graph, and those are

the ones that are below the average, and beyond the average. Light-workers are beyond the average of

consciousness, awareness, clarity, perception and hence compassion, so it is for them extremely difficult to live

amongst masses, who from their perspective live in mediocre perception; mediocrity, emptiness of head,

dysfunctionality that is never going to be healed because there is no self-work. So for them it is particularly

problematic to not be intolerant of their fellow man. Frustration comes when we see others respond over and over

and over in the same dysfunctional way. It makes one feel as though you just want to vent, “can they not

understand? Do they not get it? How inconsiderate is it of people not to basically take the time to be clear? To

basically take the time to look if they may have any part of the problem within themselves? No self-responsibility.”

All these things cause frustration. Intolerance and frustration jointly, require the perception that there are multiple

instruments playing as back-up in the orchestra, not just the dominant instruments of the soloists; that it is okay for

some notes not to be playing at all. So we are in a situation where intolerance and frustration comes from not

recognizing the value of diverse levels of consciousness and capacity. It does not mean that we have to live with

that which makes us uncomfortable. What it means is that eventually we may have to weigh whether discomfort

outweighs the benefits, but it does mean that even as we say “no, this is not my reality, I’m moving on,” that it is

done with respect for the old that we leave behind as valid, but just not valid for us.”

“Bitterness. Bitterness comes from victimhood, feeling that we are always the victim of such and such a

consequence. If that is the case, we are still doing what causes that consequence over and over again, and so the

consequence happens over and over again, and then we feel bitter about it. “How can this always happen to me?”

This is something that needs to be looked at within, but when the Lung meridian is blocked, it holds it all inside.”

Large Intestine: Jasmine

“The next one is the Large Intestine meridian, and please note that we give you optimum healing times, it does not

mean that it cannot be done in the rest of the day, it just means at these times, these meridians are the most

receptive. Blocked meridians are blocked by old memories, so it is vital to get these unblocked. This one uses

Jasmine, and the first of the distortions that indicate that this is something that someone needs is guilt. We live in a

matrix that we are now just leaving. But for eons we have lived in a matrix in which there is ascension of light

during a descension of frequency, and then an ascension of frequency during a descension of light. We are in a

position where we can either see clearly or we can feel strongly. When we feel strongly we just cannot see clearly,

particularly because perception yields emotion; those strong emotions are often not clear. So even the guidance of

our heart becomes distorted, because it is devoid of its perception. We cannot blame ourselves for the way that the

cycles have been, which is part of the Infinite’s design, and so therefore we made mistakes. The mistakes we’ve

made have often been our strengthening system, our guidance system, to tell us “wait a minute, everything has

gone wrong right up front.” If it isn’t something that you’re doing, please look at it, it is indicating to you that you

are going the wrong direction. We no longer want to go where we are bumped into the direction of the dance, we

want to go where our next inspiration lies. So guilt comes from not having seen clearly, making mistakes, of having

acted cruelly to someone, when perception said you need to get out of here, and you look back and you wish you

could have done it differently, but your feeling, your emotions were very low. And so the compassionate way in

which you did it would be lacking, even though you might have had great perception. And retrospectively, you can

usually see the value of why you made certain decisions. So guilt needs to be let go of, with the understanding that

there is simply not any chance of a mistake. The Infinite unfolds its Cosmos with absolute perfection.”

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“Disappointment. Disappointment only comes when we have an agenda, when we have not learned to love without

pain, indiscriminately, because we want nothing back; we find ourselves in love disappointments. If we expect

certain reactions from people that we don’t get, disappointment. Our actions have to be free from agenda. We go

where our inspiration leads us.”

“Remorse. Now what is the difference between remorse and guilt? Remorse is different than guilt. Remorse has this

self-punishing component about it, it stings. They are the parts of your life you don’t even want to look at. Guilt you

can still handle by looking back and saying “if only,” which incidentally, makes karma, but remorse, it stings and

you don’t even want to look at it.”

“Opposition to change. Everybody says they want to change. We have bitterness as in the Lung meridian,

disappointment as in the Large Intestine meridian, when we have the desire for life to change without changing

ourselves. If a pattern persists that we don’t like, the only way to get out of it is to change the self. Why? Because it

is showing where there are areas of our life that lack inspiration. Look at the love disappointments of your life. If

you have had some, just look at how different your life would have been if you had been for the last ten years with

that person. The mediocrity that might have resulted, the things you would have missed, just look at that. Yet,

people look back with remorse and feel sorry about it. Opposition to change will in fact result in disappointment

over and over again. That is how these negative emotions of the Large Intestine meridian are connected.”

Stomach: Sandalwood

“The next one is Sandalwood for the Stomach meridian. Sandalwood and the optimum time to apply it to the

acupressure points is during 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. If you have disgust, greed, shame or blame, you will know that this is

the one that you need.”

“Disgust is when you are disgusted by the conduct of others. Disgust usually finds its origins in areas of your own

life that you do not accept. So greed, is not just greed for money, it can be greed for many things; greed for

attention, greed for ‘fix me, fix me, heal me, heal me’, for nurturing. So where are the areas where there is

neediness in your life, because neediness is the root of greed.”

“Shame. Shame comes from when we believe that we have acted from less than our highest potential. Our highest

potential today, is not the highest potential of yesterday. If we but understand this, then shame can just dissolve

like mist before the morning sun. When we feel that our conduct has been falling short of the desired level, we

blame others, to make them feel inferior, or to make us feel that they are inferior, and therefore what we did cannot

be possibly that bad, just look at all the other things people are doing. Blame creates the shame of others, and

shaming, by ourselves, creates blaming of others.”