alcatel-lucent mdr-8000 digital microwave radio...

Alcatel-Lucent MDR-8000 Digital Microwave Radio Family Flexible Wireless Transport for Your Voice, Video and Data Needs

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Alcatel-LucentMDR-8000 DigitalMicrowave Radio Family

Flexible Wireless Transportfor Your Voice, Video and Data Needs

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MDR-8000 Family Features and Benefits

– Proven Reliability – Ensures trouble-free operation

– Broadest range of frequencies and capacities - 2, 4, 5.8, L6, U6, 8, 10, 11 GHz - 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 DS1s; 1, 3 DS3s;

OC-3; 50, 150 Mb/s Ethernet

– Provides an ideal match foryour system requirements

and available spectrum

– Common platform across all configurations

– Minimizes spares and training requirements

– Highest adjacent channelinterference rejection

– Allows operation in congestedfrequency bands

– Robust operatingcharacteristics- Highest system gain- Forward Error Correction

- Multiple configurationsavailable (nonstandby,hot-standby, space diversity,frequency diversity, quad


– Delivers high availabilityon even the mosttroublesome paths, andallows longer paths to be

implemented using smallerantennas

– In-service capacity expansion – Provides economical andsimple growth to meet your

needs, with no strandedinvestment

– Smallest size, with both indoor and outdoor installation options

– Allows flexibility with systeminstallation and location

IntroductionWith more than 50 years of experience in wireless transmission, Alcatel-Lucent provides a solid foundation for your mission-critical network, andcontinually fosters visions for the future. As a pioneer in point-to-pointmicrowave radios, Alcatel-Lucent has continually demonstrated itsleadership in wireless technology. Our history of design innovation beganwhen the former Collins Radio Company developed the first commercialmicrowave radios in the 1950s. Alcatel-Lucent maintains the Collinstradition, setting the industry standard for microwave communications allover the world with scalable, reliable, economical, and readily deployablewireless backbone communications systems.

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OverviewThe MDR-8000 is Alcatel-Lucent’s premier digital microwaveradio for long-haul, point-to-pointwireless communications. Theflexible platform offers featuresdesigned to provide robustoperation, while also reducing yourtotal cost of ownership. With acommon platform that supportsvirtually all frequency bands from2-11 GHz, the MDR-8000 canmeet your needs for high-capacitybackbone routes, as well as low-capacity spurs. It offerstransmission capacity from 2-32DS1s, 1-3 DS3s, OC-3, and10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet, withthe ability to upgrade capacity inservice simply by changingCapacity KeysTM. The commonplatform that supports all of theseoptions provides users ultimateflexibility in configuring andequipping an entire network, withsimplified operation andmaintenance. With the widestrange of long-haul frequencybands, the most complete range ofinterfaces and capacities, and thehighest system gain in the industry,the MDR-8000 is the undisputedleader in microwave transport.

This flexible and scalablearchitecture provides reliablewireless backbone communicationsfor cellular operators, public safetyagencies, railways, pipelines,utilities, local exchange carriers,television stations, and privateenterprise.

MDR-8000 Standard Shelf Configuration

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ApplicationsWireless Backhaul

As cellular and PCS networks continue to grow, the MDR-8000 is anideal choice for connecting cell sites or backhauling traffic to theswitch. The broad range of capacities and frequency bands provideultimate flexibility for both long- and short-haul applications. Inaddition, the high reliability typically provides vastly superiorperformance as compared to leased DS1 circuits, usually with a veryattractive payback period. The unlicensed versions of the radio alsopermit rapid deployment of point-to-point links, allowing new cellsites to be turned up quickly to meet service demands.

BTS/Node B



Last mile Aggregation

Backhauling Backbone


Carriers’ Networks

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Public Safety NetworksPublic safety networks must provide mission criticalservices, be quickly expandable, and be easily managedfrom end to end. Applications may be for interfacilityand inter-agency communications, or for backhaul inland mobile radio (LMR) networks. Public safetynetworks also face a variety of critical issues:interfacility communications are becoming morecomplex and require higher bandwidth; use of real-timevideo is increasing, as well as data – primarily IPtraffic – to support departmental LANs and inter-departmental WANs; and the trend of sharing dataacross jurisdictions is accelerating the demand formore bandwidth. The MDR-8000 radio addressesall of these issues cost effectively, while providingthe security and redundancy that public safetyofficials require.

State and Local Government SystemsMunicipalities have similar needs as those of publicsafety operators. Municipal planning districts needconverged services that support mission-critical voice,data, and video communications, along with LMRinteroperability. Government agencies can rely onthe MDR-8000 to provide the reliable, high-qualitycommunications they require. Unlicensed versionsof the MDR-8000 are also ideal for emergencyrestoration and backup of critical communication links.

Public Safety

Utilities, Pipelines and Railroads


Transportation and Utility SystemsTransportation and utility companies also require thehighest and most stringent level of availability, quality,and resiliency. Growth, new technologies, and ever-increasing security demands require a secure corearchitecture with state-of-the-art network managementin order to reach widely dispersed rural areas, oftencovering rough terrain, where no other infrastructureexists. Support for data networking applications andservices such as SCADA, video surveillance formonitoring remote sections of pipelines or highways,and reliability to overcome homeland security threatsare all readily addressed by the MDR-8000.

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Local Exchange CarriersThe MDR-8000 is an ideal solution for extending alocal exchange carrier’s network beyond theirtraditional franchise boundaries, whether it is onelocation outside the franchise area or multiplelocations across a larger geographic region. Using theMDR-8000 can eliminate the LEC’s need to leasefacilities from competitors, thus maintaining control oftheir entire solution offering regardless of whether thelocation is in or out of franchise. The MDR-8000 isalso an option anywhere wireline services are notavailable due to fiber exhaustion or lack of facilities.

Broadcast Auxiliary ServiceDigital microwave has proven itself as an excellentchoice for broadcasters to transport their video signals,either as direct studio to transmitter links (STLs), orfor distributing the video signals across largegeographic areas to multiple transmitter sites.Broadcasters require their high-bandwidth signals tobe transmitted with extremely high quality to avoidany video signal degradation. The MDR-8000 supportsFCC Part 74 requirements, and has proven itself quiteadept at meeting the stringent requirements ofbroadcasters all over the country.

Urban coverage

Distributed/Rural coverage

Regional Studio

Digital TV Broadcasting

Contribution Distribution

Main Studio

Regional Studio

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Federal Government AgenciesThe MDR-8000 also provides its rugged characteristics in service to theU.S. Federal Government. Operating in the NTIA-regulated frequencybands, the highly compact radio can mount in the tightest spaces whileproviding wireless means for overcoming geographic obstacles, right-of-way costs, and construction delays associated with wired facilities. Thisscalable and readily-deployable architecture provides reliable backbonecommunications for agencies such as the Department of Defense,Department of Justice, and Department of Interior, among others.

Government buildingsGovernment buildings

Police, Fire & RescueBorders


Military bases

Port Security

Military airports

Defense & Security

Private EnterpriseEnterprise markets, such as education, healthcare,banking, and private corporations, can also benefitfrom the flexibility of the MDR-8000. For campus ormetropolitan environments, using the MDR-8000’sshort-haul capabilities can provide secure and reliablehigh-bandwidth services at low cost for one customeror an entire building. A large corporation orconsortium can use the MDR-8000 to connect dataand voice services between nationwide branchlocations across a backbone network covering a largegeographic area. As enterprise firms continue to faceever-decreasing budgets, the cost-effective solutionsand reliability provided by the MDR-8000 becomeeven more attractive and beneficial.

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Cost-Saving FeaturesIndustry-High System GainThe MDR-8000 has the highestsystem gain available today.System gain is the most commonbenchmark of performance thatdifferentiates one radio fromanother. Used to determinethe link budget of a microwavehop, it is simply defined as themathematical difference betweenthe radio’s transmitter outputpower and the receiver inputthreshold. Higher system gainprovides network operators threedistinct advantages. First, thehigher gain can often allow usersto install smaller antenna systems.This not only saves money on thecost of the antennas, but alsoreduces tower loading. Networkoperators can build lighter weighttowers, or reduce their monthlyrent payments if leasing towerspace. Second, higher system gainallows users to stretch their pathsfurther than a comparable radiowith lower system gain. This can beespecially important when crossingterrain obstacles, or simply toeliminate the significant cost ofadding an additional repeatersite. Finally, higher system gainimproves the path availability.For mission-critical networks,extremely high path availabilityis one of the ultimate goals, a goalto which the MDR-8000 is ideallysuited.

Common PlatformThe MDR-8000 is based on acommon platform for all frequencybands and capacities. This approachgreatly simplifies training andmaintenance, since all MDR-8000radios look the same and operatein the same manner. Oftentimes,large networks consist of radiosin two or more frequency bands,such as 6 GHz for a long-haulbackbone, and 11 GHz for shorterpaths or spurs. Thanks to thecommonality built into the MDR-8000, technicians need only betrained on one configuration andthey will be capable of maintainingall versions deployed in theirnetwork. The same advantage alsoapplies to the capacities availablein the radio. The MDR-8000platform supports a mix of DS1,DS3, OC-3, and 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet interfaces to meetany network requirements.

In addition, the commonality ofthe system means that the numberof spare modules required isminimized, even as radios ofdifferent capacities and frequencybands are deployed in the samenetwork. For example, thetransmitter, receiver, and poweramplifier units in any specificfrequency band may be used forNxDS1, NxDS3, OC-3, orEthernet transport. Power supplies,controllers, and other commonunits are the same across all radios,regardless of frequency band orcapacity. This commonality reducesthe number of spares that need tobe stocked, reducing the capitalbudget required for deployment.

In-Service CapacityUpgrades

The MDR-8000 offers the widestrange of interfaces and capacitiesavailable today, with the abilityto provide 2-32 DS1s, 1-3 DS3s,OC-3, or 10/100/1000 Base-TEthernet in bandwidths up to 300Mb/s. Besides having a capacity tofit virtually any requirement, userscan increase the capacity of thespecific circuit type (i.e. DS1or DS3) being used by merelychanging Capacity KeysTM on thetransmitter and receiver modules.This simple change can beaccomplished with the radios inservice on hot-standby systems,with no outage or downtimerequired.

The highly flexible MDR-8000 cangrow from 2 DS1s all the way to3xDS3 or OC-3 using the same setof power amplifier, transmitter, andreceiver modules. Capacity Keys™and wideband RF modules allowusers to gracefully migrate tohigher capacities, and eliminateany stranded investment.

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Flexible Ethernet OptionsHaving established its reliability,scalability, and versatility indelivering TDM traffic, the MDR-8000 is also poised for the nextwave of network migration. Withthe industry-wide migration to IPdata networks, carriers arerequiring innovative ways tobridge the gaps between theirlegacy networks and the packet-based networks of the future. TheMDR-8000’s Ethernet interfaceutilizes the same RF and commonmodules as the TDM versions ofthe radio, operating in all the samefrequency bands and virtuallyidentical bandwidths. TheEthernet interface supports10/100/1000 Base-T transport,with a possible combined datathroughput of 300 Mb/s in a singleshelf. The Ethernet I/O card offersRJ45 electrical and SFP opticalinputs, both of which are auto-sensing. In addition, the Ethernetinterface supports a variety ofbandwidth choices which enablesusers to tailor the radio to meetfacility and data transportrequirements of today andtomorrow.

The Ethernet interface of theMDR-8000 also allows users togracefully migrate their networkservices from TDM to Ethernetwith no equipment changeout. Upto 32 DS1s (48 Mb/s) can beindividually and dynamicallyprovisioned to carry TDM trafficalongside the Ethernet bandwidth.As TDM services get converted toIP over time, each of the TDM-based DS1s can be deprovisioned

individually, allowing thatbandwidth to be recaptured as partof the Ethernet bandwidth.Provisioning (or deprovisioning)can be done in-service, with nodisruption to other DS1 orEthernet traffic on the radio.Unlike standard TDM radios,the Ethernet version of theMDR-8000 offers input/output(I/O) provisioning options andoperating modes uniquelydeveloped to support packetdata transport:

� A Only – NonstandbyWhile the most cost-effectivemethod of transporting Ethernet,this operating mode provides noEthernet port or radio linkprotection.

� A Only – Hot StandbyThis operating mode providesradio link protection, but doesnot provide Ethernet portprotection. This mode would beused when the operator desireslink protection, but cannotsupport redundant interfaces inthe Ethernet device connectedto the MDR-8000

.� A & B Switched – Hot

StandbyBy making use of the EthernetPort Switching capabilities ofthe MDR-8000, this modeprovides both Ethernet port andradio link protection.

� A & B Summed – HotStandbyThis operating mode utilizesthe Ethernet Port Aggregationcapabilities of the radio andcombines two data sources overa single RF link.

� A & B Separate – DualChannelThe dual channel configurationuses the same hardware as afrequency diversity configurationin a TDM version of the radio. Itprovides two separate RFchannels from a single shelf.This operating mode can supporta combined data throughput of300 Mb/s in a single shelf.However, if one of the RFchannels fails, half of the datawill be lost.

� A & B Summed – DualChannelThis mode also makes use of theEthernet Port Aggregationcapabilities of the radio. Whenthe radio is operating in normalmode without failures, it operatesin the same manner as the A &B Separate – Dual Channel. Thismode also supports a combineddata throughput of 300 Mb/s in asingle shelf. In this configuration,if one of the RF channels fails,the data is summed onto theremaining working channeland the throughput of the shelffalls back to a combined totalof 150 Mb/s.

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Licensed and UnlicensedOperation

The MDR-8000 takes advantageof virtually all of the licensedfrequency bands used for long-haul systems in North America.Operating from 2 to 11 GHz in allof the FCC Part 101 and Part 74bands, as well as bands used by theFederal Government (NTIA), theMDR-8000 allows operators thefreedom to select the band mostappropriate to their intended useand environmental conditions. Alist of the frequency bands ofoperation is shown below:

• 1700 MHz (NTIA)• 1900 MHz (PCS in-band)• 2 GHz (FCC broadcast, NTIA& ITU)

• 2.3 GHz (WCS band)• 2.4 GHz (Unlicensed band)• 2.47 GHz (FCC licensed)• Upper 4 GHz (NTIA, ITU)• 5.8 GHz (Unlicensed ISM band)• Lower & Upper 6 GHz (FCC,ITU)

• 7 GHz (FCC broadcast auxiliary)• 7 & 8 GHz (NTIA, ITU)• 10.5 & 11 GHz (FCC, ITU)

In addition, the MDR-8000 alsooffers the same robust operation inthe unlicensed bands of 2.47 and5.8 GHz. Offering moreconfigurations, more frequencyselections, and more capacity thanany other unlicensed radio, thehighly-reliable MDR-8000provides superior signal quality andavailability. By operating in eitherthe unlicensed (Part 15) orlicensed (Part 101) portion of the2.4 GHz frequency band (2.400 -2.4835 GHz), the MDR-8000offers a unique networking option.In licensed operation, the higherpower transmitters and direct

modulation overcome mostinterference and improve overallsystem quality. Unlicensedoperation offers the same spectralefficiency and provides an optionfor transporting up to 16 DS1s or24 Mb/s Ethernet. In the 5.8 GHzband, up to 150 Mb/s can becarried on a single channel.

Operation in the 2.4 GHzspectrum also allows users of 2.1GHz licensed systems who need torelocate the ability to leveragetheir existing infrastructurewithout touching the tower,antenna, or transmission line.Reuse of existing antenna systemsand tower structures provides adefinite cost savings and reductionin cutover time as compared toother relocation alternatives.Furthermore, operators can takeadvantage of lightweight gridantennas and coaxial transmissionline to limit tower loadingconcerns and minimizeenvironmental impact issues. Also,the 2.4 GHz band can be used toplace new links in service, therebytaking advantage of the excellentpropagation and low-impactantenna configurations allowed bythis frequency range.

As with all of the licensed versionsof the MDR-8000, the unlicensedradios employ a narrowbandsingle-carrier modulationtechnique with high-receiverselectivity. This techniqueprovides dramatically superiorproperties as compared to mostother unlicensed radios which areof the direct sequence spreadspectrum type. Due to the poorpeak to average powercharacteristics of spread spectrummodulation, transmitter power issignificantly lower than that of theMDR-8000. That means theMDR-8000 can deliver more

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power to the receiver, whichsignificantly helps to overcomeinterference. In practical terms,the MDR-8000 can operate withan antenna one size smaller than aspread spectrum radio on pathslonger than 8 miles.

The narrowband modulationof the MDR-8000 also allowsbetter utilization of the availablespectrum, as multiple RF channelpairs can be utilized. This isespecially helpful at multi-wayjunction sites where a wider arrayof selectable frequencies is requiredto avoid intra-system interference.

The 5.8 GHz version of the MDR-8000 is also an ideal way to addadditional capacity as an underlayon existing 6 GHz routes. Simplyadding bandpass filters allows theMDR-8000 to interoperate on thesame antenna system as theexisting 6 GHz system. This is anideal scenario for customers withlegacy TDM systems (even analog)who want to add Ethernetcapabilities on the same route.

Thanks to the commonalitybetween the licensed andunlicensed versions of theMDR-8000, it is also a relativelysimple task to upgrade anunlicensed radio at 5.8 GHz tolicensed operation at 6 GHz. Bysimply making a few changeouts,there is no stranded investmentinvolved in having to purchase anew radio.

For applications that require quickand efficient deployment in the 5.8GHz unlicensed band, Alcatel-Lucent has created a special low-profile configuration called the

MDR-8000 Lite. The MDR-8000Lite is a reduced-size packagefor nonstandby unlicensedconfigurations. Offering 8 DS1sof capacity with +25 dBm transmitpower, it is compatible with allother configurations of theMDR-8000 family.

Many network architectures donot require the built-in 1+1equipment redundancy of thestandard MDR-8000 shelf. Low-density microwave routes with lessthan 8 DS1 requirements arecommonly equipped with 1+0protection. Additionally, whenradio is used for back-up to otherwireline facilities, redundancy ofthe radio electronics is usually notrequired. Even highly securenetworks that utilize ringprotection switching don’t requireredundant radio electronics, sinceservice protection is provided bythe circuit multiplexers, not theradio link. The low-profile MDR-8000 Lite radio is ideal for theseapplications.

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Wayside DS1sAlcatel-Lucent’s MDR-8000provides one DS1 hot-standbyprotected wayside signal per DS3equipped on the radio. Therefore,a 1xDS3 radio also includes onewayside DS1, and a 3xDS3 or OC-3 radio offers three wayside DS1circuits. These ancillary DS1channels can be used formaintenance circuits (quick, easyintroduction of additionalorderwires, data channels, andLAN/WAN circuits), or they canbe used to carry critical trafficsince they are fully redundant inhot-standby radio configurations.Furthermore, implementingwayside DS1 channels does notimpact radio performance ordetract from the payloadbandwidth.

High ReliabilityMaintenance costs are greatlyreduced by the high reliabilitybuilt into the MDR-8000 platform.The robust MDR-8000 has aproven track record of stellarperformance in mission-criticalnetworks of all types. Alcatel-Lucent is so confident of itsperformance, that we offer a 2 yearwarranty on all configurations.

Low Power ConsumptionWith extremely low powerconsumption (as much as 1/3 lessthan many competitors), theMDR-8000 saves you moneyupfront by reducing the size of theDC power plant that is requiredfor operation. Also, if the site usesbatteries for emergency backuppower, fewer of them will need tobe purchased and deployed.

In addition, low powerconsumption also meanssignificantly less heat dissipation.Again, the MDR-8000 saves moneyby reducing the size of the airconditioning system required, and

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lowers your monthly cooling costs.The MDR-8000 efficientlydissipates heat via a passive heatsink on the rear of the radio. High-thermal-load modules are directlycoupled to the heat sink withsecure mechanical connectionsand self-checking thermal sensorsto guarantee optimal heat flow. Asa result, the MDR-8000 hot-standby shelf does not require fans,except for radios equipped withhigh power transmitters, or whenmore than one radio is mounted inthe same rack.

Small SizeWhen installing a radio in ashelter at the base of a tower, spaceis usually at a premium. Compactmechanical dimensions and lowpower consumption allow operatorsto place the MDR-8000 in crampedspaces without sacrificing systemperformance and availability. Asthe smallest all-indoor radio onthe market today, a fully protectedconfiguration can be deployed injust 7 rack units (7 RU). Byreducing the amount of rack spaceneeded, the MDR-8000 is adaptableto virtually all installationenvironments. For high-capacityapplications, four hot-standby

radios may be equipped in a single19-inch rack for an unprecedented12 DS3 capacity.

MDR-8000 Compact ShelfFor applications where hot-standbyoperation is not needed or desired,such as low-density links or radioring terminal nodes, the MDR-8000 offers a reduced-size chassiscalled the Compact shelf. Thisnonstandby configuration is evensmaller (only 4 RU), and isapplicable to the entire productline, covering all frequency bandsand all capacities of the MDR-8000 family.

Also, operators are increasinglyseeing the need to locate radioequipment at sites that lack spacefor traditional indoor installations,yet don’t want the headachesassociated with tower-mountedelectronics. The MDR-8000Compact offers an ideal solutionfor such situations with a pole-mounted outdoor enclosure. Thisconfiguration allows operators toset up a microwave terminalsimply by affixing the Compactcabinet to an available pole orwall, or simply by setting a 4 1⁄2”steel pipe in the ground.

MDR-8000 Compact Shelf

MDR-8000 Compact Shelf

in Outdoor Cabinet

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coordination in areas wherefrequency bands are highlycongested. Where wider channelsare allowed, 32 TCM occupies awider spectrum, but offers evenhigher system gain. This allowspaths to be stretched even further,while still maintaining extremelyhigh path availability. Where rulesallow, typically at lower capacities,both modulation versions areavailable, giving users the optionof maximum system gain ormaximum spectral efficiency, withthe choice determined by theunique path requirements beingaddressed.

Industry-Leading ReceiverSelectivity and

Interference RejectionAlcatel-Lucent utilizes all digitalreceiver filtering, other than RFfilters, which provides vastlysuperior interference immunitywhen compared to analog designs.The MDR-8000 exhibits superioradjacent channel performance asevidenced by the -8 dB adjacentchannel threshold/interferencespecification (10 MHz channelseparation). This greatly easescoordination, especially infrequency-congested areas, andspeeds up the licensing process. Inaddition, it improves systemavailability in an interferenceenvironment.

Automatic Transmit PowerControl (ATPC)

To further enhance the ability ofthe MDR-8000 to operate in afrequency-congested environment,ATPC is a standard feature thatmay be used to allow coordinationat a reduced transmit power level.Only in the event of a path fadecondition does the transmit powerincrease to overcome the fading.The ATPC control loop on theMDR-8000 makes dB-for-dBadjustments to the transmitter

power corresponding to changes inthe receive signal level at the farend of the link. This is far superiorto competing radios which merelyturn the far-end transmitter to fullpower whenever the receive signallevel crosses the ATPC threshold.FCC regulations limit full-poweroperation to 52 minutes per year(0.01%) for a radio licensed withATPC. Since the MDR-8000 withits dB-for-dB adjustment will notreach full power as often, theMDR-8000 can operate muchlonger in the ATPC mode.

Network ManagementOptions

The MDR-8000 provides three 64kb/s service channels and one 16kb/s supervisory channel. Eachservice channel can carry audio(orderwire), RS-232 data, or MCS-11/TBOS/SNMP fault alarm data.

For local display and control, inaddition to the LED displays andmodule controls, a user-friendlygraphical interface operating on anIBM-compatible PC is alsoavailable. The user systeminterface (USI) provides agraphical and intuitive means ofanalyzing the radio, and runs on astandard Windows operatingsystem. With the USI, technicianscan monitor alarms andperformance data in real time, aswell as initiate controls andprovision the radio.

The radio controller and USI alsoprovide a powerful tool foranalyzing path performance andtroubleshooting radio equipmentoperation. The receive signal level(RSL) performance data iscollected and can be viewed in ameaningful format, allowing pathperformance to be analyzed overtime to interpret propagationanomalies.


Robust MultipathCountermeasures

The MDR-8000 employs severaltechniques to overcometroublesome path propagationproblems. Dispersive Fade Margin(DFM) is a critical performanceparameter that gauges a radio’sability to overcome the multipathfading events which can occur onlong paths (over 7 miles). TheMDR-8000 leads the industry inDFM, which allows it to providethe highest path availability of alllong-haul systems.

All-Indoor OperationThe compact shelf design, coupledwith the wide array of transmitterpower options available, allows theentire MDR-8000 to be mountedindoors. With no tower-mountedelectronics to worry about,maintenance and troubleshootingare greatly simplified. The entireradio is readily accessible withoutthe need for climbing towers.Network technicians do not needtower-climbing certification inorder to maintain the radios. Thisis of primary importance duringinclement weather or ifmaintenance needs to beperformed at night.

Choice of ModulationTechniques

The MDR-8000 utilizes both 32and 128 Trellis Code Modulation(TCM), and 64 QuadratureAmplitude Modulation (QAM) totake full advantage of FCClicensing rules based on spectrumefficiency. Using 128 TCM enablesthe MDR-8000 to squeezemaximum capacity in the allowedchannel spacings, whilemaintaining robust pathperformance. This can provide thecritical difference during

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The MDR-8000 also offers achoice of network managementinterfaces and protocols. Theparallel interface provides access toradio and station information,including both radio and stationalarms and status, as well ascontrols. The serial interfacesupports a variety of networkmanagement protocols includingMCS-11, E2A/TBOS, and SNMP.

The MCS-11 protocol consistsof RS-422 formatted data whichcan be transported over one of theMDR-8000’s 64 kb/s digital servicechannels, independent of the radiotraffic, to an external MCS-11Monitor Control System. MCS-11is a 4-wire, poll/response,synchronous, half-duplex monitorand control system whereby amaster (primary) station polls oneremote (secondary) station at atime and waits for a responsebefore polling the next station.Poll and response messages arecarried in the service channeltransparent overhead bit streams.

E2A/TBOS (telemetry byte-oriented serial) is a 4-wire serialinterface conforming to the EIARS-422 standard per Telcordia(Bellcore) Publication 49001.Poll and response messages arecommunicated to the radio via anexternal fault alarm remote or PC.

Increasingly, as telecommunicationsnetworks evolve, networkoperators are scrambling toharmonize management ofequipment that spans multiplevendors and multiple protocols.SNMP allows network operators to

bring equipment togetherunder one common networkmanagement umbrella. Based onTelecommunications ManagementNetwork (TMN) standards, SNMPprovides a vehicle to improveinteroperability betweenequipment vendors and simplifynetwork management foroperators. SNMP networkmanagement is enabled in new orexisting MDR-8000 radios by thesimple installation of the optionalTMN interface module. The TMNinterface module supports SNMPtransport over TCP/IP LAN andserial point-to-point facilities. TheMDR-8000 is compatible withSNMP V1, V2, or V3. The SNMPMIB (management informationbase) for the MDR-8000 supportscomplete management (alarms,status, controls, performance, andprovisioning) of the radio.

In addition, the MDR-8000supports a feature called theExtended Link Monitor Channel(ELMC). A standard feature of theradio, the ELMC extends thefunctionality of the User SystemInterface (USI) to allow the localcraft person to remotely view theprovisioning, alarms, and statusinformation and control commandsfor any radio contiguouslyconnected to the network. Theperformance monitoring, alarmand status information, and remotecontrols are accessible through theELMC channel, independent ofnetwork management interfaces.Remote provisioning and softwaredownloading capability is alsosupported by the ELMC channel.

Full Range ofConfigurations

The MDR-8000 radio family isavailable in a full range ofconfigurations, to meet everynetwork requirement and budgetconstraint. Nonstandby andhot-standby configurations aresupported in both linear and ringmodes, while frequency diversityand collapsed rings are alsoavailable. In addition toequipment protection, spacediversity receivers can becombined with any of theseconfigurations to overcome pathpropagation problems. With a dualreceiver module available, spacediversity can be easily added tononstandby radios at minimal cost.The dual receiver module supportsspace diversity operation,economically and efficiently, in thesame profile as a traditional singlereceiver subsystem. For ultimatepath protection, both space andfrequency diversity can becombined in a quad-diversityconfiguration. When using thedual receiver module in quaddiversity configurations, all fourreceivers can be populated in asingle shelf, minimizing the sizeof the deployed system. Quaddiversity is extremely useful forovercoming the challenges oftroublesome paths, such as thosecovering very long distances ortransmitting over water.

For microwave routes that requirehigh-density cross sections, suchas multiple OC-3 channels, theMDR-8000 also provides a

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MultiChannel configuration.While historically theseapplications have been addressedby multiline systems, there aresome drawbacks to that approach.With a MultiChannelconfiguration, each workingchannel has 100% equipmentprotection, unlike multilinesystems that share a single protectchannel across each workingchannel. This provides higherreliability, and can protect againsthardware failures on multiplechannels. Also, switchingrestrictions based on priority areeliminated. By removing therequirement for a separateprotection channel, frequencycoordination is simplified andspectrum is freed up for anadditional working channel.Likewise, by eliminating themultiline switch functions,maintenance is greatly simplified.

The MDR-8000 MultiChannelhardware and software is totallycompatible with all otherconfigurations of the radio. Thecommon network managementand maintenance practices weredesigned to simplify operation.

SummaryThe MDR-8000 was a breakthrough design at its introduction, and theforward-thinking platform is so advanced that it continues to lead theindustry today. With unmatched capabilities for meeting unique customerrequirements, the MDR-8000 is unrivaled in its flexibility and performance.Whether the need is for low capacity versus high capacity, TDM versusEthernet, or short-haul versus long-haul transmission, the MDR-8000offers configurations to provide any level of protection or path availability.When your network requirements call for wireless transmission, the logicalchoice is to look to the microwave experts at Alcatel-Lucent. Let us putour expertise to work for you by demonstrating how the MDR-8000 cansatisfy your specific applications.

Network ExpertiseIn addition to having the mostcomplete microwave portfolio inthe industry, Alcatel-Lucent is alsoable to offer our customerscomplete, integrated systems,incorporating numeroustechnologies from our broadportfolio of telecommunicationsproducts. Our design andengineering expertise incorporatesvirtually all aspects oftelecommunications networks.We also offer powerful networkmanagement platforms to givecustomers end-to-end visibilityand control over complexnetworks with multiple products.

With all these technologies, wegive our customers several choiceson how to build their networks.We are there every step of the wayto help you make the best use ofthe right products to meet yourneeds. And when we put theseproducts together to form a customsolution to meet your needs, ourfirst-hand experience assures thateverything works seamlessly.Alcatel-Lucent’s ownershipof the technology in the systemswe sell gives our customers moreoptions, more depth, and greaterpeace of mind.

MDR-8000 MultiChannel Configuration –

Four OC-3s in a Single 7' Rack

Page 16: Alcatel-Lucent MDR-8000 Digital Microwave Radio · Alcatel-Lucent MDR-8000 Digital Microwave Radio Family

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