album cover analysis

Album cover analysis

Upload: romysmillie

Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Album cover analysis

Album cover analysis

Page 2: Album cover analysis

This cover focuses on the artist. A clear high definition close up image of the Jessie J’s face is used for the cover.

‘The writing ‘Jessie J‘ has been put in digitally over the image, the writing is big bold and gold, this fits in with her image as she is known for wearing big over the top gold earrings and jewellery.’

A light pink background has been used, this is a contrast to the dark colours of Jessie’s clothes and make up, making her stand out against it.

The back cover sticks to the pink and black colour scheme, so that the cover sticks to the same theme.

The actual print on the CD sticks to the overall theme, being light pink and also using the same font as on the cover and shiny writing also like on the cover

She has a full face of make up, painted nails, jewellery and her hair is neat, she is dressed up as if she is going out.

On the back cover the tracks are listed, in the same order that they play on the CD.

Jessie J

Page 3: Album cover analysis

A parental advisory warning has been added to the front cover because of the type of language used.

She has been made to appear doll like. The photo has been photo shopped to make her legs look longer and also her arms have been cropped out, this makes her look like a children's Barbie doll toy. She has also been air brushed to make her appear flawless. This overall image shows through the genre of pop as it is known to be quite girly.

She is dressed up with a full face of make-up, nice dress, hair done and heels on.

The colour scheme of the album is pink and white, barely any other colours are used. This gives the album a very girly feel.

The writing on the front has been added digitally to the image. The word ‘Pink’ on the front is in the same well known font Barbie use.

Another image of Niki has been used for the back cover, it is from the same photo shoot as the image on the front.

A list of the tracks on the album are on the back, positioned to the left hand side

Niki Manaj

Page 4: Album cover analysis

Like the Jessie J cover this focuses on the artist, A close up image of Rhianna’s face has been used. The image is in black and white and shows her blowing smoke from her mouth, this represents Rhianna’s image as a bad girl as smoking is seen as a negative thing.The way that she has been shot to make us think that she isn't wearing any clothes again represents her to be a bad girl and risky.

Again she is done up and looks nice with make up, jewellery and her hair and nails done.

The album name is added in digitally to the cover and is written in capitals small at the bottom. The writing is in grey making it blend in with the rest of the cover, this is different to the other album covers as it is more subtle.

The back cover shows an image of rhianna, again wearing minimal clothing and smoking, continuing to show her bad girl image.

The back cover image is in colour which is a big contrast to the rest of the CD because of the black and white.

The cover doesn’t actually say who's album it is it just has her first initial.


Page 5: Album cover analysis

This album follows a funhouse theme, which is the name of one of her tracks. The front cover image is a long shot of Pink sat on a rocking horse. The background is made up of strips of colour with writing on them. The main colours colours, being red and yellow, stick to the theme of a fun house as these are the traditional colours used for a circus. They are also very vibrant, giving the cover a fun vibrant feel.

The writing is the typical font recognised to be used at circuses and fun houses, again fitting to the theme.

Like the Rhianna cover the front and back images show her to be wearing minimal clothing and also show her tattoos, this fits in with Pinks image as she is known to be slightly wild.Also her positioning on the horse, having her hands thrown in the air, mouth wide open and leg up represents her to be wild and fun.

A variation of different font sizes are used on the cover, this gives it a wacky and slightly hectic feeling.
