albg business business meeting...

ALBG Business Meeting November 21, 2008 The meeting was called to order by President Hohmann at 6:32 PM. There were 24 licensed members and 2 Associate members in attendance. The minutes of the September meeting were read by Christine Wolfe. A correction to the section dealing with the 2009 Elections was noted. There are THREE 3 year positions not TWO 2 year positions. Ted Gajewski made a motion that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Second was by Jim Hueting. Motion passed. Deb Novotny submitted the Quarterly Treasurers report (attached). Total ALBG assets at the end of the quarter were $64,346.35. John Fuss made a motion that the report be accepted as read. Second was by Jim Hueting. Motion passed Phil Lechak gave the Membership report. There are currently 303 members of the ALBG, both Licensed and Associate. There were 322 members of the ALBG on the September report. Jan White and Stacy Kilts, our newest Licensed Members of the ALBG, were in attendance and were recognized for their achievement. Christina Moon has also passed her Oral Exam to become a LBG but has not yet joined the ALBG. John Fuss reported (attached) that for the ten month period ending October 2008 total LBG tours were down by 372 or down by 1.7%. Bus tours were up 484 but the total tour count was down as cars, vans, and Cemetery Walks were in decline. Gettysburg National Military Park Statistics – First Ten Months 2008 Car Tours: 14,151 -447 -3.0% Bus Tours: 6,485 +484 +8.1% Van Tours: 819 -320 -28.2% Cemetery Walks: 45 -89 -66.4% Total Tours: 21,500 -372 -1.7% Rick Hohmann gave a preliminary Seminar Report noting that there was a deficit of $1,628.78. This is attributed to the large increase in the bus fee. Alternatives are being investigated for next year’s event. Rick pointed out that it was from past Seminar proceeds that the $5,000 check given to the NPS was taken. This was the check pledged as a reward for the capture of those who

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Page 1: ALBG Business Business Meeting November 21, 2008 The meeting was called to order by President Hohmann at 6:32 PM. There

ALBG Business Meeting

November 21, 2008 The meeting was called to order by President Hohmann at 6:32 PM. There were 24 licensed members and 2 Associate members in attendance.

The minutes of the September meeting were read by Christine Wolfe. A correction to the section dealing with the 2009 Elections was noted. There are THREE 3 year positions not TWO 2 year positions. Ted Gajewski made a motion that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Second was by Jim Hueting. Motion passed.

Deb Novotny submitted the Quarterly Treasurers report (attached). Total ALBG assets at the end of the quarter were $64,346.35. John Fuss made a motion that the report be accepted as read. Second was by Jim Hueting. Motion passed

Phil Lechak gave the Membership report. There are currently 303 members of the ALBG, both Licensed and Associate. There were 322 members of the ALBG on the September report. Jan White and Stacy Kilts, our newest Licensed Members of the ALBG, were in attendance and were recognized for their achievement. Christina Moon has also passed her Oral Exam to become a LBG but has not yet joined the ALBG.

John Fuss reported (attached) that for the ten month period ending October 2008 total LBG tours were down by 372 or down by 1.7%. Bus tours were up 484 but the total tour count was down as cars, vans, and Cemetery Walks were in decline.

Gettysburg National Military Park

Statistics – First Ten Months 2008

Car Tours: 14,151 -447 -3.0%

Bus Tours: 6,485 +484 +8.1%

Van Tours: 819 -320 -28.2%

Cemetery Walks: 45 -89 -66.4%

Total Tours: 21,500 -372 -1.7%

Rick Hohmann gave a preliminary Seminar Report noting that there was a deficit of $1,628.78. This is attributed to the large increase in the bus fee. Alternatives are being investigated for next year’s event. Rick pointed out that it was from past Seminar proceeds that the $5,000 check given to the NPS was taken. This was the check pledged as a reward for the capture of those who

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had desecrated three monuments the previous year. After the one year period the funds were donated to the Monument Restoration Fund.

Jim Clouse reported that Dave Richards and Ted Gajewski have completed the outer wall of the new ALBG Office and will be working on a drop ceiling and bookcases against the back wall. He told the two new Licensed ALBG Members that he will provide them with a key to the office located at 241 Steinwehr Avenue. Jim told us that the building owner, with whom we negotiated the lease, had defaulted and the original owners have taken back the building. The current owners are interested in our renewing our current lease when it expires at the end of July 2009.

Jim Clouse next gave a brief Library report. The Committee has not spent any monies in 2008 but is looking forward to updating the collection now that we have a facility to showcase it. In the near future Jim will be announcing the annual ‘Book Binding / Rebinding’ effort.

The 2008 Association Day event, Civil War Walking Tour in Washington DC, scheduled in October was rained out. The rain date has been set for April 4, 2009. Fred Hawthorne has indicated that we may be able to have a Sign-Up Sheet on the ALBG website, this will allow the tour presenters to know who will be in attendance.

George Newton presented the Continuing Education plans for the future: Jim Hueting at the January meeting, Rich Kohr for a February ‘Frozen Fingers’ walk, and Anthony Nicastro at the March meeting. There are also plans to ask Kathy Harrison for an ‘Evening with Kathy’ presentation, an outdoor March 21 Drill and Maneuver session, and on June 6 – a Battle-walk with Troy Harmon. The ALBG is actively trying to reestablish our educational ties with the NPS staff.



John Fuss discussed the need for an Audit Committee to be formed to audit the 2008 books of the Association. George Newton made a motion that President Hohmann appoint John Fuss, Guillermo Bosch, and Phil Lechak to perform this audit. Second was by Stewart Dempsey. Motion passed.

Jim Hueting, with the assistance of Ted Gajewski, distributed the 2009 Election Ballot, discussed the voting procedures, and announced that any candidate present could speak concerning his candidacy. President Hohmann gave a brief summation of his plans for the next year. Elections were held and the Nominating Committee left to tally the votes.

The vote on the BY-LAW changes, as previously announced was made. Jim Clouse noted the two typo errors on the suggested changes. Howie Frankenfield made a motion that the BY-LAW changes, as corrected, be accepted. Second was by Stewart Dempsey. Motion passed.

Page 3: ALBG Business Business Meeting November 21, 2008 The meeting was called to order by President Hohmann at 6:32 PM. There

President Hohmann public thanked Deb Novotny for her many years of service in the ALBG Treasurer position.

President Hohmann then asked Jim Tate to come forward. Jim was awarded with a Certificate stating that a ‘Brick” had been purchased in his name for the Wall of Honor (World War II) veterans at the American Legion. Jim was acknowledged with a lengthy standing ovation.

The meeting went into a brief recess pending the outcome of the election process.

Jim Hueting announced the election results. Discounting an invalid vote for John Latschar for ALBG President, he is not an Association member in good standing, Rick Hohmann for President, George Newton for Vice-President, Fred Hawthorne for Secretary, Phil Lechak for Treasurer, Howie Frankenfield for Parliamentarian, and Paul Bauserman for a three year term on the Ethics Committee were all unanimous. Elected to the Executive Council for a TWO year term are Guillermo Bosch, Jim Clouse, and Deb Novotny. Elected to the Executive Council to fill a ONE Year vacancy is Tony Delacy.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM.

The meeting was followed by a Continuing Education Presentation on Camp Letterman given by Phil Lechak.

Respectfully submitted,

Phil Lechak Secretary Pro Tem

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