albert wavering bobby seng. week 4: javascript quiz announcements/questions


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Page 2: ALBERT WAVERING BOBBY SENG. Week 4: JavaScript  Quiz  Announcements/questions

Week 4: JavaScript

Quiz Announcements/questions

Page 3: ALBERT WAVERING BOBBY SENG. Week 4: JavaScript  Quiz  Announcements/questions

What is JavaScript?

Programming language! ‘Scripting’

Lightweight Embedded or linked to HTML pages No compilation Is interpreted by a user’s browser on

page load Compatibility problems?

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JavaScript’s Place

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">…JavaScript code goes here…</script></head><body></body></html>

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JavaScript’s Place

<html><head><script type="text/javascript"


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Java vs. JavaScript

Similarities? Syntax Object-oriented

Differences Everything else

Good news Really simple to understand

Real Name? ECMAScript

ECMA: information systems standards organization

ECMA-262 = JavaScript

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Uses of JavaScript

Information processing Updating element content

Creating interactive webpages Moving elements Changing visibility of elements

Asynchronous data transfer Ex.: Facebook, Google Instant

Cookie storage/retrieval Store user data (‘keep me logged in’, etc)

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JavaScript Output to Browser For now, use

document.write(someVariable); This is not professionally used but is

good for testing and debugging Later on we’ll be able to select

elements, modify them, and generally wreak havoc

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Normally structured with functions If/else/while/switch/for

Dynamically typed Variables are typed by their data

Object oriented Objects are collections of data and functions

Fails silently No error messages to user about code Test each segment of code as you complete

it Use Firebug or similar

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Dynamic Typing

x = " Test… ";x = 5;x = 5 + 6; //x is now equal to 11

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Object-Oriented Programming? An object-oriented program allows

you to make ‘objects’ and use them to store data and perform functions

An object can store variables and prototypes

You can specify a type of object, then create instances of that object with different data

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Brief Intro to Objects

Declare them with name ‘function’ JS functions are objects

The keyword ‘this’ refers to elements belonging to the current object

function car(color, doors, type){this.color = color;this.doors = doors;this.type = type;


delorean = new car("silver", 2, "timetraveling");

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function car(color, doors, type){this.color = color;this.doors = doors;this.type = type;this.speed = 0; = drive;}

function drive(newSpeed){this.speed = newSpeed;


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delorean = new car("silver", 4, "timetraveling");;

//now delorean.speed equals 88

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JavaScript Statements

Statements are ended with a semicolon Variable = value;

Where ‘value’ is anything that evaluates to a number, string, object, etc.

Comments denoted by: //Single line /*

Multiple-linecommentsare fun*/

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JavaScript Statements

Conditional statements and loops use code blocks Curly brackets denote these blocks of


if(I like cookies){do some stuff;


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Flow Control

if(logical or numerical comparison){//code executed if condition evaluates to true

}else if(another comparison){

//code executed if the first condition was not //met but this one is


//code executed if no other condition evaluated //to true


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Mathematical Operators

Normal arithmetic operators Add + (combines strings too!) Subtract - Multiply * Divide / Modulus %

Increment ++ Decrement --

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More Math

Let x = 15 Assignment operators op x is:

Set to = x = 5 5 Add and set += x += 5

20 Subtract from, set -= x -= 5

10 Multiply with, set *= x *= 2

30 Divide with, set /= x /= 5 3 Modulo with, set%= x /= 6 3

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JavaScript Comparators

Logical comparisons and && or || not ! equal to == not equal to !=

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JavaScript Comparators

Equal to == Not equal to != Greater than > Greater than or equal to >= Less than < Less than or equal to <=

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Variable Scope

Places in the document where the variable exists to be used

Variables are global by default Can use them anywhere

Object variables only scoped within their object

To apply local scope to a variable inside a function Keyword ‘var’

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Variable Scope

Inside a function, a local variable of the same name as a global variable takes precedence

When declaring variables inside functions, they are only local if the keyword ‘var’ is used

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Variable Scope

x = 5;

function addFive(input){var x = 0;return input + x;



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JavaScript Loops

for(var counter = start; counter <= stop; counter++)

First statement runs once before looping starts

Middle statement evaluated at the beginning of each loop; loop continues if it is true

Last statement: performed at the end of each loop

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JavaScript Loop Example

for(var counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++){

document.write(counter + " Jump around!<br/> ");


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Other Looping Constructs

while(condition) Loops until condition evaluates to false

do…while(condition) Loops until condition evaluates to false

(but always at least once)

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while vs do…while

while(x < 5){some stuff


do{some stuff

}while(x < 5);

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Write an HTML file that implements four JavaScript functions, defined on the next slide

Your file doesn’t actually have to perform the functions automatically; just implement and test them so they work

Due by next class (9/30) Don’t worry about validation for now

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Homework Description

function combine(x, y) This should concatenate (combine) the strings x and y into

a single string and print it function print(words, count)

This should write the string ‘words’ as many times as is defined by the number count

function choose(x, y, z) This should write:

x if x > y > z y if y > x z otherwise

function fibonnaci(n) This should write out the Fibonacci sequence up to the nth

term ‘the first two Fibonacci numbers are 0 and 1, and each

subsequent number is the sum of the previous two’ [Wikipedia]