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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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The Alba Carolina fortress was built between 1714 and 1738 and it is considered to be the most representative baroque, Vauban-type star fortress in Romania and one of the largest of this kind in Eastern Europe.

Fortăreaţa cu bastioane de tip Vauban a fost construită la începutul secolului al XVIII-lea pe Dealul Citadelei, având rol de fortificaţie strategică de apărare a Imperiului Habsburgic împotriva eforturilor militare ale Imperiului Otoman şi de consolidare a puterii habsburgice pe plan local.

Built in the first half of the 18th century, the First Gate of the Fortress of Alba Iulia is located at the East extremity, has the form of a triumphal arch and three entrances

Above the entrances, in the centre, there is the coat of arms of the House of Austria (the bicephalous eagle with the sward and the scepter), framed by the statues of Venus and Mars, with two bombers in the shooting position on the sides

On the outside there is represented the scene in which Aeneas saves his father from the fires of Troy and the fight scene between Hercules and Anteus

Aeneas, fleeing Troy, is carrying his father Anchises Eneea isi salveaza tatal din flacarile Troiei

The fight scene between Hercules and Anteus: Heracles wrestling the giant Antaeus

Lupta lui Hercule cu Anteu

In the inside one can see Perseus with Medusa’s head and Hercules fighting with the lion of Nemeea.

Perseus with Medusa’s headPerseu cu capul Meduzei

Poarta I (the first gate) was renovated between 2001 and 2006

Hercules fighting with the lion of NemeeaLupta lui Hercule cu leul din Nemeea



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The gates are looked upon as extremely valuable samples of early and plastic figurative Baroque. Today, only three gates preserve the original look. The gates are richly adorned, decorated with statues and reliefs by sculptors like Johann König, Johann Vischer and Giuseppe Tencalla, and have been a model for the 18th century Transylvanian architecture.

The Second gate

Obeliscul (the Obelisk), (the work of sculptor I. Fekete and architect O.Mihailean), with a high of 22.5 meters, located on the Furcilor Hill, at the entrance in Alba Carolina. This one was built in 1937 in the memory of the three peasants that run the uprising of 1784, Horea, Closca and Crisan, and who were tortured and killed at the order of the Habsburgs.

Between the 18th and 19th centuries the fortress served as the military headquarters of Transylvania and also as a general armament repository. It was once one of the most powerful citadels in southeastern Europe, and served in the line of defense meant to keep out Turkish invaders from Central Europe.

Monumentul „Horea, Cloşca şi Crişan” Sculptor Ioan Bolborea (Romania, 1956)

Ca zidari şi pietrari au lucrat muncitori şi meşteri italieni, iar pentru sculptură la porţile cetăţii şi bastioane a fost adusă echipă vieneză, condusă de sculptorul Johann König

Alba Carolina fortress was built between 1714 and 1738, its walls being laid out in the shape of a seven-point star. The walls were made of bricks, quarry stones, or out of the Roman ruins, measuring 3 m at the base and 1.20 m at the top, being sustained by abutments in order to neutralize the earth's force.

Sculptor Ioan Bolborea (Romanian, 1956)

Monumentul-rotor, simbol al eroilor revoluţiei de la 1784-1785, Horea şi Closca, care au fost executati in 28 februarie pe Dealul Furcilor din Alba Iulia, amplasat pe şan ul de nord al Cetț ăţii Alba Carolina, în faţa Catedralei Reîntregirii Neamului

Horea and Clo ca were șexecuted by breaking on the wheel on 28 February 1785 at Dealul Furcilor (Forks Hill), Alba-Iulia. Cri an hanged șhimself on the night before the execution.

Sculptor Ioan Bolborea (Romanian, 1956)

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Otilia Contraş

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Sound: Nicolae Furdui Iancu - Cântecul lui Horea