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  • Squence 3-AN01 81

    From Africa to America


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  • Squence 3-AN01 83

    Chapitre 1 > Civilisation et culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

    Chapitre 2 > Texte 1 : I have a dream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

    Chapitre 3 > Prononciation et vocabulaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

    Chapitre 4 > Grammaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

    Chapitre 5 > Prsentation orale du texte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

    Chapitre 6 > Texte 2 : The Colour of Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

    Chapitre 7 > Prononciation et vocabulaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

    Chapitre 8 > Expression crite - crire un dialogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

    Chapitre 9 > Pratique de la traduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

    Chapitre 10 > Prsentation orale du texte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

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  • Squence 3-AN01 85

    ontenu de la squence 3

    Let my people go Le mythe amricain dj corrompu

    Cette troisime squence aborde un aspect essentiel du monde amricain : lesclavage des Noirs dans les tats des Etats-Unis du sud alors mme que le pays se proclamait le pays de la libert, la division profonde entre les Amricains du nord et du sud concernant labolition de cet esclavage, la guerre de Scession qui en rsulta (1861-1865) et la longue lutte pour les Droits civiques des Noirs au XXe sicle.

    Civilisation et culture

    Comprhension crite

    Expression orale

    Expression crite


    Comptence linguistique

    From Africa to America Slavery Civil War the fight for Civil Rights of African Americans.

    I have a dream, Martin Luther Kings speechThe Color of Water

    I have a dream : prsentation oraleThe Color of Water : prsentation oralePrononciation : le rythme dans un discours ; lintonation montante ou descendante

    Insrer un dialogue dans une narration

    Savoir classer les mots : suffixes en dom et -hoodVocabulaire : la condition des Noirs ; lexpression des sentiments ; les verbes introducteurs du discours directTraduction : le niveau de langue

    Lexpression de lavenir avec will ; limpratif ; les articles

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  • Squence 3-AN01 87

    Civilisation and culture :from Africa to America


    Read the information and study the documents before answeringthe questions. What is slavery?

    Slavery has been imposed on people since mankinds earliest history. When a clan defeated another clan, the prisoners could be killed or become *bound to their captors. They would work for them and were a *commodity to be sold. Slavery didnt necessarily mean brutality. Some slaves would eventually be freed. But slavery in the Americas was a different story.

    The early European colonials in America (Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, French and British) of the 16th century saw how profitable it was to colonise the New World with cheap *labour. The native Indians were not strong and were decimated by the European diseases. This was not the case for the Africans who had immunity from earlier contacts with Europeans. The lucrative slave trade started between Africa, Europe and America.

    The first Africans in the American colonies landed in Virginia one year before the Pilgrims landed in New Plymouth. The Negroes were soon indispensable for southern agriculture like cotton, tobacco and rice. But although they worked side by side with whites the colonial laws quickly came to exclude them. Inter-racial marriages were forbidden, the courts treated a black criminal more harshly, it was forbidden to educate blacks, African religious practices were *outlawed as well as African languages and dances. Their conversion to Christianity went without saying.

    White immigrants viewed blacks as different. A group of slaves or of poor who were *untrustworthy, sexu-ally overactive and overgrown children who could be treated harshly and were to be distinguished by their black colour.

    Photo du film Amistad (1997) AKG-images TM & Dreamwork/Cooper, Andrew

    This film by Steven Spielberg (1998) was based on a novel by Alex D. Pate (1997).It relates an historical event which took place in 1839. About 50 Africans had been captured in Africa and taken abord the Spanish slave ship Amistad.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 88

    They managed to seize the ship and killed two crewmen.However, the Amistad was seized by a U.S ship and the Africans were put on *trial.They were eventually freed as it was argued that everyman can escape from illegal* bondage.Those who had not died were returned to their homeland in Sierra Leone.The film had a great impact as it showed the life and death on board a slave ship. The trial was also the occasion to depict how the US were divided between the supporters of slavery and the abolitionists.

    Vocabulary help To bind (bound, bound) = liera commodity = une denrelabour = main duvreoutlawed = dclar illgal

    untrustworthy = indigne de confiancea trial = un procsbondage = esclavage

    Do the following work.

    a) Tick the correct answers.1. Slaves were bought and sold. Yes No 2. Slavery has always been a common practice throughout history. Yes No 3. The French were slave traders. Yes No 4. The Indians were as strong as the Africans. Yes No 5. Only Blacks worked in cotton fields. Yes No 6. African songs and dances were encouraged to keep the slaves happy. Yes No 7. Colonial laws were set to protect the black slaves from their masters. Yes No 8. As a consequence of the colonial laws, poor whites began to see character Blacks as different

    from them. Yes No

    b) Describe the still from the film Amistad: place, time, and people. Indicate what may have happened previously. Imagine this mans feelings.





    Check your work.


    The Road to Freedom Read the information and study the illustrations (on the next page).

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  • Squence 3-AN01 89

    left to die after a beating. The book showed the inhumanity of slavery which separated a Negroe from those he loved and made him a subhuman exposed to incredible violence, without any control over his life. It was a huge success and contributed to the indignation againt slavery in the Northern states and to the abolitionist cause.

    Now give a definition for the following expressions, using the documents

    a) The Underground Railroad..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    b) A free state


    c) An abolitionist.............................................................................................................................................................

    Check your answers.

    Harriet Tubman (1820-1913) was a runaway slave from Maryland. She led hundreds of sla-ves to freedom and was called the Moses of her people. She would lead them along the Underground Railroad, a secret route from the South to the North where fugitives could find safe houses. Later she became a spy for the Union during the Civil War and was a leader in the abolitionist movement.

    In the 1850s controversy was strong concerning the slavery issue. The Northern states of the US did not allow slavery. As the nation expanded westward, the new states were closed to sla-very. They were called free states. However the southern states didnt like having new free states as their neighbours. Moreover, there were skirmishes in new states which had both slaves and free Negroes as in Kansas.

    In 1852 a woman writer, Harriet Beecher Stowe, published a novel denouncing the cruelty of sla-very: Uncle Toms Cabin. It portrayed the life of Tom, a slave who is sold to a new master and

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  • Squence 3-AN01 90


    The Civil War

    Read the following statements and completethem with words from below

    The Confederate flag

    Portrait de Abraham Lincoln AKG-images

    Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free.

    Read the following statements and complete them with words from the list below.

    Union, bloody; issued; elected; secede; surrender; slavery; Lee; represents; Grant; thirteen; Southern; assassinated; Blacks. By the time Abraham Lincoln was ................................... president in 1861, the Civil War had already started. The reason was that the Southern states had decided to .................................. (faire scession) from the Union.The Southern States wanted to continue .................................. while the Northern States wanted to abolish it in the whole country.The general in command of the South was General ......................The generals in command in the North were Sheridan and .......................... The Confederates represented the .............................. forces.The ......................... represented the Northern forces.The flag on the left above ............................ the Union.The confederate flag represents the .............................. states which supported the secession.Lincoln .............................. the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, during the war.After the abolition of slavery some ........................ joined the army of the Union.The Civil War was extremely ............................., ending with 620,000 dead.The war ended in 1865 with the .......................... of General Lee.That same year, President Lincoln was ..................................

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  • Squence 3-AN01 91


    Document iconographique Gone With The Wind Observe the poster and read the caption.

    Affiche du film Gone with the wind collection Christophel

    Based on a novel by Margaret Mitchell which came out in 1936 and was a reconstruction of the Civil War period, this film by David Selznick was released in 1939 and was an immense success. Some rank it as the most popular film of all times. It featured Clark Cable and Vivien Leigh.

    Oral exam The following work is for students preparing the oral examination

    Describe the film poster as if you were presenting it for an oral examination. Prepare the notes on your own paper first then record your presentation.

    Compare your work with the Model Answers.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 92


    Enrich your vocabulary

    Relevez les mots nouveaux classs dans diffrents domaines. Donnez une traduction franaise ou un quivalent anglais.

    Domaine des appellations Domaine de lesclavage Domaine de la politique





    Free men



    African Americans






    A slave ship


    An escapee






    A state


    Be elected


    Be issued


    A flag


    Whats on the Internet?

    www.filmsite (pour des critiques de Gone with the Wind et Amistad) (pour des critiques de Uncle Toms cabin)


    Nous vous conseillons vivement de voir et revoir Gone With the Wind et Amistad

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  • Squence 3-AN01 93

    Texte 1 : I have a dream

    Ce travail est faire par tous.



    Read a chronology of the race relations in the US from 1868 to 1968.









    Black people become American citizens. Meanwhile Southerners set up the Ku Klux Klan, a group of white racists.

    Black people are given voting rights.

    The Civil Rights Bill condemns segregation in public places. However, in the South new laws reinforce segregation.

    Racial discrimination in schools is outlawed.

    Creation of the nonviolent Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) by Martin Luther King a black Baptist minister.

    President Eisenhower sent paratroopers to Little Rock (Arkansas) to impose integration of black children in local schools.

    After a lot of violence against black people throughout the South, some 200,000 demonstrators march to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to demand civil rights for the African Americans. Martin Luther King gives his famous I have a dream speech to the crowd.

    Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, Tennesse, on April 4. The 4th April is a national holiday in the USA: Martin Luther Kings day.


    Using the information above anticipate the content of the speech delivered by Martin Luther King, entitled I have a dreamin some 80 words. (Use be going to, will, may ).............................................................................................................................................................







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  • Squence 3-AN01 94


    CD1Enr. 18

    Listen to Martin Luther Kings speech on the CD twice.

    Observe Kings charisma, notice the way he uses his voice. Pick out the keywords that are repeated several times. Classify them as indicated.

    Keywords associated with discrimination againstthe black people in the U.S.

    Keywords suggesting optimism for the future ofthe black people in the U.S.

    Check your work now.


    Listen and read

    Martin Luther King, 1966 AKG images.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 95

    I have a dream

    Texte Bac toutes sries

    Flash bacLisez par groupes de sens, ne vous arrtezpas aux mots inconnus, lisez jusquau boutsans vous arrter.

    I say to you today, my friends,even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply *rooted in the American Dream.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise upand live out the true meaning of its *creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

    I have a dream that one day, on the red hills of Georgia,the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners, will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi, a desert state *sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips *dripping with the words of interposition and *nullification,one day, right down in Alabamalittle black boys and black girls will be able to join handswith little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

    I have a dream today.This is our hope. This is the *faith that I will go back to the South with.With this faith we will be able to *hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.With this faith, we will be able to transform the *jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.

    With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together,to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

    This will be the day when all of Gods children will be able to sing with new meaning:My country, this of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing:Land where my fathers died,Land of the Pilgrimspride,From every mountain side, Let freedom ring!

    And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.And so let freedom ring from the prodigious *hilltops of New Hampshire!Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York!Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!

    But not only that.Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!










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  • Squence 3-AN01 96

    Let freedom ring from Lookout mountain of Tennessee!Let freedom ring from every hill and *molehill of Mississippi!From every mountainside, let freedom ring!

    When we let freedom ring, when we let it ringfrom every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city,we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children,Black men and white men, Jews and *Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old spiritual,Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.

    Vocabulary help Rooted = enracinCreed = croyanceSweltering = oppressant, touffantDripping = ruisselant, qui dgoutteNullification = invalidation, annulationGentiles = les Gentils, les trangers pourles anciens Hbreux

    faith = la foihew out = tailler, couperjangling = discordanthilltop = sommet dune collinemolehill = taupinire

    General Comprehensiona) Summary

    Using the words equal (line 7), freedom and justice (line 13) sum up Martin Luther Kings dream.




    b) Structure of the textThe text can be divided into two parts. Complete with the appropriate number line.

    Part one up to line .. : In his dream of America, Martin Luther King denounces the conditions of the black people in the U.S. in the past and at the time of his speech.

    From line .... to the end: In this second part he has optimism for their future.

    Detailed Comprehension

    First part the past and the present conditions of the Blacks

    a) Tick the correct answers.

    1.The title alludes (fait allusion) to the American Dream. a personal dream Martin Luther King had.

    Justify by quoting from the text ......................................................................................................

    2. Line 7 is an extract from the American Constitution. American Declaration of Independence.

    b) Quote the line where the past slavery in America is being alluded to.


    Justify with one adjectif taken from that line .......................................................................................

    c) Explain the situation in Mississippi as described in the text.

    . ............................................................................................................................................................

    . ............................................................................................................................................................



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  • Squence 3-AN01 97

    d) George Wallace, the governor of Alabama, refused to obey the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was voted by the Federal Government. Quote the passage indicating Martin Luther Kings indignation.


    e) Indicate the names of the states mentioned so far on the map at the end of the written comprehension.

    Part 2 the futurea) What is the key word in this part?.

    b) What is the key word from lines 24 to 28 showing that Kings optimism is based on his religious beliefs.............................................................................................................................................................

    c) Why are Kings images taken from the Bible or from nature?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    d) Give the names of the religions alluded to line 53. Why are they all mentioned?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    e) Tick the correct answer and justify each time with an example from the text.1. King wants to give his religious conviction to the whole American people. Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................2. He becomes a kind of new prophet preaching from the top of a mountain. Yes No 3. He wants to be heard by the whole human race. Yes No ........................................................................................................................................................

    f) Why does he quote an old Negro spiritual?.............................................................................................................................................................

    g) Put the names of the states mentioned by Martin Luther King on the map.



    MEXICO Austin





    BatonRouge Montgomery

    MiamiNew Orleans

    ColumbiaLittle RockOklahoma City


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  • Squence 3-AN01 98


    Symbolism and imagery a) Complete the following table with examples from part one and two; choose only some examples.

    Use of repetitionsof sentences

    Use of synonymsUse of parallel constructions

    Oppositionsand antonyms

    Images from the Bible or from nature

    Metaphors(2 examples)

    b) Explain why Martin Luther Kings style is effective (efficace). (60 words)..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    Check your work.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 99

    Pronunciation and vocabulary


    Langlais, a ne scrit pas comme a se prononce et a ne se prononce pas comme a scrit !

    Prononciation faire par toutes les sries

    Rptition des mots difficiles du texte

    CD1Enr. 19

    coutez le CD et rptez dans les blancs. Prtez attention laccent de mot.

    Difficulties, truths, brotherhood, Mississippi, injustice, oppression, oasis, vicious, interposition, nullification, faith, to hew out, mountain, symphony, tis of thee, prodigious, New Hampshire, heightening, Pennsylvania, snow-capped, curvaceous, gentiles, Almighty

    Le rythme dans un discours

    CD1Enr. 20

    Savoir marteler son discours fait partie de la rhtorique. Martelez les expressions contenant desrpetitions. Pour marteler, articuler avec force en dtachant les mots.

    coutez, soulignez les expressions quil faut marteler, coutez nouveau et rptez les passagessuivants :

    I have a dream that one day, on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners, will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream today.

    With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

    Lecture expressive : lecture dun passage du texte.

    CD1Enr. 21

    coutez, rptez un passage du texte.

    When we let freedom ring, when we let it ringfrom every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city,we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children,Black men and white men, Jews and *Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old spiritual,Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 100


    Enrich your vocabulary

    Domaines de vocabulaire : idaux ; gographie

    Relevez les mots du texte qui concernent le domaine des idaux. Au besoin utilisez un dictionnaire pour vous assurer du sens des mots suivants.

    Rise up; meaning; creed; truth; equal; together; brotherhood; injustice; oppression; feeedom; justice; judged; character ; join hands; hope; faith; despair; discord; struggle; stand up for; freedom; free; mea-ning; liberty; pride; great; true.

    Relevez les mots concernant la gographie :

    Hill; desert; oasis; sweltering; heat; mountain side; hilltop; slope

    Savoir classer les mots : les suffixes hood, dom indiquant la condi-tion, le statutTrouvez des noms forms comme brotherhood (fraternit), ou freedom (libert) partir des mots suivants :Father; star; bore; boy; martyr; king; child; wise; bore; neighbour; woman; mother; puis donnez leur traduction. Utilisez le dictionnaire si ncessaire.

    Terminaisons en -dom Terminaisons en -hood

    Check your work.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 101

    Enjoy your grammar

    Cette partie est conseille pour tous les candidats.

    Lexpression du futur avec WILL

    Task a) Observez et surlignez les formes verbales.

    One day this nation will rise up.

    The sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together.

    A desert state will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    b) CompltezWILL est un ..................................WILL ne peut pas tre suivi de ................. car un modal est un auxiliaire.Un ..................... sert exprimer le point de vue du locuteur.Le locuteur se demande si une chose a des chances de se produire.WILL exprime la forte probabilit : une chose a de fortes chances de se produire. WILL +V semploie pour exprimer une prdiction rsultant dune rflexion. Il y a alors un marqueur de ................. ou de lieu.Le marqueur de temps dans le premier exemple est : ...................................WILL sabrge en ..............Wont est la forme ........................ de WILL.Will be transformed est la forme ...............................WILL peut tre remplac par SHALL aux ........................ personnes du singulier et du pluriel mais cet usage est devenu rare.On ne peut utiliser quun seul modal par forme verbale.Par consquent, le modal CAN qui exprime la capacit ou lincapacit dun sujet faire quelque chose ne peut pas se mettre au futur car il y aurait alors deux ......................... se suivre.On emploie WILL BE ABLE TO quand il sagit dune prdiction de la ........................ ou de lincapacit.

    Vrifiez vos rponses.

    Task Traduisez en anglais1. Un jour, les enfants noirs et les enfants blancs se donneront la main.2. A lavenir, nous pourrons travailler ensemble et nous battre ensemble.3. Demain, ce pays sera transform en une terre de libert et de justice.4. Vous pourrez alors tre fier de vous.

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    5. Aujourdhui vous devez supporter le racisme et la haine mais bientt vous serez libres.6. Bientt le monde entier se soulvera contre cette injustice et vous serez librs de vos chanes.7. Aujourdhui vous ne pouvez pas aller lcole des Blancs mais demain vous pourrez entrer


    Vrifiez vos rponses.


    Task Observez et retenez

    Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York!Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!

    Traduction :

    Que la libert retentisse des puissantes montagnes de New York !Que la libert retentisse des hautes Alleghenies de Pennsylvanie! Que la libert retentisse des Rocheuses enneiges du Colorado!Que la libert retentisse des pentes arrondies du Colorado!

    la 1re et la 3me personne de limpratif on utilise Let + pronom complment + V la forme affirmative et Lets not la forme ngative.

    Remarquez que nous avons traduit les exemples ci-dessus par un subjonctif franais.

    Limpratif traduit un ordre, un conseil, une interdiction. Il peut tre affirmatif oungatif.

    Impratif la 2e personne Forme affirmative Forme ngative

    On utilise la base verbale Be careful! = Soyez prudent ! Dont be sad! = Ne soyez pas tristes !

    On utilise Dont + V au ngatif Listen! = coute ! Dont believe them! = Ne les croyez pas !

    Impratif la 1re et 3e personne Forme affirmative Forme ngative

    On utilise let +pronom complment + base verbale

    Lets be hopeful! = Soyons confiants ! Lets not despair! = Ne dsesprons pas !

    On utilise Dont + let + pronom complment+V au ngatif ou Let + pronom complment + not+V

    Let them think what they want! = Quils pensent ce quils veulent !

    Dont let them oppress you! = Ne les laissez pas vous opprimer !


    Traduisez les phrases ci-dessous.1. Ne regarde pas !2. Oubliez le pass, regardez vers lavenir !3. Asseyez-vous, calmez-vous et dites-moi ce qui sest pass.4. Ne soyez plus leurs esclaves.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 103

    5. Quils ne vous voient plus comme des tres infrieurs !6. Gardons la foi en lavenir.7. Ne les laissons pas nous dominer !

    Vrifiez vos rponses.

    Les articles


    a) Observez, surlignez les articles a, an, the, (absence darticle).We face the difficulties of today and tomorrow.It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. All men are created equal.A state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression.Little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and little white girls as sisters and brothers.This is the faith I will go down to the South with.And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.Let freedom ring from the Rockies of Colorado.

    b) Justifiez. crivez le numro de lexplication qui convient la fin de chaque phrase ci-dessus :1. Le nom abstrait indnombrable est lexpression dune notion. 2. Le nom abstrait indnombrable expression dune notion est dtermin.3. Il sagit dun nom propre gographique.4. Le nom propre gographique est dtermin.5. Le nom concret dnombrable est un pluriel indtermin.6. Le nom concret dnombrable est un pluriel dtermin.7. Le nom concret est un singulier dtermin.

    Vrifiez vos rponses.


    Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais.1. Les films sur la condition des esclaves noirs me rvoltent.2. Le roman de Harriet Beecher Stowe eut une importance considrable sur lopinion amricaine.3. Lesclavage est une abomination.4. Vous aimez les fims historiques ?5. La Constitution amricaine nadmettait pas lesclavage.6. Lespoir quil a donn aux Noirs fut dterminant.7. LAmrique a t un pays o lunification entre tats a t longue.

    Vrifiez vos rponses.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 104

    Prsentation orale du texte :I have a dream

    Ce travail est recommand seulement pour les candidats aux preuves orales.


    LectureVous vous tes entran lire au moins une partie du texte haute voix aprs chaque phrase ou lment de phrase et rpter.

    Prparation de lexpos

    Compltez la grille de travail ci-dessous. Remarquez que lexpos oral du cours porte sur une analyse dun discours. Il sagit denthousiasmer lauditoire. chaque fois les procds rhtoriques sont mis en avant. Ensuite vous devez faire vos propres rflexions sur cet instant magique de lhistoire du monde.

    La grille ne comporte que quelques rubriques. Cest vous de la remplir laide dlments du cours ou issus de votre rflexion. Vous pouvez ladapter vos besoins. Surlignez les citations sur le texte mme. Rdigez vos notes sur votre propre papier.

    Je dtermine la nature du document et son origine. Je le situe dans le temps et gographiquement.

    Je prsente brivement le contexte historique au moment du discours.

    Je noublie pas de dcrire limage brivement qui montre King dans un geste dorateur montrant ainsi quun discours est la raction entre lorateur et son auditoire.

    Je donne le sujet, jexplique le titre, je rsume le texte.

    Je rdige les deux ou trois premires phrases pour me mettre en confiance ensuite je ne mets que des notes.

    Jen arrive la plus grande partie de mon expos qui rend compte des deux tapes du discours : la violence passe et prsente contre les Noirs et pour la seconde partie son optimisme pour lavenir. Jannonce mon plan. Je maide des rponses lexercice de comprhension crite.

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    I will now give you my presentation of the speech.

    Part one goes from the beginning to line 24 : in is dream of America, Martin Luther King denounces the conditions of the black people in The US in the time and at the time of his speech.

    In part two he has optimism for their future.

    Je reprends chaque partie en donnant son contenu mais toujours sous langle de la qualit de la rhtorique de King. De plus, chaque fois que je rencontre un lment historique je lexplique maidant toujours des questions auxquelles jai rpondu dans mon travail sur la comprhension.

    Cet expos doit comporter beaucoup de citations que je lis avec une bonne intonation en martelant les mots cls.

    Je termine en parlant du discours, ventuellement pour expliquer ce qui se passe ensuite.

    Jlargis le sujet par exemple : la situation des opprims ne peut-elle tre dfendue que par leur effort, la non-violence de Martin Luther King, comme celle de Gandhi et de Nelson Mandela, peut-elle aboutir et pourquoi.

    Janticipe les questions que pourrait poser un examinateur et les prpare, par exem-ple : lhistoire des Noirs dAmrique, les films et romans les concernant etc.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 106

    Texte 2 : The Colour of Water

    Texte Bac pour toutes sries

    Ce travail est faire par tous. Cest un entranement la comprhension crite des sries du baccalaurat crit. Il sert aussi de texte prsenter par les candidats loral.


    Anticipation Look at the picture, the source and the title to anticipate the content:

    1. Look at the picture which illustrates the text, describe it briefly and explain what is for you the colour of water.






    2. Looking at the title, the name of the author and the first five lines of the text: what do you expect to find in the text?














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  • Squence 3-AN01 107

    The color of water

    Flash bacLisez par groupesde sens, ne vous arrtez pas aux mots inconnus, lisez jusquau bout sans vous arrter.

    Why do you cry in church? I asked her one afternoon after service.

    Because God makes me happy.

    Then why cry?

    Im crying because Im happy. Anything wrong with that?

    No, I said, but there was, because happy people did not seem to cry like she did. Mommys tears seemed to come from somewhere else, a place far away, a place inside her that she never let any of us children visit, and even as a boy I felt there was pain behind them. I thought it was because she wanted to be black like everyone else in church, because maybe God liked black people better, and one afternoon on the way home from church I asked her whether God was black or white.

    A deep sigh. Oh boyGods not black. Hes not white. Hes a spirit.

    Does he like black or white people better?

    He loves all people. Hes a spirit.

    Whats a spirit?

    A spirits a spirit.

    What color is Gods spirit?

    It doesnt have a color, she said. God is the color of water. Water doesnt have a color.

    I could buy that, and as I grew older I still bought it; but my older brother Richie dealt with this in a unique way. As a boy, he believed he was neither black nor white but rather green like the comic book character the Incredible Hulk. He made up games about it and absorbed the character completely into his daily life. Im Dr Bruce Banner, hed say as he saw me eating the last of the bologna and cheese. I need a piece of your sandwich. Please give it to me now or Ill get angry. I must have it! Please dont make me angry. Give me that sandwich!!! GIVE ME oh no! Wait ARRHHHHHGGGHHHH! and thereby hed become the Hulk and if I hadnt gobbled my sandwich by then, well, the Hulk got it.

    One morning in Sunday school Richie raised his hand and asked Rev. Owens, Is Jesus white?

    Rev. Owens said no.

    Then how come they make him white here in this picture? Richie said, and he held up our Sunday school Bible.

    Rev. Owens said, Jesus is all colors.

    Then why is he white? This looks like a white man to me. Richie held the picture high so everyone in the class could see it. Dont he look white to you? Nobody said anything.

    Rev. Owens was stuck. He stood there, wiping his face with his handkerchief and making the same noise he made when he preached. Welllll ahh. Wellll ahhhh

    I was embarrassed. The rest of the kids stared at Richie like he was crazy. Richie, forget it, I mumbled.

    Naw. If they put Jesus in this picture here, and He aint black, they should make Him gray. Jesus should be gray.

    Richie stopped going to Sunday school after that, though he never stopped believing in God. Mommy tried and tried to make him go back, but he wouldnt.

    The New Testament, from The Color of Water by James McBride, 1996 by James McBride. Used by permission of Riverheads Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

    Vocabulary help Tears = larmesWhether = siSiblings = frres et sursTo deal with = rsoudre, soccuper deTo gobble = avalerRemarquez lorthographe : color (U.S.)colour (G.B.), gray (U.S.) grey (G.B.)

    To take a cue from sb = faire comme, imiterTo be stuck = tre embarrass, sans parolesTo wipe = essuyerTo mumble = murmurer








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  • Squence 3-AN01 108


    Read the text.


    Written Comprehension

    All students must do the following work WITHOUT USING A DICTIONARY.

    General Comprehension

    a) Nature of the text (several answers)1. This is a narrative passage 2. This is a dialogue 3. This is a narrative passage including several dialogues 4. This is a descriptive passage 5. This is an argumentative passage 6. This is an extract from an autobiographical novel

    b) The topic of the text

    Tick the correct statement.In the text the narrator is concerned with the nature of God. of love.

    c) Structure of the textPut the following statements into the correct order.

    1. Richies argument2. The mothers beliefs3. Richies particularities

    d) Summary

    Sum up the text asking yourself the following questions: Who? Where? When? Why? What? ..............................................................................................................................................................




    Detailed Comprehension

    a) First part, up to line 16 Tick the correct answer and justify by quoting from the text.1. Who does the pronoun her represent in: I asked her (line 1)2. The mother says she is crying because she is happy. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................3. The boy guesses that she has a deep unhappiness. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................4. The mother is black. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................

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    5. According to the mother, God is black. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................

    6. Find in the passage the translations of: mauvais :............................. ; un profond soupir : ................................. ; un esprit :...........................

    7. Write the words or expressions in full when its possible :Im = ................... ; cause =................ ; Gods not black = .......................... ; Mommys tears =................... A spirits a spirit = .......................... ; Water doesnt have a color =.........................

    b) Part two from line 17 to line 23Tick the correct answer and justify by quoting from the text.

    1. Richie thought he was black white green incredible .........................................................................................................................................................

    2. Dr. Bruce Banner is a fictitious character Dr. Bruce Banner can transform himself into the Incredible Hulk. Dr. Bruce Banner can transform himself into a sandwich man. .........................................................................................................................................................

    3. Find in the text the colloquial expressions (lexpression familire) for the following:I could agree with that = .............................................

    c) Part three from line 24 to the endTick the correct answers and justify by quotes. 1. According to Rev. Owens God is white. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................

    2. In the Bible, Jesus is white. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................

    3. Richie wants Jesus to be a mixture of black and white. Yes No .........................................................................................................................................................4. Rewrite into correct English :Dont he look white to you? .................................... ; Naw ; like he was crazy ......................................... ; He aint white.................................... .

    Check your work now.


    Analysing the text

    Ce travail est recommand pour les candidats des sries L, ES et S se prsentant lcrit et pour les candidats se prsentant loral. Habituez-vous soigner langlais dans vos rponses de comprhen-sion. Noubliez pas que pour les preuves de comprhension crite au baccalaurat le fond et la forme comptent.

    Les lves prparant loral ont tout intrt rpondre lcrit sous forme de notes puis oralement en faisant des phrases compltes ensuite ils peuvent senregistrer.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 110

    The point of view of a narration

    Whose point of view is expressed in this passage? Justify in your own words.




    The setting

    In which American community is this taking place? Describe their lives and beliefs as much as you can from the elements in the text. Give quotations when necessary.





    The characters and their feelings

    a) How do we know the boy loves his mother?..............................................................................................................................................................




    b) Describe the relationship between the two brothers. ..............................................................................................................................................................



    c) Explain why the narrator declares: I was embarrassed...............................................................................................................................................................



    d) Considering that the boys had a white mother and a black father how did they each cope with (faire face ) their colour?




    Check your work now.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 111

    Pronunciation and vocabulary


    Langlais, a ne scrit pas comme a se prononce et a ne se prononce pas comme a scrit !


    faire pour toutes les sries

    CD1Enr. 22

    Rptition des mots difficiles du texte

    Rptez quelques mots difficiles du texte.

    coutez le CD et rptez dans les blancs :

    tears, sigh, unique, neither, bologna and cheese, the incredible Hulk, absorbed, thereby, wiping, embar-rassed, stared, mumbled, naw, He aint black, though.

    CD1Enr. 23

    Lecture expressive : lecture dun passage du texte

    coutez les instructions sur le CD.

    coutez un passage du texte, remarquez lintonation montante ou descendante.

    Why do you cry in church? I asked her one afternoon after service.Because God makes me happy.Then why cry?Im crying because Im happy. Anything wrong with that?No, I said, but there was, because happy people did not seem to cry like she did. Mommys tears seemed to come from somewhere else, a place far away, a place inside her that she never let any of us children visit, and even as a boy I felt there was pain behind them. I thought it was because she wanted to be black like everyone else in church, because maybe God liked black people better, and one afternoon on the way home from church I asked her whether God was black or white.

    Enregistrez-vous et coutez-vous.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 112

    Enrich your vocabulary


    Ce travail est faire par les lves dans toutes les sries au baccalaurat.

    1. Deux domaines de vocabulaire se rencontrent dans ce texte : lexpression des sentiments et les verbes introducteur du discours direct Copiez les bulles suivantes pour lexpression des sentiments ensuite compltez-les par des expressions apprises prcdemment, par la suite vous pourrez complter ces classifications.

    crymake me happytearpainmake me angryembarrassedto be stuck

    a deep sighmaking a noise as whenstare

    wipeExpressing feelings

    Les verbes introducteurs du discours direct sont abords dans le chapitre suivant. Nous vous conseillons dapprendre par cur le lexique.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 113

    Expression crite :crire un dialogue

    Task Lisez les conseils suivants

    La tche dexpression crite lcrit de langue au baccalaurat peut tre un dialogue (dialogue uni-quement ou intgr dans un texte narratif).

    Le dialogue doit renseigner le lecteur sur les faits et gestes, opinions et sentiments des personnages, les rapports qui les unissent ou les opposent, leurs origines sociales, leur registre de langue.

    Le dialogue doit respecter une certaine forme.


    Au lieu de commencer directement par un change verbal, votre dialogue peut tre introduit par une ou deux phrases rsumant ou annonant la situation.

    Ex. A white man opened the door. I did not know him. However he looked like someone a photo-grapha painting of a friend of my grandfathers. He began to speak.

    Les parties narratives se font au pass (preterit / pluperfect)

    Langue orale

    Le dialogue doit donner au lecteur lillusion dentendre une langue orale. Les phrases seront donc moins complexes et plus courtes. Les changes ne seront pas trop longs, sinon vous risquez de faire un monologue et dutiliser une langue plutt crite.

    Niveau de langue

    Selon lhumeur ou lorigine sociale des personnages le registre de la langue pourra tre : soutenu, mais pas la langue de la dissertation qui reste crite . formel familier populaire ou argotique **** attention en faire un usage pertinent !***

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  • Squence 3-AN01 114


    guillemets : ouverture et fermeture chaque prise de parole. Guillemets anglais : points, virgules, points dinterrogation, dexclamation, points de suspension. retrait la ligne suivante lorsquil y a changement de locuteur, avec, nouveau, ouverture et

    fermeture des guillemets, contrairement au franais.


    Les parties parles seront souvent ponctues par des verbes qui introduiront ou finiront le dialogue ou renseigneront sur les sentiments des personnages. Vrifiez, avec votre dictionnaire si ncessaire, que vous connaissez les mots suivants. crivez leur traduction dans les cases.

    a. Verbes

    Speak Speak loudly Speak in a low voice Speak to express feelings



    MumbleMutterMurmurWhisper Say in a low voice


    Body language

    To nodTo smileTo shake ones headTo wink

    To frownTo grinTo wave hello / good byeTo stare at

    b. Adverbes



    Conclusion Comme pour lintroduction, il faut une phrase ou deux pour clore le dialogue.

    Reprez les verbes introducteurs du dialogue, le niveau de langue, les gestes, lexpression des sentiments, la ponctuation anglaise dans le paragraphe suivant :

    One morning in Sunday school Richie raised his hand and asked Rev. Owens, Is Jesus white?

    Rev. Owens said no.

    Then how come they make him white here in this picture? Richie said, and he held up our Sunday school Bible.

    Rev. Owens said, Jesus is all colors.

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    Then why is he white? This looks like a white man to me. Richie held the picture high so everyone in the class could see it. Dont he look white to you? Nobody said anything.

    Rev. Owens was stuck. He stood there, wiping his face with his handkerchief and making the same noise he made when he preached. Welllll ahh. Wellll ahhhh

    I was embarrassed. The rest of the kids stared at Richie like he was crazy. Richie, forget it, I mumbled.

    Naw. If they put Jesus in this picture here, and He aint black, they should make him gray. Jesus should be gray.

    Richie stopped going to Sunday school after that, though he never stopped believing in God. Mommy tried and tried to make him go back, but he wouldnt.

    Ponctuer pour donner du sensLisez le texte ci-dessous. II sagit en fait dun court dialogue. La ponctuation et les retours la ligne ont t supprims. Rtablissez-les

    Have a seat james mr light said I sat down and waited for him to say something why dont you want to go to college he asked you used to be so determined to become a teacher he said yes sir I know I replied I saw your dad yesterday he insisted and I could see I was in for a long lecture

    Check your work now.


    Vous allez vous entraner en crivant une histoire entrecoupe de parties dialogues.

    Utilisez un niveau de langue appropri pour le dialogue, notamment les formes contractes, les ono-matopes et les tags lorsque cela est possible donc, une langue parle.

    Subject :

    Continue the story of the extract The Color of Water. Introduce at least one dialogue. Write some 250 words.

    Vrifiez votre travail avec les Model Answers.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 116

    Pratique de la traduction


    Niveau de langueLa traduction doit respecter le niveau de langue.Lorsque la langue est familire et surtout dans le cas de dialogues il faut essayer de trouver lquivalent de la langue utilise par le personnage.

    Exemple Niveau soutenu : Je suis quelque peu inquiet.Niveau formel : Jai peur.Niveau familier : Jai la trouille.Niveau populaire : Jai les boules.

    Exemple Niveau soutenu : Je restai muet de stupeur.Trouvez trois autres niveaux.Niveau formel : Niveau familier : ..Niveau populaire :

    Vrifiez vos rponses.


    Pratique de la traduction

    Traduisez un extrait du texte The Color of Water, de la ligne (One morning, in Sunday school, Richie) jusqu la fin).

    Vrifiez votre travail.

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  • Squence 3-AN01 117

    Prsentation orale du texte : The Color of Water

    Ce travail est recommand seulement pour les candidats aux preuves orales.

    Enregistrez votre expos. Il ny a pas de corrig.

    LectureVous vous tes entran lire au moins une partie du texte haute voix en arrtant le CD aprs chaque phrase ou lment de phrase et rpter.

    Prparation de lexposCompltez la grille de travail ci-dessous. Cette fois-ci lexpos se fonde sur les personnages et non sur les incidents du rcit qui ne sert qu les illustrer.

    Je dtermine la nature du document et son origine. Je le situe dans le temps et gographiquement.

    Je prsente brivement la situation initiale de la famille.

    Je noublie pas de dcrire limage brivement (la description de document iconogra-phique du cours maide).

    Je donne le sujet, jexplique le titre. Ceci me donnant la possibilit de rsumer le texte.

    Je rdige les deux ou trois premires phrases pour me mettre en confiance ensuite je ne mets que des notes.

    Jen arrive la plus grande partie de mon expos qui sappuie sur la description des personnages plutt que sur les tapes du rcit. Jannonce mon plan. Je maide des rponses lexercice de comprhension crite.

    Jlargis le sujet par exemple : la manire dont les enfants peroivent les senti-ments de leurs parents, la force de vivre des enfants capables de se dfendre par leur imagination comme le frre du narrateur, la difficult dtre blanche dans un monde de Noirs comme la mre du narrateur.

    Janticipe les questions que pourrait poser un examinateur et les prpare, par exem-ple : la situation actuelle des Noirs aux tats-Unis.

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