al-ghayah wal taqrib fi al-fiqh al-shafi’ wal taqrib fi al-fiqh al-shafi’i 1...

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i 1 Translated by Abu Amina Elias In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful The following is an abridged translation of Matn Ab Shujj’, also known as al- Ghyah wal-Taqrb. It is a primer on Islamic jurisprudence (al-fiqh) according to the school of Imm al-Shfi’, may Allah have mercy on him. The purpose of the text is to outline for students the primary rules and topics of jurisprudence. It has been abridged here to include only the main practices of sound and valid worship, the five pillars of Islam. ية والتقريبلغا مختصر اThe abridgment of al-Ghyah wal-Taqrb الرحيمِ الرحمن بسمIn the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful ن وصحابته أجمعينلطاهريحمد النبي وآله ا على سيدنا م مين وصلىلعال رب ا الحمدAll praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessings of Allah be upon our master, Prophet Muhammad, his pure family, and his companions altogether.

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Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


Translated by Abu Amina Elias

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The following is an abridged translation of Matn Abi Shujja’, also known as al-

Ghayah wal-Taqrib. It is a primer on Islamic jurisprudence (al-fiqh) according to

the school of Imam al-Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him. The purpose of the

text is to outline for students the primary rules and topics of jurisprudence. It has

been abridged here to include only the main practices of sound and valid worship,

the five pillars of Islam.

مختصر الغاية والتقريب

The abridgment of al-Ghayah wal-Taqrib

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

الحمد هللا رب العالمين وصلى هللا على سيدنا محمد النبي وآله الطاهرين وصحابته أجمعين

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessings of Allah be upon our

master, Prophet Muhammad, his pure family, and his companions altogether.

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


جاع أحمد بن الحسين بن أحمد األصفهاني رحمة هللا تعالى سألني بعض األصدقاء حفظهم قال القاضي أبو ش

هللا تعالى أن أعمل مختصرا في الفقه على مذهب اإلمام الشافعي رحمة هللا تعالى عليه ورضوانه في غاية

من التقسيمات االختصار ونهاية اإليجاز ليقرب على المتعلم درسه ويسهل على المبتدئ حفظه وأن أكثر فيه

وحصر الخصال

The judge Abu Shuja’ Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Isfahani, may Allah

Almighty have mercy on him, said: Some of my colleagues, may Allah Almighty

preserve them, asked me to make an abridgment of the jurisprudence of Imam al-

Shafi’i, may Allah Almighty have mercy on him and be pleased with him, with the

purpose of concisely summarizing it in order to aid the teacher in his lessons and to

facilitate the memorization of the student, and that I would include within it most

legal categories and an inventory of practices.

فأجبته إلى ذلك طالبا للثواب راغبا إلى هللا تعالى في التوفيق للصواب إنه على ما يشاء قدير وبعباده لطيف


So I answered that request, hoping in Allah Almighty for guidance towards what is

correct. Indeed, He has power over all things and He is subtly aware of His


Purification الطهارة

المياه التي يجوز التطهير بها سبع مياه ماء السماء وماء البحر وماء النهر وماء البئر وماء العين وماء الثلج

وماء البرد

Water which is permissible for ritual purification is of seven types: water from the

sky, water from the sea, water from rivers, water from wells, water from springs,

water from snow, and water from hail.

ثم المياه على أربعة أقسام طاهر مطهر غير مكروه وهو الماء المطلق وطاهر مطهر مكروه وهو الماء

ر غير مطهر وهو الماء المستعمل والمتغير بما خالطه من الطاهرات وماء نجس وهو الذي المشمس وطاه

حلت فيه نجاسة

Thereafter, water is of four categories: pure and suitable for purification, not

disapproved for use, which is unaltered water; pure and suitable for purification,

but disapproved for use, which is water stagnated in the sun; pure but not suitable

for purification, which is water previously used or changed by clean substances

mixed into it; and filthy water, in which filth has dissolved.

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


جلد الكلب والخنزير وما تولد منهما أو من أحدهما وعظم الميتة وشعرها نجس وجلود الميتة تطهر بالدباغ إال

إال اآلدمي

The hides of dead animals are purified by tanning, except for the skins of dogs,

swine, and their offspring. The bones and hair of dead animals are filth, except for

human beings.

وال يجوز استعمال أواني الذهب والفضة ويجوز استعمال غيرهما من األواني

It is not permissible to use vessels of gold and silver. It is permissible to use

vessels made from materials besides those two.

ثالثة مواضع أشد استحبابا عند تغير الفم من والسواك مستحب في كل حال إال بعد الزوال للصائم وهو في

أزم وغيره وعند القيام من النوم وعند القيام إلى الصالة

The toothstick (al-siwak) is recommended in every case, except after the decline of

the sun for one who is fasting. It is more strongly recommended in three situations:

when taste in the mouth has changed by staleness or something else, when rising

from sleep, and when commencing the prayer.

وفروض الوضوء ستة أشياء النية عند غسل الوجه وغسل الوجه وغسل اليدين مع المرفقين ومسح بعض

ترتيب على ما ذكرناهالرأس وغسل الرجلين إلى الكعبين وال

The obligatory acts of ablution are six things: intention at the time of washing the

face, washing the face, washing the arms including the elbows, wiping part of the

head, washing the feet up to the ankles, and performance in the order we


وسننه عشرة أشياء التسمية وغسل الكفين قبل إدخالهما اإلناء والمضمضة واالستنشاق ومسح األذنين

للحية الكثة وتخليل أصابع اليدين والرجلين وتقديم اليمنى على اليسرى ظاهرهما وباطنهما بماء جديد وتخليل ا

والطهارة ثالثا ثالثا والمواالة

Its prophetic practices (sunan) are ten things: beginning in the name of Allah,

washing the hands before inserting them into the vessel, rinsing the mouth, sniffing

and expelling water through the nose, wiping the outer and inner parts of the ears

with new water, running fingers through a thick beard, running fingers between

fingers and toes, giving priority to the right side over the left, performing each act

three times, and doing so in continuity.

غير هيئة المتمكن وزوال العقل بسكر أو والذي ينقض الوضوء ستة أشياء ما خرج من السبيلين والنوم على

مرض ولمس الرجل المرأة األجنبية من غير حائل ومس فرج اآلدمي بباطن الكف ومس حلقة دبره على


Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


That which invalidates ablution are six things: whatever exits the two passages

(urine, feces, etc.), sleeping while not firmly seated, losing consciousness due to

intoxication or illness, a man directly touching an unrelated woman without a

barrier, touching human genitals with the inside of the palm, and touching the

anus, according to the new school (of al-Shafi’i after he resided in Egypt).

والذي يوجب الغسل ستة أشياء ثالثة تشترك فيها الرجال والنساء وهي التقاء الختانين وإنزال المني والموت

وثالثة تختص بها النساء وهي الحيض والنفاس والوالدة

That which necessitates a ritual bath are six things, three of which apply to men

and women: contact between the two private parts, ejaculation of fluid, and death.

Three which are specific to women are menstruation, postnatal bleeding, and

performing birth.

لشعر والبشرةوفرائض الغسل ثالثة أشياء النية وإزالة النجاسة إن كانت على بدنه وإيصال الماء إلى جميع ا

The obligatory acts of the ritual bath are three things: intention, removing any filth

that may be on one’s body, and water reaching to every part of the hair and skin.

يم اليمنى على اليسرىوسننه خمسة أشياء التسمية والوضوء قبله وإمرار اليد على الجسد والمواالة وتقد

Its prophetic practices are five: beginning in the name of Allah, performing

ablution before it, passing the hand over the body, performing it in continuity, and

giving priority to the right side over the left.

ة عشر غسال غسل الجمعة والعيدين واالستسقاء والخسوف والكسوف والغسل من واالغتساالت المسنونة سبع

غسل الميت والكافر إذا أسلم والمجنون والمغمى عليه إذا أفاقا والغسل عند اإلحرام ولدخول مكة وللوقوف

وسلمبعرفة وللمبيت بمزدلفة ولرمي الجمار الثالث وللطواف وللسعي ولدخول مدينة الرسول صلى هللا عليه

There are seventeen prophetic ritual baths: the bath on Friday, the two Eids, the

drought prayer, the solar eclipse prayer, the lunar eclipse prayer, the bath after

washing the dead, the unbeliever when he embraces Islam, the insane and the

unconscious after regaining consciousness, the bath at the time of entering the state

of pilgrimage (al-ihram), entering Mecca, standing for Arafat, residing at

Muzdalifah, throwing stones at the three pillars, performing circumambulation,

running between al-Ṣafa and al-Marwah, and entering the city of the Messenger,

peace and blessings be upon him.

والمسح على الخفين جائز بثالثة شرائط أن يبتدئ لبسهما بعد كمال الطهارة وأن يكونا ساترين لمحل غسل

الفرض من القدمين وأن يكونا مما يمكن تتابع المشي عليهما

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


Wiping over leather socks (al-khuffayn) is permissible with three conditions: that

one began to wear them after completing purification, that they cover the areas of

the feet which are obligatory to wash, and that one can walk successively in them.

لمسافر ثالثة أيام بلياليهن وابتداء المدة من حين يحدث بعد لبس الخفين فإن مسح ويمسح المقيم يوما وليلة وا

في الحضر ثم سافر أو مسح في السفر ثم أقام أتم مسح مقيم

The wiping of the resident is for one day and the traveler for three days and their

nights. The time period begins when one loses purity after wearing the socks. If

one wipes as a resident and then travels, or wipes as a traveler and then resides, it

is completed as the wiping of a resident.

ويبطل المسح بثالثة أشياء بخلعهما وانقضاء المدة وما يوجب الغسل

Wiping is invalidated by three things: removing them, finishing the time period,

and whatever necessitates a ritual bath.

Prayer الصالة

الصالة المفروضة خمس

The obligatory prayers are five.

الظهر وأول وقتها زوال الشمس وآخره إذا صار ظل كل شيء مثله بعد ظل الزوال

Noon prayer (al-zuhr), the beginning of its time is at the decline of the sun from its

zenith, and the end of its time is when the shadow of everything is equal to its

height but minus the shadow at the time of decline.

االختيار إلى ظل المثلين وفي الجواز إلى غروب والعصر وأول وقتها الزيادة على ظل المثل وآخره في


Afternoon prayer (al-‘asr), the beginning of its time is when the length of a thing’s

shadow is greater than its height, the preferred end of its time is when the length of

the shadow is double its height, and the permissible end of its time is up to the

setting of the sun.

والمغرب ووقتها واحد وهو غروب الشمس وبمقدار ما يؤذن ويتوضأ ويستر العورة ويقيم الصالة ويصلي

خمس ركعات

The sunset prayer (al-maghrib), it has only one time, which is the setting of the

sun, and it is within the amount of time it takes to announce the call to prayer,

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


perform ablution, become fully clothed, perform the commencement of prayer, and

to pray five cycles (raka’at).

لليل وفي الجواز إلى طلوع الفجر والعشاء وأول وقتها إذا غاب الشفق األحمر وآخره في االختيار إلى ثلث ا


The evening prayer (al-‘isha’), the beginning of its time is when the redness of the

horizon disappears, the preferred end of its time is up to a third of the night, and

the permissible end of its time is up to the rising of the second dawn (al-fajr).

والصبح وأول وقتها طلوع الفجر الثاني وآخره في االختيار إلى األسفار وفي الجواز إلى طلوع الشمس

The dawn prayer (al-subh), the beginning of its time is at the rising of the second

dawn, the preferred end of its time is until yellow glows on the horizon, and the

permissible end of its time is at the rising of the sun.

وشرائط وجوب الصالة ثالثة أشياء اإلسالم والبلوغ والعقل وهو حد التكليف

The necessary conditions for prayer are three things: adherence to Islam, maturity,

and sanity. This is the definition of legal responsibility (al-taklif).

والصلوات المسنونة خمس العيدان والكسوفان واالستسقاء

The prophetic prayers (sunan) are five: the two Eids, the two eclipse prayers, and

the drought prayer.

ركعتا الفجر وأربع قبل الظهر وركعتان بعده وأربع قبل العصر والسنن التابعة للفرائض سبعة عشر ركعة

وركعتان بعد المغرب وثالث بعد العشاء يوتر بواحدة منهن

The recommended prayers following the obligatory prayers are seventeen cycles:

two cycles before dawn prayer, four cycles before noon prayer and two after it,

four cycles before afternoon prayer, two cycles after sunset prayer, and three cycles

after evening prayer, one of which is witr prayer.

وثالث نوافل مؤكدات صالة الليل وصالة الضحى وصالة التراويح

Three extra prayers are emphasized: the night prayer, the forenoon prayer, and the

night prayer during Ramadan (al-tarawih)

وشرائط الصالة قبل الدخول فيها خمسة أشياء طهارة األعضاء من الحدث والنجس وستر العورة بلباس

طاهر والوقوف على مكان طاهر والعلم بدخول الوقت واستقبال القبلة

The conditions before entering into prayer are five things: ritual purification of the

limbs from impurity and filth, covering one’s nakedness with clean clothes,

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


standing over a clean place, knowing the prayer has entered its time, and facing the

direction of prayer (al-qiblah).

ويجوز ترك القبلة في حالتين في شدة الخوف وفي النافلة في السفر على الراحلة

It is permissible to pray away from the direction of prayer in two cases: in a time of

great fear and in voluntary prayers while travelling upon one’s mount.

وأركان الصالة ثمانية عشر ركنا النية والقيام مع القدرة وتكبيرة اإلحرام وقراءة الفاتحة وبسم هللا الرحمن

الرحيم آية منها والركوع والطمأنينة فيه والرفع واعتدال والطمأنينة فيه والسجود والطمأنينة فيه والجلوس

والصالة على النبي صلى هللا عليه وسلم فيه بين السجدتين والطمأنينة فيه والجلوس األخير والتشهد فيه

والتسليمة األولى ونية الخروج من الصالة وترتيب األركان على ما ذكرناه

The pillars of the prayer are eighteen: intention, standing if capable, exalting Allah

to enter the state of prayer (al-takbir), reciting Surat al-Fatihah (of which saying

‘in the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful’ is a verse), bowing and being

calm in it, rising and standing straight and being calm in it, prostration and being

calm in it, sitting between the two prostrations and being calm in it, the final

sitting, reciting the testimony of Islam in it (al-tashahhud), sending blessings upon

the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, ending with a salutation of peace

(al-taslimah), intending to exit prayer, and performing the pillars in order as we


وسننها قبل الدخول فيها شيئان األذان واإلقامة

Its prophetic practices before entering it are two things: the call to prayer (al-

adhan) and the commencement call to prayer (al-iqamah).

وبعد الدخول فيها شيئان التشهد األول والقنوت في الصبح وفي الوتر في النصف الثاني من شهر رمضان

After entering it are two prophetic practices: the first testimony of Islam and the

standing supplication (al-qunut) in the dawn prayer, in witr prayer, and during the

second half of Ramadan.

وهيأتها خمسة عشر خصلة رفع اليدين عند تكبيرة اإلحرام وعند الركوع والرفع منه ووضع اليمين على

الشمال والتوجه واالستعاذة والجهر في موضعه واإلسرار في موضعه والتأمين وقراءة سورة بعد الفاتحة

ول سمع هللا لمن حمده ربنا لك الحمد والتسبيح في الركوع والسجود والتكبيرات عند الرفع والخفض وق

ووضع اليدين على الفخذين في الجلوس يبسط اليسرى ويقبض اليمنى إال المسبحة فإنه يشير بها متشهدا

.واالفتراش في جميع الجلسات والتورك في الجلسة األخيرة والتسليمة الثانية

Its supererogatory acts are fifteen: raising the two hands when exalting Allah to

enter prayer, when bowing, and when rising from it, placing the right hand over the

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


left, reciting the opening supplications, seeking refuge in Allah, reciting audibly in

its appropriate situation, reciting inaudibly in its appropriate situation, saying amin,

reciting a surah after al-Fatihah, exalting Allah when rising and lowering, saying

‘Allah heard those who praised him, our Lord for you is all praise,’ glorifying

Allah (al-tasbih) in bowing and prostration, placing the hands on the thighs during

the sitting while closing fingers on the right hand and extending fingers on the left

hand except for the right index finger which points during the testimony, sitting

with the right foot propped up (al-iftirash) in every sitting, sitting with the left foot

tucked under (al-tawarruk) in the final sitting, and ending with two salutations of


والمرأة تخالف الرجل في خمسة أشياء فالرجل يجافي مرفقيه عن جنبيه ويقل بطنه عن فخذيه في الركوع

واضع الجهر وإذا نابه شيء في الصالة سبح وعورة الرجل ما بين سرته وركبتهوالسجود ويجهر في م

Women differ from men in five things: a man spreads his elbows out from his

sides, he moves his stomach away from his thighs while bowing and prostrating, he

recites audibly in its appropriate situation, he glorifies Allah if something happens

to him in prayer, and his nakedness is between his navel and his knees.

والمرأة تضم بعضها إلى بعض وتخفض صوتها بحضرة الرجال األجانب وإذا نابها شيء في الصالة صفقت

وجميع بدن الحرة عورة إال وجهها وكفيها

A woman draws herself closely together, she lowers her voice in the presence of

unrelated men, she claps if something happens to her in prayer, and her entire body

is nakedness except for her face and hands.

عمل الكثير والحدث وحدوث النجاسة وانكشاف العورة والذي يبطل الصالة أحد عشر شيئا الكالم العمد وال

وتغير النية واستدبار القبلة واألكل والشرب والقهقهة والردة

That which invalidates the prayer are eleven things: deliberately speaking, moving

too much, passing wind, the presence of filth, uncovering one’s nakedness,

changing one’s intention, turning one’s back to the direction of prayer, eating,

drinking, bursting out in laughter, and apostasy.

ومن عجز عن القيام في الفريضة صلى جالسا ومن عجز عن الجلوس صلى مضطجعا

Whoever is unable to stand in the obligatory prayer may pray sitting, and whoever

is unable to pray sitting may pray while lying down.

والمتروك من الصالة ثالثة أشياء فرض وسنة وهيئة فالفرض ال ينوب عنه سجود السهو بل إن ذكره

والزمان قريب أتى به وبنى عليه وسجد للسهو

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


Three things might accidentally be left out of the prayer: an obligatory act, a

prophetic practice, and a supererogatory act. An obligation that was left out cannot

be replaced by the prostration of forgetfulness (sujud al-sahw). Rather, if he

remembers it soon afterwards, he performs it, bases the rest of the prayer on it, and

performs the prostration of forgetfulness at the end.

والسنة ال يعود إليها بعد التلبس بالفرض لكنه يسجد للسهو عنها

A prophetic practice that is left out is not returned to after engaging in an

obligatory act. Rather, the prostration of forgetfulness is performed for it.

والهيئة ال يعود إليها بعد تركها وال يسجد للسهو عنها

A supererogatory trait that is left out is not returned to after it passes, nor is the

prostration of forgetfulness performed for it.

وإذا شك في عدد ما أتى به من الركعات بنى على اليقين وهو األقل وسجد للسهو

If one is unsure of the number of cycles he has performed, he bases the rest of the

prayer on what he knows for sure, which is the least amount, and he performs the

prostration of forgetfulness.

وسجود السهو سنة ومحله قبل السالم

The prostration of forgetfulness is a prophetic practice and its place is before the

ending salutation of peace.

يصلى فيها إال صالة لها سبب بعد صالة الصبح حتى تطلع الشمس وعند طلوعها حتى وخمسة أوقات ال

تتكامل وترتفع قدر رمح وإذا استوت حتى تزول وبعد صالة العصر حتى تغرب الشمس وعند الغروب حتى

يتكامل غروبها

There are five times when prayer is not performed unless one has a valid reason:

after the dawn prayer until the rising of the sun, at the time of its rising until it has

completely risen and is the length of a spear above the horizon, when it is at its

zenith until it declines, after the afternoon prayer until the sunset prayer, and at the

setting of the sun until it completes its setting.

وصالة الجماعة سنة مؤكدة وعلى المأموم أن ينوي االئتمام دون اإلمام ويجوز أن يأتم الحر بالعبد والبالغ


The congregational prayer is an emphasized prophetic practice (sunnah

mu’akkadah). Those who are led in prayer intend to be led, except for the Imam. It

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


is permissible for a free man to be led by a slave and an adult to be led by an


وال تصح قدوة رجل بامرأة وال قارئ بأمي

It is not sound for a man to be led by a woman in prayer, nor for a reciter to be led

by an illiterate.

وأي موضع صلى في المسجد بصالة اإلمام فيه وهو عالم بصالته أجزئه ما لم يتقدم عليه وإن صلى في

المسجد والمأموم خارج المسجد قريبا منه وهو عالم بصالته وال حائل هناك جاز

Whichever place one prays in the mosque behind an Imam, while being aware of

his prayer, will benefit him as long as he does not pray ahead of the Imam. If he

prays inside the mosque and leads a group near him outside of the mosque, while

they are aware of his prayer and there is no barrier, it is permissible.

ويجوز للمسافر قصر الصالة الرباعية بخمس شرائط أن يكون سفره في غير معصية وأن يكون مسافته ستة

عشر فرسخا بال إياب وأن يكون مؤديا للصالة الرباعية وأن ينوي القصر مع اإلحرام وأن ال يأتم بمقيم

It is permissible for the traveler to shorten the prayers of four cycles under five

conditions: his journey is for a reason other than disobedience to Allah, the

distance is sixteen farsakh (81 kilometers) excluding the return trip, the prayer is

normally performed with four cycles, he intends to shorten them as he enters into

the state of prayer, and he is not led by a resident.

ويجوز للمسافر أن يجمع بين الظهر والعصر في وقت أيهما شاء وبين المغرب والعشاء في وقت أيهما شاء

It is permissible for the traveler to combine between noon and afternoon prayers in

whichever of their times he wishes, and between sunset and evening prayers in

whichever of their times he wishes.

ويجوز للحاضر في المطر أن يجمع بينهما في وقت األولى منهما

It is permissible for the resident during rainfall to combine between them in the

time of the first of them.

وشرائط وجوب الجمعة سبعة أشياء اإلسالم والبلوغ والعقل والحرية والذكورية والصحة واالستيطان

The conditions which necessitate one to join Friday congregational prayer are

seven things: adherence to Islam, maturity, sanity, freedom, being a male, health,

and capability.

عة وأن يكون الوقت وشرائط فعلها ثالثة أن تكون البلد مصرا أو قرية وأن يكون العدد أربعين من أهل الجم

باقيا فإن خرج الوقت أو عدمت الشروط صليت ظهرا

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


The conditions of its performance are three: that the land is an urban city or rural

village, that the people attending Friday prayer are forty in number, and that it

remains within its time. If its time has passed or a condition is nullified, the noon

prayer is performed.

وفرائضها ثالثة خطبتان يقوم فيهما ويجلس بينهما وأن تصلى ركعتين في جماعة

Its obligatory acts are three: the Imam delivers two speeches while standing, he sits

between them, and two cycles are prayed in congregation.

وهيأتها أربع خصال الغسل وتنظيف الجسد ولبس الثياب البيض وأخذ الظفر والطيب

Its supererogatory acts are four: performing the ritual bath and cleansing the body,

wearing white clothing, trimming one’s nails, and applying perfume.

ويستحب اإلنصات في وقت الخطبة ومن دخل واإلمام يخطب صلى ركعتين خفيفتين ثم يجلس

It is recommended to listen attentively during the time of the speech. Whoever

enters while the Imam is speaking prays two light cycles and sits down.

ؤكدة وهي ركعتان يكبر في األولى سبعا سوى تكبيرة اإلحرام وفي الثانية خمسا سوى وصالة العيدين سنة م

تكبيرة القيام

The prayer on the two Eids is an emphasized prophetic practice and it is two

cycles. The exaltation of Allah is seven times in the first cycle, not including the

opening exaltation, and five times in the second cycle, not including the exaltation

to stand from prostration.

ويخطب بعدها خطبتين يكبر في األولى تسعا وفي الثانية سبعا ويكبر من غروب الشمس من ليلة العيد إلى أن

يدخل اإلمام في الصالة

The Imam delivers two speeches after them, in which he exalts Allah nine times in

the first speech and seven times in the second speech. Customary supplications are

recited upon the rising of the sun from the night of Eid until the Imam enters into


وضات من صبح يوم عرفة إلى العصر من آخر أيام التشريقوفي األضحى خلف الصلوات المفر

On the day of Eid al-Adha, they are recited after the obligatory prayers from the

morning of the day of Arafat until the afternoon of the last of the days of tashriq.

م بالذهب ويحل للنساء وقليل الذهب وكثيره في التحريم سواء وإذا ويحرم على الرجال لبس الحرير والتخت

كان بعض الثوب إبريسما وبعضه قطنا أو كتانا جاز لبسه ما لم يكن اإلبريسم غالبا

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


It is forbidden for men to wear silk or gold jewelry, yet it is permissible for

women. It is prohibited the same whether it is a small or large amount of gold. If

part of the silken garment is cotton or linen, it is permissible to wear as long as the

majority of it is not silk.

يد ويلزم في الميت أربعة أشياء غسله وتكفينه والصالة عليه ودفنه واثنان ال يغسالن وال يصلي عليهما الشه

في معركة المشركين والسقط الذي لم يستهل صارخا

Required acts for the deceased are four things: washing the body, shrouding them,

praying over them, and burying them. Two are not washed or prayed over: a

martyr who died fighting idolaters, and a fetus which never began to cry.

ويغسل الميت وترا ويكون في أول غسله سدر وفي آخره شيء من كافور ويكفن في ثالثة أثواب بيض ليس

فيها قميص وال عمامة

They are washed an odd number of times. Lote is used in the first washing and a

bit of camphor in the last washing. They are shrouded in three white garments that

are not shirts or turbans.

ويدفن في لحد مستقبل القبلة ويسل من قبل رأسه برفق ويقول الذي يلحده: بسم هللا وعلى ملة رسول هللا صلى

هللا عليه وسلم

They are buried in a pit facing the direction of prayer. They are lowered gently into

the grave head first. Those who place them into the grave say: In the name of Allah

and upon the religion of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.

ويضجع في القبر بعد أن يعمق قامة وبسطة ويسطح القبر وال يبنى عليه وال يجصص

They are placed on their side in the grave after it is dug deep enough for one to

stand in it and extend their arms. The grave is leveled and nothing is built or

plastered over it.

ن دفنه وال يدفن اثنان في وال بأس بالبكاء على الميت من غير نوح وال شق جيب ويعزى أهله إلى ثالثة أيام م

قبر إال لحاجة

There is no harm in crying over the dead, without wailing or tearing one’s collar.

The family of the deceased is given condolences for up to three days after the

burial. Two are not buried in one grave unless there is a need to do so.

Alms الزكاة

تجب الزكاة في خمسة أشياء وهي المواشي واألثمان والزروع والثمار وعروض التجارة

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


Alms (al-zakah) are obligatory in five things: livestock, currency, agriculture,

fruits, and trade goods.

جوب الزكاة فيها خمسة أشياء اإلسالم والحرية والملك التام وأما األتمان فشيئان الذهب والفضة وشرائط و

والنصاب والحول

As for currency, they are of two types: gold and silver. The necessary conditions

for one to give alms from them are five things: adherence to Islam, freedom,

complete ownership, owning the minimum amount, and owning it for a year.

ونصاب الذهب عشرون مثقاال وفيه ربع العشر وهو نصف مثقال وفيما زاد بحسابه

The minimum portion of gold is twenty mithqal (85 grams) on which is owed 2.5%

or half of a mithqal. Whatever is more is calculated in proportion.

وال تجب في الحلي المباح زكاة

It is not obligatory to give alms from permissible jewelry.

وتقوم عروض التجارة عند آخر الحول بما اشتريت به ويخرج من ذلك ربع العشر

The appraisal of trade goods is done at the end of the year according to the

currency with which they were purchased. An amount of 2.5% is taken out of that.

وتجب زكاة الفطر بثالثة أشياء اإلسالم وبغروب الشمس من آخر يوم من شهر رمضان ووجود الفضل عن

قوته وقوت عياله في ذلك اليوم

Alms at the end of Ramadan (zakat al-fitr) are obligatory for one with three

conditions: adherence to Islam, the sun has set on the last day of Ramadan, and one

has more than enough to sustain the livelihood of himself and his dependents on

that day.

ويزكي عن نفسه وعمن تلزمه نفقته من المسلمين صاعا من قوت بلده

One gives alms on behalf of himself and for the Muslims he is required to spend

upon, one and a half kilograms (sa’) of food resources in his country.

دقات وتدفع الزكاة إلى األصناف الثمانية الذين ذكرهم هللا تعالى في كتابه العزيز في قوله تعالى إنما الص

قاب والغارمين وفي س وابن للفقراء والمساكين والعاملين عليها والمؤلفة قلوبهم وفي الر السبيل وإلى بيل للا

من يوجد منهم وال يقتصر على أقل من ثالثة من كل صنف إال العامل

Alms are paid to eight groups whom Allah Almighty mentioned in His honorable

book, ‘Verily, charities are only for the poor, the needy, those employed to collect

it, bringing hearts together, freeing slaves, those in debt, for the cause of Allah, and

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


for the stranded traveler,’ (9:60). It is paid to whomever among them are found and

it is not permissible to restrict payment to less than three of each group, except for

the workers.

Fasting الصوم

وشرائط وجوب الصيام أربعة أشياء اإلسالم والبلوغ والعقل والقدرة على الصوم

The conditions which obligate one to fast are four things: adherence to Islam,

maturity, sanity, and ability to fast.

والشرب والجماع وتعمد القيءوفرائض الصوم أربعة أشياء النية واإلمساك عن األكل

The obligatory actions in fasting are four things: intention, abstaining from eating

and drinking, abstaining from intercourse, and deliberately vomiting.

أحد السبيلين والقيء والذي يفطر به الصائم عشرة أشياء ما وصل عمدا إلى الجوف أو الرأس والحقنة في

عمدا والوطء عمدا في الفرج واإلنزال عن مباشرة والحيض والنفاس والجنون واإلغماء كل اليوم والردة

That which breaks the fast are ten things: whatever deliberately reaches the inner

parts of the abdomen and head, injection into one of the two passages, deliberately

vomiting, deliberate sexual intercourse, ejaculation due to contact, menstruation,

postnatal bleeding, insanity, and apostasy.

ويستحب في الصوم ثالثة أشياء تعجيل الفطر وتأخير السحور وترك الهجر من الكالم

It is recommended while fasting to do three things: hastening to break the fast at its

earliest possible time, delaying the pre-dawn meal (al-suhur) until its latest

possible time, and avoiding offensive discourse.

ال أن يوافق عادة له أو يصله ويحرم صيام خمسة أيام العيدان وأيام التشريق الثالثة ويكره صوم يوم الشك إ

بما قبله

It is forbidden to fast on five days: the two days of Eid and the three days of

tashriq. It is disapproved to fast on the ‘day of doubt’ (if it is uncertain that

Ramadan has begun), unless it coincides with one’s habit or is connected to days

fasted before it.

ومن وطئ في نهار رمضان عامدا في الفرج فعليه القضاء والكفارة وهي عتق رقبة مؤمنة فإن لم يجد فصيام

شهرين متتابعين فإن لم يستطع فإطعام ستين مسكينا لكل مسكين مد

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


Whoever deliberately has sexual intercourse during the daytime in Ramadan must

repeat the fast and offer an expiation, which is to free a believing slave. If one is

not found, then to fast two consecutive months. If one cannot do so, then to feed

sixty poor people with half a kilogram of food (mudd).

ه صيام من رمضان أطعم عنه لكل يوم مدومن مات وعلي

Whoever dies while fasting in Ramadan (and owes additional fasts), half a

kilogram of food is given on his behalf for each day.

والشيخ إذا عجز عن الصوم يفطر ويطعم عن كل يوم مدا

An elderly person, who is unable to fast, does not fast and instead gives half a

kilogram of food for each day.

والحامل والمرضع إن خافتا على أنفسهما أفطرتا وعليهما القضاء وإن خافتا على أوالدهما أفطرتا وعليهما

القضاء والكفارة عن كل يوم مد

A pregnant or nursing woman, if she fears harm for herself, breaks her fast and

must repeat the fast later. If she fears harm for her child, she breaks her fast, she

must repeat the fast later, and she offers an expiation of half a kilogram of food for

each day.

والمريض والمسافر سفرا طويال يفطران ويقضيان

The sick person and the traveler on a long journey break their fast and repeat it


واالعتكاف سنة مستحبة وله شرطان النية واللبث في المسجد وال يخرج من االعتكاف المنذور إال لحاجة

مرض ال يمكن المقام معه ويبطل بالوطء اإلنسان أو عذر من حيض أو

Retreat in the mosque (al-‘itikaf) is a recommended prophetic practice and it has

two conditions: intention and residing in the mosque. One does not leave from a

vowed retreat unless there is a human need to do so, or an excuse such as

menstruation or sickness, which cannot be done in its location. Retreat is

invalidated by intercourse.

Hajj Pilgrimage الحج

وشرائط وجوب الحج سبعة أشياء اإلسالم والبلوغ والعقل والحرية ووجود الزاد والراحلة وتخلية الطريق

وإمكان المسير

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


The conditions which obligate one to perform the Hajj pilgrimage are seven things:

adherence to Islam, maturity, sanity, freedom, existence of supplies and

transportation, safe passage, and the possibility of completing the journey.

مع النية والوقوف بعرفة والطواف بالبيت والسعي بين الصفا والمروةوأركان الحج أربعة اإلحرام

The pillars of the Hajj pilgrimage are four: entering the state of pilgrimage (al-

ihram) with intention, standing on the plain of Arafat, performing

circumambulation (al-tawaf) around the House, and running between al-Ṣafa and


وأركان العمرة اربعة اإلحرام والطواف والسعي والحلق أو التقصير في أحد القولين

The pillars of the Umrah pilgrimage are four: entering the state of pilgrimage,

circumambulation, running, and shaving or trimming the hair, in one of two


وواجبات الحج غير األركان ثالثة اإلحرام من الميقات ورمي الجمار الثالث والحلق

Necessary actions in the Hajj pilgrimage, besides the pillars, are three: entering the

state of pilgrimage at the proper places (al-miqat), throwing stones at the three

pillars, and shaving the hair.

وسنن الحج سبع اإلفراد وهو تقديم الحج على العمرة والتلبية وطواف القدوم والمبيت بمزدلفة وركعتا

الطواف والمبيت بمنى وطواف الوداع

The prophetic practices of the Hajj pilgrimage are seven: giving priority to Hajj

before Umrah, the invocation (al-talbiyah), circumambulation upon arrival,

residing at Muzdalifah, performing two cycles of prayer after circumambulation,

residing in Mina, and circumambulation upon departing.

إزارا ورداء أبيضين ويتجرد الرجل عند اإلحرام من المخيط ويلبس

Men remove stitched clothing when entering the state of pilgrimage. They wear

one upper and one lower white garment.

ويحرم على المحرم عشرة أشياء لبس المخيط وتغطية الرأس من الرجل والوجه من المرأة وترجيل الشعر

وحلقه وتقليم األظفار والطيب وقتل الصيد وعقد النكاح والوطء والمباشرة بشهوة

It is forbidden for the pilgrim to do ten things: wearing stitched clothing, covering

the head for men and the face for women, oiling one’s hair, shaving it, trimming

one’s nails, applying perfume, hunting game, conducting a marriage, intercourse,

and touching with arousal.

Al-Ghayah wal Taqrib fi al-Fiqh al-Shafi’i


الفرج وال يخرج منه بالفساد وفي جميع ذلك الفدية إال عقد النكاح فإنه ال ينعقد وال يفسده إال الوطء في

In all of that is a required atonement, except for conducting a marriage as it was

not properly conducted. None of these invalidate the pilgrimage except for sexual

intercourse, yet one does not exit the state of pilgrimage due to its invalidation.

وال يجوز قتل صيد الحرم وال قطع شجره والمحل والمحرم في ذلك سواء

It is not permissible to kill game near the sanctuary, nor to cut its trees. The visitor

and the pilgrim are the same in that regard.

Success comes from Allah, and Allah knows best.