aktuella & kommande utlysningar/menu...forskningsstöd scholarships are worth sek9,000 per month...

AKTUELLA & KOMMANDE UTLYSNINGAR Avdelningen för forskningsstöd NYHETER, KOMMANDE UTLYSNINGAR ERA-Net ERANID will shortly be inviting applications for its second joint call. The call will be launched in May, and is expected to have a deadline at the end of September 2016. The priorities of the second call have not been decided on yet. The following information is from the previous call and is subject to change. This call aims to improve multidisciplinary transnational research in understanding drug use pathways. The objective is to improve cooperation in drug research in order to allow well-founded policy decisions by providing a better understanding of the processes underlying the dynamics of drug use pathways and transitions between types of drug use, and to form a link between the knowledge generated and its sustainable translation for a wide range of stakeholders. Joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants belonging to one of the following categories: public and private scientific, research, technological and innovation institutions; universities; research active industry; NGOs; other institutions involved in research activities as long as they are eligible for funding. Each proposal must involve a minimum of two, preferably three, eligible applicants from institutions in at least two different countries participating in the call. Participating countries include Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The funding organisations involved have made €4 million in total available for this joint call. The duration of the projects can be up to three years. http://www.eranid.eu/2nd-call/ Forte lanserar i början av juni: Gästforskarbidrag 2016 Inresande/Utresande. Syftet är att underlätta kontakter och erfarenhetsutbyte mellan svenska och utländska forskare, att tillföra kunskaper från det internationella forskarsamhället till svensk forskning samt att bidra till att svensk forskning sprids internationellt. Bidraget avser i första hand kortare vistelser för forskningssamarbete, erfarenhetsutbyte och konsultationer. Gästforskare ska inneha lägst doktorsexamen. Det finns två former av gästforskarbidrag inresande och utresande. Inresande gästforskare gäller utländska forskare som ska besöka en svensk forskningsinstitution. Utresande gästforskare gäller forskare verksamma vid svensk forskningsinstitution som ska besöka en utländsk forskningsinstitution Konferensbidrag 2016. Bidraget avser stöd för att genomföra internationella konferenser med svensk organisation som värd. Syftet är att underlätta kontakter och erfarenhetsutbyte mellan svenska och utländska forskare, att tillföra kunskaper från det internationella forskarsamhället till svensk forskning samt bidra till att svensk forskning sprids internationellt.

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Page 1: AKTUELLA & KOMMANDE UTLYSNINGAR/menu...Forskningsstöd Scholarships are worth SEK9,000 per month for students, SEK12,000 per month for PhD candidates, or SEK15,000 per month for researchers


Avdelningen för forskningsstöd


ERA-Net ERANID will shortly be inviting applications for its second joint call.

The call will be launched in May, and is expected to have a deadline at the end of September 2016.

The priorities of the second call have not been decided on yet. The following information is from the

previous call and is subject to change.

This call aims to improve multidisciplinary transnational research in understanding drug use pathways.

The objective is to improve cooperation in drug research in order to allow well-founded policy

decisions by providing a better understanding of the processes underlying the dynamics of drug use

pathways and transitions between types of drug use, and to form a link between the knowledge

generated and its sustainable translation for a wide range of stakeholders. Joint research proposals may

be submitted by applicants belonging to one of the following categories:

public and private scientific, research, technological and innovation institutions;


research active industry;


other institutions involved in research activities as long as they are eligible for funding.

Each proposal must involve a minimum of two, preferably three, eligible applicants from institutions

in at least two different countries participating in the call. Participating countries include Belgium,

France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The

funding organisations involved have made €4 million in total available for this joint call. The duration

of the projects can be up to three years.


Forte lanserar i början av juni:

Gästforskarbidrag 2016 – Inresande/Utresande. Syftet är att underlätta kontakter och

erfarenhetsutbyte mellan svenska och utländska forskare, att tillföra kunskaper från det

internationella forskarsamhället till svensk forskning samt att bidra till att svensk forskning

sprids internationellt. Bidraget avser i första hand kortare vistelser för forskningssamarbete,

erfarenhetsutbyte och konsultationer. Gästforskare ska inneha lägst doktorsexamen. Det finns

två former av gästforskarbidrag – inresande och utresande. Inresande gästforskare gäller

utländska forskare som ska besöka en svensk forskningsinstitution. Utresande gästforskare

gäller forskare verksamma vid svensk forskningsinstitution som ska besöka en utländsk


Konferensbidrag 2016. Bidraget avser stöd för att genomföra internationella konferenser med

svensk organisation som värd. Syftet är att underlätta kontakter och erfarenhetsutbyte mellan

svenska och utländska forskare, att tillföra kunskaper från det internationella forskarsamhället

till svensk forskning samt bidra till att svensk forskning sprids internationellt.

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Konferensbidraget kan avse kostnader (resa, kost och logi) för inbjudna huvudtalare, bidrag till

deltagande från mindre bemedlade länder, workshops för planering av konferensen.


The European Molecular Biology Laboratory and Marie Curie Actions invite applications for

their interdisciplinary postdoctoral fellowships.

These support projects involving two or more EMBL labs, and enable fellows to take part in

international or inter-institutional collaborations, or an intersectorial experience while carrying out

interdisciplinary research.

Applicants may be from anywhere in the world, must have a PhD or four years of full-time equivalent

research experience, and be currently conducting postdoctoral research at another institution. If the

applicant is currently conducting research at EMBL, that affiliation may not exceed 12 months in the

three years prior to the submission deadline. Funding will support around 20 fellows.

The 2016 EIPOD call will be open from June 15th until September 5th. A link to the online database

will be available here once the call opens.


Vinnova kommer inom kort inbjuda ansökningar om medel ur programmet VINN verifiering.

Utlysningen beräknas öppna 24 augusti och stänga 20 september 2016. Mer information kommer i

samband med utlysningens öppnande. Nedanstående information är från förra omgången och kan

komma att ändras.

Programmet stöder projekt som syftar till att verifiera affärskoncept baserade på forskningsresultat

eller andra upptäckter som gjorts för att hitta den lämpligaste strategin för kommersialisering.

Behöriga att söka är studenter och forskare vid universitet, högskolor eller forskningsinstitut.

Studenter ska vara inskrivna vid lärosätet när projektet startar. Bidragsmottagaren skall vara ett

universitet, högskola, forskningsinstitut, innovationskontor vid universitet eller högskola, eller ett

holdingbolag vid universitet eller högskola.

Finansiering av projekt sker etappvis. Medel uppgår till SEK2 miljoner per projekt.


VINNMER Marie Curie Academy Outgoing/Incoming

The purpose of these calls is to support experienced researchers' careers through mobility and

international collaborations.

As soon as the calls open, you can find more information about the call in the call text – click on the

relevant link below.

Apply before: 13 Sep 2016, 14:00





Vinnova kommer inom kort inbjuda ansökningar om bidrag inom programmet materialbaserad


Utlysningen beräknas öppna 13 september och stänga 13 december 2016. Nedanstående information

är från förra omgången och kan komma att ändras.

Dessa bidrag stöder projekt som tydligt stärker den materialbaserade konkurrenskraften och ökar

tillväxtmöjligheterna för företag i Sverige som utvecklar, producerar, levererar eller använder material.

Medel kan sökas för två typer projekt:

förstudie för att ta fram underlag samt förberedelser inför överbryggningsprojekt;

överbryggningsprojekt för att utveckla ett koncept till en sådan mognadsgrad att aktörer kan ta

ställning till om de vill investera i och vidareutveckla konceptet.

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Behöriga att söka är svenska aktörer och juridiska personer med organisationsnummer och

firmatecknare. Exempel på aktörer kan vara företag, forskningsinstitut, universitet och högskolor samt

organisationer som representerar användarbehov. Företagsmedverkan krävs i alla projekt.

Stöd för förstudie är värt högst SEK300,000 i tre till 12 månader, och stöd för överbryggningsprojekt

är värt högst SEK2 miljoner i sex till 24 månader.



Cancerfonden kommer inom kort inbjuda ansökningar om postdoktortjänst, junior resp. senior

investigator award.

Utlysningen beräknas stänga 29 september. Följande information är från en tidigare utlysning och

kan komma att ändras.


Postdok. Anslaget syftar till att främja cancerforskningen genom att rekrytera framgångsrika, yngre

forskare till området. Anslaget kan kombineras med högst 20 procents bisyssla, exempelvis klinisk


Sökande skall ha avlagt doktorsexamen. Postdoktorala studier vid annan institution och med annan

handledare än under forskarutbildningen uppmuntras.

Löneschablonen för postdoktor är för närvarande SEK30,462 per månad. Anslag kan beviljas för högst

tre år.

Junior investigator award. Anslaget syftar till att rekrytera disputerade cancerforskare som vill

etablera eget forskningsprogram och ge dem möjlighet att under en längre period på heltid ägna sig åt

cancerforskning. Tjänsten kan kombineras med maximalt 20 procents bisyssla, exempelvis klinisk


Sökande skall ha avlagt doktorsexamen högst sju år före sista ansökningsdatumet. Sökande med

postdoktoral forskningsmeritering prioriteras.

Anslaget utgår som en sexårig heltidstjänst vars storlek beräknas enligt gällande löneschablon från

Cancerfondens forskningsnämnd. Löneschablonen för junior investigator award är för närvarande

SEK38,008 per månad för graduerade forskare och SEK41,837 per månad för docenter.

Löneschablonen justeras årligen.

Senior investigator. Anslaget syftar till att bereda etablerade forskare som inte har sluttjänst inom

universitetsorganisationen möjlighet att under en längre period på heltid ägna sig åt cancerforskning.

Tjänsten kan kombineras med maximalt 20 procent bisyssla exempelvis klinisk tjänstgöring.

Sökande skall inneha docentur eller motsvarande vetenskaplig kompetens samt avlagt doktorsexamen

högst 12 år före sista ansökningsdatumet. Anslaget utgår som en sexårig heltidstjänst och beräknas

enligt gällande löneschablon från Cancerfondens forskningsnämnd.

Löneschablonen för senior investigator award är för närvarande SEK50,677 per månad.

The Swedish Institute, under the Visby programme, will shortly be inviting applications for its

travel scholarships.

The call is scheduled to open 1 October 2016. The following information is from the previous

deadline and is subject to change.

These scholarships aim to foster long-term collaborations between investigators from Sweden and

from Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The main

objective is to promote sustainable economic, environmental and social development and growth

within the Baltic Sea region.

Students, researchers or equal individuals working at Swedish higher education institutions, or

individual investigators aiming to develop partnerships within the Baltic Sea region, may apply.

Applicants must be Swedish citizens or foreign nationals with a Swedish employment record of two

years at a Swedish higher education institution, company or organisation.

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Scholarships are worth SEK9,000 per month for students, SEK12,000 per month for PhD candidates,

or SEK15,000 per month for researchers with PhDs and equivalent individuals. All scholarships are

paid out monthly for a minimum of one month and a maximum of one year and also include a travel

allowance of:

SEK2,500 for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland;

SEK4,000 for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus;

SEK5,000 for Georgia and Moldavia.

This covers subsistence, accommodation, literature and the costs of local excursions. Applicants may

request residency between one month and a maximum of one year. Exceptions may be made for

candidates applying for internships and data collection, wherein the applicant may request for a

residency of two to five months maximum.

Nästa utlysning för vistelser som inleds under våren 2017 öppnar preliminärt 1 oktober 2016. Mer

information om nästa ansökningsomgång publiceras under hösten 2016.



The Swiss National Science Foundation will shortly be inviting applications for the Ambizione


The next closing date is expected to be 13 January 2017. The following information is subject to


This programme supports young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent

project at a Swiss HEI.

Applicants may be researchers from Switzerland as well as from abroad. Candidates must have

completed a doctorate no more than four years before applying or have completed their studies on

human, dental, veterinary, social or preventive medicine with an MD. Medical scientists must have

done at least three years of clinical work and may apply within nine years from their state

examination. Applicants must have published at a high level and have carried out research activities

for at least 12 months at a different education institution than the one where the doctoral thesis was


Awards are worth up to CHF600,000 over a maximum of four years to cover salary and research costs

such as materials, travel and conference expenses.




Svenska Institutet i Rom och Fondazione Famiglia Rausing inbjuder ansökningar om


Detta stöder avancerad humanistisk forskning i Italien, speciellt inom arkeologi, historia, filologi och

estetiska discipliner. Svenska forskare är välkomna att söka.

Bidrag ges inte för utbildning, examensarbete och tryckningskostnader som inte har direkt koppling

till projekt finansierat av stiftelsen samt för deltagande i symposier eller kongresser.

Ansökan senast 31 maj.


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The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte) invites

applications for its programme grants in strategic research fields.

These aim to support research that has relevance for health, working life and welfare. The call aims to

contribute to a long-term development of knowledge and competence concerning the prioritised areas

which are:

ageing, demography and health;

transformations and challenges concerning working life and labour market;

alcohol, narcotics, doping, tobacco and gambling;

migration and integration;

equal living conditions.

Applicants must have defended their doctoral thesis by the time they submit a full application.

International research cooperation is welcomed.

Grants are funded for 3+3 years and are worth from SEK3 millions to SEK4m each. Between three to

four grants can be funded within each area.

Deadline: 31st of May 5:00pm


The Fritz Thyssen Foundation invites applications for its conference grants.

These support scholarly events, in particular national and international conferences with the aim of

facilitating the discussion and analysis of specific scholarly questions as well as fostering cooperation

and networking of scholars working in the same field or on interdisciplinary topics. The foundation

promotes the following fields:

history, language and culture;

image and imagery;

state, economy and society;

international relations;

medicine and natural sciences.

Applications may only be submitted by a university or other non-profit research institution. Each

applicant must have a doctoral degree. The number of speakers should not exceed 30, and annual or

larger conference within the framework of symposia are not eligible for support.

Grants cover the costs of travel, accommodation and meals of active participants, as well as up to €500

to defray incidental conference costs, such as printing, student helpers and assistants.

Deadlines for submission

Applications for support of a scholarly event can be submitted to the foundation by

February 29th

May 31st

August 31st

November 30th

of each year. The date on the postal stamp applies.



The Swiss National Science Foundation invites applications for the Sinergia programme.

This aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration of two to four research groups that propose

breakthrough research. Research proposals that question and go beyond existing models, theories,

doctrines, research approaches and methods are encouraged.

Applicants must have obtained a doctorate at least four years before submitting the application or have

equivalent research experience. All applicants must be employed with a work-time percentage of at

least 50 per cent for the duration of the project at a research institution eligible to receive research

funding from the SNSF or have been given written assurance of such employment. If there are three or

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more applicants, one applicant may be based at a research institution outside Switzerland, if they can

provide unique expertise.

Grants are worth between CHF50,000 and CHF3.2 million over one to four years.

Submission deadline: 1 June and 1 December.


Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien inbjuder ansökningar om utbildningsstöd och

resestipendier ur Stiftelserna Nilsson-Aschans stipendiefond och JM Svenssons donationsfond.

Dessa stöder deltagande vid internationella konferenser, kortare utlandsstudier vid relevanta

universitet samt kostnadsersättning i samband med praktik inom eller utanför Sverige inom ämnena

agronomi, hortikultur, landskapsarkitektur eller lantmästarinriktning.

Behöriga att söka är studerande på grundutbildnings- eller forskarutbildningsnivå.

Totala disponibla medel för resestipendier är SEK500,000 och för utbildningsstöd SEK100,000.

Ansökan senast 1 juni.


Vinnova kommer inom kort utlysa medel ur programmet normkritisk innovation.

Dessa syftar till att finansiera normkritiska innovationsprojekt. Målet är att:

stödja framtagandet av normkritisk innovation hos medverkande företag eller organisationer;

stimulera användning och utveckling av metoder, verktyg och processer för normkritisk


bidra till hållbar tillväxt, ökad jämställdhet och jämlikhet genom normkritiska lösningar på


Behöriga att söka är företag, organisationer inom offentlig och privat sektor, ideella verksamheter,

konsulter och forskare som vill genomföra ett normkritiskt innovationsprojekt. Projekten ska ske i

samverkan mellan minst två parter inom olika verksamheter.

Bidrag uppgår till SEK2.5 miljoner per projekt för minst ett år och maximalt 3 år. Cirka sex till åtta

projekt beräknas kunna finansieras.

Sista ansökningsdag: 2 jun kl 14.00.



Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap inbjuder ansökningar om bidrag för planering

av projekt inom EU:s ramprogram för forskning med fokus på Horisont 2020.

Detta avser kostnader i samband med nätverksbyggande för konsortiebildning och kan omfatta

omkostnader för resor, anordnande av möten och nedlagd tid för skrivande av ansökan. Inriktningen

ska vara mot området samhällsskydd och beredskap och projektet ska vara direkt anknutet till en

utlysning inom Horisont 2020, samhälleliga utmaningar.

Utlysningens totala budget uppgår till maximalt SEK1.5m. Bidraget uppgår till maximalt SEK150,000

för koordinator och till maximalt SEK50,000 för partner.

Sista ansökningsdatum omgång 2: 2016-06-02



The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance invites proposals for its fourth

joint call for transnational working groups.

This enables leading scientists in the field of antimicrobial resistance to establish international

research networks that will identify key questions and potential solutions to overcome barriers to

AMR studies. Suggested topics include:

guidelines on human and veterinary use – affordable stewardship;

surveillance in primary care;

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new anti-infective, new adjuvant therapies and alternative approaches;

evaluation of risk for generation of resistance in human setting;

rapid diagnostic tests;

role of environmental factors;

infrastructures and biobanks available relevant to infection and AMR.

The coordinator should be from an eligible institution within Belgium, France, Germany, the

Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK or Canada. Each working group should have participants

from at least three of these countries. Participants from other countries may also take part.

A total budget of €655,000 is available. Funding is worth up to €50,000 for each working group for

between six to 12 months. Funding will cover the costs of meetings and travel required to achieve the

objectives of the group, but not direct research costs, salaries or student grants.

The proposal submission deadline is June 6th, 2016 (17:00, CET).


Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande inbjuder ansökningar om

medel för konferenser och workshops.

Dessa syftar till att finansiera kostnader för anordnande av vetenskapliga konferenser och workshops.

Möten som hålls i Sverige, är tvärvetenskapliga samt möten där något eller några av Formas

ansvarsområden är centrala kommer att prioriteras.

Behöriga att söka är forskare vid svenska universitet, högskolor, forskningsinstitut eller myndigheter

med forskningsuppdrag.

Bidragen uppgår till SEK200,000 för en större konferens och SEK30,000 för en mindre workshop.

Bidragen kan täcka kostnader för resor och logi för ett begränsat antal, först och främst utländska,

deltagare och organisationskostnader.

Sista ansökningsdatum: 2016-06-08


The European Institutes for Advanced Study invites applications for its fellowships.

These enable researchers to undertake 10-month residencies in one of the 18 participating institutes:

Aarhus, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg,

Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna or Zürich. Fellowships are

mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars

in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed research project does not require laboratory

facilities and that it interfaces with humanities and social sciences.

Applicants must hold a doctoral degree plus two years of full-time research experience after the

degree. Exception is made for law scholars who are eligible with a master’s degree plus six years of

full-time research experience after the degree. Researchers from all countries are eligible to apply.

Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the selected host

institute for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their application.

Fellowships include a living allowance of approximately €26,000 for a junior fellowship and

approximately €38,000 for a senior fellowship as well as accommodation, a research budget and

coverage of travel expenses. 48 fellowships are available – 25 junior positions and 23 senior positions.

Application deadline: June 8th, 2016, 12 pm (noon) GMT.


The Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund invites nominations for the Holberg prize.

This recognises contributions to research in humanities, social science, law or theology, either within

these fields or through interdisciplinary work.

Nominees must have had a decisive influence on international research. Scholars holding positions at

universities and other research institutions, including academies, may submit nominations.

The prize is worth NOK4.5 million.

Deadline for nomination is June 15th each year.

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The Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund invites nominations for the Nils Klim prize.

This is awarded to a Nordic researcher, who has made an outstanding contribution in the fields of

humanities, social sciences, law or theology, either within one of these fields or through

interdisciplinary work. Candidates must be under the age of 35 at the closing date for nominations.

Nominators must be scholars holding positions at universities and other research institutions, including

academies. The prize is worth NOK250,000.

Deadline for nomination is June 15th each year.


Vinnova inbjuder ansökningar om medel under programmet fordonsstrategisk forskning och

innovation och dess delprogram hållbar produktionsteknik.

Detta syftar till att successivt bidra till en bättre förmåga att gemensamt finansiera forsknings-,

innovations- och utvecklingsaktiviteter med fokus på områdena klimat och miljö, trafiksäkerhet och


Följande områden omfattas:

nya produkter med hög livscykeleffektivitet – förmåga att hantera nya produkter och material i


konkurrenskraft – kostnadseffektiva nya produktionssystem i ett globalt perspektiv;

miljö – miljöneutral produktion och kretslopp för restprodukter och energi;

kvalitet – säkerställd önskad kvalitet;

ledtid – kortare ledtid genom hela försörjningskedjan i utveckling och produktion;

flexibilitet – tillräckligt flexibla produktionssystem för efterfrågade komponenter.

Behöriga att söka är forskningsutförare, industri, akademi och institut.

Alla projekt som söker stöd från programmet ska vara relevant för fordonsindustrin.

Det finns inget övre budgettak men stödandelen får maximalt uppgå till 50 procent. För förstudier

finns en begränsning på SEK500,000.

Sista ansökning: 16 juni kl 14:00


Nordforsk invites applications for its research projects within the Nordic neutron science


This call aims to promote long-term excellence and capacity building in all areas of research using

neutrons by expanding the coming generation of Nordic neutron users to encompass both new user

groups and neutron specialists.

The programme aims to strengthen the Nordic neutron community by introducing the use of neutron

scattering to scientific disciplines new to neutron techniques and facilitating the consolidation of

existing neutron user groups. Funding supports projects within all sciences using neutron scattering


Projects are open for industrial collaboration, and Nordforsk welcomes applications from established

as well as new user groups. The research project must involve partner institutions from all three

funding countries, Denmark including Greenland and Faroe Islands, Norway and Sweden.

The host institution must be a research institution based in one of the funding countries and the project

leader must be a senior researcher at the host institution. Finland, including Åland, and Iceland are

eligible to participate. Institutions from other countries, in particular the Baltic States, are encouraged

to participate, but must fund their own participation. PhD projects are given priority.

Each project can apply for up to NOK7 million for up to five years. The total budget is approximately

NOK60m. Funding covers primarily PhD costs and occasionally post docs; however, it may also cover

participation in international conferences and other travel costs.

Application deadline: 22.06.2016 14:00


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Nordforsk invites applications for its research school within the Nordic neutron science


Funding aims to promote excellence and capacity-building through education of the next generation of

Nordic neutron users in experienced user groups as well as user groups new to neutron techniques, and

aims to facilitate the consolidation of existing neutron user groups. The research school should

enhance collaboration among the neutron training programmes in the Nordic countries through

systematic coordination and promote information exchange between Nordic neutron research groups.

Applications must include partner institutions from the three funding countries: Denmark including

Greenland and Faroe Islands, Norway and Sweden. Finland, including Åland, and Iceland are eligible

to participate. Institutions from other countries, in particular the Baltic States, are encouraged to

participate, but must fund their own participation.

The host institution of the research project must be a research institution based in one of the funding

countries, and the project leader must be a senior researcher at the host institution.

Grants are worth up to NOK8 million for up to five years. The total programme budget is

approximately NOK60m.

Application deadline: 22.06.2016 14:00


The Australian Department of Education invites applications for its Endeavour research


These provide financial support for international postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows to

undertake short-term research towards a master’s, PhD or postdoctoral research in any field in

Australia, and for Australian postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows to undertake short-term

research towards an Australian master’s, PhD or postdoctoral research in any field overseas.

Participating countries include ones from the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern region, the Americas

and the Caribbean, and Europe. Applicants may not hold dual citizenship with the country they

undertake the programme in. Applicants must be aged at least 18 years and not currently hold or, since

1 January 2015, have completed an Australian government sponsored scholarship or fellowship.

Applicants must be enrolled in a master’s or PhD course at an Australian or overseas university at the

time of application and throughout the proposed study or research programme, or have had their PhD

conferred and receive final results by the commencement of their programme in 2017.

Fellowships are worth up to AU$24,500 for between four and six months and cover a travel allowance

of AU$3,000, an establishment allowance worth AU$2,000, a monthly stipend worth AU$3,000 as

well as health and travel insurance.

Applications will close 30 June 2016 at 11:59 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).



Rymdstyrelsen utlyser planeringsbidrag.

Detta syftar till att uppmuntra svenska aktörer att utforma en konkurrenskraftig ansökan till EU:s

program Horisont 2020 inom rymdverksamhet. Planeringsbidraget kompletterar Vinnovas

motsvarande bidrag till små och medelstora företag.

Behöriga att söka är forskare vid universitet, högskolor och forskningsinstitutioner. Sökande kan vara

antingen partner eller koordinator.

Bidraget uppgår till maximalt SEK150,000 och täcker resekostnader, personalkostnader och relevanta


Sista ansökningsdag är den 30 juni 2016.



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The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its collaborative awards in humanities and social


These provide flexible support to teams to tackle major health-related questions in the humanities and

social sciences. Funding may be used for coordination and integration activities, network building and

carrying out large-scale interdisciplinary research. Applications which propose to carry out

interdisciplinary research across humanities and social science, science and innovation funding, are

also encouraged.

Teams should normally consist of two to six principal applicants, each of whom has a track record of

collaboration. Interdisciplinary research collaborations within the humanities and social sciences or

with clinical or basic biomedical scientists are encouraged. Collaborations may be international, and

may exist within a department, across a university or spanning a number of institutions.

Awards are normally worth up to £2 million each over a maximum period of five years, with most in

the range of £1m to £1.5m. Funding may cover research expenses, travel and subsistence,

collaborative activity, capacity-building initiatives and research leave, symposia and dissemination

activities, research management and support costs, and public engagement costs.

Closing date for preliminary applications: 8 July 2016.



The Economic and Social Research Council, in collaboration with the Department for

International Development, under their education systems research programme, invite

applications for their third raising learning outcomes call.

This programme aims to build the evidence on critical policy areas that currently constrain education

systems in developing countries from translating resources into better learning for all, and ultimately

positive social and economic change. Research should increase understanding of how complex

relationships between elements of the education system, the context in which they are embedded, and

the dynamics operating within the system impact on efforts to raise learning outcomes for all.

Proposals must focus on low-income countries plus a select group of other priority countries listed in

the call. Proposals focused on middle-income countries not on the list will be allowed, but must be

relevant to specific low-income countries, and include clear plans to engage with stakeholders in those

countries from an early stage in the research process. Non-academic stakeholders will need to be

involved in the design and delivery of research projects.

Proposals will be welcomed from across the social sciences, and particularly multi- or interdisciplinary

collaboration. Principal investigators can be from anywhere in the world and researchers from

developing and developed countries can work together in any configuration of their choosing.

Grants are worth between £200,000 and £700,000 at full economic cost. The total budget is worth £6.5

million. Projects may have a duration of one to four years.

Deadline for proposals: 16.00 UK time on 26 July 2016


The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation invites applications for the Sofja Kovalevskaja


This enables young researchers from abroad to establish their own research groups at research

institutions in Germany.

Researchers from all countries and disciplines who have completed their doctorates with distinction no

more than six years ago may apply. Applicants must not have been living in Germany for more than

12 months in total in the 18-month period prior to the closing date for applications. German citizens

may only apply, if they have been resident outside of Germany for more than 10 years, or for more

than five years, but their strong connections to their current country of residence is proven by being

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either tenured or being in possession of a permanent residence or they or their partner are a national of

this country.

Scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German

if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; scientists and engineers must have a good

knowledge of German or English.

The award is worth up to €1.65 million for a period of five years and may be used to cover all

expenses relevant to their projects including living costs of the applicant. Up to six awards are


Scientists and scholars from all disciplines may apply online to the Alexander von Humboldt

Foundation until 31 July 2016.



AFA Försäkring utlyser ett FoU-program för forskning om HKS (hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar)

med 50 miljoner kronor.

Utlysningen riktar sig till väl etablerade forskargrupper inom området. Programmet är femårigt och

kommer att omfatta ca 5-6 projekt, där AFA Försäkring ska vara en av huvudfinansiärerna.

Programmets syfte: FoU-programmet syftar till att få till stånd ett fåtal större projekt som klarlägger

bakomliggande orsaker till och riskfaktorer för HKS. Projekten ska fokusera på förebyggande åtgärder

och behandlingar som kan leda till en minskning av dödligheten i HKS hos den arbetsföra delen av

befolkningen. Genusperspektivet ska beaktas. Fokus för programmet ska vara sjukdomsförebyggande

insatser och direkt patientnytta. Resultaten från projekten ska spridas till arbetslivet, hälso- och

sjukvården, inklusive företagshälsovården och liknande aktörer.

AFA Försäkring ser gärna projekt som till exempel:

studerar arbetsmiljöns betydelse för HKS, särskilt avseende arbetare i privat sektor

studerar hur stress och olika livsstilsfaktorer påverkar risken att drabbas av HKS

utvecklar och utvärderar metoder för att identifiera riskgrupper för HKS

studerar orsakerna till HKS och vad dessa bör föranleda när det gäller förebyggande insatser

och behandling.

Sista ansökningsdag: 31/8 -16. https://www.afaforsakring.se/forskning/fou-program/ett-arbetsliv-utan-hjart--och-karlsjukdom/

Vinnova inbjuder ansökningar om stöd under strategiska innovationsprogrammet för Sakernas


Detta stöder projekt som löser samhällsutmaningar inom offentlig sektor genom användandet av

Internet of Things.

Projekt bör:

förstärka och utveckla arbetssätt inom den offentliga organisationen för att implementera IoT-


förstärka organisationens beställarförmåga av IoT-lösningar genom ett samarbete med aktör

som har en djup förståelse för IoT både vad gäller affärsmöjligheter och teknik;

sprida projektresultaten till andra organisationer;

genomföra ett eller två IoT-projekt inom organisationen i samarbete med lämpligt företag och

om så behövs akademi eller forskningsinstitut.

Behöriga att söka är aktörer från minst tre olika organisationer, en offentlig, ett företag och en IoT-

kunnig organisation. Ansökningar som är relaterade till universitet, högskola eller forskningsinstitut

kommer att prioriteras.

Den totala budgeten är SEK12 miljoner som syftar till att finansiera upp till åtta projekt. Normalt

finansieras 50 procent av projektets stödberättigande kostnader. Resterande ska vara finansierad av

den behovsägande offentliga organisationen eller från deltagande företag.

Sista ansökningsdag: 31 aug kl. 14:00.

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Energimyndigheten inbjuder ansökningar om medel inom programmet samspel.

Detta syftar till att bidra till utvecklingen av ett helt förnybart elsystem och samspelet inom detta.

Programmet ska bidra till utvecklingen av ett kraftsystem som är flexibelt, resurseffektivt och robust,

värdeskapande för användare samt bidra till utvecklingen av svenskt näringsliv inom området.

Projekt som kan få stöd inom denna utlysning kan vara av följande karaktär:

doktorandprojekt, post-docprojekt och akademisk forskning;

utvecklingsprojekt som bidrar till att nya lösningar kan kommersialiseras, exempelvis med

SME:er eller tvärsektoriella konsortier som genomförare;

utvecklingsprojekt som bidrar till att nya hållbara lösningar implementeras i samhället,

exempelvis inom offentlig sektor;

projekt som bygger vidare på tidigare erfarenheter av demonstrations- eller pilotprojekt;

projekt som bidrar till ökad kunskap för avnämare och beslutsfattare inom både näringsliv och

offentlig sektor på olika nivåer i samhället för att möjliggöra en flexibel, robust och

resurseffektiv utveckling av elsystemet;

pilotprojekt som bidrar till nya lösningar eller framtagande av prototyper för ett effektivt

samspel mellan komponenter och aktörer i elsystemet;

projekt som bidrar till prognostisering och planering av förnybar elproduktion i tid och rum;

projekt som bidrar till mätning, analys och styrning av tillståndet i elnätet;

projekt som bidrar till utveckling av regelverk och marknadsdesign för ett flexibelt, robust och

resurseffektivt elsystem.

Behöriga att söka är aktörer som kan bidra, inklusive institutionerna på de tekniska högskolorna,

universitetens naturvetenskapliga och samhällsinriktade fakulteter, offentlig sektor samt företag.

Den totala budgeten är omkring SEK50 miljoner.

Sista dag för ansökan: 2016-08-31



The Volkswagen Foundation, in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust and Riksbankens

Jubileumsfond, invites applications for the Europe and global challenges programme.

This aims to stimulate collaboration between researchers based in Europe and researchers from other

parts of the world on important global issues. Projects should be related to one of the following issues:

climate change;

global health;

terrorism and radicalisation;


social inequality.

Preference will be given to innovative proposals with strong inter-regional collaboration which

includes contributions from various disciplines. The disciplinary focus of the group should be on

social sciences, but contributions from other areas are expected where necessary.

Research groups should include researchers from different geographical regions and the majority, at

least two researchers or research groups, should be working outside Europe. Each group should ideally

involve no more than four different institutions and it is recommended that at least one principal

investigator is from Germany, Sweden or the UK.

Eight to ten projects will receive between €500,000 and €900,000 each, for up to four years. Funding

can be used for both personnel and non-personnel costs, including travel expenses.

Deadline information: Pre-proposals due by 1 September 2016; full proposals due by 27 January



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Energimyndigheten inbjuder ansökningar om stöd till forskarprojekt inom programmet för

energieffektivisering i transportsektorn.

Detta syftar till att ta fram ny kunskap genom forskning, utveckling och demonstration av nya

innovativa lösningar inom transportsektorn där vinster kan förväntas i fråga om energieffektivisering.

Projekt ska inriktas mot en eller flera av följande utmaningar:

energieffektiv lösning på transportbehoven;

hur samhällsplanering kan användas för att ge förutsättningar för ett energieffektivt


vilka drivkrafter till förändring av beteenden som finns hos individer och organisationer för att

bidra till ett energieffektivt transportsystem;

hur digitaliseringens möjligheter kan tillvaratas för utvecklingen av energieffektiva


hur befintliga transportlösningar kan energieffektiviseras.

Projektförslag som avser alla trafikslag samt både gods- och persontransporter välkomnas inom


Behöriga att söka är offentliga och privata forskningsaktörer med anknytning till det angivna området.

Den totala budgeten är cirka SEK45 miljoner.

Sista dag för ansökan: 2016-09-09


The Swiss National Science Foundation invites proposals for its Doc.CH programme in

humanities and social sciences.

This supports promising researchers who wish to write a dissertation on a topic of their own choice in

the humanities and social sciences in Switzerland.

Applicants must have a master’s degree or equivalent from a Swiss higher education institution,

obtained no more than two years ago. Researchers should have had at least one change of higher

education institution between their bachelor and the start of the doctoral studies. Swiss Nationals with

foreign degrees may also apply.

Funding covers salary and contributes towards project costs, such as material of enduring value,

consumables, travel and conference costs, and additional funding for the digital publication of the

doctoral thesis and articles. Grants last for two years with the possibility for extension for another two


Submission deadlines: 10 March and 10 September.


VINNMER Marie Curie industry outgoing – call for proposals

This call aims to strengthen qualification opportunities for researchers in private or public sectors

through increased mobility opportunities and international collaborations. The overall objective is to

contribute significantly to private-public or private-private sector collaboration and mobility as well as

career development for highly qualified future leaders, in all sectors of the economy, with innovation

skills in applied and needs-driven research.

Eligible applicants are researchers currently working in the Swedish private sector who have a

doctorate or at least four years’ full-time equivalent research experience. In addition, experienced

researchers working in the public sector who are actively collaborating in the project with a Swedish-

based organisation representing the private sector, may apply. Applicants should be in Sweden at the

time of the application and spend at least 50 per cent of the project duration outside Sweden. The

mobility actions are open to all nationals and relate only to translational movement of researchers with

strong support from their Swedish organisations.

Grants cover 50 per cent of salary costs and additional relevant and justifiable costs relating to


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NB! VINNOVA recently decided to also fund shorter terms of mobility as part of this call. This means

we can grant projects which run for:

1-3 years, where at least 50% of the time is spent outside Sweden, or

3 months, where all of the time is spent outside Sweden.

You will be able to read more about this in the updated call text, which will be published shortly.

Apply before: 13 Sep 2016, 14:00.



Strategisk mobilitet, 2016 – personrörlighet mellan akademi och näringsliv

The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research invites proposals for its strategic mobility grant for

personal mobility between academia and industry. This aims to increase personal mobility and cross-

fertilisation between academia and industry. The guest researcher may carry out research, research-

based activities or technical development within one of the foundation’s spheres of responsibility:

natural science, engineering and medicine.

Both foreign and Swedish researchers from academia and the business sector may apply. The host

institutes or departments may be situated in either Sweden or abroad as long as the exchange is

between one academic and one industry unit. Applicants should be well established in their current

work and should have tenured posts or such appointments that they are expected to return to their

original activities.

The total budget for this call is SEK15 million. Individual grants are worth up to SEK1.5m including

overheads, of which no more than SEK100,000 for other costs. Indirect costs are only permitted when

the host organisation is a Swedish higher education institution, regardless of which organisation

administers the grant. The duration of the project shall be equivalent to four to 12 months working

full-time. The exchange may be divided into different periods, and the grant holder may also work

part-time during their stay, but not more than for a period of two years. In the case of university

researchers who will do exchange service in industry, part of the grant can be used for repatriation

upon their return to academia. The repatriation grant may only be applied by university researchers

who intend to do a exchange programme in industry for at least 12 consecutive months at least 80 per

cent of full-time. A repatriation grant may be applied for including overheads, but no more than

SEK500,000. The earliest project start is 1 January 2017.

Sista ansökningsdag: 14 sep 2016, 14:00



Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse har till ändamål att

stödja samhällsvetenskaplig forskning inom främst ekonomisk historia, ekonomisk geografi,

företagsekonomi, nationalekonomi och ekonometri.

Ansökningsperiod: 8 augusti 2016 - 15 september 2016; gäller för Hedeliusstipendier (stipendier för

forskarutbildning utomlands), Forskarutbyte och spridning samt Wallander- och Browaldhstipendier

(postdoktorala stipendier resp. stipendier för internationell rekrytering).


Medel till alkoholforskning

Systembolagets Alkoholforskningsråd lämnar stöd till såväl samhällsvetenskaplig som medicinsk

alkoholforskning. Forskning av särskild betydelse för det förebyggande arbetet mot alkoholskadorna

prioriteras. Rådet administreras av Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysning (CAN).

Sista ansökningsdag är den 15 september 2016, klockan 16.00.

Läs fullständig utlysning och ansök på www.can.se/sra.

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De Duve Institute invites applications for its postdoctoral fellowships.

These enable young scientists to pursue postdoctoral research within one of the research groups in the

institute (more info about research areas here: http://www.deduveinstitute.be/research).

Candidates must hold a PhD, MD or equivalent degree, not obtained at a Belgian university. It is

mandatory to contact the group leader of the laboratory of choice before any application.

The one-year fellowships are renewable once, and provide a tax-free monthly allowance of

approximately €2,200. Health insurance, insurance against accidents, and registration fee for the

university are also included.

Bi-annual deadlines for application: January 15 and September 15.


The Government of Canada invites applications for the Banting postdoctoral fellowships.

These support postdoctoral applicants who will contribute to Canada’s economic, social and research-

based growth. They aim to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent both nationally and

internationally, develop fellows’ leadership potential and position them for success as research leaders.

Fellowships are distributed among the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Social

Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Therefore,

the areas of research supported are health, natural sciences and engineering, and social sciences and


Candidates may be of any nationality. They must have fulfilled all requirements for a PhD, a PhD-

equivalent or health professional degree on a date between 21 September 2013 and 30 September

2017. However, a two-year extension to this window for degree completion is available for candidates

who are health professionals previously engaged in post-degree non-research related clinical training

or candidates whose career has been interrupted or delayed due to parental leave, illness, health-related

family responsibilities or mandatory military service.

Eligible institutions are universities, affiliated research hospitals, and colleges or non-profit

organisations with a strong research mandate and capacity. Canadian citizens or permanent residents

who have obtained their degree from a Canadian university may hold their fellowship at a Canadian or

foreign institution. Non-Canadian applicants or Canadian citizens and permanent residents who

obtained their qualifications from a foreign university must hold their award at a Canadian institution.

Fellowships are worth CA$70,000 per year for two years and 70 awards are available every year.

Deadline for complete application submission: September 21, 2016 (20:00 EDT).


The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research invites applications for the Ingvar Carlsson


This aims to identify and support young, well-qualified postdoctorates who intend to start an

independent, lasting and creative research career upon their return to Sweden. The research conducted

should have the potential to strengthen Sweden’s future competitiveness.

The foundation supports research in the natural sciences, engineering and medicine, with priority in

the following areas:

life sciences;

life science technology;

material sciences and technology;

information, communication and systems technology;

computational sciences and applied mathematics.

Applicants must have received their PhDs at a Swedish or foreign university no earlier than 1 January

2012 and must have conducted continuous postdoctoral studies outside Sweden, at a university

different from the one where they graduated, for at least 12 months prior to the application deadline.

Grantees must become permanently active at a university in Sweden. Their work in Sweden should

have started no earlier than 1 September 2015 and no later than 31 August 2017. In addition,

applicants with a PhD from a university outside of Sweden must have completed a basic academic

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degree within the Swedish higher education system, achieving a qualification equivalent to both of a

bachelor of science and a master of science degree.

The foundation has set aside SEK48 million to fund 12 three-year grants, each worth SEK4m. The

grants include a personal scholarship of SEK60,000 that will be awarded to each recipient. The grants

should be used to assemble a research group. Up to one-third of the grant may be used to cover the

recipient's own salary.

Sista ansökningsdag: 22 sep 2016, 14:00.



The Volkswagen Stiftung invites applications for the Freigeist fellowships.

These support young researchers wishing to develop an individual research profile early in their

career. The funding provides grantees with a reliable five year timeline during which they are free to

carry out highly innovative risk-taking research located at the boundaries of established fields of


Applications are welcome in all areas and from all nationalities. Applicants must have obtained their

doctorate no more than five years ago and be integrated with a university or an extra-mural research

institution in Germany at the beginning of the fellowship. Candidates can not apply to continue their

research at the institution where they obtained their doctorate.

Fellowships are available for five years and, depending on the field of research and experience of the

candidate, are worth up to €1 million. A second funding period of three years’ worth €400,000 may be

applied for at the end of the fourth year. Funding may be used for salaries, travel expenses and

equipment. Fellows are expected to participate in teaching and academic self-administration. 10 to 15

fellowships are awarded per year.

Deadlines: October 13, 2016; October 12, 2017.



The Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation invites applications for its postdoctoral fellowship

programme at the Broad Institute.

This enables young scientists to study and perform research at the Broad Institute in the US, and upon

return, receive further support to continue that research in Sweden.

Applicants should have a doctorate-level degree from a Swedish university before commencing the

postdoctoral studies.

The fellowship is tenable for up to two years, and comprises a stipend of approximately US$50,000

per year and a package of health insurance, travel and supplies. A family allowance grant of up to

US$15,000 may also be provided. An additional two years of funding is available from the foundation

to support a research position at a Swedish university upon the candidate’s return.

The application period starts in September, and a complete application shall be submitted to the

Foundation no later than November 5.


Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning inbjuder ansökningar om stipendier för

postdoktoral utbildning i medicinsk vetenskap.

Dessa ger unga meriterade forskare möjlighet att under två år ägna sig åt medicinsk forskning på heltid

och att därigenom vinna docentkompetens. Utöver dessa kan även halvtidsstipendier för två år ges till

kliniskt verksamma läkare.

Behöriga att söka är de som avlagt doktorsexamen före 1 februari 2017 inom preklinisk eller klinisk

medicinsk disciplin eller inom ett till medicinen närstående ämnesområde, dock högst tre år innan

ansökningstidens utgång. Sökande måste ha haft forskningsverksamhet i Sverige under minst två år

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samt ha för avsikt att förlägga sin framtida forskning i Sverige. Som särskild merit räknas

välrenommerad verksamhet som gästforskare vid svenskt eller utländskt universitet. Studierna för

vinnande av docentkompetens kan bedrivas vid sökandens heminstitution eller annat valfritt svenskt

eller utländskt universitet.

Stipendierna uppgår till SEK25,000 och SEK17,000 per månad för hel- respektive halvtidsstudier. Ett

driftanslag som uppgår till SEK100,000 per år är också inkludetat i stipendiet. Vid slutet av varje

stipendieår ska som villkor för fortsatt stipendiestöd redogörelse lämnas av stipendiaten för vunna

forsknings- och utbildningsresultat. Stipendierna är avsedda att tillträdas tidigast den 1 juli och senast

den 30 juni påföljande år.

Ansökningsperioden pågår från 15 oktober till 15 november.


The Volkswagen Foundation has extended the closing date for its original, isn’t it? – new options

for the humanities and cultural studies call.

The previous deadline of 27 October has been extended to 17 November 2016. All other call details

remain unchanged.

This programme encourages scholars in the humanities and cultural studies to embark on projects of

groundbreaking originality, encompassing anything that contradicts the established knowledge or

generally accepted intuition, or the development of a new approach to research, a new hypothesis, a

new theory, observation of a new phenomenon, and discovery of knowledge gaps. The initiative

comprises two funding lines:

line one addresses individual researchers, offering them the opportunity to initially explore

their idea and subsequently describe it in an essay;

line two addresses project teams comprising up to four applicants who wish to work together

on a new research idea and test its feasibility in an initial exploratory phase, and subsequently

co-author a publication on the results.

Applications are open to all postdoctoral researchers employed at scientific institutions in Germany.

Researchers from foreign institutions may apply as co-applicants in funding line two. Partners may be

drawn from the social sciences, life sciences, natural sciences, or engineering.

Funding under line one is worth up to €80,000 over maximum one year. Funding under line two is

worth up to €150,000 over a maximum period of 18 months. A total of approximately 20 projects will

be funded per call. Funding may be used to cover the costs of resources and staffing, research stays at

outside institutions, workshops, the salary of a deputy during an additional research semester and

translation costs.



The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) invites proposals for its action


This supports networking activities such as meetings, short-term scientific missions, training schools

and dissemination activities in the areas of science and technology. The aim is to foster the scientific,

technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe.

COST encourages trans-, multi- and interdisciplinary approaches by integrating researchers, engineers

and scholars from different fields and horizons such as universities, research centres and companies, in

particular small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as other relevant actors.

Projects must include a network of proposers from at least five COST member countries or

cooperating state. The main proposer has to be affiliated to an institution located in one of these

countries or to a European research and technology development organisation.

Funding is available for four years.

The next Collection Date is tentatively set for 1 December 2016, at 12:00 CET. http://www.cost.eu/participate/open_call

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Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien inbjuder ansökningar om medel ur CF Lundströms


Detta stöder vetenskaplig forskning till gagn för landets industri, jordbruk och skogsbruk med

binäringar. Behöriga att söka är svenska medborgare.

Sista ansökningsdag är 15 januari, då systemet stängs kl. 17.00.


Svenska Läkaresällskapet inbjuder ansökningar om projektanslag ur Björklunds fond.

Anslagen stöder forskning inom amyotrofisk lateralskleros och likartade eller besläktade neurologiska


Sökande ska vara, och ha varit, medlemmar i förbundet året innan ansökningsåret och ha disputerat för

högst tio år sedan. Forskningsanslag ska förvaltas av det universitet eller sjukhus där forskningen


Sista ansökningsdag är den 1 februari. http://www.sls.se/Forskning--utbildning/Forskningsdelegationen--Prioriteringskommitten-



The Arts and Humanities Research Council invites applications for its research networking


This encourages discussion and exchange of ideas on a specified thematic area, issue or problem

through facilitating a short-term series of workshops, seminars, networking activities or other events.

The aims of the scheme are:

to support collaboration and the exchange of ideas across boundaries, primarily between

researchers in the arts and humanities, as well as with colleagues in other disciplines and other

stakeholders in order to explore a particular theme, issue or problem;

to enable groups of researchers and other stakeholders to explore ideas which could lead to

tangible projects and maximise opportunities for advances in creativity, insights, knowledge

and understanding in the area to be explored, with results of value both to the arts and

humanities research community and to wider contexts where they can make a difference;

to encourage and enable researchers within the research community to involve new

researchers and research students, as well as people or organisations from outside the

academic and research community, in the discussion and development of ideas;

to foster international collaboration and the development of strong academic links with

overseas researchers, in order to develop understanding through engagement with different

cultures and parts of the world, and to enhance research standards;

to provide a framework for the AHRC to learn of emerging areas of intellectual urgency and

potential strategic importance, both within the UK and internationally, identifying key

research challenges by building new collaborations as well as strengthening existing ones.

Proposals need to be led by a UK principal investigator. Principal investigators must come from a

discipline in the arts and humanities. Only one co-investigator is permissible. International co-

investigators are eligible under this scheme.

Grants are worth up to £30,000 each over two years. An additional £15,000 full economic cost may be

provided to cover the costs of any international participants or activities in addition to the scheme


No deadline. http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/funding/opportunities/current/researchnetworking/

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The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

No deadline.

Nominations for the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel research awards. These are given to internationally

renowned academics in recognition of their accomplishments in research to date and their promise for

the future. Academics from abroad, regardless of their discipline or nationality, may be nominated,

provided that they have received their doctoral degree within the past 18 years. At the time of

nomination, the candidate must have been living and working abroad for at least five years and not

have held or accepted an offer of permanent employment in Germany prior to the selection date. The

foundation particularly encourages the nomination of qualified female academics.

Nominations should be made by established academics employed by a university or research

institution in Germany or by former Humboldt award winners working abroad.

Around 20 awards are available, worth €45,000 each. Award winners are also invited to conduct a six

to 12 months research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a

specialist colleague. Further expenditures for the stay in Germany, such as travel or language courses,

are also covered.


Research fellowship for experienced researchers. This enables scientists and scholars from abroad

with above average qualifications to spend extended periods of research in Germany. The research

outline is carried out in cooperation with academic hosts at research institutions in Germany, which

are of the applicant’s own choosing. Applicants must have completed their doctorate less than twelve

years ago, already have their own research profile and be working at least at the level of assistant

professor or junior research group leader or have a record of several years of independent academic

work. Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply.

The fellowship has a duration of 6 to 18 months and can be divided up into as many as three stays

within three years. Fellowships are worth €3,150 per month, including a mobility lump sum and

contribution towards health and liability insurance, plus a subsidy towards research costs of €800 per

month for projects in the natural sciences and engineering or €500 per month for projects in the

humanities and social sciences. Travel expenses, language fellowships, family and single-parent

allowances, extension, a Europe allowance and alumni sponsorship are also available.


Humboldt research fellowship for postdoctoral researchers. This enables scientists and scholars from

abroad with above average qualifications to spend extended periods of research in Germany. The

research outline is carried out in cooperation with academic hosts at research institutions in Germany,

which are of the applicant’s own choosing.

Applicants must have completed their doctorate in the last four years. Scientists and scholars of all

nationalities and disciplines may apply.

The fellowship has a duration of 6 to 24 months. Fellowships are worth €2,650 per month, including a

mobility lump sum and contribution towards health and liability insurance, plus a subsidy towards

research costs of €800 per month for projects in the natural sciences and engineering or €500 per

month for projects in the humanities and social sciences. Travel expenses, language fellowships,

family and single-parent allowances, extension, a Europe allowance and alumni sponsorship are also



The Andrew W Mellon Foundation invites letters of inquiry for its grants.

These support a wide range of initiatives to strengthen the humanities, arts, higher education and

cultural heritage. The foundation makes grants in five core programme areas:

higher education and scholarship in the humanities;

arts and cultural heritage;


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scholarly communications;

international high education and strategic projects.

Prospective grantees should review programme area guidelines before inquiring about a particular

project; if the project fits within the foundation’s grant-making priorities, they will invite a grant


Domestic or foreign organisations are eligible to apply. The foundation does not make grants to


Letters of inquiry are invited throughout the year.


The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its portfolio awards.

These fund programmes that require a portfolio of projects to deliver leading edge innovations in

healthcare. Proposals must demonstrate ambitious and innovative solutions in an area of unmet need in

healthcare that cannot be realised through a project-based funding approach.

They must have demonstrated proof-of-principle or validation that is supported by experimental data,

and may fall under a variety of fields of technology development within healthcare, including

therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices and regenerative medicine.

Applicants may be non-profit institutions, governmental or non-governmental organisations, for-profit

organisations or companies and may be based anywhere in the world. Cross-border collaborations are


Requested budgets may include modest equipment purchase and maintenance costs, however

institutional overheads, working capital or building or refurbishment expenditure are not covered.

The Portfolio Awards work on a rolling basis. If you receive an invitation to submit a preliminary

application, you will be provided with the relevant Committee deadlines at the time of the invitation.


Riksbankens Jubileumsfond inbjuder ansökningar om forskningsinitiering.

Stöd kan ges för konferenser, seminarier, workshops samt för att skapa nya forskarnätverk. Anslagen

är främst avsedda för att initiera verksamhet som ska leda fram till ny forskning inom

samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.

Särskild prioritet ges till ansökningar med internationell anknytning.

Beviljade anslag täcker i normalfallet alla direkta kostnader förknippade med vetenskapliga möten,

varför samfinansiering med andra finansiärer i normalfallet inte är nödvändig och bör undvikas.

Undantaget är stora och mycket kostsamma internationella konferenser där flera finansiärer vanligen

delar på kostnaderna.

Anslag till forskningsinitiering kan sökas när som helst under året. Dock måste de aktiviteter som

medel söks för, planeras med god framförhållning.


Riksbankens Jubileumsfond inbjuder ansökningar om produktionsstöd.

Tryckningsbidrag beviljas endast manuskript som emanerar ur Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds stödform

projekt. Populärvetenskapliga publikationer bör i första hand diskuteras med kommersiella företag.

Bidrag ges för tryckkostnader samt, om särskilda skäl finns, till kostnader för layout och upprättande

av register.
