Åkers annual report 2008

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  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008


    The kers Group AnnuAl reporT 2008

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008



    Presdets commets ................................................2

    Market oerew .........................................................6

    Dso Cast Rolls Amerca .......................................8

    Dso Cast Rolls Europe.......................................10

    Dso For ged Rolls ...............................................12

    Dso Specalt Rolls ............................................14

    kers Cha .........................................................19

    A oate compa ............................................20

    Qualt, Safet ad Eromet ..............................22

    Facal Stateme ts ...............................................25

    Presetato of the Board of Drectors .....................28Group Ex ecute Maag emet .................................29

    kers Group World wde .......................................31

    Cotact formato ..................................................32

    th clar bjciv i dvlp kr rma ladig rll mauacurr i a wrldcla cmpay.

    Bengt NilssonPresident & CEO

    Graphcal producto: EttOrd AB, Strgs

    Photo: Patrk Borg, A Hee, Moa Skoglud, Tedd Soost ad The kers Group

    Traslato: Amesto, Gteborg | Prepress: Bldrepro Stockholm AB

    Prt: Cetraltrckeret, Lkpg, 2009 | Paper: MultDesg Whte Orgal, Paprus

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008



    A rcrd yar i pi a urbul mark

    2008 wa a v tbt

    a f t gba

    idt. T vatd

    mat itati i 2007 wa

    normizd during th rt

    af f t a, t b fwd

    b a damatic dci f t

    mat i t at qat.

    Ths dramatc slowdow was caused

    b the rapd decle of global steel

    demad. i tur, ths decle demad

    led to signicant output decreases by

    the steel producers of the world,

    order to meet the actual demad.

    if the deelopmet of global roll

    demad recet ears has bee wth-

    out hstorcal parallels, ths s also true for

    the speed ad the sze of the slowdow.

    The leadg roll makers expereced low

    order take Q4 ad were also faced

    wth demads to postpoe shpmets,

    from a few moths to up to oer a ear,

    as well as of cacellatos.

    In the rst half of 2008, both raw

    materal ad eerg prces creased

    rapdl wth scrap prces r eachg

    record leels durg sprgtme. i the

    summer moths prces started to fall as

    rapdl. The mpact of olatle raw mate-

    ral prces has, to a large extet, bee

    dealt wth through arable surcharges.

    These surcharges, sce ther tro-

    Bgt ni

    pidt & Ceo



    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

    Sales 2.081 2.501 2.671 3.195 3.592

    Operating expenses -2.026 -2.322 -2.392 -3.007 -3.378

    Depreci ation -98 -91 -97 -109 -120

    EBIT -42 88 182 304 378

    EBIT Margin neg 4% 7% 10% 11%

    Investme nts in fxed assets 176 156 61 199 283

    Return on capita l employed neg 6% 14% 18% 17%

    SalES pER REGIon

    Percentage o total sales

    Europe 52%

    Asia incl Australia 27%

    North America 17%

    Arica 2%

    Latin America 2%

    ToTal SalES 2004 2008


    2004 -08- 05 - 06 - 07

    3 000

    2 000

    1 000

    4 000


    ducto a few ears ago, hae become

    dustr stadard ma markets such

    as Europe ad north Amerca for exam-

    ple. noetheless, t s lkel that ths ol-

    atlt has created a securt that has

    cotrbuted to the weaker order take

    in the nal months of the year.

    nw wi tct

    For kers, a large part of the ear was

    domated b the process whch theprivate equity rm Altor acquired 85

    percet of the Group from STC iter-

    nans. Formal closing of the transac-

    to was completed o Jul 23. The fact

    that STC Internans remains as a sig -

    nicant minority shareholder is a sign

    of ther cotued belef the Gr oup

    ad should also esure cotut the

    deelopmet of kers.

    Followg tese coceptual work

    wth the execute maagemet team

    durg the secod quarter, the com-

    pa lauched a mproemet program

    called kers 25. Ths program ams

    far beod the Busess Pla that was

    approed October 2007.

    Durg the startup of kers 25, the

    compa foud tself the rapdl fall-

    g market. i respose, the focus

    the nal weeks of the year was changed

    towards short term acttes order to

    deal wth the ew market realt.

    As a result of the capact adjust-

    mets decded upo durg Q4 the

    workforce wll be decreased b aroud

    15 percet ad that actt ma

    plats wll be dramatcall reduced dur-

    ing the rst half of 2009.

    A ew product dso orgaza-

    to was troduced Jauar 2008.

    Durg the ear the ew structure has

    bee cosoldated ad a umber of ke

    recrutmets were made. new corpo-

    rate fuctos such as Global Produc-

    to Support ad Corporate Deelop-met were establshed.

    Faciitat damaticimvmt

    i am coced that kers ow has a

    orgazatoal structure that wll facl-

    tate the dramatc mproemets that

    we ted to achee. Followg the

    ew dsoal structure, a decso

    was take to establsh two subsdar-

    es of kers Frace S.A., oe for each

    of the plats Seda ad Frasses.

    From a operatoal stadpot, these

    plats are ow part of the Dsos

    Cast Rolls Europe ad Specalt Rolls.

    The remag acttes wth kers

    Frace S.A. are part of Dso Forged


    A ew product deelopmet model,

    SPiDER, has bee troduced durg

    the ear. There are curretl a umber

    of hghl promsg ew products the

    pipeline with signicant commercial


    Bt a i it

    Sales 2008 amouted to 3.592 MSEK,

    whch s 12.4 percet aboe the 2007

    level (3.195 MSEK). The operating prot,

    EBiT, was 378 MSEK (304 MSEK). As a

    result 2008, spte of the er weak last

    quarter, was the best ear the hstor

    of kers in absolute gures.

    Operating cash ow amounted to

    393 MSEK (94 MSEK).

    The total estmets 2008 were

    283 MSEK (200 MSEK). Oe of the

    largest projects was the ew ertcal

    sp castg mache the Chese


    The mproemet program kers

    25 wll ru durg a umber of ears

    ad wll hae effects all areas of the

    Group. The program cotas short

    term cost sag ad cash geerat-

    g actos as well as more structural

    mproemets. Durg the lfe of the

    program a separate program ofce will

    secure that all acttes are followed

    ad cotrolled. The clear objecte s to

    deelop kers from a leadg roll mau-

    facturer to a world class compa.

    Bgt ni

    Presdet & CEO

    EBIT 2004 2008


    2004 -08- 05 - 06 - 07





    GloBal cRUdE STEEl

    pRodUcTIon pER MonTh

    Million metric tons

    200820072004 2005 2006

    125 000

    100 000

    50 000

    75 000

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 3

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008


    My cllagu ar dfily hm impra hig r m,ad i h udry a kr whav a rally gd am adgra am piri. th ac ha

    kr al r a xciig jb,wrkig wih ml ir haxrmly rwardig m.

    Therese AnderssonFoundry worker

    kers Styckebruk, Sweden

    I rally valu my jb ad hway I am dvlpig a kr.I hav ly b abl bcm a xpr i my pr-i, bu I hav al xp-ricd hr ara uch a

    caig ad ha ram.thi ma ha my jb i' arui. I hp I ca carry i hi way r urhr dvlp-m i h uur.

    Franck VioletteFoundry workerSedan, France

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 5

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008



    Clr cumr

    Dit t aid dwt i

    t wd cm, 2008 wa

    t bt a i it .

    T cma tgtd

    it iti a a gba mat

    ad ffig qait f

    t gba t ad amim


    Compared to 2007, sales Cha

    creased b more tha 50 percet

    ad b a ee greater percetage ida. The crease olumes sold was

    achieved without comprising protabil-

    t leels.

    B far the most mportat product

    area for kers has bee, ad cot-

    ues to be, rolls for at products within

    the spheres of carbo steel, sta-

    less steel ad alumum. Wth these

    areas, whch comprse the ast major-

    t of Group acttes, kers has a er

    strog market posto. For log pro-

    ducts, kers has take more of a che

    approach wth excellet capabltes to

    produce larger szed secto mll rolls,

    both cast ad forged, at our stes

    Swede ad Frace.

    Icaig gba aad vic c

    As eer rollg mll s uque, workg

    closel wth our customers to costatl

    mproe our uderstadg of how we

    ca meet ther eeds s somethg we

    cotuall stre to do. Ths has bee

    oe mportat cotrbutg factor to the

    success we hae ejoed our tra-

    dtoal markets of Europe ad north


    Wth kers log ad rch hstor of

    maufacturg Wester Europe ad

    north Amerca, our salesforce also

    uf Gm

    si Vic pidt

    Matig & sa

    Ia McWit

    exctiv Vic pidtCat Dvmt

    I rally jy h vry-day cac wih cu-mr ad c-wrkrwihi kr. W ar avry gd am, uppr-ig ach hr wardur gal. thi highlymivad am wrkca ly lad ucc.Fr m prally, I ga l w xprici h fld markigad al, which I fd

    bh m irig addvlpig.

    Barbara KureSales Coordinator

    Ravne, Slovenia


    pER coUnTRY




    SpainGreat Britain


    South Korea





    Other countries


    0% 5% 10% 15% 20%


    Roll MIll applIcaTIon

    Narrow strip mill rolls

    Plate mill rolls

    Aluminium mill rolls &Continous casting

    Cluster mill rolls

    Cold strip mill rolls

    Section mill rollsBack up rolls

    Co products

    Hot strip mill rolls


    has ts roots prmarl these markets.

    Today our sales ofces in these markets

    are complemented by sales ofces in

    Cha ad Brazl. Through ths etwork,

    kers toda sells to customers oer

    50 coutres.

    Our tradtoal markets hae bee,

    ad wll cotue to be, mportat mar-

    kets for kers, but wth the rapd growth

    of the steel producto ma emerg-

    g markets, the mportace of the mar-

    kets outsde the tradtoal regos has

    creased greatl for kers r ecet


    Nw nd rvic ofc

    Cosequetl, we hae decded to buld

    up a umber of ew sales ad serce

    ofces in selected markets in the com-

    g ears.

    Workg from a umber of sm-

    lar hubs, kers wll hae a ee more

    commadg presece o the global

    market. The compa s curretl co-

    sderg a umber of possble locatos

    for its own sales ofces.

    B leeragg our exstg sales ad

    serce capablt ad complemetg

    t wth more local market presece, we

    belee that we ca work ee closer

    wth our customers, to deler superor

    products ad serces. i ths challeg-

    g market eromet, we belee that

    ths proacte approach s ke to secur-

    g kers cotued deelopmet,

    positioning kers to benet from the

    chagg global steel ladscape.

    Wi-wi atiiwit ctm

    A arragemet wth eer-adacg

    leels of techcal expertse ad more

    proacte adsor serces, delered

    the mll, for customers s our objec-

    te. Ths eables kers to help the cus-

    tomer to alwas choose the correct

    roll for a partcular applcato. A

    approach corporatg total cost of

    owershp s beg creasgl mple-

    meted b kers' customers. i prac-

    tce, ths meas that a swtch to a hgh

    tech roll solution may yield signicantly

    better operating and overall nancial

    results for the customer.

    Wth the purpose of further stregth-

    eg the customer percepto of kers

    as a mportat suppler Cha, kers

    held a er successful customer sem-

    ar Cha March 2008. More thaoe hudred customers atteded the

    semar. kers' techolog ad kow-

    how, as well as customer case studes

    were preseted.

    Fc cag

    Wth our marketg ad sales act-

    tes, oe objecte s to rapdl adapt

    to prealg market codtos. Per-

    haps ee more mportat, the work

    ad efforts to mproe ad chage,

    wll also prepare the busess for the

    uptur whe t eetuall arses, esur-

    g that kers comes out o top.

    Our oerall objectes are to be

    faster, more reliable and efcient

    as well as more customer-focused,

    achieving more protability and thus

    deelop from beg the leadg global

    roll maufacturer to becomg a

    world-class compa.

    Tm ad cditi

    Oe er mportat objecte for kers,

    ad the etre roll dustr s to estab-

    lsh more deeloped commercal rela-

    tos betwee roll makers ad ther cus-


    Roll maufacturg cludes log

    throughput tmes wth hgh exposure to

    uctuating raw material prices and var-

    g exchage rates.

    i the last quarter of 2008, whethe market stuato was dramatcall

    worseed, t also became obous that

    clearer commercal rules hae to be

    establshed ths partcular market.

    Postpoemets ad cacellatos must

    be hadled accordace wth agree-

    mets betwee the partes.

    stgtig t gaizati

    Efforts ths regard are ot lmted to

    mprog kers' global sales presece.

    Ke recrutmets hae also bee made

    durg 2008 ad wll cotue also

    2009 as a umber of the exper ts the

    orgazato are approachg retre-

    met. kers objecte s to hae a

    excellet commercal team regardless

    of where the customers are located or

    what products the are usg.

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 7

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008



    th cmpi iv pii i rg

    2008 wa a tg a f

    Divii Cat r Amica.

    pdct iabiit ad mi

    atig wdg i t

    fdati wic xct

    vic t ctm i bit.

    Dso Cast Rolls Amerca s a strog

    suppler of Hot strp mll rolls the

    north Amerca market. i the last ear

    the dso has focused o creasg

    export sales. Durg 2008, 26 percet

    of the roll producto was exported. Themajort of exported rolls are shpped to

    Asa, prmarl to Cha. Last ear, tech-

    cal sales sts were made to ma

    terestg markets. Exchagg kow-

    ledge ad expereces of rollg mll

    practces related to techolog rolls,

    supports the deelopmet of sales

    ew markets.

    eqimt ad acivtmt

    i 2008, two major captal expedture

    projects were tated ad wll be com-

    pleted in 2009. The r st is the construc-

    to of a magesum wre treatmet sta-

    to used to produce odular ro for

    the roll core. Ths process wll mp roe

    the eromet for the workforce. The

    secod project s the stallato of a

    rebult CnC lathe.

    Durg the ear, research efforts

    troduced ew roll grades offerg

    mproed surface qualt for r oughg

    stad applcatos. Performace trals

    coducted at seeral customer facl-

    Fr m, kr ha hwha wih hard wrkad cmmim mayppruii ar pr-d. Havig bgiv h ppruiy cmmuica wih cu-mr a daily baiha hw m a wprpciv wha hirccr ad dar. th ppruiy lar ad grw, wih hlprm kwldgabl

    ad xpricd ppla kr, ha mad hraii vry rwardig.

    Robert E. KlingensmithTechnical Sales Engineer

    Avonmore, PA, USA

    The highly respected kers brand rep-resents product quality, reliability andoutstanding service. In a global econ-omy, this strong brand recognition greatlystrengthens our competitive position.

    Tm Adam

    Divii MaagCat r Amica

    shorT FACTs 2008em: 330 F.T.E.pdct: Hot strp mll rolls,Cold strp mll rollsvertcal Seal: Beargs, bush-gs, sleees ad chockslcati: Aomore, HdePark ad Pleasatlle, PA,USApdcd vm: 22.000 t

    nUMBER oF


    330 pe ople (21% o the

    Group) Year average



    13% o the Group


    20% o the Group

    SalES pER REGIon

    Asia 26%

    North America 74%

    tes are showg mproed performace

    ad surface reteto.

    Mvig fwad i 2008

    Dso Cast Rolls Amerca exceeded

    its objectives through the rst three

    quarters of 2008, but ecoomc co-

    dtos the fourth quarter adersel

    affected ear-ed results. Ufortu-

    atel, the uexpected ecoomc dow-

    tur came er quckl ad full recoer

    s et uclear.

    A mportat acheemet 2008

    was the fact that the safet record

    improved signicantly. The number ofLost Tme Accdets was reduced b

    25 percet ad resulted a decreased

    umber of work das lost.

    The vertcal Seal faclt mau-

    factures bearg compoets for roll-

    g mlls whch are assembled oto roll

    ecks. The potetal for growth ths

    market s excellet.

    Durg the ear, vertcal Seal deel-

    oped a successful busess reparg

    steel mll backup ad work roll chocks.

    Mat adi

    The Dso Cast Rolls Amerca sales

    departmet has ma ears of opera-

    toal, techcal ad product deelop-

    met experece workg closel wth

    the rollg mlls ad matag strog

    customer relatoshps. The compa

    uses the product ad rollg mll oper-atg kowledge to prode excellet

    serce, to mproe rollg practces

    ad to sole problems for the custom-

    ers. These alue-added serces, alog

    wth the suppl of relable product qual-

    t ad performace, wll be mportat


    Bad ctm f cat

    The rolls maufactured from the D-

    so ca be grouped to two catego-

    res: stadard ad techolog. Stadard

    rolls are grades that most roll maufac-

    turers produce. Requrg adaced

    maufacturg techques, techolog

    rolls are highly rened grades made

    from hgh-speed steel. i north Amer-

    ca; Dso Cast Rolls Amerca s the

    leadg maufacturer of techolog


    F.T.E.= Full tme equalac e

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 9

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008



    Wll quippd ac h uur

    Icad dcti

    caacit d tat Divii

    Cat r e wa m

    ab t c wit t tg

    v f dmad, imai

    witi at mi .

    As a result of chages ad mproe-

    mets durg the ear, Dso Cast

    Rolls Europe s well equpped to face

    the future. At the same tme, the market

    for hot mll rolls at the ed of the ear

    was markedl affected b the chages the ecoomc stuato.

    The Dso has two producto facl-

    tes, oe kers Stckebruk, Swede,

    ad oe Seda, Frace. The umber

    of emploees at the Swedsh faclt s

    310, whle 200 people are emploed at

    the Frech ste.

    The bggest maufacturg actt

    terms of olume wth Dso Cast

    Rolls Europe s stll hot strp mll rolls for

    roughing mill works and nishing mill

    works. Maufacturg of plate mll rolls

    ad hot strp mll rolls takes place at

    both producto uts. Large secto mll

    rolls are maufactured at the produc-

    to ut kers Stckebruk, Swede.

    Ica i dcti caacit

    Durg 2008, two br ad ew heat-treat-

    met stallatos were plaed for the

    Swedsh faclt. Ths wll cotrbute

    substatall to creasg producto

    capact ad esurg faster deleres.

    The Dso had almost full order

    books rght through to the fall of 2008,

    I hav a backgrud imchaical girigad am w rpiblr prc girigad machi ud ih mauacur rll.I hav had h ppru-iy puru my ch- carr. My jb akar xrmly varid, adI am caly mar-ig w kill ad gai-ig xpric. krr a vry irigwrk virm, which

    prvid m wih a lidbai r my uur dvl-pm.

    Frdric HussonPreparation department for

    numerical controlSedan, France

    The desire and ability to change andadapt is present within the Division. Wehave made great progress in terms oquality, reliability o delivery, saety and

    working environment.

    kti kad

    Divii MaagCat r e

    shorT FACTs 2008em: 510 F.T.E.pdct: Hot strp mll rolls,Plate mll rolls, Secto mllrollslcati: kers Stcke-bruk, Swede; Seda, Fracepdcd vm:31.000 t

    nUMBER oF


    510 people (32% o the

    Group) Year average



    30% o the Group


    29% o the Group

    SalES pER REGIon

    Arica 4%

    Americas 7%

    Asia 40%

    Europe 49%

    at whch pot the stuato altered

    somewhat certa segmets due

    to the rapdl falterg global eco-

    om. Secto mll rolls ad plate mll

    rolls are stll experecg a good leel

    of demad ad the Dso's uts are

    adjustg producto capact to satsf

    workload demads. The stuato s df-

    feret for hot mll r olls, ad adjustmets

    hae bee made to match customers'

    reduced requremets for ew rolls.

    At the ed of 2008, the umber of

    temporar staff the Dso was

    reduced, owg to the mpact of chaged

    producto capact resultg from cur-ret market codtos. Oer the ear,

    the orgazato has also bee stregth-

    deler from the Dso's uts has

    bee mproed, ad the ambtous

    group-wde targets for mproed relabl-

    t hae bee attaed almost oe hu-

    dred percet. Safer workg ero-

    mets ad hgher attedace amog

    emploees are poste results from the

    ear's other tates. Acheg these

    objectes requres costat deelop-

    met of both emploees ad producto

    facltes, somethg that eer stops.

    Ctm tgt t wd

    The Dso has customers throughout

    the world. Our geeral approach, regard-less of where the world the customer

    s located, s to edeaor to promote cus-

    tomer condence and to ensure that our

    product fuctos optmall after deler.

    B reewg the techcal requremets

    adace together wth the customer,

    Dso Cast Rolls Europe ca esure

    that the correct product wth the correct

    specications is ordered and delivered

    eer tme.

    Costatl mprog ad deelop-

    g both products ad qualt leel s

    the drg force for Dso Cast Rolls

    Europe. Our products are well estab-

    lshed ad hae a world-class reputa-

    to wth the dustr ad ths pos-

    to must be mataed.

    eed b seeral mportat ke recrut-

    mets at both the Dso ad ste leel.

    Ctat imvmt

    The focus the kers Group s o get-

    tg closer to ts customers. Dso

    Cast Rolls Europe s workg alog

    these les ad s well aware of the

    challeges t faces. icreased focus

    o customers' requremets, ol-

    g, amog other thgs, estmet

    creased techcal support ad serce

    o ste for customers, s obous. Work-

    g to esure costat mproemet

    has elded results ad the Dso hascreased producto ad mproed the

    qualt of ts products. Relablt of

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 11

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008



    swpig chag

    Divii Fgd r a

    dg maj cag

    dig 2008, bt i tm

    f it gaizati ad

    t mat. Fwig t

    w diviia tct,

    t xctiv maagmt

    a b wd t a ag

    dg ad w ig tc

    av b dcd

    ad ttd i ctm'

    faciiti a bad ca.

    Dso Forged Rolls has three produc-

    to plats. These are located Frace

    ad Belgum. The plat Tholle

    cludes steel works, forgg, heat treat-

    met ad machg. The plat Ber-

    lamot performes heat treatmet ad

    machg, whle the plat Lege

    maufactures ESR materal (Electro

    slag remeltg) cludg forgg ad

    heat treatmet.

    pdcti caacit

    At the ed of 2008, the umber of

    emploees the Dso was 450, of

    whch 60 percet work Tholle.

    The Dso's ma operatos are

    the producto of secto mll rolls for

    maufacturg log products, back-up

    rolls for cold ad hot rollg, ad com-

    plemetar products, prmarl gots,

    forged bars ad mechacal peces.

    The producto capact for secto

    mll rolls s aroud 5.000 tos per ear.

    The etre output of secto mll rolls s

    I i vry mivaig rm wrk i a ridlyam wih challg-ig rpibilii ia wrldwid cmpaymakig prduc hhigh qualiy. I my jba a pyrmric ch-icia I g ppruiy icra my kw-ldg a w dvlpchiqu ad wrkigmhd ciuuly.

    th cmr I l wih

    h kr amphr iial r my jb ai-aci.

    Raphael BorgesPyrometric Technician

    Berlaimont, France

    Our Division and our people strive or andachieve such great efciency and such ahigh level o competence, know-how andquality, that we can only but strenghtenour market-leading position.

    pii B

    Divii MaagFgd r

    shorT FACTs 2008em: 470 F.T.E.pdct: Secto mll rolls,back-up rolls, gots, forgedbars ad mechacal peceslcati: Lege, Belgum;Berlamot ad Tholle,Fracepdcd vm:Co-products 43.000 tRolls 19.000 t

    nUMBER oF


    470 people (29% o the

    Group) Year average



    46% o the Group


    32% o the Group

    SalES pER REGIon

    Americas 2%

    Asia 13%

    Europe 85%

    set asde for Europe. Dso Forged

    Rolls' secto mll rolls are estmated to

    hae 5 percet of the market.

    Aroud 6.000 tos of back-up rolls are

    maufactured auall ad sold prma-

    rl Europe ad Asa. The Dso has

    aroud 8 percet of the global market.

    i the steel works, extra capact

    eables the Dso to maufacture

    gots ad forged bars, accoutg for

    half of the sales of the Dso.

    eaig cagd

    2008 saw the market shft from rsg

    demad ad strog producto expa-

    so wth assocated ew hrg durg

    the rst six months, to a faltering econ-

    om wth decreasg olumes ad la-

    offs affectg temporar staff durg the

    secod half of the ear. Despte ths,

    Dso Forged Rolls' eargs hae

    remaed uchaged compared wth

    the preous ear.

    Durg ths dowtur, the Dso wll

    cotue to est research ad deel-

    opmet preparato for expected mar-

    ket recoer. Thaks to kers' er

    strog ame ad the Dso's exte-

    se kow-how relato to ts compet-

    tors, Dso Forged Rolls wll be a

    excellet posto whe demad pcks

    up aga. Through close cotact wth

    customers, the Dso s able to gude

    ad follow potetal market chages.

    Icaig t vic v

    i order to mata ad stregthe

    ts market-leadg posto, Dso

    Forged Rolls tated a umber of

    deelopmet projects wth the kers

    25 program, amed at creasg the

    serce leel whle becomg more ad

    more efcient. With the help of mod-

    er mproemet tools, there hae bee

    reductos of o coformtes, c-

    dets ad delas. The aerage through-

    put tme has also decreased as well as

    the respose tme to customer requests.

    hig va f t ctmThe stringent specications and the

    hgh qualt that forged bars ad

    mechacal peces demad, push the

    whole Dso to much hgher stad-

    ards tha rolls request. As a result, our

    customers for forged rolls ca rel o

    the worldwde best class whe rolls

    are cocered.

    For kers t s mportat that the cus-

    tomer gets the lowest total cost of ow-

    ership, in order to get the most prot-

    able soluto. Factors such as a log

    serce lfe, few producto stoppages,

    good techcal support, ad tmel

    deleres are tal.

    Research ad deelopmet remas

    the fuel for future growth. Through

    renement of production methods,

    costat deelopmet of steel qual-

    tes, mproemet heat treatmet

    ad close collaborato wth custom-

    ers' egeers, ew tpes of r olls hae

    bee desged ad tests hae begu,

    2008, to crease the alue of our rolls

    for our customers.

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 13

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    Icrad icicy wih w rgaizai

    Divii sciat r

    a t a t f fft it

    dcti imvmt.

    Icad dcti

    vm, dcad w

    i g ad td

    tgt tim av

    b aa. pdcti

    gam btw t at

    a a imtat i t

    work to optimi fcincy.

    Durg 2008, each of the three plats

    in the Division beneted from strong

    demad. Although Europe remas the

    ke market, rolls are delered to cus-

    tomers world wde.

    2008 was a breakthrough ear for

    busess Cha for Dso Specalt

    Rolls, sellg prmarl rolls for clus-

    ter mlls ad work rolls for cold r ollg to

    ew customers. The Chese market s

    gag mportace for the Dso,

    wth a cotuousl rsg market share.

    Dvmt f wdct ad mtd

    Oe of the ke factors drg kers'

    posto as a market leader s ew

    product deelopmet. Efforts, com-

    pa wde, focus o deelopg prod-

    ucts that maxmze performace ad

    cost effecteess for our customers.

    2008 cluded seeral acheemets

    ew product deelopmet regardg the

    products Dso Specalt Rolls.

    A ma emphass has bee o the We put a lot o hard work and eorts intoimproving our production.

    nUMBER oF


    300 people (18% o the

    Group) Year average



    11% o the Group


    16% o the Group

    deelopmet of rolls for cluster mlls

    usg powder steel. new roll qualtes

    were also tested for cotuous castg

    of alumum as well as for work-rolls for

    cold rolling. The rst rolls using these

    ew methods ad ew steel grades

    hae alread bee delered to cus-

    tomer durg 2008.

    Icad dctivit

    A reorgazato ad specalzato pro-

    gram has bee completed durg the

    ear. Eer product group s ow made

    Mia rbi

    Divii Maagsciat r

    shorT FACTs 2008em: 300 F.T.E.pdct:Cluster mll rolls,arrow strp mll rolls, coldmll work rolls, alumumwork rollslcati: Frasses,Frace; Rae, Sloea;Sderfors, Swedepdcd vm: 7.712 t

    SalES pER REGIon

    Other 7%

    Americas 12%

    Asia 15%

    Europe 66%

    the producto ut wth the most sut-

    able producto facltes. The Frasses

    ut produces work rolls for cold rollg

    ad rolls for alumum, whle the Sder-

    fors ut specalses the producto

    of rolls for cluster mlls ad arrow strp

    mll rolls. i Rae both product groups

    are produced as well as work rolls for

    cold rollg.

    Ths specalzato has lead to a

    10 percet crease of productt

    Rae ad Sderfors.

    Signicant investments have been

    made Rae wth a addtoal heat

    treatmet le. iestmets hae also

    bee made ew maches Sder-


    i the Frasses ut, focus has bee

    cost cuttg order to mproe produc-

    tt. Amog other actos, the umber

    of emploees has bee reduced.

    , a af ac t w

    Dso Specalt Rolls succeeded

    better safet 2008. The umber

    of labour accdets was lower tha

    recet ears. The compa wde safet

    program has postel mproed theatttude regardg safet the Dso.

    T adig dcf fgd

    Dso Specalt Rolls s alread oe

    of the largest global producers of forged

    rolls. i tmes lke these, the determ-

    ato s ot ol to presere but also

    to crease market share for all product


    The techcal cosultg ad serce

    for customers will be intensied.

    The producto uts wll cotue

    wth producto restructurg to cut

    costs ad to crease productt.

    As 2009 will be a difcult year,

    all resources are there to reach the

    plaed targets spte of extreme

    busess challeges.

    Challg, dvlp-m, variai, pari-cipai ad a cmmuiy. th ma-agm' huiamad dir dvlp hcmpay i a wrld-cla playr i imula-ig. I irig adxciig b ivlvdad cribu hidvlpm. I hav axrmly varid adchallgig jb, which

    al ivlv wrkigwih ppl rm hrcuri ad culur.

    Fredrik LvstrmProject manager

    Sderfors, Sweden

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 15

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    I rally jy wrkig wihmchaical hig ad wihh machi w hav a

    kr. I fd i pciallyirig wrk wih himpriv dimi h rll w prduc hr a

    kr i thivill.

    Thomas BaticleMachine operatorThionville, France

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008


    K ER S in CH in A

    Layig h udai r high-chrll mauacurig i Chia

    F , t av it w

    mafactig it i

    mat w it dct

    a d i a maj at.

    Cia, t agt t

    dc i t wd, a f

    a g tim b a imtat

    mat f . I 2007,

    saxi TIsCo r C.

    ltd. wa t i Taia,

    t wt f Bijig.

    Wth roll producto the largest ad

    fastest growg market the world,

    kers ca much more effectel pro-

    de serce to Chese customers.

    Shorter trasport routes also make a bg

    dfferece terms of the erometal

    mpact ad deler tmes.

    The compa s jotl owed b

    kers AB (60%) ad Taua iro &

    Steel Co. Ltd. (TiSCO) (40%), ad

    eoled from TiSCO's former roll mau-

    facturer, TiSCO Roll.

    A extese deelopmet program

    has bee mplemeted, olg qual-

    ity improvements, enhanced efciency

    ad a expaso capact.

    ' tcg

    The qualt mproemets wll be made

    possble b trasferrg kers techo-

    log to the compa. Emploees from

    Shax kers TiSCO Roll Co. Ltd. hae

    sted kers' arous facltes Europe

    ad receed trag techolog, qua-

    lt ad safet ssues. Kowledge buld-

    up s also facltated b three expatrates

    (actg Geeral Maager, Foudr Ma-

    ager ad Mache shop Maager) ad

    b hag emploees from other kers

    plats workg Taua.

    i 2008, a extese macher

    estmet program was mplemeted,

    wth the bggest estmet beg a ce-

    trfugal sp caster. Ths techolog wll

    allow kers to deler rolls of arous

    materal qualtes, wth a er hgh leel

    I am caly larigad bcmig mr admr fci hak a gd raiig prgramad hard wrk. I rallyjy my jb ad i didak lg r m l arg bd wih my cl-lagu ad h cm-pay. naurally I wa dvlp ad advac ih cmpay ad I kwha I hav vry ppr-uiy d ha.

    Xu GuoHuaDeputy Machine shop manager

    Taiyuan, China

    th bigg ivm i 2008 i h Chi pla wa a cri ugalpi car. kr ca, wih h w pi car, upply high qualiyrll variu grad rm h pla.

    I i vry irig ad piiv wihh iraial amphr i kr.W cm rm may dir cu-ri wih dir culur all wrk-ig ghr ward h gal A vbr kr. W d hi by adp-ig h kr wrkig mhd which

    hav hw b uccul vr hyar. I rally apprciad h rai-ig prgram I xpricd wh I waw i kr.

    Flora XieArea Sales Manager

    Shanghai, China

    of precso, maufactured Cha.

    Other szable estmets 2008

    cluded ew coolg pts, ducto ad

    heat treatmet furaces, lathes ad mll-

    g maches.

    sa ad ditibti

    kers s resposble for the marketg

    ad sales of rolls produced at Shax

    kers TiSCO Roll Co. Ltd. A ew sales

    compa kers Rolls Tradg (Shag-

    ha) Compa Ltd has bee establshed

    durg the ear to hadle ths. i paral-lel, the kers Shagha Represetate

    ofce is responsible for the sales of rolls

    maufactured other parts of the kers


    Ad habg

    Caima f t Bad

    saxi TIsCor C. ltd.

    shorT FACTs 2008em: 320 F.T.E.pdct: Hot strp mllwork rollslcati: Taua,Shax, Chapdcd vm:6.500 t

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 19

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    The ma focus s deelopmet of exst-

    g materals, but alterate maufac-

    turg methods ad materals are co-

    tuousl beg estgated ad tested.

    Renement of existing materials has

    moed from low-allo to hgh-allo prod-

    ucts. Establshmet of hgh speed steel

    rolls s cotug; rolls for cold rollg

    ad rolls for the latter stads a Hot

    Strp Mll are beg deeloped ad wll be

    upgraded shortl.

    stgtig tcica vic

    i order to crease the rate of deelop-

    met of ew products ad stregthe

    strategc deelopmet ad the o-

    ato process, kers plas to focus

    more o techcal matters. improg

    the drect mpact of kers' products o

    the customers' ow leels of qualt ad

    productt requres a more deeloped

    support fucto ad closer collabora-

    to wth customers. A techcal serce

    fucto wll mproe commucato

    wth customers ad ge them greater

    potetal for acheg the rght leel of

    skll. Ths fucto wll also pla a cetral

    role in tests and modications by cus -


    stm f jct maagmt

    i order to reta ts competteess,

    kers eeds to mata ts market-

    leadg posto wth qualt ad pro-

    duct deelopmet. Oe ad for ths work

    s the project ad documet maage-

    met sstem called SPiDER mple-

    meted durg the ear. SPiDER

    makes t possble to follow the process

    for deelopmet of ew products. The

    deelopmet process s dded to

    four specic stages pilot study, proto-

    tpe producto, ealuato ad lauch.

    The sstem s documet-cotrolled ad

    wll stmulate geerato of ew deas.

    it also leads to greater potetal for

    An in nO vAT iv E CO MP An y

    A c iv ivai prc ad cu chical rvic will mv kr rward

    fc tcica

    vic ad ctm t

    wi imv t qait f

    ctm' dct. C

    cabati wit ctm,

    ad m ffctiv maag-

    mt f t ivati

    c, wi ai t qait

    v f matia ad dctdvmt v ft.

    The am of the research ad deelop-

    met work at kers s to mata the

    Group's pole posto wth the dus-

    tr. Materal ad product deelopmet

    s a ogog process wth eer more

    demadg qualt requremets. R&D

    work s carred out b a project orga-

    zato olg a team of 25 or so at

    the see laboratores ad elsewhere.

    A specal Research ad Deelopmet

    Coucl, made up of R&D maagers

    wth the Group, holds quarterl meet-

    gs to formulate, assess ad make

    decsos o deelopmet tates.

    There are two competece ceters: oe

    Swede, focusg o cast rolls, ad

    oe Belgum, focusg o forged rolls.

    R&D work ca be dded to three

    areas of actt:

    Sklls-ehacg acttes. Ths

    oles, for example, estgatg

    the coecto betwee dfferet

    materals ad ther propertes.

    Product ad process-deelop-

    met acttes. These are based

    on existing products or a specic

    requremet from a customer.

    Strategc acttes. A more so-

    ar ad forward-lookg approach

    that aims to nd new p roduction

    techologes ad materal.

    kr i a iraialcmpay wih a richmix culur. spak-ig Frch, eglih adswdih i a ral b-f r m wrkig i hca R&D am. I blivi kr vii udr-liig h imprac rarch ad dvlp-m prvid high-qualiy rll ur cu-


    Jrme SnaneuchR&D Engineer

    kers Styckebruk, Sweden

    More eective management othe innovation process strength-ens kers competitiveness.

    adaptation of products to the specic

    requremets of each customer. Durg

    2008, ew acttes were added to the

    sstem ad a umber were lauched o

    the market. Addtoal ew projects are

    awatg lauch 2009.

    Tmm n

    Vic pidtrac & Dvmt


    kers Academ s a teral sklls

    ceter wth the Group that was set up

    2008. Emploees recee trag to ea-

    ble them to address the requremets of

    the future. The teto s also to offer

    customers the opportut to partcpate

    ths trag cocerg ew products

    ad materals. Ths s part of mproed

    techcal serce for customers.

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 21

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008


    chaged atttude amog emploees.

    Safet efforts must permeate work at all

    leels the orgazato, from Group

    maagemet to ddual emploees

    the ofce or on the shop oor. In order

    to costatl mproe safet, the work of

    stadardzg safet work wll cotue.

    Imvmt i qait idvimta gai

    Qualt work s goered b a group-

    wde polc. Each ut the Group s


    Icrad cu ay wrk

    A cag i fc t a

    m dibat tatg

    f w ivvig aft

    i i viib i t

    gaizati. T bjctiv

    f 2008 w acivd ad

    t bjctiv f 2009 av

    b t v ig.

    Focus o qualt, safet ad erome-tal aspects are all crucal for success. i

    2008, kers focused more strogl o

    these areas b establshg a ew group-

    wde fucto Global Producto Sup-

    port. Qualt ad safet work hae top

    prort ad the objectes hae bee set

    hgh: to become a world leader these

    areas too. Soud ad stadardzed proc-

    esses wll rase qualt to a er hgh


    At kers' safet coferece 2008

    the foudato was lad for tes-

    ed work to reduce the number of acci-

    dets resultg lost workg hours.

    kers has decded to use the tera-

    toal measuremet sstem for acc-

    dets. Ths sstem measures Lost Tme

    Accdets (LTA), to eable comparso

    wth other compaes. The same dec-

    so forum decded to focus o persoal

    protecto equpmet ad ts use. 2007

    was used as a base, wth the target the

    set for reducg LTA throughout the

    Group b 25 percet 2008, whch was

    fullled. In other words, a high target

    elded mmedate results t was par-

    tcularl edet terms of ee jures.

    Requremets for aalses ad acto

    are ow beg establshed wth the

    orgazato ad a further 25 percet

    reducto of LTA s requred 2009.

    The requremet stpulatg use of pro-

    tecto equpmet ow also apples to

    cotractors ad stors. The persoal

    protecto equpmet for emploees ad

    Sound and standardizedprocesses will raise qualityto a very high level.

    I lik h challgigad a pacd am-phr i h cmpayha allw m hlpimprv h ay ad

    halh all h wrkrhr a kr.

    Milica PetrovichSafety Manager

    Avonmore, PA, USA

    visitors has also been strictly specied,

    as has the meas of determg usage


    Cta ift

    The reportg sstem for cdets ad

    accdets was lauched 2007 ad

    has bee further mproed the past

    ear. More ad more cdets are beg

    reported. A cultural shft the safet

    aspects s startg to eole through-

    out the Group ad has resulted a

    third-party certied according to the

    teratoal iSO 9001 qualt stadard.

    Work to create a commo qualt ss-

    tem for the kers Group s cotug.

    A agreemet has bee sged wth a

    thrd part to certf a qualt maage-met sstem that wll be full opera-

    to b 2010.

    Major qualt mpr oemets hae

    bee made durg the ear wth regard

    to work o cetrfugall cast rolls.

    Reject costs hae bee haled for

    these products thaks to a ew stad-

    ardzed workg method. Work o

    mprog qualt wth ths area also

    resulted poste mproemets wth

    the environmental eld. Improved qual-

    t has, amog other thgs, produced

    a substatal reducto the eed to

    elmate defects b lacg. The lac-

    g operato geerates dscharge of

    metallferous materal to the ar.

    evimta aditat a dcti it

    Durg the ear, kers egaged a

    environmental consulting rm with

    whom kers coducted thorough docu-

    mented environmental audits. The nd-

    gs wll result mproemet acttes

    at the dfferet stes.

    The EU's ew chemcal legslato

    REACH has given rise to intensied

    efforts wth the Group. Work s ogo-

    g to esure that all factores Europe

    fulll, and continue to fulll, future

    requremets wth the framework of


    The aual rsk audt, ascertaed

    that further mproemets had bee

    made the area of rsk mmzato.

    stfa lid

    Vic pidtGba pdctist

    ov la

    Maag Qait, saftad evimt

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 23

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  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008


    Amt i sek tad

    2008-12-31 2007-12-31

    eQuITy AnD lIABIlITIes


    Restricted equity

    Share captal (1 400 000 shares) 140 000 140 000

    Restrcted reseres/statutor reseres 214 709 149 603

    354 709 289 603

    Non-restricted equity

    Non-restricted reserves/prot brought forward 294 114 142 823

    Shareholders cotrbuto

    Prot for the year 273 582 174 359

    567 696 317 182

    Tot quity 922 405 606 785

    Miit itt 74 838 61 594


    Prosos for pesos ad smlar commtmets 221 795 193 751

    Prosos for taxato 19 101 15 535

    Prosos for structural costs 34 436 32 958

    Other prosos 6 588 6 568

    Tta vii 281 920 248 812


    Long-term liabilities

    Labltes to credt sttutos 688 168 178 051

    Labltes to Group compaes 250 000

    Other labltes 81 603 26 657

    Tta g-tm iabiiti 769 771 454 708

    Current liabilities

    Labltes to credt sttutos 107 723 235 486

    Adace pamets from customers 66 273 64 167

    Accouts paable trade 389 365 343 991

    Labltes to Group compaes 741 22 563

    icome tax labltes 6 695 8 032

    Other labltes 108 016 136 991

    Accrued expeses ad deferred come 199 245 178 560

    Tta ct iabiiti 878 058 989 790

    ToTAl eQuITy AnD lIABIlITIes 2 926 992 2 361 689

    Amt i sek tad

    2008-12-31 2007-12-31


    Fixd at

    Intangible assets

    Lceces ad smlar rghts 1 383 1 671

    Goodwll 11 939 11 286

    13 322 12 957

    Tangible assets

    Lad ad buldgs 145 314 115 833

    Macher ad equpmet 614 476 545 105

    Costructo progress ad adace pamet for tagble assets 76 060 13 080

    835 850 674 018

    Financial assetsReceables from Group compaes 28 216

    Other securities held as xed assets 1 159 1 004

    Other log-term receables 127 622 27 468

    128 781 56 688

    Tot xd t 977 953 743 663

    Ct at


    Raw materals ad cosumables 263 123 205 032

    Work progress 579 188 482 201

    Fshed products ad goods for resale 57 571 35 914

    Adaces to supplers 24 868 6 288

    924 750 729 435

    Current receivables

    Accouts receable trade 717 045 713 017

    Receables from Group compaes 62 317 335

    Other receables 41 617 90 595

    Prepad expeses ad accrued come 29 303 24 514

    850 282 828 461

    Cash and bank balances 174 007 60 130

    Tot currnt t 1 949 039 1 618 026

    TOTal asseTs 2 926 992 2 361 689

    Balac sh Clidad

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 27

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008


    Grup excuiv MaagmBard Dircr

    BEnGT niLSSOn

    pidt & Ceo

    Bor 1961

    Educato: Roal isttuteof Techolog, Stockholm,MSc Egeerg Phscs

    Emploed kers sce2007


    exctiv Vic pidt& CFo

    Bor 1960

    Educato: StockholmUerst, BSc Busess

    Admstrat o

    Emploed kers sce2008


    exctiv Vic pidtCat Dvmt

    Bor 1974

    Educato: McGll Uerst,Motreal, Master ofBusess Admstrato(MBA)

    Emploed kers sce2008


    si Vic pidtMatig & sa

    Bor 1944

    Educato: Lud Uerst,BSc Busess Adm-strato

    Emploed kers sce2008


    G BiCt

    Bor 1968

    Educato: Fucam Mos,Belgum. MSc Ecoomcs,Degree accoutg admaagemet

    Emploed kers sce2007


    Divii MaagCat r Amica

    Bor 1957

    Educato: PeslaaState Uerst, BSc Metallurg

    Emploed kers sce1983


    Divii MaagCat r e

    Bor 1967

    Educato: Roal isttute ofTecholog, Stockholm,MSc Metallurg

    Emploed kers sce2007


    Divii MaagFgd r

    Bor 1960

    Educato: EcolePoltechque Pars adEcole des Mes de Pars,MSc

    Emploed kers sce2008

    MiRAn REBERniK

    Divii Maagsciat r

    Bor 1961

    Educato: Uerst ofEcoomcs

    Emploed kers sce2004

    leGAl sTruCTure:kers

    AB is a Swedish company

    with its registered ofce

    in Strngns, registration

    number 556153-4792. In July

    2008 kers AB was acquired

    by kers Holding AB, which

    is a Swedish company

    owned by Altor Fund II GP

    Ltd (85%) with its registered

    ofce in Jersey and by STC

    Internans AB (15%).


    Bad mmb

    Bor 1946

    Educato: StockholmSchool of Ecoomcs, MSc Ecoomcs ad Busess

    Admstrat o

    Member of the board sce2008


    Bad mmb

    Bor 1950

    Educato: Uerst ofStockholm, Master of law

    Member of the board sce2007


    Bad mmb

    Bor 1965

    Educato: StockholmSchool of Ecoomcs, MSc Ecoomcs ad Busess

    Admstrat o

    Member of the board sce2008



    Bor 1947

    Educato: ChalmersUerst of Techolog, MSc Egeerg

    Member of the board sce2008

    MARTin ivERT

    Bad mmb

    Bor 1948

    Educato: Roal isttute ofTecholog, Stockholm, MSc Metallurg

    Member of the board sce2008


    Bad mmb

    Bor 1968

    Educato: StockholmSchool of Ecoomcs, MSc Ecoomcs ad Busess

    Admstrat o

    Member of the board sce2008


    Dt Bad mmb

    Bor 1978

    Educato: StockholmSchool of Ecoomcs, MSc Ecoomcs ad Busess

    Admstrat o

    Member of the board sce2008


    Dt Bad mmb

    Bor 1946

    Educato: StockholmSchool of Ecoomcs, MSc Ecoomcs ad Busess

    Admstrat o

    Member of the board sce2002

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 29

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    k r Grup Wr ld wid

    Hd ofc in swdn

    The kers Group Head ofce is situated in kers Styckebruk,


    kers has sales ofces all over the world, altogether in

    eght coutres.

    The kers Group orgazato has a dsoal structure

    based o the arous product segmets. The four dsos are:

    Cast Rolls Amerca

    Cast Rolls Europe

    Forged Rolls

    Specalt Rolls

    Mafactig at t ctit

    Cast rolls ad forged rolls are maufactured Swede at two

    separate facltes. Forged rolls are made Sloea. Cast

    rolls, forged rolls, bars ad gots are maufactured Frace

    ad Belgum.

    Cast rolls ad addtoal equpmet are made the US.

    The kers jot eture Cha, the Shax kers TiSCO

    Roll Co Ltd, maufactures cast rolls.

    kr i a prial cmpay adh brad am kr i vry rgi h idury. I am vry prud bpar a cmpay ha ha gd qual-iy prduc. Fr m, a a maagr ihi iraial cmpay, kr pr-vid ladrhip raiig ad hrcarr dvlpm ppruii whichrgly mak m l ha I cribu h dvlpm h cmpay. thimak m grw al a a idividual.

    Lisa LiuGeneral Manager,

    Shanghai, China

    Ssrsi fr iti

    Fr u, i impra r h kr Grup b aciad wih rpri, iva-

    i ad h dir kp up wih hcmpii. By cuig yug play-r, kr Hcky i akig a apprachha i i prc accrd wih h majrchallg acig kr a a cmpay.

    Bengt NilssonPresident & CEO

    Hd Ofc

    Swede kers Stckebruk

    s Ofc

    Belgum Lege

    Brazl Praccaba

    Cha Shagha

    Frace Frasses

    Sloea Rae

    Swede kers Stckebruk

    UK vale of Glamorga

    USA Aomore, PA

    Mafactig sitBelgum Lege

    Cha Taua

    Frace Berlamot




    Sloea Rae

    Swede kers Stckebruk


    USA Aomore, PA

    Hde Park, PA

    Pleasatlle, PA

    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 The kers Group | Aual Report 2008 31

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    Cac irmai

    heAD oFFICe

    ker s ABSE-647 83 kers StckebrukSWEDEnPhoe: +46 159 321 [email protected]


    Divii Cat r Amica

    DiviSiOn HEAD OFFiCEker s nat oa l Rol l Com pa400 Ralroad Aeue

    Ao more , PA 15 618USAPhoe: +1 724 697 45 33

    Hde Park Foudr

    326 Frst AeueHde Park, PA. 15641USAPhoe: +1 724 842 1941

    vertcal Seal CompaR.D. 1P.O. Box 147Pleasatlle, PA 16341USAPhoe: +1 814 589 7031 (7621)

    Divii Cat r e

    DiviSiOn HEAD OFFiCEker s Swe de A BSE-647 83 kers StckebrukSWEDEnPhoe: +46 159 321 00

    ker s Fra ce, S eda80, Aeue de la MareB.P. 70311FR-08201 SedaFRAnCEPhoe: +33 3 24 22 34 00

    Divii Fgd r

    DiviSiOn HEAD OFFiCEker s Fra ce, Tho l leChem du LedtB.P. 10200FR-57104 TholleFRAnCEPhoe: +33 3 82 82 23 00

    ker s Fra ce, Berl amo t17, Chem de HazettesB.P. 20010FR-59145 BerlamotFRAnCEPhoe: +33 3 27 53 66 00

    ker s Be lg um S. A.40, rue de la BarrreBE-4100 SeragBELGiUM

    Phoe: +32 4 33 88 110

    Divii scia t r

    DiviSiOn HEAD OFFiCEker s val j Ra e d .o.o.Koroka c. 14Si-2390 Rae a KorokemSLOvEniAPhoe: +386 2 87 07 846

    ker s Fra ce, Fras ses20, Rue de la GareB.P. 2FR-42490 FrassesFRAnCEPhoe: +33 4 77 40 49 05

    ker s Sp ec alt Rol ls A BBox 103SE-815 04 SderforsSWEDEnPhoe: +46 293 174 50

    JoInT VenTure

    Shax kers TiSCO Roll Co. Ltd.no. 2 JaCaoPgTaua ShaxPost Code: 030003

    P.R. CHinAPhoe: +86 351 3131696

    sAles oFFICes

    Am i ca

    Ao more USA400 Ralroad Aeue

    Ao more , PA 15 618USAPhoe: +1 724 697 45 33

    ke rs Br az l Ltd aRua Treza de Mao, 768Sala 131BR-13400-902 PraccabaBRAZiLPhoe: +55 19 3301 7112


    ke rs A B Sha gha Represetate offce

    Room 3812-3813nazheg Plaza580 najg Road W (west)Shagha 200041CHinAPhoe: +86 21 6267 14169

    ke rs Ro lls Trad g (Sh agh a) C o.LtdRoom 3812-3813nazheg Plaza580 najg Road W (west)Shagha 200041CHinAPhoe: +86 21 6267 14169


    Frasses, Frace20, Rue de la GareB.P. 2FR-42490 FrassesFRAnCEPhoe: +33 4 77 40 49 00

    Lege, Belgum40, rue de la BarrreBE-4100 SeragBELGiUMPhoe: +32 4 33 88 110

    Rae, SloeaKoroka c.14Si-2390 Rae a KorokemSLOvEniAPhoe: +386 2 87 07 846

    ker s St ck ebru k, S wede SE-647 83 kers StckebrukSWEDEnPhoe: +46 159 321 00

    ker s UK LtdSute G8, The Busess CetreCardff House, Cardff RoadGB-vale of Glamorga CF63 2AWUniTED KinGDOMPhoe: +44 1446 731263


    The kers Group | Aual Report 2008

  • 7/31/2019 kers Annual report 2008
