air is a gas

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Air is a gas


    Air is a gas.Gases have various propertiesthat we can observe with our

    senses, including the gas pressure (p),temperature (T),mass (m), and volume (V)that contains the gas. Careful, scientific observation has determined that these

    variables are related to one another, and the values of these properties determine

    the stateof the gas.

    If we fi an! two of the properties we can determine the nature of the

    relationship between the other two. If the pressure and temperature are held

    constant, the volume of the gas depends directl! on the mass, or amount of gas.

    This allows us to define a single additional propert! called the gas densit! (r),

    which is the ratio of mass to volume. If the mass and temperature are heldconstant, the product of the pressure and volume are observed to be nearl!

    constant for a real gas. (The product of pressure and volume is eactl! a constant

    for an ideal gas.) This relationship between pressure and volume is called"o!le#s

    $awin honor of %obert "o!le who first observed it in &''. inall!, if the mass and

    pressure are held constant, the volume is directl! proportional to the temperature

    for an ideal gas. This relationship is called Charles and Ga!*$ussac#s $aw in honor

    of the two rench scientists who discovered the relationship.
  • 8/12/2019 Air is a gas


    The gas laws of "o!le and Charles and Ga!*$ussac can be combined into a

    single e+uation of state given in red at the center of the slide

    p - V T / n - %

    where - denotes multiplication and denotes division. To account for the effects

    of mass, we have defined the constant to contain two parts a universal constant

    (%) and the mass of the gas epressed in moles (n). 0erforming a little algebra, we

    obtain the more familiar form

    p * V = n * R * T

    A three dimensional graph of this e+uation is shown at the beggining of the

    net page. The intersection point of an! two lines on the graph gives a uni+ue state

    for the gas.

    Aerod!namicists use a slightl! different form of the e+uation of state that

    is speciali1ed for air. If we divide both sides of the general e+uation b! the mass

    of the gas, the volume becomes the specific volume,which is the inverse of the gas

    densit!. 2e also define a new gas constant (%), which is e+ual to the universal gas

    constant divided b! the mass per mole of the gas. The value of the new constant

    depends on the t!pe of gas as opposed to the universal gas constant, which is the

    same for all gases. The value of the e+uation of state for air is given on the slide

    as .34' 5ilo 6oule per 5ilogram per degree 7elvin. The e+uation of state can bewritten in terms of the specific volume or in terms of the air densit! as

    p - v / % - T or p / r - % - T

    8otice that the e+uation of state given here applies onl! to an ideal gas, or a

    real gas that behaves li5e an ideal gas. There are in fact man! different forms for

    the e+uation of state for different gases. Also be aware that the temperature

    given in the e+uation of state must be an absolute temperaturethat begins at

    absolute 1ero. In the metric s!stem of units, we must specif! the temperature in

    degrees 7elvin (not Celsius). In the 9nglish s!stem, absolute temperature is indegrees %an5ine (not ahrenheit).
  • 8/12/2019 Air is a gas



    Air is a gas.Gases have various propertieswhich we can observe with oursenses, including the gas pressure (p),temperature,mass, and the volume (V) which

    contains the gas. Careful, scientific observation has determined that these

    variables are related to one another, and the values of these properties determine

    the stateof the gas.

    In the mid &'#s, %obert "o!le studied the relationship between the

    pressure and the volume of a confined gas held at a constant temperature. "o!le

    observed that the product of the pressure and volume are observed to be nearl!

    constant. (The product of pressure and volume is eactl! a constant for an idealgas.) This relationship between pressure and volume is called Boyle's Law in his

    honor. or eample, suppose we have a theoretical gas confined in a :ar with a

    piston at the top. The initial state of the gas has a volume e+ual to ;. cubic

    meters and the pressure is &. 5ilopascal. 2ith the temperature and number of

    moles held constant, weights are slowl! added to the top of the piston to increase

    the pressure. 2hen the pressure is &.

  • 8/12/2019 Air is a gas


    cubic meters. The product of pressure and volume remains a constant (; &. / <


  • 8/12/2019 Air is a gas


    temperatures.) As the gas cools, the volume decreases to