aiesecly yours

AIESECly Yours

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This newsletter gives readers the opportunity to learn what AIESEC is all about, its aims, values as well as main programmes.


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3. Welcome from the President

3. Letter from the Editor

6. What is AIESEC?

7. Our 6 Values

8. AIESEC Malta

9. AIESEC International

12. Leadership Opportunities

13. Functional Teams

18. Exchange

20. Trainees

21. Upcoming Events

21. Freshers’ Week

22. AIESEC Motivational Seminar

23. AIESEC Motivational Seminar

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October 2012 Issue 1

Page 3: AIESECly Yours

Welcome from the President

Dear Students,

It is with great pleasure to welcome

you back to University life again. For

AIESEC, this means a new term, with

a new Member Committee. In the

meantime, AIESECers are returning

back from all the exotic countries they

have visited during their summer

exchanges. Therefore, AIESEC gets

ready to offer this opportunity to more

students who are interested in going

on a professional internship or on a

social community internship sometime

during the coming year.

This is also the time to welcome all

new members who will be joining

AIESEC to develop their soft-skills in a

dynamic and fun environment that

compliments student life; an

environment that connects members to

the massive global AIESEC network of

86,000 members. Such an opportunity

surely provides anybody with the

means to put theory into practice.

If you too are interested in joining or

simply learning more about AIESEC,

make sure to visit our stand during

Freshers' Week in the big tent opposite

the stairs of quadrangle or

visit and hit the

Join Us button and let us show you

how learning and fattening your CV

does not mean you have to resort to

an unimaginable amount of hours in

the library!

Analise Sammut Member Committee President 2012-2013


Letter from the Editor Nicole Scerri

Sub-Editors: Noelene Scerri & Hillary Briffa

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our first edition of AIESECly Yours. In it you will find everything you

need to know about AIESEC. See what this organisation’s main programs are as

well as what it seeks to offer to new members. Learn how you can join us in our

upcoming events, how you can go on exchange and finally, how you too can develop

your skills by taking on a leadership role. We do hope you enjoy reading this

newsletter, of which two more will come out during the year, one in February and

one in May. Till then!

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AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-

run organization, present in 113

countries and territories. Its focus is to

provide a platform for youth to develop

their leadership potential through its

international internship and leadership

programs. AIESEC achieves its aim by

providing students with a multinational

platform and a global network.

Due to its aim to develop every youth’s

leadership potential, AIESEC is being

supported by thousands of partner

organizations which, through AIESEC,

have access to top talent through our

global internship program. Moreover,

AIESEC is constantly inspired by its

alumni who are leaders within their

organizations and communities.

What is AIESEC?

Our International Network

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We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take full

responsibility for developing the potential of other people.

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfil our

commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.

We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our

multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of

every individual.

We have a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic involvement of

individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through

creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve our results.

We act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation and society. Our decisions

take into account the needs of future generations.

Demonstrating Integrity

Living Diversity

Enjoying Participation

Striving for Excellence

Acting Sustainably

Activating Leadership

Our 6 Values

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The AIESEC Malta branch was opened in 1969 and continues to operate to fulfil its main aims as set by AIESEC International. Indeed these aims include: developing youth's leadership and by exposing students to a culturally diverse background. Furthermore we provide exchanges to students of a professional or social development internship nature. At the

moment we are operating from within the University of Malta but are currently in the progress of raising more awareness at MCAST. A considerable number of influential people have participated in Malta, including Minister David Aguis, Dr. Joseph Muscat as well as ex-Ambassador to the European Union Richard Cachia Caruana.

Member Committee

The Member Committee is the Executive of AIESEC. Together, the four Vice-

Presidents and President ensure that AIESEC Malta is fulfilling its aims in

accordance with the 2015 vision of AIESEC International.

From left to right:

Maysoon Al-Attar- Vice-President Incoming Exchange and Sponsorships Manager, Nicole Scerri-

Vice-President Communication and Information Management, Analise Sammut- Member

Committee President and Responsible for Finance and Legal , Maria Azzopardi- Talent

Management and Organisational Development, Vinicius Lucena- Vice-President Outgoing

Exchange and Partnerships Manager

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How many companies do you know that have over 86,000 employees? How many CEO's have you met who are in their 20s and lead a team from diverse background and countries? How many young employees do you know in their 20’s who are ready to step out of their comfort zone to develop the organisation they work in, simply because they believe that their input will have a true positive impact on society? How many companies do you know that have a top-management of 21 people from 19 different nationalities, the oldest being 30 and the youngest being 22 years old?

These questions fully describe AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-run organisation for the last 64 years. AIESEC International is the team of people who lead AIESEC. Led by a dynamic team of 20 people they are currently under the humble leadership of Florent Mei Yi, from China, the current President of AIESEC International. AIESEC, owing to its commitment to develop every student’s leadership potential has produced influential figures in our society. In fact, to mention but a few, ex-President of America Bill Clinton, Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti, the ex-Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan together with U2 Singer Bono were all members of AIESEC at some point in their lives.

AIESEC International

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Leadership Opportunities

Team Member Programme

One of the programmes which AIESEC Malta offers to students is the Team Member Programme. In this program, members will become part of one of the different teams which AIESEC Malta is made up of. They will get the opportunity to develop their skills including amongst others those of presentation, team work, time management, leadership as well as sales. This is one of the main programs, through which students can initiate their AIESEC experience hence gaining access to a global network while developing their practical hard skills.

Team Leader Programme

The Team Leader Programme is another program which AIESEC Malta offers for students to take on leadership opportunities. Members can thus become team leaders of one of the functional teams. Such an opportunity is also available for those who apply for the role of Organizing Committee President (OCP), where they lead a team to organize a particular AIESEC event. jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

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To ensure the best quality experience for its members, AIESEC Malta has five

functional teams. These teams seek to develop their members’ potential by exposing

them to situations which can enhance their team work and leadership skills while

enabling them to learn from a multicultural environment.

Talent Management and Organizational Development: The Talent Management team is responsible to create and implement the strategies for membership development. It is thus the team that ensures the development and growth of the members in all of AIESEC Malta. Talent Management is also responsible for managing and improving the pipeline of members and alumni. It is the responsibility of

the Talent Management team to organize events such as team building and team bonding activities as well as informal and formal events for the Alumni of AIESEC Malta. Finally, the team is also organizes training and skills sessions for the members.

Functional Teams

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Outgoing Exchange:

The Outgoing Exchange Team is,

along Incoming Exchange and

Talent Management, one of the

core areas of AIESEC. The team is

responsible for two different

programs within the Experiential

Leadership Program. The first

program involves Social Internships

and gives participants the chance

to go to developing countries and

work with an NGO in the diverse

backgrounds. The second program

is that of Professional Internships,

where newly graduates have the

choice of going to work with a

company directly related to their

academic background. To ensure

a lot of high quality experiences

this year, the OGX team will work

to give our Exchange participants

the best support while sharing a

lot of functional knowledge with

transparency and versatility.

Finance and Legal

The Finance and Legal (F&L)

functional team will allow

members to be engaged,

acquire knowledge of AIESEC

Malta while ensuring more

sustainable operations

of this same

organisation. The

team will be dealing

with matters such as

record-keeping of

financial transactions,

applications for grants

and funds, and will be

responsible to ensure

a healthy and legal

organisation. This

process will be done

to support the other

functional teams, the

core programs of

AIESEC Malta and

other activities

including those

projects run by


Committees. If you are

interested in joining this team

please talk to Analise, or Maria

MC VP Talent Management and

Organisational Development.

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Communication and Information


The Communication and

Information Management team is

responsible for the public relations

of AIESEC Malta. Its members seek

to raise awareness about AIESEC

and the opportunities that it offers

to stakeholders both on and off

campus. To this end its members,

together with new ones will feature

press releases, create posters and

videos, manage our social media

tools and website while ensuring

that internal means of

communication are ongoing.

Finally, this team is essential in that

its members come up with

innovative and creative ways to

enhance AIESEC’s visibility.

Incoming Exchange and

Sponsorships Manager

The In-Coming Exchange Team

has two processes. The first

process involves finding job

opportunities for potential trainees

also known as Trainee Nominees

or TNs (these are AIESECers

coming from abroad who are

looking for an internship in Malta).

This is done through our Sales

Teams who illustrate to companies

and organizations all the benefits

and opportunities of hiring AIESEC

trainees. The second half of the

process is to find that one right

Exchange Participant who holds the

required skills so as to match them

with the company or organization in

question. In addition to this, this

team takes care of these

international trainees throughout

their stay by including them in

AIESEC Malta activities, showing

them around Malta and giving them

the true and rewarding life changing


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Having expressed your interest and sent your CVs to AIESEC, an exchange

review is held. This selection process is necessary to ensure that participants

are suitable and will have a positive experience while on exchange. Following

this review, preparations will commence to make sure that the participant is

well matched and integrated in the AIESEC community abroad. As soon as

the participants finish their internship, AIESEC Malta will ensure that they are

integrated back home.

AIESEC offers two exchange programs and for both programs AIESEC offers

interested individuals access to our internships’ database, training on how to

look and apply for internships and constant support throughout the whole


Global Internship Program

The duration of this professional

internship ranges from 16-78

weeks. The fields that companies

can accept interns in are various

ranging from: International

Marketing, Project Management,

Software Development and

Programming, Public Relations,

Advertising, Linguistics and

Bilingual education and much

more. Latin America and Europe

are just some of the most popular


The intern is paid by the company

and the salary depends on the

economic realities of the chosen


• Global Community

Development Program

The duration of this type of

internship ranges from 6-12 weeks.

The following are just some of the

fields you can do your internship in:

Community Development and

Corporate Social Responsibility.

The locations to do such

internships are various ranging

from Egypt, Kenya, Indonesia,

Philippine, Taiwan, Brazil, Turkey,

to Hungary and much more.

Most of these internships cover the

participant’s costs for

accommodation, food and


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In the same way that AIESEC Malta sends exchange participants abroad, AIESEC

Malta also receives students who wish to do their internship in Malta from a variety of

AIESEC branches abroad. And here is a testimonial from one of the students (known

as trainees in ICX terminology) who was here in Malta.

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Freshers’ Week

From the 1st-5th of October, AIESEC Malta will be present on campus. By visiting our stand you will get the chance to learn how you can have a complete university experience through the leadership and exchange opportunities that we offer. Should you be unable to join us at our stand we will be having two information sessions

on the 3rd and 5th October during DegreePlus hours at the AIESEC office. Moreover, during Freshers’ Week we will be having three interesting activities: spot and take a photo of our blue man, write your dreams on our Wall and pin your would-be travelling destination on our world map at our stand. For more information visit:

Upcoming Events

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AIESEC Motivational Seminar

Between the 19th and 21st of October, AIESEC Malta will be holding AIESEC Motivational Seminar (AMS). This conference is the first essential step in every new member’s AIESEC experience. During this conference, delegates will get the opportunity to learn more about the world’s largest student organization while understanding how AIESEC can help them develop their skills including those of leadership, team work and public speaking. New members will learn how they can apply such skills by working within one of our five teams or by taking on a leadership role by being on a specific Organizing Committee. Moreover, new members can learn about the exchange programs that we offer and how they can work in one of 110 different countries and territories worldwide. Given that AIESEC is an international organization new members will get the

chance to meet current Maltese as well as international members. Such a unique opportunity to gain insight into new cultures while experiencing diversity should not be missed. The conference will take place at Alexandra Hotel in St. Julians. The fee, which is smart card refundable, is that of €75. However should you apply at our Freshers’ Week stand during the 1st of October, the price will be that of €70. The deadline to apply is the 12th of October: For more information email at:

[email protected]

To apply contact:

99990523/[email protected]

Visit the facebook event page at:


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