aib sales guide

Product Overview

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AIB Sales Guide


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Social Media Solutions

Mayfair Hotel & Spa

February 7, 2011

Product Overview

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contentsWho We Are ...................................................... 3

Social Media Platforms ........................................ 4

Search Engine Optimization ................................ 5

Silver Package ................................................... 6

Gold Package ..................................................... 7

Executive Package ........................................ 8 - 9

Interactive Presentation

Throught the following presentation you will be given the opportunity to interect by utlizing your mouse or smartphone. For smartphone interaction, you must download a qr code reader. There are several that are free. Simply search for QR Code Reader on your applictions and follow the instructions.

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Who We Are...Associates in Business is a Marketing and Social Internet Solutions company that focuses on the clients needs—ensuring that the products and services being offered are in sync with the end user. This is the foundation of successful marketing that has made many businesses incredibly successful.

The team at Associates in Business have worked on domestic and international companies that offer a variety of services and products. It is the goal of Associates in Business to implement a marketing communication strategy that will increase the Laya Center’s online presence through the design and development of an engaging website and social media platforms.

Programs: All programs and designs are customized to meet each of our clients needs. From design to applications, we work hand in hand with each company to ensure their expectation are met.

Developement: The professionals at Associates in Business are always looking at new opportunitss to increase company’s branding and exposure. Our out of the box thinking brings together new technologies and traditional marketing strategies that equal success.

Optimization is key for online marketing. Each platform is researched to maximize the optimization process.

The Associates in Business GET SOCIALiZD program brings all the key elements of Social Media and Web Marketing together to further extend marketing initiatives.

Javier Morales, President and CEOAs Founder and President of Associates in Business, Javier Morales has spent his 20+ year career developing relationships and learning the ins and outs of marketing. His outside-the-box strategies have been instrumental for many of his career achievements.

Javier has spent the last several years developing Associates in Business as a company that can create opportunities for all industries. He is currently representing Travelscream in the Caribbean; he has also been the Director of Marketing and Product Development for Air Jamaica Vacations. Prior to his employment with Travelscream and Air Jamaica Vacations, Morales held a variety of positions at hospitality-focused companies including Senior Account Executive for Travel Industry Sales at Marriott’s Doral Golf Resort and Spa, Senior Account Executive for E-Commerce at Marriott Offshore Resorts, Product Manager for the Caribbean and Bermuda at Certified Vacations, Inc., Director of Promotions and Latin American Sales for Palm Beach Casino Line, International Market Manager for Latin America at the Palm Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Sales Manager for the Florida Marlins Baseball Club, Travelodge Hotel Main Gate East and Dolphin and Majesty Cruise Lines

Alex Thomas, Vice President Alex Thomas, a proven leader with a strong background in Marketing and Sales. He currently heads the production and operations for the team at Associates in Business. His role is to take the ideas and goals of their clients and turn them into result oriented action plans. His years of sales and marketing experience provide the background needed to fully understands various cultures, business trends, and consumer expectations of clientele seeking the professional and reliable services required to promote and expand business in highly competitive industries.

Previously with the Einstein Noah Restaurant Group as the Regional Sales Manager, Alex Thomas was an outstanding sales leader that helped the company grow sales in his region with over 23% YOY growth for the last three years of his tenure. The professionalism and aptitude to generate organization profitability are the two overwhelming qualifications Alex Thomas brought to the Einstein Noah Restaurant Group and now delivers to the clients of Associates In business.

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Social Media ChannelsUtilizing these social media platforms is key for customer engagement and retention as well as brand awareness. Giving customers a voice to share creates customer empowerment. A social media posting strategy is developed to drive fans to social media channels. The strategy can include components to keep fan’s interest throughout the year.

TwitterTwitter is a free social networking service that enables its users to send and read messages known as “tweets.” Tweets are text based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to the author’s subscribers who are known as “followers.”

Why Twitter?• Brand Awareness 

• Deal Distribution

• Use Twitter to gain Competitive Intelligence 

• Engage with your target audience 

• Online Reputation Management 

• Promote your Blog Content 

• Understanding Tool Feedback Mechanism 

• Promotion SEO Boost 

• Ask Questions Receive Answers 

• HR Tool Press Release

• News Management 

FacebookFacebook is a social networking website where users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or college.

Why Facebook? • More than 500 million active users

• 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day

• Average user has 130 friends

• People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

• More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.

• There are more than 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.

YouTubeYouTube is a video sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. This platform also provides social sharing options where videos can be virally distributed through a large number of viewers.

Why YouTube? • People are watching over 2 billion videos per day.

• 70% of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the U.S., meaning the foreigners are likely to travel to the U.S for their vacations.

• YouTube is localized in 23 countries across 24 different languages.

• Every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube

• User base is broad in age range, 18-55 covering a large demographic

• Over 300,000.000 active accounts.

• Video sharing tools are available for many of the social media platforms.

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Search Engine OptimizationAs consumers and internet users search for products and services online, they traditionally use search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing to find what they’re looking for. Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is a technique we use to help our client’s sites rank higher in the search results based on the keywords used by consumers and internet users. Most importantly, when consumers find your website through a specified search, that visitor has now become a qualified lead for your business.

The key factors we incorporate into our SEO strategies include a Website Analysis, Onsite Optimization, Link Campaign, Social Media Integration, and Web Analytics to help track your progress.

Website Analysis & Keyword Research • Website Analysis

• Navigation/ Site Structure

• Analysis of Meta Tags 

• Page Rank  

• Inbound Link Popularity

• Analysis of Keywords uses to enter site 

• Keyword Research  

• Current ranking on Various Search Engines 

Online Optimization

• Meta Tag, H1 Tags and Title Optimization

• Optimize Keyword Density

• Create/ Update Site Map

• Create/ Update XML Site Map

• Internal Link Optimization 

• Content Optimization

• Potential Implementation of Blog and/ or RSS Feeds

Offsite Optimization

• Link Building Campaign

• Article Marketing

• Press Release Optimization

• Search Engine & Directory Submission

• Blog Development & Maintenance 

Social Media Integration

• Leverage the power of highly ranked Web 2.0 sites

• Article Optimization for Social Site Submissions

• Interlink Web 2.0 Sites

• Blog Submission

• Incorporate Social Media Buttons on Website 

• Import Blog, RSS Feed and other relevant content

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Executive Package

The Executive includes the development of customized pages and inter-linking of the platforms for easy management. The package includes:

• Facebook Micro- site

• customized Twitter Background and Facebook link where status updates are automatically pushed from Facebook to Twitter

• Customized YouTube Background and Facebook link where YouTube playlist is automatically pushed to Facebook video player

• Interactive e-brochure with links

• All platforms are SEO rich with links, keywords and content placement

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Silver Package

The Silver package includes the development of customized pages for Facebook. The pages will carry the branding of the company and links to the core website. . The package includes:

• Welcome Page

• 2 customized tabs

• Calendar Tab for events

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Gold Package

The Gold package includes the development of customized pages for Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The pages will carry the branding of the company and links to the core website. . The package includes:

• Welcome Page

• 2 customized tabs

• Customized Twitter Page

• Customized YouTube Page

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Promotional pages

Mythos Greek Taverna Fanpage

Menu Page: page with interactive menu + full screen viewing link.


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Additional Applications & Designs Here are some examples of other applciations and designs that were created for Facebook pages but can be implemented into the resource pages.


Mythos Greek Taverna Fanpage

Menu Page: page with interactive menu + full screen viewing link.

Menu: Full-screen view of Menu with “e-reader style” page turning.

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Social Media Solutions

Multi-functional Page

Video Tips

Shopping Cart

Multi-functional PageOnline Donations

Slide Show


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Gamification isn’t just for kids anymore. Websites and Facebook Fan Pages are finding creative ways to add animation and games.

AnimationAdding Games and location based applications to target consumers

MobileAdding Games and location based applications to target consumers utilizing msmartphone technology. Customized ap-plications can offer a variety of options to accommodate your needs.

Program has mobile capabilities

Sharing capabilities In Partnership with:

USVI HTA Airport Booth with interactive screens

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Ambassador ProgramsDeveloping solutions to engage consumers or members on websites and Social Media Platforms.


Progressive Games Increase fan engagement with games that develop viral distribution. Fans are encouraged to share the pages as they increase chances to win leveled prizes.

SurveysGain valuable insight by offering visitors to provide information in a format that they can view over multiple platforms.

ConciergeOffer your visitors and patrons the ability to get useful information within the local area.

Program has mobile capabilities

Sharing capabilities

Program has mobile capabilities

Sharing capabilities

Program has mobile capabilities

Sharing capabilities In Partnership with:

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thank you.When you partner with AIB for your Social Media Solutions you get EVEN MORE value for your marketing dollars. We not only work with your social media channels, we become a powerful part of your sales team. Bringing innovative ideas and proven methods that increase your revenue and maximize profits.

Javier Morales—President CEO

[email protected]

Alex Thomas — VIce President

[email protected]


[email protected]