aia church resourcing global strategy


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Global Strategy Document of the international Church Resourcing Strategy of Athletes in Action.









TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER 1: THE CHURCH AND SPORT .......................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2: BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS ............................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER 3: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ............................................................................. 10

CHAPTER 4: AVAILABLE BEST PRACTICES AND RESOURCES ......................................................... 15

CHAPTER 5: CHURCH RESOURCING & CAMPUS CRUSADE ............................................................. 21

FIGURES AND QUOTES ................................................................................................................ 22

CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 24

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?

Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes

into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get

a crown that will last forever.”

The Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 9:24 and 25)






Church Resourcing is a new global strategy that was only recently adopted by Athletes in Action.

While working in partnership with The Church has long been a priority of Athletes in Action, now the

desire to serve The Church becomes more intentional through this strategy. The purpose of this

document is to briefly explain this strategy and give a clear outline for its role within Athletes in

Action in Action, while inspiring others to grasp the vision for Sports Ministry and incorporate it into

other movement-focused initiatives that serve The Church. Since the Church Resourcing Strategy

of Athletes in Action is only now taking shape, this document is not meant to be the "final word", but

only a starting point. As such, we welcome your feedback, ideas, thoughts, and suggestions. Please

pray with us, that God will use the strategy of Church Resourcing to revive His Church and build His

Kingdom. For His glory!


The Mission of Athletes in Action Church Resourcing consists of the following elements.

To mobilize AIA resources to build and serve The Church.

To stay committed to winning, building, and sending by developing spiritual movements

everywhere, through the tool of sports, that connect lost people to Jesus, promote life

changing discipleship, and multiply leaders.

To help resource Campus Crusade, AIA’s global ministries, and other ministry partners by

training, developing, and promoting materials in church Sports Ministry, while assisting

them in connecting with the local church.

To generate resources to promote the development and expansion of Sports Ministry within

the local church.

As a key contributor to Church Led Movements, Church Resourcing desires to contribute toward

building church movements by:

1. Building Leaders

As indigenous leaders are trained to Win, Build, and Send through the tool of sports, a

church, a community, a country, even the world will be changed and the Great Commission


2. Promoting Strategic Partnerships

Sports Ministry in and of itself is not the answer. However, it can be a tool that, when used

individually or in partnership with other strategies, can reach more people with the Gospel.

As we work together we demonstrate unity to the world, we demonstrate authentic faith

and truly represent Christ.

3. Inspiring Vision

Sports Ministry is a relatively new tool for sharing the Gospel. Sport is often seen as corrupt

or a waste of time by many who are serious about their faith. Changing this perception and





challenging Christians to see it through God's eye is the first step towards using it to worship

God, love others, and share His love with others.

4. Supporting Church Planting Movements

Because sports is such an easy tool for building relationships, it is a key element for church

planters to use in reaching into their community.

5. Developing and Sharing Tools, Resources, and Strategies

The sports world encompasses a wide spectrum of people - from the spectators, to

recreational athletes, to high level and elite level athletes. AIA has developed many tools,

resources, and strategies that can be used to reach them and help them to become Christ-

followers. These tools, when used by a local church, can be a part of a movement that will

transform a community one person at a time.

Lowie McCown and Valeria J. Gin, Focus on Sport in Ministry

Sport in ministry is in many respects

more strategic now ever than

because sport itself rather than

ministry models and programs provides

real-life experiences where


visual stimulation,

built-in community and a

can naturally feed

intense spiritual hunger.






1.1 The Church

The Church is the agency that God has anointed and ordained to be His light in this world and the

Bride whom Jesus loves and gave His life for. Local churches are directly Winning, Building, and

Sending people and developing Movements of Spiritual Multiplication in their own communities. In

order to make a lasting impact we must work with and train indigenous leaders within the church to

carry on in the Sports Ministry vision. We want to build Spiritual Movements, not just plan nice

activities or programs. Before thinking big and reaching the world we must first think small and

touch one person at a time. Spiritual Movements start with individual people who are following

Jesus and making a difference where they live. Jesus tells us to make disciples, not converts. If God

enables us to lead people to Christ, then how are we going to follow-up with them? Who is taking

care of these new believers who can only drink spiritual milk? Who is going to help them to grow and

stand firm in the midst of this generation to become a star shining in the universe? We need to bring

them into the safety and fellowship of a local church.

Nobody wants to work on something and put his energy in something that will not last. We want to

work, not in vain, but "for the crown that will last forever" (1 Cor. 9:25). If we are able to work in

partnership with the local churches we are serving an organization that has the longest history: past,

present, and future! The Bible makes it clear that not many things will last and be taken from this

world, but The Church will certainly be one of them. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said,

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and

the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

The church as the body of Christ is directed by Christ Himself who is the head. If we want to build

into something that will continue even after we are long gone, we need to work through the church.

God protects His church and He cares about her as His Bride (Ephesians 5:25-27).

"…just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy,

cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to

himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but

holy and blameless."

Additionally in many countries there seems to be no better network than the church. It is well

organized, it has the best connections in the community, it has great influence, and therefore it has

the most and best resources. God Himself is the Provider for His church.

The greatest impact we can make in this world will be done in partnership with the Church.

1.2 Sports

Sports is the greatest tool that God has given this generation to reach this world with the gospel. In

fact, if Paul was a missionary living today don't you think he would be an athlete, a sportsman? He

would want to become a sportsman to the sportsmen in order to reach the sportsmen, to run for the

prize for the crown that will last forever (1 Corinthians 9). Sports is the language of the world,





"spoken" by billions of lost people around the globe. In this postmodern world where the distance

between the church and the neighborhood is getting larger, sports allows relationships to be build

easily and the gospel shared freely through friendships in even the most closed countries.

The world speaks many languages, but only one common language… the language of sports and

recreation. There is nothing like it that brings together a community… a country… the world. In

every country of the world people of all ages watch, read about, or participate in sports on a weekly

basis. Maybe during championships, you have seen the huge outdoor television screens which are

placed in a public place or city square so people can join together to cheer on their teams. Or you

have been to a park or sport hall in your own community in the evening to see it crowded with

people enjoying basketball, soccer, running, exercising, skateboarding, climbing (on a climbing wall

or tower), or jumping on the trampolines. No matter where you live you do not have to go far to see

someone participating in some sort of sporting activity.

Additionally athletes, from the recreational to the elite level, have a great platform for sharing the

gospel and impacting their environment through relationships. In the Bible we see that God used

important people, people in positions with influence similar to today’s professional athletes, to

impact their society. There was Moses who was raised by Pharaoh’s daughter and led his people out

of Egypt. There was Esther who as queen saved her people. There was Paul who was a religious

leader and citizen of the Roman Empire. Likewise we see how God also used unschooled, ordinary

men and women, people like recreational athletes, without power and worldly influence. There was

Rahab the prostitute who saved the spies in Jericho and is in the lineage of the Messiah. There was

Anna (Luke 2:38) the prophetess and childless widow who spoke of Jesus to all those who were

searching. There was Peter and John, the unschooled ordinary men (Acts 4:13) who proclaimed

Jesus to the Sanhedrin and who had simply spent time with Jesus. Researcher M. Green1 said it like


‘The key players in the extension of Christianity seem to be not those who made this (ministry) their

profession, or those who committed the better part of their time to it, but men and woman who keep

their daily profession and share their faith in a natural way with the people they meet.’

What can be more natural than sharing Jesus after having built a relationship through playing

sports? Throughout the world there are many more recreational athletes than professional athletes.

As recreational athletes are trained to use their sporting talents for the gospel the world will be

turned upside-down for the Kingdom.

Do you realize that if you use sports you are using one of the best tools possible to reach this world

with God’s love? Since so many people watch or are involved in sports and recreation it is a tool that

we should use to reach our world with the gospel. Whether in Cuba playing baseball, in Romania

playing chess, in Latvia playing football, or in Slovakia playing basketball, many people have come

to know God’s love and accept Jesus through relationships that were built through sports!

1Green, M. (1979). Evangelieverkondiging in de Eerste Eeuwen. Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn B.V.





Using the greatest God-given tool of this generation - sport - in partnership with the greatest agency

anointed by God - The Church - truly will give the greatest impact to build God's Kingdom while

sharing His love with the world!

1.3 How can Sports Ministry serve The Church?

Mission of the Sports Ministry

To come alongside the church and to assist her in accomplishing a God-given mission seen in the goals of vibrant worship, discipleship, and the evangelization of the world… to serve the church

by assisting through the opportunity that sports provides in creating: Fellowship & Friendship

- Believer to Believer (Hebrews 10:24; Acts 2:42; Gal. 6:2)

- Believer to Unbeliever (1 Corinthians 9:22; Matthew 5:16; 2 Corinthians 5:20)


- Living the Good News (John 14:27; Eph. 4:32; John 13:35)

- Sharing The Good News (Mark 16:15; Acts 10:42; 2 Corinthians 5:18)


- Grounded in Christ (Eph. 4:12-13; 2 Peter 3:18; Romans 13:14)

- Growing in Christ (Romans 8:29; John 3:3; Philippians1:6)


- Incorporated into Fellowship (Matthew 22:9, 5:13-16; 1 Peter 3:8-9)

- Grafted into the Body (Eph. 1:13; 1 Corinthians 12:13-14; Romans 11)





















How a Sports Ministry helps The Church

Sports Ministry:

Facilitates the Church Mission

Serves other ministries

Is a Great Commission partner

Promotes Body life

Is a culturally relevant bridge

Provides a friendship evangelism tool

Is an entry level for service

Prevents “fall out”

Can serve as leadership training

Is a conduit for God’s Call

Provides a spiritual laboratory

Creates parabolic instruction

Promotes applicational faith

Is cost effective

God’s chief instrument As

Bryan Mason, Into the Stadium

for delivering His great plan of salvation,

the Church can only fulfill Christ’s

Great Commission by going into all the world.

Sports minded and athletically gifted Christians should be encouraged to use their

skills and ambitions for the development and extension of

Christ’s Kingdom






In many parts of the world and in many churches sports and recreation are misunderstood and seen

as worldly activities, even sinful and a waste of time. This can be disputed with opinions and ideas,

but in all things, including the use of sports and recreation, the basis for what I do should be God’s

Word. Having a Biblical Foundation for Sports Ministry is key to understanding how God loves

sports and wants us to use it to reach people for Him. This moves us beyond opinion to a strong

foundation based on what God says in His Word, giving more impetus and motivation to use sports

for His glory. Let’s look to scripture then for a higher perspective. There are four principles that we

will explore.

1. The Principle of Liberty

Many things in life are not good or bad. They are neutral. Often what makes something good or

bad is the way it is used and/or what our attitude is when we use it. Take television, movie, the

internet, money, and yes, even sports. In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul is an advocate of liberty. He is not

saying he is free to do whatever he wanted, nor free to do anything that was unrighteous. He is

indicating that he was free from any sort of legalistic posture or man-made rules if they interfered

with the proclamation of the gospel. 1 Corinthians 9:23 says, “And I do all things for the sake of the

gospel…” That was Paul’s driving desire. Paul is saying that he is willing to be culturally relevant

even if it means adapting to another culture at the expense of his own culture. If Paul were alive

today, he might be an athletic musician or a musical athlete because those are the two universal

languages of the world that would give him greatest access to people in order to proclaim Jesus


2. The Principle of Divine Diversity

The God of the Bible is a majestic, multi-faceted God. He is diverse in His essence (Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit). He is diverse in his character. He is diverse in His ministry. We can also clearly see this

if we explore the different names of God. The point is that our majestic God works in a variety of

ways. In the same way, God allows us to be creative (to use sports) in reaching others for Jesus.

3. The Principle of Silence

While there is no verse in scripture that clearly states we can or cannot use sports or recreation, the

sentiment that the Bible is silent is actually an argument for using it. In dealing with the silence

issue, the question must be asked, “Who wrote the Bible?” Using scripture to answer the question,

the answer is of course, that God wrote the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:21). That then leads

us to a second question, this one dealing with God’s character. “Is God holy?” The obvious answer is

“Yes.” The conclusion is therefore that a holy God would not have used sports or athletics as a

metaphor for the Christian life if it was wrong. While the Bible is silent, the use of sporting





metaphors clearly indicates that God has no problem with sports (consider Hebrews 12:1-3, 1

Corinthians 9:24-25, 2 Timothy 2:1-5).

4. The Principle of Human Giftedness

In Psalm 139, the psalmist is praising God for the fact He is an omnipresent God – so omnipresent

that He was even involved intimately in his birth (v. 13). The psalmist declares that God has created

him as a spiritual being (“inward parts”), as a physical being (“frame”), and that God’s work was

thoughtful and careful (“skillfully wrought” – a literal translation is to crochet, to delicately create

lace). The implication is that God has made each person exactly as he willed and that creation is

“fearfully and wonderfully made.”

God has also blessed each person with certain physical skills, and/or abilities, and that each person

participates in kingdom building when those skills and abilities are used to declare Jesus Christ. That

means that when the soloist sings, or the pastor preaches, or when the athlete uses his or her

platform for serving the purposes of God, each is fulfilling God’s will as it pertains to their kingdom

purposes. To fail to use what God has given us through the creation of our physical being denies the

order and sovereignty of God.


There are many other principles that could also be included as a part of this study. These few,

however, will give you a good foundation for the Biblical basis of sports and recreation ministry. We

know that God desires that “none should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter

3:9).” The only way some people may ever hear about the love of God is through you and through

the opportunity and relationship that you build with them as you watch and/or play sports together.

When we use sports we may be using a game, but we are not playing a game. Eternity is at stake!







What is Sports Ministry?

The word "sports" refers to any and all activities within the continuum of simple play to highly

organized and competitive sports. It includes games, recreational activities, outdoor activities,

fitness activities, team and individual sports, and general participatory contests and/or activities.

"Sports" should be gender inclusive, age inclusive, and ability inclusive as well as intensity varied,

and activity varied.

The word "ministry" has an Old and New Testament understanding of service or serving; therefore, a

Sports Ministry is any activity that lends itself to serving God, the church (building up the believer),

or the lost. The church should never consider that it has a Sports Ministry merely because there are

activities. It is the combination of taking those activities and consciously planning to glorify God,

edify The Church, and reach out to the unsaved that constitutes Sports Ministry.

Is it appropriate for a believer to be involved in sports and recreation activities?

If what you mean by appropriate is: ’Does involvement in sports and recreation violate a principle or

command of God?’, the answer is no. It violates no command of God. Of course to say that, means

we need to define the word "sin" and then, to discover if participation in sports and recreation falls

into that definition. The word "sin" in early Greek was actually an archery term; it literally meant to

"miss the mark." When an archer shoots at a target, he aims at the "bull's eye" - the center of the

target. When the arrow landed anywhere else, the archer "sinned" - he missed the mark. The term

began to be used in Christendom when people began to miss the mark - the absolutes of God found

in His character or His commands found in Scripture. In other words, when I live my life contrary to

the precepts, counsel or commands of God (the center of the target for my life), I have "missed the

mark”, I have sinned.

“ Where most ministries

have to find an entry point,

Sports Ministry intrinsic bridges

Steve Conner, Sports Outreach, Principles and Practices

for Successful Sports Ministry






When involved in a sporting or recreational event, it is not the event that will determine whether the

participant has sinned. Sin will be the result of my motivation for participation, my actions within

participation, or my attitudes after participation. A game is not intrinsically sinful; however, if one

participates in order to achieve self-worth, that person has denied the value God places on him

through the sacrifice of His Son. That is sinful. If the participant acts out violently or speaks

wrathfully during participation, it is not the game that has sinned; the participant has. If the

participant becomes haughty and proud because of victory, or despondent over defeat, again it is

not the game that has caused this, but an ungodly response to the outcome of the game. The

participant has sinned.

As long as the participant can maintain his or her testimony and bring glory to God through the

participation (Colossians 3:23), no believer is constrained to avoid sports and recreation.

I thought the Bible said that physical exercise/activity had no value. Is that true?

There are some who incorrectly interpret I Timothy 4:8, stating that this verse indicates we should

not be involved in any physical activity - including sports. However, this is not what I Timothy 4:8

says. Paul is writing to Timothy who is pastoring a church in Ephesus; Ephesus is right across the

Aegean Sea in close proximity to Greece - a country that revered the body at the expense of the

spirit. Paul is trying to help Timothy to understand and teach proper priorities in one's life. So, he

says in verse 7, "discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness." The word "discipline" also means

train. In verse 8, Paul does not say that physical exercise has no value; rather he says it has some

value. However, of greater value is godliness - which also comes from discipline or training.

Therefore, Paul would encourage both types of training to take place, but states that godliness

should always have a higher priority.

It would be inconsistent of Paul to warn someone away from physical activity here and then to

challenge us to "run the Christian race" as well as to commit ourselves as an athlete - ultimately that

our entire life may glorify God.

Should every church have a Sports Ministry?

No, just as every church should not try to develop every ministry that other churches have. The

indicators that a church ought to consider a Sports Ministry is when God places a vision for this sort

of ministry in the minds and hearts of the leadership, when God has raised up a leader for this

ministry, when God has placed gifted people within the congregation who have an interest in sports

and understand how that interest can be used to serve the purposes of God within that church, and

when certain circumstances lend themselves to the successful launching and maintaining of a Sports

Ministry (e.g. finances, facilities, leadership, congregational "buy-in", etc.).





How does a church start a Sports Ministry?

The previous question identifies a few critical issues as a church considers initiating a Sports

Ministry. Those, plus others offered here, present a simple but not exhaustive sequential process for


Endorsement and embracing of the ministry by church leadership (Pastor, Staff, Governing


Enlist a visionary leader (Specific gifts/talents for this person would include a heart for the

lost and a desire to see people grow in their faith, a background and/or familiarity with

sports and recreation, people skills for the purpose of recruiting, teaching skills in order to

train those recruited, and organizational and administrative skills in order to run the


Enlist a Prayer Coordinator and a Prayer Team. Nothing will be accomplished apart from


Survey the congregation in order to identify areas of interest for participation as well as

potential leadership.

Observe the community in order to determine the activities, events, and/or sports to which

people gravitate and identify a Target Group.

Based on the survey and observation, consider the three major determiners for offering an

event, league or activity: –Finances, facilities and personnel (leadership and participants).

Construct a program based on the information from the preceding points.

Develop a strategy for evangelism and discipleship for each program initiated.

Promote the ministry and the individual programs.

Organize and administrate the programs. JUST DO IT!

Evaluate and modify as needed.

Keys to Success

When you begin there are a few things you should keep in mind:


Start at the beginning. Identify your target audience then PLAN. Pick one

event/activity/league and do it well. People like to participate in something that looks

organized and is professionally done.

Start Small. Do not let your grasp exceed your reach.





Gradually Expand. As you develop leadership, participants, and a presence in the

community then move forward.

Stay faithful to your goals. Work to develop people. Create fellowship for the believers and

friendship with unbelievers; share your faith, disciple, and assimilate those who respond, but

also be willing to prune. If an activity or event is not producing fruit, prune it (cut it out). The

purpose of pruning is to produce greater fruitfulness.

What are possible Sports Ministry activities?

Some possible Sports Ministry activities include (but are not limited to)

Competitive Team Sports

Basketball, baseball/softball, football, volleyball, hockey, other

Individual Competitive Sports

Badminton, golf, tennis, table tennis, triathlon/runs, track & field

John Garner, Recreation and Sports Ministry, Impacting Postmodern Culture

Recreation and Sports Ministry

offers one of the best avenues


culture. our


To the skateboarder,

we will offer

skateboarding events.

To the quilter,

we will offer

quilting classes.

To the fitness minded,

we will offer

aerobics and nutrition classes.

To the basketball player,

we will offer


to play

the game.






Sports clinics, 10K or Fun Runs, Kids’ Games, picnics, field days, major sporting events

outreach (World Cup, Olympics, club tournaments or games, etc.

Recreational Activities

Arts & crafts, board games, drama, music, puppetry

Wilderness Activities

Backpacking, camping, fishing, hiking, “Four Wheeling”

Seniors’ Activities

Walking/jogging, stretching/exercise programs, swimming

Wellness Activities

Aerobics/exercise, nutrition & weight control, weight training

Outreach Activities

Leagues, sports clinics, service teams, prison ministry teams

Social Recreation

Ballroom dancing, excursions, meals, outings, movie nights

Special Programs

Sports Vacation Bible School, programs for the disabled


You are limited only by your own creativity!






Athletes in Action is a global pioneer, innovator, and servant leader in Sports Ministry. AIA exists to

boldly proclaim the love and truth of Jesus Christ to those uniquely impacted by sport worldwide by

winning, building and sending athletic influencers. We are committed to helping fulfill the Great

Commission by:

Taking the initiative to share the gospel with 500 million people annually through the

platform of sport (Exposure)

Giving 100 million people annually the opportunity to individually receive Jesus Christ


Building a global movement of 15,000 spiritually mature athletic influencers by 2012


The following practices are set as an example, for inspiration and for partnership.

Global Events

The Global Events strategy sends AIA staff members and trained associates to the venues where the

world top sport influencers are competing. It is also a goal to mobilize churches to use global events

to reach their communities with the gospel. People around the world follow events such as the

Olympics or World Cups so using their knowledge of these events become a spring-board for

building relationships. The desire is to accomplish these things:

Encourage Christian athletes in their walk with Christ and help them find ways to use their

platform to proclaim Christ in a practically relevant way in their own church and community.

Make church leaders aware of the potential for sharing the gospel through the platform of

sports and train them in the Sports Ministry vision.

Assist in organizing Sports Ministry outreaches around the theme of global events and use

these outreaches as a catalyst for churches to develop on-going sports ministries.

Training Congresses

The Training Congress strategy serves as a venue to “give away” our training philosophy and

materials. Since 2002, over 600 delegates from 85 countries have been trained and equipped for

building movements of sport influencers. The goal is to identify, recruit, train and equip national

delegates for Sports Ministry. Delegates are taught the basic win, build and send ministry

philosophy. Each Congress can be held prior to a global sporting event so delegates gain valuable on

the job experience connecting with sport influencers from their country. The combination of training

and relationships with sport influencers enhances the delegate’s chances of initiating a successful

Sports Ministry. Churches in these areas can encourage professional or top level athletes to attend

these congresses as a part of their discipleship process.





Sports Ministry Training Conferences & Church Sports Training Manual

The Training Conference strategy serves as a venue to “give away” our training philosophy and

materials and empower indigenous leaders in church Sports Ministry. The goal is to identify, recruit,

train and equip indigenous leaders for Sports Ministry. Delegates are taught the basics of Sports

Ministry using our Sports Ministry Training Manual. The manual includes a handbook for

participants and covers topics such as Biblical Foundations of Sports Ministry, Vision, Evangelism &

Discipleship Through Sports Ministry, and Organizing a Sports Ministry, among others. This training

includes the win, build and send ministry philosophy and how to incorporate it into setting up a

successful Sports Ministry. Over the last years, thousands of delegates representing hundreds of

churches in many countries have been trained and equipped for building movements of church

Sports Ministry.

Ultimate Camps

AIA Ultimate Camps are a one-week adventure that will challenge you mentally, physically, and

spiritually. At AIA's camp for competitive athletes, you will hear directly from God's Word, glean

biblical perspective on such topics as motivation, attitude, persevering through tough times, and

Rodger Oswald, Church Sports International

As the

church seeks to carry out

the Great Commission, sports

can be used as a culturally relevant

and, therefore,

strategic tool for evangelism as well as for building up

the individual saint in his or her faith. Sports is a


to reach the nearby community,


as well as resistant parts

of that and is a means

to fulfill

the global call of Christ.





winning and losing, as well as develop leadership qualities that will be of value in your life and

competitive play. These camps have been used in Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa,

Zimbabwe, Russia and other European countries as well as in America to spiritually impact the

athletes in these countries. Churches in these areas can encourage professional or top level athletes

to attend these camps as a part of their discipleship process.

Global Sport Projects

AIA Global Sport Projects provide an avenue to utilize sports as a strategy for ministry without

limiting it to just a sports team and as a strategy that can uniquely fit in different cultural

environments. For example consider 2011. During that year AIA sent a one month project to South

Asia where university students were reached. Also in South Asia coaching was a way to help the

ongoing CCC ministry gain access to closed campuses and involve more students in their campus

ministries. In East Asia, AIA participants lived on a sports university campus and built relationships

with these athletic influencers for a month. In Europe recreational sports teams served local

churches and encouraged assisted them with community outreaches. This strategy has worked

many times as AIA has opened the doors and hearts of a community for the local church and/or

other CCC ministries.

Top Sport Tours/Clinics – Athletes in Action globally fields national and international teams

in several sports. Athletes and coaches become equipped in how to minister through their

sport as they are trained to do ministry, as well as have excellent opportunities to play their

sport. Competing locally and internationally, AIA sports teams combine a passion for God

and athletic excellence into one unique effort. They can be used to either play competitive

games and/or conduct clinics in the midst of using their platform to share about their faith in


Recreational Sport Tours/Clinics – Athletes in Action Netherlands and others field

recreational multi-sport teams to various countries every year. These teams combine sport

with drama, games, and other fun activities to serve a church and reach a community. As

mentioned previously, athletes and sporters become equipped in how to minister through

their sport as they are trained to do ministry, as well as have excellent opportunities to play

their sport. AIA recreational sports teams combine a passion for God and athletic excellence

into one unique effort. They can be used to either play competitive games and/or conduct

clinics in the midst of using their platform to share about their faith in Christ.

When done in partnership with the local church, there is lasting fruit as local believers interact and

follow-up with those who come to know Christ. The teams are often able to demonstrate Sports

Ministry and encourage, challenge, motivate, and train the church leaders and youth to develop

their own ongoing ministry through sports as they participate with the teams and see Sports

Ministry demonstrated before their eyes.






AIA seeks to partner with other ministries around the world. We always look to help the local

ministry by partnering with the local CCC ministries in the area. We also have a wide network of

partners including the International Sports Coalition, SAT -7, SAT-7 Farsi and churches worldwide.

The following resources are at the disposal of churches wanting to do Sports Ministry


AIA Media exists to expose 100 million men, women and children annually to the gospel of Jesus

Christ through the following ways:

Serving the church, ministries, and other organizations by providing media resources which

communicate the Gospel message through sports and athletes.

Facilitating and assisting athletes and coaches to give testimony to the person of Jesus

Christ and their personal faith.

Being culturally relevant and prioritizing communication in the native tongue.

"Throughout the world today there are two mediums of communication that surpass all spoken

languages – music and sports… Using the testimonies and stories of top athletes to help introduce

the Gospel to the world is a tremendous vision." Paul Eshleman, Jesus Film Project

Resources that are available to churches include:

The Tim Howard Story: Takes a behind the scenes look at one of soccer’s top goalkeepers

and his improbable rise to the top.

Give Me the Rock 2: Takes you inside the lives of the world’s top professional basketball

players as they tell what makes them true champions.

Passion and Power: The Heroes of Women’s Sports: This showcases more than 20 women

from countries around the world who share of the freedom that they experience, amidst

different struggles and triumphs, from their own personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

Struggle and Triumph: While some achieve the sports ultimate prize -the Olympic gold

medal-, others have to be satisfied with the experience of taking part. Relive the struggles

and triumphs of some of the world’s best athletes who represent the highest in personal


The Prize: World Cup 2006: Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Korea and United States soccer players

share their stories.

The Prize- Chasing The Dream – 2010 World Cup DVD: The story of how six soccer heroes

have followed the ball to the ultimate prize — and new life.






STINT is an abbreviation for Short-Term INTernational Internship. Participating on a STINT is a

unique way for someone to grow in their relationship with Christ, gain ministry skills, get a bigger

picture of the world and explore different countries and cultures. STINTers have the opportunity to

develop friendships with students and athletes, and train on a high level sport team if desired. They

are also encouraged to get involved with a local church. In situations where they are connected with

AIA NL projects, the STINTers role is to work with local churches to train them in the Sports Ministry

vision and empower them to continue on with their own ministry.

STINT can last anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. AIA STINTers typically work in areas that have

AIA staff already. However, locations that have a strong CCC presence are also options. We look for

opportunities to use the STINTer’s expertise in sports to help the local ministry.


This is a vehicle for mobilizing and delivering aid to churches and ministries in less fortunate

countries world-wide. It is a unique combination of sport, with its natural capacity to energize people

and develop goodwill, and the desire to serve and assist countries torn by war, famine, and poverty.

Sport is the most popular pastime in the world and sport personalities continue to dominate as the

heroes of society. For this reason, we believe athletes can be beacons of light - reaching out a

helping hand to those who are less fortunate. Here’s how:

Graham Daniels and J. Stuart Weir, Born to Play

As an

activity in which we can use the

gifts and abilities

God has given us,

sport is as valuable and

significant as

any other human activity. Further, it is

absolutely true

that there are many

opportunities for evangelism (through playing sports)

which we should grasp with

both hands.





Partnering with charities like the Global Aid Network (GAiN) to organize relief efforts.

SportAid will provide athletic teams to travel into foreign countries. These teams will play

high profile games and then stay for an additional 1-2 weeks afterwards to physically deliver

aid and provide the means to meet physical needs.

Assisting foreign countries and sport clubs that may not have the expertise or financial

resources to set up elite international athletic tournaments. The goal of these tournaments

will be to bring 4-6 teams together for a 1-2 week period where significant relationships

could be fostered.

Assisting churches in countries that may not have the expertise or financial resources to set

up sports ministries.

Devotional and Discipleship Materials for Athletes

AIA has developed many Bible Studies and Discipleship tools for athletes, recreational to elite level.

These resources cover topics such as ‘How to be a Christian and compete at the highest level’, ‘How

to handle adversity (losing, injuries, a bad call, etc.) that comes with sports’, and ‘How to live out

your faith as a Christian and an athlete’. These studies can be used by churches in their sports

programs and also for their members who compete in or just simply love sports.






5.1 Serving other Campus Crusade strategies

Consider how Sports Ministry can partner with other Campus Crusade strategies that are already

serving the Church. These are just a few ideas that have already been implemented on a limited


1. As a tool serving the Jesus Film teams, a Sports Ministry outreach activity such as a game,

tournament, clinic, or sports day could be organized the day of the film showing. This

attracts even more people to view the movie and generates more interest and opportunities

for sharing the gospel in a community.

2. As a tool serving Family Life, a Father/Daughter or Father/Son Sports Day could be

organized. What better way to encourage those relationships than through sports activities

or games designed to build those relationships!

3. As a tool serving Campus Ministries, sports activities such as a game, tournament, clinic,

match showing, or sports day could be organized. These activities will attract students in a

non-threatening way and allow relationship to be built quickly. New contacts can then be

invited to a service or meeting where they can hear more about the gospel and find

fellowship with believers.

For other ministries such as Christian Embassy, Military Ministry, Student Venture, Priority

Associates, and Here's Life Inner City, sports can also be a great tool. Creativity is the only limitation

for using sports and recreation activities.

5.2 Church Resourcing strategy needs

Areas of need to receive funding:

Support for hosting local Sports Ministry Training Conferences around the world, include

funds needed for printing manuals and other organizational logistics.

Purchase and distribution of relevant AIA resources for local churches.

Support for local indigenous leaders/trainers through monthly stipends where appropriate.

Development of an online training curriculum and learning system in order to offer the most

effective training.

Other needs will be identified as the new global strategy develops.






The following figures are presented as an overview of how God has used Church Based Sports

Ministry and Athletes in Action Holland to reach people for Christ.

Key Figures International Projects

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Teams 90 34 25 38 11

Team members 180 270 247 380 95

Participants in clinics etc. 1855 5000 3604 21875 9365

Tracts & Literature distributed 1000 30910 1665 3004 2301

Exposures to the gospel 7330 6225 6915 46186 3755

People that accepted Jesus 505 614 455 7269 800

Churches served 18 25 60 100 30

Countries served 10 10 9 13 10 2008: Focus on East-Asia

2010: Focus on (South-)Africa

Key Figures National Projects

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Teams 65 52 68 63 50

Team members 569 600 455 470 500

Participants in clinics etc. 5850 3728 2782 2144 5000

Tracts & Literature distributed 2991 6916 1539 1712 500

Exposures to the gospel 6012 4673 3362 3263 5400

People that accepted Jesus 403 154 86 93 750

Churches served 60 60 68 63 70 2011: Based on estimates

Key Figures Projects Total (above charts combined)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Teams 155 86 83 101 61

Team members 749 870 702 820 595

Participants in clinics etc. 7705 8728 11415 24019 14365

Tracts & Literature distributed 3991 37826 3204 4716 2801

Exposures to the gospel 13342 10898 10277 49449 4655

People that accepted Jesus 908 768 523 7362 1550

Churches served 78 85 128 163 100

Countries served 11 11 10 14 11

These figures represent only what the Church Resourcing Strategy has accomplished through AIA NL throughout the years

and is meant only to show the potential for this strategy as it becomes more widely accepted around the world. We

recognize that there are other AIA ministries throughout the world serving local churches in different ways.





Quotes from Church Resourcing Leaders


“On the final day of our outreach around 600 people were attending the soccer match between two

local churches... All the church members of Pastor David's (our host) church were present on the

playground and experienced the huge impact of evangelism trough sports. Many people accepted

Jesus into their lives!”


“We were organizing sports clinics at three different locations. In 10 days we could share the gospel

freely at all time at each place. In our team many youngsters were dealing with their own issues. This

project was a good learning process for many of them. During our closing program 70 people,

including many Muslims, indicated decisions to follow Jesus.”


“Our project consisted of two parts. Together with Athletes in Action Uganda we served two local

churches. We played soccer with local teams and with the church team, and we also did a lot of

soccer and volleyball clinics. For the clinics we concentrated on the neighborhood around the church.

Together with SportFriends Uganda and their coaches we visited a lot of small villages. In the

villages we played soccer games against local teams and we did a lot of other compassion projects to

serve the people like sweeping houses, fumigation, and medical outreaches. We also camped three

days in a little village in the bush. This was a very good experience.”

Czech Republic

“We have learned from the conversations with the teens that they are really interested in God and

that is the reason we were there. This city (where we served) really needs God. Many people, young

and old, are really living in the darkness and it hurts to see that. It was good to be there. The project

really needs a continuation.”

Netherlands – Sports Team from Turkey

“One day a group of Turkish youngsters invited one of our team to go to a mosque with them to

pray. He then told them about his Christian identity. Because he has a Muslim name and background

they were so surprised to hear his testimony. They were affected by it so much that they told their

parents and many others in their town about him and his group. Thus, their concerned parents and

many others came to see if the team was distributing Bibles or otherwise trying to convert their

children. Yet when they saw that all they did was to play sports with them and perform dramas for

them, they relaxed and even became glad. Then some of them invited team members to their homes

to get to know them better. Four of these families were especially interested in knowing more after

they listened to testimonies from members of the team. They excitedly asked many questions such

as, “How could Jesus be God?” After long and nice conversations about God and Christianity they

asked for New Testaments.”






Judy Kirkpatrick (AIA Global Leadership Council & Global Strategy Leader)

651 Taylor Drive

Xenia, OH 45385


Cell: (+1) 513-235-5297

Work: (+1) 937-352-1146

Email: [email protected]

Jonathan Detweiler (Global Strategy Leader, Church Resourcing)

Athletes in Action Atoomweg 10-2 9743 AK Groningen The Netherlands

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (+31) 50-549-2715

© 2011 Athletes in Action

Printed in The Netherlands