ai transforming edu-tech space

AI Transforming Edu-tech Space The adoption of AI in education continues to rise as schools and universities develop their online strategies to reduce the cost and improve outcomes. According to market research firm Technavio, AI will continue to grow exponentially, at 39 percent CAGR over the next four years. How AI will help Changing times suggest a need for a disruptive innovation in education. As budgets shrink and classroom sizes increase, it is imperative that we leverage advancements in technology to improve the productivity and efficiency of the education system. We will see several applications of AI in education in 2017, such as: AI for grading students’ written answers Bots that answer students’ questions

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Post on 21-Mar-2017




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AI Transforming Edu-tech Space

The adoption of AI in education continues to rise as schools and universities develop their online strategies to reduce the cost and improve outcomes. According to market research firm Technavio, AI will continue to grow exponentially, at 39 percent CAGR over the next four years.

How AI will help

Changing times suggest a need for a disruptive innovation in education. As budgets shrink and classroom sizes increase, it is imperative that we leverage advancements in technology to improve the productivity and efficiency of the education system. We will see several applications of AI in education in 2017, such as:

AI for grading students’ written answers Bots that answer students’ questions Virtual personal assistants that tutor students

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Virtual reality and computer vision for immersive, hands-on learning Simulations and gamification with rich learning analytics

Take, for example, the grading (assessment) problem, which is at the core of education. Cognitive psychology suggests that the best way to assess learning is to ask open-response (essay) questions and allow students to explain in their own words.

Conversational Edu-tech

Educational assessment of students’ open-response answers is a natural language processing problem. The text in a student’s answer has syntactic and semantic structures similar to those of a social media status update or a product review.

Likewise, an AI can be trained to analyze and grade a student’s answer reliably and can be as accurate as a human and at a cost that is orders of magnitude lower than that of human grading.

Bots for education will help in scaling online learning. AI can ask a question, the student answers it in natural language, and the AI evaluates the answer and provides instant tutoring feedback. This is known as a formative assessment in the education field, as its purpose is to improve the student’s conceptual understanding of a topic.

How do we implement it?

Presently, there is a need to focus on the requirement of capital to be invested in the education sector so that the Indian education system also becomes capable of international standards. To empower the youth, some key declarations in education and skills development shall have a structural and long-standing impact on the excellence of education and making the upcoming generation ready for the high-tech era of automation and Artificial Intelligence.

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As the government prepares to make the education sector filled with technology and elements of innovations in order to improve the quality of education, an innovation fund is required to be formed ranging from the very beginning of elementary education to the secondary levels in schools.

AI continues to disrupt industries like consumer electronics, ecommerce, media, transportation, and healthcare, education could be the next big opportunity. AI will benefit all the stakeholders of the education ecosystem.