ahe ~abbltth !ltwrder $5 ~2q p:~ay ~- tt.' year, · the sabbatl day howempba cal iy tb 0 peeu...

$5 to AT Add ,(j B f1N80N & CO Tt."'" and li am ron. - ADA RY FARM wes of OGUE BOOKS AN D 'l RACT8 A F. r n nED BY TUE N SABBATH TRACT SOCIETy ALF ED CE.!' TP.]r. N Y ahe !ltwrder =----- ::::--- I!R IiliADETH. g d WEI J. p es. ant places aye suggested the me by po ods of Co de the PUlILIBHED BY THE AMERIOAl( SABBATH TRAOT SOOIETY THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH 01<1 THE LORD THY GOD VOLUME XXXI lOW 28 ALFRED OENTRE n t me to co oe Bay ng at s tb .? that thou sha t ay nob n By st ength of h nd t e Lo d b ought It. out of E"ypt f om t e house or boudarre ( 14 ) A d t Bhall be for a S bll unto thee npon tb oe han 1 and fa a memor al between tb lie eye the Lord s law may be n moutb (9) and not 3D nst tut on 2 It com memo rated an nc dent peCll I ar to Is ael and hence ts observance and p v leges were necessanly confi ed to them and forb dden 0 othe s 3 It was an annual feB al of .even davs dnrat on 4 Be ng ex c1us ,ely for and 1m e lobe I rael tea Its d urat on was to be throughout the r generat ons 5 It was pr mar Iy a memona res I Sabbath reat not be ng req red the offer ngs and the elements of tbe fest val m gbt be pre pored 6 It was des gned to ad n kcep ng n the memory of tl e Is ae te, thr<lugout all tbe r generat ons thc great mercy and good ess of God to them to the end that they m gn be nduced to keep the 1'1{ of God Here t S, tbe LOld s law may be n thy mouth Its ob Ject theu s to secur houor and obed ence to tbe law of God How sure Y Bnce God first made man and gave b m h slaw n Eden e e y th ng he does for man all h 8 ap po ntments ord nances and nst tu t on-Sl'erge tow a d and centre n the moral law a d have for the r object honot to tbat Jaw Atten t on w 1 be recalled to tb _ at a fu not opoken as f twas tbe an nouncement OT p omll gat. on of be g eat nst ut on of tbe Sabba b of Jehovah fa the Ii _t t me U 0 pel ed to ref r g vea close attent on to the language used by Moses here muat see that t B not an announcement of a new n st tut a or ord Dance but "mply language Buggest ng tbe egulat Oil of conduct unde the peeu ar c r cumstance ac ord ng t.o the law of an nst tut on already establ shed and kno vn But aB th B W be Been more clearly as we look back at th s po nt fro n lilt S ns we w II pa.s on No ce also that lIIos s spoke of the Sabbath as the day of God's ei) To mor ow s the est of tI e l,lOly Sabba h U 0 teLa d And G a I a 80 e8 on h soy Sab bath that for the p nod of 40 du ng wh h he thus naco louoly fed that pec a peop e I e neve gave them meat 0 bead on the Sabbatl day Howempba cal Iy tb 0 peeu ar and [ olonged eoson ought to teach U8 God s es mate of the sacrednesB af h 0 holy rest Mark fu ther that God equ e d I e people to keep the Sabbath even before the law was 0 Ii med to Is e I eo p e went out on the seven h da.y for to ga I er and found none (27) the Lord sa d unto Mos sHow ong refuse ye to keel my om nand ncnts and my law_ 28) See for tbat theLord ha b" en you the Sabba b berefo e e g veth yo on e s xtb day the bead of wo da.ys 3b de ye eve y man nbs 1 aee let no man go out of h • place on he Beventh day (9 ) So tbe pea pie ested 00 tl e se en I day (30 ) 3 to find the record of tbe appo nt n ent of the seventh day as tbe rest of he Sabbath nnto tbe Lo d or ts defin tc announcement as such Adm t what s poss ble though m p obable tbat 1lose. had g ven deli ect ons to prov de on the ny a po t a for the Sabbatl d 1 and to rest there n yet the w hola mntter s spoken of aB f the Sabb. h Was weI known to tbe pea pIe and no If the people act as f bey understood and aClmowledgcd s cia ms to san t ty G ant wbat haB been stoutly earned that these Is I es p ev ous to thlj knew no b llg of any Sabbath nBt tut on aod that th s language of tbe four h and Ii f b verses s tbe first nt rna to hey have had of a. Sabbath tl en p ay how sh JJ t1 ey determ ne wi at meant by the 8 xth cloy P reB h day from what po nt 'bf From tbe t me of tbe omme c ng to gather manna F 0 n be t me of the r departure f om Eaypt? F om the t me of be commencement of the r sa red year the nrBt of N Ban? When? Ii now for mo ethan 2 500 years he e has been no Sabbatb to d v de seven days eaoh as appears n thoae texts remembenng that th s septen a y per ad h.s frequently appeared n the a.cred record along tho b " ory of he past 2 00 years and member tl at noth ng marked th s pe od 0 gmall y but tbe Sahbath and we arc 3ga n necessanly re ferred back to Gen 2 2 3 to find the or g n of th s Sabbath and the reason a fa t t • septena y penod d vldes days nto week. and des gnates where to be" n to number the days of the week and wI ere to end W thont the Sabbath those Israel teB would have been tben and the whole race l\ on ld be DOW as weekles9 as are the m Ions of Bllddh Bts of Eastern As a who ave no Sabba tb or Bep tena y pc ad of t me The fact of the ex stence and knowledge of the 5 p enary per od however deter m nes the fact of a knowledge of the Sabbath; wh ch alone marked that per ad Th B knowledge the Israel God doe not p ove ts ex sten e at that t me as hay nO' been prev ously g ven 0 then ord. ned b t that the angnage n Ex 16 only refers to tbe Sabbatb propb teal y as fore shadow ng ts nst tut on on and proclama on f om lIIt S a and that th 8 S" mply a p el m na y preporat a fo that g ea event '" has been pers st€ tIy do e Beems 0 tes possessed Aga lIIoses sa d (23) To mor row s the rest of the boly Sabbath unto tbe Lord and then gave d me to be an argument .oa 8t rca son and 1 ght an d most ab urd Ce a oly are then and the e requ red to regulate the r conduct n seen ng and preD3 ng the food to the law of an nst tut on the Sabbath a en an 1 th re ex st ng as n chronolog cal order at reet onB preparatorv fa tbe keep ng aver ty-to obse ve a holy rest the and there n concert w th God 8 rest ng on tbe seventh day the rest of the boly Sabbatl nnto the Lord a rest and Sabbath" h h t 18 theh and tbere declared the Lo a bad g ven them (29) not n an c pa the cond tons and p am Bes are very b efly thDogh comprehens vely ex p essed If ye w II obey my va ce ndeed and keep my eovena t n In the re ord of God" covenant w tb Abraham 13 13 18 17 ne ther the tent on s called to the most eIDII at of the Sabbath And on Sabbath e recogn t on of the Sabbath the mo n g he sa d Eat that to day septenarv day of weekly hal .. rest for to lay • a Sabbath unto tbe appo nted before the fa I (G n 0 lord to day ye shall not find 2 3) and to the nnm stakable nt t n the field (2) S x days shall mat on that the whole law of God ye gather t but 011 the seventh day was known to Israel E. 16 22 wh ch IS tLe Sa.bbath n t tbere 30 In the encampment at S 0 tbe shall be nOne n (26) Whoever ton s mply or prophet cally bnt in'lluc'nditi(lDS of t1 e covenant no real ty snd wI cb they d d then and there keep So the people rested on the Sabbath day (30) Sure y then an I tbere waa the rea Sahba h of God Keep the d • on of t me uta veeks of g ven d ence 0 campI ance s nd .tted wI Ie n (17 23 27) t 8 seen clearly that tI ere were denn te cond tons and hence a token or gn awful grandeur the s gnal t umpet of God hav ng .ounded long aod laude and louder MOBes .pake and God answered b m by a va "" ID tbc h.anng of all tbe people and spake all the worim of be ten COOl mandmenta (Deut 4 And be lord spake nto you pm of tbe m dst of the fire ye beard the vo C6 of the words but saw no s m I tnde only ye heard a va ce And he declared nnto you h • covenant wh ch he commanded ) au to p'er form even ten commandments :md he wrote them upon two tab eto of _tone (12 13) Thus t s seen clearly defin tely and cone us vely tbat the 31 law nclud ng the fourth om mandment espec ally was we I known was repeatedl) recogn t d and was kept all along through the before ts del very from pit the ten commanaments es TBRMB-$2 50 A YEAR, m as then

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Page 1: ahe ~abbltth !ltwrder $5 ~2Q P:~AY ~- Tt.' YEAR, · the Sabbatl day Howempba cal Iy tb 0 peeu ar and [ olonged eoson ought to teach U8 God s es mate of the sacrednesB af h 0 holy

$5 to ~2Q P:~AY AT Add ,(j B f1N80N & CO Tt."'"

and li am ron.


wes of



A F.

r n nED BY TUE


ALF ED CE.!' TP.]r. N Y

~ ahe ~abbltth !ltwrder ~-=-----::::--- I!R IiliADETH.

g d WEI J. p es. ant places

aye suggested the me by po ods of

Co de the



n t me to co oe Bay ng at s tb .? that thou sha t ay nob n By st ength of h nd t e Lo d b ought It. out of E"ypt f om t e house or boudarre ( 14 )

A d t Bhall be for a S bll unto thee npon tb oe han 1 and fa a memor al between tb lie eye the Lord s law may be n moutb (9)

and not 3D nst tut on 2 It com memo rated an nc dent peCll I ar to Is ael and hence ts observance and p v leges were necessanly confi ed to them and forb dden 0 othe s 3 It was an annual feB al of .even davs dnrat on 4 Be ng ex c1us ,ely for and 1m e lobe I rael tea Its d urat on was to be

throughout the r generat ons 5 It was pr mar Iy a memona res I Sabbath reat not be ng req red the offer ngs and the elements of tbe fest val m gbt be pre pored 6

It was des gned to ad n kcep ng n the memory of tl e Is ae te, thr<lugout all tbe r generat ons thc great mercy and good ess of God to them to the end that they m gn be nduced to keep the 1'1{ of God Here t S, ~ha tbe LOld s law may be n thy mouth Its ob Ject theu s to secur houor and obed ence to tbe law of God How sure Y B nce God first made man and gave b m h slaw n Eden e e y th ng he does for man all h 8 ap po ntments ord nances and nst tu t on-Sl'erge tow a d and centre n the moral law a d have for the r object honot to tbat Jaw Atten t on w 1 be recalled to tb _ at a fu

not opoken as f twas tbe an nouncement OT p omll gat. on of be g eat nst ut on of tbe Sabba b

of Jehovah fa the Ii _t t me U 0

pel ed to ref r

g vea close attent on to the language used by Moses here muat see that t B not an announcement of a new n

st tut a or ord Dance but "mply language Buggest ng tbe egulat Oil

of conduct unde the peeu ar c r cumstance ac ord ng t.o the law of an nst tut on already establ shed and kno vn But aB th B W be Been more clearly as we look back at th s po nt fro n lilt S ns we w II pa.s on No ce also that lIIos s

spoke of the Sabbath as the day of God's ei) To mor ow s the est of tI e l,lOly Sabba h U 0 teLa d And G a I a 80 e8 on h soy Sab bath that for the p nod of 40

du ng wh h he thus naco louoly fed that pec a peop e I e neve gave them meat 0 bead on the Sabbatl day Howempba cal Iy tb 0 peeu ar and [ olonged eoson ought to teach U8 God s es mate of the sacrednesB af h 0 holy rest Mark fu ther that God equ e d I e people to keep the Sabbath even

before the law was 0 Ii med to Is

e I eo

p e went out on the seven h da.y for to ga I er and found none (27) the Lord sa d unto Mos sHow ong refuse ye to keel my om nand ncnts and my law_ 28) See for tbat theLord ha b" en you the Sabba b berefo e e g veth yo on e

s xtb day the bead of wo da.ys 3b de ye eve y man nbs 1 aee let no man go out of h • place on he Beventh day (9 ) So tbe pea pie ested 00 tl e se en I day (30 )

3 to find the record of tbe appo nt n ent of the seventh day as tbe rest

of he Sabbath nnto tbe Lo d or ts defin tc announcement as such

Adm t what s poss ble though m p obable tbat 1lose. had g ven deli

ect ons to prov de on the ny a po t a for the Sabbatl

d 1 and to rest there n yet the w hola mntter s spoken of aB f the Sabb. h Was weI known to tbe pea pIe and no If the people act as f

bey understood and aClmowledgcd s cia ms to san t ty G ant wbat

haB been stoutly earned that these Is I es p ev ous to thlj knew no b llg of any Sabbath nBt tut on aod that th s language of tbe four h and Ii f b verses s tbe first nt rna to hey have had of a. Sabbath tl en p ay how sh JJ t1 ey determ ne wi at meant by the 8 xth cloy P

reB h day from what po nt 'bf From tbe t me of tbe

omme c ng to gather manna F 0 n be t me of the r departure f om Eaypt? F om the t me of be commencement of the r sa red

year the nrBt of N Ban? When? Ii now for mo ethan 2 500 years he e has been no Sabbatb to d v de

seven days eaoh as appears n thoae texts remembenng that th s septen a y per ad h.s frequently appeared n the a.cred record along tho b " ory of he past 2 00 years and

member tl at noth ng marked th s pe od 0 gmall y but tbe Sahbath and we arc 3ga n necessanly re ferred back to Gen 2 2 3 to find the or g n of th s Sabbath and the reason a fa t

t • septena y penod d vldes days nto week. and des gnates where to

be" n to number the days of the week and wI ere to end W thont the Sabbath those Israel teB would have been tben and the whole race l\ on ld be DOW as weekles9 as are the m Ions of Bllddh Bts of Eastern As a who ave no Sabba tb or Bep tena y pc ad of t me The fact of the ex stence and knowledge of the 5 p enary per od however deter m nes the fact of a knowledge of the Sabbath; wh ch alone marked that per ad Th B knowledge the Israel

God doe not p ove ts ex sten e at that t me as hay nO' been prev ously g ven 0 then ord. ned b t that the angnage n Ex 16 only refers to tbe Sabbatb propb teal y as fore shadow ng ts nst tut on on and proclama on f om lIIt S a and that th 8 S" mply a p el m na y preporat a fo that g ea event '" has been pers st€ tIy do e Beems 0

tes possessed Aga lIIoses sa d (23) To mor

row s the rest of the boly Sabbath unto tbe Lord and then gave d

me to be an argument .oa 8t rca son and 1 ght an d most ab urd Ce a oly tbe~ are then and the e

requ red to regulate the r conduct n seen ng and preD3 ng the food

to the law of an nst tut on the Sabbath a en an 1 th re ex st ng as

n chronolog cal order at reet onB preparatorv fa tbe keep ng

aver ty-to obse ve a holy rest the and there n concert w th God 8

rest ng on tbe seventh day the rest of the boly Sabbatl nnto the Lord a rest and Sabbath" h h t 18 theh and tbere declared the Lo a bad g ven them (29) not n an c pa

the cond tons and p am Bes are very b efly thDogh comprehens vely ex p essed If ye w II obey my va ce ndeed and keep my eovena t n In the re ord of God" covenant w tb Abraham 13 13 18 17 ne ther the tent on s called to the most eIDII at of the Sabbath And on Sabbath

e recogn t on of the Sabbath the mo n g he sa d Eat that to day septenarv day of weekly hal .. rest for to lay • a Sabbath unto tbe appo nted before the fa I (G n 0 lord to day ye shall not find 2 3) and to the nnm stakable nt t n the field (2) S x days shall mat on that the whole law of God ye gather t but 011 the seventh day was known to Israel E. 16 22 wh ch IS tLe Sa.bbath n t tbere 30 In the encampment at S 0 tbe shall be nOne n (26) Whoever

ton s mply or prophet cally bnt in'lluc'nditi(lDS of t1 e covenant no

real ty snd wI cb they d d then and there keep So the people rested on the Sabbath day (30) Sure y then an I tbere waa the rea Sahba h of God Keep the d • on of t me uta veeks of

g ven d ence 0 campI ance s nd .tted wI Ie n (17 23 27) t 8 seen clearly that tI ere were denn te cond tons and hence a token or • gn

awful grandeur the s gnal t umpet of God hav ng .ounded long aod laude and louder MOBes .pake and God answered b m by a va "" ID tbc h.anng of all tbe people and spake all the worim of be ten COOl

mandmenta (Deut 4 And be lord spake nto you pm

of tbe m dst of the fire ye beard the vo C6 of the words but saw no s m I tnde only ye heard a va ce And

he declared nnto you h • covenant wh ch he commanded ) au to p'er form even ten commandments :md he wrote them upon two tab eto of _tone (12 13)


Thus t s seen clearly defin tely and cone us vely tbat the ID~ 31 law nclud ng the fourth om mandment espec ally was we I known was repeatedl) recogn t d and was kept all along through the

before ts del very from pit the ten commanaments es

TBRMB-$2 50 A YEAR, m

as then

Page 2: ahe ~abbltth !ltwrder $5 ~2Q P:~AY ~- Tt.' YEAR, · the Sabbatl day Howempba cal Iy tb 0 peeu ar and [ olonged eoson ought to teach U8 God s es mate of the sacrednesB af h 0 holy


good and matters pleasantly

The gronnds of the Un era ty have unde gone horough and e

tens va Improvements by g ad ng bo ld ng of roads and wa ks A so by the sett ug of ornamental shrah bery and trees and the pant ng of flowe s The Park I as a 0 been Improved by surround ng t w th a renee and the ntrodu 0 of added shrubbery and heaut fol flowers the fountam n"tfle center do ng t8 re fresh ng duty w h fa tbfu D s God be thanked for the prosper ty enjoyed the past year by Alfred Un veT!! ty OUR OTIlEE 'L TERARY STITUTIO S

Eot wh Ie we W1 te of Alf ed Un vers ty we do not forget tbat our people have other nst tut ons of lcarn ng nor do we the e.a pr zc them because of the soccess of oor own Our thougl ts reac east to Sh loh and Hopk nton west to AI b on and :M Iton and W al worth and soutl to Salen a d n our hearts we greet them a and for the r proB penty we utter a prayer to II m who s k ng n the realm of knowledge

We accept these as among he r cL est prov dent al bestowmeD s of th s age aud ommend tbem to the af feet onate regards of our peop e Between them never let the e he unJust r valry nor petty and annoy lUg Jealous es Nor may tbe bearts of the people ever grow cold towa d them Let them be remembered

chara"ter The weather s at pres ent Just su ted to the season mak ng aU hearts g ad Of th 8 prosper ty


mercy and Just ce and I\' sdom He must not xpect that Bny system of theology or formulatLOn of creeds cau rema n wholly un ha ged Fun damental truths canoot c1 aoge but knowledge and e"penence will en

Jarge and mod fy our conceptIODs aDd appl cat onB of them and term

.hal! often lea n that a truth may n t me became B

pract cal error S n e man s reI g OUB conv ot ons stand guard over

h s h ghest n erests t s w ely orda neu that tbey are least subject to change St It they are not free from the law of change aud ooly he who closes h s eyes to ncreas ng I ght w It tema n theolog cally the same I all th s aB m nera Bav OlJe mnst III ng to the bed rock nor dnve any tunnel at random If ta e Pur ty m st find com pan on you propose to come nto tbe ranks sh p w th unselfishness Wolves de whose spec al work 8 to learn of vour the r weaker k nd ed God and t nth duty and dest ny w th creeds formnlated centnr es ago unmod fied hy added 1 ght vou are not wanted TI ere a e too many of us now n that boat pull ng at the a de IBsuea and dead formulas

The church and

When n d.nger knows no rea In da kne Ie 8 no doub

then come and welcome The world Tl e chu ch

wrong one and then they 08e an hour n nurs ng a "ounded thumh So untra ned m nd. waste the ref fort. and ~emoan the r fa hlTes and envy tbose who sscceed a\1 for la k of that culture wh eh plauts ts blows where they are mOot needed Brothers I plead earnestly for tl at culture wh ch g ves Buch prec. on The battle field of hfe 18 encumbered by thousands who waste the r am mot on n frn tles8 finng at rlln dom All good enterprISes need effie eney more than no 8e and those who burn most powder generally do le8st e"ecutIoD Better fire les8 and make every shot tell One Berdan shooter s worth a score of home guard. Seek then for cnlture a. for h dden treasures culture that w 11 make yo keen qu ok effect ve

Alid lastly let dlssat sfact on lead you stead lyon toward higher aud

eael ed and yet at Beca se these t ngs a e

because such results an I

ety n relat on to II JO nt agency for ra BlDg funds for the M ss onary and Tract Soc et es wh ch was ra ferred to the regular meet ng of the Board

Page 3: ahe ~abbltth !ltwrder $5 ~2Q P:~AY ~- Tt.' YEAR, · the Sabbatl day Howempba cal Iy tb 0 peeu ar and [ olonged eoson ought to teach U8 God s es mate of the sacrednesB af h 0 holy

f om beg nn no Lew. left n. we L~ e g meet ngs four t meR

tw ce 011 Sabhat day

A goouly nterest st II prevn 18 thong no f rtherde lopmentsl ave yet been nade Wei ope Eld 1-may retnrn t tI a field at an early day and car y forward tbe work 80

happ Iy begun We heheve that m 8S onarv can not fa 1

to aecompl Rb Ii for the }ra,ter th • place and tl e necesslly of

IWUnta n ng a foothold as Seventh

T mado ill Scott. lock P M of June



pr zes A Fo the bes general exh b

ollarm produce B For e best general exh b

of ve atock

The ahov~ p zes to be con pated fo, at the N ew York Sate ]j" of 1875 under the rules of t e S Agncultnral Soc ety and to t awarded by Judges appo nted 001 trade Th general ag the Executlve Comm ttee E es to he mada on or he a a \ugust I gregate of hus Dess cont nuea com q 8th as prov ded n the egulat ou. parat vely mo lerate and the mar


late sess on of tho lIIethod .t Gene


tl e I umu e sue eS80r of fi he m n and the rep res tl c meek and lonelv one


Count lIoYOSI nnzens e n has bee apia nted M n .ter of Au tr a to the Un ted States 1ll the pIa e of B on i5cl wartz Sa bo r s gned


are acknow edged from week to week m he papa Persons aendmg money the ece pt of wh ch 8 not da.ly acknowI

edg d shon d gIve U8 ear y notice of he om BBIon No eee Jl nnde th fI

head he aa e wll be u.nderstood to ex tend back of Vo 28 No 27

BEANS 8", I; @ 10 ceD s pe, bushel Cho "" run row. 1~ bush 621h 2 45 @2JXi

Moo urus III bush 180@200

DlUED APPLES a e a endy bn. an e, the

New Yo k Stnto s oed 8@9 .qURrters 7 (W S

DAVID W LEWIS & Co 85 & 8 B oad 5t cor Soull \\ n am




h quea ODS to B. d Sabbll. 1 S 001 s holus Ul he II udy p epD.red by be SABBATH ScIIOOL BoA D .ppo n 00 by be GKN1m.A.L CoNlI'EBENCK and pub shed nt the




Add e , D R STILLMAN A I ed Cen





Page 4: ahe ~abbltth !ltwrder $5 ~2Q P:~AY ~- Tt.' YEAR, · the Sabbatl day Howempba cal Iy tb 0 peeu ar and [ olonged eoson ought to teach U8 God s es mate of the sacrednesB af h 0 holy




F ... Sabbath Day Ju y 17


• • There 18 a proud mode8ty 10 merIt.


At the r G eat Medica Depot






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dlo25 A DAY GUARANTEED til') us ngour WeJl Auger & Dnn. $100 & mon h 1'& d to good Agent. Auger book free JILZ AUGER CO SI Loul.o Mo


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o BU t





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Boston Mas.