agroecology and the globally important agricultural heritage systems (giahs)

Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): How can innovative systemic approaches contribute to sustainable development? Yoshihide Endo GIAHS Coordinator FAO FAO, Malaysia Room, 23rd March 2017

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Page 1: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS):

How can innovative systemic approaches contribute to sustainable development?

Yoshihide Endo

GIAHS Coordinator


FAO, Malaysia Room, 23rd March 2017

Page 2: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

I. Conceptual Analysis of GIAHS and


Page 3: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)


What is GIAHS?

Remarkable land use systems and landscapes

which are rich in globally significant biological

diversity evolving from the co-adaptation of a

community with its environment and its needs

and aspirations for sustainable development

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Application of ecological principles and concepts to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystem.



Page 5: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

GIAHS Definition Reviewed with Agroecology

Remarkable land use systems and landscapes

which are rich in globally significant biological

diversity evolving from the co-adaptation of a

community with its environment and its needs

and aspirations for sustainable development

Agroecology can be one of the major approaches



for Agroecology



for Agroecology

Page 6: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

Food and livelihood security


Local and Traditional Knowledge Systems

Cultures, value systems and social organizations

Landscapes and Seascapes Features

Farmers’ Attempts for Overcoming Difficulties




Fragile Ecosystems: Limited Natural Resources:

Extreme Climate Conditions: Geographic Isolation



Farmers’ Wisdom for Skillful Resource Uses


Page 7: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

GIAHS Designation Criteria and Agroecology 1. Food and livelihood security

The proposed agricultural system contributes to food and/or livelihood

security of local communities.

2. Agro-biodiversity

Agricultural biodiversity, as defined by FAO as the variety of animals, plants

and micro-organisms that are used directly or indirectly for food and

agriculture, including crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries.

3. Local and Traditional Knowledge systems

Maintain local and invaluable traditional knowledge, ingenious adaptive

technology and management systems of natural resources, including biota,

land, water which have supported agricultural, forestry and/o

4.Cultures, value systems and social organisations

Cultural identity and sense of place/Social organizations, value systems and

cultural practices associated with resource management and food production

5. Landscapes and Seascapes Features

GIAHS sites represent landscapes or seascapes that have been developed over

time through the interaction between humans and the environment, and appear

to have stabilized or to evolve very slowly.

Main Elements for Agroecology

In GIAHS, many local/traditional

knowledge are based on


Main Elements for Agroecology

Main Elements for Agroecology

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II. Overview of GIAHS sites from

Agroecological Perspectives

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Designated GIAHS sites

Countries Name of sites/systems Year

Algeria 1. Ghout System (Oases of the Maghreb) 2011 Bangladesh 2. Floating Garden Agricultural Practices 2015 Chile 3. Chiloé Agriculture 2011


4. Rice Fish Culture 2005 5. Wannian Traditional Rice Culture 2010 6. Hani Rice Terraces 2010 7. Dong’s Rice Fish Duck System 2011 8. Pu’er Traditional Tea Agrosystem 2012 9. Aohan Dryland Farming System 2012 10. Kuajishan Ancient Chinese Torreya 2013 11. Urban Agricultural Heritage – Xuanhua Grape Garden 2013 12. Jiaxian Traditional Chinese Date Gardens 2014 13. Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem 2014 14. Fuzhou Jasmine and Tea Culture System 2014

Egypt 15. Dates production System in Siwa Oasis 2016


16. Saffron Heritage of Kashmir 2011 17. Koraput Traditional Agriculture 2012 18. Kuttanad Below Sea Level Farming System 2013

Iran 19. Qanat Irrigated Agricultural Heritage Systems, Kashan 2014


20. Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi 2011 21. Sado’s Satoyama in Harmony with Japanese Crested Ibis 2011 22. Managing Aso Grasslands for Sustainable Agriculture 2013 23. Traditional Tea-grass Integrated System in Shizuoka 2013 24. Kunisaki Peninsula Usa Integrated Forestry, Agriculture and Fisheries

System 2013

25. Ayu of the Nagara River System 2015 26. Minabe-Tanabe Ume System 2015 27. Takachihogo-Shiibayama Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry System 2015

Kenya 28. Oldonyonokie/Olkeri Maasai Pastoralist Heritage 2011 Morocco 29. Oases System in Atlas Mountains (Oases of the Maghreb) 2011 Peru 30. Andean Agriculture 2011 Philippines 31. Ifugao Rice Terraces 2011

Republic of Korea

32. Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated Rice Terraces in Cheongsando 2014 33. Jeju Batdam Agricultural System 2014

Tanzania 34. Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area 2011 35. Shimbue Juu Kihamba Agroforestry Heritage Site 2011

Tunisia 36. Gafsa Oases (Oases of the Maghreb) 2011 UAE 37. Al Ain and Liwa Historical Date Palm Oases 2015

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Designated GIAHS sites in the World


Page 11: Agroecology and the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

Northern Upland Agro-forestry system is characterised by a

structural diversity as a strategy adopted by farmers to

achieve higher efficiency of resource use by efficiently

harvesting solar energy and using soil nutrients and


GIAHS Designated Sites

Case1: Shimbwe Juu Kihamba Agro-forestry Heritage Site: The Upland Agro-forestry system in the Northern Tanzania

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Case1: Shimbwe Juu Kihamba Agro-forestry Heritage Site:

Source: Hemp, A., Biodiverse Conserve (2006) 15: “The banana forests of Kilimanjaro

Biodiversity and Conservation of the agroforestry system of the Chagga Home garden

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Case 2:Maasai Pastoral system-Kenya and Tanzania

Ingenious local traditional knowledge includes;

Types of grass and trees to be used for feeding different kinds of

animals (cattle, sheep, goat, etc.)

Effective management of pastures and water resources as well

as animals

Lives and movement of wild animals

Animal Breeding

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Case 3:Rice-fish culture in China

Unique method to combine plant production and aquaculture

Case4: Floating Garden Agricultural System in


Remarkable ways to overcome challenges of natural environment and

to use available land and water resources

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Case 5: Honghe Hani rice terraces System in China

Ingenious technology to shape rice terrace in steep mountainous area

with effective management of relevant resources (forest, upland field,


Ecological landscape out of the mountains

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Mosaic of socio-ecological production systems referred to as Satoyama, terrestrial-

aquatic landscape ecosystems comprising secondary woodlands, plantations,

grasslands, farmlands, pasture, irrigation ponds and canals, and satoumi, marine-

coastal ecosystems comprising seashore, rocky shore, tidal flats and seaweed

/eelgrass beds.

Case 7: Noto Satoyama/Satoumi system

Case 6: Oasis Agriculture in Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, UAE

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Case 8: Chiloe Island Agriculture

Case 9: Andean Agriculture

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Case 10: GIAHS Proposal under Evaluation process:

Zhejiang Huzhou Mulberry-dyke & Fish-pond system

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From the review of concept and actual cases, GIAHS

has many elements to share with agroecology.

In many GIAHS sites, local farmers have adopted

remarkable agroecological approaches which have

been time-tested and been maintained for many


In a way, GIAHS can be expressed as successful

showcases of agroecological approaches with global


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These systems are threatened by;

Population pressure and social, cultural, environmental and

economic changes

Accelerated process of Urbanization

Neglect of diversified systems and local knowledge

Low community involvement in decision-making

Inappropriate policy, legal and incentive frameworks

Designation as




What GIAHS aim at?

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The GIAHS is not to “freeze” agricultural systems in time.

But GIAHS stimulate dynamic conservation, emphasizing

balance between conservation and agricultural/social-

economic development of the GIAHS site.

Action Plan should

be made for Dynamic



Local Communities

Policy Makers,

Private Sector,



Dynamic Conservation


of Measures in

Action Plan

Monitoring of its




Maintenance of the

Core Elements


Adaptation and



Capacity and Legal/Financial infrastructure to implement action plan effectively:

Well designed and coordinated action plan:

Well disseminated GIHAS concepts and highly recognized value of GIAHS

Basic Conditions for Effective Impelmentation Action Plan

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1. Awareness Enhancement of the Value of GIAHS sites

Workshop, Study Tour, Seminar, Public Relation

Making Educational Materials and School Student Visit

2. Regulations to control new development in the site

Zoning policies for specific agricultural areas

3. Improvement of Tenure Situations in the site

4. Better Resource Management Establishment of Monitoring/Analysis System of Land and Water Resources

Restoration of Farm Land, Irrigation systems, Water Channel, terraces

Investment for more effective use of resources

Measures to prevent soil degradation, to improve soil quality

5. Agrobiodiversity, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable use Development of new varieties based on traditional varieties Promotion of in situ conservation of endemic species

Possible Measures for Dynamic Conservation

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6. Technical Support to increase productivity/quality/profits Introduction of high value crops Good agronomic practices based on traditional knowledge Quality Improvement Inclusion of modern technologies where compatible with traditional methods

7. Sales Promotion of the Products

Marketing Strategy including branding, labelling

Development of Niche-market

Establishment of value-chain

8. Payment scheme for eco-service (in compliance with relevant international rules)

9. Promotion of agro-tourism/cultural activities/local cuisine

10. Enhanced participation of Rural residents in decision making

11. Empowerment of women in the rural community

12. Promotion of Ecological Production

Possible Measures for Dynamic Conservation

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1. Global extension of GIAHS concepts and GIAHS sites

2. Promotion of Monitoring and Evaluation of GIAHS sites

3. Scientific Analysis of the GIAHS sites (through

collaboration with academia and research institutes)

4. Dissemination of Lessons Learned in the GIAHS sites

to other areas;

• Good agricultural practices and Remarkable traditional knowledge

• Successful Cases of Action Plan Implementation

Future Development of GIAHS

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Thank you for your attention.