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    44/ / Veterinary Focus / / Vol 20 No 1 / / 2010

    IntroductionMost people have no difficulty in identifying

    overt aggression and fear, but the interaction

    between these is less frequently recognized. Fear

    is an emotional reaction associated with the

    presence of potentially harmful stimuli (by 

    contrast, anxiety arises from the anticipation of 

    such events, although the terms will be used

    interchangeably here) and is typically expressed in

    one of three obvious ways. When an animal judges

    that the most appropriate way to deal with such

    threats is to avoid them (i.e. take “flight”) then the

    commonly recognized fear response is elicited. If 

    however, it decides to keep still, ("freeze") then the

    involvement of fear is perhaps less obvious, and

    if it attempts to eliminate the stimulus from its

    proximity (i.e. engage the "fight" response), the

    dog's behavior may result in inappropriate and

    potentially harmful interactions initiated by people, who frequently misunderstand this as

    some sort of dominance gesture. A dog’s initial

    choice of action may change in both the short term

    (i.e. there may be a switch in behavior) or longer term

    (i.e. the dog may use a different initial strategy 

    in future similar contexts) depending on what seems

    to happen next from the dog’s perspective (e.g. the

    threat continues, intensifies or the dispute is resolv-

    ed). Thus, far from being an instinctive impulse,aggression is often a carefully (but quickly)evaluated strategy aimed at resolving a dilemma

    for the animal involving some perceived threat.

    Daniel Mills, BVSc PhDCBiol FIBiol FHEA CCABDip ECVBM-CA MRCVSEuropean & RCVS Recogni zed 

    Speciali st in Veterin ary Behavi oural Medicine, Dept of Biol ogical Sciences, Uni versity 

    of Lincoln, UK 

    Professor Mills graduated from Bristol Veterinary School in

    1990 and was the first individual to be recognized by the

    RCVS as a specialist in veterinary behavioral medicine; he

    was awarded his Chair at the University of Lincoln in 2004.

    His main area of research interest concerns animal cogn-

    ition and emotional regulation. He is the program leader of 

    the University's MSc in Clinical Animal Behavior.

    Helen Zulch,BVSc(Hons) MRCVS

    Ani mal Behaviour, Cognition 

    and Welf are Group, Dept of Biol ogical Sciences, Uni versity 

    of Lincoln, UK 

    Dr. Zulch graduated from the veterinary faculty of the

    University of Pretoria in 1992. The majority of her career

    has been spent lecturing, first physiology and then Animal

    Behavior. She joined Lincoln University at the beginning

    of 2008 where she consults in the Behavior Referral Clinic

    as well as lecturing on under-graduate and post graduate


    Appreciating the role of fearand anxiety in aggressive

    behavior by dogs


    Dogs can respond to a potentially harm ful stim ulusby flight, freeze or fight strategies

    It is essential to appreciate the factors thatcontribute towards fear inducem ent

    Dogs use a com plex of body language that has to betaken together to understand their preferences inconflict situations

    There is no direct evidence of dom inance as am otivating factor for aggression in dogs

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    Vol 20 No 1 / / 2010 / / Veterinary Focus / /45

    This is not to say that all aggressive behavior is

    motivated by fear. Indeed, “aggression” is not

    consistently associated with any single emotional

    state, but may be used to label any behavior that is

    perceived to actually or potentially cause harm to

    another. This means that behaviors in which harm

    is incidental (e.g. if a dog should nip as part of 

    play) may be described as a form of aggression

    (play aggression); as may behaviors associated

     with the acquisition of food (predatory aggression).

    However, these responses are motivationally quite

    distinct and there is an increasing tendency to use

    the terms play and predation to describe these

    behaviors (1), avoiding the term aggression as this

    may give rise to confused thinking about their

    cause and management. This clarification may be

    one of the first things to address when presented

     with a case in which someone or something has

    been harmed. It is suggested that the term

    “affective aggression” be used to refer to behavior

    associated with the presence of negative emot-

    ional arousal, such as a state of fear. However

    note that, while it is important to recognize the

    circumstances that might give rise to fear (Figure

    1), it is unwise to consider that any emotion

    underlying an aggressive episode is fixed or

    necessarily consistent; for example if a dog is

    denied access to a resource by an individual who

    is perceived as a threatening competitor, (which

    may be the owner), then the aggressive response

    may include elements of both fear and frustration.

     Veterinarians need a greater appreciation of the

    risk factors for the involvement of fear in aggres-

    sion, since greater provocation will further

    compromise the animal’s welfare and potentially 

    increase the risk to others. To this end there are

    two important points to consider in the recog-

    nition of fear-related aggression:

    • What circumstances give rise to a fear response?

    • Why is aggression chosen as part of the strategy 

    involving fear?

    Ci rcum stances givi ng ri seto fear i n dogs 

    It is worth highlighting that, due to interactions

    between genetic and experiential factors, some

    individuals are more sensitive to fear than others,

    regardless of their experience. Both breeding and

    early experience may therefore have important

    roles to play in the risk of a fear response being

    expressed (all other factors being equal) by a given

    individual in certain circumstances, but this

    section will focus upon the specific factors which

    predispose an animal to show a fear response in a

    given situation.

    Many specific fears are learned as a result of an

    aversive experience, for example the fear of a

     veterinarian who has handled the animal roughly,

    especially if it was in pain, and the relevance of 

    this in any given case can often be identified by a

    careful history. However there is also a range of 

    factors that (unless there is specific training to

    the contrary) can have an intrinsic threatening

    quality. These can help a dog to avoid harm by 

    providing general rules that aid the judgement

    of potential risk and how to respond. These are

    particularly important when the animal lacks

    clear signals about its safety and they can serve

    as triggers for a fear response and possible

    aggression as a consequence. These factors can be

    broadly divided into stimulus characteristics and

    environmental features, whose significance in a

    given case can be evaluated and used to help

    inform treatment priorities (Table 1).

    Stimu lu s characteristics Trajectory. The direction of movement of an

    individual towards a dog can have a marked effect

    on how that individual is perceived. Direct appr-

    Figure 1.

     The looming of this owner over their dog is a typical trigger for

    a fear aggressive response, even though the owner thinks they

    are being friendly trying to pat it.

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    46/ / Veterinary Focus / / Vol 20 No 1 / / 2010

    oaches are generally perceived as more threat-

    ening than indirect approaches and so are more

    likely to evoke a fear response.

    Velocity.  All other things being equal, rapid

    movement is more likely to be perceived as

    threatening than slow movement

    Acceleration.  A sudden increase in the speed of 

    movement is often a sign of impending danger,

    and so abrupt movements around a dog may be

    perceived as potentially threatening.

    Size. Bigger objects are generally associated with

    a greater capacity to cause harm and so are more

    likely to evoke a fear response than smaller ones.

    Direction. In many species vertical movement

    across the retinal field is generally seen as more

    intimidating than horizontal movement. Why this

    should be so is unclear, but this is not limited to the

    perception of whole body movements; moving a

    hand vertically in front of a dog is often more likely 

    to elicit a fear response than moving the hand

    horizontally at the same speed.

    Looming. Many species find the act of being

    leaned over by another as intimidating (2). Thus

    standing half a meter away from a dog is not the

    same as doing this with your hand outstretched

    over it at a similar distance.

    Envi ronment al cues (adapted from Archer ( 3)) Novelty.  An unfamiliar environment or unexp-

    ected event is more likely to elicit a fear response

    as the animal does not have the necessary inform-

    ation about its security (4).

    Allocentric spatial thresholds.  Allocentric space

    (i.e. the location of objects relative to one another

    or some arbitrary point) may be used to define the

    location of important geographical boundaries

    to an individual, such as the limits of a territory.

    Crossing of these boundaries by an unfamiliar

    individual may be perceived as potentially threat-

    ening (5). This area contains important resources

    for an individual and so its invasion could signal

    their potential loss, and so many territorial defense

    behaviors are associated with self-protection and

    can involve a fear component. The crossing of the

    territorial boundary associated with the home is

    perhaps the most obvious allocentric threshold

     which can elicit a defensive response. However,

    in some cases, dogs may define more arbitrary 

     The dog is on its bed in the living

    room with a toy next to the bed. A

    toddler approaches the dog, lifts the

    toy and reaches towards the dog to

    return the toy to the dog. The dog

    snaps at the child (6).

    Older dog suffering from arthritis has

    previously traveled with a young boist-

    erous dog in the back of a car. Older

    dog has now started growling at the

    younger dog when he tries to climb

    into the car.

     Young toy breed dog has begun lung-

    ing and barking at approaching dogs

    when out walking. Has previously beenexposed to puppy classes allowing

    uncontrolled free play sessions with

    multiple dogs.

    Personal space invaded. Possession

    threatened. Looming action of child.

    Movement of child and its body parts

    may be erratic and so include bouts of 


    Pain associated with the youngster’s

    previous actions in the car. Invasion of 

    personal space.

    Pain or fear associated with previous

    interaction with other dogs at puppy

    class. Owner may have attempted to

    correct what they perceive as mis-

    behavior, i .e. owner’s behavior is also

    threatening to the dog.

    Control access by children to dog when he

    is resting. Discourage child from picking

    up dog toys. Desensitise dog to approaches

    to bed. Desensitise dog to looming actions

    and accelerations in its proximity. Institute

    exchange programs for all those items which

    the dog may perceive to be of value so that

    human possession of the items becomes


    Control pain. Restrain young dog when in

    the back of the car. Counter condition the

    older dog to the presence of the young dog

    in the car.

    Stop punishment and threatening actions

    of owner towards their dog. Prevent the

    young dog from practicing the behavior.

    Desensitise and counter condition the dog

    to other dogs in all situations where they

    may be encountered.

    Table 1.

    Examples of aggressive behavior problems involving stimuli which may elicit fear

    Scenario Possible threat elementsperceived by the dog

    Advice to client

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    Vol 20 No 1 / / 2010 / / Veterinary Focus / /47

    Avoidance of conflict through yielding /


    Appeasement (aiming to re-establish

    non-confrontational social contact)

    Encourage another to withdraw

    (which may still be motivated by fear)

    Approach / avoidance or other form of 

    emotional conflict. This may not signal

    a desire for immediate action but

    demonstrates a level of discomfort with

    the current situation which may indicate

    an increased risk for fear motivatedaggression.

    • Avert gaze or turn head away • Curve body away and/or move away • Slow down

    and/or curved approach • Stop • Tail tuck / arch back

    • Lower body / lower neck • Stiffen body • Weight over hindquarters

    • Piloerection • Molars exposed with wide open mouth • Retract lips to elongate

    commisure • Retract lips to expose incisors in “smile” • Narrow eyes / blink • Fold

    ears back • Lie down in lateral recumbence • Raise hind leg whilst in lateral

    recumbence • Raise head with gaze averted

    • Slow down and/ or curved approach • Stop • Wagging tail • Tail tuck / arch back

    • Lower body • Piloerection • Avert gaze • Lie down lateral or dorsal recumbence

    • Raise hind leg whilst in lateral recumbence • Paw lift • Yawning / retract lips / liplick • Narrow eyes / blink • Fold ears back • Lower neck • Reach up towards

    mouth area of other individual possibly with licking motions

    Direct rapid approach • Direct steady tense deliberate approach • Weight over

    forequarters • Tail raised above normal relaxed carriage for individual • Wagging

    tail / still, stiff tail • Ears pricked / lateral / flattened against skull • Lip commisure

    pulled forwards • Incisors / canines exposed with wrinkled muzzle skin • Mydriasis

    • Direct stare / widened eyes with tension of surrounding musculature • Neck arched

    and head raised / muscle tension • Stillness • Lunge / snap / bite

    • Lip licking / yawning • Piloerection • Shaking (as if to rid coat of water) • Other

    displacement activities such as sniffing the ground

    Table 2.

    Interpreting the dog’s body language. These interpretations are putative as few have beenrigorously examined in a scienti fic manner. Postures demonstrated in any given context varyaccording to the individual and its previous experience

    Putative motivation for the action Body Language exhibited

    “territories”, such as the space around the car that

    they are within when it is parked, and respond to

    the potential invasion of this space in a similar


    Egocentric spatial thresholds. Not all of the space

    in which an individual exists is defined by its

    physical location; egocentric space is defined by 

    reference to its location relative to the individual

    (2). As humans we are familiar with the idea of 

    our “personal space”, a certain distance that we

     wish to keep from others to maintain our comfort

    in normal circumstances. If this space is invaded

    then we will often respond (if possible) in some

     way, such as backing off. For dogs there are at least

    two important egocentric spatial thresholds

    that are associated with activation of the fear

    neurocircuitry: the invasion of the dog’s personal

    space and invasion of its body surface – e.g. touch.

    The personal space of a dog appears to be typically 

    between 1.5 and 2 meters in an open situation, but

    it may vary depending on the characteristics of the

    environment. Just as we may tolerate people closer

    to us in a crowded train carriage, so too may a dog

    reduce its personal space in an equivalent situation.

    However, in both there is still a minimum accept-

    able distance, defined according to the region of 

    the body concerned. We may tolerate greater

    proximity of the body trunk than the face, for

    example. In situations such as this it may be part-

    icularly important for the individuals to com-

    municate their non-threatening intent in order to

    avoid inadvertent elicitation of a fear response.

    The deci sion t o express aggressionas part of a fear response 

     As mentioned above, an animal may evoke one

    of three strategies to deal with a potential threat:


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    48/ / Veterinary Focus / / Vol 20 No 1 / / 2010

    flight, freezing or fighting. Many animals may 

    freeze to allow the threat to pass, but this can fail

    as a strategy because the owner perceives this

    behavior as stubbornness and responds in a

    threatening way to the dog, and so escalates the

    perceived threat. If freezing does not succeed,

    then the animal has little choice other than to try 

    to withdraw itself or get the perceived threat to

     withdraw. Withdrawal may not be possible (e.g. if 

    the dog is cornered or restrained in some way,

    such as with a lead), and so the dog then has no

    sensible choice other than to try to get the threat

    to withdraw. This is done using a sequence of 

    conflict-related gestures, which may ultimately 

    involve overtly aggressive behavior if more subtle

    gestures are ineffective at resolving the situation.

    In other situations it may be theoretically possible

    for the animal to flee, but it is strongly motivated

    not to do so. This might be because:

    • It wants to protect a resource that it values

    highly and/or which it cannot easily take with

    it, for example a bitch protecting her puppies

    • It anticipates that the other individual will give

     way, for example because it is smaller, weaker

    and/or has yielded in the past

    • It has learned that other strategies do not work,e.g.

     when it freezes, the owner continues to tell it off 

    • It would be painful to do so e.g. concurrent hip


    Once again, the response of the individual who

    has provoked the response in the dog is critical in

    determining what happens next. Do they escalate

    the confrontation or not? Escalation may occur

    because one or more of the innate triggers of 

    aggression is presented (such as approaching and

    leaning over the dog) or because a direct threat is

    made (e.g. the owner gets angry). Ultimately this

    may lead to an aggressive display by the dog (7),

    but it is important to appreciate that this will be

    underpinned by an element of fear, because the

    animal feels threatened.

    Signal ing to avoid overt aggression  An aggressive display should be viewed as a failure

    to understand the animal’s needs at a given time,

    since dogs have a well-developed communication

    system designed to minimize the risk of escalation

    and avoid physical conflict in the face of a

    potential threat (Table 2). This is because overt

    physical attack is a potentially risky strategy,

     which, even if successful, may lead to injury or

    disruption of the social group to such an extent

    that the long term biological fitness of antagonists

     will be compromised. Nature does not favor the

    tendency to fight unless the situation is perceived

    as serious. When there is a potential conflict of 

    interests, dogs will typically communicate at

    least two distinct messages to avoid unnecessary 


    • Their preferred level of engagement in the

    conflict (i.e. their desire to yield versus oppose

    the other)

    • Their level of hostility (intention to inflict harm

    or not) to resolve the dispute

     Yielding is generally shown through body postures

    consistent with withdrawal or inconsistent with

    engagement, such as a low, crouched posture with

    ears back and tail tucked or the exposure of the

    belly and aversion of eye gaze, while opposition is

    exhibited by a more forward posture and action.

    These are frequently described as submissive or

    fearful versus dominant or confident postures, but

    note that they relate to preference for engage-

    ment in a given situation rather than an exhibition

    of general social status, i.e. they are context specific

    although they may be shaped by previous experience.

    Hostility is evident from an increase in arousal

    together with more specific warning signs such as

    the fixing of gaze, baring of the teeth, vocalization

    and snapping. By contrast, appeasement, which

    signals a non-hostile intent and aims to reduce

    hostility in others, can be expressed through a

    range of gestures such as yawning, increased

    blinking, slow movement, reduced ocular apert-

    ure, and nose licking.

    The expression of yielding and hostility is perhaps

    most readily interpreted as a fear-biting scenario,

    but it is important to recognize that even an animal

     who is willing to actively oppose another may be

    fearful of the consequences (8). For example it may 

    be willing to protect a valued resource but may still

    be concerned about the outcome. Therefore the

    tendency to interpret the posture of engagement as

    a sign of confidence is erroneous. This may explain

    the finding by Guy (9) that supposedly dominantly 

    aggressive dogs are generally anxious and not

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    Vol 20 No 1 / / 2010 / / Veterinary Focus / /49

    1. De Keuster T, J ung H. Aggression toward familiar people and animals.

    In: Horwitz DF & Mills DS (eds). BSAVA Manu al of Cani ne and Felin e 

    Behavioural Medicine (2nd edn). 2009; pp. 182-210.

    2. Graziano MFA, Cooke DF. Parieto-frontal interactions, personal space,

    and defensive behavior.Neuropsychologia 2006; 44: 845-859.

    3. Archer J . The organization of aggression and fear in vertebrates.

    In: Bateson PPG, Klopfer PH (eds) Perspecti ves in Ethol ogy , Vol. 2,

    Plenum Press , New York 1976; pp. 231-298.

    4. Marler P. On animal aggression: the roles of strangeness and

    familiarity.American Psychologist 1976; 31: 239-246.

    5. Hediger H. (Sircom G, transl.) The psychology and behaviour of 

    animals in zoos and circuses. Butterworth, New York 1963.

    6. Reisner IR, Shofer F, Nance M. Behavioral assessment of child-directed

    canine aggression. Inju ry Preventi on 2007;13: 348-351.

    7. Herron M, Shofer FS, Reisner IR. Survey of the use and outcome of 

    confrontational and non-confrontational training methods in client-

    owned dogs showing undesirable behaviors. Applied Ani mal Behaviour 

    Scien ce 2009; 117: 47-54.

    8. Fatjó J, Feddersen-Petersen D, Luís J , et al. Ambivalent signals during

    agonistic interactions in a captive wolf pack. Appl A nim Behav Scien 

    2007;105: 274-283.

    9. Guy NC, Luescher UA, Dohoo SE, et al. A case series of biting dogs:

    characteristics of the dogs, their behaviour, and their victims. Appl 

    An im Behav Scien 2001; 74: 43-57.


    confident as might be predicted if dominance was

    really underlying the behavior. Indeed, to the

    authors’ knowledge, there is no direct evidence of 

    dominance as a motivating factor for aggression in

    dogs, although it is often implied by observers.

    Several other important implications follow from

    this evaluation of the signaling of dogs. First, if a

    dog exhibits signs of appeasement and these are

    not acknowledged, then it may either show more

    intense signs of appeasement or decide that

    hostility is necessary since appeasement does

    not seem to work. Appropriate acknowledgement

    involves disengaging and eliminating any gest-

    ures which could be perceived as potentially 

    threatening. Unfortunately many owners mistake

    appeasement gestures for a “guilty dog who knows

    he has done wrong” (Figure 2), and this can result

    in further threatening gestures from the owner,

    leading the animal to reject attempts at reconcil-

    iation and so resort to hostility instead. Unfort-

    unately, the dog may learn from such encounters

    that appeasement is not a useful strategy and

    therefore only offer hostility when afraid in the

    future. A similar account could be described in

    relation to failure to respond appropriately to

     yielding (as opposed to active appeasement)

    behavior. In either case the aggression that results

    is both normal and a response to continued threat

    and so rightly considered a form of fear-related

    aggression. Of particular importance to the

    effective and humane management of these cases

    is recognition that fear may feature within a dog

    opposing another in any competitive situation.

    Treatments which might potentially escalate the

    problem (e.g. those based on punitive or potent-

    ially threatening assertive interaction, rather than

    consistent sensitive recognition of the animal’s

    needs) should be rejected.

    ConclusionFear is involved in the expression of aggression

    far more frequently than is perhaps generally recog-

    nized. It is essential that everyone who interacts

     with dogs recognize both the stimuli which may 

    be perceived as threatening to dogs as well as the

    means dogs use to signal their willingness to

    engage in different strategies in social situations.

    Only then can the risk of aggression and biting be

    reduced effectively in the long term.

    Figure 2.

    An owner may interpret appeasement behavior as a “guilty

    look”; note the dog’s crouched body stance, tensed neck,lowered head, narrowed eyes, folded ears and tucked tail.


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