agilita harmony & function

AGILITA harmony & function Agilita® The source of the originals Type family with 32 type styles

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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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Brochure about Agilita font family


Page 1: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Ag i l i tA

harmony & function


The source of the originals

Type family with 32 type styles

Page 2: Agilita  Harmony & Function



10 weights plus 6 additional condensed weights and their corresponding italics.

10 Strichstärken sowie 6 zusätzliche Gewichtungen von Condensed-Schnitten und die jeweils dazuge-hörigen Kursiven.

Agilita ist eine mehr-sprachige OpenType Schriftfamilie mit 32 Schriftschnitten:

Agilita is a multilingual OpenType font family in 32 type styles:

Page 3: Agilita  Harmony & Function




í ĭ î ï ı ì ī į ĩ ǐ ĵķĸĺľļŀłńʼnňņñŋóŏôöòőōõøǒœŕřŗśšşŝŧťţúŭûüùűūųůũǔǘǜǖǚẃŵẅẁýŷÿỳźžżðþdžijljnjǃß

([abcdefghijklm@nopqrstuvwxyz])áăâäàāąåãǎæćčçĉċďđéĕěêëėèēęħĥğĝģġí ĭ î ï i ì ī į ĩ ǐ ĵķĺľļŀłńʼnňņñŋóŏôöòőōõøǒœŕřŗ śšşŝŧťţúŭûüùűūųůũǔǘǜǖǚẃŵẅẁýŷÿỳźžż

ðþdžijljnjssfifl0123456789 0123456789 0123456789

g&&fb ff fh fi fj fk fl ft ffb ffh ffi ffj ffk ffl fft¼ ½ ¾ (012.345,678-9abcdeghilmn rst)/(012.345,678-9abcdeghilmnorst)


^~+±<=>−×÷¦∂µπ∆∏∑Ω√∞∫≈≠≤≥◊¬°ℓ•§†‡©®™ $¢£¥ƒ¤€ #%‰ $¢£¥€

(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]↑↓→← ⇑⇓⇒⇐

Agilita Character Set 2 3

Page 4: Agilita  Harmony & Function

The first drawings to be used for digitizing Agilita began early in 2000.

Erste Zeichnungen, nach denen Agilita digita-lisiert wurde, entstanden Anfang 2000.

Page 5: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Agilita is a new humanistic sans serif type­face designed by Jürgen Weltin. It has rather clas sical proportions, to give it more distinct word shapes through clear descenders and ascenders.

This new face has a dynamic, yet strong and very functional appearance with a fine but clear empha sis on the horizontals. The classical approach of Agilita makes it a versatile typeface for largescale textsetting but it can also be used in complex infor­mation design projects, and orienta tion systems, for example. Hence it was devel­oped carefully into a wide­range type family system consisting of thirty­two styles.

Agilita ist eine neue humanistische, serifen­lose Linearantiqua, entworfen von Jürgen Weltin. Ihre eher klassischen Proportionen mit deut lich ausgeprägten Unter­ und Oberlängen formen eindeutige Wortbilder.

Sie ist charakterisiert durch dynamische Einzelformen, die sich jedoch in ein klares und funktiona les Gesamterscheinungsbild fügen. Dadurch ist Agilita sowohl eine geeignete Schrift für den Mengensatz als auch für komplexe Aufgaben im Informa­tionsdesign, wie z. B. Leitsysteme.

Folglich wurde sie auf ein breit anwend­bares Schriftsystem hin entworfen, das aus zweiunddreißig Schriftschnitten besteht.

Design 4 5

set in Agilita Light 20pt & 11pt

Page 6: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Cat walk extensionörþrifaráðsmagnifiqueobservânciapriateľskýchČeskomoravská




Ultra Thin

Extra Light



åąbbçčđďėęēĕffffģĝġğhħĥhņňńñøőǒŏaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Page 7: Agilita  Harmony & Function

marblefinishmultinationalgyomorkeserűmestarikurssilledziewięćdziesiątkırlangiç balığıglamorousmiłość & kiełbasašvýcarských franků

CN Medium



CN Regular

CN Light

CN Bold

CN Heavy

CN Black



Style mix 6 7

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

Page 8: Agilita  Harmony & Function


Agilita ist eine System-Schrift-familie mit einer großen Band-breite an Schriftschnitten für sowohl sehr große Schriftgrade und Überschriften als auch für große Textmengen, wo sie eine hervorragende Lesbarkeit bietet.

Die korrespondierenden Schnitte der Agilita Condensed eignen sich besonders dort, wo mit Platz sparsam umgegangen werden muss, so zum Beispiel in schmalen Textspalten und Tabellen.




Ultra Thin

Extra Light


AgilitaAgilitaAgilitaAgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita Agilita Agilita Agilita

AgilitaAgilitaAgilitaAgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita AgilitaAgilita Agilita

Page 9: Agilita  Harmony & Function

HairlineUltra ThinThinExtra lightLightRegularMediumBoldHeavyBlack



Asche ahd. asca (vgl. anord. schwed. aska, engl. ash), weiter verw. Esse. sich A. aufs Haupt streuen als Zeichen der Trauer ist bibl. (z.B. Lu. 1.Makk. 3,47), ebenso in Sack und A. Buße tun (Mt. 11,21), umge-dreht in a. und sack bei Enzensb., landesspr.; im Ostmd. i.S.v. › Müll‹ (vgl. Eichhoff, Kt. 4–16), daher auch landsch. Aschentonne, Ascheimer, Asche(n)- kübel, -kasten für ›Mülltonne‹ ( Tonne, Kübel, Kas-ten; Eichhoff, Kt. 4–17) u. Asche(n)männer für ›Müll-männer‹ ( Müll ). Aschenbrödel mhd. aschenbrodele ›Küchenjunge‹ ( brodeln), dann Bez. der Märchenfi-gur (Lu.), die schwäb. Aschengrittel, hess. Aschen-puttel (so Grimm, khm) heißt. Aschermittwoch (mit altem Pl. Ascher) seit dem 15.Jh. für mhd. aschtac, erster Mittwoch in der Fastenzeit, so be-nannt wegen des kirchl. Brauchs, die Gläubigen mit Asche zu bestreuen bzw. (heute) ihnen ein Aschen-kreuz auf die Stirn zu zeichnen. einäschern (Stieler 1691) ›in Asche legen, verbrennen‹ mit Einäscherung heute geh. für die Feuerbestattung. abäschern.

balancé, ~e /balãse/ ❶ pp balancer.❷ pp adj bien ~ [phrase] well- ou nicely ba-lanced; [personne] well-built.

balancer /balãse/ [12] ❶ vtr 1 (faire osciller) [vent] to sway [branches]; to swing [cordage]; ~ les bras/jambes to swing one’s arms/legs; ~ la tête to rock one’s head; ~ la queue to wag its tail ; il balançait la tête de droite à gauche he was rocking his head from right to left; 2 (jeter) to chuck, to throw [pro-jectile, ordures]; balance-moi le tournevis chuck ou pitch US me the screwdriver; arrête de ~ des cailloux! stop chucking stones!; ~ qch par la fenêtre or vitre to chuck ou pitch sth out of the window; ~ qch sur qch/qn to chuck sth at sth/sb; ~ une gifle à qn to whack sb; ~ des coups de pied dans qch to kick sth; 3 (se débarrasser de) to chuck out, to throw out [vieux habits, objets inutiles]; j’ai balancé tous mes bibelots I’ve chucked out all my trinkets; 4 (dire) (brutalement) to toss off [phrases, réponse]; (pêle-mêle) to bandy [sth] about [chiffres]; ~ des statistiques/dates à la figure de qn to fling statistics/dates at sb; ~ une nouvelle à qn to break the news to sb brutally; je leur ai balancé: ‘je m’en fiche!’ ‘I don’t give a damn!’ I flung back at them; 5 (dénoncer) ~ qn to squeal on sb; être ba-lancé or se faire ~ par qn to be squealed on by sb; il a menacé de ~ tout ce qu’il sait he’s threatened to come out with everything he knows; 6 Compta to balance [compte].❷ vi 1 (osciller) [branches] to sway; [corde, trapè-ze] to swing ; [bateau] to rock; 2 (hésiter) ~ entre deux choix/personnes to hesitate ou be torn between two choices/people; il ba-lance entre le ‘oui’ et le ‘non’ he is wavering between ‘yes’ and ‘no’; entre les deux mon cœur balance my heart is torn between the two.❸ se balancer vpr 1 (se mouvoir) [personne, animal] to sway; [bateau] to rock; elle se ba-lance au rythme de la musique she is swaying to the rhythm of the music; se ~ d’un pied sur l’autre to shift from one foot to the other; se ~ de gauche à droite to sway from left to right; se ~ au bout d’une liane/d’un trapèze to swing on a creeper/a trapeze; se ~ sur sa chaise to rock on one’s chair; cesse de te ~ (sur ta chaise)! stop rocking on your chair!; 2 (se jeter) se ~ dans le vide to throw oneself into space; se ~ du sixième étage to fling oneself off the sixth GB ou seventh US floor.IdIomes je m’en balance I don’t give a damn.

Agilita comes with special arrows and signs which can be used in dictionaries; like arrows for lemmata, signs for cross references, idioms or colloquial language.

Agilita ist mit einer Reihe von Sonderzeichen ausgestattet, die sich u. a. für den lexikalischen Satz verwenden lassen.




Agilita is a type family system with a wide range of weights covering the use for display and headline setting as well as for largescale textsetting.

Corresponding condensed weights are suitable where horizontal space is rare as in narrow columns and tables, for example.

8 9

Page 10: Agilita  Harmony & Function



ë é ê è ï î ô û ʼnç ëç ñ õ üč ć đ š žâ ê ñ ö ô ò õ ü ù à ç é è ï í ŀ ó ò ü úā ē ī ō ü ū ć č đ š ž dž lj njá č ď é ě í ň ö ó ř š ť ú ů ý žå á æ é í ø ó ú ýä á â ë é ê è ï í ö ó ô ü ú û ijà æ ç ë é ê è ï î ñ ö ô œä ö õ š ü žá à â è ì ò ùá æ ð í ó ø ú ýå ä ö š žâ à æ ç ë é ê è ï î ô œ û ùä â ë é ê ï ö ô ü ú ûá à é è í ì ó ò ú ùä ç ê ı ö üá é í ñ ó ü úä ü ö ßá ć í ö ó ő ú űá æ ð é í ö ó ú ý þ

Die Agilita OpenType Schriftfamilie unterstützt über 48 Sprachen, deren Basiszeichen durch das lateinische Alphabet dargestellt werden.









Gagauz (Latin)GalicianGerman


AlbanianMbasi njohja e dinjitetit të lindur të të drejtave të barabarta dhe të pat­jetërsueshme të të gjithë anëtarëve të familjes njerëzore është themeli i lirisë, drejtësisë dhe paqes në botë; mbasi mosrespektimi dhe përbuzja e të drejtave të njeriut ka çuar drejt

CzechU vědomí toho, že uznání přiroze­né důstojnosti a rovných a nezcizi­telných práv členů lidské rodiny je základem svobody, spravedlnosti a míru ve světě, že zneuznání lid­ských práv a pohrdání jimi vedlo k barbarským činům, urážejícím

DutchOverwegende, dat erkenning van de inherente waardigheid en van de gelijke en onvervreemdbare rechten van alle leden van de men­sengemeenschap grondslag is voor de vrijheid, gerechtigheid en vrede in de wereld; overwegende, dat

EstonianPidades silmas, et inimkonna kõigi liikmete väärikuse, nende võrdsuse ning võõrandamatute õiguste tun­nustamine on vabaduse, õigluse ja üldise rahu alus; ja pidades silmas, et inimõiguste põlastamine ja hül­gamine on viinud barbaarsusteni,

FrenchConsidérant que la reconnaissance de la dignité inhérente à tous les membres de la famille humaine et de leurs droits égaux et inaliéna­bles constitue le fondement de la liberté, de la justice et de la paix dans le monde, considérant que la

HungarianTekintettel arra, hogy az emberiség családja minden egyes tagja méltó­ságának, valamint egyenlő és elide­geníthetetlen jogainak elismerése alkotja a szabadság, az igazság és a béke alapját a világon, tekintettel arra, hogy az emberi jogok el nem

Page 11: Agilita  Harmony & Function



é ĕá é í ó úá â à é è ï í î ì ó ò ô ú ùä å ö üá â à é ê è í î ì ó ô ò ú û ùā č ē ģ ī ķ ļ ņ ō ŗ š ū žą č ę ė į š ų ū žà ċ è ġ ì î ħ ò ù żâ îæ å à é ê ó ô ò øą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź żá â à ã ç é ê í ó ô ò õ ü úà é è î ì ò ùâ ă î ș ţæ ä á å ö øš žä á č ď é í ĺ ľ ň ó ô ŕ š ť ú ý žč š žł š žá é í ñ ó ü ú çä á à å ë é ö ø ü đ ŧa e i o uâ ç ê ğ î ı ö ş ü ûä ç ň ö ü ş ž ý

The Agilita OpenType font family supports more than 48 languages represented through the Latin alphabet.

OpenType language support


10 11





Moldavian (Latin)Norwegian






Turkmen (Latin)

IcelandicÞað ber að viðurkenna, að hver maður sé jafnborinn til virðingar og réttinda, er eigi verði af honum tekin, og er þetta undirstaða frelsis, réttlætis og friðar i heiminum. Hafi mannréttindi verið fyrir borð borin og lítilsvirt, hefur slíkt haft í för

NorwegianDa anerkjennelsen av menneske­verd og like og umistelige rettighe­ter for alle medlemmer av mennes­keslekten er grunnlaget for frihet, rettferdighet og fred i verden, da tilsidesettelse av og forakt for men­neskerettighetene har ført til

PolishZważywszy, że uznanie przyro­dzonej godności oraz równych i niezbywalnych praw wszystkich członków wspólnoty ludzkiej jest podstawą wolności, sprawiedliwo­ści i pokoju świata, zważywszy, zė nieposzanowanie i

RomanianConsiderînd că recunoașterea dem­nităţii inerente tuturor membri lor familiei umane și a drepturilor lor egale și inalienabile constituie fundamentul libertăţii, dreptăţii, și păcii în lume, considerînd că ignorarea și dispreţuirea

SlovakVo vedomí že uznanie prirodzenej dôstojnosti a rovynch a neodcudzi­te ľných práv členov ľudskej rodiny je základom slobody, spravodlivosti a mieru na svete, že zneuznanie ľudských práv a pohrdanie nimi viedlo k barbarským činom, ktoré

Turkishİnsanlık ailesinin bütün üyelerinde bulunan haysiyetin ve bunların eşit ve devir kabul etmez haklarının tanınması hususunun, hürriyetin, adaletin ve dünya barışının temeli olmasına, ınsan haklarının tanınma­ması ve hor görülmesinin insanlık

Page 12: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Einige OpenType Features (Beispielapplikation Adobe InDesign cs)

¡¿(agilita)?! [c·o­m] 6–9 «light@night» ↓ ↓ ↓


Agilita? ‘CO/M’ [$|€] Th@t ¶ → ① AgilitA? ‘CO/M’ [$|€] th@t ¶ ↓

② AgilitA? ‘CO/M’ [$|€] Th@t ¶

fb ff fh fi fj fl fk ft ffb ffh ffi ffj ffl ffk fft ↓ ↓ ↓

fb ff fh fi fj fl fk ft ffb ffh ffi ffj ffl ffk fft

01¢23$45£67€89¥ ↓ ↓




small capItals


tabular oldstyle fIgures/tabular

lInIng fIgures

[–R@9·) (·9@R–]

Page 13: Agilita  Harmony & Function

OpenType features





dIscretIonary lIgatures

Some OpenType features (as for example used in Adobe InDesign cs)

12 13

42/5 31/6 8436/975 ↓ ↓

42/5 31/6 8436/975

(5.1a ­ 6.2d, e ­ g) (abc5.162,47 ­ 83,6horst) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Zähler (5.1a - 6.2d, e - g) Nenner (abc5.162,47 - 83,6horst)

(5.1a ­ 6.2d, e ­ g) (abc5.162,47 ­ 83,6horst) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Hochgestellt (5.1a - 6.2d, e - g) Tiefgestellt (abc5.162,47 - 83,6horst)

1st 2nd 4th Mlle 1er ↓ ↓

1st 2nd 4th Mlle 1er(Sämtliche Ordinal-, Hochgestellt-, Tiefgestellt-,Zähler- und Nenner-Zeichen sind nicht mathematisch verkleinert, sondern für eine bessere Lesbarkeit haben sie angepasste Strichstärken und laufen etwas breiter.)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]No (P) (e) liter ­> <­ ­^ ^­ ↓ ↓

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]No (P) (e) liter -> <- -^ ^-

(All characters of the ordinals, superiors, inferiors, numerators and denominators are not mathematically scaled, rather they have similiar weight of stroke and

more generous spacing, being thus more legible.)

Page 14: Agilita  Harmony & Function

as Grimm’sche Wörterbuch gilt als das vollständigste und umfangreich ste Kom-pendium zum Wortschatz der Deut-

schen Sprache. Im Jahre 1854 erschien, von Jacob, einem der beiden namengebenden Märchenbrü-der bevorwortet, der erste Band des Deutschen Wörterbuchs, und erst 1971 lag mit dem 33. Band das abschließende „Quellenverzeichnis“ vor – mehr als ein Jahrhundert hat die Tätigkeit des Sammelns, Erläuterns und Suchens von Bei-spielen für die Verwendung auch der selten sten Vokabeln und der unwahrscheinlich sten dialek-talen Varianten gedauert.

Über Generationen haben wissenschaft li che Präzision und Gelehrtenfleiß nicht nachgelassen. Im Vorwort zum ersten Band verweist jacob grimm auf das Jahr 1837 als Initialzündung des Unternehmens: Am ersten No vember hatte ernst august, der König von Hannover, das «Staats grund gesetz», die liberal-kon sti tu tionelle Verfassung des König reichs, im Hand streich au-ßer Kraft gesetzt. Der Publizist und Historiker Heinrich Albert Oppermann schildert in seinem mehrbändi gen Werk Zur Geschichte des König-reichs Hannover (1860) den Vorgang:

| So standen die Dinge, als das Patent vom 1. November erschien. Dasselbe erklärte das Staatsgrundgesetz für erloschen, die vertagte Ständeverfassung für auf­gelöst, säm m t li che Köni g­liche Diener würden von ihrem auf das Staatsgrund­gesetz geleisteten Eide entbunden, den getreu­en Unter tha nen eröffnet, daß ihnen vom 1. Juli 1838 an jährlich 100 000 Thlr. an Personen­ und Gewer besteuer erlassen werden solle. Dane­ben wurde den Unter tha nen versichert, daß die Gefühle Sr. Majestät für sie die eines Va­ters für seine Kinder seien.

Schließlich wurden Uebelgesinnte gewarnt, durch ihre Handlungen Se. Majestät nicht in die traurige Nothwendigkeit zu versetzen, die

ganze Strenge des Gesetzes gegen sie in An­wendung zu bringen.1

Nur einige wenige der Beamten, zu denen auch die Professorenbrüder Grimm zählten, em-pfanden es als Zumutung, den Eid, den sie auf die Verfassung von 1833 geleistet hatten, nun einfach zu vergessen und von „Staatsdienern“ wieder zu „Königlichen Dienern“ mutieren zu sollen.

Zu diesen wenigen gehörten neben den bei-den Philologen die Göttinger Professoren W. E. Albrecht, F. C. Dahlmann, H. von Ewald, W. E.

Weber und G. Gervinus, die am 18. November 1837 eine vom Historiker Dahlmann verfasste «Protestation» gegen den königlichen Willkür-akt un terzeichneten und prompt am 14. Dezem-ber aus dem Staatsdienst entlassen wurden ; Aka-demikerarbeitslosigkeit auf höchstem Niveau, die allerdings in diesem Fall dazu führte, dass sich der Monarch und seine Schranzen einem publizi stischen Sperr feuer ausgesetzt sahen. Die Rechtfertigungsschriften der «Göttinger Sieben»

Die Sprache ist allen bekannt und ein Geheimnis



hans grote

wenn auf zahllose stellen unserer gegen wart licht aus der vergangenheit fällt, so gelingt umgedreht es auch hin und wieder im dunkel liegende flecken und gipfel der alten sprache eben mit der neuen zu erhellen. Jacob Grimm

body textAgilita Regular

with Italic10 pt/4,5 mm

tracked 0,5%Regular small caps

tracked 5%

quotesAgilita Medium

9,5 pt/4,5 mmtracked 1%

initialAgilita Extra Light

24 pt

Page 15: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Die Sprache ist allen bekannt und ein Geheimnis

präg ten den deutschen Liberalismus in den Jah-ren vor 1848 so entscheidend, dass sie letztend-lich einen wesentlichen Baustein zur Entstehung einer Deutschen Republik (die 1918 ausgerufen wurde) bilden – Akademikerarbeitslosigkeit als politischer Spreng satz, aber auch als Ferment wissenschaftlicher Großtaten, denn, so erinnert sich Jacob Grimm in seinem Vorwort von 1854 (in der im ganzen Wörterbuch beibehalte nen Kleinschreibung):

| Hingegeben einer unablässigen arbeit, die mich je genauer ich sie kennen lerne, mit stärkerem behagen erfüllt, warum sollte ich bergen, dasz ich meinestheils entschieden sie von mir gewiesen hätte, wenn unangetastet ich an der Göttinger stelle geblieben wäre? 2

Das Grimm’sche Wörterbuch ist mit dieser Entstehungsgeschichte und mit dem weiteren Prozess seines Werdens zwischen Res tau ration (1854 erließ der Deutsche Bundestag das «allge-meine Koalitionsverbot», ein Verbot aller Arbei-terver eine) und Ostpolitik (1971 wird willy brandt der Friedensnobelpreis zuerkannt) über alle Stationen der deutschen Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts nicht nur ein unersetzli-ches Werkzeug für Sprach- und Literaturwissen-schaftler, es ist vor allen Dingen ein deutscher Gedächtnisort (Pierre Nora) ersten Ranges.

Die Kontinuität, mit der das Projekt über Ko-lonialismus, Weltkriege und Kalten Krieg, über feudale Kleinstaaterei, 48er Revolu tion, Restau-ration, Reichsgründung, Republik, Nationalso-zia lismus und Deutsche Teilung hinweg seine Gestal tung erfahren hat, ist ein einmaliges Phä-no men der longue durée. Das Wörterbuch ist die Materialisierung eines his torischen Faktums, das sich nicht als Ereignis erfassen und in eine eindimen sionale Ursachen-Wirkungen-Kette ein-

gliedern lässt: Es ist Ausdruck einer über meh-rere Generationen hinweg gepflegten und rela-tiv unwandel bar gebliebenen Mentalität einer sich stets erneuernden Gruppe von Phi lologen, Redakteuren, Verlegern und nicht zuletzt Be-nutzern, welch letztere Jacob Grimm wie folgt beschreibt:

| das wörterbuch insgemein führt so schweren stof mit sich, dasz die gelehrtesten bei manchem verstummen oder noch nicht rechten bescheid wissen. auf zahllosen stufen dür fen auch die andern leser bei seite lassen, was ihres vermögens nicht ist, in ihren ge­sichtskreis nicht fällt oder was selbst sie ab­stöszt. leser jedes standes und alters sollen auf den unabsehbaren strecken der sprache nach bienenweise nur in die kräuter und blumen sich niederlassen, zu denen ihr hang sie führt und die ihnen behagen.3

Neben seinem Status als historisches Phäno-men birgt das Grimm’sche Wörterbuch eine wei-tere Di men sion in sich, auf die Jacob Grimm ebenfalls in seiner Einleitung verweist:

| Die Sprache ist allen bekannt und ein geheim nis. wie sie den gelehrten mächtig an­zieht, hat sie auch der menge natürliche lust und neigung eingepflanzt. ‹wie heiszt doch das wort, dessen ich mich nicht mehr recht er­

innern kann?› ‹der Mann führt ein seltsames wort im munde, was mag es ei gent­lich sagen wollen?› ‹zu dem

ausdruck musz noch es bes sere beispiele ge­ben, lasz uns nachschlagen.›

Diese neigung kommt dem verständnis auf halbem wege entgegen. das wörterbuch braucht gar nicht nach platter deutlichkeit zu ringen und kann sich ruhig alles üblichen ge­räths bedienen, dessen die wissenschaft so we­nig als das handwerk entbehrt und der leser bringt das geschick dazu mit oder erwirbt sichs ohne mühe. […]

Editorial design, sample text layout

wenn auf zahllose stellen unserer gegen wart licht aus der vergangenheit fällt, so gelingt umgedreht es auch hin und wieder im dunkel liegende flecken und gipfel der alten sprache eben mit der neuen zu erhellen. Jacob Grimm

authorAgilita Boldsmall caps10 pttracked 5%

headlineAgilita Black24 pt/9 mm

pull quoteAgilita Extra Light Italic36 pt

14 15

Page 16: Agilita  Harmony & Function

723 + 946 = 1669 45 × 168 = 7560896 ÷ 32 = 28 £534 − 875 = −341

946 − 723 = 223 32 × 258 = 8256168 ÷ 12 = 14 €−74 + 839 = 765

2/7 + 9/4 =4/5 × 6/7 =7/4 ÷ 3/2 =5/6 − 1/9 =

4/9 ÷ 7/2 =3/7 − 5/4 =2/5 + 8/3 =7/9 × 6/5 =

37/5 − 4/23 = €53/8 ÷ 15/4 = $84/5 × 2/37 = £28/3 + 91/3 = ¥

72/5 × 2/34 = $24/7 + 52/3 = €58/3 − 6/15 = ¥37/6 ÷ 23/9 = £

723 + 946 = 1669 45 × 168 = 7560896 ÷ 32 = 28 £534 − 875 = −341247 ± 658 ≠ 9342136 ≤ 725 ≈ 5138

723 + 946 = 1669 45 × 168 = 7560896 ÷ 32 = 28 €534 − 875 = −341247 ± 658 ≠ 9342136 ≤ 725 ≈ 5138

2/7 + 9/4 =4/5 × 6/7 =7/4 ÷ 3/2 =5/6 − 1/9 =3/8 + 7/5 =1/3 × 2/9 =

4/9 ÷ 7/2 =3/7 − 5/4 =2/5 + 8/3 =7/9 × 6/5 =3/8 − 4/3 =5/6 + 2/7 =

37/5 − 4/23 = $53/8 ÷ 15/4 = €84/5 × 2/37 = £28/3 + 91/3 = ¥45/7 − 3/72 = ¢63/5 + 82/5 = ƒ

72/5 × 2/34 = $24/7 + 52/3 = £58/3 − 6/15 = €37/6 ÷ 23/9 = ¥81/3 + 4/27 = ¢15/4 − 67/5 = ƒ





Light Italic


Medium Italic

Bold Italic

Condensed Light

Condensed Regular

Condensed Medium

Condensed Bold

Condensed Heavy

Condensed Black

Condensed Light Italic

Condensed Italic

Condensed Medium Italic

Condensed Bold Italic

Condensed Heavy Italic

Condensed Black Italic

The tabular figures in Light, Regular, Medium and Bold versions share the same widths and are compatible with their Italic counterparts. Compatabi lity is also given between Hairline/Ultra Thin, Thin/Extra Light and Heavy/Black.

In the Condensed versions all of the tabular figures take up the same space.

Tabellenziffern, mathematische und monetäre Zeichen haben identische Dickten in den Schnit-ten Light, Regular, Medium und Bold, ebenso in den kursiven Varianten. Diese Übereinstim-mungen gelten jeweils auch für Hairline/Ultra Thin, Thin/Extra Light und Heavy/Black.

In den Condensed Versionen ist dies in allen Schnitten der Fall.

Pl NOM Prénom Dos Equ Nat Ecart 1 BOTERO Santiago 51 PHO (COL) :00 2 MONCOUTIE David 116 COF (FRA) :23 3 MANCEBO Francisco 31 IBA (ESP) :53 4 MOREAU Christophe 21 C.A. (FRA) :58 5 BRUSEGHIN Marzio 123 FAS (ITA) 2:27 6 VINOKOUROV Alexandre 11 TMO (KAZ) 2:50 7 ARMSTRONG Lance 1 DSC (USA) 2:52 8 ARROYO David 32 IBA (ESP) ” 9 GOMEZ MARCHANTE Jos 174 SDV (ESP) ”10 LEIPHEIMER Levi 71 GST (USA) ”11 KASHECHKIN Andrey 25 C.A. (KAZ) 3:4312 LANDIS Floyd 57 PHO (USA) 4:0213 LANDALUZE Inigo 183 EUS (ESP) 4:1714 VAN HUFFEL Wim 157 DVL (BEL) 4:3915 BELTRAN Manuel 3 DSC (ESP) ”16 WEENING Pieter 108 RAB (NED) 4:5117 FRITSCH Nicolas 171 SDV (FRA) ”18 GOUBERT Stephane 201 A2R (FRA) 5:1919 POSTHUMA Joost 106 RAB (NED) 5:4820 ASTARLOZA Mikel 202 A2R (ESP) 6:5421 POPOVYCH Yaroslav 7 DSC (UKR) ”22 AZEVEDO Jose 2 DSC (POR) ”23 GIUNTI Massimo 126 FAS (ITA) ”24 FEDRIGO Pierrick 134 BTL (FRA) ”25 JAKSCHE Jorg 95 LSW (GER) ”26 CANADA David 173 SDV (ESP) 7:0427 KOHL Bernhard 14 TMO (AUT) 7:0628 GUTIERREZ Ivan 35 IBA (ESP) 7:3929 PEREIRO Oscar 58 PHO (ESP) ”30 SORENSEN Nicki 66 CSC (DEN) 8:1531 GUTIERREZ Jose 54 PHO (ESP) 8:3532 MERCKX Axel 151 DVL (BEL) 8:4533 MOERENHOUT Koos 155 DVL (NED) 9:2434 BOTCHAROV Alexandre 22 C.A. (RUS) 9:4035 KLODEN Andreas 13 TMO (GER) ”36 CALZATI Sylvain 203 A2R (FRA) ”37 SASTRE Carlos 61 CSC (ESP) 10:1638 DI GREGORIO Remy 43 FDJ (FRA) 10:3039 GASPAROTTO Enrico 142 LIQ (ITA) 10:5840 CHAVANEL Sylvain 111 COF (FRA) 11:25

Edition des résultats : Chronométrage – Photo Finish

Classement de l’étape 06 ALBERTVILLE–MORZINE AVORIAZ Distance: 155.00 kmTemps du premier: 4:30:54Vitesse moyenne: 34.330 km/h

57e CRiTéRium Du DAuphiné LiBéRé


Page 17: Agilita  Harmony & Function


exit West Wacker Drive

⇑ B Gates B9–B25

Sears Tower

⇑ Hamburg Airport Hamburg Hafen City

There are two sets of arrows for the use in orientation systems available for all weights.

⇒ ⇓→ ↑ ↓ ⇑ ← ⇐


CN Heavy

CN Black


Ultra Thin

CN Bold

CN Light



CN Medium

CN Regular


Extra Light




Zwei Sorten Richtungspfeile, passend zu den jeweiligen Schriftschnitten, machen das Gestalten von Orientierungs-systemen zu richtungsweisenden Lösungen.

Information design


16 17

Page 18: Agilita  Harmony & Function













listening tO the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rh ythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a f ew words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attun ed to the language, you will be able to grasp m ore detailed and specific information. News bro adcasts on radio and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the items w ill be featured and the context will thus be readily esta blished. Many televised programmes are subtitled, furthe r facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and en hance your experience of the language at every opportun ity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluen t speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and te levision programmes, read items in the press and attend s ervices and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressions repeatedly. You could make up slips of pa per or card with each new word or expression on a white s Mixed Light, 6/7

listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rh ythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a f ew words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attun ed to the language, you will be able to grasp m ore detailed and specific information. News br oadcasts on radio and television are particularl y helpful for learners in that many of the items wILL BE FEATURED and the context will thus be readily e stablished. Many televised programmes are subtitled, f urther facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every o pportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, tal k to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to r adio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressions repeatedly. You could mak e up slips of paper or card with each new word or expres Mixed Regular, 6/7

lIstenIng to the language, even if you do n ot immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with ident ifying a few words and getting an overall im pression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the language, you will be abl e to grasp more detailed and specific informat ion. News broadcasts on radio and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Many televised progr ammes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television progr ammes, read items in the press and attend services an d social events. Test your learning of new words and e xpressions repeatedly. You could make up slips of pap Mixed Medium, 6/7

Light with Italic, tracked 2%Light Condensed with Italic, tracked 3%

Regular with Italic, tracked 2%Regular Condensed with Italic, tracked 3%

Medium with Italic, tracked 2%Medium Condensed with Italic, tracked 3%

Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rh ythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a f ew words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attune d to the language, you will be able to grasp m ore detailed and specific information. News br oadcasts on radio and television are particularl y helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be re adily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the l anguage. Try to extend and enhance your expe rience of the language at every opportunity an d in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to f luent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressi Light, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you a ssimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhyt hms. Be content, at first, with identifying a fe w words and getting an overall impression of w hat is said. As your ear becomes more attuned t o the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particularly hel pful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Many televised programmes are su btitled, further facilitating access to the langua ge. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent s peakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio a nd television programmes, read items in the pre ss and attend services and social events. Test yo ur learning of new words and expressions repeaLight Italic, 6/7

tracked 2% tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do not imme diately understand much of it, helps you assimilate i ts intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be conten t, at first, with identifying a few words and getting a n overall impression of what is said. As your ear bec omes more attuned to the language, you will be abl e to grasp more detailed and specific information. Ne ws broadcasts on radio and television are particularl y helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily esta blished. Many televised programmes are subtitled, f urther facilitating access to the language. Try to ext end and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where p ossible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read ite ms in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressions rep eatedly. You could make up slips of paper or card wi th each new word or expression on a white slip and i Condensed Light, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not immed iately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becom es more attuned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News b roadcasts on radio and television are particularly hel pful for learners in that many of the items will be fe atured and the context will thus be readily establishe d. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further f acilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every op portunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, t alk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in th e press and attend services and social events. Test yo ur learning of new words and expressions repeatedly. You could make up slips of paper or card with each n ew word or expression on a white slip and its equival Condensed Light Italic, 6/7

tracked 3% tracked 3%

Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rh ythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a f ew words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attune d to the language, you will be able to grasp m ore detailed and specific information. News br oadcasts on radio and television are particularl y helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be re adily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the l anguage. Try to extend and enhance your expe rience of the language at every opportunity a nd in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk t o fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social eve nts. Test your learning of new words and expr Regular, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you a ssimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhyt hms. Be content, at first, with identifying a fe w words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attune d to the language, you will be able to grasp mo re detailed and specific information. News broa dcasts on radio and television are particularly h elpful for learners in that many of the items wi ll be featured and the context will thus be read ily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the lang uage. Try to extend and enhance your experien ce of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluen t speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radi o and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressions re Italic, 6/7

tracked 2% tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do not imme diately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be cont ent, at first, with identifying a few words and gett ing an overall impression of what is said. As your e ar becomes more attuned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific informa tion News broadcasts on radio and television are p articularly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Many televised programmes ar e subtitled, further facilitating access to the langu age. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, jo in learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend ser vices and social events. Test your learning of new w ords and expressions repeatedly. You could make u p slips of paper or card with each new word or expr Condensed Regular, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not imme diately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be cont ent, at first, with identifying a few words and getti ng an overall impression of what is said. As your ea r becomes more attuned to the language, you will b e able to grasp more detailed and specific informati on. News broadcasts on radio and television are par ticularly helpful for learners in that many of the ite ms will be featured and the context will thus be rea dily established. Many televised programmes are su btitled further facilitating access to the language. T ry to extend and enhance your experience of the la nguage at every opportunity and in a variety of wa ys. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join lear ners’ classes, tune in to radio and television progra mmes, read items in the press and attend services a nd social events. Test your learning of new words a nd expressions repeatedly. You could make up slips of paper or card with each new word or expression Condensed Italic, 6/7

tracked 3% tracked 3%

Listening to the language, even if you do no t immediately understand much of it, helps y ou assimilate its intonation, pronunciation a nd rhythms. Be content, at first, with identif ying a few words and getting an overall impr ession of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the language, you will be a ble to grasp more detailed and specific infor mation. News broadcasts on radio and televi sion are particularly helpful for learners in t hat many of the items will be featured and t he context will thus be readily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, f urther facilitating access to the language. Tr y to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a v ariety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluen t speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to r adio and television programmes, read items i n the press and attend services and social ev Medium, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and r hythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression o f what is said. As your ear becomes more attu ned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadcasts on radio and television are particul arly helpful for learners in that many of the it ems will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Many televised progra mmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance y our experience of the language at every oppor tunity and in a variety of ways. Where possibl e, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, re ad items in the press and attend services and s ocial events. Test your learning of new words Medium Italic, 6/7

tracked 2% tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do not im mediately understand much of it, helps you assi milate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the langua ge, you will be able to grasp more detailed and s pecific information. News broadcasts on radio an d television are particularly helpful for learners i n that many of the items will be featured and th e context will thus be readily established. Many t elevised programmes are subtitled, further facilit ating access to the language. Try to extend and e nhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where poss ible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expr essions repeatedly. You could make up slips of pa Condensed Medium, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not im mediately understand much of it, helps you assi milate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the langua ge, you will be able to grasp more detailed and s pecific information. News broadcasts on radio an d television are particularly helpful for learners i n that many of the items will be featured and th e context will thus be readily established. Many t elevised programmes are subtitled, further facilit ating access to the language. Try to extend and e nhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where poss ible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social e vents. Test your learning of new words and expre ssions repeatedly. You could make up slips of pap Condensed Medium Italic, 6/7

tracked 3% tracked 3%

Page 19: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Listening to the language, even if you do n ot immediately understand much of it, help s you assimilate its intonation, pronunciati on and rhythms. Be content, at first, with i dentifying a few words and getting an over all impression of what is said. As your ear be comes more attuned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific inf ormation. News broadcasts on radio and telev ision are particularly helpful for learners in th AT mAny OF the items will be featured and the conte xt will thus be readily established. Many televised pr ogrammes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experi ence of the language at every opportunity and in a v ariety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speak ers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and televis ion programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressions repeatedly. You could make up Mixed Bold, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronu nciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As y our ear becomes more attuned to the langu age, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadcasts o n radio and television are particularly helpf ul for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily esta blished. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the langu age at every opportunity and in a variety of way s. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join lea rners’ classes, tune in to radio and television prog rammes, read items in the press and attend servic es and social events. Test your learning of new wo Mixed Heavy, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you d o not immediately understand much of i t, helps you assimilate its intonation, pr onunciation and rhythms. Be content, a t first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is sa id. As your ear becomes more attuned to th e language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News br oadcasts on radio and television are parti cularly helpful for learners in that many of th e items will be featured and the context will th us be readily established. Many televised progr ammes are subtitled, further facilitating acces s to the language. Try to extend and enhance yo ur experience of the language at every opport unity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, t une in to radio and television programmes, rea d items in the press and attend services and soc Mixed Black, 6/7













Specimens 6 point 18 19

Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, helps yo u assimilate its intonation, pronunciation an d rhythms. Be content, at first, with identify ing a few words and getting an overall impre ssion of what is said. As your ear becomes m ore attuned to the language, you will be abl e to grasp more detailed and specific inform ation. News broadcasts on radio and televisi on are particularly helpful for learners in tha t many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Man y televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to ex tend and enhance your experience of the lan guage at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speak ers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio an d television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. T Bold Italic, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, h elps you assimilate its intonation, pronunc iation and rhythms. Be content, at first, w ith identifying a few words and getting a n overall impression of what is said. As yo ur ear becomes more attuned to the langu age, you will be able to grasp more detaile d and specific information. News broadcas ts on radio and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the ite ms will be featured and the context will t hus be readily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilita ting access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the langu age at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent spe akers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radi o and television programmes, read items i Bold, 6/7

tracked 2% tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you a ssimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhy thms Be content, at first, with identifying a fe w words and getting an overall impression of w hat is said. As your ear becomes more attuned t o the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particularly hel pful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readil y established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the lang uage. Try to extend and enhance your experien ce of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to flue nt speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to ra dio and television programmes, read items in t he press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressionCondensed Bold, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you a ssimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhyt hms. Be content, at first, with identifying a fe w words and getting an overall impression of w hat is said. As your ear becomes more attuned t o the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particularly hel pful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readil y established. Many televised programmes are s ubtitled, further facilitating access to the lang uage. Try to extend and enhance your experienc e of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluen t speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radi o and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Tes t your learning of new words and expressions r Condensed Bold Italic, 6/7

tracked 3% tracked 3%

Listening to the language, even if you do n ot immediately understand much of it, hel ps you assimilate its intonation, pronuncia tion and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an ov erall impression of what is said. As your ea r becomes more attuned to the language, y ou will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadcasts on r adio and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be re adily established. Many televised program mes are subtitled, further facilitating acce ss to the language. Try to extend and enha nce your experience of the language at eve ry opportunity and in a variety of ways. W here possible, talk to fluent speakers, join l earners’ classes, tune in to radio and televi sion programmes, read items in the press a Heavy Italic, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pron unciation and rhythms. Be content, at fi rst, with identifying a few words and ge tting an overall impression of what is sa id. As your ear becomes more attuned t o the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News broadcasts on radio and television are particularly helpful for learners in t hat many of the items will be featured a nd the context will thus be readily estab lished. Many televised programmes are s ubtitled, further facilitating access to t he language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at ever y opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, j oin learners’ classes, tune in to radio andHeavy, 6/7

tracked 2% tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do no t immediately understand much of it, helps y ou assimilate its intonation, pronunciation a nd rhythms. Be content, at first, with identif ying a few words and getting an overall impr ession of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the language, you will be a ble to grasp more detailed and specific infor mation. News broadcasts on radio and televi sion are particularly helpful for learners in t hat many of the items will be featured and t he context will thus be readily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, f urther facilitating access to the language. Tr y to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a v ariety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluen t speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to r adio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social ev Condensed Heavy, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, helps yo u assimilate its intonation, pronunciation an d rhythms. Be content, at first, with identify ing a few words and getting an overall impre ssion of what is said. As your ear becomes m ore attuned to the language, you will be abl e to grasp more detailed and specific inform ation. News broadcasts on radio and televisi on are particularly helpful for learners in th at many of the items will be featured and th e context will thus be readily established. M any televised programmes are subtitled, furt her facilitating access to the language. Try t o extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a vari ety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent s peakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to rad io and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social even Condensed Heavy Italic, 6/7

tracked 3% tracked 3%

Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, h elps you assimilate its intonation, pronun ciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As y our ear becomes more attuned to the lang uage, you will be able to grasp more detai led and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particular ly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context wil l thus be readily established. Many televis ed programmes are subtitled, further facil itating access to the language. Try to exte nd and enhance your experience of the lan guage at every opportunity and in a varie ty of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read ite Black Italic, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you d o not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of w hat is said. As your ear becomes more a ttuned to the language, you will be abl e to grasp more detailed and specific in formation. News broadcasts on radio a nd television are particularly helpful f or learners in that many of the items w ill be featured and the context will thu s be readily established. Many televise d programmes are subtitled, further fa cilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, ta lk to fluent speakers, join learners’ clas Black, 6/7

tracked 2% tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, h elps you assimilate its intonation, pronun ciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As y our ear becomes more attuned to the lang uage, you will be able to grasp more detai led and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particular ly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context wil l thus be readily established. Many televis ed programmes are subtitled, further faci litating access to the language. Try to exte nd and enhance your experience of the lan guage at every opportunity and in a varie ty of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read ite Condensed Black, 6/7

Listening to the language, even if you do n ot immediately understand much of it, hel ps you assimilate its intonation, pronunci ation and rhythms. Be content, at first, w ith identifying a few words and getting a n overall impression of what is said. As yo ur ear becomes more attuned to the langu age, you will be able to grasp more detail ed and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particular ly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context wil l thus be readily established. Many televis ed programmes are subtitled, further faci litating access to the language. Try to ext end and enhance your experience of the la nguage at every opportunity and in a vari ety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluen t speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in t o radio and television programmes, read i Condensed Black Italic, 6/7

tracked 3% tracked 3%

Black with Italic, tracked 2%Black Condensed with Italic, tracked 3%

Heavy with Italic, tracked 2%Heavy Condensed with Italic, tracked 3%

Bold with Italic, tracked 2%Bold Condensed with Italic, tracked 3%

Page 20: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Heavy with Italic, tracked 1%Heavy Condensed with Italic, tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, pron unciation and rhythms. Be content, at fir st, with identifying a few words and gett ing an overall impression of what is said. A s your ear becomes more attuned to the lan guage, you will be able to grasp more detail ed and specific information. News broadcas ts on radio and television are particularly h elpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily e stablished. Many televised programmes are subtit led, further facilitating access to the language. Tr y to extend and enhance your experience of the la nguage at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, joi n learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend s ervices and social events. Test your learning of ne Mixed Heavy, 8/9.5

Black with Italic, tracked 1%Black Condensed with Italic, tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you d o not immediately understand much of i t, helps you assimilate its intonation, pr onunciation and rhythms. Be content, a t first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is sa id. As your ear becomes more attuned to th e language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. News br oadcasts on radio and television are partic ularly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thu s be readily established. Many televised progra mmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance you r experience of the language at every opportu nity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, t alk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tu ne in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and soci Mixed Black, 8/9.5

Regular with Italic, tracked 1%Regular Condensed with Italic, tracked 2%listening to the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you a ssimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhyt hms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to th e language, you will be able to grasp more detai led and specific information. News broadcasts o n radio and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featur ED AND THE context will thus be readily established. Man y televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your e xperience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, j oin learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television pro grammes, read items in the press and attend services and s ocial events. Test your learning of new words and expressi ions repeatedly. You could make up slips of paper or card with each new word or expression on a white slip and its e Mixed Regular, 8/9.5

Medium with Italic, tracked 1%Medium Condensed with Italic, tracked 2%lIstenIng to the language, even if you do no t immediately understand much of it, helps y ou assimilate its intonation, pronunciation an d rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifyi ng a few words and getting an overall impress ion of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the language, you will be able to gr asp more detailed and specific information. Ne ws broadcasts on radio and television are partic ularly helpful for learners in that many of the i tems will be featured and the context will thus be rea dily established. Many televised programmes are subtit led, further facilitating access to the language. Try to e xtend and enhance your experience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where pos sible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tu ne in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test yo ur learning of new words and expressions repeatedly. Y ou could make up slips of paper or card with each new Mixed Medium, 8/9.5

Light with Italic, tracked 1%Light Condensed with Italic, tracked 2%listening tO the language, even if you do not i mmediately understand much of it, helps you a ssimilate its intonation, pronunciation and rhyth ms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to th e language, you will be able to grasp more detail ed and specific information. News broadcasts on radio and television are particularly helpful for l earners in that many of the items will be feature d and the context will thus be readily established. Many t elevised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating acce ss to the language. Try to extend and and enhance your ex perience of the language at every opportunity and in a vari ety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join le arners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programm es, read items in the press and attend services and social ev ents. Test your learning of new words and expressions repea tedly. You could make up slips of paper or card with each ne w word or expression on a white slip and its equivalent, or Mixed Light, 8/9.5

Bold with Italic, tracked 1%Bold Condensed with Italic, tracked 2%Listening to the language, even if you do n ot immediately understand much of it, help s you assimilate its intonation, pronunciati on and rhythms. Be content, at first, with i dentifying a few words and getting an over all impression of what is said. As your ear be comes more attuned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific inf ormation. News broadcasts on radio and tele vision are particularly helpful for learners in t hAT mAny of the items will be featured and the cont ext will thus be readily established. Many televised p rogrammes are subtitled, further facilitating access t o the language. Try to extend and enhance your expe rience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speak ers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and televis ion programmes, read items in the press and attend s ervices and social events. Test your learning of new w ords and expressions repeatedly. You could make up s Mixed Bold, 8/9.5

it was designed with rather clas sical proportions, providing distinct word shapes through clear descenders and ascenders. It has a dynAMiC, yet strong and very functional appea­rance with a fine but clear empha sis on the horizontals. The classical approach of Agilita makes it a VERSATILE typeface for largescale text -setting as well as for use in complex information design projects, orienta tion systems, for example. Thus it was developed carefully into a wide-range type family system consisting of thirty-two styles.Mixed Light & mixed Regular, 11/13

it was designed with rather clas si­cal proportions, providing distinct word shapes through clear de­scenders and ascenders. It has a dynamIc, yet strong and very functional appearance with a fine but clear empha sis on the hori­zontals. The classical approach of AgiLiTA makes it a versatile type-face for largescale text setting as well as for use in complex information design projects, orienta tion systems, for exam-ple. thus it was developed carefully into a wide-range type.Mixed Medium & mixed Bold, 11/13

It was designed with rather clas sical proportions, providing distinct word shapes through clear descenders and ascenders. It has a dynamic, yet strong and very functional appearance with a fine but clear empha sis on the horizontals. The classical approach of agilita makes it a versatile typeface for largescale text setting as well as for use in complex information design projects, orienta tion systems, for example. thus it was developed carefully into a wide.Mixed Heavy & mixed Black, 11/13

Light with Condensed and Italics Regular with Condensed and Italics

Medium with Condensed and Italics Bold with Condensed and Italics

Heavy with Condensed and Italics Black with Condensed and Italics

Page 21: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Light with Italic, tracked 0,5%Light Condensed with Italic, tracked 1%

listening tO the language, even if you do n ot immediately understand much of it, help s you assimilate its intonation, pronunciatio n and rhythms. Be content, at first, with id entifying a few words and getting an overal l impression of what is said. As your ear be comes more attuned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and spec ific information. News broadcasts on radio and television are particularly helpful for le arners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Many tele vised programmes are subtitled, further facilitating acc ess to the language. Try to extend and and enhance y our experience of the language at every opportunity a nd in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and tel evision programmes, read items in the press and attend services and social events. Test your learning of new w ords and expressions repeatedly. You could make up slip Mixed Light, 10/12.5

Regular with Italic, tracked 0,5%Regular Condensed with Italic, tracked 1%

listening to the language, even if you do not immediately understand much of it, he lps you assimilate its intonation, pronunciat ion and rhythms. Be content, at first, with i dentifying a few words and getting an over all impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the language, yo u will be able to grasp more detailed and sp ecific information. News broadcasts on radi o and television are particularly helpful for l EARNERS in that many of the items will be featured a nd the context will thus be readily established. Many televised programmes are subtitled, further facilitati ng access to the language. Try to extend and enhanc e your experience of the language at every opportun ity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read items in the press an d attend services and social events. Test your learning of new words and expressions repeatedly. You could Mixed Regular, 10/12.5

Medium with Italic, tracked 0,5%Medium Condensed with Italic, tracked 1%

lIstenIng to the language, even if you d o not immediately understand much of it helps you assimilate its intonation, pronu nciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a few words and getting an overall impression of what is said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the lan guage, you will be able to grasp more detai led and specific information. News broadc asts on radio and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the items wil l be featured and the context will thus be readily e stablished. Many televised programmes are subtitl ed, further facilitating access to the language. Try to extend and enhance your experience of the lang uage at every opportunity and in a variety of way s. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join lear ners’ classes, tune in to radio and television progra mmes, read items in the press and attend services a nd social events. Test your learning of new words a Mixed Medium, 10/12.5

Bold with Italic, tracked 0,5%Bold Condensed with Italic, tracked 1%

Listening to the language, even if you d o not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its intonation, p ronunciation and rhythms. Be content, a t first, with identifying a few words an d getting an overall impression of what i s said. As your ear becomes more attuned to the language, you will be able to grasp more detailed and specific information. N ews broadcasts on radio and television ar e pARTiCuLARLy helpful for learners in that many of the items will be featured and the context will thus be readily established. Many televised progr ammes are subtitled, further facilitating access t o the language. Try to extend and enhance your e xperience of the language at every opportunity and in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to r adio and television programmes, read items in th the press and attend services and social events. TMixed Bold, 10/12.5

Heavy with Italic, tracked 0,5%Heavy Condensed with Italic, tracked 1%

Listening to the language, even if yo u do not immediately understand mu ch of it, helps you assimilate its inton ation, pronunciation and rhythms. Be content, at first, with identifying a f ew words and getting an overall impre ssion of what is said. As your ear becom es more attuned to the language, you w ill be able to grasp more detailed and sp ecific information. News broadcasts on radIo and television are particularly helpful for learners in that many of the items will be f eatured and the context will thus be readily e stablished. Many televised programmes are s ubtitled, further facilitating access to the lan guage. Try to extend and enhance your experi ence of the language at every opportunity an d in a variety of ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speakers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio and television programmes, read item Mixed Heavy, 10/12.5

Black with Italic, tracked 0,5%Black Condensed with Italic, tracked 1%

Listening to the language, even if y ou do not immediately understand much of it, helps you assimilate its i ntonation, pronunciation and rhyth ms. Be content, at first, with identif ying a few words and getting an overa ll impression of what is said. As your e ar becomes more attuned to the langua ge, you will be able to grasp more detai led and specific information. News bro adcasts on radio and television are particu larly helpful for learners in that many of th e items will be featured and the context wi ll thus be readily established. Many televis ed programmes are subtitled, further facili tating access to the language. Try to exten d and enhance your experience of the langu age at every opportunity and in a variety o f ways. Where possible, talk to fluent speak ers, join learners’ classes, tune in to radio a Mixed Black, 10/12.5

It was developed with rather clas sical proportions, providing distinct word shapes through clear descenders and ascenders. It has a dynamic, yet strong and very functional appearance with a fine but clear empha sis on the horizontals. The classical approach of AgilitA makes it a versatile typeface for editorial design as well as for use in complex information.18/21

Hairline with Italic | Ultra Thin with Italic | Thin with Italic | Extra Light with Italic

Specimens 8, 10, 11 & 18 point 20 21

Page 22: Agilita  Harmony & Function



The Hairline and Ultra Thin styles were especially designed for display use.

They should be set at a minimum size of about 20 point in print resolution and about 40 point on laser outputs, depending on the paper used.

Qual mi fec’io quando primer m’accorside la trasfigurata mia persona, ______________________Hairline

e i capei vidi far di quella frondeHairline Italic ______________________

di che sperato avea già lor corona,diventar due radici sovra l’ondenon di Peneo, ma d’un più altero fiume, ______________________Ultra Thin

e ’n duo rami mutarsi ambe le braccia!Né meno anchor m’ agghiaccia

Ultra Thin Italic ______________________ l’esser coverto poi di bianche piumeallor che folminato et morto giacque

il mio sperar che tropp’alto montava:ché perch’io non sapea dove né quando ______________________Thin

me ’l ritrovasse, solo lagrimandolà ’ve tolto mi fu, dì e nocte andava,

Thin Italic______________________ ricercando dallato, et dentro a l’acque;et già mAi poi lA miA linguA non tAcque

mentre poteo del suo cader maligno:ond’io presi col suon color d’un cigno. ______________________Extra Light

Così lungo l’amate rive andai,che volendo parlar, cantava sempre

Extra Light Italic ______________________ mercé chiamando con estrania voce;né mai in sì dolci o in sì soavi tempre

risonar seppi gli amorosi guai,che ’l cor s’umilïasse aspro et feroce. ______________________Light

QuAl fu A sentir? Ché ’l riCOrdAr Mi COCe:ma molto più di quel, che per inanzi

Light Italic ______________________ de la dolce et acerba mia nemicaè bisogno ch’io dica,

Page 23: Agilita  Harmony & Function

canzonierebenché sia tal ch’ogni parlare avanzi.

Regular __________________ Questa che col mirar gli animi fura,m’aperse il petto, e ’l cor prese con mano,

dicendo a me: Di ciò non far parola.Poi la rividi in altro habito sola, __________________Italic

tal ch’i’ non la conobbi, oh senso humano,anzi le dissi ’l ver pien di paura;

Medium __________________ ed ella ne l’usata sua figuratosto tornando, fecemI, oImè lasso,

d’un quasi vivo et sbigottito sasso.Ella parlava sì turbata in vista, __________________Medium Italic

che tremar mi fea dentro a quella petra,udendo: I’ non son forse chi tu credi.

Bold __________________ E dicea meco: Se costei mi spetra,nuLLa vita mi fia noiosa o trista;

a farmi lagrimar, signor mio, riedi.Come non so: pur io mossi indi i piedi, __________________Bold Italic

non altrui incolpando che me stesso,mezzo tutto quel dì tra vivo et morto.

Heavy __________________ Ma perché ’l tempo è corto,La penna aL buon voLer non pò gir presso:

onde più cose ne la mente scrittevo trapassando, et sol d’alcune parlo __________________Heavy Italic

che meraviglia fanno a chi l’ascolta.Morte mi s’era intorno al cor avolta,

Black __________________ né tacendo potea di sua man trarlo,o dar soccorso a Le vertuti affLitte;

le vive voci m’erano interditte;ond’io gridai con carta et con incostro: _________________Black Italic

Non son mio, no. S’io moro, il danno è vostro.

Specimens 20 point 22 23

-> Die Schnitte Hairline und Ultra Thin wurden speziell für sehr große Schriftgrößen gezeichnet.

Sie sollten erst ab einer Größe von etwa 20 Punkt für hochauflösende Belichter gesetzt werden und in etwa 40 Punkt für Laserdrucker, abhängig vom zu bedrucken-den Papier.

Page 24: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Hairline & Italic

Ultra Thin

Ultra Thin Italic


Thin Italic

Extra Light

Extra Light Italic


Light Italic




Medium Italic


Bold Italic


Heavy Italic


Black Italic

Per util, per diletto o per onoreamor, ch’è passïon, prende suo regno;quel solo è da lodar che drizza il segnoverso l’onesto e gli altri lassa fuore.Ultra Thin & Thin, 14/16

Ma questa specie di carnal furoreentra per gli occhi al cor prima benegno,poi cresce tanto, ch’el torna in disdegno,spesse f ïate, e fa sentir dolore.Ultra Thin & Extra Light, 14/16

Per util, per diletto o per onoreamor, ch’è passïon, prende suo regno;quel solo è da lodar che drizza il segnoverso l’onesto e gli altri lassa fuore.Thin & Light, 14/16

Ma questa specie di carnal furoreentra per gli occhi al cor prima benegno,poi cresce tanto, ch’el torna in disdegno,spesse f ïate, e fa sentir dolore.Extra Light & Regular, 14/16


Che nascer vide & anchor la fera voglia che per mio mal crebbe,perché cantando il duol si disacerba,canterò com’io vissi in libertade,mentre Amor nel mio albergo a sdegno s’ebbe.Poi seguirò sì come a lui ne ’ncrebbetroppo altamente, e che di ciò m’avenne,di Ch’iO son facto a molta gente exempio:benché ’l mio duro scempiosia scripto altrove, sì che mille pennene son già stanche, et quasi in ogni vallerImbombI il suon de’ miei gravi sospiri,ch’aquistan fede a la penosa vita.E se qui la memoria non m’aitacome suol fare, iscùsilla i martiri,et un penser che solo angoscia dàlle,tal ch’ad ogni altro fa voltar le spalle,e mi face obliar me stesso a forza:nel dolce tempo de la prima etade.

Page 25: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Specimens 7, 9, 14 & 24 point 24 25

I’ dico che dal dì che ’l primo assaltomi diede Amor, molt’anni eran passati,Sì CH’IO cangiava il giovenil aspetto;e d’intorno al mio cor pensier’ gelatifacto avean quasi adamantino smaltoch’allentar non lassava il duro affetto.LAgRimA anchor non mi bagnava il pettoné rompea il sonno, et quel che in me non era,mI pareva un miracolo in altrui.Lasso, che son! che fui!La vita el fin, e ’l dì loda la sera.Ché sentendo il crudel di ch’io ragiono

cn Light

cn Light Italic

cn Regular

cn Italic

cn Medium

cn Medium Italic

cn Bold

cn Bold Italic

cn Heavy

cn Heavy Italic

cn Black

cn Black Italic

Se Phebo al primo amor non è bugiardo,o per novo piacer non si ripente,già mai non gli esce il bel lauro di mente,a la cui ombra io mi distruggo et ardo.Questi solo il può far veloce et tardo,et leto et tristo, et timido et valente;ch’al suon del nome suo par che pavente,et fu contra PhitOn già sì gagliardo.Light & Medium, 7/9 tracked 1,5%

Se Phebo al primo amor non è bugiardo,o per novo piacer non si ripente,già mai non gli esce il bel lauro di mente,a la cui ombra io mi distruggo et ardo.Questi solo il può far veloce et tardo,et leto et tristo, et timido et valente ;ch’al suon del nome suo par che pavente,et fu contra phiton già sì gagliardo.Regular & Bold, 7/9 tracked 1,5%

Se Phebo al primo amor non è bugiardo,o per novo piacer non si ripente,già mai non gli esce il bel lauro di mente,a la cui ombra io mi distruggo et ardo.Questi solo il può far veloce et tardo,et leto et tristo, et timido et valente ;ch’al suon del nome suo par che pavente,et fu contra phiton già sì gagliardo.Regular & Heavy, 7/9 tracked 1,5%

Se Phebo al primo amor non è bugiardo,o per novo piacer non si ripente,già mai non gli esce il bel lauro di mente,a la cui ombra io mi distruggo et ardo.Questi solo il può far veloce et tardo,et leto et tristo, et timido et valente;ch’al suon del nome suo par che pavente,et fu contra phIton già sì gagliardo.Medium & Heavy, 7/9 tracked 1,5%

Se Phebo al primo amor non è bugiardo,o per novo piacer non si ripente,già mai non gli esce il bel lauro di mente,a la cui ombra io mi distruggo et ardo.Questi solo il può far veloce et tardo,et leto et tristo, et timido et valente;ch’al suon del nome suo par che pavente,et fu contra phIton già sì gagliardo.Medium & Black, 7/9 tracked 1,5%

Se Phebo al primo amor non è bugiardo,o per novo piacer non si ripente,già mai non gli esce il bel lauro di mente,a la cui ombra io mi distruggo et ardo.Questi solo il può far veloce et tardo,et leto et tristo, et timido et valente;ch’al suon del nome suo par che pavente,et fu contra Phiton già sì gagliardo.Bold & Black, 7/9 tracked 1,5%

AltrI per certo nol turbava allora,quando nel suo bel viso gli occhi apristeet non gli offese il varïato aspetto;ma se pur chi voi dite il discolora,sembianza è forse alcuna de le viste;et so ben che ’l mio dir PArrà sospetto.Light & Medium, 9/11.5 tracked 1%

ALtri Per certo nol turbava allora,quando nel suo bel viso gli occhi apristeet non gli offese il varïato aspetto ;ma se pur chi voi dite il discolora,sembianza è forse alcuna de le viste ;et so ben che ’l mio dir parrà sospetto.Regular & Bold, 9/11.5 tracked 1%

ALtri per certo nol turbava allora,quando nel suo bel viso gli occhi apristeet non gli offese il varïato aspetto ;ma se pur chi voi dite il discolora,sembianza è forse alcuna de le viste ;et so ben che ’l mio dir parrà sospetto.Regular & Heavy, 9/11.5 tracked 1%

ALtri per certo nol turbava allora,quando nel suo bel viso gli occhi apristeet non gli offese il varïato aspetto;ma se pur chi voi dite il discolora,sembianza è forse alcuna de le viste;et so ben che ’l mio dir parrà sospetto.Medium & Heavy, 9/11.5 tracked 1%

ALtri per certo nol turbava allora,quando nel suo bel viso gli occhi apristeet non gli offese il varïato aspetto;ma se pur chi voi dite il discolora,sembianza è forse alcuna de le viste;et so ben che ’l mio dir parrà sospetto.Medium & Black, 9/11.5 tracked 1%

ALtri per certo nol turbava allora,quando nel suo bel viso gli occhi apristeet non gli offese il varïato aspetto;ma se pur chi voi dite il discolora,sembianza è forse alcuna de le viste;et so ben che ’l mio dir Parrà sospetto.Bold & Black, 9/11.5 tracked 1%


Page 26: Agilita  Harmony & Function

Ein Rennen für die Nachwuchsfahrer: die Tour de l’Avenir für Radsportler bis 25 Jahre, die in der Vergangenheit Olaf Ludwig und Miguel Induráin gewinnen konnten. Nach zehn Etappen zeigte sich mal wieder, dass Lars Riis in seinem Team csd ein Händchen für Talente hat. Der 23-jährige Däne Bjarne Ytting Zak holte sich auf der ersten Etappe das Gelbe Trikot und verteidigte es bis ins Ziel nach 1441 Kilometern. Zak, 1,90 Meter groß und 76 Kilo schwer, gilt für seinen Sportlichen Leiter Alain Dellopin weniger als künftiger Sieger der Tour de France denn als Spezialist für Rennen wie Flandern-Rundfahrt und Paris-Roubaix. Stark war auch der Auf-tritt der Deutschen: Christoph Müller siegte beim Einzelzeitfahren, Alex Winfried, der im Nationaltrikot fuhr, gewann eine bergige Etappe durch das Zentralmassiv.Tir

reno ⇒


atico Agilita CONDENSED Light, 14/16 pt

Ein Rennen für die Nachwuchsfahrer: die Tour de l’Avenir für Radsportler bis 25 Jahre, die in der Vergangenheit Olaf Ludwig und Miguel Induráin gewinnen konnten. Nach zehn Etappen zeigte sich mal wieder, dass Lars Riis in seinem Team CSD ein Händchen für Talente hat. Der 23-jährige Däne Bjarne Ytting Zak holte sich auf der ersten Etappe das Gelbe Trikot und verteidigte es bis ins Ziel nach 1441 Kilometern. Zak, 1,90 Meter groß und 76 Kilo schwer, gilt für seinen Sportlichen Leiter Alain Dellopin weniger als künftiger Sieger der Tour de France denn als Spezialist für Rennen wie Flandern-Rund-fahrt und Paris-Roubaix. Stark war auch der Auftritt der Deutschen: Christoph Müller siegte beim Einzelzeitfahren, Alex Winfried, der im Nationaltrikot fuhr, gewann eine bergige Etappe durch das Zentralmassiv.


no ⇒

San R


Agilita CONDENSED Regular, 14/16 pt

ÅBĊĐĘFĞĦĨ ĴĶĿM@ŃØPQŘŞŢŰVẄXỲŻ(!?)äbĉđēfĝĥī ĵķłm@ņőpqŕŝŧůvŵxÿź&0123456789&ĄbĆĎĔfĢĤĮ ĴĶĹm@ŇŌpqŖŚŤŨvẀxŶž(!?)

Ein Rennen für die Nachwuchsfahrer: die Tour de l’Avenir für Radsportler bis 25 Jahre, die in der Vergangenheit Olaf Ludwig und Miguel Induráin gewinnen konnten. Nach zehn Etappen zeigte sich mal wieder, dass Lars Riis in seinem Team csd ein Händchen für Talente hat. Der 23-jährige Däne Bjarne Ytting Zak holte sich auf der ersten Etappe das Gelbe Trikot und verteidigte es bis ins Ziel nach 1441 Kilometern. Zak, 1,90 Meter groß und 76 Kilo schwer, gilt für seinen Sport-lichen Leiter Alain Dellopin weniger als künftiger Sieger der Tour de France denn als Spezialist für Rennen wie Flandern-Rundfahrt und Paris-Roubaix. Stark war auch der Auftritt der Deutschen: Chris-toph Müller siegte beim Einzelzeitfahren, Alex Winfried, der im Nationaltrikot fuhr, gewann eine bergige Etappe durch das Zentralmassiv.

Agilita CONDENSED Medium, 14/16 pt

ÅBĊĐĘFĞĦĨ ĴĶĿM@Ń ØPQŘŞŢŰVẄXỲŻ(!?)äbĉđēfĝĥī ĵķłm@ņőpqŕŝŧůvŵxÿź&0123456789&ĄbĆĎĔfĢĤĮ ĴĶĹm@ŇŌPQŖŚŤŨVẀxŶž(!?)

ÅBĊĐĘFĞĦĨ ĴĶĿM@ŃØPQŘŞŢŰVẄXỲŻ(!?)äbĉđēfĝĥī ĵķłm@ņőpqŕŝŧůvŵxÿź&0123456789&ĄbĆĎĔfĢĤĮĴĶĹm@ŇŌpqŖŚŤŨvẀxŶž(!?)

Paris ⇒ Roubaix

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gneAgilita CONDENSED Heavy, 14/16 pt

Ein Rennen für die Nachwuchsfahrer: die Tour de l’Avenir für Radsportler bis 25 Jahre, die in der Vergangenheit Olaf Ludwig und Miguel Induráin gewinnen konnten. Nach zehn Etappen zeigte sich mal wieder, dass Lars Riis in seinem Team CSD ein Händchen für Talente hat. Der 23-jährige Däne Bjarne Ytting Zak holte sich auf der ersten Etappe das Gelbe Trikot und verteidigte es bis ins Ziel nach 1441 Kilometern. Zak, 1,90 Meter groß und 76 Kilo schwer, gilt für seinen Sportlichen Leiter Alain Dellopin weniger als künftiger Sieger der Tour de France denn als Spezialist für Rennen wie Flandern-Rundfahrt und Paris- Roubaix. Stark war auch der Auftritt der Deutschen: Christoph Müller siegte beim Einzelzeitfahren.

Ein Rennen für die Nachwuchsfahrer: die Tour de l’Avenir für Radsportler bis 25 Jahre, die in der Vergangenheit Olaf Ludwig und Miguel Induráin gewinnen konnten. Nach zehn Etappen zeigte sich mal wieder, dass Lars Riis in seinem Team csd ein Händchen für Talente hat. Der 23-jährige Däne Bjarne Ytting Zak holte sich auf der ersten Etappe das Gelbe Trikot und verteidigte es bis ins Ziel nach 1441 Kilometern. Zak, 1,90 Meter groß und 76 Kilo schwer, gilt für seinen Sportlichen Leiter Alain Dellopin weniger als künftiger Sieger der Tour de France denn als Spezialist für Rennen wie Flandern-Rundfahrt und Paris-Roubaix. Stark war auch der Auftritt der Deutschen: Christoph Müller siegte beim Einzelzeitfahren.

Ein Rennen für die Nachwuchsfahrer: die Tour de l’Avenir für Radsportler bis 25 Jahre, die in der Vergangenheit Olaf Ludwig und Miguel Induráin ge-winnen konnten. Nach zehn Etappen zeigte sich mal wieder, dass Lars Riis in seinem Team csd ein Händchen für Talente hat. Der 23-jährige Däne Bjarne Ytting Zak holte sich auf der ersten Etappe das Gelbe Trikot und verteidigte es bis ins Ziel nach 1441 Kilometern. Zak, 1,90 Meter groß und 76 Kilo schwer, gilt für seinen Sportlichen Leiter Alain Dellopin weniger als künftiger Sieger der Tour de France denn als Spezialist für Rennen wie Flandern-Rundfahrt und Paris-Roubaix. Stark war auch der Auftritt der Deutschen: Christoph Müller siegte beim Einzelzeitfahren, Winfried, der im Nationaltrikot fuhr.

Agilita CONDENSED Black, 14/16 pt

ÅBĊĐĘFĞĦĨ ĴĶĿM@ŃØPQŘŞŢŰVẄXỲŻ(!?)äbĉđēfĝĥī ĵķłm@ņőpqŕŝŧůvŵxÿź&0123456789&ĄbĆĎĔfĢĤĮĴĶĹm@ŇŌpqŖŚŤŨVẀx

ÅBĊĐĘFĞĦĨ ĴĶĿM@Ń ØPQŘŞŢŰVẄXỲŻ(!?)äbĉđēfĝĥī ĵķłm@ņőp qŕŝŧůvŵxÿź&012345 6789&ĄbĆĎĔfĢĤĮĴĶĹ m@ŇŌpqŖŚŤŨvẀx

ÅBĊĐĘFĞĦĨ ĴĶĿM@Ń ØPQŘŞŢŰVẄXỲŻ(!?)äbĉđēfĝĥī ĵķłm@ņőp qŕŝŧůvŵxÿź&012345 6789&ĄbĆĎĔfĢĤĮĴĶ Ĺm@ŇŌpqŖŚŤŨvẀx

Giro d’Italia

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