agenda jefferson township board of trustees work …€¦ · agenda jefferson township board of...

AGENDA JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES WORK SESSION Tuesday, February 7, 2017 — 6:00 p.m. I. Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence Trustee Roy Mann, President, Jefferson Township Board of Trustees II. Call to Order Roy Man ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( ) III. Fiscal Officer Reports / Updates Tracey Edwards, Fiscal Officer IV. Administrator's Report — Topics to Discuss Administrator, Steve Woolf - Future of Parks - Truck Remaining Projects - Website RFP Review Levy Update Storm water Update V. Trustees' Comments / Reports Trustee Roy Mann - Review,of Land Bank meeting on 2/1/2017 Communication Between Trustees Improving Trustee Work-Flow Process - Changing the Signature Process on Resolutions and Meetings Trustee James McGuire - MCTA Meeting / Food Budget - Posting of Zoning Position - Extending Marijuana Resolution - Extending the Moratorium on Expand the Lot Program - Jefferson Township Newsletter Trustee Russell Back - Levy Information - Lighting / Miami Valley Lighting Update VI. Adjourn NOTE: Work Sessions are permitted to be held by Elected Officials, as granted by the Ohio Revised Code, as long as they are pre-announced to the public, it is held in a public place, and the public is permitted to attend. The Work Session is strictly for the purpose of discussion on Township issues, and NO Voting or Action is permitted to be taken in this meeting. The Public is not permitted to contribute or address the Work Session, unless the Trustees directly grant permission. The Work Sessions are recorded for public record purposes and maintained by the Fiscal Officer for Jefferson Township.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017 — 6:00 p.m.

I. Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence Trustee Roy Mann, President, Jefferson Township Board of Trustees

II. Call to Order Roy Man ( ) James McGuire ( ) Russell Back ( )

III. Fiscal Officer Reports / Updates Tracey Edwards, Fiscal Officer

IV. Administrator's Report — Topics to Discuss Administrator, Steve Woolf

- Future of Parks - Truck Remaining Projects - Website RFP Review

Levy Update Storm water Update

V. Trustees' Comments / Reports Trustee Roy Mann

- Review,of Land Bank meeting on 2/1/2017 Communication Between Trustees Improving Trustee Work-Flow Process

- Changing the Signature Process on Resolutions and Meetings Trustee James McGuire

- MCTA Meeting / Food Budget - Posting of Zoning Position - Extending Marijuana Resolution - Extending the Moratorium on Expand the Lot Program - Jefferson Township Newsletter

Trustee Russell Back - Levy Information - Lighting / Miami Valley Lighting Update

VI. Adjourn

NOTE: Work Sessions are permitted to be held by Elected Officials, as granted by the Ohio Revised Code, as long as they are pre-announced to the public, it is held in a public place, and the public is permitted to attend. The Work Session is strictly for the purpose of discussion on Township issues, and NO Voting or Action is permitted to be taken in this meeting. The Public is not permitted to contribute or address the Work Session, unless the Trustees directly grant permission. The Work Sessions are recorded for public record purposes and maintained by the Fiscal Officer for Jefferson Township.


Jefferson Township Board of Trustees Work Session Minutes

The Jefferson Township Board of Trustees met in a Work Session on February 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Administration Building, One Business Park Drive, Dayton, Ohio.

Trustee Mann called the meeting to order and led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag followed by a moment of silence.

Fiscal Officer Tracey Edwards did the roll call: Roy Mann — Present

James McGuire —Present

Russell Back - Present

I. Fiscal Officer Reports / Updates Tracey Edwards, Fiscal Officer — Commented that she did not have anything.

II. Administrator's Report — Topics to Discuss Administrator, Steve Woolf — Began with good evening to everyone. Noting that he has five topics to discuss and may sway between those topics as he has listed topics for each of the Trustees in relation to the areas that they are shepherding.

Future of Park — Mr. Woolf stated that he is starting to think about the small parks that we have at the end of our cul de sacs and some of our neighborhoods. Woolf stated that he is looking back at some paperwork and that he is seeing that you have had some vandalism, we have also had some crime, and there has also been a pipe that burst a year or two ago. (Confirmed with Tracey that it was two years ago). Adding that we are paying the City of Dayton for a water bill that has gone on and on i.e. Richardson Park @ West Third Street. Mr. Woolf states you spend a lot of money mowing the grass, you spend money trying to maintain things, and you are not opening the restrooms unless someone is having a special event. The playground equipment is older there; some has been taken out because of the age of it. What he plans to do is get back with the Trustees in about a month or two, start evaluating as it's all about our youth and children in the neighborhoods. Woolf has had some discussions with the County, about the park on Dayton Liberty, Judge Arthur Fisher Park; they have talked about adding more playground equipment there. The administrator of the County said that he would entertain us by bringing many of our activities there on a regular basis and treat it like it's our community park if we choose to do that. He sees the operation expense of all parks being a severe down trot of the Township or the County and that's why the county went from 14 parks just five years ago, down to three, countywide. Again, it's a maintenance problem. The parks that they used to have, the City has taken over who has the income tax to support them or the Metro Parks have taken over those parks. What used to be an easy thing to maintain, you mowed the grass, you picked up the litter, the families were in those parks on a regular basis to watch over them has become a little bit of detriment. Mr. Woolf added that he will get a report together for the Trustees. Trustee McGuire concluded that the Trustees took a tour of the parks, last year around this time, to get the discussion going of basically a walk-thru. Added that if we are going to keep the parks open this year we need to at least scale back the mowing, and cut down the amount of time that is being spent in those parks. The mowing on those is consuming two days a week, at least. Mr. Woolf added that we can also look at doing an RFP for the parks if we decide to keep them open. A contractor, depending on cost. You can reject any RFP, if you don't want it, it's not an RFQ.

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Mr. Woolf said that we can start looking at that, if you like, we need to start moving on it fairly

quickly because the grass will start growing in a month or two. Note: It had been discussed in the

past to just mow certain areas of the parks during the season to cut costs as well.

Truck Remaining Project- Mr. Woolf asked that Trustee McGuire give a report as to where we are with the truck and what do we need to do next. Trustee McGuire began by saying that the truck

needs a radio installed, needs lights put on it, and forwarded paper work to Mr. Woolf in relation

to the insurance binder. Mr. Woolf the vehicle is added to the insurance as of today. Noted that

we have 30-days to report a newly added acquired vehicle so we are well within that 30-days

with full coverage. Trustee Back asked if the vehicle is being used at this time. Mr. Woolf

responded, other than Trustee McGuire using the vehicle to get the lettering and being dropped

off at the Administration offices. McGuire stated once he delivered the truck back to the office he had a firefighter give him a ride home because there was no-one else here. Mr. Woolf asked

Trustee McGuire what he needs for him to do. McGuire added that whoever we used to pull the

radio, we need the radio re-installed. Discussion of it being the County. Trustee Mann

answered that the County is backed up and Fire Chief has used a new vendor and we were going

to ask to get the radios done. He will get the contact information from the Chief. Trustee

McGuire stated that he talked to P&R and they stated that they could do the radio in one day.

That wouldn't tie the truck up and they can take care of that piece. To schedule it and all they need is a day.

Mr. Woolf asked about lights on the truck, if they are in the roadway, we have to have some

type of lights on the truck. Trustee McGuire said that they are supposed to send us a quote of

what was put on the other truck. He said they would email it, however, McGuire stated he never

saw the email. Not for sure if it went to Craig, since he was the one who arranged that. McGuire

stated that he had never seen the bill so he is not for sure. (P&R) Mr. Woolf asked if they

supplied the lights to begin with or did they just install. McGuire stated that P&R did it all. Mr.

Woolf complied that he is asking for direction, if he can help with the project. Trustee McGuire

added that the truck needs to be shuttled somewhere to get the radio installed, assuming that is

something that will need to happen during the day. Tracey added that we need to get an

estimate and a purchase order needs to be created during a discussion with Mr. Woolf. Trustee

Mann added that he will call Shane and arrange an appointment and get an estimate on it. Note:

The radio was retrieved from the other truck but the warning and caution lights and antennas

were not.

- Website RFP Review- Mr. Woolf stated that we received two bids by the deadline. 1) EDP, which

is the company that just re-did the Ohio Township Website on the State level. You can go in and

look at all of our conference stuff. 2) Civic Plus, most notably, they just finished the City of

Dayton's Website. They completed that project about six months ago. Mr. Woolf added that

they are a large supplier. He hasn't had a chance to evaluate either option, he will bring a

detailed list to the next meeting in two weeks, or sooner, so you guys have time to evaluate it

and we can talk about the website and the future of that.

- Storm water Update — Mr. Woolf had a meeting with Montgomery County Soil and Water District

up on Diamond Mill Road. They informed us that they are accepting us for sure as a member.

You guys remember, Mr. Woolf said, for 10 years this Township didn't do anything on their storm

water or water management requirement by the EPA. We are facing a 10 year back charge for all

that time, for starting a plan and not doing it. There have been multiple requests by the EPA,

with letters to various employees here in the Township asking them to respond. There has never

been a response from the Township. Over 10 1/2 years ago the Township joined in with some

communities, Centerville is one of them, Washington Township is another, and certain parts of

the County, not a whole County plan, to try to jointly put this plan together and then nothing

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happened. The EPA did an audit of Montgomery County about a month ago and they are going to put Montgomery County under fine. Mr. Woolf stated that he had just started here when that happened and he explained that he received some paper addressed to the former administrator that we were under fine by the EPA. Stated that he went out looking for alternatives. Here is what you've got, said Mr. Woolf, when you do these plans to manage your water, that the EPA requires now, every little ditch, dike, driveway, let's say that in your yard you have a swell that's all mowed and in heavy rains water runs down that ditch, the EPA now controls that and calls it a water way. If you do not have a management plan in the Community they will start finning $1K per day until you comply. There may be a change with the new presidency and all the politics and all that stuff, Mr. Woolf stated but you can't wait because they start charging. So when you are in with the big communities they charge you based on how much flow, so when you think about Centerville, or your talking about Austin Pike, Miami Township, and Dayton or wherever; they have heavy parking lots and if they continue to grow. As they continue to grow, the pricing for this consulting goes up. Mr. Woolf added that what he has been able to structure for you but we haven't got the final offer yet, will be our own stand-alone plan that will be 100% managed by the Montgomery County Soil and Water District. The EPA says that they are going to waive the fine against us; they estimated the fine could be as high as $60K. Mr. Woolf stated that he doesn't know what our yearly fee is going to be at Montgomery Soil so what he will bring you the MOU, Memorandum of Understanding, meaning that you are appointing them as your water guy basically. And they said they would split the installments into six months. Stated that he doesn't know what the price is going to be, so that is going to have to be the Fiscal Officer and the three Trustees looking at this to say if you want to go forward with this or don't do it. Mr. Woolf stated that we almost don't have any options because for whatever reason people didn't do anything for 10 years here. The EPA has gotten a pretty strong arm on everybody; they are putting the thumbs on those little townships like Perry Township out west. They are under fine right now. One of those things back on the website is a page to promote water management program so whatever we may do with that website, what we have or what we might go to, we will have to have a page set aside just for that water district / water management plan. There will be more details later.

Tracey commented that it was stated on January 17 th meeting that the amount was $100.00 per day. Mr. Woolf stated that the letter from Montgomery County says that it is now $1K. The fines haven't started yet but we are already 10 years in arrears. That is the difference, Mr. Woolf said. He got a little nervous when it went from $100 to $1,000. Added that he does not know what is going on and that he is sure the Trustees weren't told that and if they were he is surprised that they didn't act on this but they didn't. Woolf stated that the Trustees are out front with this and that he is helping them. An ounce of extra work creates a loss from happening, Mr. Woolf said.

Levy Update — We did get the Levy filed, stated Mr. Woolf. We had two meetings. They accepted our filing and all of the paperwork is complete. It came out in the newspaper, added that he doesn't know if all saw it, it listed all of the Communities and all of the Levies. One of the things that Mr. Woolf wanted to discuss tonight is when we filed the paperwork, we had only one focus, and we need to stay on that focus when we are talking to the public. That focus was, the way the wording reads is the Jefferson Township Trustees are in dire need of general fund money to do and perform, not be completely restricted to blighted properties, cleanup of the neighborhoods, and the beautification of Jefferson Township. Those three parts of the sentence are on the levy ballot. So when people go to the voting ballot, they are going to see blighted properties, cleaning up the neighborhoods, and beautifying Jefferson Township. What does that involve, asked Mr. Woolf. 1) That involves many things, which involves tearing down these blighted, empty and vacant properties where we have vacancies and we have kids that could get hurt in these. 2) The cleanup of Jefferson which he has talked extensively about with Trustee Back. Having cleanup days in the neighborhood, recycling days. Things that you could do in the

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neighborhoods that takes money to put these events on, that's what the money can be used

annually for. 3) The beautification, some people think flowers, that's not what this really is, this also applies to new street lighting or upgrades of street lighting to the new LED lights that would

save the Township money on its electric per year. Also, it lightens up the neighborhoods. This

money can be used to put a light pole in those areas where you lost it over the years and it hasn't

been reconstructed, or we can add another one in the neighborhood. It takes a full plan to do

that, this money is to bring Jefferson stronger and clean it up.

Mr. Woolf stated that it is general fund money, and you have to be honest, somebody can say

that you are going to blow that on something else, but you've got to understand as Trustees you

have to keep that focus. Part of this as you guys know is Zoning and Code Enforcement. A lot of

times in a community they try to run those two things together and they are totally separate things. The Zoning person takes care of the regulations on a property, what you can put there,

what you don't put there, what you can go in and see that is not compliant today and new

challenges. Noting that it is a huge job in itself. There are building permits and zoning permits,

all those things. Then you've got Code enforcement which is the blighted properties. The person

that goes out and stands there and puts the notice on someone's house to tell them that they

have to clean up their yard or that they have 2 foot of grass and they must cut their grass. That

individual has to be there to be able to do that and then if they have to go to court or be sited in

the court, you want that individual to follow-up. Mr. Woolf noted that he has only been here

since October but what he can see that is happening is that in past practice you had one person

trying to do all that job and it was almost nearly impossible with how much cleanup we have in

Jefferson. If were ever had to go challenge some of these car lots that are not operational, that

is a Zoning challenge in itself with an attorney, etc. On top of that we have challenges like our

current litigation with Rauch on the recycling farm which our attorney will be here later today to

go into executive session to talk to us. That is time spent going to court trying to represent the

Township as a Zoning person, at the same time that person has to be out in the neighborhoods

trying to go after someone for not cleaning their property. It is physically impossible. It would be

different if you were in a neighborhood and you didn't have these two major challenges but you

have got them. Some of this money could go to supporting the salaries for those people to do

those jobs of blighted properties, cleanup of the neighborhoods, and the beautification of

Jefferson Township. The other thing, Mr. Woolf says about the meeting we held here with the

Land Bank and the CDBG and when they had matching grants you need matching grant money to

do roadway improvements, curbs, sidewalks, cleaning up in the back of neighborhoods in terms

of roadway. You don't have that matching money in your general fund today. (Confirmed with

Tracey as she said she doesn't have a clue of what will happen throughout the year) Woolf noted

that she said in the past that our money is very tight in the general fund. Woolf added the he

concurs with Tracey about our future expenses. When you look at even the growth of inflation,

it could be 3 - 5% every year and you take our current numbers and you have no new expenses,

in other words, you freeze your expenses, and you put 3 — 5% per year, we were seeing a

projection of possibly being out of money next year maybe. (per Tracey) The general fund money also can be your rainy day fund.

The last item is the Fire / Police Levies coming up for renewal in 2019. All of them. Mr. Woolf

said if the public decides that they don't want to vote those back in, they have a right to do that.

Then you have a problem as Trustees because how do you keep the doors open on the Police and

the Fire. If you have a little general fund money it at least allows you to keep them open until you can file for another levy.

Mr. Woolf added that the reason he brought up the general fund money because it is very

important that you stay on point, as Trustee Back has agreed to sit on the committee, he hopes

that the other Trustee agree. We have got to start developing our plan between now and May.

We have to make sure it is the same story to everyone, not a story it's the fact, and that we

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present it the same way because we don't want to confuse our public. These are hard times for everybody and it's not fun to ask for any levy money.

Trustee Back asked about funding in order to hire a Zoning and Code Enforcement Officer, let's just say if the levy didn't pass, is there a possibility that we wouldn't have anyone for those

positions. Mr. Woolf replied by saying that Tracey put $30K in the budget, or $20K for each person, so we might go to a part-time person. Tracey added that she did not have that in the budget. (Discussion of the preliminary budget) Tracey said that the positions are in the budget

but there was no money allotted for those positions. Steve said that the last time he saw it there were two positions with $15 apiece. Woolf noted to Trustee Back that there is not money to

fund those positions. Added that he thought there was at least part-time money in there. Woolf

said that now this levy is more reason of why you have to have it. You now see that you may not be able to hire anyone under the current budget. Trustee Back said that if he is essentially over Code Enforcement and that he is getting calls about this and that, and there is nothing he can do

in his power to enforce. Mr. Woolf responded yes you can, the Ohio Revised Code that the

Trustees can. But he is not advocating that you don't hire somebody, because you need people but the timing of it is the difference. Tracey said that she is saying that if we put the money there we will have to cut back on something else. But we did not put any money there. Back said that he doesn't understand how we went from having money in the budget to pay the past

zoning person to not having any money at all. Mr. Woolf said that it is surprising to him. Tracey said that she can tell you, as she has told Trustee Mann, that when they hired the Administrator,

they were paying an Administrator part-time but working full-time. We are now paying an

Administrator full-time and he is working full-time. So the Zoning person and the Administrator were being paid part-time, Tracey said. Now we have an Administrator being paid full-time so he

has taken that money plus that was paid to the part-time Zoning person. Asks if Back

understands what she is saying. Trustee Back said that he hasn't seen the paperwork as far as payroll goes but it is a little disturbing. Woolf interjected to say the Trustees have passed a resolution to move the Trustees salaries out of the general fund and rake it from the other funds, you are allowed to do that but It hasn't been done yet. Noting that it will free up some money in

the general fund. Tracey said that she hasn't paid any payroll for this year out of the money at all but have been told to limit the Administrator fund to 50% out of general fund, 25% out of Fire,

and 25% max out of road. Added that the President of the Trustees told her that. Mentioned

that each Trustee should complete the forms and that Adrianne doesn't need them but she does

in order to debt the amount from the correct funds. Mr. Woolf stated that today is the first day

that Tracey has asked for the forms. Tracey said that she hasn't gotten the payroll for January

but she needs the payroll for January and she is waiting on it. She didn't know if Woolf had given

the forms to Adrianne and if she was going to pass that on. She didn't know how that process was going to work. Woolf stated he was waiting on Tracey to say what she wanted done since the resolution was passed in addition to waiting on a permenant budget from Tracey. Conversation about the temporary budget being for the first three months. Tracey stated that

we still have to pay payroll for the first three months and the vote (resolution) was to have those sheets turned in, it can be on the temporary budget or the permanent, it doesn't matter. Woolf

answered that she needs those forms from the Trustees, and what that will do, speaking directly

to Trustee Back, it brings some salary temporary out of that general fund and apply it to the

other departments that you are overseeing and they have the money to be able to support that.

Now if we get the levy passed everybody can go back to that top line and get a real, actual budget going, said Woolf. But until then the plan was allows to get your salaries and spread It

over, including the Administrator, in the other departments where possible. Back asked if it is possible if we can set up a date to discuss the levy. Maybe it will be a good idea for all of us to brainstorm how we are going to go about setting a timeframe of getting a Zoning Officer and

Code Enforcement employed and the pros and cons and ins and outs and the worst case scenario if the levy didn't pass. Mr. Woolf added that we have to have a contingency plan because that's

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something you don't have right now. Woolf asked the Trustees if they have a time on their

schedule that they would like to meet. Back stated he is free anytime in the evening after

3:30pm. Trustee McGuire asked what happened to the meeting from last week. (Canceled) Trustee Mann

said that he is free in the evening preferable no Tuesday or Wednesday. Back said the meeting

that was scheduled last week was to brainstorm on how we would propose the levy, how we will

get the word out with a little structure to it. Adding when we were at the neighborhood

Association, you went ahead to talk about it, speaking to McGuire. Mr. Woolf stated next

Thursday, February 16 th we host the MCTA dinner that people come from all over the county, we

can meet at 4pm or 5pm that day depending when you guys have time. We have to be here at

6pm anyway. (Discussion of Trustee/Administrator schedules) Agreement on Thursday,

February 16th at 4:00pm to discuss levy specifics.

III. Trustees' Comments / Reports

Trustee Roy Mann

- Review of Land Bank meeting on 2/1/2017- Told that the Land Bank could manage all of this

property for us. Stating that we need to be thinking about that and if we want to do that. They

have a group of 6-7 that work on this project. There are two points that we are having some

problems, Liberty-Ellerton and Dayton Liberty Rd. Mann added that he received a call from the

person on Dayton Liberty and the discussion was to giving her the $1500 refund until we get

things sorted out. The property on Liberty-Ellerton is up for sale. Depending on what happens

with that property, it will take that one out of the picture over the next week or two. Johnathan

has the file on both properties. Mann will have a list of the 12-15 properties for demolition will

fax to Susan. Processing and projects are being worked on with Mann and Back.

Trustee Back asked about the process in correlation with the Land Bank. Mann responded to

collaborate all three lists and make changes as necessary. Back stated to cut down on confusion

once we get the list, do the Trustees need to have a brief meeting and pick 12 properties to use

the map to see where we are going. (Conversation of discussion 2/16/17). The Land Bank levy is

for Ridgewood Heights and the Blairwood neighborhood. Mann concluded that we can change

that procedure later if we choose and the other Grant we can use it anyplace.

Trustee McGuire added that one key consideration is to pick off the properties that are on the

most visible thorough fairs and have the highest tax bills. Blairwood had a property with $105 in

back taxes adding that the Land Bank wipes the tax bill clean. If we don't get that in there, said

McGuire, it will never move. We should knock those out; get those out of the way first. If the

whole purpose of the Land Bank is to repurpose the property and gets it going, get the stuff

that's most visible and most expensive out of the way and then work the list down from there.

Woolf stated that they run a report on the most crime of those properties, in other words that

they have had the most problems out of or people breaking in to the houses that don't live there.

Stating that might be the third criteria we would like to follow when we send the letter needing


- Communication Between Trustees- Trustee Mann said that the Trustees just need to get

together. If anyone has a problem with a particular Trustee, the two or three Trustees need to

sit down and talk about it but we have to work together and show the public that we are doing

the job that they put us in here to do.

- Improving Trustee Work-Flow Process — Trustee Mann stated we are here to work together and

that the list will be finalized. With input from all of the Trustees. Back will take the lead on the

15 properties.

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Changing the Signature Process on Resolutions and Meetings — Mann stated what we are going

to do is sign the documents here before we leave the room tonight. Run a copy, originals will go

to Tracey. If there are errors, Mann will see Adrianne to have them taken care of.

Tracey asked if anyone has read the minutes. Mann stated that the last regular meeting was a 14 page document. McGuire stated that it is a transcript. Tracey stated that you are signing it.

Mann stated the main thing is that we are trying to keep things from being lost. Mann will note

corrections and have them updated tomorrow. Then will get back with the Trustees, hand

delivered, to sign the documents. Trustee McGuire stated why we are on the topic of minutes; the website is missing 10 meeting

minutes. Dates include 11/15 Work Session, 11/5 Regular Meeting, 12/6 Work Session, 12/6

Regular Meeting, 12/20 Work Session, 12/20 Regular Meeting, 12/21 Special Meeting, 1/17 Work Session, 1/17 Regular Session and 1/19 Special Meeting. Added that he spoke with a gentleman

from the sign company that stopped in today. McGuire stated that he is working off of the old

information. We have been dinged on this with audit findings since 2013, and we are in non-

compliance. As long as we have people like Vince and Noreen they are going to call us out on

that. At some point there may be a complaint with the state that we are not following the

Sunshine Laws on our meeting minutes. McGuire stated that we need to get a written plan of

how we are going to get ourselves in compliance before this turns into a bigger problem.

Trustee Back piggybacked off of what McGuire said, that was one of the things where we were

going to cut back costs, of advertising in the newspapers, per putting on the website. This is

something that we have been talking about for the last two months.

Woolf noted that it is out of his hands, it is not in his responsibility at this point. It is under the

responsibility of the Fiscal Officer. Tracey added that if you want her to speak on that she will. She came in on the day that they

were changing the passwords and everything, to finish up the minutes to give to Corby to get

them on the website and was unable to get into her computer. Adding that until she is able to

get into her computer, they will not be on the website.

McGuire stated that we are talking about minutes from November. Tracey replied that there were errors in the minutes, that all the Trustees signed the minutes,

you did not catch those errors, you cannot hold her on that, stating that she had to go through

each one of those minutes, and correct all of the errors. When she came in to do that, she did

not have access to her computer. McGuire stated under the Ohio Revised Code Section 507.04 provides that the Fiscal Officer shall

keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Board of Township Trustees at all its meetings.

ORC Section 121.22 also provides that the minutes of a regular or special meeting of the

Township shall be promptly prepared, filed and maintained in such records that shall be open to

public inspection.

Tracey commented that the records are available, they are incorrect, they have been signed by

the Trustees, if you want her to put those minutes out there with your signatures on them, she

refuses to sign them incorrectly minutes. She can make public every record today if you guys

want to show that you did not read them when you all signed them but she will not sign them.

Stating that McGuire can keep quoting out of the book but she said what she is going to do. If

you want to hold her with that then you can take it to wherever you can hold her to it. Argued

that McGuire is not following the law either in reference to purchasing being made. Said she is

through on that subject.

McGuire stated on page D4 of the Administrative Finance book, of the Ohio Trustee Handbook,

finished by saying you are not following the law Tracey. Note: We have records that are available

to the public upon request other than on the website and that complies to the ORC. • Trustee James McGuire

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MCTA Meeting / Food Budget — Added that it has been difficult getting a quote. Added that we get a hold of the lady that did our last meeting or do something like Panera. MCTA pays $150. Other vendors are charging as if it were a wedding i.e. $30-40 per person, we are expecting 35 people. Mann stated he will get a price tomorrow. Tracey said no one has asked her about a budget or pricing or about the previous years of what was spent. McGuire was shooting for $300 to $400. Note: Mr. Mann stated he would call the lady who did our last meeting and work this out.

- Posting of Zoning Position — McGuire stated that we have already talked about that.

Extending Marijuana Resolution- McGuire stated we have a moratorium on the extending the marijuana prohibiting businesses that is due in March. We need to revisit that as Trustees to see if we want to continue that. Noting that there are press releases in the community every day

and everybody seems to push the moratorium out. Miamisburg pushed it out another 9-months last night.

Extending the Moratorium on Expand the Lot Program — 6-months Moratorium on Expand-a-Lot,

adding that Johnathan Ketter hasn't finished the files. Until we get that done, McGuire says that we need to extend that until legal reviews are complete before we open that program.

Jefferson Township Newsletter- McGuire asked if anyone has seen a copy of the newsletter. Woolf answered that he has supplied all the Trustees with a copy. McGuire stated at this point

we need to redo it. It looks like it went stale in the process of getting this together and it's really not that much new information from the previous newsletter. We really need to update the

content. McGuire stated that he is not comfortable with this version of the newsletter at this point.

Trustee Russell Back

- Levy Information — Back added that we pretty much discussed the levy information thoroughly.

Lighting / Miami Valley Lighting Update — Back noted that he briefly spoke with Tracey earlier this week and the agreed to get together to talk about the contract and lighting budget. After that they will see what's the next best route to go, whether it is that we bring Miami Valley Lighting in here, if we need more instruction, or more insight on the program. It is just a matter of finding the time for him and Tracey to meet to talk about that. Woolf noted it may be a good idea for all of the Trustees to sit-in and listen but doesn't mean it is going to happen. Back stated that his goal is to have Miami Valley Lighting come in here for a Trustee meeting and at least explain to the public the pros and cons of LED lighting and other updated lighting services. Woolf stated some of the funding can go to the CDBG which is a big surprise.

IV. Adjourn

Trustee Back moved to adjourn the work session. Trustee McGuire seconded the motion.

Meeting Adjourned.

Work Session Meeting 2/7/2017 Page 8 of 9


McGuire, Vice President

• Russell Back, Trustee

Adopted: 21st day of February, 2017


Tracey Edwards, scal Officer

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