agenda · 2017. 6. 24. · agenda city of half moon bay planning commission tuesday, june 27, 2017...

AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operaons Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue Brian Holt, Vice Chair Half Moon Bay, California 94019 John Evans, Planning Commissioner James Benjamin, Planning Commissioner Les Deman, Planning Commissioner This agenda contains a brief descripon of each item to be considered. Those wishing to address the Planning Commission on any maer not listed on the Agenda, but within the jurisdicon of the Planning Commission to resolve, may come forward to the podium during the Public Forum poron of the Agenda and will have a maximum of three minutes to discuss their item. Those wishing to speak on an agenda item are asked to fill out a speaker card. Speaker(s) will be called forward at the appropriate me during the agenda item in consideraon. Please Note: Please Provide a Copy of Prepared Presentaons to the Clerk Copies of wrien documentaon relang to each item of business on the Agenda are on file in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall and the Half Moon Bay Library where they are available for public inspecon. If requested, the agenda shall be available in appropriate alternave formats to persons with a disability, as required by Secon 202 of the Americans with Disabilies Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132.) Informaon may be obtained by calling 650-726-8271. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilies Act, special assistance for parcipaon in this meeng can be obtained by contacng the City Clerk’s Office at 650-726-8271. A 48-hour noficaon will enable the City to make reasonable accommodaons to ensure accessibility to this meeng (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II). hp:// MEETING WILL CONCLUDE BY 10:30 PM UNLESS OTHERWISE EXTENDED BY SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 1

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Page 1: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue



TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 20177:00 PM

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair537 Kelly Avenue Brian Holt, Vice ChairHalf Moon Bay, California 94019 John Evans, Planning Commissioner

James Benjamin, Planning CommissionerLes Deman, Planning Commissioner

This agenda contains a brief description of each item to be considered. Those wishing to address thePlanning Commission on any matter not listed on the Agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the PlanningCommission to resolve, may come forward to the podium during the Public Forum portion of the Agenda andwill have a maximum of three minutes to discuss their item. Those wishing to speak on an agenda item areasked to fill out a speaker card. Speaker(s) will be called forward at the appropriate time during the agendaitem in consideration.

Please Note: Please Provide a Copy of Prepared Presentations to the Clerk

Copies of written documentation relating to each item of business on the Agenda are on file in theOffice of the City Clerk at City Hall and the Half Moon Bay Library where they are available for publicinspection. If requested, the agenda shall be available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with adisability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132.)Information may be obtained by calling 650-726-8271.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, special assistance for participation in thismeeting can be obtained by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at 650-726-8271. A 48-hour notification willenable the City to make reasonable accommodations to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR35.102-35.104 ADA Title II).



Page 2: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue





1.A LOCAL COASTAL LAND USE PLAN (LCLUP) - COASTAL ACCESSThis session will be held jointly with the City’s newly formed Bicycle andPedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). This session will feature a presentation posing options for Highway 1 for thePlanning Commission’s consideration in developing policy for the LCLUP, and alsoinclude discussion of other topics pertinent to coastal access.PUBLIC COMMENTSTAFF REPORT - COASTAL ACCESS





06.13.201706.13.2017 DRAFT MINUTES









Page 3: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue



For meeting of: June 27, 2017

TO: Honorable Chair and Planning Commissioners Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee FROM: John Doughty, Community Development Director

Jill Ekas, Planning Manager TITLE: Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation ______________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a joint study session with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee regarding coastal access topics including the character of Highway 1 and bicycle and pedestrian circulation; receive a presentation; hold a public comment forum; conduct a discussion and provide direction to staff. BACKGROUND: This is the first of a series of sessions with the Planning Commission on working drafts of the Local Coastal Land Use Plan chapters. DISCUSSION: The purpose of session is to commence review of the Coastal Access and Recreation chapter of the Local Coastal Land Use Plan. Coastal access topics are the focus on the session. Staff will review the General Plan Advisory Committee’s (GPAC) consensus statements that specifically pertain to coastal access. The presentation will focus on the Town Boulevard concept for Highway 1, for which the GPAC recommended further exploration by the Planning Commission. The newly formed Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is invited for a joint session with the Planning Commission on this item. The BPAC will be working on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan which is a strategic plan for identifying needs and prioritizing implementation. Staff believes that it will be helpful to the BPAC to hear Planning Commission input at a policy level; and that the BPAC’s project level perspective will inform the Planning Commission’s consideration of circulation related policies. Because Highway 1 significantly affects coastal access in Half Moon Bay, it is an appropriate place to begin the discussion and will help frame subsequent discussions regarding other coastal access matters.


Page 4: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Planning Commission – LCLUP Coastal Access and Recreation Page 2 of 2 June 27, 2017

The Planning Commission packet includes a revision to the Coastal Access and Recreation section of the First Public Draft Local Coastal Land Use Plan from April 2016. This revision is referred to as the Planning Commission Working Draft. The draft includes a foreward with a readers’ guide. Staff will be happy to review this with you if it is not clear. The format and tracking included in the revision is intended to provide continuity from one version to the next. We want to make sure this approach is helpful. The Planning Commission will have plenty of time to review this document. It will not be the focus of the June 27th session. The Commission will take it up in earnest at their sessions on July 11th and 25th. Staff appreciates that the GPAC, community, and the Planning Commission will want to see how and where comments on the First Public Draft were addressed. This is being tracked and a reference document will be provided for the July 11th session. ATTACHMENT: Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation, June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Table of Contents �

Foreword ............................................................................................................................... i Coastal Act Framework ........................................................................................................1

Coastal Act Policies ………………………......................................................................2 Public Coastal Access …….................................................................................................... 5

Coastal Access Points ……..........................................................................................6

Vehicular Coastal Access ...........................................................................................13

Bicycle and Pedestrian Coastal Access�……............................................................19���

Parking, Transit and Alternate Modes ................................................................... 27� Coastal Recreation ...............................................................................................................31 �

Public Coastal Recreation Areas...............................................................................31��

Open Space …………………………………….............................................................32 �

City Parks ……..…………………............................................................................... 34��

Recreational Beach Use ………………………...........................................................35 �

Visitor Serving Commercial Recreation and Accomodations...............................36��


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Page 12: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue


Page 13: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


Coastal Access and Recreation



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Coastal Act Framework

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Page 14: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Article 2: Public Access



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Page 15: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft





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Page 16: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Article 3: Recreation








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Page 17: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft






Article 6: Development

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Public Coastal Access

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Page 18: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft













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Page 19: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Coastal Access Policies

General Policies

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Coastal Access Points

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Policies

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft






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The Character of Highway 1

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Performance Standards and Traffic Operations


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Improvements Underway

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


Planned Improvements

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Additional Potential Improvements


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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


Vehicular Circulation Policies

General Policies


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Roadway Network and Vehicle Access Policies

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Policies

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Page 31: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft








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Multi-Use Trails

California Coastal Trail


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Page 32: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Other Multi-Use Trails



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Page 33: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft





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Responding to Planning for Erosion and Potential Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Trails



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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft




Bicycle Facilities


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Sidewalks, Pathways, and Highway Crossings




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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Bicycle and Pedestrian Coastal Access Policies

General Policies



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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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California Coastal Trail CCT and Other Multiuse Trails Policies

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft





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Page 38: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Policies

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft




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Parking at Coastal Access Points


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Page 40: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


On-Street Parking


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Transit and Shuttles




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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Emerging Alternate Modes and Technologies

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Parking, Transit, and Alternate Modes Policies

Parking and Signage Policies

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Transit Access and Shuttle Policies

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Alternate Modes and Emerging Technologies Policies

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Page 43: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Coastal Recreation



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Page 44: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Page 45: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Restorative Access���


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Limited Use Pedestrian Trails

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Page 46: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Page 47: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Page 48: AGENDA · 2017. 6. 24. · AGENDA CITY OF HALF MOON BAY PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 7:00 PM Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Rick Hernandez, Chair 537 Kelly Avenue

Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



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Marine-oriented Recreation





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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft




Equestrian Use


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Golf Courses

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


Hotels and Motels



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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft



Hotel Name Year Built No. of Rooms Hotel Class

Beach House Hotel 1996 54 Luxury Class

America’s Best Value Inn 1991 27 Economy

Best Western 2017 46 Upper Midscale

Comfort Inn 1999 54 Upper Midscale

Coastside Inn 1991 52 Midscale

Half Moon Bay Inn 1934 13 Upper Midscale

Ritz-Carlton 2001 261 Luxury Class

Half Moon Bay Lodge 1976 80 Upper Midscale

Total 541

Sources: Smith Travel Research, 2014; EPS, 2014; City of Half Moon Bay, 2016.

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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


Coastal Recreation Policies

General Policies





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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft




Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Policies

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Commercial Recreation and Visitor-Serving Commercial Uses Policies




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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft


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Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Coastal Access and Recreation June 2017 Planning Commission Working Draft




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TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) / 537 KELLY AVENUE Chair Hernandez called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. PRESENT: Chair Hernandez, Vice Chair Holt, Commissioners Evans, Benjamin and Deman ABSENT: None

I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND ROLL CALL Chair Hernandez led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Minutes of the May 23, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting. M/S: Benjamin/Deman Motion carried unanimously.


Jill Ekas, Planning Manager reported updates to the Planning Commission.




The Planning Commission provided comments and asked questions about a second draft of their Bylaws. Bylaws will be brought back to the Commission at the next meeting with updates.

• Planning Commission Membership: Need to add ability to discharge the duties of the function of the Planning Commission to the membership qualifications.

• Vacancies: Need to add that City Council may remove a Commissioner to causes of vacancies.

• Conflict of Interest: Consultation with the FPPC should be included as an option to consulting with the City Attorney.


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May 23, 2017

Planning Commission Minutes

Page 2 of 3

• Donations: Clarify that that these are offered to the City.

• Reimbursements: Specify typical types of reimbursable expenses subject to pre-approval by the City Manager.

• City Policies: Acknowledge that Commissioners may seek information about City policies and that staff will inform regarding relevant changes in City policies.

• Provision of Information to the Planning Commission: Acknowledge that as a practice staff will provide needed information upon request without invoking a public records act process.

• Planning Commission Agenda Oversight: Clarify that the Planning Commission may oversee setting their agenda.


Mike Ferreira, concerned about the Bylaws, more like regulations, suggested new City Attorney to review.

The draft Bylaws will be revised and brought back to a future session.


• Add a Table of Contents

• Concerns about how to keep public up to speed – Staff continues to use, Enews, Public Meetings as resources to inform public of all General Plan/LCLUP updates.

• Important to continue to have internal consistency. PUBLIC COMMENT

Sara Polgar, GPAC Member, the intent of the narratives of her comments in the Draft Consolidated Comments document were changed when they were paraphrased. Please revise.

Kerry Burke, resident, concerned about limiting important topics to 1 month a piece; hard for public to always keep up.

Mike Ferreira, suggested that the Planning Commission take on opposing views first and soon; once you’re done with comments, then what are the next steps in the process?




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May 23, 2017

Planning Commission Minutes

Page 3 of 3

M/S: Benjamin/Holt Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Approved: ____________________________ _________________________________ Bridget Jett, Planning Analyst Rick Hernandez, Chair


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For meeting of: June 27, 2017

TO: Honorable Chair and Planning Commissioners FROM: John Doughty, Community Development Director

Jill Ekas, Planning Manager TITLE: Planning Commission Bylaws ______________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: Make a motion to advance the revised Bylaws to City Council for adoption (Attachment 1). BACKGROUND: The City currently does not have adopted bylaws for the Planning Commission. Recently, through the City Clerk’s office, operations for City Council have been better defined and documented and bylaws for the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and the Main Street Bridge Advisory Committee have been adopted. At the Planning Commission meetings on May 23, 2017 and June 13, 2017, Commissioners considered draft bylaws and provided direction for making revisions. Revised draft bylaws are provided in Attachment 1. Text revisions are presented in a strikethrough and underline format to indicate deletions and additions respectively. DISCUSSION: This revision of the bylaws addresses the following Planning Commission comments:

• Planning Commission Membership: Added to membership qualifications that Commissioners should be able to readily discharge the duties of this responsibility.

• Vacancies: Added that the City Council may remove a Commissioner to causes of vacancies.

• Conflict of Interest: Specified that consultation with the FPPC may be made in-lieu of or in addition to consulting with the City Attorney.

• Donations: Specified these are occurrences when donations are offered to the City.

• Reimbursements: Specified typical types of reimbursable expenses subject to pre-approval by the City Manager.

• City Policies: Specified that Commissioners may seek information about City policies and that staff will inform regarding relevant changes in City policies.


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Planning Commission – Draft Bylaws Page 2 of 2 June 27, 2017

• Provision of Information to the Planning Commission: Specified that as a practice staff will provide needed information upon request without invoking a public records act process.

• Planning Commission Agenda Oversight: Clarified that the Planning Commission is provided with oversight of their agenda within the bounds of capacity and other practical factors.


1. June 27, 2017 Draft Planning Commission Bylaws


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Planning Commission - Revised Draft Bylaws

June 27, 2017 1

City of Half Moon Bay

Planning Commission Bylaws

Article I: Name and Authorization

A. Name 1. The name of the Commission shall be known as the City of Half Moon Bay Planning

Commission, herein after referred to as the “Planning Commission.”

B. Authorization 1. The Planning Commission was created by the authority of the Half Moon Bay City

Council pursuant to the Government Code of California and the City of Half Moon Bay Municipal Code (2.24.010).

2. The Planning Commission reports directly to the City Council. 3. The Planning Commission shall continue for as long as the City Council deems

necessary or desirable.

Article II: Purpose and Function

A. Purpose 1. The Planning Commission shall serve as the City of Half Moon Bay’s Planning Agency

with the powers necessary to perform those functions set forth in the planning and zoning law pursuant to the Government Code of California and the City of Half Moon Bay Municipal Code (2.24.050).

B. Function 1. Prepare, periodically review, and revise, as necessary, the general plan and local

coastal program. 2. Implement the general plan and local coastal program through actions including, but

not limited to, the administration of specific plans and zoning and subdivision ordinances.

3. Annually review the capital improvement program of the City for its consistency with the general plan.

4. Endeavor to promote public interest in, comments on, and understanding of the general plan and local coastal program, and regulations relating to each.

5. Consult and advise with public officials and agencies, other organizations, and citizens generally concerning implementation of the general plan and local coastal program.


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June 27, 2017 2

6. Promote the coordination of local plans and programs with the plans and programs of other public agencies.

7. Perform other functions as directed by the City Council and consistent with the Municipal Code, including oversight pertaining to historic preservation; architectural, design, and signage review; as well as environmental review, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.

Article III: Planning Commission Membership

A. Members

1. The Planning Commission shall be comprised of five (5) members appointed by the City Council. Selected Commission members will shall be well qualified selected based on their qualifications to ably discharge the duties of the function of the Planning Commission and willing willingness to serve. Members will be selected without regard to race, creed, national origin, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability. As much as possible, the Commission members will be appointed with the intention of providing broad community representation. In consideration of the Americans with Disabilities Act, efforts should be made to include members with disabilities.

B. Eligibility 1. Members of the Planning Commission must live within the city limits of Half Moon


C. Appointments 1. Members shall be appointed and/or reappointed to the term which coincides with the

term of the appointing City Councilmember. 2. Member candidates shall be nominated by the appointing Councilmember and

approved by the City Council. Re-elected Councilmembers may re-nominate a Commissioner for the new term.

3. If the City Council does not approve an appointment within sixty (60) days of notification of a vacancy, the Commission may request that the City Council place the notice of vacancy on the agenda of the next available City Council meeting.

D. Vacancies 1. A member's position may become vacant when any or all of the following occur:

a. A member is absent from 33 percent of the regularly scheduled meetings in a given calendar year, if such absences are unexcused. All absences will be duly recorded in the meeting minutes. Absences from emergency meetings or meetings called for a special purpose will not be recorded against a member in


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Planning Commission - Revised Draft Bylaws

June 27, 2017 3

calculating their percentage of absences. Special exceptions on the removal of members for absences may be recommended to the City Council by the Commission Chair when the absences are due to health or time-limited extenuating circumstances and the absences do not affect the ability of the Commission to maintain a quorum.

b. When a member no longer meets the membership requirements. c. When a member’s term expires. d. When a member resigns. e. When a member is removed by a majority vote of all City Council members, with

or without cause. 2. The Chair shall immediately, upon receipt of a resignation or when advised of a

vacancy, notify the City Clerk, who will notify the City Council. 3. If a resignation is submitted to staff, the staff member so notified will immediately

inform the Chair and the City Clerk.

Article IV: Organization

A. Officers 1. The Planning Commission shall elect from its members a Chair and Vice Chair. 2. Officers shall be elected for a term of one (1) year at the first meeting of the

calendar year and shall assume office immediately following completion of the election. Officers may serve more than one term.

3. The officers shall perform the duties as prescribed by these bylaws.

B. Quorum 1. A majority of the Planning Commission shall constitute a quorum for purposes of

holding a meeting or taking any action.

C. Voting Rights 1. Each Planning Commissioner shall be entitled to one (1) vote and shall cast that vote

on each item submitted. Proxy votes and absentee ballots shall not be permitted.

D. Removal of Officer 1. When an officer has been absent or has not performed the duties of that office for

three consecutive meetings, the officer may be removed from their position with a majority vote of the Planning Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. The Commission may then elect a new officer.

Article V: Duties of Officers and Commissioners

A. Duties of the Chair 1. To conduct meetings of the Planning Commission as its chair:


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a. Ensure that consideration of items on the agenda move along without delay. b. Ensure that petitioners, proponents, and opponents are heard but not allowed

to disrupt the meeting. c. Ensure that decorum is maintained at the meeting. d. In presiding over matters where the public has provided comments and / or

raised questions, the Chair should: (i) Direct questions or comments requiring a response to staff for a response. (ii) Ensure that staff and members of the public direct their comments to the

Chair. (iii) If necessary, help keep Commissioner’s questions relevant to the matter

being considered by the Planning Commission. (iv) If necessary, consider calling for a brief recess if orderly conduct of the

meeting is being disrupted. (v) Announce the decision of the Planning Commission on all subjects.

2. To ensure that each member of the Planning Commission is provided an opportunity to completely express their views on items of business, the Chair should: a. See that Commissioners ask to be recognized by the Chair before speaking. b. Ensure that each Commissioner is given the opportunity to fully express his / her

views. 3. The Chair shall designate the chair of all subcommittees, both standing and ad hoc. 4. It is the Chair’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the Bylaws. The City

Attorney or his / her designee will address specific questions regarding conflicts of interest.

B. Duties of the Vice Chair 1. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair.

C. Duties of Planning Commissioners 1. Arrive on time for all Planning Commission meetings. 2. Review all meeting materials in preparation for Planning Commission meetings.

3. Notify the Chair and staff when they will be unable to attend a Commission meeting due to an excused absence.

Article VI: Planning Commission Operations

A. The Planning Commission is a quasi-judicial body and advisory to the City Council and shall have no authority other than as stipulated by the Bylaws and approved by the City Council.

B. All meetings and Commissioners will adhere to the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act.

C. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Rosenberg’s Rules of Order: Simple


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Parliamentary Procedures for the 21st Century, Revised 2011.

D. All Planning Commission decisions must be made at a properly noticed meeting.

E. No business may be transacted by the Planning Commission at a regular of special meeting unless a quorum of the membership is present (majority of those currently appointed).

F. The Commissioners shall be notified by email and / or by public posting 72 hours in advance of a meeting. All meetings are open to the public.

G. Regular Meetings 1. The Planning Commissions shall hold regular meetings at 7:00 PM on the second and

fourth Tuesday of each month, except that no meeting shall be held if a regular meeting falls on a legal holiday. Regular meetings will be held at the Emergency Operations Center (or at the adjacent Ted Adcock Community Center), or any other place designated by the City Council as the regular meeting place.

2. Regular meetings shall be cancelled for a lack of a quorum or may be cancelled at the discretion of the City Manager for lack of sufficient business of the Commission.

3. All Planning Commission meeting notices and agendas are to be provided to the City Clerk.

H. Special Meetings 1. Study sessions are special meetings that are held for the purpose of providing

information to the Commission, particularly on issues that are more complex or more time-consuming than matters typically scheduled on a regular Commission meeting agenda. Study sessions may also be held when considerable public participation is expected or desired. The Planning Commission may provide direction at study sessions, but take no final actions.

2. Other special meetings include workshops and other types of community engagement activities that are held for the purpose of providing information and input opportunities for community members with Planning Commission oversight. The Planning Commission shall not take action at a workshop or other similar community engagement activity.

3. Study sessions and other special meetings may take place at alternate locations within the city limits, and at alternate times and days than regular meetings, provided that such special meetings commence no earlier than 6:00 PM on a weeknight and are conducted between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Saturdays.

I. Off-premises participation by Planning Commissioners is discouraged. Requirements for off-premises participation include all of the following: 1. For any one meeting, no more than one Planning Commissioner may participate from

an off-premises location.


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2. Any Planning Commissioner intending to participate from an off-premises location shall inform the Community Development Director at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

3. All votes must be by roll call. 4. The off-premises location must be identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting. 5. Agendas must be posted at the off-premises location. 6. The off-premises location must be accessible to the public and be ADA compliant. 7. The agenda must provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the

Planning Commission from the off-premises location. 8. During the meeting, at least a quorum of the Planning Commission members must

participate from locations within Half Moon Bay city limits.

J. Copies of the minutes will be distributed to the City Clerk upon their acceptance by the Commission.

K. Subcommittees may be formed by a consensus of the Commission and are subject to the requirements of The Brown Act.

L. Voting 1. A motion, second, and a majority vote of the Planning Commission shall be required

for any formal action of the Planning Commission. 2. Any vote of abstention must clearly indicate for the record the basis for the

abstention including any conflict of interest.

M. Public Participation 1. Members of the public are encouraged and invited to participate in the meeting

process by submitting written comments before the meeting or speaking in person at a meeting.

2. Individuals who wish to speak need not submit a speaker card nor identify themselves. Individuals who wish to speak shall be offered the opportunity to submit a speaker card to the recording secretary and / or otherwise identify themselves at the appropriate time if they so choose to do so.

3. Time Limits for public comment: a. Individual Speakers - three minutes is customary; the Chair may waive the limit

providing it is for all speakers on an agenda item. b. The Chair may, at his / her discretion, limit the amount of time allotted to the

speaker(s) when needed. 4. Members of the public are invited to speak using a microphone at the podium to

ensure all attendees can hear and so the comments can be captured on the recording.

5. Members of the public are expected to respect other members of the public as well as the Planning Commission and staff during public meetings by acknowledging and


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adhering to the rules for public comments and participation. Members of the public may not approach the dais during the meeting at any time for any reason. Disruption of a meeting may be cause for removal by a member of the Sheriff’s Department.

6. It is the intent of these rules to allow everyone to be heard without fear of jeers or cheers that may discourage public participation. For this reason, these rules are taken seriously. Disruptive or unruly behavior may result in removal from the Planning Commission meeting.

N. Action Minutes 1. The Planning Commission shall use Action Minutes (action minutes record the action

taken by the Planning Commission and contain limited narrative content) to record their proceedings.

2. Motions and votes are shown in the record. 3. Media recordings may be used in order to provide a verbatim record of meetings.

O. Conflict of Interest 1. The Political Reform Act, implemented, regulated, and enforced by the Fair Political

Practices Commission (FPPC), controls financial conflicts of interest. 2. Government Code §1090 applies to prohibit the recommendation of City contracts

in which a public official or Commissioner has a financial interest. 3. As soon as it appears to a Commissioner that they may have a potential conflict of

interest in any City contract, or an item that may be presented to the Commission or the City Council, the Commissioner should immediately consult with the FPPC and/or the City Attorney, at the earliest opportunity for advice on whether a disqualifying conflict of interest exists.

4. Recognizing that not all conflicts of interest are financial, and that non-financial interests can also create a disqualifying conflict of interest under the common law, members should immediately consult with the FPPC and/or the City Attorney at the earliest opportunity for advice on whether a non-financial interest may constitute a disqualifying conflict of interest.

5. With full consideration of the FPPC and/or City Attorney’s advice, it is up to each individual Commissioner to decide for him / herself whether there is a conflict of interest.

6. A Commissioner shall not vote upon any matter on which he / she has a conflict of interest.

7. A Commissioner shall openly state the reason for his / her conflict of interest. 8. A Commissioner who is disqualified by a conflict of interest shall recuse him/herself,

explain the basis for the recusal as required by law, step away from the dais, and leave the room during the discussion and deliberation of the item.

P. Donations 1. Offers of donations to the City are to be forwarded to the City Council with the


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Commission’s recommendation. Donations may be rejected if they are not in accordance with City priorities, policies, long range plans, standards, conditions, or if the City does not have the staff or budget capacity to accept it.

Q. Commissioner Conduct 1. Commissioners shall:

a. Put constituents foremost at all times. b. Treat each other, staff, and members of the public with dignity, courtesy, and

respect. c. Encourage and / or ensure that the public treats the Planning Commission, staff,

and members of the public with dignity, courtesy, and respect. d. Be attentive to others, limiting interruptions and distractions. e. Encourage diverse viewpoints in deliberations while being mindful not to prolong

discourse or block consensus. f. Agree to respectfully disagree. g. Keep comments clear, concise, and on topic. h. Start and end meetings on time, and work from the agenda. i. Present problems in a way that promotes discussion and resolution.

2. Reimbursements a. Members shall not receive reimbursements for any expenses incurred unless

such expenses were incurred with the prior written approval of the City Manager.

b. Generally, reimbursements shall be limited to training opportunities, pre-approved by the City Manager, that may include limited travel, lodging, per diem, and registration expenses.

3. Members are subject to all provisions of City Policies and may seek specific information about policies from City staff, including the City Clerk.

R. Planning Commission - Staff Relations 1. Individual members may make requests of City staff through the City Manager or

Department Head for limited research and information without the formal concurrence of a majority of the member’s colleagues. Requests that will require significant staff time may be referred to the full Planning Commission and only pursued if supported by motion of a majority of the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. The City Manager should be kept aware of all requests. As a practice, such requests shall be fulfilled without invocation of a public records request process.

2. Commission members should direct any questions on staff reports to the City Manager or designee.

3. Clarifications or technical questions will be answered before the meeting whenever possible.


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4. Staff will inform the Commission about especially relevant and/or significant changes in City Policies that may pertain to the Commission’s function and discharge of duties.

S. Representing the Commission

1. Speaking for “the Commission” a. When Commissioners are appointed to advisory groups, are requested to speak

to groups, or are asked the about the Commission’s position on an issue, the response should reflect the position of the Commission as a whole. Of course, a member may clarify his / her vote on a matter by stating, for example, “While I voted against X, the Commission voted in support of it” or “The Commission has not taken a position on this item.” When representing the Commission at meetings or other venues, it is important that those in attendance gain an understanding of the Commission’s position rather than that of an individual member.

2. Speaking as an Individual a. On occasion, Commissioners may wish to transmit correspondence on an issue

upon which the Commission has yet to take a position or about an issue for which the Commission has no position. In these circumstances, members should clearly indicate in their communications that they are not speaking for the Commission as a whole, but for themselves as an individual member of the Commission or as a private citizen.

Article VII: General Order and Conduct of Business

A. Order of Business 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. Announcements and Correspondence 4. Public Comments - Non Agenda Items 5. Regular Agenda 6. Staff Informational Reports 7. Commissioner Comments 8. Adjournment

B. Conduct of Business 1. Change in the Order of Business

a. The Chair, with the consent of the Commission may change the Order of Business at a meeting.

2. Comments from the Public a. Public comments for non-agendized items are limited to “Public Comments – Non-


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Agendized Items.” b. Public comments on regular agenda items are heard during the hearing of that

agenda item at a time determined by the Chair. c. Public participation shall be encouraged and conducted pursuant to all

components of Article VI Planning Commission Operations, M. Public Participation of these Bylaws.

C. Agenda Item Submission 1. The City Council or City Manager may place matters on the Planning Commission

agenda based on the direction and priorities of the City Council. 2. Commissioner The Planning Commission may exercise oversight of their agendas by

submitting or accepting items in the following manners: a. During a regular or special meeting, a Commissioner may request an item be

considered on a future agenda and if seconded and approved by motion, staff will prepare a staff report.

b. A Commissioner may submit a written request to place an item on an agenda. The request will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting for consideration by the Commission as to whether the item is to be agendized.

c. Upon agreement of a majority of the Commission members, the Commission may agendize an item requested by a member of the public. Members of the public may submit such requests to the Commission in the following ways:

Members of the Public d. A member of the public may request Planning Commission action in the

following ways: (i) Write a letter to the Commission, or (ii) Speak during the Public Comment period at a Commission meeting.

e. Upon agreement of a majority of the Commission, the Commission will determine whether to place on a future agenda an item requested by the public.

3. Capacity a. Proposed agenda items that require significant staff time or budget expenditures

as determined by the City Manager require City Council approval before being agendized. Staff will report to the Planning Commission when a proposed agenda item will require City Council approval before being agendized.

Article VIII: Staff Services A. City of Half Moon Bay staff shall act as a liaison between the Commission and City Council.

The City shall provide staff services to the Commission which will include: 1. Providing a schedule of meetings to the City Clerk's Office and Commission

members, arranging meeting locations, maintaining the minutes of the meetings, and preparing and distributing appropriate information related to the meeting


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agenda. 2. Advising the Commission on directions and priorities of the City Council. 3. Informing the Commission of events, activities, policies, programs, etc. occurring

within the scope of the Commission's function. 4. Ensuring the City Clerk is informed of all vacancies, expired terms, changes in

officers, or any other changes to the Commission. 5. Providing a continuous flow of information to the appropriate appointed official

including reports, actions, and recommendations of the Commission and notifying them of noncompliance by the Commission or Chair with the Bylaws, City policies, or statutes.

6. Ensuring information and recommendations provided by the Commission for City Council consideration is appropriately added to the agenda for City Council meetings.

7. Ensuring that agenda items approved by the Commission are brought forth in a timely manner taking into consideration staff capacity, City Council priorities, the Planning Commission’s work plan, and other practical matters such as the expense to conduct research or prepare studies, provide appropriate public notification, and otherwise properly prepare the item for Commission consideration.

Article IX: City Council Review of Planning Commission

The City Council may review the activities of the Planning Commission, based on a formal review by the City Manager, to determine if the Planning Commission should continue its activities, revise the Planning Commission work plan, or otherwise amend the Planning Commission’s roles and responsibilities.

Article X: Bylaws and Effective Date

A. Any recommended changes to the Bylaws by the Planning Commission will be reviewed by the City Council and, if approved by the City Council, will be filed with the City Clerk's office.

B. These Bylaws, and any amendments hereto, shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Council.

C. These Bylaws have been approved by City Council dated this ___ day of _______, 2017.