agency theory of obedience

  Agency Theo ry of Obed ience (1973-4)  What is it? Based on social assumption: our social system leads to obedience. Milgram suggests two states of behaviour: autonomous and agentic. If a person sees them self as an individual they will act autonomously, running away from threatening behaviour etc. Milgram goes future to suggest that acting agentically is learnt from parents and schools. In extreme situations people are ordered to act against their moral code this is moral strain. !o act in an agentic state: o "erson giving the orders is perceived as being #ualified to direct other people$s behaviours. o

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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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Milgram (1974) Agency Theory of Obedience description and revision.


Agency Theory of Obedience (1973-4)What is it? Based on social assumption: our social system leads to obedience. Milgram suggests two states of behaviour: autonomous and agentic. If a person sees them self as an individual they will act autonomously, running away from threatening behaviour etc. Milgram goes future to suggest that acting agentically is learnt from parents and schools. In extreme situations people are ordered to act against their moral code this is moral strain. To act in an agentic state: Person giving the orders is perceived as being qualified to direct other peoples behaviours.