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Connecting your Brandto the right Audience

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Who We Are

AdClick Africa media group is a diversified digital media company providing cutting edge solutions for the digital media industry.

We enable advertisers and publishers to gain market leadership by providing them with customised solutions that leverage digital marketing’s best practices.

We are an innovative company introducing best industry shaping technology to help drive the African digital media industry forward. Whether you are a small advertiser or a big publisher, our world-class technology-driven solutions can help you get ahead.

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• Africa Media Landscape & trends:- Ghana- Nigeria- Kenya- Tanzania- Malawi- Zimbabwe- Botswana- Namibia

• AdClick Africa Media Offering






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Ghana Landscape• Population: 27million

• Internet Penetration: 20% (5.4mill)

• Facebook Users: 2,9 million

• Twitter Users: 950 000

• Capital City: Accra (population 2.3 mill)

• Mobile Penetration: 116%

• Mobile Data Penetration: 60% (no:1 in Africa)

• Approx. 14% smart phone penetration

• Urban population 53% and growing

• One of the world’s fastest growing economies

• Only 17% access internet from desktop devices

• More people do business on their mobile phones than on their laptops because mobile search gives users instant, contextually relevant access to information anytime, anywhere.

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• High consumers of online news and sport content.

• Dramatic growth in mobile search traffic, up to 50% of population depend on mobile internet to gather information on products and services.

• Online communication is now an integral part of social culture in Ghana

• Very active social media consumers – Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Line etc. 33% of Ghana’s internet population are always active & connected to social media.

• Many local Ghana websites are not mobile responsive enough forcing consumers to access content from international sites.

Ghana Trends

Popular Sites:

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Nigeria Landscape

• Population: 181 Million

• Largest City (in Africa): Lagos 21 Million

• Mobile Internet Users: 93 Million = 51%

• Facebook Users: 15 Million

• Twitter Users: 2 Million

• Mobile Data Penetration: 35 Million

• 48 % Urban vs 52% Rural Population

• Average Age Group: 33% between 10-24 years

Nigeria = Africa’s largest mobile advertising market.As the economy gradually grows, so does its middle class (approx. 39 million), driving its internet usage.

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• Leading internet browsing behaviour: Content, Search, Social

• Mobile far dominates desktop browsing

• 2hrs average time spent daily on their mobile phones.

• Very digitally social: FB, Twitter, WhatsApp, Eskimi, 2Go, BBM, WeChat all dominated by the majority youth population.

• Blogging is now mainstream in NG

• “Content is King” = NB Local Content (Nollywood, celeb bloggers, micro blogging, community portals, iRokoTV etc)

• E & M-Commerce = success! Almost a necessity

• Religion highly prominent. Growing trend in religious apps, sites, blogs. (Celebs posting their fashionable church wear on popular blogs)

Top Sites in NigeriaNigeria Landscape

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Kenya Landscape

• Population: 49 Million

• Capital City: Nairobi 6.5 Million

• Mobile Penetration: 80%

• Internet Users:32 Million

• Facebook Users: 5 Million

• Mobile Data Penetration: 70%

• 26% Urban vs 74% Rural Population

• Average Age Group: 43% under 14 years

Known as the Silicon Savanna, one of the shining stars for Africa’s Digital Landscape (mPesa, Cheki, mlab, iHub, Konza Techno City)

Social Media is 1 of the core reasons why digital is growing so rapidly in Kenya. 90% of all social media activity is via mobile phone.

Overall digital activity & engagement is dominated by mobile.

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Kenya TrendsTop Sites & Apps in Kenya

Youth Market

Africa is considered the youth capital of the world. With such a young population, it’s NB to align brand positioning towards this market.

This market in Kenya is highly educated, tech savvy and extremely brand conscious.

The Opportunity

Kenya is strategically positioned as the “Gateway to East Africa". Rising GDP per capita indicate increasing consumer incomes. Nielsen’s research indicates that Trendy Aspirants and Progressive Affluents account for 34% of Kenya vs 28% across Africa.

The Top internet activities in Kenya include Social Media, Email, News, Gaming, Instant Messaging and Search.

Despite being of the more advanced economies in Africa & leading the technology revolution. Kenya continues to have a majority of its mobile ad impressions served on feature phones.

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Tanzania Landscape

• Population: 51 million

• Largest City: Dar Es Salaam: 4,3 Million

• Internet Penetration: 16% = 8 million

• Facebook Users: 2,7 Million = 5,3%

• Mobile Phone Penetration: 91%

• Rural 68% % vs Urban 32%

• 55% aged under 20 years & 36% aged 20-50 years

Economy is showing growth (70% in 10 years) outpacing Africa’s overall avg GDP, mostly thanks to strong Tourism & Agriculture sectors.

Laptop PC is a luxury only 8% of the population can afford.Best way to reach consumers: Mobile sms, Ussd, coupons etc.

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Tanzania Trends• Majority of household purchases are from family-owned shops

known as “Dukas” Supermarkets gradually increasing in popularity.

• 1/5th of monthly income spent on FMCG products (food, toiletries, sodas etc)

• Tanzania’s mobile money industry 1 of the most well developed in the world!

• Competitive mobile telco sector with 10 operators of which 4 offer mobile money services!

o Airtelo MIC (tiGo)o Vodacomo Zanzibar Telecomo Sasatelo Bensono Viettelo Smart Telecomo Etisalato TTCL

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Malawi Landscape

• Population: 17,7 million

• Internet Penetration: 1 million = 6.1%

• Facebook Users: 700 000

• Capital City: Lilongwe (population 1 million)

• Mobile Penetration: 7.5 million (approx. 10%)

• Rural 85% vs Urban 15%

• 65% are aged under 24 years.

Mobile penetration in Malawi is less than half the African average.On average Malawians use more than $12 (£7.70) a month on mobile phones.

This is more than half of what an ordinary Malawian earns in a month!

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Malawi Trends

• Mobile operators still struggling to lower the cost of mobile connectivity.

• Working towards increasing infrastructure to connect more rural areas, but will take time.

• Mobile Health is a growing focus and trend entering Malawi

• Feature phone connectivity still dominates

• Approximately 81% of Malawians do not have access to a bank account. Leaving cash as the most dominant payments mechanism.

• TNM Mobile money in partnership with Airtel providing mobile money solutions in partnership with local banks allowing for 15% of mobile users in Malawi using mobile money account

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Zimbabwe Landscape

• Population: 14,2 Million

• Capital City: Harare (2 Million)

• Internet Users:6,7 Million = 47,5%

• Facebook Users: 850 000

• Mobile Data Penetration: 99% (all prepaid access)

• 32% Urban vs 68% Rural Population:

• Average Age Group: 60% aged under 25 years.

Ranked lowest in Southern African economies in developing their Internet

Communication Technologies (ICT’s)

Social Media is still in its infancy in Zimbabwe, mostly as a result of less 15%

smart phone penetration & data consumption being too high for majority


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Zimbabwe Trends

October 2015, the mobile money subscriber total in Zimbabwe stood at 6,6 million, up from 6,2 million in Q2 of 2015

With vast areas of the country having limited to no electricity, along with its overall economic crisis, expect slow growth in terms of marketing & advertising opportunities to the consumer via digital mobile app / web reach.

Content MarketingUpon my research, local, relevant even satirical and somewhat controversial content is what will impact consumers the most for marketing in Zimbabwe in 2016.

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Botswana Landscape• Population: 2 Million

• Capital City: Gaborone (232 000, approx. 10%)

• Internet Users:620 000 = 28,4%

• Facebook Users: 620 000

• Mobile Penetration: 160% (multiple dual sims from different networks)

• 57% Urban vs 43% Rural Population

• Average Age Group: 60% under 30 years of age

Botswana mobile and internet penetration has grown rapidly over the past 2 years. Allowing for the cost of connectivity to drop as much as 70%!

70% of Botswana is covered by the Kalahari Desert

Not much locally produced online content for consumers in Botswana, top sites are all international.

Top Sites in Botswana

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Namibia Landscape• Population: 2,2 Million (1 of least populated

countries in Africa)

• Capital City: Windhoek

• Internet Users: 470 000 = 21,2%

• Facebook Users: 470 000

• Mobile Penetration: 110%

• 47% Urban vs 53% Rural Population

• Average Age Group: 73% under 35 years

According to Nielsen’s research: 42% (aged 15-29) Namibian market has more Trendy Aspirants than most African countries. Single, mostly male, urban residents. Modern in terms of fashion, tech, and willingness to try new products.

16% (aged 20-45) Traditional, family orientated and religious. They buy based on affordability & recommendation.

25% of all households on average have a PC40% of all internet users say they access internet via their mobile phone.

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• Namibia is the 7th most business friendly country in Africa.

• Ranked among best in Africa for economy, political stability & per capita income.

Namibia Trends

• 1 in 3 mobile users (especially the youth and Progressive Affluents) use picture messaging/MMS, download music, listen to radio & access social networking sites.

• TV (86%) and radio (78%) are widely popular. Namibia has higher penetration of newspaper (86%), magazines (60%) and Internet (51%) compared to other SubSaharan countries. This is driven by high literacy (89%) and greater concentration of affluent consumer segments such Progressive Affluents and Trendy Aspirants.


• It’s easier to reach out to consumers in Namibia as they are better educated and well connected through media.

• Namibians are brand loyal and willing to pay more for better and faster service.

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• Most NB of all…. Your feedback!

Amanda LouwHead of Publishing and Business DevelopmentAdClick Africa Media GroupMobile: +27 84 626 1994Email: [email protected]