afopro spatial afopro spatial is an extension created for arcview 3.x. before using the tool the...

AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. • Add existing SSURGO Soils Theme • Digitize/Add Planned Land Units (Fields) shapefile • Digitize/Add resource shapefiles (streams, ponds, wells, etc.). Part 1: Spatial Data Preparation With ArcView

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

AFOPro Spatial

AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView.

• Add existing SSURGO Soils Theme• Digitize/Add Planned Land Units (Fields) shapefile• Digitize/Add resource shapefiles (streams, ponds, wells, etc.).

Part 1:Spatial Data PreparationWith ArcView

Page 2: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Getting Started

2. Add appropriate image themes

3. Zoom to the farm

4. From View Menu select Properties. Set Map and Distance Units.

1. Open ArcView with a new View

Page 3: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Turning on the AFOPro Spatial Extension

From the File menu select Extensions

Page 4: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Click the check boxnext to AFOPro Spatial

Turning on the AFOPro Spatial Extension

Page 5: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Turning on the AFOPro Spatial Extension

Page 6: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Turning on the AFOPro Spatial Extension

Four new buttons appear in the ArcView toolbar

Page 7: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

AFOPro Spatial Tools

Runs the AFOPro Spatial wizard which createsan .mdb file that easily imports into AFOPro

Page 8: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

AFOPro Spatial Tools

Attributes existing fields shapefile with Tract Number,Field Number, Acres, and Land Use to become aCST Planned Land Units Theme

Page 9: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

AFOPro Spatial Tools

Creates setback shapefile at a specified distance from selected features in existing shapefiles.

Page 10: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

AFOPro Spatial Tools

Launches the AFOPro Spatial Help Files

Page 11: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 1

Add the SSURGO Soils shapefile for the area if it exists.

To add an existing soils theme click the “Add Theme” Button and browse to the desired shapefile.

Page 12: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 1

Add the SSURGO Soils shapefile for the area if it exists.

Page 13: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Add or create a shapefile with all fields required for the CNMP.

To add an existing fields theme click the “Add Theme” Button and browse to the desired shapefile.

Page 14: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Add a shapefile with all fields required for the CNMP.

The existing fields theme now appears in the View

Page 15: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Create a shapefile with all fields required for the CNMP.

From the View menu select New Theme

In the Window that appears select Polygon as the Feature type1



Browse to the location where the shapefile will be saved and name it.

Page 16: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Create a shapefile with all fields required for the CNMP.

The new shapefile appears in the theme list with a dashed line around the checkbox indicating that the theme is being edited.

Page 17: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Create a shapefile with all fields required for the CNMP (Planned Land Units).

Click on the white rectangle in the ArcView Toolbar.A choice list of draw tools will drop down.

Page 18: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Click and hold down on the white rectangle. Choose the Draw Polygon Tool (4th from bottom) from the drop down list.

Page 19: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Zoom into the tract or fields to be digitized. With the Polygon Draw Tool selected, click on a corner of the tract or group of fields and let go.

Page 20: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Move the cursor to the next corner. Click and release the mouse.

Page 21: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Repeat this until the cursor is over the final corner and double click.

Page 22: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

To make the foreground transparent double click on the rectangle underneath the Planned Land Units theme

Page 23: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

In the Legend Editor double click on the rectangle underneath the word Symbol.

Page 24: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

In the Polygon Fill Palette make the outline thicker by choosing 2 from the drop down list.

Page 25: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Click on the Paint Brush to bring up the Color Palette

Page 26: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Choose the “X” to make the theme transparent

Page 27: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Now change from Foreground to Outline to select thecolor of the field boundaries.

Page 28: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Select a color for the field boundaries

Page 29: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Close the Palette

Page 30: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

In the Legend Editor the symbol should reflect the changes made in the Palette. If the symbol is correct click the Apply button

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Page 31: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Close the Legend Editor

Page 32: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

The theme list will now reflect changes made in the Legend Editor

Page 33: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Now split the large tract polygon into separate field polygons

Page 34: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Click and hold down on the white rectangle. Choose the Split Polygon Tool (2nd from bottom) from the drop down list.

Page 35: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

With the Split Polygon Tool selected click outside of the polygon that will be split.


Page 36: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Pull the cursor across the polygon following the field boundary

Double Click

Bring the cursor outside of the polygon and double click

Page 37: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

The Planned Land Units Theme now contains two polygons

Page 38: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Repeat the process until all fields are delineated


Double Click

Page 39: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile


Double Click


Page 40: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

The Planned Land Units Theme now contains four polygons

Page 41: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

When the Planned Land Units theme is complete go to the Theme menu and select Stop Editing.

Page 42: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 2

Digitize Planned Land Units Shapefile

Click Yes to Save Edits

Page 43: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

A shapefile should be created for each resource that requires a regulatory manure application setback. Examples include streams, ditches, ponds, residence/dwellings, wells, and property lines.

Page 44: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

This example operation requires setbacks for streams and ponds. So create a line theme for streams and a polygon shapefile for ponds.

Create the streams shapefile first…

Page 45: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

From the View menu select New Theme

In the Window that appears select Line as the Feature type1



Browse to the location where the shapefile will be saved and name it streams.

Page 46: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

The new shapefile appears in the theme list with a dashed line around the checkbox indicating that the theme is being edited.

Page 47: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Select the Line Draw tool and digitize the course of the stream. Double click at the end of the course or when outside of the area of concern.

Page 48: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Remember that a curve is just a series of short line segments

Click once at each change in direction of the stream.

Page 49: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

When the streams theme is complete go to the Theme menu and select Stop Editing. Then click Yes to save edits.

Page 50: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Now create the shapefile for ponds

Page 51: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

From the View menu select New Theme

In the Window that appears select polygon as the Feature type1



Browse to the location where the shapefile will be saved and name it ponds.

Page 52: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

The new shapefile appears in the theme list with a dashed line around the checkbox indicating that the theme is being edited.

Page 53: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Click on the white rectangle in the ArcView Toolbar.A choice list of draw tools will drop down.

Page 54: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Click and hold down on the white rectangle. Choose the Polygon Draw Tool (4th from bottom) from the drop down list.

Page 55: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Locate a pond on the map and trace it with the Polygon Draw Tool. Double Click when complete.

Page 56: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Now repeat the process for all ponds in the plan

Page 57: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

Now repeat the process for all ponds in the plan

Page 58: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

Spatial Data Prep: Step 3

Create Shapefiles for Resources Requiring Setbacks

When the layer is complete go to the Theme menu and select Stop Editing. Then click Yes to save edits.

Page 59: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

For Additional Information, Interest in AFOPro for your State, or Technical Assistance

•Contact Mark Evans

•803-777-7600•[email protected]

• Wes Standish •803-777-7600•[email protected]

•Visit (To Download AFOPro)


Page 60: AFOPro Spatial AFOPro Spatial is an extension created for ArcView 3.x. Before using the Tool the user must prepare some spatial data in ArcView. Add existing

AFOPro Spatial

Part 2:Creating the Spatial Database

At this point the spatial data should be ready for use with the AFOPro Spatial Tool. This tutorial shows the user how to use AFOPro Spatial to…

• Properly attribute the Planned Land Unit Theme • Create regulatory setbacks shapefiles • Export the Spatial Database

Go to Part 2