
How to overcome Reading Difficulties Vocabulary Grammatical Structure Reading Strategies

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Page 1: Affixes

How to overcome Reading Difficulties

Vocabulary Grammatical Structure Reading Strategies

Page 2: Affixes

How to overcome Reading Difficulties

Vocabulary- word analyze structure- context clues- dictionary

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Prefixes are groups of letters that added to thebeginning of a word to change its meaning and make a new word.



negative prefix (not) (Prefix causes meaning change)

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PrefixesNote: In – become im- before a root beginning with m or p, e.g.,

immature , impatient, impartial etc.

In- becomes ir- before a word beginning with r, e.g., irreplaceable, irreversible, etc.

In- becomes il- before a word beginning with l e.g. illegible, illiterate etc.

Un- and dis- can also form opposites of verbs e.g. tie/ untie, appear/disappear etc.

The prefix in- (and its variations) does not always have a negative meaning.

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Negative Prefixesun-, non-, dis-, in-,

ir-, il-, im-, mis- unable unaccustomed unacquainted unapproachable unaware unbalance uncertain uncooperative uncontroversial

non-citizen noncompliance nonprofit nonresident nonverbal nonviolence nonscientific

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Negative Prefixesun-, non-, dis-, in-,

ir-, il-, im-, mis- disconnect discomfort dishonest discredit incomplete incomprehensible inconvenient incorrect

irresponsible irregular irrational irreducible illegal illiterate illogical

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Negative Prefixes

un-, non-, dis-, in-, ir-, il-, im-, mis-

impossible impolite immoral immature

misplace misunderstood misjudge misread

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Negative Prefixes

un-, non-, dis-, mis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-

disabled disadvantage disagree disappear disapprove disbelief disconnect discourage

misbehave miscalculate misconception misconduct mishear misquote misread misrepresent

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Negative Prefixes

un-, non-, dis-, mis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-

irrational irreducible irregular irrelevant irreplaceable irresponsible irretrievable irreversible

illegal illegible illiterate illiberal ill-informed illicit

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Negative Prefixes

un-, non-, dis-, mis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-

inability inactive inadequate inadvisable inappropriate inaudible inauthentic incapable

immoral immortality immovable impartial impatient impermeable impossible impolite

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Exercise 1

1. I’m sorry I misinterpreted/ misunderstood her message already.

2. As soon as we got to our room, we unpacked our luggage and went out shopping.

3. She came by to say hello to me, and then disappeared immediately. I have no idea where she is now.

4. The university landlord finally managed to unlock the door of the apartment for a whole month during final exam period.

5. I disliked the movie, but everyone else enjoyed it.

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Exercise 1

6. He wrapped my present so well that it took me quite a long time to unwrap it.

7. I was so tired that I fell asleep with out getting undressed.

8. My spell checker corrects my mistakes whenever I misspell a word.

9. One of the students misread/ misunderstood the article so his presentation was all wrong.

10. It was a terrible situation to be among them. They always argue, shout and yell to each other whenever they disagree.

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number

one monotheist

monosyllable unilateral

two, twice duet binocular bipartisan bicentennial dichotomy

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number

three tricycle trilingual triplet triangle tricolour

four quadrangle quatrain quarter

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number

five quintet quintuplet pentagon

six sextet hexagon

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number

seven Septeteight octagonnine nonagenarian

ten decade decalitre decimal decathionhundred centimeter century centennial centigram centennial

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number

One thousand kilometre kiloton

Large, one million mega project magaton megapod

many polytheist Multilingual multipurpose multiuse multicolour multiracial

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number: Exercise 4

1. Duet is a piece of music for two players or singer.

2. Triplet is a group of three equal notes to be played or sung in the time usually taken to play or sing two of the same kind.

3. Quatrain is a poem or verse of a poem that has four lines.

4. An open square area that has buildings all around it, especially in a school or college is called a quadrangle .

5. One of the five children born at the same time to the same mother is quintuplet .

6. A flat shape with five straight sides and five angles is a pentagon .

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Common Prefixes that give the meaning of a number: Exercise 4

7. Sextet is a group of six musicians or singers who play or sing together.

8. A flat shape with six straight sides and six angles is a hexagon .

9. A group of seven musicians or singers is septet .

10. A flat shape with eight straight sides and eight angles is an octagon .

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first, chief, rank primary primitive primal primeval

from, away, off abnormal

abuse absent abandon

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before antecedent anteroom antenatal antemeridian

against, opposite antipathy antiaircraft antibody antisocial

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well benefit beneficent benevolent benefactor

around circumstance circumvent circumnavigate circumscribe

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with / together • copilot combine conduct collaborate correspond

down, away degrade defect detoxicate defrost

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against counteract contradistinction counterattack contradict

apart, separate disinfect dismiss disorder dishonest

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out emit exit extract expel

former ex-wife ex-president ex-champion ex-service

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beyond extraordinary

extramural extraterritorial extralegal

before foretell forecast foreground foresee

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over / beyond hypercritical hypertension hypersensitive hypersonic

under hypothesis hypotension hypoactive hypodermic

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• international interstate interchange interpersonal

within, inside

Intramural intranatal introspect intropunitive

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large macrobiotic macrocosm macrolinguistic

s macrofossil

small microfilm microchip microphone microwave

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small minibus minicar miniskirt minimart

above, beyond overcome overdose overact overcrowd

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before, early predict premature prehistoric preschool

after postwar postmeridian postscript post-graduate

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back, again reverse recycle rearrange reschedule

half semi-final semiconductor semiannual semicircle

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under, below

subconscious submarine subway

over / beyond / above

supersonic supernatural superstructure


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across / beyond transmit transport transform transfer

beyond / extremely / excessive

ultraviolet ultrasonic

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beneath underworked underused undercooked

instead of / as / deputy

vice-president vice-rector

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Exercise 31. He has made a number of minor changes

/extra changes to his techniques.2. Mr. John, a foreign journalist, was being (to

force sb to leave) expelled from the company because of his irresponsibility.

3. Jane is a (person who is able to speak two languages) bilingual .

4. Many department stores in Bangkok campaign for using UV (able to be destroyed by ultraviolet) biodegradable


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Exercise 35. This envelop is made from recycled (to treat things

that have already been used so that they can be used again) paper.

6. It can be dangerous for an outsider to (come between in an attempt to settle a difficulty) intervene in a family disagreement.

7. Many rural people still believe in (spiritual) supernatural being.

8. My writing teacher is (too ready to see things that are wrong) hypercritical of my work.

9. My homework was so bad that I had to rewrite (write again) it.

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Suffix is a letter or letters addedto the end of a word to form a

newword, such as “ness” in

“kindness”or “ly” in “suddenly”.

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inactive ( not doing anything)

suffix ending of adj.

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Sentence pattern Subj. + v. + obj.(Adj.) + n. ( adj.) + n.

My foreign friend can adapt to difficult

situations. adj. + n. v. adj. + n



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Sentence pattern

Subj. + v + adj.(n.) to be linking verb

He is an intelligent student. He looks happy when he heard the


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Sentence patternSubj. + v + obj. (adv.). He can handle the difficult situation


Subj. + (adv.)v. + obj. He can effectively handle the difficult


(Adv.) subj. + v. + obj. Effectively, he can handle the difficult


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adjective or noun Verb

- ate / - en / - ify / - ize/ - ( become / make)

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ADJECTIVE VERBwhite whiten short shortentight tightenharmony harmonizecategory categorizecentral centralizemodern modernize

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NOUN VERBpure purifybeauty beautifyclassification classifymummy mummifyCentral centralize

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Noun adjective- al (relating to)- ary (concerned with)- en (made of)- ful (full of)- ic, -ical (pertaining to)- ish

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SuffixesNOUN ADJECTIVEfriend friendlyheaven heavenlycritic criticalhistory historicpolitic politicalpresident presidentialself selfishdanger dangerousspace spacious

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SuffixesNOUN ADJECTIVEcloud cloudylegend legendaryrevolution revolutionaryfear fearfulcare carefulharm harmfulfear fearlesscare carelessharm harmless

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NOUN ADJECTIVEcloud cloudylegend legendaryrevolution revolutionaryfear fearfulcare carefulharm harmfulfear fearlesscare carelessharm harmless

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Noun adjective - less (without)- like (in the manner of)- ly (like)- ous (full of)- y (full of)

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Sufixes Verb Noun

-al (act of)-ance, -ence (act of)-ant, -ent (one who)-ation, -ion, -tion, -sion, -ment,

-ure (act of, state of)-ee, -er, or, ant, -ent , -ess,-tress

(one who)

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VERB NOUNemploy employment advise advisorattend attendantcorrespond correspondentemploy employeeadvise adviseetrain traineepropose proposalwithdraw withdrawalrefuse refusal

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VERB NOUNemploy employment advise advisorattend attendantcorrespond correspondentemploy employeeadvise adviseetrain traineepropose proposalwithdraw withdrawalrefuse refusal

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verb adjective- able, -ible (able to be)- ant, -ent (having quality of)- ary, -ory (relating to )-ive (having quality of)

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VERB ADJECTIVEprevent preventive addict addictivedepend dependentplease pleasanteat eatableadmit admissiblefall fallingscream screaminginterest interestingexcite exciting

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adjective adverb- ly ( in the manner of)

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ADJECTIVE ADVERB sudden suddenly quick quicklyeasy easilyback backwardfor forwardon onward

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Exercise 1: Noun Forming

1. Wheelwright2. Locksmith3. Philosopher4. Humanitarian5. Musician6. Lawyer7. Governess8. Gangster9. Auctioneer10. fishmonger

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Exercise 2: Verb Forming

1. simplified2. tighten3. falsify4. redden5. solidify6. necessitates7. beautify8. modernized9. Equalize

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Exercise 3: Adjective Forming

1. careful2. famous3. thoughtful4. dangerous5. painful6. useful7. reliable8. industrious9. Economy10. homeless

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Exercise 4: Supply the correct part of speech

#1 (adv.) probably#2 (adv.) originally (adj.) Spanish (adj.) different

(adv.) Remarkably(adj.) poisonous(v.) believed(adj.) sure(v.) threat(n.) legend(v.) enjoyed(adj.) nation(v.) avoided

#3 (v.) dare (adj.) brave (n.) truth

(adv.) perfectly (adj.) common

(n.) ocean (adj.) traditional

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Exercise 6 :

“The salmon are running” Each June, this cry brings the entire John family on a 200-mile trip to flooded banks of the great Copper River for two eventful months of 1. exciting and hard work. With their camp in readiness. Harry and his father begin the 2. construction of their fish wheel, while awaiting the 3. arrival of The rest of the family. The fish wheel, designed by Harry’s father, is very 4. effective in spite of its simplicity, and needs, but little daily 5. attendance . They build it from scrap lumber-willow- or birch – and fasten it to a raft with it anchorage a few feet in the water.

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Exercise 6

As the wheel turns with rapidity in the energetic current, it scoops up the salmon and other fish which are plenteous during a “run.” The slippery fish then slide down a trough into a large box beside the wheel. The Johns may catch 3,000 salmon – the number 6. allowable by their permit – during the season. Some of these fish they smoke for their own use; some they dry for food dogs, and if they are fortunate they have some to sell to help pay Harry’s school expense.