affirmative prayers

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  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    No Duality

    As we realize that we are always only dealing with One

    Power in the Universe, not two, we realize more clearly that

    there is no opposition to our Good. Lets !now this today"

    # !now and $elieve that there is only Good, only God ... and

    that this #n%inite Presence is always supporting me andli%ting me up to my highest and greatest Good in All things.

    &y mind is always turned to that which # want. # mentally

    direct my thoughts to the Good that # !now is mine. # dwell

    upon this Good in my thoughts and # let my Divine

    #magination e'pand the ideas o% Good that come to my

    awareness. # !now that the realization o% the Presence o%

    God is the greatest healing agent availa$le to me. # a%%irm

    the Presence is with me, in me, and o% me. # !now that this

    Presence e'presses #tsel% through me and as me. # am never

    separated %rom God ... and # am never separated %rom myGood. # am One with the Good that is mine ... now( And so

    it is.

    )eep the %aith(

    *ev. +ates

    No Doubt About ItThere is one Infinite Mind from which all things come ... One

    Source. This Mind is in, through and around me, always. It is mymind now. Eery thought I thin!, is thought through this Mind.Eery idea that comes to my awareness, comes through thisMind. It is the Source of eery thought and idea that becomesmine. It is always my "#resence of thought" ... and as the MasterMind $esus stated, "it is the %ather &Source' that doeth the wor!.... the %ather &Source' wor!s and I wor!" ... as Mind flowsthrough my mind, my awareness ca#tures within my consciousmind the thoughts and ideas that my consciousness isrece#tie to ... and as I nuture and foster my consciousness ofhealth, success, and #ros#erity, eery (ood idea necessary forme to demonstrate the (ood )ife is mine now. There is neer adoubt in my mind ... nor do I eer entertainment any seeming

    thoughts of fear for I !now there is "no doubt about it" ... my)ife is (od*s )ife in full, whole, #erfect, and com#letee+#ression. And this consciousness creates a certainty of oy,#eace, ha##iness, and loe in all things that concern me ... now.And so it is-

    ee# the faith-/e. 0ates

    Treatment for 1holeness

    As I recogni2e (od, Infinite S#irit, I actiate within myconsciousness the #resence of the 3resence4 the 3ower of theInfinite and the Infinite Intelligence aailable to me, right where Iam. As I am consciously aware of this Truth, I !now and acce#tthat this 3resence In5dwells me ... for It is One with my mind my mind ... now. In this reali2ation, I become aware that I cans#ea! my word into this Mind and announce that wholenesse+ists in all things that concern me4 my finances, my health, my

    relationshi#s and my wor!. My (ood is not measured to me asa reward or withheld from me as a #unishment ... I can ta!e thatwhich is mine by right of consciousness ... for it has been#re#ared for me ... and I #re#are my mind to acce#t it. Nothingor no one can hinder my #ros#erity, my success, or mye+cellent health. I embrace loing and su##ortie relationshi#sas I loe and su##ort all those in my e+#erience. As I ta!e thisTruth dee#er within my consciousness, my heart, my mind andmy soul are filled with gratitude and a great a##reciation for)ife, Truth and (od. As I dwell in the #lace of the Most 6igh ...feeling the tender sweetness of the Silence within my mind ... Irelease these words into the )aw, !nowing that the Infinite

    res#onds to me s#ontaneously.And so it is ... Amen./e. 0ates


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    I AM )O7IN( )I%E IMMENSE)8

    As I gie my attention to (od and the (ood that I want, I feel the3resence and the 3ower of the Infinite wor!ing through myheart, mind and soul intuitiely. My faith in (od and in myselfincreases daily as I remain steadfast and immoable in myconiction that I am moing forward with greater oy, successand #ros#erity in all ways and in all things. I feel at One with(od and at One with my (ood as I hold fast to my ision andacce#t the (ood that is mine. I loe )ife and )ife res#onds tome in the affirmatie as I create within my consciousness aneer5e+#anding awareness of the (ood that is aailable to meand to eeryone. I am loing )ife immensely as I reali2e that inthis ery moment my attitude of loing5ness is creating the best

    of times and the best of eerything for me today and each dayforward. My heart is filled with loing gratitude and I am liingIn5(od with a than!ful heart.

    And So It Is. 9 Amen.

    /e. 0ates

    I )ET )O7E E:3/ESS AS ME

    In this moment I turn to (od, Infinite S#irit, and align myselfwith Its radiant flow of )oe, allowing It to #ermeate my heart,mind and soul, as It creates within me a greater and more#owerful e+#ression of )oe. As I moe into the actiities oftoday and each day forward, I feel a sense of this great )oe asIt enters into my eery decision and eery encounter with thosearound me. I do not hesitate to sto# whateer I am doing 9 orwhateer I am thin!ing 9 and e+amine it in the )ight of )oe. Iallow myself the time, and the o##ortunity for the e+#erience of)oe in all that I do. My heart is always o#en to receie an

    increased ca#acity of )oe to e+#ress out into my world of

    affairs and this ca#acity to e+#ress )oe increases accordingly.)oe blesses me 9 sustains me 9 and maintains me in Itshighest e+#ression of Itself at all times 9 and for this I reoiceand gie than!s, now and always.

    And So It Is. 9 Amen.

    3/A8E/ IS M8 A;;E3TAN;E O% (OOD

    3raying from the Infinite

  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    Dr. Ernest 6olmes deelo#ed "s#iritual mind treatment"from the healing wor! of the Master Mind $esus.In the book, A New Design For Living,written by Dr. Holmesand Willis Kinnear, Dr. Holmes defines 4-Steps of spiritual

    mind treatment.

    /ecognition>I know that there is One resen!e, One ower,One "ife, One Intelli#en!e, One Substan!e. It is perfe!t,whole, !omplete, and harmonious. It is the sour!e of all thin#sand is in and throu#h all thin#s. $here is nothin# separate fromIt. $here is nothin# that !an limit Its a!tion, there is nothin# that!an be separate from Its a!tion. It always knows what to do,how to do it, and when to do it. It is the limitless sour!e ofe%ery #ood thin#. It is all &oy, all happiness, lo%e, harmony, andperfe!tion in all that It is and does.

    Identification>$here is One life , that "ife is 'od, that "ife isperfe!t, that "ife is my life, now. $here is nothin# in me or inmy e(perien!e separate from 'od. )I am that whi!h $hou art,$hou art that whi!h I am.) What I am is 'od in me as me. Inow rid my mind of any and all ideas of isolation andseparation from 'od, and know that as I now turn to Him Ipermit and artake of an in!reased flow and influ( of theDi%ine nature as what I am. I am one with 'od--all that is. *ymind is a fo!al point, an indi%iduali+ation, of the *ind of 'od,the One reati%e ower. $he word I speak, the de!laration I

    make is the word of 'od #oin# forth throu#h me into newtan#ible !reation. In a!!ord with the "aw of *ind my word is itsown fulfillment.

    Declaration>$his word I speak is for me, about me, is thetruth of me. $here is nothin# in my mind, or the mind ofanother, that !an deny it. Its a!tion and fulfillment !annot bedelayed, deferred, or hindered. I know, affirm, and de!lare thatDi%ine Intelli#en!e, the *ind of 'od, now #uides and dire!tsmy e%ery thou#ht, my e%ery a!tion. I know what to do, when todo it, and how to do it. %ery #ood idea I ha%e !arries with it

    the knowled#e of the ways and means for its a!hie%ement. I

    am %i#orous and whole. I possess the %itality of the Infinite. Iam stron# and well. 'ods "ife is my life, now. His stren#th ismy stren#th. His power is my power. *y whole bein# isrenewed, in%i#orated, made ali%e. $here is pea!e, a Di%ineharmonious, dynami!, !reati%e a!tion at the !enter of mybein#. %ery breath I draw, e%ery beat of my heart, is theperfe!t rhythmi! a!tion of "ife Itself. $he e(pression of the Oneerfe!t "ife in me as me is now perfe!tly maintainin# e%eryatom, !ell, and or#an of my body. *y body is a Di%ine idea inthe *ind of 'od and no thin#, no situation or !ondition !anpre%ent Its full and !omplete e(pression in and as me. 'od!reated my body, knows how to maintain it, to remo%e whatdoesnt belon#, and to rebuild it. $his is o!!urrin# ri#ht now.Without reser%ation I know I now manifest and e(perien!e inall fullness and !ompleteness 'ods perfe!t idea of me, and inall respe!ts, e%ery a!tion, fun!tion, and stru!ture of my bodynow !onforms to it. $here is perfe!t assimilation, !ir!ulation,and elimination. /ll that I am is one with the One erfe!t "ife./ll the &oy there is, all the happiness, all the beauty are nowmine. I am born of the Spirit. I am in the Spirit. I am the Spiritmade manifest.

    Acce#tance>I now a!!ept the !reati%e a!tion of the words Iha%e spoken as the law and the thin# whereunto they aredire!ted. $hey #o forth into immediate fulfillment. 0i#ht noware they fully manifest. $here is no delay, there is nothin# that!an pre%ent them from now bein# fully and !ompletely fulfilledin my e(perien!e. $hey are words of power and of #ood. Ia!!ept them, I know they are the truth of that whi!h I am. Inand throu#h them 'od #oes forth anew into !reation. It is nowdone, it is now !omplete. 1or this knowled#e, for thisunderstandin#, I am #rateful. I #i%e thanks that all this is so. Iknow and a!!ept that there is One "ife, that "ife is 'od, that"ife is perfe!t, and that "ife is my life now. 0i#ht now./nd so it is.


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    I /EA)I?E T6E 3O1E/ 1IT6IN ME

    As I recognize that all my Good must move through my

    consciousness, I release all things that hinder the Perect low oDivine !ight Action through me" In my realization that God wor#s orme $y wor#ing through me, the channel o Light and Love that I Amis aligned in Perect Peace, %armony and Love, o&en and rece&tiveto e'&ressing more o the Good that God desires to e'&ress throughme" As I orgive, I give u& all $loc#s to my Good and allow thee'&ansion o new ideas, $elies and conce&ts to surace in myconscious mind guiding and directing me to an ever e'&ansivee'&ression o Ininite Good" (y heart is illed with gratitude as Isurrender to the will o the Father, my very own consciousawareness o Good"

    /nd So It Is. 2 Amen.

    I AM %I))ED 1IT6 T6E ST/EN(T6 O% (OD

    Today, I am recogni2ing the In5Dwelling 3resence of (od5In5Mein a greater way than eer before. I feel at5One with the Sourceand Substance of my )ife, (od. I am energi2ed andstrengthened !nowing that (od is closer to me than breathing9 I am neer without the #rotection of the 3resence 9#rotecting my self5image, #rotecting my confidence and self5assurance, with Its strength and wisdom. The strength of (od

    is my strength 9 and I !now that I can do all things as I trust the3resence to wor! for me, as me and through me in all ways andin all things. I lie in a constant awareness of gratitude as I!now that All Is (od 9 and All Is (ood 9 and with confidence Irelease these words with #raise and oyous recognition thatInfinite 3resence res#onds to me instantaneously.

    And So It Is. 9 Amen.

    /e. 0ates


    As I recognize God, Infinite Spirit, I recognize t!t God is doing "is perfect

    tro#g $e% I re!&ize t!t tere is on&' (ne Life, t!t Life Is God ) !nd

    t!t Life is $' Life no* !nd !&*!'s% In tis #nderst!nding t!t God &i+es

    in$e, I -no* !nd I dec&!re te Tr#t t!t $' e+er' Good desire is God.s

    desire for $e ) !nd !s I $ent!&&' conte$p&!te !nd see te Good res#&ts in

    $' Life, I re!&ize t!t $' Life is !/#nd!nt *it &o+e, !ppiness, pe!ce !nd

    e+er' Good ting t!t is necess!r' for $' contin#ed f#&fi&&$ent of $'p#rpose on tis E!rt !nd /e'ond% M' &ife is ! $!r+e&o#s e0pression of

    God.s e+er&!sting Lo+e !nd I free&' !ccept !nd s!re !&& t!t te !ter

    /esto*s on $e% I !$ $ore t!n t!n-f#& ) $ore t!n !ppreci!ti+e ) I &i+e

    ! /&essed Life t!t is fore+er gr!tef#& !t !&& ti$es to God ) to tose in $'

    Life e0perience !nd for A&& tings% I recognize t!t Gr!tit#de connects $e

    *it God !t !&& ti$es !nd I s#rrender $' e!rt, $ind !nd so#& to te Infinite%

    And So It Is% ) A$en%

    Lo+e Is !t I A$

    I recognize t!t I !$ cre!ted in te i$!ge !nd te &i-eness of God ) A&&

    t!t I !$ is God ) A&& t!t God Is ) is L&o+e ) so I !$ -no*ing *it !

    persistent con+iction t!t Lo+e is *!t I !$% It is Lo+e t!t Ind*e&&s $e )

    Lo+e t!t tri&&s $e ) Lo+e t!t strengtens $e ) Lo+e t!t goes o#t fro$

    $e ) !nd Lo+e ref&ecting /!c- to $e% I !$ in Lo+e *it tis Ting !&&ed

    Life !nd It is in Lo+e *it $e% I do not esit!te, nor do I fe!r to e0press $'

    Lo+ing n!t#re in !&& t!t I do% Lo+e cre!tes tro#g $e *onderf#& !nd

    e0citing ne* e0periences in order t!t I $!' $ore f#&&' !nd co$p&ete&'

    e0press te Lo+e t!t I !$% In tis $o$ent Lo+e prospers !nd /&esses !&&

    tose *o connect *it tis po*erf#& energ' of Lo+e f&o*ing fro$ $e%

    Lo+e -no*s no n!tion!&it', no r!ce, no gender !s it e$/r!ces e+er'one !nd

    e+er'ting *it Its po*erf#& e!&ing energ'% I !$ r!di!nt *it Lo+e.s

    desire to re!&ize $' (neness *it A&& of Life !nd I ce&e/r!te tis

    re!&iz!tion *it gr!tit#de, 4o' !nd pr!ise, no* !nd fore+er%

    And So It Is% ) A$en%


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    T6E S3I/IT O% )O7E ENE/(I?ES ME

    As I recogni2e that )oe Is what I Am, I immediately unifywith the One )oe that Is (od. In this reali2ation, I !nowthat within me is an infinite ca#acity to e+#ress )oe and Ido not hesitate to allow this )oe to e+#ress through me,

    as me 9 as a flow of light, oy and harmony 9 embracingeeryone and eerything that I see. My willingness to giethis )oe and in5let and an out5let through me, energi2esthe S#irit of me and I moe through eery e+#erience withgrace and ease 9 tirelessly moing me into a rich andrewarding )ife 9 filled with success, #ros#erity and great

    oy. I am energi2ed with enthusiasm and great gratitude asI continually release my 1ord e+#ecting an affirmatieres#onse.

    And So It Is. 9 Amen.

    /e. 0ates

    )I7IN( IN T6E ;ENTE/ O% )O7E

    As I recogni2e that I am a liing, breathing, E+#ression of theInfinite, I !now that there can be no se#aration from me and (odor my (ood. In this reali2ation, I am aware that my (ood Is Now9 always has been and always will be. As I let go of anythoughts of delay and acce#t my (ood in the 3resent moment, I

    am oercome with oy and ha##iness, !nowing that what I amsee!ing is see!ing me and it is (ood and ery (ood. My mindis filled with loe and #eace !nowing that there are nostumbling bloc!s in front of me and the way is clear to enoy thebest of times and the best of eerything for I am liing in the;enter of )oe now and foreermore.

    And So It Is. 9 Amen.

    /e. 0ates

    UNL#-D OPPO*UN##-

    No* is te ti$e to set o#r sigts ig !nd 6go for it6 %%% -no*ing t!t o#r

    desires !re gifts fro$ te Infinite for #s to e0perience% 7no*ing t!t I !$ in

    te (ne Mind, I ne+er do#/t t!t $' desires co$e to $e fro$ tis Mind, so

    I 8#ic-&' !ssoci!te $'se&f *it $' Good desires -no*ing t!t !s I do, I !$

    #nif'ing *it te (n&' Mind tere Is, God% I !&&o* $'se&f to /e confronted

    *it #n&i$ited opport#nities, so I c!n coose *it *isdo$ t!t *ic I !$

    to s#ccessf#&&' !cco$p&is% I -no* t!t noting c!n -eep $e fro$ re!cing$' go!&s !nd I !$ fore+er tin-ing on*!rd !nd #p*!rd, !spiring to

    e0perience $ore !nd $ore of te !/#nd!nt Good t!t is !+!i&!/&e to $e% M'

    +ision is !&*!'s directed to te igest !nd te /est, -no*ing t!t !s I

    !ccept on&' te /est %%% tis is *!t I recei+e% M' !ccept!nce of on&' te /est

    ins#res t!t I &i+e ! 6firstc&!ss6 &ife %%% fi&&ed *it #r' !nd op#&ence% I

    -no* t!t te Uni+erse is infinite&' !/#nd!nt !nd tere is eno#g to s!re

    !nd to sp!re for e+er'one %%% !nd $' e0perience of God g#!r!ntees $e t!t

    *ic is $ine9 And so it is%

    Te !' to ! onderf#& Life, S#nd!', :!n#!r' ;, 2 IT"IN US

    6Te -ingdo$ of God is *itin 'o#6 Gospe& of L#-e 1?@21 %%% 6en

    'o# !re fi&&ed *it se&fdo#/t, !nd in te grip of 'o#r inferiorit' co$p&e0,

    dont gi+e #p s!'ing, 6I c!nt do it, I !+ent it in $e%6 >o# do !+e ! +er'

    /ig 6it6 *itin 'o#% >o# !+e te -ingdo$ of God *itin 'o#% %%% God !s

    p&!ced in 'o#r person!&it' !&& te !/i&it' 'o# need% >o# !+e on&' to

    /e&ie+e in 'o#rse&f, !nd strengt *itin 'o# *i&& /e re&e!sed% %%% In s!'ing tete0t, tr' it tis *!', 6Gods !/#nd!nce, pe!ce, !nd po*er !re *itin $e% I

    &!c- for noting%6 Dr% Nor$!n Vincent =e!&e, To#gt onditioners

    So $!n' of #s !+e re!d te *ords, 6te -ingdo$ of Gd is *itin 'o#6

    !nd *e *!nt to /e&ie+e tis !s tr#e for #s% >et, tere is so $#c conf#sion

    !s to *!t 4#st e0!ct&' tis 6-ingdo$ of Gd6 is% And e+en tose *o

    #nderst!nd t!t it is *itin #s, t!t is, *itin o#r deeper conscio#sness, o#r

    !/i&it' to /e conscio#s of it, contin#es to /e inconsistent% And tis !s /een

    tr#e tro#go#t te !ges for peop&e e+er'*ere% If *e co#&d record o#r


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    to#gts !nd *ords for e+en one d!' !nd p&!' te$ /!c- !nd &isten to te$

    o/4ecti+e&', *e *o#&d re!&ize 4#st o* tr#e tis is for te $!sses of #s%

    "e&d deep *itin o#r $ind *e !+e ! p!ttern of to#gt !nd /e&iefs t!t *e

    !re #nconscio#s of% And often tese /e&iefs !nd te !cco$p!n'ing to#gts

    def' *!t *e tin- *e /e&ie+e conscio#s&'% M!n' gre!t te!cers

    tro#go#t te !ges fro$ te =&!to, Socr!tes, :es#s !nd Dr% :osep M#rp',

    !+e tried to define 4#st *!t it t!-es to c!nge tese deeper, #nconscio#s

    p!tterns of /e&ief% Te M!ster Mind :es#s s!id 6it is done #nto 'o# !s 'o#

    /e&ie+e6 !nd terefore *e c!n re!&ize t!t *!t *e e0perience is co$ingfro$ o#r /e&iefs !/o#t o#r se&f or oters% Dr% :osep M#rp' *rote

    e0tensi+e&' !/o#t te 6po*er of te s#/conscio#s $ind6 %%% !nd 'et fe* !+e

    /een !/&e to tr!nscend tis 6#nconscio#s6 p!ttern consistent&'%

    6Inc&ine 'o#r e!r, !nd co$e #nto Me@ e!r, !nd 'o#r so#& s!&& &i+e%6

    Is!i! BB@3 %%% 6Most peop&e &i+e on te s#rf!ce% Te' $iss te $ost

    !stonising tings% Te' see !nd 'et te' do not see% And te re!son is

    te' !rent re!&&' &oo-ing% %%% Te s!$e is tr#e !/o#t *!t te' e!r% Te'

    &isten *it te o#ter e!r, on&'% or e0!$p&e, peop&e go to c#rc, !nd te

    Gospe& ne+er penetr!tes /e'ond te o#ter conscio#sness% T!t is /ec!#sepeop&e do not &isten *it !&& teir f!c#&ties% Te' do not &ose te$se&+es in

    it% %%% C#t *en one inc&ines iser e!r !nd e!rs, &istening !s to#g iser

    &ife depended on it, getting e+er' *ord, &etting it sin- into teir $ind /' !

    deep !nd po*erf#& penetr!tion, ten te $ess!ge f!&&s &i-e ! e!&ing potenc'

    #pon te$% E+er' spirit#!& dise!se ger$ is -i&&ed, !nd te' &i+e *it ne*

    e!&t !nd strengt,6 *rites Dr% Nor$!n Vincent =e!&e% And in tis *e

    -no* t!t te 6Gospe&6 is not &i$ited to t!t *ic is *ritten in te Ne*

    Test!$ent or te (&d Test!$ent, /#t te *ord of Tr#t t!t inspires !nd &ifts

    #s #p to ! gre!ter re!&iz!tion of te inner strengt !nd po*er for se&f

    re&i!nce *itin e!c of #s %%% or, te 6-ingdo$ of Gd6 !s :es#s n!$ed it%

    Tis 6-ingdo$ of Gd6 c!n /e descri/ed !s o#r ope !nd desire to

    e0perience $ore of t!t *ic *e 6conscio#s&'6 !ccept for o#rse&+es% It is

    *itin o#r inerent n!t#re to desire $ore !nd $ore good, for it is te n!t#re

    of Gd, Infinite Spirit, *ic ind*e&&s #s% Te M!ster Mind :es#s s!id to

    &oo- !t N!t#re !nd *e *o#&d see ! ref&ection of Gds #ni+ers!& e0p!nding

    cre!ti+it'% e !+e tis #rge to e0p!nd te good in o#r &i+es too% E+en

    tose *o see- te spirit#!& tro#g te !derence of st!r-, non

    $!teri!&istic $e!ns, !+e t!t inerent desire *itin te$% A fe* *ee-s

    !go I *!s re!ding !n !rtic&e !/o#t Ti/et!n $on-s *o *ere &e!+ing te

    $on!stic &ife in Ti/et /ec!#se te econo$' !d i$pro+ed to te point t!t

    te' !d ope t!t te' co#&d prosper !nd find s#ccess !nd !ppiness in

    *or- o#tside of te spirit#!& &ife te' !d pre+io#s&' cosen% Addition!&&',

    fe* 'o#ng peop&e !re entering te $on!stic &ife, coosing inste!d to re!&ize

    teir s#ccess in $ore $!teri!& *!'s% Tis is e+idence of t!t inerent in

    d*e&&ing desire for $ore !nd $ore good% And it is !&so e+idence t!t o#r

    !ppiness !nd cre!ti+e e0pressions !re not &i$ited to t!t *ic te *or&d

    c!&&s 6spirit#!&6 /#t t!t te Spirit t!t see-s to e0press tro#g #s is fo#nd

    in !&& tings Its ($nipresence is fo#nd in /ot te spirit#!& !nd te


    Tere is no sep!r!tion /et*een te $!teri!& !nd te spirit#!&, !&& is p!rt

    of te Infinite% (#r $ind !s too often cre!ted !n i&sion of sep!r!tion, /#t

    it !s ne+er /een te tr#t% E+er' $!teri!& ting t!t *e see in te p'sic!&,

    *!s first !n ide! in $ind, or Spirit, /efore it *!s $!teri!&ized% In oter

    *ords, te $!teri!& is te Spirit $!de $!nifest% And !noter *!' to &oo- !t

    it is t!t Dr% =e!&es 6s#rf!ce $ind6 !nd Dr% M#rp's 6s#/conscio#s $ind6

    !re sep!r!tions t!t *e !+e deter$ined !s present in o#r $ind /ec!#se *e

    !+e f!i&ed to re!&ize t!t o#r to#gts !re ! stre!$ of conscio#sness !nd

    t!t *e $#st &e!rn to contro& o#r to#gts if *e !re to do te tings t!t *e*!nt to do, !+e te tings t!t *e *!nt to !+e, or /e te ting t!t *e

    *!nt to /e% As Tro*!rd infor$s #s@ 6M' $ind is ! center of Di+ine

    oper!tion% Te Di+ine oper!tion is !&*!'s for e0p!nsion !nd f#&&er

    e0pression, !nd tis $e!ns te prod#ction of so$eting /e'ond *!t !s

    gone /efore, so$eting entire&' ne*, not incded in p!st e0perience,

    to#g proceeding o#t of it /' order&' se8#ence of gro*t% %%% Terefore,

    since te Di+ine c!nnot c!nge its inerent n!t#re, it $#st oper!te in te

    s!$e $!nner in $e onse8#ent&' in $' o*n speci!& *or&d, in *ic I !$

    te center, it *i&& $o+e for*!rd to prod#ce ne* conditions, !&*!'s in

    !d+!nce of !n' t!t !+e gone /efore%6

    And so it is o#r *or- to re!&ize t!t *e contro& tis 6center of Di+ine

    oper!tion6 *itin #s !nd $!-e te decision to coose to#gts !nd *ords

    t!t s#pport te e0p!nsion t!t co$es to o#r !*!reness !s desires so t!t

    tis Di+ine oper!tion c!n find f#&fi&&$ent in o#r &ife e0periences% e do

    tis /' &etting go of te &!/e&s of 4#dg$ent !/o#t o#r p!st e0periences !nd

    re!&ize t!t te' too !re p!rt of t!t dri+ing desire *itin #s to re!&ize !

    gre!ter !nd $ore &ife en!ncing good% Te 6prosperit' spirit is *itin #s6 %%%

    !nd no $!tter *!t *e !+e c!&&ed o#r &ife e0periences, it !s !&*!'s /een

    *itin #s% :#st !s $!n' of te Ti/et!n $on-s !+e re!&ized te !*!reness

    of tis prosperit' spirit t!t oper!tes *itin o#r inerent n!t#re, so c!n *e@


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    6I !ffir$ te prosperit' spirit is *itin $e !nd I !$ re!&izing its gro*t !nd

    e0p!nsion in $' &ife e0periences no*%6

    AND S( IT IS9

    $H 0/30 O1 1/I$H by Hannah *oore Kohaus

    'od is my help in e%ery need,'od does my e%ery hun#er feed.

    'od walks beside me,

    'uides my way,$hrou#h e%ery moment of the day.

    I now am wise, I now am true,atient kind and lo%in#, too.

    /ll thin#s I am, !an do and be,

    $hrou#h hrist, the $ruth, that li%es in me.

    'od is my health,I !ant be si!k

    'od is my stren#th,5nfailin# --- 6ui!k

    'od is my all,I know no fear.

    Sin!e 'od, and "o%e,/nd $ruth are here./men.

    "o* To Get ! De$onstr!tion

    /' E$$et o0

    "ERE is one *!' of so&+ing ! pro/&e$ /' Scientific =r!'er, or, !s *e s!' in

    $et!p'sics, of getting ! de$onstr!tion%


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    Get /' 'o#rse&f, !nd /e 8#iet for ! fe* $o$ents% Tis is +er' i$port!nt%

    Do not str!in to tin- rigt&' or to find te rigt to#gt, etc%, /#t 4#st /e

    8#iet% Re$ind 'o#rse&f t!t te Ci/&e s!'s Ce sti&&, !nd -no* t!t I !$ God%

    Ten /egin to tin- !/o#t God% Re$ind 'o#rse&f of so$e of te tings

    t!t 'o# -no* !/o#t "i$ t!t "e is present e+er'*ere, t!t "e !s !&&

    po*er, t!t "e -no*s 'o# !nd &o+es 'o# !nd c!res for 'o#, !nd so fort%

    Re!d ! fe* +erses of te Ci/&e, or ! p!r!gr!p fro$ !n' spirit#!& /oo- t!t

    e&ps 'o#%

    D#ring tis st!ge it is i$port!nt not to tin- !/o#t 'o#r pro/&e$, /#t to

    gi+e 'o#r !ttention to God% In oter *ords, do not tr' to so&+e 'o#r pro/&e$

    direct&' F*ic *o#&d /e #sing *i&& po*er /#t r!ter /eco$e interested in

    tin-ing of te N!t#re of God%

    Ten c&!i$ te ting t!t 'o# need ! e!&ing, or so$e p!rtic#&!r good

    *ic 'o# &!c-% &!i$ it 8#iet&' !nd confident&' !s 'o# *o#&d !s- for

    so$eting to *ic 'o# !re entit&ed%

    Ten gi+e t!n-s for te !cco$p&ised f!ct !s 'o# *o#&d if so$e/od'

    !nded 'o# ! gift% :es#s s!id *en 'o# pr!' /e&ie+e t!t 'o# recei+e !nd

    'o# s!&& recei+e%

    Do not disc#ss 'o#r tre!t$ent Fpr!'er *it !n'one%

    Tr' not to /e tense or #rried% Tension !nd #rr' de&!' te

    de$onstr!tion% >o# -no* t!t if 'o# tr' to #n&oc- ! door #rried&', te -e'

    is !pt to stic-, *ere!s, if 'o# do it s&o*&', it se&do$ does% If te -e' stic-s,

    te ting is to stop pressing, t!-e 'o#r /re!t, !nd re&e!se it gent&'% To p#s

    !rd *it *i&& po*er c!n on&' 4!$ te &oc- co$p&ete&'% So it is *it $ent!&


    In 8#ietness !nd confidence s!&& /e 'o#r strengt%

    Te =resence

    /' E$$et o0

    God is te on&' =resence !nd te on&' =o*er% God is f#&&' present ere *it

    $e, no*% God is te on&' re!& =resence !&& te rest is /#t s!do*% God is

    perfect Good, !nd God is te c!#se on&' of perfect Good% God ne+er sends

    sic-ness, tro#/&e, !ccident, te$pt!tion, nor de!t itse&f nor does "e

    !#torize tese tings% e /ring te$ #pon o#rse&+es /' o#r o*n *rong

    tin-ing% God, Good, c!n c!#se on&' good% Te s!$e fo#nt!in c!nnot send

    fort /ot s*eet !nd /itter *!ter%

    I !$ Di+ine Spirit% I !$ te ci&d of God% In God I &i+e !nd $o+e !nd

    !+e $' /eing so I !+e not fe!r% I !$ s#rro#nded /' te =e!ce of God

    !nd !&& is *e&&% I !$ not !fr!id of peop&e I !$ not !fr!id of tings I !$ not

    !fr!id of circ#$st!nces I !$ not !fr!id of $'se&f for God is *it $e% Te

    =e!ce of God fi&&s $' so#&, !nd I !+e no fe!r% I d*e&& in te =resence of

    God, !nd no fe!r c!n to#c $e% I !$ not !fr!id of te p!st I !$ not !fr!id

    of te present I !$ not !fr!id for te f#t#re for God is *it $e% Te

    Etern!& God is $' d*e&&ing p&!ce !nd #nderne!t !re te e+er&!sting !r$s%

    Noting c!n e+er to#c $e /#t te direct !ction of God "i$se&f, !nd God is


    God is Life I #nderst!nd t!t !nd I e0press it%

    God is Tr#t I #nderst!nd t!t !nd I e0press it%

    God is Di+ine Lo+e I #nderst!nd t!t !nd I e0press it%

    I send o#t to#gts of &o+e !nd pe!ce !nd e!&ing to te *o&e #ni+erse@

    to !&& trees !nd p&!nts !nd gro*ing tings, to !&& /e!sts !nd /irds !nd fises,

    !nd to e+er' $!n, *o$!n !nd ci&d on e!rt, *ito#t !n' distinction% If

    !n'one !s e+er in4#red $e or done $e !n' -ind of !r$, I f#&&' !nd free&'

    forgi+e i$ no*, !nd te ting is done fore+er% I &oose i$ !nd &et i$ go%I !$ free !nd e is free% It tere is !n' /#rden of resent$ent in $e I c!st it

    #pon te rist *itin, !nd I go free%

    God is Infinite isdo$, !nd t!t isdo$ is $ine% T!t isdo$ &e!ds

    !nd g#ides $e so I s!&& not $!-e $ist!-es% rist in $e is ! &!$p #nto

    $' feet% God is Infinite Life, !nd t!t Life is $' s#pp&' so I s!&& *!nt for

    noting% God cre!ted $e !nd "e s#st!ins $e% Di+ine Lo+e !s foreseen

    e+er'ting, !nd pro+ided for e+er'ting% (ne Mind, (ne =o*er, (ne

    =rincip&e% (ne God, (ne L!*, (ne E&e$ent% &oser is "e t!n /re!ting,

    ne!rer t!n !nds !nd feet%


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    I !$ Di+ine Sprit, te i&d of God, !nd in te presence of God I d*e&&

    fore+er% I t!n- God for =erfect "!r$on'%

    EMMET (

    A//#*&A#ON 0 *-A&-N

    6A pr!'er tre!t$ent is ! for$ of pr!'er /!sed #pon rigt tin-ing, n!$e&'

    tin-ing of God te Good% A +eic&e tro#g *ic e!&ing is !cie+ed%6

    Te princip&e of tre!t$ent, st!tes E$$et o0, is to 6stop tin-ing !/o#t te

    pro/&e$ !nd tin- on&' !/o#t Gods perfect *or&d%6 A tre!t$ent de!&s first

    *it st!tes of $ind, ten *it te sit#!tion or condition to /e e!&ed% Dr%

    o0 g!+e tese e0!$p&es 6Te so#rce of !&& good is est!/&ised *itin $e%

    I !$ fi&&ed *it te &ife of Spirit% I gi+e t!n-s for ! e!&t', 4o'o#s !nd

    pe!cef#& &ife % I no* re!&ize te presence of God *itin $e% I !$ gro*ing

    !nd #nfo&ding e+er' d!'%6 Tis t'pe of pr!'er is c!&&ed Tre!t$ent% Dr% o0

    s!id, 6si&ent pr!'er is $ore po*erf#& t!n !#di/&e pr!'er, /ec!#se /' si&ent

    pr!'er te $ind co$es c&oser to cre!ti+e Spirit% FE$$et o0s 7e's to Life

    !nd "e!&t

    In te Go&den 7e', E$$et o0 *rote@ 6If 'o# !re tin-ing !/o#t 'o#r

    diffic#&t', 'o# !re not tin-ing !/o#t God% >o#r o/4ect is to dri+e te

    to#gt of diffic#&t' o#t of 'o#r conscio#sness for ! fe* $o$ents !t &e!st,

    s#/stit#ting for it te to#gt of God% At first it $!' /e diffic#&t to get 'o#r

    to#gts !*!' fro$ $!teri!& tings% C#t /' const!nt&' repe!ting !

    st!te$ent of !/sote tr#t, s#c !s, God is g#iding $e no*, o*e+er

    $ec!nic!& it $!' see$, 'o# *i&& soon find t!t te tre!t$ent !s /eg#n to

    6t!-e6 !nd t!t 'o#r $ind is c&e!ring%6 "e e$p!sized, 6 Do not tr' to

    tin- in !d+!nce *!t te sotion to 'o#r diffic#&t' *i&& /e% Le!+e te

    8#estions !nd *!'s !nd $e!ns to God%6 FTe Go&den 7e'

    An !ffir$!tion is ! positi+e st!te$ent of Tr#t%

    Tre!t$ent J KIn tee < 9 Lord9 do I p#t $' tr#st, for I -no* t!t in $' re!&

    /eing d*e&&s !&& po*er !nd $igt% As ! pi&gri$ so#&, I &oo- to tose etern!&

    +erities *ic !re tere% I -no* t!t te' !re !t $' co$$!nd% I -no* t!t

    God !s gi+en to $' /eing !&& t!t God is !nd !s% ro$ tis gre!t !nd

    g&orio#s storeo#se I c!n dr!* s#fficient for $' d!i&' needs% I -no* t!t

    to# *i&t ne+er f!i& nor fors!-e $e%

    C'@ Urs#&! N% Gestefe&d riter, te!cer, "e!&er p#/&ised in 1H?

    Tre!t$ent J KTod!' I !$ re/orn spirit#!&&'9 I co$p&ete&' det!c $'se&f

    fro$ te o&d *!'s of tin-ing !nd I /ring Di+ine &o+e, &igt, !nd tr#t

    definite&' into $' e0perience% I conscio#s&' fee& &o+e fro$ e+er'one I

    $eet% Ment!&&' I s!' to e+er'one I cont!ct, 6I see te God in 'o# !nd I

    -no* 'o# see te God in $e%6 I !$ re/orn spirit#!&&' no*, /ec!#se !&& d!'

    &ong I pr!ctice te =resence of God% No $!tter *!t I !$ doing, *eter I

    !$ *!&-ing, sopping, or !/o#t $' d!i&' /#siness, *ene+er $' to#gts

    *!nders !*!' fro$ God or te good, I /ring it /!c- to te conte$p&!tion of

    "is "o&' =resence% I fee& no/&e, dignified, !nd God &i-e% I *!&- in ! ig

    $ood sensing $' oneness *it God% "is pe!ce fi&&s $' so#&%6

    C'@ Dr% :osep M#rp'% ritten in 1B1

    Tre!t$ent J KGod is f#&&' present ere *it $e, no*% God is te on&' re!&

    =resence, !&& te rest is /#t ! s!do*% God is perfect Good, !nd God is te

    c!#se on&' of perfect Good% Te s!$e fo#nt!in c!nnot send fort /ot

    s*eet !nd /itter *!ter% God ne+er sends sic-ness, tro#/&e, !ccident,

    te$pt!tion, nor de!t itse&f nor does "e !#torize tese tings% I !$ di+ine

    spirit% I !$ ! ci&d of God% In God I &i+e !nd $o+e !nd !+e $' /eing so I

    do not fe!r% I !$ s#rro#nded /' te =resence of God !nd !&& is *e&&% I !$

    not !fr!id of te p!st I !$ not !fr!id of te present I !$ not !fr!id of tef#t#re for God is *it $e% Te Etern!& God is $' d*e&&ing p&!ce !nd

    #nderne!t !re te e+er&!sting !r$s% Noting c!n to#c $e /#t te direct

    !ction of God "i$se&f, !nd God is Lo+e%%6 C'@ Dr% E$$et o0% ritten in


    Tre!t$ent J KGod in te $idst of $e is $igt'% "e g#ides !nd go+erns te

    to#gts of $' $ind, te fee&ings of $' e!rt, !nd te !cts of $' &ife to

    est!/&is 4o', e!&t, !nd /o#nt' in $' &ife !nd $' *or&d%6 C'@ Ernest

    i&son% ritten in 13B


    Peace God I fee& 'o#r pe!ce !s it $o+es gent&' tro#g $' so#&% I fee& !

    sense of serenit' no* !s I &et go of !&& c!res !nd c!&&enges% A&& tension is

    re&e!sed% I !$ fi&&ed *it inner pe!ce t!t o+erf&o*s into e+er'ting I do%

    Tro#go#t tis d!' I *i&& /e #nfo&ding in 'o#r &o+ing c!re%

    6 =e!ce /e to 'o#, !nd pe!ce /e to 'o#r o#se, !nd pe!ce /e to !&& t!t 'o#

    !+e6 1 S!$#e& 2B@;

    1ealing God cre!ted $e to e0press ! f#&& !nd !pp' &ife% E+er' second of

    e+er' d!' spirit#!& energ' f&o*s tro#g e+er' ce&&, org!n, $#sc&e, tiss#e

  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    !nd fi/er of $' /eing, re+it!&izing !nd rene*ing $e% I do not !&&o*

    s'$pto$s or $edic!& ter$s to !&!r$ $e% I !$ fi&&ed *it te spirit of

    e!&t% I $!-e positi+e st!te$ents !/o#t $' e!&t% I !$ co$p&ete !nd

    *o&e /ec!#se te spirit of God fi&&s $e *it e+errene*ing &ife%

    6Ten 'o#r &igt s!&& /re!- fort &i-e te d!*n !nd 'o#r e!&ing s!&&

    spring #p 8#ic-&'6 Is!i! BH@H

    /inances M' s#pp&' is contin#o#s !nd #nending, I !$ ne+er c&osed to it%=rosperit' circ#&!tes to#g $' &ife free&'% I !$ e!&ed of !&& to#gts of

    diffic#&ties in fin!nces% I re4oice in te conscio#sness t!t God !s gi+en

    $e !ccess to ine0!#sti/&e spirit#!& s#/st!nce% I !$ prospero#s /ec!#se I

    -no* God% I !$ de$onstr!ting prosperit' /ec!#se tere is noting *itin

    $e to den' it%

    6Te Lord is $' seperd I s!&& not *!nt6 =s!&$ 23

    2om%ort !ter, !s I tin- of 'o#, I fee& 'o#r &o+e% I /eco$e sti&& !nd fee&

    'o#r e+er&!sting !r$s of &o+e !ro#nd $e% God I -no* *ito#t ! do#/t t!t

    'o# &o+e $e, so I tr#st 'o# co$p&ete&'% I fee& s!fe !nd sec#re% God 'o#

    soote $' to#gts !nd enric $' so#&% I !$ re!d' to f!ce $' d!' fee&ing'o#r &o+ing presence%

    6Te Lord !s co$forted is peop&e, !nd *i&& !+e co$p!ssion on is

    s#ffering ones6 Is!i! 5@13

    /orgiveness Te forgi+ing &o+e of rist no* re&e!ses !&& neg!ti+e

    to#gts fro$ $' conscio#sness c&e!nsing $' &ife of !&& criticis$, !nger,

    #rt, *orr' !nd fe!r% Infinite &o+e fi&&s $e *it !r$on' !nd &o+e% I fee&

    te gent&e forgi+ing spirit tro#go#t $' entire /eing%

    6Do not 4#dge !nd 'o# *i&& not /e 4#dged do not conde$n !nd 'o# *i&& not/e conde$ned% orgi+e !nd 'o# *i&& /e forgi+en6 L#-e ;@3?

    *elationship I no* er!se !n' p!ttern in $' s#/conscio#sness $ind

    /&oc-ing tr#e co$p!nionsip% I !$ cre!ted /' te Mind of te #ni+erse in

    &o+e% I gi+e &o+e !nd recei+e &o+e% I e0perience good friendsips, !nd

    !r$onio#s, &o+ing re&!tionsips%

    6Lo+e co$es fro$ ! p#re e!rt !nd ! good conscience !nd ! sincere f!it6 1

    Ti$ot' 1@B

    +lessings I !$ in $' rigt p&!ce to gi+e or recei+e /&essings% E+er' d!' !

    di+ine p&!n #nfo&ds *it opport#nities to /&ess !nd /e /&essed% Tese di+ine

    !ppoint$ents !re not !ppening /' c!nce /#t /' ! di+ine design% I $o+e

    tro#g tod!' in f!it ,*it con+iction t!t opport#nities for good $!nifests

    since I !$ in te rigt p&!ce !t te rigt ti$e%

    6So A/r!!$ c!&&ed t!t p&!ce 6Te L(RD *i&& pro+ide6 !s it is s!id to tis

    d!', 6(n te $o#nt of te L(RD it s!&& /e pro+ided%6 Gen% 22@15

    Animal +lessing I gi+e speci!& t!n-s for te !ni$!& friend in $' &ife !nd

    for !ni$!&s e+er'*ere% M' &itt&e pet fi&&s $' &ife *it 4o', re+e!&ing Gods

    &o+e in e0pression% I /&ess $' &itt&e co$p!nion, -no*ing it is *e&& !nd


    6C#t tose *o *!it on te L(RD *i&& find ne* strengt% Te' *i&& f&'

    ig on *ings &i-e e!g&es% Te' *i&& r#n !nd not gro* *e!r'% Te' *i&&

    *!&- !nd not f!int%6 Is!i! 5

  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    he even Day &ental Diet

    1ow to change your li%e 4and the world5 in a wee!

    /' E$$et o0

    Te s#/4ect of diet is one of te fore$ost topics of te present d!' in p#/&ic

    interest% Ne*sp!pers !nd $!g!zines tee$ *it !rtic&es on te s#/4ect% Te

    co#nters of te /oo-sops !re fi&&ed *it +o$es #nfo&ding te $'steries

    of proteins, st!rces, +it!$ins, !nd so fort% 4#st no* te *o&e *or&d is

    foodconscio#s% E0perts on te s#/4ect !re s!'ing t!t p'sic!&&' 'o#

    /eco$e te ting t!t 'o# e!t t!t 'o#r *o&e /od' is re!&&' co$posed ofte food t!t 'o# !+e e!ten in te p!st% !t 'o# e!t tod!', te' s!', *i&&

    /e in 'o#r /&oodstre!$ !fter te &!pse of so $!n' o#rs, !nd it is 'o#r

    /&oodstre!$ t!t /#i&ds !&& te tiss#es co$posing 'o#r /od' !nd tere 'o#


    (f co#rse, no sensi/&e person !s !n' 8#!rre& *it !&& tis% It is perfect&'

    tr#e, !s f!r !s it goes, !nd te on&' s#rprising ting is t!t it !s t!-en te

    *or&d so &ong to find it o#t /#t in tis p!$p&et I !$ going to de!& *it te

    s#/4ect of dieting !t ! &e+e& t!t is infinite&' $ore profo#nd !nd f!r re!cing

    in its effects% I refer of co#rse to $ent!& dieting%

    Te $ost i$port!nt of !&& f!ctors in 'o#r &ife is te $ent!& diet on *ic

    'o# &i+e% It is te food *ic 'o# f#rnis to 'o#r $ind t!t deter$ines te

    *o&e c!r!cter of 'o#r &ife% It is te to#gts 'o# !&&o* 'o#rse&f to tin-,

    te s#/4ects t!t 'o# !&&o* 'o#r $ind to d*e&& #pon, *ic $!-e 'o# !nd

    'o#r s#rro#ndings *!t te' !re% As te' d!'s, so s!&& te' strengt /e%

    E+er'ting in 'o#r &ife tod!' te st!te of 'o#r /od', *eter e!&t' or

    sic-, te st!te of 'o#r fort#ne, *eter prospero#s or i$po+erised, te

    st!te of 'o#r o$e, *eter !pp' or te re+erse, te present condition of

    e+er' p!se of 'o#r &ife in f!ctis entire&' conditioned /' te to#gts !nd

    fee&ings *ic 'o# !+e entert!ined in te p!st, /' te !/it#!& tone of 'o#r

    p!st tin-ing% And te condition of 'o#r &ife to$orro*, !nd ne0t *ee-, !nd


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    ne0t 'e!r, *i&& /e entire&' conditioned /' te to#gts !nd fee&ings *ic

    'o# coose to entert!in fro$ no* on*!rds%

    In oter *ords, 'o# coose 'o#r &ife, t!t is to s!', 'o# coose !&& te

    conditions of 'o#r &ife, *en 'o# coose te to#gts #pon *ic 'o#

    !&&o* 'o#r $ind to d*e&&% To#gt is te re!& c!#s!ti+e force in &ife, !nd

    tere is no oter% >o# c!nnot !+e one -ind of $ind !nd !noter -ind of

    en+iron$ent% Tis $e!ns t!t 'o# c!nnot c!nge 'o#r en+iron$ent *i&e

    &e!+ing 'o#r $ind #nc!nged, nor!nd tis is te s#pre$e -e' to &ife !ndte re!son for tis p!$p&et c!n 'o# c!nge 'o#r $ind *ito#t 'o#r

    en+iron$ent c!nging too%

    Tis ten is te re!& -e' to &ife@ if 'o# c!nge 'o#r $ind 'o#r conditions

    $#st c!nge too 'o#r /od' $#st c!nge, 'o#r d!i&' *or- or oter

    !cti+ities $#st c!nge 'o#r o$e $#st c!nge te co&ortone of 'o#r

    *o&e &ife $#st c!ngefor *eter 'o# /e !/it#!&&' !pp' !nd ceerf#&,

    or &o*spirited !nd fe!rf#&, depends entire&' on te 8#!&it' of te $ent!&

    food #pon *ic 'o# diet 'o#rse&f%

    =&e!se /e +er' c&e!r !/o#t tis% If 'o# c!nge 'o#r $ind 'o#r conditions

    $#st c!nge too% e !re tr!nsfor$ed /' te rene*ing of o#r $inds% So no*'o# *i&& see t!t 'o#r $ent!& diet is re!&&' te $ost i$port!nt ting in 'o#r

    *o&e &ife%

    Tis $!' /e c!&&ed te Gre!t os$ic L!*, !nd its tr#t is seen to /e

    perfect&' o/+io#s *en once it is c&e!r&' st!ted in tis *!'% In f!ct, I do not

    -no* of !n' to#gtf#& person *o denies its essenti!& tr#t% Te pr!ctic!&

    diffic#&t' in !pp&'ing it, o*e+er, !rises fro$ te f!ct t!t o#r to#gts !re

    so c&ose to #s t!t it is diffic#&t, *ito#t ! &itt&e pr!ctice, to st!nd /!c- !s it

    *ere !nd &oo- !t te$ o/4ecti+e&'%

    >et t!t is 4#st *!t 'o# $#st &e!rn to do% >o# $#st tr!in 'o#rse&f to coose

    te s#/4ect of 'o#r tin-ing !t !n' gi+en ti$e, !nd !&so to coose te

    e$otion!& tone, or *!t *e c!&& te $ood t!t co&ors it% >es, 'o# c!n coose

    'o#r $oods% Indeed, if 'o# co#&d not 'o# *o#&d !+e no re!& contro& o+er

    'o#r &ife !t !&&% Moods !/it#!&&' entert!ined prod#ce te c!r!cteristic

    disposition of te person concerned, !nd it is is disposition t!t fin!&&'

    $!-es or $!rs ! persons !ppiness%

    >o# c!nnot /e e!&t' 'o# c!nnot /e !pp' 'o# c!nnot /e prospero#s if

    'o# !+e ! /!d disposition% If 'o# !re s#&-', or s#r&', or c'nic!&, or

    depressed, or s#perior, or frigtened !&f o#t of 'o#r *its, 'o#r &ife c!nnot

    possi/&' /e *ort &i+ing% Un&ess 'o# !re deter$ined to c#&ti+!te ! good

    disposition, 'o# $!' !s *e&& gi+e #p !&& ope of getting !n'ting *ort

    *i&e o#t of &ife, !nd it is -inder to te&& 'o# +er' p&!in&' t!t tis is te c!se%

    If 'o# !re not deter$ined to st!rt in no* !nd c!ref#&&' se&ect !&& d!' te

    -ind of to#gts t!t 'o# !re going to tin-, 'o# $!' !s *e&& gi+e #p !&&

    ope of s!ping 'o#r &ife into te -ind of ting t!t 'o# *!nt it to /e,

    /ec!#se tis is te on&' *!'%

    In sort, if 'o# *!nt to $!-e 'o#r &ife !pp' !nd *ort *i&e, *ic is*!t God *ises 'o# to $!-e it, 'o# $#st /egin i$$edi!te&' to tr!in

    'o#rse&f in te !/it of to#gt se&ection !nd to#gt contro&% Tis *i&& /e

    e0ceeding&' diffic#&t for te first fe* d!'s, /#t if 'o# perse+ere 'o# *i&&

    find t!t it *i&& /eco$e r!pid&' e!sier, !nd it is !ct#!&&' te $ost interesting

    e0peri$ent t!t 'o# co#&d possi/&' $!-e% In f!ct, tis to#gt contro& is te

    $ost tri&&ing&' interesting o//' t!t !n'one co#&d t!-e #p% >o# *i&& /e

    !$!zed !t te interesting tings t!t 'o# *i&& &e!rn !/o#t 'o#rse&f, !nd 'o#

    *i&& get res#&ts !&$ost fro$ te /eginning%

    No* $!n' peop&e -no*ing tis tr#t, $!-e spor!dic efforts fro$ ti$e to

    ti$e to contro& teir to#gts, /#t te to#gt stre!$ /eing so c&ose !s I

    !+e pointed o#ts !nd te i$p!cts fro$ o#tside so const!nt !nd +!ried, te'do not $!-e +er' $#c progress% T!t is not te *!' to *or-% >o#r on&'

    c!nce is definite&' to for$ ! ne* !/it of to#gt *ic *i&& c!rr' 'o#

    tro#g *en 'o# !re preocc#pied or off 'o#r g#!rd !s *e&& !s *en 'o#

    !re conscio#s&' !ttending to te /#siness% Tis ne* to#gt !/it $#st /e

    definite&' !c8#ired, !nd te fo#nd!tion of it c!n /e &!id *itin ! fe* d!'s,

    !nd te *!' to do it is tis@ M!-e #p 'o#r $ind to de+ote one *ee- so&e&'

    to te t!s- of /#i&ding ! ne* !/it of to#gt, !nd d#ring t!t *ee- &et

    e+er'ting in &ife /e #ni$port!nt !s co$p!red *it t!t% If 'o# *i&& do so,

    ten t!t *ee- *i&& /e te $ost signific!nt *ee- in 'o#r *o&e &ife% It *i&&

    &iter!&&' /e te t#rning point for 'o#% If 'o# *i&& do so, it is s!fe to s!' t!t

    'o#r *o&e &ife *i&& c!nge for te /etter% In f!ct, noting c!n possi/&'

    re$!in te s!$e% Tis does not si$p&' $e!n t!t 'o# *i&& /e !/&e to f!ce'o#r present diffic#&ties in ! /etter spirit it $e!ns t!t te diffic#&ties *i&&

    go% Tis is te scientific *!' to A&ter >o#r Life, !nd /eing in !ccord!nce

    *it te Gre!t L!* it c!nnot f!i&% No* do 'o# re!&ize t!t /' *or-ing in

    tis *!' 'o# do not !+e to c!nge conditions !t !ppens is t!t 'o#

    !pp&' te L!*, !nd ten te conditions c!nge spont!neo#s&'% >o# c!nnot

    c!nge conditions direct&' 'o# !+e often tried to do so !nd f!i&ed /#t go on

    te se+en d!' $ent!& diet !nd conditions $#st c!nge for 'o#%

    Tis ten is 'o#r prescription% or se+en d!'s 'o# $#st not !&&o* 'o#rse&f

    to d*e&& for ! sing&e $o$ent on !n' -ind of neg!ti+e to#gt% >o# $#st

    *!tc 'o#rse&f for ! *o&e *ee- !s ! c!t *!tces ! $o#se, !nd 'o# $#st


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    not #nder !n' pretense !&&o* 'o#r $ind to d*e&& on !n' to#gt t!t is not

    positi+e, constr#cti+e, opti$istic, -ind% Tis discip&ine *i&& /e so stren#o#s

    t!t 'o# co#&d not $!int!in it conscio#s&' for $#c $ore t!n ! *ee-, /#t I

    do not !s- 'o# to do so% A *ee- *i&& /e eno#g, /ec!#se /' t!t ti$e te

    !/it of positi+e tin-ing *i&& /egin to /e est!/&ised% So$e e0tr!ordin!r'

    c!nges for te /etter *i&& !+e co$e into 'o#r &ife, enco#r!ging 'o#

    enor$o#s&', !nd ten te f#t#re *i&& t!-e c!re of itse&f% Te ne* *!' of &ife

    *i&& /e so !ttr!cti+e !nd so $#c e!sier t!n te o&d *!' t!t 'o# *i&& find

    'o#r $ent!&it' !&igning itse&f !&$ost !#to$!tic!&&'%

    C#t te se+en d!'s !re going to /e stren#o#s% I *o#&d not !+e 'o# enter

    #pon tis *ito#t co#nting te cost% Mere p'sic!& f!sting *o#&d /e ci&ds

    p&!' in co$p!rison, e+en if 'o# !+e ! +er' good !ppetite% Te $ost

    e0!#sting for$ of !r$' g'$n!stics, co$/ined *it tirt' $i&e ro#te

    $!rces, *o#&d /e $i&d in co$p!rison *it tis #ndert!-ing% C#t it is on&'

    for one *ee- in 'o#r &ife, !nd it *i&& definite&' !&ter e+er'ting for te

    /etter% or te rest of 'o#r &ife ere, for !&& eternit' in f!ct, tings *i&& /e

    #tter&' different !nd inconcei+!/&' /etter t!n if 'o# !d not c!rried tro#g

    tis #ndert!-ing%

    Do not st!rt it &igt&'% Tin- !/o#t it for ! d!' or t*o /efore 'o# /egin%Ten st!rt in, !nd te gr!ce of God go *it 'o#% >o# $!' st!rt it !n' d!' in

    te *ee-, !nd !t !n' ti$e in te d!', first ting in te $orning, or !fter

    /re!-f!st, or !fter nc, it does not $!tter, /#t once 'o# do st!rt 'o# $#st

    go rigt tro#g for te se+en d!'s% T!t is essenti!&% Te *o&e ide! is to

    !+e se+en d!'s of#n/ro-en $ent!& discip&ine in order to get te $ind

    definite&' /ent in ! ne* direction once !nd for !&&%

    If 'o# $!-e ! f!&se st!rt, or e+en if 'o# go in *e&& for t*o or tree d!'s !nd

    ten for !n' re!son 6f!&& off6 te diet, te ting to do is to drop te sce$e

    !&togeter for se+er!& d!'s, !nd ten to st!rt !g!in !fres% Tere $#st /e no

    4#$ping on !nd off, !s it *ere% >o# re$e$/er t!t Rip V!n in-&e in te

    p&!' *o#&d t!-e ! so&e$n +o* of teetot!&is$, !nd ten pro$pt&' !ccept !drin- fro$ te first neig/or *o offered i$ one, s!'ing c!&$&'@ 6I *ont

    co#nt tis one%6 e&&, on te se+en d!' $ent!& diet tis sort of ting si$p&'

    *i&& not do% 'o# $#st positi+e&' co#nt e+er' &!pse, !nd *eter 'o# do or

    not, n!t#re *i&&% *ere tere is ! &!pse 'o# $#st go off te diet !&togeter

    !nd ten st!rt !g!in%

    No*, in order, if possi/&e, to forest!&& diffic#&ties, I *i&& consider te$ in !

    &itt&e det!i&%

    irst of !&&, *!t do I $e!n /' neg!ti+e tin-ing e&&, ! neg!ti+e to#gt

    is !n' to#gt of f!ire, dis!ppoint$ent, or tro#/&e !n' to#gt of

    criticis$, or spite, or 4e!&o#s', or conde$n!tion of oters, or se&f

    conde$n!tion !n' to#gt of sic-ness or !ccident or, in sort, !n' -ind of

    &i$it!tion or pessi$istic tin-ing% An' to#gt t!t is not positi+e !nd

    constr#cti+e in c!r!cter, *eter it concerns 'o# 'o#rse&f or !n'one e&se,

    is ! neg!ti+e to#gt% Do not /oter too $#c !/o#t te 8#estion of

    c&!ssific!tion, o*e+er in pr!ctice 'o# *i&& ne+er !+e !n' tro#/&e in

    -no*ing *eter ! gi+en to#gt is positi+e or neg!ti+e% E+en if 'o#r /r!in

    tries to decei+e 'o#, 'o#r e!rt *i&& *isper te tr#t%

    Second, 'o# $#st /e 8#ite c&e!r t!t *!t tis sce$e c!&&s for is t!t 'o#

    s!&& not entert!in, or d*e&& #pon neg!ti+e tings% Note tis c!ref#&&'% It is

    not te to#gt t!t co$e to 'o# t!t $!tter, /#t on&' s#c of te$ !s 'o#

    coose to entert!in !nd d*e&& #pon% It does not $!tter *!t to#gts $!'

    co$e to 'o# pro+ided 'o# do not entert!in te$% It is te entert!ining or

    d*e&&ing #pon te$ t!t $!tters% (f co#rse, $!n' neg!ti+e to#gts *i&&

    co$e to 'o# !&& d!' &ong% So$e of te$ *i&& 4#st drift into 'o#r $ind of

    teir o*n !ccord see$ing&', !nd tese co$e to 'o# o#t of te r!ce $ind%

    (ter neg!ti+e to#gts *i&& /e gi+en to 'o# /' oter peop&e, eiter in

    con+ers!tion or /' teir cond#ct, or 'o# *i&& e!r dis!gree!/&e ne*s

    per!ps /' &etter or te&epone, or 'o# *i&& see cri$es !nd dis!sters

    !nno#nced in te ne*sp!per e!dings% Tese tings, o*e+er, do not $!tter!s &ong !s 'o# do not entert!in te$% In f!ct, it is tese +er' tings t!t

    pro+ide te discip&ine t!t is going to tr!nsfor$ 'o# d#ring tis epoc

    $!-ing *ee-% Te ting to do is, direct&' te neg!ti+e to#gt presents

    itse&f t#rn it o#t% T#rn !*!' fro$ te ne*sp!per t#rn o#t te to#gt of

    te #n-ind &etter, or st#pid re$!r-, or *!t not% en te neg!ti+e to#gt

    f&o!ts into 'o#r $ind, i$$edi!te&' t#rn it o#t !nd tin- of so$eting e&se%

    Cest of !&&, tin- of God !s e0p&!ined in Te Go&den 7e' perfect !n!&og' is

    f#rnised /' te c!se of ! $!n *o is sitting /' !n open fire *en ! red ot

    cinder f&ies o#t !nd f!&&s on is s&ee+e% If e -noc-s t!t cinder off !t once,

    *ito#t ! $o$ents de&!' to tin- !/o#t it, no !r$ is done% C#t if e

    !&&o*s it to rest on i$ for ! sing&e $o$ent, #nder !n' pretense, te

    $iscief is done, !nd it *i&& /e ! tro#/&eso$e t!s- to rep!ir t!t s&ee+e% So itis *it ! neg!ti+e to#gt%

    No* *!t of tose neg!ti+e to#gts !nd conditions *ic it is i$possi/&e

    to !+oid !t te point *ere 'o# !re tod!' !t of te ordin!r' tro#/&es

    t!t 'o# *i&& !+e to $eet in te office or ! o$e Te !ns*er is, t!t s#c

    tings *i&& not !ffect 'o#r diet pro+ided t!t 'o# do not !ccept te$, /'

    fe!ring te$, /' /e&ie+ing te$, /' /eing indign!nt or s!d !/o#t te$, or

    /' gi+ing te$ !n' po*er !t !&&% An' neg!ti+e condition t!t d#t' co$pe&s

    'o# to !nd&e *i&& not !ffect 'o#r diet% Go to te office, or $eet te c!res !t

    o$e, *ito#t !&&o*ing te$ to !ffect 'o#% FNone of tese tings $o+e $e

    !nd !&& *i&& /e *e&&% S#ppose t!t 'o# !re ncing *it ! friend *o t!&-s

    neg!ti+e&'Do not tr' to s#t i$ #p or oter*ise sn#/ i$% Let i$ t!&-,13

  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    /#t do not !ccept *!t e s!'s, !nd 'o#r diet *i&& not /e !ffected% S#ppose

    t!t on co$ing o$e 'o# !re greeted *it ! &ot of neg!ti+e con+ers!tiondo

    not pre!c ! ser$on, /#t si$p&' do not !ccept it% It is 'o#r $ent!& consent,

    re$e$/er, t!t constit#tes 'o#r diet% S#ppose 'o# *itness !n !ccident or !n

    !ct of in4#stice &et #s s!' Inste!d of re!cting *it pit' or indign!tion, ref#se

    to !ccept te !ppe!r!nce !t its f!ce +!e do !n'ting t!t 'o# c!n to rigt

    $!tters, gi+e it te rigt to#gt !nd &et it go !t t!t% >o# *i&& sti&& /e on te


    (f co#rse, it *i&& /e +er' e&pf#& if 'o# c!n t!-e steps to !+oid $eeting

    d#ring tis *ee- !n'one *o see$s p!rtic#&!r&' &i-e&' to !ro#se te de+i& in

    'o#% =eop&e *o get on 'o#r ner+es, or r#/ 'o# #p te *rong *!', or /ore

    'o#, !re /etter !+oided *i&e 'o# !re on te diet /#t if it is not possi/&e to

    !+oid te$, ten 'o# $#st t!-e ! &itt&e e0tr! discip&ine t!t is !&&%

    S#ppose t!t 'o# !+e ! p!rtic#&!r&' tr'ing orde!& /efore 'o# ne0t *ee-

    e&&, if 'o# !+e eno#g spirit#!& #nderst!nding 'o# *i&& -no* o* to

    $eet t!t in te spirit#!& *!' /#t, for o#r present p#rpose, I tin- I *o#&d

    *!it !nd st!rt te diet !s soon !s te orde!& is o+er% As I s!id /efore, do not

    t!-e #p te diet &igt&', /#t tin- it o+er *e&& first%

    In c&osing, I *!nt to te&& 'o# t!t peop&e often find t!t te st!rting of tis

    diet see$s to stir #p !&& sorts of diffic#&ties% It seen is !s to#g e+er'ting

    /egins to go *rong !t once% Tis $!' /e disconcerting, /#t it is re!&&' !

    good sign% It $e!ns t!t tings !re $o+ing !nd is not t!t te +er' o/4ect

    *e !+e in +ie* S#ppose 'o#r *o&e *or&d see$s to roc- on its

    fo#nd!tions% "o&d on ste!di&', &et it roc-, !nd *en te roc-ing is o+er%, te

    pict#re *i&& !+e re!sse$/&ed itse&f into so$eting $#c ne!rer to 'o#r

    e!rts desire%

    Te !/o+e point is +it!&&' i$port!nt !nd r!ter s#/t&e% Do 'o# not see t!t

    te +er' d*e&&ing #pon tese diffic#&ties is in itse&f ! neg!ti+e to#gt

    *ic !s pro/!/&' tro*n 'o# off te diet Te re$ed' is not, of co#rse,to den' t!t 'o#r *or&d is roc-ing in !ppe!r!nce, /#t to ref#se to t!-e te

    !ppe!r!nce for te re!&it' F:#dge not !ccording to !ppe!r!nces /#t 4#dge

    rigteo#s 4#dg$ent%

    A c&osing *ord of c!#tionDo not te&& !n'one e&se t!t 'o# !re on te diet,

    or t!t 'o# intend to go on it% 7eep tis tre$endo#s pro4ect strict&' to

    'o#rse&f% Re$e$/er t!t 'o#r so#& so#&d /e te Secret =&!ce of te Most

    "ig% en 'o# !+e co$e tro#g te se+en d!'s s#ccessf#&&', !nd

    sec#red 'o#r de$onstr!tion, !&&o* ! re!son!/&e ti$e to e&!pse to est!/&is

    te ne* $ent!&it', !nd ten te&& te stor' to !n'one e&se *o 'o# tin- is

    &i-e&' to /e e&ped /' it%

    And, fin!&&', re$e$/er t!t noting s!id or done /' !n'one e&se c!n

    possi/&' tro* 'o# off te diet% (n&' 'o#r o*n re!ction to te oter persons

    cond#ct c!n do t!t%

  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    =erfection #nto $' /od'% I &i+e te Cod' Ide!&%

    /or the -'perience o% uccess"

    In te =#re Ceing I AM, !nd *it To#gt Di+ine, I spe!- te tr#t% I !$

    te s#ccess of te #ni+erse in indi+id#!& e0pression terefore, $' e+er'

    !cti+it' is co$p&ete&' s#ccessf#&, !nd I go fort e!c d!' to !cie+e !nd

    !cco$p&is in !ccord!nce *it $' igest +ision% I !$ te L!* of Victor'

    !nd Tri#$p% I &i+e te S#ccess Ide!&%

    /or the -'perience o% Love and 1armony"

    Lo+e is te gre!test po*er in te #ni+erse, free&' gi+en to one !nd !&&%

    God &o+es $e, !nd tro#g God.s &o+e, I c!n &o+e oters% As I &o+e

    oters, I !$ &o+ed% M' !r$onio#s to#gts !re ret#rned in -ind% !t I

    !$ fee&ing !/o#t !noter, I !$ fee&ing !/o#t $'se&f% I coose to on&' fee&

    pe!cef#&&' !nd &o+ing&' to*!rd !&&% I pr!ctice !r$&essness in to#gt !nd

    fee&ing e!c !nd e+er' d!'%

    /or Peace"

    Let pe!ce co$e fort in e+er' $ind% Let &o+e f&o* fort fro$ e+er' e!rt%

    Let forgi+eness reign in e+er' so#&% Let #nderst!nding /e te co$$on


    E$$et o0 on tre!t$ent of in!r$onio#s circ#$st!nces

    ro$ 6ind !nd Use >o#r Inner =o*er6%

    *-A 1- *-A&-N

    Spirit#!& tre!t$ent is re!&&' -no*ing te Tr#t !/o#t ! gi+en condition%

    Tere !ppe!rs to /e so$eting *rong O so$eone is sic-, or tere is

    in!r$on', or per!ps &!c- O /#t inste!d of !ccepting tis, 'o# re$ind

    'o#rse&f of te Tr#t% Tis re$inding onese&f of te Tr#t is ! +er' po*erf#&

    tre!t$ent, /ec!#se in tis *!' *e do not tr' to *rest&e *it te e+i&, /#t *e

    -no* t!t it is not tere% Te tr#t !/o#t &ife is t!t !&& is perfect, #tter,#nc!nging !r$on', /ec!#se God is te on&' =resence !nd te on&' =o*er%

    As ! st#dent of $et!p'sics 'o# -no* tis, !nd often $ere&' re$inding

    'o#rse&f of it /rings ! 8#ic- !nd /e!#tif#& de$onstr!tion% (f co#rse tere

    !re, o*e+er, soc!&&ed cronic c!ses in *ic te st#dent, despite !&& e

    c!n do, see$s to $!-e no progress% I !+e -no*n so$e o/stin!te !nd &ong

    st!nding diffic#&ties to /e o+erco$e /' te fo&&o*ing $etod@ Gi+e one

    fin!& !nd definite tre!t$ent for te diffic#&t' in 8#estion /' re$inding

    'o#rse&f of te Spirit#!& Tr#t concerning it, !nd ten do not tre!t !/o#t te

    pro/&e$ !g!in /#t tre!t te tre!t$ent *ene+er 'o# fee& inc&ined to% Do tis

    /' c&!i$ing t!t t!t tre!t$ent *!s ! Di+ine !cti+it' !nd $#st /e

    s#ccessf#&% &!i$ t!t God *or-ed tro#g 'o# *en 'o# g!+e te

    tre!t$ent !nd t!t Gods *or- $#st s#cceed% Insist t!t 'o#r tre!t$ent,/eing ! Di+ine !cti+it', c!nnot /e indered /' see$ing diffic#&ties or

    $!teri!& conditions% Gi+e t!n-s for its perfect s#ccess !nd $e!n *!t 'o#

    s!'% Tis is 6tre!ting te tre!t$ent,6 !nd 'o# $!' do tis !s often !s 'o#

    &i-e% It !s none of te dis!d+!nt!ges t!t !re !pt to !rise fro$ tre!ting te

    pro/&e$ itse&f too often%

    reat the 6+ecause6

    en 'o# find 'o#rse&f tin-ing t!t 'o#r =r!'er c!nnot /e !ns*ered for

    !n' re!son *!te+er tre!t t!t re!son%


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    en so$eting s!'s to 'o# t!t 'o# c!nnot de$onstr!te 6/ec!#se6 tre!t

    te /ec!#se%

    en 'o# tin-, I c!nnot de$onstr!te /ec!#se I !+e not eno#g

    #nderst!nding tre!t for #nderst!nding%

    en 'o# tin-, I c!nnot tre!t /ec!#se I !+e ! "e!d!ce tre!t te


    en 'o# tin-, I c!nnot de$onstr!te /ec!#se I !$ f#&& of do#/ts tre!t

    te do#/ts%

    en 'o# tin- I c!nnot de$onstr!te /ec!#se it is no* too &!te tre!t

    !g!inst te ti$e i&sion%

    en 'o# tin-, I c!nnot de$onstr!te in tis p!rt of te co#ntr' tre!t

    !g!inst te sp!ce i&sion%

    en 'o# tin-, I c!nnot de$onstr!te tis ting /ec!#se of $' !ge tre!t

    'o#r !ge /e&ief%

    en 'o# tin-, I c!nnot de$onstr!te /ec!#se so$eone e&se *i&& inder

    $e tre!t te /e&ief in ! po*er oter t!n God%

    No $!tter *!t n!$e te /ec!#se $!' gi+e itse&f, it is sti&& 'o#r /e&ief in

    &i$it!tion% Ce &o'!& to God !nd -no* t!t "e !nd "e !&one !s !&& po*er%

    Tre!t te /ec!#se%

    6ow I %ound 6ealthBy Myrtle Fillmore

    I have made what seems to me a discovery. I was very sick; I hadall the ills of mind and body that I could bear. Medicine anddoctors ceased to give me relief and I was in despair, until I foundpractical Christianity, I affirmed my beliefs, and I was healed. Idid most of the healing myself, because I wanted theunderstanding for future use. his is how I made what I call mydiscovery!

    I was thinking about life. "ife is everywhere#in animals and inpeople. $hen why doesn%t the life in the animal make a body likea human%s&' I asked. hen I thought, the animal has not as muchsense as a human. (h) Intelligence, as well as life, is needed tomake a body. *ere is the key to my discovery! "ife has to beguided by intelligence in making all forms. he same law works inmy own body. "ife is simply a form of energy, and it has to beguided and directed in a person%s body by his or her intelligence.*ow do we communicate intelligence& By thinking and talking, ofcourse. hen it flashed upon me that I might talk to the life inevery part of my body and have it do +ust what I wanted. I beganto teach my body and got marvelous results.

    I told the life in my liver that it was not torpid or inert, but full ofvigor and energy. I told the life in my stomach that it was notweak or inefficient, but energetic, strong, and intelligent. I toldthe life in my abdomen that it was no longer infested withignorant ideas of disease, put there by myself and by doctors, butthat it was all alive with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy ofod. I told my limbs that they were active and strong. I told myeyes that they did not see of themselves, but that they e-pressedthe sight of pirit and that they were drawing on an unlimitedsource. I told them that they were young eyes#clear, bright eyes,

    because the light of od shone through them. I told my heart thatthe pure love of /esus Christ flowed in and through its beatingsand that all the world felt its +oyous pulsation.

    I went to all the life centers in my body and spoke words of ruthto them#words of strength and power. I asked their forgivenessfor the foolish, ignorant course that I had pursued in the past,

    when I had condemned them and called them weak, inefficient,and diseased. I did not become discouraged at their being slow to

    wake up, but kept right on, both silently and aloud, declaringwords of ruth until the organs responded. (nd neither did Iforget to tell them that they were free, unlimited pirit. I told


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    them that they were no longer in bondage to the carnal mind; thatthey were not corruptible flesh, but centers of life and energyomnipresent.

    hen I asked the Father to forgive me for taking *is life into mybody and using it so wastefully. I promised *im that I wouldnever, never again retard the free flow of that life through mymind and my body by any false word or thought; that I would

    always bless it and encourage it with true thoughts and words inits wise work of building up my body temple; that I would use alldiligence and wisdom in telling it +ust what I wanted it to do.

    I also saw that I was using the life of the Father in thinkingthoughts and speaking words, and I became very watchful as to

    what I thought and said.

    I did not let any worried or an-ious thoughts into my mind, and Istopped speaking gossipy, frivolous, petulant, angry words. I let alittle prayer go up every hour that /esus Christ would be with me

    and help me to think and speak only kind, loving, true words; andI am sure that *e is with me, because I am so peaceful and happynow.

    I want everybody to know about this beautiful, true law and to useit. It is not a new discovery but, when you use it and get the fruitsof health and harmony, it will seem new to you, and you will feelthat it is your own discovery.

    )iing AbundantlyBy 0ev. Chris /ackson

    1our life can be positively transformed) oday can be the day inwhich od%s plan for your life begins e-pressing itself in waysgreater than anything you can imagine. 1ou can become morefully aware of the incredible kingdom of od within and around


    /esus said, $I came that they may have life, and have itabundantly2 3/n. 45! 456. o accept /esus7 invitation to a fullerlife, we must be willing to move beyond a routine, fearful, orlimited e-istence and live the dynamic, abundant life. 8e live theabundant life by daring to discover more of our spiritual identityand potential.

    o live the abundant life, we must stop taking each day forgranted. In each moment of every od9given day, we aresurrounded by sparkling treasures, divine gifts, and remarkableopportunities. 8itnessing a sunrise, following the flight of asoaring bird, or observing the reflection of trees and clouds andsunshine in a clear pond are each simple causes for thanksgiving,

    if we will but take the time to appreciate them.

    "iving the abundant life begins not by changing or rearrangingpeople and things around us, but by gently and :uietly openingour eyes to the miracle of the moment and to od. 8hen we dothis, an inner spiritual awakening takes place that alters ourperception. 8e see with new eyes.

    o you wish to live the abundant life& ee life in a new way, andpraise and give thanks for even the smallest blessings in your life."et go of past regrets and the chains of challenge that have bound


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    8orld *ead:uarters at nity >illage.

    Lessons From MyrtleUnite All Areas of Your LifeMyrtle believed there are three realms that must be addressed forhealing to occur. $aily, declare that your spirituallife and world,

    your mental lifeand world and yourphysicallife and world areunified and that you are e-pressing harmoniously the ideas of theChrist Mind on these three planes.2Have Immense Faith That You Can Be Healed

    8hen asked what restored her vigorous health, Myrtle stated, $Itwas a change of mind from the old, carnal mind that believes insickness to the Christ Mind of life and permanent health. Iapplied spiritual laws effectively, blessing my body temple until itmanifested the innate health of pirit.2

    Turn InwardMyrtle taught that od is inside each person. $ometimes we prayto a od outside of ourselves. It is the od in the midst of us thatfrees and heals. D 1ou need to think of od, the all9powerful*ealer, as being already within you, in every part of your mind,heart, and body.2Be Optimisti=ositive thoughts help replace old ways of thinking and :uickenhealing. $=rayer is an e-ercise to change our thought habits andour living habits. D 8hen some of our thought energy ise-pended in negative beliefs and feelings D we get those oldnegative results.2

    !est "very #ayMyrtle noted that times of rest and re+uvenation feed the soul. $(period of :uiet and rest each day is your opportunity to establish

    yourself at the center of your being, the one place where thesupply of life and substance is ine-haustible.2Ta$e Care of Your BodyMyrtle strongly believed in maintaining a healthy lifestyle#eatinghealthy foods, e-ercising, and resting. $he body responds tochanges of the mind; and when this is accompanied by truly wiseliving habits, the conformity to true ideas D will renew it andmake it every whit whole.2

    Bless Your BodyFinally, Myrtle believed that we must e-press gratitude for our

    bodies regularly. $Eur first duty then is to bless our body D topraise its wonderful work, to learn what its needs are, and tosupply them.2Myrtle Fillmore is an inspirational e-ample of how powerful faithand prayer can be. *er teachings continue to guide people in thehealing process. For more of Myrtle Fillmore%s teachings, read the

    bookHealing Letters.

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    Twele 3athwaysBy Michael (. Maday

    o understand the welve =owers, you have to know that they aretwelve e-pressions of the one =ower, the Christ within each of us.he welve =owers are! love, faith, understanding, wisdom,imagination, Aeal, strength, will, life, power, renunciation andorder.

    8hat is meant by $the Christ2 is $the fully awakened humanbeing.2 D It is the state of consciousness within us that is

    completely one with od. /esus, the man from alilee, born inBethlehem, realiAed his true spiritual nature and became theChrist D showing us the way for each of us to know our Christnature and to fully realiAe it.

    8hen nity and ew hought speak of the Christ, we do notgenerally have /esus e-clusively in mind. 8e are usually speakingof the divine potential that we are here on arth to realiAe.Charles Fillmore saw twelve pathways for realiAation of this oneruth; they are twelve paths that lead to the one mountain.

    Fillmore also saw the twelve disciples of /esus as symbolicallyrepresenting each of these twelve pathways, these twelve powersof the Christ. *e believed that each disciple manifested one aspectof the Christ more perfectly than any other and connected thatpower to that disciple. =eter became Faith; /ames became

    8isdom; /ohn, "ove; (ndrew, trength; and so on. D

    /ust as /esus tended to send his disciples out two by two 3"uke

    45!46 or in other combinations greater than one, the powersthemselves do not truly work in isolation. If you contemplate it,

    you can see that the power of love needs the power of divinediscrimination, of wisdom, to complement it. Faith works

    wonderfully well with understanding; imagination is activated bythe power of order, and so on. In reality, all the powers are alwaysat work, even when one seems to be predominating; all are reallythe Christ power manifesting itself in different ways. D he Christis the vine, the powers are the branches, and the branches tend tointertwine)

    2o# $!-e $e to re&!0 fro$

    !&& tension >o# &e!d $e into pe!ce of $ind !nd e!rt >o# restore $' zest


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    for &i+ing% >o# g#ide $e into #sing $' /od' *ise&' for >o#r n!$es s!-e%

    >e!, to#g I !$ s#rro#nded /' dise!se !nd te to#gt of dise!se, I *i&&

    !+e no fe!r, for >o# !re *it $e% >o#r Tr#t !nd &ife s#st!in $e% >o#

    prep!re ! reser+e *itin $e to $eet !&& &ifes c!&&enges >o# c!rge $'

    e!rt *it e!&ing &ife% M' energ' is #n/o#nded% S#re&' e!&t !nd 4o' s!&&

    fo&&o* $e !&& te d!'s of $' &ife, !nd I *i&& d*e&& in te conscio#sness of

    *o&eness fore+er%

    1ealing the 1eart

    An e0pression co$$on&' #sed /' spirit#!&$inded peop&e is KC&ess 'o#r

    e!rt9 It con+e's te i$p&ic!tion t!t if 'o#r e!rt is /&essed, 'o#r &ife *i&&

    /e !r$onio#s !nd *o&e% Let #s /&ess te org!n c!&&ed 'o#r e!rt%

    Affir$@ I !$ one *it te one gre!t "e!rt t!t /e!ts for !&&%

    Ref&ect@ M' e!rt is /&essed% Te p#re &o+e !nd &ife of God p#&s!te tro#g

    it in perfect r't$ !nd order )

    +rea!ing 1a$its

    A&& !/its !re !c8#ired, not inerited% >o# c!n $!ster !nd o+erco$e !n'

    #n*!nted !/it% It is not eno#g to tr' to /re!- te !/it /ec!#se 'o# tin-

    'o# so#&d% >o# $#st re!&&' *!nt to o+erco$e% or- reg#&!r&' *it tese


    Affir$@ I !$ ! strong, decisi+e, confident ci&d of God% I !$ not dependent

    #pon ! !/it for $' strengt or sec#rit'% M' f!it is in God *itin $e%

    Ref&ect@ God is $' reso#rce, $' ste!d', etern!& reso#rce% Te spirit in $e

    is te Spirit of God, !nd God c!nnot &ong for !n'ting)

    ension and 1urry

    "o* c!n *e find te ti$e to do te tings t!t *e *!nt !nd need to do, !nd

    to do te$ *ito#t fee&ing r#sed, #rried or tense e c!n pr!'erf#&&'

    den' tese tings !s !+ing !n' p!rt of o#r &ife !nd set ! ne* te$e of

    &i+ing in t#ne *it te Infinite%

    Affir$@ I *or- *ito#t str!in, *!&- *ito#t #rr', !nd &i+e *ito#t tension,

    for I !$ in t#ne *it te Infinite%

    Ref&ect@ I !$ no* est!/&ised in te pe!ce !nd poise of Spirit% I do te

    tings I need to do e!si&', efficient&' !nd effort&ess&' )


    M!n' of #s &i+e #nder tension !nd stress, !nger, fr#str!tion !nd irrit!tion% It

    is possi/&e to &e!rn to &i+e *it ! re&!0ed !nd confident spirit, to find

    c!&$ness !nd tr!n8#i&it' n!t#r!&&'%

    Affir$@ I !$ centered in te d'n!$ic spirit of tr!n8#i&it'% I !$ refresed,

    rene*ed !nd !t pe!ce *it &ife !nd *it te *or&d%

    Ref&ect@ I !$ serene !nd #ndist#r/ed !s I tin- of $' &ife !nd !ff!irs% I !$

    #ndist#r/ed /' do#/t !nd fe!r% A 8#iet s#rge of pe!ce !nd po*er f&o*s

    tro#g $e )


    e often e!r it s!id t!t te gre!test ting in te *or&d is &o+e, !nd 'et *e

    o+er&oo- te f!ct t!t &o+e is !&so te $ost needed f!ctor in person!& !n

    intern!tion!& re&!tionsips% God is &o+e, !nd !s Gods ci&d, 'o# !re !

    c!nne& tro#g *ic te &i$it&ess !nd d'n!$ic energ' of &o+e c!n f&o*Q

    if 'o# &et it%

    Affir$@ I !$ ! c!nne& for te e0pression of te infinite &o+e of God%

    Ref&ect@ Te &o+e in $e is God in $e% I do not gener!te &o+e I si$p&'

    e0press it% I do not need to $!-e $'se&f &o+e cert!in peop&e% I need on&' to

    get $'se&f o#t of te *!' !nd &et te di+ine energ' of &o+e f&o* tro#g $e,

    !s it is its n!t#re to do )

    #n8ustice, #nharmony

    Tere !re ti$es *en o#r Krigts !re tre!tened !nd *en *e fee& t!t

    *!t is o#rs is t!-en fro$ #s% Te #$!n side of #s $igt resist !nd

    str#gg&e% C#t *e !re to&d, KDo not /e o+erco$e /' e+i&, /#t o+erco$e e+i&

    *it good FRo$!ns 12@21% Te *!' of o+erco$ing is tro#g Kco$ing

    o+er te to#gts of conf&ict to ! iger &e+e&, to te to#g of di+ine



  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    Affir$@ Gods &!* of !d4#st$ent reg#&!tes ! && te !ff!irs of $' &ife, !nd !&&

    tings !re in di+ine order%

    Ref&ect@ No one c!n t!-e fro$ $e t!t *ic is rigtf#&&' $ine% (n te

    #$!n &e+e& of !ppe!r!nces, it see$s t!t c!nges c!n &e!d to &oss !nd

    in4#stice% C#t /e'ond te !ppe!r!nce is ! &e+e& of e0perience *ere Gods

    &!* of !d4#st$ent is !&*!'s !cti+e, t#rning &osses into g!ins, re+e!&ing te

    Tr#t t!t e+en if 'o# intended it for e+i&, God intends it for good%

    he Art o% *etirement

    I.$ going to t!&- tis $orning on ! s#/4ect t!t $igt, !t first g&!nce, /e

    so$e*!t neg!ti+e !nd, t#s, not in -eeping *it o#r #s#!& positi+e

    tin-ing% I.$ going to t!&- !/o#t retire$ent !nd tr' to pro+ide so$e insigts

    t!t *i&& e&p persons f!cing retire$ent, or in retire$ent, to $eet it

    cre!ti+e&' !nd s#ccessf#&&'%

    it peop&e &i+ing &onger !nd &onger t!n e+er /efore !nd retiring fro$

    teir *or- !t 'o#nger !nd 'o#nger !ges t!n e+er /efore, cert!in&', it is

    i$port!nt t!t *e /egin to tin- of te re$!ining 'e!rs not !s Ks#nset

    'e!rs, /#t !s K"ig Noon >e!rs% Retire$ent !s !&*!'s see$ed to i$p&'

    Kte /eginning of te end, /#t *e *!nt to get est!/&ised in te to#gt

    t!t it is re!&&', Kte end of te /eginning% Ro/ert Cro*ning s!'s, K)te

    &!st of &ife for *ic te first *!s $!de%

    Retire$ent !s nor$!&&' !d ! connot!tion of *itdr!*!&, retre!t,

    retrogression, resign!tion, recse, &one&iness% e *!nt to tin- of it !s

    regener!tion, re/irt, ren!iss!nce, reconditioning% I &i-e Ger!&d "erd.s

    to#gt of, *!t e c!&&s, Ksecond $!t#rit', ! ti$e of $!n.s !+ing

    !+!i&!/&e ! +!st storeo#se of f!cts !nd e0periences, fro$ *ic e c!n

    dr!* *isdo$ !nd rigtness of insigt t!t *o#&d, $ost cert!in&', not /e

    concei+ed /' i$ in e!r&ier 'e!rs% e !+e to#gt t!t *!ning interest in

    go!&s !nd in ne* tings, or resist!nce to c!nge !nd te &i-e, !re si$p&'

    s'$pto$s of !ge% In !ct#!&it', te' !re te c!#se of !ge% Te person *o

    -eeps i$se&f !&i+e in $ind !nd e!rt, -eeps i$se&f !&i+e in /od', despite

    te p!ssing 'e!rs% So* $e ! person *o !s e0perienced !p!t' !nd

    depression in is retire$ent, !nd I *i&& so* 'o# $!n' *o ret!ined

    sec#rit', serenit', !nd pe!ce !nd ceerf#&ness !nd opti$is$ !nd ent#si!s$

    for &ife% S#c persons !+e prep!red te$se&+es *it di+erse, /ro!d go!&s

    !nd interests% Te' *ere not so&e&' &i$ited to teir g!inf#& e$p&o'$ent%

    Te' $!' !+e perfor$ed +onteer *or-% Te' $!' !+e t!-en co#rses or

    !ttended &ect#res% Te' $!' !+e st#died on teir o*n% Te' $!' !+e -ept

    in $ind te go!& of getting ! /etter insigt into te$se&+es% Te' $!' !+e

    p#rs#ed ! spirit#!& 8#est% So, *en te c!nge c!$e, te' $!' !+e !d to

    tigten teir /e&ts, &i-e !n' oter person, /#t te' too- !n !ffir$!ti+e

    +ie*point to*!rd &ife, &ending interest to it, *resting $e!ning fro$ it% And,

    te' dec&ined to /e e&p&ess !nd ope&ess%

    Under&'ing te ne#roses t!t c!n !ppe!r !fter retire$ent is te erroneo#s

    +ie* t!t *or-ing for p!' is te so&e $e!ning of &ife% Te need is not

    necess!ri&' to !+e ! p!'ing 4o/ /#t, r!ter, to !+e ! p#rpose, *ic ! 4o/

    ordin!ri&' pro+ides in 'o#nger 'e!rs% ert!in&', it.s ! pro/&e$ *en

    retire$ent, itse&f, /eco$es ! go!&% Act#!&&', it so#&d /e $ore of ! d'n!$ic

    process% If *e $!-e retire$ent te end, ten it /eco$es te end for #s%

    ro$ tis st!ndpoint, *e so#&d ne+er retire, if /' tis *e $e!n getting o#t

    of in+o&+e$ent !nd occ#p!tion% M!n *!s not $e!nt for tis% "e needs to /e

    in te $idd&e of tings% Since e is greg!rio#s !nd soci!&$inded /' n!t#re,

    e essenti!&&' c!nnot st!nd /eing o#t of tings%

    In 1B5, t*o p'sici!ns, Dr% &!nders D#n/!r !nd is /roter, Dr% r!ncis

    D#n/!r, $!de !n e0!#sti+e st#d' of centen!ri!nsQpeop&e *o !+e

    re!ced te !ge of one #ndred% 7eeping /#s' *!s one ting t!t te' !&&

    !d in co$$on% And te interesting ting is@ te' fo#nd not ! sing&e retiredtodonoting person *o &i+ed to /e one #ndred% Retire$ent, te'

    concded, !nd enforced ed#c!tion !nd &eis#re defe!t teir o*n go!&s% Tose

    *o re$!in e!&t' !nd f#&& of +it!&it' !fter !ge si0t'fi+e, st!' e!&t'

    /ec!#se te' *is to *or- in so$e c!p!cit')!nd te' do% A&to#g, $!n'

    of te centen!ri!ns !d retired fro$ so$e 4o/, te' !d, in+!ri!/&', rep&!ced

    it *it so$e oter c!&&ing or occ#p!tion% Te st#d' confir$ed *!t so $!n'

    !+e -no*n !&& !&ong@ t!t cre!t#res &i+e /' $o+ing !nd g!in strengt !s

    te' go% Ger!&d "erd s!id t!t Kretire$ent so#&d /e te ti$e *en ! person

    c!n de+ote i$se&f to te f#&& re!ping of is potenti!&ities%

    M!'/e te +er' *ord Kretire$ent !s /eco$e ! stig$! $!'/e *e so#&d

    #se s#c *ords !s, K!d+!nce$ent, or K&ife c!nge% C#t &et.s /e s#re to get! positi+e !ttit#de to*!rd it% Tere is no re!son *' !n' person so#&d

    fritter !*!' +!!/&e ti$e !nd energ', so&e&' on /ingo or s#ff&e/o!rd,

    *ic so#&d /e $ere&' di+ersions !nd not te *o&e of &ife% "o* $#c

    /etter it is to contin#e te process of gro*t tro#g ed#c!tion or tr!+e& or

    so$e in+o&+e$ent of person!& ser+ice to oters% ito#t s#c !cti+it', te

    retired person is &i-e&' to e0perience de/i&it!ting f!tig#e !nd !p!t'% It is o#t

    of /oredo$ t!t &ife &oses its $e!ning !nd sets te ps'co&ogic!& st!ge for

    !&& sorts of f!tig#e !nd dise!ses !nd disorders of /od' !nd $ind%

    Age, te p!ssing of te 'e!rs of o#r &ife, $!' *e&& /e ine+it!/&e, /#t tere is

    ! coice% e c!n gro* o&der or *e c!n gro* on*!rd% (&i+er ende&&


  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    "o&$es once re$!r-ed t!t Kit is /etter to /e se+ent' 'e!rs 'o#ng, t!n

    fort' 'e!rs o&d% Gro*ing o&d t!-es no effort, !nd is #s#!&&' !cco$p!nied

    /' te !ttit#de@ Ke&&, &ife 4#st !ppens, !nd tere is noting 'o# c!n do

    !/o#t it% C#t gro*ing on*!rd t!-es effort !nd !&ertnessQ*or-ing !t te

    process of -eeping te Spirit !&i+e, 4#st !s ! Ke!&t conscio#sness -eeps

    te /od' in its proper condition% >o# $#st /e !s conscio#s of *!t 'o# gi+e

    'o#r $ind for /re!-f!st e+er' d!', !s 'o# !re of *!t 'o# gi+e 'o#r /od'

    for /re!-f!st% Gi+e 'o#rse&f ! ste!d' diet of #p&ifting, cre!ti+e, sti$#&!ting,

    c!&&enging, positi+e ide!s%

    Senior citizens. residences !re fine, /#t *e need to get ! ne* concept of 4#st

    *!t it $e!ns to /e ! Ksenior citizen% In gener!&, te *ord Ksenior i$p&ies

    !cie+e$ent, #sef#&ness, !d+!nce$ent, onor% C#t for so$e #nf!to$!/&e

    re!son, *e !+e per$itted te ter$ Ksenior citizen to connote #se&ess

    citizen)!nd tis is s!d% orrecting tis c!n on&' co$e !/o#t tro#g ! se&f

    correction% ere+er 'o# $!' /e on te sc!&e of $e!s#ring /' n#$/er of

    'e!rs, 'o# !re !&i+e, t#s 'o# !re ! f#&&f&edged, d'n!$ic $e$/er of te

    #$!n r!ce)of te Uni+erse9 Societ' $!' $!nd!te retire$ent fro$ !

    p!rtic#&!r 4o/, /#t no one c!n force 'o#r *itdr!*!& !s !n integr!& p!rt of

    te Uni+erse%

    Accept te $i&estone of retire$ent gr!cef#&&' !nd *it nonresist!nce, /#t

    re4ect te neg!ti+e i$p&ic!tions of it% In te f!ce of te #$!n /e&ief t!t

    $!' press#re 'o# into fee&ings of fin!&it' or deterior!tion or of /eing Ko+er

    te i&&, insist t!t 'o# *i&& !+e no p!rt of tese, !nd t!t &ife is ! gro*t

    e0perience fro$ *itino#t, !nd t!t 'o# *i&& e+er contin#e to gro* in te

    re!&iz!tion of 'o#r potenti!& for d'n!$ic &i+ing%

    In te co$$onp&!ce interpret!tion of te ter$, *e so#&d ne+er Kretire9

    e so#&d ne+er get /o0ed into ! position *ere *e !re Ko#t of it% A sense

    of re$!ining Kin c!n /e !c8#ired in $!n' *!'sQtro#g te #se of $ind

    !nd !nds, tro#g cre!ti+it' of conscio#sness, *it te !ss#r!nce t!t it is

    $e!ningf#&% 7eep 'o#r c!p!cit' for *onder, 'o#r ent#si!s$ for &ife9

    (ne *!' or !noter, *e c!n !&& -eep on /eing cre!ti+e% =eop&e stop c!ring

    /ec!#se te' erroneo#s&' /e&ie+e t!t !ge i$p&ies ! cess!tion of cre!ti+it'%

    Le!rn to p!int, to *rite, to constr#ct% Le!rn to perfor$% Gr!nd$! Moses *!s

    not strict&' ! geni#s co$e to &igt, r!ter, !n e0!$p&e of o* geni#s,

    pre+io#s&' idden, c!n /e re&e!sed in !n' person, reg!rd&ess of 'e!rs)if

    on&' te effort is $!de% 7eep c!&&enging 'o#rse&f *it c!nge% Tr' ne*

    tings, ne* f!ces, ne* p&!ces% Te #nf!$i&i!r is sti$#&!ting for 'o#,

    *ere!s r#ts !re !&*!'s d!ngero#s%

    P#ite often, *e o/ser+e peop&e !re o+er&' concerned *it teir $e!ns, !nd

    to *o$ te' so#&d &e!+e teir $one' in teir *i&&% I !&*!'s s!', KGi+e

    *i&e 'o# &i+e9 Tis c!n /e ! gre!t !nd enricing e0perience, /eing !/&e to

    see cre!ti+e /&essings fro$ te don!tion of s#/st!nce% Tis is ! fine *!' to

    get ! gre!t sense of 4o' o#t of &ife%

    It is !&so i$port!nt t!t *e -eep te !ttit#de of nonresist!nce to*!rd

    c!nge% In KG#idepost $!g!zine, ! fe* 'e!rs !go, Artis it$!n *rote

    tese *ords@ K!nge is !s ine+it!/&e !s te t#rning of te se!sons !nd te

    tides% To tr' to -eep it fro$ o#r door is to tr' to s#t o#t &ife, itse&f% or

    e+er'ting t!t is !&i+e is in const!nt c!nge% As o#r /od' ce&&s die, ne*

    ones rep&!ce te$% As o#r +er' person!&ities c!nge, so do *e &i+e9

    Eric C#tter*ort

    he ruth #n a Nutshell

    I tin- of $'se&f, /!sic!&&', !s ! te!cer !nd ! co#nse&or% So, &essons s#c !s

    tese !re not $e!nt to /e &iter!r' $!sterpieces% I !$ not concerned *it

    /eing &oft' !nd profo#nd, /#t in de!&ing *it tose d!'tod!' pro/&e$s, for

    *ic peop&e !re see-ing e&p !nd e!&ing%

    In tese ess!'s, I !$ not presenting ! ne* re&igion, st!rt&ing !nd soc-ing !s

    so$e of te concepts $!' /e% I !$ de!&ing *it ! tecni8#e for te

    !pp&ic!tion of f#nd!$ent!& Spirit#!& L!*s, disco+ered !nd de$onstr!ted /'

    :es#s !nd $!n' oter gre!t $'stic te!cersQte tre!d of Tr#t, te

    f#nd!$ent!& concepts t!t en!/&e !n' indi+id#!&, pr!ctic!&&' !nd cre!ti+e&',

    to re&e!se is or er o*n KI$prisoned Sp&endor% I !+e /een de!&ing *it

    tese insigts for $!n' 'e!rs% I !+e gi+en to#s!nds #pon to#s!nds of

    t!&-s% >et, !&& of tese $i&&ions #pon $i&&ions of *ords c!n /e s'ntesized

    into 4#st ! fe* sentences% It is #$/&ing to !d$it t!t ! &ifeti$e of te!cing

    c!n /e s#$$ed #p Kin ! n#tse&&)/#t I tin- it c!n% So, I *o#&d &i-e to

    gi+e t!t -ind of ! s#$$!tion, 4#st tree si$p&e tingsQtree si$p&e

    f#nd!$ent!&s of tis Ne* Insigt In Tr#t%

    irst@ KTe ($nipresence of God O So$eone once s!id, KIf 'o# !ren.t !s

    c&ose to God !s 'o# once *ere, don.t $!-e te $ist!-e !/o#t *ic one of

    'o# !s $o+ed% e so$eti$es !ct !s if God *ere &ost, !nd t!t o#r efforts

    in spirit#!& #nfo&d$ent !re to find God% Tis !ttit#de $#st /e c!nged9 God

    is not &ost9 It is si$p&' t!t *e $#st find o#rse&+es)t!-e stoc- of o#rse&+es%

    en *e do, *e find t!t *e enter ! rigt re&!tionsip *it tings)!nd

    God is t!t re&!tionsip% e find t!t God is te isdo$ of o#r $ind, te

    Life of o#r /od', te S#/st!nce of o#r !ff!irs% e *i&& -no* t!t tere !re

    no Gode$pt' spots in o#r &ifeQt!t te =resence of God is present, not25

  • 8/13/2019 Affirmative Prayers


    !/sent% M#c t!t *e !+e eng!ged in, *ic *e !+e c!&&ed, KTe =r!ctice

    of te =resence, !s re!&&' /een ! pr!ctice of te !/sence of God, /ec!#se

    it !s /een ! pr!'er or !ffir$!tion or so$e -ind of de+otion t!t is /!sed

    #pon tr'ing to re!c o#t to God Ko#t tere so$e*ere% Tere !re no God

    e$pt' spots, !nd *ere 'o# !re God is)+it!&&' co$p&ete&' !nd f#&&'% So,

    re&igion is not si$p&' ! Kone d!' ! *ee- !cti+it', /#t !n e+er' d!' process

    of re&!ting o#rse&+es d'n!$ic!