aeroelastic prediction of discrete gust loads using ... (2015), vol. 3, no. 3, pp.19{38 19...

ASDJournal (2015), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1938 19 Aeroelastic Prediction of Discrete Gust Loads Using Nonlinear and Time-Linearized CFD-Methods Mark F¨ orster 1 Christian Breitsamter 1 (Received: Jan. 24, 2015. Revised: Oct. 12, 2015. Accepted: Dec. 16, 2015) Abstract The small disturbance finite volume Navier-Stokes solver AER-SDNS is augmented by a discrete gust model. With AER-SDNS, complex Generalized Aerodynamic Forces (GAFs) are computed very efficiently in the frequency domain, while preserving the full Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) quality of the results. Finally, various aeroelastic gust responses are determined by solving a linear state space model. The results are compared to gust responses by means of an artificial velocity gust model and a strongly coupled, time domain, aeroelastic method. As test case, the low aspect ratio swept AGARD 445.6 wing is employed. Additionally, a flutter stability analysis is conducted in order to validate both methods. 1 Introduction In aerospace engineering a gust is known to be a sudden change of induced air flow perpendicular to the flight path of the aircraft and hence a change in the resulting wind direction. In general, gusts can also act along the flight path creating loads especially on the flaps. The sudden and random induced angle of attack or sideslip can potentially cause structural damage or loss of control but in any case it causes fatigue and a reduction of passenger comfort. That is why gusts need to be considered during the aircraftdesign and verification process with respect to structural loads, stability and control. Furthermore, aeroelastic effects need to be included in the analysis process of flexible aircraft, since they also have a strong impact on the afore mentioned issues. As a relief, gust alleviation technology can lead to major aircraft performance improvements. Hence, it is of major interest to develop higly accurate and computationally efficient models for gust prediction. Although aeroelastic methods have strongly progressed during the last decades [1], [2], [3], the standard tools used by industry are still based on potential flow methods due to their robustness and computational efficiency. Methods com- monly used to predict gust loads are essentially based on the K¨ ussner [4] and the Sears [5] function. One major drawback of potential flow methods is the insufficient prediction quality in the transonic flow regime. Wind tunnel test- ing including aeroelastic effects as well as specified gust excitation is rather challenging. The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods allows the accurate prediction of unsteady aerodynamic forces, especially in the tran- sonic velocity range for complex aircraft configurations, where potential the- ory methods are known to be of less quality. As a result, uncertainties dur- ing the aeroelastic certification process can be reduced. Unfortunately, CFD- computations are rather expensive. One potential remedy is to apply appropri- ate Reduced Order Models (ROM) [6], [7]. In the present study, the small disturbance CFD-solver AER-SDNS [8], [9] is extended with a harmonic gust model derived from the formulation introduced in [10], in order to compute Generalized Aerodynamic Forces (GAFs) directly 1 Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Technische Universit¨at M¨ unchen Boltzmannstrae 15, 85748 Garching bei M¨ unchen, Germany doi:10.3293/asdj.2015.27

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Page 1: Aeroelastic Prediction of Discrete Gust Loads Using ... (2015), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.19{38 19 Aeroelastic Prediction of Discrete Gust Loads Using Nonlinear and Time-Linearized CFD-Methods

ASDJournal (2015), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 19–38∣∣∣ 19

Aeroelastic Prediction of Discrete Gust LoadsUsing Nonlinear and Time-LinearizedCFD-Methods

Mark Forster1

Christian Breitsamter1(Received: Jan. 24, 2015. Revised: Oct. 12, 2015. Accepted: Dec. 16, 2015)


The small disturbance finite volume Navier-Stokes solver AER-SDNS is augmentedby a discrete gust model. With AER-SDNS, complex Generalized Aerodynamic Forces(GAFs) are computed very efficiently in the frequency domain, while preserving thefull Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) quality of the results. Finally, variousaeroelastic gust responses are determined by solving a linear state space model. Theresults are compared to gust responses by means of an artificial velocity gust modeland a strongly coupled, time domain, aeroelastic method. As test case, the low aspectratio swept AGARD 445.6 wing is employed. Additionally, a flutter stability analysisis conducted in order to validate both methods.

1 Introduction

In aerospace engineering a gust is known to be a sudden change of induced airflow perpendicular to the flight path of the aircraft and hence a change in theresulting wind direction. In general, gusts can also act along the flight pathcreating loads especially on the flaps. The sudden and random induced angle ofattack or sideslip can potentially cause structural damage or loss of control butin any case it causes fatigue and a reduction of passenger comfort. That is whygusts need to be considered during the aircraftdesign and verification processwith respect to structural loads, stability and control. Furthermore, aeroelasticeffects need to be included in the analysis process of flexible aircraft, sincethey also have a strong impact on the afore mentioned issues. As a relief, gustalleviation technology can lead to major aircraft performance improvements.Hence, it is of major interest to develop higly accurate and computationallyefficient models for gust prediction.

Although aeroelastic methods have strongly progressed during the last decades[1], [2], [3], the standard tools used by industry are still based on potential flowmethods due to their robustness and computational efficiency. Methods com-monly used to predict gust loads are essentially based on the Kussner [4] andthe Sears [5] function. One major drawback of potential flow methods is theinsufficient prediction quality in the transonic flow regime. Wind tunnel test-ing including aeroelastic effects as well as specified gust excitation is ratherchallenging.

The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods allowsthe accurate prediction of unsteady aerodynamic forces, especially in the tran-sonic velocity range for complex aircraft configurations, where potential the-ory methods are known to be of less quality. As a result, uncertainties dur-ing the aeroelastic certification process can be reduced. Unfortunately, CFD-computations are rather expensive. One potential remedy is to apply appropri-ate Reduced Order Models (ROM) [6], [7].

In the present study, the small disturbance CFD-solver AER-SDNS [8], [9] isextended with a harmonic gust model derived from the formulation introducedin [10], in order to compute Generalized Aerodynamic Forces (GAFs) directly

1 Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Technische Universitat MunchenBoltzmannstrae 15, 85748 Garching bei Munchen, Germany


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∣∣∣ 20 Aeroelastic Prediction of Gust Loads Using CFD-Methods

in the frequency domain. One important benefit is that the GAFs can be pro-cessed within the existing and well established aeroelastic and multidisciplinarydesign environments without any additional effort. Subsequently, the computedGAFs are used in a linear state space model to compute the time domain gustresponse. AER-SDNS combines the advantages of highly accurate CFD-resultswith computational efficiency. Furthermore, once an appropriate set of GAFsis computed, it can be used to compute gust responses to any kind of arbi-trary gust excitation. The results are compared to the gust response computedby means of the in-house transient, non-linear solver AER-NS that is stronglycoupled to the in-house structural solver AER-FE. For this purpose, AER-NSemploys an artificial velocity gust model according to [11], [12]. As test case,the well known AGARD 445.6 wing is used [13]. First, a flutter stability com-putation is conducted to validate the linear and the nonlinear aeroelastic solveragainst experimental data. Finally, responses of the AGARD 445.6 wing arecomputed for several “1-cos”-gust excitations of varying length and amplitude.

2 Numerical Methods

In the following sections, the numerical characteristics of the small disturbanceflow solver AER-SDNS, the nonlinear flow solver AER-NS, the structural solverAER-FE and the respective gust model is described in more detail. Subse-quently, the methodology in time and frequency domain is presented, includingthe aeroelastic coupling procedure.

2.1 Nonlinear Flow Solver

The flow solver AER-NS [8], [9] is capable of performing unsteady, nonlinearand viscous CFD computations by solving the Navier-Stokes-equations. TheNavier-Stokes-equations in conservation form are formulated as following








∂z. (1)

The state vector q = [ρ, ρu, ρv, ρw, ρe]T

is given in terms of the density ρ,the cartesian velocity components u, v, w, the specific total energy e and it isdifferentiated with respect to the time t. The convective fluxes f , g, h andthe viscous fluxes fv, gv, hv are formulated and differentiated with respect tothe cartesian coordinates x, y, z. This system of partial differential equationscan also be expressed in moving curvilinear coordinates ξ = ξ(x, y, z, t), η =η(x, y, z, t), ζ = ζ(x, y, z, t), τ = t,








∂ζ. (2)

Then the fluxes are given in terms of the determinant of the coordinate trans-formation Jacobian J and the spatial and temporal metrics of the coordinatetransformation ξt, ξx, ξy, ξz, ηt, ηx, ηy, ηz, ζt, ζx, ζy, ζz,

F = Jξtq + Jξxf + Jξyg + Jξzh,

G = Jηtq + Jηxf + Jηyg + Jηzh,

H = Jζtq + Jζxf + Jζyg + Jζzh,


Fv = Jξxfv + Jξygv + Jξzhv,

Gv = Jηxfv + Jηygv + Jηzhv,

Hv = Jζxfv + Jζygv + Jζzhv.


The new state vector is defined by Q = Jq.

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M. Forster and C. Breitsamter∣∣∣ 21

The numerical method employs a structured cell-centered finite volume de-scretization scheme. An upwind evaluation of the convective fluxes is realizedwith Roe’s flux difference splitting scheme [14] and the viscous fluxes are evalu-ated according to Chakravarthy [15]. Second order spatial accuracy is realizedwith the monotonic-upstream-scheme-for-conservation-laws extrapolation whilethe total variation diminishing property is granted by means of the Van Albadalimiter [16].

To perform time-accurate, fully nonlinear computations, a dual time step-ping scheme with second order time accuracy is implemented [17], [9][(





)Jn+1 ¯I +



∣∣∣∣n]∆q =

− (Rkn + Rv

n)− 3Qn+1,m − 4Qn + Qn−1



where τ∗ is an artificial pseudo-time and the fluxes are replaced by

Rk =∂F



∂ζ, (6)


Rv = −∂Fv

∂ξ− ∂Gv

∂η− ∂Hv

∂ζ, (7)

respectively. The time integration is done implicitly by employing a lower-upper-symmetric-successive-overrelaxation algorithm [18].

The implemented boundary conditions are applicable for moving grids. Thefarfield boundary condition is realized by a characteristic boundary condition.In case of the no-slip condition, the contravariant velocities at the wall are set tozero [19]. The one equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model provides eddyviscosity closure [20].

2.2 Small Disturbance Flow Solver

The small disturbance Navier-Stokes solver AER-SDNS is based on the assump-tion that the unsteady flow responds harmonically to a harmonic body motionwith change of amplitude and phase. Thus, this approach handles harmonic un-steady flow phenomena as linear perturbations about a non-linear steady stateq by means of a triple decomposition [8], [9]

q(τ, ξ, η, ζ) = q(ξ, η, ζ) + q(τ, ξ, η, ζ) + q′(τ, ξ, η, ζ). (8)

An instantaneous flow state is separated into a steady state mean componentq(ξ, η, ζ), a time dependent harmonic component q(τ, ξ, η, ζ) and a turbulentfluctuation q′(τ, ξ, η, ζ). The harmonic component is expressed in terms of thestate vector amplitude q, the non-dimensional frequency k and the time τ

q(τ, ξ, η, ζ) = q(ξ, η, ζ)eikτ . (9)

The metrics are based on the spatial coordinates of the cell corner points whichcan also be separated into a reference and a perturbation part

x(τ, ξ, η, ζ) = x(ξ, η, ζ) + x(τ, ξ, η, ζ). (10)

Assuming harmonic motion of the body yields for the coordinates of the griddeformation

x(τ, ξ, η, ζ) = x(ξ, η, ζ)eikτ , (11)

and thus for the metric terms

J = Jeikτ ,

Jξt,x,y,z = Jξt,x,y,zeikτ ,

Jηt,x,y,z = Jηt,x,y,zeikτ , (12)

Jζt,x,y,z = Jζt,x,y,zeikτ .

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∣∣∣ 22 Aeroelastic Prediction of Gust Loads Using CFD-Methods

The influence of higher order harmonics is neglected.

By substitution of the perturbation formulation (Eq. 10) for the grid defor-mation, the metrics and the field quantities into the full system of conservativeNavier-Stokes-equations (Eq. 2), the following equation is obtained


∂τ∗+ ikQ







∂ζ− ∂Fv


∂ξ− ∂Gv


∂η− ∂Hv



− ikQ(2)− ∂F


∂ξ− ∂G


∂η− ∂H








∂ζ, (13)



= J q,


= J q,


= Jξtq + Jξxf + Jξyg + Jξzh,


= Jξtq + Jξxf + Jξyg + Jξzh,


= Jηtq + Jηxf + Jηyg + Jηzh,


= Jηtq + Jηxf + Jηyg + Jηzh,


= Jζtq + Jζxf + Jζyg + Jζzh,


= Jζtq + Jζxf + Jζyg + Jζzh, (14)


= Jξxfv + Jξygv + Jξzhv,


= Jξxfv + Jξygv + Jξzhv,


= Jηxfv + Jηygv + Jηzhv,


= Jηxfv + Jηygv + Jηzhv,


= Jζxfv + Jζygv + Jζzhv,


= Jζxfv + Jζygv + Jζzhv.

The terms indicated by superscript (1) denote products of the metrics referringto the reference grid and the perturbed flow quantities while (2) corresponds toproducts of the disturbed metrics multiplied by the steady state flow quantities.Hence the terms indicated by (2) are initially known and represent a right handside source term of Eq. 13.

AER-SDNS computes the amplitude and phase shift of the unsteady flowquantities directly in the frequency domain with full CFD quality of the results.Two grids need to be provided, one grid prescribing the undisturbed referenceposition of the body and the other grid defining the deflected extremum positionor a deformed elastic shape of the body. Furthermore, a steady state solutionserving as the time-invariant mean flow field must be provided.

The main advantage of the small disturbance solver is the treatment of anunsteady problem by a quasi-steady formulation. Hence, a considerable reduc-tion of computational time by an order of magnitude is accomplished comparedto the respective time marching computation. The spatial discretization, theplacement of appropriate boundary conditions [21] and the turbulence modelingformally corresponds to the methods mentioned for the nonlinear solver underthe premise of appropriate linearization. A more elaborate demonstration ofthe entire linearization process including the turbulence modeling is presentedin [8], [9].

The time integration of the discretized system of equations is accomplished

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M. Forster and C. Breitsamter∣∣∣ 23

by means of an artificial pseudo-time τ∗[J(∆τ∗−1 + ik) ¯I +




]∆q = −R

(1)n− R

(2), (15)



= ikQ(1)







∂ζ− ∂Fv


∂ξ− ∂Gv


∂η− ∂Hv


∂ζ, (16)



= ikQ(2)







∂ζ− ∂Fv


∂ξ− ∂Gv


∂η− ∂Hv


∂ζ. (17)

2.3 Gust Modeling

Several approaches for gust modelling in time-accurate CFD-simulations canbe found in the literature [11], [12], [23]. The most straight-forward approachwould be to impose the gust velocity profile at the inflow boundary of the com-putational domain. The main advantage is that interactions between the gustand the flow solution become possible. But this method is also accompanied bysignificant numerical problems. The grid resolution has to be very fine through-out great parts of the farfield region since the gust profile has to convect fromthe upstream boundary through the computational domain to the nearfield. Onthe one hand, this increases the simulation time and, on the other hand, it ishard to preserve a specific gust velocity profile and amplitude due to numericaldissipation. An artificial velocity approach has been shown to be more admis-sible [11], [12]. This method is based on an artificial local gust velocity uG, vG,wG added to the cell midpoint velocities xτ , yτ , zτ within the entire domain.Hence, the gust velocities directly affect the metrics

Jξt = −Jξx(xτ + uG)− Jξy(yτ + vG)− Jξz(zτ + wG),

Jηt = −Jηx(xτ + uG)− Jηy(yτ + vG)− Jηz(zτ + wG),

Jζt = −Jζx(xτ + uG)− Jζy(yτ + vG)− Jζz(zτ + wG).


This manipulation corresponds to a rigid body motion that is imposed locallyat every grid point, although the grid remains steady. Hence, the gust shapeand translational motion can be imposed directly at the body where the gridresolution is very fine.

Analogously, this artificial velocity approach can be applied to the smalldisturbance solver AER-SDNS. The fundamental requirement for this approachis again a linear, harmonic perturbation about the nonlinear, time-invariantmean flow field. A complex expression for a sinusoidal gust velocity profiletraveling in x-direction is given by

vG(t, x) = vGeiω



). (19)

If the time dependency is eliminated, the following gust velocity profile vG isobtained in terms of the reduced frequency kred = ωlref/U∞ with lref beingthe reference length and U∞ being the free stream velocity

vG(x, y, z) = vG(x, y, z)eikred



). (20)

Then the components uG, vG, wG of the gust induced velocity vector vG areadded to the grid velocities xτ , yτ , zτ of the perturbed state. The cell face

velocities Jξt, Jηt, Jζt of the linearized metrics are defined as

Jξt = −Jξx(xτ + uG)− Jξy(yτ + vG)− Jξz(zτ + wG),

Jηt = −Jηx(xτ + uG)− Jηy(yτ + vG)− Jηz(zτ + wG),

Jζt = −Jζx(xτ + uG)− Jζy(yτ + vG)− Jζz(zτ + wG),


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∣∣∣ 24 Aeroelastic Prediction of Gust Loads Using CFD-Methods

and the amplitudes of the grid point velocities are given by

xτ = ikx,

yτ = iky,

zτ = ikz.


Because vG is a complex quantity, the cell face velocities have both a real andan imaginary part now. It is inherently accounted for in the convective fluxvector evaluation and in the no-slip boundary condition.

2.4 Structural Solver

The structural solver AER-FE is based on a geometrically linear FEM (FiniteElement Method) and is capable of a static, modal, frequency-response andtransient analysis for several element types. The fundamental semi-discretesystem of equations obtained from the FEM and describing the motion of anelastic body is given by

¯Md(t) + ¯Cd(t) + ¯Kd(t) = F (t), (23)

wherein d(t), F (t), ¯M , ¯C and ¯K are respectively the displacement vector, theexternal force vector, the mass matrix, the damping matrix and the stiffnessmatrix. The transient analysis is formulated in modal space to decouple thesystem of ordinary equations and reduce computational effort. It is assumedthat the motion of the structure is dominated by a small number of low fre-quency eigenmodes, while high frequency modes can be neglected. After thetransformation d = ¯Φq into modal space , Eq. 23 becomes

qi(t) + 2ζiωiqi(t) + ω2i qi(t) = Fi(t). (24)

Subscript i designates each modal degree of freedom, with q being the modaldisplacement, ωi being the modal eigenfrequency, ζi being the modal dampingratio and ¯Φ is the eigenvector matrix. This system of equations can be convertedto state space form as(



[0 1−ω2

i −2ζiωi




), (25)

or compactly as∂q

∂t= R. (26)

The time integration is achieved using a second order dual time stepping pro-cedure [22] in accordance to the flow solver[(





)¯I +



∣∣∣∣n]∆q = Rn+1,m − 3qn+1,m − 4qn + qn−1

2∆t. (27)

2.5 Aeroelastic Coupling in the Time Domain

For the present investigations, the flow solver AER-NS and the structural solverAER-FE are coupled to perform time-accurate aeroelastic simulations. Sinceboth solvers are based on different numerical discretization techniques, caremust be taken with respect to the transfer of loads and changes in geometrybetween both solvers in order to preserve the sum of energy in the overall sys-tem. In such a partitioned approach, the structural grid and the flow surfacegrid usually differ in their discretization and shape. Hence, an appropriatetime sequencing between both solvers as well as an appropriate interpolationof aerodynamic loads and structural deformations is required to guarantee aconservative numerical scheme.

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M. Forster and C. Breitsamter∣∣∣ 25

The load transfer is realized by using finite element shape functions to trans-form the surface loads created by the finite volume flow solver into consistentstructural nodal forces [24]. The surface deformation transfer from the struc-tural grid to the fluid grid is accomplished by the thin-plate-spline method [25].Another challenging task that comes along with the deformation of the bodysurface is the deformation of the volume grid. In order to realize this mostefficiently, the spring-analogy method is used to deform the multiblock cornerpoints and transfinite interpolation is applied to the interior vertices of theblocks according to [26].

The aeroelastic coupling between the structural and the flow solver withrespect to the time integration is imposed by means of a strong coupling. Oneadvantage of the dual-time-stepping formulation implemented for both solvers isthat information can be exchanged arbitrarily in pseudo-time without affectingthe time accuracy of the aeroelastic solution [22].

2.6 Aeroelastic Coupling in the Frequency Domain

Every dynamic system that is characterized by a feedback loop is capable ofexecuting oscillations about a mean value. Since any kind of periodic signal canbe represented by a number of distinct harmonic signals, a transformation intothe frequency domain is often beneficial to simplify the mathematical treatment.Regarding Eq. 23, the forces F (t) can be separated into aerodynamic feedbackforces FA and external forces like gust loads FG. As long as the aerodynamicforces depend linearly on the structural deformations d(t), which is also assumedin the mathematical formulation of the linearized CFD-solver, the system ofequations can be written as

¯Md(t) + ¯Cd(t) + ¯Kd(t)− FA(d(t)) = FG(t). (28)

Subsequently, Eq. 28 is transformed into modal space and into Laplacian-space[s2 ¯M + s ¯C + ¯K− q∞ ¯Qee(s)

]q(s) =


QeG(s)vG(s). (29)

Now the algebraic system of equations depends on the Laplace-variable s andis solely coupled by the displacement induced GAFs ¯Qee(s). The term QeG(s)corresponds to the GAFs originating from the harmonic gust excitation and q∞is the dynamic pressure.

The GAF-matrices can be interpreted as forces that perform work in thedirection of the structural degrees of freedom. In the present study, they arecomputed using AER-SDNS. As a result, the quality of the prediction in thetransonic regime is better than the results provided by potential methods andthe approach is more efficient than an unsteady coupled simulation in the timedomain. AER-SDNS computes the real part <(cp) and the imaginary part =(cp)of the complex amplitude of the unsteady pressure distribution correspondingto the in-phase or the quasi-steady part of the response and the out-of-phase orthe unsteady part of the response. For each eigenmode i and for each reducedfrequency kred, a single small disturbance CFD-run must be executed. Subse-quently, the resulting pressure distribution cp is projected onto the eigenmodesj given in terms of the displacement vector ∆dj and integrated over the bodysurface Si, leading to square GAF-matrices of dimensions i and j

¯Qee,ij(ikred) =



j dSi +



j dSi +



j dSi. (30)

The shear stresses due to viscous effects are neglected. The GAFs correspondingto the gust excitation are normalized by the gust velocity and form the vector

QeG,j(ikred) =1




j dS +1




j dS. (31)

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∣∣∣ 26 Aeroelastic Prediction of Gust Loads Using CFD-Methods

The harmonic GAFs ¯Q(ikred) result from the reduction of the transient mo-tion in the Laplace domain to harmonic motion in the k-domain. The reducedfrequency is related to the Laplace variable by ikred = sl/U∞.

In order to compute the time domain response of the modeled aeroelasticsystem, Eq. 29 needs to be transformed back into time domain. Due to thefact that the GAFs are only available at discrete reduced frequencies, theyneed to be interpolated appropriately. Therefore, the RFA-method (RationalFunction Approximation) of Roger [27] is applied, where the complex GAF-matrices are approximated by rational functions in the Laplace domain basedon the coefficient matrices ¯Aee

¯Qee(p)q(s) ≈

¯Aee0 + ¯Aee1p+ ¯Aee2p2 +



p+ γj−2

q(s), (32)

with p = sl/U∞ being the non-dimensional Laplace-variable and γj−2 represent-ing the poles. One disadvantage of the RAF is the introduction of additionalaerodynamic lag-states qej(s) that enhance the rank of the resulting state spacemodel

qej(s) =s

s+ U∞l γj−2

q(s). (33)

The number of lag-states can be chosen arbitrarily by the user. In the presentstudy, it is set to four additional states. The gust induced GAFs are approxi-mated by

QeG(p)vG(s) ≈

AeG0 + AeG1p+



p+ γj−2

vG(s), (34)


qGj(s) =s

s+ U∞l γj−2

vG(s). (35)

The system depencence on the second time derivate of the gust induced velocityis neglected. Substitution of Eq. 32 - Eq. 35 into Eq. 28 yields

[s2 ¯M + s ¯C + ¯K

]q(s) = q∞

( ¯Aee0 + ¯Aee1p+ ¯Aee2p2)q(s) +




(AeG0 + AeG1p) vG(s) +



. (36)

Finally, this system of equations is transformed into a linear, time-invariant

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M. Forster and C. Breitsamter∣∣∣ 27

state space model [28]





0 0q∞U∞




0 0...

...0 00 1...

...0 1



0 ¯I¯M′ ¯K′ ¯M

′ ¯C′

0 ¯I...


0 ¯I0 0...

...0 0


0 · · · 0 0 · · · 0

q∞¯M′ ¯Aee3 · · · q∞

¯M′ ¯Aee7


¯M′AeG3 · · · q∞


−U∞l γ1¯I 0 0 · · · 0

. . ....

. . ....

0 −U∞l γ4¯I 0 · · · 0

0 · · · 0 −U∞l γ1 0...

. . ....

. . .

0 · · · 0 0 −U∞l γ4








[¯M− q∞l








U∞¯Aee1 − ¯C,


= q∞¯Aee0 − ¯K.


By means of the resulting state space model, it is possible to compute the cou-pled aeroelastic system response for any arbitrary gust excitation very efficiently,provided that the respective GAFs are already available.

3 Results

The results chapter is devided into three parts. First, the test case and the cor-responding numerical model is described. Then a stability analysis is conductedin order to validate the aeroelastic methods against experimental data. Finally,aeroelastic responses to several gust inputs are presented and analyzed.

3.1 Test Case Description: Low-Aspect-Ratio Swept Wing - AGARD445.6

The AGARD 445.6 wing, a well known test case within the aeroelastic com-munity, is used to validate the presented methods. During the 1960’s, flutterinvestigations were conducted at the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel at the NASALangley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia [13]. Within the scope of thisstudy, subsonic, transonic and supersonic experiments were conducted in airand Freon-12 for several wing configurations. The AGARD 445.6 test case is alow-aspect-ratio swept wing with a NACA 65A004 airfoil, see Tab. 1 and Fig.1. In the present work the “weakened model 3”-test case is chosen utilizing airas the flow medium. The associated material properties conform to the experi-mentally determined data according to [13], as well as on numerically optimizeddata according to [29], see Tab. 2.

The structural model of the AGARD 445.6 wing is formulated in modalspace. Therefore, a FEM-model is generated with AER-FE and a modal analysis

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Figure 1: AGARD 445.6wing in top view, sideview and parametric view






Table 1: Geometricproperties of the AGARD445.6 wing

Semi span s 762mmRoot chord length lr 558.7mmAerodynamic mean chord length lµ 470.4mmAspect ratio Λ 1.65Taper ratio λ 0.66Leading edge sweep angle φv 46.3◦

Quarter chord sweep angle φ1/4 45◦

Maximum airfoil thickness d/c 4 %

Table 2: Material prop-erties of the AGARD445.6 wing

Young’s modulus in spanwise direction E11 3.1511GPaYoung’s modulus in chordwise direction E22 0.4162GPaYoung’s modulus in thickness direction E33 0.4162GPaAngle of the fiber against free stream φ 45◦

Shear modulus G 0.4392GPaPoisson’s ratio ν 0.31Material density ρ 381.98 kg/m3

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Eigenfrequency in [Hz]Mode Mode shape Experiment [13] computed (AER-FE)

1 1. Bending 9.60 9.642 1. Torsion 38.17 37.883 2. Bending 48.35 48.844 2. Torsion 91.54 97.745 3. Bending 118.11 123.49

Table 3:Eigenfrequencies of theAGARD 445.6 wing

Mode 1 Mode 2

Mode 3 Mode 4

Mode 5Figure 2: Eigenmodes ofthe AGARD 445.6 wing

is conducted. The planform of the wing is discretized by 600 quadrilateral Kirch-hoff plate elements of varying thickness. The total wing mass is m = 1.86 kgaccording to the original wind tunnel model [13]. The modal model comprisesthe five lowest modes, namely three bending modes und two torsion modes.The eigenfrequencies are listed in Tab. 3 and the corresponding eigenformsare shown in Fig. 2, indicated by the green color in contrast to the undeformedwing shape in grey color. A comparison of the modal properties provided by thenumerical model shows good agreement with the experimental data accordingto [13].

Additionally, a structured CFD-grid is generated. The grid consists of twoblocks forming a C-H-topology as shown in Fig. 3. The surface grid is discretizedby 144×48 cells and the computational domain is discretized by a total of 559000volume grid points. A mesh convergence study has been conducted in [30]. Asymmetry boundary condition is set on the semi-span plane next to the wingroot. The farfield boundary has a distance of at least 10 semi-spans to the wingsurface.

3.2 Stability Analysis in the Time and the Frequency Domain

The primary intention of this section is to validate the numerical model whichis generated with the focus on capturing the general physics and dynamics ofthe “weakened model 3” AGARD 445.6 dynamic aeroelastic test case. For thistest case, critical flutter data is provided at free stream conditions, see Tab.

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Figure 3: CFD-grid ofthe AGARD 445.6 wing

Table 4: Free streamconditions for the investi-gated AGARD 445.6 testcase

Mach number M∞ Density ρ∞ in kg/m3 Reynolds number Re

0.499 0.4278 22449050.678 0.2082 14949720.901 0.0995 9684560.960 0.0634 6619771.072 0.0551 6410391.141 0.0783 983704

4 [13]. On the one hand, the flutter analysis can be performed according tothe conventional linear analysis process in the frequency domain and on theother hand by means of coupled, dynamically fully nonlinear, time accuratesimulations. Both approaches are followed in the present study. The results arecompared to experimental data.

The conventional flutter analysis comprises the determination of the GAFsbased on the structural eigenmodes. For each Mach number, GAF-matricesare computed at 9 equally spaced reduced frequencies ranging from kred = 0to kred = 2.35, where kred is calculated with respect to the semi aerodynamicmean chord lref = 0.235m. Each GAF-matrix has 5×5 complex entries and iscomputed with the small disturbance solver AER-SDNS that has already beenapplied to a low aspect ratio wing test case, see [31]. Since the eigenmodesare arbitrarily scalable and the small disturbance condition has to be met, themaximum deflection of each mode is restrained to approximately 3% of the wingroot chord. The GAFs together with the modal mass and stiffness matrix formthe input for the flutter solver. Because no information is available concerningthe structural damping, it is neglected. As flutter solver, the g-method [32] isapplied to determine the critical flutter velocity and flutter frequency for eachMach number listed in Tab. 4.

To assess the stability of the aeroelastic sytem based on nonlinear, transient,time accurate simulations, a computationally expensiv simulation has to be ex-ecuted for every free stream condition of interest. Therefore an initial guess ismade, regarding the critical dynamic pressure. At the beginning of each simula-tion, the wing tip is exposed to a vertical force and a twisting moment in order toimpose an initial disturbance onto the aeroelastic system. Then, one simulationis conducted for undercritical free stream conditions and one for overcritical freestream conditions. Afterwards the damping coefficients are calculated from theobtained responses and are interpolated linearly. The root of the interpolateddamping line provides the critical flutter velocity. Figure 4 shows exemplary re-sults for a stable, an indifferent and an unstable response at M∞ = 0.678. Thephysical time step size is chosen to be ∆t = 0.001 s. Comparing the dynamicpressure of the neutral response to the critical dynamic pressure determined bythe interpolation, an insignificant deviation of ∆q∞ = 0.4 % is observed. When

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q∞ = 5296 Pa q∞ = 5575 Pa q∞ = 5853 Pa

Figure 4: Response ofthe generalized coordi-nates qi of the AGARD445.6 wing at M∞ =0.678, ρ∞ = 0.0995kg/m3

and α = 0◦

Figure 5: FSI and FR ofthe AGARD 445.6 wingat α = 0◦; EXP: Ex-perimental data [13]; NL:Time domain simulation;SD: Frequency domainsimulation

the aeroelastic system dynamics are dominated by considerable aerodynamic orstructural nonlinearities, the transient, nonlinar method provides better resultsthan the more efficient frequency domain approach.

The AGARD 445.6 test case is characterized by a coupling of the first bend-ing and the first torsional mode. This flutter mechanism dominates the entireinvestigated Mach number range. Both, the flutter speed index (FSI) and thecorresponding frequency ratio (FR) are plotted for the experiment (EXP), thenonlinear time domain simulation (NL) and the linearized frequency domainsimulation (SD) in Fig. 5. The FSI and the FR are defined as


lrωα√µ, (39)


FR =ω

ωα, (40)

where the flutter velocity V and the angular frequency ω are normalized by theangular frequency of the first torsional mode ωα, the root chord length lr andthe mass ratio µ. Both plots show very similar characteristics. In the subsonicregime, the FSI as well as the FR decrease with increasing Mach number untilthey reach a minimum located at M∞ = 0.960. This characteristic is known as”transonic dip“. Especially in proximity of this region, CFD-methods offer muchbetter predictions than potential flow methods. In the supersonic regime, FSIand FR increase monotonically. Both numerical methods provide very similarresults, capturing transonic effects. The nonlinear method agrees slightly betterwith the experimental data due to nonlinear shock motion. At subsonic freestream velocities the predicted FSI agrees very well with the experimental datawhile the FR is overpredicted. In the supersonic Mach number range bothnumerical methods provide similar results but fail to reproduce the experimentaldata correctly. Other publications have demonstrated that the consideration ofstructural damping would yield better results for supersonic Mach numbers [33].

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Figure 6: Gust-GAFsof the first and secondeigenmode of the AGARD445.6 wing at M∞ =0.499 and α = 0◦; RE:Real part; IM: Imagi-nary part; NL: Time do-main simulation; SD: Fre-quency domain simulation

Figure 7: Gust-GAFsof the first and secondeigenmode of the AGARD445.6 wing at M∞ =0.960 and α = 0◦; RE:Real part; IM: Imagi-nary part; NL: Time do-main simulation; SD: Fre-quency domain simulation

3.3 Discrete Gust Response in the Time and the Frequency Domain

In this section, the prediction qualities of the linear gust model implementedin the framework of the small disturbance solver AER-SDNS are demonstrated.Because experimentally determined gust responses are not readily available, theresults provided by the linear gust model are compared to the results providedby the nonlinear gust model, serving as a baseline. Again the “weakened model3” of the AGARD 445.6 wing is considered at the Mach numbers M∞ = 0.499,M∞ = 0.960 and M∞ = 1.141.

The necessary input in order to generate a linear state space model comprisesthe gust induced GAFs, the modal structural matrices and the deformation in-duced GAFs. The gust induced GAF-vector is of dimension 5 correspondingto the number of considered structural eigenmodes. The GAFs are again com-puted at 9 discrete reduced frequencies ranging from kred = 0 to kred = 2.35.Additionally, the gust induced GAFs depend on the gust reference point locatedat the intersection point of the wing leading edge with the wing root. Fig. 6to Fig. 8 depict the real (RE) and the imaginary (IM) part of the first bendingmode (GAF 1) and the first torsional mode (GAF 2) computed by the nonlinearsolver AER-NS (NL) and by the small disturbance solver AER-SDNS (SD). Incase of the nonlinear solver, a time series of the GAFs is Fourier-analyzed andthe resulting complex first order Fourier coefficients represent the sought-afterGAF values. The GAF-functions presented in Fig. 6 to Fig. 8 are interpolatedby the RFA-method according to Roger [27]. The oscillating shape of the plot-ted curves is evidence of the spiral character which is typically observed for gustloads plotted in the complex plane. From a qualitative point of view, the GAF-curves are independent of the Mach number. Quantitatively, differences can beobserved. The GAFs are greater regarding their absolute values, especially inthe transonic regime. The agreement between the numerical methods is verygood. For all considered Mach numbers, the small disturbance solver is able topredict the gust induced GAFs for the AGARD 445.6 test case accurately.

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Figure 8: Gust-GAFsof the first and secondeigenmode of the AGARD445.6 wing at M∞ =1.141 and α = 0◦; RE:Real part; IM: Imagi-nary part; NL: Time do-main simulation; SD: Fre-quency domain simulation

The properties of the four different vertical “1-cos”-gust functions that areinvestigated in the present study are listed in Tab. 5. The gust length andamplitude is chosen according to the guidelines [34], [35] and with respect tothe structural eigenfrequencies. The free stream velocity is chosen to supplya damped and stable response. The gust length of lG = 5 m and lG = 50 mcorrespond to an excitation time of t = 0.05 s and t = 0.5 s, respectively. Theinduced velocity amplitudes vG = 2 m/s and vG = 10 m/s correspond to anangle of attack of α = 1.15◦ and α = 5.71◦, respectively. The physical time stepsize employed for the nonlinear coupled method as well as for the solution ofthe linear state space model is ∆t = 0.001s.

The discrete gust responses of the generalized coordinates corresponding tothe first bending mode (MODE 1) and the first torsional mode (MODE 2) areplotted in Fig. 9 to Fig. 11 for the Mach numbers M∞ = 0.499, M∞ = 0.960and M∞ = 1.141. The total simulation time corresponds to a period of t = 1 s.Again, the nonlinear time domain approach (NL) is compared to the small dis-turbance frequency approach (SD), which results in a linear state space model.Common to all plotted results is the observation that both eigenmodes are ex-cited, but the bending mode deflection is much greater compared to the wingtwist. After the gust has passed the wing, it performs a damped oscillationuntil it converges to the equilibrium position. Furthermore, as expected for alinear method, the response amplitude scales with the gust amplitude. Surpris-ingly, the wing is deflected stronger in case of the short gust lG = 5 m thanfor lG = 50 m, despite being exposed to the gust for a shorter period of time.This is due to the fact that the short gust excitation frequency lies much closerto the first eigenfrequency of the wing. In addition, the damping is stronger inthe case of the long gust lG = 50 m. Comparing the linear with the nonlinearmethod, it can be generally observed, that the deflection amplitude is slightlysmaller and the response is delayed up to ∆t = 0.01s for the latter result. Thisbehavior is caused by dissipative numerical effects.

Figure 9 depicts the results for the subsonic Mach number M∞ = 0.499. Incase of the small gust amplitude, a maximum wing deflection of 2.3 % lr andin case of the strong gust amplitude, a maximum wing deflection of 11.5 % lris observed. Beyond t = 0.8 s, the oscillations have mostly subsided. Thecomparison of the linear and nonlinear methods shows very good agreement.

Figure 10 depicts the resultsfor the transonic Mach number M∞ = 0.960.Especially in the case of the long gust length in combination with the largeamplitude, major differences can be observed. For the nonlinear simulation,the maximum deflection of the first eigenmode is significantly greater than forthe linear method, as nonlinear flow phenomena are accounted for. In addition,oscillations of the first eigenmode are excited much stronger than in the linearcase. This can be observed best for the long gust with the small amplitude.The predicted damping is much smaller than in the subsonic case, althoughthe free stream velocity is significantly below the critical flutter velocity. In

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Table 5: Properties ofthe investigated “1-cos”-gust cases

Free stream velocity U∞ Gust length lG Gust amplitude vGin m/s in m in m/s

100 50 2100 50 10100 5 2100 5 10

Figure 9: Gust responseof the AGARD 445.6 wingfor a “1-cos“-excitation atM∞ = 0.499, U∞ =100 m/s and α = 0◦;NL: Time domain simula-tion; SD: Frequency do-main simulation

lG = 50m; vG = 2m/s lG = 50m; vG = 10m/s

lG = 5m; vG = 2m/s lG = 5m; vG = 10m/s

the nonlinear case, the wing oscillations do not completely decay to zero wingdeflection. This is caused by small asymmetries in the numerical model that arerevealed due to very small wing deflection amplitudes of 0.5 % lr. In contrast tothe subsonic case, the oscillation frequency predicted by the nonlinear method issmaller than the oscillation frequency predicted by the linear method, observedespecially for the short gust excitation.

Figure 11 depicts the results belonging to the supersonic Mach numberM∞ = 1.141. The results are very similar to the responses at transonic flow con-ditions. The overall agreement is very good as long as the deflection amplitudesare not too small.

4 Conclusions

Two different numerical approaches have been implemented in an in-houseaeroelastic solver for stability and response analysis. The main focus of thepresent study is on load prediction due to discrete gust impact. One method isbased on a linear small disturbance frequency domain formulation. The othermethod is based on a nonlinear coupling procedure in time domain. The aeroe-lastic prediction quality was first validated with experimental data by means of

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lG = 50m; vG = 2m/s lG = 50m; vG = 10m/s

lG = 5m; vG = 2m/s lG = 5m; vG = 10m/s

Figure 10: Gust re-sponse of the AGARD445.6 wing for a “1-cos“-excitation at M∞ =0.960, U∞ = 100m/s andα = 0◦; NL: Time do-main simulation; SD: Fre-quency domain simulation

lG = 50m; vG = 2m/s lG = 50m; vG = 10m/s

lG = 5m; vG = 2m/s lG = 5m; vG = 10m/s

Figure 11: Gust re-sponse of the AGARD445.6 wing for a “1-cos“-excitation at M∞ =1.141, U∞ = 100m/s andα = 0◦; NL: Time do-main simulation; SD: Fre-quency domain simulation

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a stability analysis. The test case is the low aspect ratio swept AGARD 445.6wing with Mach numbers ranging from the subsonic to the supersonic. Bothmethods are able to predict the ”transonic dip” and show nearly similar results.The results of the nonlinear method agree better with the experimental data attransonic Mach numbers.

The small disturbance solver has been extended by a gust model based onan artificial disturbance velcocity approach, which is capable of predicting com-plex GAFs. The GAFs are interpolated and substituted into a linear statespace model. Aeroelastic time responses were computed using the linear ap-proach and compared to nonlinear, coupled time domain results. The overallagreement between both methods is very good. Small deviations are observeddue to transonic effects, especially nonlinearly moving shocks, that cannot bepredicted accurately by the linear method. Additionally, differences in the oscil-lation frequencies of the single modal coordinates are observed and the nonlinearscheme is slightly more dissipative. The linear methodology is observed to bevery robust and efficient. It can be used within the established aeroelastic toolchains without any modifications.


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