‘endeavour to excel’ ‘excellence, opportunity, success ... · term we have been focusing on...

‘Endeavour to Excel’ ‘Excellence, Opportunity, Success’ 121 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, OURIMBAH 2258 PHONE: 4362 1033 FAX: 4362 2531 Email : [email protected] Website : www.ourimbah-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Communicating with our Caring Community’ muse Emu Wednesday, 27 th March 2019 DATES TO REMEMBER PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Stars of the Week - National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence On Friday 15 March 2019, Ourimbah PS stood united with other Australian schools in their communities to celebrate the ninth National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The National Day of Action is Australia’s key anti- bullying event for schools, and in 2019, the staff and students at Ourimbah PS say NO WAY to bullying! Over the past few weeks, the students and staff have been engaged in activities that address the issues of bullying culminating in a special mufti-day to raise funds for Beyond Blue. A big thanks to Mr Miller who co- ordinated this year’s events and to all of the staff and students who participated in the poster competition. The mufti day was a huge success, generating $462.35 in donations towards the Beyond Blue foundation. Congratulations to the following students who won the poster competition for their grade – Kindergarten: Paige H Year 1: Elsie M Year 2: Grace D Year 3: Daniel D Year 4: Aila B Year 5: Melody W Year 6: Lainey G If you would like to read more about the school’s and NSW Department of Education’s Anti-bullying programs, a link can be found the school’s website under the ‘Supporting Our Students’ tab and follow the ‘Student Health and Safety’ link - https://ourimbah- p.schools.nsw.gov.au/supporting-our-students/student- health-and-safety.html DATE EVENT 28 March School Photo Day-don’t forget your envelope tomorrow 28 March Sydney North Swimming Carnival 28 March Cyber Awareness Forum 1 April CANTEEN CLOSED 9 April K-2 Easter Hat Parade & P&C Easter Raffle Draw 12 April Cross Country Carnival 12 April Last day of Term 1 29 April SDD – Staff return Term 2 30 April Students return Term 2

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Page 1: ‘Endeavour to Excel’ ‘Excellence, Opportunity, Success ... · term we have been focusing on undertaking STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) challenges

‘Endeavour to Excel’ ‘Excellence, Opportunity, Success’ 121 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, OURIMBAH 2258 PHONE: 4362 1033 FAX: 4362 2531 Email : [email protected] Website : www.ourimbah-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

‘Communicating with our Caring Community’ muse Emu

Wednesday, 27th March 2019


PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Stars of the Week - National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence On Friday 15 March 2019, Ourimbah PS stood united with other Australian schools in their communities to celebrate the ninth National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). The National Day of Action is Australia’s key anti-bullying event for schools, and in 2019, the staff and students at Ourimbah PS say NO WAY to bullying! Over the past few weeks, the students and staff have been engaged in activities that address the issues of bullying culminating in a special mufti-day to raise funds for Beyond Blue. A big thanks to Mr Miller who co-ordinated this year’s events and to all of the staff and students who participated in the poster competition. The

mufti day was a huge success, generating $462.35 in donations towards the Beyond Blue foundation. Congratulations to the following students who won the poster competition for their grade – • Kindergarten: Paige H • Year 1: Elsie M • Year 2: Grace D • Year 3: Daniel D • Year 4: Aila B • Year 5: Melody W • Year 6: Lainey G

If you would like to read more about the school’s and NSW Department of Education’s Anti-bullying programs, a link can be found the school’s website under the ‘Supporting Our Students’ tab and follow the ‘Student Health and Safety’ link - https://ourimbah-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/supporting-our-students/student-health-and-safety.html


28 March School Photo Day-don’t forget your envelope tomorrow

28 March Sydney North Swimming Carnival 28 March Cyber Awareness Forum 1 April CANTEEN CLOSED

9 April K-2 Easter Hat Parade & P&C Easter Raffle Draw

12 April Cross Country Carnival 12 April Last day of Term 1 29 April SDD – Staff return Term 2 30 April Students return Term 2

Page 2: ‘Endeavour to Excel’ ‘Excellence, Opportunity, Success ... · term we have been focusing on undertaking STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) challenges

Foyer Display Look at these fantastic anti-bullying posters that are on display in the front office! We are all extremely proud of the students’ efforts and the wonderful messages these creative students have shared. If you would like to know more about the NDA, or how you can help your child with issues of bullying additional information can be found on the ‘Bullying, NO WAY!’ website – https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx

Harmony Day Over the past few weeks the staff and students at Ourimbah PS have been celebrating Harmony Day. Harmony Day is a special occasion when we can all celebrate our cultural diversity and promote social inclusion within our community. The ongoing theme, ‘Everyone Belongs’ highlights the importance of being an inclusive and respectful community where everyone has a sense of belonging and are valued members of our school community. Our Harmony Week celebrations culminated in a special assembly last Friday where the staff and students had the opportunity to showcase their stories, artworks, skits and opinions, demonstrating how important it is to care for, and respect, our multicultural identity.

Harmony Day is a special occasion as it helps to raise awareness of, and an appreciation for, those social and school values which promote respectful and responsible learners and citizens where diversity and difference is celebrated rather than segregated. A huge thanks to Mrs Bowd and the other teaching staff who make this a very special day to celebrate each year!

Sporting News There have been a number of Brisbane Water PSSA trials on recently and Ourimbah PS have had a number of talented students represent our school during the trial process. Congratulations to the following students who have all been involved in zone trials – • Netball – well done to Shayla W and Annabelle W

who were successful in gaining selection in the combined netball team.

• Sydney North Swimming Carnival – good luck to all of the students who are competing at the Regional Swimming Carnival this Thursday 28 March, at the Sydney Aquatic Centre, Homebush.

• AFL – congratulations to James W who was successful in gaining selection in the Sydney North Regional Team to compete at the State Championships for AFL.

• Rugby League – Good luck to Oliver M and Brock M who will be competing at the Sydney North league trials this week.

P&C Update – AGM My sincere thanks to all of the parents and staff who attended our last P&C meeting and those parents who have kindly volunteered to take on one of our very important executive positions or community roles. A huge thanks to those parents who filled these positions in 2018 – your hard work and support has been greatly appreciated! Congratulations to the following parents who were elected into the following positions: • President – Maurice Wrightson, • Vice President – Victoria Keegan, • Vice President – Lisa Booth, • Secretary Correspondence – Kylie Brooks • Secretary Minutes – vacant • Treasurer – Alana Cole • Assistant Treasurer – Alison Vlaciky • Fundraising Coordinator – Venessa Wheeler • Uniform Shop Coordinator – Rose Pocock • P&C Delegate 1 – Lisa Booth • P&C Delegate 2 – Caroline Potter • Social Convener – Alana Cole • RAP Coordinator – vacant • Nitbusters Coordinator – Leah Ward • Class Program Coordinator – Danielle Lamrock • Social Media Coordinator – Jane Brooker • School Liason – Sally Brown

Page 3: ‘Endeavour to Excel’ ‘Excellence, Opportunity, Success ... · term we have been focusing on undertaking STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) challenges

If you would like to take on one of the vacant roles – Minute Secretary or RAP Coordinator, please contact the front office (4362 1033) and we will put you in touch with our P&C President (Maurice Wrightson).

Election Day – P&C BBQ My thanks to those parents who volunteered their time last Saturday, on Election Day, to run the P&C BBQ. As a community member, my family and I enjoyed the comfort of an egg and bacon roll and a cool drink as we navigated the political minefield that was at the front gate. A special mention to Venessa Wheeler, Victoria and Chris Keegan, and all of the parent volunteers who contributed to this fundraiser having raised nearly $700 for the school P&C.

Lisarow HS – Canteen Manager The Lisarow HS P&C Association are seeking a Canteen Manager to oversee the operation of their school canteen. The vacant position criteria is attached with this week’s newsletter.

Staff Development Days (SDD) SDD are not only essential to the ongoing professional development of staff, but also improve the learning outcomes of students by: 1. providing targeted professional learning activities

aligned to school strategic directions and Department of Education and Communities priorities,

2. enabling whole school planning and enhancing teacher quality, school leadership and management practices, and

3. implementing legislative and policy requirements. This year, the staff and I are proposing to vary the date of the last two Staff Development Days (Thursday 19 December & Friday 20 December, 2019) by substituting these pupil-free days with four professional learning sessions to be held after school over separate evenings throughout the year. This variation in routine will allow staff to attend professional learning workshops that will focus on the following Student Wellbeing programs (Trauma Education & Growth Mindset), School Planning and Strategic Management workshops, and joint workshops within the Valley Schools Learning Community. We thank all families for their continued support of these invaluable professional development opportunities for the staff at Ourimbah PS.

Road and Pedestrian Safety Thank you to those parents and road users who continue to follow the necessary drop-off and pick-up procedures before and after school to ensure the safety of our students and families as they enter and exit the school grounds.

Unfortunately, it has been brought to my attention that, on some occasions, unsafe practices are being modelled to our most vulnerable road users – our children. Children need assistance dealing with the traffic environment until at least the age of 10 as they are not equipped physically or developmentally to make the crucial decisions to keep them safe. Like learning to drive a car, children need practise and experience to walk in the traffic environment. Please visit the Kidsafe NSW website to find out more about how we can all ensure our students are kept safe!

Mobile Phones and Smart devices As with many primary schools, students are not encouraged to bring mobile phones, nor Smart watches / devices, to school unless absolutely necessary. The main reasons for this policy are that schools need to know that these valuable items are kept in a secure place and that the devices cannot be used for inappropriate purposes during school hours. We also want to ensure that the use of mobile phones / Smart devices do not impact upon our core business – teaching and learning. If your child is found using such devices for non-educational purposes in breach of the school’s mobile phone policy, they may be banned from bringing such objects to school. Thanks, in advance, for your cooperation in this important matter. A full copy of the review conducted by the NSW Department of Education is accessible at the following link - https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/strategies-and-reports/media/documents/mobile-phone-review.pdf Greg Francis (Principal) CLASS OF THE WEEK! Nicole McMurtrie, Aly Anderson, Tara Alamango and Sarah Gordge make up the release from face to face (RFF) team at Ourimbah Public School. As RFF teachers we have the unique opportunity to make connections with students all across the school. This means that our job is always interesting. Mrs Nicole McMurtrie 5/6C have shared their enthusiasm for History in our work on the Australian Colonies. The students have been particularly interested in learning about life in colonial times from the perspectives of both Aboriginal people and convicts. The keen students of K/1A and 1K have demonstrated their knowledge of how to be caring, inclusive and respectful of others. They have also been learning about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy. The students have enjoyed showing their safe pedestrian skills using our classroom zebra crossing. In music, 3/4E have explored the beat, phrasing and moving to the songs When the Clouds are Sinking Low

Page 4: ‘Endeavour to Excel’ ‘Excellence, Opportunity, Success ... · term we have been focusing on undertaking STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) challenges

and A Wonderous Place. We are currently working on performing both simultaneously, which is quite tricky! Luckily, 3/4E students do not shy away from a challenge. Mrs Aly Anderson Stage 3 have been learning about a variety of Visual Arts Techniques including Paint Scraping, Crayon Resist, Light & Reflection and Optical Illusion. Here is what some of our ambitious artists have to say: “I liked doing the ‘Birch Tree’ artwork because it had multiple steps. I like doing Art because you can’t really make any mistakes.” Oliver “I am passionate about Art because I can be creative and make some different artworks. My favourite was my Optical Illusion art because it turned out really cool.” Taneisha “My favourite art activity was the ‘Bubbles’ when we studied Light and Reflection. We had to get different sized circular shapes from around the room and trace around them with a white crayon. We then blended different colours inside the circles before we added a

white reflection mark at the bottom.” Chloe Mrs Tara Alamango This year I have the wonderful opportunity of teaching a year 2-6 Gifted and Talented Science Program. This term we have been focusing on undertaking STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) challenges. Students have been investigating and exploring energy as a resource that

can be generated, stored and transferred. Using the Engineering Design Process, students have designed and constructed wind powered boats, marble mazes and marshmallow catapults. Here’s what some of our aspiring scientists have to say: “I like being able to try new things and enjoy new experiences with new people. My favourite challenge was the marshmallow catapult. I enjoyed testing my brain to find new ways to create things.” Hazel “It’s a fun program. I like being creative and designing and building things.” Sam “I get excited to come to science! I like that it’s tricky and I like working with partners.” Linh We are looking forward to continuing our investigations and experiments next term, when we look at how materials can be changed and combined.

Mrs Sarah Gordge I am lucky enough to have the enthusiastic students of 1N, 1/2ME and 2B for Visual Arts and Music each week. This term we have taken inspiration from the book Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie Baker. We have collected recycled materials to create instruments that have allowed us to explore musical concepts such as tempo, beat, rhythm and volume. The students have enjoyed spending time outside investigating nature and learning techniques which they then recreate in their artwork. Each week the students use their newly learned art skills to add to our forest themed wall mural. “I love coming into the room each week and seeing how the forest has changed.” Harlow This term I have the pleasure of teaching 3/4R and 3B during their teachers RFF time. The students have enjoyed learning about the early explorers that came to Australia and comparing their journeys to that of the

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convicts on the first fleet. They have been working hard to explore through the senses, discovering what it would have looked, felt and sounded like to be an Aboriginal person seeing the first fleet land on their shores. “I liked learning how to draw a first fleet ship and writing a journal entry on the drawing.” Will

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE NAPLAN ONLINE PRACTICE This week students in Years 3 and 5 have been working with Mrs Burgess and myself in the computer lab. The students have been learning how to use the new online platform for NAPLAN and had the opportunity to complete an omnibus test. The omnibus test allows the students to experience a range of different questions from reading, grammar, spelling, writing and maths. The system is able to cater the questions for the individual student by making the questions more difficult if the child gets a few in a row correct, or by making the questions easier if the student gets some wrong. I would like to take this opportunity on congratulating all the students that I have seen so far this week, your behaviour has been impeccable and I am very proud of you all. If I have not seen your child yet this week, this means their timetabled spot will be on Thursday or Friday. If you would like any further information on NAPLAN and the upcoming tests in May, please do not hesitate to contact me on 4362 1033. Have a great week! Mrs Nicki Wakelin Assistant Principal CORE VALUES Values This fortnight we are focusing on the core value of ‘Excellence’.

CLASSROOM EFFORT & BEHAVIOUR POINTSCORE Week 7 – Winning House – Platypus Platypus – 45.5 Kangaroo – 40.5 Koala – 33 Emu – 28 Week 8– Winning House – Platypus Platypus – 37 Koalas – 32 Emu – 27 Kangaroo - 25 CLASSROOM AWARDS K-2 Week 8 – Jack C, Piper C KL; Brielle C, William P KSB; Mila B, Myles B K/1A; Mia I, Billy I 1N; Kaleb W, Chloe W 1/2ME; Ben L, Violet B 2B; Linh V, Zach T 2/3GO; Oakley C, Madeline L Library. CLASSROOM AWARDS 3-6 Week 8 – Annalise L, Aila B 3/4E; Toby D, Charlotte P 3/4R; Tameka W, Anh V 4/5B; Keira E, Quinlan B 5/6EA; Pheonix M, Allissa B 5/6C; Jasper K, Heidi W 5/6M; Nathan C, Melody W 5/6W; Niamh S, Kara B Library. Week 9 – Archer W 3GO; Keane T, Milana H 3/4E; Gabrielle B, Jensen F 3/4R; Ella B, Aerlun T 4/5B; Matilda M, James W 5/6C; Charlotte R, Riley K 5/6EA; Fletcher M, Lucinda M 5/6M; Adelaide B, Abigail C 5/6W; Lily H, Angus B Library. SCHOOL PHOTO DAY TOMORROW 28TH MARCH School photos for this year will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 28th March. Full formal SUMMER uniform is to be worn for the photos. Please ensure that all Envelopes and notes have been handed in or are brought in on the day. Photo packages will range in cost from $21.00 - $39.00. GRANDPARENTS DAY Thank you to our P&C who put on a beautiful morning tea for our special grandparents/grandfriends. A big

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thank you to the following ladies for baking up a storm: Jean Brooks, Robyn Casey, Nicole McMurtrie, Susan Perry, Emily Isaacs. Thank you also to Kylie Brooks, Leanne Diggle, Venessa Wheeler, Laura Malloy, Alana Cole, Kelly Stephenson, Lisa Winn, Hannah Mangan & Emily Isaacs for helping on the day. GRANDPARENTS DAY LIBRARY DONATIONS A huge thank you for all of the library book donations made during Grandparents Day. We raised over $850 and have 154 new donated books for our students to read and enjoy. The donation labels are currently being processed and hopefully we will have the books out and ready to read soon. A special mention to the wonderful parent volunteers who assisted in book covering to get ready for the day. Rebecca Adams SEASONS FOR GROWTH® PROGRAM Learning to live with change and loss Years 5 and 6 Change and loss are issues that affect all of us at some stage in our lives. At Ourimbah Public School we recognise that when changes occur in families through death, separation, divorce and related circumstances, young people may benefit from learning how to manage these changes effectively. We are therefore offering a very successful education program called ‘Seasons for Growth’ which will commence early Term 2. This program is facilitated in small groups and is based on research which highlights the importance of social support and the need to practise new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. The program focuses on issues such as self-esteem, managing feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and support networks. If you think your son or daughter would benefit from Seasons for Growth we would encourage you to talk to him/her about participating in the program. If you wish your child to be included in this program, please put your reasons in writing and return to the front office by this Friday, 29th March, 2019. This program works with a small group of up to eight students for it to be effective, therefore selection will be a needs based priority. The program will run during school time throughout Term 2 for eight weekly sessions. Parents do not attend these sessions. Parents will be notified before the end of Term 1 if their child will be taking part in the program. Co-ordinators, Mrs Bowd and Mrs English. YEAR 7 (2020) LISAROW HIGH SCHOOL Information has been sent home with all year 6 students regarding Lisarow High School selective classes.

Applications are now open for 2020 Year 7 CAPA, Enrichment and Technology programs. Applications are due at the end of Term 1, 2019. Please read the brochures on the Lisarow High School website for more information or contact the school on 43284599. K-2 EASTER HAT PARADE – TUESDAY, 9TH APRIL The K-2 Easter Hat Parade will be held on Tuesday, 9th April at 12 pm under the school outdoor COLA. Children are to wear their normal school uniform and parents and caregivers of K-2 children are welcome to attend. Donations of craft items, suitable for making Easter hats, would be greatly appreciated, and can be sent into class teachers by Friday, 29th March. ANZAC DAY MARCH The Anzac Day March will be held on Thursday, 25th April and will leave from Yates Road at 1.30 pm. (Please arrive about 15 minutes earlier so students can be organised). All Ourimbah Public School students are invited to join the march. Our school officials or senior students usually lead our school group followed by any interested students. Please be aware that parental supervision is necessary. If your son or daughter can be present on the day it would be greatly appreciated. The march will finish inside the school grounds for the official Anzac Day Ceremony, run by the Ourimbah-Lisarow RSL Sub Branch. Students are expected to wear full school uniform, however as a mark of respect we will not be wearing school hats for the purpose of the march. Thanks for your support. Linda Bowd. PAYMENTS DUE NOW

• Mathletics/Reading Eggs Kindergarten and new students - $35.00 (includes headphones) Years 1-6 - $25.00

• Voluntary School Contributions All students in K-6 - $49.00 per student $120 per family of 3 or more students

VOLUNTARY SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS Our Voluntary Contributions for this year have been set at $49.00 per student or $120 per family of 3 or more children. The voluntary contribution from our parents is an important part of school finances that contributes to our ability to ensure we have adequate resources in the classroom for your children. Our school delivers great learning programs for students and your support is appreciated.

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Payment of the contributions can be made via Parent Online Payment (POP) under the Voluntary Contributions tab or by cash or cheque and can be paid at the office or sent to the class teacher anytime from now on. SCHOOL BANKING INFORMATION SESSION There will be an information session for parents from Jane Cassidy of the Commonwealth Bank regarding Student Banking on Thursday, 4th April from 8.30 am - 9.15 am. This will be held, as in previous years, down inside the school gates. Please see further details below:

SPORT NEWS SNPSSA SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS A squad of 13 swimmers will be representing the school as part of the zone team this Thursday in Sydney. Good luck to Shayla W, Chloe B, Jade E, Keira E, Tameka W, Imogen S, Maya H, Lily H, Sebastian S, Jake B, Callum S, Will C and Harry H. The presentation for our school champions will take place in the coming weeks as the trophies are engraved and ready to go. Parents of the recipients will be contacted prior to the presentation assembly. Mr Wilson & Mr Edwards

YRS 3-6 CROSS COUNTRY FRIDAY, 12th APRIL – SOHIER PARK Any Year 2 students that are turning 8 this year are able to compete against 9 year old runners as the age division is combined. Please advise your child's teacher if they possess an exceptional ability in the discipline of long distance running. Otherwise they will compete in the K-2 Cross Country. Just a reminder, that all students competing in the 3-6 cross country will not be able to place a recess order, as they will have their recess at Sohier Park. Looking forward to another great Cross Country, Matthew Bradbury. NSWPSSA AFL CHAMPIONSHIPS A huge congratulations to James W who attended the SNPSSA Trials for AFL on Monday. James has successfully gained selection in the regional team to attend the state carnival to be held in Penshurst during May, Term 2. What a great achievement and well done James. Mr Edwards SAVE THE DATE - STAGE 2 EXCURSION Stage 2 will be venturing off to Sydney for a full day excursion on Tuesday, 18th June. The excursion will include curriculum based activities at The Royal Botanical Gardens and Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. More details will be provided along with a permission note later in the term. Stage 2 Teachers. VOLUNTEERING AT OPS When visiting or volunteering at school it is essential that you sign on in the book in the office foyer, indicating your arrival and departure times. This information is vital if an emergency procedure is required. Whilst on site you are required to wear a ‘Visitors Badge’. All volunteers/visitors must have completed and signed an Appendix 5 declaration and provide 100 points of identification. See office staff to check validation or for more information. P&C NEWS P&C ELECTION BBQ I would like to thank everyone who supported our P&C Election BBQ on Saturday, 23rd March. Thank you to Tumbi Meats for the sausages and our two local supermarkets, Woolworths Lisarow & Coles Lisarow, for their contributions. Also a big thank you to Venessa Wheeler for volunteering her time in organising and coordinating the Election Day BBQ. A special mention to Christopher Keegan who was on the BBQ cooking up a storm and an extra special thank you to the following volunteers: Venessa Wheeler; Craig

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Kettle; Victoria Keegan; Kylie Brooks; Jane Brooker; Leah Ward; David Leijten; Debbie Bugledich; Caroline Potter; Lesley Marshall; Belinda Figallo; Rebecca Stebbings; Erin Ngamotu; Tamara Goldrick and our Principal, Greg Francis. These wonderful people gave up their Saturday to help out and it was muchly appreciated. Venessa Wheeler P&C Fundraising Co-ordinator

EASTER RAFFLE Thank you to all the generous families who have donated Easter Eggs and items for the Easter Raffle. The response has been amazing! Please keep sending in your raffle tickets and money to the office. Please see the list of the Easter Raffle Prizes below:

UNIFORM SHOP Operating Hours – Mondays & Thursdays The opening hours for the uniform shop are as follows:

Mondays 8.30 am - 9.15 am Thursdays 2.30 pm - 3.15 pm Online ordering via flexischools.com.au and eftpos are available in the Uniform Shop. Order forms are also available from the office with an option to make arrangements for collecting/paying at the canteen or from the uniform shop. PLASTIC BAG DONATIONS The Uniform Shop are in need of any plastic bag donations please. Plastic bags can be put into the red bin, located inside the office doors. Thanks in advance for your help. COMMUNITY NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENTS

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