advocating for resources to support youth mentoring

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Learn about the Massachusetts state budgeting process and how mentoring programs can advocate for greater state investment in mentoring.


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Advocating for Resources to Support Youth Mentoring Programs

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Advocating for Resources for Youth Mentoring Programs: Agenda

Programs Can and Should Advocate (and


State Support for Youth Development


Mentoring Matching Grants line item

Review of the Massachusetts State

Budgeting Process

FY11 Status, Legislative Champions and the

Budget Ask

How Programs Can Advocate

Examples of Programs Advocating for the

Mentoring Line Item and other Budget Items


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Presenters Elena Sokolow-Kaufman, Manager Government

Relations and Field Resources, Mass Mentoring Partnership

Lindsay Snyder, Director of External Relations and Development, Massachusetts Service Alliance

Margaret Nupp, Director of Special Events and Public Relations, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Massachusetts/ Metro West

Michelle Easton, Interview and Match Specialist, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Massachusetts/ Metro West

Nicole Almeida, SMILES Mentoring, Director of Resource Development and Retention

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Programs Should Advocate (and Lobby)!• Nonprofits, and mentoring programs

specifically, are well positioned to do this work

• 501c3 organizations are allowed to not only advocate, but to lobby• Federal Lobbying Law

• Insubstantial part of work• Massachusetts Lobbying Law

• Paid, $2,500 or 25 hours in a 6 month period, direct communications with officials/staff

• “If you are not at the table you are on the menu!”

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State Support for Youth Development Programs• The State of Massachusetts supports youth development

through an variety of grant programs:• Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Services, Public Health • Violence Prevention Grants, Public Health • Youth-at-Risk Matching Grants, Executive Office of Health and

Human Services• Gang Prevention Grant Program (Shannon), Executive Office of

Public Safety • School-to-Career Connecting Activities, Elementary and Secondary

Education• After School and Out-of-School Time Grants, Elementary and

Secondary Education• Youth-Build Grants, Elementary and Secondary Education • Summer Jobs Program for At-Risk Youth (YouthWorks), Labor and

Workforce Development • Mentoring Matching Grants Elementary and Secondary


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What is the Mentoring Matching Grants Line Item?

Line item in the Massachusetts state budget that determines the amount of funding available for the Massachusetts Service Alliance (MSA) to administer mentoring grants

Created in 1999 at the $1 million level, it has created and supported almost 9,000 mentoring matches

Designed to support the creation of new matches and leverage private sector support

The amount has decreased significantly over time

In FY09 funded at just over $500K, in FY10 funded at $100k

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What is the Massachusetts Budget Process?

• System to determine how much money Massachusetts will invest and for what purpose

• At least a six month process, January-June

• Made up of ten separate steps, beginning with the Governor’s budget proposal

• Contains opportunities for programs, mentors and mentees to engage in advocacy between each step

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Governor's BudgetJanuary 28, 2009The Mentoring Line Item (7061-9634), which had lived in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's budget, was not included in the governor's budget proposal.

House Ways & Means BudgetApril 15, 2009The Mentoring Line Item was not included in the House Ways & Means budget proposal. Representative Cheryl Coakley-Rivera of Springfield, along with 21 other co-sponsors and supporters, filed the amendment in the House to restore funding for the Mentoring Line Item at the post-9c level of $517,320.

House BudgetMay 1, 2009

The Mentoring Line Item was partially restored in the House Budget, making $250,000 available to mentoring programs through a competitive grant program administered by the Massachusetts Service Alliance.

Senate Ways & Means BudgetMay 13, 2009The Mentoring Line Item was not included in the Senate Ways & Means budget proposal. Senator Stan Rosenberg filed an amendment to restore the line item at $517,320, which was co-sponsored by Senator Jack Hart and Senator Susan Tucker.

Senate Budget May 21, 2009The Mentoring Line Item was restored in the Senate budget to the requested amount of $517,320.

Conference Committee Budget June 19, 2009Because the Mentoring Line Item was included in different amounts in the House and Senate budgets, it went to a six person Conference Committee to negotiate the difference. The Conference Committee report included the mentoring line item at $250,000 and also eliminated an earmark for Camp C5 New England which had historically been in the line.

What Happened Last Year?

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VetoesJune 29, 2009

The Governor vetoed the Mentoring Line Item from the FY2010 budget.


The House and Senate may vote to override the Governor's vetoes. The legislature did not take up any monetary overrides for the FY2010 budget.

Final Budget

The budget was approved without the Mentoring Line Item.

Supplemental Budget

July 29

The legislature passed a supplemental budget as an alternative method of adding money back for FY2010 to address the Governor’s vetoes. The legislature included funding for approximately 1/3 of the items vetoed, of which $100,000 was restored to the Mentoring Line Item.

What Happened Last Year Continued

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FY11 Budget: Where are We Now?

January 28, 2010- Governor released his budget proposal that funded the Mentoring Matching Grants Line item at $100K

Between mid February-end of March legislators meet with Ways and Means Committees Formalized way to communicate budget

priorities for the year

MMP and programs have been working to secure commitments to include the Mentoring Matching Grants line item on their list of priorities for FY11

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FY11: Legislative Champions

House of RepresentativesLead: Smitty Pignatelli

SenateLead: Stanley Rosenberg

Rep. Kevin Aguiar Rep. Patricia Haddad Sen. Tom Kennedy

Rep. Willie Mae Allen Rep. Bradford Hill Sen. Mark Montigny

Rep. Antonio Cabral Rep. Kate Hogan Sen. Susan Tucker

Rep. Stephen Canessa Rep. David Linksy Sen. Jack Hart

Rep. Cheryl Coakley-Rivera

Rep. Michael Rodrigues

Rep. Thomas Conroy Rep. Tom Sannicandro

Rep. Sean Garballey Rep. Steven Walsh

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FY11: The “Ask” for FY11

We are requesting $250,000 for the Mentoring Matching Grants line item

Reflects the amount the legislature had intended for mentoring in FY10

Although technically an increase from FY10 ($100,000), is considered to be level funding by legislators

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Set the foundation Know the major steps of the budget process Know legislators and staff Build relationships, educate and are a

resource Lobby Directly and Organize

In person meetings Make calls Letter/ Email campaigns Provide testimony at relevant hearings Organize their mentors, mentees and

families, use social media Use the Media

Op-Ed’s and Letters to the Editor Rally/ Press Conference

Programs Advocating Effectively…

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BBBS of Central Mass/Metrowest: Making the Most of Meetings• Research your State legislators

• Identify connections to create rapport

• Present a clear case relevant to constituency

• Ask for specific actions

• Ask for introductions

• Leave information for anyone you meet

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BBBS of Central Mass/Metrowest: Making the Most of Meetings

• Send prompt, courteous, hand-written thank you notes with actionable items

• Promote site visits

• Remember their names, just in case

• Communicate any anecdotal stories to build relationship

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SMILES Mentoring Program as Advocate

• Branding and visibility

oHigh-profile Putting yourself out there

oResponsibilitySolving Social Issue

oEnd GoalWhat are you doing for the City? State?

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SMILES Mentoring Program as Advocate

• Connections/Relationships

oLocal LevelSchool Council/Committee School SuperintendentsMayors, Representatives

oState/Federal LevelRep.’s with good standing within leadership

•Passionate about same issues

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SMILES Mentoring Program as Advocate

• Taking advantage of Every Opportunity

oLocal Field Trips/Events

ATMC, Literacy Program

oStatehouseYouth Mentoring Day

oChamber Events


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Nonprofits and LobbyingAlliance for Justice-

Massachusetts General Court (Legislator Profiles, Contact Info, Leadership)

Massachusetts Legislators by City and Town

Resources for Mentoring Programs on MMP’s Website

Resources on Advocacy

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Contact Elena Sokolow-Kaufman at [email protected] or 617-695-2476