advising manual 2013

ADVISING MANUAL for the Johns Hopkins University Department of Civil Engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page Advising Manual Introduction 2 Objectives and Outcomes of the Program 3 Advising Procedures 4 Introduction to the Civil Engineering Curriculum 5 Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2010 6 Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2011 9 Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2012 12 Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2013 16 Notes regarding AP / IB Credits and Waivers 20 Technical Electives 22 Non-Technical Electives 23 Grading Requirements (S/U and D Grades) 24 Requirements for the Civil Engineering Minor 25

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Page 1: Advising Manual 2013


Johns Hopkins University

Department of Civil Engineering


Section Title Page

Advising Manual Introduction 2

Objectives and Outcomes of the Program 3

Advising Procedures 4

Introduction to the Civil Engineering Curriculum 5

Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2010 6

Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2011 9

Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2012 12

Curriculum / Sample Programs for Students Matriculating in Fall 2013 16

Notes regarding AP / IB Credits and Waivers 20

Technical Electives 22

Non-Technical Electives 23

Grading Requirements (S/U and D Grades) 24

Requirements for the Civil Engineering Minor 25

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CE Advising Manual Page 2 July 2013

Advising Manual Introduction

The scope of professional activities of the modern civil engineer is very broad. The design of structures, waterworks and other civil facilities remains the main thrust of civil engineering, but today the civil engineer must also address environmental issues and the economic analysis and management of the systems that he or she designs.

Our goal at Johns Hopkins is to provide a strong program in the major areas of civil engineering. We recognize the heavy demands on the civil engineer who must master the mathematical, physical and chemical principles that support the design of a wide variety of projects, while developing sensitivity to the economic and societal effects of those projects. The massive scale of many civil engineering projects places a further demand on the engineer to acquire managerial skills and techniques. The undergraduate curriculum is, therefore, broad enough to include opportunities for elective courses both within and outside of the department. Courses offered by the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering are particularly noteworthy; these include, in addition to programs in water supply and water quality, studies in economics and systems analysis.

The civil engineering program at Johns Hopkins educates intellectual leaders of the profession by instilling in them a fundamental understanding of the mathematical principles of physics and nature that underlie engineering science, a practical appreciation of the challenges of creative engineering design, and a sense of responsibility for professional service.

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Objectives and Outcomes of the Program

Mission Statement of the Undergraduate Civil Engineering Program: Inspire the leaders of tomorrow to take on the challenge of creating and sustaining the built environment that underpins our society. Enable these leaders with fundamental engineering knowledge, a broad set of skills, and an inquisitive attitude. In partnership with the many disciplines that makeup the civil engineering field, and in the face of uncertain information, as well as ever-changing needs, risks, and constraints - create engineers who successfully adapt and innovate solutions for the built environment.

ABET Program Educational Objectives The program has as its objectives that within a few years our graduates attain: 1a an advanced degree in engineering, or 1b required experience towards professional licensure as an engineer, or 1c an advanced degree in a field other than engineering, or 1d a position in an organization that broadly supports the goals of civil engineering; and 2 a position or degree that values adaptability and innovation in their work.

ABET Program Outcomes Students graduating with a B.S. in Civil Engineering will have demonstrated:

(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data

(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability

(d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

(f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

(g) an ability to communicate effectively

(h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context

(i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues

The undergraduate program has been designed to provide a firm foundation in a wide breadth of modern civil engineering. Some flexibility is built into the curriculum so that students may pursue particular interests such as structural or geotechnical analysis and design, environmental engineering, coastal and ocean engineering, or systems analysis. The program has been accredited by ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, since 1936.

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Advising Procedures Procedures

The academic advisor is an important source of guidance in the student's selection of electives, a set of options that may materially shape the student's interests. The advisor also helps the student to interpret course requirements in the face of the inevitable changes in course availability. Civil Engineering advising activities are managed by the Academic Program Coordinator who assigns students to advisors, responds to students' requests for changes in advisors, and may, when necessary, act on behalf of the advisor.

Prior to their arrival on campus, students are assigned an advisor at the WSE Advising Office who assists them in making their initial course selections. Once they have arrived on campus, students meet with their civil engineering departmental advisor, assigned during the summer, to welcome them and review their selections for the first semester. The assigned departmental advisor will remain with the student throughout their years of undergraduate study. Students are required to meet with their departmental advisor during the fall and spring advising weeks to review upcoming courses. Once this meeting has taken place, the student is free to register for the upcoming semester through ISIS. Students should come to each meeting prepared with their Degree Checkout Sheet completed and should leave each meeting with a copy of their Advising Sign-Off Form, which indicates that their selected courses were reviewed and approved by their advisor. Students should maintain their copy of the Advising Sign-off Form during their undergraduate program. Prior to graduation, this form is to be signed by the advisor and given to the Academic Program Coordinator as evidence that the curriculum has been satisfactorily completed.

Ethics Personal and professional ethics and integrity are important cornerstones of both your academic and professional life. As a student, your role in ensuring academic integrity is important for your education, your fellow student's education, and the integrity of the university. Johns Hopkins University provides additional information on academic integrity at:

As a professional, ethics and integrity will rarely be a simple manner. As civil engineers you will often design for the betterment and safety of society, but the efforts may be led and funded by private development or government with more complicated motives. Considering ethics in civil engineering requires understanding the broader context of your efforts, and discussions are ongoing in all the professional societies (ASCE, SEA, etc.). For an example of a civil engineering code of ethics see

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Introduction to the Civil Engineering Curriculum

The faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering has developed a curriculum they feel offers the best preparation for students to pursue professional careers or graduate study in the field of civil engineering. Throughout the curriculum, students are exposed not only to the full breadth of the modern civil engineering profession, but also to the liberal arts through courses in the humanities and social sciences. Additionally, the curriculum allows students in their junior and senior years to specialize in focus areas within the civil engineering field through technical electives. As the field of civil engineering progresses, so does the curriculum, so it is important for students and advisors to be aware that the curriculum for one year’s entering freshman class may differ slightly from the next. The Degree Checkout Form for each entering freshman class serves as a description of the curriculum for that particular class, not to be used for any other year’s entering freshman class. Degree checkout sheets for students currently enrolled in the undergraduate civil engineering program at Johns Hopkins are provided on the following pages, and organized by year of matriculation at Johns Hopkins. A sample course schedule is provided as a supplement to each degree checkout sheet. Students should note that the ordering of courses in the sample schedule may change slightly as other factors (AP credits, H/S elective availability, minor requirements, and double major requirements) contribute to course selection each semester. The maximum number of credits per semester students can register for is 19 (18 for Freshmen). Exceptions to this rule may be made for students with an outstanding GPA (above 3.5), and in cases where overload is a result of independent study or research. Further information can be found in the JHU Catalog.

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Curriculum for Students Matriculating in Fall 2010

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Basic Science (17 credits) To provide fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences necessary for engineering, students in the Department of Civil Engineering are required to take courses in Physics, Chemistry and one additional course in the natural sciences We recommend either 270.220 Dynamic Earth, but we will allow 030.102 Chemistry II to count for students who transfer into civil engineering from a different department. Beginning in Fall 2012, students are given the option of taking Physics I from the Physics Department or Mechanics I and Mechanics II from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. If students choose the Mechanics I/II option, Physics I Lab should be taken no earlier than the second semester. For students who transfer into civil engineering from mechanical engineering, Mechanics Lab I and II is a suitable substitute for Physics Lab I.

Mathematics (16 credits) Students are required to take 16 credits in mathematics. All students must take 110.108 Calculus I and 110.109 Calculus II, and 110.201 Linear Algebra. There is an option for students to choose between 110.302 Differential Equations with Applications and 110.202 Calculus III.

Humanities and Social Sciences (24 credits) Students must take a minimum of 9 credits in H electives and 9 credits in S electives. An additional 6 credits can be taken in either area: H or S. A minimum of two courses (H or S) must be at or above the 300-level. Two writing-intensive requirements must be fulfilled by the H/S electives. One W may be earned with 060.113/114Introduction to Expository Writing or 220.105 Introduction to Fiction and Poetry. The second W must come from the Krieger School and may be designated H or S.

Common Engineering (55 credits) No substitutions will be allowed for these courses.

Technical Electives (9 credits) Students must take three technical electives at or above the 200-level, designated E, Q, or N. While the Department of Civil Engineering allows some flexibility with the technical electives, we advise that to the extent possible, students select their technical electives from within the department’s offerings.

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Sample Program A sample program for students entering in fall 2009- fall 2010 is provided here:

110.108 4 Calculus I 110.109 4 Calculus II

171.101 4 General Physics I 171.102 4 General Physics II

173.111 1 General Physics Lab I 173.112 1 General Physics Lab II

030.101 3 Introductory Chemistry I 560.141 3 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures

030.105 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab I ___.___ 3 H/S Elective



3 Expository Writing (H, W)

16 15

560.201 4 Statics & Strength of Materials  560.202 4 Dynamics 

560.220 3 Civil Engineering Analysis  560.206 4 Solid Mechanics & Theory of Structures 

110.201 4 Linear Algebra 110.202 4 Calculus III (or 110.302 Diff. Eq. w/ App.)

270.220 3 N Elective (270.220, 270.205 or other) 510.201 3 Introductory Materials Science for Engineers

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 180.___ 3 Economics Course

17 18

560.320 3 Steel Structures 560.325 3 Concrete Structures

560.491 1 Civil Engineering Seminar I 560.492 0.5 Civil Engineering Seminar II

570.301 3 Environmental Engineering I 570.302 3 Water & Wastewater Treatment

560.305 4 Soil Mechanics  560.330 3 Foundation Design 

560.351 3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 560.380 3 Intro to Ocean & Wind Engineering

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 560.348 3 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering

17 16

560.451 3 Civil Engineering Design I 560.452 2 Civil Engineering Design II

___.___ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 Technical Elective

___.___ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 H/S Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 Free Elective ___.___ 3 Free Elective

___.___ 1 Free Elective

15 15


Fall Spring

Fall Spring

Junior Year

Fall Spring

Senior Year

Sample Program in Civil Engineering for Freshmen entering in Fall 2010                                   

Freshman Year

Fall Spring

Sophomore Year

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Curriculum for Students Matriculating in Fall 2011

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Basic Science (17 credits) To provide fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences necessary for engineering, students in the Department of Civil Engineering are required to take courses in Physics, Chemistry and one additional course in the natural sciences We recommend either 270.220 Dynamic Earth, but we will allow 030.102 Chemistry II to count for students who transfer into civil engineering from a different department. Beginning in Fall 2012, students are given the option of taking Physics I from the Physics Department or Mechanics I and Mechanics II from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. If students choose the Mechanics I/II option, Physics I Lab should be taken no earlier than the second semester. For students who transfer into civil engineering from mechanical engineering, Mechanics Lab I and II is a suitable substitute for Physics Lab I.

Mathematics (16 credits) Students are required to take 16 credits in mathematics. There is an option for students to choose between 550.251/2 Mathematical Models for Decision Making and 110.202 Calculus III. Students who wish to pursue graduate degrees in engineering are advised to take Calculus III to complete the calculus sequence.

Humanities and Social Sciences (18 credits) Students must take a minimum of 6 credits in H electives and 6 credits in S electives. An additional 6 credits can be taken in either area: H or S. A minimum of one H and one S elective must be at or above the 300-level. One writing-intensive requirement must be fulfilled by the H/S electives. This can either be done through 060.113/114Introduction to Expository Writing or a 300-level, Writing-Intensive, H or S elective. Given the increasingly global nature of the civil engineering field, students are required to take one H or S course from the KSAS International Studies major (see

Civil – Engineering Core (24 credits) No substitutions will be allowed for these courses.

Civil – Professional Practice (12 credits) These courses aim to prepare students for their future professional careers. In addition to two senior design courses (Civil Design I and II) and two semesters of Civil Engineering seminar, students must select one course from the Professional Communication program and one course from the W.P. Carey Program in Entrepreneurship and Management, both offered through the Center for Leadership Education. Note that 660.300+ and 661.300+ indicate any course at or above the 300-level in each of these programs.

Civil – Technical Areas (25 credits) Students entering the program in Fall 2011 must take two courses in each of the four following civil engineering technical areas: Fluids, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Structural Engineering.

Technical Electives (9 credits) Students must take one technical elective (at or above the 300-level) related to one of the four technical areas listed above. The other 2 technical electives (or equivalent 6 credits in technical electives) must also be at or above the 300-level. Of the remaining 6 credits, a minimum of 3cr. must be from an engineering (E) course and up to 3 cr. are allowed to come from mathematics (Q) or the natural sciences (N). While the Department of Civil Engineering allows some flexibility with the technical electives, we advise that to the extent possible, students select their technical electives from within the department’s offerings.

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Sample Program A sample program for students entering in fall 2011 is provided here:

110.108 4 Calculus I 110.109 4 Calculus II

171.101 4 General Physics I 171.102 4 General Physics II

173.111 1 General Physics Lab I 173.112 1 General Physics Lab II

030.101 3 Introductory Chemistry I 560.141 3 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures

030.105 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab I 661.110 3 CLE Professional Communication



3 Expository Writing (H, W)

16 15

560.201 4 Statics & Strength of Materials  560.202 4 Dynamics 

560.220 3 Civil Engineering Analysis  560.206 4 Solid Mechanics & Theory of Structures 

110.202 4 Calculus III 550.291 4 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations 

270.220 3 N Elective (270.220, 270.205 or other) 510.201 3 Introductory Materials Science for Engineers

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 660.105 4 Introduction to Business

17 19

560.320 3 Steel Structures 560.325 3 Concrete Structures

560.491 1 Civil Engineering Seminar I 560.492 0.5 Civil Engineering Seminar II

570.301 3 Environmental Engineering I 570.302 3 Water & Wastewater Treatment

560.305 4 Soil Mechanics  560.330 3 Foundation Design 

560.351 3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 560.380 3 Intro to Ocean & Wind Engineering

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 560.348 3 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering

17 16

560.451 3 Civil Engineering Design I 560.452 2 Civil Engineering Design II

560.3__ 3 Civil Engineering Technical Elective ___.3__ 3 Technical Elective

___.3__ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 H/S Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 Free Elective ___.___ 3 Free Elective

15 14


Fall Spring

Fall Spring

Junior Year

Fall Spring

Senior Year

Sample Program in Civil Engineering for Freshmen entering in Fall 2011                                   

Freshman Year

Fall Spring

Sophomore Year

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Curriculum for Students Matriculating in Fall 2012

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Basic Science (20 credits) To provide fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences necessary for engineering, students in the Department of Civil Engineering are required to take courses in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science. In addition to the required courses, students should take a natural science (N) course of their choosing. We recommend either 270.220 Dynamic Earth or 270.205 Introduction to GIS and Geospatial Analysis, but students may wish to take 030.102 Chemistry II. Beginning in Fall 2012, students are given the option of taking Physics I from the Physics Department or Mechanics I and Mechanics II from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. If students choose the Mechanics I/II option, Physics I Lab should be taken no earlier than the second semester.

Mathematics (16 credits) Students are required to take 16 credits in mathematics. There is an option for students to choose between 550.251/2 Mathematical Models for Decision Making and 110.202 Calculus III. Students who wish to pursue graduate degrees in engineering are advised to take Calculus III to complete the calculus sequence.

Humanities and Social Sciences (18 credits) Students must take a minimum of 6 credits in H electives and 6 credits in S electives. An additional 6 credits can be taken in either area: H or S. A minimum of one H and one S elective must be at or above the 300-level. One writing-intensive requirement must be fulfilled by the H/S electives. This can either be done through 060.113/114 Introduction to Expository Writing or a 300-level, Writing-Intensive, H or S elective. Given the increasingly global nature of the civil engineering field, students are required to take one H or S course from the KSAS International Studies major (see

Civil – Engineering Fundamentals (21 credits) No substitutions will be allowed for these courses.

Civil – Professional Practice (12 credits) These courses aim to prepare students for their future professional careers. In addition to two senior design courses (Civil Design I and II) and two semesters of Civil Engineering seminar, students must select one course from the Professional Communication program and one course from the W.P. Carey Program in Entrepreneurship and Management, both offered through the Center for Leadership Education. Note that 660.300+ and 661.300+ indicate any course at or above the 300-level in each of these programs.

Civil – Technical Areas (25 credits) Students entering the program in Fall 2012 must take two courses in each of the four following civil engineering technical areas: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Systems Engineering.

Technical Electives (9 credits) Students must take one technical elective (at or above the 300-level) related to one of the four technical areas listed above. The other 2 technical electives (or equivalent 6 credits in technical electives) must also be at or above the 300-level. Of the remaining 6 credits, a minimum of 3cr. must be from an engineering (E) course and up to 3 cr. are allowed to come from mathematics (Q) or the natural sciences (N). While the Department of Civil Engineering allows some flexibility with the technical electives, we advise that to the extent possible, students select their technical electives from within the department’s offerings.

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Sample Programs Sample programs for students entering in Fall 2012 are provided here. Note that starting in Fall 2012, students are given the option of taking Physics I from the Physics Department or Mechanics I and Mechanics II from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The choice affects course selection for the student’s first three semesters so two sample programs are provided.

110.108 4 Calculus I 110.109 4 Calculus II

530.103 2 Introduction to Mechanics I 530.104 2 Introduction to Mechanics II

030.101 3 Introductory Chemistry I 560.141 3 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures

030.105 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab I 661.110 3 CLE Professional Communication

270.220 3 N Elective (270.220, 270.205 or other) ___.___ 3 H/S Elective



3 Expository Writing (H, W) 173.111 1 General Physics Lab I

16 16

560.201 4 Statics & Strength of Materials  560.202 4 Dynamics 

560.220 3 Civil Engineering Analysis  560.206 4 Solid Mechanics & Theory of Structures 

110.202 4 Calculus III 550.291 4 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations 

171.102 4 General Physics II 510.201 3 Introductory Materials Science for Engineers

173.112 1 General Physics Lab II 560.348 3 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering

16 18

560.320 3 Steel Structures 560.325 3 Concrete Structures

560.491 1 Civil Engineering Seminar I 560.492 0.5 Civil Engineering Seminar II

570.301 3 Environmental Engineering I 570.302 3 Water & Wastewater Treatment

560.305 4 Soil Mechanics  560.330 3 Foundation Design 

560.351 3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 560.442 3 Survey of Systems Engineering Tools

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 660.105 4 Introduction to Business

17 17

560.451 3 Civil Engineering Design I 560.452 2 Civil Engineering Design II

___.___ 3 Civil Engineering Technical Elective ___.___ 3 Technical Elective

___.___ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 H/S Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 Free Elective ___.___ 3 Free Elective

15 14


Junior Year

Fall Spring

Senior Year

Fall Spring

Fall Spring

(Mechanics I/II option)

Sample Program in Civil Engineering for Freshmen entering in Fall 2012                                   

Freshman Year

Fall Spring

Sophomore Year

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110.108 4 Calculus I 110.109 4 Calculus II

171.101 4 General Physics I 171.102 4 General Physics II

173.111 1 General Physics Lab I 173.112 1 General Physics Lab II

030.101 3 Introductory Chemistry I 560.141 3 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures

030.105 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab I 661.110 3 CLE Professional Communication



3 Expository Writing (H, W)

16 15

560.201 4 Statics & Strength of Materials  560.202 4 Dynamics 

560.220 3 Civil Engineering Analysis  560.206 4 Solid Mechanics & Theory of Structures 

110.202 4 Calculus III 550.291 4 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations 

270.220 3 N Elective (270.220, 270.205 or other) 510.201 3 Introductory Materials Science for Engineers

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 560.348 3 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering

17 18

560.320 3 Steel Structures 560.325 3 Concrete Structures

560.491 1 Civil Engineering Seminar I 560.492 0.5 Civil Engineering Seminar II

570.301 3 Environmental Engineering I 570.302 3 Water & Wastewater Treatment

560.305 4 Soil Mechanics  560.330 3 Foundation Design 

560.351 3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 560.442 3 Survey of Systems Engineering Tools

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 660.105 4 Introduction to Business

17 17

560.451 3 Civil Engineering Design I 560.452 2 Civil Engineering Design II

___.___ 3 Civil Engineering Technical Elective ___.___ 3 Technical Elective

___.___ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 H/S Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 Free Elective ___.___ 3 Free Elective

15 14


Sample Program in Civil Engineering for Freshmen entering in Fall 2012                                   

Freshman Year

Fall Spring

Sophomore Year

(Physics I option)

Senior YearFall Spring

Fall Spring

Junior Year

Fall Spring

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Curriculum for Students Matriculating in Fall 2013




(rev 18 July 2013) Date:

Credits When Earned CIVIL - ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS Credits When Earned530.103 Introduction to Mechanics I AND 2 560.141 Perspectives on … Structures 3

530.104 Introduction to Mechanics II OR 2 560.220 CE Analysis 3

171.101 General Physics I [4] 560.201 Statics and Mech. of Materials 4

173.111 General Physics Lab I 1 560.202 Dynamics 4

171.102 General Physics II 4 560.206 Solid Mech. & ... Structures 4

173.112 General Physics Lab II 1 560/570.351Fluid Mechanics 3

030.101 Introductory Chemistry I 3

030.105 Introductory Chemistry Lab 1 Total Engineering Core 21 0510.201 Intro. Materials Science for Eng. 3

___.___ (N) elective (1) 3 CIVIL - PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Credits When Earned661.110 Prof. Communication ... OR 3

Total Basic Science 20 0 661.300+ CLE Prof. Communication (5) [3]

660.105 Introduction to Business (4) OR 4

Credits When Earned 660.300+ CLE Mgmt/Leadership Track (6) [3]

110.108 Calculus I 4 560.491 CE Seminar I 0.5

110.109 Calculus II 4 560.492 CE Seminar II 0.5

550.291 Linear Algebra & Differental Eq. 4 560.451 CE Design I 3

550.251/2 Math. Models for Decisions... OR 4 560.452 CE Design II 2

110.202 Calculus III [4]

Total Professional Practice 13 [12] 0

Total Mathematics 16 0


Credits When Earned Environmental Engineering570.301 Env. Engr. I: Fundamentals 3

(H) elective 1 3 570.302 Env. Engr. II: Water/Wastew. 3

(H) elective 2 - 300 level 3 Geotechnical Engineering(S) elective 1 3 560.305 Soil Mechanics 4

(S) elective 2 - 300 level 3 560.330 Foundation Design 3

(H) or (S) elective 1 3 Structural Engineering(H) or (S) elective 2 3 560.320 Structural Design I 3

560.325 Structural Design II 3

Fulfillment of Specific Requirements within (H) or (S): Systems Engineering

Writing (2) 560.348 Probability & Statistics in CE 3

International/Global (3) 560.498 Survey of S.E. Tools 3

18 0 Total Technical Civil Engineering 25 0


Credits When Earned E credit In Civil Tech. Area (7) 3

560.101 Freshman Exp. in Civil Eng 1 E credit 300 or greater 3

Free Elective 1 Tech Elective 300 or greater (8) 3

Free Elective 2 Indep. study cr. - to be studied [3]

Free Elective 3

Total Technical Electives 9 0

GRAND TOTAL Credits Taken

Total Free Electives 6 [7] (4) 0 Minimum Required 128 0

Identified Notes Signatures below indicate that the signer has reviewed the correspond

(1) 270.220 Dynamic Earth, 270.205 Introduction to GIS and Geospatial Analysis, between the student's official transcript and this degree checkout sheet

030.102 Chemistry II, or permission of advisor and that this review shows all requirements for graduation have been m

(2) Check box to indicate that the writing requirement was fulfilled by Advisor Signature: 060.113/114 Introduction to Expository Writing or a 300-level, writing-intensive

(H) or (S) elective

(3) Check box to indicate that the international/global requirement was fulfilled. Chair Signature: Examples meeting this requirement may be found within KSAS International

Studies Major, see

(4) EN.660.105 is 4 credits. If a student chooses to take this instead of 660.300+, Academic Coordinator Signature: total free electives may be reduced by 1 credit to maintain 128 minimum

required credits

(5) Center for Leadership Education, Professional Communication Program (6) Center for Leadership Education W.P. Carey Program in Entrepreneurship

and Management, Management and Leadership Track

(7) E credit >300 level aligned with a civil technical area, typically

(8) E credit 300 or greater, or Q,N credit > 300 and advisor permission

General Notes:

Pass-Fail:No more than one course per semester S/U

No required course may be S/U

Technical Electives may be S/U only with advisor permission

Credit limit:Maximum number of credits per semester is 19 (18 for Freshmen)

May be waived by permission of advisor

D Grades:No more than two grades of D are allowed in required eng. and technical electives





Humanities (H) or Social Sciences (S)

Total Humanities and Social Sciences

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Basic Science (20 credits) To provide fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences necessary for engineering, students in the Department of Civil Engineering are required to take courses in Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science. In addition to the required courses, students should take a natural science (N) course of their choosing. We recommend either 270.220 Dynamic Earth or 270.205 Introduction to GIS and Geospatial Analysis, but students may wish to take 030.102 Chemistry II. Beginning in Fall 2012, students were given the option of taking Physics I from the Physics Department or Mechanics I / Mechanics II from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. If students choose the Mechanics I/II option, we recommend that Physics I Lab be taken in the fall semester, freshman year (lab times conflict with Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures in the spring semester).

Mathematics (16 credits) Students are required to take 16 credits in mathematics. There is an option for students to choose between 550.251/2 Mathematical Models for Decision Making and 110.202 Calculus III. Students who wish to pursue graduate degrees in engineering are advised to take Calculus III to complete the calculus sequence.

Humanities and Social Sciences (18 credits) Students must take a minimum of 6 credits in H electives and 6 credits in S electives. An additional 6 credits can be taken in either area: H or S. A minimum of one H and one S elective must be at or above the 300-level. One writing-intensive requirement must be fulfilled by the H/S electives. This can either be done through 060.113/114 Introduction to Expository Writing or a 300-level, Writing-Intensive, H or S elective. Given the increasingly global nature of the civil engineering field, students are required to take one H or S course from the KSAS International Studies major (see

Civil – Engineering Fundamentals (21 credits) No substitutions will be allowed for these courses.

Civil – Professional Practice (12 credits) These courses aim to prepare students for their future professional careers. In addition to two senior design courses (Civil Engineering Design I and II) and two semesters of Civil Engineering seminar, students must select one course from the Professional Communication program and one course from the W.P. Carey Program in Entrepreneurship and Management, both offered through the Center for Leadership Education. Note that 660.300+ and 661.300+ indicate any course at or above the 300-level in each of these programs.

Civil – Technical Areas (25 credits) Students entering the program in Fall 2012 must take two courses in each of the four following civil engineering technical areas: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Systems Engineering.

Technical Electives (9 credits) Students must take one technical elective (at or above the 300-level) related to one of the four technical areas listed above. The other 2 technical electives (or equivalent 6 credits in technical electives) must also be at or above the 300-level. Of the remaining 6 credits, a minimum of 3cr. must be from an engineering (E) course and up to 3 cr. are allowed to come from mathematics (Q) or the natural sciences (N). While the Department of Civil Engineering allows some flexibility with the technical electives, we advise that to the extent possible, students select their technical electives from within the department’s offerings.

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Sample Programs Sample programs for students entering in Fall 2013 are provided here. Note that starting in Fall 2012, students were given the option of taking Physics I from the Physics Department or Mechanics I and Mechanics II from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The choice affects course selection for the student’s first three semesters so two sample programs are provided.

560.101 1 Freshman Experiences in Civil Engineering 110.109 4 Calculus II

110.108 4 Calculus I 530.104 2 Introduction to Mechanics II

530.103 2 Introduction to Mechanics I 560.141 3 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures

030.101 3 Introductory Chemistry I 661.110 3 CLE Professional Communication

030.105 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab I060.113/   

1143 Expository Writing (H, W)

173.111 1 General Physics Lab I

270.220 3 N Elective (270.220, 270.205 or other)

15 15

560.201 4 Statics & Strength of Materials  560.202 4 Dynamics 

560.220 3 Civil Engineering Analysis  560.206 4 Solid Mechanics & Theory of Structures 

110.202 4 Calculus III 550.291 4 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations 

171.102 4 General Physics II 510.201 3 Introductory Materials Science for Engineers

173.112 1 General Physics Lab II 560.348 3 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering

___.___ 3 H/S Elective

19 18

560.320 3 Structural Design I 560.325 3 Structural Design II

560.491 1 Civil Engineering Seminar I 560.492 0.5 Civil Engineering Seminar II

570.301 3 Environmental Engineering I 570.302 3 Water & Wastewater Treatment

560.305 4 Soil Mechanics  560.330 3 Foundation Design 

560.351 3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 560.442 3 Survey of Systems Engineering Tools

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 660.105 4 Introduction to Business

17 17

560.451 3 Civil Engineering Design I 560.452 2 Civil Engineering Design II

___.___ 3 Civil Engineering Technical Elective ___.___ 3 Technical Elective

___.___ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 H/S Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 2 Free Elective ___.___ 3 Free Elective

14 14


Sophomore Year

Sample Program in Civil Engineering for Freshmen entering in Fall 2013                                   

(Mechanics I/II option)

Freshman Year

Fall Spring

Fall Spring

Fall Spring

Junior Year

Fall Spring

Senior Year

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560.101 1 Freshman Experiences in Civil Engineering 110.109 4 Calculus II

110.108 4 Calculus I 171.102 4 General Physics II

171.101 4 General Physics I 173.112 1 General Physics Lab II

173.111 1 General Physics Lab I 560.141 3 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures

030.101 3 Introductory Chemistry I060.113/   

1143 Expository Writing (H, W)

030.105 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab I

270.220 3 N Elective (270.220, 270.205 or other)

17 15

560.201 4 Statics & Strength of Materials  560.202 4 Dynamics 

560.220 3 Civil Engineering Analysis  560.206 4 Solid Mechanics & Theory of Structures 

110.202 4 Calculus III 550.291 4 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations 

661.110 3 CLE Professional Communication 510.201 3 Introductory Materials Science for Engineers

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 560.348 3 Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering

17 18

560.320 3 Structural Design I 560.325 3 Structural Design II

560.491 1 Civil Engineering Seminar I 560.492 0.5 Civil Engineering Seminar II

570.301 3 Environmental Engineering I 570.302 3 Water & Wastewater Treatment

560.305 4 Soil Mechanics  560.330 3 Foundation Design 

560.351 3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 560.442 3 Survey of Systems Engineering Tools

___.___ 3 H/S Elective 660.105 4 Introduction to Business

17 17

560.451 3 Civil Engineering Design I 560.452 2 Civil Engineering Design II

___.___ 3 Civil Engineering Technical Elective ___.___ 3 Technical Elective

___.___ 3 Technical Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 3 H/S Elective ___.___ 3 H/S Elective

___.___ 2 Free Elective ___.___ 3 Free Elective

14 14


Sophomore Year

Sample Program in Civil Engineering for Freshmen entering in Fall 2013                                   

(Physics I option)

Freshman Year

Fall Spring

Fall Spring

Fall Spring

Junior Year

Fall Spring

Senior Year

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Notes regarding AP/IB Credits and Waivers

Students often matriculate at Johns Hopkins with AP or IB credit towards Calculus, Physics, and Chemistry. The following tables show the credits awarded by Johns Hopkins for specific scores on AP/IB exams.

AP Exam Score Credits Awarded

Biology 4 or 5 8

Calculus AB 5 4

Calculus BC 3 4

Calculus BC 4 4

Calculus BC 5 8

Chemistry 4 or 5 8

Computer Science A 5 3

Computer Science AB 4 or 5 3

Environmental Science 4 or 5 4

French Language 4 or 5 6

German Language 4 or 5 6

Macroeconomics* 5 3

Microeconomics* 5 3

Physics C (Mech) 4 or 5 4

Physics C (E&M) 4 or 5 4

Spanish Language 4 or 5 6

Statistics 4 or 5 4

IB Exam Score Credits Awarded

Biology 6 or 7 8

Chemistry 6 or 7 8

Computer Science 6 or 7 3

French (B level only)

6 or 7 6

German (B level only)

6 or 7 6

Macroeconomics* 7 3

Microeconomics* 7 3

Mathematics with Further Math 5 4

Mathematics with Further Math 6 or 7 8

Physics 6 4

Physics 7 8

Spanish (B level only)

6 or 7 6

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Important details for advisors and students to note about AP/IB credits:

The department generally advises that students retake a calculus course, even if they earned a high enough AP score to receive credit for it. High school calculus and college-level calculus are not the same, and skipping Calculus I or II at JHU may place students at a disadvantage further down their academic path. The Mathematics Department has this to say about it:

If a student does not have AP Calculus credit, but takes the math placement exam upon matriculating at JHU (details in the link above), he or she may be granted a waiver to skip a course, say Calculus I, and move on to the next course, say Calculus II. However, a waiver does not change the number of credits required in mathematics on the student’s degree checkout sheet; it simply allows the student to exchange one mathematics class for a different mathematics class.

The maximum credits granted by JHU for AP Physics (Mech) is 4 and for AP Physics (E&M) is 4. However, Physics I and Physics I Lab are 5 credits altogether, as are Physics II and Physics II Lab. Therefore, if AP Physics credit is granted, only 4 credits towards the course are applied; the 1 credit lab is typically granted a waiver, not credit. This means that the student does not have to take Physics I Lab, but must take 1 cr. in another basic science lab to fulfill the number of basic science credits required in the degree checkout sheet. Note: a student may choose to retake Physics I Lab, which is allowed.

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Technical Electives

The following list of technical electives has been approved by the faculty (note that any course listed below the 300-level is only approved for students entering the program prior to 2011; other students will need to request permission from their advisor). Other courses will be approved on a case-by-case basis by the student’s advisor.

Civil Engineering 560.380 (E) Introduction to Ocean and Wind Engineering (3 cr.) 560.440 (E) Applied Finite Elements (3 cr.) 560.442 (E) Equilibrium Models in Systems Engineering (3 cr.) 560.445 (E) Advanced Structural Analysis (3 cr.) 560.460 (E) Applied Structural Optimization (3 cr.) 560.525/6 Independent Study in Civil Engineering (1-3 cr.)

Environmental Engineering

570.305 (N,E) Environmental Engineering Systems Design (4 cr.) 570.320 (E,S) Topics on Appropriate & Sustainable Tech. / Developing Countries (1 cr.) 570.321 (E) Pract. Appropriate & Sustainable Tech. / Developing Communities (2 cr.) 570.353 (E) Hydrology (3 cr.) 570.431 (E) Open-Channel Hydraulics (3 cr.) 570.432 (E,N) Sediment Transport and River Mechanics (3 cr.) 570.445 (E) Physical and Chemical Processes in Environmental Engineering I (3 cr.) 570.446 (E,N) Biological Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment (3 cr.) 570.448 (E) Physical and Chemical Processes in Environmental Engineering II (3 cr.) 570.491 (E) Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal (3 cr.) 570.493 (Q,S) Economic Foundations for Public Decision Making (3 cr.) 570.495 (E,Q) Foundations of Optimization for Planning and Policy (3 cr.) 570.497 (E,Q) Risk and Decision Analysis (3 cr.)

Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering

270.205 (N) Intro. to Geographic Information Systems and Geospatial Analysis (3 cr.) 270.220 (N) The Dynamic Earth (3 cr.) 270.315 (N) Natural Catastrophes (3 cr.) 270.327 (N) Introduction to Seismology (3 cr.) 270.350 (N) Sedimentary Geology (3 cr.) 270.355 (N) Introductory Atmospheric Science (3 cr.) 510.311 (E,N) Structure of Materials (3 cr.) 510.313 (E,N) Mechanical Properties of Materials (3 cr.) 520.213 (E,Q) Circuits (4 cr.) 530.231 (E) Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics 530.405 (E) Mechanics of Solids and Structures (3 cr.) 530.457 (E, N) Introduction to Acoustics (3 cr.) 550.251 (Q,E) Mathematical Models for Decision Making: Deterministic Models (4 cr.) 550.252 (Q,E) Mathematical Models for Decision Making: Stochastic Models (4 cr.) 550.361/2 (Q,E) Introduction to Optimization (4 cr.)

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Non-Technical Electives

Students are encouraged to explore their non-engineering interests, which the faculty views as an integral part of a sound education. Furthermore, since civil engineers provide professional services to the public and have significant influence on society, it is important that they have an appreciation of societal concerns and humanistic issues. Students should develop coherent programs featuring reasonable depth. Students shall not satisfy the non-technical electives requirement by taking exclusively introductory (100-level) courses. Faculty advisors have sample programs in a document entitled "Making the most of Distribution Credits" that may prove helpful. Through an appropriate selection of courses reflecting a well-planned program, students may gain an appreciation of societal and cultural issues, philosophy and the arts, in addition to communication and economic values. For those desiring general guidance on the philosophy of such program selection, the Department of Civil Engineering has a copy of Social Responsibilities in Engineering and Science; A Guide for Selecting General Education Courses by R.H. McCuen and J.M. Wallace. This is available for loan in the Department office.

Oral Presentation Proficiency

Effective oral communication skills are essential for academic and professional success. Students will be evaluated on their ability to deliver oral presentations throughout their undergraduate program, starting in 560.141 Perspectives on the Evolution of Structures. Students with an average oral presentation grade below B will be required to take a course with a significant oral presentation component. The course will be selected by the student and faculty advisor.

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Grading Requirements (S/U and D Grades) Consistent with the JHU Catalog, no more than one course (other than courses of 1 credit or less) may be taken as S/U in any term. No course listed as a requirement in this Advising Manual for Undergraduate Majors in Civil Engineering may be taken S/U. This includes cases where alternative courses are specified. Any course to be included in the student's program as a non-technical (H or S) or unspecified (U) elective may be taken S/U, other than specifically required courses such as economics, writing-intensive, and courses that satisfy the global/international requirement. A technical elective (mathematics, natural science, or engineering) may only be taken S/U with the approval of the advisor. Generally, such approval will be granted only if the course is outside of the student's major field of interest or is an advanced level course intended primarily for graduate students. The University has special requirements that limit the number of D-credits students are allowed to accumulate. Students should consult the JHU Catalog for guidelines. In addition, the Department requires that no graduating student have more than 2 grades of D in the required engineering courses and technical electives.

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Requirements for the Civil Engineering Minor

Students wishing to pursue a minor in civil engineering must complete 7 courses (in addition to the prerequisites of 171.101 General Physics I and 110.108 Calculus I and 110.109 Calculus II.




(rev 14 November 2012) Date:

Students wishing to pursue a minor in civil engineering must complete CIVIL - ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS Credits When Earned18 credits in addition to the prerequisite courses listed. The 18 credits 560.141 Perspectives on … Structures 3

come from a combination of civil engineering fundamental courses and a 560.201 Statics and Mech. of Materials 4

choice of two courses from one of three technical areas: Structural 560.206 Solid Mech. & ... Structures 4

Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering (1), and Systems Engineering. 560.491 CE Seminar I 0.5

560.492 CE Seminar II 0.5

Credits When Earned Total Engineering Core 12 0171.101 General Physics I [4]

110.108 Calculus I 4

110.109 Calculus II 4

(1) Students completing courses from the area of Geotechnical Engineering CIVIL - TECHNICAL AREA: STRUCTURES Credits When Earned will complete the minor with 19 credits instead of 18; Soil Mechanics is a (Choose Two Courses from the following list)

4 credit course. 560.320 Structural Design I 3

560.325 Structural Design II 3

560.440 Applied Finite Element Methods 3

560.445 Advanced Structural Analysis 3

Signatures below indicate that the signer has reviewed the correspondence

between the student's official transcript and this degree checkout sheet, Total Structural Engineering Credits 6 0and that this review shows all requirements for the civil engineering

minor have been met. CIVIL - TECHNICAL AREA: GEOTECHNICAL Credits When Earned560.305 Soil Mechanics 4

Minor Advisor Signature: 560.330 Foundation Design 3

Total Geotechnical Engineering Credits (1) 7 0

Chair Signature:

CIVIL - TECHNICAL AREA: SYSTEMS Credits When Earned560.348 Probability & Statistics in CE 3

Academic Coordinator Signature: 560.498 Survey of Systems Eng. Tools 3

Total Systems Engineering Credits 6 0

GRAND TOTAL Credits Taken

Minimum Required (1) 18 [19] 0


Students must choose to focus in one of the following three technical areas, completing two courses in one area of their choice.