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  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    An East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Publication


    First Quarter January 2011

    Impacting Lives For Christ

    2011.East Jamaica Conference

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    2 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    EditorialTabe of



    s we turn the pages to a new chapter in the lifeof the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day

    Adventists, we recognie that it is not by ourown might or power that we have been able to realiethe accomplishments over the past six months. TheLord has brought and sustained us throughout 2010,and it is with this continued hope that we enter 2011.This year promises to be one with endless possibilities,many uncertainties, great successes, numerouschallenges, disappointments and yes, oh yes, gloriousand triumphant rejoicing! During 2011, the long battlebetween good and evil will rage on even with moreseverity.

    We enter 2011 with great expectations. With this inmind, we need to arm ourselves with the word of Godin order to stand successfully against the attacks thatthe devil will launch at us. In this New Year, we willcontinue to be tested spiritually. Families, Youth, Men,Women and Children will continue to experience theattack of the enemy. During this year our faith willultimately be tried. It is a year in which we must beengaged in daily prayer and submit our lives to thewill of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    As the sun scatters its rays on the dawning of this NewYear, The Adventist Beam comes with the sole missionof reminding us that despite the many challenges weface in our Christian walk, Gods hands remain readyand willing to help us along lifes journey. The AdventistBeam helps us to showcase the work of the Church inEast Jamaica Conference, despite the many challengeswe face in our nation. Through this magaine we willcontinue to highlight our involvement in taking thegospel of Christ to communities.

    We pray that as we journey through 2011, we will work

    in one accord. Let us take the gospel to the far ends ofthe earth, so that we will be able to rejoice in the comingof our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Let us look toward thefuture with hope! As the Great Controversy rages on,may it to be a reminder to us that the battle will soon beover and our Lord and Savior will soon appear.

    Presidents Inaugural Address ...................... ........................ ....... 3 - 4

    Constituency Report...................... ........................ ........................ .... 4

    East Jamaica Conference celebrates150 years since the adoption ofthe name Seventh-day Adventist ..................................................... 5

    Week of Generosity and Day of Kindness Initiatives ..................... 6 - 7

    Launch of the Thursday Mealsin Tivoli Gardens & Golden Age Home ...................... ....................... . 7

    Establishment of the new Communication Department ..................... . 8

    Childrens Banquet .......................................................................... 9

    Sabbath School Youth Fest 2010 ....................................... ...............10

    Construction is underway for the 30 bed overnight facility& Opening of the New Kitchen at the Good Samaritan Inn ...............10

    A Call to Wider Service ....................................................................11

    Leaders Summit December 2010 ....................................................11

    Highlights of Youth Congressoree 2010 ................... ........................12

    Highlights of Camp Congressoree 2010 ...........................................13

    Highlights of the Newly establishedJAMAICA UNION CONFERENCE .. ........................ ....................... ........14

    E.J.C.s Administrators, Directors & Staff ................................... 15 - 16

    Launche of The E.J.C School Of Evangelism ......................................16

    Historic Week of Prayer at Kingsway High School ..................... ........17

    Launch of the Small Groups ...................... ........................ ...............17

    E.J.C.s Administrators Prole ........................................................18

    E.J.C.s Directors Prole ........................ ....................... ............19 - 23

    Back to School Treat at the Good Samaritan Inn ........................ ...... 23

    Chief Editor: Phillip CastellEditors: Adiese Jonas, Joan StewartsonPhotographers: Phillip Castell & Adiese Jonas

    Art Design/Layout: Chad Smith

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    3January 2011 | Adventist beam

    MY Fellowworkers, allthat I own,

    all that I am and theyears of life availableto me cannot praiseGod enough for Hisgoodness to me. Istand before youtoday because of theDivine Interventionof God and GraceAlone.I am humbled tobe chosen by God,grateful for the

    privilege to serve, thankful for the condence andsupport expressed, yet mindful, of the challenges


    I thank Pastors Cornel Jackson, Linton and LeabertWilliams, Maurice Reid, Samuel Lewis, KevinWhite and Ryan Simpson for the service given asSecretary and Directors, respectively, over the lastquadrennium. I pay tribute to all workers for thesupport and sacrice given to the work and missionof the church. Grace to you and peace from Godour Father and the Lord, Jesus Christ.

    In three years, we will be celebrating 120 years

    of Seventh-day Adventism in Jamaica; 120 yearsof faithful service to Christ and the people ofthis country and in particular, the region of EastJamaica Conference. The blessings received andthe growth, respect and reputation achieveddid not come overnight. It came because of thefaithfulness of God-fearing men and women withunyielding commitment to Christ, genuine love forone another, unbending unity, pervasive passionfor mission and excitement for service.

    East Jamaica remains and must always be the

    premier Conference in Jamaica and we can bethe model Conference for the world. We are thekeepers of the ame that lit the re of Adventismhere in Jamaica over 100 years ago. By our work,by our words, by our will we must resolve to buildon the legacy of commitment, integrity, spirituality,humility, hard work and sacricial service. Twentyeight years ago when I started serving here in East,we walked circumspectly and humbly. We showedrespect to one another and honoured those above

    us. That is the East Jamaica I know, and this is theEast Jamaica that we desire, must bring back andmust preserve.

    We are family, a family of workers. We have differentfamily names but the same cleansing blood of Jesusows through our veins, making us one. When onemember of the family cries, all the others cry too.When one rejoices, all the other members rejoice.

    As we begin this new quadrennium, let us dedicateour lives and surrender our hearts to the Spirit ofGod. Petty jealousies and grievances, rivalry andresentment, bitterness and bickering, divisions anddissensions are part of the enemys strategy to stiegrowth, break up relationships, destroy this familyand create disunity.

    A new day has dawned for all of us to chooselove over self-interest, forgiveness over hard-heartedness, and unity instead of division. We werechosen for this last leg of the journey here on planetearth to show to the world and in particular, EastJamaica, the wonders of our collective strengthsand the unstoppable energy of our combinedtalents. Our strengths and our talents combinedcan transform our church and our community.

    The New World Church President, Pastor TedWilson, is encouraging that the church be one

    characteried by prayer and revival. Jesus spenthours in prayer and studying Scripture. Our mainpurpose for being here is to know Gods will andthen do it with all our might to bring glory toHim.

    In our strategic plan and vision 20/20 we wouldlike to add 40,000 new members and 30 newcongregations here in East Jamaica by 2020.Mission is our business. Our singular passionmust be mission; seeking to save that which waslost. Sharing the advent message with everyone is

    my mission and the churchs vision.

    Today I call for the church to stand for mission andencourage the involvement of every worker andmember. Let me remind you that our business,our priority and all that we do is evangelism.Evangelism is the lifeblood of the church, educationis the mind of the church, publishing is the feet ofthe church and the church in the community is thehands of the church.

    Presidents Inaugural Address

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    4 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    These four areas must never be neglected. We mustexpand the educational ministry of the church. Thework of education and redemption are one. Wemust work with one another to build our schools torepresent the high and lofty ideals and philosophywe espouse we are the head and not the tail. Our

    strategic plan must reect these ideals.

    We must continue to expand the Good SamaritanInn. The training component and overnight facilityfor crisis situation must begin to take shape duringthis quadrennium. We have just completed a newkitchen and the Community Services Federation isgetting ready to start cooking again. We envisionthe Inn as a rst-class facility, adding dignityand giving hope to the outcast and downtroddenmembers of the society, while offering serviceseven days a week.

    We have started work at Golden Spring and weintend to continue so we can have a rst classrecreational facility for our people and bringwell needed income to expand the mission of thechurch.

    Our families are in trouble. Every effort will be madeto give greater attention to the family. The FamilyCounseling and Wellness Centre will be expandedwith the Family Life committee to provide theministry that will enhance family togetherness.

    We can only serve you better and serve oneanother and the constituency better if you hold usaccountable. I make myself responsible and ask ofyou to hold me responsible for the accountabilitythat will eventually create the professionalenvironment that is demanded rst by God, thenthe church and this constituency.

    We are not asking for friendliness although ourhands will be extended rst to clasp yours infriendship. We are not asking for professionalcourtesy and toleration although we will bepromoting courtesy and lifelong commitment to theConference. We are seeking Christian commitmentand unity that come when the Spirit of God residesin our hearts. In spite of my faults and weaknessesand your faults and weaknesses, the love that comefrom the Spirit of God in our hearts will help usto stand together in unity for the mission of thechurch.

    Presidents Inaugural Address contd

    HitHerto hath the Lord brought usand sustained us... It is under the divineleadership of our Heavenly Father, Jesus

    Christ, and through our dedicated and hard-working Administrators, Directors and membersof staff here at East Jamaica Conference, that we areable to report to this delegation our achievementsover the past few months.

    The 2010-2014 qradrennium began with a team ofdynamic Administrators and Directors. Chosento lead the Conference in various capacities were:Pastor Adrian Cotterell (as President), Pastor DevonOsbourne (as Executive Secretary), Elder BancroftBarwise (as Treasurer & Trust Services Director),Pastor Glenville Carr (as Ministerial Secretary andFamily Ministries Director), Sister Lorraine Vernal(as Womens and Childrens Ministries Director),Pastor Carl Cunningham (as Personal Ministries,Sabbath School and Community Services Director),Sister Kathleen Dunkley (as Associate PersonalMinistries, Sabbath School and CommunityServices Director), Pastor Hanson Drysdale (asYouth Director), Pastor Leonard Steele (as HealthMinistries & Stewardship Director), Pastor OwenThomas (as Public Affairs & Religious Liberty, Spiritof Prophecy and Publishing Ministry Director),Dr. Donna Brown (as Education Director), ElderPhillip Castell (as Communication Director andSister Adiese Jonas (as Assistant CommunicationDirector).

    Here are a few of the successes we encounteredduring the period under review.

    Constituency Report

    for the year 2010

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    5January 2011 | Adventist beam


    HE month of October began on a highnote, as the East Jamaica Conference joinedthe World Church in celebrating the 150th

    Anniversary since the adoption of the nameSeventh-day Adventist. Remembering Our Past- Watching unto Prayer, was the theme which rangout, beckoning scores of individuals to the 117yearold North Street SDA Church in DowntownKingston, to celebrate the name of the churchwhich now holds the largest membership of anyprotestant faith in Jamaica.

    President of East Jamaica Conference, PastorAdrian Cotterell, highlighted the integral rolethat the North Street SDA Church played inthe late 1800s, as it contributed tremendouslyto the growth of Adventism in Jamaica andparts of the Caribbean. He paid tribute to thepioneers of Adventism and urged the membersof the church to recognie the importance ofremembering the history of the Church as itcontinues to grow from strength to strength.

    Vice President of the West Indies Union Conference,Pastor Joseph Smith, also beamed with delight,as he shared his pride of being a Seventh-day

    Adventist Christian. He highlighted some of thecharacteristics that distinguish the Seventh-dayAdventist Church from other denominations andurged the congregation to be active Christians notonly on the Seventh-day.

    So tremendous has been the growth of the churchthat today, the membership of the Seventh-dayAdventist Church stands at approximately 16million baptied members and operates the largestprotestant network of schools and hospitalsworldwide.

    The mission of the East Jamaica Conference remainsconstant. We pledge to play our part in proclaimingto all peoples the everlasting gospel, in the contextof the Three Angels message of Revelation 14:6-12, while leading them to accept Jesus as theirpersonal Saviour. The Church in East Jamaica

    Conference continues toprovide hope to thosein despair and pledgesitself to prepare people

    for the soonreturn ofour Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ.

    East Jamaica Conference celebrates 150 yearssince the adoption of the nameSeventh-dayadventiSt

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    6 January 2011 | Adventist beam


    he Week of Generosity campaign,got off to a smooth start on

    October 9, 2010. During thisweek, Administrators,Department Heads,Students and membersof local churches couldbe seen in severalcommunities, going theextra mile to extend kindgestures to those in need.The Staff of the EJC, highlighted anumber of projects in which theywould participate.

    Some of the projects undertakenincluded: the painting of aportion of the Walkers Placeof Safety, the distribution ofcooked meals to members

    of the Pembroke Hall High Schools footballteam, the donation of 150 lunches to threeprep schools across Tivoli Gardens, as well as60 lunches to the elderly at the Denham Town

    Golden Age Home.

    Several Individuals from the parishes of Kingston,St. Andrew and St. Thomas, were treated to warmmeals on Sabbath, October 16, 2010, as the EastJamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventistsclimaxed the Week of Generosity campaignwith the Day of Kindness. The Day of Kindnessinitiative, spearheaded by the Personal Ministriesand Community Services of the EJC, sought tofeed at least ve thousand persons throughout theeastern constituency.

    Schools also played their part in the weeksactivities. New Hope Prep School, the longestserving Adventist (Prep) school in Jamaica, visitedthe Golden Age Home as well as several otherinstitutions, to donate gifts to the elderly. This wasaccompanied by devotional exercises and friendlyconversations.

    The Kingsway HighSchool fed many

    homeless individualssituated in the streets ofDowntown Kingstonand surrounding areas.They also presented atoken of appreciationto members of theHalf Way Tree PoliceStation for their hard

    work and dedication in protecting the citiens ofJamaica.

    The Hagley Park Prep School also gave theircontribution to the community as they distributedmeals to numerous persons in and around theadjoining areas of their school. The latest additionto the Seventh-day Adventist Education fraternity,Miramar KinderPrep School, though faced withlimited resources, traversed the hilly terrains of St.

    Thomas, to visit the homes of a number of elderlypersons, who were elated to receive toiletries,grocery items and special items in song and prayer

    Week of Generosit and Daof Kindness Initiatives

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    7January 2011 | Adventist beam

    by the students. The Woodford Prep School extended theirhand of kindness, as they donated ground provisions to manywho needed them.

    Sabbath, October 16, marked the day of Kindness across theboundaries of the EJC. The Good Samaritan Inn, located atGeffrard Place in Kingston, was one of several places where

    members could be seen ushering countless individuals in, toreceive meals. Persons from all walks of life came in; some whohad not eaten for days, melted with congenial smiles, as theyreceived meals from members of the non- prot organization.The Inn, conceptualied and owned by the EJC, is operatedin conjunction with the Adventist-Laypersons Services andIndustries (ASI) in East Jamaica.

    Governor General, Sir Patrick Allen, supportedthis initiative as he too assisted in handingout several lunches to children, teenagers andadults. In like manner, the Projects Manager of

    the Good Samaritan Inn, Mr. Vermont Murray,beamed with enthusiasm as he too assisted othervolunteers of the inn, in handing out lunches tothose who needed them.

    In October 2010, the East

    Jamaica Conference,

    through the leadership of

    the Community Services

    Department, launched their

    lunch programme in the Tivoli

    Gardens Community and Golden Age

    Home, catering to hundreds of individuals.

    Each Thursday, persons from the Tivoli

    Gardens Community and the Golden Age

    Home are able to receive a balanced meal.

    Many individuals from the community havebeen satisfed and have indicated their

    appreciation to members of this department

    for their outstanding efforts in giving.

    Launch of the ThursdayMeals in Tivoli Gardens &

    Golden Age Home

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    8 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    In September 2010, the East Jamaica Conferencecreated history in the Jamaica eld, when itconstructed a new and improved Communication

    Department. The construction of this Department

    was to further accommodate the dynamic duoappointed in September 2010, in the persons ofElder Phillip Castell- Communication Director andMs. Adiese Jonas, AssistantCommunication Director.

    This team was appointedand given severalresponsibilities, one of whichwas to address the urgentneed for the conferenceto improve the ow of

    information between theConference Headquartersand local churches. The teamwas also mandated to ndcreative ways of fulllingthe Gospel Commission by utiliing the latesttechnologies available. Since the establishmentof the new Communication Department, therehas been a constant and consistent outow ofinformation to the congregants of our constituencythrough the medium of Electronic Mails.

    Pastors, First Elders, Church Clerks, CommunicationDirectors, along with other Heads of Departmentsare now being sent important bulletins via emailsas well as pictorial Power Point presentationsshowing highlights of events spearheaded by theconference administrators and directors. ThesePower Point picture presentations have beendubbed EJC Snapshots and the feedback so farfor from those who have viewed them have beenpositive.

    Two Nikon Cameras were purchased during thelast quarter of 2010 so as to capture photographsof the highest quality. Individuals are now able tokeep abreast of activities of the Conference, as wellas of other local churches since they are now ableto view timely news bulletins in the form of theEJC Snapshots as well as announcements on theEJC Website. Plans are afoot to have this websitereconstructed in order to allow more interaction

    between persons who visit the web site and theWeb Administrator.

    The Communication Department is currentlyengaged in Radio Ministry as it packages two radioprogrammes on a weekly basis. They are: Wdfm Havn, with Pastor Enroy Ferguson, airedon RJR 94 FM at 4:45 am every Tuesday morningand Halhy and Happy with Presenter, PastorJovan Whyte aired on TBC 88.5 FM at 9:00 pmon Wednesday nights. There are further plans toincrease the number of radio programmes beingproduced on a weekly basis, as well as to increaseour listenership and partnership with NCU Radio.

    We would like to invitechurches to send usarticles and informationabout important eventstaking place in yourchurch. In this way wewill be in a better positionto assist you with thepromotion of some ofthese events through our


    Establishment of the newCommuniCation


    Healthy & Happyhosted by Pastor Jovan WhyteWednesdays 9:00 p.m.

    on TBC Radio, 88.5 FM

    Word From HeavenPresented by Pastor Enroy Ferguson

    Tuesdays 4:45 a.m. on RJR 94 FM

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    9January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Health Department provides

    continued service to members

    of the community by offering

    regular and affordable Health


    The Health Department of the East JamaicaConference continues to promulgate theHealth Message to all facets of the soci-

    ety. The department seeks to cater not only forthe physical but also for the spiritual needs of itsmembers and members of the community at large.The Trench Town and North Street Clinics pro-vide weekly health services for members of thesurrounding community. Individuals are able toreceive blood pressure checks, blood sugar tests,cholesterol tests, immuniation for their children

    as well as other tests and checks.

    Recently, the Trench Town and North Street Clinicshosted a Christmas treat for members of the com-munity. Parents and children of the surroundingcommunity were presented with gift items as wellas meals and drink. The Health Department wasalso engaged in a fund-raising venture which sawthe acquisition of funds to purchase an eye ma-chine, to be used in the clinics to carry out tests.

    On Sunday, October 31, theChildren's Ministries Depart-ment, under the leadership offormer Director, the efferves-cent, Sister Lorraine Vernal,held their annual Children'sBanquet at the AltamontCourt Hotel in Kingston.

    Children from awhide cross-sec-tion of churches inEast Jamaica Con-ference were out inattendance.

    The banquet wasprimarily initiatedto allow the chil-dren the opportuni-ty and experience ofdining in a formalsetting. Child star,Nathaniel McClean,

    graced the stage with beautiful renditions in song.Children were taught how to utilie social graces,common courtesies and how to interact with theopposite sex. At the end of the banquet each childwas given a token for supporting the venture. Theyappreciated this sitting and vowed to support theprogramme the following year.



    ...Can be heard in

    KINGSTON on 91.3 MHzon the FM band.

    As of NOVEMBER 25, 2010

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    10 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    On Sunday, November 21, 2010,the Sabbath School, PersonalMinistries and Youth Departments

    spearheaded Youth Fest 2010, the re-launch of the Mr. andMs. Youth AmbassadorsProgramme. The evening ofpraise highlighted youngtalent in the Seventh-day

    Adventist church showcasingvarious solo artistes, groupsand choirs, as well as the 2009Youth Ambassadors, MelonySmith and Geovani Maddix.The Youth Ambassadors

    programme seeks toencourage children,

    teenagers and youngadults to engage in

    deeper bible study andchurch history with aspecic area of focus.

    The participants will bechallenged by a pannel on the areas of

    study. In attendance were president -Pastor Adrian Cotterell, Directors andmembers of the EJC Staff, as well as ahost of young people from across theEJC Constituency.





    Construction is underway for the

    30 bed overnight facility at the

    Good Samaritan Inn

    In order to address the growing needs of membersof the community in and around the GoodSamaritan Inn, the Administrators of the East

    Jamaica Conference (in partnership with the ASI)have implemented theconstruction of a 30bed overnight facilityto house individualswho may need a safeplace to rest each night.This is the biggest

    community project

    that the church iscurrently engaged inand hopes that thisinitiative will spreadto other sections ofthe island. The Innalso provides over400 meals to persons,three days per week.Under the constant supervision of Elder VermontMurray, the Inn seeks to provide a safe haven for

    Opening of the New Kitchen for the

    Good Samaritan Inn by the

    Community Services Department

    The period under review also saw the opening of theGood Samaritan Inn Kitchen, located on the groundsof the East Jamaica Conference. A ceremony toopen the kitchen was held. In attendance were the

    Projects Manager of the Good SamaritanInn - Mr. Vermont Murray, Sister LornaFowler - President of the Community

    Services Federation, the ConferencePresident, Directors and other membersof staff. The Kitchen, is fully equippedwith two refrigerators; one stand-aloneand a deep freee, a multi-burner stove,cupboards and counters. It is throughthe use of this Kitchen, that individualsfrom the Good Samaritan Inn will beable to benet from sumptuous meals.

    We praise the Lord for allowing us to be able toacquire this much anticipated facility.

    homeless persons in need of shelter. Renovationof the bathrooms is currently underway so as tofacilitate those who will be using the overnightsleeping facilities. Also under construction arefacilities to accommodate a house mother.

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    11January 2011 | Adventist beam

    The 14th and nalquinquenial sessionfor the West IndiesUnion Conference

    got underway on Sunday,November 28, 2010 as delegatesand guests gathered at the

    Northern Caribbean UniversityCampus Gymnatorium towitness the historic opening ofthe Jamaica Union Conference.Delegates from East JamaicaConference were representedand were pleased to witnessthe Call to wider Serviceof three of its ardent andcompetent members of staff.Elder Bancroft Barwise,Pastor Eric Nathan and Sister

    Lorraine Vernal made East

    Jamaica Conference proud.Their training and effortsat East Jamaica Conferencepaved the way for a call towider Service. We salute you,true stalwarts and leadersof East Jamaica Conference.Chosen to ll the capacitiesof Treasurer and Womensand Children MinistriesDirector on December 9, 2010are: Elder Waldon Wrightand Sister Claudette Genas,respectively. Let us continue

    to pray for our leaders.

    A Call to Wider ServiceSend off for Elder Barwise, Pastor Nathan and Sister Lorraine Vernal

    Finally, we come to theAnnual Leaders Summitwhich got underway at the

    Kencot Seventh-day Adventist

    Church on December 5, 2010.Scores of individuals were inattendance and were broughtup-to-date with the plans andactivities to be spearheaded bythe East Jamaica Conference.

    In addition tothose timelyreminders, local church ofcerswere given much spiritual foodfor thought through severaltimely presentations. Thesummit took a different formatthis year, as it sought to enhanceleadership qualities through

    presentations on various areasthat pose a particular challengeto leaders. Among the issuesdiscussed were: Unity in the Body,Balancing Spiritual LeadershipResponsibility and Family Lifeand Embracing the Age of MassMedia. Among the presentersof the council were President ofthe East Jamaica Conference-

    Pastor Adrian Cotterell,Sabbath School/Personal Ministries andCommunity ServicesDirector - Pastor CarlCunningham and Deanof the School of Religion

    and Theology at theNorthern CaribbeanUniversity - Dr. NewtonCleghorn.

    We recognie that the workaccomplished in the past fewmonths could not have beencompleted without the divineguidance and leadership of ourLord and Saviour Jesus Christ.Administrators, Directors andmembers of staff at the EastJamaica Conference continue tonot only commit themselves, butalso to submit themselves to theLord and Saviour, Jesus Christ asThey continue to play their partin advancing the gospel to all theworld.


    December 2010

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    12 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Members o the congregation participated in the service by paying close attentionon the big 65 Flat Screen TV which was made available or the occasion.

    Beore every good sounding choiris a great music director. ChoirDirector o East Jamaica Conerence

    Mass Youth Choir Bro. RaymondDouglas ensures every note is sungas practiced

    Pastor o the Seaorth Circuit o churches,pastor Linton Hamilton prepares thechurch or prayer beore the collectiono the oering

    elling an interesting Story to the children, Master Guide , Sis. Claudette Brown

    Even these Master Guides enjoyed the story

    Education Director o East Jamaica Conerence, Dr. Donna Brown, beautiul smile in response to the words o welcome given by host pastHampton Court SDA Church, Pastor Titmus Morgan

    Highlights of Youth Congressoree 2010t The Hampton Court Seventh-day Adventist Church, St. Thomas on Sabbath December 12, 2010

    President Cotterell expressed hisappreciation to all who made this event a

    success and encouraged all to be aithulto the Lord.

    A view from the outside ... Showing the proximity of the tent tothe church building

    Then the moment arrived when PastorBlythe , Youth and Chaplaincy Director o JAMbeore the waiting congregation

    A Proud Moment For Youth At EJC. - Youthor EJC Pastor Hanson Drysdale wasat the turn out or this big convocationHampton Court church.

    A Warm welcome was extended to all by PastorTitmus Morgan, pastor o the Hampton Court Circuio churches

    Members of the East Jamaica Conference Mass Youth Choirgives another lovely rendition during the Divine Servicelineup

    On the inside of the church, the worshippers participated in the very interestingand biblically inspiring Adult Lesson Review

    Leader or Zone 4 and Pastor o the Morant Bay Circuit ochurches, Pastor Holland Thompson gives his quota owelcome to everyone at Youth Congressoree 2010he sharp eye o the camera picks up two amiliar aces in church at

    ampton Court Church duringSabbath School Lesson Review.

    astor Ray Davis gives the opening statements during the Divineervice at Youth Congressoree December 12-2010

    Pathnders and the church stand at attention during the opening moments o Divine Service

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    13January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Highlights of Camp Congressoree 201At The Kencot Seventh-day Adventist Church, December 15-18,

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    14 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Highlights of the Newly established

    JAMAICA UNION CONFERENCEorthern Caribbean University Campus Gymnatorium, November 28, 2010

    Secretary o the Inter-AmericanDivision- Eli Henry provides acharge on Day two o the 14thand nal session o the WestIndies Union Conerence, nowthe Jamaica Union (JAMU)

    Give me a crescendo on this part!

    Treasurer- Elder Bancrot Barwise and SePastor Milton Gregory

    The Choir (Audience) ully ocused on theirDirector

    The sta o Directors o the J amaica Union or the period 2010-20

    The anthem o the Bahamas is sung as the fag isbeing lowered

    he fags o the West Indies Union Conerence being

    own or the nal time in unison

    Nadine Campbell Host o NCU TV Broadcasts thechanging over ceremony o West Indies Union to the

    Jamaica Union (JAMU)

    (L-R) Pastor Enroy Ferguson, Pastor Samuel Lewis and Elder Phillip Castellexpressed their delight in being able to share in this momentous occasion.

    aster Guides march with precision as they get ready to lower the fags oe West Indies Union Conerence

    NCU Media streams the shithe baton on NC(91.1, 3 &5) aTV- Channel FLOW Cable N

    Also in the backour very own TeDirector- Errorecording ootthis Historic Eve

    Secretary (Pastor Glen Samuels), Treasurer (Carmelita Findlay)and presidents o the local eldawait the handing over o the fags to mark their separation.

    aster Guides prepare to hand over these fags to theesident o the West Indies Union as well as the Division.

    he Communication Department o East Jamaica Conerence asell as the newly nominated Director o Communication, Religiousberty and Public Aairs or the Jamaica Union- Elder Nigel Coke

    Director o Family Ministries, Stewardship andTrust Services- Pastor Eric NathanWomens and Childrens MinistriesDirector- Mrs. Lorraine Vernal

    (L-R) Ministerial Secretary, Sabbath School and Publishing Ministries Director- Pastor Glen Samuels, AssociateSecretary- Mrs. Doreen Grant and Director o Public Aairs, Religious Liberty and Communication- Elder NigelCoke, Associate Treasurer- Mrs. Sharon Barrett, Youth Ministries and Chaplaincy Director- Pastor Charles Blythe

    President o the Jamaica Union PastorEverette Brown introduces his new team oDirectors

    West Indies Union is no more The Historic team oMaster Guides which assisted this process

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    15January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Administration Assistant

    Pastor Adrian CotterellPRESIDENT

    Carmetha James

    Pastor Devon OsbourneEXCUTIVE SECRETARY

    Audrey Barnett

    Elder Waldon WrightTREASURER

    Kay Scott

    Directors Assistant

    Dr. Donna BrownEducation

    Murlena Cufe-McKenzie

    Mrs. Claudette GenasWomens & Childrens


    Murlena Cufe-McKenzie

    Pastor L SteeleHealth & Stewardship

    Polly Mitchell-Wiggan

    Administrators & DirectoEast Jamaica confErEncE

    Directors Assistant

    Pastor Glenville CarrMinisterial & Family Lie

    Sophia Dormer

    Pastor Owen ThomasPublic Aairs & ReligiousLiberty, Spirit o Prophecy

    and Publishing Ministry

    Joan Stewartson

    Pastor Hanson DrysdaleYouth Ministries

    Polly Mitchell-Wigga

    Directors Assistant

    Elder Phillip CastellCommunication

    Adiese A. JonasAssistant Communication

    Joan Stewartson

    Directors Assistant

    Pastor Carl M. CunninghamSabbath School /Personal Min.

    & Community Services

    Kathleen DunkleyAssociate Sabbath School /

    Personal Min.& Community Services

    Dion Thompson

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    16 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    StaEast Jamaica confErEncE

    Accounts Department, rom L- R: Paul Buchanan (Junior Accountant),Ann- Marie Angel (Payroll), Ellen McKenzie (Accountant), Marilyn Smythe (Chie Accountant),

    Teslin Patterson (Cashier), Michael Porteous (Assistant Treasurer)

    Resource Center, rom L - R : Norma Williams (Accountant) ,Herman Taylor, Gemrena McCook ( Assistant Cashier)

    Shawn WhiteMIS

    Henrick McKenzieSupervisor Resource Center / Auditor

    Errol VazTechnical Director - Communication Department

    Roland ClarkeBearer

    Shryl JacksonReceptionist - Switchboard Operator

    Rupert WhittakerInvestment Management Limited




    Asteering committee has been establishedand fabulous plans are on the way to open aschool of evangelism for training of all willing

    members in the East Jamaica Conference (EJC)Constituency. The School which is been foundedby the combined efforts of the leadership of theDepartment and the Lay Evangelistic Association(LEA) will seek to fulll the mandate of Christmaking disciples of all people by the training andengagement of the members in intensive and ongoingsoul winning activities. The implementation of thisproject is in direct answer to the EJC 2020 StrategicPlan of Growth and Consolidation.

    A preliminary training, focusing on the operation ofSmall Groups Evangelism will run from January 30until February 27 and the School of Evangelism willbe ofcially opened May 1, 2011. The courses thatwill be taught will include: PrinciplesofEvangelism SpiritualGifts

    SmallGroupMinistriesintheLocalChurch MethodsofDoortoDoorEvangelism SimpleMethodsofGivingBibleStudies SpeakinginthePoweroftheSpirit PreachingPlease contact EJC Sabbath School/PersonalMinistries and Community Services Department forfurther information and registration.

    by: Pas Cal Cunnngham

    East Jamaica confErEncE

    Ancillary Staf, L-R Kenrick Anderson, Winston Radlin,Andrew Clayton , Nathina McKay

    Missing rom staf Photos are:Deloris Campbell, Maxine Radlin

    Sharon Heman

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    17January 2011 | Adventist beam

    The Annual Week of Prayerwas launched on Sabbath,November 6 and climaxed

    on Sabbath, November 13; oneweek later. The East JamaicaConference Headquarters,local Churches and AdventistSchools within the boundariesof the constituency placedspecial emphasis on prayer. It

    was a delight to see students and teachers participating in eachdays activities. Gods presence was indeed evident, as the HagleyPark Prep School facilitated students leading out in each daysactivities. At the end of their Week of Prayer, a total number of 40students were recorded as seeking baptism.

    The Kingsway High School was not to be outdone, as it createdhistory at the institution, by having 18 students baptied. Yes, the school continues to nurture studentsas they seek to attain their Heavenly Education here on earth, with a multi-faceted curriculum. Since the

    Week of prayer, many have requested baptism and we are told of a further baptism to take place in thenear future. The Woodford and Miramar Prep Schools also saw students making commitments to havea closer walk with Jesus Christ.

    Historic Week

    of Praer at



    RECOGNIzING thatEvangelism is atthe very core of our

    mission as a church, theEast Jamaica Conference ofSeventh-day Adventists readily embraced andadopted the Small Group initiative recommended

    by the World Church. As the name suggests, SmallGroups allow small companies of individualswho may be members or non-members of thechurch alike, to engage themselves in face to facediscussions, and deep study of the Word.

    The programme, althoughpresented to the churchbefore, was ofcially re-launched in October of thisyear at the Hagley Park

    SDA Church, with a vision to harness thousandsof souls through direct contact with members of

    the group. Pastor Adrian Cotterell, led the waywith other Directors, Adults and Children alike,in pledging their continued support for theSmall group initiative, right here in East Jamaicaas they signed pledge cards, symboliing theircommitment.

    launch of theSmallGroupS

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    18 January 2011 | Adventist beam


    Treasurer - EJC

    Mr. Wright, who serves as an Elder at the Heroes Circle Seventh-day Adventist Church in

    Kingston, comes to the position with more than 18 years of experience in developmentbanking and business training. He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Management

    Studies at the University of the West Indies and a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA)

    from the University of New Orleans. He worked for 13 years as Manager of Banking Services and

    then Operations Manager at the National Development Foundation (NDF). In 2005 he joined the staff

    of the Churches Cooperative Credit Union Ltd. as the ofcer in charge of Business Loans and Special

    Project, where he worked until his present call to serve God through His Church in an administrative

    capacity. He has lectured on nance and accounting up to the Masters degree level at the University of Technology (UTECH)

    and the University College of the Caribbean (UCC).

    Pastor Adrian Cotterell

    President - EJC


    astor Adrian Cotterell

    grew up on the borders of

    Manchester and Clarendonbefore coming to live in St Andrew

    in his early teens. He is an ordained

    minister and has served the church

    in many capacities. He entered the

    work in 1982 as a Bursar/ Teacher

    at the Portland High School in Port Antonio. He served as

    a teacher and bursar at Kingsway High School in Kingston,

    instructor at Northern Caribbean University, Kingston Campus,

    pastor in Kinston and St Andrew, Portland and St Thomas. He

    also served as one of the chaplains at the University of the

    West Indies. In 2002 Pastor Cotterell was elected to serve

    as secretary of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day


    He was later asked to serve also as Spirit of Prophecy Director

    and coordinator for Strategic Planning for the conference. In

    November 2005, he was asked to serve as president and

    at the Conference Session, August 2006, he was elected to

    serve as president.

    Subsequent to his early and high school education,

    Pastor Cotterell earned an Associate Degree in Business

    Administration and a Bachelors Degree in Theology fromWest Indies College, now Northern Caribbean University and

    a Masters degree in Religion from Andrews University.Pastor

    Cotterell is one of the authors of the book entitled Divine

    Connection. He is married to Charmaine Goldsmith and the

    couple has two children: Adrian and Antwan.

    Pastor Devon Osbourne

    Executive Secretary - EJC


    orn in East Portland, Pastor

    Devon Osbourne was

    educated at the KingswayHigh School, West Indies College

    where he gained a Bachelors

    degree in Theology, then a Masters

    Degree at Andrews University.

    A minister of the Gospel for over thirty years, he also served as

    a church Administrator in the capacity of Ministerial Secretary of

    the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists from

    2003- 2006, Director of Sabbath School, Personal Ministries

    and Stewardship. He currently serves as the Secretary of the

    East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Pastor

    Osbourne loves the Lord, enjoys preaching the undiluted word

    of the Lord, has a penchant for justice, is patient, espouses

    strong family life and loves and respects people.

    The personal mission of Pastor Osbourne is to inspire and

    motivate others to achieve Christian excellence and ways

    of wellness in their lives. His vision is to work assiduously

    in populating heaven with all those he tirelessly shepherds.

    Pastor Osbourne is married to Dorette, together they have

    three children- daughters: Janice and Shauna and son - Devon


    Administrators ProfleEast Jamaica confErEncE

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    19January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Dr. Donna S. Brown

    Education Director - EJC


    r. Donna Brown is a native

    Kingstonian and a foundation

    member of the MeadowvaleSeventh-day Adventist Church. She is

    an ordained elder and has served the

    church in many capacities. Educated

    at the Swalloweld All Age School and

    the Meadowbrook High School, she

    subsequently gained a B. Ed. (Hons)

    in Business Studies from the University of Technology, a Masters

    of Business Administration from Northern Caribbean University,

    a Masters of Arts and Ph.D. in Educational Administration from

    Andrews University.

    She began her teaching career at the Kingsway Preparatory School,

    later serving as Head of the Business Department for the HighSchool. In 1998 she accepted the call to West Indies College now

    Northern Caribbean University where she has served in various

    capacitates, including Programe Chair in the College of Business

    and Hospitality Management. Many of her students attest to the

    fact that her Christian commitment has impacted their lives beyond

    the knowledge of books. In September 2010 she accepted a call

    to serve as Education Director for East Jamaica Conference of

    Seventh-day Adventists.

    Her research interests have focused on job satisfaction, motivation

    and workers commitment in organizations as well the development

    of effective interpersonal skills and she has made presentations at

    research conferences both locally and abroad .

    Among her recent publications is a book entitled Factors Contributing

    to Job Satisfaction in Higher EducationThe Key to Greater

    Productivity and Retention of a Qualied Workforce. She is also

    a contributor to the Youth Collegiate Quarterly and the Womens

    Devotional Guide of the Inter American Division of Seventh-day


    For her work in education she has received several awards,

    including Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching and Certicate of

    Commendation for Teaching, NCU 2002 and 2009 respectively.

    A motivational speaker, Dr. Brown has inspired audiences nationallyand internationally with young people specially beneting from her

    experiences of having Christ as the helm of her academic sojourn.

    Her personal philosophy is I can do all things through Christ who

    strengthens me.

    Pastor Hanson W. Drysdale

    Youth Director - EJC


    anson Wilberforce Drysdale, theninth of 11 children was born inthe cool, unspoilt environment of

    Seamans Valley, Portland to Hansonand Wynnette Drysdale.

    He was strongly inuenced by his God-fearing mother who was a dedicatedand hardworking Bible Worker at thePort Antonio Seventh-day Adventist

    Church. The Godly inuence of his mother impacted his life and atthe age of nine (9) he gave his heart to the Lord and was baptized bythe late Pastor Don Crowder.

    Pastor Drysdale subsequently moved to Kingston where he became amember of the former Tarrant SDA Church (now Half-way-Tree SDA).

    At Tarrant he distinguished himself, serving in various capacities suchas Personal Ministries Director, Sabbath School Superintendent,Will & Trust Director, AY Leader, and Pathnder Director. Workingin these departments his organizational and management skills, aswell as his love for the Lord was noticed by Pastor E.R.E Wright, whorecommended his ordination as an Elder. He was ordained Elder in1998. Hanson is also a trained Master Guide, invested in 1991 underthe leadership of former Youth Director, Pastor Manseld Edwards.

    Pastor Drysdales formal education began at Port Antonio PrimarySchool. He later attended Titcheld High School. In 2001 HansonDrysdale enrolled at the Northern Caribbean University (NCU). Whileat NCU he further established himself as a student leader servingas Chaplain, and Sergeant of Arms of the East Jamaica Conference

    Club, Outreach Ministries leader for Campus Ministries, EvangelismCoordinator, and President of the Ministerial Association. In 2005Pastor Hanson Drysdale graduated from Northern CaribbeanUniversity Magna Cum laude with a B.A. in Religion.

    On October 1, 2005 he joined the East Jamaica Conference familyas a Ministerial Intern.

    His Years of Service are as follows: Oct. 2005- Jun 2006 Ministerial Intern @ Trench Twn/WhitfeldTwn. With Pastors L. Brown and E. Nathan. June 2006-Nov 2006 Ministerial Intern @Heroes Circle SDA withPastor D. OsbourneNov 2006-Dec 2006 Ministerial Intern @ Ebenezer SDA Supervised

    by Pastor L. G. Williams-Personal Ministries and Sabbath Director. Jan 2007-Jul 2010 District Pastor for Seaview Gardens & OlympicWay SDA ( both churches were dedicated during his tenure). Jul 2010-present, Youth Ministries Director, EJC.

    He is happily married to the beautiful and articulate Andrea Brownwho is an Environmental Health Practitioner employed to the Ministryof Health. They are the proud parents of Hanson Drysdale PastorDrysdale is resolute that God has not given him the spirit of fear butof power, of love, and of a sound mind. (1Tim1:7)

    DirectorsProfEast Jamaica confErEncE

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    20 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Kathleen Dunkley

    Associate Personal Ministries Director


    Kathleen Dunkley was born in

    Kingston. She attended the Holy

    Childhood High School and Durham

    College where she obtained a diploma in

    Secretarial Studies. At completion she was

    employed at the Kingsway High School as

    secretary and also in the Cayman Mission as

    secretary to the President and teacher at the Edmar High School.

    In 1972 she was employed as a Bible Worker by East Jamaica

    Conference where she worked at several churches. In 1979 she

    received a diploma in Bible Instruction from West Indies College and

    in 1996 a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion.

    In 1998 she was elected to serve as the Womens and Childrens

    Ministries Directors. In 2002 to present she was appointed to serve

    as Associate Director to Sabbath School/Personal Ministries and

    Community Services Department.

    Her philosophy is that she is in Gods hands and therefore she has

    nothing to fear. Evangelism and caring for the needs of other are

    her passion. Prayer is her wings. She is married to Wellesley.

    They have two (2) married sons Tesmond and Travis and one (1)

    grandson Ossayaba.

    Dr. Leonard Steele

    Health Director - EJC


    r. Leonard steele was born in

    the Parish of Kingston and is a

    graduate of Grantham College West

    Indies College High School and Northern

    Caribbean University where he attained

    a Batchelor of Arts in Theology. Later he

    completed his Masters in Public Health at

    Loma Linda University and his Doctorate in

    Ministry at Columbia Theological Seminary.

    Dr. Steele is an Ordained Minister, Marriage Ofcer, a Lifestyle

    Facilitator and Health Educator. Dr. Steele has pastured several

    churches and have been chairman of several school boards. Dr.

    Steele is married to Correl and the union produced one son and two


    At the departmental level, he has serves as:

    Health Ministries Director 1999 2006 - Re-elected in 2006

    Stewardship Director 2001 2006 - Re-elected in 2006

    Wills and Trust Director 2006 2010 - Re-elected in 2010

    Stewardship Director 2006 2010 - Re-elected in 2010

    Claudette GenasWomen & Children Ministries Director -EJC

    Mrs. Claudette Genas assumed

    responsibilities as Principal

    of Kingsway Preparatory and

    High School in August 2005. Prior to her

    appointment she served as Language and

    Communication Lecturer at the Justice

    Training Institute, an agency of the Ministry

    of Justice, HEART Trust/NTA as Career Guidance Counsellor and

    Regional Programmes Service Ofcer and Acting Vice principal at

    John Mills Infant Primary and Junior High.

    Mrs. Genas holds a Masters Degree in Educational Administration

    from Northern Caribbean University, a Bachelors Degree in

    Managing Learning Difculties and a Certicate in Social Psychology

    from the University of the West Indies (UWI), a certicate in SchoolAdministration, a Diploma in Guidance and Counselling from the

    Mico Teachers College. An energetic leader and trained diploma

    teacher, Mrs. Genas has a record of active service to the community.

    She served as a member of the team mandated to develop standards

    of performance for teachers with the Ministry of Education.

    She served as an executive member of committees at the West

    Indies Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. At EJC she

    gave of herself unreservedly on the executive committees of the

    Family Life Department, IML, Protocol, Pentecost and More and

    Events Planning. She is also the Treasurer for one of the Quality

    Education Circles in the Ministry of Education and a Kiwanis Faculty


    Mrs. Genas has received several awards for academic and

    professional achievement, salient among them are, certicate of

    recognition for outstanding leadership service at the UWI Mona,

    and a certicate of appreciation from Jamaica Independent Schools

    Association. She has served in many areas of the church including,

    Director of Sabbath School, Family Life, and Adventist Youth (AY)

    Department. She currently serves on the Elders Board, Family Life

    Committee, Director for Usher and Hospitality, and Sponsor for the

    Crusaders Pathnder Club and Adventist Youth Department.

    Claudette Genas is married to Aston Genas, an Elder of the North

    Street Church. Her three children are active members in the churchand community. Sherraine is a Family Life Director {Trinidad) and a

    lawyer, Shemaine a Deputy Pathnder Director and Ofce Manager

    and Zwadie an Assistant Sabbath School Superintendent and NCU

    student. Mrs. Genas believes that Appreciation is the bread of life,therefore everyone, everything, everywhere in the world should

    thrive on it.

    DirectorsProfleEast Jamaica confErEncE

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    21January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Elder Phillip E.L. Castell

    Communication Director - EJC


    leader and results driven

    Christian with proven experience

    in motivating people and leading

    men and women to a saving knowledgeof Christ, Phillip E.L. Castell been

    a member of the New Haven SDA

    Church since its inception in 1971. His

    professional experience and background

    covers a broad range of disciplines including Information Technology,

    Sales, Marketing, and Management.

    Born the second son of Valrie and Philip Castell in a family of four

    children, Phillip Edward Lee Castell was born in Kingston where he

    grew up with his siblings in a Christian home. His love for the Lord

    and his dedication to the church was encouraged at an early age

    by his mother Valrie who herself was an outstanding leader at the

    New Haven SDA Church. From an early age his ability to lead andcommunicate effectively was recognized in his church were he served

    in numerous leadership roles including Pathnders Leader, Youth

    Choir Leader, AYS Leader, Personal Ministries Leader and Church

    Elder. His love for the Lord and people has been demonstrated over

    the years with his intimate involvement in personal evangelism at

    various levels. In 2003 Elder Castell was the evangelist in a four

    week evangelistic campaign where twenty three precious souls were

    won for the Lord.

    In 1993, Phillip Castell was ordained as an Elder at the New Haven

    S.D.A.Church by Pastor Ucal Harris. In 2003 he joined the East

    Jamaica Conference Elders Association where he was electedAssistant Secretary. After one year, he was asked to serve as

    secretary of the Association. He remained in this capacity for four

    years until 2008 when the members of the Association elected him

    to serve as the President of the Elders Association in East Jamaica,

    a position he still holds today.

    Elder Castells secondary education began in 1977 when he became

    a student at the Calabar High School where he excelled in the

    area of the sciences. After successfully completing his secondary

    education, he went to further his education at the University of the

    West Indies, (UWI) , where he read for a Bachelor of Science (BSc.)

    Degree in Computer Science and Electronics. His professional

    area of expertise and training is in Computer Technology Sales andMarketing. In 2006 he completed his Masters Degree in Business

    Administration (MBA) with the University of New Orleans.

    Elder Castell has a passion for communicating the good news

    of salvation to those around him and has used his training and

    experience in the eld of technology to share the Word of God with

    those who will listen. He is of the opinion that with God all things

    are possible and that he can do all things through Christ who gives

    him the strength to do His will. Elder Castell is happily married to his

    sweetheart and loving friend Yvette.

    Adiese A. JonasAsst. Communication Director - EJC

    Adiese Alicia Jonas, the little dynamowas born on September 22, 1987 toproud parents Winston and Janett

    Jonas. She is the younger sibling of sisterShermaine, and received her wholisticspiritual nurturing at the North Street S.D.AChurch.

    Adiese grew up in Portmore St. Catherineand then later relocated to the parish of St. Andrew where shecurrently resides. She attended the Obistan-Kinder Prep Schoolfrom 1990-1993, then moved on in that same year to spend veyears at the George Headley Primary School. After completing herCommon Entrance Examinations in 1998, she moved on to theMeadowbrook High School where she received seven CXCs andsix CAPE subjects.

    Always an enthusiast in the eld of Communication, with a specialemphasis in radio, she moved on to the University of the West Indies,with a burning desire to fulll her dream of studying what she termed,the Art of Communication. She wrote for her Bachelor of Arts degreefrom 2005-2008 majoring in Language, Communication and Societyand completing a minor in Literatures in English.

    Upon the completion of her Bachelor of Arts Degree, the Lord sawit t to open an avenue for her to begin the persual of her dream inthe Mass Media. On May 19, 2008, she was asked to join the staff ofIndependent Radio Company Limited, the owners and operators ofPower 106FM and Music 99FM. During her Two and a quarter yearTenure at Independent Radio Company Limited, she served in variouscapacities which include: Senior Creative Assistant, Duty Announcer,

    News Presenter, Producer of the morning talk show IndependentTalk with Deacon Ronnie Thwaites, and Writer, Producer and Voiceof the childrens gospel feature, The Pickney Corner aired on theprogramme Power and Glory on Sunday Mornings. She has alsoworked as a Duty Announcer for Advertising Agencies, namely:O.G.M. Integrated Limited and Waterworks Limited.

    Adiese believes with all her heart that God has a magnicent planfor her life. She knows that her achievements could not have beenpossible without the divine guidance and presence of the AlmightySaviour, Jesus Christ. Recognizing that there is much more to lifein Christ, Adiese (the Arabic name which means born to lead,)accepted the call of her Lord in September 2010, when she wasasked to serve in the capacity which she now occupies, as Assistant

    Communication Director of the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

    For Adiese, the sky is the limit! She holds deeply in her heart thatonce Christ is at the forefront of her ship, she can accomplishanything she sets her mind to. She encourages everyone not to beafraid to dream; because goals achieved, were at the initial stageprecious dreams before they were manifested. Her Philosophy is: Abig dream begins with a big thought, a big goal realizes that dream,so think BIG in order to achieve great results!

    DirectorsProfEast Jamaica confErEncE

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    22 January 2011 | Adventist beam

    Pastor Carl M. Cunningham

    Sabbath School, Personal Ministries

    & Community Services Director

    Motto: This one thing I do through

    a Ministry of Presence Proclaimingthe Blessed Hope

    Pastors family includes his wife,

    Sandra, a teacher at Kingston College

    and two sons Carl and Joshua.

    Born in Yallahs in the beautiful parish of St. Thomas where he

    received his earliest exposure to God through his parents and

    the Adventist church. Except for two years in St. Catherine, he

    spent all his childhood life in this parish and began active lay ministry

    just after baptism at 13 years of age.

    He then went on to West Indies College, where he achieved hisrst degree in Religion with studies in Business Administration and

    Secondary Education. He later earned his second degree from

    Andrews University MA in Religion and is now a candidate for the

    Dr. of ministry in Pastoral Theology at Inter-American Theological

    Seminary In over 22 years of full time pastoral work, Pastor

    Cunningham has been recognized as a dynamic and outstanding

    evangelist, a spiritual leader and has demonstrated much interest

    and skill in community development.

    In 1997 he gave leadership on behalf of the government of Jamaica

    in response to 100 year disaster in Portland. In 2003, he organized

    the East Kingston communities to respond to and manage escalating

    gun crimes in Mountain View and other communities.

    Sabbath School & Personal Ministries

    In 1853, only a few years after the rst group of Sabbath-keeping

    Adventists was formed in Washington, New Hampshire, James

    White organized the rst regular Sabbath School in Rochester, New

    York. In 1852, estimating an informal membership of about 1,000

    in the state of New York, White had written a series of 19 lessons

    appearing in the new Youths Instructor.

    From its inception Sabbath School has focused on four emphases

    that are still prominent to this day: Fellowship development

    Community outreach

    Bible study

    World Mission

    A solid balance of these elements characterizes the most vital

    Sabbath Schools around the world.

    Based on these four emphases, from its beginning in 1853, Sabbath

    School membership has exploded from a handful of believers

    in upstate New York to an estimated 14 million today. General

    Conference President Jan Paulsen has said that Sabbath School is

    like breakfast. For more than 150 years it has provided the spiritual

    nourishment that is needed to meet the challenges that arise during

    the rest of the week.

    In order to achieve and maintain its four core emphases the

    department functionally operates through three main departments in

    each local congregation:

    Sabbath School Department

    Personal Ministries Department

    Community Services Department

    The goals and objectives are further achieved through the

    following areas:

    Theological Education

    Spiritual Nurturing

    Mentoring and Discipleship

    Fostering church membership and fellowshipRecruiting, training and equipping members for service

    and witnessing.

    Engaging Community in positive, critical partnership toward Holistic

    life improvement and betterment for the community.

    Special Services are geared toward the following special groups:

    Senior Citizens

    Persons with disabilities

    The poor and needy

    Persons behind Bars

    Partners include:

    EJC Sabbath School Federation

    EJC Lay Evangelistic Association

    EJC Communities Federation and Loving Hands Ministry

    EJC Bible School

    JC Prison Ministries

    The Good Samaritan Inn

    Adventist Laymen Services and Industries (ASI)

    EJC Ambassadors

    All other departments and ministries of the church.

    DirectorsProfleEast Jamaica confErEncE

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    23January 2011 | Adventist beam


    Pastor Owen Thomas

    Public Affairs & Religious Liberty, Spirit

    of Prophecy and Publishing Ministry -


    Owen Edward Thomas, a third

    generation Seventh-day

    Adventist and an ordained

    minister hails from Boundbrook,

    Port Antonio in the beautiful parish

    of Portland. After graduating from

    Titcheld High School, he taught at

    Portland High School for a short stint. In October 1980, his love for

    law led him to seek employment in the civil service as an assistant

    clerk of courts in the Resident Magistrate Courts, a post he held

    for over nine years. During this time, he worked in the parishes of

    Manchester, Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Catherine and St. Thomas,mainly as a government prosecutor at the level of deputy clerk of


    In 1989, Owen answered the call to be a literature evangelist and

    worked unstintingly and extensively in the parishes of Kingston and

    St. Andrew for ve years. His efforts copped him the position of

    leading colporteur in West Indies Union. This was not the only call

    Owen was to receive. He answered the call to the gospel ministry

    and so in 1994, he headed to West Indies College (now Northern

    Caribbean University) and successfully pursued a Bachelor of

    Theology Degree. He entered the work as an intern ve years later

    and served as a district pastor up to June 2010.

    At the last local conference session held in July 2010, Pastor Thomas

    was asked to serve the constituency as Director of the Departments

    of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Spirit of Prophecy and

    Publishing. Pastor Thomas, who has a penchant for languages, has

    a working knowledge of Spanish and German. Also, he has served

    as instructor at Northern Caribbean University.

    He is married to Elena Burke and they are the proud parents of Adiel,

    Danielle and Oren. His hobbies are singing, playing volley ball and

    jogging and his philosophy: Treat all men as equals.

    The East JamaicaC o n f e r e n c econtinued its

    efforts to spirituallynurture and care forthe members of the


    On Wednesday September8, 2010 Administrators,Directors and membersof staff at the EJC,participated in a Backto School Fair held atthe Good Samaritan Inn,which was spearheaded

    by the Personal Ministriesand Community ServicesDepartments. Students living in and around thesurrounding areas Good Samaritan Inn, wereengaged in devotional exercises and were treatedwith gift items to be utilied during the new 2010-2011 School Term.

    Items distributed include: one thousand schoolbags, stocked with notebooks, pens, and pencils.These were handed to students of pre-primary andprimary schools, while a total of eighty thousand

    dollars in cash payments was given to 30 students toassist with purchasing of books and other stationery.The students were also treated to sumptuousmeals by members of the Community ServicesDepartment which also saw the involvement ofthe President for the ASI Eastern Chapter, ElderCecil Foster. In total 250 meals were distributed tostudents.

    Back to School Treat at

    the Good Samaritan Inn

  • 7/28/2019 Adventist+Beam Ist+Q 2011


    East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists74 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10 Telephone #: 876-924-1061-3 Fax: 876- 924-0263

    Feel free to contact us via e-mail at [email protected] i b i j i i