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Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehri

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Page 1: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Advanced Programming in Java

Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction to OOPSlides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Page 2: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Expected Background “A one-semester college course in

programming.” I assume you can write a program in some

language, understand variables, control structures, functions/subroutines.

If in doubt, let’s talk.

Page 3: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Course Outline Week 1: Background, basics of O-O, first

Java program, programming environments Week 2: Raw materials: types, variables,

operators, program control Week 3: Classes: declarations, constructors,

cleanup & garbage collection Week 4: Packages, access specifiers, finals,

class loading

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Course Outline (cont.) Week 5: Polymorphism, abstract classes,

design patterns Week 6: Interfaces & extends, inner classes,

callbacks via inner classes Week 7: Applets, Applications, Swing Week 8: Graphics and Multimedia Week 9: Arrays, container classes, iterators

Page 5: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Course Outline (cont.) Week 10: Exception handling, threads Week 11: Java I/O, networking Week 12: JDBC and object persistency

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Administrative Details (cont.) Midterm and final exams Homework + Quiz + Projects: 50% Midterm exam: 20% Final exam: 30% I will give one A+.

Page 7: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Administrative Details (cont.) Everything is attached to the syllabus. Don’t look

for assignments, etc. on Blackboard. Look at the syllabus!

Homework usually weekly. Submission instructions with each assignment,

usually printed listings and a zip file. Printing slides? Three to a page, at least. Save a

tree! Remove the PowerPoint background before printing. Save toner!

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Administrative Details (cont.) Attendance is not required, but… …you are responsible for everything said in

class. I encourage you to ask questions in class.

Don’t guess, ask a question!

Page 9: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

My Policy on Cheating Cheating means “submitting, without proper

attribution, any computer code that is directly traceable to the computer code written by another person.”

I give students a failing course grade for any cheating.

This doesn’t help your job prospects.

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My Policy on Cheating You may discuss homework problems with

classmates, after you have made a serious effort in trying the homework on your own.

You can use ideas from the literature (with proper citation).

You can use anything from the textbook/notes.

The code you submit must be written completely by you.

Page 11: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Course EtiquetteEtiquette is “conduct in polite society”No cell phonesNo random comings and goings If you are sleepy, go home If you want to read email or surf the Web,

please do it elsewhere

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Page 13: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Object Oriented Programming

Problem Space the place where the problem exists such as a business

Solution Space the place where you’re implementing that solution such as a computer

The effort required to perform this mapping. E.g. think about a library, or a phonebook program

Page 14: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Object Oriented Approach

OOP lets the programmer represent problem space elements

The elements in the problem space

and their representations in the solution space

are referred to as “objects”

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The program is allowed to adapt itself to the lingo of the problem by adding new types of objects

when you read the code, you’re reading words that also express the problem.


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OOP (2)

OOP allows you to describe the problem in terms of the problem

Rather than in terms of the computer Objects in your code are similar to real

objects Recall the sample programs: phonebook and


Page 17: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

O-O Languages (Alan Kay) Everything is an object. A program is a bunch of objects telling each

other what to do, by sending messages. Each object has its own memory, and is made

up of other objects. Every object has a type (class). All objects of the same type can receive the

same messages.

Page 18: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

Objects An object has an interface, determined by its

class. A class is an abstract data type, or user-

defined type. Designing a class means defining its


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Built-In Types Think of an int…

What is its interface? How do you “send it messages”? How do you make one? Where does it go when you’re done with it?

In solving a computational problem, the goal is to Dream up useful classes, and Endow them with appropriate characteristics.

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Example Suppose I’ve defined this class in Java:

To make one, I typeLight lt = new Light();

If I want switch on My Lamp, I saylt.on();

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But Why Not Just…

This is legal, but just makes a “reference variable” named lt

This variable can refer to any Light object, but currently refers to nothing

The operator new actually causes an object to be created, so we tell it what kind we want

Light lt;

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Designers Design, Users Use The interface is the critical part, but the details

(implementation) are important too.

Users use the interface (the “public part”); the implementation is hidden by “access control”.




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Object Oriented Languages

Smalltalk The first successful object-oriented language One of the languages upon which Java is based

Java C++ C##

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Why So Many Languages? Bring the language “closer” to the problem. But 4GLs are typically focused on specialized

domains (e.g., relational databases). We want a language that is general purpose,

yet can easily be “tailored” to any domain.

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Java History Java was created in 1991 by James Gosling in Sun Microsystems Initially called Oak

in honor of the tree outside Gosling's window Its name was changed to Java

because there was already a language called Oak. Sun Microsystems released the first public

implementation as Java 1.0 in 1995 Java syntax is similar to C and C++.

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Java Motivation The need for platform independent language To be embedded in various consumer

electronic products like toasters and refrigerators

Platform independent?! Hardware Operating System

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Java Motivation (2) At the same time, the World Wide Web and

the Internet were gaining popularity. Java could be used for internet programming. Why?

Platform independence Creation of Applets

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The Java technology is: A programming language

Java can create all kinds of applications A development environment

A compiler (javac) An interpreter (java) A documentation generator (javadoc) …

Compare it to C++

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High-Level Languages

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Java Virtual Machine

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Compile and Execution Stages

Compare to C++ and Assembly

.NET Framework

Sharif University of Technology

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Java is Popular Some reports on programming languages

popularityAccording to Job advertisements Book sales Finding code on the web …

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Characteristics of Java Java is simple Java is object-oriented Java is architecture-neutral Java is portable Java is interpreted Java is multithreaded Java is secure Java is robust

Page 34: Advanced Programming in Java Peyman Dodangeh Sharif University of Technology Fall 2013 Lecture 1: Introduction to OOP Slides adapted from Steven Roehrig

First Example Create a file named

Java class files have .java extension Note to naming convention

Copy this lines to the file Note: File name and class name should be the same.

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The Major Issues Editing

Use any text editor you like (not a word processor!); save as

Compiling From a DOS or UNIX command line, type

> javac This should produce the file HelloDate.class

Running Again from the command prompt, type

> java HelloDate

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Assignment # 0 Download and install JDK JDK 7

Write a program that prints your name on the console

Compile and run the program

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Further Reading Read Java page on Wikipedia

Google this terms and phrases:

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The End.