advanced 2d animation portfolio

8/17/2019 Advanced 2D Animation Portfolio 1/17 Advanced 2D Animation Portfolio Lip-sync, Pixilation, Animal Walk Hong Yiu Sung Sara (up714482) Meg Bisineer (CT62DANI) 3 rd May, 2016

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Advanced 2D Animation Portfolio

Lip-sync, Pixilation, Animal Walk

Hong Yiu Sung Sara (up714482)

Meg Bisineer


3rdMay, 2016

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Lip-sync dialogue

All 3 of us had a goldfish, and I know how they died. Mine had a black spot on it, I think it’s like

a poisonous black spot, and then, umm…Ben’s… a bit Alex’s and then Ben’s just got old age

and died.

  This is a piece of dialogue a boy talking about his pet. He used to have a goldfish but it

died because of poisonous black spot, and his friend Ben’s goldfish died because of old


  In the dialogue, the voice is clearly to be recognized as an age around 8-12 years old little

boy because of high pitch and a bit not clear articulation.  The boy is talking in a negative tone without any up and down in the dialogue. However,

at the beginning, when he is talking him and his friend had a goldfish, he is speaking quite

peaceful. Therefore in the animation I tried to bring up the sadness from a smile, which

makes a comparison between both facial expressions.

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Lip-sync Character Design

Personality: Young male dwarf

Age: 8 years old

Characteristic: cheerful, sentimental,


Experience: The death of his goldfish

Living in forest

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Lip-sync character design

  Character form design: Basically, this character is a human and his size has been set as small like a dwarf. Apart from

using a real human as the character, using Chi-bi style character (A Japanese term meaning short child depicting with

oversized head) can help to bring out the sense of humorous, imagination and cuteness.


Colour design: the upper part is wearing an orange T-shirt. He has a pair of gradually sky blue colour legs, which aredwarf legs. Graduate colour legs presents the concept of non-realistic, it helps to bring up the fantastic of this character.

  Design inspiration: I used Charlie Brown as my design reference, a big head with small body character. At the

beginning, I designed my character with thick outlines and big flat feet, and it just bring out the sense of existence of the

character. Therefore I decided to design without outlines and small feet, in order to generate the concept of illusory and


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Lip-sync scene design

  Space creation: A space around with long grasses and trunks, and big mushrooms. Actually, all objects in background are bigger

than the character to bring out the comparison of size of the character and the space, in order to express how small of him.Part of

the trunks and grasses helps to build the space of the entire picture, it is also enhance the sense of imagination by the audience.

  Lighting effects: Indeed, the lighting helps to build the atmosphere, a spot light focus in the centre and dark at the side of the

scene to generate the feel of a tree hole.

  Mushrooms: The appearance of colourful mushrooms are usually generate the concept of fantasy and poisonous. Poisonous has

appeared in the dialogue so I desire to use colourful spotted mushrooms as the concept of dangerous but beautiful.

  Design Inspiration: Goldfish is a pet generally keep by human, in this case, I was struggling that can a dwarf keep goldfish as well?

Until I was inspirited by an animation used mice as the main character which they also kept pets. Therefore I believe it is also

possible to dwarf as well, even in the forest. I would like to create a space that is individual and warm, which is suitable for talking

something privately. For dwarf, I believe tree hole is the best place to choose.

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Lip-sync Camera


Camera form: I decided to use a medium still shot for this animation in order to create the environment like a theatre stage. He

is just like performing a drama in front of audience, he is sitting on the rock and then jump down to the centre of the scene. The

character is looking at the camera and soon look away from it when he is talking something sad. This helps the character to have

enough space talking something about his personal and easily to express his feeling.

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Lip-sync dialogue references study



  Because of the linkage of and other frase, like ‘Gold’ and ‘Old’, it is not easy to hear the ‘D’ sound. When you

speaking, the mouth shape would just turn from ‘O’ shape to ‘o’ shape.

  There are difference of the prounnciation between speaking a piece of dialogue and speaking a frase. For

dialogue, body language and linkage of the following frase are considered inorder to express the feeling of the


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Pixilation narrative and storyboard

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It is about the procedure of setting up an afternoon tea by prepare a cup of tea, a piece of cake and a scone and a flower.

Story Inspiration:

At the beginning, we have decided ‘afternoon tea’ would be the main idea of this project, and we tried to design the story

more relied on ‘food transformation’ more than making afternoon tea. Finally, we observed there were problems of our story

such as not clear camera angle and outlines, and the main problem was we were not understand what we wanted to express

through the story. Therefore, we decided to change the entire story, just focus on the basic skill of pixilation, playing the

simple movement frame by frame in order to present the concept of making afternoon tea.

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Pixilation Testing Animation

  We decided to use coffee jar instead of tea pot however we observed the empty space inside is too much and difficult to put

clay in, therefore we change it to teapot.

  It is a testing scene of the previous story, it is a scene about eating a cake by eating it piece by piece.


It is also a testing scene of previous story, it is a scene about making cakes flying. We used green paper and tried to key out by


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Pixilation Editing

→  → 

We used tissue to cover on a tissue box to make it as a cake. After that, we used Photoshop to edit its surface to make it like a cream

covered cake. In the scene, we just show the piece of cutting cake but without showing the process it is because it is difficult to show

the whole step from cutting to take it out. So we used the camera angle cut to help us to skip the whole process.


We used coffee jar and plain clay at the beginning, however it did not have a good effect, and we changed to a proper tea pot and

camera angle as well.

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Pixilation Camera and sound design

  In this animation, it has used many close up shot for framing. It can help audience to focus on the action of each step also to interpret as

the first person point of view, just like the audience is now setting up an afternoon tea and more engaged into the video in order to

enhance the imagination and entertainment of the whole picture of the story. We use the stop motion animation Western Spaghetti by

PES as the reference, it has also used a lots of close up angle to show the action of making spaghetti step by step.

  We used a music piece which is usually will be listening in coffee shop, a calm and relax music for our background music. It is

generate the concept of relax and enjoy the tea time.

  We used a cup and a kettle to create the sound effect such as pouring water for making pouring tea sound and stirring the cup to

generate stirring sound. Some of the effects like cutting the ‘scone’, we used cutting bread sound to replace it to make it more


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Animal running character design

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Character form design: Other than using real deer design, the form of skull head can create more visual impact and attractive. It also

enhance to imagine a death-related deer is to be alive. I decided to use male white tailed deer as the references of design, and I used

acrylic texture brushes to colour it because it is good to express the texture of hair of deer. For colour, I decided to use brown-red

colour which is closer to the real white-tail deer, which is also a mixture of realistic and non-realistic. White tail deer are able to survive

under an extremely cold weather due to its thick coat and fat, and I decided to illustrate its movement in snow.

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Deer movement

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

P.1 is the starting point, when its standing on the ground with 4 legs straightly, the height of the body is the maximum. The hind limbs

are half a cycle ahead of the forelimbs, the hind limbs, both legs are contact with the ground with the right leg forward and left leg

behind, and that is in the contact position. Then,the left leg is straight and the right leg is in the half way point, the forelimbs is in the

pass position. It brings the body a bit lower. Then, the right leg at the back is lift up and the fore leg is in the middle of the left leg, both

are in pass and contact position. The body keeps coming down(p.5).When the right leg forward and left leg behind of forelimbs, and

the left leg forward and right leg backward of hind limbs, 4 legs are touching the ground, the body back to the normal height. It is

observed that when the body is moving forward, the body will coming from up to down and then back to up, like a U ‘shape’. 

It is interesting to be observed that when the deer is running, both right leg of forelimbs and the left leg of hind limbs will be pointing

foreward at the same time, the same case of the opposite legs. It will be at the same pass and contact position.

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Pixilation Deer body and legs research

Forelimbs: There are 3 parts of bones (femur, tibia, metatarsus) and phalanges connected with pelvis each leg. Each bone are connected with 3


Hind limbs: There are 3 parts of bones (sternum, radius, cannon bone) and phalanges connected with scapula each leg. Each bone are connected

with 4 joints.