adoption mental evaluation

General appearance and behavior Padme Vader is a 35 year-old Filipina woman of average weight and height. At the time of examination, she was well groomed and dressed. She was not confined to bed. On appearance, there were no signs of tremor or abnormal movement. Padme was cooperative throughout the interview. She maintained eye contact. Speech Padme articulated herself clearly. She answered questions spontaneously, at a normal rate and speed. She spoke softly throughout the examination, very calm and confident. Affect and mood Padme was clearly calm and confident, she smiled a lot during the examination not a trace of doubt or nervousness. Thought a. Stream Padme’s thought stream was normal. b. Form Padme did not exhibit any formal thought disorders. She was able to answer questions spontaneously and directly. She did not use any new or created words. No negative thought disorder was detected. c. Content Padme was excited about the result of the examination claiming that she hopes everything is in order for her to be granted her adoption. Perception Padme exhibits normal perception. Symptoms, such as illusions, misinterpretations, depersonalisation, passivity phenomena, were not elicited. Cognition Padme was alert and orientated to time and place. She was able to answer questions and recall her past without difficulties. Insight and judgement When given her result, Padme appeared excited that she was normal and is eligible to adopt.

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Post on 13-Apr-2016




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Mental Evaluation in Adoption


Page 1: Adoption mental evaluation

General appearance and behavior Padme Vader is a 35 year-old Filipina woman of average weight and height. At the time of examination, she was well groomed and dressed. She was not confined to bed. On appearance, there were no signs of tremor or abnormal movement. Padme was cooperative throughout the interview. She maintained eye contact.

Speech Padme articulated herself clearly. She answered questions spontaneously, at a normal rate and speed. She spoke softly throughout the examination, very calm and confident.

Affect and mood Padme was clearly calm and confident, she smiled a lot during the examination not a trace of doubt or nervousness.

Thought a. Stream Padme’s thought stream was normal. 

b. Form Padme did not exhibit any formal thought disorders. She was able to answer questions spontaneously and directly. She did not use any new or created words. No negative thought disorder was detected.

 c. Content Padme was excited about the result of the examination claiming that she hopes everything is in order for her to be granted her adoption.

Perception Padme exhibits normal perception. Symptoms, such as illusions, misinterpretations, depersonalisation, passivity phenomena, were not elicited.

Cognition Padme was alert and orientated to time and place. She was able to answer questions and recall her past without difficulties.

Insight and judgement When given her result, Padme appeared excited that she was normal and is eligible to adopt.