admissible region of large scale uncertain wind generation ...assess the impact of uncertain wind...

> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 AbstractThe increasing integration of wind generation has brought great challenges to small-signal stability analysis of bulk power systems, since the volatility and uncertainty nature of wind generation may considerably affect equilibriums of the systems. In this regard, this paper develops a conceptual framework to depict the influence of uncertain wind power injections (WPIs) on small-signal stability of bulk power systems. To do this, a new concept, the admissible region of uncertain wind generation considering small-signal stability (SSAR) is introduced to geometrically measure how much uncertain wind generation can be accommodated by a bulk power system without breaking its small-signal stability. As a generalization of the traditional concept of the small-signal stability region (SSSR), SSAR is derived by extending the SSSR to a higher-dimensional injection space that incorporates both the conventional nodal generation injections and the WPIs, and then mapping it onto the lower-dimensional WPI space. Case studies on the modified New England 39-bus system with multiple wind farms illustrate the SSAR concept and its potential applications. Index TermsPower system, small-signal stability, wind generation, uncertainty, admissible region. I. INTRODUCTION NCREASING integration of wind generation raises great concerns about power system stability, particularly the small-signal stability. Generally speaking, the new power source affects the small-signal stability of the bulk power system from two aspects: 1) the dynamic of wind turbine generators (WTGs) differ from that of the synchronous generators (SGs), which may produce new oscillation modes that interact with dynamics of the SGs; 2) the power supplied by WTGs is regarded as uncertain and non-dispatchable injection, as it is physically determined by volatile wind, and is accommodated in a must-takenmanner. Uncertain variation This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51377092, No. 51321005) and the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China (No. 2012CB215103) Y. Pan, F. Liu, W. Wei, C. Shen and S. Mei are with the State Key Laboratory of Power Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technology, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China. (Corresponding author: Feng Liu, e-mail: [email protected]). J. Hu is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China. (e-mail: [email protected]). of wind power injections (WPIs) may change the equilibriums of power systems, consequently influencing their small-signal stability. Practically, the uncertainty of WPIs can be approximately depicted by wind generation forecast error. From the viewpoint of dynamic aspects, great efforts have been devoted to investigate how the dynamic of WTGs influence the small-signal stability. Ref. [1] characterizes the small-signal dynamic behaviors of DFIG as well as the effects of DFIG parameters by performing modal analysis on an SMIB system with a DFIG. In [2], the effects of DFIG on oscillation modes of a bulk power system are analyzed by replacing SGs with DFIGs. In [3], it is theoretically analyzed and numerically demonstrated that, under ideal conditions, the dynamic of a DFIG contributes little to the dominant modes of the original power system. Here, the term of ideal conditionsmeans that the DFIG is controlled with the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) mode and the dynamic of phase lock loop (PLL) is neglected in DFIG model. In such circumstances, the influence of integration of wind farms on the dominant oscillations of the bulk power system is mainly boiled down to the equilibrium drift due to volatile and uncertain WPIs. As for the wind generation uncertainty aspect, the Monte Carlo based method, the probability analysis based method, and the stochastic differential equation (SDE) based method are developed [4-6]. In [4] effects of wind power uncertainty on small-signal stability are analyzed by performing massive Monte Carlo simulations. The resulted distribution density of critical eigenvalues indicates the probabilistic stability of the power system. In [5], the probabilistic density function (PDF) of critical modes are derived directly from the PDF of multiple sources of wind generation, providing a systematic method to evaluate the influence of high-penetration wind generation on power systems small-signal stability. In [6], the mechanical power input of a wind turbine is regarded as a stochastic excitation to the system, leading to anSDE formulation of dynamic power system with uncertain wind generation disturbances. Then the standard SDE theory can be employed to investigate the impact of the stochastic excitation generated by wind generation on small-signal stability of power systems. It is worthy of noting that, the aforementioned works are of point-wise fashion, where both the small-signal stability and the impact of wind generation are investigated in state space and rely on a given working point. This paper alternatively Admissible Region of Large-Scale Uncertain Wind Generation Considering Small-Signal Stability of Power Systems Yanfei Pan, Shengwei Mei, Fellow, IEEE, Wei Wei, Member, IEEE, Chen Shen, Senior Member, IEEE, Jiabing Hu, Senior Member, IEEE, Feng Liu*, Member, IEEE I

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    Abstract—The increasing integration of wind generation has

    brought great challenges to small-signal stability analysis of bulk

    power systems, since the volatility and uncertainty nature of wind

    generation may considerably affect equilibriums of the systems.

    In this regard, this paper develops a conceptual framework to

    depict the influence of uncertain wind power injections (WPIs) on

    small-signal stability of bulk power systems. To do this, a new

    concept, the admissible region of uncertain wind generation

    considering small-signal stability (SSAR) is introduced to

    geometrically measure how much uncertain wind generation can

    be accommodated by a bulk power system without breaking its

    small-signal stability. As a generalization of the traditional

    concept of the small-signal stability region (SSSR), SSAR is

    derived by extending the SSSR to a higher-dimensional injection

    space that incorporates both the conventional nodal generation

    injections and the WPIs, and then mapping it onto the

    lower-dimensional WPI space. Case studies on the modified New

    England 39-bus system with multiple wind farms illustrate the

    SSAR concept and its potential applications.

    Index Terms—Power system, small-signal stability, wind

    generation, uncertainty, admissible region.


    NCREASING integration of wind generation raises great

    concerns about power system stability, particularly the

    small-signal stability. Generally speaking, the new power

    source affects the small-signal stability of the bulk power

    system from two aspects: 1) the dynamic of wind turbine

    generators (WTGs) differ from that of the synchronous

    generators (SGs), which may produce new oscillation modes

    that interact with dynamics of the SGs; 2) the power supplied

    by WTGs is regarded as uncertain and non-dispatchable

    injection, as it is physically determined by volatile wind, and is

    accommodated in a “must-taken” manner. Uncertain variation

    This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation

    of China (No. 51377092, No. 51321005) and the National Basic Research

    Program (973 Program) of China (No. 2012CB215103)

    Y. Pan, F. Liu, W. Wei, C. Shen and S. Mei are with the State Key Laboratory of Power Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering and

    Applied Electronic Technology, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China.

    (Corresponding author: Feng Liu, e-mail: [email protected]). J. Hu is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the

    State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and

    Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China. (e-mail: [email protected]).

    of wind power injections (WPIs) may change the equilibriums

    of power systems, consequently influencing their small-signal

    stability. Practically, the uncertainty of WPIs can be

    approximately depicted by wind generation forecast error.

    From the viewpoint of dynamic aspects, great efforts have

    been devoted to investigate how the dynamic of WTGs

    influence the small-signal stability. Ref. [1] characterizes the

    small-signal dynamic behaviors of DFIG as well as the effects

    of DFIG parameters by performing modal analysis on an SMIB

    system with a DFIG. In [2], the effects of DFIG on oscillation

    modes of a bulk power system are analyzed by replacing SGs

    with DFIGs. In [3], it is theoretically analyzed and numerically

    demonstrated that, under ideal conditions, the dynamic of a

    DFIG contributes little to the dominant modes of the original

    power system. Here, the term of “ideal conditions” means that

    the DFIG is controlled with the maximum power point tracking

    (MPPT) mode and the dynamic of phase lock loop (PLL) is

    neglected in DFIG model. In such circumstances, the influence

    of integration of wind farms on the dominant oscillations of the

    bulk power system is mainly boiled down to the equilibrium

    drift due to volatile and uncertain WPIs.

    As for the wind generation uncertainty aspect, the Monte

    Carlo based method, the probability analysis based method, and

    the stochastic differential equation (SDE) based method are

    developed [4-6]. In [4] effects of wind power uncertainty on

    small-signal stability are analyzed by performing massive

    Monte Carlo simulations. The resulted distribution density of

    critical eigenvalues indicates the probabilistic stability of the

    power system. In [5], the probabilistic density function (PDF)

    of critical modes are derived directly from the PDF of multiple

    sources of wind generation, providing a systematic method to

    evaluate the influence of high-penetration wind generation on

    power system’s small-signal stability. In [6], the mechanical

    power input of a wind turbine is regarded as a stochastic

    excitation to the system, leading to anSDE formulation of

    dynamic power system with uncertain wind generation

    disturbances. Then the standard SDE theory can be employed

    to investigate the impact of the stochastic excitation generated

    by wind generation on small-signal stability of power systems.

    It is worthy of noting that, the aforementioned works are of

    point-wise fashion, where both the small-signal stability and

    the impact of wind generation are investigated in state space

    and rely on a given working point. This paper alternatively

    Admissible Region of Large-Scale Uncertain

    Wind Generation Considering Small-Signal

    Stability of Power Systems

    Yanfei Pan, Shengwei Mei, Fellow, IEEE, Wei Wei, Member, IEEE, Chen Shen, Senior Member, IEEE,

    Jiabing Hu, Senior Member, IEEE, Feng Liu*, Member, IEEE




    investigates the problem from a region-wise fashion. To do that,

    we directly analyze the influences of wind generation from the

    perspective of small-signal stability region (SSSR).

    Other than traditional eigen-analysis, the SSSR is defined on

    parameter space or power injection space, which depicts the

    feasibility region subjected to small-signal stability conditions.

    References [7] and [8] derive sufficient conditions for

    steady-state security regions to be small-signal stable. Later

    [9-11] point out that SSSR’s boundary is composed by points of

    Hopf bifurcation (HB), saddle-node bifurcation (SNB) and

    singularity induced bifurcation (SIB), where HB is closely

    related to power system oscillations. [12-16] further propose

    efficient algorithms to compute SSSR boundaries efficiently.

    This paper aims to extend the existing concept of SSSR to cope

    with uncertain wind power injections. Particularly, two critical

    questions are considered: 1) how to find the limits (boundaries)

    of uncertain wind generation, within which the small-signal

    stability of system can be guaranteed; 2) how to quantitatively

    assess the impact of uncertain wind generation on small-signal

    stability from a region-wise point of view.

    To answer these two questions, this paper first proposes a

    concept of admissible region of wind generation considering

    small-signal stability (SSAR) that is defined on the space of

    wind power injections (WPIs). It mathematically depict the

    region within which uncertain WPIs varies without breaking

    the small-signal stability of the bulk power system. Then the

    uncertainty of wind generation is modelled as an ellipsoidal

    uncertainty set (EUS). By checking whether or not the

    uncertainty set is completely inside the inner of the SSAR, we

    can directly judge if there is certain probability that the WPIs

    may cause small-signal instability, and how much the

    probability is. This essentially provides a geometric description

    for the capability of power system to accommodate uncertain

    wind generation, enabling quantitative assessment of the

    small-signal stability under wind generation uncertainty in an

    intuitive and visual fashion.

    The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section

    II introduces the SSSR theory and generalizes it to incorporate

    wind generation. The concept of SSAR is proposed in Section

    III. Section IV addresses the modelling of wind generation

    uncertainty based on the EUS. Then potential applications of

    the SSAR are discussed in Section V. In Section VI, a modified

    New England 39-bus system with three wind farms is used to

    perform case studies. Finally, Section VII concludes the paper.


    A. Preliminary of small-signal stability region

    Mathematically, a power system can be described by a set of

    differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) with parameters:

    = , ,

    = , ,


    x F x y p

    G x y p (1)

    where x ∈ ℝn , y ∈ ℝm are vectors of state and algebraic

    variables, respectively. p ∈ ℝl is the vector of parameters.

    Mathematically, (1) can be linearized at a given equilibrium

    point, yielding the following augmented state equation:


    x xA p B p

    yC p D p (2)

    Without loss of clarity, the parameter “p” is omitted for

    simplification in the following parts. In (2), Ã= ∂F ∂x∈ℝn×n⁄ ,

    B̃= ∂F ∂y∈ℝn×m⁄ , C̃= ∂G ∂x∈ℝm×n⁄ and D̃= ∂G ∂y∈ℝm×m⁄ .

    Assume that D̃ is nonsingular, then (2) can be reduced into the

    following form

    x = A x (3)

    where A=Ã-B̃D̃-1C̃ is the reduced state matrix. λ=[λ1,λ2,⋯,λ2n] is

    the eigenvalue vector of A.

    It is well known that, when each λi∈λ have negative real parts,

    the system is small-signal stable. Note that, both A and λ are

    parameterized by p. Then the parameter vector p can span an

    l-dimensional space, 𝒮p≔span{p1,p2,⋯,pl}, which is referred to

    as a parameter space. Consequently, the SSSR, denoted by

    ΩSSSR, can be defined on the parameter space [15]:


    max Re 0:

    is nonsingular,

    i i i


    D (4)

    where Re(λi)=real(λi) is the real part of λi. Then the boundary

    of SSSR, denoted by ∂ΩSSSR, can be further defined as:


    max Re 0: is singular


    i i

    ,p p D


    where max{Re(λi)}=0 refers to Hopf bifurcation (HB) or

    saddle-node bifurcation (SNB), and the singularity of D̃ refers

    to singularity induced bifurcation (SIB).

    Usually, p can be selected as the active power injection

    vector of ns generator nodes ps=[ps1,ps2,⋯,psns]T . Assuming

    that the power loss of the system is neglected and the system

    load is constant as L, to keep the power balance, the power

    injections of SGs must satisfy

    1 2 ss s snp p p L (6)

    Then the corresponding parameter space is

    𝒮ps≔span {p



    sns}, which is referred to as SGs’ power

    injection space. The SSSR defined on this power injection

    space is denoted by ΩSSSR_ps. It can be calculated off-line and

    utilized by system operators on-line. The relative position of an

    operating point to the SSSR boundaries as well as the distance

    between them can provide useful information for operators to

    make decisions in operation.

    B. Extending SSSR to incorporate WPIs

    As well known, the integration of wind power generation

    creates great challenges to the small-signal stability analysis.

    The SSSR analysis is in more difficult case as it is concerned

    with impact of uncertain wind generation on the entire

    small-signal stability region as well as its boundaries, other

    than a certain specific working point. Thus the first step is to

    extend the conventional SSSR concept so as to enable the

    consideration of uncertain wind power generation. As

    mentioned in the introduction, we concentrate on the influences

    of the uncertain WPIs while neglecting the dynamics of WTGs.

    It is worth noting that, this simplification is not necessary



    because the proposed methodology is generic and does not rely

    on concrete dynamic system model.

    1) Generator regulation to cope with WPIs: Before

    extending the SSSR concept, we need to address how the power

    balance of power system is attained when volatile wind

    generation is injected. Physically, whenever variation of WPIs

    causes power unbalance, the SGs or other controllable power

    sources will be adjusted either manually or automatically to

    cope with WPIs in real time. It follows

    s w

    s 0 s w 0 w

    1 1l us s 0 s sl uw w 0 w w

    n n

    i i j j

    i j

    i i i i

    j j j j

    p p p p L

    p p p p

    p p p p


    where nw is the number of WPIs. The superscript “l” and “u”

    denote the lower and upper limit, respectively. The subscript “0”

    means the forecast or scheduled power injection. ∆pwj

    refers to

    the uncertain part of WPIj, while ∆psi is the regulation of the ith

    nodal power injection of SGs to deal with the power unbalance

    caused by ∆pwj

    . This can be achieved by deploying automatic

    generation control (AGC) in operation. For simplicity we

    ignore the dynamics of the AGC, and the mismatched power is

    directly distributed to SGs with a given contribution factor

    vector γ=(γ1,γ


    ns) satisfying ∑ γ


    nsi=1 =1. Thus, we have


    s w



    i i j


    p p


    2) Extending SSSR to incorporate WPIs: To incorporate

    non-dispatchable WPIs, the SGs’ power injection space, 𝒮ps,

    needs to be expanded into a higher-dimensional nodal injection

    space, denoted by 𝒮pe≔span {p




    wnw}. It is spanned

    by both conventional SGs’ power injections and WPIs. Then

    the extended SSSR can be defined on 𝒮pe, which is

    eSSSR_p e

    max Re 0

    : is nonsingular

    constraint (7)

    i i i

    p D (9)

    where pe=[p


    sns, p



    To further take into account the effect of AGC, constraint (8)

    should also be augmented. Note that the AGC regulation is

    always associated with a given contribution factor vector γ.

    Denote the ΩSSSR_pe under a certain γ by ΩSSSR_peγ

    , which is

    referred to as γ-SSSR. Then it can be defined as


    max Re 0

    is nonsingular;

    (7) and (8) for a given

    i i i

    p D


    Obviously, there is ΩSSSR_peγ

    ⊂ ΩSSSR_pe , which seems to

    introduce conservativeness. However, since AGC mode is

    always determined ex ante, this treatment is reasonable and

    makes sense for system operators.

    Note that ΩSSSR_peγ

    can be regarded as a special case of the

    SSSR on power injection space complying with operation rules

    and constraints. Since the constraints are linear, its main

    characteristics can inherit from that of SSSR. In [17], some

    topology characteristics of SSSR are discussed, such as the

    existence of holes (instability region) inside SSSR. Fortunately,

    it is also revealed that the hole occurs only due to degeneration

    of Hopf bifurcations, which is mainly resulted from

    inappropriate exciter parameters. To facilitate the subsequent

    analysis we make the assumption that all exciter parameters are

    in appropriate ranges such that there is no holes inside ΩSSSR_peγ



    A. Definition

    In a bulk power system with WPIs, it is crucial to

    mathematically depict the amount of wind power that can be

    accommodated by the system, without breaking the

    small-signal stability conditions. To do this, a metric defined in

    the space of WPIs is desirable. In this regard, we introduce a

    new concept, admissible region of wind generation considering

    small-signal stability (SSAR), which is defined on the WPI

    space. Let pe=[p


    sns, p


    wnw]T be the vector of nodal

    power injections comprising both the conventional SGs’ power

    injections and the WPIs. Then the SSAR, denoted by ΩSSAR_pw

    is defined as follows.

    Definition 1: SSAR is the region defined on the WPI space,

    which satisfies

    ww eSSAR_p w s SSAR_p:n

    such that p p (11)

    where, ps=[𝑰ns 0]pe represents the vector of conventional SGs’

    power injections, while pw

    =[0 𝑰nw]pe is the vector of WPIs.

    Furthermore, when considering AGC regulation with

    distribution factor γ, the SSAR, denoted by ΩSSAR_pw

    γ can be

    defined as:

    Definition 2: SSAR with an AGC distribution factor γ

    (γ-SSAR) is the region defined on the WPI space satisfying

    wW e

    w eSSAR_p SSSR_p:n

    p p (12)

    This definition indicates that a WPI vector pw

    is small-signal

    stable, if the conventional power injections under the given γ

    can retain the operating point still inside ΩSSSR_peγ

    . However, as

    mentioned previously, it is more practical to use γ-SSAR than

    SSAR since AGC regulation is always required in power

    system operation. Thus, this paper will focus on the γ-SSAR.

    B. Constructing SSAR based on extended SSSR

    From the definitions of SSSR and SSAR, it can be found that

    SSAR is the projection of SSSR to the lower-dimensional WPI

    space. That is:

    w w eSSAR_p p SSSR_p

    proj (13)

    where proj(∙) is the projection operator. Similarly, we have

    ww e

    pSSAR_p SSSR_pproj (14)



    Note that ∆psi

    can be obtained from ∆pwj

    according to (8).

    Then SSAR and γ -SSAR can be directly obtained by

    eliminating ∆psi

    in SSSR and γ-SSSR, respectively.

    To illustrate this clearly, a simple system with one

    synchronous generator and two wind farms is taken as an

    example. 𝒮pe≔span{p



    w2} constitutes the power injection

    space. Assume that load L is constant and the unbalanced power

    is eliminated by the synchronous generator, satisfying

    w10 w1 w20 w2 s0 sp p p p p p L (15)

    (15) indicates that the ΩSSSR_pe is a region on a plane on the 3-D

    power injection space, 𝒮pe, determined by (4).

    Fig.1 depicts ΩSSSR_pe and ΩSSAR_p

    w. Operating point A in

    ΩSSAR_pw is small-signal stable if there exists ps to make sure

    that the operating point is in ΩSSSR_pe, shown as point B.

    Fig. 1. ΩSSSR_pe and ΩSSAR_pw

    To take into account effect of AGC regulation, another

    system with two synchronous generators and two wind farms is

    also used for illustration. Here 𝒮pe≔span{p

    s1, p

    s2, p

    w1, p

    w2}, the

    unbalanced power is distributed to two generators with a

    distribution factor vector, γ=(γ1,γ

    2), satisfying

    2 2

    w 0 w s 0 s

    1 1

    s1 1 w1 w2

    s2 2 w1 w2

    i i j j

    i j

    p p p p L

    p p p

    p p p


    Fig.2 depicts two different ΩSSAR_pwγ

    with γ1

    and γ2

    , on the

    plane spanned by pw1

    and pw2

    . It can be observed that ΩSSAR_pwγ

    with γ2 is larger than that with γ

    1. This implies that an optimal

    γ may enhance power system’s small-signal stability.

    Fig. 2. ΩSSAR_pw

    γ corresponding to γ

    1 and γ


    C. Computing SSAR boundaries

    Mathematically, SSAR boundary is described by a set of

    implicit nonlinear equations, and it is difficult to obtain the

    analytical expression. In [16], a polynomial approximation

    method is proposed for computing SSSR boundaries based on

    the implicit function theorem. This can be directly applied to

    compute boundaries of the extended SSSR. Specifically, in

    terms of γ -SSSR, the quadratic approximation of ∂ΩSSSR_peγ

    associated with the expansion point pe0

    can be expressed as

    w s w s w s 2e1 e1

    e1 e e ee e e2 2 2



    n n n n n n

    i i ji i ji i j

    p pp p p p

    p p p


    where ∆pei



    , (i=1,2,⋯,ns+nw) compromises both SGs’

    nodal power injections (i≤ns) and WPIs (ns



    inequalities [18-21], is a region covering certain confidence

    level (e.g., 90%) of possible realizations of a predict point

    under forecast error [21]. There are usually polyhedral sets

    [18,19] or ellipsoidal sets [21]. This paper uses the ellipsoidal

    uncertainty set (EUS) due to its concise expression and the

    ability to model correlations among different WPIs. It should

    be noted that our approach is general and other kinds of

    uncertainty sets also can apply.

    The uncertain wind generation can be described by the

    following generalized ellipsoidal uncertainty set:

    TEUS 1W w w w0 w w0p p p Q p p (19) where, p

    w is the WPI vector under forecast errors, p

    w0 the

    vector of forecast point. One can adjust the robustness of WEUS

    by altering the value of 𝜂. Denote by WFEi the wind forecast error of the ith WPI. Then the matrix Q has the form of the

    covariance matrix:

    w w

    w w

    w w w w w

    21 12 1 2 1n 1 n

    221 1 2 2 2n 2 n

    2n 1 1 n n 2 2 n n


    Q (20)

    where σi is the standard deviation of WFEi; ρij the correlation

    between WFEi andWFEj. Note that the value of ρij in this paper

    is not the well-known linear correlation, but the rank

    correlation. The comparison between the two correlations and

    the advantages of the rank correlation are given in Section III.B

    of reference [22]. 𝜂 represents the uncertainty measure determined by the confidence level of preference. The larger 𝜂

    is, the larger the WEUS. Nevertheless, a too large 𝜂 may bring over-conservativeness to the admissibility assessment of

    uncertain wind generation. To minimize the conservativeness,

    the following optimization can be deployed

    sample sample EUSw w

    TEUS 1


    s.t. Pr



    w w w0 w w0

    p p P

    p p p Q p p


    where pwsample

    is the collection of samples under certain forecast

    errors, which can be historical data or scenarios generated

    following certain distribution function. “Pr” means probability.

    α is the confidence probability. (21) can be elucidated as

    minimizing 𝜂 while guaranteeing that the probability of pwsample

    located inside WEUS is not less than α.


    The proposed SSAR provides a geometrical metric on the

    small-signal stability of the power system under uncertain wind

    generation, characterizing exactly how much uncertainty the

    system can accommodate without causing instability. It is

    useful in power system security assessment issues. Note that

    the SSAR can be computed off-line and applied on-line with no

    need of updates until the topology changes. The feature is

    appealing in on-line or real-time applications. Several potential

    applications are suggested.

    1) Small-signal stability assessment: With the ellipsoidal

    uncertainty set presented above, it is easy to justify that the

    subset Ws=WEUS∩ΩSSAR_p


    γ is admissible and ensures the

    small-signal stability of the power system, while the subset

    Wu=WEUS\Ws is inadmissible as any point contained in Wu

    corresponds to a small-signal unstable state of the power system.

    Thus, the SSAR provides a quantitative way to assess not only

    whether or not the bulk power system is small-signal stable with

    forecast wind generation, but also with an uncertain set of

    forecast error. The correlation among multiple WPIs can also be

    taken into account. Besides, if the uncertain wind generation

    cannot be fully accommodated, it can quantitatively measure the

    probability of the bulk power system being stable or unstable

    under the uncertainty.

    2) Stability margin and vulnerable direction of wind

    generation variation: The EUS shrinks with decreasing

    confidence probability α. In case the EUS intersects with the

    SSAR boundary, if one gradually reduces α until the boundary

    of EUS is tangent with the SSAR boundary, then the direction

    from the forecast point toward the tangent point, denoted by

    D⃗⃗ vulner, can be regarded as the most vulnerable direction of wind

    generation variation. Accordingly, the distance between the

    forecast point and the tangent point provides the least margins

    of WPIs, which can serve as an indicator to perceive potential

    risky variations of wind generation.

    3) Robust small-signal stability region: As the situation

    where the EUS is tangent with the SSAR boundary indicates a

    critical state that the system is small-signal stable under

    uncertainty, the binding forecast point can be seen as a

    boundary point of a region within which the system can

    withstand the uncertainty of wind generation and maintain

    stability. This new region is essentially a robust small-signal

    stability region against all uncertainty of wind generation under

    consideration. In system monitoring, if the forecast operating

    point is outside this region, the system has certain probability of

    losing stability, and preventive actions could be taken for the

    sake of enhancing operation security.

    4) Wind generation curtailment: The part of the EUS outside

    the SSAR boundary could be eliminated by adjusting the wind

    generation, e.g. curtailment. However, it is a challenging task

    for system operators as there are numerous adjustable

    directions. The dimension-reduced EUS and SSAR boundaries

    on different nodal injection subspaces may facilitate finding out

    the feasible adjustment of wind generation to improve stability

    in a visualized fashion. This problem also can be formulated as

    an optimization problem to minimizing the amount of wind

    generation curtailment such that the stability requirement can

    be satisfied.


    In this section, the New England 39-bus system [23] is

    modified and employed to illustrate the concept of SSAR.

    Three wind farms W1, W2 and W3 are connected to the grid at

    buses 34, 35, and 37, respectively. The capacities of W1, W2

    and W3 are 1500MW, 1000MW and 800MW, respectively. The

    base value is chosen as SB=100MW . The wind farms are



    modelled by power injections. G2 (the swing bus) and G10 are

    modelled by the classic model, while G1 and G3-G9 are

    modelled by the 3rd-order model with the simplified 3rd-order

    exciter model demonstrated in Appendix A.

    A. Base case

    The AGC distribution factor vector is chosen as

    γ=[0,0,0.1,0.1,0.05,0.05,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.4]Taccording to the SGs’

    capacities for regulation. WFE1-WFE3 are assumed to follow

    the beta distribution as many studies did [24-25]. The analytical

    expression of beta distribution is shown in Appendix B. The

    forecast wind generation for W1~W3 are (pw10, pw20, pw30) =

    (12, 6, 2) p.u. with standard deviations σ1=0.4,σ2=0.5, σ3=0.4, respectively. The rank correlation matrix of WFE1-WFE3 is

    given in Tab.I. TABLE I


    W1 W2 W3

    W1 1 0.8 0.5

    W2 0.8 1 0.8

    W3 0.5 0.8 1

    In this case, 10000 random points are generated with the

    forecast error distribution, in a similar way as presented in [25].

    The EUS is generated by using (21), with 𝜂=7.30 determined by α=95%. The EUS and part of the γ-SSAR boundary are

    depicted in Fig.4, in which the red points denote the possible

    realization of wind generation (scenarios) under forecast error,

    and the green ellipsoid is the EUS. As mentioned in Part C of

    Section III, the approximate expression of the γ -SSAR

    boundary in 3-D space can be obtained by using polynomial

    approximation or surface fitting approaches. However, for the

    sake of obtaining the exact boundary, we simply adopt the

    searching algorithm here.

    Fig. 4. The γ-SSAR boundary and the EUS of WPI1-3

    Fig.4 shows that some possible scenarios are located outside

    the γ-SSAR, and the EUS intersects with the γ-SSAR boundary.

    The instability probability under the uncertainty of wind

    generation, denoted by Pinstab , could be calculated via

    integration approach as the expressions of the EUS and

    γ-SSAR boundary are both known. However, it is not easy as

    the expression of SSAR boundaries can be very complex.

    Therefore we alternatively adopt a Monte Carlo method to

    evaluate the instability probability using the equation below

    instab out total/P N N (22)

    where, Pinstab is the probability of small-signal instability; Ntotal

    the number of total samples, Nout the samples outside the

    γ -SSAR. In this case Nout=666 , Ntotal=10000 , thus

    Pinstab =6.66%. It should be emphasized that Nout is obtained

    with no need of processing any eigen-analysis, but directly by

    substituting them into the expression of the SSAR boundary

    and then merely examining the sign of results.

    B. Effect of AGC distribution factor γ

    As mentioned previously, the γ -SSAR boundary varies

    according to different γ. To illustrate this, the γ-SSAR under


    T is computed. This

    new distribution relieves G10 from the obligation of power

    regulation. The γ2

    -SSAR boundary is then depicted and

    compared with that in the base case in Fig.5. The distribution

    factor vector in the base case is denoted as γ1. As shown in Fig.5,


    -SSAR can accommodate more wind generation, while

    guaranteeing the small-signal stability of the system.

    Fig. 5. the γ-SSAR boundary with γ

    1and γ




    W1 W2 W3

    W1 1 0.1 0.1

    W2 0.1 1 0.1

    W3 0.1 0.1 1

    Fig. 6. the γ

    1-SSAR boundary and the EUS of weakly correlated WPI1-3

    C. Effect of WFE correlation

    In the base case, WFE1-WFE3are strongly correlated. Here,

    the case of weak correlation is studied. Assume that the

    correlation coefficient matrix is replaced by Tab. II, and other

    characteristics of the forecast error distribution are unchanged.

    10000 random points and the EUS are generated in the same

    way as in the base case, shown with the γ1-SSAR boundary in

    Fig.6. The resulted Pinstab is reduced to 3.71%. It should be

    pointed out that this does not implies that weak correlation of

    WFE must lead to lower Pinstab. Our methodology, however,

    provides a quantitative way to assess the effect of correlation.



    D. Security assessments

    The security assessment is performed on 2-D spaces that is

    easy to visualize and most likely to apply in practical system

    monitoring. Assume that the correlations among different

    WFEs are the same as in the base case.

    1) Vulnerable direction of wind generation variation: The

    EUS is tangent with the SSAR boundary when α decreases

    to71.8%, as shown in Fig.7, where O is the forecast point, A is

    the point of tangency and B locates outside the level set with

    α=71.8% but inside the SSAR. Obviously, point A has a smaller α than that of the point B, which means the system has a

    larger probability to operate at A than B. Since A is on the

    SSAR boundary which indicates a critical stability state while

    B is stable still with certain stability margin, it is reasonable to

    take direction OA⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ ⃗⃗ as the most vulnerable direction of the possible variation of wind generation.

    2) Stability margin: In Fig.7, it is easy to observe that the

    least margin of W1 is 0.66 p.u. while that of W2 is 0.55 p.u.. In

    practice, multiple profiles in different 2-D planes can be

    generated according to different WPIs of interest. Then the

    SSAR and its boundary are capable of providing system

    operators a visual tool to monitor the small-signal stability of

    the power system under uncertain wind generation.

    Fig. 7. The vulnerable direction and stability margin in different directions

    3) Wind generation adjustments: When the instability

    probability, Pinstab, for certain forecast point is too large to be

    acceptable, it is necessary to adjust the outputs of wind farms,

    say, wind spillage. The dimension-reduced SSARs and EUSs

    on different 2-D planes then are helpful to identify which WPIs

    are responsible to be adjusted to reduce Pinstab such that it turns

    to be acceptable. Fig.8 shows the dimension-reduced EUSs and

    the SSAR boundaries on three profiles in 2-D space: (pw1

    , pw2



    , pw3

    ), (pw2

    , pw3

    ). It is observed from Fig.8 that the EUS

    intersects with the SSAR boundary on the subspace of (pw1

    , pw2


    while in other two subspaces it stays inside the SSAR and has a

    certain stability margin. Thus, to reduce the probability of losing

    stability, pw1

    and pw2

    should be decreased. Furthermore,

    according to Fig.7, we speculate cautiously that decreasing


    will improve the stability level more efficiently than

    decreasing pw2

    , since the angle between the major axis of the

    EUS and the pw1

    axis is smaller. Meanwhile, we conjecture from

    Fig.8(b) that decreasing pw3

    would lower the stability level

    other than to enhance it as one’s common sense, since it will

    move the EUS closer to the SSAR boundary.

    Fig. 8. Dimension-reduced SSAR boundary and EUS on different 2-D

    subspaces : (a) (pw1

    , pw2

    ); (b) (pw1

    , pw3

    ); (c) (pw2

    , pw3


    To justify the speculation above, a test is performed by

    reducing the pwi0

    (i=1,2,3) in four different directions, while

    keeping the amount of reduction constant as 0.2 p.u.. Tab. III

    lists the corresponding Pinstab in the original 3-D space after

    adjustments. The test results well verify the speculation since

    the Pinstab of Scenario #3 is larger than that of Scenario #1 but

    smaller than that of Scenario #2, while the Pinstab of Scenario #4

    is larger than that before adjustment. The result reveals that

    wind generation curtailment does not necessarily facilitate the

    small-signal stability of power systems, which is opposite to

    common sense. In such a situation, the operators have to be

    choose the direction of curtailment carefully. In this sense, the

    proposed SSAR concept enables a graphic approach to support

    the operators’ decision making on wind generation adjustment

    in a visual manner. However, to determine an optimal direction

    for wind generation adjustment in bulk power system operation,

    the current graphic tool is not enough, and some programming

    tools should be employed. In such a circumstance, the SSAR

    boundary could provide the programming with explicit

    constraints, remarkably reducing the computation complexity.



    Pinstab Before adjustment 6.66% Scenario #1 Reduce p

    w10by 0.2 p.u 3.36%

    Scenario #2 Reduce pw20

    by 0.2 p.u 4.34% Scenario #3 Reduce p

    w10, p

    w20by 0.1 p.u 3.78%

    Scenario #4 Reduce pw30

    by 0.2 p.u 7.55%


    This paper develops a conceptual tool, the SSAR, to

    geometrically depict the limit to accommodate uncertain WPIs

    without loss of small-signal stability of the bulk power system.

    We derive it based on the conventional SSSR concept and

    elucidate the maps among different nodal injection spaces.

    Theoretic analysis and simulations illustrate that the SSAR is

    capable of evaluating influence of uncertainty on small-signal

    stability from a region-wise point of view, leading to an

    intuitive but essential understanding on this challenging issue.

    This enables a simple way to measure and visualize stability

    boundaries in the uncertainty space of interest, which is highly

    desired by operators and engineers. Although the concept is

    derived here in terms of the issue of wind generation integration,

    it is quite general and can be directly applied to handle other

    uncertain renewable resources.

    Some interesting research directions are open, including the

    fundamental theory, computational algorithms and applications.

    For the fundamental theory, it is natural to associate the SSAR



    with the power system flexibility, extending the traditional

    flexibility research from steady state security to system stability,

    and providing more insights on how to cope with uncertainty in

    operation. On the other hand, as mentioned in Part C, Section

    III, it is crucial albeit to develop efficient approaches to

    explicitly describe the boundaries of SSAR accurately in an

    enough large range. Another important research is to

    investigate the applications of SSAR to security monitoring,

    precaution and dispatch. For example, the robust small-signal

    stability boundary based on SSAR can be deployed as

    constraints in security-constrained unit commitment, economic

    dispatch, or optimal wind generation curtailment as mentioned

    in Section V.


    The authors would like to thank Felix F. Wu and Yunhe Hou

    for the helpful discussions.


    A. 3th-order model of synchronous generator with the simplified 3rd-order excitation model:

    ( 1)s (A1)

    J m eT D P P (A2)

    0 ( )d q q d d d fqT e e x x i e (A3)


    / /

    B fq fq A C R A

    A C M A A C ref S A

    T e e T T v T

    K T v T K T v v T


    ( )A R A ref S M RT v K v v v v (A5)

    R M C MT v v v (A6)

    B. Beta distribution

    The probability density function of beta distribution is

    1 11

    , , , , 1,

    x a x af x a b

    b a B b a b a


    where a and b are lower and upper limit of variable x. B(α,β) is

    the beta function:

    1 11

    0, 1B z z dz


    where z=(x-a)/(b-a) . The mean μ and variance σ2 of beta distribution are related to α and β as follows:

    2 22, 1b a b a (B3)


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