administration in google

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  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    On 1995, Larry Page and Sergey Brinmeet at Stanford. (Larry, 24, a U

    Michigan grad, is considering theschool; Sergey, 23, is assigned toshow him around.) According tosome accounts, they disagree aboutmost everything during this firstmeeting.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Larry and Sergey, now Stanfordcomputer science grad students,

    begin collaborating on a searchengine called BackRub.

    BackRub operates on Stanfordservers for more than a year --eventually taking up too muchbandwidth to suit the university.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Larry and Sergey decide that theBackRub search engine needs a new

    name. After some brainstorming,they go with Google -- a play on theword "googol," a mathematical termfor the number represented by thenumeral 1 followed by 100 zeros.The use of the term reflects theirmission to organize a seemingly

    infinite amount of information on the

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Omid Kordestanijoins to run sales-- the first non-engineering hire.

    Yes, he was an Iranian! Be proud ofyourself as an Iranian.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    For more information visit:

    It has all information you need toknow about Googles history!
  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Google's mission is to organize theworld's information and make it

    universally accessible and useful.


  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Never settle for the best(It was the first word in Googles

    philosophy page)The perfect search engine!

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Best isnt good enough!

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Never settle for the best"The perfect search engine," says Googleco-founder Larry Page, "would understand

    exactly what you mean and give backexactly what you want." Given the state ofsearch technology today, that's a far-reaching vision requiring research,

    development and innovation to realize.Google is committed to blazing that trail.Though acknowledged as the world'sleading search technology company,Google's goal is to provide a much higher

    level of service to all those who seek'

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. Focus on the user and all elsewill follow.

    From its inception, Google has focusedon providing the best user experiencepossible. While many companies claimto put their customers first, few are able

    to resist the temptation to make smallsacrifices to increase shareholder value.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Google has steadfastly refused tomake any change that does not offer

    a benefit to the users who come tothe site:The interface is clear and simple.

    Pages load instantly. Placement in search results is never soldto anyone.

    Advertising on the site must offer

    relevant content and not be a

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. It's best to do one thing really,really well.

    Google does search. With one of theworld's largest research groups focusedexclusively on solving search problems,we know what we do well, and how we

    could do it better.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. Fast is better than slow. Google believes in instant gratification.

    You want answers and you want themright now. Who are we to argue?Google may be the only companyin the world whose stated goal is

    to have users leave its website asquickly as possible.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. Democracy on the web works. Google works because it relies on the

    millions of individuals posting websitesto determine which other sites offercontent of value. Instead of relying on agroup of editors or solely on the

    frequency with which certain termsappear, Google ranks every web pageusing a breakthrough technique calledPageRank.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1.You don't need to be at yourdesk to need an answer.

    The world is increasingly mobile andunwilling to be constrained to a fixedlocation. Whether it's through theirPDAs, their wireless phones or even

    their automobiles, people wantinformation to come to them.

    e.g. Google mobile, Irancell, Microcredit,T0uchpoint

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Please wake up!

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1.You can make money withoutdoing evil.

    Google is a business. The revenue thecompany generates is derived fromoffering its search technology tocompanies and from the sale of

    advertising displayed on Google and onother sites across the web. Google firmly believes that ads can

    provide useful information if, and onlyif, they are relevant to what you wish to

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. There's always moreinformation out there.

    Once Google had indexed more of theHTML pages on the Internet than anyother search service, our engineersturned their attention to informationthat was not as readily accessible.Sometimes it was just a matter ofintegrating new databases, such asadding a phone number and addresslookup and a business directory.

    Search PDF, Doc, Images and more!

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. The need for informationcrosses all borders.

    Google's founders have often statedthat the company is not serious aboutanything but search. They built acompany around the idea that workshould be challenging and thechallenge should be fun. To that end,Google's culture is unlike any incorporate America, and it's not becauseof the ubiquitous lava lamps and large

    rubber balls, or the fact that the'

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1.You can be serious without asuit.

    Though Google is headquartered inCalifornia, our mission is to facilitateaccess to information for the entireworld, so we have offices around theglobe. To that end we maintain dozensof Internet domains and serve morethan half of our results to users livingoutside the United States.

    Google search results can be restrictedto pages written in more than 35

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    In the same way Google puts usersfirst when it comes to our onlineservice, Google Inc. puts employeesfirst when it comes to daily life in ourGoogleplex headquarters.

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    Google CEO, Eric Schmidt has saidthat if offered the opportunity tobecome the nations first ChiefTechnology Officer, he would refuse.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    that google employees spent 2days a week on their own project!

    Like: Orkut, Google Map, etc.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    1. Great just isn't good enough. Always deliver more than expected.

    Google does not accept being thebest as an endpoint, but a startingpoint. Through innovation anditeration, Google takes something that

    works well and improves upon it inunexpected ways.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Search works well for properly spelledwords, but what about typos? Oneengineer saw a need and created aspell checker that seems to read auser's mind.

    It takes too long to search from a WAP

    phone? Our wireless group developedGoogle Number Search to reduceentries from three keystrokes per letterto one.

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    With a user base in the millions, Googleis able to identify points of frictionquickly and smooth them out. Google'spoint of distinction however, isanticipating needs not yet articulatedby our global audience, then meetingthem with products and services thatset new standards. This constantdissatisfaction with the way thingsare is ultimately the driving force

    behind the world's best search

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Search for Google 10 to the 100project!

  • 8/14/2019 Administration in Google


    Google is GREEN! Were busy assembling our

    own internal research anddevelopment group and hiring ateam of engineers and energyexperts tasked with building 1gigawatt of renewable energycapacity that is cheaper than coal.(Thats enough electricity to power

    i h i f i )