administration, coverage, review. exam administration midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30pm...

Lecture 7: Midterm Review Administration, Coverage, Review

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Page 1: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

Lecture 7: Midterm Review

Administration, Coverage, Review

Page 2: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

Exam AdministrationMidterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday

Feb 20th.

The exam is open book and open notes. No electronic device is allowed during the exam, such as cellphones, laptops, etc.

You can use both pencil and pen for the exam.

Absolutely no collaboration with other classmates.

Page 3: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

CoverageThe topics we covered from Lecture 1 to Lecture 6. Study

lecture materials, assignments, and online references.

Topics include, not limited to, Client-Server architecture, HTTP, IP address, HTML5, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).

Types of QuestionsTrue or falseMultiple choices (Best answer)Short answersCode-related questions.

Page 4: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

ReviewClient-Server architecture

A client initiates a request message to the server; the server generates a response message (HTTP document)

Client Bob Yahoo ServerInternet

Page 5: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol

A communication protocol which specifies how web clients and servers should communicate.

HTTP request messageStart Line, Header fields, Blank line, Message body.

HTTP request methodGETPOST

Page 6: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

HTTP HTTP Response Message

Status LineHeader fieldsBlank lineMessage body

Page 7: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

HTML5 HTML5 is the new standard for HTML. It can display

everything including text, images, video, and animations

HTML5 is cross-platform. It will display content on smart-phones, tablets, computers or a Smart TV.

HTML5 elements and attributes<!DOCUMENT html><title>, <head>, <div>, <table>, <a>, <img>, <video>,, style, width, height, background-color, etc

Page 8: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

CSS Block element vs Inline Element

<div> vs <span>

Why do we need separate semantics from presentation of a web page?

CSS core syntaxSelectorPropertyValueSeparator(;)

Page 9: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

CSS Block element vs Inline Element

<div> vs <span>

Why do we need separate semantics from presentation of a web page?

CSS core syntaxSelectorPropertyValueSeparator(;)

Page 10: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

CSS ID and CLASS selectors can be prefixed by an element type

name.For example, span.special{background-color: red}.

Descendant Selectorsul span{color: red}

Class selector can be included in the ancestor list.special span{color: yellow}

Page 11: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

CSS Positioning By default, a HTML document has a normal flow.

AlternativesRelative positionFloat positionAbsolute position

What is Inline CSS, Internal CSS, and External CSS?

Page 12: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

Cascading of Style Sheet RulesPlease review lecture 5 carefully which covers Cascading


When to use Cascading rules?

Rule cascading: a multistage sorting process that selects a single declaration that will supply the property valueFor example, li.special{color: red}, *.special{color: green}.header1{font-size:50pt}, #header{font-size:30pt}

<p id=“header1” class=“header”>FSU</p>

Page 13: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

InheritanceWhen to use inheritance?

An element inherits a value for one of its properties by checking to see if its parent element has a value for that property. If so, inheriting the parent’s value.

Page 14: Administration, Coverage, Review. Exam Administration Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday Feb 20 th. The exam is open book and open

Good Luck!