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AD&D DL - Unsung Heroes



    Table of Contents

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Dragons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Character Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64


    Design: Tim Beach with Jim Atkiss (Nystallina, Tatanya), Rich Baker (Cymbelene, Valdemari),Wolfgang Baur (Amberstar, Dwyam), Anne Brown (Calandria, Poresche), Tim Brown(Boinias, Tranea), Dale Donovan (Estheria, Hakan), Jeff Grubb (Teekli, Blaze), Slade Hen-son (Liliornin, Morrandar), Harold Johnson (Vattaan, Skie), Rob King (Kiiri, Pheragas), JuliaMartin (Lafallot), Colin McComb (The Red Minotaur, Santis), Roger Moore (Dargent, Khi-santh), Bruce Nesmith (Pal, Shonorr), John Rateliff (Grindlethorpe, Jessie), Thomas Reid(Alyssa, Grogan), Norm Ritchie (Cyan, Glitarald), David Wise (Hilmar, Aurum), and Bar-bara Young (Glitterback, Vallo)

    Design Coordination: David Zeb Cook, Karen Boomgarden, and Tim Beach

    Development: Tim BeachEditing: Karen BoomgardenCover Art: Robh Ruppel

    Production: Dawn MurinTypography: Gaye OKeefe

    TSR, Inc.POB 756

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    Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc.Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, and DRAGONLANCE are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.DUNGEON MASTER, DM, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of thematerial or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc.Printed in U.S.A.Copyright 1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.9383ISBN 1-56076-423-69383XXX1501 Permission granted to photocopy or print this product for personal use.


    Unsung Heroes is a sourcebook for theDRAGONLANCE Campaign Setting. It offers fulldescriptions of 48 characters and 10 dragonswhich have played minor parts in novels or mod-ules, or were briefly described on AD&D TradingCards.

    Some of the NPCs were heroes of the War of theLance, while others became heroes afterwards.There are also villains within, and not everyonewho fought on the side of Good during the warwill be friendly.

    Unsung Heroes builds on the Tales of the Lanceboxed set. Unfortunately, Tales of the Lance was sopacked with material that a few items were leftout. Also, much of the previously published mate-rial on Krynn was written for the first editionAD&D game. When information in this accessorydisagrees with previously published game materi-al, the information in Unsung Heroes takes prece-dence.


    This is a complete list of character classes ofKrynn: fighter, Knight of Solamnia, paladin, ranger(Warrior Group); High Sorcerer, renegade (WizardGroup); Holy Order Priest, heathen (PriestGroup); thief, bard (Rogue Group); tinker, com-moner (Normal Group). The Normal Group is de-scribed in Tales of the Lance.

    There are no psionicists native to Krynn; whatfew exist there are visitors from other planets orplanes, and if they stay on Krynn more than onemonth per level, their psionic abilities disappear-permanently.

    Knight of Solamnia is a generic term usedwhen a Knights order is unknown, or to describe agroup of Knights of multiple orders. A Knight gen-erally refers to himself by his specific order, likeKnight of the Crown or Knight of the Rose.Such terms as Crown Knight and SwordKnight are acceptable, but less common.

    The barbarian, cavalier, and mariner are kits forthe warrior classes. Paladins, rangers, and fighterscan be barbarians. Only paladins and fighters canbe cavaliers and mariners. Other fighter kits canbe used as well, but are rare. Knights of Solamnianever use kits.

    High Sorcerer is a generic term, as is the farless common robed wizard. A High Sorcerercan be a specialist of any school allowed to the ap-propriate robe color, and is normally referred toby area of specialty, such as Mage of the White

    Robes or Enchanter of the Red Robes. Titlessuch as Black Robe Mage or White Robe Di-viner are acceptable, as are the very rare titleslike White Mage or Red Illusionist. High Sor-cerers may not use wizard kits.

    A renegade may be a mage or specialist as well,and is referred to by school if it is known, such asrenegade mage or renegade transmuter;renegade wizard is used if specifics are un-known.

    Those priests who belong to the Holy Orders ofthe Stars are usually referred to by their order, as inPriest of the Good Order. Some refer to their de-ity in their title, as in Priest of Mishakal or Pala-dines Priest. Priests of the Holy Orders do not usepriest kits.

    Heathens can be clerics or specialty priests.Some few receive spells if they worship true gods(such as druids of Habbakuk), though the Holy Or-ders and most others do not acknowledge theirabilities. Those who worship false deities (includ-ing those imported from other worlds) either con-vert or lose the ability to cast spells above secondlevel in power.

    Handler and con artist/prestidigitator are kits foruse with the thief class. Only kender may be han-dlers, and this requires a completely different phi-losophy for the character. Kender may also bethieves with other kits, or with no kit, but this is arare occurrence.

    Tinkers and commoners can become proficientin any weapon, but generally use basic weaponslike clubs or swords. If a commoner characterwants to start with proficiency in something odd,like a minotaur gladiators weapon, there needs tobe a reasonable explanation. Tinkers and com-moners can use any armor, but never start withbetter protection than leather or padded armor.

    There are no kits for tinkers or commoners, butit may be possible to adapt a very few, such as thepeasant hero fighters kit or the academician wiz-ard kit. In general, a kit implies a level of speciali-zation beyond characters who are part of thenormal group.

    CHARACTER RACESA wide variety of races are available for player

    characters on Krynn. Details can be found in theDRAGONLANCE Monstrous Compendium; theTales of the Lance and Time of the Dragon boxedsets; DLR1, Otherlands; and here in Unsung He-roes.

    Kender receive the halfling racial adjustments tothieving skills. The natural thieving skills possessed


  • by all kender have already been adjusted for this.Apply Dexterity adjustments normally to their nat-ural skills.

    Irda receive the following adjustments to thiev-ing skills: OL + 10%; F/RT + 10%; MS + 5%; HS+ 10%; RL + 5%. Because of prejudices againstthem, lrda are seldom professional thieves. Theymust choose a kit. lrda are generally investigators,troubleshooters, or scouts, while some are adven-turers, swashbucklers, or acrobats, and a few arespies, smugglers, or burglars.

    LANGUAGESMost of the intelligent races of Krynn have their

    own spoken language. Many of these have region-al or subspecies dialects. Player characters onKrynn receive Common and their local racial dia-lect automatically, without spending proficiencyslots.

    There are two dwarven languages, MountainDwarf and Hill Dwarf. Each clan has its own dia-lect of Hill or Mountain Dwarf, and Aghar speak aslang-filled language, Gully Talk. Hammertalk istapped out in caverns to communicate over longdistances.

    There are four elven languages: Silvanesti,Qualinesti, Kagonesti, and Dargoi. The latter isspoken by both types of sea elf, as well as mer-men, sirines, tritons, and many other sea-dwellers.

    There are many regional human tongues, in-cluding Abanasinian (or Plainsman; Seeker is amore formal version), Ergot (or Ergothian),Estwilde (or Mountain Barbarian), Ice Barbarian,Kalinese (or Sea Barbarian), Kharolian (used in Tar-sis and the Kharolis Mountains), Khur (or DesertBarbarian), Lemish, Nerakese (spoken in TamanBusuk and surrounding areas), Nordmaarian,Saifhum, and Solamnic.

    There are three special languages. Hand Talk (orSign Language) is a silent language used primarilyin Abanasinia. Thieves Cant is a collection of idi-om and slang known by all thieves (without the ex-penditure of a proficiency slot). Magius is anancient language in which magical research notesare often written; its spoken form no longer exists,but literacy in it is necessary for a wizard whowishes to advance very far.

    WEAPON PROFICIENCIESThe Tales of the Lance campaign set introduces

    many new weapons, some of which have multipleuses. When a weapon can be used in several ways(such as a hoopak, which may be used as staff,sling, or spear), proficiencies must be taken ineach weapon type for effective use. In Unsung He-


    roes, if an individual has proficiency in a multiple-use weapon, individual skills are listed, such asbollik (as bolas) or hoopak (as quarterstaff andsling).

    POSSESSIONSAll characters in Unsung Heroes have a list of

    possessions; please note that these are the itemsmost often carried, but not an exhaustive list.Characters might have other items, and all are as-sumed to have at least a little money; though noneis listed.

    DRAGONS ON KRYNNDragons have several attack forms available to

    them. Those dragons described in this sourcebookhave only their commonly used attack forms list-ed. Krynnish dragons are also able to alter theirsize to become half normal size or up to 50% larg-er. This allows them to squeeze into small spacesor to appear even more impressive than normal; italso leads to wildly varying reports of their size.

    There has never been a reliable report of a sight-ing of a baby dragon on Krynn. Sages speculatethat baby dragons do not look at all like dragons.Hatchling black dragons might look like tadpoles,while young green dragons might appear to beworms of some sort. Some change gradually,growing wings and other distinguishing features,while others enter a pupal stage and metamor-phose into dragons. These theories are uncon-firmed, and occasional magical mutations (see theentry on Poresche) add to the confusion.

    THANK YOUUnsung Heroes was a jam project, to which

    almost everyone on staff contributed while work-ing on other assignments. The authors would liketo thank the following people: Margaret Weis, Tra-cy Hickman, Doug Niles, Mary Kirchoff, and allthe other authors of books in the saga, for writingthem; Anne Brown, Rick Brown, Rob Nicholls,Thomas Reid, David Wise, and probably severalothers for work on the trading cards; and WayneChandler, Ky Hascall, Harold Johnson, and SueWeinlein for information and inspiration.

  • A L Y S S A G L A N O W I N

    3rd-level Priest of the Good OrderRace: HumanAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 12AC: 9THAC0: 20Hit Points: 14

    Strength: 11 Intelligence: 18Dexterity: 14 Wisdom: 16Constitution: 9 Charisma: 12

    Proficiencies: Staff, sling; etiquette, healing (2 extraslots), herbalism, musical instrument (mandolin),reading/writing (Common), religion, singing, spell-craftArmor: Ring of protection +1Weapons: Staff, slingEquipment: Mishakals medallion of faith, pear/ ofwisdom, bag of healing herbs

    Description: Alyssa is a diminutive young woman,and is often mistaken for a child because of her ex-tremely youthful features. She has curly brown hairthat falls to just below her ears and fair skin. Shewears a simple dress that is white with blue in it, anda pendant inscribed with the many names of her pa-tron deity, Mishakal.

    Attitudes: Alyssa is a devout priestess of Mishakaland finds wonder and beauty in everything that shediscovers about the world. This sometimes is herbane, because she tends to be too trusting of thoseshe meets. However, true to her deitys teachings,Alyssa is always more than willing to aid those whoare ailing or in need. Despite her child-like wonder,Alyssa is a studious and devoted disciple, and there isa prominent future ahead of her within Mishakals or-ders.

    Background: Alyssas village was nearly destroyed bya skirmish between draconians and a party of wan-dering heroes. After the combat, which the heroeswon, one of their members, a priestess of Mishakalnamed Erima, began tending to the sick and hurt ofthe village. Alyssa was so moved by this display ofcaring that she wished to take up the life of a priestessof Mishakal herself.


    Because the village had been nearly destroyed, thesurvivors travelled with the heroes to a nearby town,where Alyssa visited the temple of Mishakal with Eri-ma to learn more about the return of the true gods.Alyssas enthusiasm did not go unnoticed by themembers of the temple, and she was invited to stayand learn. With her parents permission, Alyssa wassoon an acolyte devoutly studying Mishakals teach-ings.

    Now a prominent priestess within the hierarchy ofthe temple, Alyssa has begun to journey forth into thesurrounding land to spread the word of her faith, andhelp rebuild the world after the War of the Lance.However, her sheltered life as a child and during herfirst years as an acolyte have made her a bit naive andtoo trusting.

    Alyssa now occasionally travels with a pair ofsquires, named Merek and Suthor, who aspire to be-come Knights of Solamnia. As part of their training,Merek and Suthor escort her to various villages andtowns where she teaches her faith and heals the peo-ple. Along the way, they have had an adventure ortwo.

  • A M B E R S T A R

    5th-level FighterRace: KenderAlignment: Chaotic neutralMove: 6AC: 9THAC0: 16Hit Points: 30

    Strength: 12 Intelligence: 13Dexterity: 15 Wisdom: 11Constitution: 9 Charisma: 16

    Proficiencies: Hoopak (as quarterstaff and sling),knife, bollik (as bolas), whippik (as whip); fire- build-ing, hunting, swimmingArmor: NoneWeapons: Hoopak, knife, bollikEquipment: Ring of feather falling

    Description: Named for her rich yellow hair and thetwinkle in her eyes, Amberstar has wandered fromthe kender homelands. She wears warm furs and agolden necklace that her mother gave her. She goesthrough even the rainiest days without looking be-draggled. Her dark eyes can stare unflinchingly andunnervingly when something interests her.

    Amberstar prefers to travel light, so never carriesmore than fits in her small pack. Amberstar has afondness for gold earrings and toy figurines of anykind and has small collections of both.

    Attitudes: Amberstar is carefree and fearless. She of-ten takes care of objects for people who misplacethem and carries a pouch filled with numerous trin-kets. She is very loyal to her friends and will neverdesert them in time of need. Amberstar loves adven-turing but plans to settle down one day in her homevillage near Hylo.

    She is curious about everything and quick to pokeher nose in anywhere with gleeful shouts of aban-don. She listens to advice from friends but ignores itwhen she knows she is right. Usually her friends arejust too timid. Amberstar hopes to see a good dragonone day.

    Background: Amberstar first felt kender wanderlustduring peacetime. She traveled from Kendermorethrough Silvanost and on to Solamnia, hoping to seePalanthus. She never made it. When the War of the

    Lance began, Amberstar wanted to help the kendersuffering under the eastern Dragonarmies. She hur-ried east, skirting south to avoid the Dragonarmies.She hoped to see the elves of Silvanost again, but shefound that their city had already been sacked and theforest perverted. Her hatred of the Dragonarmies be-gan that day and has only grown stronger since.

    She hurried on to Kendermore, found her friends,and convinced them to go take a look at the dracon-ians. The kender became camp followers, and theykept finding interesting maps, keys, orders, signalflags, and quartermasters lists, much to the conster-nation of draconians who kept losing things. Theirgreatest find, however, was a copy of the order of bat-tle for the Black Dragonarmy.

    Amberstar liked the bright blazons and markings inthe troop list, but she had no idea of its military valueuntil she showed it to a human soldier. Amberstar en-joyed watching him jump up and down. Ever sincethen, Amberstar and company have spied on theBlack Dragonarmy, keeping the armies of good in-formed on its movements, supplies, troop strength,and morale. She likes to see draconians befuddled.

    Amberstar has typical kender thieving skills.



    7th-level Gladiator FighterRace: GnomeAlignment: NeutralMove: 6AC: 7THAC0: 14Hit Points: 54

    Strength: 14 Intelligence: 12Dexterity: 15 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 11 Charisma: 12

    Proficiencies: Cestus (specialized), two-weapon stylespecialization, punching specialization, bolas, dag-ger, short sword; gaming, blind-fighting, cha-rioteering, tumbling, enduranceArmor: Gallic armorWeapon: Short sword +3, 2 cesti, bolas, daggerEquipment: Gauntlets of dexterity

    Description: Boinias is powerfully built for a gnome,bearing the scars of dozens of arena battles. He wearsrevealing clothing, letting his build speak volumesamong the outlaws with whom he now associates.Boinias is most often found in a belted toga, with shinguards and sandals.

    Boinias carries a magical short sword. The sword isof ancient but uncertain origins. One property isapparent-it glows brightly when held by a gnome.Boinias is most often preceded by his own aura.

    Attitudes: Boinias spent his youth as a slave in thepits of the League of Minotaurs on Taladas. Heworked stone and made mud bricks, toiling for yearsin the blistering sun. The whips of the minotaurscurbed his rage, but they also hardened his body andhis resolve.

    Boinias detests the notion of slavery. Having es-caped the arena, he has devoted his life to putting anend to the institution. When in the presence ofslaves, Boinias seeks ways to free them or to instillwithin them a sense of self worth and confidence.When in the presence of slave owners, Boinias seeksto rationally convince them that their actions arewrong. If he is unsuccessful, he generally resorts toviolence.

    Secondarily, Boinias has come to appreciate naturein all its splendor. Having grown up in the lifelessmud of the slave pits, his newfound home in the wil-

    derness is one he finds both beautiful and worth pro-tecting. Much in the same way as he abhors slavery,Boinias finds no room in his heart for those who wan-tonly destroy natural wonders such as forests and ani-mals. More than one hunter has found an angrygnome between himself and his prey when Boiniasfinds his hunting excessive.

    Background: Boinias was purchased at a young ageby a elderly minotaur-his new master died soon af-ter the purchase. As such, Boinias has no idea wherehe is originally from, though he suspects he is the off-spring of the curious inventer folk of Sancrist island.Boinias never had the luxury of seeking out his tinker-ing, inventive side, but was instead forced to laborfrom his earliest days.

    In the arena, Boinias won many matches, beyondthe expectations of both himself and his owners. Hissuccess won him latitude of movement, which hequickly took advantage of to escape.

    Now Boinias moves through the wildernessother escaped slaves, exacting revenge on minotaursand seeking freedom for all. He hopes his friend Tra-nea will join him one day soon.



  • C A L A N D R I A

    14th-level Mage of the Red RobesRace: HumanAlignment: NeutralMove: 12AC: 5THAC0: 16Hit Points: 32

    Strength: 11 Intelligence: 17Dexterity: 15 Wisdom: 13Constitution: 10 Charisma: 14

    Proficiencies: Quarterstaff, dagger, dart; dancing,herbalism, religion, singing, spellcraft, weathersense, weaving, reading/writing (Common, Magius,Solamnic), modern languages (Ergot, Plainsman)Armor: Cloak of protection +4Weapons: Quarterstaff, dagger +3, 12 dartsEquipment: Clothing, bedroll, wand of conjuration,staff of command, wand of lightning, amulet of proofagainst detection and location

    Description: Calandria is a pretty woman with curlyred hair, large brown eyes, and a sad expression.

    Attitudes: Calandria loves meeting new people, buthas a difficult time forging lasting friendships andstays in one place only as long as she feels comfort-able with the people around her. The death of herparents and mentor hurt her deeply, and she is reluc-tant to become close to anyone for fear of losingthem. She shares a strong bond of friendship with herdragon, Poresche, and she protects him fiercely. Ca-landria knows that Poresche will be her friend untilher death.

    This wizard would like to make a home in a quietvillage, but the turmoil in Ansalon will probably pre-vent her from doing so for a number of years.

    Background: At the age of 32, Calandrias difficult lifeis finally turning around. Her parents were killed bydraconians when she was 10, and she still tries toavoid attracting the attention of draconians. Shemoved in with her mentor, a wizard of the red robes,and for the next four years, studied hard and devel-oped her talent. Her mentor was killed by an assassinafter selling a faulty magical item he had created.

    At the age of 12, Calandria packed her meager pos-


    sessions and as many of her mentors magical items asshe could carry and left for the Tower of Wayreth. Shehad attained 4th level as a wizard, and sought to takethe Test of High Sorcery and gain a new mentor.

    Calandria traveled with a caravan of bards for atime, cooking and cleaning in exchange for the safetyof their wagons and for a place to sleep. She learnedto sing, dance, and repair musical instruments. Whenshe parted their company, she sang and danced forher supper until she reached Wayreth.

    She was nearly turned away by the wizards at Way-reth. Calandrias former mentor claimed to havebeen approved by the Conclave of Wizards, but hisstatus was shaky at best. Calandria begged the con-clave to accept her, and for one year, she stayed atthe tower under their watchful eyes, proving herselfto be studious, loyal, and talented during this proba-tion. The conclave allowed her to take the Test, andshe survived with barely a scratch.

    Calandria stayed at the tower for a number of yearsbut never became close to anyone there. The coldattitudes of the other wizards warmed after her pro-bation, but she could not bring herself to becomefriendly with any of them.

  • C Y M B E L E N E

    5th-level Amazon RangerRace: HumanAlignment: Chaotic goodMove: 12AC: 5THAC0: 16Hit Points: 35

    Strength: 17 Intelligence: 13Dexterity: 16 Wisdom: 11Constitution: 12 Charisma: 15

    Proficiencies: Long bow (specialized), battle axe,dagger; land-based riding (horse), animal training(horse), bowyer/fletcher, artistic ability (woodcarv-ing)Armor: Studded leatherWeapons: Long bow +1, 20 arrows +1, 12 silver-headed arrows, 12 flight arrows, battle axe, boot dag-gerEquipment: Quivers, potion of flying, potion of heal-ing, ring of warmth, fletching feathers and tools

    Description: A small but strong woman of abouttwenty-five, Cymbelene is graceful and athletic. Herhair is a light brown, and her eyes are blue andbright. The elves gave her the name Laughing Eyesand it is well-deserved. Even in grave danger, she is adetermined fighter who never shows her fear on herface. Cymbelene is an accomplished archer and is al-most always found with her bow nearby.

    Attitudes: A carefree raider and freebooter, Cymbe-lene fights a never-ending war against evil marauderswho threaten the helpless of Krynn. She wanders theworld looking for people in need of her bow or axe.Many would let such a mission make them grim andsilent, but Cymbelene remains friendly and ap-proachable. She makes a point of living among thepeople she defends and understanding who they areand why they need her help. As a result, she makesmany friends and can count on help when she needsit.

    Background: Cymbelene was born in a small matriar-chal village near the town of Goodbay in Abanasinia.Her mother was a ranger and woodcarver, and shecame to love the woods as she grew up. When shewas about ten years old, a group of minotaur raiders

    attacked her village and laid waste to her home. Herparents were killed repelling the attack. Cymbelenewas devastated by the loss of her family and retreateddeeper and deeper into the forests, living alone andusing the skills her mother had taught her.

    In time, she wandered into the forests of theQualinesti elves. Normally suspicious of strangers,Cymbelenes forest-wise ways and grief touched theelves, and they took her in. Time passed swiftly, andCymbelene learned to laugh again, and also learnedmuch about elves. In time, she was skilled enough totake the fight back to the raiders who had destroyedher home. During the War of the Lance, she foughtalone or with a few companions against the violentbands of marauders who plagued the lands beyondthe conquests of the Dragonarmies.

    Cymbelene has spent the time since the end of thewar hunting evil wherever it lurks. The brigands andbandits who prey on the helpless and innocent areher sworn enemies, and she battles them continu-ously in her wanderings. Travellers who encounterCymbelene will find her to be a pleasant, witty per-son who is always looking for assistance in her fightsagainst marauders and raiders.



    8th-level Knight of the RoseRace: HumanAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 12AC: 1THAC0: 13Hit Points: 71

    Strength: 18/78 Intelligence: 13Dexterity: 12 Wisdom: 15Constitution: 17 Charisma: 14

    Proficiencies: Heavy lance, two-handed sword, bat-tle axe, dagger, javelin, horsemans mace; land-based riding (horse), animal handling, healing,reading/writing (Common), modern languages(Kharolian, Estwilde, Ergot, Ice Barbarian)Armor: Banded mail, medium shield +2Weapons: Battle axe +3, heavy lance +1, two-handed sword, dagger, javelinEquipment: Healing herbs, bandages, ring of invisi-bility

    Description: Daviter stands 61 tall and weighsabout 250 pounds. His dark hair and beard frame acalm face with few wrinkles. The 32-year-old Davitercarries himself with a proud gait. Though a Knight ofSolamnia, he seldom acts the part, instead wearinghis simple banded mail, wielding a battle axe, andforegoing the standard drooping mustache in favor ofa full beard.

    Attitudes: As his nickname suggests, Daviter is quitethoughtful, and he is able to tell much about a personfrom a short meeting. He uses his insight to guide hisdealings with people and has been very successful.Because his chosen quest demands secrecy and sub-tlety, Daviter often adopts the brusque and boister-ous exterior of a veteran mercenary, hiding his acutemental faculties, as well as his pride in being a Knightof Solamnia.

    Background: Originally from Solamnia, Daviterjoined the Knighthood before the War of the Lance,and he rose quickly through the ranks during and af-ter the war. He has distinguished himself in severalbattles, but not to the extent that he is an often-recognized hero.

    Daviter has taken on a special duty since the war,

    trying to rebuild the ranks of the Knights and to bettertheir tarnished reputation. Realizing that Knights ofSolamnia are disliked by many (and not without rea-son), he maintains a low profile. He travels to isolatedsecret cells of Knights, maintaining communicationswith them, and he has established several smallgroups of Knights in various towns.

    Until such time as these Knights can change theopinions of locals regarding the Solamnic Knights,they operate largely in secret. Following Daviterslead, they perform good deeds and act with honor inall dealings, revealing their allegiance with theKnights only after they have gained strong personalreputations which will remove some of the stigma at-tached to the Knighthood. Though this policy has al-ready met with some success, Daviter realizes it willtake a long time to rebuild the Knighthood to its form-er glory, and he will act in secrecy as long as neces-sary.

    Daviter himself performs many good deeds on histravels, fighting monsters and agents of the Dragonar-mies, or just offering a helping hand and a bit of hishealing skills. He travels about Ansalon on his heavywarhorse, Happy, accompanied by two close friendsfrom the war, Steveck and Kimmil.


  • D W Y A M M A R Z

    9th-level Wilderness FighterRace: HumanAlignment: Neutral goodMove: 12AC: 7THAC0: 12Hit Points: 70

    Strength: 17 Intelligence: 8Dexterity: 17 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 10 Charisma: I4

    Proficiencies: Footmans mace, heavy crossbow,dagger, pellet bow, crook blade, warpipe, bearclaws; hunting, mountaineering, survival (moun-tains), endurance, trackingArmor: Leather armor +1Weapons: Footmans mace, heavy crossbow, 3 dag-gersEquipment: Girdle of strength (19), gauntlets of swim-ming and climbing

    Description: Dwyam Marz is a hardened womanwith golden skin, blonde hair so pale it is almostwhite, a narrow, mannish face, and lean arms tough-ened by a life of combat. Her magical leather armor isoften festooned with gems and bangles, and she en-joys the dramatic effect of a colorful cloak. She pre-fers having too much gear rather than coming upshort with too little, so that she can survive alone inthe wild.

    Attitudes: Dwyam prefers to adventure alone ratherthan with a group. She has trouble taking orders andprefers to make her own decisions. She has alwayshad faith in the strength of her sword arm and thespeed of her trained reflexes. For years she was trueneutral, but recently she has converted to the causeof Good.

    Background: A mountain barbarian, Dwyam grewup proud and independent. She abandoned her peo-ple after an ice bear killed her mate; she could notbear the memories that haunted her.

    She lived alone for years, adopting city ways andworking for merchants, militias, and bounty hunterswhen she needed money. Dwyam avoided risks andhelped only those who could help her, befriendingother warriors to gain allies in battle. She acquired areputation as an iron leader, driving others hard,


    close to no one. Then came the War of the Lance.Dwyam was leading a squad of guards escorting

    the payroll to Tarsis when the Blue Dragonarmyfound them. Dwyam escaped and was soon workingfor the Highlords-the pay was good, and she saw noaction while the Blue Dragonarmy marched north tobesiege Palanthus. Her platoon never made it.

    They were hunting gnomes in the hills when a talk-ing badger surprised them, asking them what theywere looking for. Dwyam wanted to talk to the oddbeast, but her human and ogrish troops rebelled.They baited the animal cruelly, and the enraged beastbled from snapping at their weapons. Dwyam want-ed no part of it and walked off. When she left, therewas a brief roar. Curious, Dwyam returned to stare inamazement at the badgers true form-a good drag-on. Nothing remained of her troops. Balagast theBronze looked at her and asked her who she foughtfor; she swore her allegiance to him on the spot.

    Dwyam deserted the Blue Dragonarmy. Togetherwith Balagast she has harried the draconians, andthey have won the Blue Ladys special hatred. Dwy-am has a price on her head, but she is slowly learningto trust the dragon, a friend she can expect not to out-live.


    3rd-level Knight of the CrownRace: HumanAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 9AC: 0THAC0: 18Hit Points: 26

    Strength: 17 Intelligence: 14Dexterity: 16 Wisdom: 15Constitution: 15 Charisma: 12

    Proficiencies: Heavy horse lance, two-handedsword, long sword, dagger, javelin; land-based riding(horse), heraldry, animal handling, reading/writing(Common), endurance, religionArmor: Plate mail, shieldWeapons: Long sword, heavy lanceEquipment: Journal, ink, pen, whetstone

    Description: Erastin is 6 tall and weighs nearly 200pounds. He is well-proportioned and handsome,with long dark hair and a drooping mustache worn inthe style of the Knights of Solamnia.

    Attitudes: Erastin is very serious about his duties tothe Knights of Solamnia, and one day he plans to be-come a Knight of the Rose. His devotion to theKnighthood causes some to see him as stodgy, othersto see him as haughty, but his good heart, quick wit,and relaxed manner earn him many friends.

    Background: Erastin Rivenguard grew up in Witdel ina family with a long tradition of providing soldiers tothe Knights of Solamnia. At last, the Knighthoodagreed to honor the familys contribution by allowingone of their children to try for the Order. From themoment Erastin could speak, they groomed him forthe Knighthood. Ever since he learned to read, hestudied the Measure; they made him recite the Oathevery night before he slept. His knowledge of theMeasure is greater than that of even far more experi-enced Knights.

    To insure that Erastin was fit in more than just mind,his family hired Targin Steelaxe to see to his training.Targin made sure that Erastin learned commondirty fighting as well as chivalric forms of combat.

    To prove his worth before seeking entrance to theKnighthood, Erastin began adventuring. He, Targin,

    and Galenye Faelern (Erastins childhood sweetheart)took up arms. In time, they gathered more compan-ions, including Karathos, Jilani, and Siriath Leafwine.All these friends helped Erastin achieve Knighthood,and he values them all dearly. Some of Erastins otherfriends and adventuring companions include Obsidi-an Fireforge, Pentrian the Rabbit, and Selowen.Mounted on his heavy warhorse and accompaniedby friends, Erastin travels throughout Ansalon.

    Though he has already performed many outstand-ing deeds, Erastin is currently trying to find a quest forthe cause of order, one which will meet the require-ments of the Order of the Sword and allow him entryinto their ranks. He has recently helped return theBrightblade to the Knights of Solamnia (detailed inKnights Sword) and find Flints legendary battle axe(detailed in Flints Axe). He learned that these itemsmay be part of a prophecy regarding Kiri-Joliths sym-bolic return to Krynn, and he is researching to findout what else needs to be done to complete theprophecy. The wizard Rikar believes retrieval ofHumas shield to be important, and Erastin is consid-ering this for his quest.


  • E S T H E R I A

    7th-level FighterRace: Dargonesti ElfAlignment: Chaotic goodMove: 9, SW 15 (30 as dolphin)AC: 5THAC0: 14Hit Points: 54

    Strength: 14 Intelligence: 11Dexterity: 15 Wisdom: 13Constitution: 15 Charisma: 12

    Proficiencies: Trident (specialized), two-weaponstyle specialization (trident and net), blow gun, net,short sword; set snares, direction sense, animal lore(dolphins), agriculture (aquatic), animal handling(dolphins), fishing, swimmingArmor: Sea elf scale mailWeapons: Trident +2, blow gun, 36 needles, netEquipment: Knife, needle and thread, rations (1week), potion of air-breathing (3 doses)Description: Estherias rubbery blue skin, wide pur-ple eyes with narrow pupils, webbed fingers andtoes, and long seaweed-green hair mark her as a seaelf. She is young for an elf, only 122 years old. Esthe-ria is also large for a member of the dargonesti at 59and 94 pounds. Her size has served her well in herlife as a warrior.

    Attitudes: Open-minded and an extrovert by elvenstandards, Estheria is one of the few of her race whohas actively sought contact with other, nonaquaticraces. She believes that all elves, especially the aquat-ic dargonesti and their cousins the dimernesti, needexposure to other races if the elves are to be success-ful in making Krynn the garden it could become. Tothis end, she is fascinated by peoples and items fromthe surface world. Estheria lacks much of the typicalelven pride and sense of superiority. Her life as a war-rior has shown her that the other races of Krynn canmake important contributions and that elves, despitebeing chosen, are still mortal.

    Background: During the War of the Lance, Estheriaacted as an escort and guide for the ships of Silvanestielves who were retreating from the dragonarmies ad-vancing toward Silvanost. She visited both Qualinestiand Solamnia as a result, and learned much from the


    surface-world races. Since the war, Estheria has trav-eled Krynn extensively, primarily via the worlds wa-terways. Estheria does prefer the company of otherelves, but has adventured with humans, half-elves,kender and dwarves. She is most comfortable nearlarge bodies of water, but does enjoy exploring sur-face cities.

    As an elf, Estheria has all the special abilities listedfor elves in the AD&D 2nd Edition game flayersHandbook. In addition, three times per day Estheriacan shapechange in one round to a dolphin. As a re-sult, Estheria gains the movement rate and all specialabilities of this creature (see the Monstrous Compen-dium, volume 1).

  • F E S T E R

    2nd-level Thief

    Race: Aghar (Gully) DwarfAlignment: NeutralMove: 6AC: 7THAC0: 20Hit Points: 13

    Strength: 12 Intelligence: 5Dexterity: 17 Wisdom: 6Constitution: 9 Charisma: 7

    Proficiencies: Club, thrown rock; cooking, local his-tory, ventriloquismArmor: NoneWeapons: Club +1, sludge bomb (all within 10 mustmake a saving throw vs. spells or suffer the effects of astinking cloud spell)Equipment: Pottery crown, sacks, scepter (see be-low)Description: Fester is the epitome of gully dwarvenbeauty, with a bulbous nose, ratty brown hair, adumpy figure, few teeth, mud-brown eyes, and arounded, dirt-smeared face. She wears relatively niceclothes, usually including a blue robe which indi-cates her position as Queen of the Gully Dwarves.

    Festers scepter is actually a wand of wonder. Shedoes not realize it is magical, but sometimes specialthings happen when she waves her scepter aroundand issues commands or requests to her subjects.Attitudes: Fester has an air of leadership which is rareamong gully dwarves. She is usually kind and quiet,but is very proud of her gully dwarf followers. She be-comes angry only when gully dwarves are harmed.

    Background: Before the War of the Lance, the Agharof Thorbardin lived in relative peace, scraping out aliving stealing garbage from the other dwarves. Festerwas the consort of the local gully dwarf shaman,Nomscul.

    When those known later as the Heroes of theLance split up to check on rumors of war, Flint Fire-forge went to Hillhome, where he had grown up.Captured by Theiwar dwarves, he was thrown into apit with Perian, a female Theiwar. The two fought thebeast in the pit and emerged in Mudhole, home ofthe gully dwarves.

    Because of a prophecy, the shaman Nomsculnamed Flint and Perian king and queen. Fester be-came Perians lady-in-waiting, or weighty lady. Af-ter Perian died in the Battle of Hillhome, in which thegully dwarves fought, the Aghar needed a newqueen. Nomscul named Fester queen and himselfking. The two ruled together for more than two yearsbefore Nomscul quit being king to take a new title.

    During the War of the Lance, Fester did her best tohelp the forces of good, since Flint Fireforge did so.She asked the Highbulp to help, but he slept throughall the important meetings. Fester also sent out spies,raiders, and skirmish parties to harass any nearbyforces of evil, helping the war effort in many smallways. Their activities were seldom acknowledged,but probably helped end the war a little sooner.

    Fester has been Queen of the Gully Dwarves ofMudhole longer than anyone else. There are about300 gully dwarves in Mudhole, and all love and re-spect their queen. In return, she rules them with loveand kindness, taking much advice from her First Hus-band, who is more familiar with ruling the Aghar.

    Fester currently has the following thieving skills: PP45%; OL 30%; F/RT 35%; MS 50%; HS 45%; DN15%; CW 60%; RL - 5%.



    4th-level Thief

    Race: HumanAlignment: Neutral goodMove: 12AC: 3THAC0: 19Hit Points: 18

    Strength: 13 Intelligence: 15Dexterity: 17 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 12 Charisma: 16

    Proficiencies: Wrestling specialization, short sword,short bow; juggling, tumbling, disguise, lip- reading,modern languages (Ergot), set snaresArmor: Leather armor +2Weapons: Short sword +1, short bow, 20 arrowsEquipment: Thieves tools, numerous hiddenpouches, three doses of contact sleep poison (savevs. poison or fall asleep for 1 turn), rope of climbingDescription: The lovely Galenye stands 57 tall andweighs 120 pounds. She has dark eyes and hair. Sheprefers to dress in gray and black, but has recentlybegun experimenting with a few brighter colors, par-ticularly red.

    Attitudes: More often than not, Galenye uses hergood looks and charming manner to get by. Althoughshe is somewhat lazy, she is developing a strongsense of honor because of her friendship with ErastinRivenguard. She is a bit headstrong and she has a ten-dency to lose her temper too easily.

    Background: Galenye grew up in Witdel, the sameSolamnic village as Erastin Rivenguard. They werechildhood sweethearts, and she has never forgottenthe childish love she once felt for him.

    For a few years, she traveled away to Gwynnedd inErgoth. Here she learned the skills that enabled her tosurvive in the city, as well as the illegal trade by whichshe made her living for a time. It was also here thatshe was captured and thrown in jail. The Ergothiansplanned to execute her, but she managed to escapebefore they did so.

    Galenye left Ergoth not long after her escape fromjail, returning to Solamnia. There, she again encoun-tered Erastin, who was preparing to apply for en-trance into the Knights of Solamnia. He asked

    Galenye to join him in adventuring, and the two hadmany long talks about the past and the future.

    Galenye came to admire Erastins sense of honor.Realizing the fundamental selfishness of her previouslife, she has made steps to change, now using herthiefs skills to combat crime rather than commit it.

    Galenye helped Erastin through his trials in becom-ing a Solamnic Knight and accompanied him in thequest to find Flint Fireforges legendary battle axe.She finally feels she is beginning to repay him forhelping her find the right path, and she is ready tofollow him on almost any quest.

    Along with their other adventuring companions-Targin Steelaxe, Karathos, Jilani, Siriath Leafwine,Obsidian Fireforge, Pentrian the Rabbit, andSelowen-Galenye and Erastin have traveled far andencountered much. They stand ready to fight theforces of evil which plague the lands of Krynn.

    Galenye currently has the following thieving skills:PP 30%; OL 50%; F/RT 40%; MS 40%; HS 40%; DN15%; CW 80%; RL 0%.


  • 15th-level Necromancer of the BlackRobes

    Race: HumanAlignment: Lawful evilMove: 9AC: 0THAC0: 16Hit Points: 40

    Strength: 10Dexterity:

    Intelligence: 1615 Wisdom: 15

    Constitution: 12 Charisma: 6

    Proficiencies: Staff, dagger, sling; ancient history,reading/writing (Common, Magius), spellcraft, reli-gion, herbalism, astrology, modern languages(Qualinesti, Ergot, Solamnic), animal training (rats),agricultureArmor: Bracers of defense AC 4, cloak of protection+ 3Weapons: Dagger +2, staff, sling, 20 bulletsEquipment: Medallion of ESP, ring of regeneration,ring of wizardry (see below)Description: Gilidarius is an old man with long,white hair. He has unearthly eyes which seem toglow with unearthly light. His wrinkled skin is grayand splotched. He is tall and gaunt, and he typicallywears the black robes of his wizardly order.

    The mages ring of wizardry has been alteredthrough arcane means. While his mentor, Raistlin,was away, Gilidarius placed the ring upon a rune ofmagical absorption on the great stone table in Raist-lins laboratory. He left it there for a full cycle of themoon Nuitari. As a result, the ring not only doublesthe number of Gilidarius 4th-level spells, but also al-lows him to memorize one extra necromantic spell ofeach level while Nuitari is in its full phase.

    Attitudes: Gilidarius is an ambitious and bitter manwho will let nothing stand in the way of his plans. Aformer pupil of Raistlin, Gilidarius picked up many ofhis masters traits. He is often cold and aloof, and healways seems to have a hidden agenda.

    Gilidarius seldom shares his plans with anyone andwill use whatever means are required to reach hisends. He will attempt to hide his purposes from any-one he meets, while at the same time trying to manip-ulate them into helping him.

    GI L I D A R I U S

    Background: Gilidarius was old well before the Warof the Lance. His early life was harsh, and he facedmany hardships in his younger days. Though noneseem to know for sure, he was supposedly a farmer.He had shown an aptitude for magic, and had eventrained as a wizard, but gave it up for a settled life-style.

    As the stories go, his family was slain by roving ban-dits who nearly killed Gilidarius as well. Changed in-to a bitter man by these events, Gilidarius chose tocontinue his study of magic so that he might one dayexact revenge against those who destroyed his life,and so that he might perhaps even find a way to bringhis wife and children back from the grave.

    Gilidarius met Raistlin and quickly apprenticedhimself to the younger, but more powerful, mage. Helearned much from his master in the short time theywere together, then continued learning on his own.Though he has personal goals to work toward, Gilida-rius also seeks his lost master, Raistlin. So far, he hasnot had any luck opening a portal to the Abyss.

    Despite his disdain for others, Gilidarius defendedcertain areas during the War of the Lance, mainly toprevent the Dragonarmies interfering with his plans.

    Gilidarius has a rat familiar, and he owns severalother rats which he has trained for various tasks.


  • G L I T T E R B A C K

    6th-level FighterRace: Hylar DwarfAlignment: Lawful neutralMove: 6AC: 0THAC0: 15Hit Points: 51

    Strength: 17 Intelligence: 11Dexterity: 12 Wisdom: 9Constitution: 17 Charisma: 13

    Proficiencies: Warhammer (specialized), light cross-bow, dagger, hand axe, battle axe; armorer, mining,blacksmithingArmor: Gold plate mail +1, gold shield +1Weapons: Gold warhammer +1, +2 vs. trolls, lightcrossbow, daggerEquipment: Tinder box, 30 rope, iron rations (2weeks), large piece of chalk, flask of oil, potion of he-roism, scroll of protection from fire, rough polishedagate pendant on a gold chain (stone of good luck)Description: Glitterback acquired his nicknameyears before the mining triumph that brought him toprominence in his clan. Even as a teenager, theyoung dwarf was a bit of a fop. While his fellows dis-dained all ornamentation except for the occasionalfamily heirloom or medal for meritorious service,Glitterback believed in ostentation. Now he is awealthy dwarf of middle years, sober and serious-looking with graying hair and beard. But he still be-lieves in flaunting his triumph with portable wealth:the shiny golden armor he wears whenever he iscalled to protect his home and clan.

    Attitudes: Glitterback believes that his dogged hardwork makes him worthy of a display of riches. Hesspent the last 80 years working in the clans mineswhen not defending his homeland. A dwarf of fewhobbies, Glitterback believes that work is whatbrings joy to life, and if hard work brings greatwealth, so much the better. Other than his ostenta-tious armor and weapons, however, he finds little toactually do with the treasure he has amassed. Never-theless, he continues to prospect for precious metal,hoping to make another strike to rival his youthful tri-umph. Glitterbacks greatest sorrow is that he has nowife or children to share his life and his success.

    Background: Glitterback was born Egan Montanaro,of the most ancient of the mountain dwarven races.In a culture in which children learn the virtue of hardwork at a young age, Egan was a quick and willingstudent. He seemed to have a natural talent for min-ing, and each small find drove him to work evenharder. As a boy, he unearthed the large agate hewears on a chain around his neck as a symbol of hisfirst success. As a young miner in the central KhalkistMountains, he located one of the richest veins of goldin his clans history. Egan had his share fashioned intogold armor and weapons which were blessed by theclan priest in the name of the dwarven god Reorx. Itwould shatter Glitterbacks confidence to learn thathis greatest triumph is due more to the luckstone hewears than to hard work and determination.


  • 15th-level Renegade IllusionistRace: GnomeAlignment: Chaotic goodMove: 6AC: 5THAC0: 16Hit Points: 42

    Strength: 10 Intelligence: 17Dexterity: 16 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 9 Charisma: 14

    Proficiencies: Dagger, Gnomish grenade; artisticability (sculpture), engineering, blacksmithing, car-pentry, ancient history (Gnomish), local history(Mount Nevermind), spellcraft, reading/writing (Ma-gius, Gnomish, Common), modern languages (So-lamnic)Armor: Cloak of protection +3Weapons: Dagger, Gnomish grenades (3 of eachtype)Equipment: Dust of disappearance, cane (wand) offrost, award medallion (see below)Description: Grindlethorpe is a portly, elderly gnomewith an unusually large nose. He has a full beard andlong hair. He likes to dress all in one color-blue andred are his favorites-and will sometimes dye his hairand beard to match. He enjoys the attention his unu-sual attire often attracts and is easily offended by un-appreciative comments.

    Since he is getting on in years, these daysGrindlethorpe gets around with the help of a canewhich, should he need them, has the same powers asa wand of frost. He is very proud of his medallion andnever appears in public without it.

    Attitudes: Grindlethorpe is a gnomes gnome: heloves nothing so much as tinkering with gadgets tosee if he can improve (or even just change) the waythey work. He has the reputation of being the onlygnome whose inventions always work-at least once,anyway. He secretly uses illusions to make it appearthat his devices work; a deception he rationalizes asnecessary for inspiring younger inventors. An ardentadvocate of gnomish culture, he is the person mostresponsible for the current gnomish enthusiasm forspelljamming and the spread of tinker gnomes to oth-er worlds.

    GR I N D L E T H O R P E

    Background: As a young gnome, Grindlethorpe wasa renegade wizard specializing in illusionist magic.He was unusually clever at hiding all signs of hisspellcasting, reducing the verbal and somatic compo-nents of his spells to the smallest, most easily over-looked mutters and gestures.

    About the time of the Cataclysm, Grindlethorpepublicly abandoned sorcery for technology, a deci-sion which had a tremendous impact on his fellowgnomes, many of whom followed his lead. He quick-ly became a legend in his own time (among gnomes,at least) as the first gnome in Krynnish history to com-plete three Lifequests. For this outstanding achieve-ment, he was given a special medallion making himan honorary member of every gnomish guild. In fact,he secretly continued to practice his craft; most of hisaccomplishments were the result of well-planned il-lusions.

    Grindlethorpe is a fraud, but a well-meaning one.Most of his illusions are designed to boost his ownreputation or encourage other gnomes in their ef-forts. In his old age he has taken to making outra-geous boasts, such as one that he once owned theStaff of Magius but gave it away to that young Raist-lin fellow, who needed it, not having been born agnome.


  • G R O G A N S T O N E T H E W S

    8th-level Priest of the Neutral OrderRace: Hylar DwarfAlignment: Lawful neutral (good)Move: 9AC: 5THAC0: 16Hit Points: 40

    Strength: 14 Intelligence: 18Dexterity: 10 Wisdom: 15Constitution: 13 Charisma: 13

    Proficiencies: Warhammer, hand axe, battle axe;brewing, ancient history, blacksmithing, carpentry,engineering, healing, leatherworking, reading/writing (Common, Mountain Dwarf), religion, spell-craft, stonemasonryArmor: Chain mailWeapons: Dwarven warhammer +2, hand axeEquipment: Reorxs medallion of faith, phylactery oflong years, staff of curing, tun of purity (see below),ornamental field plate (gold inlay)Description: Grogan dresses in chain mail, choosingto save his ornamental field plate for only the mostspecial of occasions and ceremonies. Grogan recent-ly gave up his worn suit of leather armor and a cloakof protection to conform with the requirements forpriests of Reorx. He wears a matching set of thickboots, gloves, and a lined coat with a small emblemof Reorx on the breast. Grogan has light brown skinand graying hair. His most notable facial features,however, are his coal-black eyes, which twinkle in ei-ther great joy or flashing anger, depending upon hisoverall mood.

    Attitudes: Grogan is a constant source of enthusiasmand positive thinking. No matter what the situation,he seems to come up with some course of action torectify it. This is not to say that he does not displaytypical dwarven grumpiness; on the contrary, he hasbeen known to soundly berate those who have losthope in their situation and have thus given up ontheir faith in the gods. Grogan is also frequentlyknown to spout clever and very useful proverbswhen he wishes for individuals to stop and thinkmore carefully about intended actions.

    Background: Grogan is a highly respected priest ofReorx who came down from his home in Pax Tharkaswhen he heard of the rebirth in the beliefs in the gods.He brought with him the knowledge of generations ofhis clans faith and study of Reorxs teaching, and apassion for learning the truths of the other gods. Thiswisdom helped him lead the way in restoring faithamong the peoples of the surrounding region.

    Soon, though, he felt the desire to travel furtherafield in order to learn more of the myriad ways of thegods. He both taught and learned as he traveled,picking up much concerning the ways of Paladine inparticular. His travels brought him into contact withmany peoples and places, something which he cher-ishes greatly.

    He at last returned to his home in Pax Tharkas,where he was received with great appreciation. Hespent his days there teaching the faith to his own peo-ple, as well as crafting that special artifact that eachpriest of Reorx must fabricate at the appropriate time.

    Grogans special creation is a tun of purity, withwhich can be brewed the smoothest and most won-derfully flavored ale imaginable. He saves the alemade from this tun for special of occasions.


  • 9th-level Handler Thief

    Race: KenderAlignment: NeutralMove: 6AC: 6THAC0: 16Hit Points: 38

    Strength: 12 Intelligence: 10Dexterity: 16 Wisdom: 11Constitution: 13 Charisma: 12

    Proficiencies: Hoopak (as quarterstaff and sling),dagger, dart; set snares, survival (mountains), track-ing, fire-building, fishing, rope use, weavingArmor: FursWeapons: Hoopak +1, dagger +1, 5 dartsEquipment: Thieves tools, marbles, glass cutter, cat-stink, string, charcoal sticks, buttons, handkerchiefs,tinderbox, dried fruit, small animal bones, coins, can-dles, whistles, whittling knife, and an assortment ofwhittling in various stages of completion

    Description: Hakan Flowerhair is short, even for akender. She is 211, although Hakan insists sheswell over 3 tall. At 37 years of age, her deeply tannedface is not yet showing the network of lines andcrows feet around her eyes. Her eyes are blue andher sandy brown hair-always adorned with somesort of flower-is tied into a topknot.

    Attitudes: Hakan has been branded as a thief bymembers of the other races, making it difficult for herto get along in society. As a result, she has adoptedthe thieving arts to keep herself going. Despite this,she does not consider herself a thief, but a handler.She is not cynical (if such is even possible for a ken-der), and is still reveling in the midst of her wander-

    armies struck from the north. Hakan made her way toTarsis, only to be followed by the war and the dragon-armies. Hakan escaped the city and the draconianswho seemed to be searching for one kender inparticular-as if one kender automatically knowsevery other member of her race! She eventuallyhandled her way across Ansalon for the durationof the war, her reputation preceding her wherevershe went. She is now quite proficient in her han-dling skills.

    Hakan currently has the following thieving skills:PP 70%; OL 67%; F/RT 60%; MS 70%; HS 56%; DN30%; CW 98%; RL 45%. As a kender, Hakan also hasinfravision, a +1 bonus on saving throws vs. rod/

    lust. Hakan does have a particular fascination with gems and jewels. This does lead to her handling

    staff/wand, and a +4 bonus on saving throws vs. poi-

    more than her share of these items.son. She has a +1 attack bonus when using her sling(or hoopak as a sling). Hakan also has a -4 bonus onany surprise rolls, and she is immune to both mun-

    Background: Hakan Flowerhair found herself in trou- dane and magical fear. This rogue is quite talented inble in Solace before the war-that ring must havefallen from the Seekers finger. She just thought she

    the use of the kender taunting ability as well.

    would hold onto it for him so no one else would stealit. She then promptly forgot she had it. Branded athief by the Seekers (imagine that, calling an honestkender a thief), Hakan fled Solace before the dragon-



  • 7th-level Barbarian RangerRace: Kagonesti ElfAlignment: Chaotic goodMove: 12AC: 2THAC0: 14Hit Points: 45

    Strength: 17 Intelligence:Dexterity: 18 Wisdom:Constitution: 15 Charisma:


    Proficiencies: Long bow, sling, warhammer, quarter-staff, throwing stick, net, spiked bracers; endurance,animal training (wolf), hunting, weather sense, direc-tion sense, blind-fighting, set snaresArmor: Ring of protection +4, +2 on saving throwsWeapons: Long bow +1, 2 spiked bracers (treat ascesti), 2 warhammers, 2 throwing sticks, netEquipment: Atrakha (animal whistle), soris, green-mask, knife, fur clothing, choker with silver spikesand turquoise studs

    Description: Hetheren is tall for a Kagonesti, stand-ing just over 5 tall. She is good-looking and quitewell-muscled. Her dark brown hair has a reddish castto it because of the, amount of time she spends in thesun. She wears the revealing furs common to herpeople and has a pair of fine tattoos. She decoratesher body with paint when hunting or preparing forbattle, leaving her face bare except for stripes on ei-ther cheek.

    Attitudes: Hetheren is tough and honest. Though shemay seem a little cold at first, she is always ready totrust someone who proves to be worthy. She has aready smile among friends. Her dancing eyes revealher good nature, but just as readily illustrate her an-ger when it is aroused. Though slow to anger, she isdangerous when provoked.

    Background: Hetheren grew up in the forests ofSouthern Ergoth, but has traveled widely since heryouth. She was trained to be a scout and warrior forher tribe and has excelled in most of her endeavors.

    While still a youth in her 50s, Hetheren discovereda wolf cub in the woods. She befriended it and raisedit, and the she-wolf became her closest companion.She realized the wolf would eventually die, for that is

    H E T H E R E N

    the way of nature, so she took care to insure that itwould have offspring. Hetheren has raised severalgenerations of cubs since that time, and most of thewolves of her homeland know and trust her.Hetherens current wolf companionhuge male with a deep gray coat.


    Hetheren and Walguar left their forest home totravel not long before the War of the Lance. Thoughshe did not see major action during the war,Hetheren saw enough of the Draconians depreda-tions to choose them as her sworn enemies. Thoughnormally peaceful and reserved, Hetheren will leapimmediately into battle against draconians, using herspiked bracers and warhammers to wreak havoc inevery direction. Walguar also helps, and Hetherenhas trained him in the best methods to attack differ-ent types of Draconians. Both Hetheren and Walguarwear spiked collars to protect their throats in battle.

    Hetheren has not returned to Southern Ergothsince the war, but plans to move in that direction tosee for herself what changes have occurred. Shehopes to have many adventures along the way, andlooks forward to slaying Draconians and their min-ions and allies.

    Walguar, a


  • H I L M A R

    6th-level FighterRace: HumanAlignment: Chaotic neutralMove: 12AC: 2THAC0: 15Hit Points: 40

    Strength: 16 Intelligence: 8Dexterity: 15 Wisdom: 7Constitution: 11 Charisma: 9

    Proficiencies: Long sword (specialized), dagger,knife, club, spear; blind-fighting, endurance, setsnaresArmor: Leather armor +1, shield +3, small helm,leather gauntlets, ring of protection +2 (adds only asaving throw bonus unless worn without Hilmarsmagical armor)Weapon: Long sword +2, 2 daggersEquipment: Wineskin (filled in the morning, emptiedby night), boots of levitationDescription: Hilmar is six feet tall and weighs 210pounds. His padded armor with steel shoulder platesis his only clothing. He wears a long, drooping mus-tache, and his tangled red-brown hair is about collarlength. Hilmar is frequently remembered for his per-petual scowl, which he considers to be a smile.

    Attitudes: Hilmar appears insane to most people hemeets. He laughs over-loudly and constantly, yet hisfixed frown belies his apparent mood. He is alwaysspoiling for a fight and he frequents the rougher pubsof Sanction, specifically hoping that a brawl willbreak out.

    in battle he is ferocious if not formidable, oftenwinning the fight through sheer intimidation. Whenwounded, he laughs boisterously and begs for an-other such attack, seeming to cast caution and strat-egy aside in favor of a more berserk offense. His long,shrill battle cry can be heard clearly through the dinof a major battle, serving all the more to demoralizehis opponents.

    Given the opportunity, Hilmar will employ hisboots of levitation to get the jump on an adversary,as he puts it (and means it). He will levitate up andabove an unwary enemy, wait until that victim movesbelow his position, and then negate the powers of his

    boots with a screeching battle whoop-the foe usu-ally looks up just in time to receive Hilmars fullweight upon his face. Hilmar has practiced a tech-nique of kicking his feet in opposite directions as helands upon his target, attempting to snap its neck.

    Background: Born in Neraka near the end of the Warof the Lance, Hilmar is a son of an abusive father whobelieved that Hilmar would grow up strong if he hadto fight all the way. The father employed corporalpunishment frequently and aggressively, needing notransgression to prompt it, and even his approbationtook the form of too-rough slaps on the back andplayful punches that left bruises.

    When he was twelve years of age, Hilmar discov-ered that his fathers boots were magical boots of levi-tation. One day, while he was trying them on andplaying with them, his father came home unexpect-edly, caught him floating in the air, accused him ofthievery, and promised to kill him on the spot. Hilmarleaped out the window, levitated out of his fathersmurderous reach, and decided that it was time tostrike out on his own.


  • IA N CH A N D L E R

    3rd-level Priest of the Good OrderRace: HumanAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 12AC: 8THAC0: 20Hit Points: 18

    Strength: 10 Intelligence: 14Dexterity: 14 Wisdom: 16Constitution: 15 Charisma: 14

    Proficiencies: Footmans mace, staff; candlemaking,pottery, healing, religion, astrology, modern lan-guages (Hill Dwarf, Qualinesti)Armor: Leather armorWeapons: Footmans maceEquipment: Candles, wax, wicks, healing herbs,mortar and pestle, Mishakals medallion of faith,white robes

    Description: Ian is a tall human with a medium build.He wears his dark hair long and has grown a shortbeard to better fit in with the dwarves of his chosenplace of residence. He looks serious most of the time,because he is usually concentrating on the task athand, but he smiles easily when with friends. He al-most always dresses in a set of white robes, which hetakes pains to keep clean.

    Attitudes: Ian is a kind and jovial young man, one ofthe few humans who lives in the dwarven village ofHillhome. He admires the dwarven lifestyle of hardwork and good fun and seeks to emulate it. He has aquick and sharp wit, but listens well and is alwaysready to aid someone in need. He usually carries afull complement of healing and defensive spells incase his help is needed.

    Background: Raised in the heart of Solamnia, Ian de-cided early that he would travel. He sought to see asmuch of the world as possible, and he arrived in thedwarven village of Hillhome not long after a greatbattle had been fought between its residents and evilZakhar dwarves. Ian briefly met the great Flint Fire-forge before that dwarf went on to become one of theHeroes of the Lance.

    Ian stayed in Hillhome and helped rebuild thetown, using his healing skills to aid the survivors of


    the battle. Though many dwarves distrusted him atfirst, they developed a deep respect for him andeventually accepted him as one of their own.

    When the gods returned to the world, Ian becamea priest devoted to Mishakal. Augmenting his healingskills with spells from Mishakal, Ian became invalu-able to the people of Hillhome.

    Ian recently became acquainted with a group ofadventurers, aiding them in their quest to find FlintFireforges legendary battle axe. He quickly becamefriends with Erastin Rivenguard, Galenye Faelern,and Karathos. He has known Obsidian Fireforge andSelowen for several years and considers them closefriends. In addition, Ian has developed a scholarly re-lationship with the wizard Rikar and his own col-league, Pentrian the Rabbit.

    Ian longs to go on an adventure with some of hiscompanions, but feels his duties in Hillhome are toodemanding. Perhaps, if he can find someone worthyto take his place for just a short time, he will allowhimself to travel. In the meantime, he stays in Hill-home, improving his small church and eagerly de-vouring all news of the outside world.

  • J E S S I E

    8th-level Mage of the White RobesRace: Half-elfAlignment: Neutral goodMove: 12AC: 10THAC0: 18Hit Points: 19

    Strength: 11 Intelligence: 16Dexterity: 13 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 10 C h a r i s m a : 1 0

    Proficiencies: Quarterstaff, sling; animal handling,animal training, direction sense, herbalism, weathersense, reading/writing (Common, Magius)Armor: NoneWeapons: QuarterstaffEquipment: Cloak of blending, boots of varied tracks

    Description: Jessie is a petite woman with longbrown hair. She pays very little attention to her ap-pearance and has the habit of just throwing on what-ever clothes are handy when she wakes up.Consequentially, she often wears mis-matched out-fits. By contrast, she takes great pains to keep each ofher many pets neatly groomed, brushing their furdaily, whereas she often forgets to comb her own hairfor weeks at a time.

    Attitudes: Jessie is one of the most gentle people onall Ansalon. A devoted pacifist, she will not kill an-other person even in self-defense and therefore pre-fers spells like web and hold person todamage-inflicting dweomers (i.e., magic missile,flame arrow, or fireball). She is very fond of animalsand children and spends most of her time in the com-pany of one or the other. She will not hesitate tocome to the aid of any creature who appears to beinjured or in trouble, no matter what its race oralignment-an attitude that has in the past gotten herin trouble with both the Knights of Solamnia and herfellow White Wizards. She is one of the few peopleon Krynn who judges each person she meets on thebasis of his or her actions, not race.

    Background: Jessie grew up on a farm not far fromPalanthus, in an area protected from the chaos pre-ceding the War of the Lance by the presence of thenearby Knights of Solamnia. Her idyllic youth ended

    when invading draconian armies overran her homeduring the Blue Ladys War. She was horrified by theviolence and brutality of the invaders, who killedmost of her friends and family, and even more ap-palled by the cruelty it inspired in the victors once thetide turned and they began hunting down the scat-tered survivors of the Blue Ladys army.

    During the invasion, Jessie had used her magic tohelp many of her neighbors escape the marauders,hiding them in the woods north of Palanthus until thedanger passed. Then at the wars conclusion shehelped injured and desperate draconians escapetheir vengeful pursuers in the same way. Tried by theSolamnic Knights for high treason, she was pardonedwhen dozens of people came forward to testify thatshe had earlier saved their lives at the risk of her own.

    Free once more, Jessie left Palanthus for good andsettled in the woods to live the quiet life of a hermit.She has tamed most of the animals who live in herimmediate area and is often sought out by farm-folkin need of help for themselves or their animals. Shehas also won the trust of the Irda, who consider her ahuman after their own heart; these wandering exilesoccasionally visit her in various disguises.



    2nd-level MageRace: Half-elfAlignment: Chaotic goodMove: 12AC: 7THAC0: 20Hit Points: 7

    Strength: 10 Intelligence: 18Dexterity: 11 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 9 Charisma: 13

    Proficiencies: Quarterstaff; astrology, reading/writing(Common), dancing, spellcraft, disguiseArmor: Ring of protection +3Weapons: QuarterstaffEquipment: Cream-colored robes, spellbook (holdsdetect magic, magic missile, read magic, shield, wallof fog)Description: Jilani is an average-looking woman inher mid-20s. She has long blond hair and light blueeyes, as well as a clear, if somewhat pale, complex-ion. She tends to dress in an imitation of the Abanasi-nian Plainsmen, with fringed buckskin, soft boots,and a headband. She does, however, have a set ofoff-white robes ready for the time when she will ap-ply to take the Test of High Sorcery.

    Attitudes: A serious young woman, Jilani neverthe-less knows that fun is occasionally necessary for ahealthy mind. Before she takes the Test of High Sor-cery, she wants to squeeze in as much living as possi-ble, because she feels the Test will probably changeher a great deal. For the present, she is very indepen-dent, wearing what she wants, acting however shewants, and going on many adventures.

    Background: Jilani grew up in the small Solamnic vil-lage of Witdel, which was also the home of ErastinRivenguard and Galenye Faelern. Though acquaint-ed with both and on good terms with them, her inter-est in magic kept her away from the other youthswhile she was growing up. Oddly enough, she be-came close friends with Erastins mentor, the moun-tain dwarf Targin Steelaxe.

    Jilani has always been fascinated with magic. Al-though she has not been at it for too long, she hasfound that she has a natural aptitude for spellcasting.

    Her lifelong friend Targin dislikes her sorcery, yetseems to accept it as a necessary evil.

    For a time, Jilani and Targin went their separateways, choosing to gain more experience in theirfields. A few years passed, during which Jilani trav-eled a great deal and learned magic from a variety ofwizards. As she traveled back to her home to meetagain with Targin, she stopped in a tiny hamlet for thenight.

    That night, the incredibly superstitious townspeo-ple crept into her room and carried her bound andgagged to a stake in the center of town where she wasto be burned as a witch. As they prepared to torchthe pile of wood, a great horned figure burst from theforest. The townspeople, having never seen a mino-taur before, believed this to be a fiend from theAbyss, and soon the whole town was empty.

    Jilani became close friends with the minotaur,Karathos. When they reached Witdel, they discov-ered Targin was about to escort Erastin to the HighClerists Tower for initiation into the Knighthood.They happily joined the group, and they have hadseveral adventures together since then.


  • KA R A T H O S

    3rd-level FighterRace: MinotaurAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 12AC: 3THAC0: 18Hit Points: 32

    Strength: 19 Intelligence: 10Dexterity: 15 Wisdom: 8Constitution: 17 Charisma: 9

    Proficiencies: Battle axe (specialized), two- weaponstyle specialization, wrestling specialization, katarsword; blind-fighting, rope use, ancient history, sea-manshipArmor: Chain mail +1Weapons: Battle axe +2 (Heartcleaver), battle axe+1 (Bonebiter; see below), katar swordEquipment: Knife, 50 silk rope, grappling hook

    Description: Karathos is an imposing figure, heavilymuscled and just over 7 tall. Though certainly not afop, Karathos cares about how he looks and alwaystries to appear confident and ready. He brushes hiscoat daily and takes good care of his horns, which arealways polished. He wears gold bands around the ba-se of each horn, as well as a gold earring in each ear.

    Attitudes: Despite his brusque exterior, Karathoscares deeply about his companions. He has a pro-found sense of honor and justice and hates oppres-sion and wrongdoing in any form. Indeed, he will goto great lengths to correct any injustice he witnesses.Background: Karathos speaks rarely about his past,saying only that he comes from lands northeast of An-salon. Only his closest friends know the real truth.

    Karathos trained briefly for the gladiatorial arenasof Taladas, where the great paladin and arena cham-pion Austan Gavynus taught him of honor. Karathosdecided to escape the League of Minotaurs ratherthan participate in the brutality of the arenas. He andtwo friends took a small ship and headed southwest.

    Storms and ill-luck ruined their expedition off theshores of Ansalon, and Karathos washed up alone onthe shores of Mithas. Setting off to find his compan-ions, he slew several minotaurs who tried to capturehim because they were suspicious of his foreign ap-

    pearance. He is no longer welcome in Mithas andhas encountered more than one minotaur huntingparty seeking revenge. Though concerned with hisminotaur friends welfare, he has journeyed far awayfrom Mithas. He still hopes to be reunited with hisfriends Thakadil and Caelus one day.

    While in Southlund, he found a group of villagerswho were about to burn a young girl they suspectedof being a witch. Karathos rescued the girl, Jilani, andbecame close friends with her. She introduced him toothers, and he now trusts Erastin, Galenye, andTargin.

    While adventuring with some of his friends, he meta minotaur wizard named Rikar, also an exile fromMithas. Rikar has taught Karathos about Ansalonshistory, and the fighter hopes to learn more.

    During the same adventure, Karathos found a mag-ical battle axe which he named Bonebiter. This axeproduces a continual light on command, and stays inplace when released in midair. Karathos uses boththis axe and his family axe, Heartcleaver, at the sametime. A savage fighter when enraged, Karathos al-ways maintains his code of honor.



    10th-level FighterRace: SirineAlignment: Neutral goodMove: 12AC: 3THAC0: 11Hit Points: 65

    Strength: 16 Intelligence: 14Dexterity: 18 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 13 Charisma: 16

    Proficiencies: Dagger, net, harpoon, javelin, shortsword, sling, whip; musical instrument (reed pipes),singing, swimming, tracking, weather senseArmor: Scale mail bustenhalt and loin guard, brac-ers, plate mail knee guards (all minimal AC reduc-tion; Kiiris AC is due to her Dexterity and magicalnature)Weapons: Dagger, javelin of lightning, short swordEquipment: Decanter of endless water, reed pipes(like pan pipes)Description: Kiiri is very beautiful, with quicksilverhair, an elegant face, and an athletic figure. Thecharm she enacts by singing or playing can little beresisted.

    Attitudes: Although originally lighthearted and fun-loving, Kiiri has always suffered occasional bouts ofmelancholy. Now that she fights in the minotaurblood games, she has learned a fierceness and deter-mination previously unknown to her.

    Background: Like most sirines, Kiiri lived a solitarylife in the deeps of Ansalons great seas. Unlike mostof her kind, however, Kiiri had chosen the choppywaters just beyond the whirling maelstrom of theBlood Sea. She spent many days just below the sur-face of the water, swimming with dolphins or, some-times, with swarms of sharks. She also enjoyeddrafting the galleons that sailed the periphery of theBlood Sea.

    Occasionally, however, a peculiar melancholywould lay hold of her, and she would descend to thefrigid, sunless depths of the Sea. Chilled to the boneand unable to see, Kiiri would allow herself to dropuntil her feet struck stone. There, amongst pillars ofrock on the sea floor, she would sit, musing sullenlyabout the past, fantasizing about her namesake an-cestor who had lived in lstar before the Cataclysm.

    During one such reverie, Kiiri heard the whirringrush of something massive descending through theinky waters overhead. She listened for a moment,then swam frantically out of the way. With a turbu-lent roar, the enormous object dropped onto thestones where she had been sitting. It struck the seafloor like a mallet on a war drum: the sound carriedfor miles. Fighting her way through the swirling, siltywater, Kiiri found the wreck of a sunken galleon, ThePeregrine.

    She swam to the surface, and there saw the depart-ing pirate ship that had sunk The Peregrine. Whenshe swam up to the ship, one of the crewmen spottedher and snagged her with a net. Onboard the pirateship, Kiiri met another captive: Pheragas. Kiiri knewthe tale of how her namesake ancestor had met a hu-man of the same name not long before the Cata-clysm, and she resigned herself to the fate whichseemed predestined for her. Now both she andPheragas fight as gladiators in the so-called Gamesof Old Istar, held by the minotaurs of Mithas in theircapital Nethosak. Together, Pheragas and Kiiri seek achance to escape.

    Kiiri has spell-like powers usable once each perday: charm person, fog cloud, invisibility, polymorphself.


  • K I M M I L

    9th-level Barbarian Paladin

    Race: HumanAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 12AC: 2THAC0: 12Hit Points: 61

    Strength: 17 Intelligence:Dexterity: 18 Wisdom:Constitution: 15 Charisma:


    Proficiencies: Bastard sword (specialized), battleaxe, light crossbow, ambidextry, weapon and shieldstyle specialization (two slots); endurance, survival(arctic), blind-fighting, weather sense, tracking, hunt-ing, set snares, land-based riding (horse), modernlanguages (Solamnic)Armor: Ring of protection +3, shieldWeapons: Bastard sword +3 (frost brand), battle axe,light crossbowEquipment: Boots of the south, scale mail bustenhalt(minimal protective value), loin cloth, knifeDescription: Kimmil is a lovely young woman in hermid-20s. She has long blond hair and is slender andwell-built. Because she is from the far south, Kimmilhas a high resistance to cold, so tends to wear verylittle clothing in the warmer northern regions.

    Attitudes: Kimmil is proud to call herself an Ice Bar-barian. Though willing and able to enter combat, sheusually tries talking first. Once she has detected evilin an opponent, however, she grants no further de-bate. Kimmil is firm in her worship for Paladine anddoes her best to spread the faith of the Great Dragon.

    Kimmil is also a romantic, and she hopes to findlove one day on her travels, just as her father did.Background: Kimmil is the daughter of Garad, an IceBarbarian. When he was young, Garad travelednorth to Solamnia, where he met and fell in love witha warrior-woman named Deela. Deela loved Garadas well, and he brought her back to Icereach. Kimmilwas raised in her fathers tribe, which accepted bothher and her mother without prejudice.

    Deela influenced her daughter in several signifi-cant ways, encouraging her to worship Paladine,teaching her to speak Solamnic, and instructing her

    in the finer points of wielding a bastard sword. Deelaalso spoke at length about her family back in Solam-nia.

    By the time Kimmil was in her late teens, her moth-er had died, and Kimmil decided to travel to hermothers former home in Solamnia to find the rest ofher family. With her fathers blessings and directions,she set out for Solanthus. Unfortunately, Kimmil leftlcereach at about the time the War of the Lance wasstarting. She reached Solanthus after the Blue Drag-onarmy had taken over. She aided in efforts to oustthe Blue Dragonarmy, earning the enmity of thoseforces. During battles in the area, she met Daviter theWise, as well as her cousin Steveck.

    Besides her cousin, Kimmil has no living relatives,because all those in Solanthus were slain by the Drag-onarmy. She and Steveck have agreed to travel to-gether, doing what they can to combat evil.

    They often travel with Daviter the Wise on his visitsto groups of Solamnic Knights, Kimmil often scoutingahead on her light warhorse, Snowfall. Kimmil secret-ly loves the kind Daviter, but so far has not had thecourage to give him any indication of her true feel-ings.


  • K L A N K

    3rd-level Barbarian FighterRace: MinotaurAlignment: Chaotic neutralMove: 12AC: 6THAC0: 18Hit Points: 39

    Strength: 19 Intelligence: 9Dexterity: 12 Wisdom: 9Constitution: 19 Charisma: 13

    Proficiencies: Tessto, battle axe, mandoll, ambidex-try, two-weapon style specialization; endurance, sur-vival (arctic), tumbling, seamanship, modernlanguages (Ogre, Ansalonian Minotaur)Armor: Leather armor, shield +1Weapons: Battle axe +1, tessto, lajang, 2 mandollsEquipment: Knife, 50 rope, grappling hook

    Description: Klank is a huge minotaur, almost 76tall. His scarred, medium brown fur covers ripplingmuscles which tend to intimidate his foes. Klankwears gold rings around the base of each horn, butotherwise pays little attention to his appearance.

    Attitudes: Klank has always been unruly, even for aminotaur, but he has a soft spot for children andpretty women (of any race). He is ambitious andloves to have fun. He considers himself neutral witha touch of happiness, and enjoys a carefree lifestyleof adventure.

    Background: Klanks father, Vargus, was a trader forthe Minotaur League of Taladas. Vargus had a specialtrade arrangement with a tribe of ogres in the RingMountains of Taladas. He took his son, then calledCaelus, on many of his trips, and both became ac-quainted with the Abaqua ogres. On one trip, Varguswas slain, and the Black Peak tribe adopted Caelus,raising him as one of their own.

    Years later, Caelus was discovered by a small groupof minotaurs who convinced him to join them for awhile. The minotaurs taught Caelus how to use a bat-tle axe, but the young minotaur left their companywhen they chose to work with a medusa, helpingguard her lair in return for food.

    Not long afterward, Caelus was captured byLeague minotaurs who planned to feature him as an

    arena combatant, the gladiator raised by ogres.They even gave him the arena name Klank, whichsounded more ogrish. Klank learned more aboutfighting.

    While being trained as a gladiator, Caelus metKarathos, another trainee who longed to be free. Athird friend, Thakadil, was from Kothas, and taughtthe Ansalonian dialect to Caelus. Together, thesethree planned an escape, eventually stealing a smallboat and sailing for Ansalon.

    The boat crashed off Mithas, and the three friendswere separated. Despite a slight accent, Caelus knewthe local dialect, and he chose to introduce himselfby his arena name. He became Klank of Kothas to hisnew acquaintances.

    Through sheer chance, Klank heard rumors of aforeign minotaur washed ashore by the same storm.This one slew several minotaurs and then escaped.Klank is positive this was Karathos, and he joined thecrew of a ship called the Constitution, hoping to havethe chance to sail in search of Karathos. He is rising inrank and hopes to be first mate some day.

    Klank has made subtle inquiries, but has heardnothing about Thakadil, so assumes him to be dead.



    14th-level Renegade MageRace: Qualinesti ElfAlignment: Chaotic goodMove: 12AC: +2THAC0: 16Hit Points: 40

    Strength: 10 Intelligence: 17Dexterity: 16 Wisdom: 10Constitution: 15 Charisma: 14

    Proficiencies: Land-based riding (horse), artistic abili-ty (painting), ancient history, astrology, herbalism, re-ligion, spellcraft, swimming, rope use, tumbling,ventriloquism, reading/writing (Common, Qualines-ti), modern languages (Gnomish, Qualinesti)Armor: Bracers of defense AC 2, ring of protection +2Weapons: Two daggers +1, quarterstaff +4, sling, 40sling bulletsEquipment: Ring of shocking grasp, hat of disguise,dust of illusion, boots of varied tracks, philter of glib-ness, oil of slipperiness, sovereign glue, Branchala'spaints, wand of wonder, firebane cloak, paint brush,spel l book wi th most conjurat ion/summoning,illusion/phantasm, and invocation/evocation spells.

    Description: To a human, Lafallot looks to be in hislate twenties, but he is actually 275. He has long,brown hair which has a tendency to fall into his eyeswhen he forgets to tie it back. Lafallot normally wearsa midnight blue tunic speckled with stars, gray suedeleggings, and black boots. He also wears soft, blackleather gloves over his hands and bracers of defense.Lafallot owns a set of white robes which he wearssometimes to hide the fact that he is a renegade.

    Lafallots eyes are deep emerald and have smilecrinkles around them. An impish grin always seemsto curl one side of his mouth when he talks.

    Attitudes: Lafallot is fair to all, but cannot abidepompousness or self-importance. He plays practicaljokes on everyone, using his magical items and spellsto good effect. The more serious and self-importantsomeone is, the more likely Lafallot is to do some-thing to make him look foolish. Dwarves andSilvanesti elves are often the butt of his jokes. As La-fallot has gotten older, his jokes have gotten moreelaborate.

    Background: Some people dispute whether Lafallotis really Lafallots given name, or a descriptive nick-name that he took as his own. The elf just grins ifasked.

    Lafallot was expelled from his apprenticeship forswitching his masters dust of disappearance withitching powder. He wandered Ansalon for severaldecades as an acrobat, carnival performer, and rene-gade mage. He eventually returned and apologizedto his old master by presenting him with a lost spellthe aged wizard had long sought, explaining that hetraded a kender a truly brilliant limerick for it.

    Lafallot passed his Test of High Sorcery at the Towerof Wayreth after further study and chose white robes.Mention of the test is one of the few things whichcauses Lafallots smile to fade, and he changes thesubject quickly when it is mentioned. Lafallot will notdiscuss his test, but he has shown a hatred for un-dead. Soon after the test, Lafallot grew weary of hisfellow wizards and declared himself a renegade onceagain.

    Lafallot served proudly under Laurana in the Warof the Lance as a messenger, scout, and battle mage.


  • LI L I O R N I N

    8th-level Mage of the White RobesRace: Silvanesti ElfAlignment: Lawful goodMove: 12AC: 6THAC0: 18Hit Points: 25

    Strength: 12 Intelligence: 17Dexterity: 18 Wisdom: 12Constitution: 14 Charisma: 15

    Proficiencies: Dagger, quarterstaff; brewing, cook-ing, fire building, fishing, herbalism, spellcraft, swim-ming, modern languages (Satyr, Treant),reading/writing (Common, Silvanesti)Armor: NoneWeapons: Dagger +2, quarterstaffEquipment: Boots of varied tracks, gem of brightness,ring of water walking

    Description: Liliornin is a highly attractive youngwoman of 85. Her blonde hair is kept long in theback, yet hewn in front to keep it out of her eyes.She wears distressed-leather clothing with fur sewn atthe hems for a comfortable and snug fit. Her piercinggrey eyes are her most striking attribute, but her mostcommanding quality is her excellence in spellcasting.

    Attitudes: Liliornin is a talented and cautious wizarddedicated to eliminating evil on Krynn. She has nopatience for those who cannot abide by the simplerules and laws instituted by the gods. Together withMorrandar, she strives for peace and law at all times.

    Background: Liliornin was born south of Palanthus inVarus. Her parents were Lalena a