adam smith vs karl marx

Adam Smith vs Karl Marx Who’s the man with the economic plan?

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Adam Smith vs Karl Marx


Page 1: Adam Smith vs Karl Marx

Adam Smith vs Karl Marx

Who’s the man with the economic plan?

Page 2: Adam Smith vs Karl Marx

Adam Smith

individuals own the means of production (factories, machines, land) and reinvest profits as capital to expand business

Capital – wealth that is invested in order to create more wealth

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Adam Smith-

The Wealth of Nations

Laissez-faire- (let do) non-interference of

the government in business


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Free Market Economy – One in which consumer choice, the law of supply and demand and competition drives companies decisions regarding what products to produce and the prices of those products.

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Law of Self Interest

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Law of Supply and Demand

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a theory or system of social organization that promotes:

that the community as a whole should own and control of the means of production (factories / land)

profits from production should be divided amongst the community as a whole

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Socialism Continued

Believe capitalist take advantage of workers

Community or state (gov’t) must act to protect workers

Unequal distribution of wealth is unfair (caused by capitalism)

Goods should be divided according to each person’s needs

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Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels

The Communist Manifesto

Haves Have-nots

Patrician Plebeian

Noble Serf

1st & 2nd Estates

3rd Estate

Bourgeoisie Proletariat

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The New Struggle

Bourgeoisie = owners of business, capital and means of production

Proletariat = working classes, own nothing

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Karl Marx (and F. Engels)

The Communist Manifesto

Radical Socialism or Marxism

Workers will seize control of the government and businesses

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Then what…

redistribute profits equally

own all property in common (no private property)

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Socialism Communism

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” (all must work, all share in profits)

Economic equality (no more classes)

No government or police would be needed in a community of equals where all is shared government would fade away Communism

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“Communist” Countries Today

“Communism” = Dictatorship

never moved passed Marx’s Dictatorship of the Proletariat stage


–Former USSR (Soviet Union)



–North Korea

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Socialist Countries Today

Tend to be democracies

Major Industries owned by the people (Railways, Telephones, TV stations etc.)

Government taxes provide benefits to all citizens (healthcare, free higher education, pensions (retirement), Social security


France, Canada, England

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What system would they support?

For the following people decide whether they would support:

Socialists - All means of production and all profits are owned by the community together (Owen, Marx) Laissez-Faire Capitalism - Government should keep its hands off business and allow owners to act in their own self interest to seek profit (Smith, Malthus and Ricardo)

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Donald Trump

If you don't make him a profit “YOU'RE FIRED!”

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Robin HoodRobs from the rich and gives to the poor (ie redistribution of wealth).

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Papa Smurf

Leads a self-sufficient community of little blue people living in harmony. All members of the community work together to meet their needs. All have an equal share.

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He is in constant pursuit of wealth and doesn't care how many little Smurfs had to die to make him rich. In fact he thought he could turn Smurfs into gold...hmmmmm…