ad-a251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (tfd), or perfluoroisobutylene (pfib)...

AD-A251 135 U.S. ARMY MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL DEFENSE USAMRICD-TR-92-02 PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC MECHANISMS OF THREE PULMONARY EDEMAGENIC COMPOUNDS: THE ROLE OF TOXIC OXYGEN SPECIES Holcombe H. Hurt Suzanne A. Hernandez DTIC Wallace B. Baze Theresa M. Tezak-Rei . Jill R. Keeler 05 1ET j APIL 1992 I M A Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 00 U.S. AR Y MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTIrTrE OF CHEICAL DEFENSE Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5425

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Page 1: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

AD-A251 135





Holcombe H. HurtSuzanne A. Hernandez DTIC

Wallace B. BazeTheresa M. Tezak-Rei .

Jill R. Keeler 05 1ET j

APIL 1992


M A Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

00 U.S. AR Y MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTIrTrE OF CHEICAL DEFENSEAberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5425

Page 2: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


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The findings in this report are not to be construed as anofficial Department of the Army position unless so designated byother authorized documents.

In conducting the work described in this report, theinvestigators adhered to the "Guide for the Care and Use ofLaboratory Animals" as promulgated by the Committee on Revisionof the Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care of theInstitute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National ResearchCouncil.

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Page 3: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement







Ga. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATIONUS Army Medical Research Inst. (If applicable) US Army Medical Research Institute ofof Chemical Defense SGRD-UV-YY Chemical Defense6. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City State, and ZIP Code)ATTN: SGRD-UV-YY ATTN: SGRD-UV-RCAberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5425 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5425



62787A 3M162787 875AA11. TITLE (Indude Security Clssiication)

Pathologic Mechanisms of Three Pulmonary Edemagenic Compounds: The Role of ToxicOxygen Species. (U)

12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S)Hurt, H.H., Hernandez, S.A., Baze, W.B., Tezak-Reid, T.M., Keeler, J.R.

138. TYPE OF REPORT 113b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, MonthDay) lS. PAGE COUNTFinal & Technical ReporF FROM Aug 88 To Apr 91 April 1992 41


17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Phosgene, Perfluoroisobutylene, Bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide96 11 Rats, Pulmonary Edema

19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverie if necessary nd identify by block number)

Inhalation of phosgene (CG), perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB), or bis(trifluoromethyl)-disulfide (TFD) results in the production of pulmonary edema, but the mechanism involvedhas not been determined. To study this mechanism, the effects of eight drugs thought toaffect the development of this type of edema were studied in rats exposed to-these gases.The compounds included N-acetylcysteine (thiol), ibuprofen (cyclooxygenase inhibitor),pentigetide (inflammation modulator), lodoxamide (xanthine oxidase inhibitor), andhydroxyurea (neutrophil depleter) and three lazaroids (two 21-aminosteroids and one2-methylaminochroman). The protection from lung toxicity that was found, if any, variedaccording to the drug used, gas involved and timing of drug administration. Although theresults are consistent with a mechanism of toxic gas lung injury involving toxic oxygenradicals, other mechanisms are not excluded.


22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c. OFFICE SYMBOLJohn V. Wade, L"'C, VC (410)671-2553 SGRD-UV-Y


Page 4: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


The work reported herein was conducted under USAMRICD Protocol#1-03-89-000-A-525, entitled "Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Three PulmonaryEdemagenic Compounds: The Role of Toxic Oxygen Species." The data is recorded inUSAMRICD notebooks numbers 054-89 and 035-90. The work was initiated in August 1988and completed in April 1991.


The authors wish to thank the following persons for their outstanding technicalassistance in this study:

Felix Feliciano-EmmanuelliBernard M. Gladden (_,,,Theodore S. Moran rYr,,

Acoesslon For

NTIS GRA&IDTIC TAB 0Unannounced 0Justificatio


Availability Codes

jAvail and/orDist j speoal

Page 5: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


LIST OF TABLES ................................................. vii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................ vii

INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1

MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................ 2

Experimental Paradigm ......................................... 2Drugs administered ............................................ 2Inhalation exposure apparatus .................................... 2Toxic Compounds Studied ....................................... 2Necropsy and Disposition of Tissue Samples ......................... 2H istopathology ............... ................................ 3Statistical Analysis ............................................. 3

RE SU LTS ........................................................ 3

Tabular Summary of LW/WW and WW/DW Results ................. 26Tabular Summary of Mortality Comparisons ......................... 27Tabular Summary of Histopathology Studies ......................... 28

DISCUSSION .................................................... 29

REFERENCES ................................................... 32

DISTRIBUTION LIST .............................................. 35


Page 6: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


Table 1. LUNG WEIGHT INDICES .................................. 26

Table 2. MORTALITY COMPARISONS.(Drug vs. vehicle treated, gas exposed groups) ..................... 27

Table 3. PATHOLOGY SCORES.(Drug vs. vehicle treated, gas exposed groups) .................... 28


Results are shown in the bar graphs of Figures 1 through 45 ............. 8


Page 7: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the mechanism by which certaintoxic gases produce chemical injury to the lungs when inhaled. The mechanismsresponsible for producing lung edema after exposure to phosgene (CG),bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown.Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement activation,aggregation of granulocytes and platelets, stimulation of arachidonic acid metabolism andgeneration of toxic oxygen species [Said, 1985]. Selected lung peptides also may play a.role in either pathologic or protective mechanisms involved in acute lung injury [Dey andSaid, 1985]. The current scientific and medical literature indicates that these responsesare often overlapping, and the generation of toxic oxygen species may be a commonmolecular action in each case.

Toxic oxygen species include superoxide anion (02 "), hydrogen peroxide (H 20 2),hydroxyl radical (OH), singlet oxygen (102) and peroxide radical (ROO, where R =lipid). There is mounting evidence suggesting that the reduction of molecular oxygen toany of these moieties results in damage to biologic membranes, and can be generated bypulmonary epithelia and endothelia, macrophages and neutrophils. The tissue damage ischaracterized by lipid peroxidation, nucleic acid damage, carbohydrate depolymerization,and protein denaturation [Taylor, 1985]. These reactive oxygen metabolites aregenerated by specific enzymes (e.g., xanthine oxidase), by autoxidation and by energytransfer reactions, all normal processes in aerobic metabolism. Similarly, there arenormal antioxidant defenses that prevent cellular toxicity and are characterized asenzymatic (e.g., superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) or non-enzymatic(e.g., vitamins E and C, glutathione, cysteine and other thiols). When oxidant productionovercomes the endogenous defense system, tissue damage ensues. A logical approach todetermining if lung damage is related to toxic oxygen species is to manipulate theenzymatic/non-enzymatic control over the balance of these oxygen radical forces.Indeed, the pathogenesis of pulmonary edema has been attenuated by enzymes thatpromote the removal of toxic oxygen moieties [Milligan, 1988] and by leukopeniainducers [Shasby, 1982].

Although toxic oxygen species generation is suggested as a likely mechanism ofpulmonary injury in the aforementioned studies, it is not known if this is a mechanismfor the injury observed after inhalation exposure to CG, TFD or PFIB. In this study, ratswere administered intervention compounds based largely on the above biochemicalschema.


Page 8: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


Experimental Paradigm. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (140-325 g) were assigned toone of four test groups: Group A, 6 rats treated with the selected drug and exposed tothe selected toxic gas; Group B, 6 rats treated with the drug vehicle and exposed to thegas; Group C, 2 rats treated with the chosen drug and exposed to air; and Group D, 2rats treated with drug vehicle and exposed to air. For statistical analysis, the results fromgroups C and D (for each drug respectively) were pooled. The drug or vehicle wasadministered either 15 to 30 minutes before or 15 to 30 minutes after exposure to thegas, with thee exception of hydroxyurea. Hydroxyurea was given twice daily for three da3aprior to exposure, and blood leukocyte counts were determined to insure that leukopenishad been attained (Orthodiagnostics ELT 8/DS Lazer Hematology Analyzer, Westwood,MA). Ten-minute exposures to the gases were conducted. In the initial experiments, iteanimals were observed for 24 hours after exposure. It was decided later to shorten thepost-exposure period to 5 hours, usually using a higher concentration of the toxic gas toobtain pulmonary edema within the shortened observation period. In determiningwhether or not an adequate exposure to the toxic gas had been obtained, we arbitrarilycategorized each experiment as comprising an "adequate exposure" when the lung weightto body weight ratio of the vehicle-treated, gas-exposed rats (group B) was found to be atleast twice that of the vehicle-treated air-exposed rats (group D).

Drugs administered. Drugs were N-acetylcysteine 200 mg/kg (Bristol-Myers Co.,Evansville, IN) (vehicle, 0.9 % saline), pentigetide 2 mg/kg (ImmunetechPharmaceuticals, San Diego, CA) (vehicle, phosphate buffered saline), ibuprofen 50mg/kg (Upjohn Co., Kalmazoo, MI) (vehicle, Placebo for Ibuprofen Sterile Solution, 50mg/ml, Study Lot #40,524, Upjohn Corp.), lodoxamide tromethamine 10 mg/kg (UpjohnCo., Kalmazoo, MI) (vehicle, 0.9% saline), hydroxyurea 1500 mg/kg (Sigma ChemicalCo., St. Louis, MO) (vehicle, 0.9% saline) and three experimental Upjohn lazaroidcompounds, U78517F (vehicle, distilled water) U75412E (vehicle, 0.05N saline), andU74006F (vehicle, 0.9%saline). The latter three compounds were all given at 10 mg/kg.All drugs were given as a single dose, except hydroxyurea, which was given daily forthree days. The drug or its vehicle was administered intraperitoneally (ip), with theexception of hydroxyurea. Hydroxyurea was given ip to the phosgene-exposed rats, andby gavage to the rats exposed to TFD and PFIB.

Inhalation erposure apparatus. Each rat was exposed to the toxic gas or air for 10minutes through his nose and mouth. The generation and maintenance of appropriateconcentrations of the required gases have been described previously (Keeler et al.,1990). A head-stock type of restraint (Process Instruments Corp., Brooklyn, NY) wasused to hold the rats in fixed position in the gas manifold.

Toxic Compounds Studied. Gases were administered in concentrations that wouldproduce pulmonary edema within the observation period and were continuously


Page 9: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

monitored during exposure by an infra-red spectrometer (Miran 1A, Foxboro Co.,Sharon, MA). Concentrations administered were CG (170 mg/m 3), TFD (200 mg/m 3),and PFIB (130-150 mg/m3) [24-hr observation periods]; CG (200-230 mg/m 3), TFD (200-260 mg/m 3), PFIB (150-200 mg/m 3) [5-hr observation periods].

Necropsy and Disposition of Tissue Samples. Rats that died prior to the 5- or 24-hour endpoints were necropsied at time of death. Survivors were sacrificed by guillotineat the 5- or 24-hour endpoint after exposure and necropsied. The lungs were removedand trimmed free of adjacent tissues, then blotted and weighed. The right caudal lobewas then excised, weighed, and dried to a constant weight at 1000 C. The right craniallobe was immersion fixed in Zenker's fixative. The left lung was inflated with and thenimmersion fixed in 10% formalin. The heart, thymus and a mesenteric lymph node, aswell as portions of the trachea, spleen, and left kidney, were also preserved in formalin.

Histopathology. Representative sections of the lungs were reviewed bypathologists and graded on a scale of 1 to 4. No blinding procedures were utilized inthe scoring. Criteria were as follows: 0 = normal; 1 = minimal lesion (widenedlymphatic and perivascular spaces, slight increase in perivascular and/or alveolarmacrophages and/or eosinophils, occasional amounts or wisps of eosinophilic edemafluid in alveoli); 2 = mild lesion (multifocally, <20% of alveoli contain traces ofeosinophilic edema fluid and increased number of alveolar macrophages perivascularspaces are widened and interstitial inflammatory cells are slightly increased); 3 =moderate lesion (20-50% of alveoli contain eosinophilic edema fluid , scattered alveolihave strands of fibrin within alveoli or perivascularly, septae are thickened andinflammatory cells within alveoli and interstitium are increased); 4 = severe lesion(diffuse alveolar edema, <50% of alveoli are involved, widespread fibrin deposition,marked thickening of alveolar septa, increase alveolar and interstitial inflammatory cells).

Statistical Analysis. Two primary indices of the severity of lung edema wereanalyzed by 2-tailed one way analysis of variance, (1) the lung weight to body weightratio (x 100), and (2) the right caudal lobe wet weight to dry weight ratio. If a significantdifference between the means was found, at a probability level of p < 0.05, a comparisonbetween groups was performed using Newnan-Keuls Analysis. Two additionalparameters were tested in some of the experiments: (1) the proportions of the treatedand the untreated rats that died within the 24-hour post-exposure period were comparedusing Fisher's Exact Test; and (2) the lung injury scores generated by histopathologyexamination were compared between the treated and untreated toxic gas-exposed ratsand analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test. No formal analysis of the data fornormality of distribution was made.


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Results are shown in the bar graphs of Figures 1 through 45, and statisticallysignificant results for the lung weight ratios are described in the narrative summarywhich follows. In the intergroup comparisons, the presence of a significant difference atthe p <0.05 level is indicated as follows:

* indicates a significant difference between group B, the gas-exposed vehicle -treated group, and group A, the gas-exposed drug -treated group.

+ indicates a significant difference between group B, the gas-exposed vehicle -treated group, and group C, the air-exposed drug -treated group.

+ indicates a significant difference between group B, the gas-exposed vehicle -treated group, and group D, the air-exposed vehicle -treated group.

No significant differences were found between groups C and D in theseexperiments, and no symbols are shown for those comparisons. To avoid complexity,comparisons of groups A and C and of groups A and D are not presented. Thereforeonly comparisons between group B and the A, C, and D groups are noted here. Anabsence of any symbol over group B indicates that comparison of group B with groups Aand C was made and found to be not significant.

Results by drug and gas studied.(Note, those experiments in which a long (24-hour) observation period was utilized

are distinguished by asterisks in Tables I and 2)

(1) N-ACETYLCYSTEINE Pre-treaient:a. vs. CG exposure, Figures la & lb. Although an initial experiment showed

significant reduction in the WW/DW ratio, no significant reduction in theLW/BW ratio was found. When the experiment was repeated with a higherphosgene concentration, no significant reductions were noted.

b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 2.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figures 3a and 3b. An initial experiment failed to secure

an adequate exposure. When repeated at a higher dose of PFB, a significantreduction in the WW/DW ratio was found. The LW/BW ratio trendedsimilarly but did nc reach statistical significance.

(2) PENTIGETIDE Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figures 4a & 4b. On an initial experiment, significant

reductions in LW/BW and WW/DW ratios were found. On repetition at ahigher phosgene concentration and a shorter observation period, this was notconfirmed.

b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 5. A significant increase in LW/BW ratio was noted,but the WW/DW ratio was not significantly increased.


Page 11: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figures 6a & 6b. On an initial experiment, an adequateexposure was nat obtained. When the experiment was repeated at the samePFIB concentration, adequate exposure was obtained but no significantdifferences in treatment and vehicle groups was found.

(3) IBUPROFEN Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 7.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 8.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figures 9a & 9b. An initial exposure to PFIB did not result

in an adequate exposure. When the experiment was repeated at a higher PFIBconcentration, the LW/BW ratio indicated significant reduction in edema bythe ibuprofen pre-treatment. The WW/DW ratio trended in the same directionbut did not reach statistical significance.

(4) LODOXAMIDE Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 10. A significant increase in WW/DW ratio was

found, but the increase in LW/BW ratio was not significant.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 11.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figures 12a & 12b. In the initial experiment, an adequate

exposure was not obtained. When repeated at a higher PFIB concentration, nosignificant differences between drug and vehicle-treated groups were noted.

(5) HYDROXYUREA Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 13.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figures 14a & 14b. In two experiments, at two

concentrations of TFD, significant reductions in lung edema accumulationsapparently resulted from pretreatment with hydroxyurea.

c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figures 15a, 15b, 15c, & 15d. On two initial experiments(Figures 15a and 15b), an adequate exposure was not obtained. On a thirdexperiment at a greater PFIB concentration, a significant decrease in theWW/DW ratio was found, but the decrease in LW/BW ratio was notsignificant. On a fourth repetition at a slightly lower PFIB concentration, nosignificant differences between the gas-exposed groups were noted, but a similartrend was noted.

(6) U78517F Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 16.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 17. A significant reduction was found in the

LW/BW ratio, but the WW/DW ratio was not significantly reduced.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 18. Significant reductions were found in both

LW/BW and WW/DW ratios.


Page 12: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

(7) U75412E Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 19.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 20a, 20b, & 20c. On an initial experiment an

adequate exposure was not obtained. When the experiment was repeated atthe same concentration, a significant increase in the LW/BW ratio was found inthe drug-treated, gas-exposed group, but this was not accompanied by asignificant difference in the WW/DW ratio. When the experiment wasrepeated again, at a higher concentration, a significant decrease in the LW/BWratio was found in the drug-treated, gas-exposed group. The WW/DW ratiotrended in the same direction but did not reach statistical significance.

c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 21.

(8) U74006F Pre-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figures 22a & 22b. On an initial experiment a significant

reduction on LW/BW ratio was found, but the reduction in WW/DW ratio wasnot significant. On repetition of the experiment at the same CG concentration,no significant differences in the ratios for treated and untreatd rats werefound.

b. vs. TFD exposure, Figures 23a & 23b. On an initial experiment, an adequateexposure was not obtained. On repetition of the experiment at a higherconcentration, the WW/DW ratio indicated significant reduction in the edemain the drug-treated group, when compared with the vehicle-treated group. TheLW/BW ratio trended in the same direction but did not reach statisticalsignificance.

c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 24.

(9) ACETYLCYSTEINE Post-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 25.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 26.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 27a, 27b, 27c, & 27d. On an initial experiment, an

adequate exposure was not obtained. When the experiment was repeated athigher PFIB concentration, a reduction in the LW/BW index was found. Thechange in the WW/DW index was minimal. When the experiment wasrepeated at an even higher concentration of PFIB, no significant differenceswere found between drug and vehicle-treated groups.

10) PENTIGETIDE Post-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figures 28a & 28b. No significant differences between the

gas-exposed groups were found, in two experiments at differing gasconcentrations.

b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 29.c. vs. PFB exposure, Figures 30a & 30b. An initial experiment failed to achieve

an adequate exposure. On repetition at the same PFIB concentration, nosignificant differences were noted between gas-exposed groups.


Page 13: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

11) IBUPROFEN Post-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figures 31 a & 31b. On an initial experiment, significant

reductions in LW/BW and WW/DW ratios were found. On repetition at ahigher phosgene concentration with a shorter observation period, no significantreductions were found.

b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 32.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figures 33a & 33b. On an initial experiment, an adequate

exposure was not obtained. When the experiment was repeated at a higherconcentration, no significant differences were found between the gas-exposedgroups.

12) LODOXAMIDE Post-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 34.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 35.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 36.

13) U78517F Post-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figure 37. Significant reductions were found in both

LW/BW and WW/DW ratios.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figure 38. An adequate exposure was not obtained.c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 39.

14) U75412E Post-treatment:a. vs. CG exposure, Figures 40a & 40b. No significant differences between the

gas-exposed groups were found at two CG concentrations, in two experiments.WW/DW ratios were not obtained in the second experiment.

b. vs. TFD exposure, Figures 41a, 41b, & 41c. In two initial experiments,adequate exposures were not obtained. When the experiments were repeatedat a higher TFD concentration, no significant differences between the gas-exposed groups were noted.

c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 42.

15) U74006F Post-treatment:a. vs. phosgene exposure, Figure 43.b. vs. TFD exposure, Figures 44a & 44b. On an initial experiment a significant

increase in lung weights was not produced by the gas exposures. When theexperiment was repeated at a higher gas concentration, no significantdifferences in the ratios for treated and untreated rats were found.

c. vs. PFIB exposure, Figure 45.


Page 14: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure I1a. Acotylcystelne Pr*-CG

00 Oct 10, 1989 (n-B)2 *


-J ~ Iin

a N-AC Vohicle N.M Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehle Ni-Ac Vehicle N-At VehicleCe ca Air Air CON CO Air Air Ca Go Ca Co

Figure l b. Acetyceystelne Pro-CG

2 12 Oct 29. 1990 (n-6)

- 6

41 I

0 L

-' -Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicie N-At Votcie N-AC Vehicle N-AC Vohile N0-Ac VehiceCG Ca Air Air CO Go Air Air C0 Co CG CO

Figure 2. Acetylcystein. Pro-TFDDec 13, 1989 (n-6)

2 12 a


N-Ac Vehle11 N-Ac Veil N-At Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Viphicia N-Ac Veh,cl.0WOD TFO Air Air TIFD TFD Air Air TFD TFO TFO TFD

Figure 3a. Acetylcysteln* Pro-PFIBApr 30, 1990 (n-6)

N, %

Wa 4-d -C O

N-c Vhce . eil N-Ac VehCic Nt-Ac Vehi M-Ac Vehicoe M-Ac V.N,ef.PFlU PFIB Air Air "~is Prig Air Ait Prig Prig PrIe Prig


Page 15: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 3b. Acetycaystein. Pro-PFIBMay 29, 1990 (n-6)

r 4 't

- £ I

N-Ac Vehicle N.Mc Vehicle N.Mc Vehicle NMA Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N.MC VehiclePRIO PVIS Air Air PFIS PROU Air Air PRO PrIB PI10 Pf§B

Figure 3c. Acetylcystelne Pre-PFIBOct 22, 1900 (n-6)

4 e5

01 017ok I- I J

.1 N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-AM Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N.AC Vehicle N-Ar VehiclePFIS P915 Air Air PFIB P915 Air Air PFIB PFIS PRO5 PFIB

Figure 4a. Pentigetide Pro-CGOct 31. 1989 (n-6)

* -a C

Oc 25290 nB

C"C s

Pehilgeude Vehicle Portigetide Vehicle Pifillgelide Vehicle Ponvgellde Vehicle P-., 11".. vehicle P-69.0" VehicieCG CO Air Air CO co Air Air cc Ca Co CG

Figue 4b Penigetde Po-9

Page 16: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 5. Pentigetlde Pro-TFDDoc 12, 1989 (n-6)


i0 3

Poo Op~d Vetitle, Pee~lu.U Vehicle Pertlgelde Vehie Pentride Vehicle 401114116 Vehicle Puen~teil Vehicle


Figure.Ba. Pentigetide Pre-PFIBMay 8, 1990 (n-B)

............ as .......

a 0

Per110idll da Vehicle Penfigetide Vehicle PetglieVhcePnisieVehicle Peiiii~de Vehicle Per'.itdird VeiilPFIB PFlB Air Air PFIB PFIS Air Air PFIB F1 F1 F1

Figure 6b. Pentlgetide Pre-PFIBJun 4, 1990 (n-B)


* -J C . . . . . . .


Pwfeilede Vehicle Perfillilid. Vehicle Peftigede Vehicle Penlipefele Vehicle P.iib.We Vehicle Pe~igebdir WiisPFlU PPIB Air Air PFIB PplS Air Air PFIB PFfS PFIB Me1

Figure 7. Ibuprofen Pre-CGNov 1, 1989 (n-B)

0 3

= l

V bipetfin Vehicle "b*rnu Vehicle Ibupeferi Vehicle lipraen Vehicle lbiorbefti Vehricle ibugwol"i Veiiideco ce Air Air Ce CO Air Ai CG cc CO CO


Page 17: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 8. Ibuprofen Pro-TIFD

2 oo Dec 11, 1989 (n-6)


.. . . . . . . Co. . . .. . . .

.4 0 0

biOU"Gn Veile buprslen Vehicle IbirfnV0.bplf eil Iuoe eil b~oe eilTFO WFO Air Ali TFO TPOD Air Air Tro TPo TFO TFO

Figure 9a. Ibuprofen Pro-PFIB

2 00z 12 May 2, 1990 (n-6)

.4 4 1

2 2

000.j lbuoloe Velhicle lbuprolen Vehicle lbuprofen Vehicle Ibirollen Vehicle lbliPrOlft VIONCIe ibUproeor VehiclePROS PROS Air Air Prig PROS Air Air Pig PFIG PiriS PFIS

Figure 9b. Ibuprofen Pro-PIFIBJun 5, 1990 (n-6)

4 I

2 12 Oc 1S98 n6


Ibuprole Vehicle bupefenid Vehicle Ibuprefln Vehicle Ihqjprble Vehicle IpolV*Nvce Iboleii Veho.ePca PFo Air Air col coI Air Air Coi PFo PCo CGi

Page 18: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 11. Lodoxamide Pro-TFD

2 2 2 oo Dec 4, 1989 (n-6)

It 4

3 2

Loemavlde eil uoee V Veil Lodwrnride Vehicle L"Gedegf Vehicle umid.Vehicle Led VehicleTWO TO Air Air TFD TWa Air Air TFO WOD TFO TF

Figure 12a. Lodoxamide Pro-PFIBMay 7, 1990 (n-6)


3 2S

0 00

Ledtehide Vehicle La6dozemide Vehicle Lodoxamnide Vehicle Ledriemide Vehicle 0 m,ofe. Vehicle Ld-4* VehiclePFIB PFiB Air Air PFiB PFIS Air Air PFIS PIFIU PROS Will

Figure 12b. Lodoxamide Pro-PFlBMay 30, 1990 (n-6)


.. . . - f . .. . . . . . .4

.3 Ledtourolde Vehicle Le0doxhihide Vehicle Le0doxerilde Vehicle L.0oxamride Vehicle .omftmh Vehi L*5w-li Veh.Cl;PFlB PFIS Air Air FIFB PFiU Alf Air PFIS PFIII PIFIS "ll

Figure 13. Hydroxyurea Pre-CGNov 7, 1989 (n-6)


4 IOWL w mm£

WIWMydmyne vehicle Hydrozyrure Vehicle Hydroxiyures Vehicle Ny~roxrjfo Vehicle 04ydrexy Vehicle myckoxy Veh-cleco Ce Air Air CO CO Air Air Co CG CG CG


Page 19: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 14a. Hydroxyuries Pro-TFD

Dec 19, 1989 (n-6)


A = Il I

NY*41wes Vehicis Hydroxytires velleNdeweV~eMexue ed yrz dd ~~e ehicleF0 F0 Ar irTFO FF0 AMe Air F0 TFO IFO TFO

Figure 14b. Hydroxyurea Pre-TFDDec 3 and 7, 1990

021 e C

. . . . . . .


H r*rum a l*H royraVhceHYdroxyties Vehicle HydroxyUrea Vehicle 0yr~ eil ~~x eilF0 TO Ar ArTFO TFF Air Air TfD TFD TFO TFD

Figure 15a. Hydroxyurea Pr.PFIB

0 Nov 7,1989 (n-6)02

.. . . . .. . . . I .. .. ..U9

r a

Hydrexywree Ve~G Hydroryures Vehicle HYydroxitwes Vehiele HYdroxyUree Vehicle Hydroxy Vehicfe HYdrexy VehilPFIB PFiB Air Air F1 F1 Air Air M PFiS F1 PFiS PF18

Figure 15b. Hydroxyurea Pre-PFIB

2 12 May 1, 1990 (n-6)

.. . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . . . . .

*p 2

MyfOYWIIVho xywers Vhil Ve icl yroywom Vehicle HYdie.Y Vehis Hydroxy VeoiciMIS FIII Air Air F1 F1 Air Air PFIS PFIB F1 PFIB


Page 20: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 1 Sc. Hydroxyurea Pro-PFIBMay 30, 1990 (n-6)

2 12





* 0

Hymrg.V Hlciryurewe Vehicle Hydroxyures Vehicle Hydrox~wee Vehicle 1lfidrrny Vehicle Hy&*ory VehiclePFlB PROU Air Air PFIS PROE Air Alt PFIS PFi0 Pfis "Fis

Figure Il5d. Hydroxyurea Pro-PIFIBNov 7,1990 (n-6)


N- Z

* 00

1 Hdraryures Vehicle Hy~rewee Vehicle IHvdroxylirm Vehicle HydroXyurea Vehicle Hydro~y Vehicle iHyroty VertisPFlS PIFIB Alr Air PROS PFIB Air Air PPIB PFIO PFIB PROB

Figure 16. U78517F Pro-CGAug 21, 1990 (n-6)

2 12 o

0 4


Aug 14 190(nB

Aug' 14 190(n6

9 4.. . . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .

UM1S7F Vehicle UTOS17F Vehicle U78S1?F Vehicle 1.1711117F Vehicle U76517F Veh,die UIS17F VehitftWOD iPO Air Air TFO Tito Air Air TlrD TFD TFO TFO


Page 21: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 18B. U78517F Pre-PFIBJul 31, 1990 (n-6)



UUI7P Vehicie WHSIMF Vehicle U78617F Vehicle U7861?1F Vehicle U7$5I7F Vehicle U7?S7F VehicleP913 P913 Air Air P91. P911 Air Air Me1 PFll PF1ll P919

Figure 19. U75412E Pre-CGAug 22, 1990 (n-6)


* .4


0U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U7SAI2E VehicleCG CO Air Air ce CO Air Air Co Ca CG CG

Figure 20a. U75412E Pro-TFDDoc 6, 1989 (n-6)

2 0

U , i

- a

3o 2

U7S412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle 07S412E Vehicle 075S412E vehicleT90 TWO Air Air TFO TFO Air Air TFO TFO TFO TfO

Figure 20b. U75412E Pro-TFDAug 16, 1990 (n-6)


I ... . . .. .. . . ..

o' U764126 Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U754120 Vehicl U75412E Veiotcle

T90 190 Air Air TfO 190 Air Air TOO Tfoo T FO0 TFO

Page 22: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 20c. U75412E Pre-TFDNov 26, 1990 (n-6)

0- 4

* of-' U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U7I"l2f Vehicle UYS41RE Vehicle 0U?5412E Vehile. U754129 Voficl


Figure 21. U75412E Pro-PFIBAug 1, 1990 (n-6)

. . . . . . . . . . .. ..

bb 4

,a g

3 2

U75412E Vehicle U7641 2E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E VehiclePWIB PFIU Air Ali PROU PFIS Aer Air PFIS PFIS PFIB MeI

Figure 22a. U74006F Pre-CGelf Aug 20, 1990 (n-6)

0 4


3 2* %

U740OFVehcisU?4006F Vehicle U74006F Vehicle U7400$F Vehi40FclectU70OFVhil

Figure 22b. U74006F Pre-CGOct 29, 1990 (n-6)


U74OOS Vehicle U74008F Vehicle U740061 Vehicle U7400OF Vehicle U74006F Velecle U7tOCOV VehicleCO Ca Alr Air CO CO Air Air Ca CG cc CG


Page 23: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 23a. U74006F Pro-TFDAug 13, 1990 (n-6)

N £ * ,2

9U ..

Oc 24193nB

0 16 ONIS

U7~oe Vehicle U7400F Vehicle U74006F Vehcl U74OW6 Vhc~ U.P400F Vehce U7400F Vehicle170 ITO Ai Ai TFD 770 Air .10 7701 TFO TFO 770

Figure 24. U74006F Pr-PFB

Aug Oc 2,1990 (n-)

4 4


U7400OF Vehicle U74006F Vehile U74006F Vehcle U74006F Vehice U74006F Vehce U74006F VehceP713 P71 Air Air P718 771 Air Air TFI FS PTS Pfi

Figure 24. U~~70FPo FB

Page 24: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 25. Acetylcystelne Post-COOct 10. 1989 (n-6)

.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. . . . . . . 4N1.

. . .. . . .


N-AC Vehice N-AC Vehicle N.Mc Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-AL Vehicle N-Ac vehiclecc Ce Air Air ce ce Air Air Ca Go Ca Ca

Figure 26. Acetylcysteinvi Post.TFDDec 13, 1989 (n-6)

4 0

£ I 4.

*0 a 0N-Ac vehicle N-AL Veie NAc Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehd. N-Ac VehicleTWe TFO Air Ai FD TFO Air Air TFO TFO TW TFO

Figure 27a. Acetylcysteine Post-PFIBApr 30, 1990 (n-6)

0 4NI

01 0

N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-AL Vehicle N-Ac, Vehicle -.cvha WA aslPRO PROE Air Air PFIS PPIB Air Air PFIS Mhe PFIe Pii

Figure 27b. Acetylicystein. Post-PFIBMay 29, 1990 (n-6)

0 33

.j A G e~ c e -AC V eh cleW - C V hic e AC ~ 6 -Ac Ve icl N - c ehi lPFI PR Al Ai PO PIB ir ir FS PI "sPI


Page 25: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 27c. Acatyleysteine Post-PFIBOct 22, 1990 (r. -6)

3- 2

0 0HI-Ac Vehicle H-Ac Vehicle N-Ac vehicle H-Ac Vehricle li-Ac Vehicle M-AC VehiclePFIG PFIG Air Air PF19 PIB AN, Air eciS PfiU PFIG Mill

Figure 27d, Acetylcysteine Post-PFIBAug 3, 1990 (n-6)

@1 1

C ig

ti-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle h-Ac VehiclePWIS PFIS Air Air PFIU PFIS Air Alt PF10 Prim owls Prim

Figure 28a. Pontigetide Post-CGOct 31, 1989 (n-6)

9 4

a 0 NIA


*0 00 Pemigel Pgo Vehicle Pehilgeild Vehicle Pefhiebe ~hll Plbet0 Vehicle PehI.ide ehcl Preg'te

Ca CG Air Air CO CO Air Air Co Ca Co CC.

Figure 28b. Pentigetide Post-CGJun B. 1990 (n-6)

* i



ftreiegeeee Vehicle Poftigede Vehicle Penogd. Vehiicie Peoriegeel Vehiicle pri-to~a. Ve~c.ICa CO Air Ar CON CO Air Ai CG Co Ca Co


Page 26: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 29. Pentigetide Post-TFDDoc 12. 1989 (n-6)

. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

P,.W.Vehlicle . ed.P.I.Ved Vehicle PengeeO Vehkf. Pehiieted. Vehicle -lo PniolmliVTFO Wpo Air Air TFO TPD Air 1;, rFD ?FO TFO IFO

Figure 30a. Pentlgetid. Post-PFIBMay 8, 1990 (n-6)

* ,2




PrfelisVh PflieieVehicle 0 Peni-lge Vhce d.lgtce ei Pen1ogedo Vehicle Penigerdle Veh.CI I*PR FS Ar Air PFIs PFIB Air Air prie PPIB PFIS Pris

Figure 30b. Pentigetide Post- 2FIBJun 4, 1990 (n-6)

3 2

00Pelitie 1de Vehicle Peniigetlde Vehicle PeftoIge Vehice Peuregetide Vehicle Pee*ea VhileP 4iqed VehiC 0PROU PROS Air Air PFIm "is Air Air polls PFIS1 PFiS PriD

Figure 31 a. Ibuprofen Post-CGNov 1, 1989 (n-6)


.. . . . . . .

.. .. .. . .. . .. . 1

hilmrsea Vehk*l muprfefon vehicle ibuprfen VONOOl ibUproferi Vehicle Ibp ilp" Veir ib,0rcien Veicle


Page 27: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 31b. Ibluprofen Post-CGOct 25, 1990 (n-6)


0 2p 3

biftw Vehicle bwtefn Vehicle brefiVehicle *kpowlo vehicle lbootOobot Vehi.cle u~i eilCe CO Alt Air 00 00AwoAtonCO CO 0

Figure 32. Ibuprofen Post-TFD

12 DeC 11, 1989 (n-6)

O3 0

lbeira Vehce leurofen Vehicle IurlnVehicle Ibuprofon Vehicle IbUiWOleir Vehitie Ibuorelon VehicleTro iTO Air Ait iTO TFO Air Air TpO iTF iTO rpo

Figure 33a. Ibuprofen Post-PIFIBmay 2, 1990 (n-6)

A /A01-

95 3

Ibelpfoe Vehicle Illuptefen Vehicle #bUProlen Vehicle Ibuprolen Vehicle ibwpolei Vehicie Ibuofmer VshocooPWIS WFIS Air Air PFIS PFIB Alf Air PFiB ptis PFiS owis

Figure 33b. Ibuprofen Post-PFIB

2 12 00 Jun 5, 1 990 (n-6)

2 0


leueln Vhile euroln ehilelbuPtelen Vehicle flbuproeer Vehicle IbiPiel.h Vehicle lbuofeas VoeideP9S W. Ait Air pFIm PWIS Air Air PFIB P0,i11 pris WFI


Page 28: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 34. Lodoxamide Post-COOct 11, 1980 (n-6)

, °. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I

lo 9 4 -Is a 4


*0 $ 0

Lodoxomido Vehicle Ladoxarnio Vehicle Lodoafmle Volhile Lefdoxmidc Vehil eAe. V Led lae. Vehicle

Co CG Air Air CO Co Alr Air CO CO CO CO

Figure 35. Lodoxamide Post-TFDDec 4, 1989 (n-6)


0 C ,:- £ I

2 I3a


Ledoj m0ide Vehicle Locloxemido Vehicle Lodogemido Vehicle Lodoxemide Vehicle Laox. VehiCle L.moW,.o Vehicle


Figure 36. Lodoxamide Post-PFIBMay 7, 1990 (n-6)

2 124 1;



0 11'

"4 Lodozoid Vehicle Lodloximmide Vehicle Lodoxamide Veicle Lodoxamide Vehic€le LomieVoh0¢vo t o h~cio


Figure 37. U78517F Post-CGAug 21, 1990 (n-6)

........ • o .......

* 3

0 £ o

-- M I?F Vehicle u7e$17F Vehicle U786a17F Vehicle U7@I STF Vehice UTSSITf Ve~hicle UOIS17F Vehicle

€o;c Air Air Co Co Air Air Co Co Co CG


* 0

Page 29: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 38. U78517F Post-TFD

Aug 14, 1990 (n-6)

12 a.. .. .. .. .. . .... m

.0. -1 I ........

-J USSITP Vehicle USIF Vehicle UTIS17F Vehice .1U78617: Vehicle UUSI7F Vehicle U?651wf VohiclTWD TWO Air Air IPO TPD Air Air IPO TPO TPD IFo

Figure 39. U78517F Post-PFJBJul 31, 1990 (n-6)

@12To tC

6 -.

Umi?1F Vehicle U7951?F Vehicle US17F Vehicle U701? Vehicle U7BS1 ?F Vehicle U76517F VehiclePIFIS PFIS Air Air PROB PROB Air Air PFIS PFIB PRO PPIB

Figure 40a. U75412E Post-COOct 30, 1989

@ 2 I 2



U@ 112

. 14129 V~4cl U7412t Vehicle U7S412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U754I2E vehcle U7&412E VehiCleCa co Air Air Co CGO Air Air CG Co CG Ca


Page 30: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 41 a. U75412E Post-TFDDoc 6. 1989 (n-6)



U76412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle UT6412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle UIPS12E VehicleTPO WDO Air Alf TFD IFO Air Air iSO 750 TF0 TF0

Figure 41b. U75412E Post-TFDAug 16. 1990 (n-6)

U £ I

.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 4 0

a mA

1 2

.j U75412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U7S412E Vehicle750 150 Air Air Tio TF0 Air Air 750 SF0 750 750

Figure 41c. U75412E Post-TFDNov 26, 1990 (n-6)

2 O, 12 o

V175412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle UIPS412E Veh'cleT50 TF0 Air Air 750 m5 Air Air IF0 TFO 750 750

Figure 42. U75412E Post.PFIBAug 1, 1990 (n-6)


r 0 0

U7541211 Vehicle U76412E Vehicle U75412E Vehicle U76412E VehicleU742 edo 752EVclMe1 PFI3 Aif Air PAS5 P513 Alt Air PF15 P518 P594 PF15


Page 31: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure Ila. Acetylcystelne Pre-CGOct 10, 1989 (n-6)

- - 12

9 4

C N0 C W ie NA ~ il N-AC Vowice N-AC Vohico. N-Ac Vehicl N-As Vehicle

CG Ca Air Air CO co Air our O C CO C

Figure lb. Acetyllcystelne Pr.-CGOct 29, 1990 (n-6) S

04 -

2 2


oo 0

S N-Ac Vehilie N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle .ac VhCe NC VhC

CG cG Air Air CO CO Air AirCO O C C

Figure 2. Acetylcysteifle Pre-TFDDec 13, 1989 (n-6) rI

C4 4

a 3

on 0

N-A Vehicle N-Ac, vehceNAehile N-AC Vehicle N-Ac Vehicle IFD Ac V FO T F

TFD TFD Air Air TFD Mi Air Air O TF TO O

Figure 3a. Acetyicystelne Pre-PFIBApr 30. 1990 (ni-B)

.. . . . .. . . . I . .. .

g 2g0

30 0 0

SN-Ac Vehicle N-AC vehicle N-A Vehicle N-AC Vehile PFIc Verr. NC .IS

PFiS WFiD Air Air Mei PF IG Air Arff FI ~ S Pi


Page 32: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

*4 s SIC)i~


*1 L a. ';~ 4 4 to


. 'c 8~ 4.


Page 33: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement



"0 V

0 - 0 - - C - c --

r0 -0 k

44 C) 0 00 ) T

~~~ cC'

-~ .-La

- 0 0 0

E* N O

8 ~ ~ ~ N-

4'27 B o .0 u ~0 O N L

Page 34: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Tabular Summary of Histopathology Studies. The microscopic studies of the lungsections were scored for severity of lung damage, as described in materials and methodssection, and the scores are shown in Table 3. Where the scores are absent no pathologystudies were performed.

Table 3. PATHOLOGY SCORES.(Drus w wek-beasted. gamsposed groups).



N-acelyleystuine 3.7:3.5 (170)* 2.5:3.3 (200)* 1.7:1.7(130)* 3.5:3.8 (170)* 2.2-1.5 (200)* (140)*2.3:.22 (200) 3.5:4.0 (140)* (150)*

1.7:1.7 (150) 21:2.0 (200)

pentigetide 3.5"3.8 (170)* 3.822 (200)* 3.3:3.7(150)* 4.03.5 (220)* 3.7:2.0 (200)* 3.2:3.3 (150)*2.2:3.5 (200) 3.3:3.7 (150) 3.2:3.3 (150)*

ibuprofen (170)* 2.8:1.8 (200)* 3.5:3.2 (150)* 3.2:32 (170)* 3.3:2.5 (200)* 3.727 (150)*

4.0:3.5 (2O0)

lodoxmide 3.8"3.5 (170)* 3.2:27 (200)* 3.0:1.3 (160)* 3.7:3.7 (170)* 3.328 (200)* Z.3:3.7 (150)*

hydrotyurea +2.3:3.5 (170)* +0.7:32 (200)* 2.3:3.5 (150)2.82.8 (230) 3.223 (160)'

1.1:3.3 (150)*

U78517F 3.7:3.3 (200) 2.7:3.7 (150) +2.23.8 (200) 3.0-.3.3 (150)

U75412E 3.0:3.3 (200) 2.21.0 (200) 2.3:3.0 (150) 3.7:32 (170)* 2.328 (20)* 3.23.3 (150)2.5-3.5 (230) 3.8:3.3 (200)

4.0:4.0 (230)

U74006F 2.3:18 (200) 22:3.3 (260) 3.5:4.0 (150)* 2.3:3.8 (200)* 28:3.7 (260) 3.527 (150)

Each pair of figures represents the average pathology score in the drug treated group followed by colon,followed by the pathology score in vehicle treated group.

* indicates 24-hour observation periods. Absence of an asterisk indicates five hour observation periods.+ significant at the p -0.05 level by Mann-Whitmey test.

Gas concentraions are indicated in parentheses (mg/rn).


Page 35: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement


The purpose of these studies was to evaluate the possibility that generation oftoxic oxygen species is a molecular mechanism by which inhalation of PFIB, TFD andCG causes pulmonary edema. The drugs chosen for study in these experiments arebelieved to interfere, directly or indirectly, with generation of toxic oxygen species or aidin the disposition of toxic radicals. N-acetylcysteine is thought to contribute tointracellular replenishment of glutathione, which subsequently acts as a sacrificial oxidantto conjugate active oxygen species (Moldeus et al., 1986). Pentigetide is thought tomoderate immune inflammatory reactions (Hamburger, 1975) with their associatedinflammatory oxygen radical production. It has also been reported to inhibit histaminerelease (Plummer et al., 1989) from calcium ionophore triggered mast cells. Ibuprofen,in addition to its cyclooxygenase inhibitory effects in preventing prostaglandin production(Vane, 1971), is thought to chelate iron, thus interfering with iron-mediated hydroxylradical generation (Kennedy et al., 1990). lbuprofen is also thought to act throughhydroxyl radical scavenging (Aruoma and Halliwell, 1988). Further, ibuprofen has beenshown to attenuate the production of hypochlorous acid from the reaction of halides withthe hydrogen peroxide produced in respiratory bursts of neutrophils (Carey et al., 1990).Lodoxamide is an inhibitor of rat lung xanthine oxidase (White, 1981). Xanthine oxidasecatalyzes the production of uric acid from xanthine, generating superoxide radicals andhydrogen peroxide. These in turn combine to form highly active hydroxyl radicalsthrough the metal catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction. Hydroxyurea produces leukopenia.When activated, leukocytes produce toxic oxygen radicals as part of their defense againstforeign organisms. Hydroxyurea is thought to interfere with an enzyme, ribonucleosidediphosphate, which is utilized in the production of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)(Goodman et al., 1980). DNA in turn is essential in the replication of leukocytes.Interference with the enzyme leads to leukopenia, reducing the potential for toxic oxygenradical production.

The manner in which lazaroid drugs protect against oxidative stress is not clearlyknown. One suggested method (Braughler et al., 1987) is by chelating iron, thusreducing the amount of oxygen radicals produced by iron catalyzed Fenton reactions.Other suggested mechanisms include scavenging lipid hydroperoxides and superoxideradicals (Hall et al., 1988).

These studies were conducted over a two-year period, during which timeimprovements were made in techniques and procedures. Shortening the post-exposureobservation periods allowed completion of experiments in a day. Analysis of the resultsindicates this did not result in failure to observe significant edema at necropsy. This maybe concluded from the fact that the proportion of short observation period experimentsin which significant lung weight increases resulted from the gas exposures was greaterthan the proportion (57%) observed in the experiments using the longer observationperiods. Likewise, the ability of the procedures to permit detection of differences in thedrug-treated as opposed to the vehicle-treated gas-exposed groups did not appear to beless in the short as opposed to the long observation period procedures. The proportion


Page 36: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

of experiments in which significant differences were noted between drug and vehicle-treated, gas-exposed groups was equal (26%) in the short and long observation periodgroups. The possibility that results may be different using the two observation periodscannot be excluded, but seems unlikely.

Difficulty in maintaining appropriate gas concentrations at the nose and mouth ofthe rats may have contributed to the variation in lung weight ratios found. Additionalvariation in these ratios may gave resulted from accumulation of blood in thetracheobronchial tree after euthanasia.

In deciding that a given drug reduced the development of the lung edemafrom exposure to a toxic gas, we relied primarily on two indices of increased lung weight,namely lung to body weight (LW/BW) ratio and wet to dry caudal lobe weight(WW/DW) ratio (for convenience, we present the lung to body weight ratios multipliedby 100). Both indices reflect the degree of lung edema, but each is subject to differentexperimental and recording errors. We have used them as cross-checks on each other.In all but two instances, the indices trend in the same direction, but statisticalsignificance was often present for one index, and absent in the corresponding pairedindex. An increase in the lung to body weight ratio reflects pulmonary edema as long asthere is no concomitant body weight loss (Currie et al., 1987). With the exception of theexperiments involving hydroxyurea, there were no differences in average body weightbetween groups A and B. Therefore, in these experiments, the differences in LW/BWratios should reflect differences in the amount of lung edema. The lung weight to dryweight ratio is considered a good index of pulmonary edema if marked edema is present.In lesser degrees of edema, the proportional increases in wet weight (due to water) anddry weight (due to protein leakage) may be comparable (Currie et al., 1985).

In a large series of experiments such as these (71 experiments), when statisticalanalysis is made at a double tailed probability level of p <.05, approximately two (.025 x71) positive results might be expected if none of the drugs had a beneficial effect inreducing the amount of lung edema produced. In these experiments, however,significantly less weight gain in the drug-treated group was noted in 20 experiments (agreater weight gain in the drug-treated group was noted in four experiments). In theabsence of a preventive effect of any drug studied, this proportion would be expected tooccur in less than 1 out of 1000 series of such experiments. Therefore, the results of theexperiments reported here clearly reflect a reduction in lung edema due to some of thedrugs studied, even though occasional inconsistencies were found.

If the incidence of prevention of lung weight gain by the drug used is comparedbetween the pre-treatment and the post-treatment experiments overall, it is found that 14out of 49 pre-treatment experiments (29%) indicate prevention of lung weight gain,compared to only 3 out of 32 post-treatment experiments (9%). This suggests that pre-treatment may be more effective than post-treatment, at least for some of the drugsexamined here. Nevertheless, the finding that post-treatment appeared helpful in threeinstances suggests that a post-treatment therapy may be developed.

On the basis of presumed mode of action of these drugs it is difficult to formulatea role for any of them in accentua&ig lung weight gain after gas exposure. The findingthat in four instances (i.e., 6% of the experiments) an apparently significant weight gain


Page 37: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

was noted appears more likely due to random difficulties with restraint during exposure,.or aspiration of blood during the necropsy procedure.

In the montality results, the effect of the drugs in reducing the number of deathsduring the post-exposure observation periods was examined. The ratio of drug-treated tovehicle-treated deaths was significant, using Fisher's exact test, in only two instances.Ibuprophen and U78517F, used as post-treatment of CG exposure, was followed bysignificantly fewer deaths in the drug-treated group than in the vehicle-treated group.The ratio was favorable (i.e., more rats died in the vehicle group than in the drug-treatedgroup) in 14 out of 21 experiments examining pre-treatment results (this excludes thehydroxyurea experiments, in which dehydration due to diarrhea may have influencedresults). When post-treatment mortality results are compared, the ratio was favorable inonly 10 out of 21 experiments.

In the pathology scoring of the lung sections, the effect of the drugs in reducing theseverity of lung pathology was examined. The effects were favorable (pathology scoreswere greater in the vehicle-treated than in the drug-treated groups) in 12 out of 17 pre-treatment experiments and in 4 out of 12 post-treatment experiments.

More often than not the mortality ratios and the pathology scores lay in the samedirection as the lung weight indices, but in some experiments, either or both trended in adirection opposite to the lung weight ratios. No pattern to these inconsistencies wasdiscerned. The number of animals studied was too small to allow any conclusions as towhether or not any of the drugs had effects on mortality or lung pathology different fromtheir effects on pulmonary weight gain.

The current profusion of theories as to how toxic gases might produce tissueinjury (Halliwell et al., 1988) makes it difficult to use the results of these experiments todecide between various possible mechanisms of toxic lung injury. The results are entirelyconsistent with toxic oxygen species as a partial or major source of the injury. In view ofthe reduction in lung edema which appears to have resulted from pretreatment withhydroxyurea, leukocytes appear to be involved to a significant extent in the injuryproduced by TFD, and possibly CG and PFIB. In view of the effectiveness of U78517F,iron chelation, lipid hydroperoxide and superoxide ion scavenging are all possiblemechanisms of therapeutic effect. But, in these experiments, each drug was studied inonly one dosage, one route of administration, and with two timings of administration. Inthe absence of a therapeutic or preventive effect, one cannot be sure that another dose,route of administration or dose timing might have shown effectiveness. Thus, absence oftherapeutic effect in these experiments cannot be used to rule out the postulatedmechanism of that particular drugs action as a source of prevention of the toxic effect ofthe gas used for producing the edema.


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Page 43: AD-A251 135 · 2011. 5. 14. · bis(trifluoromethyl)disulfide (TFD), or perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) remain unknown. Some of the pulmonary responses to acute lung injury include complement

Figure 43. U74006F Post-COAug 20, 1990 (n-8)

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Figure 44a. U74006F Post-TFDAug 13, 1990 (n-6)

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Figure 44b. U74006F Post-TFDOct 24. 1990 (n-6)


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Figure 45 U74006F Post-PFIBAug 2, 1990 (n-6)

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